
Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Twenty six cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 vaccine Jab

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We highlight presence of Prion in the Spike proteins of original SARS-CoV2 as well as of all its successive variants and of all the vaccines built on this same sequence of the Spike SARS-CoV2 from Wuhan. Paradoxically, with a density of mutations 8 times greater than that of the rest of the spike, the possible harmfulness of this Prion region disappears completely in the Omicron variant. We are studying 26 Creutzfeld Jakob Diseases, in 2021, from an anamnestic point of view, centered on the chronological aspect of the evolution of this new prion disease, without being able to have an explanation of the etiopathogenic aspect of this new entity. We subsequently recall the usual history of this dreadfull subacute disease, and compare it with this new, extremely acute, prion disease, following closely vaccinations. In a few weeks, 26 cases of almost spontaneous emergence of suspected Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have appeared in France, Europe and USA very soon after the injection of Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneka vaccines. To summarize, of the 26 cases analyzed, the first symptoms of CJD appeared on average 11.38 days after the injection of the COVID-19 "vaccine". Of these 26 cases, 20 had died at the time of writing this article while 6 were still alive. The 20 deaths occurred only 4.76 months after the injection. Among them, 8 of them lead to a sudden death (2.5 months). All this confirms the radically different nature of this new form of CJD, whereas the classic form requires several decades. On June 2022, last 5 patients had also died. Currently, only one of 26 patients survives.

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... Este efecto, aunque común en todos los citostáticos, es muy habitual en el Cisplatino, Paclitaxel, Oxaliplatino, Bortezomid, Vincristina, donde van a provocar la disfunción mitocondrial, la afectación de la disminución de formación de ATP, daño al ADN mitocondrial, despolarizaciones de membrana mitocondrial, desregularización de las señales de Ca2+, etc. Todo ello llevando a un estrés nitro-oxidativo y dañando a nervios periféricos y a ganglios raíces dorsales provocando un déficit de energía en las neuronas y un fallo en las funciones celulares que se traduce en los síntomas referidos por los pacientes como quemazón, picores, pinchazos, dolor, parestesias, disestesias, etc. [31][32][33][34] Recientes reportes plantean las capacidades neurotóxicas y neuroinflamatorias de las terapias génicas ARNm para el Covid, no solo por su actividad inflamatoria mediada por la unión de la proteína Spike sintetizada a los receptores ACE2 que se encuentran distribuidos por todo el organismo, incluido los vasos sanguíneos cerebrales, 35-39 sino además de la capacidad de atravesar la berrera hematoencefálica (BBB) de los NLP sintéticos (como el ALC-0315, ALC-0159, SM-102, entre otros), que son neurotóxicos de uso prohibido en humanos y que se utilizan para estabilizar el ARNm sintético y protegerlo de la degradación enzimática por su inmunogenicidad, 40-41 capaces de provocar patologías anafilácticas incluso inmediatas 42 y degenerativas, además de tumorales por la capacidad de mutagénesis insercional de la molécula de ARNm en el contenido genético ADN del huésped incluso de forma permanente. [43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52] Esta excepcionalidad nos exige reportar los efectos adversos que está causando esta terapia génica experimental a nivel neurológico. Según datos de la OMS a través de VIGIACCESS a fecha de 10/02/2023 hay reportados 4.896.568 ...
... En esta última el mecanismo pa-______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ GARNATA 91 2023, v26: e2618gt 4 rece ser la interactuación de alguna región priónica de la proteína de pico de la primera vacuna de la cepa de Wuhan con los priones del ARN humano deteriorando el cerebro. [43][44] Actualmente en España no hay Límites de Exposición Profesional (LEP) aplicables a los nanomateriales cuyo uso está reglamentado por una normativa específica y nunca usada fuera de industria. Los límites de exposición y Valores Límites Ambientales (VLA) establecidos para algunos agentes químicos (por ejemplo: grafito, sílice, dióxido de titanio, ciertos óxidos, etc.) no deberían utilizarse para las formas nano porque aunque se trate de la misma composición química las características de peligrosidad pueden ser diferentes; por lo tanto hasta que no se adopten VLA de obligado cumplimiento los valores existentes basados en protección de la salud y los valores de referencia recomendados para evaluar la efectividad de las medidas de control adoptadas, procedentes todos ellos de organizaciones de reconocido prestigio, se presentan como una buena alternativa para llevar a cabo la evaluación de riesgos de exposición por inhalación a nanomateriales como la NIOSH, British Standard Institution (BSI), Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA), Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER). ...
