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Abstract and Figures

This paper is a upward transaction done by the authors in the field of Artificial Intelligence and the Field called Machine Learning. The paper comprises of 5 Sections. In this paper we will observe an introductory note on the problem of Disease. We will have a discussion on Brest Cancer. We will observe an analysis in terms of graphs obtained using the tool called python. At a later part we will observe a classification report which is essentially a way to demonstrate the result obtained in the experiment made on the dataset available.
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ISSN : 0972-7175
Vol.: XXV, No. :5(II), 2022
Dr. Nageshwar Dev Yadav
Product Lead Informatica R&D Lab Banglore,
Vaibhav Kant Singh
Assistant Professor Department of CSE SoS E&T GGV (Central University) Bilaspur,
Rahul Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor SoS in CS&IT Pt.RSU Raipur,
Manish Sahu
Assistant Professor Department of SSPU Bhiali,
This paper is a upward transaction done by the authors in the field of Artificial Intelligence and the Field
called Machine Learning. The paper comprises of 5 Sections. In this paper we will observe an
introductory note on the problem of Disease. We will have a discussion on Brest Cancer. We will observe
an analysis in terms of graphs obtained using the tool called python. At a later part we will observe a
classification report which is essentially a way to demonstrate the result obtained in the experiment made
on the dataset available.
Keywords: Breast Cancer, SVM, Machine Learning, Python.
In the past couple of year the world is stricken by the problem of COVID. The situation has put an alarm
on the all the countries around the globe to think over on the resources available to tackle the health care
problems. We are exposed that we are not ready to face a critical condition like this. In the current paper
we are highlighting a very alarming issue that the whole world if facing i.e. Breast Cancer. In [3] the
authors used a Machine Learning approach for diagnosis of Breast Cancer as benign and malignant.
In [1] the authors specified that Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is developed in the tissues of breast.
The symptoms of this type of cancer include some fluid coming out of the nipple, an inverted nipple, and
change in the shape of the breast, scaly or red patch in the skin and so on. There is a categorization found
in it on the basis of development. It may be ductal carcinomas or lobular carcinoma. In this case
sometimes both the breasts are removed so that the problem is overcome in high risk females. There are
various ways through which we can tackle this problem. The solutions include radiation therapy, targeted
therapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. In countries like England and US the recovery rate is very
promising. In the current paper we will be visualizing a Machine Learning Technique to make a
prediction that whether a male/female based on the data collected on various parameters belong to benign
class or malignant class. Machine Learning is a buzzword in the current time[2]. There are various types
of models using which we can go through the above problem. In this paper we have used SVM approach.
Also we will look into various relationships obtained between the various parameters measured. In the
implementation of the above problem we have made a utilization of a very popular language called
ISSN : 0972-7175
Vol.: XXV, No. :5(II), 2022
Python [4]. We used it as it is open source. In [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32] the authors discuss their work in the field of Computer Science
and Engineering. In the work the authors made serious discussion on the ways how we can automate the
working or the operational environment to take advantage of the Computer System available with us. In
the work the authors made inroad on the several basic and advanced techniques used to handle a variety
of real time problems and had presented novel and impressive research work to made a utilization of
techniques to face a variety of problems.
The following steps are involved in the Implementation of the above problem of identification of Cancer
as benign and malignant using Machine Learning approach i.e. SVM
1. Step1: Necessary imports
2. Step2: Loading of Data from the csv file obtained from Kaggle
3. Step3: Distribution of Classes
4. Step4: Selection of Columns that are unwanted
5. Step5: Removal of the Columns that are of no use
6. Step6: Dividing the Data into Train/Test dataset
7. Step7: Modeling
8. Step8: Evaluation of the Model on important Parameters
4.1 Kaggle Data-Set for Breast Cancer
In this paper the authors took the Kaggle Data Set meant specially for Breast Cancer. Authors observed
a total 33 attributes in dataset. The tuples present is 569. The total number of variation present in the
dataset is 18777. For Training the authors used 455 records and for testing the authors used 114 tuples.
