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Copy Number Variants in Two Northernmost Cattle Breeds Are Related to Their Adaptive Phenotypes



Abstract: Copy number variations (CNVs) are genomic structural variants with potential functional and evolutionary effects on phenotypes. In this study, we report the identification and characterization of CNVs from the whole-genome resequencing data of two northernmost cattle breeds from Russia: the Yakut and Kholmogory cattle and their phylogenetically most related breeds, Hanwoo and Holstein, respectively. Comparisons of the CNV regions (CNVRs) among the breeds led to the identification of breed-specific CNVRs shared by cold-adapted Kholmogory and Yakut cattle. An investigation of their overlap with genes, regulatory domains, conserved non-coding elements (CNEs), enhancers, and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) was performed to further explore breed-specific biology and adaptations. We found CNVRs enriched for gene ontology terms related to adaptation to environments in both the Kholmogory and Yakut breeds and related to thermoregulation specifically in Yakut cattle. Interestingly, the latter has also been supported when exploring the enrichment of breed-specific CNVRs in the regulatory domains and enhancers, CNEs, and QTLs implying the potential contribution of CNVR to the Yakut and Kholmogory cattle breeds’ adaptation to a harsh environment.
Citation: Buggiotti, L.; Yudin, N.S.;
Larkin, D.M. Copy Number Variants
in Two Northernmost Cattle Breeds
Are Related to Their Adaptive
Phenotypes. Genes 2022,13, 1595.
Academic Editor: Nico M. Van
Received: 29 July 2022
Accepted: 2 September 2022
Published: 6 September 2022
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Copy Number Variants in Two Northernmost Cattle Breeds Are
Related to Their Adaptive Phenotypes
Laura Buggiotti 1, Nikolay S. Yudin 2,3 and Denis M. Larkin 1,*
1Royal Veterinary College, University of London, London NW1 0TU, UK
The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics,
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICG SB RAS), Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Kurchatov Genomics Center, the Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Science (ICG SB RAS), Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Copy number variations (CNVs) are genomic structural variants with potential functional
and evolutionary effects on phenotypes. In this study, we report the identification and characterization
of CNVs from the whole-genome resequencing data of two northernmost cattle breeds from Russia:
the Yakut and Kholmogory cattle and their phylogenetically most related breeds, Hanwoo and
Holstein, respectively. Comparisons of the CNV regions (CNVRs) among the breeds led to the
identification of breed-specific CNVRs shared by cold-adapted Kholmogory and Yakut cattle. An
investigation of their overlap with genes, regulatory domains, conserved non-coding elements
(CNEs), enhancers, and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) was performed to further explore breed-specific
biology and adaptations. We found CNVRs enriched for gene ontology terms related to adaptation to
environments in both the Kholmogory and Yakut breeds and related to thermoregulation specifically
in Yakut cattle. Interestingly, the latter has also been supported when exploring the enrichment
of breed-specific CNVRs in the regulatory domains and enhancers, CNEs, and QTLs implying
the potential contribution of CNVR to the Yakut and Kholmogory cattle breeds’ adaptation to a
harsh environment.
Keywords: CNV; cattle; cold adaptation
1. Introduction
Copy number variations (CNV) refer to a structural variation type where DNA seg-
ments of >1 kb are present in individual genomes in varying copy numbers, compared
to a reference genome [
]. CNVs are less frequent than single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs) and other variations. However, they can potentially have a larger functional and
evolutionary impact, such as changing gene structure and dosage, altering gene regula-
tion, and exposing recessive alleles [
]. CNVs and their impacts have been extensively
studied, especially in humans [
], where CNVs are considered to affect gene expression
and, therefore, some phenotypes of interest. For example, CNV loss in the NPY4R gene
was associated with obesity [
]. Other studies have revealed that genomic diversity could
be increased due to the differential selection of CNVs for adaptations to different environ-
ments [
]. For instance, 30% of young fast evolving duplicated genes in sticklebacks are
in CNVs and these genes are enriched in functional categories related to environmental
adaptations [
]. Studies in livestock also highlight the role of CNVs in shaping various
phenotypes. A partial or complete duplication of the KIT gene causes different patterns
of white coat coloration in pigs and in some of the cattle breeds [
], while a white coat
color in sheep has been associated with a duplication of the ASIP gene [11].
The present study focuses on CNV detection from the whole-genome resequencing
data of two cold-adapted cattle breeds from Russia: the Kholmogory and Yakut cattle.
