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Mini Basketball Game Model to Improve Social Skill, Motoric Skill, and Physical Fitness of Elementary School Students


Abstract and Figures

div align="center"> Abstract: The aim of the study was to obtain a valid, practical and effective basketball game model to improve social skills, motor skills and physical fitness of elementary school students. This study uses a research and development design. The results showed that the mini basketball game had a significant positive effect on social skills, motor skills and physical fitness. So it can be concluded that the Mini Basketball game is a valid, practical, and effective game to improve social skills, motor skills, and physical fitness of elementary school students. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh model permainan bolabasket yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial, keterampilan motorik, dan kebugaran jasmani siswa SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian dan pengembangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada uji coba permainan bolabasket mini memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan positif terhadap keterampilan sosial, keterampilan motorik dan kebugaran jasmani. Dengn demikian, dapat disimpulkan permainan Bolabasket Mini merupakan permainan yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial, keterampilan motorik, dan kebugaran jasmani siswa SD. </div
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Mini Basketball Game Model to Improve Social Skill,
Motoric Skill, and Physical Fitness of
Elementary School Students
Ilmu Keolahragaan-Universitas Negeri Malang
Riwayat Artikel:
Diterima: 10-10-2020
Disetujui: 16-04-2021
Abstract: The aim of the study was to obtain a valid, practical and effective basketball
game model to improve social skills, motor skills and physical fitness of elementary
school students. This study uses a research and development design. The results showed
that the mini basketball game had a significant positive effect on social skills, motor skills
and physical fitness. So it can be concluded that the Mini Basketball game is a valid,
practical, and effective game to improve social skills, motor skills, and physical fitness
of elementary school students.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh model permainan bolabasket yang
valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial, keterampilan motorik,
dan kebugaran jasmani siswa SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian dan
pengembangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada uji coba permainan
bolabasket mini memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan positif terhadap keterampilan sosial,
keterampilan motorik dan kebugaran jasmani. Dengn demikian, dapat disimpulkan
permainan Bolabasket Mini merupakan permainan yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk
meningkatkan keterampilan sosial, keterampilan motorik, dan kebugaran jasmani siswa
Kata kunci:
mini basketball;
social skills;
motoric skill;
physical fitness;
bola basket kecil;
keterampilan sosial;
keterampilan motorik;
kesehatan fisik
Alamat Korespondensi:
Ilmu Keolahragaan
Universitas Negeri Malang
Jalan Semarang 5 Malang
Education is an anthropological phenomenon that has been going on for a long time in human life. Educational terminology is
understood as the process of developing all human potential. The purpose of national education is to develop the potential of
students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have a noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable,
capable, creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens (Pasaribu, 2017). In line with that, in the 2010-
2014 period, the Ministry of National Education set a vision for implementing excellent national education services to form
comprehensive intelligent Indonesian people (Lesmana, 2018). Comprehensively, intelligent Indonesian people are spiritually
intelligent, emotionally intelligent, socially intelligent, intellectually intelligent and kinesthetically intelligent.
As one of the various subjects taught in schools, physical education has an important role in the student education process.
Three aspects can be touched through physical education, namely: psychomotor, attitude (affection), and intelligence (cognition)
(Jeong & So, 2020). The three aspects above can be merged into an activity called physical education. However, in reality the
results of research conducted by the Central Curriculum Research and Development Agency show that the practice of learning
physical education in schools is in the form of motoricic behavior, which emphasizes mastery of basic techniques and sports skills,
does not include cognitive-reflective and affective elements in its activities. In order to give color to students, teachers should
design comprehensive physical education programs. The program has been designed in such a way by the teacher so that the three
aspects mentioned above can be achieved. Likewise, the link between physical education and social responsibility becomes
important in the learning process.
Social activity is a necessity for human life. These needs are basic needs to feel safe, accepted, and useful for people's
lives. Every human being is expected to find their own unique way to contribute to various activities and be responsible for every
behavior they do. In relation to self-achievement and as social beings, it is necessary to emphasize more on social skills and the
ability to adapt to the surrounding environment, usually referred to as psychosocial aspects. Although social skills must begin to
be developed since childhood, by developing social skills from an early age, it will make it easier for children to fulfill subsequent
developmental tasks so that they can develop normally and healthily when they are teenagers or adults.
Tersedia secara online
EISSN: 2502-471X
Jurnal Pendidikan:
Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan
Volume: 6 Nomor: 4 Bulan April Tahun 2021
Halaman: 559571
560 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 6, No. 4, Bln April, Thn 2021, Hal 559571
Social skills are the ability of individuals to interact with other individuals in a social context that is beneficial both
individually and in groups (Szumski, Smogorzewska, Grygiel, & Orlando, 2019). Social skills affect individual adjustment,
individuals who have high social skills tend to get better social acceptance, while individuals who have low social skills tend to
get less social acceptance (Kiliç & Güngör Aytar, 2017). In relation to learning outcomes, an assessment of learning outcomes
and social skills was carried out, the conclusion of the research reported that there were significant differences in the acquisition
of learning outcomes between groups of students who had high social skills and groups of students who had low social skills
(Gökel & Dağli, 2017).
The rapid progress of science and technology is marked by the number of tools created to meet the needs of human life,
such as transportation and communication tools, as well as entertainment tools such as TV, video games, and play stations. On
the one hand, human life becomes more comfortable and the loss of opportunities for natural human movement is supported by a
less safe and comfortable environment, parents work more, the attraction of entertainment such as video games becomes stronger
for children, many children are increasingly lazy to play outside the house after school.
Several studies have shown: (1) American children spend more time watching television and playing video games than
they do on anything else before bed, (2) Children watch television an average of 25 to 27 hours a week, (3 ) Many children spend
less than 15 minutes a day engaging in physical activity (Beauchamp, Rhodes, & Nigg, 2017). These findings suggest that children
are becoming less and less physically active, more worrying are the results of studies that suggest that children's physical activity
continues to decrease with age, with a significant decline in physical activity, occurring between fourth and sixth grades. The loss
of natural human movement opportunities will certainly have impacts such as: hypokinetic, heart disorders, obesity, and
socialization (Stern, Barnoya, Elder, & Gallegos-Carrillo, 2019).
Play is an important activity for the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth and development of
elementary school children. By playing, children can get to know the environment, interact, and develop emotions and imagination
well. Play has a very broad function, such as for children, for teachers, parents and other functions. By playing can develop
physical, motoric, social, emotional, cognitive, creativity (creativity), language, behavior, sensory acuity, release tension, and
therapy for physical, mental or other developmental disorders (Torkar, 2017) because the social territory began to develop and
expand, elementary school age children's motoric skills development and social needs to be improved.