Now in this section the authors present a number of graphs obtained between the parameters used in the
Figure 1: radius_mean and smoothness_mean Scatter Plot
ISSN : 0972-7175
Vol.: XXV, No. :5(II), 2022
Figure 2: perimeter_mean and concavity_mean Line plot
Figure 3: texture_mean and fractal_dimension_mean hist plot
Figure 4: concave points_se and radius_se bar plot
ISSN : 0972-7175
Vol.: XXV, No. :5(II), 2022
Figure 5: radius_worst and smoothness_worst kde plot
Figure 6: concave points_worst and fractal_dimension_worst area plot
Figure 7: texture_worst and concavity_worst density plot
ISSN : 0972-7175
Vol.: XXV, No. :5(II), 2022
Figure 8: compactness_mean and compactness_worst hexbin plot
In the paper the authors used the support vector machine as the ML technique to implement the
classification objective. In the model prepared the authors use SVC which is essentially the Support
Vector Classifier for the classification objective. In the implementation the authors use the kernel as
RBF. In Figure 9 you can observe the classification report
Figure 9: Python Code obtained Classification Report.
1. Breast Cancer Treatment (PDQ) NCI. 23 May 2014.
2. T. Mitchel "What is Machine Learning?" Machine Learning. New York: McGraw
Hill. ISBN 0-07-042807-7. OCLC 36417892. (1997).
3. E. Alpaydin Introduction to Machine Learning (Fourth ed.). MIT.vol. xix, 1–3, pp. 13–
18. ISBN 978-0262043793, (2020).
4. Guido van Rossum"An Introduction to Python for UNIX/C Programmers". Proceedings
of the NLUUG Najaarsconferentie (Dutch UNIX Users Group). CiteSeerX ,
5. V. K. Singh,
“Proposing Solution to XOR problem using minimum configuration MLP,” Science Direct,
International Conference on Computational Modeling and Security (CMS 2016), Elsevier,
Procedia Computer Science, 85, pp. 263-270.
ISSN : 0972-7175
Vol.: XXV, No. :5(II), 2022
6. V.K. Singh and
S. Pandey, “Minimum Configuration MLP for Solving XOR Problem,” Proceeding of 10th
INDIAcom, IEEE Conference ID:37465, 3rd International Conference on Computing for
Sustainable Global Development, BVICAM, pp. 168-173, New Delhi, India.
7. V.K. Singh,
“RSTDB & Cache Conscious Techniques for Frequent Pattern Mining,” Proceeding 4th
International Conference On Computer Applications In Electrical Engineering Recent Advances,
CERA-09, pp. 433-436, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, 2010.
8. V.K. Singh,
“RSTDB a new candidate generation and test algorithm for frequent pattern mining,” Proceeding
International Conference on Advances in Communication Network and Computing, CNC-2010,
ACM DL Digital Library, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4209-6, pp. 416-418, IEEE Communication
Society, Washington DC, Calicut, Kerala, 4-5 Oct 2010.
9. V.K. Singh and
V.K. Singh, Minimizing Space Time Complexity by RSTDB a new method for Frequent Pattern
Mining,” Proceeding of the First International Conference on Human Computer Interaction,
Springer, New Delhi, pp. 361-371, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, 20-23
Jan 2009.
10. V.K. Singh,
Proposing a New ANN model for Solving XNOR problem,” IEEE Conference ID: 39669,
Proceeding IEEE 5th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research
Trends (SMART), ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4, pp. 32-36, Moradabad, India 25-27 Nov. 2016.
11. V.K. Singh,
“Designing Simulators for various VLSI Designs using the Proposed Artificial Neural Network
model TRIVENI,” IEEE Conference, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on
Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control (ICICIC), ISBN: 978-1-5090-6313-
0, pp. 1-6, Indore, India, 17-19 Aug 2017.