Both breeds live in harsh environments but have very different population histories. The
Genes 2022,13, 1595.
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Kholmogory was formed in the European part of Russia around 300 years ago [
], while
the Yakut cattle was formed at the Baikal area of Siberia and likely migrated together with
the Yakut people to contemporary Yakutia about 500–800 years ago [
]. To identify CNVs
and CNV regions (CNVRs) which could co-evolve with the adaptation of the Russian
cattle breeds to harsh climate conditions, we utilized sequences of four breeds (Yakut,
Kholmogory, Holstein, and Hanwoo). Previously, the Yakut cattle has been found to be
related to Korean Hanwoo, and Kholmogory to Holstein [
]. Therefore, we compared
Kholmogory and Yakut cattle to phylogenetically close breeds to search for CNVs that
could have an influence on breed-specific biology and adaptations.
2. Materials and Methods
The Yakut and Kholmogory cattle breeds were previously whole-genome resequenced [
and mapped to the reference Hereford cattle assembly (UMD3.1, BosTau6) using BWA-
] with default parameters; Hanwoo and Holstein resequencing data were down-
loaded from the Sequence Repository Archive [
]. A total of 98 high-quality samples of
the four cattle breeds (Yakut (29), Kholmogory (32), Hanwoo (19), and Holstein (18)) were
used. The cn.MOPS R package (copy number estimation by a Mixture of Poissons [
was used for CNV detection. Based on the average sequence coverage of our data (~11X),
window length was set to 700 (windowLength = readLength
50/coverage) and posterior
probabilities were estimated (posteriorProbs). The cn.MOPS tool represents a CNV detec-
tion pipeline that models the depths of coverage across multiple samples at each genomic
position. Using a Bayesian approach, it decomposes read variants across samples into
integer CNVs and noise using mixture components and Poisson distributions, respectively.
The multiple samples approach increases statistical power and decreases computational
burden and the FDR in CNV detection. CNVs were then used to construct a set of copy
number variable regions (CNVRs) for Kholmogory, Yakut, Hanwoo, and Holstein breeds.
The CNVRs were constructed by merging CNVs across samples of the same breed that
exhibited at least 50% pairwise reciprocal overlap in their genomic coordinates; unique
CNVRs per breed were those with less than 10% overlap with CNVRs in other breeds.
BEDTools [
] and BEDOPS [
] tools were used to calculate CNVR overlaps. Genomic
Regions Enrichment of Annotations Tool (GREAT), [
] was used to assign each gene of the
reference Hereford cattle assembly (UMD3.1, BosTau6) to a regulatory domain consisting
of a basal domain that extends 5 kb upstream and 1 kb downstream from its transcription
start site (total length of the regions per gene is 6000 bp). The karyoploteR [
] package
was used to plot the cattle chromosome map and to visualize the CNVRs locations for the
four breeds.
3. Results and Discussion
A total of 860,380 autosomal CNVs were detected in the four-breed set, which were
then merged into 71,549 CNVRs. Interestingly, the Yakut and Kholmogory breeds shared the
largest fraction of CNVRs (138.41 Mb). The second largest shared fraction of Kholmogory
CNVRs was with Holstein (61.05 Mbp) and Yakut CNVRs with Hanwoo (27.92 Mbp),
confirming known breed relations. A total of 19,502 CNVRs (total length: 106.09 Mbp) were
breed-specific for the Yakut, 2238 (18.61 Mbp) for the Kholmogory, 2535 (8.27 Mbp) for the
Hanwoo and 1625 (4.95 Mbp) for the Holstein cattle (Figure 1).
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Genes 2022, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 7
Figure 1. Whole genome distribution of breed-specific CNVRs for the four breeds.