Physical Activity
Physical activity is body movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles to increase energy expenditure (Adi
& Fathoni, 2020b). Physical activity is any bodily movement of any kind and may include recreational, fitness and sporting
activities such as jumping rope, playing football, lifting weights, as well as everyday activities such as walking, climbing stairs
or sweeping (Eckstrom, Neukam, Kalin, & Wright, 2020). Physical activity is any activity that requires a person to move or move
the body in the form of exercise, sports, dancing, and other forms of recreational activities (Lazarušić, 2019).
Physical activity is a form of muscle activity that can be used to improve physical fitness. Physical activity is defined as
bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles, increasing energy expenditure above resting levels. The
benefits of regular physical activity include: (a) Reducing the risk of chronic diseases of overweight, diabetes and others; (b)
Assist in academic achievement; (c) Helping children feel better; (d) Reducing the risk of depression and the effects of stress; (e)
Helping children prepare to become productive and healthy members of society; (f) Improving the overall quality of life (Adi &
Fathoni, 2020a).
An important aspect of physical activity is to help children to socialize with individuals. A program of physical activity
offers unlimited opportunities to develop a broad social understanding, initial contact between cultures of previously distant
communities can be made through a shared interest in sport (Bangsbo et al., 2019).
In various countries, research has been carried out on the issue of physical fitness for children, so that they can continue
to grow and develop optimally. Experts have designed various forms of formulas through in-depth research studies with the aim
of increasing physical activity. These formulas are designed through various forms of intervention in schools in various ways,
one of the ways of intervention is through curriculum and physical education lessons. The intervention in question is a program
or set of actions designed or modified with a healthy outcome (Wouters, Evenhuis, & Hilgenkamp, 2020). Many interventions
are carried out in schools through physical education lessons because physical education is a good laboratory to increase physical
fitness and build brain power.
Schools and communities have the potential to improve children's health by providing instructions, programs, services
to increase satisfaction with lifelong physical activities (Adi & Fathoni, 2020). For this reason, the right program to improve
physical fitness, motoric skills, and value education in schools is through the provision of integrated programs that can be carried
out every day so that they become good habits at school.
Based on several studies, there are areas of intervention that have been carried out including school setting intervention,
family based intervention, intervention in special services (primary care intervention), community based intervention and internet
based intervention (Oppewal & Hilgenkamp, 2020). This study focuses more on school setting interventions with the Daily
Physical Activity (DPA) program from several intervention models.
Supriyadi, Mini Basketball Game… 561
Social Skill
Social skills reflect interpersonal understanding and the ability for a person to adapt behavior to different situational
demands and be able to influence and control the responses of others effectively (Chandra, Degeng, Kuswandi, & Setyosari, 2020).
Social skills are often thought of as a set of skills that enable us to communicate, relate and socialize with others (Irmansyah,
Lumintuarso, Sugiyanto, & Sukoco, 2020). Social skills as cognitive functions and certain verbal and nonverbal behaviors in
which a person engages in interactions with others, including verbal and nonverbal abilities (Olivares-Olivares, Ortiz-González,
& Olivares, 2019). The five dimensions of social skills descriptions are: peer relational skills, self-management skills, academic
abilities, obedience skills, and statement skills (Wolstencroft et al., 2018).
In essence, social skills are complex behaviors that consist of various single social behaviors. Social skills on macro
elements in social relations in terms of interaction between individuals (Supianto, Kumaidi, & Suryono, 2020). The conclusion
he put forward states that someone who has social skills is an individual who can communicate with other people. By fulfilling
the rights, needs, satisfactions and needs for acceptable things without interfering with the rights, needs, satisfactions, and needs
of others. The atmosphere of communication is expected to be free and open in dealing with other people. This definition refers
to the very broad and complex concept of social skills because social skills involve various social situations and are difficult to
predict by individuals.
The general principle of the formation of social skills is that social behavior appears and is responded to and followed
by reinforcement, then the social response will develop. Therefore, social skills can be learned and developed through the learning
process. Social skills are complex abilities of individuals to elicit positive and negative behaviors. Social skills are the result of
learning and are partly determined by previous experience. Social skills are influenced by the context or situation of the individual
in behaving and can be changed by using various interventions based on the behavior management approach (Wu, Mak, Hu, He,
& Fan, 2019).
Social skills are a subconstruct of social intelligence (social intelligence). Based on the research conducted, it was found
that social intelligence consists of four subcontracts, namely social interest, social self-efficacy, empathy skills, and social skills.
Social interest relates to the willingness or interest of individuals to pay attention (concern) to others. Social self-efficacy is related
to the willingness of individuals to behave socially as expected. Empathy skills are related to the individual's ability to understand
the thoughts and feelings of others. Social skills refer to the ability of individuals to demonstrate their social behaviors in the form
of observed behavior (Yamada et al., 2020).
Social skill is a construct consisting of a number of sub-constructs. It was found that social skills consist of two domains,
namely the emotional domain and the social domain. The emotional domain consists of three categories, namely: (1) emotional
expression, (2) emotional sensitivity, and (3) emotional control. The social domain consists of four categories, namely; (1) social
expression, (2) social sensitivity, (3) social control, and (4) social manipulation. Thus, social skills consist of seven constructs
(Salavera, Usán, & Jarie, 2020).
Refers to the importance of social skills, positive abilities that help children to interact with others in different situations
(Loukatari, Matsouka, Papadimitriou, Nani, & Grammatikopoulos, 2019). It is noted that good social skills are very important to
achieve success in life. These skills help a person know what to say, make good choices, and behave in various situations (Chou
et al., 2017). Lack of social skills can lead to behavioral difficulties at school, inattention, delinquency, peer rejection, emotional
difficulties, bullying, aggressiveness, problems in interpersonal relationships, poor self-concept, academic failure, concentration
difficulties, isolation from peers, and depression.
Children's Motoric Development and Skill
The human body is a complex and amazing organ system. All of these organs are formed in the prenatal period
(Mirdamadi & Block, 2020). Individual physical development includes four aspects, namely: (1) the nervous system which greatly
affects the development of intelligence and emotion; (2) muscles that affect the development of strength and motoric skills; (3)
endocrine glands, which cause the emergence of new behavior patterns, such as in adolescents developing feelings of pleasure to
be active in an activity whose members consist of members of the opposite sex; and (4) physical/body structure which includes
height, weight, and proportions (Zysset et al., 2018). The golden age in motoric development is middle childhood or childhood,
during middle childhood, the body and brain experience important growth to lead to better motoric coordination, greater strength
and more skill for problem solving.