12. V.K. Singh and
A.K. Singh, “Dual Level Digital Watermarking for Images,” Proceeding of American Institute of
Physics (AIP) of International Conference on Methods and Models in Science and Technology
(ICM2ST-10), ISBN: 978-0-7354-0879-1, volume 1324, issue 01, pp. 284-287, 2010.
13. V.K. Singh, A.
Baghel, Dr. N.D. Yadav, M. Sahu and M. Jaiswal, “Machine Learning Approach to Detect Breast
Cancer,” Design Engineering (Toronto), Scopus Journal, Volume 2021, Issue 08, pp. 7054-7060,
ISSN: 0011-9342, 2021.
14. V.K. Singh, Dr.
N.D. Yadav and R.K. Singh”Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using SVM taking polynomial as
Kernel,” Design Engineering (Toronto), Scopus Journal, Volume 2021, Issue 09, pp. 6589-6599,
ISSN: 0011-9342, 2021.
15. V.K. Singh,
“Proposing pattern growth methods for frequent pattern mining on account of its comparison
made with the candidate generation and test approach for a given data set,” Software Engineering,
Springer Singapore, pp. 203-209, 2019.
ISSN : 0972-7175
Vol.: XXV, No. :5(II), 2022
16. V.K. Singh and S. Pandey,” Proposing an Ex-NOR Solution using ANN,” Proceeding
International Conference on Information, Communication and Computing Technology, JIMS,
New Delhi.
17. V.K. Singh, “Mathematical Explanation To Solution For Ex-NOR Problem Using
MLFFN,” International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques,vol. 6,pp. 105-122,
18. V.K. Singh.,”Mathematical Analysis for Training ANNs Using Basic Learning
Algorithms,” Research Journal of Computer and Information Technology Sciences, 4(7),pp. 6-
19. V.K. Singh and V.K. Singh, “Vector Space Model : An Information Retrieval System,”
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies, vol. 4(2), pp. 141-143.
20. V.K. Singh and V Shah, “Minimizing Space Time Complexity in Frequent Pattern Mining
by Reducing Database Scanning and Using Pattern Growth Method,” Chhattisgarh Journal of
Science & Technology ISSN: 0973-7219.
21. V.K. Singh and V.K. Singh, “The Huge Potential of Information Technology,”
Proceedings of National Convention on Global Leadership: Strategies and Challenges for Indian
Business, Feb pp.10-11.
22. V.K. Singh, “Analysis of Stability and Convergence on Perceptron Convergence
Algorithm,” pp.149-161, International Conference by JIMS Delhi.
23. V.K. Singh, SVM using rbf as kernel for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer,” International
Conference on Innovative Research in Science, Management and Technology (ICIRSMT 2021),
Department of Computer Science and Application, Atal Bihari Vajpayee University, Bilaspur
(C.G.), India in association with American Institute of Management and Technology (AIMT),
USA, December 27-28 2021.
24. V.K. Singh, “Support Vector Machine using rbf, polynomial, linear and sigmoid as kernel
to detect Diabetes Cases and to make a Comparative Analysis of the Models,” International
Conference on Innovative Research in Science, Management and Technology (ICIRSMT 2021),
Department of Computer Science and Application, Atal Bihari Vajpayee University, Bilaspur
(C.G.), India in association with American Institute of Management and Technology (AIMT),
USA, December 27-28 2021.
25. V.K. Singh, “Colorization of old gray scale images and videos using deep learning,”
Published in The Journal of Oriental Research Madras, ISSN: 0022-3301, 2021.
26. V.K. Singh, “Dual Secured Data Transmission using Armstrong Number and Color
Coding,” Prestige e-Journal of Management and Research, Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN: 2350-1316,
April 2016.