To reveal a possible contribution of CNVRs to breed-specific biology and adapta-
tions, we investigated 5522 genes found in the four breed-specific CNVRs, of which 2962,
1034, 862, and 664 genes were found in the Yakut, Hanwoo, Kholmogory, and Holstein
CNVRs, respectively (Table S1). A gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis highlighted
distinct pathways being enriched in these gene sets, with the second largest number (35)
found in the Yakut cattle, among which we observed cognition, the regulation of small
GTPase-mediated signal transduction, the detection of mechanical stimulus, etc. (Table
S2a). The Kholmogory cattle had the third largest number of GO categories (22) of which
intracellular signal transduction, GTPase regulator activity, adenyl nucleotide binding,
etc. were uniquely present. The Hanwoo had the largest number of GO categories (38),
while Holstein had the same number of GO categories as Kholmogory (22). Interestingly,
all the breeds showed enrichment for the GO category response to stimulus, although the
genes were different. Moreover, a DAVID functional annotation cluster analysis [23] high-
lighted the enrichment of ubiquitin protein in the Yakut cattle, which is involved in pro-
tein degradation and found to be enriched in Antarctic fish [24]. The authors hypothesized
that the cost of living for cold-adapted ectotherms commits more effort to maintaining
protein homeostasis. Moreover, ATPase activity, microtubule motor activity, and blood
coagulation inhibitor were also found to be enriched in the Yakut cattle CNVRs, which
could potentially influence thermoregulation (Table S2b). There were 7414 CNVRs shared
between the Yakut and Kholmogory breeds, overlapping 2925 genes, which were en-
riched in various pathways such as keratin filament, kinase, oxytocin signaling pathway,
etc. (Table S3a,b).
Figure 1. Whole genome distribution of breed-specific CNVRs for the four breeds.
To reveal a possible contribution of CNVRs to breed-specific biology and adapta-
tions, we investigated 5522 genes found in the four breed-specific CNVRs, of which 2962,
1034, 862, and 664 genes were found in the Yakut, Hanwoo, Kholmogory, and Holstein
CNVRs, respectively (Table S1). A gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis highlighted
distinct pathways being enriched in these gene sets, with the second largest number (35)
found in the Yakut cattle, among which we observed cognition, the regulation of small
GTPase-mediated signal transduction, the detection of mechanical stimulus, etc. (Table
S2a). The Kholmogory cattle had the third largest number of GO categories (22) of which
intracellular signal transduction, GTPase regulator activity, adenyl nucleotide binding, etc.
were uniquely present. The Hanwoo had the largest number of GO categories (38), while
Holstein had the same number of GO categories as Kholmogory (22). Interestingly, all
the breeds showed enrichment for the GO category response to stimulus, although the
genes were different. Moreover, a DAVID functional annotation cluster analysis [
] high-
lighted the enrichment of ubiquitin protein in the Yakut cattle, which is involved in protein
degradation and found to be enriched in Antarctic fish [
]. The authors hypothesized
that the cost of living for cold-adapted ectotherms commits more effort to maintaining
protein homeostasis. Moreover, ATPase activity, microtubule motor activity, and blood
coagulation inhibitor were also found to be enriched in the Yakut cattle CNVRs, which
could potentially influence thermoregulation (Table S2b). There were 7414 CNVRs shared
between the Yakut and Kholmogory breeds, overlapping 2925 genes, which were enriched
in various pathways such as keratin filament, kinase, oxytocin signaling pathway, etc.
(Table S3a,b).
Yakut cattle-specific CNVRs involved multiple fatty-acid related genes such as the
CYP4A11 (cytochrome P-450 4A11), which is implicated in lipogenesis and growth traits.
Genes 2022,13, 1595 4 of 7
This CNVR has previously been reported in various Chinese native taurine cattle breeds
(Jaxian, Quinchuan, Nanyang, Jinnan, Luxi, and Chinese Red Steppe [
]). The Kholmogory
cattle unique CNVRs covered over one-thousand annotated genes, among which a few were
interleukin genes (IL17RE,IL20RA,IL10RA,IL10) associated with immune response, as well
as PLA2G4A, which is involved in inflammatory responses [
]. To further investigate the
potential association of CNVRs with gene regulation we investigated the landscape of breed-
specific CNVRs overlapping regulatory domains by using the GREAT approach [
]. We
found 1109, 663, 659, and 516 genes with breed-specific CNVRs in their GREAT domains in
Yakut, Holstein, Hanwoo, and Kholmogory cattle breeds, respectively. The GO enrichment
analysis of the latter sets of genes found the response to stimulus to be enriched in the Yakut
but not in the Kholmogory cattle (Table S4a), while a DAVID functional annotation cluster
analysis revealed the term lipid transport and lipoprotein metabolic process to be unique to
Yakut cattle when considering only breed-specific CNVRs in GREAT domains (
Table S4b
suggesting a potential fundamental role of CNVRs in regulating thermogenesis [
], a
major adaptive mechanism to extreme climates. Moreover, the top DAVID functional
cluster (Table S4b) contained genes that are involved in cytoskeletal reorganization (such as
PADI- genes), which also plays a role in shaping the adaptation to a cold environment [
Kholmogory, on the other hand, had the unique GO terms: metal ion transport, cellular
response to organic substance and transporter activity, among others, suggesting again their
potential role in the adaptation to new ecological niches [
]. Finally, we investigated
the enrichment of breed-specific CNVRs in three functional classes: (i) conserved non-
coding elements (CNEs); (ii) enhancers; (iii) QTLs regions, by using GAT [
]. Interestingly,
breed-specific CNVRs were enriched with CNEs [
] in all four breeds, highlighting again
their potential involvement in gene regulation, and Yakut cattle-specific CNVRs were
significantly negatively enriched of both cetartiodactyla and ruminant CNEs (Figure 2).
