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New findings and an overall assessment of Norwegian biting midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae)



Faunistic studies on biting midges conducted mostly in South Norway between 2006 and 2020, as well as a revision of available literature, resulted in a new comprehensive checklist of the species known from mainland Norway. In total, 21 genera and 216 species of Ceratopogonidae have been registered, of which as many as 165 are with Linnaean names. For the remaining 51 species interim names are given as no existing nominal species could be assigned. Four genera, namely Ceratoculicoides Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1971, Monohelea Kieffer, 1917b, Phaenobezzia Haeselbarth, 1965 and Probezzia Kieffer, 1906, and 58 species are reported from Norway for the first time. Records of nine biting midge species previously mentioned from the country turned out to be uncertain and are currently treated as doubtful. In Norway, the most species-rich genera of Ceratopogonidae are: Culicoides Latreille, 1809 with 34, Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818 with 29, Dasyhelea Kieffer, 1911a with 22, Atrichopogon Kieffer, 1906 with 16, Bezzia Kieffer, 1899 with 15, and Palpomyia Meigen, 1818 with 15 reported species.
New ndings and an overall assessment of Norwegian biting
midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae)
Dominiak, P. & Stur, E. 2022. New ndings and an overall assessment of Norwegian biting midges
(Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82–190.
Faunistic studies on biting midges conducted mostly in South Norway between 2006 and 2020, as well
as a revision of available literature, resulted in a new comprehensive checklist of the species known
from mainland Norway. In total, 21 genera and 216 species of Ceratopogonidae have been registered,
of which as many as 165 are with Linnaean names. For the remaining 51 species interim names are
given as no existing nominal species could be assigned. Four genera, namely Ceratoculicoides Wirth
& Ratanaworabhan, 1971, Monohelea Kieer, 1917b, Phaenobezzia Haeselbarth, 1965 and Probezzia
Kieer, 1906, and 58 species are reported from Norway for the rst time. Records of nine biting midge
species previously mentioned from the country turned out to be uncertain and are currently treated as
doubtful. In Norway, the most species-rich genera of Ceratopogonidae are: Culicoides Latreille, 1809
with 34, Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818 with 29, Dasyhelea Kieer, 1911a with 22, Atrichopogon Kieer,
1906 with 16, Bezzia Kieer, 1899 with 15, and Palpomyia Meigen, 1818 with 15 reported species.
Key words: Diptera, Ceratopogonidae, Norway, new records, doubtful records, checklist, DNA
Patrycja Dominiak, Arctic University Museum of Norway, UiT – the Arctic University of Norway, NO-
9037 Tromsø, Norway. Email:
Elisabeth Stur, Department of Natural History, NTNU University Museum, Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway. Email:
Ceratopogonidae is a family of nematocerous ies,
distributed nearly worldwide, and represented by
species with very diverse morphology, biology,
and ecology. They are present in various habitats
ranging from coastal areas to high mountains
(up to 4.651 m a.s.l.) (Borkent & Spinelli 2007,
Tapia et al. 2018, Borkent & Dominiak 2020), are
common in tropics, but have been reported also
from cold regions, such as subantarctic islands
and within 150 km of permanent polar ice in
Canada (Gressit 1962, Downes 1978, Sublette
& Wirth 1980, Borkent & Grogan 1995). The
immatures of ceratopogonids live in a wide
range of aquatic, semiaquatic and true terrestrial
habitats. Their larvae inhabit puddles, lakes,
springs, rivers, swamps, peat bogs, phytotelmata
and moist soil. Some species breed in sap oozing
from trees, rotting plants and ephemeral rock
pools, while others are reported from saline soil
or water of inland saline habitats and intertidal
zone of seas (Waugh & Wirth 1976, Mullen &
Hribar 1988, Szadziewski et al. 1997, Borkent
& Dominiak 2020). Larvae feed on algae, fungi,
and detritus, but some species are also predators
and prey on protozoans, rotifers, nematodes,
annelids, caddisy-, chironomid-, mosquito-,
and other biting midge larvae (Mullen & Hribar
1988, Szadziewski et al. 1997). Feeding habits
of adults are diverse. Males of all biting midge
species feed solely on sugar and water from nectar
and honeydew. The same applies to females of all
Dasyhelea Kieer, 1911a and some Forcipomyia
© Norwegian Journal of Entomology. 24 June 2022
Meigen, 1818. Females of other biting midges
sometimes supplement their diet with nectar,
but normally they need a protein-rich meal for
egg maturation (Szadziewski et al. 1997). Few
species are known to be pollinivorous and obtain
protein from pollen. All members of the subfamily
Ceratopogoninae, except for the genus Culicoides
Latreille, 1809 are predators on small, soft-
bodied insects and prey mainly on chironomids,
ceratopogonids and mayies (Downes 1978).
Species of the genus Atrichopogon Kieer, 1906
and some species of Forcipomyia are ectoparasitic
on larger insects, and take hemolymph from
butteries, dragonies, beetles, and net-winged
insects. Females of Austroconops Wirth and
Lee, 1958, Leptoconops Skuse, 1889, Culicoides
and Forcipomyia (Lasiohelea Kieer, 1921a)
suck vertebrate blood, mainly of mammals and
birds, but there are also species that are parasites
on amphibians and reptiles (Debenham 1989,
Szadziewski et al. 1997, Borkent & Dominiak
2020). Bloodsucking ceratopogonids are annoying
biters of humans and other vertebrates, and are
often considered serious pests, especially in
coastal habitats and montane regions (Wirth 1952,
Wirth & Hubert 1989, Szadziewski et al. 1997,
Borkent & Dominiak 2020). Haematophagous
biting midges are reported as vectors of 66 viruses,
15 species of parasitic protozoans and 26 species
of larial nematodes (Borkent & Spinelli 2007),
e.g., bluetongue and Akabane viruses, protozoans
causing avian malaria and leishmaniasis, and
Onchocerca lariae (Linley 1985, Wirth & Hubert
1989, Dougall et al. 2011).
Worldwide, 6.276 extant species and 121
extant genera of biting midges are known
(Borkent & Dominiak 2020, Borkent et al. 2022)
with about 590 species within 27 genera occurring
in Europe (Szadziewski et al. 2013, Szadziewski
& Dominiak 2016, Borkent & Dominiak 2020,
Borkent et al. 2022). The best studied European
countries are Germany (256 spp.), France (241
spp.), Poland (220 spp.), Estonia (184 spp.)
and Czech Republic (175 spp.) (Szadziewski
et al. 2013, Szadziewski & Dominiak 2016).
Determining how many Ceratopogonidae species
that are reported from Norway is not easy, since
the numbers provided by various authors are
inconsistent. Dierences can be due to overlooked
records from older publications, also causing
some species to be reported as new to Norway
more than once. According to the most recent
publications (e.g. Stur & Borkent 2014), the family
is represented by approximately 120 species in the
Norwegian fauna, a number of species similar to
those known from Sweden and Finland (Huldén
& Huldén 2014, Salmela et al. 2015, Strandberg
2016, Dominiak et al. 2020).
The literature on Ceratopogonidae from
Norway is rather rich, and the rst note on biting
midges can be found in “Resa genom Sweriges
och Norriges Lappmarker” by Zetterstedt
(1822, p. 41). Another brief observation of a
Ceratopogon specimen from Finnmark region
was published just a few years later by Christy
(1837, p. 464). Further publications from the 19th
and 20th centuries provide more scientic content,
including descriptions of species new to science
and more detailed faunistic data. A compilation
of the literature on Norwegian Diptera up to the
year 1940 (Soot-Ryen 1943b) proved to be very
useful when looking for older publications where
Ceratopogonidae were mentioned. A list of the
scientic literature we were able to nd (except
catalogs, databases, checklists) that report species
from Norway is shown in Table 1. The most
important articles dealing with the diversity of
Norwegian biting midges are those by Hagan et
al. (2000) with 56 species records, including 44
species new to Norway and by Stur & Borkent
(2014) with 54 recorded morphospecies, including
16 species new to Norway. It is noteworthy that
many, or in some cases even all Ceratopogonidae
records from Zetterstedt (1855), Siebke (1877),
Soot-Ryen (1943a), and Thunes et al. (2003,
2004, 2008) are just repetitions of older records
(Table 1). For example, all records in Thunes et
al. 2003, 2004, and most probably also the ones
in Thunes et al. 2008, were published earlier by
Hagan et al. (2000). The dates and localities of
the material in Thunes et al. (2008, pp. 218–219)
(collected between 19 June and 17 July, 1999, from
pine canopies in Sigdal) correspond with those
published in Hagan et al. (2000, pp. 469–471),
even though there are some dierences between
the recorded species and specimen numbers.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Information about the presence of particular
biting midge species in Norway can be found also
in printed catalogs and checklists, e.g. Havelka
1978, Remm 1988, Krzywiński 1996 (tribe
Palpomyiini Enderlein, 1936), Szadziewski et al.
1997, Mathieu et al. 2012 (genus Culicoides), as
well as in online databases (e.g. Szadziewski et al.
2013, Artsdatabanken 2015).
A lot has changed in the taxonomy of
Ceratopogonidae since Carl von Linné described
the rst biting midge species, Culicoides pulicaris
(Linnaeus, 1758), originally placed in the genus
Culex Linnaeus, 1758. Thenceforth, the most
proliferous European biting midge workers,
like J.W. Meigen, J. Winnertz, J.J. Kieer, M.
Goetghebuer, J. Clastrier and H. Remm, have
described numerous Ceratopogonidae as new to
science. However, many of these new names later
appeared to be synonyms of previously described
taxa. An extreme case is J.J. Kieer who authored
nearly twice as many names currently regarded
as junior synonyms compared to valid names
(Borkent & Dominiak 2020). Although the old
descriptions and records of biting midges are of
huge value, it is not surprising that our current
knowledge about the family is much deeper and
more accurate than it was in the 18th, 19th or at the
beginning of 20th century. We consider most of the
information on species occurrences in Norway
found in older literature as doubtful, or at least less
reliable until voucher specimens from the original
collections are re-examined. This concerns mostly
minute species, which are dicult to identify, and
species treated as junior synonyms in addition to
cases where the authors used synonymic names
in other combinations than they are currently
accepted. Considering that thorough studies of old
museum material was far beyond the scope of this
paper, we have added short discussions on these
issues as a comment under the treatment of the
relevant species in the below faunistic overview.
Material and methods
The adult and immature biting midges were
collected using Malaise traps, kick nets and sweep
nets or were hand-picked from dead blister beetles
(bait trap) during surveys conducted in Agder
(2019–2020), Innlandet (2008, 2015, 2016),
Trøndelag (2006, 2010, 20132015, 2017–2020),
Vestfold and Telemark (2020), and Viken (2020)
counties and in Finnmark region (2010). The
specimens examined were cleared in 10% KOH
and subsequently slide mounted in Euparal or a
mixture of Canada balsam and orange oil. The
remaining material is stored in 80% ethanol for
further studies. All specimens from our study
are deposited in the NTNU University Museum
insect collection, Trondheim, Norway (Table
2). Additionally, some specimens collected and
identied by Jonas Strandberg (Strandberg 2016)
deposited at the Swedish Museum of Natural
History (NHRS), Department of Entomology,
were re-examined.
Tissue (one or two legs) from selected
specimens were sampled and sent to the Canadian
Centre for DNA Barcoding (CCDB), University
of Guelph, Canada for molecular analyses. Upon
DNA extraction using standard protocols, the
barcode fragment of cytochrome c oxidase subunit
1 (COI) was amplied using the C_LepFolF and
C_LepFolR primer cocktail (Hernández-Triana
et al. 2014) and bi-directionally sequenced
using Sanger technology. DNA barcodes and
associated metadata are available in the dataset
“DS-NOCER, Norwegian Ceratopogonidae” in
the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) and the
DOI for the dataset is:
NOCER. Genbank accession numbers of the COI
sequences are ON341717 - ON342617.
For each species, in the paragraph “Material
examined”, the county, coordinates, date,
specimen code for the barcoded or museum
ID number for the not-barcoded specimens are
given. More information about the records can be
retrieved via the published BOLD dataset.
Information about geographical distribution of
species is based mainly on data from the Fauna
Europaea database (Szadziewski et al. 2013,
accessed 19 March 2022).
Distribution data from BOLD was assembled
on 05 December 2021. Besides of Norway,
all other countries of occurrence are listed in
alphabetical order.
The classication of biting midges follows
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Borkent & Dominiak (2020) and Borkent et al.
(2022). In a few cases, for the genera Atrichopogon
Kieer, 1906, Dasyhelea Kieer, 1911a and
Bezzia Kieer, 1899, a subgeneric division
traditionally used in Europe (see e.g. Remm
1988, Szadziewski et al. 1996, Dominiak 2012) is
mentioned in the comments. Hopefully, this will
make it easier for the readers to navigate among
various species groups of Ceratopogonidae, search
for identication keys and taxonomic literature.
Several species mentioned in older papers
have been synonymized. We follow the currently
accepted synonymizations in Borkent &
Dominiak (2020) and the records in Table 1 are
listed by their senior synonyms (see comments
under relevant species). The junior synonyms are
as follows: Atrichopogon fuscipes (Zetterstedt,
1850) (= A. fuscus (Meigen, 1804)), Bezzia
circumdata (Stæger, 1839) (= B. annulipes
(Meigen, 1830)), Brachypogon lapiae (Clastrier,
1961) (= B. incompletus (Kieer, 1925b)),
Ceratopogon crassinervis (Goetghebuer, 1920)
(= C. naccinervis Borkent, in Borkent & Wirth
1997), Culicoides arcuatus (Winnertz, 1852) (=
C. pictipennis (Stæger, 1839)), C. heliophilus
Kieer, 1924a (= C. newsteadi Austen, 1921), C.
pictidorsum Kieer, 1924a (= C. circumscriptus
Kieer, 1918), C. salicornis Kieer, 1924a (=
C. circumscriptus Kieer, 1918), Dasyhelea
luteiventris Goetghebuer, 1934 (= D. bilobata
Kieer, 1915), D. obscura (Winnertz, 1852) (= D.
avifrons (Guérin-Méneville, 1833)), D. scutellata
(Meigen, 1830) (= D. corinneae Gosseries, 1991),
Palpomyia hortulana (Meigen, 1818) (= P. avipes
(Meigen, 1804)), P. laticollis Goetghebuer,
1922 (= P. tibialis (Meigen, 1818)), P. rupecta
(Winnertz, 1852) (= P. armipes (Meigen, 1838)),
Schizohelea xanthopeza (Clastrier, 1963) (= S.
leucopeza (Meigen, 1804)), Serromyia europaea
Clastrier, 1963 (= S. ledicola Kieer, 1925b), and
Sphaeromias procerus (Zetterstedt, 1855) (= S.
fasciatus (Meigen, 1804)).
Immature biting midges (larvae, pupae) were
associated with identied adult specimens by
DNA barcodes belonging to the same Barcode
Index Number (BIN) in BOLD.
Both, previously published and new records of
Ceratopogonidae species are compiled in Table 1
(genera and species given in alphabetical order).
Old literature records provided by Zetterstedt
(1822, p. 141), Christy (1837, p. 464) and Storm
(1907, p. 10), where biting midges are identied
only to generic level or locality data are not
precise, are not included in Table 1.
Comments on previous records of biting midges
from Norway
A study of the literature on biting midges from
Norway and re-examination of specimens from
Finnmark region housed in the NTNU collection,
have led us to some interesting ndings and
conclusions. Firstly, loci typici of three of
Kieer’s species are in Germany, not in Norway.
This concerns Culicoides salicola Kieer,
1924a, C. pictidorsum Kieer, 1924a (both are
junior synonyms of C. circumscriptus Kieer,
1918) and C. halophilus Kieer, 1924a (junior
synonym of C. newsteadi Austen, 1921) which
were mistakenly stated as described from Norway
(Kieer 1924a). Their locus typicus, misspelled
as “Oldesbac” and “Oldesloc”, respectively,
refers to Bad Oldesloe in Schleswig-Holstein in
northern Germany (see Thienemann 1926, Mehl
1996, Dau & Martin 2013). Thus, these three old
records from Norway, and subsequent records of
C. circumscriptus and C. newsteadi, are treated by
us as invalid. Secondly, the occurrence of various
other species from Norway is erroneous because
records have been based on incorrectly identied
specimens or wrong interpretation of species. We
thus regard the following literature records as
invalid and do not include them in Table 1:
Atrichopogon fuscus (Meigen, 1804), as A.
fuscipes (Zetterstedt, 1850) in Zetterstedt (1850).
Atrichopogon fuscipes, currently a junior synonym
of A. fuscus, was described from specimens from
Denmark and Norway. However, Szadziewski
(1986, p. 30) proved that the specimen from
Thynås in Norway (a paralectotype of A. fuscus)
belongs to A. griseolus (Zetterstedt, 1855).
Zetterstedt’s record of A. fuscipes was repeated by
Siebke (1877) and Soot-Ryen (1943a).
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Atrichopogon hirtidorsum Remm, 1961b, in
Stur & Borkent (2014). The female specimens
from Finnmark region reported in Stur & Borkent
(2014) have been re-examined and they are re-
identied as A. cf. hirtidorsum. They belong
to BIN BOLD:ABZ8851, members of which
are characterized by presence of hair partially
covering eyes in male, and well-visible neck
of seminal capsule in female. According to the
original Remm (1961b) description, eyes in the
male of A. hirtidorsum are naked and female
seminal capsule is without neck.
Atrichopogon infuscus Goetghebuer, 1929, in
Stur & Borkent (2014). We have re-examined the
male specimen from Finnmark region identied as
A. infuscus by Stur & Borkent (2014) and without
any doubts it belongs to A. longicalcar Remm,
Atrichopogon minutus (Meigen, 1830), in Stur
& Borkent (2014). The male and female specimens
from Finnmark region mentioned in Stur &
Borkent (2014) have been re-examined and are
identied as A. cf. minutus. Although, in general
the specimens t the available descriptions of the
species, the middle part of the eyes in both sexes is
covered with hair while in A. minutus eyes should
be naked.
Bezzia annulipes (Meigen, 1830), in Stur
& Borkent (2014). The species was listed from
Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent 2014) where
a single male was collected near a lake in Sør-
Varanger municipality. However, the specimen
belongs to the BIN: BOLD:ABW3936, which is
rather distant from other B. annulipes clusters, and
we therefore chose to give this species an interim
name, Bezzia sp. 3ES. More adult specimens are
needed to correctly identify members of the BIN
to species level.
Bezzia circumdata (Stæger, 1939), in Stur &
Borkent (2014). When Stur & Borkent (2014)
published their paper, B. circumdata was believed
to be a senior synonym of B. solstitialis (Winnertz,
1852). However, B. circumdata is now regarded as
a junior synonym of B. annulipes (Meigen, 1830)
(see Dominiak & Szadziewski 2018). The single
female specimen from Finnmark region identied
as B. circumdata (Stur & Borkent 2014) has been
re-examined and it belongs to B. solstitialis.
Bezzia solstitialis (Winnertz, 1852), in Soot-
Ryen (1943a). The rst time the name appeared
as known from Norway was due to an erroneous
synonymization. Soot-Ryen (1943a) incorrectly
synonymized this name with B. circumdata
(Stæger, 1839) and attributed locality data
provided originally by Siebke (1877, p. 205) to
the wrong species.
Brachypogon sp. 1ES, in Stur & Borkent
(2014). The name is used for a single male
specimen from Finnmark region belonging to
BIN: BOLD:ACA2830. We re-identied members
of this BIN as B. incompletus (Kieer, 1925b).
Brachypogon sp. 2ES, in Stur & Borkent
(2014). The name is used for male and female
specimens from Finnmark region belonging
to BIN: BOLD:ABW3956. We re-identied
members of this BIN as B. incompletus (Kieer,
Ceratopogon niveipennis Meigen, 1818, in
Zetterstedt (1852). Ceratopogon niveipennis was
reported from Norway by Zetterstedt (1852) as
Siebke’s observation of a male specimen from
Tøyen (Oslo). Later, Zetterstedt (1855, p. 4855)
stated that there is no dierence between this
male, as well as a female specimen (-s) from
Sweden, identied by him as C. niveipennis and
Schizohelea copiosa (Winnertz, 1852) (currently a
junior synonym of S. leucopeza (Meigen, 1804)).
Borkent & Grogan (1995, pp. 60, 62) proved that
Zettersted’s (1850) description of C. niveipennis
was based on specimens of Schizohelea Kieer,
1917 and that the records of this species from
Scandinavia were based on misidentications.
The record of the male specimen from Tøyen was
later repeated by Siebke (1877) and Soot-Ryen
(1943a), in both cases still as C. niveipennis.
Culicoides circumscriptus Kieer, 1918, as
C. salicola Kieer, 1924a and C. pictidorsum
Kieer, 1924a in Kieer (1924a). The record
is a consequence of an incorrectly stated locus
typicus (not Norway) for C. salicola and C.
pictidorsum (both names are junior synonyms of
C. circumscriptus). Besides Kieer (1924a), these
two names were mentioned as described from
Norway by Remm (1988), and C. circumscriptus
is listed also by other authors as known from the
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Culicoides minutissimus (Zetterstedt, 1855),
in Stur & Borkent (2014). The female specimen
from Finnmark region reported by Stur & Borkent
(2014) has been re-examined and it belongs to C.
lenae Glushchenko & Mirzaeva, 1970.
Culicoides newsteadi Austen, 1921, as C.
halophilus Kieer, 1924a in Kieer (1924a). The
record is a consequence of an incorrectly stated
locus typicus (not Norway) for C. halophilus (a
junior synonym of C. newsteadi). Besides of
Kieer (1924a), the name was listed as known/
described from Norway by Havelka (1978) and
Remm (1988), and subsequently C. newsteadi is
also reported by other authors as known from the
Culicoides pictipennis (Stæger, 1839), in
Zetterstedt (1850). The name was reported by
Zetterstedt (1850), who published a record of
a female specimen from Oslo (specimen from
Siebke’s collection). Later however, Zetterstedt
(1855, p. 4862) corrected this identication and
stated that the record of the Norwegian specimen
concerns C. fascipennis (Stæger, 1839) (see
also Soot-Ryen 1943a). Siebke (1877) has most
probably omitted the Zetterstedt’s corrections and
repeated the observation of C. pictipennis in his
own publication.
Culicoides pictipennis (Stæger, 1839), as C.
arcuatus (Winnertz, 1852) in Soot-Ryen (1943a).
The name C. arcuatus, which is currently treated
as a junior synonym of C. pictipennis, was
mentioned with a question mark in Soot-Ryen’s
paper (1943a, p. 7) for a specimen from the
Dovre mountains reported by Siebke. Culicoides
obsoletus (Meigen, 1818), which was incorrectly
synonymized with C. arcuatus by Zetterstedt
(1855, p. 4856), was reported by Siebke (1877)
from several localities in Norway, including
Drivdalen (Dovre). Siebke (1877) did not clarify
if any of the records of C. obsoletus mentioned by
him should be C. arcuatus.
Culicoides reconditus Campbell and Pelham-
Clinton, 1960, in Stur & Borkent (2014). We
have re-examined two specimens from Finnmark
region identied by Stur & Borkent (2014) as C.
reconditus and they belong to C. riouxi Callot &
Kremer, 1961.
Dasyhelea corinneae Gosseries, 1991, as D.
scutellata (Meigen, 1830) in Soot-Ryen (1943a).
Soot-Ryen (1943a, p. 6) mentioned this name
as known from Norway and claimed to repeat
Walker’s record from Alta (Walker 1848, p. 13).
However, the species reported by Walker is not
D. scutellata (a junior synonym of D. corinneae)
but Chironomus scutellatus (Chironomidae), a
species described by Meigen in 1818. The latter
name is currently treated as a junior synonym of
Prodiamesa olivacea (Meigen, 1818).
Dasyhelea sp. 3ES, in Stur & Borkent (2014).
The name was used by Stur & Borkent (2014)
for three females collected in Finnmark region.
The specimens belong to BIN BOLD:ABZ8984,
members of which have been re-identied by us
as D. europaea Remm, 1962a.
Dasyhelea sp. 4ES, in Stur & Borkent (2014).
The name was used by Stur & Borkent (2014) for
one male and three females collected in Finnmark
region. We have re-examined the specimens and
they appear to belong to D. baltica Remm, 1966.
Forcipomyia alacris (Winnertz, 1852), in
Stur & Borkent (2014). We have re-examined the
specimens from Finnmark region identied as
F. alacris by Stur & Borkent (2014) and they all
belong to F. titillans (Winnertz, 1852).
Forcipomyia knockensis Goetghebuer,
1938, in Stur & Borkent (2014). All specimens
from Finnmark region belonging to BIN:
BOLD:ABW3996 turned out to be F. acidicola
(Tokunaga, 1937). The misidentication has been
made due to an incorrect interpretation of the
species given by Remm 1962b (see Szadziewski
1986, p. 22).
Forcipomyia nigrans Remm, 1962b, in Stur
& Borkent (2014). We have re-examined the
specimens from Finnmark region identied as F.
nigrans by Stur & Borkent (2014) and they turned
out to belong to F. sphagnophila Kieer, 1925a.
Forcipomyia palustris (Meigen, 1804), in
Zetterstedt (1850). A misidentication corrected
later by Zetterstedt (1855, p. 4854). The female
specimen from Thynås identied rst as a not
typical form of F. palustris appeared to belong to
Atrichopogon brunnipes (Meigen, 1804).
Forcipomyia sp. 1ES, in Stur & Borkent
(2014). The name was used by Stur & Borkent
(2014) for a single female collected in Finnmark
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
region. Currently, we have identied this specimen
as F. hygrophila Kieer, 1925a.
Forcipomyia sp. 2ES, in Stur & Borkent
(2014). The name was used by Stur & Borkent
(2014) for two females from Finnmark region
belonging to BIN BOLD:AAN5156. Currently,
we have identied members of this BIN as F.
ciliata (Winnertz, 1852).
Forcipomyia sp. 4ES, in Stur & Borkent (2014).
The name was used by Stur & Borkent (2014)
for a single female specimen from Finnmark
region, which we have currently identied as F.
monilicornis (Coquillett, 1905).
Forcipomyia sp. 5ES, in Stur & Borkent
(2014). The name was used by Stur & Borkent
(2014) for two females collected in Finnmark
region, which we have re-identied as F.
monilicornis (Coquillett, 1905).
Forcipomyia sp. 6ES, in Stur & Borkent
(2014). We have re-examined the specimens
from Finnmark region identied as F. sp. 6ES
nr. palustris and they all belong to F. titillans
(Winnertz, 1852).
Palpomyia aterrima Goetghebuer, 1921, in
various catalogs, online databases and checklists.
We have been unable to nd any published
observation of this species from Norway that
provides locality. The name seems to be mentioned
for the rst time as present in the country in the
Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera (Remm 1988),
however, without any details regarding locality
or specimens examined. It looks like Krzywiński
(1996) and Szadziewski et al. (1997, 2013)
repeated the information from Remm’s catalog
(Remm 1988).
Palpomyia lineata (Meigen, 1804), in Soot-
Ryen (1943a). The name was listed as known
from Norway due to an incorrect synonymization
with P. binotata (Stæger, 1839). The locality data
provided originally by Zetterstedt (1850, p. 3657)
for P. binotata and repeated by Soot-Ryen (1943a,
p. 9) were attributed by the latter author to the
wrong species.
Palpomyia puberula Remm, 1976, in Stur &
Borkent (2014). We have re-examined the single
female specimen from Finnmark region identied
as P. puberula and it does not t the original
description of the species. Here, this and other
specimens from BIN BOLD:ABZ9646 are given
the interim name Palpomyia sp. 5ES.
Palpomyia serripes (Meigen, 1818), in Stur
& Borkent (2014). We have re-examined the
specimens from Finnmark region identied as
P. serripes by Stur & Borkent (2014) and they
belong to P. pubescens Kieer, 1919a.
Probezzia Kieer, 1906, in Stur & Borkent
(2014). The pupa from Finnmark region
mentioned in Stur & Borkent (2014) as Probezzia
sp. belongs to an unidentied species of the genus
Mallochohelea Wirth, 1962.
Serromyia ledicola Kieer, 1925b, as S.
europaea Clastrier, 1963 in Clastrier (1963).
Borkent & Bissett (1990) explained a complicated
situation with misidentication of Serromyia
species, occurring mostly in older papers like
the ones by Zetterstedt. Borkent & Bissett (1990,
pp. 194, 197, 199) re-examined a paratype male
of S. europaea (a name treated currently as a
junior synonym of S. ledicola) from Norway and
discovered that it belongs to S. femorata (Meigen,
1804). The incorrect record of S. ledicola from
Norway was repeated by Remm (1988).
The presence of the following species
in Norway has not been conrmed in recent
publications and we consider these records
doubtful until the voucher specimens from the
original collections are re-examined. The species
are marked with a star () symbol in Table 1 (this
does not apply to species originally described
from Norway):
Atrichopogon fuscus (Meigen, 1804). The
species was reported from Norway by Zetterstedt
(1850) from Møre og Romsdal and Trøndelag
(both records were listed again by Siebke in
1877) and by Soot-Ryen (1943a) from Troms
region. Many species of the genus Atrichopogon
Kieer, 1906 look very much alike, and it is not
likely that the specimens recorded by Zetterstedt
and Soot-Ryen have been correctly identied. In
addition, the syntypes of A. fuscipes (Zetterstedt,
1850), a junior synonym of A. fuscus, were re-
examined by Szadziewski (1986) who designated
a Danish specimen as lectotype and proved that
the specimen from Norway (Thynås) belongs to A.
griseolus (Zetterstedt, 1855) (Szadziewski 1986,
p. 30).
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Atrichopogon rostratus Winnertz, 1852. This
Atrichopogon species was reported from Norway
by Lundström (1913). Due to the previously
mentioned problems with identication of species
of this genus, we follow Szadziewski’s et al.
(1996, p. 307) suggestion to treat all old records
of A. rostratus as uncertain.
Ceratopogon communis Meigen, 1804. This
name was listed as present in Norway by Siebke
(1877). Unfortunately, Borkent & Grogan (1995)
did not study specimens from Siebke’s collection,
so they could not conrm his identications.
However, without checking details of male
genitalia and taking precise measurements it is
often impossible to correctly identify species
of the genus Ceratopogon Meigen, 1803. We
consider Siebke’s records doubtful until the
voucher specimens are re-examined.
Ceratopogon naccinervis Borkent, in Borkent
& Wirth 1997. The species was mentioned
by Soot-Ryen (1943a) as C. crassinervis
(Goetghebuer, 1920) (a name treated currently as
a junior synonym of C. naccinervis). The record is
based on a single female specimen and females of
this species are practically indistinguishable from
few other Ceratopogon species.
Ceratopogon niveipennis Meigen, 1818.
Ceratopogon niveipennis was reported from
Kongshavn (Oslo) by Siebke (1877), who
most probably based his identications on the
description of the species provided by Zetterstedt
(1850). The description is not reliable though.
Borkent & Grogan (1995) have re-examined
specimens from Zetterstedt’s collection which he
has identied as C. niveipennis (Zetterstedt 1850,
p. 3647) and all of them appeared to be members
of the genus Schizohelea Kieer, 1917. The
voucher specimen (-s) from Siebke’s collection
should be re-examined in order to rule out a
probable misidentication.
Culicoides nubeculosus (Meigen, 1830). The
name was mentioned from Norway twice, by
Zetterstedt (1850, 1852), and in both cases the
records were based on Siebke’s observations (who
repeated them in his own paper from 1877). Old
descriptions of C. nubeculosus were not detailed
enough to correctly identify this species, and it is
unlikely that Zetterstedt’s records (1850, 1852)
are accurate.
Palpomyia armipes (Meigen, 1838). It seems
that at least some of the specimens from Senja (N
Norway) identied by Zetterstedt (1838) as P.
hortulana (Meigen, 1818) supposedly belong to P.
armipes (see Zetterstedt 1850, Soot-Ryen 1943a).
Zetterstedt 1850 mentioned this name also from
Tøyen (Oslo) based on Siebke’s observations
(this record was repeated in Siebke 1877). Later
the species was listed from two localities in
Agder county as P. rupecta (Winnertz, 1852)
by Lundström (1913). Many species of the genus
can be dicult to discriminate, therefore all the
voucher specimens from the original collection
should be re-examined to conrm identication.
Palpomyia binotata (Stæger, 1939). The
name was mentioned from Norway only once,
by Zetterstedt (1850) from Verdal in Trøndelag
county. The record was repeated by Siebke (1877)
and later by Soot-Ryen (1943a) who however
attributed it to P. lineata (Meigen, 1804) (due
to incorrect synonymization). Even if a body
coloration of P. binotata is rather characteristic,
the voucher female specimen from Zettersted’t
collection should be re-examined to conrm
Sphaeromias fasciatus (Meigen, 1804). The
species, mentioned from Norway also as C.
procerus Fries” (currently S. procerus (Zetterstedt,
1855), a junior synonym of S. fasciatus), was
reported only from Oslo by Zetterstedt (1850,
record based on Siebke’s collection), Zetterstedt
(1855, repeated record but as S. procerus), Siebke
(1877, new record of S. fasciatus, repeated record
for S. procerus) and Soot-Ryen (1943a, repeated
records). Because this biting midge can be easily
confused with S. pictus (Meigen, 1818), another
common species in Europe, the best solution is to
treat Zetterstedt’s and Siebke’s records as doubtful
until the voucher specimens from the original
collection are re-examined.
It is worth noting that Serromyia gelida
Kieer, 1925a, a name being currently a junior
synonym of S. rutarsis (Meigen, 1818), was
originally described from Norway. However, after
Borkent & Bissett (1990) designated a neotype for
S. gelida, its locus typicus was changed to Latvia.
According to Kieer (1925a), a male specimen
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
(-s) of this species was collected in Røsvik north
of Tromsø, but most probably the locality he
mentioned is Røsvik in Nordland. Naturally, in
the Limnofauna Europaea (Havelka 1978) and the
Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera (Remm 1988)
which were published before the revision of the
genus Serromyia by Borkent & Bissett (1990), S.
gelida is stated as present in Norway.
Dasyhelea avoscutellata (Zetterstedt, 1850)
was described from a single female specimen
collected by Siebke in Christiania (present-day
Oslo) (no information about collecting date was
provided; see also Szadziewski 1986, p. 53).
Siebke (1877) published an observation of this
species from the same place, but it is not clear
if this record refers to the type specimen or not.
Siebke (1877) stated that the collection date was 13
July 1852, so evidently later than the description
year of D. avoscutellata, and therefore we treat
his record as a new one (but still doubtful, marked
with star symbol in Table 1). However, one cannot
rule out the possibility that the collection date
from Siebke’s paper (1877) is incorrect and that
the record concerns actually the type specimen.
Ceratopogon pusio Zetterstedt, 1850 (p.
3647), a species described from Norway (Oslo)
and considered earlier to be a biting midge, is a
member of the family Chironomidae (Diptera,
Nematocera) (Borkent & Dominiak 2020).
New records of biting midges from Norway
Subfamily Forcipomyiinae Lenz, 1934
Tribe Dasyheleini Lenz, 1934
Genus Dasyhelea Kieer, 1911a
Dasyhelea acuminata Kieer, 1919a
Literature for identication: Szadziewski
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 27.VI.2020, 1 female
Distribution. Dasyhelea acuminata is widely
distributed in Europe (Dominiak & Szadziewski
2010), and in Scandinavia it is known from
Sweden (Strandberg & Johanson 2015). The
species is new to Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX3324: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The single specimen was
collected with sweep net near a shallow brackish
pond in Hamresanden, and its DNA matches with
an examined Swedish male specimen (NHRS)
belonging to the same BIN and identied as D.
Dasyhelea arenivaga Mace, 1943
Literature for identication: Szadziewski
(1986), Dominiak (2012).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 27.VI.2020, 2 males
(MM-Cer196, NTNU-VM227035), 2 females
(MM-Cer193, MM-Cer194). Tolga, N 62.38703°,
E 11.11886°, 19.IX.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer170).
Distribution. Dasyhelea arenivaga is known
from the southern part of Europe, North Africa,
and the Near East (Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010,
Szadziewski et al. 2013), but was also reported
from Sweden (Strandberg & Johanson 2015) and
Finland (Salmela et al. 2015). The species is new
to Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX3059: Sweden, Norway;
BOLD:ACX2767: Sweden, France, Norway;
BOLD:ADG4457: Norway.
Comments. The examined specimens belong
to three dierent BINs
DNA of female MM-
Cer194 is matching with DNA of a Swedish male
specimen (NHRS) of D. arenivaga.
Dasyhelea baltica Remm, 1966
Literature for identication. Remm (1966).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 23.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-
Cer202). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°,
26.V.–9.VI.2016, 2 females (HED-Cer59, HED-
Cer309). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°,
31.V. 2016, 1 male (HED-Cer157). Trondheim,
N 63.36169°, E 10.24103°, 13.VI.2017, 2 pupae
(MM-Cer342, MM-Cer343). Trondheim, N
63.36169°, E 10.24103°, 16.VI.2015, 2 pupae
(TRD-Cer313, TRD-Cer314). Trondheim, N
63.38272°, E10.60776°, 20.VI.2010, 1 male (NO
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Distribution. Dasyhelea baltica is known
from Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, and Romania
(Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010). The species
in new to the Norwegian fauna (see comments
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:ABW3983: Norway;
BOLD:AAV5200: Norway, Canada.
Comments. Dasyhelea baltica resembles D.
pallidiventris Goetghebuer, 1931 but diers i.a.
in the shape of the male gonostylus and female
subgenital plate. The examined specimens belong
to two BINs, and they were collected on a mire
and near a stream, in both cases not far from lakes.
The pupae were found in a lake in Trøndelag
county. Stur & Borkent (2014) listed the species
from Finnmark region as D. sp. 4ES.
Dasyhelea bensoni Edwards, 1933
Literature for identication. Szadziewski
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°,
E 11.19175°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer81). Tynset, N 62.25544°, E 10.90725°, 9.–23.
VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer40).
Distribution. This species is known from
a few localities in Europe and eastern part of
Russia (Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010, Huldén
& Huldén 2014, Strandberg & Johanson 2015).
