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Analysis of the Correlation between the Level of Posttraumatic Growth and Social Support among Caregivers of Children with Acute Leukemia


Abstract and Figures

We investigate the current situation of stress burden and quality of life of primary caregivers of children with leukemia and analyze the correlation between their stress burden and quality of life, using the phenomenological research method in qualitative research. The posttraumatic growth experiences of the parents of children with leukemia included life perceptions (appreciation of life, change in priority of important things in life, and adjustment of self to reality); personal empowerment (increased sense of self-reliance and increased sense of self-achievement); and improvement of interpersonal relationships (increased family harmony, valuing parent-child bonding, benefiting from professional support from other parents and medical staff, and increased sense of empathy and altruism). The posttraumatic growth experiences of parents of children with leukemia are based on their roles (parenting) and responsibilities and can be used as an important basis for future trauma interventions, as well as an entry point for exploring the posttraumatic growth potential of parents of children with leukemia and ultimately improving the posttraumatic growth of parents of children with leukemia.
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Research Article
Analysis of the Correlation between the Level of Posttraumatic
Growth and Social Support among Caregivers of Children with
Acute Leukemia
Qiurong Chen,
Xujia Xiao,
Yaling Zhang,
and Chao Lin
Department of Pediatric Hematologic Oncology Nursing, West China Second University Hospital,
Sichuan University/West China School of Nursing, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China
Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children, Sichuan University, Ministry of Education,
Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China
West China School of Nursing, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China
Department of Pediatric Hematologic Oncology, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041,
Sichuan, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Chao Lin;
Received 5 July 2022; Revised 26 July 2022; Accepted 17 August 2022; Published 7 September 2022
Academic Editor: Sandip K. Mishra
Copyright ©2022 Qiurong Chen et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We investigate the current situation of stress burden and quality of life of primary caregivers of children with leukemia and analyze
the correlation between their stress burden and quality of life, using the phenomenological research method in qualitative
research. e posttraumatic growth experiences of the parents of children with leukemia included life perceptions (appreciation of
life, change in priority of important things in life, and adjustment of self to reality); personal empowerment (increased sense of
self-reliance and increased sense of self-achievement); and improvement of interpersonal relationships (increased family har-
mony, valuing parent-child bonding, benefiting from professional support from other parents and medical staff, and increased
sense of empathy and altruism). e posttraumatic growth experiences of parents of children with leukemia are based on their
roles (parenting) and responsibilities and can be used as an important basis for future trauma interventions, as well as an entry
point for exploring the posttraumatic growth potential of parents of children with leukemia and ultimately improving the
posttraumatic growth of parents of children with leukemia.
1. Introduction
According to statistics, the incidence of leukemia in children
under 14 years of age is 25% [1, 2] and requires prolonged
care by their relatives, especially during hospitalization,
causing numerous physical and psychological problems for
the child’s primary caregiver, such as varying degrees of
stress, anxiety, frustration, disappointment, and denial
during the early stages of diagnosis, even after the child’s
disease is controlled [3, 4]. ese problems may persist for
years even after the child’s disease is controlled [5, 6]. When
a child is diagnosed with leukemia, the entire family may also
face challenges such as unemployment, helplessness,
financial distress, disrupted relationships, or inability to
participate properly in social activities [7].
e stressful, emotional reactions of the primary
caregiver to such problems are referred to as “caregiver
reactions” [8]. e quality of life (QOL) of primary
caregivers of patients with acute leukemia has long been a
priority for clinical caregivers [9]. Childhood leukemia is
a chronic, systemic, and recurrent disease, and parents
play an important role in the long-term course of the
child’s illness. Previously, domestic and international
studies on parents of affected children have often focused
only on their negative emotions, cognition, and behavior
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging
Volume 2022, Article ID 7456284, 7 pages
In recent years, influenced by positive psychology re-
search, foreign researchers have shifted from focusing only
on stress, deficits, and illness to tapping into an individual’s
own strengths and potential, and more and more studies
have found that a high-stress life event and the threat of
death or illness can be a trauma or an opportunity for self-
growth that renews self-perceptions and thus makes positive
adjustments in psychological behavior [11, 12]. We refer to
this growth as “posttraumatic growth (PTG). Posttraumatic
growth is a theoretical concept born in the American cul-
tural context, and the perception of traumatic events, the
content of posttraumatic growth, and the influencing factors
involved in the growth process may differ in different cul-
tural contexts.
