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A Novel Multi-Criteria Method for Building Massing Based on Energy Performance and Solar Access: The Mixed Solar Envelope (MSE) method


Abstract and Figures

This paper proposes a novel multi-criteria method for building massing based on energy performance and solar access allowed to the surrounding buildings (Mixed Solar Envelope (MSE) method). We used a single thermal zone simulation-based methodology to validate the method. We applied the MSE method in a generic urban zone located in Tallinn, Estonia. Determining the building form, the designer can prioritize energy performance and/or solar access for each studied neighbor's room, as well as the importance between studied rooms. The method allowed to generate building masses (MSEs) capable of saving up to 73% and 67% of the total annual energy consumption in office and residential rooms with window-to-wall-ratio of 80%. As a tool to negotiate between different rooms, the total annual energy savings was between 56-80% when considering a pure energy-based criterion. The annual energy savings was between 26-30% while maximizing the annual number of sun hours when considering solar access-based criteria.
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A Novel Multi-Criteria Method for Building Massing Based
on Energy Performance and Solar Access
The Mixed Solar Envelope (MSE) method
Abel Sepúlveda1, Francesco De Luca1
1Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Tallinn University of Technology
This paper proposes a novel multi-criteria method for building massing based on energy
performance and solar access allowed to the surrounding buildings (Mixed Solar
Envelope (MSE) method). We used a single thermal zone simulation-based methodology
to validate the method. We applied the MSE method in a generic urban zone located in
Tallinn, Estonia. Determining the building form, the designer can prioritize energy
performance and/or solar access for each studied neighbor’s room, as well as the
importance between studied rooms. The method allowed to generate building masses
(MSEs) capable of saving up to 73% and 67% of the total annual energy consumption in
office and residential rooms with window-to-wall-ratio of 80%. As a tool to negotiate
between different rooms, the total annual energy savings was between 56-80% when
considering a pure energy-based criterion. The annual energy savings was between 26-
30% while maximizing the annual number of sun hours when considering solar access-
based criteria.
Keywords: Energy Efficiency, Solar Access, Building Massing, Reverse Solar Envelope,
Solar Envelope, Multi-Criteria Design, Early Design Stages, Multi-Optimization.
Predictions say that the 80% of the world population
will live in urban environments by 2030 (Sanaieian et
al., 2014). The design of nearly Energy Zero Buildings
(N ZEB) wil l be key to im prove tenants’ economy level
and decreasing the world warming effect. In
addition, visual comfort, specifically solar access (SA)
has been proved essential to maintain good levels of
human health and mental performance (Samuels,
1990; Lockley, 2009). Nowadays, architects often
have to face challenges during early design stages
when trying to reach a good balance between strict
energy performance requirements and SA levels not
only for the new but the surrounding buildings.
One of the most relevant decisions during early
design stages is the building massing. There are
many investigations that proposed efficient
methods to generate building massing on a
buildable plot based on the well-known concept of
the solar envelope (SE), which represents the
maximum buildable volume on a plot (Knowles,
1980). Several aspects could be taken into account
when massing a new building such as the
surrounding buildings (Capeluto and Plotnikov,
2017; De Luca, Nejur and Dogan, 2018), different
solar ordinances (De Luca and Dogan, 2019) and
methods to consider the quality and quantity of the
daily sun hours (Sepúlveda and De luca, 2020). In
practice, due to the non-mandatory nature of
daylight standards in most countries, the designer
Volume 1 – Co-creating the Future – eCAADe 40 | 649
would have flexibility to define a building massing
even if the volume of the new building does not
guarantee the same SA level for all the surrounding
buildings. Indeed, the recently developed method
called Reverse Solar Envelope allows the
consideration of a certain maximum obstruction
index (OI) for each cell of the theoretical block
(generated by the extrusion of the buildable plot to
a maximum buildable height) (De Luca, Dogan and
Sepúlveda, 2021). Moreover, energy performance
and solar radiation have been considered as
objectives in previous studies developed through
focused on multi-objective optimization (Wang,
Song and Tang, 2020; Natanian and Wortmann,
2021; Xia and Li, 2021). The majority of these
methods are based on energy simulations, often
requiring long times and difficult to conduct by non-
expert designers. Thus, the learning curve of these
energy-simulation based methods could be an
important user barrier in practice (Nault et al., 2018).
Other studies proposed methods that help
architects and designers to generate external voxel-
based shading systems to improve the energy
efficiency of existing rooms (Sargent, Niemasz and
Reinhart, 2011). Designers, architects, and engineers
are encouraged to consider heating and cooling
passive strategies in cold climate countries such as
Estonia (De Luca, Dogan and Kurnitski, 2018), where
the current energy performance NZEB requirements
are even stricter than those recommended in the
well-know standards such as LEED or BREEAM
(Seinre, Kurnitski and Voll, 2014).
