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An Enhanced Scheme for Reducing the Complexity of Pointwise Convolutions in CNNs for Image Classification Based on Interleaved Grouped Filters without Divisibility Constraints


Abstract and Figures

In image classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs), the number of parameters in pointwise convolutions rapidly grows due to the multiplication of the number of filters by the number of input channels that come from the previous layer. Existing studies demonstrated that a subnetwork can replace pointwise convolutional layers with significantly fewer parameters and fewer floating-point computations, while maintaining the learning capacity. In this paper, we propose an improved scheme for reducing the complexity of pointwise convolutions in DCNNs for image classification based on interleaved grouped filters without divisibility constraints. The proposed scheme utilizes grouped pointwise convolutions, in which each group processes a fraction of the input channels. It requires a number of channels per group as a hyperparameter Ch. The subnetwork of the proposed scheme contains two consecutive convolutional layers K and L, connected by an interleaving layer in the middle, and summed at the end. The number of groups of filters and filters per group for layers K and L is determined by exact divisions of the original number of input channels and filters by Ch. If the divisions were not exact, the original layer could not be substituted. In this paper, we refine the previous algorithm so that input channels are replicated and groups can have different numbers of filters to cope with non exact divisibility situations. Thus, the proposed scheme further reduces the number of floating-point computations (11%) and trainable parameters (10%) achieved by the previous method. We tested our optimization on an EfficientNet-B0 as a baseline architecture and made classification tests on the CIFAR-10, Colorectal Cancer Histology, and Malaria datasets. For each dataset, our optimization achieves a saving of 76%, 89%, and 91% of the number of trainable parameters of EfficientNet-B0, while keeping its test classification accuracy.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Schwarz Schuler, J.P.;
Romani, S.; Puig, D.; Rashwan, H.;
Abdel-Nasser, M. An Enhanced
Scheme for Reducing the Complexity
of Pointwise Convolutions in CNNs
for Image Classification Based on
Interleaved Grouped Filters without
Divisibility Constraints. Entropy 2022,
24, 1264.
Academic Editors: Bin Fan and
Wenqi Ren
Received: 24 July 2022
Accepted: 5 September 2022
Published: 8 September 2022
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An Enhanced Scheme for Reducing the Complexity of Pointwise
Convolutions in CNNs for Image Classification Based on
Interleaved Grouped Filters without Divisibility Constraints
Joao Paulo Schwarz Schuler 1,* , Santiago Romani Also 1, Domenec Puig 1, Hatem Rashwan 1
and Mohamed Abdel-Nasser 1,2
1Departament d’Enginyeria Informatica i Matemátiques, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43007 Tarragona, Spain; (S.R.A.); (D.P.); (H.R.); (M.A.-N.)
Electronics and Communication Engineering Section, Electrical Engineering Department, Aswan University,
81528 Aswan, Egypt
In image classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs), the number of
parameters in pointwise convolutions rapidly grows due to the multiplication of the number of filters
by the number of input channels that come from the previous layer. Existing studies demonstrated
that a subnetwork can replace pointwise convolutional layers with significantly fewer parameters and
fewer floating-point computations, while maintaining the learning capacity. In this paper, we propose
an improved scheme for reducing the complexity of pointwise convolutions in DCNNs for image
classification based on interleaved grouped filters without divisibility constraints. The proposed
scheme utilizes grouped pointwise convolutions, in which each group processes a fraction of the
input channels. It requires a number of channels per group as a hyperparameter
. The subnetwork
of the proposed scheme contains two consecutive convolutional layers K and L, connected by an
interleaving layer in the middle, and summed at the end. The number of groups of filters and filters
per group for layers K and L is determined by exact divisions of the original number of input channels
and filters by
. If the divisions were not exact, the original layer could not be substituted. In this
paper, we refine the previous algorithm so that input channels are replicated and groups can have
different numbers of filters to cope with non exact divisibility situations. Thus, the proposed scheme
further reduces the number of floating-point computations (11%) and trainable parameters (10%)
achieved by the previous method. We tested our optimization on an EfficientNet-B0 as a baseline
architecture and made classification tests on the CIFAR-10, Colorectal Cancer Histology, and Malaria
datasets. For each dataset, our optimization achieves a saving of 76%, 89%, and 91% of the number of
trainable parameters of EfficientNet-B0, while keeping its test classification accuracy.
EfficientNet; deep learning; computer vision; image classification; convolutional neural
network; DCNN; grouped convolution; pointwise convolution; data analysis; network optimization;
parameter reduction; parallel branches; channel interleaving
1. Introduction
In 2012, Krizhevsky et al. [
] reported a breakthrough in the ImageNet Large Scale
Visual Recognition Challenge [
] using their AlexNet architecture, which contains 5 con-
volutional layers and 3 dense layers. Since 2012, many other architectures have been
introduced, like ZFNet [
], VGG [
], GoogLeNet [
], ResNet [
] and DenseNet [
]. Since
the number of layers of proposed convolutional neural networks has increased from 5 to
more than 200, those models are usually referred to as “Deep Learning” or DCNN.
In 2013, Min Lin et al. introduced the Network in Network architecture (NiN) [
]. It has
3 spatial convolutional layers with 192 filters, separated by pairs of pointwise convolutional
Entropy 2022,24, 1264.
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 2 of 15
layers. These pointwise convolutions enable the architecture to learn patterns without
the computational cost of a spatial convolution. In 2016, ResNet [
] was introduced.
Following VGG [
], all ResNet spatial filters have 3
3 pixels. Their paper conjectures
that deeper CNNs have exponentially low convergence rates. To deal with this problem,
they introduced skip connections every 2 convolutional layers. In 2017, Ioannou et al. [
adapted the NiN architecture to use 2 to 16 convolutional groups per layer for classifying
the CIFAR-10 dataset.
A grouped convolution separates input channels and filters into groups. Each filter
processes only input channels entering its group. Each group of filters can be understood
as an independent (parallel) path for information flow. This aspect drastically reduces
the number of weights in each filter and, therefore, reduces the number of floating-point
computations. Grouping 3
3 and 5
5 spatial convolutions, Ioannou et al. were able
to decrease the number of parameters by more than 50% while keeping the NiN classifi-
cation accuracy. Ioannou et al. also adapted the Resnet-50, Resnet-200, and GoogleLeNet
architectures applying 2 to 64 groups per layer when classifying the ImageNet dataset,
obtaining parameter reduction while maintaining or improving the classification accu-
racy. Also in 2017, an improvement for the ResNet architecture called ResNeXt [
] was
introduced, replacing the spatial convolutions with parallel paths (groups), reducing the
number of parameters.
