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Erythrasma Under Wood's Lamp and the Coral Red Glow

September 2022 Volume 6 Issue 5
(c) 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by the National Society for Cutaneous Medicine.
Erythrasma Under Wood’s Lamp and the “Coral-Red” Glow
Danny Zakria, MD, MBA1, Nicholas D. Brownstone, MD2, McKenzie A. Dirr, BA, BS3, Darrell
Rigel, MD, MS4
1 National Society for Cutaneous Medicine, New York, NY
2 Department of Dermatology, Temple Health, Philadelphia, PA
3 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
4 Department of Dermatology, Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine, New York, NY
We present a case in which a 54-year-old
male with Fitzpatrick skin type II presented
to clinic with well-circumscribed dark brown
patches with surrounding scale in his bi-
lateral inguinal folds. He reported that he
first noticed the rash about two weeks prior
to presentation and applied OTC anti-fungal
creams with no improvement. He stated that
he has never had a similar rash before, and
he noted that the only associated symptom
was occasional pruritus. Examination with
Wood’s lamp revealed a bright “coral-red”
fluorescence (Figure 1) and helped confirm
the diagnosis of erythrasma.
Erythrasma is a cutaneous bacterial
infection most commonly caused by
Corynebacterium minutissimum.1
Corynebacterium minutissimum is a Gram-
positive bacillus that constitutes the normal
Figure 1. Coral red fluorescence characteristic
of erythrasma
September 2022 Volume 6 Issue 5
(c) 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by the National Society for Cutaneous Medicine.
microflora of the skin.2 It has a predilection
for moist areas of the body such as the
axillae, inframammary folds, interdigit
spaces, and the intergluteal cleft.1 C.
minutissimum produces a chemical called
coproporphyrin type III, which leads to the
characteristic “coral-red” glow when
examined under Wood’s lamp.2 Importantly,
bathing can remove the porphyrin and lead
to a false-negative result.2 Erythrasma
classically presents as well-demarcated
dark-brown macules and later coalesces into
larger patches in intertriginous skin.3 The
rash can be confused with other common
pathology including candidiasis,
dermatophytosis, pityriasis versicolor, and
inverse psoriasis.
Candidiasis is a fungal infection most
commonly caused by Candida albicans.1
The rash is typically erythematous and scaly
with evidence of satellite lesions.
Dermatophyte infections can also present as
erythematous and scaly plaques. Both
candidiasis and dermatophyte infections can
be identified using potassium hydroxide
preparation.1 Of note, approximately 30% of
patients with interdigital erythrasma may
have a coexisting dermatophyte or candida
infection. Pityriasis versicolor lesions can be
hyperpigmented or hypopigmented but
usually do not feature scale or well-
demarcated borders as seen in erythrasma.
Inverse psoriasis presents as an
erythematous, non-scaly plaque in
intertriginous lesions. Wood’s lamp offers a
quick and non-invasive method of
diagnosing erythrasma and distinguishing it
from these other similar conditions.
There are several treatment options for
erythrasma including both topical and
systemic therapy. Topical therapy consists
of clindamycin, fusidic acid, mupirocin, and
Whitfield’s ointment while systemic therapy
includes oral clarithromycin, erythromycin,
and tetracycline.4 There is no consensus on
optimal first-line agent, but topical therapy is
generally preferred to limit adverse effects.1
For intertriginous disease, it is important to
add a topical agent, often in conjunction with
systemic therapy, in order to obtain
clearance.4 While there is limited data on
duration of treatment, most studies suggest
a 2-week course. A thorough HPI, high
index of suspicion and appropriate
use/interpretation of the Wood’s lamp exam
can allow for quicker diagnosis and effective
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None
Funding: None
Corresponding Author:
Danny Zakria, MD, MBA
National Society for Cutaneous Medicine
One Harbor Square Suite 325
Ossining, NY 10562
1. Forouzan P, Cohen PR. Erythrasma Revisited:
Diagnosis, Differential Diagnoses, and
Comprehensive Review of Treatment. Cureus.
2020;12(9):e10733. Published 2020 Sep 30.
2. Chen D, Ferringer TC. Red-brown patches in the
groin. Cutis. 2018;101(6):416-420.
3. Riquelme IL, Moyano EG. Axillary and inguinal
erythrasma. CMAJ. 2021;193(39):E1535.
4. Holdiness MR. Management of cutaneous
erythrasma. Drugs. 2002;62(8):1131-1141.
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Full-text available
Erythrasma is a bacterial infection of the skin typically caused by Corynebacterium minutissimum. This pathogen infects the stratum corneum in warm and wet areas of the skin. Most commonly, the axillary, inguinal, and interdigital regions are affected. A 60-year-old man presented for the examination of a pedunculated lesion on his right proximal thigh. Upon examination of the lesion, adjacent areas of central hypopigmentation and peripheral hyperpigmented scaling were also noted bilaterally in the groin region. Differential diagnoses of candidiasis, dermatophyte infection, erythrasma, pityriasis versicolor, and terra firma-forme dermatosis were considered. Wood lamp examination revealed bright coral-pink fluorescence. Correlation of the clinical examination and the Wood lamp finding established the diagnosis of erythrasma. Twice daily topical 2% mupirocin ointment therapy led to the resolution of our patient's erythrasma. In this case report, the diagnosis, differential diagnoses, and treatment of erythrasma are reviewed.
Corynebacterium minutissimum is the bacteria that leads to cutaneous eruptions of erythrasma and is the most common cause of interdigital foot infections. It is found mostly in occluded intertriginous areas such as the axillae, inframammary areas, interspaces of the toes, intergluteal and crural folds, and is more common in individuals with diabetes mellitus than other clinical patients. This organism can be isolated from a cutaneous site along with a concurrent dermatophyte or Candida albicans infection. The differential diagnosis of erythrasma includes psoriasis, dermatophytosis, candidiasis and intertrigo, and methods for differentiating include Wood's light examination and bacterial and mycological cultures. Erythromycin 250mg four times daily for 14 days is the treatment of choice and other antibacterials include tetracycline and chloramphenicol; however, the use of chloramphenicol is limited by bone marrow suppression potentially leading to neutropenia, agranulocytosis and aplastic anaemia. Further studies are needed but clarithromycin may be an additional drug for use in the future. Where there is therapeutic failure or intertriginous involvement, topical solutions such as clindamycin, Whitfield's ointment, sodium fusidate ointment and antibacterial soaps may be required for both treatment and prophylaxis. Limited studies on the efficacy of these medications exist, however, systemic erythromycin demonstrates cure rates as high as 100%. Compared with tetracyclines, systemic erythromycin has greater efficacy in patients with involvement of the axillae and groin, and similar efficacy for interdigital infections. Whitfield's ointment has equal efficacy to systemic erythromycin in the axillae and groin, but shows greater efficacy in the interdigital areas and is comparable with 2% sodium fusidate ointment for treatment of all areas. Adverse drug effects and potential drug interactions need to be considered. No cost-effectiveness data are available but there are limited data on cost-related treatment issues. A guideline is proposed for the detection, evaluation, treatment and prophylaxis of this cutaneous eruption.