Although, there are several building massing
methods that take into account the solar access of
both, existing and new buildings (Capeluto and
Shaviv, 2001; De Luca and Dogan, 2019; De Luca,
Dogan and Sepúlveda, 2021). There is a lack of
building massing methods based on simultaneously
energy performance and solar access of the
surrounding buildings that could be used as a
negotiation tool by designers without the need of
time-consuming energy simulations. There is a need
for easy-to use methods for building massing that
help architects to design new buildings that improve
the annual energy performance of the surrounding
buildings (through heating and cooling passive
strategies) while maintaining adequate solar access
levels or to find the best trade-offs between energy
consumption and solar access. Consequently, the
aims of this paper are the following:
To propose a multi-criteria method for building
massing based on beam solar radiation and solar
access of the surrounding buildings (MSE) that
can be adapted to different climates;
To study how building masses generated
according to beam solar radiation during
winter/summer hours defined by the Estonian
overheating regulation can affect the annual
energy consumption (heating and cooling);
To validate MSE method as a negotiation tool
that could be used for designers to balance
energy efficiency and solar access of the
surrounding buildings during early design
In this section, the performance variables considered
in our method are presented and justified. Finally,
the calculation of the fitness value for each cell
influenced for each combination of windows/rooms
is described. We used a single-zone simulation-
based methodology to validate the MSE method.
Specifically, the energy simulations were conducted
with the validated software EnergyPlus (U.S.
Department of Energy, 2015). The solar access
assessment was done with the Grasshopper plug-in
for Rhinoceros Solar Envelope Tools (Sepúlveda and
De Luca, 2022).
Building on existing studies (Kaftan and Marsh,
2005; Sargent, Niemasz and Reinhart, 2011) which
proposed external voxel-based shading systems to
improve the energy efficiency of buildings, the
present work proposes a negotiation tool usable
during early design stages. The main idea of MSE is
to evaluate how important is each cell of the
650 | eCAADe 40 – Volume 1 – Co-creating the Future
theoretical block for energy use and solar access of
the surrounding room studied. Finally, the designer
could filter the cells whose fitness value (F) is above
a chosen threshold, which varies between 0 and 1)
(e.g. with a Fratio=0.5 the designer is selecting all the
cells whose F value correspond to the mean F value).
The critical aspect is that energy and solar access are
often in conflict. On one hand, as defined in the RSE
method, we considered the OI of a cell i as the
number of time steps (e.g. each hour) during a
specific analysis period (e.g. the whole year) that the
cell i is blocking the sun. On the other hand, we
considered the incident beam solar radiation related
to each window as a representative factor of solar
heat gains, and consequently of the annual cooling
and heating energy consumption. Although,
shading factors (ratio of the glazing area that is in
shadow) depend on multiple components of the
solar radiation (e.g. diffuse, reflected, direct, etc.)
(Tamm et al., 2020), we only considered the beam
component has main factor related to the energy
performance (Antretter, 2016). By doing this
simplification, our method does not have to depend
on energy simulations, thus being easier-to use.
The steps of our proposed method are shown in
Figure 1: incident beam solar radiation calculation
(step 1), mesh cells and OIs calculation (step 2),
shading factors and net energy fitness values
calculation using (1), (2) and (3) (step 3), fitness
values (Fs) calculation (4) for a certain criterion (step
4), and selection of the cells whose F value is above a
chosen threshold (Fratio) (step 5).
 (4)
- SRw,k is the incident solar radiation associated to
the window w at the hour k;
- maxSRw is the maximum hourly incident solar
radiation associated to the window w;
- SFi,k is the shading factor associated to the mesh
cell i at the hour k;
- Fhi,w/Fci,w is the passive/heating and cooling
fitness value (between 0 and 1) associated to the
cell i at the hour k;
- Fni,w is the net energy fitness value (between -1
and 1) associated to the mesh cell i at the hour k;
- αw and βw are the weight factors for energy and
solar access, respectively (αw+ βw=1);
- 𝛿 is the weight factor (between 0 and 1)
associated to the window w (𝛿
 1);
- Nv,w is the number of visible sun hours from the
window w;
- Nw is the number of windows/rooms studied;
- Nh and Nc are the number of winter and summer
hours, respectively.
Figure 1
General workflow
proposed in this
 ,
 ,
, 𝐹ℎ,
Volume 1 – Co-creating the Future – eCAADe 40 | 651
Case studies
For the case studies, we considered a generic urban
environment located in Tallinn, Estonia (Lat. 59.43
N, Lon. 24.75 E) with different room combinations
surrounding the building mass under investigation.
Tallinn, capital of Estonia, is located at the north
coast of the country. Tallinn has a warm summer
humid continental climate (Dfb) according to
Köppen-Geiger classification (Climate onebuilding,
2022). The average annual temperature is +6.4°C and
the average temperature during the warm season is
+16.2°C (Estonian Weather Service, 2021).