Physical development is closely related to the motoric development of children. Motoric is the development of
controlling body movements through coordinated activities between the nervous system, muscles, brain, and spinal cord. Motoric
development includes gross and fine motoric (Sedehi, Ghasemi, Kashi, & Azimzadeh, 2021). Gross motoric skills are body
movements that use large muscles or most or all of the body parts that are influenced by the child's maturity (Peyre et al., 2019).
For example, the ability to sit, kick, run, go up and down stairs and so on. While fine motoric skills are movements that use fine
muscles or certain parts of the body, which are influenced by opportunities to learn and practice (Buja et al., 2018). For example,
the ability to move objects from hands, scribble, arrange blocks, cut, write, etc. Both of these abilities are very important so that
children can develop optimally.
562 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 6, No. 4, Bln April, Thn 2021, Hal 559571
In relation to motoric development, a critical period theory says that, to strengthen the value of motoric skill activities
through a good physical activity program. (Collett, Wallace, Kartin, & Speltz, 2019). The involvement of many children, such as
play activities, supports the possession of important skill levels that can be used to develop the motoric skills needed in play
activities or intergroup matches. Early experience in the movements performed should be general and should be imparted in a
play environment (Maïano, Hue, & April, 2019). Games or matches that do not match the characteristics of the child when learning
the initial movements should be avoided because it will result in a setback or decrease in the child's learning motivation, as a
result the child will withdraw from playing activities.
Because of the close relationship between the level of growth and physical development and skills of children, the scope
of physical activities offered in primary schools should be developed based on the needs of children. This cannot be made just
like that, because it needs to be processed as well as possible with careful consideration. These considerations include (1) the
basics of program development, (2) children's growth and development patterns, (3) children's basic encouragement, and (4)
children's characteristics and interests.
Physical Fitness
The term physical fitness (fitness) comes from the English translation of physical fitness, this term has been widespread
and has been accepted by the Indonesian people, however, from various experts there has been no agreement on the use of the
term. In simple terms it can be interpreted that physical fitness is the body's ability to carry out activities without experiencing
significant fatigue (Páez-Maldonado et al., 2020).
In general, physical fitness consists of two concepts, namely general fitness regarding the state of health and well-being
and task-oriented specific fitness, namely the ability to perform specific tasks such as sports or work. Physical fitness is generally
achieved through proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest. Physical fitness is the ability to carry out daily activities with full
vitality and alertness without experiencing significant fatigue and still having enough energy to carry out activities in spare time
and deal with emergencies (Rodriguez, de Camargo, Rodriguez-Añez, & Reis, 2020). From these various opinions, it can be
stated that physical fitness is the body's ability to make adjustments to the given physical load without causing significant fatigue.
Based on the description above, physical fitness can be defined as the physical ability to carry out work tasks in
accordance with their fields without experiencing excessive fatigue and will get a fast recovery as before doing activities. This
understanding shows that physical fitness is more than not being sick and not just being immune from disease. Everyone has a
different level of physical fitness that even in a person's level of fitness will vary from time to time depending on the activities
and exercises he does.
The need for physical activity between groups of children and adults is different. In the group of children, the need for
time to do physical activities is more than in the adult group. Children perform physical activity for approximately 60 minutes
and the adult group for at least 30 minutes, depending on the age and condition of each individual and the purpose of doing
physical activity. To improve and improve physical fitness, you can choose various forms of physical exercise that are safe and
comfortable, such as running, swimming, cycling, including playing basketball (Cocca, Verdugo, Cuenca, & Cocca, 2020).
Various elements of physical fitness components can be increased if each individual performs physical activity regularly
and regularly with a well-designed training program. The habit of walking as physical activity or sports activities such as playing
basketball supports increasing the degree of physical fitness. Physical activities such as walking, running, jumping or other forms
of play require adequate brain capacity so that the movements carried out produce efficient and effective performance (Xu, Mei,
Wang, Yan, & He, 2020). Therefore, if children routinely carry out routine activities such as playing basketball every day, it is
predicted that their physical fitness level will increase.
The design used in this research is a developmental & research design. In this research, development is used to produce
a mini basketball game model based on social skills, motoric skills, and physical fitness by modifying the development steps
(Kabongo, 2019). Based on the techniques and data collection tools, the steps of the data analysis technique used are as follows:
Prototype Development
Analysis of Model Validity
The process of analyzing the validity of the model data is carried out with the following steps. First, calculating the
percentage of the number of respondents (experts and practitioners) who agree or disagree on each component of the validated
product. Second, the results obtained from the points above are then referred to the validity value of each component. The validity
level interval is determined by adapting the value interval in Table 1. Third, the criteria for determining a component, the game
developed is said to be valid if the level of validity achieved is at least moderate or enough. Fourth, if there are still components
that have not reached these criteria, they will be revised or discarded based on expert or practitioner input (Svoboda, 2017).
Supriyadi, Mini Basketball Game… 563
Table 1. Model Validity Interpretation
Percentage Interval
90 - 100
66 - 89
33 - 65
1- 32
Analysis of Model Practicality
Analysis of the practicality of the basketball game model was carried out from the results of the observer's assessment
of the implementation of activities in small group and large group trials. Data analysis was carried out with the following steps:
1) Recapitulating the observation data of the mini-basketball game model for 5 game activities, namely: 1 time in the small group
trial and 4 times in the large group test. The data recapitulation is entered in the appropriate table. Because the data was obtained
through the observation of two observers, the recapitulation was done by calculating the average value of the observations. 2)
Calculate the total average of the average scores for all aspects. 3) Refers to the value obtained in the value interval. The value
interval is determined by adapting the value interval used in Table 2. Then determining the level of implementation achieved, the
criteria for determining the implementation of a component used is if the minimum level of implementation achieved is moderate
or sufficient. If in the determination it turns out that there are components that have not met these criteria, a revision of the related
device is made based on the results of observations.
Table 2. Interpretation of Implementation Level
Interval Value
Implementation Level
4≤ s/d <5
3≤ s/d <4
2≤ s/d <3
1≤ s/d <2
Very High
Very Low
Effectiveness Test Analysis
Judging from the problems studied and taking into account the form of the experimental design used, where there is more
than one dependent variable, then to test the effectiveness of the data, it is analyzed using the Multivariate Analysis of Variance
(Manova) technique in the form of Single Sample Paired Comparison with Hotelling's T2 statistics.
Game Development
Validity of Mini Basketball Game Model
To see the validity of the game model, a content assessment was carried out by experts and practitioners as well as to
get input regarding infrastructure, game rules, and refereeing for fifth grade elementary school students. The results of the
analysis can be seen in table 3.