27. V.K. Singh, A. Baghel and S.K. Negi, “Finding New Framework for Resolving Problems
in Various Dimensions by the use of ES : An Efficient and Effective Computer Oriented Artificial
Intelligence Approach,” Volume 4, No. 11, ISSN(Paper): 2222-1727, ISSN(Online): 2222-2871,
28. Chandrashekhar, R. Chauhan and V.K. Singh,” Twitter Sentiment Analysis,” ISPEC 8TH
29. P. Kumari, R. Gupta, S. Kumar and V.K. Singh,” ML Approach for Detection of Lung
ISSN : 0972-7175
Vol.: XXV, No. :5(II), 2022
30. P. Sailokesh, S. Jupudi, I.K. Vamsi and V.K. Singh,” Automatic Number Plate
25, 2021.
31. Y.K. Reddy, K.M. Yadav and V.K. Singh,” Human Activity Recognition,” ISPEC 8TH
32. R.N.R.K. Prasad, P.S.S.R Ram, S. Dinesh and V.K. Singh,” Text Summarization,” ISPEC
Full-text available
Currently, many machine learning models used for healthcare analysis focus on predicting one disease per analysis. For example, one model might be designed for diabetes analysis, while another model is created for cancer analysis, and a separate model for skin diseases. Unfortunately, there is currently no comprehensive system in place that can accurately predict multiple diseases in a single analysis. This limitation can make it challenging for medical professionals to gain a comprehensive understanding of a patient's health status.. In this article proposing a system which used to predict multiple diseases by using Flask API. This article proposes a machine learning-based system to predict multiple diseases, including diabetes, diabetes retinopathy, heart disease, breast cancer, kidney disease, liver disease, and dengue fever. The system is designed to be flexible and can be expanded to include other diseases, such as skin diseases and fever analysis .To implement multiple disease analysis used machine learning algorithms, tensorflow and Flask API. To save the behavior of the machine learning models used in the proposed system, we utilize a technique called Python pickling while Python unpickling is employed to load the saved pickle file back into memory whenever required. To address this issue, researchers are exploring ways to develop machine learning models that can predict multiple diseases simultaneously. By analyzing a wide range of health parameters and considering the interactions between different health factors, these models have the potential to provide a more comprehensive picture of a patient's health status. Such systems could also help medical professionals to make more informed decisions by providing them with a more complete understanding of their patient's health. Concluding models performance is saved as python pickle file. Flask API is designed. When user accessing this API, the user has to send the parameters of the disease along with disease name. Flask API then summons the corresponding model and returns the status of the patient. The significance of this investigation is to evaluate the maximum diseases, so that to monitor the patient's condition and counsel the patients in advance to decrease mortality ratio.
Conference Paper
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In our paper we created a computer based application and perform training on the model to which when we are showing the images of umpire gestures in the game of cricket the application shows as output indicating particular sign in the form of caption in the screen. We had made a collection of images of umpires who are engaged in performing different actions pertaining to events such as "No Ball", "Six", "Wide" and "Out". The images are obtained via cricket match videos taken from YouTube and Google platform. The dataset is a collection of five classes. We had proposed four classes which are the four actions and one is no action class where in the umpire is not performing any action. We made utilization on the inception v3 model where there is Factorization happening into Smaller Convolutions, and also spatial factorization into basic Asymmetric Convolutions, we are observing Utility of auxiliary classifiers and also visualizing Efficient Grid size Reduction.
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In the current work we will observe pose estimation of a representation that is of high quality. In the current work we are making a recovery from a low-resolution Input. There is a generation of Heatmap for the implementation purpose. In the current work for experimentation purpose we have made a utilization of Two Standard datasets that is COCO and MPII dataset. We in our work are able to make pose estimation with a degree of superiority.
Conference Paper
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In this work we are going to observe methodologies to find out tampering that may happened in the Video. The methodologies that we will discuss are Deepfake and Face2Face. In the past Decade the two methodologies have gained a lot of acceptance because of their nearness with the Deep learning paradigm. The accuracy is around 90% for both the methodologies. We have made an Implementation in Python which is the need of the current time for Image processing Applications.