External wall Conc. 150 mm
EP 280 mm
Conc. 50 mm
Floor slabs,
internal walls
Conc. 250 mm 3.59
50 mm
Parameter Residential Office
People density 0.0353 p/m2 0.0588 p/m2
Metabolic rate 1.2 MET 1.2 MET
Eq.| Li.| Pe. PD 3|8|3
H|C set point 21|27 °C 21|25 °C
Min. Fresh air per
14.15 L/s/p 14.15 L/s/p
Min. Fresh air per
0.5 L/s/ m2 2.0 L/s/ m2
Occupancy Always 7:00-18:00
In case study 1, we analyzed the influence of the
MSEs in terms of annual energy consumption
regarding two room types (residential and office),
three orientations (east, south, and west), three
room areas (S: 12.25 m2, M: 24.75 m2, and L: 48.75 m2),
and two WWR values (40% and 80%) (Figure 2). In
case study 2, we showed how to use the proposed
method as multi-criteria negotiation tools for early
design stages in a residential urban area, taking into
account both energy and solar access performances.
The main aim of case study 1 is to study the
potential of our proposed method to improve the
energy performance of the surrounding buildings,
using test rooms. The chosen metric for the case
study 1 is the relative deviation of the total energy
consumption considered (cooling and heating). We
used the validated Energy Plus software to calculate
energy consumption values for all the analyzed
rooms (Figure 2).
Thermal properties of construction materials
and HVAC parameters for Estonian residential/office
rooms are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively
(Estonian Government, 2018). Exterior and interior
emissivity of the opaque surfaces was set to 0.9. We
considered a cost-optimal glazing system: window
triple-glazing system (CalumenLive, 2021) with
thermal transmittance of 0.5 (W/(m2K)), g-value of
0.37 (-), and visual/solar transmittance of 0.63/0.27 (-
) (Sepúlveda et al., 2020; Sepúlveda, De Luca and
Kurnitski, 2022). The efficiency of the heat recovery
temperature was set to 80%. In addition, usage rate
schedules were considered for internal gains (Figure
3) (Estonian Government, 2012, 2018). We
considered the warm period (with potential cooling
need) from April 22 to August 22 according to
Estonian overheating regulation. The consideration
of infiltration is mandatory according to the Estonian
regulations. The infiltration airflow rate (qi) is
calculated using (5) (when the exhaust and supply air
flow rate are the same):
Figure 2
Combination of test
rooms considered
in this study.
Table 1
Thermal properties
of construction
Table 2
HVAC parameters
according to
PD=power density,
C=cooling, and
Government, 2018).
𝑞𝑖 
. 𝐴
652 | eCAADe 40 – Volume 1 – Co-creating the Future
Where A is the area of the building envelope in
m2, q50 is the average air leakage rate of the building
envelope that was set to 3 m3/(hm2) according to
the same regulation, and x is the building factor set
to 15 because the height of the surrounding
buildings (Estonian Government, 2018).
This section contains all the results obtained by
applying the general workflow presented in section
“Methodology”. Specifically, the proposed MSE
method was applied in two case studies. Case study
1 consists of analyzing the influence of energy-based
MSEs on different single residential and office rooms’
heating and cooling energy consumption. Thus, case
study 1 is useful to validate two considerations:
beam solar radiation and the static winter/summer
periods used in this study. Case study 2 consists of
using the RSE method as a negotiation tool for
building massing during early design stages in a
residential urban area, considering different energy
and solar access criteria for different room studies.
Case study 1: energy-based
criterion for residential/office rooms
In Figure 4, the annual energy consumption of cases
with and without MSE is displayed. These MSEs were
generated considering a pure energy-based
criterion (α=1, β=0) for each room combination. For
residential rooms with WWR of 80% (Figure 4a), the
total energy savings are between 1% and 67%. The
annual heating consumption decreases when
increasing the room width due to the higher solar
gains caused by larger glazed area. This significant
difference can be due to the low cooling need
related to an east-oriented room of 12.25 m2 (20
kWh/y·m2) in comparison to the high cooling need
related to a south-oriented room of 48.75 m2 (10
kWh/y·m2). In fact, for residential rooms with WWR of
40% (any studied orientation) (Figure 4c), the
presence of a MSE does not help to save total energy
(increments from 8% to 14%). Our method to
generate the MSEs is based on beam solar radiation,
which considers only the direct component of the
solar radiation. In reality, the MSE, as shading
volume, would block not only beam but diffuse and
reflected solar radiation, decreasing the cooling
consumption and increasing the heating
consumption (Tamm et al., 2020). Therefore, when
the cooling need (for any of the studied orientations)
is not significant (nearly null) because for instance, to
a facade with low WWR (40%), the net effect of the
MSE in terms of energy is not desirable, meaning that
the MSE does not have potential to save energy of
the surrounding rooms. However, this increment
would be still lower than the associated to the whole
theoretical block.