Table 3. Experts’ and Practitioners’ Responses
Game Model Components
Average Responses of Three Experts
Average Responses of 19 Practitioners
Game Rules
Total Average
If it is seen that the results obtained are then referred to the value of the validity of each component of the game, it has
met the minimum criteria set, it can be concluded that the mini basketball game model based on social skills, motoric skills and
physical fitness with components of completeness of infrastructure, game rules and refereeing has fulfilled aspects validity.
The Implementation of the Mini Basketball Game Model
The results of the practicality data analysis of the model were carried out according to the steps written in the research
method, and the results were as follows:
564 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 6, No. 4, Bln April, Thn 2021, Hal 559571
Table 4. The level of Implementation of The Mini Basketball Game Model
Assessment by Two Observers
Level of Implementation
Value transformation
Playing with additional games
Playing mini basketball
Action reviews and rewards
Total Average
From the analysis results, the total average of the average values for all aspects is 4. If it is referred to the
implementation criteria, it can be concluded that the implementation of the mini basketball game model in trials 1 and 2 is in the
high category. Thus, the results of observations on the implementation of the mini basketball game model components meet the
minimum criteria set. Based on the practicality criteria of the model stated above, the basketball game model developed has met
the practicality criteria.
The Effectiveness Testing
Table 5. The Results of The Manova Analysis of The Dependent Variables
Pillai's Trace
Wilks' Lambda
Hotelling's Trace
Roy's Largest Root
The results of data analysis using the Manova technique presented in Table 5 using Hotelling's T2 statistics, obtained the
calculation of F = 9.393, significance F = 0.00. Because F is smaller than = 0.05, the mini basketball game training together is
effective in improving social skills, motoric skills, and physical fitness.
Table 6. The Results of The Manova Analysis of Each Dependent Variable in The Group
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable
Type III Sum of Squares
Social Skill
Motoric Skill
Physical Fitness
The results of data analysis using the Manova technique are presented in Table 6 for each dependent variable. The
following results are obtained: the social skills variable shows F = 4.866, significance F = 0.032. Due to the significance of F < =
0.05, the mini basketball game training was effective in improving social skills. For the motoric skills variable, the value of F =
21.811, and the significance of F = 0.00 because F significance < = 0.05, the mini basketball game training is effective in
improving motoric skills. As for the motoric skills variable, the value of F = 17.633, and the significance of F = 0.00. because F
significance < = 0.05, the mini basketball game training is effective in improving physical fitness. Below are presented the results
of data analysis with respect to the estimated 95% confidence interval.
Table 7. The Results of Data Analysis Estimated 95% Confidence Interval
Dependent Variable
Std. Error
95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
Different in social skill
Different in motoric skill
Different in physical fitness
The data shown in Table 7 shows that the magnitude of the resulting increase varies. The lowest is found in the social
skills variable of = 1.603.
Supriyadi, Mini Basketball Game… 565
The Development of a Mini Basketball Game
The game facilities developed by the researchers contributed to students' interest in doing physical activities that had an
impact on increasing motoric skills and physical fitness of children. In order for infrastructure facilities to increase interest in a
game, the researchers developed a reflective board with specifications; the reflective board is made of transparent acrylic material,
supported by a support pole that can be raised and lowered with a ring height between 2.4 m to 2.7 m. This is based on the results
of measurements of height, jump height at the age of fifth grade elementary school children, and other infrastructure facilities.
Thus, from the results of the field study, the results, facilities and infrastructure for games are in accordance with the
capacity for fifth grade elementary school children, in which the size of the field, the height of the ring, the size of the ball are
different and smaller than the official size standard. This is in line with the statement that for games in the lead game category
everything can be modified and simplified such as the size of the field, the number of players, and the size of the ball (Macnamara,
Hambrick, & Oswald, 2014).
Matters related to the game rules, games in the context of education can be used as a briefing on the importance of
physical activity to improve health conditions, physical fitness, social relationships, emotional control, and morals. Game or play
is a social phenomenon, from children to the elderly. For children, playing becomes a major need and sometimes they lose track
of time. In playing, it is done seriously, and there is no coercion. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the rules of the game so
that it runs in an orderly and orderly manner.
The rules of the game have fulfilled the practicality element, namely the implementation is in the high category for game
activities in the field, this can be seen from the activities in the small group test, large group test, where according to the observer
students have no difficulty in understanding the game as a whole including, the rules that carried out in playing and refereeing
activities. In addition to this in the context of initial understanding, students are familiar with several games included in similar
games with basketball, such as football and volleyball, thus allowing for transfer of understanding.
Through the activity of playing mini basketball, there is a transfer of understanding and performance through playing as
a person's ability to use the skills, skills, knowledge, and others gained through experience and practice into new situations. The
tactical problems involved in attacking games such as football, field hockey and basketball are the same. They understand aspects
of space that can be applied to other similar sports. This can help students to better understand and appreciate the essence of the
game based on the tactical similarities in the game category (Yüce, Büyükakgül, & Katırcı, 2019).
Through exercises that are similar to real games, the interest and excitement of all students will increase. Especially for
students with low technical ability, this play approach is appropriate because it does not emphasize technical skills, tactical
development, or problem solving. In the activity of playing mini basketball, students in addition to implementing various types
of social skills, students also apply various basic skills/basic basketball techniques that have been obtained before training to play
mini basketball. This process causes the transfer of training. This is supported by several studies that say that transfer of exercise
occurs when previously formed habits influence mastery of motion, appearance, or relearning of the next habit. Transfer in motoric
skills does not occur automatically. Transfer occurs based on the assumption that learning outcomes of a skill can have a positive
or negative influence on other motoric skills. Transfers occur in similar tasks, so that the learning outcomes of basic basketball
skills/techniques can be transferred in mini basketball games, thus giving the effect of increasing the motoric skills possessed by
students such as dribbling the ball quickly over obstacles, bouncing the ball against the wall (passing) and shooting skills. the ball
into the basket in a given time.
The Effectiveness of the Developed Game
The results of the Manova analysis used different data from the initial test and the post-test using the Hotelling's Trace
technique after finding the coefficient F = 9.393 with a significance of F = 0.000. Because of the significance of F < = 0.05, it can
be concluded that the activity of playing mini basketball increases social skills, motoric skills, and physical fitness together.
The increase in the variables of social skills, motoric skills, and physical fitness was due to physical activity in the form
of playing mini basketball every day for eight weeks, each training meeting was carried out for 40 minutes so that physical activity
had an effect on increasing social skills, motoric skills, and physical fitness. The frequency of physical activity in the form of a
mini basketball game, if done repeatedly, will have an effect on improved elements such as social skills, motoric skills, and
physical fitness.