Several studies have also reported the creation of parameter-efficient architectures
with grouped convolutions [
]. In 2019, Mingxing Tan et al. [
] developed the
EfficientNet architecture. At that time, their EfficientNet-B7 variant was 8.4 times more
parameter-efficient and 6.1 times faster than the best existing architecture, achieving 84.3%
top-1 accuracy on ImageNet. More than 90% of the parameters of EfficientNets come from
standard pointwise convolutions. This aspect opens an opportunity for a huge reduction in
several parameters and floating-point operations, as we have exploited in the present paper.
Most parameters in DCNNs are redundant [
]. Pruning methods remove connec-
tions and neurons found to be irrelevant by different techniques. After training the original
network with the full set of connections, the removal is carried out [
]. Our method
differs from pruning as we reduce the number of connections before the training starts,
while pruning does after training. Therefore, our method can save computing resources
during training time.
In previous works [
], we proposed replacing standard pointwise convolutions
with a sub-architecture that contains two grouped pointwise convolutional layers (K and
L), an interleaving layer that mixes channels from layer K before feeding the layer L, and a
summation at the end that sums the results from both convolutional layers. Our original
method accepts a hyperparameter
, which denotes the number of input channels fed
to each group of filters. Then, our method computes the number of groups of filters and
filters per group according to the division of original input channels and filters by
. Our
original method avoided substituting the layers where the divisions were not exact.
In this paper, we propose an enhanced scheme to allow computing the number of
groups in a flexible manner, in the sense that the divisibility constraints do not have to be
considered anymore. By applying our method to all pointwise convolutional layers of an
EfficientNet-B0 architecture, we are able to reduce a huge amount of resources (trainable
parameters, floating-point computations) while maintaining the learning capacity.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2details our improved solution for group-
ing pointwise convolutions while skipping the constraints of divisibility found in our
previous method. Section 3details the experiments carried out for testing our solution.
Section 4summarizes the conclusions and limitations of our proposal.
2. Methodology
2.1. Mathematical Ground for Regular Pointwise Convolutions
. . .
be a set of input feature maps (2D lattices) for a convolu-
tional layer
in a DCNN, where
denotes the number of input channels for this layer. Let
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 3 of 15
. . .
be a set of filters containing the weights for convolutions, where
denotes the number of filters at layer
, which is also the number of output channels of
this layer. Following the notation proposed in [
], a regular DCNN convolution can be
mathematically expressed as in Equation (1):
2Xi, . . . , wi
where the
operator indicates that filters in
are convolved with feature maps in
using the
operator to indicate a 3D tensor multiplication and shifting of a filter
all patches of the size of the filter in all feature maps. For simplicity, we are ignoring the
bias terms. Consequently,
will contain
feature maps that will feed the next layer
i+1. The tensor shapes of involved elements are the following:
Xi RH×W × Ici
Wi RFi×S×S×I ciwi
j RS×S ×Ici
Xi+1 RH×W × Fi
H × W
is the size (height, width) of feature maps, and
S × S
is the size of a filter
(usually square). In this paper we work with
1 because we are focused on pointwise
convolutions. In this case, each filter
weights. The total number of weights
in layer iis obtained with a simple multiplication:
2.2. Definition of Grouped Pointwise Convolutions
For expressing a grouped pointwise convolution, let us split the input feature maps
and the set of filters in
groups, as
2, . . . , Xi
2, . . . , Wi
Assuming that both
are divisible by
, the elements in
can be evenly
distributed through all their subset
. Then, Equation
can be reformulated as
Equation (4):
2, . . . , Wi
The shapes of the subsets are the following:
m RH×W × Ici
m RFgi×1×1×Ici
j R1×1×Ici
is the number of filters per group, namely,
. Since each filter
convolves on a fraction of input channels
, the total number of weights per subset
. Multiplying the last expression by the number of groups provides
the total number of weights Piin a grouped pointwise convolutional layer i:
Pi= (Ici·Fi)/Gi(6)
shows that the number of trainable parameters is inversely proportional to
the number of groups. However, grouping has the evident drawback that it prevents the
filters to be connected with all input channel, which reduces the possible connections of
input channels for learning new patterns. As it may lead to a lower learning capacity of the
DCNN, one must be cautious with using such grouping technique.
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 4 of 15
2.3. Improved Scheme for Reducing the Complexity of Pointwise Convolutions
Two major limitations of our previous method were inherited from constraints found
in most deep learning APIs:
The number of input channels I cimust be multiple of the number of groups Gi.
The number of filters Fimust be multiple of the number of groups Gi.
The present work circumvents the first limitation by replicating channels from the
input. The second limitation is circumvented by adding a second parallel path with another
pointwise grouped convolution when required. Figure 1shows an example of our updated
Details of this process are described below, which is applied to substitute each point-
wise convolutional layer
found in the original architecture. To explain the method, we
start detailing the construction of the layer K shown in Figure 1. For simplicity, we drop the
and use the index
to refer to the original hyperparameters, i.e., we use
instead of
. Also, we will use the indexes
1 and
2 to refer the parameters of
the two parallel paths that may exist in layer K.
First of all, we must manually specify the value of the hyperparameter
. In the
graphical example shown in Figure 1, we set
Ch =
4. The rest of hyperparameters such
as number of groups in layers K and L are determined automatically by the rules of our
algorithm, according to the chosen value of Ch, the number of input channels IcKand the
number of filters
. We do not have a procedure to find the optimal value of
, hence we
must apply ablation studies on a range of
values as shown in the results section. For the
example in Figure 1, we have chosen the value of
to obtain a full variety of situations
that must be tackled by our algorithm, i.e., non-divisibility conditions.
Figure 1.
A schematic diagram of our pointwise convolution replacement. This example replaces a
pointwise convolution with 14 input channels and 10 filters. It contains two convolutional layers, K
and L, one interleaving, and one summation layer. Channels surrounded by a red border represent
replicated channels.