Dasyhelea bensoni was reported from Norway for
the rst time by Hagan et al. (2000) from Viken
and Vestland counties, and later also found in
Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent 2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAG6449: Norway, Canada,
Finland, Sweden.
Comments. DNA barcodes of two females
collected with a Malaise trap on mires in Innlandet
county matches with barcodes of a re-examined
Swedish male specimen (NHRS).
Dasyhelea bilineata Goetghebuer, 1920
Literature for identication. Dominiak
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.110290°, E 07.934234°, 16.V. 2019, 1 male
(MM-Cer30), 1 female (MM-Cer31). Kristian-
sand, N 58.18333°, E 08.02867°, 29.VIII.2019,
1 female (MM-Cer15). Trondheim, N 63.42927°,
E 10.37856°, 28.VIII.–11.IX.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Distribution. Dasyhelea bilineata is a
rather widely distributed Palaearctic species
(Szadziewski et al. 2013, Strandberg & Johanson
2015). It was reported from Norway for the
rst time from Vestland county by Dominiak &
Szadziewski (2010).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAN5169: Norway, Argentina,
Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Egypt,
France, Israel, Indonesia, Germany, Lebanon,
Montenegro, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sweden,
United States.
Comments. Most members of the BIN:
BOLD:AAN5169 in BOLD are identied as
Dasyhelea incisurata Remm, 1962a. However,
the examined male specimens from Norway do
not t to the original description of the species,
which is characterized by a presence of a well
visible notch at apices of the gonostyli.
Dasyhelea biunguis Kieer, 1925a
Literature for identication. Boorman &
Ismay (2003).
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.04388°,
E 09.30952°, 17.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer169).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°, E 11.19175°, 26. V. –9.
VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer49).
Distribution. The species is known from
Great Britain, Estonia, Russia (Dominiak &
Szadziewski 2010), Sweden (Strandberg &
Johanson 2015), and was reported from Norway
(Viken county) for the rst time by Hagan et al.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2425: Norway, Finland,
Dasyhelea caesia Remm, 1993
Literature for identication. Remm (1993),
Brodskaya (1995), Dominiak (2012).
Material examined. Trondheim, N 63.39730°,
E 10.55451°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 2 males (TRD-
Cer52, TRD-Cer53), 1 female (TRD-Cer64).
Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°, 31.VII.
–14.VIII.2014, 2 males (TRD-Cer225, TRD-
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Cer226). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°,
28.VIII.–11.IX.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer182).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°, E 11.19175°, 11.–
21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer80), 1 female
(HED-Cer82). Kristiansand, N 58.22176°, E
08.02128°, 18.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM
227055), 1 female (MM-Cer182). Kristiansand,
N 58.20112°, E 07.98589°, 26.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer163). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E
08.00007°, 6.VIII.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer72).
Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 6.–21.
VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer75). Kristiansand, N
58.22296°, E 08.02237°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer122). Drangedal, N 59.03572°, E
09.29243°, 17.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer115).
Distribution. This species was previously
known from Russia, Poland (Dominiak 2012),
Sweden (Strandberg & Johanson 2015), Finland
(Salmela et al. 2015), and it is currently reported
from Norway for the rst time.
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:AEC1756: Norway;
BOLD:ACJ3180: Norway, Germany, Sweden.
Dasyhelea damp Kieer, 1925b
Literature for identication. Remm (1962a),
Dominiak (2012).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.20850°, E 08.00650°, 26.VI.2020, 2 males
(MM-Cer307, NTNU-VM 227047). Lillesand,
N 58.20460°, E 08.23188°, 22.VI.2020, 1 male
Distribution. The species was previously
recorded only from few European countries
(Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010, Strandberg &
Johanson 2015), and is new to Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2966: Norway, Sweden.
Dasyhelea europaea Remm, 1962a
Literature for identication. Remm (1962a).
Material examined. Rendalen, N 61.55606°,
E 11.16856°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer267). Rendalen, N 61.77456°, E 11.59347°,
11.–21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer147). Røros,
N 62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006,
2 females (TRD-Cer265, TRD-Cer266). Stor-
Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.
VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer63). Tolga, N
62.38703°, E 11.11886°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer242). Tolga, N 62.38703°, E 11.11886°,
9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer199). Tynset, N
62.25544°, E 10.90725°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer42). Tynset, N 62.25544°, E 10.90725°,
23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer179).
Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer249), 1 female (HED-Cer252).
Distribution. Dasyhelea europaea was
described from Estonia (Remm 1962a), and
later reported also from France, Czech Republic
(Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010), Sweden
(Strandberg & Johanson 2015), Finland (Salmela
et al. 2015), and from Vestlandet region in Norway
(Hagan et al. 2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABZ8984: Norway, Finland,
Comments. In Stur & Borkent (2014) this
species is reported from Finnmark region as D. sp.
3ES (the specimens examined are listed only in
the Taxon ID-tree and Appendix).
Dasyhelea avifrons (Guérin-Méneville, 1833)
Literature for identication. Dominiak
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.83656°,
E 11.79125°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female
(HED-Cer293). Kristiansand, N 58.20112°,
E 07.98589°, 26.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-
Cer188). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.74614°, E 10.74618°,
7.VII.2008, 1 female (AT-Cer13). Trondheim,
N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°, 5.–19.VI.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer93). Trondheim, N 63.33958°,
E 10.44285°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer199). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
22.V.–5.VI.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer111).
Distribution. Dasyhelea avifrons is a widely
distributed species, known also from the Nearctic
Region (Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010) and
Neotropics (Díaz et al. 2019). In Scandinavia it
was previously reported from Sweden (Strandberg
& Johanson 2015). The species in new to Norway
(see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:AEF4343: Norway;
BOLD:ACS7525: Norway, Austria, Bulgaria,
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
France, Germany, Ukraine; BOLD:ADI0494:
Comments. Dasyhelea avifrons belongs to
a group of very similar species within subgenus
Dasyhelea s. str. which needs revision. One of
its synonyms, D. obscura (Winnertz, 1852), was
listed from Norway by Soot-Ryen (1943a), but
because of a complicated situation within the
species group, this rst record should be treated
as doubtful. The currently examined specimens
belong to three BINs and they were collected on
wetlands with streams and lakes, and near bigger
Dasyhelea holosericea (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Dominiak
Material examined. Tynset, N 62.25544°, E
10.90725°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer37).
Distribution. Records of this species are
known from Estonia, Finland, France, Lithuania,
Poland, and European part of Russia (Dominiak
& Szadziewski 2010). Dasyhelea holosericea has
not been reported from Norway before.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADF5686: Norway.
Dasyhelea lucida Remm, in Remm & Zhogolev
Literature for identication. Remm
& Zhogolev (1968), Chandler et al. (2008),
Dominiak (2012) (mostly for identication of
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 23.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer201). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E
11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer62). Tvedestrand, N 58.54531°, E 08.81223°,
19.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer152). Åmot, N
61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer107).
Distribution. Dasyhelea lucida is known
from many countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa
(Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010). The species is
new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2712: Norway, Bulgaria,
Sweden; BOLD:ADE5000: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The specimens examined belong
to two close BINs and were collected in the vicinity
of a mire, a stream, and a lake. Identication of
females was based on DNA match with the male.
Dasyhelea malleola Remm, 1962a
Literature for identication. Remm (1962a),
Dominiak (2012).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.88586°,
E 11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer231), 1 female (HED-Cer232). Engerdal, N
61.83656°, E 11.79125°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer294). Kristiansand, N 58.11861°,
E 07.92679°, 24.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer295).
Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016,
2 males (HED-Cer254, HED-Cer255), 1 female
(HED-Cer250) (DNA barcoding failed). Åmot,
N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer108).
Distribution. The species is known from many
localities in the Western Palaearctic (Dominiak &
Szadziewski 2010), including Finland (Salmela
et al. 2015) and Sweden (Strandberg & Johanson
2015). The rst record of Dasyhelea malleola
from Norway was given by Stur & Borkent (2014),
but the authors, by mistake, listed this species as
already known from Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3962: Norway, Finland,
Germany, Sweden; BOLD:ADG5071: Norway;
BOLD:ABW3991: Norway.
Comments. The specimens from Norway
belong to three BINs. Barcoding of the female
HED-Cer250 failed (250 bp long sequence), but
the specimen ts best in the cluster with the BIN
BOLD:ABW3991 together with two D. malleola
specimens from Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent
2014, as D. cf. malleola); the distance to the
nearest cluster is 4.65% (p-dist).
Dasyhelea modesta (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski
(1986), Dominiak (2012).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.83656°,
E 11.79125°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 2 males (HED-
Cer291, HED-Cer292). Engerdal, N 61.88586°, E
11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer234). Farsund, N 58.06315°, E 06.78672°,
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
25.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer24) (DNA
barcoding failed). Kristiansand, N 58.11951°,
E 07.92543°, 4.–21.VI.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer90). Kristiansand, N 58.20850°, E 08.00650°,
26.VI.2020, 1 pupa (MM-Cer208). Nissedal, N
59.01079°, E 08.51505°, 21.VIII.2019, 1 female
(MM-Cer23) (DNA barcoding failed). Rendalen,
N 61.77455°, E 11.59357°, 8.XI.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer113). Røros, N 62.6889°, E 11.8316°,
11.–22.VI.2006, 1 male (TRD-Cer233), 1 female
(TRD-Cer235). Røros, N 62.6889°, E 11.8316°,
22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 2 males (TRD-Cer276, TRD-
Cer281) (DNA barcoding of the latter specimen
failed), 1 female (TRD-Cer284). Røros, N
62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 2 males
(TRD-Cer258, TRD-Cer262). Røros, N 62.6910°,
E 11.8330°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 1 female (TRD-
Cer270). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°, E 11.19175°,
26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer50), 3 females
(HED-Cer60, HED-Cer307, HED-Cer308).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°, E 11.19175°, 11.–21.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer78). Tolga, N
62.38703°, E 11.11886°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer243). Tolga, N 62.38703°, E 11.11886°,
23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer131).
Tolga, N 62.38703°, E 11.11886°, 19.IX.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer171). Trondheim, N 63.40615°,
E 10.34135°, 1.VI.2015, 1 pupa (TRD-Cer299).
Trondheim, N 63.40742°, E 10.33766°, 1.VI.2015,
2 pupae (TRD-Cer300, TRD-Cer301). Trondheim,
N 63.36169°, E 10.24103°, 16.VI.2015, 2 pupae
(TRD-Cer315, TRD-Cer316). Trondheim, N
63.38056°, E 10.61062°, 20.VI.2010, 1 male
(TRD-Cer7). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E
10.37856°, 31.VII.–14.VIII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer130). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
1.–14.VIII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer220). Tynset,
N 62.25544°, E 10.90725°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer43). Tynset, N 62.25544°, E 10.90725°,
23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer180).
Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer253).
Distribution. It is a widely distributed species
(Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010), known also
from Norway where it was reported for the rst
time from Innlandet county (Hagan et al. 2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2419: Norway, Sweden;
BOLD:ACY4183: Norway; BOLD:AAG6542:
Norway, Canada, Sweden; BOLD:ACN8781:
Norway, Canada; BOLD:ABW3955: Norway,
Finland, Sweden; BOLD:ABW3954:
Norway; BOLD:ACM5978: Norway,
Finland; BOLD:ACS7831: Norway, Sweden;
BOLD:ACY5045: Norway.
Comments. The specimens examined and the
ones from Stur & Borkent (2014) paper belong
to ten dierent BINs, and it is possible that they
represent more than one species.
The pupae of Dasyhelea modesta were found
in lakes and mires in Agder and Trøndelag
Dasyhelea notata Goetghebuer, 1920
Literature for identication. Szadziewski
(1986), Dominiak (2012).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19875°, E 07.99710°, 23.VI.2020, 1 male
(MM-Cer297). Kristiansand, N 58.11951°, E
07.92543°, 21.VI.–8.VII.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer82). Kristiansand, N 58.20850°, E 08.00650°,
23.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM 227065).
Kristiansand, N 58.20850°, E 08.00650°,
26.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM 227045). Røros,
N 62.6910°, E 11.8330°, 11.–22.VI.2006, 1 male
Distribution. This species is known from
many countries in Europe, and it was reported also
from Asia and Africa (Dominiak & Szadziewski
2010). Dasyhelea notata is a new species to
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:ACY5046: Norway;
BOLD:ACX2450: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The barcoded specimens were
collected in vicinity of lakes and mires and belong
to two distant BINs. The male from Trøndelag
county (Røros) ts well to the description of the
species. The only dierence, which can be a visual
artifact, is stouter third palpal segment (PRIII 4.2
instead of 4.9 and higher as stated by Dominiak
Dasyhelea parallela Remm, 1962a
Literature for identication. Remm (1962a),
Szadziewski (1985).
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Material examined. Røros, N 62.6889°,
E 11.8316°, 11.–22.VI.2006, 1 female (TRD-
Cer244). Røros, N 62.6889°, E 11.8316°, 6.–20.
VII.2006, 1 male (TRD-Cer285).
Distribution. The species has been reported
from Estonia, Iceland, and Norway (Dominiak &
Szadziewski 2010), where it was collected for the
rst time in western Norway (Hagan et al. 2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACU5328: Norway, Russia.
Dasyhelea stackelbergi Remm, 1993
Literature for identication. Remm (1993),
Dominiak (2012).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.11861°, E 07.92679°, 24.VI.2020, 1 male
Distribution. The species is known from
Finland (Salmela et al. 2015), Poland and Russia
(Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010). It is a new
record of Dasyhelea stackelbergi to Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEH1076: Norway.
Unidentied species of Dasyhelea
Dasyhelea sp. 1ES
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.83656°,
E 11.79125°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female
(HED-Cer295). Engerdal, N 61.88586°, E
11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer233). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°, E 11.19175°,
11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer79). Åmot,
N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 3
females (HED-Cer251, HED-Cer269, HED-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3976: Norway, Canada,
Comments. According to Stur & Borkent
(2014) the species belongs to the subgenus
Prokempia Kieer, 1913a. Male specimens are
needed to identify it to species level.
Dasyhelea sp. 2ES
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°,
E 11.19175°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer83). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.
VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer268).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3986: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The species was reported from
Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent 2014) and
it belongs to the subgenus Pseudoculicoides
Malloch, 1915. A male specimen from Sweden
(NHRS) from the same BIN was not available for
Dasyhelea sp. 5ES
Material examined. Orkland, 26.VI.2018, N
63.39124°, E 10.31449°, 1 pupa (MM-Cer340), 1
larva (MM-Cer341). Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E
10.55451°, 17.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer19).
Trondheim, N 63.425°, E 10.282°, 26. V. 2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer10).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAV5098: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Montenegro,
New Zealand, Sweden.
Comments. Only females and immature
stages are among the examined specimens.
All our specimens belong to the same BIN
as the Swedish ones (NHRS, only females)
identied as Dasyhelea turcola Kieer, 1925b.
Male specimens are necessary to conrm this
identication. The immature stages of D. sp. 5ES
were collected from a lake in Trøndelag county.
Dasyhelea sp. 7ES
Material examined. Røros, N 62.6889°, E
11.8316°, 11.–22.VI.2006, 1 male (TRD-Cer242).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACY5044: Norway.
Comments. Dasyhelea sp. 7ES belongs to
the subgenus Dicryptoscena Enderlein, 1936
and is similar to D. stellata Remm, in Remm &
Zhogolev 1968. However, our specimen does not
belong to the same BIN as Swedish specimens
(NHRS) identied as Dasyhelea stellata. We were
able to re-examine a Swedish male specimen and
can conrm the identication.
Dasyhelea sp. 14ES
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.37842°, E 11.19175°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer306).
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADI0897: Norway.
Comments. The single male belongs to a
group of Dasyhelea s. str. with nearly symmetrical
parameres and either it represents a species new
to science or it is D. unicolor Remm, 1962a. Our
specimen diers from the latter species in having
longer middle arm of parameres and a bit dierent
shape of aedeagus.
Dasyhelea sp. 15ES
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer61).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG4455: Norway.
Comments. The darkly coloured female
specimen of the subgenus Pseudoculicoides
Malloch, 1915 was collected on a mire near
Nabbtjønna lake in Innlandet county.
Dasyhelea sp. 16ES
Material examined. Åmot, N 61.17878°,
E 11.40217°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG7338: Norway, Bulgaria.
Comments. The female of the subgenus
Prokempia Kieer, 1913a was collected on a mire
in Innlandet county.
Dasyhelea sp. 17ES
Material examined. Rendalen, N 61.77455°,
E 11.59347°, 17.IX.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG7458: Norway.
Comments. The single examined female of
the subgenus Sebessia Remm, 1979 was collected
on a mire.
Dasyhelea sp. 18ES
Material examined. Åmot, N 61.17878°,
E 11.40217°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG7459: Norway.
Comments. This dark coloured female with
yellow scutellum was collected on a mire and it is
the only specimen in the BIN.
Dasyhelea sp. 19ES
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer310).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADI0495: Norway.
Comments. The single female belongs to the
subgenus Pseudoculicoides Malloch, 1915 and it
was collected on a mire with a stream and a lake.
Dasyhelea sp. 20ES
Material examined. Tolga, N 62.38703°, E
11.11886°, 23.VI.11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAG6439: Norway, Canada.
Comments. The examined female belongs to
the subgenus Pseudoculicoides Malloch, 1915,
and it was collected nearby a fen with a small
Dasyhelea sp. 22ES
Material examined. Tynset, N 62.25544°,
E 10.90725°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG4456: Norway.
Comments. The female of the subgenus
Pseudoculicoides Malloch, 1915 could not be
identied to species level. Only one specimen was
collected in the Innlandet county.
Dasyhelea sp. 24ES
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.88586°,
E 11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer224). Kristiansand, N 58.20020°, E 07.98943°,
26.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer200). Kristiansand,
N 58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 18.VI.2020, 3 males
(MM-Cer143, MM-Cer144, MM-Cer299), 1
female (MM-Cer300). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°,
E 08.07420°, 27.VI.2020, 2 males (MM-Cer195,
NTNU-VM 227039). Lillesand, N 58.20460°, E
08.23188°, 22.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer131).
Lister, N 58.06315°, E 06.678672°, 4.VI.2019,
1 female (MM-Cer33). Tolga, N 62.38703°,
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
E 11.11896°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer200). Tolga, N 62.38703°, E 11.11896°, 26.V.
9.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer240), 1 female
(HED-Cer241). Tolga, N 62.38703°, E 11.11896°,
23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer122), 1
female (HED-Cer123).
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:AEF1566: Norway;
BOLD:ACX2689: Norway, Finland, Sweden;
BOLD:ADE4834: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The examined males resemble
those of Dasyhelea fuscocincta Remm, 1967 or D.
punctosa Remm, 1993 but dier from the original
descriptions and gures provided by Remm (1967,
1993) by some details of male genitalia armature.
Specimens of both sexes were collected in various
habitats, including areas near a brackish pond, a
stream, a small river, a lake, and mires.
Dasyhelea sp. 25ES
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 26.VIII.2019, 1 female
(MM-Cer38). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°, E
08.07420°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer141).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEH4464: Norway, Canada,
Comments. The Swedish specimens (NHRS)
from this BIN are identied as Dasyhelea turcola
Kieer, 1925b.
e were able to re-examine only
one of them, Dasyhelea turcola|SCER-NHRS-
7AU-0640, which supposed to be a male but
turned out to be a female. Male specimens are
necessary to conrm this identication. The two
females from Agder county were collected with a
sweep net near a brackish pond.
Tribe Forcipomyiini Lenz, 1934
Genus Atrichopogon Kieer, 1906
Atrichopogon brunnipes (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Remm (1961b).
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.04388°,
E 09.30952°, 19.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer51). Flekkefjord, N 58.35775°, E 06.62518°,
22.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer16). Flekkefjord,
N 58.41314°, E 06.65363°, 24.VIII.2019, 1 male
(MM-Cer05). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°,
17.–31.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer291), 1
female (TRD-Cer292). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E
10.30765°, 19.VI.–3.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer204). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°,
3.–17.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer26). Melhus, N
63.21712°, E 10.30765°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 2 males
(TRD-Cer24, TRD-Cer29), 2 females (TRD-
Cer25, TRD-Cer27). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.4248°,
E 11.1052°, 15.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer176). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°, E 11.10112°,
20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer26), 1
female (HED-Cer25). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°,
E 11.10112°, 16.IX.–5.XI.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer153). Trondheim, N 63.3973°, E 10.5545°, 3.–
17.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer62). Trondheim,
N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°, 28.VIII.–11.IX.2014,
1 female (TRD-Cer43). Trondheim, N 63.39730°,
E 10.55451°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer63). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
17.–31.VII.2014, 2 males (TRD-Cer125, TRD-
Cer127), 1 female (TRD-Cer122). Trondheim,
N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer118). Trondheim, N 63.38129°,
E 10.60988°, 6.VI.2010, 1 female (TRD-Cer2).
Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 5.–19.
VI.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer148). Åmot, N
61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 16.–29.IX.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer183), 1 female (HED-Cer184).
Distribution. The species is known from
midwestern Europe, most of the Nordic countries
(Szadziewski et al. 2013), and from Siberia
(Remm 1972). Atrichopogon brunnipes is new to
Norway (see comment below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACI3427: Norway, Germany,
Sweden; BOLD:ACC1669: Norway, Finland,
Comments. The species was mentioned for
the rst time from Norway by Zetterstedt (1838,
p. 821) from Senja (N Norway), and later by
Zetterstedt (1850, 1855 pp. 4854 and 4857,
identied earlier as F. palustris (Meigen, 1804))
and Siebke (1877). However, these records should
be treated as doubtful until the specimens from the
original collections are re-examined.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Atrichopogon forcipatus (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski
Material examined. Arendal, N 58.45981°,
E 08.69339°, 19.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer118).
Farsund, N 58.06315°, E 06.78672°, 25.VI.2020, 1
male (MM-Cer244), 2 females (MM-Cer245, MM-
Cer246). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°, E 08.07420°,
18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer142). Kristiansand,
N 58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 27.VI.2020, 1 female
(NTNU-VM 227037). Kristiansand, N 58.22296°,
E 08.02237°, 18.VI.2020, 2 males (MM-Cer124,
MM-Cer125). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E
08.00007°, 23.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer315)
(DNA barcoding failed). Røros, N 62.6910°, E
11.8330°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 1 female (TRD-
Distribution. Atrichopogon forcipatus is a
species widely distributed in Europe, known also
from Fennoscandia (Szadziewski et al. 2013).
Currently, it is reported from Norway for the rst
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:ACX3268: Norway,
Sweden; BOLD:ACX2897: Norway, Sweden;
BOLD:AEF1704: Norway.
Atrichopogon fusculus (Coquillett, 1901)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (1996).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.83656°,
E 11.79125°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer284). Engerdal, N 61.8859°, E 11.7828°,
23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 2 males (HED-Cer219, HED-
Cer226). Engerdal, N 61.8859°, E 11.7828°, 11.–
21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer135). Kristiansand,
N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019, 1
male (MM-Cer104). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°,
E 08.00007°, 4.–21.VI.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer280), 1 female (MM-Cer282). Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 6.–21.VIII.2019, 1 male
(MM-Cer76). Rendalen, N 61.7745°, E 11.5935°,
17.IX.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer116). Røros, N
62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 1 male
(TRD-Cer273). Røros, N 62.6903°, E 11.8415°,
22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 1 male (TRD-Cer254). Stor-
Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.
VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer332), 2 females (HED-
Cer327, HED-Cer328).
Distribution. It is a widely distributed
species known also from localities outside the
Palaearctic Region (Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Stur & Borkent 2014). Atrichopogon fusculus is
present in Fennoscandia (Salmela et al. 2015),
including Norway, where the rst record comes
from Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent 2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADH7716: Norway, Montenegro;
BOLD:ACC9717: Norway, Sweden.
Atrichopogon griseolus (Zetterstedt, 1855)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski
Material examined. Marnadal, N 58.26750°,
E 07.45603°, 1.–15.VII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer91). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°,
26.V.–9.VI.2016, 2 males (HED-Cer210, HED-
Cer331), 1 female (HED-Cer329). Stor-Elvdal, N
61.3784°, E 11.1917°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female
(HED-Cer73). Tvedestrand, N 58.54531°, E
08.81223°, 19.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer156).
Distribution. Atrichopogon griseolus is
known from Europe and the East Palaearctic
(Szadziewski et al. 2013) and it was reported from
Norway for the rst time by Szadziewski (1986)
(see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG7248: Norway.
Comments. Szadziewski (1986) re-examined
some specimens from Zetterstedt’s collection
and discovered that one of the paralectotypes of
A. fuscipes (Zetterstedt, 1850) from Thynås in
Norway actually belongs to A. griseolus.
Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum Remm, 1961b
Material examined. Melhus, N 63.21712°,
E 10.30765°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer28). Kristiansand, N 58.22176°, E 08.02128°,
18.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer184). Kristiansand,
N 58.19211°, E 08.07525°, 18.VI.2020, 1 male
(NTNU-VM 227068). Røros, N 62.6889°, E
11.8316°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 1 male (TRD-
Cer277). Røros, N 62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–
6.VII.2006, 1 male (TRD-Cer256). Stor-Elvdal,
N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer330). Trondheim, N 63.42927°,
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
E 10.37856°, 31.VII.–14.VIII.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer133). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
17.–31.VII.2014, 2 males (TRD-Cer123, TRD-
Cer129). Trondheim, N 63.3973°, E 10.5545°,
3.–17.VII.2014, 2 females (TRD-Cer66, TRD-
Cer69). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
3.–17.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer222), 1 female
(TRD-Cer223). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E
10.37856°, 28.VIII.–11.IX.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer135), 1 female (TRD-Cer136). Trondheim, N
63.40742°, E 10.33766°, 3.VI.2019, 1 larva (MM-
Cer335). Tvedestrand, N 58.54531°, E 08.81223°,
19.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer151).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABZ8851: Norway, Sweden;
BOLD:AEF2586: Norway.
Comments. The examined specimens belong
to two BINs and in general they t to Atrichopogon
hirtidorsum Remm, 1961b except for female
seminal capsule with neck and middle part of eyes
in males covered with hair. Stur & Borkent (2014)
reported this species from Finnmark region as A.
Currently, a single larva of A. cf. hirtidorsum
was found in a lake in Trøndelag county, while
adults were collected near various types of still
and running water bodies and on mires.
Atrichopogon longicalcar Remm, 1961b
Literature for identication. Remm (1961b),
Dominiak et al. (2007).
Material examined. Melhus, N 63.22042°,
E 10.29148°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer110). Melhus, N 63.22042°, E 10.29148°,
14.–28.VIII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer174).
Trondheim, N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°, 17.–31.
VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer196).
Distribution. So far, Atrichopogon longicalcar
has been reported from Belgium, Estonia, Finland,
Germany, Lithuania, Poland (Dominiak et al.
2007). In the Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera
(Remm 1988) it is mentioned also from Russia,
Ukraine, Siberia and Far East but without any
additional locality data. This species is new to the
Norwegian fauna (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABZ8855: Norway, Canada.
Comments. This species was misidentied
and reported by Stur & Borkent (2014) from
Finnmark region as A. infuscus Goetghebuer,
1929. Pale legs, long tibial spur of hind legs,
shape of antenna and armature of male genitalia
(specimen FiCer201, NTNU collection) indicate
that all the examined specimens from this BIN
belong to A. longicalcar.
Atrichopogon lucorum (Meigen, 1818)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (2007a).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 23.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer310) (DNA barcoding failed).
Distribution. It is a widely distributed species
known from both the Palaearctic and Nearctic
Regions (Szadziewski et al. 2013). Atrichopogon
lucorum was reported for the rst time from
Norway by Hagan et al. (2000).
Atrichopogon maculatus (Lundström, 1910)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (1996).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 23.VI.2020, 4 males
(MM-Cer203, MM-Cer317, MM-Cer318,
NTNU-VM 227052), 2 females (MM-Cer316,
NTNU-VM 227051). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°,
E 08.00007°, 21.VII.2020, 1 female (MM-
Cer325). Kristiansand, N 58.22296°, E 08.02237°,
18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer123). Kristiansand,
N 58.24831°, E 08.15696°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer168). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E
11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-
Distribution. The species, originally described
from Finland, has been reported from only few
countries in Europe (Szadziewski et al. 2013) and
from Primorsky Krai in Russia (Remm 1971). The
current record of Atrichopogon maculatus is the
rst one from Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADH7715: Norway.
Comments. According to Szadziewski (2001)
males of this species are not very often collected.
Atrichopogon meloesugans Kieer, 1922a
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
al. (2007a).
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, July 2019, 1 female (MM-Cer286).
Kristiansand, N 58.19211°, E 08.07525°,
18.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM 227070).
Distribution. The species is known from
Algeria, Poland (Szadziewski et al. 2007a) and
Finland (Huldén & Huldén 2014), and it is new to
the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEH1314: Norway.
Atrichopogon cf. minutus (Meigen, 1830)
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.04388°,
E 09.30952°, 19.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer50). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°, E 08.07420°,
26.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer37). Kristiansand,
N 58.26845°, E 08.16259°, 26.VIII.2019, 1 male
(MM-Cer26), 1 female (MM-Cer27). Melhus,
N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer294). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E
10.30765°, 28.VIII.11.IX. 2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer184). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°,
19.VI.3.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer205).
Melhus, N 63.22042°, E 10.29148°, 14.–28.
VIII.2014, 3 males (TRD-Cer179, TRD-Cer180,
TRD-Cer181), 3 females (TRD-Cer175, TRD-
Cer176, TRD-Cer177). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E
10.30765°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer23),
1 female (TRD-Cer30). Songdalen, N 58.15703°,
E 07.82569°, 30.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer48).
Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°, 3.–17.
VII.2014, 2 females (TRD-Cer67, TRD-Cer70).
Trondheim, N 63.27444°, E 10.56131°, 14.–18.
VIII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer102), 2 females (TRD-
Cer107, TRD-Cer109). Trondheim, N 63.33958°,
E 10.44285°, 5.–19.VI.2014, 4 females (TRD-
Cer95, TRD-Cer96, TRD-Cer97, TRD-Cer98).
Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 17.–31.
VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer128), 1 female (TRD-
Cer116). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
28.VIII.–11.IX.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer137).
Trondheim, N 63.44887°, E 10.45362°, 20.–30.
VIII.2013, 1 male (TRD-Cer161), 1 female (TRD-
Cer162). Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°,
31.VII.–14.VIII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer227).
Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 5.–19.
VI.2014, 2 females (TRD-Cer142, TRD-Cer144).
Trondheim, N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°, 17.–31.
VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer191), 6 females
(TRD-Cer188, TRD-Cer194, TRD-Cer197, TRD-
Cer198, TRD-Cer201, TRD-Cer202). Trondheim,
N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 31.VII.–14.VIII.2014,
1 male (TRD-Cer132), 1 female (TRD-Cer131).
Trondheim, N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°, 28.VIII.
11.IX.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer44). Trondheim,
N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer80). Trondheim, N 63.33958°, E
10.44285°, 31.VII.–14.VIII.2014, 2 males (TRD-
Cer45, TRD-Cer47), 1 female (TRD-Cer46).
Trondheim, N 63.44887°, E 10.45362°, 24.VI.–1.
VII.2013, 1 female (TRD-Cer166). Trondheim,
N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer114). Trondheim, N 63.33958°,
E 10.44285°, 17.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer18).
Trondheim, N 63.44887°, E 10.45362°, 2.–9.
VIII.2013, 4 males (TRD-Cer151, TRD-Cer152,
TRD-Cer153, TRD-Cer154), 1 female (TRD-
Cer156). Trondheim, N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°,
31.VII.–14.VIII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer306).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACA4348: Norway, Israel,
Sweden; BOLD:ACA3626: Norway, Belarus,
Canada, France, Georgia, Germany, Montenegro,
New Zealand, Russia, Sweden.
Comments. The species has been listed by
Stur & Borkent (2014) from Finnmark region as
Atrichopogon minutus (Meigen, 1830). All the
examined specimens are small, have only two
setae on scutellum and simple hair on empodium
like A. minutus, however, in both sexes the middle
part of eyes is covered with hair.
Atrichopogon muelleri (Kieer, in Müller 1905)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (1996).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16420°, E 08.00735°, 23.VI.2020, 1 male
(NTNU-VM 227064), 1 female (MM-Cer251).
Distribution. Atrichopogon muelleri was
described from Sweden and it is known from few
European countries (Szadziewski et al. 2013),
including Norway, where it was found in Vestfold
and Telemark county (Thunes et al. 2021).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX1975: Norway, Germany,
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Comments. The female’s DNA is matching
with the Swedish materials (NHRS) from the same
BIN identied as A. avolineatus (Strobl, 1880).
One male specimen from Sweden was available
for our studies, and it ts better to A. muelleri than
to A. avolineatus.
Atrichopogon oedemerarum Storå, 1939
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (2007a).
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, August 2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer277) (DNA barcoding failed). Kristiansand,
N 58.06957°, E 07.98101°, 29.VIII.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer53) (DNA barcoding failed).
Kristiansand, N 58.19819°, E 07.99590°,
23.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer150). Kristiansand,
N 58.11861°, E 07.92679°, 24.VI.2020, 1 male
(NTNU-VM 227084). Nissedal, N 59.03878°, E
08.46326°, 21.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer20), 1
female (MM-Cer21). Stor-Elvdal N 61.74614°,
E 10.74618°, 7.VII.2008, 1 female (AT-
Cer8). Sogndalen, N 58.15703°, E 07.82569°,
21.VI.2020, 1 female (NTNU-VM 227033).
Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 5.–19.
VI.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer147).
Distribution. This Atrichopogon species is
known to occur in the middle and northern part of
Europe and in the Nearctic Region (Szadziewski
et al. 2013). It was for the rst time reported from
Norway (Finnmark region) by Stur & Borkent
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABZ9243: Norway, Bulgaria,
France, Germany, Sweden.
Comments. Two of the examined females
were collected on a dead blister beetle.
Atrichopogon paulus Remm, 1961b
Literature for identication. Szadziewski
Material examined. Røros, N 62.6910°,
E 11.8330°, 11.–22.VI.2006, 1 female (TRD-
Cer229). Åmot, N 61.2094°, E 11.4467°,
6.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer175).
Distribution. The only valid records of this
species come from Estonia (Szadziewski et al.
2013) and Finland (Salmela et al. 2015). The
current record of Atrichopogon paulus is the rst
one for Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACY5307: Norway.
Comments. It is worth noting that the female
from Trøndelag county has one seta on paratergite
and only 4 spine-like branches of the appendage
of the 7th abdominal sternite.
Atrichopogon pavidus (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (2001).
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, July 2019, 1 male (MM-Cer287).
Kristiansand, N 58.06956°, E 07.98100°,
24.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer255). Kristiansand,
N 58.20112°, E 07.98589°, 26.VI.2020, 1 male
(NTNU-VM 227058).
Distribution. The species is known from
many localities in Europe but in Fennoscandia it
has been reported only from Finland (Szadziewski
et al. 2013). Atrichopogon pavidus is new to the
Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2517: Norway, Sweden.
BOLD:ACX0617: Norway, Germany, Sweden.
Atrichopogon winnertzi Goetghebuer, 1922
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (2007a).
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, July 2019, 1 female (MM-Cer285).
Kristiansand, N 58.11861°, E 07.92679°,
24.VI.2020, 2 females (NTNU-VM 227082,
NTNU-VM 227083). Lillesand, N 58.20626°,
E 08.23249°, 22.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-
Cer148). Sogndalen, N 58.15703°, E 07.82569°,
21.VI.2020, 1 female (NTNU-VM 227034).
Distribution. Atrichopogon winnertzi is
a species which is widely distributed in the
Palaearctic Region. From the Nordic countries
it has been previously reported from Denmark,
Sweden, and Finland (Szadziewski et al. 2013).
The species in new to Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACF7706: Norway, Bulgaria,
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Comments. The barcoded specimens from
Norway belong to a separate BIN which is distant
from a re-examined Swedish specimen (NHRS)
correctly identied as A. winnertzi.
Unidentied species of Atrichopogon
Atrichopogon sp. 5ES
Material examined. Trondheim, N 63.33958°,
E 10.44285°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACS7801: Norway.
Comments. The examined male looks similar
to the specimens identied here as Atrichopogon
cf. minutus, but it is smaller (wing length 0.98
mm) and has gonostylus with rounded apex.
Atrichopogon sp. 7ES
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 27.VI.2020, 1 female
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEF3295: Norway, Montenegro.
Comments. Female of Atrichopogon s. str.,
with wing length 1.3 mm, 4 setae on scutellum
and rather big single spermatheca.
Atrichopogon sp. 8ES
Material examined. Trondheim, N 63.42579°,
E 10.28714°, 6.VI.2019, 1 larva (MM-Cer336).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEH9327: Norway.
Comments. The single larva was found in a
lake in Trøndelag county.
Atrichopogon sp. 9ES
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16420°, E 08.07735°, 23.VI.2020, 1 male
(MM-Cer309) (no BIN number available).
Comments. The examined male has middle
part of eyes covered with hair and dark legs, and
it is in general similar to Atrichopogon fuscus
(Meigen, 1804). However, in contrast to the latter
species, its scutellum bears only two strong setae
in the middle and two slightly bigger setae in
submedian position.
Genus Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818
Subgenus Caloforcipomyia Saunders, 1957
Forcipomyia glauca Mace, 1934
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.8859°,
E 11.7828°, 4.–17.VIII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer237). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°,
8.–21.VII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer324), 1 female
(MM-Cer322). Rendalen, N 61.55606°, E
11.16856°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer282). Rendalen, N 61.5561°, E 11.1686°,
17.VIII.–2.IX.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer205).
Åmot, N 61.1788°, E 11.4022°, 11.–21.VII.2016,
2 males (HED-Cer91, HED-Cer92). Åmot, N
61.1788°, E 11.4022°, 4.–17.VIII.2016, 1 male
Distribution. This Forcipomyia species is
known from both the Holarctic and Neotropical
Regions (Szadziewski et al. 2013), but so far
from Nordic countries it was reported only from
Finland (Huldén & Huldén 2014). The species is
new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACI7668: Norway, Germany,
Subgenus Euprojoannisia Brèthes, 1914
Forcipomyia alacris (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer322). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.3784°,
E 11.1917°, 4.–17.VIII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer214). Tynset, N 62.2554°, E 10.9073°, 23.VI.