The QTLs enrichment analysis suggests that Yakut cattle-specific CNVRs are significantly
negatively enriched in all major QTLs categories but meat and carcass, while CNVs in the
other three breeds show positive or negative associations with a limited number of QTL
categories (Figure 2). One explanation for the QTLs enrichment results is that in a natural
population subjected to a harsh climate such as Yakut cattle, selection acts on CNVRs
contributing to phenotypes that are quite different from those which are normally under
selection by humans.
Genes 2022,13, 1595 5 of 7
Genes 2022, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 7
Figure 2. Breed-specific CNVR overlapping CNEs, enhancers, and QTLs. Abbreviations are as fol-
lows: YKT—Yakut, KHO—Kholmogory, HOL—Holstein, HNW—Hanwoo, CNE—conserved non-
coding elements.
4. Conclusions
Overall, our results point to novel copy number variants and their potential contri-
butions to local adaptations in the northernmost cattle breeds from Russia and shared
CNV events involving GO terms such as a response to stimulus related to thermoregula-
tion. The enrichment of ubiquitin proteins in Yakut cattle unique CNVRs might indicate
their contribution to maintaining protein homeostasis; moreover, the enrichment of mul-
tiple fatty-acid related genes implicated in lipogenesis and growth traits suggests their
potential involvement in thermoregulation, as well as the petite size of the Yakut cattle
Finally, both the Yakut and Kholmogory cattle breeds had breed-specific CNVRs en-
riched in regulatory domains and enhancers, CNEs, and QTLs highlighting their potential
contribution to harsh environment adaptations.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Table S1: Breed-specific CNVRs overlapping cattle genes (Btau6); Table
S2a: GO analysis of genes in breed-specific CNVRs for the four breeds; Table S2b: DAVID functional
cluster analysis of breed-specific CNVRs; Table S3a: GO analysis of genes in CNVRs shared between
the Yakut and Kholmogory cattle breeds; Table S3b: DAVID functional cluster analysis of YKT-KHO
shared CNVRs; Table S4a: GO analysis of breed-specific CNVRs in regulatory domain (GREAT);
Table S4b: DAVID functional cluster analysis of breed-specific CNVRs in regulatory domain
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.B. and D.M.L.; methodology, L.B.; formal analysis,
L.B.; investigation, L.B. and D.M.L.; resources, D.M.L. and N.S.Y.; writingoriginal draft
Figure 2.
Breed-specific CNVR overlapping CNEs, enhancers, and QTLs. Abbreviations are as
follows: YKT—Yakut, KHO—Kholmogory, HOL—Holstein, HNW—Hanwoo, CNE—conserved
non-coding elements.
4. Conclusions
Overall, our results point to novel copy number variants and their potential contribu-
tions to local adaptations in the northernmost cattle breeds from Russia and shared CNV
events involving GO terms such as a response to stimulus related to thermoregulation.
The enrichment of ubiquitin proteins in Yakut cattle unique CNVRs might indicate their
contribution to maintaining protein homeostasis; moreover, the enrichment of multiple
fatty-acid related genes implicated in lipogenesis and growth traits suggests their potential
involvement in thermoregulation, as well as the petite size of the Yakut cattle breed.
Finally, both the Yakut and Kholmogory cattle breeds had breed-specific CNVRs
enriched in regulatory domains and enhancers, CNEs, and QTLs highlighting their potential
contribution to harsh environment adaptations.
Supplementary Materials:
The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//, Table S1: Breed-specific CNVRs overlapping
cattle genes (Btau6); Table S2a: GO analysis of genes in breed-specific CNVRs for the four breeds;
Table S2b: DAVID functional cluster analysis of breed-specific CNVRs; Table S3a: GO analysis
of genes in CNVRs shared between the Yakut and Kholmogory cattle breeds; Table S3b: DAVID
functional cluster analysis of YKT-KHO shared CNVRs; Table S4a: GO analysis of breed-specific
CNVRs in regulatory domain (GREAT); Table S4b: DAVID functional cluster analysis of breed-specific
CNVRs in regulatory domain (GREAT).