For office rooms with WWR of 80% (Figure 4b), the
total energy savings are much larger than those
related to residential rooms: between 33% and 73%.
This significant difference is due to the higher
internal heat gains related to office use (Table 2).
Moreover, for office rooms with WWR of 40%, the
presence of a MSE might help to save total annual
energy: annual energy savings of 3-24%, 1-5%, and
3-14% for rooms facing south, east, and west,
respectively. Indeed, the annual cooling
consumption values are between 0.61 and 1.76
kWh/y·m2 (Figure 4b), giving the MSE the
opportunity to block undesirable sun rays that
would increase the cooling consumption during the
warm season. In this case study located in Tallinn,
Estonia, the consideration of a static summer and
winter periods can be considered a valid assumption
for office rooms with WWR values (higher than 40%).
However, despite the MSE does not seem to help
decreasing the total annual energy consumption for
Figure 3
Usage profiles of
lighting, and
equipment for
residential and
office test rooms
Government, 2018).
Volume 1 – Co-creating the Future – eCAADe 40 | 653
residential rooms with low WWR values, MSEs leaded
to high-energy savings when WWR values of 80%.
Case study 2: considering
trade-off criteria for residential rooms
The previous case study considered different
individual room combinations to evaluate the
influence of the MSEs on the maximum annual
energy savings. In reality, we could consider different
room studies (three 4.5x5.5 m residential rooms with
WWR of 80%) in the same urban environment and be
able to balance different performances for each
room study. To prove that our method could be used
as a negotiation tool, different criteria have been
considered to generate the MSE on the buildable
plot (γw=1/3 = the three rooms have the same
importance to evaluate each Fitness cell value (4)).
Finally, the effect of each MSE in terms of energy
consumption and solar access levels is analyzed.
Criterion C1 is based purely on energy
performance, this criterion is adequate when the
designer prioritizes the energy performance above
solar access of the surrounding rooms (α=1 and β=0
for all the rooms). Criterion C2 is based on a trade-off
between energy performance and solar access for all
the rooms (α=0.5 and β=0.5). Criterion C3 is based on
special needs for each room study, due to the large
cooling need of south oriented rooms, α and β could
be 1 and 0 (energy-based criterion). On the other
hand, residents of east and west oriented rooms
might prefer to keep a reasonable level of solar
access, hence; α and β could be 0 and 1.
The MSEs related to each design criterion (C1,
C2, and C3) are displayed in Figure 6. Fratio is the
threshold value for the final selection of the MSE
cells. A Fratio of 0 and 1 is related to minimum and
maximum F value, respectively. The selection of Fratio
is up to the designer, the higher, the better
performance and less volume the MSE would have.
In this case study, each MSE was generated by
selecting the maximum Fratio to have a voxel-volume
that ensure a continuous connection between the
buildable plot level to the maximum height of 60 m.
In summary, the annual total energy savings and
annual sun hours reduction for different rooms and
design criteria are shown in Figure 5. Moreover, it
can be seen that the pure energy-based MSE (Figure
6) contains higher volume than criteria based on
solar access
Considering C1 (Figure 6a), the buildable
volume is 101196 m3, achieving a total annual
Figure 4
Annual energy
consumption of the
baseline cases and the
influence of Mixed
Solar Envelopes
(MSEs) in terms of
relative annual energy
deviation (cooling and
heating). Residential
rooms with window-
to-wall ratios (WWRs)
of 80% (a) and 40% (c).
Office rooms with
WWRs of 80% (b) and
40% (d).
654 | eCAADe 40 – Volume 1 – Co-creating the Future
energy savings for the residential rooms facing east,
south, west of 52%, 40%, and 36%, respectively.
However, this MSE (Fratio of 0.24) would decrease the
annual sun hours by 80%, 63%, and 56%, for east,
south, and west oriented rooms, respectively. This
difference between energy and solar access
performance was expected since we set α to 1 and β
t0 0 for all the rooms.
Considering C2 (Figure 6b), the buildable
volume is 70956 m3, achieving a total annual energy
savings for the residential rooms facing east, south,
west of 26%, 53%, 30%, respectively. In addition, this
MSE (Fratio of 0.91) would decrease the annual sun
hours by 0%, 35%, 6%, for east, south, and west
oriented rooms, respectively. The decrease of energy
performance of the rooms was expected, since this
design criterion is based on a trade-off between
energy performance and solar access (α=0.5 and
β=0.5 for all the rooms).
Considering C3 (Figure 6c), the buildable volume
is 84240 m3, achieving a total annual energy savings
for the residential rooms facing east, south, west of
26%, 41%, 32%, respectively. In addition, this MSE
(Fratio of 0.9) would decrease the annual sun hours by
2%, 65%, 2%, for east, south, and west oriented
rooms, respectively. The improvement, for one side
of solar access levels for east and west oriented
rooms and on the other hand, the energy
performance for the south-oriented room was
expected since this design criterion priories the solar
access for east/west oriented rooms (α=0 and β=1)
and energy performance for the south oriented
room solar access (α=1 and β=0).