Conference Paper
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The Paper is a Continuation of the Work done by the Author in the Field of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Network and so on in the Area of Computer Science and Engineering. In the Current Paper beside of the Reference Section there are Six More Sections. In Section One which is Introduction the Author gave a brief description on the disease that is Cancer. In the Next Section that which is Literature Survey we made inroads on the previous work done in the field discussed in the Paper. Next we elaborate the Statement on which we are actually focused in the Paper. Next the Proposed Algorithm is formulated after which we will have a discussion on the Results Obtained and the Conclusion. In the Introduction Section we basically discussed the Disease Cancer and also made a small Introduction of Python Programming Language. The Conclusion Section Comprise of the Classification Report Obtained for the Model Used for the Purpose of Detection and From the Classification Report it could be concluded that the Approach that we adopted gives us a very high degree of Efficiency in terms of the metrics used for assessment. The work done by the Author is Another Work in the Field of Medical Science. The Author had already done some work in the past which is discussed in the Literature Survey Part that is portraying that the Author has done a good amount of work in the field of Machine Learning and used the Machine Learning Approach in various Medical Fields. From the Research Article it could be easily identified that Python is a very useful Programming Language and the Results Shown Could be easily taken as a benchmark for going on for the Research work in various other field using the Programming Tool Python.
Conference Paper
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This is a Continuation to what the Author has done in the Field of Artificial Neural Network. In this Paper the Author Gave a Study Report of the Basic Methodologies Adopted for the Representation of the Artificial Neural Network. After Presenting the Basic Techniques the Author Gave a Detailed Description of the Basic Techniques. Out of the Techniques Presented the Author is more keen on the Technique Presented by Mason and the Author Gave a Detailed Description of the Technique. The Basic Properties that are shown when Neural Network is represented as a Directed Graph is Discussed. The Author gave a Description of the Rules that Guide the Portrayal of the Representation Technique. The Limitations of the Artificial Neural Network when viewed as a Directed Graph is discussed as well as the Advantages is also Discussed. The Paper Comprises of Sections namely Introduction where an Introduction to the Artificial Neural System Technology is Discussed. In the Next Section that is Literature Survey we made a Detailed Analysis of works done in the Past. Then in the Problem Statement we discussed the Problem for which we are actually going for the Techniques. In the Next Section the Survey Report of the Models is discussed and then comes the Result and Conclusion Sections.
Conference Paper
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The work is a essentially a continuation of the work done by the author in the field of Medical Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Computer Science. In the current world we are suffering from the critical issue of COVID. The pandemic has a great impact on some of the countries of the world. The pandemic has affected the whole world. Apart of COVID in the current time the world is suffering from diseases like thyroid, diabetes etc. which is also a major challenge for the People in the World. In the current work the author is interested in the study and elaboration of ways to face the disease named Thyroid. In the current paper the author made study and implementation of the ML paradigm to prepare a System that can detect Thyroid. In the current paper the author made a usage of the Programming Language named Python. The author made effective usage of the libraries available in Python. In the current research article the author studied and created System that used the algorithms namely Light Gradient Boosting Machine, Gradient Boosting Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Extra Tree Classifier, Dummy Classifier, Logistic Regression, KNeighbors Classifier, ADA Boost Classifier, SVM-Linear Kernel, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Ridge Classifier, Naïve Bayes and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis. The work done by the author is an approach that still is lagging in some vital areas like the output user interface is not that interactive which would have made the research work more popular among the end users. The dataset used for Experimentation purpose is taken from Kaggle. The availability of rows and columns in the dataset of Kaggle is not that wealthy although the accuracies that are generated after execution of the implemented code is extremely nice. At this point from the Experiment Carried it would be said that the approach would have been more efficient if the data set that was Considered for Doing the Experimental Analysis and had some limitation would have been more effective and efficient from the point of Early Diagnosis if the Data-Set would be having more number of Records and might have Considered some more Features in the Landscape.
