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Research Progress of Organophosphorus Poisoning

Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2022, 12(9), 8305-8310
Published Online September 2022 in Hans.
文章引用: 伊职职, 冯传杰. 有机磷农药中毒的研究进展[J]. 临床医学进展, 2022, 12(9): 8305-8310.
DOI: 10.12677/acm.2022.1291196
1延安大学,陕西 延安
2延安大学附属医院急诊内科,陕西 延安
Research Progress of Organophosphorus
Zhizhi Yi1*, Chuanjie Feng2
1Yanan University, Yanan Shaanxi
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Affiliated Hospital of Yanan University, Yanan Shaanxi
Received: Aug. 9th, 2022; accepted: Sep. 2nd, 2022; published: Sep. 13th, 2022
After oral administration of organophosphorus pesticides, gastric lavage should be done thoroughly,
and enema should be repeated to discharge the poison if necessary. After poisoning, nicotinoid
and muscarinic symptoms will appear, and patients will have symptoms such as increased glan-
dular secretion and muscle bundle tremor. Administration of atropine can antagonize M and N symp-
10.12677/acm.2022.1291196 8306
toms. The reactivator can rescue the cholinesterase before aging; Hemoperfusion removes toxins
that have entered the blood; Hemodialysis can remove inflammatory factors produced by toxins in
the blood; Fat emulsion can replace organophosphorus from plasma; In case of respiratory failure,
early use of ventilator to assist breathing; Some patients may have related complications and need
further treatment.
Review, Organophosphorus Poisoning
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
1. 前言
疗体系,现就 2022 8月前国内外发表的关于有机磷农药中毒的文献做一详细综述。文献检索流程图如
2. 院前急救
Open Access
10.12677/acm.2022.1291196 8307
院前急救包括电话指导和现场急救。电话指导:120 调度员在接到电话后指导患者或家属脱去患者
救治成功率密切相关[3]120 工作人员到达现场后先建立静脉通路,及时给予洗胃、导泻及利尿剂[4]
果出现呼吸心跳停止,则在现场给与心肺复苏及人工辅助呼吸后及时转运至最近的医院。120 工作人员
3. 院内急救
1) 刘瑞华认为彻底洗胃是救治的关键[6]剧毒类,服药 > 50 ml 者易发生中毒性脑病,越晚洗胃越
容易发生中毒性脑病[7]。洗胃时间越早越好,最好在 4小时之内完成,如超过 12 小时仍有洗胃价值[8]
甘露醇 200~250 m L、氯或碘解磷定 3~5 g阿托品 5~10 mg、活性炭 100 g) [10]。由于有机磷中毒后胃
道皱襞粘膜内的农药不易被清除,故朱晓敏等认为应给予序贯性消化道净化疗法[13]即留置胃管,每 6
小时洗胃 1次,持续 2~3 天。
2) 有机磷农药是一种难逆性抗胆碱酯酶药物,其中磷原子亲电子活性较强,进入体内后磷原子与胆
呼吸肌麻痹、呼吸抑制是患者死亡的主要原因[16]Nomura K,等人认为对氧磷直接损害了呼吸节律产
生中枢(the pre-Bötzinger complex) [17]。阿托品和解磷定注射液为近年来常用有机磷中毒后解毒药物。
动带来的伤害,可及时调整阿托品用量,使患者更舒适的解毒[20] [21]。研究表明中毒患者在达到阿托品
用于 M1M3 受体,心脏主要为 M2 受体,因此采用长托宁维持阿托品化不会对心脏造成影响,但使用
也能促进胆碱酯酶恢复[25] [26]灌流后血液中药物浓度低于器官药物浓度,会导致器官中药物再次释放
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[28] [29]N-乙酰半胱氨酸、血必净及乌司他丁的使用可以有效减少炎症因子对组织器官的损害[30]
[31] [32]。还原性谷胱甘肽的使用,可有效改善肝功能,保护心肌,减少阿托品的用量[33] [34]。戴何兴
渗出,促进呼吸功能的恢复[37] [38]有机磷农药大多为脂溶性药物,可溶于脂肪乳剂中,故可用输注脂
以减轻急性有机磷中毒所致肺损伤[40],减少药物对机体的损害。Pannu AK [41]认为急性中毒后输注脂
改善患者症状[42]。口服有机磷农药后最好的进食时间为 6小时内[43] [44],可以促进胃肠道蠕动,防止
3) 有机磷农药中毒会使神经轴索能量代谢障碍,从而坏死,产生迟发性周围神经损害,可用维生素
B1B12 治疗[46]有机磷中毒后最常见的感染是下呼吸道,其次是泌尿道,应及时发现给予干预治疗[47]
若发生中间综合征还应及时给与血液灌流,以防止呼吸麻痹[48]。血清 LDHα-HBDH、肌钙蛋白 I表达
可预测心肌损伤发生率[49] [50]中毒严重度评分(PSS)联合血清胆碱酯酶(ChE)可预测中毒后认知障碍的
发生率[51],预测特异度 0.768,敏感度 0.875,可及时给予干预治疗。Hung W [52]报道有机磷中毒后可
Somkhit J [53]认为减少小胶质细胞活化的药物可能是中毒后遗症的一个相关治疗靶点。Bibi S [54]报告了
障碍、迟发性神经病变、胆碱能过量等各种神经病变。Zobeiri M [55]认为血清淀粉酶增高的患者死亡风
4. 总结
子对组织器官造成损害。急性生理与慢性健康评分 > 20 分、就诊时间 > 40 min、胆碱酯酶活力 < 2000
U/L 以及剧毒和高毒类农药死亡风险较高,应加强管理,并且加大力度宣传有机磷农药对人体的危害,
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Organophosphate (OP) compounds include highly toxic chemicals widely used both as pesticides and as warfare nerve agents. Existing countermeasures are lifesaving, but do not alleviate all long-term neurological sequelae, making OP poisoning a public health concern worldwide and the search for fully efficient antidotes an urgent need. OPs cause irreversible acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition, inducing the so-called cholinergic syndrome characterized by peripheral manifestations and seizures associated with permanent psychomotor deficits. Besides immediate neurotoxicity, recent data have also identified neuroinflammation and microglia activation as two processes that likely play an important, albeit poorly understood, role in the physiopathology of