In case of considering, large number of windows
with the same relative importance (constant 𝛿), the
MSE could appear like to the typical SE the stronger
SA-based (𝛽𝑤 closer to 1) is the design criterion.
However, the MSE could appear not necessarily like
the typical solar envelope because the shape of the
MSE would depend on weight factor associated to
each window (𝛿) as well as the relative weight
between energy efficiency (αw) and solar access (𝛽𝑤)
and the Fratio set by the designer. Thus, the MSE
method provides more flexibility to the designer in
early design stages than previous building massing
methods such as the SE and RSE.
This paper proposes the Mixed Solar Envelope (MSE)
method: a novel multi-criteria method for building
massing based on energy performance and solar
access. We use a single thermal zone simulation-
based methodology to validate our method. The
workflow is implemented as Grasshopper plug-ins
for Rhinoceros. We apply the MSE in a generic urban
zone located in Tallinn. The main outcomes of this
research are the following:
It was possible to propose a 5-step building
massing multi-criteria method based on beam
solar radiation and solar access. The designer can
prioritize energy performance and/or solar
access for each studied neighbor’s room, as well
as the priority between studied rooms;
The use of our proposed method would be
specially useful if cooling energy is used for the
room, which would depend on the building
type. Thus, by using the proposed method, it
was possible to generate building masses (MSEs)
capable of saving up to 73% and 67% of the total
energy consumption in office and residential
rooms with window-to-wall-ratios (WWRs) of
80%, respectively;
Figure 5
Annual total energy
savings (%) (a) and
reduction of annual
sun hours (%) of
different residential
rooms studied
when considering
different design
criteria: case A (α=1,
β=0), case B (α=0.5,
β=0.5), and case C
(for East and west-
oriented rooms:
α=0, β=0.5; for
room: α=1, β=0).
γ=1/3 (same
importance for all
Fratio= 0 is related to
minimum F value
and Fratio= 1 is
related to the
maximum F value.
Volume 1 – Co-creating the Future – eCAADe 40 | 655
Our MSE method could be used as a negotiation
tool during early design stages to balance
energy performance and solar access a
residential urban area studied. By considering
pure energy-based criterion, total annual energy
savings could be between 56-80%. By
considering solar access-based criteria, total
annual energy savings could be between 26-
30% while maximizing the annual number of sun
hours (reductions up to 6%).
The MSE method was validated for the Estonian
context and a couple of building types. A proper
selection of the heating and cooling schedules is key
for a successful building massing method that could
take into account energy-performance (Sargent,
Niemasz and Reinhart, 2011). Indeed, the used static
schedules defined by Estonian overheating
regulations might not be valid for other climates.
Furthermore, future research should enhance the
MSE method to be used for different latitudes,
building type, WWRs, urban environment, etc.
Additionally, the MSE method will be implemented
as an open source Grasshopper tools to be used by
practitioners during early design stages. Daylight
provision, glare protection, and electric lighting
energy consumption might be included to evaluate
the fitness value of each cell of the theoretical block.
Although the proposed method find relatively fast
building massing options because it does not
depend directly on traditional energy simulations, it
might be necessary to conduct energy analyses to
evaluate how the new building (contained in the
MSE) would affect the surrounding buildings’ energy
efficiency. A future improvement of the MSE method
will be the consideration of proper energy
simulations in order to be applicable to different
climates. Finally, this enhanced MSE method could
be implemented as Grasshopper plug-ins for
Antretter, F. (2016) ‘Shading Calculation for Passive
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Figure 6
Mixed Solar Envelopes
(MSEs) considering three
residential rooms
(4.5x5.5 m, WWR=80%
and East/South/West
orientations) for different
design criteria: case A
(α=1, β=0), case B (α=0.5,
β=0.5), and case C (for
East and west-oriented
rooms: α=0, β=0.5; for
south-oriented room:
α=1, β=0). SA=solar
access and γ=1/3 (same
importance for all
Fratio= 0 is related to
minimum F value and
Fratio= 1 is related to the
maximum F value.
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... The procedure is highly flexible. It allows obtaining several building massing variations via combinations of fit voxels and analyzing the performance of trade-off solutions [48]. Additionally, the subtractive generation procedure of discretized forms allows for initial performance analyses of alternative generated conceptual building massings [49] (Figure 6). ...
... dure is highly flexible. It allows obtaining several building massing variations via combinations of fit voxels and analyzing the performance of trade-off solutions [48]. Additionally, the subtractive generation procedure of discretized forms allows for initial performance analyses of alternative generated conceptual building massings [49] (Figure 6). ...