11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer182).
Distribution. Forcipomyia alacris is reported
from few countries in Western Palaearctic, but
there are no previous records from Fennoscandia
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). The species is new to
Norway (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACP4569: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Germany, Montenegro, Pakistan,
Russia, Sweden.
Comments. The record of the species by Stur
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
& Borkent (2014) was based on a misidentication
and thus it is invalid.
Forcipomyia palustris (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.83656°,
E 11.79125°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer286). Engerdal, N 61.88586°, E 11.78283°,
11.–21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer137).
Distribution. The species is known from
the Holarctic Region (Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Salmela et al. 2015), and from Norway it was
reported for the rst time by Hagan et al. (2000)
(see comments below). Stur & Borkent (2014)
published records of this species also from
Finnmark region.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3953: Norway, Finland,
Comments. The name was mentioned by
Zetterstedt (1850) from Thynås, but the record
was based on a misidentication corrected later by
Zetterstedt (1855, p. 4854). The female specimen
from Thynås, identied rst as a not typical form
of Forcipomyia palustris, appeared to belong to
Atrichopogon brunnipes (Meigen, 1804).
Forcipomyia phlebotomides Bangerter, 1933
Literature for identication. Remm (1961a).
Material examined. Tynset, N 62.2554°, E
10.9073°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer181). Engerdal, N 61.8859°, E 11.7828°, 11.–
21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer139). Åmot, N
61.1788°, E 11.4022°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female
Distribution. So far, Forcipomyia
phlebotomides has been reported from few
countries in Europe, the Near East and North
Africa (Szadziewski et al. 2013). It is the rst
record of the species from Norway as well as from
the Nordic countries.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG4098: Norway.
Forcipomyia titillans (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.88586°,
E 11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer228). Flekkefjord, N 58.41314°, E 06.65363°,
24.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer04). Kristiansand,
N 58.19889°, E 07.99237°, 26.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer296). Kristiansand, N 58.11939°,
E 07.92635°, 27.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer02). Kristiansand, N 58.11939°, E 07.92635°,
27.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer03). Kristiansand,
N 58.20020°, E 07.98943°, 26.VI.2020, 1
male (MM-Cer198), 1 female (MM-Cer199).
Kristiansand, N 58.22176°, E 08.02128°,
18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer185). Lillesand,
N 58.20626°, E 08.23249°, 22.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer149). Marnardal, N 58.26750°, E
07.45603°, 16.VI.–1.VII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer266). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°,
3.–17.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer31). Melhus,
N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer22). Rendalen, N 61.55606°,
E 11.16856°, 17.VIII.–2.IX.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer204). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°, E
11.10112°, 20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer15). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.74614°, E 10.74618°,
7.VII.2008, 1 male (AT-Cer12), 1 female (AT-
Cer15). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
28.VIII.–11.IX.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer139).
Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 17.–31.
VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer119). Trondheim, N
63.3973°, E 10.5545°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1 female
(TRD-Cer82). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°,
9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer259). Åmot, N
61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 4.–17.VIII.2016, 1 male
Distribution. Forcipomyia titillans is another
species of the subgenus Euprojoannisia Brèthes,
1914 with a Holarctic distribution (Szadziewski
et al. 2013, Salmela et al. 2015). It was reported
from Norway for the rst time by Hagan et al.
(2000) from Vestland county, and later also by
Thunes at al. (2021).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAG6501: Norway, Belarus,
Canada, Finland, Germany, Sweden, United
States; BOLD:ABW3964: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, China, Finland, Georgia, Germany,
Russia, Sweden.
Comments. Stur & Borkent (2014) reported
the species from Finnmark region as F. sp. 6ES nr.
palustris and as F. alacris (Winnertz, 1852).
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Subgenus Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818
Forcipomyia altaica Remm, 1972
Literature for identication. Remm (1972),
Dominiak et al. (2015).
Material examined. Folldal, N 61.98115°,
E 10.02373°, 30.VI.2008, 2 males (AT-Cer4, AT-
Cer5). Trondheim, N 63.27444°, E 10.56131°,
22.V.–5.VI.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer12).
Distribution. This boreo-montane species
is known from Czech Republic, Germany, Italy,
Poland, and Russia (Altai Mountains) (Dominiak
et al. 2015). From Fennoscandia it was reported
before only from Finland (Salmela et al. 2015).
It is the rst record of Forcipomyia altaica from
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACO5584: Norway, Sweden.
Forcipomyia bipunctata (Linnaeus, 1767)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (2007b).
Material examined. Melhus, N 63.22042°,
E 10.29148°, 14.–28.VIII.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer178). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°, E 11.10112°,
20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer17), 2
females (HED-Cer21, HED-Cer23). Trondheim,
N 63.429°, E 10.379°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1 male
(TRD-Cer221). Trondheim, N 63.33958°, E
10.44285°, 25.IX.–9.X.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Distribution. This very widely distributed
species has been reported from nearly all
European countries and it is known also from the
Near East, North Africa, the East Palaearctic, and
the Nearctic Region (Szadziewski et al. 2013).
The rst valid record of Forcipomyia bipunctata
from Norway was given by Hagan et al. (2000)
from Vestland county. The species is known also
from Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent 2014) (see
comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAN5148: Norway, Bulgaria,
Belarus, Canada, Egypt, Georgia, Germany,
Lebanon, Montenegro, Russia, Sweden, United
Comments. The name F. bipunctata was
mentioned from Norway for the rst time
by Zetterstedt (1850), and later the species
was reported from numerous localities in the
country by Siebke (1853, 1863, 1866, 1877).
Unfortunately, all these old records should be
treated as doubtful until the specimens from
the original collections are re-examined. Stur &
Borkent (2014) mistakenly listed this species as a
new to Norway.
Forcipomyia ciliata (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (2007b).
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, 30.VII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer291).
Kristiansand, N 58.110290°, E 07.934234°,
5.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer263). Stor-Elvdal,
N 61.42422°, E 11.10112°, 20.VIII.–16.IX.2016,
2 females (HED-Cer20, HED-Cer22). Trondheim,
N 63.44887°, E 10.45362°, 2.–9.VIII.2013, 1
female (TRD-Cer155). Trondheim, N 63.42927°,
E 10.37856°, 5.–19.VI.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer141). Trondheim, N 63.429°, E 10.379°,
22.V. –5.VI.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer50). Åmot,
N 61.1788°, E 11.4022°, 16.–29.IX.2016, 1 male
Distribution. This widely distributed
species, known from both the Palaearctic and
Nearctic Regions, is reported also from whole
Fennoscandia except Sweden (Szadziewski et al.
2013). The rst record from Norway comes from
Hagan’s et al. (2000) paper.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAN5156: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, Georgia, Germany,
Sweden, United States.
Comments. DNA of two females reported
from Finnmark region as F. sp. 2ES bipunctata
group (Stur & Borkent 2014) matches F. ciliata.
Forcipomyia crassipes (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.8859°,
E 11.7828°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Distribution. Forcipomyia crassipes is
known from localities in various parts of Eurasia
and North Africa (Szadziewski et al. 2013), but
from the Nordic countries it was reported only
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
from Finland (Salmela et al. 2015). The species is
new to Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAP6911: Norway, Canada,
Forcipomyia hygrophila Kieer, 1925b
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.110290°, E 07.934234°, June 2019, 1 male
(MM-Cer13) (DNA barcoding failed). Trondheim,
N 63.2744°, E 10.5613°, 14.–18.VIII.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer106). Trondheim, N 63.274°,
E 10.561°, 25.IX.–9.X.2014, 2 males (TRD-
Cer168, TRD-Cer169), 1 female (TRD-Cer172).
Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 22.V.–5.
VI.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer112). Trondheim, N
63.33958°, E 10.44285°, 31.VII.–14.VIII.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer49). Trondheim, N 63.33958°,
E 10.44285°, 28.VIII.–11.IX.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer41). Åmot, N 61.1788°, E 11.4022°, 28.IV.
11. V. 2016, 1 male (HED-Cer30).
Distribution. This Forcipomyia species has
been reported from few European countries,
the East Palaearctic, and the Nearctic Region
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). In Fennoscandia it is
known from Norway (Hagan et al. 2000, the rst
country record; Stur & Borkent 2014) and Finland
(Salmela et al. 2015).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACC1681: Norway, Belarus,
Finland, Sweden.
Comments. The species was reported from
Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent 2014) as F.
hygrophila and F. sp. 1ES. It is worth mentioning
that these specimens belong to other BINs
(BOLD:ACB8284, BOLD:ACB8279) that the
ones from Trøndelag and Innlandet counties.
Moreover, males from all the BINs t well to
the original description of F. hygrophila while
females show some variations in shape of palpus,
seminal capsules and subgenital plate. It is thus
possible that the examined specimens represent
more than one species.
Forcipomyia nigra (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Birkeland, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, June–July 2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer110). Drangedal, N 59.05694°, E 08.71673°,
20.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer19). Engerdal, N
61.83656°, E 11.79125°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer285). Melhus, N 63.22042°, E
10.29148°, 31.VII.–14.VIII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer207). Rendalen, N 61.5561°, E 11.1686°,
26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer202). Stor-
Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V. –9.
VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer319), 1 female (HED-
Cer65). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°, E 11.10112°,
20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 2 males (HED-Cer13, HED-
Cer16), 2 females (HED-Cer18, HED-Cer24).
Tolga, N 62.387028°, E 11.118861°, 23.VI.–11.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer134). Trondheim,
N 63.2744°, E 10.5613°, 14.–18.VIII.2014, 1
male (TRD-Cer100), 1 female (TRD-Cer103).
Trondheim, N 63.274°, E 10.561°, 11.–25.
IX.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer40). Trondheim,
N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°, 5.–19.VI.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer91). Trondheim, N 63.33958°,
E 10.44285°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 3 females (TRD-
Cer187, TRD-Cer190, TRD-Cer192). Trondheim,
N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°, 31.VII.–14.VIII.2014,
1 female (TRD-Cer48).
Distribution. The species is widely distributed
in Europe, and it has also been reported from North
Africa. From Nordic countries it is known from
Denmark, Finland, and Norway (Szadziewski et
al. 2013) where the rst country record comes
from Hagan’s et al. 2000 paper. Forcipomyia
nigra was listed later also from Finnmark region
(Stur & Borkent 2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3942: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,
Forcipomyia nigrans Remm, 1962b
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Rendalen, N 61.5561°,
E 11.1686°, 17.VIII.–2.IX.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer203). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.3784°, E 11.1917°,
14.–26.V. 2016, 1 male (HED-Cer152). Stor-
Elvdal, N 61.3784°, E 11.1917°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016,
3 males (HED-Cer51, HED-Cer64, HED-
Cer320), 1 female (HED-Cer69). Stor-Elvdal,
N 61.3784°, E 11.1917°, 4.–17.VIII.2016, 1
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
male (HED-Cer213). Trondheim, N 63.3813°, E
10.6099°, 6.VI.2010, 1 male (TRD-Cer3). Åmot,
N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer273). Åmot, N 61.1788°, E 11.4022°,
4.–17.VIII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer187).
Distribution. So far, Forcipomyia nigrans
is known only from Estonia, Germany, Great
Britain, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, and the
East Palaearctic (Szadziewski et al. 2013). From
Norway it was reported for the rst time by Hagan
et al. (2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACM5599: Norway, Canada,
Finland, Sweden.
Comments. We have re-examined the
specimens from Finnmark region identied as F.
nigrans (Stur & Borkent 2014) and they turned
out to belong to F. sphagnophila Kieer, 1925a.
Forcipomyia pallida (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b)
(for identication of males only).
Material examined. Melhus, N 63.21712°,
E 10.30765°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer298). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.74614°, E 10.74618°,
7.VII.2008, 1 female (AT-Cer11). Trondheim, N
63.27444°, E 10.56131°, 14.–18.VIII.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer104). Trondheim, N 63.27444°,
E 10.56131°, 11.–25.IX.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Distribution. The species is occurring in the
Holarctic Region (Szadziewski et al. 2013), but
it has not been reported from Norway before (see
comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACR2789: Norway, Bulgaria,
Germany, Sweden.
Comments. Although the rst information
about Forcipomyia pallida in Norway (Austad
in Agder county) come from Lundström’s paper
(1913), this record is rather not reliable.
DNA from the examined female specimens
matches Swedish specimens (NHRS) correctly
identied as F. pallida (one male specimen was
available for our studies).
Forcipomyia pulchrithorax Edwards, in
Saunders 1924
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (2007b).
Material examined. Folldal, N 61.98115°,
E 10.02373°, 22.IX.2008, 1 male (AT-Cer16).
Melhus, N 63.22042°, E 10.29148°, 28.VIII.
11.IX.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer211). Melhus, N
63.21712°, E 10.30765°, 25.IX.–9.X.2014, 1 male
(TRD-Cer173). Søgne, N 58.08952°, E 07.83998°,
30.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer39). Trondheim,
N 63.33958°, E 10.44258°, 28.VIII.–11.IX.2014,
1 female (TRD-Cer42). Trondheim, N 63.429°, E
10.379°, 23.IV.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer11).
Distribution. Although the species is known
from several countries in Eurasia, it has not
been reported from any of the Nordic countries
before (Szadziewski et al. 2013). Forcipomyia
pulchrithorax is new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACO9087: Norway, Bulgaria,
Sweden; BOLD:ACO5698: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Egypt, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland.
Forcipomyia sphagnophila Kieer, 1925a
Literature for identication. Remm (1972)
(mostly for identication of males).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19819°, E 07.99590°, 26.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer173). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.3784°, E
11.1917°, 4.–17.VIII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer212). Trondheim, N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°,
17.–31.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer189).
Trondheim, N 63.44887°, E 10.45362°, 2.–9.
VIII.2013, 1 female (TRD-Cer157). Åmot,
N 61.1788°, E 11.4022°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer104). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.3784°,
E 11.1917°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution. Forcipomyia sphagnophila
is not very often reported even if it is known
from both the Palaearctic and Nearctic Regions
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). It is the rst record of
the species from Norway and the Nordic countries
(see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3952: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Sweden.
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
United States.
Comments. The species was reported from
Finnmark region by Stur & Borkent (2014) as F.
nigrans Remm, 1962b.
Identication of the currently examined
females was based chiey on DNA match with
male specimens from Finnmark region (NTNU)
belonging to the same BIN.
Forcipomyia squamigera Kieer, in Thienemann
& Kieer 1916
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (2007b).
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 3
males (HED-Cer52, HED-Cer53, HED-Cer56)
(DNA barcoding failed for HED-Cer52, HED-
Cer56), 3 females (HED-Cer66, HED-Cer68,
HED-Cer324). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°,
9.–23.VI.2016, 2 females (HED-Cer260, HED-
Cer261). Åmot, N 61.1788°, E 11.4022°, 11.–21.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer101).
Distribution. This Forcipomyia species
is known only from few European countries
(Szadziewski et al. 2013), but nonetheless it
has been reported from Finland (Salmela et al.
2015), Norway (Szadziewski et al. 2007b, the
rst country record) and Sweden (Thienemann
& Kieer 1916). A second record from Norway,
from Finnmark region, was provided by Stur &
Borkent (2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACF8504: Norway, Germany,
Comments. Forcipomyia squamigera was
reported from Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent
2014), but the single male belongs to another BIN
(BOLD:ACA4431) than the currently examined
Forcipomyia tenuis (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b)
(for identication of males only).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.11939°, E 07.92635°, 27.VIII.2019, 1 female
(MM-Cer01). Trondheim, N 63.44887°, E
10.45362°, 24.VI.–1.VII.2013, 1 female (TRD-
Cer167). Trondheim, N 63.44887°, E 10.45362°,
2.–9.VIII.2013, 1 female (TRD-Cer158).
Distribution. Forcipomyia tenuis is known
from few European countries and from the Near
East (Szadziewski et al. 2013). The rst record
of this species from Norway was given by Stur &
Borkent (2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3987: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, France, Germany, Sweden.
Comments. DNA of the examined females
matches with male specimens of F. tenuis from
Finnmark region belonging to the same BIN (Stur
& Borkent 2014).
Subgenus Microhelea Kieer, 1917b
Forcipomyia fuliginosa (Meigen, 1818)
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.20850°, E 08.00650°, 26.VI.2020, 1 male
(NTNU-VM 227044). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°,
E 08.00007°, 21.VII.–6.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer70). Nissedal, N 59.03878°, E 08.46326°,
21.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer22). Stor-Elvdal,
N 61.42422°, E 11.10112°, 20.VIII.–16.IX.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer14), 1 female (HED-Cer19).
Distribution. Forcipomyia fuliginosa is a
worldwide distributed species (Szadziewski et al.
2013), which was reported from Norway for the
rst time by Hagan et al. (2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEC3440: Norway; BOLD:
AEC6077: Norway, Sweden; BOLD:AEC6078:
Norway, Sweden; BOLD:AEC3819: Norway.
Subgenus Panhelea Remm, 1980
Forcipomyia aristolochiae (Rondani, 1860)
Literature for identication. Remm &
Zhogolev (1968) (as pontica).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.06956°, E 07.98100°, 29.VIII.2019, 1 male
Distribution. Records of Forcipomyia
aristolochiae originate mostly from western and
southern parts of Europe. From Nordic countries
it has been listed so far only from Iceland
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). The species in new to
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACO6858: Norway, Bulgaria,
France, Georgia, Germany, Kenya, Lebanon,
Subgenus Synthyridomyia Saunders, 1957
Forcipomyia acidicola (Tokunaga, 1937)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski
(1986), Alwin-Kownacka et al. (2016a).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 27.VI.2020, 1 male
(NTNU-VM 227040).
Distribution. This widely distributed
species, known from Eurasia and North America
(Alwin-Kownacka et al. 2016a), was reported
from Norway (Viken county) for the rst time
by Hagan et al. (2000). Stur & Borkent (2014)
noted presence of Forcipomyia acidicola also in
Finnmark region (see comments below).
|Comments. All specimens of BIN: BOLD:
ABW3996 identied by Stur & Borkent (2014) as
Forcipomyia knockensis Goetghebuer, 1938 also
belong to F. acidicola.
Subgenus Thyridomyia Saunders, 1925
Forcipomyia monilicornis (Coquillett, 1905)
Literature for identication. Remm (1962b).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N 58.19202°,
E 08.07420°, 26.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer36). Kristiansand, N 58.19118°, E 08.07106°,
26.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer41), 1 female
(MM-Cer42). Engerdal, N 61.8859°, E 11.7828°,
11.–21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer136), 1 female
(HED-Cer138). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E
11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer325). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
5.–19.VI.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer146).
Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 17.–31.
VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer126). Tvedestrand, N
58.54531°, E 08.81223°, 19.VI.2020, 2 females
(MM-Cer154, MM-Cer155).
Distribution. Forcipomyia monilicornis
is a widely distributed species known from
the Palaearctic, Nearctic, Afrotropical, and
Australasian Regions (Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Borkent & Dominiak 2020). In the Nordic
countries it has been reported from Denmark,
Finland, and Norway (Szadziewski et al. 2013).
From Norway the species is known from Vestland
and Viken counties (Hagan et al. 2000, the rst
country record) and from Finnmark region (Stur
& Borkent 2014) (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System BOLD:ACQ8860: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Sweden; BOLD:
ADG6930: Norway, Canada; BOLD:ACG5153:
Norway, Canada, Sweden; BOLD:ACN2557:
Norway, Russia, Sweden; BOLD:ACZ5332:
Norway, Georgia, Germany, Sweden.
Comments. The species was reported from
Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent 2014) as F.
monilicornis, F. sp. 4ES and F. sp. 5ES. It is worth
noting that all these specimens belong to other
BOLD:AAG6538) than the ones from Trøndelag,
Innlandet, and Agder counties.
Subgenus Trichohelea Goetghebuer, 1920
Forcipomyia chaetoptera Remm, 1962b
Literature for identication. Alwin &
Szadziewski (2013).
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N 61.3784°,
E 11.1917°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution. Forcipomyia chaetoptera is
reported from Estonia, Lithuania, Poland (Alwin
& Szadziewski 2013), Finland (Salmela et al.
2015), and from Finnmark region in Norway (Stur
& Borkent 2014, the rst country record).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABZ8720: Norway, Finland,
Germany, Georgia, Sweden.
Comments. Like other members of the
subgenus Trichohelea Goetghebuer, 1920, females
of this species are most probably ectoparasites on
other insects.
Forcipomyia eques (Johannsen, 1908)
Literature for identication. Alwin &
Szadziewski (2013).
Material examined. Åmot, N 61.1788°,
E 11.4022°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Distribution. The species is known from
many localities in Europe, Asia, and North
America (Alwin & Szadziewski 2013), and from
Norway it was reported for the rst time by Tjeder
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACP8376: Norway.
Comments. Forcipomyia eques is an
ectoparasite of various species of net-winged
insects (Alwin & Szadziewski 2013).
Forcipomyia tonnoiri (Goetghebuer, 1920)
Literature for identication. Alwin &
Szadziewski (2013).
Material examined. Arendal, N 58.46155°,
E 08.69623°, 19.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer159).
Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 4.–21.
VI.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer283). Stor-Elvdal, N
61.3784°, E 11.1917°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female
Distribution. Up to now, Forcipomyia
tonnoiri has been reported from many European
countries, the Far East and North America (Alwin
& Szadziewski 2013). The species in new to
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEF4583: Norway. BOLD:
ACN5590: Norway, Russia.
Comments. Females of this species are known
to suck hemolymph from wings of lepidopterans
(Alwin & Szadziewski 2013).
Unidentied species of Forcipomyia
Forcipomyia sp. 8ES
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 6.–21.VIII.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer77). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.74614°,
E 10.74618°, 7.VII.2008, 1 female (AT-Cer14).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.
VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer323). Tolga, N
62.387028°, E 11.118861°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer239). Tolga, N 62.387028°, E
11.118861°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer132). Tynset, N 62.2554°, E 10.9073°, 9.–23.
VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer41).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX1616: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. Forcipomyia sp. 8ES is a darkly
coloured species, very similar to Forcipomyia
squamigera Kieer, in Thienemann & Kieer
1916 (see Szadziewski et al. 2007b) but parameres
in male genitalia are not so widely separated at
base (like in F. tenuisquama sensu Remm 1962b).
Females have lanceolate setae on all legs.
Forcipomyia sp. 12ES
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N 61.3784°,
E 11.1917°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG5672: Norway.
Comments. The single examined female of
the subgenus Forcipomyia s. str. Meigen, 1818
has slender attened scales on tibiae, two seminal
capsules and stout third palpal segment.
Forcipomyia sp. 13ES
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer67).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG5670: Norway.
Comments. This female of the subgenus
Forcipomyia s. str. Meigen, 1818 has slender
attened scales on tibiae, two seminal capsules
and moderately swollen third palpal segment.
Forcipomyia sp. 14ES
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.8859°,
E 11.7828°, 17.VIII.–2.IX.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer236). Rendalen, N 61.55606°, E 11.16856°,
9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer283).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAG6429: Norway, Canada,
Finland, Sweden, United States.
Comments. It is a darkly pigmented species
with wing 2.0 mm long and narrow 3rd palpal
segment bearing small sensory pit. Antennal
agellomeres are not conuent. In general, male
genitalia are very similar to those in Forcipomyia
nigra (Winnertz, 1852), but parameres seem to be
slightly shorter and evenly tapering towards apex.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Forcipomyia sp. 15ES
Material examined. Trondheim, N 63.44887°,
E 10.45362°, 20.–30.VIII.2013, 1 female (TRD-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACS7557: Norway, Germany,
Comments. The female of the subgenus
Forcipomyia s. str. Meigen, 1818 has 3rd palpal
segment enlarged at base and bearing a deep
sensory pit, wing length 1.4 mm, and two slightly
uneven seminal capsules with short necks.
Forcipomyia sp. 16ES
Material examined. Songdalen, N 58.15703°,
E 07.82569°, 30.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABY0553: Norway, Canada.
Comments. The single female Forcipomyia s.
str. Meigen, 1818 with a pale spot on wing and an
enlarged 3rd palpal segment bearing deep sensory
pit was collected near an oxbow lake in Agder
Forcipomyia sp. 17ES
Material examined. Sogndalen, N 58.15703°,
E 07.82569°, 30.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAG6433: Norway, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Canada, China, Germany, Malaysia,
Russia, Sweden, United States.
Comments. The single, dark coloured female
of the subgenus Forcipomyia s. str. Meigen, 1818
has a pale spot on wings and stout base of 3rd
palpal segment.
Forcipomyia sp. 18ES
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 21.VI.–8.VII.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer85).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEC3718: Norway.
Comments. The specimen examined with
stout basal part of 3rd palpal segment belongs to
the subgenus Forcipomyia s. str. Meigen, 1818.
Forcipomyia sp. 19ES
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.74614°, E 10.74618°, 7.VII.2008, 1 female
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAL7406: Norway, Canada.
Comments. The single female examined
belongs to the subgenus Forcipomyia s. str.
Meigen, 1818, it has an enlarged base of 3rd palpal
segment, and two uneven seminal capsules. The
specimen was collected with a Malaise trap at a
riverbank of the Atna river in Innlandet county.
Forcipomyia sp. 20ES
Material examined. Trondheim, N 63.33958°,
E 10.44285°, 5.–19.VI.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACS2566: Norway.
Comments. This female of Forcipomyia s.
str. Meigen, 1818 has only slightly enlarged base
of 3rd palpal segment, and a single, retort shaped
Forcipomyia sp. 22ES
Material examined. Tolga, N 62.387028°, E
11.118861°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer133). Røros, N 62.6889°, E 11.8316°, 22.VI.–
6.VII.2006, 1 female (TRD-Cer283) (DNA
barcoding failed).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG5110: Norway.
Comments. The two examined females
are close to the Swedish specimens identied
as Forcipomyia litoraurea (Ingram & Mace,
1924) (NHRS). However, they belong to another
cluster and shape of their antennal agellomeres
diers slightly from the description of female
F. litoraurea given by Remm (1961a). Male
specimens are needed to correctly identify
specimens from this BIN.
Subfamily Ceratopogoninae Newman, 1834
Tribe Culicoidini Kieer, 1911a, c
Genus Culicoides Latreille, 1809
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Subgenus Avaritia Fox, 1955
Culicoides chiopterus (Meigen, 1830)
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Trondheim, N 63.3957°,
E 10.5537°, 28.IX.2015, 1 female (TRD-Cer308).
Distribution. It is a widely distributed and
commonly reported species, in Nordic countries
known from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden
(Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Huldén & Huldén 2014). The rst country record
for Norway was given by Mehl (1996), and
later the species was mentioned also from other
localities by Mraz (1997) and Thunes et al. (2021).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEH0796: Norway.
Culicoides dewul Goetghebuer, 1936
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Marnadal, N 58.26750°,
E 07.45603, 26.–31.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer93) (DNA barcoding failed).
Distribution. Culicoides dewul has been
reported from many European countries,
including Finland, Norway and Sweden, the Near
East and the East Palaearctic (Mathieu et al. 2012,
Szadziewski et al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014).
Mehl (1996) was the rst author who mentioned
the species from Norway.
Culicoides gornostaevae Mirzaeva, 1984
Literature for identication. Kirkeby &
Dominiak (2014).
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, July 2019, 1 female (MM-Cer327).
Trondheim, N 63.3827°, E10.60781°, 20.VI.2010,
1 male (NO 106).
Distribution. So far, the species is known
only from localities in Norway, Poland, Russia
(Siberia) and Sweden (Kirkeby & Dominiak
2014). The rst record from Norway comes from
Vestland county (Kirkeby & Dominiak 2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACF1108: Norway, Austria,
Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Germany, Latvia,
Lithuania, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland.
Culicoides obsoletus (Meigen, 1818)
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°, E
08.23990°, August 2019, 1 female (MM-Cer276).
Kristiansand, N 58.110290°, E 07.934234°, June
2019, 1 female (MM-Cer12). Kristiansand, N
58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer136). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E
11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer58). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°, E 11.10112°,
20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer09).
Trondheim, N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°, 5.–19.
VI.2014, 2 females (TRD-Cer86, TRD-Cer87).
Trondheim, N 63.2744°, E 10.5613°, 14.–18.
VIII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer101). Åmot, N
61.1788°, E 11.4022°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female
Distribution. Another species of the subgenus
which is known from many localities in Europe,
the East Palaearctic, the Near East, North Africa
and the Nearctic Region (Mathieu et al. 2012,
Szadziewski et al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014).
We consider the information about Culicoides
obsoletus provided by Mehl (1996) as the rst
valid record from Norway (see comments below).
The species was reported also by Hagan et al.
(2000) and Thunes et al. (2021).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAM6198: Norway, Austria,
Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France,
Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Macedonia, Morocco, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom,
United States; BOLD:ACF9576: Norway, Austria,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland.
Comments. The name was mentioned from
Norway already by Zetterstedt (1850) and later
also by Siebke (1863, 1877) and Storm (1907).
However, we treat these records as doubtful
until the voucher specimens from the original
collections are re-examined.
Culicoides scoticus Downes & Kettle, 1952
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, August 2019, 1 male (MM-Cer272),
1 female (MM-Cer274) (DNA barcoding failed
for both specimens). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°,
E 11.10112°, 20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 3 males
(HED-Cer03, HED-Cer05, HED-Cer06), 2
females (HED-Cer10, HED-Cer11). Trondheim,
N 63.274°, E 10.561°, 11.–25.IX.2014, 1 female
Distribution. Culicoides scoticus is known
from many European countries, North Africa, and
the Near East (Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski
et al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014). The species
was reported from Norway for the rst time by
Mehl (1996), and later also by Hagan et al. (2000)
and Thunes et al. (2021).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAZ3985: Norway, Austria,
Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia,
Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Serbia,
Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
United Kingdom.
Subgenus Beltranmyia Vargas, 1953
Culicoides circumscriptus Kieer, 1918
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.110290°, E 07.934234°, June 2019, 1
male (MM-Cer07), 1 female (MM-Cer06).
Kristiansand, N 58.110290°, E 07.934234°,
27.VII.2019, 3 females (MM-Cer268, MM-
Cer270, MM-Cer271). Kristiansand, N
58.110290°, E 07.934234°, 21.VIII.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer320).
Distribution. Culicoides circumscriptus
occurs in the Palaearctic, Afrotropical and Oriental
Regions and it has been reported from many
localities in Europe, including the Fennoscandian
Peninsula (Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al.
2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014). The species in new
to the Norwegian fauna (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACO3870: Norway, Egypt,
Montenegro, Turkey; BOLD:ABX3077: Norway,
Egypt, Israel, Montenegro. BOLD:AAV9748:
Norway, Egypt, France, Israel, Morocco, Sweden.
Comments. In various catalogs and checklists
(e.g. Remm 1988, Szadziewski et al. 1997, Mathieu
et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013, Borkent &
Dominiak 2020, Borkent et al. 2022) the species
is listed as known from Norway, because two of
its junior synonyms, namely Culicoides salicola
Kieer, 1924a and C. pictidorsum Kieer, 1924a,
are believed to have their locus typicus in the
country. However, we are convinced that the
type locality “Oldesbac” is a misspelled form of
“Oldesloe”, and that it refers to Bad Oldesloe in
Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) where August
Thienemann was collecting materials from saline
habitats at the beginning of 1920s (Thienemann
1926, Mehl 1996, Dau & Martin 2013). Another
record from Norway given by Kieer (1924a),
which also should be considered invalid, concerns
C. newsteadi Austen, 1921 or precisely its junior
synonym C. halophilus Kieer, 1924a. In this
case, Bad Oldesloe was misspelled as “Oldesloc”.
Culicoides manchuriensis Tokunaga, 1941
Literature for identication. Tokunaga
Material examined. Sør-Varanger, N
69.44497°, E 29.89904°, 24.VI.2010, 1 male
Distribution. The species is widely distributed
in Europe, and it is known also from the Near
East, the East Palaearctic, and the Nearctic Region
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). According to Mathieu
et al. (2012), in the Nordic countries it has been
previously reported only from Denmark and
Sweden. Culicoides manchuriensis is new to the
Norwegian fauna (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAP9051: Norway, Canada,
France, Slovakia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzer-
Comments. The single male examined has
been previously mentioned from Finnmark region
as Culicoides salinarius Kieer, 1914 (Stur &
Borkent 2014).
Culicoides salinarius Kieer, 1914
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Material examined. Tolga, N 62.387028°, E
11.118861°, 23.VI.11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer126). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
17.–31.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer124).
Distribution. Culicoides salinarius has been
reported from several European countries as well
as from the East Palaearctic and the Near East
(Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Huldén & Huldén 2014). The rst record from
Norway was given by Mehl (1996) and later it
was listed also by Stur & Borkent (2014) from
Finnmark region.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADS6479: Norway, Bulgaria,
Culicoides sphagnumensis Williams, 1955
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.8859°,
E 11.7828°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution. Although not mentioned from
many countries, the species occurs in both the
Palaearctic and Nearctic Regions (Szadziewski
et al. 2013). Culicoides sphagnumensis has been
reported from nearly all the Nordic countries
(except Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland)
(Mathieu et al. 2012, Huldén & Huldén 2014)
including Norway (Mehl 1996, the rst country
record; Hagan et al. 2000; Stur & Borkent 2014)
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3965: Norway, Lithuania,
Subgenus Culicoides Latreille, 1809
Culicoides boyi Nielsen, Kristensen & Pape,
Literature for identication. Nielsen et al.
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, July 2019, 1 female (MM-Cer284)
(DNA barcoding failed).
Distribution. The species was described from
Denmark (Kristensen & Pape 2015) and it is new
to the Norwegian fauna.
Culicoides grisescens Edwards, in Edwards et
al. 1939
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, July 2019, 1 female (MM-Cer329).
Birkenes, N 58.33339°, E 08.23990°, August
2019, 2 females (MM-Cer273, MM-Cer330)
(DNA barcoding of the latter specimen failed).
Folldal, N 61.98115°, E 10.02373°, 24.VIII.2008,
1 male (AT-Cer2), 1 female (AT-Cer3). Folldal,
N 61.98115°, E 10.02373°, 22.IX.2008, 1
female (AT-Cer17). Folldal, N 61.98115°, E
10.02373°, 29.IX.2008, 1 male (AT-Cer18), 1
female (AT-Cer19). Kristiansand, N 58.110290°,
E 07.934234°, 27.VII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer269). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°,
11.–25.IX.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer51). Melhus,
N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer290). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°,
E 11.10112°, 20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer04), 2 females (HED-Cer08, HED-
Cer12). Tolga, N 62.387028°, E 11.118861°,
19.IX.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer167). Trondheim,
N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°, 25.IX.–9.X.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer215). Trondheim, N 63.27444°,
E 10.56131°, 14.–18.VIII.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer99). Trondheim, N 63.27444°, E 10.56131°,
25.IX.–9.X.2014, 2 females (TRD-Cer170, TRD-
Cer171). Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°,
31.VII.–14.VIII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer224).
Trondheim, N 63.27444°, E 10.56131°, 11.–25.
IX.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer38).
Distribution. The species is known from most
of the countries from Eastern, Western and Northern
Europe, and it has been reported also from the
East Palaearctic and the Near East (Mathieu et al.
2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén
2014). From Norway, Culicoides grisescens was
mentioned for the rst time by Mehl (1996) from
Sørlandet and Østlandet regions. Later Hagan et
al. (2000) reported it again from Østlandet and
Stur & Borkent (2014) from Finnmark region.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAR4918: Norway, Algeria,
Austria, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Sweden,
Switzerland, United Kingdom; BOLD:AEI3120:
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Comments. The specimens examined belong
to two distant clusters, and even if they are
morphologically very similar, it is possible that
they represent two dierent species.
Culicoides impunctatus Goetghebuer, 1920
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Dovre, N 61.99347°, E
9.80343°, 10.VIII.2015, 1 female (EBAI-Dip001).
Engerdal, N 61.88586°, E 11.78283°, 11.–21.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer142). Flekkefjord,
N 58.35775°, E 06.62518°, 22.VIII.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer17). Flekkefjord, N 58.40630°,
E 06.62017°, 24.VIII.20191 female (MM-Cer49).
Marnardal, N 58.26750°, E 07.45603°, 16.VI.–1.
VII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer267). Kristiansand,
N 58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 18.VI.2020, 2 females
(MM-Cer135, MM-Cer137). Kristiansand, N
58.110290°, E 07.934234°, 5.VIII.2019, 1 female
(MM-Cer260). Kristiansand, N 58.22176°, E
08.02128°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer249).
Kristiansand, N 58.06956°, E 07.98100°,
24.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer256). Kristiansand,
N 58.110290°, E 07.934234°, June 2019, 1 female
(MM-Cer10). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°, E
08.07420°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer319).
Distribution. Culicoides impunctatus is
widely distributed in Europe and it has been
reported also from the East Palaearctic and the
Near East (Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al.
2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014). The rst record
from Norway comes from Mehl’s (1996) paper,
and later this species was also listed by Mraz
(1997), Hagan et al. (2000), and Thunes et al.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACG4335: Norway, Denmark,
Germany, Lithuania, Russia, Sweden, United
Culicoides pulicaris (Linnaeus, 1758)
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.110290°, E 07.934234°, 16. V. 2019, 1 female
(MM-Cer28). Kristiansand, N 58.1921, E
08.07525°, 5.IX.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer58)
(DNA barcoding failed). Stor-Elvdal, N
61.42422°, E 11.10112°, 20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer07).
Distribution. This Culicoides species occurs
in both the Palaearctic and Afrotropical Regions,
and it is known from all Nordic countries but
Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland (Mathieu et
al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013). From Norway
it was reported for the rst time by Mehl (1996)
(see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEC5818: Norway, Austria,
Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Lithuania,
Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, United
Comments. The early records of this species
by Siebke (1877) and Storm (1907) cannot be
treated as reliable until the voucher specimens are
Culicoides punctatus (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°, E
08.23990°, August 2019, 1 female (MM-Cer275).