Acute leukemia is a global problem, and according to the
International Agency for Acute Leukemia Research (IARC),
22.2 million people are expected to suffer from acute leukemia
by 2030 [13]. e incidence and mortality rate of acute
leukemia in China is increasing year by year, and the statistics
of acute leukemia in 2017 showed that 4.29 million new cases
of acute leukemia occur each year, accounting for 20% of new
cases and 2.81 million deaths worldwide [14]. Acute leukemia
has become a major cause of death and a major public health
problem for the population in China [15]. With the con-
tinuous improvement of medical technology and improve-
ment, the 5-year survival rate of acute leukemia patients is as
high as 68%, in which the careful care of caregivers is one of
the important reasons for their extended survival time.
Caregivers can have a negative impact on their physical and
mental health due to the heavy caregiving tasks and psy-
chological stress [16, 17]. Related studies confirmed that the
negative psychological state of caregivers decreases the quality
of care, which in turn reduces the quality of life of patients
with acute leukemia. Although caregivers of patients with
acute leukemia face great difficulties and challenges in the
process of caregiving, some of them also perceive positive
meaning and make positive changes in their lives, which is
called “sense of benefit from illness,” also known as benefit
finding (BF), in which individuals perceive their personal
experiences from negative life events such as illness or trauma.
is positive change is called “illness benefit,” also known as
benefit finding (BF), which is a cognitive and behavioral
adaptation process in which individuals perceive personal,
social, psychological, and spiritual benefits from the experi-
ence of negative life events such as illness or trauma [18, 19].
Studies have shown that the lower the sense of benefit from
illness, the worse the physical and mental health. Social
support is an important predictor of perceived illness benefit,
and caregivers with higher social support have a higher
perception of illness benefit, as well as a significantly im-
proved quality of life for the caregiver [20]. Self-efficacy re-
flects the extent to which individuals realize their potential,
which can be improved through learning, and higher self-
efficacy indicates that acute leukemia caregivers have greater
self-confidence in their ability to cope with caregiving tasks
[7, 2123]. Previous studies have focused on correlations
between variables, but fewer studies have examined how self-
efficacy plays a role in the relationship between social support
and perceived benefit from illness among caregivers of
hospitalized acute leukemia patients. In this paper, using a
phenomenological approach in qualitative research, 286
caregivers of hospitalized acute leukemia patients were se-
lected as the study population, and a one-on-one interview
was conducted using a semi-structured interview outline
guided by selecting one of the parents of the affected children
to participate in the interview [24]. e aim of this study was
to investigate the intrinsic link between self-efficacy, social
support, and sense of illness benefit among caregivers of
hospitalized acute leukemia patients, and to clarify their
mediating effects, with the aim of improving caregivers’ self-
efficacy by increasing their social support, thus providing a
theoretical basis for enhancing their sense of illness benefit
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. General Information. A convenience sampling method
was used to select 286 caregivers of hospitalized acute
leukemia patients in our hospital as the study population.
Inclusion criteria for caregivers are as follows: patients
with pathologically diagnosed acute leukemia; caregivers
aged 18 years; patients’ primary caregiver, who could be
the patient’s spouse, children, or other relatives, to under-
take the primary caregiving tasks; patients with unpaid
care; patients with ability to read and understand text;
and patients with informed consent and cooperation with
the survey. Exclusion criteria are as follows: significant
negative life events in the last 3 months and mental or
intellectual disability.
A purposive sample of 10 fathers or mothers of children
with leukemia who attended the pediatric department of
Peking Union Medical College Hospital from May 2015 to
February 2016 was selected for the interview. Inclusion
criteria are as follows: (i) the child’s disease met the diag-
nostic criteria for leukemia; (ii) they assumed the primary
responsibility for caring for the child (at least 6 hours per
day); and (iii) they were willing and able to fully express their
true experiences and feelings. e sample size was based on
data saturation.
2.2. Research Methodology. A semi-structured interview was
used to collect data, guided by the phenomenological ap-
proach in qualitative research. In this paper, a one-on-one
interview was used, in which one of the parents of the af-
fected child was selected to participate in the interview, and
the number of interviewees was determined to reach data
saturation. Each interviewee was referred to as a case in the
study, and interviewers were numbered in order from A–J.
e researcher used a semi-structured interview outline as a
guide to conduct the interviews. How did you feel when
your child’s illness was first diagnosed? What changes did
you experience during the course of your child’s illness?