Conference Paper
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This Research Article is basically a continuation of the Work done by the Author in the Field of Artificial Neural Network. In this work the Author Presented a Mathematical Derivation of the Relation between the Input Signal and Output Signal for Artificial Neural Network Having Feedback. As the people those who are having proficiency in the Field of Artificial Neural Network are Aware of the Basic Elements of the Artificial Neural Network. Out the Basic Elements of the Artificial Neural Network one Basic Element is the Network Topology. In Network Topology there is a Concept of Recurrent Networks. So this Paper is a Research Article which basically presents a Survey Report on the Mathematical Representation between the Input Signal and the Output Signal. The paper comprises of Section Titled Introduction where we make a brief Discussion on the Artificial Neural System Technology. Next we come to the Literature Survey Part where we made a Discussion on the various work done in the Past in the Area. Next we will be discussing the Problem Statement after which we will be Discussing the Mathematical Derivation than we will Observe the Result and Conclusion Section where the Mathematical Derivation Perspectives are Discussed.
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In this paper we proposed an automatic approach based on deep neural network to colorize the grayscale images.Today, colorization is usually done by hand in Photoshop and other software. This takes a lot of time and proficiency. We present a convolutional neural network based system using OpenCV that faithfully colorizes black and white photographic images without direct human assistance. We explore various color spaces & image weights. We take a grayscale image as input and attempt to produce a coloring scheme.The goal is to make the output image as realistic as actual background color of image.
This paper is an extension to what the author had already done in [1] and [2]. In this paper we will see one solution to the XOR problem using minimum configuration MLP an ANN model. The proposed solution is proved mathematically in this paper. The problem of non-linear separability is addressed in the paper. The Architectural Graph representation of the proposed model is placed and also an equivalent Signal Flow Graph is represented to show how the proof the proposed solution. The non-linear Activation function used for the hidden layer minimum configuration MLP is Logistic function.
What is Machine Learning?
  • T Mitchel
T. Mitchel "What is Machine Learning?" Machine Learning. New York: McGraw Hill. ISBN 0-07-042807-7. OCLC 36417892. (1997).
  • E Alpaydin
E. Alpaydin Introduction to Machine Learning (Fourth ed.). MIT.vol. xix, 1-3, pp. 13-18. ISBN 978-0262043793, (2020).
An Introduction to Python for UNIX/C Programmers
  • Guido Van Rossum
Guido van Rossum"An Introduction to Python for UNIX/C Programmers". Proceedings of the NLUUG Najaarsconferentie (Dutch UNIX Users Group). CiteSeerX, (1993).
Proposing an Ex-NOR Solution using ANN
  • V K Singh
  • S Pandey
V.K. Singh and S. Pandey," Proposing an Ex-NOR Solution using ANN," Proceeding International Conference on Information, Communication and Computing Technology, JIMS, New Delhi.
Mathematical Analysis for Training ANNs Using Basic Learning Algorithms
  • V K Singh
V.K. Singh.,"Mathematical Analysis for Training ANNs Using Basic Learning Algorithms," Research Journal of Computer and Information Technology Sciences, 4(7),pp. 6-13,2016.
Minimizing Space Time Complexity in Frequent Pattern Mining by Reducing Database Scanning and Using Pattern Growth Method
  • V K Singh
  • V Shah
V.K. Singh and V Shah, "Minimizing Space Time Complexity in Frequent Pattern Mining by Reducing Database Scanning and Using Pattern Growth Method," Chhattisgarh Journal of Science & Technology ISSN: 0973-7219.
SVM using rbf as kernel for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
  • V K Singh
V.K. Singh, "SVM using rbf as kernel for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer," International Conference on Innovative Research in Science, Management and Technology (ICIRSMT 2021), Department of Computer Science and Application, Atal Bihari Vajpayee University, Bilaspur (C.G.), India in association with American Institute of Management and Technology (AIMT), USA, December 27-28 2021.