Kristiansand, N 58.110290°, E 07.934234°,
5.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer262). Kristiansand,
N 58.110290°, E 07.934234°, 16. V. 2019, 1 male
(MM-Cer29). Kristiansand, N 58.06956°, E
07.98100°, 29.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer54).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°, E 11.10112°, 16.IX.–5.
XI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer154).
Distribution. Culicoides punctatus is known
from numerous localities in Europe, North
Africa, the East Palaearctic, the Near East and
the Afrotropical Region (Mathieu et al. 2012,
Szadziewski et al. 2013). The species was also
reported from Norway (Mehl 1996, the rst
country record; Mraz 1997).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2603: Norway, Austria,
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France,
Lithuania, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania,
Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey, United Kingdom.
Subgenus Oecacta Poey, 1853
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Culicoides albicans (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Gutsevich
(1973), Glukhova (1995), Mathieu et al. (2012).
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, July 2019, 3 males (MM-Cer288,
MM-Cer289, MM-Cer290) (DNA barcoding
failed for the latter specimen). Engerdal, N
61.88586°, E 11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer225). Engerdal, N 61.83656°, E
11.79125°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer288). Kristiansand, N 58.22296°, E 08.02237°,
18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer121). Kristiansand,
N 58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer253). Kristiansand, N 58.11951°,
E 07.92543°, 4.VI.–21.VI.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer89) (DNA barcoding failed). Kristiansand, N
58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 21.VI.–8.VII.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer84). Kristiansand, N 58.11861°,
E 07.92679°, 24.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer311).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.
VI.2016, 3 males (HED-Cer54, HED-Cer55,
HED-Cer311), 3 females (HED-Cer57, HED-
Cer312, HED-Cer313). Trondheim, N 63.38056°,
E 10.61062°, 20.VI.2010, 1 male (TRD-Cer5).
Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer276).
Distribution. Except for southern part of the
continent, Culicoides albicans is rather widely
distributed in Europe, and it is known also
from the East Palaearctic (Mathieu et al. 2012,
Szadziewski et al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014).
The rst country record for Norway was given
by Hagan et al. (2000) from Viken and Vestland
counties, and later the species was listed also from
Finnmark region by Stur & Borkent (2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3940: Norway, Lithuania,
Sweden; BOLD:ADF8422: Norway.
Culicoides clintoni Boorman, 1984
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.20112°, E 07.98589°, 26.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-
Cer312). Lillesand, N 58.20460°, E 08.23188°,
22.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer130). Trondheim, N
63.40256°, E 10.31742°, 4.VI.2019, 1 pupa (MM-
Distribution. The species has been reported
from few European countries (including Denmark,
Finland, Norway) and the East Palaearctic
(Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Salmela et al. 2015, Szadziewski & Dominiak
2016). The previous records from Norway were
provided by Hagan et al. (2000, the rst country
record) and Thunes et al. 2021.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACG3274: Norway, Germany,
Comments. The adult males were collected on
mires while the single examined pupa was found
in the north part of Haukvatnet lake in Trøndelag
Culicoides furcillatus Callot, Kremer &
Paradis, 1962
Literature for identication. Callot et al.
(1962), Mathieu et al. (2012).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.93559°,
E 12.01148°, 7.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer160).
Distribution. This species is known from the
Iberian Peninsula, British Isles, France, Belgium,
Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Poland,
Slovakia, and Greece (Mathieu et al. 2012,
Szadziewski et al. 2013). Current record is the
rst one for Norway and Fennoscandia.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG5653: Norway.
Comments. The examined female has eyes
separated by a slightly wider distance than a
typical Culicoides furcillatus, but other characters
t well to the original description of this species.
Culicoides lenae Glushchenko & Mirzaeva,
Literature for identication. Glushchenko &
Mirzaeva (1970).
Material examined. Rendalen, N 61.77455°,
E 11.59347°, 17.IX.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer119).
Distribution. So far, Culicoides lenae has
been reported only from Russia (Remm 1988,
Szadziewski et al. 2013). The species in new
to both, the Norwegian fauna and the Nordic
countries (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABZ9443: Norway, Finland.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Comments. Culicoides lenae was
misidentied and reported from Finnmark region
as C. minutissimus (Zetterstedt, 1855) (female
specimen FiCer180) (Stur & Borkent 2014).
The specimens of that BIN were compared with
the type specimens of Culicoides lenae by Andrey
Przhiboro (St. Petersburg).
Subgenus Sensiculicoides Shevchenko, 1977
Culicoides festivipennis Kieer, 1914
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Farsund, N 58.06847°,
E 06.79388°, 26.VI.2020, 1 female (NTNU-VM
Distribution. This Culicoides species is
known from many localities in the Palaearctic
Region (including North Africa and the Near East)
(Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Huldén & Huldén 2014). The species in new to
the Norwegian fauna (see comments below).
Comments. According to the information
from the Fauna Europaea database (Szadziewski
et al. 2013) and the IIKC (Mathieu et al. 2012),
Culicoides festivipennis has been previously
reported from Norway. We found the species
record from Norway only in these databases and
in Artsnavnebase (2015) without being published
Culicoides heliophilus Edwards, 1921
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.110290°, E 07.934234°, June 2019, 1 male
(MM-Cer14). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E
08.00007°, 20.V. 4.VI.2019, 1 male (MM-
Distribution. Known localities of Culicoides
heliophilus are spread throughout Europe, the
East Palaearctic, and the Near East, but so far
in the Nordic countries it has been reported only
from Denmark and Norway (Mathieu et al. 2012,
Szadziewski et al. 2013). Mehl (1996) was the
rst to list this species from Norway, and later it
was mentioned also by Hagan et al. (2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACF7867: Norway, Germany,
Culicoides kibunensis Tokunaga, 1937
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.03572°,
E 09.29243°, 17.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-
Cer117). Engerdal, N 61.88586°, E 11.78283°,
11.–21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer140), 1
female (HED-Cer141). Engerdal, N 61.88586°,
E 11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer222), 1 female (HED-Cer221). Kristiansand,
N 58.16324°, E 08.10116°, 8.–21.VII.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer78). Melhus, N 63.21712°,
E 10.30765°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer21), 3 females (TRD-Cer32, TRD-Cer34,
TRD-Cer36). Røros, N 62.6910°, E 11.8330°,
11.–22.VI.2006, 1 male (TRD-Cer230). Røros,
N 62.6910°, E 11.8330°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 1
female (TRD-Cer272). Røros, N 62.6889°, E
11.8316°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 1 male (SOE424),1
female (TRD-Cer280). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E
11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer257),
1 female (HED-Cer258). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E
11.40217°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution. Culicoides kibunensis is a
widely distributed species in the Holarctic
Region (Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al.
2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014), known also from
Norway, where it was reported for the rst time by
Hagan et al. (2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACG4460: Norway, Austria,
Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Lithuania, Romania,
Slovakia, Spain, Sweden; BOLD:AAG6430:
Norway, Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany,
Lithuania, Spain; BOLD:ACP1255: Norway,
Bulgaria; BOLD:ACR6993: Norway.
Comments. The specimens examined
belong to four dierent BINs, including one
(BOLD:ACR6993) rather distant from the
remaining three. The single male and females from
this BIN look like typical C. kibunensis except for
a bit more irregular shape of the sensory pit on
third palpal segment and slightly shorter neck of
seminal capsules.
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Culicoides comosioculatus Tokunaga, 1956
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.42422°, E 11.10112°, 20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer29), 1 female (HED-Cer28).
Distribution. The species is known from
many localities in the Palaearctic Region (Mathieu
et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013), and it was
reported also from Norway (Hagan et al. 2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADF6075: Norway, Switzerland.
Culicoides maritimus Kieer, 1924b
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer134). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°, E
08.07420°, 27.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM
227038). Kristiansand, N 58.11029°, E 07.93423°,
June 2019, 1 male (MM-Cer08).
Distribution. The species is known from
many European countries, Asia, and North Africa
(Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013), but
it has not been reported previously neither from
Norway nor Fennoscandia.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEG3671: Norway.
Culicoides pictipennis (Stæger, 1839)
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.110290°, E 07.934234°, June 2019, 1 female
(MM-Cer09). Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E
10.55451°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Distribution. Culicoides pictipennis is known
from many localities in the Palaearctic Region
(including North Africa and the Near East)
(Mathieu et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Huldén & Huldén 2014), and from Norway it was
reported for the rst time by Thunes et al. (2021)
(see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAZ3959: Norway, Austria,
Belarus, Bulgaria, France, Lithuania, Russia,
Comments. The name C. pictipennis appeared
for the rst time in Zetterstedt (1850) and further
the same record was repeated by Siebke (1877).
However, in his paper, Soot-Ryen (1943a)
explains that the record concerns C. fascipennis
(Stæger, 1839), what was also corrected by
Zetterstedt himself (Zetterstedt 1855, p. 4862).
One of the currently accepted junior synonyms
of C. pictipennis, namely C. arcuatus (Winnertz,
1852), was mentioned by Soot-Ryen (1943a, p. 7).
He treated it as a valid (?) name and claimed that a
specimen from Dovre was collected and identied/
reported by Siebke. Soot-Ryen (1943a) referred
most probably to one of Siebke’s specimens from
this locality identied as C. obsoletus (Meigen,
1818) (shown as a doubtful record in Table 1).
The latter name was incorrectly synonimized with
C. arcuatus by Zetterstedt (1855, p. 4856). In our
opinion this potential record of C. pictipennis from
Soot-Ryen (1943a) should be treated as invalid.
Subgenus Silvaticulicoides Glukhova, 1977
Culicoides fascipennis (Stæger, 1839)
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.05694°,
E 08.71673°, 20.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer18).
Engerdal, N 61.88586°, E 11.78283°, 17.VIII.–2.
IX.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer235). Kristiansand,
N 58.110290°, E 07.934234°, 5.VIII.2019, 1 male
Distribution. The species is known from most
of the European countries, the East Palaearctic,
the Near East and North Africa (Mathieu et al.
2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén
2014). It has been reported from all mainland
Nordic countries, including Norway, where the
rst country record was given by Mehl (1996)
(see comments below). Culicoides fascipennis
was later mentioned from other localities in the
country by Mraz (1997) and Stur & Borkent
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAZ4055: Norway, Austria,
France, Lithuania, Montenegro, Russia, Slovakia,
Sweden, Switzerland.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Comments. Soot-Ryen (1943a) stressed that
records of C. pictipennis (Stæger, 1839) from
papers by Zetterstedt (1850) and Siebke (1877)
concern C. fascipennis. Actually, the correction
was made by Zettersted himself (Zetterstedt
1855, p. 4862), what Siebke (1877) has clearly
overlooked. This rst record of C. fascipennis
from Norway is treated by us as doubtful.
Subgenus Wirthomyia Vargas, 1973
Culicoides riouxi Callot & Kremer, 1961
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Melhus, N 63.21712°,
E 10.30765°, 3.–7.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer20). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°, E 08.07420°,
18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer138). Kristiansand,
N 58.110290°, E 07.934234°, June 2019, 1 female
(MM-Cer11). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.42422°, E
11.10112°, 20.VIII.–16.IX.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer27). Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°,
3.–17.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer65).
Distribution. According to Mathieu et al.
(2012) the species has a limited distribution
(France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium) and it
has not been previously reported from Scandinavia.
However, it is known from Finland (Huldén &
Huldén 2014). Culicoides riouxi is a new species
to the Norwegian fauna (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3966: Norway, Austria,
Belarus, Lithuania, Sweden.
Comments. This species was misidentied
and listed from Finnmark region as C. reconditus
Campbell and Pelham-Clinton, 1960 (specimens
FiCer86 and FiCer206) (Stur & Borkent 2014).
Culicoides segnis Campbell & Pelham-Clinton,
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, July 2019, 1 female (MM-Cer328).
Farsund, 26.VI.2020, N 58.06847°, E 06.79388°,
1 female (MM-Cer305). Melhus, N 63.21712°,
E 10.30765°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer297). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°,
19.VI.–3.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer203).
Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°, 3.–17.
VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-Cer35), 1 female (TRD-
Cer33). Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°,
3.–17.VII.2014, 7 males (TRD-Cer55, TRD-
Cer56, TRD-Cer57, TRD-Cer58, TRD-Cer59,
TRD-Cer60, TRD-Cer61), 9 females (TRD-
Cer71, TRD-Cer72, TRD-Cer74, TRD-Cer75,
TRD-Cer76, TRD-Cer79, TRD-Cer83, TRD-
Cer84, TRD-Cer85).
Distribution. Culicoides segnis is rather
widely distributed in Europe (Mathieu et al. 2012,
Szadziewski et al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014),
and from Norway the species was reported for the
rst time by Thunes at al. (2021).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAY9630: Norway, France,
Lithuania, Slovakia, Sweden.
Culicoides, stonei group
Culicoides pallidicornis Kieer, 1919a
Literature for identication. Mathieu et al.
Material examined. Farsund, 26.VI.2020, N
58.06847°, E 06.79388°, 1 male (MM-Cer306).
Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 11.–21.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer100).
Distribution. The species is known from both
the Palaearctic and Nearctic Regions (Mathieu
et al. 2012, Szadziewski et al. 2013, Huldén &
Huldén 2014) but from Norway it was reported
for the rst time just recently, by Thunes et al.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACP1727: Norway, Austria,
Bulgaria, France, Germany, Lithuania, Slovakia,
Sweden, Switzerland.
Tribe Ceratopogonini Newman, 1834
Genus Alluaudomyia Kieer, 1913b
Alluaudomyia quadripunctata (Goetghebuer,
Literature for identication. Knoz &
Ratajský (1987), Szadziewski et al. (2015).
Material examined. Rendalen, N 61.77455°,
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
E 11.59347°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer145), 1 female (HED-Cer144). Rendalen,
N 61.77455°, E 11.59347°, 17.IX.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer115). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E
11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 2 males (HED-
Cer299, HED-Cer300), 1 female (HED-Cer298).
Distribution. So far, Alluaudomyia
quadripunctata has been reported from only
few localities in Europe and the East Palaearctic
(Szadziewski et al. 2013), and the rst record
from Norway was given by Hagan et al. (2000)
from Viken county.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX1443: Norway, Sweden.
Unidentied species of Alluaudomyia
Alluaudomyia sp. 1ES
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.04432°,
E 09.30909°, 17.VI.2020, 1 larva (MM-Cer225).
Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°, 25.IX.–
9.X.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer216)
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACT7539: Norway.
Comments. The specimens of this BIN
most probably belong to Alluaudomyia riparia
Clastrier, 1978, but in this genus, identication
based on females is uncertain. However, wing
patterns and coloration of the legs of the examined
female specimen t well to the original drawings
by Clastrier (1978) and gures in Knoz & Ratajský
Genus Brachypogon Kieer, 1899
Subgenus Brachypogon Kieer, 1899
Brachypogon beaufortanensis Delécolle & Rieb,
Literature for identication. Delécolle &
Rieb (1992).
Material examined. Tolga, N 62.387028°, E
11.118861°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Distribution. The species is known from
French Alps (Delécolle & Rieb 1992) and from
Poland (Szadziewski 2001), and it has not been
reported from Norway before.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX0614: Norway, Germany.
Comments. The examined specimen has 4th
palpomere with one seta, wing length 0.75 mm,
katepisternum with 1 seta, single big spermatheca,
characteristic hooked setae on distal half of hind
basitarus, and pale wings. Although this single
female ts rather well to the original description
of Brachypogon beaufortanensis, male specimens
are needed to conrm the identication and
presence of the species in Norway since B.
fagicola Delécolle and Schiegg, 1999 has a similar
combination of characters. The latter biting midge
species was described from Switzerland and is
known from males only.
Brachypogon cf. nieves (Havelka, 1976)
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer303).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADH8226: Norway.
Comments. The single female specimen
from Hedmark is keying to Brachypogon nieves
(known from Germany, Spain, and France) in
the paper by Szadziewski & Havelka (1984).
However, it has smaller spermatheca (dimension
34 x 48 μm) compared to females examined by
the authors (Szadziewski & Havelka 1984). Male
specimens are needed to conrm the identication
and presence of the species in Norway.
Brachypogon vitiosus (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski &
Havelka (1984).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 20.V. –4.VI.2019, 2
males (MM-Cer106, MM-Cer264). Stor-Elvdal,
N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer304), 1 female (HED-Cer301).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 11.–21.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer84).
Distribution. The species is rather widely
distributed in the Palaearctic Region (Salmela et
al. 2015, Alwin-Kownacka et al. 2016b) and it was
Hagan et al. (2000) who reported Brachypogon
vitiosus from Norway for the rst time.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
System. BOLD:ACJ1070: Norway, Germany;
BOLD:ACN4299: Norway, Russia, Sweden.
Comments. In our materials, the specimens
identied as Brachypogon vitiosus belong to
two, rather distant BINs (BOLD:ACJ1070,
BOLD:ACN4299). Although genital armature of
the examined males seems to be nearly identical,
there is a chance they represent more than one
species. There are two names treated as junior
synonyms of B. vitiosus (see Borkent & Dominiak
2020) but, unfortunately, their descriptions are
based on female specimens only.
Subgenus Isohelea Kieer, 1917b
Brachypogon alpinus (Clastrier, 1961)
Literature for identication. Clastrier
Material examined. Åmot, N 61.17878°,
E 11.40217°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer111), 1 female (HED-Cer112).
Distribution. The species was described from
Austria and is known also from Albania, Germany,
and Switzerland (Szadziewski et al. 2013). It is a
new record of Brachypogon alpinus to Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACU5326: Norway, Germany,
Brachypogon incompletus (Kieer, 1925b)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (1994).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.88586°,
E 11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer229). Flekkefjord, N 58.34622°, E 06.63663°,
23.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer44). Kristiansand,
N 58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019,
1 male (NTNU-VM 227080). Kristiansand, N
58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 21.VI.–8.VII.2019, 1
male (MM-Cer83). Midtre Gauldal, N 63.36169°,
E 10.24103°, 19.VI.2017, 1 pupa (MM-Cer344).
Rendalen, N 61.77455°, E 11.59347°, 17.IX.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer118). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°,
E 11.19175°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Distribution. Brachypogon incompletus has
been reported from several European countries
(including Finland, Norway, and Sweden) and
from the East Palaearctic (Szadziewski et al.
2013). The rst country record from Norway
was provided by Clastrier (1961, as B. lapiae
(Clastrier, 1961)), and later Hagan et al. (2000)
mentioned the species from Viken and Vestland
counties (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3956: Norway, Finland,
Russia, Sweden; BOLD:ACA2830: Norway,
Finland, Sweden.
Comments. The specimens from Finnmark
region mentioned by Stur & Borkent (2014) as
Brachypogon sp. 1ES (BIN: BOLD:ACA2830)
and B. sp. 2ES. (BIN: BOLD:ABW3956)
(specimens FiCer97, FiCer103, FiCer139 are
listed only in the Taxon ID-tree and Appendix)
turned out to be B. incompletus.
The examined specimens belong to two quite
distant clusters and even if they look similar, it is
possible that they represent more than one species.
The single pupa of B. incompletus was collected
from a lake in Trøndelag county.
Brachypogon nitidulus (Edwards, 1921)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (1994).
Material examined. Dovre, N 61.99347°, E
9.80343°, 16.VI.2008, 1 male (AT-Cer1). Engerdal,
N 61.83656°, E 11.79125°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer290). Flekkefjord, N 58.34622°, E
06.63663°, 23.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer43).
Kristiansand, N 58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 20.V.–4.
VI.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer252). Kristiansand, N
58.22296°, E 08.02237°, 5.IX.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer304). Kristiansand, N 58.22296°, E 08.02237°,
18.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer120). Kristiansand,
N 58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019, 1
male (MM-Cer66). Rendalen, N 61.77456°, E
11.59347°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer150). Trondheim, N 63.42502°, E 10.28173°,
26.V.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer9). Tynset, N
62.25544°, E 10.90725°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer38). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40218°,
11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer110).
Distribution. The species is rather widely
distributed in the Palaearctic Region, and in
Nordic countries it is known from Faroe Islands,
Finland, and Norway. According to the Fauna
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Europaea database a presence of this midge in
Denmark is considered doubtful (Szadziewski et
al. 2013). Brachypogon nitidulus was reported
from Norway for the rst time from Viken and
Vestland counties (Hagan et al. 2000), and Stur &
Borkent (2014) listed it later also from Finnmark
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3943: Norway, Finland,
Comments. It is worth noting that some of the
specimens from Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent
2014) belong to another BIN (BOLD:ABW3935)
than the currently examined specimens from
South Norway.
Brachypogon norvegicus Szadziewski & Hagan,
Literature for identication. Szadziewski &
Hagan (2000).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019, 1 male
(NTNU-VM 227081).
Distribution. Brachypogon norvegicus is
currently known only from Finland (Salmela
et al. 2015), Great Britain, Norway, and Poland
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). The species was
described from Norway and until now it was
reported only from Viken and Vestland counties
(Szadziewski & Hagan 2000).
Brachypogon perpusillus (Edwards, 1921)
Literature for identication. Chandler et al.
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.22176°, E 08.02128°, 18.VI.2020, 1 male
(MM-Cer183). Kristiansand, N 58.11951°, E
07.92543°, 21.VI.–8.VII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Distribution. It is not a very often collected
species, with conrmed records coming from
ve European countries only (Szadziewski et al.
2013), including Norway, where it was reported
for the rst time by Hagan et al. (2000) (see
comments below). The newest observation from
the country was given by Thunes et al. (2021).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEC3093: Norway.
Comments. The name was mentioned as
known from Norway in Remm (1988) most
probably due to an invalid synonymization of
Brachypogon perpusillus and B. lapiae (Clastrier,
Brachypogon sociabilis (Goetghebuer, 1920)
Literature for identication. Szadziewski et
al. (1994).
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.03572°,
E 09.29243°, 17.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-
Cer116). Engerdal, N 61.88586°, E 11.78283°,
23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer230).
Folldal, N 61.98115°, E 10.02373°, 30.VI.2008,
1 male (AT-Cer6). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°,
E 08.00007°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer294). Kristiansand, N 58.19819°, E
07.99590°, 26.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer172).
Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 4.–21.
VI.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer281). Marnadal, N
58.26750°, E 07.45603°, 19.V.–2.VI.2019, 1
male (MM-Cer61). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E
10.30765°, 19.VI.–3.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Cer219). Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°,
19.VI.–3.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer206).
Rendalen, N 61.77456°, E 11.59347°, 11.–21.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer151). Trondheim,
N 63.27444°, E 10.56131°, 22.V.–5.VI.2014, 1
male (TRD-Cer16), 2 females (TRD-Cer13, TRD-
Cer14). Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°,
3.–17.VII.2014, 3 females (TRD-Cer73, TRD-
Cer77, TRD-Cer78). Trondheim, N 63.33958°,
E 10.44285°, 5.–19.VI.2014, 2 females (TRD-
Cer89, TRD-Cer90). Tvedestrand, N 58.54531°,
E 08.81223°, 19.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer153).
Distribution. Brachypogon sociabilis is
rather widely distributed in Europe (Szadziewski
et al. 2013), and the rst record of this midge
from Norway was given by Clastrier (1961). The
species was mentioned later from North Norway
also by Stur & Borkent (2014), and from South
Norway by Hagan et al. (2000) and Thunes et al.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW4001: Norway, Sweden;
BOLD:ABW3958: Norway, Canada, Finland,
Germany, Sweden; BOLD:ACE8195: Norway,
Canada, Finland, Germany, Sweden.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Unidentied species of Brachypogon
Brachypogon sp. 3ES
Material examined. Tolga, N 62.387028°,
E 11.118861°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG4684: Norway.
Comments. The single examined male shows
some similarities to Brachypogon incompletus
(Kieer, 1925b) and B. magnipalpis (Clastrier,
1961) but diers from both these species by the
shape of aedeagus and gonostyles.
Brachypogon sp. 4ES
Material examined. Melhus, N 63.21712°,
E 10.30765°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACY4182: Norway.
Comments. It is a small species of the
subgenus Isohelea Kieer, 1917b characterized
by having two setae on katepisternum, two
seminal capsules without well-dened necks, and
abdominal sternite 8 with deep narrow median
notch and two distinct strongly sclerotized lateral
Brachypogon sp. 5ES
Material examined. Trondheim, N 63.3973°,
E 10.5545°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACS1815: Norway.
Comments. It is a species of the subgenus
Isohelea Kieer, 1917b, which in Szadziewski et
al. (1994) is keying to Brachypogon incompletus
(Kieer, 1925b). Male specimens are needed to
identify members of this BIN to species level.
Brachypogon sp. 6ES
Material examined. Trondheim, N 63.27444°,
E 10.56131°, 22.V.–5.VI.2014, 1 female (TRD-
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACO4024: Norway.
Comments. The examined female specimen
belongs to the subgenus Isohelea Kieer, 1917b.
It has long, slightly uneven claws with inner tooth
and two seminal capsules with moderately long
Brachypogon sp. 7ES
Material examined. Åmot, N 61.17878°, E
11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer264),
2 females (HED-Cer266, HED-Cer280).
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:ADI0996: Norway;
BOLD:ADH9057: Norway.
Comments. The examined specimens
belong to two close clusters. The male resembles
Brachypogon hyperboreus (Clastrier, 1961) in
shape of gonostyles (slender, pointed at top), but
diers in aedeagus details.
Genus Ceratoculicoides Wirth &
Ratanaworabhan, 1971
Unidentied species of Ceratoculicoides
Ceratoculicoides sp. 1ES
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19875°, E 07.99710°, 23.VI.2020, 1 female
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System.BOLD:ACX0816: Norway, Germany,
Montenegro, Sweden.
Comments. There are two species of
Ceratoculicoides known to occur in Europe and
none of them have been reported from Norway
before. Male specimens are needed to correctly
identify members of this genus to species level.
Genus Ceratopogon Meigen, 1803
Ceratopogon abstrusus Borkent & Grogan,
Literature for identication. Borkent &
Grogan (1995).
Material examined. Røros, N 62.6889°,
E 11.8316°, 11.–22.VI.2006, 1 female (TRD-
Cer243) (short CO1 sequence). Tolga, N
62.387028°, E 11.118861°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer238).
Distribution. This Nearctic species (Borkent
& Grogan 1995) was reported for the rst time
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
from both the Palaearctic Region and Norway by
Stur & Borkent (2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAP6905: Norway, Canada,
Finland, Sweden.
Ceratopogon grandiforceps (Kieer, 1913c)
Literature for identication. Borkent &
Grogan (1995).
Material examined. Tolga, N 62.387028°, E
11.118861°, 19.IX.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer172).
Distribution. According to Fauna Europaea
database, Ceratopogon grandiforceps is known
from British Isles, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Germany, Poland, Russia (Szadziewski et al.
2013) (see comments below). Information about
presence of this species in Norway (Finnmark
region) was published for the rst time by Stur &
Borkent (2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3984: Norway, Germany.
Comments. Borkent & Grogan (1995) do not
conrm the records from Czechia, Germany and
Russia. Moreover, they (Borkent & Grogan 1995)
designated a neotype for C. parvula (Kieer,
1925a), a junior synonym of C. grandiforceps,
changing its locus typicus from Russia to Great
Ceratopogon cf. inverecundus Borkent &
Grogan, 1995
Material examined. Røros, N 62.6903°,
E 11.8415°, 11.–22.VI.2006, 1 female (TRD-
Cer236). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.74614°, E 10.74618°,
7.VII.2008, 1 female (AT-Cer9). Tolga, N
62.387028°, E 11.118861°, 19.IX.2016, 1 male
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX5097: Norway.
Comments. Ceratopogon inverecundus was
described from Canada (British Columbia) by
Borkent & Grogan (1995). Among the currently
examined specimens there was only one male,
which in general ts to the original description of
the species. However, more male specimens are
needed to conrm the identication.
Ceratopogon lacteipennis Zetterstedt, 1838
Literature for identication. Borkent &
Grogan (1995).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019, 2 males
(MM-Cer65, NTNU-VM 227079). Kristiansand,
N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 6.–20.V.2019, 1 male
(MM-Cer279). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E
08.00007°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019, 3 males (MM-Cer98,
MM-Cer99, MM-Cer265) (DNA barcoding
failed for MM-Cer99). Lillesand, N 58.20460°,
E 08.23188°, 22.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-
Cer129). Lillesand, N 58.20626°, E 08.23249°,
22.VI.2020, 2 males (MM-Cer147, NTNU-VM
227061). Tolga, N 62.387028°, E 11.118861°,
16.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer156). Tynset,
N 62.2554°, E 10.9073°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer39). Tynset, N 62.25544°, E 10.90725°,
11.–21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer88). Tynset, N
62.25544°, E 10.90725°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer178).
Distribution. Except southern regions, the
species is known from several countries in Europe
(Szadziewski et al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014;
for more details see Borkent & Grogan 1995, pp.
71, 72). Ceratopogon lacteipennis was described
from Senja (Finmark region) by Zetterstedt
(1838), and later it was reported also from other
localities in the country (Hagan et al. 2000, Stur
& Borkent 2014) (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACA4516: Norway, Finland,
Comments. Following Borkent & Grogan’s
suggestion (1995, p. 16) to treat as doubtful
records of Ceratopogon Meigen, 1803 based
on specimens which should be re-identied, we
consider an information about occurrence of this
species in Filefjell mountains in Innlandet county
(Siebke 1877) as questionable.
One of the paralectotypes of C. lacteipennis
belong in fact to Palpomyia spinipes (Meigen, in
Panzer 1806) (Szadziewski 1986).
Genus Monohelea Kieer, 1917b
Monohelea estonica Remm, 1965
Literature for identication. Remm (1965),
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Dominiak & Michalczuk (2009).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 21.VII.–6.VIII.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer67). Kristiansand, N 58.20850°,
E 08.00650°, 23.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM
Distribution. The valid records of this species
come from Czech Republic, Estonia, France,
Poland, and Russia (Szadziewski et al. 2013).
Monohelea estonica in new to the Norwegian
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX1539: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. We have been able to re-examine
a Swedish specimen of M. estonica (NHRS)
belonging to the same BIN. It was correctly
identied to the species level, but the wrong
gender was stated for this specimen in the BOLD
System (it should be female not male).
Genus Schizohelea Kieer, 1917b
Schizohelea leucopeza (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Clastrier (1963)
(as xanthopeza), Wirth & Grogan (1988).
Material examined. Arendal, N 58.45981°,
E 08.69339°, 19.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-
Cer119). Flekkefjord, N 58.37324°, E 06.63159°,
24.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer55). Marnadal,
N 58.26750°, E 07.45603°, 1.–15.VII.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer92). Marnadal, N 58.26750°,
E 07.45603°, 15.–31.VII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer63). Røros, N 62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–6.
VII.2006, 1 male (TRD-Cer260), 1 female (TRD-
Cer261). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
5.–19.VI.2014, 2 females (TRD-Cer143, TRD-
Cer145). Trondheim, N 63.42927°, E 10.37856°,
17.–31.VII.2014, 3 females (TRD-Cer115,
TRD-Cer120, TRD-Cer121). Trondheim, N
63.42927°, E 10.37856°, 28.VIII.–11.IX.2014, 1
female (TRD-Cer138). Tynset, N 62.25544°, E
10.90725°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Distribution. Schizohelea leucopeza has a
Holarctic distribution (Szadziewski et al. 2013)
and from Norway it was reported for the rst time
by Clastrier (1963) as Monohelea xanthopeza
Clastrier, 1963 (see comments below). Another
country record comes from Hagan’s at al. (2000)
paper who listed it from Viken county.
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:ACY5060: Norway;
BOLD:ACL4093: Norway, Canada, Germany,
Sweden, United States.
Comments. We are not entirely sure how to
treat a short note by Zetterstedt (1855, p. 4855)
stating that there is no dierence between his
specimens of Ceratopogon niveipennis Meigen,
1818 and Schizohelea copiosa (Winnertz, 1852)
(currently a junior synonym of S. leucopeza).
However, we added this information as a
doubtful record of S. leucopeza from Norway in
the Table 1, even if it comes from a paragraph
in Zetterstedt’s paper (1855) concerning C.
niveipennis. There are two reasons in favor of
such decision. First, from the revision of the genus
Ceratopogon Meigen, 1803 (Borkent & Grogan
1995, p. 62) it is known that Zettersted’t (1850)
description of C. niveipennis was in fact based on
specimens of Schizohelea Kieer, 1917. Second,
in the literature cited, Zetterstedt (1855) listed
his previous publication with Norwegian record
of a male specimen collected by Siebke in Tøyen
(Oslo) (Zetterstedt 1852, p. 4350). This male from
Norway and a female from Sweden were the only
specimens from Scandinavia available for his
studies, and it means that exactly these particular
specimens look like S. copiosa. The record from
Tøyen (obviously still as C. niveipennis) was
repeated by Siebke (1877) and Soot-Ryen (1943a).
It is worth noting that the sequences of the
two BINs are very distant and it is possible that
the examined specimens, although identied as S.
leucopeza, belong to two dierent species.
Identication of the examined males were
based on DNA match with females from the same
BINs and a description and drawings given by
Wirth & Grogan (1988).
Genus Serromyia Meigen, 1818
Serromyia atra (Meigen, 1818)
Literature for identication. Borkent &
Bissett (1990).
Material examined. Åmot, N 61.17878°, E
11.40217°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Distribution. Serromyia atra has been
reported from several European countries, and
in Fennoscandia it was known until now from
Finland and Sweden (Borkent & Bissett 1990,
Szadziewski et al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014).
The species is new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG4871: Norway.
Serromyia femorata (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Borkent &
Bissett (1990).
Material examined. Folldal, N 62.18118°, E
09.77518°, 27.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer174).
Lister, N 58.068486°, E 06.6781623°, 04.VI.2019,
1 male (MM-Cer32). Os, N 62.53101°, E
11.15145°, 30.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer163).
Røros, N 62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–6.
VII.2006, 1 female (TRD-Cer245). Tolga, N
62.387028°, E 11.118861°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer196). Tolga, N 62.387028°, E
11.118861°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer121). Tynset, N 62.25544°, E 10.90725°,
9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer34), 1 female
(HED-Cer33). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°,
11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer93).
Distribution. In Western Palaearctic it is a
very widely distributed species (Borkent & Bissett
1990, Szadziewski et al. 2013). The rst reliable
record of Serromyia femorata from Norway
was given by Zetterstedt (1850) (specimens re-
examined by Borkent & Bissett 1990 and locality
shown on a map). Further records, which can be
considered valid, come from papers by Borkent
& Bissett (1990), Hagan et al. (2000), Håland
(2011), Stur & Borkent (2014) and Thunes at al.
(2021) (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACA4694: Norway, Finland,
Germany, Sweden. BOLD:ACX2455: Norway,
Sweden; BOLD:ACY6482: Norway.
Comments. The name S. femorata was
mentioned in old literature from Norway few
times by Zetterstedt (1838, 1850, 1855), Siebke
(1853, 1863, 1877) and Strand (1903). According
to Borkent & Bissett (1990), only part of the
specimens examined by Zetterstedt (1838,
1850) really belong to S. femorata. The authors
do not give more details about localities of the
reidentied specimens, but on the distribution
maps for this species (Borkent & Bissett 1990,
p. 182, Fig. 19A), there are marked two localities
only in Alta (Clastrier 1963) and in Verdal
(Zetterstedt 1850). It can mean that the specimens
from Senja (Zetterstedt 1838) were misidentied,
but there is no guarantee that this assumption
is correct. Thus, we kept this record in Table 1
(marked with star symbol). Borkent & Bissett
(1990) do not comment on Siebke’s collection
from various localities in Norway, nor records by
Zetterstedt (1855, based on Siebke’s collection)
and Strand (1903). Therefore, we decided to treat
these observations as doubtful until the original
material is re-examined.
Borkent & Bissett (1990, pp. 194, 197,
199) stated that a paratype male of Serromyia
europaea Clastrier, 1963 (a name being now a
junior synonym of S. ledicola Kieer, 1925b)
from Norway (Clastrier 1963, p. 67) belongs to S.
In the revision of the genus by Borkent
& Bissett (1990) there are many examples of
mistakes in identications and/or incorrect
interpretation of various Serromyia species. Some
of the Scandinavian specimens identied by
Zetterstedt (1838, 1850) as S. femorata belong
to S. ledicola Kieer, 1925b and S. subinermis
Kieer, 1919a, and the ones identied as S. morio
(Fabricius, 1775) are S. femorata.
Serromyia ledicola Kieer, 1925b
Literature for identication. Borkent &
Bissett (1990).
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.42422°, E 11.10112°, 20.VIII.–16.IX.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer01), 1 female (HED-Cer02).
Trondheim, N 63.34°, E 10.443°, 17.–31.VII.2014,
1 male (TRD-Cer186). Trondheim, N 63.44887°,
E 10.45362°, 20.–30.VIII.2013, 1 female (TRD-
Cer160). Trondheim, N 63.44887°, E 10.45362°,
2.–9.VIII.2013, 1 male (TRD-Cer149), 1 female
Distribution. Serromyia ledicola is a
widely distributed species, known from both
the Palaearctic and Nearctic Regions, but
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
records from Nordic countries come only from
Denmark and Sweden (Borkent & Bissett 1990,
Szadziewski et al. 2013). Although it is listed in
Fauna Europaea database as present in Norway,
none of the literature records of this species can be
treated as valid, thus S. ledicola is considered by
us as new to the Norwegian fauna (see comments
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:ACQ9613: Norway;
BOLD:ACS7502: Norway, Germany.
Comments. The species was mentioned from
Norway as Serromyia europaea Clastrier, 1963
(Clastrier 1963) but Borkent & Bissett (1990, pp.
194, 197, 199) have examined the male paratype
from Norway and proved a misidentication. In
fact, Clastrier’s specimen belongs to S. femorata
(Meigen, 1804). Borkent & Bissett (1990) stated
also that at least some of the specimens listed by
Zetterstedt (1838, 1850) as S. femorata belong to
S. ledicola. They do not specify which country
in Scandinavia the material originated but on
the distribution maps for S. ledicola (Borkent
& Bissett 1990, p. 181, Fig. 18A) there are no
records shown from Norway.