Did you have any positive/positive changes during the
course of your child’s illness? What factors led you to
make these positive changes? Use the above questions to ask
parents of children with leukemia about their posttraumatic
growth experiences.
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2.3. Data Collection and Analysis Methods. e researcher
indicated the purpose of the study to the study participants,
signed an informed consent form, and agreed on the time
and place of the interview. Each interview was recorded for
30–45 minutes. e researcher listened carefully and
recorded the interview contents and the expressions and
emotional changes of the interviewees. After the interviews
were completed, the audio recordings were transcribed into
text and analyzed using Colaizzi’s analysis [12], and
meaningful statements that were consistent with the post-
traumatic growth experience of the parents of the children
with leukemia were extracted, summarized, refined, and
further formed into themes and thematic clusters for a
complete narrative. Finally, the results obtained were
returned to the interviewees to further verify the authenticity
of the content.
3. Research Tools
e Chinese version of the Benefits of Caregiver Illness Scale
(BFS-C) is used to understand the level of benefits of
caregiver illness. e Chinese version of the scale has 17
items, including three dimensions of personal growth (items
9–17), interpersonal improvement (items 4–8), and accep-
tance (items 1–3). e scale uses the 5-point Likert scale,
with scores of 1–5 representing “not at all,” “a little,”
“moderately,” “a lot,” and “very much,” respectively. e
higher the score, the higher the level of the caregiver’s sense
of benefit from illness. Cronbach’s αcoefficient of the
Chinese version of the Sense of Benefit Scale is 0.819, with
good reliability and validity.
3.1. Social Support Rating Scale. e total social support
score, which is 66 out of 66. A total score of 22 is considered
low, 23–44 is medium, and 45–66 is high. e retest reli-
ability of the scale is 0.89–0.94, which is applicable to
Chinese population.
3.2. General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). e GSES was first
developed by Schwarzer, a German professor of psychology,
together with his colleagues, and the scale has been translated
into several languages and is widely used internationally. e
Chinese version of the GSES, which was translated and re-
vised in 2001, is a unidimensional scale with 10 items, and
each item is rated on a 4-point Likert scale, with scores from 1
to 4 representing “not at all correct,” “fairly correct,” “mostly
correct,” and “completely correct,” respectively. e lower the
score, the lower the level of general self-efficacy. A score of
<20 indicates a low level of general self-efficacy; a score of
2030 indicates a medium level; and a score of >30 indicates a
high level. After measurement, Cronbach’s αwas 0.87, and the
scale had good reliability.
4. Results
4.1. Scores of Perceived Disease Benefit, Social Support, and
Self-Efficacy of Caregivers of Hospitalized Acute Leukemia
Patients. Caregivers of hospitalized patients with acute
leukemia had a total score of (66.70 ±10.8) for perceived
benefit of illness, with scores for each dimension being
personal growth (35.2 ±6.7), interpersonal relationship
(21.2 ±3.4), and acceptance dimension (10.6 ±2.7); the
highest mean score for the interpersonal relationship di-
mension was (4.23 ±0.68); the lowest mean score for the
acceptance dimension was (2.11 ±0.54). e total score of
social support for caregivers of hospitalized acute leukemia
patients was (42.6 ±6.8), and the scores of each dimension
were (9.7 ±3.4) for objective support, (25.9 ±4.2) for sub-
jective support, and (7.02 ±1.83) for utilization of support;
among them, the mean score of the subjective support di-
mension entry was the highest (6.48 ±1.04); the mean score
of the utilization of support dimension entry was the lowest
(2.11 ±0.54). e lowest mean score was (2.33±0.61). e
total score of self-efficacy of caregivers of hospitalized acute
leukemia patients was (26.1 ±6.41).
4.2. Correlation Analysis of Caregivers’ Perceptions of Disease
Benefit, Social Support, and Self-Efficacy in Hospitalized Acute
Leukemia Patients. e results of this study showed that the
total illness benefit score and self-efficacy was positively
correlated with illness benefit, personal growth, interper-
sonal relationships, and acceptance, as shown in Table 1.