... Recent research works investigated building massing and form generation in urban environments in consideration of the sunlight received by context buildings and the different performances of the generated building form related to daylight, solar access and views [45,46,49]. State-of-the-art research investigated co-simulation methods to define building forms that are capable of balancing used and generated energy [55], provide solar exposure or shading when needed and sky exposure [52], and reduce the energy use of surrounding premises [48]. Other studies focused on multi-evaluation approaches that integrate environmental simulations and building massing calculations to find the optimal trade-offs of sunlight or solar radiation received by the building envelope or the daylight and buildable floor area and volume in consideration of different urban environments [22,50,53]. ...
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Researchers, architects and planners are increasingly urged to develop and apply sustainable methods and solutions to reduce the impact of the built environment on climate, adapt cities to climate change and reduce or eliminate resource depletion and building-related carbon emissions. In recent years, taking advantage of state-of-the-art computational and environmental design tools, researchers and designers are developing new digital workflows, methods and solutions to investigate climate-optimal and performative buildings and urban forms. This perspective paper analyses state-of-the-art computational methods; form generation processes; and tools, criteria and workflows that present how these are integrated into climatic form finding, allowing the improvement of building and urban environmental performances. Additionally, current challenges and future directions are presented.
... The concept of the solar envelope (SE) is not new, and it has been used for decades to propose building massing without compromising the solar access rights of the existing buildings (Knowles, 1980). Indeed, SE as its evolution, the novel Reverse Solar Envelope (RSE) have been included in several design workflows in order to consider SA during the design process including single plots buildings (Sepúlveda & luca, 2020), residential clusters on multiple subplots (Sepúlveda & Luca, 2022b), trade-offs between energy consumption and solar access Sepúlveda & Luca, 2022a), facade optimization to balance daylight and overheating protection using machine learning (Sepúlveda, Eslamirad, Salehi, et al., 2023), rules of thumb or solely prediction formulas . In summary, the use of performance-driven design is being more common nowadays when simulation-tools are more developed/validated, documented, affordable, and accessible than in the past. ...
... This paper presents the current step of a research for the development of a method to help investigating new building forms with the potential of reducing energy use while guaranteeing healthiness of existing premises in urban environments [29]. Building on the new generation methods for solar envelopes and shading devices with energy considerations, the scientific novelty of the proposed method is to consider the influence of discretized elements of the potential building volume on energy use and on required sunlight exposure of surrounding premises, to help realizing context energy and solar access optimized conceptual building forms. ...
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The built environment contributes significantly to climate change being responsible of a large portion of global energy use and CO2 emissions. In the scientific community it become evident that designing urban environments and buildings which do less harm or have a neutral impact on the environment is not enough anymore to realize sustainable cities. This paper presents a method to help design buildings with a positive impact on the context, filling vacant lots in dense urban environments. The method defines optimal building boundaries to reduce energy use of existing surrounding premises, while guaranteeing them adequate solar access. A two-step computational workflow was developed. In the first step building space positive, negative and neutral effect on cooling, heating and electric lighting energy use is analyzed in consideration of shading factors and beam solar energy. In the second, the effect of the positive and neutral building space on sunlight exposure of neighboring premises is considered, generating energy and sunlight optimized conceptual building massing. Initial results of the method application in several urban conditions, different building use and scenarios and in different cities are presented and discussed.KeywordsClimate changeResilient urban designBuilding energy useSunlight exposureEnvironmental simulationsComputational design
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There is a lack of facade design methods for early design stages to balance thermal comfort and daylight provision that consider the obstruction angle as an independent variable without using modeling and simulations. This paper aims to develop easy-to use solar radiation-based prediction method for the design of office building facades (i.e., design parameters: room size, window-to-floor ratio, and glazing thermal/optical properties) located in urban canyons to balance daylight provision according to the European standard EN 17037:2018 and thermal comfort through specific cooling capacity. We used a simulation-based methodology that includes correlation analyses between building performance metrics and design parameters, the development of design workflows, accuracy analysis, and validation through the application of the workflows to a new development office building facades located in Tallinn, Estonia. The validation showed that the mean percentage of right/conservative predictions of thermal comfort classes is 98.8% whereas for daylight provision, it is higher than 75.6%. The use of the proposed prediction method can help designers to work more efficiently during early design stages and to obtain optimal performative solutions in much shorter time: window sizing in 73152 room combinations in 80 seconds.
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This investigation proposes a 7-steps multi-performance method for urban densification and applies it to an existig urban block located in Tallinn, Estonia. This design workflow has two main features lacked by previous methods: (1) flexible, easy-to-use and fast, minimizing the dependence on time-consuming simulations with need of daylight and dynamic thermal modeling/simulation; (2) performance-driven differentiation of the FAR metric (i.e. room area, daylight, SA, and overheating protection levels). It was used to find the optimal densification strategy depending on 7 different design criteria defined as trade-offs between: floor-area ratio, daylight provision, solar access, and outdoor thermal comfort.