The currently examined male TRD-Cer149
belonging to the BIN: BOLD:ACS7502 has
a rather rounded distal end of the gonostyles,
in contrast to the normally pointed ends in S.
Serromyia morio (Fabricius, 1775)
Literature for identication. Borkent &
Bissett (1990).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 18.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-
Cer140), 1 female (MM-Cer139). Trondheim, N
63.44887°, E 10.45362°, 19.–24.VI.2013, 1 male
Distribution. This Serromyia species
is known from several countries in Europe
(Szadziewski et al. 2013; for more details see
Borkent & Bissett 1990), but from Norway there
are only unconrmed records from Oslo (Tøyen,
Soenberg) (Zetterstedt 1852, Siebke 1877)
which should be considered doubtful. Thus, we
decided here to treat S. morio as species new to
the Norwegian fauna (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:AEF4425: Norway.
BOLD:ACT6684: Norway.
Comments. Even if the species is rather easily
recognizable, the early observations from Oslo
(Zetterstedt 1852 – based on Siebke’s observations,
Siebke 1877) are not totally reliable and for now
the best solution is to treat them as doubtful.
Unfortunately, it looks like Borkent & Bissett
(1990) were not aware of Siebke’s collection
from Norway, so they do not comment on his
materials and do not show any localities from
the country on their distribution maps (Borkent
& Bissett 1990, p. 182, Fig. 19B). Most probably
Siebke has based his identications of Serromyia
morio on a rather brief description by Zetterstedt
(1850), and as stated in Borkent & Bissett (1990),
the latter author (as well as and many others)
made mistakes when identifying members of
the genus Serromyia Meigen, 1818. Some of the
Scandinavian specimens identied by Zetterstedt
(1850) as S. morio belong to S. femorata (Meigen,
1804), and those identied as C. avicornis" (a
name being currently in the genus Bezzia Kieer,
1899) are S. morio. The specimens from Siebke’s
collection should be re-examined to rule out a
possible misidentication.
Genus Stilobezzia Kieer, 1911b
Subgenus Acanthohelea Kieer, 1917a
Stilobezzia gracilis (Haliday, 1833)
Literature for identication. Alwin &
Szadziewski (2012).
Material examined. Farsund, N 58.06847°,
E 06.79388°, 26.VI.2020, 1 female (NTNU-VM
227077). Kristiansand, N 58.24831°, E 08.15696°,
18.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer167). Kristiansand,
N 58.19819°, E 07.99590°, 26.VI.2020, 1 male
(MM-Cer174). Kristiansand, N 58.11951°, E
07.92543°, 21.VI.–8.VII.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer80) (DNA barcoding failed), 1 female (MM-
Cer79). Søgne, N 58.08952°, E 07.83998°,
21.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer189).
Distribution. Although Stilobezzia gracilis
is widely distributed in Europe, from Nordic
countries it has been reported until now only from
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Sweden (Szadziewski et al. 2013). The species is
new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADV1401: Norway, Bulgaria.
Stilobezzia ochracea (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Alwin &
Szadziewski (2012).
Material examined. Froland, N 58.59694°,
E 08.71825°, 19.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer161).
Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 8.–21.
VII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer94). Kristiansand,
N 58.16420°, E 08.00735°, 23.VI.2020, 2 pupae
(MM-Cer233, MM-Cer234). Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019, 1
male (MM-Cer105). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°,
E 08.00007°, 23.VI.2020, 1 female (NTNU-
VM 227050). Kristiansand, N 58.19819°, E
07.99590°, 26.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer175).
Kristiansand, N 58.15703°, E 07.82569°,
21.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer250) (DNA
barcoding failed). Kristiansand, N 58.19211°,
E 08.07525°, 18.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM
Distribution. This species is known from
several countries in Europe and from the Near
East (Szadziewski et al. 2013). The rst record of
Stilobezzia ochracea from Norway was given by
Thunes et al. (2021).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACG4212: Norway, Germany,
Sweden; BOLD:AEG0574: Norway.
Tribe Heteromyiini Wirth, 1962
Genus Clinohelea Kieer, 1917b
Subgenus Clinohelea Kieer, 1917b
Clinohelea unimaculata (Macquart, 1826)
Literature for identication. Grogan &
Wirth (1975), Szadziewski et al. (1997).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.22176°, E 08.02128°, 18.VI.2020, 2 males
(MM-Cer177, NTNU-VM 227054), 3 females
(MM-Cer178, MM-Cer179, NTNU-VM 227053).
Tvedestrand, N 58.54531°, E 08.81223°,
19.VI.2020, 2 males (MM-Cer157, NTNU-VM
Distribution. So far, this Clinohelea species
has been reported from several localities in Europe
(including Denmark, Finland, and Norway) and
from the Near East (Szadziewski et al. 2013). The
rst record from Norway was given by Zetterstedt
(1850) (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX3725: Norway, Montenegro,
Comments. Because of its considerable
size and rather well-visible dark pigmentation
of wing membrane around the radial cells, the
species is quite easily recognizable. Interestingly,
neither Macquart (1826) nor Meigen (1838) and
Zetterstedt (1850) mentioned the peculiar shape
of the fourth tarsomeres of mid and hindlegs
and coloration of the fth tarsomere of fore legs.
These characters are for the rst time described
by Winnertz (1852) in his detailed diagnoses of
both sexes of Clinohelea variegata (Winnertz,
1852), a name being currently treated as a
junior synonym of C. unimaculata. Zetterstedt
(1855, p. 4852), stated that there is no dierence
between C. unimaculata from Scandinavia and
C. variegata described from Germany, therefore
one can assume that the specimens from Thynås
(Zetterstedt 1850) have been correctly identied.
Tribe Johannsenomyiini Crampton, 1925
Genus Mallochohelea Wirth, 1962
Mallochohelea nitida (Macquart, 1826)
Literature for identication. Zilahi-Sebess
(1940) (for identication of adults only).
Material examined. Drammen, N 59.75880°,
E 10.07014°, 16.VI.2020, 1 pupa (MM-Cer223).
Tvedestrand, N 58.54531°, E 08.81223°,
19.VI.2020, 1 pupa (MM-Cer239).
Distribution. Records of Mallochohelea
nitida come from many European countries,
including Norway (Szadziewski et al. 2013),
where the species was reported for the rst time
by Håland (2011) (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX3683: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The records of this species
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
by Zetterstedt (1852) and Siebke (1877) are
considered doubtful until the voucher specimens
are re-examined.
Identication of the two pupae, collected from
a river and a lake, is based on DNA match with
a re-examined by us Swedish female specimen
(NHRS) of M. nitida from the same BIN.
Unidentied species of Mallochohelea
Mallochohelea sp. 1ES
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 20.V.–4.VI.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer97). Sør-Varanger, N 69.40509°,
E 29.79536°, 20.VI.2010, 1 pupa (Finnmark813).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACD2005: Norway, Slovakia.
Comments. The female specimen is in poor
condition, and it is impossible to see all important
characters and thus identify it to species level.
There are two pupae belonging to the same BIN.
One of them, collected in a drift sample from
Steinbekken, was reported by Stur & Borkent
(2014) as Probezzia sp. (Finnmark792). The
second pupa (Finnmark813) was found in a
sample taken from Melkefossen (Pasvikdalen).
Mallochohelea sp. 2ES
Material examined. Sømådalen, N
62.14634°, E 11.61871°, 25.VII.2016, 1 female
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADG6464: Norway.
Comments. The single female examined
belongs to BOLD:ADG6464 and does not t
to any known Mallochohelea species from the
Palaearctic nor Nearctic Region. It represents
most probably a new species for science, but
more materials, including males, are needed for
description. The female is similar to M. vernalis
Remm, 1965 (big distance between eyes) but
diers i.e., in leg coloration and the presence of
strong setae on scutellum.
Genus Probezzia Kieer, 1906
Probezzia seminigra (Panzer, 1798)
Literature for identication. Edwards
(1926), Clastrier (1962b), Wirth (1971).
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.04432°,
E 09.30909°, 17.VI.2020, 1 pupa (MM-Cer226).
Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°,
23.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer204), 1 female
(MM-Cer205). Kristiansand, N 58.11951°, E
07.92543°, 21.VI.–8.VII.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer87) (DNA barcoding failed), 1 female (MM-
Cer86). Trondheim, N 63.33958°, E 10.44285°,
17.VII.2014, 1 pupa (TRD-Cer17).
Distribution. The species is occurring in the
Western Palaearctic, and it is known also from
Finland and Sweden (Szadziewski et al. 2013).
Current record of Probezzia seminigra is the rst
one from Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX3166: Norway, Sweden;
BOLD:AEC3341: Norway, Montenegro; BOLD:
ACR2669: Norway, Sweden.
Tribe Palpomyiini Enderlein, 1936
Genus Bezzia Kieer, 1899
Bezzia albicornis (Meigen, 1818)
Literature for identication. Remm (1974a)
(as strobli), Krzywiński (1996), Kownacka-Alwin
et al. (2017).
Material examined. Farsund, N 58.06315°,
E 06.78672°, 25.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM
227072). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°, E 08.07420°,
27.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer191), 1 female
Distribution. The species is known from the
Palaearctic and Afrotropical Regions, but in the
Nordic countries it has been reported only from
Sweden (Szadziewski et al. 2013, Kownacka-
Alwin et al. 2017). Bezzia albicornis is new to the
Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2583: Norway, Sweden.
Bezzia annulipes (Meigen, 1830)
Literature for identication. Remm (1974a).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.22296°, E 08.02237°, 18.VI.2020, 1 larva
(MM-Cer215). Kristiansand, N 58.19118°, E
08.07106°, 26.VIII.2019, 1 larva (MM-Cer213).
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Kristiansand, N 58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 20.V.–
4.VI.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer64). Melhus, N
63.21712°, E 10.30765°, 17.–31.VII.2014, 1
male (TRD-Cer289), 1 female (TRD-Cer293).
Melhus, N 63.21712°, E 10.30765°, 28.VIII.–11.
IX. 2014, 1 female (TRD-Cer183). Orkland,
N 63,21712°, E 10,30765°, 26.VII.2018, 1
pupa (MM-Cer334). Songdalen, N 58.15703°,
E 07.82569°, 30.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer45) (DNA barcoding failed). Trondheim,
N 63.44887°, E 10.45362°, 19.–24.VI.2013, 1
female (TRD-Cer214). Trondheim, N 63.44887°,
E 10.45362°, 24.VI.–1.VII.2013, 1 female (TRD-
Cer164). Trondheim, N 63.39730°, E 10.55451°,
21.V.2014, 1 larva (TRD-Cer8). Trondheim,
N 63.40331°, E 10.34176°, 1.VI.2015, 1 larva
Distribution. This biting midge species is
occurring in the Holarctic Region (Wirth et al.
1984). The current record of Bezzia annulipes is
considered as the rst valid one from Norway (see
comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACO5271: Norway, Sweden.
BOLD:ACX2190: Norway, Montenegro, Sweden.
Comments. Bezzia circumdata Stæger, 1839,
a name which is currently treated as a junior
synonym of B. annulipes, was mentioned from
Norway already by Siebke (1877). However,
we treat this early record as doubtful. Siebke’s
observation from Oslo was repeated by Soot-Ryen
(1943a) who incorrectly treated B. circumdata as
a synonym of B. solstitialis (Winnertz, 1852).
The single female specimen from Finnmark
region (Stur & Borkent 2014) identied as B.
circumdata has been re-examined and it belongs
to B. solstitialis (Winnertz, 1852).
Distribution data for B. annulipes available in
Fauna Europaea (Szadziewski et al. 2013) should
be reviewed due to recent changes concerning
synonymy of this name (see Dominiak &
Szadziewski 2018).
The immature stages available for our studies
were found in a pond and in various lakes in South
Bezzia bicolor (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Remm (1974a).
Material examined. Birkeland, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, June–July 2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer107). Flekkefjord, N 58.40630°, E 06.62017°,
17.VI.2020, 2 pupae (MM-Cer230, MM-Cer231).
Rendalen, N 61.77455°, E 11.59347°, 17.IX.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer120). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°,
E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer46). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°, E 11.19175°,
11.–21.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer71).
Distribution. Bezzia bicolor occurs both in the
Palaearctic and Nearctic Regions, and in Europe it
has been reported from many localities including
Finland, Norway, and Sweden (Szadziewski et al.
2013). The rst Norwegian record of this species
comes from the paper by Hagan et al. (2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX3378: Norway, Sweden. The
rst record from Norway was provided by Hagan
et al. (2000).
Comments. The immature stages available for
our studies were found in a lake.
Bezzia fascispinosa Clastrier, 1962b
Literature for identication. Clastrier
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.04432°,
E 09.30909°, 19.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer35). Kristiansand, N 58.24968°, E 08.16349°,
18.VI.2020, 1 larva (MM-Cer240). Kristiansand,
N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 8.–21.VII.2019, 2
males (MM-Cer95, MM-Cer321). Kristiansand,
N 58.15703°, E 07.82569°, 21.VI.2020, 1 larva
(MM-Cer235). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E
08.00007°, 21.VII.–6.VIII.2019, 1 male (MM-
Cer71), 2 females (MM-Cer68, MM-Cer73).
Distribution. Although records of Bezzia
fascispinosa are rather scanty, the species is known
from both the Palaearctic and Nearctic Regions
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). In Fennoscandia it
was reported from Finland by Huldén & Huldén
(2014) and currently we are providing a new
record to Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEC2002: Norway.
Comments. The two examined larvae were
found in samples taken from an oxbow lake and a
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Bezzia avicornis (Stæger, 1839)
Literature for identication. Clastrier
(1962b) (as spinosula), Remm (1974b),
Kownacka-Alwin et al. (2017).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 8.–21.VII.2019, 1 male
(MM-Cer323). Kristiansand, N 58.20850°, E
08.00650°, 23.VI.2020, 1 female (NTNU-VM
Distribution. The species is rather widely
distributed in the Palaearctic Region (also in
the Near East region) (Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Huldén & Huldén 2014, Kownacka-Alwin et al.
2017), and from Norway it was reported for the
rst time by Thunes at al. (2021).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEI1206: Norway.
Bezzia fuliginata Clastrier, 1962b
Literature for identication. Clastrier
(1962b), Remm (1974a), Kownacka-Alwin et al.
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19202°, E 08.07420°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer146). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°, E
08.07420°, 27.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM
Distribution. The valid records of Bezzia
fuliginata come from only few European countries
(France, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Spain,
Ukraine), the Near East and other localities in
Central and South Asia (Szadziewski et al. 2013,
Kownacka-Alwin et al. 2017). The species is
currently reported for the rst time from Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2584: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. DNA of the barcoded female
matches a re-examined Swedish male specimen
(NHRS) from the same BIN.
Bezzia kazlauskasi Remm, 1966
Literature for identication. Remm (1974b).
Material examined. Birkeland, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, June–July 2019, 1 male (MM-
Distribution. The species was described from
Lithuania and since then reported from few other
European countries, but not from Scandinavia
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). Bezzia kazlauskasi is
new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEC1889: Norway, Montenegro.
Comments. The single examined male was
collected at light.
Bezzia nigritula (Zetterstedt, 1838)
Literature for identication. Remm (1974b).
Material examined. Os, N 62.53101°, E
11.15145°, 30.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer162).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°, E 11.19175°,
26.V. –9.VI.2016, 3 males (HED-Cer44, HED-
Cer45, HED-Cer209). Tolga, N 62.387028°, E
11.118861°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male (HED-
Cer125). Tynset, N 62.255444°, E 10.907250°,
9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer35). Åmot, N
61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male
Distribution. Bezzia nigritula is known from a
number of European countries including Norway
(Szadziewski et al. 2013), where the species has
its locus typicus in Senja (Zetterstedt 1838). Other
country records of this species were given by
Zetterstedt (1850), Siebke (1863) and Hagan et al.
(2000) (see comments below)
Distribution of BIN members in
BOLD System. BOLD:ADF7283: Norway;
BOLD:ADD8546: Norway, Finland.
Comments. The species is rather easily
recognizable due to darkly colored legs and lack
of spines on fore femora, therefore we decided
to treat the records from Norway by Zetterstedt
(1850) and Siebke (1863) as valid.
Bezzia nobilis (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Remm (1974b),
Krzywiński (1996) (for identication of adults
Material examined. Drammen, N 59.75880°,
E 10.64961°, 16.VI.2020, 1 larva (MM-Cer222).
Trondheim, N 63.33993°, E 10.34176°, 27.V.2020,
1 larva (MM-Cer332).
Distribution. This widely distributed species,
known from the Holarctic and Neotropical
Regions, in Nordic countries has been reported so
far only from Finland and Sweden (Szadziewski et
al. 2013, Huldén & Huldén 2014). Bezzia nobilis
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
is new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX1844: Norway, Canada,
Montenegro, Sweden, United Kingdom.
Comments. The identication of our immature
specimens is based on a DNA match with a re-
examined Swedish male specimen (NHRS) of B.
nobilis belonging to the same BIN.
The examined larvae were collected from a
lake and a stagnant intercepted section of a river.
Bezzia ornata (Meigen, 1830)
Literature for identication. Remm (1974b).
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, August 2019, 1 male (MM-Cer278).
Distribution. Bezzia ornata has been reported
from many countries in Europe, including Sweden
(Szadziewski et al. 2013) and Norway (Thunes et
al. 2021, the rst country record).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACP8436: Norway, Montenegro,
Bezzia rhynchostylata Remm, 1974b
Literature for identication. Remm (1974b).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.88586°,
E 11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer215). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°, E
11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer208). Trondheim, N 63.38056°, E 10.61062°,
20.VI.2010, 1 male (TRD-Cer6).
Distribution. It is a rarely reported species,
known so far only from Norway, Poland, and
Russia (Siberia) (Remm 1974b, Szadziewski et
al. 2013). The observations from Norway were
published by Hagan et al. (2000, the rst country
record) and Stur & Borkent (2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACM6383: Norway; BOLD:
ADG4592: Norway.
Comments. The species is known from
Finnmark region (Stur & Borkent 2014), and
both, the specimens from this region and the
newly examined specimens belong to in total ve
BINs (besides the abovementioned ones these
are BOLD:ABW3959, BOLD:ABW3985 and
Bezzia signata (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Remm (1974b).
Material examined. Engerdal, N 61.88586°,
E 11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer216). Kristiansand, N 58.19202°, E
08.07420°, 18.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer145).
Tolga, N 62.3387028°,E 11.118861°,19.IX.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer173). Tynset, N 62.25544°, E
10.90725°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer32).
Distribution. In the Palaearctic Region the
species is rather widely distributed and from the
Nordic countries it was reported from Denmark
and Sweden (Szadziewski et al. 2013). Bezzia
signata is new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACU5144: Norway, Finland.
Bezzia solstitialis (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Dominiak &
Szadziewski (2018).
Material examined. Birkeland, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, June–July 2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer109). Marnadal, N 58.26750°, E 07.45603°,
15.–31.VII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer62).
Kristiansand, N 58.06956°, E 07.98100°,
24.VI.2020, 2 females (MM-Cer257, NTNU-
VM 227073). Kristiansand, N 58.15703°, E
07.82569°, 21.VI.2020, 1 larva (MM-Cer236),
2 pupae (MM-Cer237, MM-Cer238), 1 male
(NTNU-VM 227056). Kristiansand, N 58.20112°,
E 07.98589°, 26.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer165)
(DNA barcoding failed), 1 female (MM-Cer186).
Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°,
23.VI.2020, 1 female (NTNU-VM 227049).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.
VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer315). Trondheim, N
63.40742°, E 10.33766°, 1.VI.2015, 1 larva (TRD-
Cer304). Trondheim, N 63.36169°, E 10.24103°,
16.VI.2015, 1 larva (TRD-Cer311). Tvedestrand,
N 58.54531°, E 08.81223°, 19.VI.2020, 4 larvae
(MM-Cer217, MM-Cer218, MM-Cer219, MM-
Distribution. Bezzia solstitialis has a Holarctic
distribution (Wirth et al. 1984), and the rst valid
record of this species from Norway was published
by Hagan et al. (2000) (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3990: Norway, Sweden.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Comments. Although the name B. solstitialis
was mentioned from Norway for the rst time
by Soot-Ryen (1943a) (to avoid confusion the
information is not included in the Table 1), this
record is based on a misinterpretation of the
species. Soot-Ryen (1943a) treated B. solstitialis
and B. circumdata (Stæger, 1839) as synonyms
but in fact these two names are not conspecic
(see Dominiak & Szadziewski 2018). The locality
data for B. circumdata provided by Siebke (1877)
were incorrectly attributed by Soot-Ryen (1943a)
to B. solstitialis.
A single female specimen from Finnmark
region identied as B. circumdata in Stur &
Borkent (2014) and re-examined by us for purposes
of this paper, turned out to be B. solstitialis.
Distribution data for B. solstitialis available in
Fauna Europaea (Szadziewski et al. 2013) should
be reviewed due to recent changes concerning
synonymy of the name (see Dominiak &
Szadziewski 2018).
The currently examined immature stages of
this species were found in samples taken from
Unidentied species of Bezzia
Bezzia sp. 2ES
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.20112°, E 07.98589°, 26.VI.2020, 1 male
(MM-Cer166). Rendalen, N 61.77456°, E
11.59347°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer146). Trondheim, N 63.36169°, E 10.24103°,
16.VI.2015, 1 pupa (TRD-Cer312). Tynset, N
62.25544°, E 10.90735°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2988: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The examined males t well
to Bezzia annulipes (Meigen, 1830), however,
a single female available for our studies diers
from that species by slightly shorter necks of the
seminal capsules and an almost completely dark
hind femur.
The single pupa of this species was collected
from a lake.
Bezzia sp. 3ES
Material examined. Flekkefjord, N
58.40630°, E 06.62017°, 17.VI.2020, 1 pupa
(MM-Cer232). Trondheim, N 63.44085°, E
10.28800°, 16.VI.2015, 1 pupa (TRD-Cer317).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3936: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The species was listed as Bezzia
annulipes (Meigen, 1830) from Finnmark region
(Stur & Borkent 2014) where a single male was
collected near a lake in Sør-Varanger municipality.
However, the BIN: BOLD:ABW3936 is rather
distant from other B. annulipes clusters. More
adult specimens are needed to correctly identify
its members to species level.
The currently collected immatures we found in
samples taken from lakes.
Bezzia sp. 4ES
Material examined. Rendalen, N 61.77455°,
E 11.59347°, 17.IX.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer114). Trondheim, N 63.38177°, E 10.28275°,
18.VI.2015, 1 pupa (TRD-Cer310).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADC1577: Norway.
Comments. The single adult specimen
belongs to the subgenus Homobezzia Mace, 1932
and has no spines on femora. Besides of unicolor
legs it resembles Bezzia bicolor (Meigen, 1804).
More specimens are needed to correctly identify
members of that BIN to species level.
The single examined pupa was collected from a
Bezzia sp. 6ES
Material examined. Tynset, N 62.25544°, E
10.90725°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer31).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADF6138: Norway.
Comments. The single examined male is
similar to Bezzia coracina (Zetterstedt, 1850)
regarding leg coloration and to B. winnertziana
Kieer, 1919a in the armature of genitalia.
Bezzia sp. 8ES
Material examined. Froland, N 58.51004°, E
08.64806°, 28.VIII.2019, 1 larva (MM-Cer212).
Tolga, N 62.387028°, E 11.118861°, 9.–23.
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer197). Trondheim, N
63.40742°, E 10.33766°, 1.VI.2015, 1 larva (TRD-
Cer303). Trondheim, N 63.40615°, E 10.34135°,
1.VI.2015, 1 larva (TRD-Cer305).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AAG6456: Norway, Canada.
Comments. The single examined adult female
looks like Bezzia bicolor (Meigen, 1804) except
for totally dark hind femur.
The larvae were collected from a lake in
Trøndelag county and a river in Agder county.
Bezzia sp. 10ES
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19819°, E 07.99590°, 26.VI.2020, 1 male
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEF5127: Norway.
Comments. The examined male resembles
Bezzia kazlauskasi Remm, 1966 in coloration of
legs but diers from the latter species by details of
its genitalia.
Genus Palpomyia Meigen, 1818
Palpomyia citrinipes Kieer, 1922b
Literature for identication. Kieer (1922b).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.19118°, E 08.07106°, 26.VIII.2019, 1 female
Distribution. The species has been reported
before only from the Czech Republic (Szadziewski
et al. 2013) and it is new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEA9570: Norway.
Palpomyia distincta (Haliday, 1833)
Literature for identication. Remm (1976).
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.03572°,
E 09.29243°, 17.VI.2020, 2 males (MM-
Cer113, MM-Cer114), 1 female (MM-Cer111).
Kristiansand, N 58.20112°, E 07.98589°,
26.VI.2020, 2 males (MM-Cer164, MM-Cer313),
1 female (NTNU-VM 227057). Kristiansand,
N 58.19819°, E 07.99590°, 26.VI.2020, 1 male
(MM-Cer171). Kristiansand, N 58.092719°, E
07.970283°, 26. V. 2019, 1 male (MM-Cer34).
Lillesand, N 58.20626°, E 08.23249°, 22.VI.2020,
2 females (MM-Cer301, MM-Cer303). Lillesand,
N 58.20460°, E 08.23188°, 22.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer308). Stor-Elvdal, N 61.54494°, E
10.99803°, 27.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer159).
Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 11.–21.
VII.2016, 2 females (HED-Cer95, HED-Cer96).
Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer244), 1 female (HED-Cer245).
Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 23.VI.–11.
VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer191), 2 females
(HED-Cer190, HED-Cer192).
Distribution. According to the Fauna
Europaea database, Palpomyia distincta is
known from many European countries, and in
Fennoscandia it has been reported from Finland,
Norway, and Sweden (Szadziewski et al. 2013).
However, we treat the rst and the only previous
observation of the species from Norway by Soot-
Ryen (1943a) as doubtful and consider the current
one as a new country record (see comments
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2908: Norway, Sweden;
BOLD:ADG6917: Norway; BOLD:AEF5430:
Comments. The record from Soot-Ryen
(1943a) was based on a single male specimen
collected in N Norway. However, males of
P. distincta can be easily confused with other
closely related species, and the specimen from
Soot-Ryen’s collection should be re-examined to
conrm the identication.
We had a chance to re-examine Swedish
specimens (NHRS) of the BIN: BOLD:ACX2908
identied as P. armipes (Meigen, 1838). All of
them are males and t rather well to the description
of P. distincta given by Remm (1976).
Palpomyia avipes (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Remm (1976),
Alwin-Kownacka et al. (2017).
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, 30.VII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer292). Drangedal, N 59.04789°, E 08.70282°,
20.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer74). Flekkefjord,
N 58.35775°, E 06.62518°, 23.–24.VIII.2019, 1
larva (MM-Cer57). Kristiansand, N 58.22176°, E
08.02128°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer180).
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Røros, N 62.6889°, E 11.8316°, 06. - 20.VII.2006,
2 males (TRD-Cer287, TRD-Cer288). Røros, N
62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 2 males
(TRD-Cer246, TRD-Cer250). Trondheim, N
63.39730°, E 10.55451°, 3.–17.VII.2014, 1 male
Distribution. The species occurs in all Europe,
and it is known also from the East Palaearctic and
the Near East (Szadziewski et al. 2013, Alwin-
Kownacka et al. 2017). We consider the current
record of Palpomyia avipes as a new to Norway
(see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACS1169: Norway, Germany;
BOLD:AEA8665: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The earlier records of P. avipes
(also as P. hortulana (Meigen, 1818)) from
Norway come from publications by Zetterstedt
(1838, 1852), Siebke (1866, 1873, 1877) and
Lundström (1913), but we treat them here as
doubtful until the specimens from the original
collections are re-examined.
Among the barcoded specimens from South
Norway there was also one larva. It was collected
in a stream owing into Lundevatnet.
Palpomyia lineata (Meigen, 1804)
Literature for identication. Remm (1976).
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.06071°,
E 08.68420°, 20.VIII.2019, 1 larva (MM-Cer56).
Farsund, N 58.06315°, E 06.78672°, 25.VI.2020,
1 larva (MM-Cer247). Farsund, N 58.06315°, E
06.78672°, 26.VI.2020, 1 larva (MM-Cer221).
Flekkefjord, N 58.40630°, E 06.62017°,
17.VI.2020, 2 larvae (MM-Cer228, MM-Cer229).
Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 20.V.–4.
VI.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer102). Kristiansand,
N 58.06956°, E 07.98100°, 24.VI.2020, 1 larva
(MM-Cer241), 1 male (NTNU-VM 227075), 1
female (MM-Cer259). Kristiansand, N 58.22296°,
E 08.02237°, 18.VI.2020, 1 larva (MM-Cer216).
Kristiansand, N 58.11861°, E 07.92679°,
27.VIII.2019, 1 larva (MM-Cer207). Songdalen,
N 58.15703°, E 07.82569°, 21.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer176). Søgne, N 58.08952°, E 07.83998°,
30.VIII.2019, 3 larvae (MM-Cer209, MM-
Cer210, MM-Cer211). Trondheim, N 63.39730°,
E 10.55451°, 19.VI.–3.VII.2014, 1 male (TRD-
Cer309). Trondheim, N 63.44887°, E 10.45362°,
24.VI.–1.VII.2013, 1 male (TRD-Cer163), 1
female (TRD-Cer165). Trondheim, N 63.33993°,
E 10.34176°, 27.V.2020, 2 larvae (MM-Cer331,
Distribution. Palpomyia lineata is a widely
distributed species, known from numerous
localities in Europe, and it is present also in the
East Palaearctic, the Near East and the Nearctic
Region (Szadziewski et al. 2013). The species
is new to the Norwegian fauna (see comments
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX1556: Norway, Sweden;
BOLD:ACS7887: Norway; BOLD:AEH2394:
Norway; BOLD:AAP9060: Norway, Canada,
Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom.
Comments. The name was mentioned from
Norway for the rst time by Soot-Ryen (1943a)
(to avoid confusion the information is not included
in the Table 1), who attributed locality data for
P. binotata (Stæger, 1839) from Zetterstedt’s
paper (1850) to P. lineata. Although no further
explanations were provided, it seems that Soot-
Ryen treated these two names as synonyms.
Currently, it is known that P. binotata and P.
lineata are not conspecic, thus the notes on the
latter species by Soot-Ryen (1943a) should be
treated as misinterpretation.
Female and males from the BINs
BOLD:ACX1556 and BOLD:ACS7887 have
dark legs like North American specimens of P.
lineata (see Grogan & Wirth 1979).
The larvae of this species were found in
various kinds of freshwater habitats (river, lake,
Palpomyia luteifemorata Edwards, 1926
Literature for identication. Edwards
(1926), Remm (1976), Krzywiński (1996).
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.03855°,
E 09.28759°, 17.VI.2020, 1 larva (MM-Cer227).
Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°, 20.V.–4.
VI.2019, 2 males (MM-Cer96, MM-Cer101), 1
female (MM-Cer103). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°,
E 08.00007°, 8.–21.VII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer326). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E 08.00007°,
21.VII.–6.VIII.2019, 1 female (MM-Cer69).
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Distribution. So far, this Palpomyia species
has been reported from Belgium, British Isles,
Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Sweden and
Ukraine (Szadziewski et al. 2013). It is the rst
record of the species from Norway.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX1378: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The single larva of Palpomyia
luteifemorata was found in a sample collected
from a stream in Vestfold and Telemark county.
Palpomyia nigripes (Meigen, 1830)
Literature for identication. Remm (1976),
Krzywiński (1996).
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.04388°,
E 09.30952°, 17.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer170).
Engerdal, N 61.88586°, E 11.78283°, 23.VI.–11.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer218). Kristiansand,
N 58.11951°, E 07.92543°, 4.–21.VI.2019, 1
female (MM-Cer88). Kristiansand, N 58.09107°,
E 07.96776°, 26.V.2019, 1 male (MM-Cer25).
Lillesand, N 58.20626°, E 08.23249°, 22.VI.2020,
2 females (MM-Cer302, NTNU-VM 227060).
Røros, N 62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–6.
VII.2006, 2 males (TRD-Cer248, TRD-Cer252),
3 females (TRD-Cer247, TRD-Cer249, TRD-
Cer253). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°,
23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer189).
Distribution. Palpomyia nigripes is known
from several countries in Europe, but until now
in Fennoscandia it has been reported only from
Sweden (Szadziewski et al. 2013). The species is
new to the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX1412: Norway, Sweden.
Palpomyia pubescens Kieer, 1919a
Literature for identication. Remm (1976)
(as spinipes), Krzywiński 1996.
Material examined. Birkenes, N 58.33339°,
E 08.23990°, 30.VII.2019, 1 female (MM-
Cer293). Lillesand, N 58.20460°, E 08.23188°,
22.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer133). Stor-Elvdal,
N 61.37842°, E 11.19175°, 26.V. –9.VI.2016,
1 male (HED-Cer48), 1 female (HED-Cer47).
Stor-Elvdal, N 61.37842°, E 11.19175°, 11.–21.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer85). Stor-Elvdal, N
61.37842°, E 11.19175°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1
female (HED-Cer317).
Distribution. The species has been reported
from several localities in the Palaearctic Region,
and in Nordic countries it is known from Finland,
Norway, and Sweden (Szadziewski et al. 2013).
The rst valid country record of this species was
given by Krzywiński (1996), and later it was
reported also by Hagan et al. (2000) and Thunes
et al. (2021) (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3938: Norway, Finland,
Sweden; BOLD:ADF7741: Norway, Sweden;
BOLD:AEF5429: Norway.
Comments. Although Palpomyia pubescens
was mentioned from Norway already by Soot-
Ryen (1943a), a female specimen from his
collection should be re-examined to conrm the
Stur & Borkent (2014) misidentied this
species and listed it from Finnmark region as P.
serripes (Meigen, 1818).
We have been able to re-examine a
specimen from Sweden (NHRS) from BIN:
BOLD:ABW3938 originally identied as male P.
serripes. That specimen appeared to be a female
and all of its morphological characters t well
within P. pubescens.
The specimens examined belong to three
BINs, with BIN BOLD:AEF5429 being quite
distant from the remaining two clusters.
Palpomyia remmi Havelka, 1974
Literature for identication. Havelka (1974),
Krzywiński (1997).
Material examined. Marnadal, N 58.26750°,
E 07.45603°, 31.VIII.2019, 1 larva (MM-Cer59).
Os, N 62.36553°, E 11.45471°, 30.VI.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer158).
Distribution. Palpomyia remmi is known
from Estonia, France, Germany, and Norway
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). The rst country record,
based on a single specimen from Nordland, was
given by Krzywiński (1997). Later the species
was reported also from Finnmark region (Stur &
Borkent 2014).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABW3963: Norway, Finland,
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
Comments. Currently, the single larva of P.
remmi was found in a stream.
Palpomyia rupes (Meigen, 1818)
Literature for identication. Remm (1976).
Material examined. Stor-Elvdal, N
61.37841°, E 11.19175°, 26.V.–9.VI.2016, 1 male
(HED-Cer316), 1 female (HED-Cer318).
Distribution. There are numerous observations
of this Palpomyia species from Europe and the
East Palaearctic (Szadziewski et al. 2013), and
the name was mentioned for the rst time from
Norway by Soot-Ryen (1943a) (see comments
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ADH8757: Norway.
Comments. The female specimens Soot-Ryen
(1943a) collected in Troms region have been
identied by M. Goetghebuer. We believe that this
record is valid because females of P. rupes are
rather easily recognizable due to their large size
and characteristic body coloration.
Palpomyia serripes (Meigen, 1818)
Literature for identication. Remm (1976),
Alwin-Kownacka et al. (2017).
Material examined. Arendal, N 58.46155°, E
08.69623°, 19.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer160).
Kristiansand, N 58.20850°, E 08.00650°,
26.VI.2020, 1 female (NTNU-VM 227043).
Kristiansand, N 58.22296°, E 08.02237°,
18.VI.2020, 1 male (MM-Cer126), 1 female
(MM-Cer127). Kristiansand, N 58.22176°, E
08.02128°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer248),
1 male (MM-Cer181). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E
11.40217°, 9.–23.VI.2016, 2 males (HED-Cer271,
HED-Cer272). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°,
9.–23.VI.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer248). Åmot, N
61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1
male (HED-Cer193).
Distribution. Palpomyia serripes is a widely
distributed species known from Europe, the East
Palaearctic, the Near East, and North Africa
(Szadziewski et al. 2013, Alwin-Kownacka et
al. 2017). The rst record of this species from
Norway was given by Hagan et al. (2000).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX1684: Norway, Finland,
Sweden; BOLD:ACX2304: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The specimens from Finnmark
region identied as P. serripes by Stur & Borkent
(2014) belong to P. pubescens Kieer, 1919a.
Palpomyia spinipes (Meigen, in Panzer 1806)
Literature for identication. Remm (1976)
(as fulva), Krzywiński (1996).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.06956°, E 07.98100°, 24.VI.2020, 2 females
(MM-Cer258, NTNU-VM 227074).
Distribution. Another species of the genus
which is rather widely distributed and occurs in
Europe, the East Palaearctic, and the Near East
(Szadziewski et al. 2013). Palpomyia spinipes
was reported from Norway for the rst time by
Szadziewski (1986) (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX3286: Norway, Montenegro,
Comments. According to Szadziewski (1986)
who redescribed Ceratopogon lacteipennis
Zetterstedt, 1838, one of the paralectotypes of the
latter species turned out to belong to P. spinipes.
The records of this species from N Norway by
Soot-Ryen (1943a) are treated by us as doubtful
until the voucher specimens from the original
collection are re-examined.
Palpomyia tibialis (Meigen, 1818)
Literature for identication. Remm (1976),
Alwin-Kownacka et al. (2017).
Material examined. Tvedestrand, N
58.54531°, E 08.81223°, 19.VI.2020, 1 male
Distribution. Palpomyia tibialis has been
reported from several localities in the West
and the East Palaearctic, the Near East, and the
Nearctic Region (Szadziewski et al. 2013, Alwin-
Kownacka et al. 2017). The rst observation of
this species from Norway come from Soot-Ryen's
paper (1943a) (see comments below).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:AEF5428: Norway.