4.3. Self-Efficacy between Social Support and Perception of
Illness Benefit. e regression analysis showed that all four
standardized regression coefficients reached a significant
level (P<0.01), and the mediating effect of self-efficacy
between social support and perception of illness benefit is
shown in Table 2 and Figure 1.
4.4. Change in Priority of Important ings in Life. Prior to
the child’s illness, parents often have high expectations
and goals for themselves and for their child’s life, and the
child’s illness causes the hopes to be dashed. After a period
of self-adjustment, parents change their previous ranking
of priorities in life and become more aware of what is most
important in life. Most parents believe that being healthy
and having a happy life is the most important thing. For
example, Mother D said “Besides life and death, every-
thing else is trivial; to be alive, to be healthy and safe is the
most important thing.” Father E said “In the past, when
the child did not have the disease, I always thought of
working hard to save some money for the child in the
future, but later, when the child got sick, I did not want to
think so much, it does not matter how high or low the
income is, the family is healthy and happy life is the most
important.” In the face of the high cost of medical care for
their children, some parents say that money is the most
important thing. For example, Father F said “In the past,
the focus of life was food, clothing, housing and trans-
portation, but now I think money is the most important
thing, do everything to save up for the child’s next
treatment, as long as there is money, to come to the child’s
medical care” (Table 3).
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Table 1: Correlation analysis of caregivers’ sense of illness benefit, social support, and self-efficacy in hospitalized acute leukemia patients.
Project Social
Utilization of
Social support 1.00
Subjective support 0.83 1.00
Objective support 0.78 0.30 1.00
Utilization of
support 0.48 0.23 0.14 1.00
disorder 0.32 0.25 0.31 0.03 1.00
Disease benefit 0.21 0.19 0.18 0.12 0.17 1.00
Personal growth 0.23 0.22 0.18 0.02 0.30 1.00 1.00
relationship 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.07 0.13 0.60 0.38 0.37
Table 2: Self-efficacy between social support and perceived benefit from illness.
Step Independent variable Dependent variable βS.E tPR
Step 1 Social support Disease benefit 0.212 0.091 3.632 <0.001 0.045 13.20 <0.001
Step 2 Social support Self-efficacy 0.320 1.157 5.678 <0.001 0.103 32.192 <0.001
Step 3 Social support Disease benefit 0.234 0.036 3.924 <0.001 0.095 14.667 <0.001
Self efficacy
Social support Disease benefit
Figure 1: Model of the mediating effect of self-efficacy between caregiver social support and perception of disease benefit in patients with
acute leukemia.
Table 3: Demographic characteristics of the interviewees (n10).
Participant Parental
level Occupation Marital
status Gender Age
Course of disease
(months) Disease diagnosis
A Mother 33 Undergraduate Liberal
professions Married Male 6 16 Juvenile idiopathic
B Mother 45 Undergraduate Accounting Married Female 12 21 Systemic lupus
C Father 40 High school Individual Married Female 13 17 Systemic lupus
D Mother 41 Junior high
school Farmer Married Female 12 17 Takayasu arteritis
E Mother 45 Master Teacher Married Male 15 132 Systemic lupus
F Father 46 High school Farmer Married Female 17 54 Juvenile idiopathic
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4.5. Adjustment of Self-Acceptance of Reality. Stress burden
and quality of life scores of primary caregivers of children
with leukemia. Caregiver quality of life scores (13.9 ±3.2)
and total stress burden scores averaged (72.6 ±11.7), as
shown in Table 4.
Pearson correlation analysis of stress burden and quality
of life of primary caregivers of children with leukemia
(Table 5).
4.6. Personal Empowerment. During the interview, some
parents (B, D, H, and I) expressed their reluctance to let
neighbors and friends know about their children’s illness
and their reluctance to communicate with others, trying to
alleviate their suffering by being alone. e distance from
social resources directly led to a decrease in the level of social
support and an increased sense of self-reliance. For example,
Mother I said “I don’t talk to my family now (about my
child’s illness) because I don’t want them to worry, and I talk
to my colleagues too.”
Mother B said “I don’t want everyone to know that my
child is sick, I just know how to solve the problem myself.” In
addition, a few parents of children with the disease said that
they received more social support at the beginning of the
disease, but in the long run, social support is difficult to
sustain, such as Father F said “When the child first got sick,
there were many friends who cared, but the disease cannot
be cured for a while, or at all, so who can visit you every day,
so to continue to live, you still have to count on yourself.”