Genes 2022,13, 1595 6 of 7
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, L.B. and D.M.L.; methodology, L.B.; formal analysis, L.B.;
investigation, L.B. and D.M.L.; resources, D.M.L. and N.S.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, L.B.;
writing—review and editing, D.M.L. and N.S.Y.; project administration, D.M.L.; funding acquisition,
D.M.L. and L.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This work was funded by the Russian Scientific Foundation (RSF) grant no. 19-76-20026.
LB was funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 703376.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement:
Whole genome sequences data that support the findings of this study
have been deposited in GenBank (PRJNA642008).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Как правило, эти геномные элементы выявляются у животных, находящихся в экстремальных условиях обитания. Ярким примером успешных поисков служат работы по изучению устойчивости молочной продуктивности австралийских коров голштинской породы к высоким температурам (30,31), а холмогорского и якутского крупного рогатого скота -к низким (32,33). ...
... enomic regions in which polymorphism is associated with the variability of phenotypic characteristics (D.J. Rigden, X.M. Fernández, 2023) and to identify the localization of key genes of adaptation to natural selection factors at the natural habitat edges and in areas of animal husbandry risky (E.K. Cheruiyot et al., 2022;L. Buggiotti et al.., 2021L. Buggiotti et al.., , 2022. The loci of increased variability in the copyicity of genome regions (CNV) are used to assess their involvement in responses to natural and artificial selection factors of such polygenic systems as sensory, immune, and transporter (Y. Huang et al., 2021; P. Davoudi et al., 2022). The predominant involvement of regulatory networks inclu ...
... The availability of genotyping methods has contributed to an increase in the number of studies in the field of assessing the genetic diversity of cattle [3][4][5][6]. The genetic individuality of some cattle breeds, in particular from Russia, has been demonstrated [7][8][9]. Rare allelic variants of genes responsible for adaptation, disease resistance and productivity have been found in the genome of the Yakut, Kholmogory and Yaroslavl breeds [10][11][12]. The origin of Russian cattle breeds has been discussed in a number of major studies [3,[13][14][15][16], but remains controversial for some breeds. ...
... Over a long period of breed formation, local cattle developed a number of important adaptations to fare well in diverse natural and climatic conditions [92]. The genetic individuality of some cattle breeds in Russia has been demonstrated in a number of works [7][8][9]. In particular, rare allelic variants of genes responsible for adaptation, disease resistance and productivity were found in the Yakut, Kholmogory and Yaroslavl breeds [10][11][12]. ...
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Every week, 1–2 breeds of farm animals, including local cattle, disappear in the world. As the keepers of rare allelic variants, native breeds potentially expand the range of genetic solutions to possible problems of the future, which means that the study of the genetic structure of these breeds is an urgent task. Providing nomadic herders with valuable resources necessary for life, domestic yaks have also become an important object of study. In order to determine the population genetic characteristics, and clarify the phylogenetic relationships of modern representatives of 155 cattle populations from different regions of the world, we collected a large set of STR data (10,250 individuals), including unique native cattle, 12 yak populations from Russia, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan, as well as zebu breeds. Estimation of main population genetic parameters, phylogenetic analysis, principal component analysis and Bayesian cluster analysis allowed us to refine genetic structure and provided insights in relationships of native populations, transboundary breeds and populations of domestic yak. Our results can find practical application in conservation programs of endangered breeds, as well as become the basis for future fundamental research.
... With the development of large-scale human CNV research, substantial progress has been made in CNV detection in livestock and poultry species, including cattle (Bos taurus) [5,6], pigs (Sus scrofa) [7], goats (Capra hircus) [8], sheep (Ovis aries) [9], dogs (Canis familaris) [10], and chickens (Gallus gallus) [4]. To date, CNV overlapping genes screened in numerous animal models have been shown to be related to coat color [10,11], meat quality [12], reproduction [13], immune response [14], disease [15], and environmental adaptations [16]. Moreover, CNVs provide resources towards the creation of new genes [17]. ...