2.4. Definition of Layer K
The first step of the algorithm is to compute the number of groups in branch K1, as in
Equation (7):
Ch (7)
Since the number of input channels
may not be divisible by Ch, we use the
ceiling operator on the division to obtain an integer number of groups. In the example,
GK1=d14/4e=4. Thus, the output of filters in branch K1 can be defined as in (8):
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 5 of 15
2, . . . , WK1
The subsets
are composed of input feature maps
, collected in a sorted manner,
1={x1,x2, . . . , xCh }
2={xCh+1,xCh+2, . . . , x2Ch}
, etc. Equation
provides a
general definition of which feature maps xjare included in any feature subset XK
m={xa+1,xa+2, . . . , xa+Ch },a= (m1)·Ch (9)
However, if
is not divisible by
, the last group
would not have
channels. In this case, the method will complete this last group replicating
Ch b
input channels, where bis computed as stated in Equation (10):
GK1={xa+1,xa+2, . . . , xa+b,x1,x2, . . . , xChb},
b=GK1·Ch IcK
It can be proved that
will always be less or equal than
, since
is the excess of the
integer division
, i.e.,
will always be above or equal to
, but less than
, because otherwise
would increase its value (as a quotient of
). In the
example, b=2, hence XK1
4={x13,x14 ,x1,x2}.
Then, the method calculates the number of filters per group FgK1as in (11):
To avoid divisibility conflicts, this time we have chosen the floor integer division. For
the first path K1, each of the filter subsets shown in (8) will contain the following filters:
2, . . . , wK1,m
j R1×1×Ch (12)
For the first path of the example, the number of filters per group is
So, the first path has 4 groups (
) of 2 filters (
), each filter being connected to 4 input
channels (Ch).
is not divisible by
, a second path K2 will provide as many groups as filters
not provided in K1, with one filter per group, to complete the total number of filters FK:
In the example,
2. The required input channels for the second path is
Ch ·GK2
The method obtains those channels reusing the same subsets of input feature maps
shown in (9). Hence, the output of filters in path K2 can be defined as in (14):
2, . . . , wK2
j R1×1×Ch
. Therefore, each filter in
2 operates on exactly the same subset
of input channels than the corresponding subset of filters in
1. Hence, each filter in the
second path can be considered as belonging to one of the groups of the first path.
It must be noticed that
will always be less than
. This is true because
the reminder of the integer division
, as can be deduced from
. This
property warranties that there will be enough subsets XK
mfor this second path.
After defining paths K1 and K2 in layer K, the output of this layer is the concatenation
of both paths:
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 6 of 15
K={K1, K2}(15)
The total number of channels after the concatenation is equal to
2.5. Interleaving Stage
As mentioned above, grouped convolutions inherently face a limitation: each parallel
group of filters computes its output from their own subset of input channels, preventing
combinations of channels connected to different groups. To alleviate this limitation, we
propose to interleave the output channels from the convolutional layer K.
The interleaving process simply consists in arranging the odd channels first and the
even channels last, as noted in Equation (16):
Here we are assuming that
is even. Otherwise, the list of odd channels will include
an extra channel k2c+1.
2.6. Definition of Layer L
The interleaved output feeds the grouped convolutions in layer L to process data
coming from more than one group from the preceding layer K.
To create layer L, we apply the same algorithm as for layer K, but now the number of
input channels is equal to FKinstead of IcK.
The number of groups in path L1 is computed as:
Ch (17)
Note that GL1may not be equal to GK1. In the example, GL1=d10/4e=3.
Then, the output of L1 is computed as in
, where the input channel groups
from the interleaving stage. Each group is composed of
channels, whose indexes are
generically defined in (19):
2, . . . , WK1
a+2, . . . , iK
a+Ch o,
a= (m1)·Ch
Again, the last group of indexes may not contain
channels due to a non-exact
division condition in
. Similar to path K1, for path L1 the missing channels in the
last group will be supplied by replicating
Ch b
initial interleaved channels, where
computed as stated in Equation (20):
a+2, . . . , iK
2, . . . , iK
b=GL1·Ch FK
The number of filters per group FgL1is computed as in (21):
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 7 of 15
In the example,
3. Each group of filters
shown in
can be
defined as in (22), each one containing FgL1convolutional filters of Ch inputs:
2, . . . , wL1,m
j R1×1×Ch (22)
It should be noted that if the division in
is not exact, the number of output channels
from layer L may not reach the required
outputs. In this case, a second path L2 will be
added, with the following parameters:
In the example,
1. The output of path L2 is computed as in
, defining one
extra convolutional filter for some initial groups of interleaved channels declared in
, taking into account that
will always be less than
according to the same
reasoning done for GK2and GK1:
2, . . . , wL2
The last step in defining the output of layer L is to join the outputs of paths L1 and L2:
L={L1, L2}(25)
2.7. Joining of Layers
Finally, the output of both convolutional layers K and L are summed to create the
output of the original layer:
Compared to concatenation, summation has the advantage of allowing a residual
learning in the filters of layer L, because gradient can be backpropagated through L filters
or directly to K filters. In other words, residual layers provide more learning capacity
with low degree of downsides due to increasing the number of layers (i.e., overfitting,
longer training time, etc.) In the results section, we present an ablation study that contains
experiments done without the interleaving and the L layers (rows labeled with “no L”).
These experiments empirically prove that the interleaving mechanism and the secondary L
layer help in improving the sub-architecture accuracy, with low impact.
It is worth mentioning that we only add the layer L an the interleaving when the
number of input channels is bigger or equal to the number of filters in layer K.
2.8. Computing the Number of Parameters
We can compute the total number of parameters of our sub-architecture. First, Equa-
shows that the number of filters in layer K is equal to the number of filters in layer
L, which in turn is equal to the total number of filters in the original convolutional layer
Then, the total number of parameters
is twice the number of original filters multi-
plied by the number of input channels per filter:
Therefore, comparing Equation
, it is clear that
must be significantly
less than
2 to reduce the number of parameters of a regular pointwise convolutional
layer. Also, comparing Equation
, our sub-architecture provides a parameter
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 8 of 15
reduction similar to a plain grouped convolutional layer when
is around
although we cannot specify a general
term because of the complexity of our pair of
layers with possibly two paths per layer.
The requirement for a low value of
is also necessary to ensure that divisions in
provide quotients above one, otherwise our method will not create
grouping. Hence,
must be less or equal to
2 and
2. These are the only two
constraints that our method is restricted by.
As shown in Table 1, pointwise convolutional layers found in real networks such
as EfficientNet-B0 have significant Figures for
, either hundreds or thousands.