OP intoxication and its long-term consequences. To gain insight into the response of microglia to OP poisoning, we used a previously described model of diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) intoxication of zebrafish larvae. This model reproduces almost all the defects seen in poisoned humans and preclinical models, including AChE inhibition, neuronal epileptiform hyperexcitation, and increased neuronal death. Here, we investigated in vivo the consequences of acute DFP exposure on microglia morphology and behaviour, and on the expression of a set of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. We also used a genetic method of microglial ablation to evaluate the role in the OP-induced neuropathology. We first showed that DFP intoxication rapidly induced deep microglial phenotypic remodelling resembling that seen in M1-type activated macrophages and characterized by an amoeboid morphology, reduced branching, and increased mobility. DFP intoxication also caused massive expression of genes encoding pro-inflammatory cytokines Il1β, Tnfα, Il8, and to a lesser extent, immuno-modulatory cytokine Il4, suggesting complex microglial reprogramming that included neuroinflammatory activities. Finally, microglia-depleted larvae were instrumental in showing that microglia were major actors in DFP-induced neuroinflammation and, more importantly, that OP-induced neuronal hyperactivation was markedly reduced in larvae fully devoid of microglia. DFP poisoning rapidly triggered massive microglia-mediated neuroinflammation, probably as a result of DFP-induced neuronal hyperexcitation, which in turn further exacerbated neuronal activation. Microglia are thus a relevant therapeutic target, and identifying substances reducing microglial activation could add efficacy to existing OP antidote cocktails.
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Introduction: Many organophosphate (OP) pesticides are lipid-soluble; therefore, intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) has been evaluated as a possible treatment for acute poisoning. A single bolus dose of 100 ml of 20% ILE was found safe in a pilot observational study. This randomized trial aimed to assess the effectiveness and safety of an extended dose of ILE in acute OP poisoning. Methods: This was an investigator-initiated, parallel-group, open-label, randomized controlled trial conducted at PGIMER, Chandigarh (India), from January 2019 to June 2020, in patients aged above 13 years with acute OP poisoning. The primary efficacy outcome was to study the change in atropine dose requirement (total and over the first 24 h) for cholinergic crisis after giving an initial bolus dose of 100 ml of 20% ILE followed by an infusion of 100 ml of 20% ILE over 6 h in addition to the standard care. The secondary efficacy outcomes were to detect the effects on hemodynamic variables, length of hospital stay, and duration of mechanical ventilation required. The incidence of adverse events was evaluated. Results: A total of 45 patients were assigned to receive either ILE (intervention group, n = 23) or normal saline (control group, n = 22) in addition to standard treatment. Baseline variables in both groups were comparable. The median dose of atropine (in mg) in the first 24 h and at complete resolution in the ILE group were similar to the control group (124.0 versus 141.8, p-value 0.916; and 150.8 versus 175.0, p-value 0.935). Hemodynamic variables (systolic and diastolic blood pressures, mean arterial pressure, and pulse rate) over 24, 48, and 72 h of treatment, length of hospital stay, and duration of mechanical ventilation were also unaffected by ILE. Case fatality was 4 and not statistically different between intervention and control groups (1 versus 3, p-value 0.346). There was no excessive fever, dyspnea, elevation of serum amylase, or pancreatitis from ILE. Conclusion: ILE has no apparent benefit in acute OP poisoning. However, an extended dose appears safe for the indication.