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Background Specific pathogen-free ducks are a valuable laboratory resource for waterfowl disease research and poultry vaccine development. High throughput sequencing allows the systematic identification of structural variants in genomes. Copy number variation (CNV) can explain the variation of important duck genetic traits. Herein, the genome-wide CNVs of the three experimental duck species in China (Jinding ducks (JD), Shaoxing ducks (SX), and Fujian Shanma ducks (SM)) were characterized using resequencing to determine their genetic characteristics and selection signatures. Results We obtained 4,810 CNV regions (CNVRs) by merging 73,012 CNVs, covering 4.2% of the duck genome. Functional analysis revealed that the shared CNVR-harbored genes were significantly enriched for 31 gene ontology terms and 16 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways (e.g., olfactory transduction and immune system). Based on the genome-wide fixation index for each CNVR, growth (SPAG17 and PTH1R), disease resistance (CATHL3 and DMBT1), and thermoregulation (TRPC4 and SLIT3) candidate genes were identified in strongly selected signatures specific to JD, SM, and SX, respectively. Conclusions In conclusion, we investigated the genome-wide distribution of experimental duck CNVs, providing a reference to establish the genetic basis of different phenotypic traits, thus contributing to the management of experimental animal genetic resources.
... Как правило, эти геномные элементы выявляются у животных, находящихся в экстремальных условиях обитания. Ярким примером успешных поисков служат работы по изучению устойчивости молочной продуктивности австралийских коров голштинской породы к высоким температурам (30,31), а холмогорского и якутского крупного рогатого скота -к низким (32,33). ...
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DNA MARKERS AND MICROSATELLITE CODE (review) The search for genetic markers that simplify the selection of animals for crosses, increasing the likelihood of offspring obtaining with the desired manifestation of economically valuable traits is a central problem in modern animal husbandry. Here, we discuss the most successful applications of various types of DNA markers of genomic element polymorphisms for solving specific breeding problems. Microsatellites are used to exclude errors of origin, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to create maps of genomic regions in which polymorphism is associated with the variability of phenotypic characteristics (D.J. Rigden, X.M. Fernández, 2023) and to identify the localization of key genes of adaptation to natural selection factors at the natural habitat edges and in areas of animal husbandry risky (E.K. Cheruiyot et al., 2022; L. Buggiotti et al.., 2021, 2022). The loci of increased variability in the copyicity of genome regions (CNV) are used to assess their involvement in responses to natural and artificial selection factors of such polygenic systems as sensory, immune, and transporter (Y. Huang et al., 2021; P. Davoudi et al., 2022). The predominant involvement of regulatory networks including dispersed and tandem repeats, in particular microsatellite repeats, in epigenetic and phenotypic variability is discussed (R.P. Kumar et al., 2010). The structural and functional complexity of microsatellite loci, individual features of variability of specific loci and their participation in evolutionary, recombination, transcription processes are considered. Their involvement in the organization of secondary DNA structures, participation in the formation and variability of the architectonics of the interphase nucleus and regulation of gene expression profiles is noted (R.P. Kumar et al., 2010; X. Tang et al., 2022). The study of regulatory networks is of particular importance, since there is evidence that the size of the genome in animals of different taxa, as well as the distribution and composition of mobile genetic elements (sources of components of regulatory networks) differ significantly, in contrast to the similarity in the number of genes encoding proteins (V.I. Glazko et al., 2022). Accumulating evidence suggests that polylocus genotyping of individual microsatellites and dispersed repeats can contribute to solving practical problems, such as information on the specific features of the population-genetic structure, consolidation and differences between closely related groups of animals. Keywords: DNA markers, microsatellites, short tandem repeat, STR, single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP, copy number variations, CNV, genome-wide association studies, GWAS
... Как правило, эти геномные элементы выявляются у животных, находящихся в экстремальных условиях обитания. Ярким примером успешных поисков служат работы по изучению устойчивости молочной продуктивности австралийских коров голштинской породы к высоким температурам (30,31), а холмогорского и якутского крупного рогатого скота -к низким (32,33). ...