Comments. The species was reported from
the country as P. laticollis Goetghebuer, 1922 (a
name treated currently as a junior synonym of P.
tibialis). A single (?) specimen was collected in
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
N Norway by T. Soot-Ryen and identied by M.
Goetghebuer. Palpomyia tibialis is rather easily
recognizable, and therefore we treat this early
record of the species as valid.
Unidentied species of Palpomyia
Palpomyia sp. 5ES
Material examined. Drangedal, N 59.03572°,
E 09.29243°, 17.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer112).
Engerdal, N 61.8859°, E 11.7828°, 23.VI.11.
VII.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer217). Røros, N
62.6889°, E 11.8316°, 11.–22.VI.2006, 1 male
(TRD-Cer231). Røros, N 62.6889°, E 11.8316°,
6.–20.VII.2006, 1 female (TRD-Cer286). Røros,
N 62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 2
females (TRD-Cer251, TRD-Cer255). Røros, N
62.6889°, E 11.8316°, 11.–22.VI.2006, 1 male
(TRD-Cer240), 1 female (TRD-Cer241). Røros,
N 62.6903°, E 11.8415°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 1
female (TRD-Cer257). Røros, N 62.6889°, E
11.8316°, 22.VI.–6.VII.2006, 2 males (TRD-
Cer278, TRD-Cer279). Tynset, N 62.25544°, E
10.90725°, 11.–21.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-
Cer87). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 9.–23.
VI.2016, 1 male (HED-Cer246), 1 female (HED-
Cer247). Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°,
23.VI.–11.VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer194).
Åmot, N 61.17878°, E 11.40217°, 11.–21.
VII.2016, 1 female (HED-Cer94).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ABZ9646: Norway, Finland,
Comments. The species was reported as
Palpomyia puberula Remm, 1976 from Finnmark
region (Stur & Borkent 2014). However, the leg
coloration of the currently examined specimens
from the same BIN does not t the original
description of the species by Remm (1976).
Palpomyia sp. 6ES
Material examined. Froland, N 58.59694°, E
08.71825°, 19.VI.2020, 1 female (MM-Cer162).
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX3818: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The single female resembles
Palpomyia rupes (Meigen, 1818) but diers in
some details which are characteristic for other
species of this genus, e.g., presence of stronger
setae on 5th tarsomere. A Swedish specimen
(NHRS) belonging to the same BIN has not been
available for our studies.
Genus Phaenobezzia Haeselbarth, 1965
Phaenobezzia rubiginosa (Winnertz, 1852)
Literature for identication. Remm (1974a),
Krzywiński (1996).
Material examined. Kristiansand, N
58.24831°, E 08.15696°, 18.VI.2020, 2 pupae
(MM-Cer242, MM-Cer243). Kristiansand, N
58.22296°, E 08.02237°, 18.VI.2020, 1 female
(MM-Cer128). Kristiansand, N 58.16920°, E
08.00007°, 23.VI.2020, 1 female (NTNU-VM
227048). Kristiansand, N 58.19211°, E 08.07525°,
18.VI.2020, 1 male (NTNU-VM 227069).
Distribution. Phaenobezzia rubiginosa is
known from several countries in Europe and from
the East Palaearctic (Szadziewski et al. 2013). In
Scandinavia it was reported previously only from
Sweden (Krzywiński 1996). The species is new to
the Norwegian fauna.
Distribution of BIN members in BOLD
System. BOLD:ACX2151: Norway, Sweden.
Comments. The two pupae of P. rubiginosa
available for our studies were collected from a
partial oxbow lake in Agder county.
We provide a rst comprehensive list of
Ceratopogonidae known to occur in mainland
Norway (summarized in Table 1). The checklist
is based on both newly collected specimens and
revised literature records. Linnaean names are
provided for 165 out of a total of 216 recorded
biting midge species. We consider 58 of them
as species new to the Norwegian fauna. In our
opinion, records of a further 9 species previously
mentioned from Norway should be treated as
doubtful until the voucher specimens from the
original collections are re-examined or new
specimens of these species are collected and
identied with certainty. The remaining 51 of total
216 are species given interim names (names with
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 1. List of biting midges species reported from Norway with literature records overview.
Legend: 1. Zetterstedt 1838; 2. Zetterstedt 1850; 3. Zetterstedt 1852; 4. Siebke 1853; 5. Zetterstedt
1855; 6. Siebke 1863; 7. Siebke 1866; 8. Siebke 1873; 9. Siebke 1877; 10. Strand 1903; 11. Storm
1907; 12. Lundström 1913; 13. Kieer 1919b; 14. Kieer 1919a; 15. Soot-Ryen 1943a; 16. Tjeder
1944; 17. Clastrier 1961; 18. Clastrier 1962a; 19. Clastrier 1962b; 20. Clastrier 1963; 21. Greve
1968; 22. Greve 1969; 23. Mehl 1996; 24. Krzywiński 1996; 25. Krzywiński 1997; 26. Mraz 1997;
27. Szadziewski 1986; 28. Borkent & Bissett 1990; 29. Szadziewski & Hagan 2000; 30. Hagan et al.
2000; 31. Thunes et al. 2004; 32. Szadziewski et al. 2007a; 33. Szadziewski et al. 2007b; 34. Thunes
et al. 2008; 35. Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010; 36. Håland 2011; 37. Kirkeby & Dominiak 2014; 38.
Stur & Borkent 2014; 39. Thunes at al. 2021; 40. present work. ● - species record; ○ - repeated record
without new locality data;
- doubtful records;
- species new to Norway
Genus/species Literature
Alluaudomyia Kieer, 1913b
quadripunctata (Goetghebuer, 1934b) 30(●),31(○),34(○),40(●)
Alluaudomyia sp. 1ES 40(●)
Atrichopogon Kieer, 1906
brunnipes (Meigen, 1804)
○), 15(○),40(●)
forcipatus (Winnertz, 1852)
fusculus (Coquillett, 1901) 38(●),40(●)
fuscus (Meigen, 1804)
griseolus (Zetterstedt, 1855) 27(●),39(●),40(●)
cf. hirtidorsum Remm, 1961b 40(●)
longicalcar Remm, 1961b
lucorum (Meigen, 1818) 30(●),31(○),32(●),34(○),40(●)
maculatus (Lundström, 1910)
meloesugans Kieer, 1922a
minutus (Meigen, 1830) 30(●),31(○),39(●)
cf. minutus (Meigen, 1830) 40(●)
muelleri (Kieer, in Müller 1905) 39(●),40(●)
oedemerarum Storå, 1939 38(●),40(●)
paulus Remm, 1961b
pavidus (Winnertz, 1852)
rostratus (Winnertz, 1852)
winnertzi Goetghebuer, 1922
Atrichopogon sp. 5ES 40(●)
Atrichopogon sp. 7ES 40(●)
Atrichopogon sp. 8ES 40(●)
Atrichopogon sp. 9ES 40(●)
Bezzia Kieer, 1899
anis (Stæger, 1839) 30(●),31(○),34(○)
albicornis (Meigen, 1818)
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 1. continued.
Genus/species Literature
annulipes (Meigen, 1830)
bicolor (Meigen, 1804) 30(●),31(○),34(○),40(●)
fascispinosa Clastrier, 1962b
avicornis (Stæger, 1839) 39(●),40(●)
fuliginata Clastrier, 1962b
kazlauskasi Remm, 1966
nigrita Clastrier, 1962b 18(●)
nigritula (Zetterstedt, 1838) 1(●),2(●○),6(●),9(○),15(○),30(●),31(○),40(●)
nobilis (Winnertz, 1852)
ornata (Meigen, 1830) 39(●),40(●)
rhynchostylata Remm, 1974b 30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
signata (Meigen, 1804)
solstitialis (Winnertz, 1852) 30(●),31(○),40(●)
Bezzia sp. 2ES 40(●)
Bezzia sp. 3ES 40(●)
Bezzia sp. 4ES 40(●)
Bezzia sp. 6ES 40(●)
Bezzia sp. 8ES 40(●)
Bezzia sp. 10ES 40(●)
Brachypogon Kieer, 1899
alpinus (Clastrier, 1961)
beaufortanensis Delecolle & Rieb, 1992
bialoviesicus Krzywiński, in Szadziewski et al. 1994 30(●),31(○)
borealis (Kieer, 1919b) 13(●),14(○),15(○)
hyperboreus (Clastrier, 1961) 17(●)
incompletus (Kieer, 1925b) 17(●),30(●),31(○),40(●)
cf. nieves (Havelka, 1976) 40(●)
nitidulus (Edwards, 1921) 30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
norvegicus Szadziewski & Hagan, 2000 29(●),30(●),31(○),34(○),40(●)
perpusillus (Edwards, 1921) 30(●),31(○),34(○),39(●),40(●)
sociabilis (Goetghebuer, 1920) 17(●),30(●),31(○),38(●),39(●),40(●)
vitiosus (Winnertz, 1852) 30(●),31(○),34(○),40(●)
Brachypogon sp. 3ES 40(●)
Brachypogon sp. 4ES 40(●)
Brachypogon sp. 5ES 40(●)
Brachypogon sp. 6ES 40(●)
Brachypogon sp. 7ES 40(●)
Ceratoculicoides Wirth & Ratanaworabhan, 1971
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 1. continued.
Genus/species Literature
Ceratoculicoides sp. 1ES 40(●)
Ceratopogon Meigen, 1803
abstrusus Borkent & Grogan, 1995 38(●),40(●)
naccinervis Borkent, in Borkent & Wirth 1997
communis Meigen, 1804
grandiforceps (Kieer, 1913c) 38(●),40(●)
cf. inverecundus Borkent & Grogan, 1995 40(●)
lacteipennis Zetterstedt, 1838 1(●),2(○),9(
niveipennis Meigen, 1818
Clinohelea Kieer, 1917b
unimaculata (Macquart, 1826) 2(●),9(○),15(○),36(●),40(●)
Culicoides Latreille, 1809
alatavicus Smatov & Isimbekov, 1971 30(●),31(○)
albicans Winnertz, 1852 30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
boyi Nielsen, Kristensen & Pape, 2015
chiopterus (Meigen, 1830) 23(●),26(●),30(●),31(○),39(●),40(●)
circumscriptus Kieer, 1918
clintoni Boorman, 1984 30(●),31(○),34(○),39(●),40(●)
comosioculatus Tokunaga, 1956 30(●),31(○),34(○),40(●)
dewul Goetghebuer, 1936 23(●),30(●),31(○),40(●)
fascipennis (Stæger, 1839) 5(
festivipennis Kieer, 1914
furcillatus Callot, Kremer & Paradis, 1962
gornostaevae Mirzaeva, 1984 37(●),40(●)
grisescens Edwards, in Edwards et al. 1939 23(●),30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
heliophilus Edwards, 1921 23(●),30(●),31(○),40(●)
impunctatus Goetghebuer, 1920 23(●),26(●),30(●),31(○),39(●),40(●)
kibunensis Tokunaga, 1937 30(●),31(○),39(●),40(●)
lenae Glushchenko & Mirzaeva, 1970
manchuriensis Tokunaga, 1941
maritimus Kieer, 1924b
nubeculosus (Meigen, 1830)
obsoletus (Meigen, 1818) 2(
pallidicornis Kieer, 1919a 39(●),40(●)
pictipennis (Stæger, 1839) 39(●),40(●)
pulicaris (Linnaeus, 1758) 9(
punctatus (Meigen, 1804) 23(●),26(●),40(●)
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 1. continued.
Genus/species Literature
reconditus Campbell & Pelham-Clinton, 1960 23(●)
riethi Kieer, 1914 23(●)
riouxi Callot & Kremer, 1961
salinarius Kieer, 1914 23(●),38(●),40(●)
scoticus Downes & Kettle, 1952 23(●),30(●),31(○),34(○),39(●),40(●)
sphagnumensis Williams, 1955 23(●),30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
segnis Campbell & Pelham-Clinton, 1960 39(●),40(●)
stigma (Meigen, 1818) 23(●)
vexans (Stæger, 1839) 30(●),31(○),34(○)
Dasyhelea Kieer, 1911a
acuminata Kieer, 1919a
arenivaga Mace, 1943
baltica Remm, 1966
bensoni Edwards, 1933 30(●),31(○),38(●),40(●)
bida Zilahi-Sebess, 1936 38(●)
bilineata Goethgebuer, 1920 35(●),40(●)
bilobata Kieer, 1915 30(●),31(○)
biunguis Kieer, 1925a 30(●),31(○),34(○),40(●)
caesia Remm, 1993
damp Kieer, 1925b
europaea Remm, 1962a 30(●),31(○),40(●)
avifrons (Guérin-Méneville, 1833)
avoscutellata (Zetterstedt, 1850) 2(●),9(
holosericea (Meigen, 1804)
ledi Remm, 1993 30(●),31(○),34(○)
lucida Remm, in Remm & Zhogolev 1968
malleola Remm, 1962a 38(●),40(●)
modesta (Winnertz, 1852) 30(●),31(○),38(●),40(●)
norvegica Szadziewski & Hagan, 2000 29(●),30(●),31(○)
notata Goetghebuer, 1920
parallela Remm, 1962a 30(●),31(○),40(●)
stackelbergi Remm, 1993
Dasyhelea sp. 1ES 38(●),40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 2ES 38(●),40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 5ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 7ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 14ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 15ES 40(●)
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 1. continued.
Genus/species Literature
Dasyhelea sp. 16ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 17ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 18ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 19ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 20ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 22ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 24ES 40(●)
Dasyhelea sp. 25ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818
acidicola (Tokunaga, 1937) 30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
alacris (Winnertz, 1852)
albostyla Remm, 1979 30(●),31(○),34(○)
altaica Remm, 1972
aristolochiae (Rondani, 1860)
bipunctata (Linneus, 1767) 2(
brevipennis (Macquart, 1826) 30(●),31(○)
chaetoptera Remm, 1962b 38(●),40(●)
ciliata (Winnertz, 1852) 30(●),31(○),34(○),40(●)
crassipes (Winnertz, 1852)
dichromata Remm, in Remm & Zhogolev 1968 39(●)
eques (Johannsen, 1908) 16(●),21(●),22(●),40(●)
fuliginosa (Meigen, 1818) 30(●),31(○),34(○),40(●)
glauca Mace, 1934
hygrophila Kieer, 1925b 30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
kaltenbachi (Winnertz, 1852) 30(●),31(○),34(○)
monilicornis (Coquillett, 1905) 30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
nigra (Winnertz, 1852) 30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
nigrans Remm, 1962b 30(●),31(○),34(○),40(●)
pallida (Winnertz, 1852)
palustris (Meigen, 1804) 30(●),31(○),34(○),38(●),40(●)
phlebotomides Bangerter, 1933
pulchrithorax Edwards, in Saunders 1924
sphagnophila Kieer, 1925a
squamigera Kieer, in Thienemann & Kieer 1916 33(●),38(●),40(●)
tenuis (Winnertz, 1852) 38(●),40(●)
tibialis Remm, 1961a 39(●)
titillans (Winnertz, 1852) 30(●),31(○),34(○),39(●),40(●)
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 1. continued.
Genus/species Literature
tonnoiri (Goetghebuer, 1920)
Forcipomyia sp. 3ES 38(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 8ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 12ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 13ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 14ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 15ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 16ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 17ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 18ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 19ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 20ES 40(●)
Forcipomyia sp. 22ES 40(●)
Kolenohelea de Meillon & Wirth, 1981
calcarata (Goetghebuer, 1920) 39(●)
Mallochohelea Wirth, 1962
nitida (Macquart, 1826) 3(
scandinaviae (Clastrier, 1962a) 19(●)
Mallochohelea sp. 1ES 40(●)
Mallochohelea sp. 2ES 40(●)
Monohelea Kieer, 1917b
estonica Remm, 1965
Nilobezzia Kieer, 1921
posticata (Zetterstedt, 1850) 2(●),8(●○),9(○),15(○)
Palpomyia Meigen, 1818
armipes (Meigen, 1838)
binotata Stæger, 1839
citrinipes Kieer, 1922b
concoloripes Clastrier, 1962a 19(●)
distincta (Halliday, 1833)
avipes (Meigen, 1804)
lineata (Meigen, 1804)
luteifemorata Edwards, 1926
nigripes (Meigen, 1830)
pubescens Kieer, 1919a 15(
remmi Havelka, 1974 25(●),38(●),40(●)
rupes (Meigen, 1818) 15(●),40(●)
serripes (Meigen, 1818) 30(●),31(○),40(●)
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 1. continued.
Genus/species Literature
spinipes (Meigen, 1818) 15(
tibialis (Meigen, 1818) 15(●),40(●)
Palpomyia sp. 5ES 40(●)
Palpomyia sp. 6ES 40(●)
Phaenobezzia Haeselbarth, 1965
rubiginosa (Winnertz, 1852)
Probezzia Kieer, 1906
seminigra (Panzer, 1798)
Schizohelea Kieer, 1917b
leucopeza (Meigen, 1804) 5(
Serromyia Meigen, 1818
atra (Meigen, 1818)
femorata (Meigen, 1804) 1(
ledicola Kieer, 1925b
morio (Fabricius, 1775)
Sphaeromias Curtis, 1829
fasciatus (Meigen, 1804)
Stilobezzia Kieer, 1911b
gracilis (Haliday, 1833)
ochracea (Winnertz, 1852) 39(●),40(●)
“cf.” are treated as interim names) as nominal
species could not be assigned. In the case of
Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum Remm, 1961b, A. cf.
minutus (Meigen, 1830), Brachypogon cf. nieves
(Havelka, 1976) and Ceratopogon cf. inverecundus
Borkent & Grogan, 1995, a comparison with type
materials or simply more specimens available for
studies are needed to verify the identications. All
other Ceratopogonidae assigned to interim names
were mostly separated based on dierences in
their DNA barcodes (COI sequences). We were
unable to correctly classify them, either because
they did not t to any known species description,
or because the examined specimens were
represented by a life stage or sex with little or no
diagnostic features.
The biting midges reported from Norway belong
to the following 21 genera, each represented by the
number of recorded species given in parentheses
(Linnaean name + interim name): Alluaudomyia
Kieer, 1913b (1+1), Atrichopogon Kieer, 1906
(16+6), Bezzia Kieer, 1899 (15+6), Brachypogon
Kieer, 1899 (11+6), Ceratoculicoides Wirth
and Ratanaworabhan, 1971 (0+1), Ceratopogon
Meigen, 1803 (6+1), Clinohelea Kieer, 1917b
(1+0), Culicoides Latreille, 1809 (34+0),
Dasyhelea Kieer, 1911a (22+14), Forcipomyia
Meigen, 1818 (29+12), Kolenohelea de Meillon
and Wirth, 1981 (1+0), Mallochohelea Wirth,
1962 (2+2), Monohelea Kieer, 1917b (1+0),
Nilobezzia Kieer, 1921b (1+0), Palpomyia
Meigen, 1818 (15+2), Phaenobezzia Haeselbarth,
1965 (1+0), Probezzia Kieer, 1906 (1+0),
Schizohelea Kieer, 1917b (1+0), Serromyia
Meigen, 1818 (4+0), Sphaeromias Curtis, 1829
(1+0), Stilobezzia Kieer, 1911b (2+0). Four
genera, namely Ceratoculicoides, Monohelea,
Phaenobezzia and Probezzia, are here recorded
from Norway for the rst time.
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. Specimen data of recently recorded Ceratopogonidae (own records, material deposited at the NTNU University Museum)
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
HED-Cer115 BOLD:ACX1443 200980 Alluaudomyia quadripunctata adult M17 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer144 BOLD:ACX1443 201009 Alluaudomyia quadripunctata adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer145 BOLD:ACX1443 201010 Alluaudomyia quadripunctata adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al.Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer298 BOLD:ACX1443 201163 Alluaudomyia quadripunctata adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer299 BOLD:ACX1443 201164 Alluaudomyia quadripunctata adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer300 BOLD:ACX1443 201165 Alluaudomyia quadripunctata adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer225 BOLD:ACT7539 226915 Alluaudomyia sp. 1ES larva 17 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Drangedal Sannes-Langen
TRD-Cer216 BOLD:ACT7539 200665 Alluaudomyia sp. 1ES adult F9 October 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
HED-Cer25 BOLD:ACI3427 200890 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer26 BOLD:ACI3427 200891 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer153 BOLD:ACI3427 201018 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M5 November 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer176 BOLD:ACC1669 201041 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F15 August 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer183 BOLD:ACI3427 201048 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M29 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer184 BOLD:ACI3427 201049 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F29 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer05 BOLD:ACI3427 226695 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M24 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Flekkefjord River Sira
MM-Cer16 BOLD:ACC1669 226706 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M22 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Flekkefjord Flikkeid
MM-Cer51 BOLD:ACI3427 226741 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M19 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Drangedal Sannnes-Langen
TRD-Cer2 BOLD:ACC1669 201761 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F6 June 2010 J. K. Skei Trondheim Gjeddtjørna outlet
TRD-Cer24 BOLD:ACC1669 200473 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer25 BOLD:ACC1669 200474 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer26 BOLD:ACC1669 200475 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer27 BOLD:ACC1669 200476 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer29 BOLD:ACC1669 200478 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer43 BOLD:ACC1669 200492 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer62 BOLD:ACC1669 200511 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer63 BOLD:ACC1669 200512 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer118 BOLD:ACC1669 200567 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer122 BOLD:ACC1669 200571 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer125 BOLD:ACC1669 200574 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer127 BOLD:ACC1669 200576 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer148 BOLD:ACC1669 200597 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer204 BOLD:ACC1669 200653 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F3 July 2014 E. Stur et al.Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer291 BOLD:ACC1669 200740 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer292 BOLD:ACC1669 200741 Atrichopogon brunnipes adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
MM-Cer118 BOLD:ACX2897 226808 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult M19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Arendal Midtre Sagvann
MM-Cer124 BOLD:ACX2897 226814 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer125 BOLD:AEF1704 226815 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer142 BOLD:ACX2897 226832 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer244 BOLD:AEF1704 226934 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult M25 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund Einarsneset
MM-Cer245 BOLD:AEF1704 226935 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult F25 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund Einarsneset
MM-Cer246 BOLD:AEF1704 226936 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult F25 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund Einarsneset
MM-Cer315 227005 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult F23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
TRD-Cer268 BOLD:ACX3268 200717 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
227037 Atrichopogon forcipatus adult F25 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
HED-Cer116 BOLD:ACC9717 200981 Atrichopogon fusculus adult F17 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer135 BOLD:ACC9717 201000 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer219 BOLD:ACC9717 201084 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer226 BOLD:ACC9717 201091 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer284 BOLD:ACC9717 201149 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
HED-Cer327 BOLD:ADH7716 201753 Atrichopogon fusculus adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer328 BOLD:ACC9717 201754 Atrichopogon fusculus adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer332 BOLD:ADH7716 201758 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer76 BOLD:ACC9717 226766 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M21 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer104 BOLD:ACC9717 226794 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer280 BOLD:ACC9717 226970 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M21 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer282 BOLD:ACC9717 226972 Atrichopogon fusculus adult F21 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer254 BOLD:ACC9717 200703 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer273 BOLD:ACC9717 200722 Atrichopogon fusculus adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
HED-Cer73 BOLD:ADG7248 200938 Atrichopogon griseolus adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer91 BOLD:ADG7248 226781 Atrichopogon griseolus adult F15 July 2019 E. Langegard & Ø.
Marnadal Lågåna øvre Laudal
HED-Cer210 BOLD:ADG7248 201075 Atrichopogon griseolus adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer329 BOLD:ADG7248 201755 Atrichopogon griseolus adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer331 BOLD:ADG7248 201757 Atrichopogon griseolus adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer156 BOLD:ADG7248 226846 Atrichopogon griseolus adult M19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
HED-Cer330 BOLD:ABZ8851 201756 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer151 BOLD:ABZ8851 226841 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult F19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
MM-Cer184 BOLD:AEF2586 226874 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
MM-Cer335 BOLD:ABZ8851 227025 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum larva 3 June 2019 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Lauglovatnet
TRD-Cer123 BOLD:ABZ8851 200572 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer129 BOLD:ABZ8851 200578 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer133 BOLD:ABZ8851 200582 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer135 BOLD:ABZ8851 200584 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer136 BOLD:ABZ8851 200585 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult F11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer222 BOLD:ABZ8851 200671 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer223 BOLD:ABZ8851 200672 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer256 BOLD:ABZ8851 200705 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer277 BOLD:ABZ8851 200726 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer28 BOLD:ABZ8851 200477 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer66 BOLD:ABZ8851 200515 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer69 BOLD:ABZ8851 200518 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
227068 Atrichopogon cf. hirtidorsum adult M21 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden, Fugløyna
TRD-Cer110 BOLD:ABZ8855 200559 Atrichopogon longicalcar adult F13 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
TRD-Cer174 BOLD:ACS7862 200623 Atrichopogon longicalcar adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer196 BOLD:ACS7862 200645 Atrichopogon longicalcar adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
MM-Cer310 227000 Atrichopogon lucorum adult F23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
HED-Cer333 BOLD:ADH7715 201759 Atrichopogon maculatus adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer123 BOLD:ADH7715 226813 Atrichopogon maculatus adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer168 BOLD:ADH7715 226858 Atrichopogon maculatus adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Drangsholt
MM-Cer203 BOLD:ADH7715 226893 Atrichopogon maculatus adult M23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer316 BOLD:ADH7715 227006 Atrichopogon maculatus adult F23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer317 BOLD:ADH7715 227007 Atrichopogon maculatus adult M23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer318 BOLD:ADH7715 227008 Atrichopogon maculatus adult M23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer325 BOLD:ADH7715 227015 Atrichopogon maculatus adult F21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
227051 Atrichopogon maculatus adult F6 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
227052 Atrichopogon maculatus adult M7 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer286 BOLD:AEH1314 226976 Atrichopogon meloesugans adult F1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
227070 Atrichopogon meloesugans adult M23 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden, Fugløyna
MM-Cer26 BOLD:ACA4348 226716 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M26 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Foss
MM-Cer27 BOLD:ACA3626 226717 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F26 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Foss
MM-Cer37 BOLD:ACA3626 226727 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F26 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer48 BOLD:ACA4348 226738 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M30 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Songdalen Kroksjø
MM-Cer50 BOLD:ACA3626 226740 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F19 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Drangedal Sannnes-Langen
TRD-Cer18 BOLD:ACA4348 200467 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur & T. Ekrem Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer23 BOLD:ACA4348 200472 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer30 BOLD:ACA4348 200479 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer44 BOLD:ACA4348 200493 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer45 BOLD:ACA4348 200494 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer46 BOLD:ACA4348 200495 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer47 BOLD:ACA4348 200496 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer67 BOLD:ACA4348 200516 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer70 BOLD:ACA4348 200519 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer80 BOLD:ACA4348 200529 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer95 BOLD:ACA4348 200544 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer96 BOLD:ACA4348 200545 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer97 BOLD:ACA4348 200546 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer98 BOLD:ACA4348 200547 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer102 BOLD:ACA4348 200551 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer107 BOLD:ACA4348 200556 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer109 BOLD:ACA4348 200558 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer114 BOLD:ACA4348 200563 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer116 BOLD:ACA4348 200565 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer128 BOLD:ACA4348 200577 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer131 BOLD:ACA4348 200580 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer132 BOLD:ACA4348 200581 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer137 BOLD:ACA4348 200586 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer142 BOLD:ACA4348 200591 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer144 BOLD:ACA4348 200593 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer151 BOLD:ACA4348 200600 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M9 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer152 BOLD:ACA4348 200601 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M9 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer153 BOLD:ACA4348 200602 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M9 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer154 BOLD:ACA4348 200603 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M9 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer156 BOLD:ACA4348 200605 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F9 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer161 BOLD:ACA4348 200610 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M30 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer162 BOLD:ACA4348 200611 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F30 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer166 BOLD:ACA4348 200615 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F1 July 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer175 BOLD:ACA4348 200624 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
TRD-Cer176 BOLD:ACA4348 200625 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
TRD-Cer177 BOLD:ACA4348 200626 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
TRD-Cer179 BOLD:ACA4348 200628 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer180 BOLD:ACA4348 200629 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
TRD-Cer181 BOLD:ACA4348 200630 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
TRD-Cer184 BOLD:ACA4348 200633 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M11 September 2014 E. Stur et al.Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer188 BOLD:ACA4348 200637 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer191 BOLD:ACA4348 200640 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer194 BOLD:ACA4348 200643 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer197 BOLD:ACA4348 200646 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer198 BOLD:ACA4348 200647 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer201 BOLD:ACA4348 200650 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer202 BOLD:ACA4348 200651 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer205 BOLD:ACA4348 200654 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F3 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer227 BOLD:ACA4348 200676 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer294 BOLD:ACA4348 200743 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer306 BOLD:ACA4348 200755 Atrichopogon cf. minutus adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Trondheim Nidelva
MM-Cer251 BOLD:ACX1975 226941 Atrichopogon muelleri adult F23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Prestebekken
227064 Atrichopogon muelleri adult M17 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Prestebekken
AT-Cer8 BOLD:ABZ9243 238681 Atrichopogon oedemerarum adult F7 July 2008 T. Hostad Stor-Elvdal Solbakken
MM-Cer150 BOLD:ABZ9243 226840 Atrichopogon oedemerarum adult F23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer20 BOLD:ABZ9243 226710 Atrichopogon oedemerarum adult M21 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Nissedal Nisser
MM-Cer21 BOLD:ABZ9243 226711 Atrichopogon oedemerarum adult F21 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Nissedal Nisser
MM-Cer277 226967 Atrichopogon oedemerarum adult F1 August 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
MM-Cer53 226743 Atrichopogon oedemerarum adult F29 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
TRD-Cer147 BOLD:ABZ9243 200596 Atrichopogon oedemerarum adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
227033 Atrichopogon oedemerarum adult F21 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Songdalen Kroksjø
227084 Atrichopogon oedemerarum adult M5 August 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Storevann
HED-Cer175 BOLD:ACY5307 201040 Atrichopogon paulus adult F6 June 2016 G. M. Kvifte Åmot Nord for Stavlia II
TRD-Cer229 BOLD:ACY5307 200678 Atrichopogon paulus adult F22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
MM-Cer255 BOLD:ACX2517 226945 Atrichopogon pavidus adult F24 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer287 BOLD:ACX0617 226977 Atrichopogon pavidus adult M1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
227058 Atrichopogon pavidus adult M13 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer148 BOLD:ACF7706 226838 Atrichopogon winnertzi adult F22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
MM-Cer285 BOLD:ACF7706 226975 Atrichopogon winnertzi adult F1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
227034 Atrichopogon winnertzi adult F22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Songdalen Kroksjø
227082 Atrichopogon winnertzi adult F3 August 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Storevann
227083 Atrichopogon winnertzi adult F4 August 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Storevann
TRD-Cer200 BOLD:ACS7801 200649 Atrichopogon sp. 5ES adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
MM-Cer197 BOLD:AEF3295 226887 Atrichopogon sp. 7ES adult F27 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer336 BOLD:AEH9327 227026 Atrichopogon sp. 8ES larva 6 June 2019 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Kobberdammen
MM-Cer309 226999 Atrichopogon sp. 9ES adult M23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Prestebekken
MM-Cer190 BOLD:ACX2583 226880 Bezzia albicornis adult F27 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer191 BOLD:ACX2583 226881 Bezzia albicornis adult M27 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
227072 Bezzia albicornis adult M25 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund Einarsneset
MM-Cer213 BOLD:ACX2190 226903 Bezzia annulipes larva 26 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer215 BOLD:ACX2190 226905 Bezzia annulipes larva 18 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer334 BOLD:ACO5271 227024 Bezzia annulipes pupa 26 July 2018 G. Kjærstad Orkland Lake Gjosjøn
MM-Cer45 226735 Bezzia annulipes adult F30 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Songdalen Kroksjø
MM-Cer64 BOLD:ACX2190 226754 Bezzia annulipes adult F4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
TRD-Cer164 BOLD:ACO5271 200613 Bezzia annulipes adult F1 July 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer183 BOLD:ACO5271 200632 Bezzia annulipes adult F11 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer214 BOLD:ACO5271 200663 Bezzia annulipes adult F24 June 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer289 BOLD:ACO5271 200738 Bezzia annulipes adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer293 BOLD:ACO5271 200742 Bezzia annulipes adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer302 BOLD:ACO5271 200751 Bezzia annulipes larva 1 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Kyvatnet
TRD-Cer8 BOLD:ACO5271 200457 Bezzia annulipes larva 21 May 2014 E. Stur & K. Haarsaker Trondheim Jonsvatn
HED-Cer120 BOLD:ACX3378 200985 Bezzia bicolor adult M17 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer46 BOLD:ACX3378 200911 Bezzia bicolor adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
HED-Cer71 BOLD:ACX3378 200936 Bezzia bicolor adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer107 BOLD:ACX3378 226797 Bezzia bicolor adult F1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkeland Nordåsvegen
MM-Cer230 BOLD:ACX3378 226920 Bezzia bicolor pupa 24 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Flekkefjord Lundevatn at Sira
MM-Cer231 BOLD:ACX3378 226921 Bezzia bicolor pupa 24 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Flekkefjord Lundevatn at Sira
MM-Cer235 BOLD:AEC2002 226925 Bezzia fascispinosa larva 21 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Songdalen
MM-Cer240 BOLD:AEC2002 226930 Bezzia fascispinosa larva 18 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Drangsholt
MM-Cer321 BOLD:AEC2002 227011 Bezzia fascispinosa adult M21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer35 BOLD:AEC2002 226725 Bezzia fascispinosa adult F19 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Drangedal Sannnes-Langen
MM-Cer68 BOLD:AEC2002 226758 Bezzia fascispinosa adult F6 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer71 BOLD:AEC2002 226761 Bezzia fascispinosa adult M6 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer73 BOLD:AEC2002 226763 Bezzia fascispinosa adult F6 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer95 BOLD:AEC2002 226785 Bezzia fascispinosa adult M21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer323 BOLD:AEI1206 227013 Bezzia avicornis adult M21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
227067 Bezzia avicornis adult F20 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer146 BOLD:ACX2584 226836 Bezzia fuliginata adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
227036 Bezzia fuliginata adult M24 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer108 BOLD:AEC1889 226798 Bezzia kazlauskasi adult M1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkeland Nordåsvegen
HED-Cer125 BOLD:ADF7283 200990 Bezzia nigritula adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer162 BOLD:ADD8546 201027 Bezzia nigritula adult M30 June 2016 G. M. Kvifte Os Røst nord
HED-Cer209 BOLD:ADD8546 201074 Bezzia nigritula adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer270 BOLD:ADD8546 201135 Bezzia nigritula adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer35 BOLD:ADF7283 200900 Bezzia nigritula adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer44 BOLD:ADD8546 200909 Bezzia nigritula adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer45 BOLD:ADD8546 200910 Bezzia nigritula adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer222 BOLD:ACX1844 226912 Bezzia nobilis larva 16 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Drammen Haerstrøm
MM-Cer332 BOLD:ACX1844 227022 Bezzia nobilis larva 27 May 2020 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Jonsvatnet
MM-Cer278 BOLD:ACP8436 226968 Bezzia ornata adult M1 August 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
HED-Cer208 BOLD:ACM6383 201073 Bezzia rhynchostylata adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
HED-Cer215 BOLD:ADG4592 201080 Bezzia rhynchostylata adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
TRD-Cer6 BOLD:ACM6383 200455 Bezzia rhynchostylata adult M20 June 2010 J. K. Skei Trondheim Gjeddtjørna inlet
HED-Cer173 BOLD:ACU5144 201038 Bezzia signata adult M19 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer216 BOLD:ACU5144 201081 Bezzia signata adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer32 BOLD:ACU5144 200897 Bezzia signata adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
MM-Cer145 BOLD:ACU5144 226835 Bezzia signata adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
HED-Cer315 BOLD:ABW3990 201180 Bezzia solstitialis adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer62 BOLD:ABW3990 226752 Bezzia solstitialis adult F31 July 2019 E. Langegard & Ø.