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The significant challenges that urban design faces when moving forward into this new digital era involve the increasingly massive and complex projects that must be analyzed and developed. The need for efficient analysis tools and rational design methods represent ongoing concerns, while practicable and maneuverable applications rather than experimental studies are scarce. This research implemented a framework of digital description and generative grammar of block form from the perspective of block morphological complexity. The implemented framework was tested in an urban design practice. First, this study adapted the hierarchical structure and access structure theory to analyze the spatial form of target blocks. The characteristics of blocks case samples in Nanjing are extracted as text descriptions. Second, the relevant composition patterns and parameters were employed as features for classification and were converted into procedural rules. With the top-down control by rules and bottom-up generation by shape grammar in CityEngine, the texture of the block can be generated as close to the actual block as possible. Furthermore, in a real urban design case located in Nanjing, this work applies the method to construct a three-dimensional scene quickly and accurately. After integrating design factors such as an environment, transportation, and vision and summarizing the intentions of blocks and buildings in corresponding functions and control indexes, the initial generation plan was built by applying the obtained characteristics and procedural rules in specific shape grammar. Finally, designers can adjust the result in detail by employing real-time calculation and interactive operation.
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The aim of this study was to elaborate and validate a reduced order model able to forecast solar heat gains as a function of the architectural parameters that determine the solar heat gains. The study focused on office buildings in Catalonia and Spain and their physical values were taken from the Spanish Building Technical Code and European Union Directive 2018/844. A reduced order model with three direct variables (solar heat gain coefficient, shade factor, window to wall ratio) and one indirect design variable (building orientation) was obtained and validated in respect to the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol. Building envelope properties were fixed and the values were taken from the national standards of Spain. This work validates solar heat gain coefficient as a primary variable in determining the annual solar heat gains in a building. Further work of developed model could result in building energy need quick evaluation tool in terms of solar heat gains for architects in building early stage as it has an advantage over detailed building simulation programs in terms of instant calculation and the limited need for predefined input data.
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Solar access is a crucial factor for the wellness and comfort of building occupants and for the development of the urban fabric. Most countries implemented regulatory frameworks that aim to guarantee appropriate access to sunlight into buildings. The solar envelope is a method that allows to determine the maximum buildout volume that guarantees solar access of neighboring buildings. Computer design tools have been developed to facilitate the automatic creation of solar envelopes. However, most of the tools have limitations when complex regulations need to be taken into account. The presented research develops an alternative computational method to generate solar envelopes to be used for different ordinances and particularly efficient in dense urban environments. Results show that the proposed method permits to obtain larger building masses than the conventional method, and to automate the generation of envelope variations, useful for assessing building performance and form selection in the early design stage.
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This paper proposes a workflow based on multi-objective optimization for the design of the building envelope. The design variables of the workflow are the sorting method of sun vectors to calculate the solar envelope, the building orientation and the number of floor plan divisions. The objectives are the maximization of the building volume, the maximization of the ratio of the windows that fulfill the solar access requirement and the minimization of the mean incident solar radiation through the windows to reduce the risk of overheating during the warm season. The workflow has the potential to be adopted by designers being integrated in the Grasshopper plug-in for Rhinoceros that is a widely used design platform. The proposed workflow shows a successful way to deal with complex multi objective design goals. Multi-objective criteria based on volume and solar access achieve the best trade-off solutions with volume ratios higher than 20% and ratio of the windows that fulfill the solar access requirements higher than 57%.
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Solar access requirements constitute a significant aspect for the performance of buildings and for the image of cities. The solar envelope is a method used during the schematic design phase to determine the maximum volume that buildings cannot exceed to guarantee good access to direct sunlight in streets and on neighboring facades. However, two major shortcomings exist that prohibit the use of existing solar envelope techniques in practice: They don’t include the neighboring buildings in the overshadowing calculation, and they utilize a fixed start-and-end time inputs for the selection of specific hours of direct solar access. Different direct solar access ordinances exist that require that new buildings do not obstruct direct sun light in existing dwellings: (1) during specific hours, (2) for a quantity of hours, (3) as a fraction of the actual solar access. For the second and third type of ordinances no existing solar envelope methodologies exist. The research presented in this paper develops a computational method that increases the efficacy of the generated solar envelopes including the context in the calculations and provides the possibility to select the quantity and quality of sun light hours, and thus allows the modeler to generate solar envelopes optimized for different objectives. The method aims to help architects and planners to design environmental conscious buildings and urban environments.
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Daylight standards are one of the main factors for the shape and image of cities. With urbanization and ongoing densification of cities, new planning regulations are emerging in order to manage access to sun light. In Estonia a daylight standard defines the rights of light for existing buildings and the direct solar access requirement for new premises. The solar envelope method and environmental simulations to compute direct sun light hours on building façades can be used to design buildings that respect both daylight requirements. However, no existing tool integrates both methods in an easy to use manner. Further, the assessment of façade performance needs to be related to the design of interior layouts and of building clusters to be meaningful to architects. Hence, the present work presents a computational design workflow for the evaluation and optimisation of high density building clusters in urban environments in relation to direct solar access requirements and selected types of floor plans.