As caregivers, the parents of the child should not only
take care of the child’s life, but also care about the child’s
mental and psychological state and good psychological
guidance. In addition, they have to learn about the disease,
home care, and medication, so that they can feel needed and
have a greater sense of self-fulfillment in the process of
caring for their children. For example, Mother B said “After
the disease, my child has been out of school, so I have to
tutor her homework and take up the task of educating her,
and I am the child’s teacher at home.” Father F: “My child
has a strong competitive mind, and since he got sick, he eats
less and doesn’t talk much. I as a parent is mainly to guide
him, psychologically comfort him, let him not anxious,
relaxed mind.” Mother E: “e child is quite afraid that her
classmates know she has a disease, usually she will hide it
from them, and every time she comes to the hospital, she will
also lie, in order to avoid the child living in a lie, I need to
help the child face bravely, I also have to be responsible for
the child’s psychological work, cannot be well after the
psychological problems.”
5. Discussion
5.1. Current Analysis of the Level of Disease Benefit Perception
among Caregivers of Hospitalized Acute Leukemia Patients.
e perception of disease benefit among caregivers of
hospitalized acute leukemia patients was moderate. e
results of this study showed that the total mean score of
perception of disease benefit among caregivers of hospi-
talized acute leukemia patients was (66.70 ±10.8), indicating
a moderate level of perception of disease benefit among
caregivers of hospitalized acute leukemia patients. Although
caregivers of hospitalized acute leukemia patients experience
negative effects such as financial burden and anxiety and
depression during the process of caregiving, caregivers also
perceive a sense of illness benefit and growth, such as
learning to accept reality, appreciate the meaning of life,
cherish the present moment, and have confidence and hope,
increased ability to actively learn and caregiving, perceived
multiple support from family, friends, and healthcare pro-
viders, and health-related cognitive behaviors. e percep-
tion of health-related cognitive behaviors improves [13].
Among the three dimensions of the BFS-C scale, the highest
score for the personal growth dimension may be related to
the following two factors e highest scores on the personal
growth dimension of the BFS-C scale may be related to the
fact that caregivers are able to self-regulate their negative
emotions and have improved self-control; the overall psy-
chological and spiritual growth of the caregiver as the
caregiving time increases, as well as the acquisition of
knowledge about the disease and caregiving skills.
5.2. Correlation Analysis of Caregiver’s Social Support, Self-
Efficacy, and Perception of Disease Benefit in Hospitalized
Acute Leukemia Patients. e results of this study showed
that social support and subjective and objective support
dimensions were positively correlated with the perception of
illness benefit, i.e., the higher the social support, the higher
the caregiver’s perception of illness benefit, which is con-
sistent with domestic and international studies [14]. Social
support is a multidimensional interaction established
through formal and informal interactions with other people
or organizations to obtain moral comfort, financial support,
and information support [15].
Social support can provide caregivers with knowledge of
disease treatment, effective caregiving skills, financial and
material assistance, and spiritual support, which can help to
reduce the psychological and financial burdens of help-
lessness, despair, and depression of caregiving patients, so
that they can cope with caregiving tasks in a positive frame of
mind, increase their confidence in caregiving, and easily
perceive positive changes. erefore, healthcare workers
understand and pay attention to the caregiver’s social
support during their interactions with the caregiver and
guide them to tap into more positive perceptions by in-
creasing their social support and reducing the perception of
negative emotions.
5.3. e Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy between Caregiver’s
Social Support and Perception of Disease Benefit in Patients
with Acute Leukemia. e analysis of the mediating effect
showed that self-efficacy partially mediated the effect be-
tween social support and perception of benefit from illness,
with the mediating effect accounting for 35.53% of the total
effect, indicating that social support can affect perception of
benefit from illness both directly and indirectly through the
mediating effect of self-efficacy, which is similar to the re-
sults of a related study in China [15]. Self-efficacy reflects the
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 5
degree to which an individual realizes his or her potential,
which can be improved through learning, and higher self-
efficacy indicates that acute leukemia caregivers are more
confident in their ability to cope with caregiving tasks [16].