Therefore, values of
less or equal than 32 will ensure a good ratio of parameter reduction
for most of these pointwise convolutional layers.
EfficientNet is one of the most complex (but efficient) architectures that can be found in
the literature. To our method, the degree of complexity of a DCNN is mainly related to the
maximum number of input channels and output features in any pointwise convolutional
layer. Our method does not care about the number of layers, neither in depth nor in
parallel, because it works on each layer independently. Therefore, the degree of complexity
of EfficientNet-B0 can be considered significantly high, taking into account the values
shown in the last row of Table 1. Arguably, other versions of EfficientNet (B1, B2, etc.)
and other types of DCNN can exceed those values. In such cases, higher values of
may be necessary, but we cannot provide any rule to forecast its optimum value for the
configuration of any pointwise convolutional layer.
Table 1.
For a standard pointwise convolution with
input channels,
parameters and a
given number of channels per group
, this Table shows the calculated parameters for layers K and
L: the number of groups
G<layer>< path>
and the number of filters per group
Fg<l ayer >< path>
. The last
2 columns show the total number of parameters and its percentage with respect to the original layer.
Original Settings Layer K Layer L K+L Params
Ic F P Ch GK1F gK1GK2GL1F gL1GL2Total %
14 10 140 4 4 2 2 3 3 1 80 57.14%
160 3840 614,400 16 10 384 0 0 0 0 61,440 10.00%
32 5 768 0 0 0 0 122,880 20.00%
192 1152 221,184 16 12 96 0 0 0 0 18,432 8.33%
32 6 192 0 0 0 0 36,864 16.67%
1152 320 368,640 16 72 4 32 20 16 0 10,240 2.78%
32 36 8 32 10 32 0 20,480 5.56%
3840 640
16 240 2 160 40 16 0 20,480 0.83%
32 120 5 40 20 32 0 40,960 1.67%
2.9. Activation Function
In 2018, Prajit et al. [
] tested a number of activation functions. In their experi-
mentation, they found that the best performing one was the so-called “swish”, shown in
Equation (29).
f(x) = x·sigmoid(βx)(29)
In previous works [
], we used the ReLU activation function. In this work, we
use the swish activation function. This change gives us better results in our ablation
experiments shown on Table 5.
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 9 of 15
2.10. Implementation Details
We tested our optimization by replacing original pointwise convolutions in the
EfficientNet-B0 and named it as “kEffNet-B0 V2”. With CIFAR-10, we tested an addi-
tional modification that skips the first 4 convolutional strides, allowing input images with
32x32 pixels instead of the original resolution of 224x224 pixels.
In all our experiments, we saved the trained network from the epoch that achieved the
lowest validation loss for testing with the test dataset. Convolutional layers are initialized
with Glorot’s method [
]. All experiments were trained with RMSProp optimizer, data
augmentation [
] and cyclical learning rate schedule [
]. We worked with various
configurations of hardware with NVIDIA video cards. Regarding software, we did our
experiments with K-CAI [35] and Keras [36] on the top of Tensorflow [37].
Our source code is publicly available at:
kEffNetV2/, accessed on 1 September 2022.
2.11. Horizontal Flip
In some experiments, we run the model twice with the input image and its horizontally
flipped version. The output from the softmax from both runs is summed before class
prediction. In these experiments, the number of floating-point computations doubles,
although the number of trainable parameters remains the same.
3. Results and Discussion
In this section, we present and discuss the results of the proposed scheme with three
image classification datasets: CIFAR-10 dataset [
], Malaria dataset, and colorectal cancer
histology dataset [39,40].
3.1. Results on the CIFAR-10 Dataset
The CIFAR-10 dataset [
] is a subset of [
] and consists of 60k 32x32 images belonging
to 10 different classes: airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse ship and truck.
These images are taken from natural and uncontrolled lightning environment. They contain
only one prominent instance of the object to which the class refers to. The object may be
partially occluded or seen from an unusual viewpoint. This dataset has 50k images for
training and 10k images for test. We picked 5k images for validation and left the training
set with 45k images. We run experiments with 50 and 180 epochs.
On Table 2we compare kEffNet-B0 V1 (our previous method) and V2 (our current
method), for two values of
. We can see that our V2 models has slightly more reduction
in both number of parameters and floating-point computations than the V1 counterpart
models, while achieving slightly higher accuracy. Specifically, V2 models save 10% of the
parameters (from 1,059,202 to 950,650) and 11% of the floating-point computations (from
138,410,206 to 123,209,110) of V1 models. All of our variants obtain similar accuracy to the
baseline with a remarkable reduction of resources (at least 26.3% of trainable parameters
and 35.5% of computations).
Table 2.
Comparing EfficientNet-B0, kEffNet-B0 V1 and kEffNet-B0 V2 with CIFAR-10 dataset after
50 epochs.
Model Parameters %Computations %Test acc.
EfficientNet-B0 baseline 4,020,358 100.0% 389,969,098 100.0% 93.33%
kEffNet-B0 V1 16ch 639,702 15.9% 84,833,890 21.8% 92.46%
kEffNet-B0 V2 16ch 623,226 15.5% 82,804,374 21.2% 92.61%
kEffNet-B0 V1 32ch 1,059,202 26.3% 138,410,206 35.5% 93.61%
kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch 950,650 23.6% 123,209,110 31.6% 93.67%
As the scope of this work is limited to small datasets and small architectures, we only
experimented with the smallest EfficientNet variant (EfficientNet-B0) and our modified
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 10 of 15
variant (kEffNet-B0). Nevertheless, Table 3provides the number of trainable parameters of
the other EfficientNet variants (original and parameter-reduced). Equation
that the number of parameters grows with the number of filters and the number of input
channels. Equation
indicates that the number of parameters decreases with the number
of groups. As we create more groups when the number of input channels grows, we expect
to find bigger parameter savings on larger models. This saving can be seen on Table 3.
Table 3.
Number of trainable parameters for EfficientNet, kEffNet V2 16ch and kEffNet V2 32ch with
a 10 classes dataset.