Physical activity for eight weeks, students play basketball accompanied by applying various kinds of social skills such
as cooperation, mutual respect between friends and referees. The various elements of social skills are applied during physical
activity training activities every day except holidays and are carried out for eight weeks. Skills that are done repeatedly have an
effect on increasing mastery of social skills. The increase in variables of social skills, motoric skills and physical fitness levels
after physical activity playing mini-basketball is in line with the law of practice which states that repeating certain responses
several times will strengthen the connection between stimulus and response (Williams, Pill, & Hewitt, 2021). This close linkage
is strengthened through a sufficient number of repetitions. From this opinion, practicing activities such as physical exercise in the
children's environment in the form of group games in the form of playing mini basketball will make the results of the exercise
566 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 6, No. 4, Bln April, Thn 2021, Hal 559571
more mastered and more perfect. Movement and or basic skills are important to learn in group game situations so that social
conditions such as social skills through games are also obtained simultaneously including the level of physical fitness.
Various kinds of skills can be acquired and mastered through repetition applied in practice. Mastery of a skill or
strengthening of skills is obtained through repetition where each stage of practice will combine stimulus and response. Exercises
are useful to facilitate students to do a greater number of correct and correct responses. After a person does physical exercise for
a few days, the motoric skills used during the exercise lead to the automation of movements and consequently the motoric skills
that are carried out can be mastered.
Movement skills for school-age children have an important role, because they will have an effect on the growth and
prospects of skill development in the next stages. Judging from the level of physical and mental development, the many
opportunities to move through physical activity have a very important meaning. Therefore, developments that occur will spur
children's opportunities to actively move to explore themselves through playing activities by applying all basic basketball skills
in playing.
Physical activity in the form of playing mini basketball is related to improving motoric skills, as an implication of the
theory that mastery of motoric skills such as basic techniques in mini basketball games can be developed/improved through
repeated exercises in physical activities (Echevarría, Ajamil, Argilaga, & Idiakez, 2014). Several times of practice will develop
an appropriate response to a set of stimuli. The improvement of motoric skills is a tangible manifestation of the transfer of skills
that are limited to identical types of stimuli. This means that the increase in motoric skills occurs because of physical activity in
the form of playing mini basketball, the students apply various basic basketball techniques repeatedly when playing, in other
words identical elements can be transferred into improved motoric skills, including increasing the impact on increasing motoric
skills. This is also in line with the theory of overlearning which states that overlearning is an exercise or extra learning, meaning
that to strengthen the motoric skills that have been mastered so that they are attached, movement skills are still being trained so
that they can have a retention effect in the body (attachment of the skills that have been trained). (Afrouzeh, Musa, Suppiah, &
Abdullah, 2020).
In order for physical activity in the form of playing mini basketball to run smoothly, various basic basketball techniques
are needed. Students who are used as subjects generally already have the basics of basketball games such as dribbling, throwing
and shooting balls into baskets that have been obtained from previous learning outcomes. These basic technical skills are applied
and used for ease and smooth play. To master movement skills, physical activity carried out through the practice of playing mini
basketball, a combination of applying solid practice models (continuously without rest) and distributed (activity interspersed with
rest periods) is appropriate. (Garzón, Lapresa, Anguera, & Arana, 2014). This means that students have mastery of motoric skills
of various basic techniques in the mini basketball game, physical activity that is carried out by combining solid and distributed
practice models so that motoric skills can be mastered in addition to social skills.
Physical activity in the form of playing mini basketball which is carried out for 30-40 minutes and being active on a field
measuring 10 x 20 meters, encouraging students to move forward back-to-back or sideways forward and so on, if done repeatedly,
will have the effect of increasing fitness physical. This is supported by the opinion that an exercise is a form of physical activity
in the form of playing activity. If it is combined in the form of playing for 30 minutes, then the body expends energy and all
components of physical fitness to support and help smooth physical activity. As a result, the level of physical fitness has increased
(Fernández-Ozcorta, Vizcaíno, Saenz-López Buñuel, & Rebollo, 2015). Thus, physical activity training in playing mini basketball
resulted in an increase in social skills, motoric skills, and physical fitness.
The Analysis of Social Skill Improvement
The results of the analysis using the Test of Between-Subjects Effects to see different data on the social skills variable
in the group portrayed F = 4.866 with a significance of F = 0.032, because F < = 0.05, it means that mini basketball game activities
are effective in improving social skills. The magnitude of the increase is based on the difference between the results of the final
test and the initial test using simultaneous confidence interval analysis with a 95% confidence level, the coefficient on the social
skills variable has a minimum increase of 1.603.
Mini basketball that was developed is a physical activity that is carried out in groups, in addition to the occurrence of
effective direct interaction when playing, the form of social interaction in this game can occur simultaneously. In this study, the
game developed also included elements of social skills such as; playing by the rules, respecting referees, cooperative behavior,
being responsible, playing an active role, respecting the rights of others to learn and taking roles, being a supporter of teammates,
and expressing appreciation to opponents, giving positive comments to other teams. This happens are important elements of social
Many studies state the social benefits of physical activity for child development. One of the social benefits is that children
develop interpersonal skills and learn to interact positively with each other and adults. Children also learn how to conform to
social settings and norms properly. Social interaction with peers is a must for children. Physical group activities help children
make healthy decisions and allow them the opportunity to help their peers. Building healthy attitudes, morals, and values in
children can profoundly affect their friends (Masadis, Filippou, Derri, Mavridis, & Rokka, 2019). Children are greatly influenced
by the actions of their peers. Interacting with each other allows children to see what other children are doing and helps them to
make the right decisions for themselves.
Supriyadi, Mini Basketball Game… 567
New research shows physical activity can help teens develop important skills such as leadership and empathy. In turn,
these skills can influence healthy behavior (Trigueros et al., 2020). While team sports and physical activity have been associated
with increased self-esteem, better nutrition, and reduced tobacco and drug abuse among children, this study suggests that fostering
leadership skills and empathy in children can strengthen healthy lifestyle behaviors.
Another study found that middle school children who scored the highest on leadership skills were more physically active
(≥ 20 minutes/day). These children also tend to score high in empathy. Moderate exercise (≥ 30 minutes/day) and participation in
team sports are also correlated with leadership and empathy values (Deming, 2017). Here it appears that physical activity through
team sports or exercise classes has benefits beyond physical fitness. These findings suggest that children who develop leadership
and empathy for others care more about their own health.
Vigorous physical activity has a positive effect on mental health in both clinical and nonclinical populations (Castañeda-
Babarro, Coca, Arbillaga-Etxarri, & Gutiérrez-Santamaría, 2020). The strongest evidence suggests that physical activity and
exercise may reduce some of the symptoms associated with mild to moderate depression. Evidence also shows that physical
activity and exercise can provide benefits for improving self-image, social skills and reducing symptoms of anxiety and other
cognitive functions.