When caregivers face frustration and poor mood, the higher
their perceived social support, the more they will make full
use of the various resources provided by healthcare pro-
fessionals, family members, and friends, so that their internal
self-efficacy will increase, they will take the initiative to learn
about disease treatment, master caregiving skills, improve
their caregiving adaptability, reduce anxiety and depression,
and other negative emotions, and, at the same time, enhance
the positive experience brought about by caregiving.
erefore, while providing a level of social support, clinical
healthcare workers can also mobilize their own potential
coping and problem-solving skills, enhance their self-con-
fidence, and improve their sense of self-efficacy, thus pro-
ducing positive changes and experiencing a greater sense of
benefit from the disease and providing good care for
Caregivers of hospitalized acute leukemia patients have
moderate levels of illness benefit perceptions, and social
support and self-efficacy are positively related to illness
benefit perceptions, with social support influencing illness
benefit perceptions through the mediating role of self-effi-
cacy. Healthcare professionals can take effective interven-
tions to improve caregivers’ perceptions of illness benefit,
starting from both social support and self-efficacy. In this
study, only one tertiary care hospital was selected for the
survey, and the sample was not representative enough. In
addition, this study only examined the relationship between
social support, self-efficacy, and sense of illness benefit and
did not delve into the effects of the variables on the sense of
illness benefit. erefore, subsequent studies can expand the
sample size and increase the variables to explore the path
analysis and mechanism of action among the variables.
Data Availability
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets
were generated or analyzed during the current study.
Conflicts of Interest
e authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
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Purpose Interest is growing in post-traumatic growth (PTG) after cancer prompted, in part, by observations of positive associations with health-related quality of life. Qualitative research provides valuable insight into survivors’ experiences. We conducted a scoping review of qualitative evidence on PTG in cancer, determining the number, nature, range and scope of studies, and gaps in the literature. Methods We systematically searched Medline, Scopus, CINAHL, Web of Science, and PsycINFO for qualitative research exploring positive changes after cancer published from 1996. From eligible studies, we extracted: terms used for PTG; design, methodological orientation, and techniques, and participant characteristics. Using descriptive mapping, we explored whether study findings fit within Tedeschi and Calhoun’s PTG framework, and evidence for unique positive changes post-cancer. Results Twenty-eight studies were eligible. Cancer sites included were: breast, 14; mixed, 6; haematological, 4; head and neck cancer, 2; bone, 1, and testis, 1. Multiple studies were conducted in: the USA (12), Australia (3), Iran (2), and the UK (2). Twenty-three studies collected data using individual interviews (21) or focus groups (2). Definitions of PTG varied. Studies largely focused on descriptive accounts of PTG. Findings mapped onto existing PTG dimensions; health behaviour changes were often reported, under ‘new possibilities’. Conclusions A range of PTG outcomes can occur after cancer. Positive health behaviour changes warrant further exploration. Future research should include more diverse patient populations, collect longitudinal data, and focus on pathways towards positive changes.
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Background Parents of children following traumatic medical events (TMEs) are known to be at high risk for developing severe post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS). Findings on the negative impact of TMEs on parents’ PTSS have been described in different cultures and societies. Parents from ethnic minority groups may be at particularly increased risk for PTSS following their child’s TME due to a host of sociocultural characteristics. Yet, differences in PTSS manifestation between ethnic groups following a child’s TME has rarely been studied. Objectives We aimed to examine: (1) differences in PTSS between Israeli-Arab and Israeli-Jewish mothers, following a child’s TME, and (2) risk and protective factors affecting mother’s PTSS from a biopsychosocial approach. Methods Data were collected from medical files of children following TMEs, hospitalized in a Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation, between 2008 and 2018. The sample included 47 Israeli-Arab mothers and 47 matched Israeli-Jewish mothers. Mothers completed the psychosocial assessment tool (PAT) and the post-traumatic diagnostic scale (PDS). Results Arab mothers perceived having more social support than their Jewish counterparts yet reported higher levels of PTSS compared to the Jewish mothers. Our prediction model indicated that Arab ethnicity and pre-trauma family problems predicted higher levels of PTSS among mothers of children following TMEs. Conclusions Despite reporting higher social support, Arab mothers reported higher levels of PTSS, as compared to the Jewish mothers. Focusing on ethnic and cultural differences in the effects of a child’s TME may help improve our understanding of the mental-health needs of mothers from different minority groups and aid in developing appropriate health services and targeted interventions for this population.