Marnadal Lågåna øvre Laudal
MM-Cer109 BOLD:ABW3990 226799 Bezzia solstitialis adult F1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkeland Nordåsvegen
MM-Cer165 226855 Bezzia solstitialis adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer186 BOLD:ABW3990 226876 Bezzia solstitialis adult F26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer217 BOLD:ABW3990 226907 Bezzia solstitialis larva 19 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
MM-Cer218 BOLD:ABW3990 226908 Bezzia solstitialis larva 19 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
MM-Cer219 BOLD:ABW3990 226909 Bezzia solstitialis larva 19 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
MM-Cer220 BOLD:ABW3990 226910 Bezzia solstitialis larva 19 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
MM-Cer236 BOLD:ABW3990 226926 Bezzia solstitialis larva 21 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Songdalen
MM-Cer237 BOLD:ABW3990 226927 Bezzia solstitialis pupa 21 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Songdalen
MM-Cer238 BOLD:ABW3990 226928 Bezzia solstitialis pupa 21 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Songdalen
MM-Cer257 BOLD:ABW3990 226947 Bezzia solstitialis adult F24 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
TRD-Cer304 BOLD:ABW3990 200753 Bezzia solstitialis larva 1 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Kyvatnet
TRD-Cer311 BOLD:ABW3990 200760 Bezzia solstitialis larva 16 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Lauglovatnet
227049 Bezzia solstitialis adult F4 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
227056 Bezzia solstitialis adult M11 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Sogndalen
227073 Bezzia solstitialis adult F26 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
MM-Cer187 BOLD:AEF5127 226877 Bezzia sp. 10ES adult M23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
HED-Cer146 BOLD:ACX2988 201011 Bezzia sp. 2ES adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer36 BOLD:ACX2988 200901 Bezzia sp. 2ES adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer166 BOLD:ACX2988 226856 Bezzia sp. 2ES adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
TRD-Cer312 BOLD:ACX2988 200761 Bezzia sp. 2ES pupa 16 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Lauglovatnet
MM-Cer232 BOLD:ABW3936 226922 Bezzia sp. 3ES pupa 24 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Flekkefjord Lundevatn at Sira
TRD-Cer317 BOLD:ABW3936 200766 Bezzia sp. 3ES pupa 16 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Holstdammen
HED-Cer114 BOLD:ADC1577 200979 Bezzia sp. 4ES adult F17 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
TRD-Cer310 BOLD:ADC1577 200759 Bezzia sp. 4ES pupa 18 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Sølvskakkeltjønna
HED-Cer31 BOLD:ADF6138 200896 Bezzia sp. 6ES adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer197 BOLD:AAG6456 201062 Bezzia sp. 8ES adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
MM-Cer212 BOLD:AAG6456 226902 Bezzia sp. 8ES larva 28 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Froland Nidelva
TRD-Cer303 BOLD:AAG6456 200752 Bezzia sp. 8ES larva 1 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Kyvatnet
TRD-Cer305 BOLD:AAG6456 200754 Bezzia sp. 8ES larva 1 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Kyvatnet
HED-Cer111 BOLD:ACU5326 200976 Brachypogon alpinus adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer112 BOLD:ACU5326 200977 Brachypogon alpinus adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer124 BOLD:ACX0614 200989 Brachypogon beaufortanensis adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer86 BOLD:ACA2830 200951 Brachypogon incompletus adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer118 BOLD:ACA2830 200983 Brachypogon incompletus adult M17 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer229 BOLD:ABW3956 201094 Brachypogon incompletus adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
MM-Cer44 BOLD:ACA2830 226734 Brachypogon incompletus adult F23 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Flekkefjord Tjern ved Lafjell
MM-Cer83 BOLD:ACA2830 226773 Brachypogon incompletus adult M8 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer344 BOLD:ABW3956 227032 Brachypogon incompletus pupa 19 June 2017 G. Kjærstad Midtre
227080 Brachypogon incompletus adult M1 August 2020 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
HED-Cer303 BOLD:ADH8226 201168 Brachypogon cf. nieves adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
AT-Cer1 BOLD:ABW3943 238674 Brachypogon nitidulus adult M16 June 2008 T. Hostad Dovre Rondane nasjonalpark
HED-Cer38 BOLD:ABW3943 200903 Brachypogon nitidulus adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer110 BOLD:ABW3943 200975 Brachypogon nitidulus adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer150 BOLD:ABW3943 201015 Brachypogon nitidulus adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer290 BOLD:ABW3943 201155 Brachypogon nitidulus adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer43 BOLD:ABW3943 226733 Brachypogon nitidulus adult F23 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Flekkefjord Tjern ved Lafjell
MM-Cer66 BOLD:ABW3943 226756 Brachypogon nitidulus adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer120 BOLD:ABW3943 226810 Brachypogon nitidulus adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer252 BOLD:ABW3943 226942 Brachypogon nitidulus adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer304 BOLD:ABW3943 226994 Brachypogon nitidulus adult M5 September 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
TRD-Cer9 BOLD:ABW3943 200458 Brachypogon nitidulus adult F26 May 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Bymarka
227081 Brachypogon norvegicus adult M2 August 2020 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer183 BOLD:AEC3093 226873 Brachypogon perpusillus adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
MM-Cer81 BOLD:AEC3093 226771 Brachypogon perpusillus adult F8 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
AT-Cer6 BOLD:ABW3958 238679 Brachypogon sociabilis adult M30 June 2008 T. Hostad Folldal Vollen
HED-Cer151 BOLD:ABW3958 201016 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer230 BOLD:ACE8195 201095 Brachypogon sociabilis adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
MM-Cer61 BOLD:ABW3958 226751 Brachypogon sociabilis adult M2 June 2019 E. Langegard & Ø.
Marnadal Lågåna øvre Laudal
MM-Cer116 BOLD:ABW3958 226806 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F17 June 2020 E. Stur Drangedal Engåa
MM-Cer153 BOLD:ACE8195 226843 Brachypogon sociabilis adult M19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
MM-Cer172 BOLD:ABW3958 226862 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer281 BOLD:ABW4001 226971 Brachypogon sociabilis adult M21 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer294 BOLD:ABW3958 226984 Brachypogon sociabilis adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
TRD-Cer13 BOLD:ACE8195 200462 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F4 June 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer14 BOLD:ACE8195 200463 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F4 June 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer16 BOLD:ACE8195 200465 Brachypogon sociabilis adult M4 June 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer73 BOLD:ABW3958 200522 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer77 BOLD:ABW3958 200526 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer78 BOLD:ABW3958 200527 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer89 BOLD:ABW4001 200538 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer90 BOLD:ABW3958 200539 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer206 BOLD:ACE8195 200655 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F3 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer219 BOLD:ACE8195 200668 Brachypogon sociabilis adult F3 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
HED-Cer84 BOLD:ACN4299 200949 Brachypogon vitiosus adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer301 BOLD:ACN4299 201166 Brachypogon vitiosus adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer304 BOLD:ACN4299 201169 Brachypogon vitiosus adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer106 BOLD:ACJ1070 226796 Brachypogon vitiosus adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer264 BOLD:ACJ1070 226954 Brachypogon vitiosus adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
HED-Cer201 BOLD:ADG4684 201066 Brachypogon sp. 3ES adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
TRD-Cer296 BOLD:ACY4182 200745 Brachypogon sp. 4ES adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer81 BOLD:ACS1815 200530 Brachypogon sp. 5ES adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer15 BOLD:ACO4024 200464 Brachypogon sp. 6ES adult F4 June 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
HED-Cer264 BOLD:ADI0996 201129 Brachypogon sp. 7ES adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer266 BOLD:ADI0996 201131 Brachypogon sp. 7ES adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer280 BOLD:ADH9057 201145 Brachypogon sp. 7ES adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
MM-Cer298 BOLD:ACX0816 226988 Ceratoculicoides sp. 1ES adult F23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
HED-Cer238 BOLD:AAP6905 201103 Ceratopogon abstrusus adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
TRD-Cer243 200692 Ceratopogon abstrusus adult F22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
HED-Cer172 BOLD:ABW3984 201037 Ceratopogon grandiforceps adult F19 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
AT-Cer9 BOLD:ACX5097 238682 Ceratopogon cf. inverecundus adult F7 July 2008 T. Hostad Stor-Elvdal Solbakken
HED-Cer164 BOLD:ACX5097 201029 Ceratopogon cf. inverecundus adult M19 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
TRD-Cer236 BOLD:ACX5097 200685 Ceratopogon cf. inverecundus adult F22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
HED-Cer39 BOLD:ACA4516 200904 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer88 BOLD:ACA4516 200953 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer156 BOLD:ACA4516 201021 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult F16 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer178 BOLD:ACA4516 201043 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
MM-Cer65 BOLD:ACA4516 226755 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer98 BOLD:ACA4516 226788 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer99 226789 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer129 BOLD:ACA4516 226819 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer147 BOLD:ACA4516 226837 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
MM-Cer265 BOLD:ACA4516 226955 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer279 BOLD:ACA4516 226969 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M20 May 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
227061 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M15 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
227079 Ceratopogon lacteipennis adult M31 July 2020 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer157 BOLD:ACX3725 226847 Clinohelea unimaculata adult M19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
MM-Cer177 BOLD:ACX3725 226867 Clinohelea unimaculata adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
MM-Cer178 BOLD:ACX3725 226868 Clinohelea unimaculata adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
MM-Cer179 BOLD:ACX3725 226869 Clinohelea unimaculata adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
227053 Clinohelea unimaculata adult F8 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand creek between Kostoltjønn
and Jordetjønn
227054 Clinohelea unimaculata adult M9 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand creek between Kostoltjønn
and Jordetjønn
227062 Clinohelea unimaculata adult M16 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
HED-Cer54 BOLD:ABW3940 200919 Culicoides albicans adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer55 BOLD:ABW3940 200920 Culicoides albicans adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer57 BOLD:ADF8422 200922 Culicoides albicans adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer225 BOLD:ABW3940 201090 Culicoides albicans adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer276 BOLD:ABW3940 201141 Culicoides albicans adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer288 BOLD:ABW3940 201153 Culicoides albicans adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
HED-Cer311 BOLD:ABW3940 201176 Culicoides albicans adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer312 BOLD:ADF8422 201177 Culicoides albicans adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer313 BOLD:ABW3940 201178 Culicoides albicans adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer84 BOLD:ABW3940 226774 Culicoides albicans adult F8 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer89 226779 Culicoides albicans adult F21 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer121 BOLD:ABW3940 226811 Culicoides albicans adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer253 BOLD:ABW3940 226943 Culicoides albicans adult F4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer288 BOLD:ABW3940 226978 Culicoides albicans adult M1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer289 BOLD:ABW3940 226979 Culicoides albicans adult M1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
MM-Cer290 226980 Culicoides albicans adult M1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
MM-Cer311 BOLD:ABW3940 227001 Culicoides albicans adult M24 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Storevann
TRD-Cer5 BOLD:ABW3940 200454 Culicoides albicans adult M20 June 2010 J. K. Skei Trondheim Gjeddtjørna inlet
MM-Cer284 226974 Culicoides boyi adult F1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
TRD-Cer308 BOLD:AEH0796 200757 Culicoides chiopterus adult F28 September 2015 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
MM-Cer06 BOLD:ACO3870 226696 Culicoides circumscriptus adult F19 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer07 BOLD:ABX3077 226697 Culicoides circumscriptus adult M19 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer268 BOLD:AAV9748 226958 Culicoides circumscriptus adult F27 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer270 BOLD:ABX3077 226960 Culicoides circumscriptus adult F27 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer271 BOLD:ACO3870 226961 Culicoides circumscriptus adult F27 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer320 BOLD:AAV9748 227010 Culicoides circumscriptus adult F21 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer130 BOLD:ACG3274 226820 Culicoides clintoni adult M22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
MM-Cer312 BOLD:ACG3274 227002 Culicoides clintoni adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer339 BOLD:ACG3274 227027 Culicoides clintoni pupa 4 June 2019 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Haukvatnet
HED-Cer28 BOLD:ADF6075 200893 Culicoides comosioculatus adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer29 BOLD:ADF6075 200894 Culicoides comosioculatus adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
MM-Cer93 226783 Culicoides dewul adult F31 August 2019 E. Langegard & Ø.
Marnadal Lågåna øvre Laudal
HED-Cer235 BOLD:AAZ4055 201100 Culicoides fascipennis adult F2 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
MM-Cer18 BOLD:AAZ4055 226708 Culicoides fascipennis adult F20 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Drangedal Langmyr
MM-Cer261 BOLD:AAZ4055 226951 Culicoides fascipennis adult M5 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
227078 Culicoides festivipennis adult F30 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund near Lista aluminum plant
HED-Cer160 BOLD:ADG5653 201025 Culicoides furcillatus adult F7 June 2016 G. M. Kvifte Engerdal Kvemskjøla-Sorken
MM-Cer327 BOLD:ACF1108 227017 Culicoides gornostaevae adult F1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
NO 106 BOLD:ACF1108 200863 Culicoides gornostaevae adult M20 June 2010 J. K. Skei Trondheim Gjeddvatnet
AT-Cer2 BOLD:AAR4918 238675 Culicoides grisescens adult M24 August 2008 T. Hostad Folldal Vollen
AT-Cer3 BOLD:AAR4918 238676 Culicoides grisescens adult F24 August 2008 T. Hostad Folldal Vollen
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
AT-Cer17 BOLD:AAR4918 238690 Culicoides grisescens adult F22 September 2008 T. Hostad Folldal Atna river
AT-Cer18 BOLD:AAR4918 238691 Culicoides grisescens adult M29 September 2008 T. Hostad Folldal Atna river
AT-Cer19 BOLD:AAR4918 238692 Culicoides grisescens adult F29 August 2008 T. Hostad Folldal Atna river
HED-Cer04 BOLD:AAR4918 200869 Culicoides grisescens adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer08 BOLD:AAR4918 200873 Culicoides grisescens adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer12 BOLD:AAR4918 200877 Culicoides grisescens adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer167 BOLD:AAR4918 201032 Culicoides grisescens adult F19 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
MM-Cer269 BOLD:AAR4918 226959 Culicoides grisescens adult F27 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer273 BOLD:AAR4918 226963 Culicoides grisescens adult F1 August 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
MM-Cer329 BOLD:AEI3120 227019 Culicoides grisescens adult F1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
MM-Cer330 BOLD:AAR4918 227020 Culicoides grisescens adult F1 August 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
TRD-Cer38 BOLD:AAR4918 200487 Culicoides grisescens adult F25 September 2014 E. Stur Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer51 BOLD:AAR4918 200500 Culicoides grisescens adult F25 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer99 BOLD:AAR4918 200548 Culicoides grisescens adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer170 BOLD:AAR4918 200619 Culicoides grisescens adult F9 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer171 BOLD:AAR4918 200620 Culicoides grisescens adult F9 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer215 BOLD:AAR4918 200664 Culicoides grisescens adult F9 October 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer224 BOLD:AAR4918 200673 Culicoides grisescens adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer290 BOLD:AAR4918 200739 Culicoides grisescens adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
MM-Cer14 BOLD:ACF7867 226704 Culicoides heliophilus adult M19 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer100 BOLD:ACF7867 226790 Culicoides heliophilus adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
EBAI-Dip001 BOLD:ACG4335 238530 Culicoides impunctatus adult F10 August 2015 K. Haarsaker et al. Dovre Rondane nasjonalpark
HED-Cer142 BOLD:ACG4335 201007 Culicoides impunctatus adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
MM-Cer10 BOLD:ACG4335 226700 Culicoides impunctatus adult F19 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer17 BOLD:ACG4335 226707 Culicoides impunctatus adult F22 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Flekkefjord Flikkeid
MM-Cer49 BOLD:ACG4335 226739 Culicoides impunctatus adult F24 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Flekkefjord Lundevatn
MM-Cer135 BOLD:ACG4335 226825 Culicoides impunctatus adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer137 BOLD:ACG4335 226827 Culicoides impunctatus adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer249 BOLD:ACG4335 226939 Culicoides impunctatus adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
MM-Cer256 BOLD:ACG4335 226946 Culicoides impunctatus adult F24 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
MM-Cer260 BOLD:ACG4335 226950 Culicoides impunctatus adult F5 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer267 BOLD:ACG4335 226957 Culicoides impunctatus adult F1 July 2019 E. Langegard & Ø.
Marnardal Lågåna Øvre Laudal
MM-Cer319 BOLD:ACG4335 227009 Culicoides impunctatus adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
HED-Cer98 BOLD:ACG4460 200963 Culicoides kibunensis adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer140 BOLD:ACG4460 201005 Culicoides kibunensis adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer141 BOLD:AAG6430 201006 Culicoides kibunensis adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer221 BOLD:AAG6430 201086 Culicoides kibunensis adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer222 BOLD:AAG6430 201087 Culicoides kibunensis adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer257 BOLD:AAG6430 201122 Culicoides kibunensis adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer258 BOLD:AAG6430 201123 Culicoides kibunensis adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer117 BOLD:AAG6430 226807 Culicoides kibunensis adult F17 June 2020 E. Stur Drangedal Engåa
MM-Cer78 BOLD:ACP1255 226768 Culicoides kibunensis adult F21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Timenes at bridge
SOE424 BOLD:AAG6430 110770 Culicoides kibunensis adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer21 BOLD:ACR6993 200470 Culicoides kibunensis adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer32 BOLD:ACR6993 200481 Culicoides kibunensis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer34 BOLD:ACR6993 200483 Culicoides kibunensis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer36 BOLD:ACR6993 200485 Culicoides kibunensis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer230 BOLD:AAG6430 200679 Culicoides kibunensis adult M22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer272 BOLD:AAG6430 200721 Culicoides kibunensis adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer280 BOLD:ACG4460 200729 Culicoides kibunensis adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
HED-Cer119 BOLD:ABZ9443 200984 Culicoides lenae adult M17 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
FiCer2 BOLD:AAP9051 143848 Culicoides manchuriensis adult M24 June 2010 Finnmarksprosjektet Sør-Varanger South of 96-høyden
MM-Cer08 BOLD:AEG3671 226698 Culicoides maritimus adult M19 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer134 BOLD:AEG3671 226824 Culicoides maritimus adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
227038 Culicoides maritimus adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
HED-Cer09 BOLD:AAM6198 200874 Culicoides obsoletus adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer58 BOLD:ACF9576 200923 Culicoides obsoletus adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer97 BOLD:ACF9576 200962 Culicoides obsoletus adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer12 BOLD:AAM6198 226702 Culicoides obsoletus adult F19 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer136 BOLD:AAM6198 226826 Culicoides obsoletus adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer276 BOLD:AAM6198 226966 Culicoides obsoletus adult F1 August 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
TRD-Cer86 BOLD:ACF9576 200535 Culicoides obsoletus adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer87 BOLD:ACF9576 200536 Culicoides obsoletus adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer101 BOLD:AAM6198 200550 Culicoides obsoletus adult M28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
HED-Cer100 BOLD:ACP1727 200965 Culicoides pallidicornis adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer306 BOLD:ACP1727 226996 Culicoides pallidicornis adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund near Lista aluminum plant
MM-Cer09 BOLD:AAZ3959 226699 Culicoides pictipennis adult F19 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
TRD-Cer68 BOLD:AAZ3959 200517 Culicoides pictipennis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
HED-Cer07 BOLD:AEC5818 200872 Culicoides pulicaris adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
MM-Cer28 BOLD:AEC5818 226718 Culicoides pulicaris adult F16 May 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer58 226748 Culicoides pulicaris adult F5 September 2019 T. Ekrem Kristiansand Hamresanden, Fugløyna
HED-Cer154 BOLD:ACX2603 201019 Culicoides punctatus adult M5 November 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
MM-Cer29 BOLD:ACX2603 226719 Culicoides punctatus adult M16 May 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer54 BOLD:ACX2603 226744 Culicoides punctatus adult M29 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
MM-Cer262 BOLD:ACX2603 226952 Culicoides punctatus adult M5 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer275 BOLD:ACX2603 226965 Culicoides punctatus adult F1 August 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
HED-Cer27 BOLD:ABW3966 200892 Culicoides riouxi adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
MM-Cer11 BOLD:ABW3966 226701 Culicoides riouxi adult F19 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer138 BOLD:ABW3966 226828 Culicoides riouxi adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
TRD-Cer20 BOLD:ABW3966 200469 Culicoides riouxi adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer65 BOLD:ABW3966 200514 Culicoides riouxi adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
HED-Cer126 BOLD:ADS6479 200991 Culicoides salinarius adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
TRD-Cer124 BOLD:ADS6479 200573 Culicoides salinarius adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
HED-Cer03 BOLD:AAZ3985 200868 Culicoides scoticus adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer05 BOLD:AAZ3985 200870 Culicoides scoticus adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer06 BOLD:AAZ3985 200871 Culicoides scoticus adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer10 BOLD:AAZ3985 200875 Culicoides scoticus adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer11 BOLD:AAZ3985 200876 Culicoides scoticus adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
MM-Cer272 226962 Culicoides scoticus adult M1 August 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
MM-Cer274 226964 Culicoides scoticus adult F1 August 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
TRD-Cer37 BOLD:AAZ3985 200486 Culicoides scoticus adult F25 September 2014 E. Stur Klæbu Selbusjøen
MM-Cer305 BOLD:AAY9630 226995 Culicoides segnis adult F26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund near Lista aluminum plant
MM-Cer328 BOLD:AAY9630 227018 Culicoides segnis adult F1 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
TRD-Cer33 BOLD:AAY9630 200482 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer35 BOLD:AAY9630 200484 Culicoides segnis adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer55 BOLD:AAY9630 200504 Culicoides segnis adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer56 BOLD:AAY9630 200505 Culicoides segnis adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer57 BOLD:AAY9630 200506 Culicoides segnis adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer58 BOLD:AAY9630 200507 Culicoides segnis adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer59 BOLD:AAY9630 200508 Culicoides segnis adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer60 BOLD:AAY9630 200509 Culicoides segnis adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer61 BOLD:AAY9630 200510 Culicoides segnis adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer71 BOLD:AAY9630 200520 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer72 BOLD:AAY9630 200521 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer74 BOLD:AAY9630 200523 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer75 BOLD:AAY9630 200524 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer76 BOLD:AAY9630 200525 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer79 BOLD:AAY9630 200528 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer83 BOLD:AAY9630 200532 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer84 BOLD:AAY9630 200533 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer85 BOLD:AAY9630 200534 Culicoides segnis adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer203 BOLD:AAY9630 200652 Culicoides segnis adult M3 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer297 BOLD:AAY9630 200746 Culicoides segnis adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
HED-Cer220 BOLD:ABW3965 201085 Culicoides sphagnumensis adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
MM-Cer192 BOLD:ACX3324 226882 Dasyhelea acuminata adult F27 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
HED-Cer170 BOLD:ADG4457 201035 Dasyhelea arenivaga adult M19 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
MM-Cer193 BOLD:ACX3059 226883 Dasyhelea arenivaga adult F27 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer194 BOLD:ACX2767 226884 Dasyhelea arenivaga adult F27 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer196 BOLD:ACX3059 226886 Dasyhelea arenivaga adult M27 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
227035 Dasyhelea arenivaga adult M23 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
HED-Cer59 BOLD:ABW3983 200924 Dasyhelea baltica adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer157 BOLD:AAV5200 201022 Dasyhelea baltica adult M31 May 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer309 BOLD:ABW3983 201174 Dasyhelea baltica adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer202 BOLD:AAV5200 226892 Dasyhelea baltica adult M23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer342 BOLD:ABW3983 227030 Dasyhelea baltica pupa 13 June 2017 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Lauglovatnet
MM-Cer343 BOLD:ABW3983 227031 Dasyhelea baltica pupa 13 June 2017 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Lauglovatnet
NO 105 BOLD:AAV5200 200862 Dasyhelea baltica adult M20 June 2010 J. K. Skei Trondheim Gjeddvatnet
TRD-Cer313 BOLD:ABW3983 200762 Dasyhelea baltica pupa 16 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Lauglovatnet
TRD-Cer314 BOLD:ABW3983 200763 Dasyhelea baltica pupa 16 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Lauglovatnet
HED-Cer40 BOLD:AAG6449 200905 Dasyhelea bensoni adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer81 BOLD:AAG6449 200946 Dasyhelea bensoni adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer15 BOLD:AAN5169 226705 Dasyhelea bilineata adult F29 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Gillsvann
MM-Cer30 BOLD:AAN5169 226720 Dasyhelea bilineata adult M16 May 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer31 BOLD:AAN5169 226721 Dasyhelea bilineata adult F16 May 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
TRD-Cer134 BOLD:AAN5169 200583 Dasyhelea bilineata adult M11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
HED-Cer49 BOLD:ACX2425 200914 Dasyhelea biunguis adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer169 BOLD:ACX2425 226859 Dasyhelea biunguis adult M17 June 2020 E. Stur Drangedal Sannes-Langen
HED-Cer80 BOLD:ACJ3180 200945 Dasyhelea caesia adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer82 BOLD:ACJ3180 200947 Dasyhelea caesia adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer72 BOLD:AEC1756 226762 Dasyhelea caesia adult M6 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer75 BOLD:AEC1756 226765 Dasyhelea caesia adult M21 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer115 BOLD:AEC1756 226805 Dasyhelea caesia adult M17 June 2020 E. Stur Drangedal Engåa
MM-Cer122 BOLD:AEC1756 226812 Dasyhelea caesia adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer163 BOLD:AEC1756 226853 Dasyhelea caesia adult F26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer182 BOLD:AEC1756 226872 Dasyhelea caesia adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
TRD-Cer52 BOLD:ACJ3180 200501 Dasyhelea caesia adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer53 BOLD:ACJ3180 200502 Dasyhelea caesia adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer64 BOLD:ACJ3180 200513 Dasyhelea caesia adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer182 BOLD:ACJ3180 200631 Dasyhelea caesia adult F11 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer225 BOLD:ACJ3180 200674 Dasyhelea caesia adult M14 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer226 BOLD:ACJ3180 200675 Dasyhelea caesia adult M14 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Trondheim Jonsvatn
227055 Dasyhelea caesia adult M10 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand creek between Kostoltjønn
and Jordetjønn
MM-Cer132 BOLD:ACX2966 226822 Dasyhelea damp adult M22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
MM-Cer307 BOLD:ACX2966 226997 Dasyhelea damp adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
227047 Dasyhelea damp adult M2 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
HED-Cer42 BOLD:ABZ8984 200907 Dasyhelea europaea adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer63 BOLD:ABZ8984 200928 Dasyhelea europaea adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer147 BOLD:ABZ8984 201012 Dasyhelea europaea adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer179 BOLD:ABZ8984 201044 Dasyhelea europaea adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer199 BOLD:ABZ8984 201064 Dasyhelea europaea adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer242 BOLD:ABZ8984 201107 Dasyhelea europaea adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer249 BOLD:ABZ8984 201114 Dasyhelea europaea adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer252 BOLD:ABZ8984 201117 Dasyhelea europaea adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer267 BOLD:ABZ8984 201132 Dasyhelea europaea adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
TRD-Cer265 BOLD:ABZ8984 200714 Dasyhelea europaea adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer266 BOLD:ABZ8984 200715 Dasyhelea europaea adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
AT-Cer13 BOLD:ACS1168 238686 Dasyhelea avifrons adult F7 July 2008 T. Hostad Stor-Elvdal Solbakken
HED-Cer293 BOLD:ADI0494 201158 Dasyhelea avifrons adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
MM-Cer188 BOLD:AEF4343 226878 Dasyhelea avifrons adult F23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
TRD-Cer93 BOLD:ACS1168 200542 Dasyhelea avifrons adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer111 BOLD:ACS1168 200560 Dasyhelea avifrons adult M5 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer199 BOLD:ACS7525 200648 Dasyhelea avifrons adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
HED-Cer37 BOLD:ADF5686 200902 Dasyhelea holosericea adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer62 BOLD:ACX2712 200927 Dasyhelea lucida adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer107 BOLD:ADE5000 200972 Dasyhelea lucida adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer152 BOLD:ACX2712 226842 Dasyhelea lucida adult M19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
MM-Cer201 BOLD:ACX2712 226891 Dasyhelea lucida adult F23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
HED-Cer108 BOLD:ADG5071 200973 Dasyhelea malleola adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer231 BOLD:ABW3962 201096 Dasyhelea malleola adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer232 BOLD:ABW3962 201097 Dasyhelea malleola adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer250 201115 Dasyhelea malleola adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer254 BOLD:ABW3962 201119 Dasyhelea malleola adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer255 BOLD:ABW3962 201120 Dasyhelea malleola adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer294 BOLD:ABW3962 201159 Dasyhelea malleola adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
MM-Cer295 BOLD:ABW3962 226985 Dasyhelea malleola adult M24 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Storvannet
HED-Cer43 BOLD:ACM5978 200908 Dasyhelea modesta adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer50 BOLD:ABW3955 200915 Dasyhelea modesta adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer60 BOLD:ABW3955 200925 Dasyhelea modesta adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer78 BOLD:AAG6542 200943 Dasyhelea modesta adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer113 BOLD:ACX2419 200978 Dasyhelea modesta adult M8 November 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer131 BOLD:ABW3955 200996 Dasyhelea modesta adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer171 BOLD:ABW3954 201036 Dasyhelea modesta adult M19 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer180 BOLD:ACM5978 201045 Dasyhelea modesta adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer234 BOLD:ABW3955 201099 Dasyhelea modesta adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
HED-Cer243 BOLD:ABW3955 201108 Dasyhelea modesta adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer253 BOLD:ACM5978 201118 Dasyhelea modesta adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer291 BOLD:ABW3955 201156 Dasyhelea modesta adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
HED-Cer292 BOLD:ABW3955 201157 Dasyhelea modesta adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
HED-Cer307 BOLD:AAG6542 201172 Dasyhelea modesta adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer308 BOLD:ABW3955 201173 Dasyhelea modesta adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer23 226713 Dasyhelea modesta adult F21 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Nissedal Treungen
MM-Cer24 226714 Dasyhelea modesta adult M25 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund Einarsneset
MM-Cer90 BOLD:ACX2419 226780 Dasyhelea modesta adult M21 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer208 BOLD:ACX2419 226898 Dasyhelea modesta pupa 26 June 2020 T. Ekrem Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
TRD-Cer7 BOLD:ACM5978 200456 Dasyhelea modesta adult M20 June 2010 J. K. Skei Trondheim Gjeddtjørna inlet
TRD-Cer130 BOLD:ACS7831 200579 Dasyhelea modesta adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer220 BOLD:ACS7831 200669 Dasyhelea modesta adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer233 BOLD:ACY5045 200682 Dasyhelea modesta adult M22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer235 BOLD:ACM5978 200684 Dasyhelea modesta adult F22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer258 BOLD:ACY5045 200707 Dasyhelea modesta adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer262 BOLD:ACY5045 200711 Dasyhelea modesta adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer270 BOLD:ACM5978 200719 Dasyhelea modesta adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer276 BOLD:ACY5045 200725 Dasyhelea modesta adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer281 200730 Dasyhelea modesta adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer284 BOLD:ACY5045 200733 Dasyhelea modesta adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer299 BOLD:ACY4183 200748 Dasyhelea modesta pupa M 1 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Kyvatnet
TRD-Cer300 BOLD:ACY4183 200749 Dasyhelea modesta pupa F 1 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Kyvatnet
TRD-Cer301 BOLD:ACN8781 200750 Dasyhelea modesta pupa F 1 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Kyvatnet
TRD-Cer315 BOLD:ACM5978 200764 Dasyhelea modesta pupa 16 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Lauglovatnet
TRD-Cer316 BOLD:ACM5978 200765 Dasyhelea modesta pupa 16 June 2015 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Lauglovatnet
MM-Cer82 BOLD:ACX2450 226772 Dasyhelea notata adult M8 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer297 BOLD:ACX2450 226987 Dasyhelea notata adult M23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer228 BOLD:ACY5046 200677 Dasyhelea notata adult M22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
227045 Dasyhelea notata adult M1 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
227065 Dasyhelea notata adult M18 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
TRD-Cer244 BOLD:ACU5328 200693 Dasyhelea parallela adult F22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer285 BOLD:ACU5328 200734 Dasyhelea parallela adult M20 July 2006 O. Frengen Røros Sølendet
MM-Cer254 BOLD:AEH1076 226944 Dasyhelea stackelbergi adult M24 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Storvannet
HED-Cer306 BOLD:ADI0897 201171 Dasyhelea sp. 14ES adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer61 BOLD:ADG4455 200926 Dasyhelea sp. 15ES adult F09 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer106 BOLD:ADG7338 200971 Dasyhelea sp. 16ES adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer117 BOLD:ADG7458 200982 Dasyhelea sp. 17ES adult F17 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Jøgåsmyra
HED-Cer109 BOLD:ADG7459 200974 Dasyhelea sp. 18ES adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer310 BOLD:ADI0495 201175 Dasyhelea sp. 19ES adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer79 BOLD:ABW3976 200944 Dasyhelea sp. 1ES adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer233 BOLD:ABW3976 201098 Dasyhelea sp. 1ES adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer251 BOLD:ABW3976 201116 Dasyhelea sp. 1ES adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer269 BOLD:ABW3976 201134 Dasyhelea sp. 1ES adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer275 BOLD:ABW3976 201140 Dasyhelea sp. 1ES adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer295 BOLD:ABW3976 201160 Dasyhelea sp. 1ES adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
HED-Cer90 BOLD:ADG4456 200955 Dasyhelea sp. 22ES adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer130 BOLD:AAG6439 200995 Dasyhelea sp. 20ES adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer122 BOLD:ACX2689 200987 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer123 BOLD:ACX2689 200988 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer200 BOLD:ACX2689 201065 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer224 BOLD:ACX2689 201089 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer240 BOLD:ACX2689 201105 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer241 BOLD:ACX2689 201106 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
MM-Cer33 BOLD:ACX2689 226723 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult F4 June 2019 K. Berggren Lister Farsund
MM-Cer131 BOLD:ACX2689 226821 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult F22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer143 BOLD:ADE4834 226833 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer144 BOLD:AEF1566 226834 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer195 BOLD:AEF1566 226885 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult M27 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer200 BOLD:ACX2689 226890 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult F26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer299 BOLD:ADE4834 226989 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer300 BOLD:AEF1566 226990 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
227039 Dasyhelea sp. 24ES adult M27 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer38 BOLD:AEH4464 226728 Dasyhelea sp. 25ES adult F26 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer141 BOLD:AEH4464 226831 Dasyhelea sp. 25ES adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
HED-Cer83 BOLD:ABW3986 200948 Dasyhelea sp. 2ES adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer268 BOLD:ABW3986 201133 Dasyhelea sp. 2ES adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
MM-Cer340 BOLD:AAV5098 227028 Dasyhelea sp. 5ES pupa 26 July 2018 G. Kjærstad Orkland Lake Sika
MM-Cer341 BOLD:AAV5098 227029 Dasyhelea sp. 5ES larva 26 July 2018 G. Kjærstad Orkland Lake Sika
TRD-Cer10 BOLD:AAV5098 200459 Dasyhelea sp. 5ES adult F26 May 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Bymarka
TRD-Cer19 BOLD:AAV5098 200468 Dasyhelea sp. 5ES adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer242 BOLD:ACY5044 200691 Dasyhelea sp. 7ES adult M22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
227040 Forcipomyia acidicola adult M28 June 2020 P. Dominiak Kristiansand Hamresanden
HED-Cer182 BOLD:ACP4569 201047 Forcipomyia alacris adult M17 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer214 BOLD:ACP4569 201079 Forcipomyia alacris adult M17 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer322 BOLD:ACP4569 201748 Forcipomyia alacris adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
AT-Cer4 BOLD:ACO5584 238677 Forcipomyia altaica adult M30 June 2008 T. Hostad Folldal Vollen
AT-Cer5 BOLD:ACO5584 238678 Forcipomyia altaica adult M30 June 2008 T. Hostad Folldal Vollen
TRD-Cer12 BOLD:ACO5584 200461 Forcipomyia altaica adult F4 June 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
MM-Cer52 BOLD:ACO6858 226742 Forcipomyia aristolochiae adult M29 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
HED-Cer17 BOLD:AAN5148 200882 Forcipomyia bipunctata adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer21 BOLD:AAN5148 200886 Forcipomyia bipunctata adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer23 BOLD:AAN5148 200888 Forcipomyia bipunctata adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
TRD-Cer178 BOLD:AAN5148 200627 Forcipomyia bipunctata adult M28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer185 BOLD:AAN5148 200634 Forcipomyia bipunctata adult F9 October 2014 E. Stur et al. Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer221 BOLD:AAN5148 200670 Forcipomyia bipunctata adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
HED-Cer75 BOLD:ABZ8720 200940 Forcipomyia chaetoptera adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer20 BOLD:AAN5156 200885 Forcipomyia ciliata adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer22 BOLD:AAN5156 200887 Forcipomyia ciliata adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer185 BOLD:AAN5156 201050 Forcipomyia ciliata adult M29 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer263 BOLD:AAN5156 226953 Forcipomyia ciliata adult M5 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer291 BOLD:AAN5156 226981 Forcipomyia ciliata adult M30 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
TRD-Cer141 BOLD:AAN5156 200590 Forcipomyia ciliata adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer155 BOLD:AAN5156 200604 Forcipomyia ciliata adult F9 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer50 BOLD:AAN5156 200499 Forcipomyia ciliata adult F5 June 2014 E. Stur et al. Trondheim Nidelva
HED-Cer227 BOLD:AAP6911 201092 Forcipomyia crassipes adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer102 BOLD:ACP8376 200967 Forcipomyia eques adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer14 BOLD:AEC6078 200879 Forcipomyia fuliginosa adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer19 BOLD:AEC3440 200884 Forcipomyia fuliginosa adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
MM-Cer22 BOLD:AEC6077 226712 Forcipomyia fuliginosa adult M21 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Nissedal Nisser
MM-Cer70 BOLD:AEC3819 226760 Forcipomyia fuliginosa adult F6 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
227044 Forcipomyia fuliginosa adult M30 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
HED-Cer91 BOLD:ACI7668 200956 Forcipomyia glauca adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer92 BOLD:ACI7668 200957 Forcipomyia glauca adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer186 BOLD:ACI7668 201051 Forcipomyia glauca adult M17 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer205 BOLD:ACI7668 201070 Forcipomyia glauca adult M2 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer237 BOLD:ACI7668 201102 Forcipomyia glauca adult F17 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer282 BOLD:ACI7668 201147 Forcipomyia glauca adult F4 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
MM-Cer322 BOLD:ACI7668 227012 Forcipomyia glauca adult F21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer324 BOLD:ACI7668 227014 Forcipomyia glauca adult M21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
HED-Cer30 BOLD:ACC1681 200895 Forcipomyia hygrophila adult M11 May 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer13 226703 Forcipomyia hygrophila adult M19 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer41 BOLD:ACC1681 200490 Forcipomyia hygrophila adult M11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer49 BOLD:ACC1681 200498 Forcipomyia hygrophila adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer106 BOLD:ACC1681 200555 Forcipomyia hygrophila adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer112 BOLD:ACC1681 200561 Forcipomyia hygrophila adult F5 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer168 BOLD:ACC1681 200617 Forcipomyia hygrophila adult M9 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer169 BOLD:ACC1681 200618 Forcipomyia hygrophila adult M9 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer172 BOLD:ACC1681 200621 Forcipomyia hygrophila adult F9 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
HED-Cer136 BOLD:ADG6930 201001 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer138 BOLD:ACG5153 201003 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer325 BOLD:ACZ5332 201751 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer36 BOLD:ACN2557 226726 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult M26 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer41 BOLD:ACQ8860 226731 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult M26 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer42 BOLD:ACQ8860 226732 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult F26 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer154 BOLD:ACQ8860 226844 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult F19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
MM-Cer155 BOLD:ACQ8860 226845 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult F19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
TRD-Cer126 BOLD:ACQ8860 200575 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer146 BOLD:ACQ8860 200595 Forcipomyia monilicornis adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
HED-Cer13 BOLD:ABW3942 200878 Forcipomyia nigra adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer16 BOLD:ABW3942 200881 Forcipomyia nigra adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer18 BOLD:ABW3942 200883 Forcipomyia nigra adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer24 BOLD:ABW3942 200889 Forcipomyia nigra adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer65 BOLD:ABW3942 200930 Forcipomyia nigra adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer134 BOLD:ABW3942 200999 Forcipomyia nigra adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer202 BOLD:ABW3942 201067 Forcipomyia nigra adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer285 BOLD:ABW3942 201150 Forcipomyia nigra adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
HED-Cer319 BOLD:ABW3942 201184 Forcipomyia nigra adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer19 BOLD:ABW3942 226709 Forcipomyia nigra adult M20 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Drangedal Langmyr
MM-Cer110 BOLD:ABW3942 226800 Forcipomyia nigra adult M1 August 2019 S. Svendsen Birkeland Nordåsvegen
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer40 BOLD:ABW3942 200489 Forcipomyia nigra adult F25 September 2014 E. Stur Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer48 BOLD:ABW3942 200497 Forcipomyia nigra adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer91 BOLD:ABW3942 200540 Forcipomyia nigra adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer100 BOLD:ABW3942 200549 Forcipomyia nigra adult M28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer103 BOLD:ABW3942 200552 Forcipomyia nigra adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer187 BOLD:ABW3942 200636 Forcipomyia nigra adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer190 BOLD:ABW3942 200639 Forcipomyia nigra adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer192 BOLD:ABW3942 200641 Forcipomyia nigra adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer207 BOLD:ABW3942 200656 Forcipomyia nigra adult F14 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
HED-Cer51 BOLD:ACM5599 200916 Forcipomyia nigrans adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer64 BOLD:ACM5599 200929 Forcipomyia nigrans adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer69 BOLD:ACM5599 200934 Forcipomyia nigrans adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer152 BOLD:ACM5599 201017 Forcipomyia nigrans adult M14 May 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer187 BOLD:ACM5599 201052 Forcipomyia nigrans adult M17 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer203 BOLD:ACM5599 201068 Forcipomyia nigrans adult F2 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer213 BOLD:ACM5599 201078 Forcipomyia nigrans adult M17 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer273 BOLD:ACM5599 201138 Forcipomyia nigrans adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer320 BOLD:ACM5599 201746 Forcipomyia nigrans adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
TRD-Cer3 BOLD:ACM5599 201762 Forcipomyia nigrans adult M06 June 2010 J. K. Skei Trondheim Gjeddtjørna outlet
AT-Cer11 BOLD:ACR2789 238684 Forcipomyia pallida adult F7 July 2008 T. Hostad Stor-Elvdal Solbakken
TRD-Cer39 BOLD:ACR2789 200488 Forcipomyia pallida adult F25 September 2014 E. Stur Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer104 BOLD:ACR2789 200553 Forcipomyia pallida adult F28 August 2014 E. Stur et al. Klæbu Selbusjøen
TRD-Cer298 BOLD:ACR2789 200747 Forcipomyia pallida adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
HED-Cer137 BOLD:ABW3953 201002 Forcipomyia palustris adult M21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer286 BOLD:ABW3953 201151 Forcipomyia palustris adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Ulvåkjølen-Sundsetra
HED-Cer103 BOLD:ADG4098 200968 Forcipomyia phlebotomoides adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer139 BOLD:ADG4098 201004 Forcipomyia phlebotomoides adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer181 BOLD:ADG4098 201046 Forcipomyia phlebotomoides adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
AT-Cer16 BOLD:ACO9087 238689 Forcipomyia pulchrithorax adult M22 September 2008 T. Hostad Folldal Atna river
MM-Cer39 BOLD:ACO9087 226729 Forcipomyia pulchrithorax adult F30 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Søgne Søgneelva
TRD-Cer11 BOLD:ACO5698 200460 Forcipomyia pulchrithorax adult M23-Apr-2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer42 BOLD:ACO9087 200491 Forcipomyia pulchrithorax adult F11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer173 BOLD:ACO9087 200622 Forcipomyia pulchrithorax adult M9 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer211 BOLD:ACO9087 200660 Forcipomyia pulchrithorax adult M11 September 2014 E. Stur et al. Melhus Gaula river
HED-Cer74 BOLD:ABW3952 200939 Forcipomyia sphagnophila adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer104 BOLD:ABW3952 200969 Forcipomyia sphagnophila adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer212 BOLD:ABW3952 201077 Forcipomyia sphagnophila adult F17 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer173 BOLD:ABW3952 226863 Forcipomyia sphagnophila adult F26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
TRD-Cer157 BOLD:ABW3952 200606 Forcipomyia sphagnophila adult F9 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer189 BOLD:ABW3952 200638 Forcipomyia sphagnophila adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
HED-Cer52 200917 Forcipomyia squamigera adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer53 BOLD:ACF8504 200918 Forcipomyia squamigera adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer56 200921 Forcipomyia squamigera adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer66 BOLD:ACF8504 200931 Forcipomyia squamigera adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer68 BOLD:ACF8504 200933 Forcipomyia squamigera adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer101 BOLD:ACF8504 200966 Forcipomyia squamigera adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer260 BOLD:ACF8504 201125 Forcipomyia squamigera adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer261 BOLD:ACF8504 201126 Forcipomyia squamigera adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer324 BOLD:ACF8504 201750 Forcipomyia squamigera adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer01 BOLD:ABW3987 226691 Forcipomyia tenuis adult F27 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Storevann
TRD-Cer158 BOLD:ABW3987 200607 Forcipomyia tenuis adult F09 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer167 BOLD:ABW3987 200616 Forcipomyia tenuis adult F1 July 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
AT-Cer12 238685 Forcipomyia titillans adult M7 July 2008 T. Hostad Stor-Elvdal Solbakken
AT-Cer15 BOLD:ABW3964 238688 Forcipomyia titillans adult F7 July 2008 T. Hostad Stor-Elvdal Solbakken
HED-Cer15 BOLD:AAG6501 200880 Forcipomyia titillans adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer188 BOLD:AAG6501 201053 Forcipomyia titillans adult M17 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
HED-Cer204 BOLD:AAG6501 201069 Forcipomyia titillans adult M2 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer228 BOLD:ABW3964 201093 Forcipomyia titillans adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer259 BOLD:ABW3964 201124 Forcipomyia titillans adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer02 BOLD:ABW3964 226692 Forcipomyia titillans adult F27 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer03 BOLD:ABW3964 226693 Forcipomyia titillans adult M27 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer04 BOLD:ABW3964 226694 Forcipomyia titillans adult M24 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Flekkefjord River Sira
MM-Cer149 BOLD:ABW3964 226839 Forcipomyia titillans adult F22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
MM-Cer185 BOLD:AAG6501 226875 Forcipomyia titillans adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
MM-Cer198 BOLD:ABW3964 226888 Forcipomyia titillans adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer199 BOLD:ABW3964 226889 Forcipomyia titillans adult F26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer266 BOLD:ABW3964 226956 Forcipomyia titillans adult F1 July 2019 E. Langegard & O.