Variant EfficientNet kEffNet V2 16ch %kEffNet V2 32ch %
B0 4,020,358 623,226 15.50% 950,650 23.65%
B1 6,525,994 968,710 14.84% 1,389,062 21.29%
B2 7,715,084 983,198 12.74% 1,524,590 19.76%
B3 10,711,602 1,280,612 11.96% 2,001,430 18.68%
B4 17,566,546 1,858,440 10.58% 2,911,052 16.57%
B5 28,361,274 2,538,870 8.95% 4,011,626 14.14%
B6 40,758,754 3,324,654 8.16% 5,245,140 12.87%
B7 63,812,570 4,585,154 7.19% 7,254,626 11.37%
We also tested our kEffNet-B0 with 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 channels per group for 50 epochs
as shown in Table 4. As expected, the test classification accuracy increases when allocating
more channels per group: from 84.26% for
= 2 to 93.67% for
= 32. Also, the resource
saving decreases as the number of channels per group increase: from 7.8% of parameters
and 11.4% of computations for
= 2 to 23.6% of parameters and 31.6% of computations
= 32 (compared to the baseline). For CIFAR-10, if we aim to achieve an accuracy
comparable to the baseline, we must choose at least 16 channels per group. If we add an
extra run per image sample with horizontal flipping when training kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch, the
classification accuracy increases from 93.67% to 94.01%.
Table 4.
Ablation study done with the CIFAR-10 dataset for 50 epochs, comparing the effect of
varying the number of channels per group. It also includes the improvement achieved by double
training kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch with original images and horizontally flipped images.
Model Parameters %Computations %Test acc.
EfficientNet-B0 baseline 4,020,358 100.0% 389,969,098 100.0% 93.33%
kEffNet-B0 V2 2ch 311,994 7.8% 44,523,286 11.4% 84.36%
kEffNet-B0 V2 4ch 354,818 8.8% 49,487,886 12.7% 87.66%
kEffNet-B0 V2 8ch 444,346 11.1% 60,313,526 15.5% 90.53%
kEffNet-B0 V2 16ch 623,226 15.5% 82,804,374 21.2% 92.61%
kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch 950,650 23.6% 123,209,110 31.6% 93.67%
kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch + H Flip 950,650 23.6% 246,418,220 63.3% 94.01%
Table 5replicates most of the results shown in Table 4, but comparing the effect of not
including layer L and interleaving, and also substituting the swish activation function with
the typical ReLU. As can be observed, disabling layer L has a noticeable degradation on test
accuracy when the values of
are smaller. For example, when
= 4, the performance
drops more than 5%. On the other hand, when
= 32 the drop is less than 0.5%. This
is logical taking into account that, the more channels are included per group, the more
chances are to combine input features in the filters. Therefore, a second layer and the
corresponding interleaving is not as crucial as when the filters of layer K are fed with
fewer channels.
In the comparison of activation functions, the same effect can be appreciated: the
swish function works better than the ReLU function, but provides less improvement for
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 11 of 15
larger number of channels per group. Nevertheless, the gain in the least difference case
(32 ch) is still profitable, with more than 1.5% of extra test accuracy when using the swish
activation function.
Table 5.
Extra experiments made for kEffNet-B0 V2 4ch, 8ch, 16ch and 32ch variants. Rows labeled
with “no L” indicate experiments done using only layer K, i.e., disabling layer L and the interleaving.
Rows labeled with “ReLU” replace the swish activation function by ReLU.
Model Parameters %Computations %Test acc.
EfficientNet-B0 baseline 4,020,358 100.0% 389,969,098 100.0% 93.33%
kEffNet-B0 V2 4ch 354,818 8.8% 49,487,886 12.7% 87.66%
kEffNet-B0 V2 4ch no L 342,070 8.5% 48,064,098 12.3% 82.44%
kEffNet-B0 V2 4ch ReLU 354,818 8.8% 47,595,914 12.2% 85.34%
kEffNet-B0 V2 8ch 444,346 11.1% 60,313,526 15.5% 90.53%
kEffNet-B0 V2 8ch no L 422,886 10.5% 57,466,370 14.7% 89.27%
kEffNet-B0 V2 8ch ReLU 444,346 11.1% 58,421,554 15.0% 88.82%
kEffNet-B0 V2 16ch 623,226 15.5% 82,804,374 21.2% 92.61%
kEffNet-B0 V2 16ch no L 584,934 14.6% 77,356,802 19.8% 91.52%
kEffNet-B0 V2 16ch ReLU 623,226 15.5% 80,912,406 20.8% 91.16%
kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch 950,650 23.6% 123,209,110 31.6% 93.67%
kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch no L 879,750 21.9% 112,684,706 28.9% 93.21%
kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch ReLU 950,650 23.7% 121,317,142 31.1% 92.00%
Table 6shows the effect in accuracy when classifying the CIFAR-10 dataset with
EfficientNet-B0 and our kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch variant for 180 epochs instead of 50 epochs.
The additional training epochs assign slightly higher test accuracy to the baseline than to
our core variant. When adding horizontal flipping, our variant has slightly surpassed the
baseline results. Nevertheless, all three results can be considered similar to each other, but
our variant offers a significant saving in parameters and computations. Although the H
flipping doubles the computational cost of our core variant, it still remains only a fraction
(63.3%) of the baseline computational cost.
Table 6. Results obtained with the CIFAR-10 dataset after 180 epochs.
Model Parameters %Computations %Test acc.
EfficientNet-B0 baseline 4,020,358 100.0% 389,969,098 100.0% 94.86%
kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch 950,650 23.6% 123,209,110 31.6% 94.45%
kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch + H Flip 950,650 23.6% 246,418,220 63.3% 94.95%
3.2. Results on the Malaria Dataset
The Malaria dataset [
] has 27,558 cell images from infected and healthy cells sep-
arated into 2 classes. There is the same number of images for healthy and infected cells.
From the original 27,558 images set, we separated 10% of the images (2756 images) for
validation and another 10% for testing. On all training, validation, and test subsets, there
are 50% of healthy cell images. We quadruplicated the number of validation images by
flipping these images horizontally and vertically, resulting in 11,024 images for validation.
On this dataset, we tested our kEffNet-B0 with 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 32 channels per
group, as well as the baseline architecture, as shown in Table 7. Our variants have from
7.5% to 23.5% of the trainable parameters and from 15.7% to 42.2% of the computations
allocated by the baseline architecture. Although the worst classification accuracy was found
with the smallest variant (2ch), its classification accuracy is less than 1% inferior to the
best performing variant (16ch) and only 0.69% below the baseline performance. With only
8 channels per group, our method equals the baseline accuracy with a small portion of
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 12 of 15
the parameters (10.8%) and computations (22.5%) required by the baseline architecture.