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Severe illnesses in children and adolescents/young adults (AYAs) may represent a complex burden for patients and their caregivers, including a wide range of mental disorders, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Few events are as potentially traumatizing as having a son or a daughter diagnosed with a severe, life-threatening, or disabling disease. The presence of PTSD symptoms in caregivers may compromise their efficacy as caregivers and negatively affect the child's well-being. This systematic review aims at outlining potential risk and protective factors for the development of PTSD symptoms in caregivers of children and AYAs affected by severe acute or chronic illnesses. Thirty-one studies on caregivers of children and AYAs affected by severe, acute, or chronic diseases were included. Socio-demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, illness-related distress, psychiatric symptoms, support, and coping styles were found as potential risk/pro-tective factors across studies. It is crucial to consider risk factors affecting caregivers of severely ill young patients, in order to plan focused interventions aimed at preventing an adverse clinical outcome in caregivers and at enhancing caregivers' coping skills, in order to ultimately improve their quality of life.
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Caregivers of severely ill individuals often struggle to adjust to new responsibilities and roles while experiencing negative psychological outcomes that include depression, anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This systematic review aims to outline potential risk and protective factors for the development of PTSD in caregivers of adult subjects affected by severe somatic, potentially life-threatening illnesses. Twenty-nine studies on caregivers of adult patients affected by severe, acute, or chronic somatic diseases have been included. Eligibility criteria included: full-text publications reporting primary, empirical data; PTSD in caregivers of adult subjects affected by severe physical illnesses; risk and/or protective factors related to PTSD; and English language. Specific sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics, besides the illness-related distress, familiar relationships, exposure characteristics, coping style, and support, were identified as relevant risk/protective factors for PTSD. The review limitations are the small number of studies; studies on different types of diseases; studies with same samples. It is crucial to consider factors affecting caregivers of severely ill adult patients in order to plan effective intervention strategies aimed at reducing the risk of an adverse mental health outcome and at enhancing the psychological endurance of this population.
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To study the caregiver burden and its correlates among the caregivers of adolescent and adult subjects with acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML). 30 caregivers of patients with AML were evaluated on family burden interview schedule (FBI), Caregiver Strain Index, multi-dimensional aspect of perceived social support scale, Cognitive-Behavioural Avoidance Scale, ways of coping checklist and General Health Questionnaire. Caregivers of patients with AML reported high caregiver burden (FBI objective burden score: 27.8; subjective burden score: 1.43). Among the various domains of FBI, the mean scores were highest for the domain of disruption of family activities and this was closely followed by disruption of family leisure. Patients with lower family income reported higher subjective and objective burden and were more overwhelmed. Patients belonging to lower socioeconomic status reported more financial burden. Caregiver burden was higher among caregivers who reported lower perceived social support, who more often used avoidance and escape as coping and less often used acceptability–responsibility and positive appraisal coping. Higher caregiver burden is associated with higher psychological morbidity. Caregivers of subjects with AML experience high level of caregiver burden and it is associated with lower social support and more often use maladaptive coping strategies.
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Background: Hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) can cause significant distress in patients and their informal caregivers. Despite advances in reduced intensity conditioning and supportive care, few recent studies have reported rates of clinically-significant post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology (hereafter referred to as PTSD). Goals of the current study were to: 1) examine rates of PTSD and distress in patients and caregivers and 2) identify sociodemographic and clinical risk factors for PTSD. Methods: As part of an annual survivorship survey, 2,157 HCT recipients and their caregivers were mailed self-report measures of PTSD and distress. Patients also completed self-report measures of sociodemographic information (e.g., age, sex, employment status). Clinical variables (e.g., time since transplant, transplant type) were captured in the transplant database. Results: A total of 691 recipients (56% age 60 or above at the time of survey, 47% female, median 10.1 years post-HCT) and 333 caregivers provided PTSD data and were included in the current analyses. More caregivers reported PTSD (6.6%) than patients (3.3%) (p=0.02). Patients or caregivers who had PTSD reported significantly higher distress related to uncertainty, family strain, medical demands, finances, identity, and health burden (p values < 0.0001) compared to those without PTSD. Patient but not caregiver PTSD was associated with more recent transplant (p=0.01, p=0.16). Conclusions: Rates of PTSD are relatively low in long-term survivors of HCT and their caregivers. Nevertheless, results are consistent with other studies of cancer caregiving suggesting that caregivers often experience greater distress than patients. Timely referral to psychosocial services should be offered to both HCT recipients and caregivers reporting symptoms of PTSD.