It is widely recognized that physical activity is very important for the growth and development of children. Regular
physical activity can have a positive impact on students' physical, mental, and social well-being. In particular, physical activity
tends to have an impact on achievement, readiness to learn, behavior, and self-esteem. Positive experiences with physical activity
at a young age also help lay a solid foundation for a healthy and productive life. Another study showed a positive effect of daily
physical activity. Students who carried out daily physical activity with group games had good academic performance and
achievement. This was related to the disclosure of memory, observation, problem-solving and decision-making, and significant
improvements in attitudes, such as discipline. This creativity is stated by Keays and Allison quoted in (Christofaro et al., 2018).
In sports psychology, a lot of research on how a group of sports proceeds has been done. Research on group dynamics
in sport psychology is considered important with the assumption that sport is a healthy medium of social interaction and because
group dynamics in sport also affect group performance. For example, in team sports such as basketball, football, volleyball, etc.,
cohesiveness (cohesiveness), leadership, communication and interaction between group members contribute to the success of the
team. A group is basically a collection of two or more individuals (Dasso, 2019). The presence of a person in performing motoric
tasks affects cognition, behavior and appearance. A conceptual framework for a group's performance in sport has been formulated.
Membership in a group will generate a specific set of social cognitions or beliefs among group members, which is brought about
through the interaction between members, common goals, specific structure within the group, and the presence of important group
process elements such as cohesiveness and communication (Vaquero-Solís, Amado Alonso, Sánchez-Oliva, Sánchez-Miguel, &
Iglesias-Gallego, 2020).
A framework has been developed to build mutual understanding between individuals in the group. There are three
conceptual phases in building interpersonal understanding in groups: 1) The first phase: understanding oneself (understanding
self). The individual must reflect on his own behavior and personality, understand his weaknesses and strengths, and the effects
on his own behavior in the team. 2) The second phase: understanding others (understanding others); students/athletes and
trainers/teachers facilitate communication, monitor interactions between individuals in groups, and identify collective strengths
and weaknesses. 3) The third phase: adapting and connecting; stimulate individuals to communicate with each other, identify
communication barriers, and design rules to facilitate effective communication (Passos, Milho, & Button, 2018). Social
adjustment by understanding social norms is very important for children so that they can grow up to be good adults. Participating
in group activities allows children to learn to get along with other children and to respect or value their differences (race, gender,
body type, and culture).
The Analysis of Motoric Skill Improvement
The results of the analysis using the Test of Between-Subjects Effects to see different data on the motoric skill variable
in the group found F = 21.811 with a significance of F = 0.000, because F is smaller than = 0.05, it can be concluded that the mini
basketball game activity is effective improve motoric skills. The magnitude of the increase is based on the difference between the
final test results and the initial test using simultaneous confidence interval analysis with a 95% confidence level. The coefficient
on the motoric skills variable has a minimum increase of 2.881.
In the implementation of this study, the subjects did exercises in the form of games for two months with a frequency of
5 times a week with a duration of 30-40 minutes. With simplified rules, it is hoped that not much game time is wasted due to the
number of violations, so that the frequency of children holding the ball to make passes, dribbling, and shooting is maximized. In
addition, in the implementation of this study, the subject was given the task of moving by playing basketball, from the results of
interviews between researchers with basketball game teachers who had once given it to the subject of previous research. Thus, in
addition to this simplified regulation of the movement task for relatively new subjects, the perceived new movement task is likely
to attract their attention. In addition, there is no assessment of failure or success in this game, which usually causes people to feel
reluctant to do it.
568 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 6, No. 4, Bln April, Thn 2021, Hal 559571
By playing basketball every day, the subject is given a continuous experience of motion. Continuous motion experience
certainly has an impact on changes in motoric skills. Skills or skills can change due to the effects of learning or experience
(Figueroa, Barnett, Estevan, & Wiley, 2019). And it was emphasized that the increase in motoric skills was caused by practice or
gained from experience (Figueroa & An, 2017). From the results of this study by playing basketball every day there was an
increase in motoric skills playing basketball. The results of the observations of researchers, research subjects from day to day,
seem so active to move during the game or when not playing. The results of another study showed that skilled children were more
active than less-skilled children. In addition, skills are associated with a variety of other health benefits, including increased
participation in sports, fitness levels, reduced risk of being overweight or obese and competence (Yoshida, Lima, Barreira,
Appenzeller, & Fernandes, 2019). Another thing that cannot be avoided in the implementation of this research activity, the
suggestion to the subject not to try the intended movement task outside the experiment is often ignored. Like doing dribbles,
passes and shots to the basket, outside of playing activities. When they arrive early, this is done while waiting for their turn to
play during lesson breaks.
Discussion of Manova Analysis of Changes in Physical Fitness Variables
The results of the analysis using the Test of Between-Subjects Effects to see different data on the physical fitness variable
in the group found F = 17.633 with a significance of F = 0.000, because F is smaller than = 0.05, it can be concluded that the mini
basketball game activity is effective improve physical fitness. The magnitude of the increase is based on the difference between
the results of the final test and the initial test using simultaneous confidence interval analysis with a 95% confidence level, the
coefficient on the physical fitness variable has a minimum increase of 2.216.
Basketball is a sport that is included in the combination of bioenergetic aerobic and anaerobic sport, with a dominance
of bioenergy or anaerobic energy. In general, the activities contained in sports activities consist of a combination of two types of
activities, namely aerobic and anaerobic activities (Cocca, Baca, Cruz, & Cocca, 2020). However, in various sports, there will be
types of sports or also training activities with one component of the activity being more dominant or there will also be sports that
use a combination of aerobic and anaerobic activities.
Aerobic activity is an activity that depends on the availability of oxygen to help the process of burning energy sources
so that it will also depend on the optimal work of body organs such as the heart, lungs and blood vessels to be able to transport
oxygen so that the process of burning energy sources can run perfectly. This activity is usually a low-moderate intensity sports
activity that can be done continuously for a long time.
Anaerobic activity is a high-intensity activity that requires energy quickly in a short time but cannot be carried out
continuously for a long duration of time. This activity will usually also require rest intervals so that ATP can be regenerated so
that the activity can be resumed (Mancha-Triguero, Martín-Encinas, & Ibáñez, 2020). In some types of team or individual sports,
there will also be movements/activities such as jumping, passing, throwing, kicking the ball, hitting the ball, or chasing the ball
quickly, anaerobic. Therefore, some sports such as football, basketball or also tennis are mentioned as sports activities with a
combination of aerobic and anaerobic activities. Research shows that there is a significant positive correlation between physical
activity and physical fitness in children aged 8-10 years (Orland et al., 2021). Physical activity in schools through the physical
education curriculum affects the level of physical fitness related to cardiovascular and motoric (Zhang et al., 2019).