Curiously, our 32ch variant is slightly worse than the 16ch variant, but still better than the
baseline. It is an example that a rather low complexity of the input images may require less
channels per filter (and more parallel groups of filters), to optimally capture the relevant
features of images.
Table 7. Results obtained with the Malaria dataset after 75 epochs.
Model Parameters % Computations % Test acc.
EfficientNet-B0 baseline 4,010,110 100.0% 389,958,834 100.0% 97.39%
kEffNet-B0 V2 2ch 301,746 7.5% 61,196,070 15.7% 96.70%
kEffNet-B0 V2 4ch 344,570 8.6% 69,691,358 17.9% 96.95%
kEffNet-B0 V2 8ch 434,098 10.8% 87,725,254 22.5% 97.39%
kEffNet-B0 V2 12ch 524,026 13.1% 106,199,566 27.2% 97.31%
kEffNet-B0 V2 16ch 612,978 15.3% 124,672,934 32.0% 97.61%
kEffNet-B0 V2 32ch 940,402 23.5% 164,422,950 42.2% 97.57%
3.3. Results on the Colorectal Cancer Histology Dataset
The collection of samples in colorectal cancer histology dataset [
] contains 5000
150 ×150 images
separated into 8 classes: adipose, complex, debris, empty, lympho, mu-
cosa, stroma, and tumor. Similar to what we did with the Malaria dataset, we separated
10% of the images for validation and another 10% for testing. We also quadruplicated the
number of validation images by flipping these images horizontally and vertically.
On this dataset, we tested our kEffNet-B0 with 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 channels per group, as
well as the baseline architecture, as shown in Table 8. Similar to the Malaria dataset, higher
values of channels per group do not lead to better performance. In this case, the variants
with the highest classification accuracy are 4ch and 8ch, achieving 98.02% of classification
accuracy, outperforming the baseline accuracy in 0.41%. The 16ch variant has obtained the
same accuracy than the 2ch variant, but doubling the required resources. Again, it indicates
that the complexity of the images plays a role in the selection of the optimal number of
channels per group. In other words, simpler images may require less channels per group.
Unfortunately, the only method we know to find out this optimal value is performing
theses scanning experiments.
Table 8. Results obtained with the colorectal cancer dataset after 1000 epochs.
Model Parameters % Computations % Test acc.
EfficientNet-B0 baseline 4,017,796 100.0% 389,966,532 100.0% 97.61%
kEffNet-B0 V2 2ch 355,064 8.8% 61,203,768 15.7% 97.62%
kEffNet-B0 V2 4ch 397,888 9.9% 69,699,056 17.9% 98.02%
kEffNet-B0 V2 8ch 487,416 12.1% 87,732,952 22.5% 98.02%
kEffNet-B0 V2 12ch 531,712 13.2% 106,207,264 27.2% 97.22%
kEffNet-B0 V2 16ch 620,664 15.4% 124,680,632 32.0% 97.62%
4. Conclusions and Future Work
This paper presented an efficient scheme for decreasing the complexity of pointwise
convolutions in DCNNs for image classification based on interleaved grouped filters with
no divisibility constraints. From our experiments, we can conclude that connecting all input
channels from the previous layer to all filters is unnecessary: grouped convolutional filters
can achieve the same learning power with a small fraction of resources (1/3 of floating-
point computations, 1/4 of parameters). Our enhanced scheme avoids the divisibility
contraints, furter reducing the required resources (up to 10% less) while maintaining or
slightly surpassing the accuracy of our previous method.
Entropy 2022,24, 1264 13 of 15
We have made ablation studies to obtain the optimal number of channels per group
for each dataset. For colorectal cancer dataset, this number is surprisingly low (4 channels
per group). On the other side, for CIFAR-10 the best results require at least 16 channels
per group. This fact indicates that the complexity of the input images affects the optimal
configuration of our sub-architecture.
As the main limitation of our method, it cannot determine the optimal number of chan-
nels per group automatically, according to the complexity of each pointwise convolutional
layer to be substituted and the complexity of input images. A second limitation is that
the same number of channels per group is applied to all pointwise convolutional layers of
the target architecture, regardless of the specific complexity of each layer. This limitation
could be easily tackled by setting
as a fraction of the total number of parameters of each
layer. This is a straightforward task for future research. Besides, we will apply our method
to different problems, such as instance and semantic image segmentation, developing an
efficient deep learning-based seismic acoustic impedance inversion method [
], object
detection, and forecasting.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, J.P.S.S. and S.R.A.; methodology, J.P.S.S. and S.R.A.;
software, J.P.S.S.; validation, S.R.A.; formal analysis, S.R.A.; investigation, J.P.S.S.; resources, D.P.;
data curation, J.P.S.S.; writing—original draft preparation, J.P.S.S. and S.R.A.; writing—review and
editing, J.P.S.S., S.R.A. and M.A.-N.; visualization, J.P.S.S.; supervision, S.R.A., M.A.-N., H.R. and
D.P.; project administration, D.P.; funding acquisition, D.P. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
The Spanish Government partly supported this research through Project PID2019-105789RB-I00.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement:
Datasets used in this study are publicly available: CIFAR-10 [
], Col-
orectal cancer histology [
] and Malaria [
]. Software APIs are also publicly available: K-CAI [
] and
Keras [
]. Our source code and raw experiment results are publicly available:
joaopauloschuler/kEffNetV2, accessed on 1 September 2022.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
API Application Programming Interface
DCNN Deep Convolutional Neural Network
NiN Network in Network
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... However, this method of convolution can lead to a large number of 1 × 1 convolutions (pointwise convolutions), which can consume significant computational resources. [14] has developed an optimized version of the Mobi-grouped pointwise convolution in depthwise separable convolution layer. He has significantly reduced MobileNet network parameters and complexity; however, there are still some drawbacks that need to be addressed. ...
... However, depthwise separable convolution uses pointwise convolution, which generates more than 80% of the parameters in the most recent deep convolutional neural architectures, according to [18]. In order to reduce the parameter size and computational complexity, [14] has proposed using grouped Although dilated convolution reduces the disparity between receptive field size and feature map resolution, it still has significant drawbacks. When dilated convolution is used with a single dilation rate, all of the neurons in the feature map have the same receptive field, and the network only uses features on a single scale. ...
... This way, the output feature map includes semantic information from multiple scales, which can improve classification performance. by [14]. This substitution could offer the dual advantage of reducing computational overhead while preserving accuracy. ...