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Objective of experiment was to determine whether oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation altered embryonic loss in dairy cows. Blood samples were collected at days 0, 16, 32 and 60 after timed (AI) from 200 Holstein cows to determine embryonic loss based on interferon-stimulated gene-15 (ISG15) mRNA expression (day 16) and ultrasound at day 32 and day 60. Leucocyte expressions of mRNA TLR2, TLR4, TNF-α, IL1B, IL10, STAT3 (inflammation), PTGS2, PTGES (prostaglandin synthesis), and PLA2G4A and ALOX5AP (eicosanoid metabolism) at days 0 and 16 were determined. Plasma redox status for antioxidant enzymatic activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined at days 0, 16, 32 and 60. All antioxidant-redox responses were beneficially significant in pregnant cows diagnosed pregnant at day16 and sustained pregnancy to day 60 compared to non-pregnant cows at day16 or pregnant at day16 and lost embryos by days 32 or 60. The leucocyte mRNA expressions of TLR2, TLR4, STAT 3, IL1B, PTGS2, PLA2G4A and ALOX5AP were greater and PTGES was lower at day16 in pregnant cows that lost embryos early (P < 0.05). In conclusion peripheral leucocyte molecular indicators of inflammation and plasma indicators of OS were altered in pregnant cows undergoing embryonic losses compared to cows with a sustained pregnancy.
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Native cattle breeds represent an important cultural heritage. They are a reservoir of genetic variation useful for properly responding to agriculture needs in light of ongoing climate changes. Evolutionary processes that occur in response to extreme environmental conditions could also be better understood using adapted local populations. Herein, different evolutionary histories of the world northernmost native cattle breeds from Russia were investigated. They highlighted Kholmogory as a typical taurine cattle, while Yakut cattle separated from European taurines ∼5,000 years ago and contain numerous ancestral and some novel genetic variants allowing their adaptation to harsh conditions of living above the Polar Circle. Scans for selection signatures pointed to several common gene pathways related to adaptation to harsh climates in both breeds. But genes affected by selection from these pathways were mostly different. A Yakut cattle breed-specific missense mutation in a highly conserved NRAP gene, represents a unique example of a young amino acid residue convergent change shared with at least 16 species of hibernating/cold-adapted mammals from six distinct phylogenetic orders. This suggests a convergent evolution event along the mammalian phylogenetic tree and fast fixation in a single isolated cattle population exposed to a harsh climate.
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The role of chromosome rearrangements in driving evolution has been a long-standing question of evolutionary biology. Here we focused on ruminants as a model to assess how rearrangements may have contributed to the evolution of gene regulation. Using reconstructed ancestral karyotypes of Cetartiodactyls, Ruminants, Pecorans, and Bovids, we traced patterns of gross chromosome changes. We found that the lineage leading to the ruminant ancestor after the split from other cetartiodactyls, was characterized by mostly intrachromosomal changes while the lineage leading to the pecoran ancestor (including all livestock ruminants) included multiple interchromosomal changes. We observed that the liver cell putative enhancers in the ruminant evolutionary breakpoint regions are highly enriched for DNA sequences under selective constraint acting on lineage-specific transposable elements (TEs) and a set of 25 specific transcription factor (TF) binding motifs associated with recently active TEs. Coupled with gene expression data, we found that genes near ruminant breakpoint regions exhibit more divergent expression profiles among species, particularly in cattle, which is consistent with the phylogenetic origin of these breakpoint regions. Notably, this divergence was significantly greater in genes with enhancers that contain at least one of the 25 specific TF binding motifs and located near bovidae-to-cattle lineage breakpoint regions. Taken together, by combining ancestral karyotype reconstructions with analysis of cis regulatory element and gene expression evolution, our work demonstrated that lineage-specific regulatory elements co-localized with gross chromosome rearrangements may have provided valuable functional modifications that helped to shape ruminant evolution.
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Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is expressed in different areas of the brain, including the hypothalamus and plays an important role in neural control of the energy balance, including feeding behavior and metabolic fluxes. This study tested the hypothesis that hypothalamic LPL participates in the control of body temperature. We first showed that cold exposure induces decreased activity and expression of LPL in the mouse hypothalamus. We then selectively deleted LPL in the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) through an adeno-associated virus approach in LPL-floxed mice and generated MBHΔLpl mice with 30–35% decrease in hypothalamic LPL activity. Results showed a decrease in body temperature in MBHΔLpl mice when compared with controls at 22°C. Exposure to cold (4°C for 4 h) decreased the body temperature of the control mice while that of the MBHΔLpl mice remained similar to that observed at 22°C. MBHΔLpl mice also showed increased energy expenditure during cold exposure, when compared to controls. Finally, the selective MBH deletion of LPL also increased the expression of the thermogenic PRMD16 and Dio2 in subcutaneous and perigonadal adipose tissues. Thus, the MBH LPL deletion seems to favor thermogenesis. These data demonstrate that for the first time hypothalamic LPL appears to function as a regulator of body temperature and cold-induced thermogenesis.