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Background Organophosphate poisoning is a serious issue and it results in significant casualties in developing countries. Since agriculture remains an important and necessary sector of human society and organophosphate are commonly used in agriculture, it is difficult to prevent organophosphate poisoning. Gastrointestinal bleeding is not a common but life threatening symptom of organophosphate poisoning. We report a rare case of gastrointestine bleeding due to organophosphate poisoning. Case presentation A 78-year-old woman presented to our hospital approximately 12 h after ingesting a mouthful of organophosphate and benzodiazepines in a suicide attempt. Six weeks after successful medical treatment for respiratory failure, she developed recurring melena. Colonoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy findings were negative for ulcers or bleeding. Enteroscopy revealed severe circumferential ulcers with luminal narrowing 10 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve. The patient underwent a 100-cm ileum resection after failed medical treatment and recovered uneventfully. The resected terminal ileum demonstrated severe inflammation and a sharp transitional zone between the healthy and injured mucosa approximately 50 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve. Pathological examination revealed an injured mucosa with inflammatory cell infiltration and structural damage. This case highlights a rare event of OP poisoning with late-onset lower gastrointestinal bleeding, which prolonged the patient’s recovery course and parenteral alimentation period. Conclusion We report a rare case of a patient with organophosphate poisoning, with late-onset lower GI tract bleeding, which raised clinical awareness regarding the organophosphate poisoning that induce intestinal symptoms.
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Background: Organophosphate (OP) insecticides are important compounds as the most probable common cause of acute poisonings in developing countries. OP intoxication often presents as medical emergencies, and its related morbidity and mortality have not decreased despite major advances in critical care. This study aims to determine the impact of serum amylase level for estimation of prognosis in patients with acute OP poisoning. Methods: This observational case-control study was done during two years on 332 consecutive patients with acute OP poisoning. Clinical and demographic data, serum amylase level on early admission time, morbidity, and outcome were determined. Data were analyzed in the form of a frequency distribution table by using SPSS 11.0 version software. Results: The mean age of patients with acute OP poisoning was 28.9 ± 23.95 with slightly female dominance. All patients were intoxicated via the gastrointestinal route. The mean amylase level of patients with deterioration of mental status, tachycardia, ICU admission, and death was significantly higher. Conclusions: Among patients with OP poisoning, higher serum amylase than normal was associated with severe clinical course and increased risk for mortality. Determination of serum amylase can be effective in the quick prediction of the outcome.
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目的:探析风险管理在急诊护理中的应用效果。方法:选择我院从2018年1月到2018年6月收诊的90例急诊科室患者为研究对象,随机分为观察组和对照组,比较护理效果。结果:对照组与观察组风险管理时间比较,统计学差异明显(P < 0.05);观察组与对照组抢救成功率比较,统计学差异明显(P > 0.05);对照组与观察组患者护理质量比较,差异具有统计学意义,(P < 0.05);对照组患者护理满意度为80.00%,观察组患者护理满意度组95.55%,差异具有统计学意义,(P < 0.05)。结论:风险管理在急诊护理中的应用能够降低风险管理时间,提升患者护理质量,促进患者护理满意度提升,适合在临床工作中推广。
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Whether central apnoea or hypopnoea can be induced by organophosphorus poisoning remains unknown to date. By using the acute brainstem slice method and multi-electrode array system, we established a paraoxon (a typical acetylcholinesterase inhibitor) poisoning model to investigate the time-dependent changes in respiratory burst amplitudes of the pre-Bötzinger complex (respiratory rhythm generator). We then determined whether pralidoxime or atropine, which are antidotes of paraoxon, could counteract the effects of paraoxon. Herein, we showed that paraoxon significantly decreased the respiratory burst amplitude of the pre-Bötzinger complex (p < 0.05). Moreover, pralidoxime and atropine could suppress the decrease in amplitude by paraoxon (p < 0.05). Paraoxon directly impaired the pre-Bötzinger complex, and the findings implied that this impairment caused central apnoea or hypopnoea. Pralidoxime and atropine could therapeutically attenuate the impairment. This study is the first to prove the usefulness of the multi-electrode array method for electrophysiological and toxicological studies in the mammalian brainstem.
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摘要:目的:探究激素替代联合局部用药应用于围绝经期女性萎缩性阴道炎治疗中的临床效果。方法:选取2017年1月至2018年12月期间到我院治疗的75例萎缩性阴道炎患者,将其随机分为A组(n = 25,替勃龙片联合甲硝唑泡腾片治疗)、B组(n = 25,雌三醇软膏联合甲硝唑泡腾片治疗)、C组(n = 25,单一使用甲硝唑泡腾片治疗),比较三组治疗前后子宫内膜厚度、pH值以及雌二醇水平,治疗有效率以及停药后复发率。结果:治疗前,三组患者的子宫内膜厚度等无明显差异,治疗后,A、B组各项数据比C组更优。A、B组治疗有效率比C组更优。停药三个月后A、B组复发率比C组更低;停药六个月后,三组复发率无统计学意义。结论:在围绝经期女性萎缩性阴道炎治疗中使用激素替代联合局部用药治疗能在提高治疗效果的同时降低复发率。