... Classification Based on Interleaved Grouped Filters without Divisibility Constraints, Entropy. (Schwarz Schuler et al. (2022a)). ...
... Interleaved Grouped Filters without Divisibility Constraints (Schwarz Schuler et al. (2022a)) to be published in open access format. ...
Full-text available
Recent architectures in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have a very high number of trainable parameters and, consequently, require plenty of hardware and time to run. It’s also commonly found in the literature that most parameters in a DCNN are redundant. This thesis presents two methods for reducing the number of parameters and floating-point computations in existing DCNN architectures applied for image classification. The first method reduces parameters in the first layers of a neural network, while the second method reduces parameters in deeper layers. The first method is a modification of the first layers of a DCNN that splits the channels of an image encoded with CIE Lab color space in two separate branches, one for the achromatic channel and another for the remaining chromatic channels. We modified an Inception V3 architecture to include one branch specific for achromatic data (L channel) and another branch specific for chromatic data (AB channels). This modification takes advantage of the decoupling of chromatic and achromatic information. Besides, splitting branches reduces the number of trainable parameters and computation load by up to 50% of the original figures in the modified layers. We achieved a state-of-the-art classification accuracy of 99.48% on the PlantVillage dataset. This thesis also shows that this two-branch method improves image classification reliability when the input images contain noise. Besides the first layers in a DCNN, in deeper layers of some recent DCNN architectures, more than 80% of the parameters come from standard pointwise convolutions. The parameter count in pointwise convolutions quickly grows due to the multiplication of the filters and input channels from the preceding layer. The second optimization method introduced in this thesis is making pointwise convolutions parameter-efficient via parallel branching to handle this growth. Each branch contains a group of filters and processes a fraction of the input channels. To avoid degrading the learning capability of DCNNs, we propose interleaving the filters’ output from separate branches at intermediate layers of successive pointwise convolutions. We tested our optimization on an EfficientNet-B0 as a baseline architecture and made classification tests on the CIFAR-10, Colorectal Cancer Histology, and Malaria datasets. For each dataset, our optimization saves 76%, 89%, and 91% of the number of trainable parameters of EfficientNet-B0, while keeping its test classification accuracy.
... Thus, Joao et al. [10] ensured that, in order to reduce the number of parameters of pointwise convolution in EfficientNet [11], the pointwise convolution was changed to group convolution, and each branch of group convolution processed part of the input channel, and the feature maps of the middle layer was mixed. Schwarz et al. [12] proposed a scheme of grouped pointwise convolution to reduce the complexity of deep convolutional neural networks. ...
Full-text available
In the lightweight convolutional neural network model, the pointwise convolutional structure occupies most of the parameters and computation amount of the model. Therefore, improving the pointwise convolution structure is the best choice to optimize the lightweight model. Aiming at the problem that the pointwise convolution in MobileNetV1 and MobileNetV2 consumes too many computation resources, we designed the novel Ghost-PE and Ghost-PC blocks. First, in order to optimize the channel expanded pointwise convolution with the number of input channels less than the output, Ghost-PE makes full use of the feature maps generated by main convolution of the Ghost module, and adds global average pooling and depth convolution operation to enhance the information of feature maps generated through cheap convolution. Second, in order to optimize the channel compressed pointwise convolution with the number of input channels more than the output, Ghost-PC adjusts the Ghost-PE block to make full use of the features generated by cheap convolution to enhance the feature channel information. Finally, we optimized MobileNetV1 and MobileNetV2 models by Ghost-PC and Ghost-PE blocks, and then tested on Food-101, CIFAR and Mini-ImageNet datasets. Compared with other methods, the experimental results show that Ghost-PE and Ghost-PC still maintain a relatively high accuracy in the case of a small number of parameters.
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Recently, deep neural networks have achieved remarkable results in computer vision tasks with the widely used visual attention mechanism. However, the introduction of the visual attention mechanism increases the parameters and computational complexity, which limit its application in resource-constrained environments. To solve this problem, we propose a novel convolutional block, the ParaLk block (PLB), a large kernel parallel convolutional block. Additionally, we apply PLB to PreActResNet by replacing the first 2D convolution to capture feature maps at different scales and call this new network ParaLkResNet. In practice, the effective receptive field of a convolutional network is smaller than that in real-world computation. Therefore the PLB is used to increase the receptive field of the network. Besides extracting multi-scale and high fusion features over normal 2D convolution, it has low latency in typical downstream tasks and good scalability to different data. It is worth noting that PLB as a plug-in block can apply to various computer vision tasks not limited to image classification. The proposed method outperforms most current classification networks in image classification. The accuracy on the CIFAR-10 dataset is improved by 2.42% and 0.66% compared to OTTT and IM-Loss, respectively. Our source code is available at:
Medical imaging is an integral part of disease diagnosis and treatment. However, interpreting medical images can be time-consuming and subjective, making it challenging for healthcare professionals. Recent advances in deep learning show promising results in automating medical image classification and diagnosis. In this paper, we explore the application of texture-features, Central Difference Convolution (CDC) enhanced Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Compact Convolutional Transformers (CCT) to medical image classification and diagnosis. We compared the performance of existing architectures and our proposed Texture weighted Transformer (TwT) architecture. We evaluate each model’s performance and develop a robust architecture. Our results show that TwT outperforms other existing models in terms of Accuracy (ACC), Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC) and other metrics. Our model combines texture-features with the advantages and performance of CDC-enhanced CNNs and the CCT architecture. Our proposed architecture gave an AUC of 0.9941 and an ACC of 96.84% on the Malaria dataset and an AUC of 0.9933 and an ACC of 92.75% on the BloodMNIST dataset while being compact (only about 6.3M parameters) and without any pre-training, and at the same time beating the AUC, ACC and other scores of other existing models proving that transfer learning is not always necessary. Our proposed architecture required less training time than most existing architectures, making it more practical for real-world applications. Our findings suggest that TwT can revolutionise medical image analysis by providing accurate and efficient diagnoses of diseases. The proposed architecture can be extended to other medical imaging tasks, including cancer detection, diabetic retinopathy and COVID-19 diagnosis. Thus, it can help healthcare professionals make accurate and timely diagnoses, improving patient outcomes.