Objective Social support is essential in healthy adjustment to life stressors. This scoping review examines how social support has been conceptualized, operationalized, and studied among siblings of children with cancer. Gaps in the current literature are identified, and future research directions are proposed. Methods A rigorous systematic scoping review framework guided our process. Medline, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Scopus were searched for literature regarding social support and siblings of children with cancer. After screening, 57 articles were identified (n=26 quantitative, n=21 qualitative, and n=10 multi‐method) and their content extracted for summarization. Results The majority of studies (n=43, 75.4%) were descriptive; 14 (24.6%) included interventions, and of those, four were experimental. Few studies used a clearly defined theoretical framework, or validated tools to measure social support. Studies explored perceived social support needs of siblings, the provision and availability of formal support through interventions and related outcomes, and informal family social supports. A variety of support types were found to be helpful to siblings in different ways. Conclusions Social support is a prevalent topic in the literature regarding siblings of children with cancer. It is unclear what types of support are most important due to how it has been conceptualized and measured. Despite some methodological limitations, greater levels of social support have been linked to better adaptation among siblings of children with cancer. Future work is warranted to identify the most beneficial types of support for siblings based on their age, developmental stage, and the cancer trajectory. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Purpose To investigate psychopathological reaction to traumatic stress, addressing in particular gender difference, in parental couples of children affected by epilepsy. Methods 50 mothers and 50 fathers, paired for one’s child, of children followed at the Pediatric Unit of a major Italian University Hospital with a diagnosis of epilepsy were enrolled, screened by means of the Semi-structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5) and filled the Trauma and Loss Spectrum Self-Report (TALS-SR), an international instrument to evaluate post-traumatic stress symptomatology. Results 25% of the total sample presented a diagnosis of PTSD with a statistically higher prevalence of mothers (36% and 14%, respectively; p = .021). Furthermore, 44% (48% mothers and 40% fathers) presented a partial PTSD. Important gender differences emerged also for all cluster dimensions of the TALS-SR except for the Avoidance. Finally, the analysis of the single items of the TALS-SR evidenced that in mothers subgroup prevail cognitive symptoms of fear and sadness as well as somatic manifestations. Conclusions Our results point out the differences between mothers and fathers in trauma response and underline the need to develop gender targeted models of healthcare prevention and assistance.
Posttraumatic growth has become a focus of concern in cancer caregivers, but a few studies have explored relationships among resilience, social support, coping style, and posttraumatic growth, especially in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation caregivers. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted. Three hundred and fourteen participants completed questionnaires consisting of demographics, Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, Perceived Social Support Scale, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 and Coping Style Questionnaire. Pearson correlation analyses revealed that posttraumatic growth was positively associated with resilience, social support, and positive coping style, while, passive coping style was negatively associated with posttraumatic growth. At the same time, structural equation modeling analyses showed that resilience mediated the relationship between positive coping style and posttraumatic growth. Positive coping style and resilience played completely intermediary role between social support and posttraumatic growth.
Aim: This study aims to study the caregiver burden and its correlates among the caregivers of adolescent and adult patients of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Materials and methods: Sixty caregivers of patients with ALL were assessed on Family Burden Interview Schedule (FBI), Caregiver Strain Index, multidimensional aspect of perceived social support scale, Cognitive-Behavioral Avoidance Scale, ways of coping checklist, and General Health Questionnaire. Results: Caregivers of patients with ALL reported high caregiver burden (FBI objective burden score - 21.77; subjective burden score - 1.83). Among the domains of FBI, the highest burden was seen in the form of financial burden closely followed by disruption of family leisure. Caregivers of male patients and those belonging to higher socioeconomic status reported higher level of objective burden. Caregiver burden was higher among caregivers who reported lower perceived social support, who more often used avoidance and escape as coping and less often used planful problem solving. Higher caregiver burden is associated with higher psychological morbidity. Conclusion: Caregivers of patients with ALL experience high level of caregiver burden and it is associated with lower social support and more often use maladaptive coping strategies.