Indoor comfort in buildings has a critical impact on occupants’ health and cognitive performance. The fulfillment of daylight provision and overheating risk requirements can be challenging. This paper proposes a coupled method based on prediction formulas that can be used to assess daylight provision and overheating risk in buildings. In addition, this method can be used for the design of interior floor plan and window sizing in order to rooms fulfill simultaneously both performances. The considered daylight provision requirements are based on the minimum Daylight Factor (minDF) defined by the European standard EN17037, and the overheating risk requirements are based on the degree-hour (DH) metric adopted by the Estonian regulation. The minimum window-to-wall ratio (minWWR) to fulfill minDF-based requirements and maximum g-value to fulfill at the same time DH-based requirements for any room design can be calculated or represented graphically. The prediction accuracy in terms of relative RMSE is up to 0.20 for minDF and DH values. By using this approach, designers can minimize the number of design iterations during early stages, as well as the required computational time required by daylight and energy simulations. Furthermore, the proposed coupled method based on minDF and DH prediction formulas has big potential to help architects and designers to achieve the combined fulfillment between daylight provision and overheating protection during early stages of the design process within the Estonian context. Finally, the authors recommend the proposed coupled method to regulation makers for future building standards and regulations.
For almost two decades, the Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) standard has epitomized a commitment to the high energy performance of buildings. Nevertheless, the applicability of ZEB in hot climates is currently limited and furthermore, in light of the current limitations of traditional building energy modeling methods, new methods are necessary to effectively evaluate the energy balance potential of larger districts. To help bridge this gap, this paper introduces solar-based (both sun-hours and solar irradiation) and geometry-based prediction metrics to use in optimization studies to evaluate the impact of urban morphology on the energy balance of residential blocks in hot urban contexts. These prediction metrics are derived from the simulated energy performance of 1,944 parametric variations of residential blocks in Tel Aviv, which is then followed by a regression analysis in which these metrics recorded high correlation with energy demand, energy supply and the balance between them. To test the applicability of these metrics for optimization, the RBFMOpt method is employed in a multi-objective optimization study of the energy supply and demand of a nine-block residential district in Tel Aviv. Detailed energy simulations are performed for the best non-dominated results from the solar and geometric optimization studies and compared to the non-dominated results from a full energy optimization run. The results indicate that these metrics - the solar and geometric area-weighted exposure and shading indices - can serve as effective energy performance indicators to inform early stage morphological decisions making. This workflow promotes urban energy optimization towards more harmonized energy supply and demand driven approaches.
Urban block morphology is essential to the sustainable urban development at mesoscale. The performance targets should be considered in urban block morphology design. This study established an automatic computational process of morphology generation and simulation based on Grasshopper to evaluate the energy consumption (EC) and solar radiation access (SRA) of residential urban blocks. The process combined pattern recognition and data analysis to optimize the control and guidance for urban block morphology design. The study found that 1) SRA is more sensitive to morphology variation than EC is; 2) morphology control indexes (MCIs), such as plot ratio, density, and height, have significant but different effects on performance control indicators (PCIs); 3) multivariate nonlinear regression models can well predict the SRA_MV, with an R² = 0.90; 4) the differences in morphological features for lower EC and higher SRA can be attributed to the number and distribution of towers; 5) the holistic performance (HP) of a block with more total buildings and fewer buildings of >15 floors is better; and 6) for HP optimal samples, the number of buildings and the distribution of height are more sensitive to MCIs. These conclusions provide references for the morphological design of sustainable cities at mesoscale.
Daylight and thermal comfort in cold climates have been proved crucial for the well-being of the building occupants. In this study, the reliability of the daylight requirements defined by the Estonian standard based on the mean daylight factor (DF) was evaluated with respect to the minimum DF requirements defined by the European standard method, EN 17037:2018 and IES LM-83-12, based on the spatial daylight autonomy (sDA) for office and residential buildings. The effect of window airing on overheating and also on the combination of overheating and daylighting was studied. Indoor comfort-based rules of thumb for the design of offices and residential rooms were suggested. A simulation-based methodology was applied to assess the daylighting and overheating performance in a single-window room considering different parameters. The results show that 30% of the combinations fulfill the mean DF requirement but not the sDA requirement. Moreover, there is an agreement between the Estonian standard EVS 894:2008/A2:2015 and European standard EN 17037:2018 for only 54% of room combinations. The addition of window airing increases the maximum window-to-wall ratio by 50% in residential rooms. The results suggest a synergistic formulation of daylighting and overheating requirements in new building regulations to make the combined fulfillment easier for the designers.