Marnardal Lågåna Øvre Laudal
MM-Cer296 BOLD:ABW3964 226986 Forcipomyia titillans adult F26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
TRD-Cer22 BOLD:ABW3964 200471 Forcipomyia titillans adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer31 BOLD:ABW3964 200480 Forcipomyia titillans adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Melhus Gammelelva naturreservat
TRD-Cer82 BOLD:ABW3964 200531 Forcipomyia titillans adult F17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer119 BOLD:ABW3964 200568 Forcipomyia titillans adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer139 BOLD:ABW3964 200588 Forcipomyia titillans adult F11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
HED-Cer77 BOLD:ACN5590 200942 Forcipomyia tonnoiri adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer159 BOLD:AEF4583 226849 Forcipomyia tonnoiri adult M19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Arendal pond east Øvre Sagvann
MM-Cer283 BOLD:AEF4583 226973 Forcipomyia tonnoiri adult F21 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
HED-Cer70 BOLD:ADG5672 200935 Forcipomyia sp. 12ES adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer67 BOLD:ADG5670 200932 Forcipomyia sp. 13ES adult F9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer236 BOLD:AAG6429 201101 Forcipomyia sp. 14ES adult F2 September 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer283 BOLD:AAG6429 201148 Forcipomyia sp. 14ES adult M4 August 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
TRD-Cer159 BOLD:ACS7557 200608 Forcipomyia sp. 15ES adult F30 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
MM-Cer46 BOLD:ABY0553 226736 Forcipomyia sp. 16ES adult F30 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Songdalen Kroksjø
MM-Cer47 BOLD:AAG6433 226737 Forcipomyia sp. 17ES adult F30 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Songdalen Kroksjø
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer85 BOLD:AEC3718 226775 Forcipomyia sp. 18ES adult F8 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
AT-Cer10 BOLD:AAL7406 238683 Forcipomyia sp. 19ES adult F7 July 2008 T. Hostad Stor-Elvdal Solbakken
TRD-Cer94 BOLD:ACS2566 200543 Forcipomyia sp. 20ES adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
HED-Cer133 BOLD:ADG5110 200998 Forcipomyia sp. 22ES adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
TRD-Cer283 200732 Forcipomyia sp. 22ES adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
AT-Cer14 BOLD:ACX1616 238687 Forcipomyia sp. 8ES adult F7 July 2008 T. Hostad Stor-Elvdal Solbakken
HED-Cer41 BOLD:ACX1616 200906 Forcipomyia sp. 8ES adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
MM-Cer77 BOLD:ACX1616 226767 Forcipomyia sp. 8ES adult F21 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
HED-Cer132 BOLD:ACX1616 200997 Forcipomyia sp. 8ES adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer239 BOLD:ACX1616 201104 Forcipomyia sp. 8ES adult M9 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer323 BOLD:ACX1616 201749 Forcipomyia sp. 8ES adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer223 BOLD:ACX3683 226913 Mallochohelea nitida pupa 16 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Drammen Haerstrøm
MM-Cer239 BOLD:ACX3683 226929 Mallochohelea nitida pupa 19 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
Finnmark813 BOLD:ACD200 144971 Mallochohelea sp. 1ES pupa 19 June 2010 G. A. Halvorsen Sør-Varanger Passvikdalen
MM-Cer97 BOLD:ACD2005 226787 Mallochohelea sp. 1ES adult F4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
HED-Cer161 BOLD:ADG6464 201026 Mallochohelea sp. 2ES adult F25 July 2016 T. Andersen & L.
Sømaadalen Johnsgård
MM-Cer67 BOLD:ACX1539 226757 Monohelea estonica adult F6 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
227066 Monohelea estonica adult M19 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer40 BOLD:AEA9570 226730 Palpomyia citrinipes adult F26 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
HED-Cer95 BOLD:ADG6917 200960 Palpomyia distincta adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer96 BOLD:ADG6917 200961 Palpomyia distincta adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer159 BOLD:ADG6917 201024 Palpomyia distincta adult F27 July 2016 T. Andersen & L.
Stor-Elvdal Skardmyra
HED-Cer190 BOLD:ADG6917 201055 Palpomyia distincta adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer191 BOLD:ADG6917 201056 Palpomyia distincta adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer192 BOLD:ADG6917 201057 Palpomyia distincta adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer244 BOLD:ADG6917 201109 Palpomyia distincta adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
HED-Cer245 BOLD:ADG6917 201110 Palpomyia distincta adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer34 BOLD:ACX2908 226724 Palpomyia distincta adult M26 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer111 BOLD:ACX2908 226801 Palpomyia distincta adult F17 June 2020 E. Stur Drangedal Engåa
MM-Cer113 BOLD:ACX2908 226803 Palpomyia distincta adult M17 June 2020 E. Stur Drangedal Engåa
MM-Cer114 BOLD:ACX2908 226804 Palpomyia distincta adult M17 June 2020 E. Stur Drangedal Engåa
MM-Cer164 BOLD:AEF5430 226854 Palpomyia distincta adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer171 BOLD:ACX2908 226861 Palpomyia distincta adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer301 BOLD:ACX2908 226991 Palpomyia distincta adult F22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
MM-Cer303 BOLD:ACX2908 226993 Palpomyia distincta adult F22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
MM-Cer308 BOLD:ACX2908 226998 Palpomyia distincta adult F22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
MM-Cer313 BOLD:ACX2908 227003 Palpomyia distincta adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
227057 Palpomyia distincta adult F12 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer57 BOLD:AEA8665 226747 Palpomyia avipes larva 24 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Flekkefjord Flikkeid
MM-Cer74 BOLD:ACS1169 226764 Palpomyia avipes adult F20 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Drangedal Smalsund
MM-Cer180 BOLD:AEA8665 226870 Palpomyia avipes adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
MM-Cer292 BOLD:ACS1169 226982 Palpomyia avipes adult F30 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
TRD-Cer54 BOLD:ACS1169 200503 Palpomyia avipes adult M17 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Jonsvatn
TRD-Cer246 BOLD:ACS1169 200695 Palpomyia avipes adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer250 BOLD:ACS1169 200699 Palpomyia avipes adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer287 BOLD:ACS1169 200736 Palpomyia avipes adult M20 July 2006 O. Frengen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer288 BOLD:ACS1169 200737 Palpomyia avipes adult M20 July 2006 O. Frengen Røros Sølendet
MM-Cer56 BOLD:ACX1556 226746 Palpomyia lineata larva 20 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Drangedal Brattsbergtoppen
MM-Cer102 BOLD:ACX1556 226792 Palpomyia lineata adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer176 BOLD:AAP9060 226866 Palpomyia lineata adult F21 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Songdalen Kroksjø
MM-Cer207 BOLD:ACX1556 226897 Palpomyia lineata larva 27 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer209 BOLD:AAP9060 226899 Palpomyia lineata larva 30 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Sogne Sogneelva
MM-Cer210 BOLD:AAP9060 226900 Palpomyia lineata larva 30 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Sogne Sogneelva
MM-Cer211 BOLD:AAP9060 226901 Palpomyia lineata larva 30 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Sogne Sogneelva
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer216 BOLD:AAP9060 226906 Palpomyia lineata larva 18 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer221 BOLD:AAP9060 226911 Palpomyia lineata larva 26 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Farsund Einarsneset
MM-Cer228 BOLD:AEH2394 226918 Palpomyia lineata larva 24 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Flekkefjord Lundevatn at Sira
MM-Cer229 BOLD:AEH2394 226919 Palpomyia lineata larva 24 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Flekkefjord Lundevatn at Sira
MM-Cer241 BOLD:AAP9060 226931 Palpomyia lineata larva 24 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Flekkerøy
MM-Cer247 BOLD:AAP9060 226937 Palpomyia lineata larva 25 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund Einarsneset
MM-Cer259 BOLD:AAP9060 226949 Palpomyia lineata adult F24 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
MM-Cer331 BOLD:AAP9060 227021 Palpomyia lineata larva 27 May 2020 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Jonsvatnet
MM-Cer333 BOLD:AAP9060 227023 Palpomyia lineata larva 27 May 2020 G. Kjærstad Trondheim Jonsvatnet
TRD-Cer163 BOLD:ACS7887 200612 Palpomyia lineata adult M1 July 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer165 BOLD:ACS7887 200614 Palpomyia lineata adult F1 July 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer309 BOLD:AAP9060 200758 Palpomyia lineata adult M3 July 2014 E. Stur et al. Trondheim Jonsvatn
227075 Palpomyia lineata adult M28 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
MM-Cer69 BOLD:ACX1378 226759 Palpomyia luteifemorata adult F6 August 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer96 BOLD:ACX1378 226786 Palpomyia luteifemorata adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer101 BOLD:ACX1378 226791 Palpomyia luteifemorata adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer103 BOLD:ACX1378 226793 Palpomyia luteifemorata adult F4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer227 BOLD:ACX1378 226917 Palpomyia luteifemorata larva 17 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Drangedal Engåa (pool)
MM-Cer326 BOLD:ACX1378 227016 Palpomyia luteifemorata adult F21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
HED-Cer189 BOLD:ACX1412 201054 Palpomyia nigripes adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer218 BOLD:ACX1412 201083 Palpomyia nigripes adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
MM-Cer25 BOLD:ACX1412 226715 Palpomyia nigripes adult M26 May 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Kristiansand
MM-Cer88 BOLD:ACX1412 226778 Palpomyia nigripes adult F21 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer170 BOLD:ACX1412 226860 Palpomyia nigripes adult M17 June 2020 E. Stur Drangedal Sannes-Langen
MM-Cer302 BOLD:ACX1412 226992 Palpomyia nigripes adult F22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
TRD-Cer247 BOLD:ACX1412 200696 Palpomyia nigripes adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer248 BOLD:ACX1412 200697 Palpomyia nigripes adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer249 BOLD:ACX1412 200698 Palpomyia nigripes adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer252 BOLD:ACX1412 200701 Palpomyia nigripes adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer253 BOLD:ACX1412 200702 Palpomyia nigripes adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
227060 Palpomyia nigripes adult F14 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
HED-Cer47 BOLD:ADF7741 200912 Palpomyia pubescens adult F09 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer48 BOLD:ADF7741 200913 Palpomyia pubescens adult M09 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer85 BOLD:ADF7741 200950 Palpomyia pubescens adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer317 BOLD:ABW3938 201182 Palpomyia pubescens adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
MM-Cer133 BOLD:AEF5429 226823 Palpomyia pubescens adult M22 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Lillesand Badstudalen naturreservat
MM-Cer293 BOLD:AEF5429 226983 Palpomyia pubescens adult F30 July 2019 S. Svendsen Birkenes Birkeland
HED-Cer158 BOLD:ABW3963 201023 Palpomyia remmi adult M30 June 2016 G. M. Kvifte Os Langhåen vest
MM-Cer59 BOLD:ABW3963 226749 Palpomyia remmi larva 31 August 2019 G. Kjærstad Marnadal Lågåna øvre Laudal
HED-Cer316 BOLD:ADH8757 201181 Palpomyia rupes adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer318 BOLD:ADH8757 201183 Palpomyia rupes adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Stor-Elvdal Nabbtjern
HED-Cer193 BOLD:ACX1684 201058 Palpomyia serripes adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer248 BOLD:ACX1684 201113 Palpomyia serripes adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer271 BOLD:ACX1684 201136 Palpomyia serripes adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
HED-Cer272 BOLD:ACX1684 201137 Palpomyia serripes adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Rendalen Sekserbua
MM-Cer126 BOLD:ACX1684 226816 Palpomyia serripes adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer127 BOLD:ACX1684 226817 Palpomyia serripes adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer160 BOLD:ACX2304 226850 Palpomyia serripes adult F19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Arendal pond east Øvre Sagvann
MM-Cer181 BOLD:ACX1684 226871 Palpomyia serripes adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
MM-Cer248 BOLD:ACX1684 226938 Palpomyia serripes adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand close to Jordetjønn
227043 Palpomyia serripes adult F29 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer258 BOLD:ACX3286 226948 Palpomyia spinipes adult F24 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
227074 Palpomyia spinipes adult F27 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Flekkerøy
MM-Cer158 BOLD:AEF5428 226848 Palpomyia tibialis adult M19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Tvedestrand Molandsvannet
HED-Cer87 BOLD:ABZ9646 200952 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer94 BOLD:ABZ9646 200959 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
HED-Cer194 BOLD:ABZ9646 201059 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer217 BOLD:ABZ9646 201082 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Engerdal Åsen
HED-Cer246 BOLD:ABZ9646 20 1111 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer247 BOLD:ABZ9646 201112 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer112 BOLD:ABZ9646 226802 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F17 June 2020 E. Stur Drangedal Engåa
TRD-Cer231 BOLD:ABZ9646 200680 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult M22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer240 BOLD:ABZ9646 200689 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult M22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer241 BOLD:ABZ9646 200690 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F22 June 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer251 BOLD:ABZ9646 200700 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer255 BOLD:ABZ9646 200704 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer257 BOLD:ABZ9646 200706 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer278 BOLD:ABZ9646 200727 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer279 BOLD:ABZ9646 200728 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer286 BOLD:ABZ9646 200735 Palpomyia sp. 5ES adult F20 July 2006 O. Frengen Røros Sølendet
MM-Cer162 BOLD:ACX3818 226852 Palpomyia sp. 6ES adult F19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Froland Nidelva
MM-Cer128 BOLD:ACX2151 226818 Phaenobezzia rubiginosa adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Kostøltjønn
MM-Cer242 BOLD:ACX2151 226932 Phaenobezzia rubiginosa pupa 18 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Drangsholt
MM-Cer243 BOLD:ACX2151 226933 Phaenobezzia rubiginosa pupa 18 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Kristiansand Drangsholt
227048 Phaenobezzia rubiginosa adult F3 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
227069 Phaenobezzia rubiginosa adult F22 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden, Fugløyna
MM-Cer86 BOLD:AEC3341 226776 Probezzia seminigra adult F8 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer87 226777 Probezzia seminigra adult M8 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Storevann
MM-Cer204 BOLD:ACX3166 226894 Probezzia seminigra adult M23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer205 BOLD:ACX3166 226895 Probezzia seminigra adult F23 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer226 BOLD:ACR2669 226916 Probezzia seminigra pupa 17 June 2020 G. Kjærstad Drangedal Sannes-Langen
TRD-Cer17 BOLD:ACR2669 200466 Probezzia seminigra pupa 17 July 2014 E. Stur & T. Ekrem Trondheim Nidelva
HED-Cer177 BOLD:ACY5060 201042 Schizohelea leucopeza adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
MM-Cer55 BOLD:ACL4093 226745 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F24 August 2019 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Flekkefjord outlet Rekevikstjønna
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
MM-Cer63 BOLD:ACL4093 226753 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F31 July 2019 E. Langegard & Ø.
Marnadal Lågåna øvre Laudal
MM-Cer92 BOLD:ACL4093 226782 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F15 July 2019 E. Langegard & Ø.
Marnadal Lågåna øvre Laudal
MM-Cer119 BOLD:ACL4093 226809 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Arendal Midtre Sagvann
TRD-Cer115 BOLD:ACL4093 200564 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer120 BOLD:ACL4093 200569 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer121 BOLD:ACL4093 200570 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer138 BOLD:ACL4093 200587 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F11 September 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer143 BOLD:ACL4093 200592 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer145 BOLD:ACL4093 200594 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F19 June 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
TRD-Cer260 BOLD:ACY5060 200709 Schizohelea leucopeza adult M6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
TRD-Cer261 BOLD:ACY5060 200710 Schizohelea leucopeza adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
HED-Cer195 BOLD:ADG4871 201060 Serromyia atra adult F11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
HED-Cer33 BOLD:ACA4694 200898 Serromyia femorata adult F23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer34 BOLD:ACX2455 200899 Serromyia femorata adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tynset Brydalskjølen
HED-Cer93 BOLD:ACA4694 200958 Serromyia femorata adult F21 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Åmot Kildesaga
MM-Cer32 BOLD:ACA4694 226722 Serromyia femorata adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Lister Farsund
HED-Cer121 BOLD:ACX2455 200986 Serromyia femorata adult M11 July 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
HED-Cer163 BOLD:ACA4694 201028 Serromyia femorata adult M30 June 2016 G. M. Kvifte Os Røst nord
HED-Cer174 BOLD:ACA4694 201039 Serromyia femorata adult F27 June 2016 G. M. Kvifte Folldal Langmyre
HED-Cer196 BOLD:ACA4694 201061 Serromyia femorata adult M23 June 2016 T. Andersen et al. Tolga Bjørvollen N
TRD-Cer245 BOLD:ACY6482 200694 Serromyia femorata adult F6 July 2006 O. Hanssen Røros Sølendet
HED-Cer01 BOLD:ACQ9613 200866 Serromyia ledicola adult M16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
HED-Cer02 BOLD:ACQ9613 200867 Serromyia ledicola adult F16 September 2016 L. Hagenlund Stor-Elvdal Evenstad
TRD-Cer149 BOLD:ACS7502 200598 Serromyia ledicola adult M9 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer150 BOLD:ACQ9613 200599 Serromyia ledicola adult F9 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
TRD-Cer160 BOLD:ACQ9613 200609 Serromyia ledicola adult F30 August 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
Norwegian Journal of Entomology 69, 82
190 (2022)
TABLE 2. continued.
Sample ID
Taxon Life Stage Sex Collection Date Collectors Region Sector
TRD-Cer186 BOLD:ACQ9613 200635 Serromyia ledicola adult M31 July 2014 E. Stur Trondheim Nidelva
MM-Cer139 BOLD:AEF4425 226829 Serromyia morio adult F18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
MM-Cer140 BOLD:AEF4425 226830 Serromyia morio adult M18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden
TRD-Cer213 BOLD:ACT6684 200662 Serromyia morio adult M24 June 2013 E. Stur Trondheim Ringve Botanical Garden
MM-Cer79 BOLD:ADV1401 226769 Stilobezzia gracilis adult F21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Timenes at bridge
MM-Cer80 226770 Stilobezzia gracilis adult M21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Timenes at bridge
MM-Cer167 BOLD:ADV1401 226857 Stilobezzia gracilis adult H18 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Drangsholt
MM-Cer174 BOLD:ADV1401 226864 Stilobezzia gracilis adult M26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer189 BOLD:ADV1401 226879 Stilobezzia gracilis adult F21 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Sogne Sogneelva
227077 Stilobezzia gracilis adult F29 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Farsund near Lista aluminum plant
MM-Cer94 BOLD:AEG0574 226784 Stilobezzia ochracea adult F21 July 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer105 BOLD:ACG4212 226795 Stilobezzia ochracea adult M4 June 2019 K. Berggren Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
MM-Cer161 BOLD:ACG4212 226851 Stilobezzia ochracea adult M19 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Froland Nidelva
MM-Cer175 BOLD:ACG4212 226865 Stilobezzia ochracea adult F26 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Skråstadheia naturreservat
MM-Cer233 BOLD:AEG0574 226923 Stilobezzia ochracea pupa 23 June 2020 T. Ekrem Kristiansand Prestebekken
MM-Cer234 BOLD:AEG0574 226924 Stilobezzia ochracea pupa 23 June 2020 T. Ekrem Kristiansand Prestebekken
MM-Cer250 226940 Stilobezzia ochracea adult F21 June 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Songdalen
227050 Stilobezzia ochracea adult F05 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Nedre Jegersbergvann
227071 Stilobezzia ochracea adult M24 July 2020 P. Dominiak & E. Stur Kristiansand Hamresanden, Fugløyna
Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Bruno Mathieu
(Strasbourg, France), Ryszard Szadziewski (Gdańsk, Poland),
Andrey Przhiboro (St. Petersburg, Russia), and Jozef Oboňa
(Prešov, Slovakia) for providing literature and to Yngve
Brodin (Stockholm, Sweden) for the loan of Ceratopogonidae
specimens from the Swedish Museum of Natural History. We
would like to thank Bruno Mathieu, Ryszard Szadziewski, and
Andrey Przhiboro for verifying some species identications.
Thanks to all who have contributed with collecting the
specimens, especially Linn Katrine Hagenlund (Bergen,
Norway), Trond Andersen (Bergen, Norway), Kai Berggren
(Kristiansand, Norway), Torbjørn Ekrem (Trondheim,
Norway), and Gaute Kjærstad (Trondheim, Norway). We
are obliged to Torbjørn Ekrem and Ryszard Szadziewski for
improving the English language and critically commenting
on the manuscript. The studies on Norwegian biting midges
have primarily been funded by the Norwegian Biodiversity
Information Centre (NBIC) through the Norwegian Taxonomy
Initiative and most data from the present paper originate
from the projects: “Artsprosjekt_51-11_Rikmyrhedmark”,
“Artsprosjekt 45-13_Akvatiske insekter i Midt-Norge”, and
“Artsprosjekt_13-18_Water mites and midges in southern
Norway”. The DNA barcode data in this publication was
generated in collaboration with the Norwegian Barcode of
Life Network (NorBOL) funded by the Research Council of
Norway and NBIC.
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Received: 23 March 2022
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Dominiak & Stur: Norwegian biting midges (Ceratopogonidae)
... To explore ecological and evolutionary relationships, a model-based approach was used following phylogenetic reconstruction using the Bayesian inference analysis on F. fuliginosa and F. esakiana sequences obtained during the study and downloaded from GenBank (Dominiak & Stur 2022) with C. oxystoma (LC015041) as an outgroup. The COI based tree was created using the BEAST version 1.10.4 ...
... However, no record of sequence submission of COX1 or any other gene was observed for F. esakiana in the NCBI database. F. fuliginosa COX1 sequences have been submitted under accession number ON342574, ON342151, ON341863 and ON342271 from Norway and Sweden by Dominiak & Stur (2022). Inter-specific and intra-specific sequence similarity within F. fuliginosa and F. esakiana was done through multiple alignments of sequences in BLAST. ...
... The tree topology exhibited clustering of F. fuliginosa specimens separated from the F. esakiana cluster with a posterior priori value of 0.69 to 1. The sequences of F. fuliginosa submitted by Dominiak & Stur (2022) were closely placed to the F. esakiana sequence ( fig. 7). FIGURE 7. Phylogenetic dendrogram reconstruction using Bayesian based on HKY + G model following BIC selected through J Model test. ...
Taxonomic equivocality and complexity exist in the two species of Ceratopogonids, Forcipomyia (Microhelea) fuliginosa Meigen and Forcipomyia (Microhelea) esakiana Tokunaga. Incongruencies and inaccuracies in species identification restrict further biological and ecological studies on the host-ectoparasite association. Preferential landing and hemolymphophagy of F. fuliginosa and F. esakiana on Antheraea mylitta Drury larva were studied under field conditions. The silkworm A. mylitta is reared in the tasar sericulture industry, contributing 1466 metric tons (2021-22) of indigenous raw silk in India. Ectoparasitic behavior of the biting midges, F. fuliginosa, and F. esakiana is an increasing threat to the silkworm, necessitating proper identification. Intra and inter-variations of these two closely related species have been stated. Morphological-based identification of these species has been substantiated with COX1 molecular data. A Bayesian-modeled approach to reconstruct the dendrogram of the two species based on the COX1 sequences generated has been presented along with the referred sequences of F. fuliginosa from Genebank. The species F. esakiana is being reported for the first time from India, along with its ectoparasitic hemolymphophagous nature. The role of these insectivorous species in transmitting pathogens to the larvae of tasar silk needs further investigation.
... The latter, species rich genus is represented by nearly 630 extant species in the World fauna (Borkent & Dominiak 2020, Borkent et al. 2022. However, only around 65 species have been reported from Europe so far (Szadziewski et al. 2013, Salmela et al. 2015, Strandberg & Johanson 2015, of which 15 and 22 named species are known to occur in Finland and Norway, respectively (Huldén & Huldén 2014, Salmela et al. 2015, Dominiak & Stur 2022. Biting midges of the genus Dasyhelea are widely distributed, inhabiting most often moist environments, and being reported from lowlands to high altitudes, reaching elevations up to 4000 m a.s.l. ...
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A biting midge species of the genus Dasyhelea Kieffer, 1911 known previously from North America, Caucasus and East Siberia, is reported for the first time from northern Finland and Norway. In addition to an illustrated description of the male, a new junior synonym is proposed.
... In the publicly available information in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BoLD) (accessed April 30 th , 2023), specimens of both sexes identified as B. nitidulus are included into two barcode index numbers (BINs). these are BoLD:ABw3943 with members from Norway, Finland and Sweden, and BoLD:ABw3935 with specimens from Norway (Stur & Borkent 2014, Dominiak & Stur 2022. we have re-examined male specimens from these two BINs deposited in the collection of the NtNU University Museum (trondheim, Norway), previously identified by a DNA match. ...
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Forcipomyia paludis (MACFIE, 1936) and Monohelea estonica REMM, 1965 are recorded from Poland for the first time. As a result the number of biting midges species in the Polish fauna increased to 215. Females are briefly diagnosed and illustrated, geographical distribution analysed and Odonata hosts of parasitic Forcipomyia paludis reviewed.
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The fourth instar larva and pupa of Dasyhelea flavifrons Guérin-Méneville are redescribed, illustrated, and photomicrographed using binocular, phase-contrast, and scanning electron microscopy. Comparisons with the American species of the grisea group were made. The immatures were collected by using a siphon bottle in tree-holes and from water collected in dead snail shells in Salta Province, Argentina, transported to the laboratory and there bred to the emergence of the adults. Details on larval habitats are given. These are the first records from Argentina and in gastrotelmata.
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El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la diversidad y abundancia de invertebrados bentónicos en lagunas altoandinas del Perú y determinar su posible uso como indicadores biológicos. Se muestrearon un total de 16 lagunas, 4 en la cuenca del río Rímac y 12 en la cuenca del Mantaro durante la época seca (junio-octubre 2015). Se determinaron 34 familias, el Phylum Arthropoda obtuvo la mayor riqueza relativa y abundancia relativa de organismos (72.3% y 89.1%), seguidos del Phylum Annelida (12.8% y 4.3%, respectivamente), Mollusca (6.4% y 5.4%, respectivamente) y Platyhelminthes (8.5% y 1.2%, respectivamente). De las 34 familias, la Clase Insecta predominó con 24 familias distribuidas en 6 órdenes, dentro de los cuales el orden Diptera fue más representativa con 7 familias, seguidas del Orden Coleoptera con 5 familias. El análisis de similitud (ANOSIM) mostró que a nivel espacial existen diferencias significativas entre las lagunas estudiadas (R= 0.4845 y p= 0.0001). El Análisis de Similitud Porcentual (SIMPER) encontró disimilitudes a nivel espacial y temporal, en donde las familias Corixidae (Hemíptera), Chironomidae (Diptera) y Hyalellidae (Amphipoda) son las que influyen en la estructura de la comunidad. El análisis de Correlación Canónica (CCA) reportó una mayor correlación de los insectos, bivalvos, gasterópodos y oligoquetos, respecto a valores elevados de conductividad, pH, temperatura y oxígeno disuelto. (Versión Past 2.17, p= 0.0001). Del total de la varianza la abundancia de taxa se debió a los 2 primeros ejes, las correlaciones especies-ambientales fueron de 53.86% para el primer y 29.91% segundo eje respectivamente, explicando una relación especies ambiente del 83.78%. El análisis de Escalamiento Multidimensional no Paramétrico (NMDS) obtuvo un estrés de 2D =0.12, mostrando que las lagunas Canchis y Churuca tiende a separarse del resto. Las familias Chironomidae, Cyprididae, Corixidae y Hyalellidae resultaron resistentes a las condiciones ambientales alteradas por materia orgánica y metales pesados. Según los valores del ABI de las 16 lagunas muestreadas, las lagunas Marca, Huaroncocha, Ticticocha, Yananyacu y Huacracocha presentaron el mayor valor, consideradas con el estado ecológico de moderado, mientras que las lagunas Huascocha, Canchis y Churuca se consideraron en pésimo estado, y las nueve restantes como mala.
A list of corrections as well as the addition of new taxa described since Borkent & Dominiak (2020) published a catalog of the Ceratopogonidae of the world is provided. We record a further 70 extant and 7 fossil species and 2 new fossil genera. Beyond the summary provided by Borkent & Dominiak (2020, Table 1), the family now includes 6276 extant and 303 fossil species and 23 fossil genera. The number of species names that are nomina dubia is now 181.
A new species Brachypogon (Isohelea) surma sp. n., with unique, leaf-like parameres, is described from Finnish Lapland based on males. Illustrations and COI sequences of this species are also provided. Females and males of Brachypogon (I.) singularis (Santos Abreu, 1918) from the Canary Islands are redescribed, a neotype is designated, and Ceratolophus rufigastris Santos Abreu, 1918 and Ceratolophus obscurus Santos Abreu, 1918 are proposed to be its new junior synonyms.
. This article reviews 30 species of biting midges of the genus Dasyhelea that are known to occur in Poland. Diagnoses and detailed descriptions of adults are provided for all Polish species, as well as keys (based mainly on males) for the identification of subgenera and their included species. Dasyhelea excellentis BORKENT, 1997 is recognized as a new junior synonym of Dasyhelea bifida ZILAHI-SEBESS, 1936 ( syn. n. ) and Dasyhelea lugensis BRODSKAYA, 1995 as a new junior synonym of Dasyhelea caesia REMM, 1993 ( syn. n. ). Among the Polish biting midge fauna, most species of the genus Dasyhelea are primarily arboreal, widely distributed Palaearctic species. The most species-rich samples were collected in the following regions: Eastern Baltic Lakelands (19 spp.), Southern Baltic Lakelands (16 spp.), Southern Baltic Coastlands (14 spp.) and Central Western Carpathians (12 spp.). The larvae were found in sap and tree holes, water accumulated in gutters and sinks, moist soil near fresh- and saltwater bodies, and peat bogs. Adults are known to visit flowers for nectar, and 16 Polish species were found on umbelliferous flowers.
A list of all valid 6,206 extant and 296 fossil species of Ceratopogonidae described worldwide is provided, along with all their synonyms. A full citation and the country of origin of the type is given, with some larger countries also providing a more specific state or province. For the first time, worldwide, nomina dubia are identified. Numbers of species of each genus and subgenus are listed. Within subfamilies and tribes, genera are listed alphabetically. Five species have newly recognized authors, four have new names and 28 new combinations are recognized, with these listed in a table. A commentary on the state of the systematics in the family and particularly of Culicoides Latreille is given. The museums of the world are listed with the types of various authors of Ceratopogonidae species indicated. Authors providing regional catalogs, as well as summation of various collections are tabulated. The rate of description since 1758 indicates a steady progression of description, with, for example, 1,231 valid species described since the compilation of the world species by Borkent & Wirth (1997), till the end of 2018. The diversity in each Region is compared and the numbers of species shared between adjacent Regions presented.