Another study that looked at the relationship between physical activity, fitness and obesity in fifth and sixth graders in
Mexico. Concluded that fitness was a strong predictor that correlated with total abdominal adiposity due to physical activity in
school children in Mexico. However, the importance of physical activity in preventing obesity and promoting increased fitness,
should not be summed up as the sole determinant of fitness (Cai et al., 2020). Children who engage in 40 minutes of vigorous-
intensity physical activity are better at reducing body fat than children who engage in 10-18 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical
activity. Periodic vigorous, to moderate activity, was positively correlated with cardiorespiratory fitness. This is reinforced by the
results of research that the kinesthetic approach program can improve physical fitness in class IV and class V . students (Mathisen
et al., 2018).
Based on the objectives and results of the analysis, the conclusions of the results of this study are as follows. The mini
basketball game based on social skills, motoric skills and physical fitness developed is a valid and practical game with components:
infrastructure, game rules and refereeing, along with the following activity phases: 1) Value transformation, 2) Playing with game
models addition, 3) Mini basketball game, 4) Self-assessment, 5) Review of actions and rewards. The mini basketball game was
effective in improving the social skills of elementary school students. The mini basketball game was effective in improving the
motoric skills of elementary school students. The mini basketball game was effective in improving the physical fitness of
elementary school students.. This study suggests that teachers apply the mini basketball game to improve social skills, motoric
skills, and physical fitness of students. Similar research with the same method and approach can be carried out by researchers to
(1) further test the validity and wider possibilities of the application of the Mini Basketball game; or (2) developing game models
for other sports to improve social skills, motoric skills, and physical fitness of students.Tabel
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... This is also in line with research conducted by Han [20], which states that anthropometric factors are closely related to the performance of basketball games. Supriyadi [24] shows that a balanced body weight by height can affect the athletic performance of basketball players. Optimal body weight can support body stability and more efficient movement, allowing players to be more agile on the field, and balanced body weight can also contribute to players' endurance during matches, ensuring that they can maintain high performance throughout the game [25]. ...
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This study aims to examine literature that focuses on research on early childhood basketball learning and motor development. Using the search term "basketball game and children's motor development", two databases (Scopus and Google Scholar) were selected to select journal articles. To achieve the measurement objectives, the collected literature is examined using the Critical Appraisal table, then a comparison of the measurement results is carried out. Basketball games and children's motoric development are discussed in 17 literatures. The results of several journals revealed several significant things, including the fact that playing basketball improves students' motor skills by increasing movement speed, accuracy, and strength in static and dynamic spaces, as well as game performance. Basketball players compete at various levels of competition. In addition, children who previously experienced delays in these movements at the level of fitness, behavior, knowledge and basic skills, which include agility, balance and coordination, were greatly influenced by the basic movements and basic skills of mini basketball. Basketball also has many benefits for your health and happiness. It is considered an easy game to play because of the satisfying psychosocial interactions. generate profits that last into adulthood.
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p class="Abstrak"> Abstract: Gymnastics is a sport that requires a high mental for people who will do floor gymnastics skills movements. Mental can be improved if the person is very good in perception and knowledge about gymnastics skills. The purpose of this study is to provide independent learning facility for students to learn gymnastics skills. The method used is product development in the form of supporting software for mobile learning and testing for students. The result obtained was the students could learn gymnastic skills without any place and time restrictions so that the perception of gymnastics skills could be enriched independently. The conclusion of this research was that mobile learning helped to improve students' perception and knowledge of gymnastic skills without being limited to time and place of lecture. Abstrak: Senam lantai merupakan olahraga yang memerlukan mental tinggi bagi orang yang akan melakukan gerakan keterampilan senam lantai. Mental dapat ditingkatkan jika orang tersebut kaya dengan wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang keterampilan senam lantai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan fasilitas belajar mandiri mahasiswa dalam belajar keterampilan senam lantai. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengembangan produk berupa software penunjang mobile learning dan uji coba kepada mahasiswa. Hasil yang diperoleh yakni mahasiswa dapat mempelajari keterampilan senam tanpa ada batasan tempat dan waktu sehingga wawasan keterampilan senam lantai bisa diperkaya secara mandiri. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini mobile learning membantu meningkatkan wawasan dan pengetahuan mahasiswa terhadap keterampilan senam lantai tanpa dibatasi waktu perkuliahan dan tempat kuliah.
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Background and Study Aim. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the level of fine and gross motor skills and motor proficiency with the severity of autism disorder in children with autism. Material and Methods. 68 children with autism, ranged from 3-16 years old, were selected. Motor Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) was used to assess fine and gross motor skills and motor proficiency. Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-2 (GARS-2) test was also used for assessing the severity of autism disorder in the participants. Results. The obtained results from the Pearson correlation test showed that there was a significant and negative relationship between sub-scales of GARS-2 and MABC-2 tests (P<0.05). It means that decreasing the level of motor skills increases the autism severity. The results of the regression test also showed that only the total score of motor proficiency among microscales of the MABC-2 test could predict the stereotypes, social skills, communication skills, and autism severity (P<0.05). Conclusion. The results of the current study indicated the pivotal role of motor skills growth in determining the level of autism disorder. It also emphasized on embedding motor interventions in rehabilitation programs of such people.
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This study examined the difficulties of running online physical education classes in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and used the findings to develop an efficient operation plan to address these difficulties. Six middle and high school physical education teachers participated; three were experts in online physical education and active in the Korea Council School Physical Education Promotion, and three were recommended teachers making efforts to improve the online classes offered by the Korea Ministry of Education. A qualitative case study method employing phenomenological procedures to collect and analyze the data was used. The difficulties of operating middle and high school online physical education classes for the first time included (1) the monotony of the classes within their limited environmental conditions and limited educational content that did not adequately convey the value of physical education, (2) trial-and-error methods applied nationwide, resulting from a lack of expertise in operating online physical education classes, and (3) very limited evaluation guidelines proposed by the Korea Ministry of Education, which made systematic evaluation with online methods impossible. To address the identified problems and facilitate the efficient operation of online physical education classes, changes in strategic learning methods are needed to understand online physical education characteristics and thereby better communicate the value of physical education. It is also necessary to cultivate teaching expertise through sharing online physical education classes, where collaboration among physical education teachers is central. In addition, evaluation processes should be less formal to encourage active student participation.