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In this paper, we introduce the spatial bias to learn global knowledge without self-attention in convolutional neural networks. Owing to the limited receptive field, conventional convolutional neural networks suffer from learning long-range dependencies. Non-local neural networks have struggled to learn global knowledge, but unavoidably have too heavy a network design due to the self-attention operation. Therefore, we propose a fast and lightweight spatial bias that efficiently encodes global knowledge without self-attention on convolutional neural networks. Spatial bias is stacked on the feature map and convolved together to adjust the spatial structure of the convolutional features. Therefore, we learn the global knowledge on the convolution layer directly with very few additional resources. Our method is very fast and lightweight due to the attention-free non-local method while improving the performance of neural networks considerably. Compared to non-local neural networks, the spatial bias use about 10 times fewer parameters while achieving comparable performance with 1.6 ~ 3.3 times more throughput on a very little budget. Furthermore, the spatial bias can be used with conventional non-local neural networks to further improve the performance of the backbone model. We show that the spatial bias achieves competitive performance that improves the classification accuracy by +0.79% and +1.5% on ImageNet-1K and cifar100 datasets. Additionally, we validate our method on the MS-COCO and ADE20K datasets for downstream tasks involving object detection and semantic segmentation.
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In Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs), the parameter count in pointwise convolutions quickly grows due to the multiplication of the filters and input channels from the preceding layer. To handle this growth, we propose a new technique that makes pointwise convolutions parameter-efficient via employing parallel branching, where each branch contains a group of filters and processes a fraction of the input channels. To avoid degrading the learning capability of DCNNs, we propose interleaving the filters' output from separate branches at intermediate layers of successive pointwise convolutions. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed technique, we apply it to various state-of-the-art DCNNs, namely EfficientNet, DenseNet-BC L100, MobileNet and MobileNet V3 Large. The performance of these DCNNs with and without the proposed method is compared on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Cropped-PlantDoc and Oxford-IIIT Pet datasets. The experimental results demonstrated that DCNNs with the proposed technique, when trained from scratch, obtained similar test accuracies to the original EfficientNet and MobileNet V3 Large architectures while saving up to 90% of the parameters and 63% of the floating-point computations.
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EfficientNet is a recent Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) architecture intended to be proportionally extendible in depth, width and resolution. Through its variants, it can achieve state of the art accuracy on the ImageNet classification task as well as on other classical challenges. Although its name refers to its efficiency with respect to the ratio between outcome (accuracy) and needed resources (number of parameters, flops), we are studying a method to reduce the original number of trainable parameters by more than 84% while keeping a very similar degree of accuracy. Our proposal is to improve the pointwise (1x1) convolutions, whose number of parameters rapidly grows due to the multiplication of the number of filters by the number of input channels that come from the previous layer. Basically, our tweak consists in grouping filters into parallel branches, where each branch processes a fraction of the input channels. However, by doing so, the learning capability of the DCNN is degraded. To avoid this effect, we suggest interleaving the output of filters from different branches at intermediate layers of consecutive pointwise convolutions. Our experiments with the CIFAR-10 dataset show that our optimized EfficientNet has similar learning capacity to the original layout when training from scratch.
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Abstract Deep convolutional neural networks have performed remarkably well on many Computer Vision tasks. However, these networks are heavily reliant on big data to avoid overfitting. Overfitting refers to the phenomenon when a network learns a function with very high variance such as to perfectly model the training data. Unfortunately, many application domains do not have access to big data, such as medical image analysis. This survey focuses on Data Augmentation, a data-space solution to the problem of limited data. Data Augmentation encompasses a suite of techniques that enhance the size and quality of training datasets such that better Deep Learning models can be built using them. The image augmentation algorithms discussed in this survey include geometric transformations, color space augmentations, kernel filters, mixing images, random erasing, feature space augmentation, adversarial training, generative adversarial networks, neural style transfer, and meta-learning. The application of augmentation methods based on GANs are heavily covered in this survey. In addition to augmentation techniques, this paper will briefly discuss other characteristics of Data Augmentation such as test-time augmentation, resolution impact, final dataset size, and curriculum learning. This survey will present existing methods for Data Augmentation, promising developments, and meta-level decisions for implementing Data Augmentation. Readers will understand how Data Augmentation can improve the performance of their models and expand limited datasets to take advantage of the capabilities of big data.
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Deep learning has achieved state-of-the-art performance in accuracy of many computer vision tasks. However, convolutional neural network is difficult to deploy on resource constrained devices due to their limited computation power and memory space. Thus, it is necessary to prune the redundant weights and filters rationally and effectively. Considering that the pruned model still exists, redundancy after weight pruning or filter pruning alone, a method of combining weight pruning and filter pruning is proposed. First, filter pruning is performed, which is to remove filters with least importance and using fine-tuning to recover the model's accuracy. Then, all connection weights below a threshold are set to zero. Finally, the pruned model obtained by the first two steps is fine-tuned to recover its predictive accuracy. Experiments on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective and feasible. Compared with only weight pruning or filter pruning, the mixed pruning can achieve higher compression ratio of the model parameters. For LeNet-5, the proposed approach can achieve a compression rate of 13.01×, with 1% drop in accuracy. For VGG-16, it can achieve a compression rate of 19.20×, incurring 1.56% accuracy loss.
Conventional geological modelling methods are not capable to provide precise and comprehensive model of the subsurface structures, when dealing with insufficient data. Knowledge based methods employing rule bases techniques are found vast applications in geoscience studies. These methods are applicable for petroleum reservoir geological modelling and characterizations, specifically for geologically complex structures. In this study, we present a knowledge based seismic acoustic impedance inversion method which employs rule based method for porosity estimation. The back propagation algorithm and the fuzzy neural network are also used in the methodology for parameter optimization and definition of nonlinear relationship between seismic attributes and porosity of the reservoir rock. The methodology initiates by seismic acoustic impedance inversion, followed by conventional porosity estimation. Subsequently, a knowledgebase was designed by investigation on more than 24 published case studies. This knowledgebase was used for definition of rules and optimization number of rules and improve efficiency of the inference engine. The porosity model obtained by conventional method in previous step would be used for primary evaluation of the rules. The extracted rules and optimized number rules then would be used for rule-based porosity estimation. The methodology was applied on a petroleum field containing two heterogeneous reservoir formations. Result of application of the proposed approach was evaluated with core analysis, thin sections and drilling data. Consistency of result obtained by the proposed method with geological data has shown its capability to resolve problem of insufficient data in reservoir geological modelling.