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Central Sensitization Syndromes (CSS) encompass a series of complex pathologies with various persistent multisystem symptoms, which present in common neuroinflammation and consequent neural sensitization (of the central and peripheral nervous system) that cascades into a vicious neuro-endocrine-immunological circle, leaving them deprived of treatment. The latest lines of research on CSS (MCS/CFS/ME) are directed at the symptomatological similarity of Persistent Covid with these pathologies, postulating activations of endogenous retroviruses after postviral symptoms. The persistent symptomatic multivariability caused by mRNA gene therapies (“Covid Vaccines”) may be justified by their mechanisms of action and characteristics (not only neuroinflammatory, neurotoxic, and neurosensitizing of certain PCNL, but also by the insertion of synthetic mRNA to the host genome) and their similarity in the pathophysiology of SSCs and their characteristics. With the data and reports we have so far, it does not seem certain that CSS patients can safely receive gene therapies.
... Of the 26, 20 had died at the time of writing the paper, and the remaining six were in critical condition. The mean time to death was under five months after the injection [38]. CJD is an extremely rare disease, usually affecting only one in a million people in their lifetime. ...
... The fact that the spike protein induces sharp TNF-α upregulation and causes cognitive issues implies that it might also, like HIV, upregulate PrP expression in the brain. Recently, our team has shown that the expression of PrP C is induced due to spike protein interactions in murine microglia, and human monocytes and macrophages [38]. In this study, it is predicted that, according to the toll-like receptor activation by the spike protein, both the normal isoform of the prion protein and the expression of β amyloid are upregulated through the promotion of p53 expression via β amyloid metabolism. ...
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Human prion protein and prion-like protein misfolding are widely recognized as playing a causal role in many neurodegenerative diseases. Based on in vitro and in vivo experimental evidence relating to prion and prion-like disease, we extrapolate from the compelling evidence that the spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 contains extended amino acid sequences characteristic of a prion-like protein to infer its potential to cause neurodegenerative disease. We propose that vaccine-induced spike protein synthesis can facilitate the accumulation of toxic prion-like fibrils in neurons. We outline various pathways through which these proteins could be expected to distribute throughout the body. We review both cellular pathologies and the expression of disease that could become more frequent in those who have undergone mRNA vaccination. Specifically, we describe the spike protein’s contributions, via its prion-like properties, to neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases; to clotting disorders within the vasculature; to further disease risk due to suppressed prion protein regulation in the context of widely prevalent insulin resistance; and to other health complications. We explain why these prion-like characteristics are more relevant to vaccine-related mRNA-induced spike proteins than natural infection with SARS-CoV-2. We note with an optimism an apparent loss of prion-like properties among the current Omicron variants. We acknowledge that the chain of pathological events described throughout this paper is only hypothetical and not yet verified. We also acknowledge that the evidence we usher in, while grounded in the research literature, is currently largely circumstantial, not direct. Finally, we describe the implications of our findings for the general public, and we briefly discuss public health recommendations we feel need urgent consideration. An earlier version of this article was previously posted to the Authorea preprint server on August 16, 2022.
... Bu, lizozom pH homeostazını korumak için V-ATPaz aktivitesini dengeleyen lizozomal H + sızıntısını aracılık eder. Daha önce TMEM175'in lizozomlarda "K + sızıntı" kanalı olduğu rapor edilmiştir (22)(23)(24)(25). TMEM175 K + seçicidir, ancak plazma zarı K + kanallarına hiçbir dizi benzerliği yoktur. ...
... Of the 26, 20 had died at the time of writing of the paper, and the remaining 6 were in critical condition. The mean time to death was under five months after the injection [13]. CJD is an extremely rare disease, normally affecting only one in a million people in their lifetime. ...
... D-19 vaccine (CoronaVac, Sinovac Life Sciences, Beijing, China). The patient died due to the progressive neurological disorders. In cases where rapidly progressive neurological disorders are observed, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease should be considered and the role of immunity-related conditions in the progression of the disease should be investigated."▪ Perez et al. (2022) ...
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As a behavioral neuroscientist focused on psychopathology, the happenings pertaining to the measures taken to address COVID-19 and their consequences are as much of interest as anything other work that I do. This document is a collation of quotes and some comments pertaining to every aspect of COVID-19 and its impact on the brain and behavior, on the individual and on society as a whole. The same document is updated weekly (generally) and also available on the web at:
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