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Objective: To synthesize the evidence available in the literature on the relationship between the components of physical activity, physical fitness and academic achievement in adolescents. Methods: The review followed the methodological procedures described by PRISMA and was carried out in the Lilacs, Medline, SciELO, PubMed, Web of Science and Science Direct databases. Quantitative empirical studies published as of 2006 were included. The following descriptors and keywords were used: “Motor activity”, “Physical fitness”, “Physical activity”, “Educational status”, “Academic achievement”, “Academic performance”, and their equivalents in Portuguese and Spanish. Results: The most widely investigated variable was physical fitness (45.5%) followed by physical activity (40.9%), whereas only three studies (13.6%) investigated both. Conclusion: Physical activity and physical fitness are positively associated with the academic achievement of adolescents. In more than 80% of studies the association was considered strong. The physical fitness component most frequently associated with academic achievement was cardiorespiratory fitness. Level of evidence II; Systematic review.
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The capability of children to learn and retain motor-related tasks could ease the pathway of mastering sport-specific skills that are non-trivial in spurring children's athletic development. Learning motor tasks in children constitute a diverse dimension of constraints that need to be overcome in order to accentuate mastery of tasks. Modification of equipment may facilitate the acquisition of complex motor tasks in synchronization with the learners' specific characteristics. The effect of modified equipment in motor task acquisition in children with different working memory capacities is examined in this study. Forty children aged 9-10 years were recruited and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children was used to determine the working memory capacity of the children. High and low working memory (HWM), (LWM) were identified and allotted into 4 different groups of 10 children each Viz. (A) HWM with standard mini basketball equipment, (B) LWM with standard mini basketball equipment, (C) HWM with modified mini basketball equipment and (D) LWM with modified mini basketball equipment. Basketball throw from the free-throw line in pre and post-tests were used as the acquisition tasks measure. The result from a mixed designed repeated measure revealed a significant difference across the two time points, significant interactions were also observed within memory types and equipment. No statistically significant difference was detected between the two groups with respect to working memory and task acquisition skill. It is postulated from the findings of the present study that customizing learning experiences that do not rely on working memory capacity, could have a positive long-term effect for learning motor skills in children.
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Background: The lockdown and social distancing caused by COVID-19 may influence common health behavior. The unprecedent worldwide confinement, in which Spain has been one of the most affected-with severe rules governing confinement-may have changed physical activity (PA) and sedentary habits due to prolonged stays at home. Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate how self-reported PA and sedentary time (ST) have changed during confinement in the Spanish population. Methods: 3800 healthy adults (age 18-64 years) residing in Spain answered the international physical activity questionnaire short (IPAQ-S) twice between 23 March and 1 April (confinement). Data analysis was carried out taking into consideration meeting general PA recommendations before confinement, age and gender. Results: Self-reported PA decreased significantly during confinement in our sample. Vigorous physical activities (VPA) and walking time decreased by 16.8% (p < 0.001) and 58.2% (p < 0.001), respectively, whereas ST increased by 23.8% (p < 0.001). The percent of people fulfilling the 75 min/week of VPA recommendation decreased by 10.7% (p < 0.001) while the percent of people who reached 150 min/week of moderate activity barely changed (1.4%). The group that performed the most VPA before confinement showed the greatest decrease (30.5%, p < 0.001). Men reduced time in VPA more than women (21% vs 9%, respectively) who even increased time in moderate PA by 11% (p < 0.05) and reported less increase in ST than men (35% vs 25.3%, respectively). Conclusion: The Spanish adult population, especially young people, students and very active men, decreased daily self-reported PA and increased ST during COVID-19 confinement.
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The purpose of the current study is to analyze the relationships between physical fitness, selective attention, and academic performance in pre-teens. The sample here consists of 135 participants between the ages of 10 and 12 (M = 11.05; SD = 0.61), with 39.26% female (n = 53) and 60.74% male (n = 82) participants. Horizontal and vertical jump distances, speed, and cardio-respiratory fitness were evaluated to assess physical fitness. The d2 Test of Attention was used to evaluate selective attention. In addition, data were obtained regarding participant academic performance by analyzing the academic performance. The results show significant relationships between the measures analyzed, highlighting positive associations between physical fitness, cognitive functioning, and academic performance. Thus, participants who were fitter scored better on tests of attention (Z133 = −4.07; p < 0.00007, Cohen’s d = 0.75, 95% CI (0.39, 1.11)) and concentration (t133 = −3.84; p < 0.0007, Cohen’s d = 0.69, 95% CI (0.33, 1.05)), as well as having higher academic performance (Z133 = −2.84; p < 0.0035, Cohen’s d = 0.39, 95% CI (0.04, 0.75)). Cardiorespiratory fitness was the measure of physical fitness that best explained these relationships. The results suggest that maintaining and improving the physical fitness of children and adolescents may help their brain function develop better.
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The students at Sports School are athletes that often leave school for training camps or participate in competitions outside the city. This study therefore, aims to determine the characteristics, conditions, and needs of Sports Schools in Indonesia as a basis for the Blended Learning development. Data were collected on information related to Sports School in various regions of Indonesia, through surveys. The result showed that there are special services for students that participate in training camps and competitions. However, their skill is ineffective and requires an increase in teaching hours and workload. Therefore, based on the characteristics of the Sports School and the needs of teachers and students, the Blended Learning model was developed
Kandungan Nilai dalam Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional (Core Ethical Values). Tujuan pendidikan nasional di Indonesia setidaknya harus memperhatikan beberapa landasan pendidikan, diantaranya; landasan relIgius, landasan filosofis, landasan sosiologis, landasan kultural, landasan psikologis, landasan ilmiah dan teknologi, serta landasan yuridis atau hukum sehingga tujuan pendidikan nasional akan mengandung nilai yang berguna dalam mengarahkan perjalanan pendidikan nasional kedepan. Nilai yang terkandung dalam rumusan tujuan pendidikan nasional akan terus berubah sesuai dengan rumusan tujuan pendidikan nasional yang dibuat, walaupun tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia dari waktu ke waktu tidak pernah bergeser dari pandangan hidup Pancasila dan UUD 1945. Perbedaannya hanya terlihat dari adanya penekanan untuk setiap tahap yang disesuiakan dengan tuntutan perkembangan kehidupan dalam masyarakat dan pembangunan di negara Indoensia.
Healthy aging is the ability to maintain independence, purpose, vitality, and quality of life into old age despite unexpected medical conditions, accidents, and unhelpful social determinants of health. Exercise, or physical activity, is an important component of healthy aging, preventing or mitigating falls, pain, sarcopenia, osteoporosis, and cognitive impairment. A well-balanced exercise program includes daily aerobic, strength, balance, and flexibility components. Most older adults do not meet the currently recommended minutes of regular physical activity weekly. Counseling by health care providers may help older adults improve exercise habits, but it is also important to take advantage of community-based exercise opportunities.