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One of the most economically important areas within the Russian agricultural sector is dairy and beef cattle farming contributing about $11 billion to the Russian economy annually. Trade connections, selection and breeding have resulted in the establishment of a number of breeds that are presumably adapted to local climatic conditions. Little however is known about the ancestry and history of Russian native cattle. To address this question, we genotyped 274 individuals from 18 breeds bred in Russia and compared them to 135 additional breeds from around the world that had been genotyped previously. Our results suggest a shared ancestry between most of the Russian cattle and European taurine breeds, apart from a few breeds that shared ancestry with the Asian taurines. The Yakut cattle, belonging to the latter group, was found to be the most diverged breed in the whole combined dataset according to structure results. Haplotype sharing further suggests that the Russian cattle can be divided into four major clusters reflecting ancestral relations with other breeds. Herein, we therefore shed light on to the history of Russian cattle and identified closely related breeds to those from Russia. Our results will facilitate future research on detecting signatures of selection in cattle genomes and eventually inform future genetics-assisted livestock breeding programs in Russia and in other countries. Free read:
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Motivation: Data visualization is a crucial tool for data exploration, analysis and interpretation. For the visualization of genomic data there lacks a tool to create customizable non-circular plots of whole genomes from any species. Results: We have developed karyoploteR, an R/Bioconductor package to create linear chromosomal representations of any genome with genomic annotations and experimental data plotted along them. Plot creation process is inspired in R base graphics, with a main function creating karyoplots with no data and multiple additional functions, including custom functions written by the end-user, adding data and other graphical elements. This approach allows the creation of highly customizable plots from arbitrary data with complete freedom on data positioning and representation. Availability: karyoploteR is released under Artistic-2.0 License. Source code and documentation are freely available through Bioconductor ( and at the examples and tutorial page at
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The identification of copy number variations (CNVs) allow us to explore genomic polymorphisms. In recent years, significant progress in understanding CNVs has been made in studies of human and animals, however, association and expression studies of CNVs are still in the early stage. It was previously reported that the Cytochrome P-450 4A11 (CYP4A11) gene is located within a copy number variable region (CNVR) that encompasses quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for economic traits like meat quality and milk production. So, this study was performed to determine the presence of CYP4A11 CNV in six distinct cattle breeds, identify its relationship with growth, and explore the biological effects of gene expression. For three CYP4A11 CNV types, Normal was more frequent than Gain or Loss. Association analysis revealed a positive effect of CYP4A11 copy number on growth traits (P < 0.05). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysis revealed that more CYP4A11 copies increased the gene expression level. Moreover, overexpression of CYP4A11 in vitro revealed its effect on lipid deposit. The data provide evidence for the functional role of CYP4A11 CNV and provide the basis for future applications in cattle breeding.
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To prepare for extremes of heat, cold or low partial pressures of oxygen (O2), humans can undertake a period of acclimation or acclimatization to induce environment-specific adaptations, e.g. heat acclimation (HA), cold acclimation (CA), or altitude training. While these strategies are effective, they are not always feasible due to logistical impracticalities. Cross-adaptation is a term used to describe the phenomenon whereby alternative environmental interventions, e.g. HA or CA, may be a beneficial alternative to altitude interventions, providing physiological stress and inducing adaptations observable at altitude. HA can attenuate physiological strain at rest and during moderate-intensity exercise at altitude via adaptations allied to improved O2 delivery to metabolically active tissue, likely following increases in plasma volume and reductions in body temperature. CA appears to improve physiological responses to altitude by attenuating the autonomic response to altitude. While no cross-acclimation-derived exercise performance/capacity data have been measured following CA, post-HA improvements in performance underpinned by aerobic metabolism, and therefore dependent on O2 delivery at altitude, are likely. At a cellular level, heat shock protein responses to altitude are attenuated by prior HA, suggesting that an attenuation of the cellular stress response and therefore a reduced disruption to homeostasis at altitude has occurred. This process is known as cross-tolerance. The effects of CA on markers of cross-tolerance is an area requiring further investigation. Because much of the evidence relating to cross-adaptation to altitude has examined the benefits at moderate to high altitudes, future research examining responses at lower altitudes should be conducted, given that these environments are more frequently visited by athletes and workers. Mechanistic work to identify the specific physiological and cellular pathways responsible for cross-adaptation between heat and altitude, and between cold and altitude, is warranted, as is exploration of benefits across different populations and physical activity profiles.
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DAVID bioinformatics resources consists of an integrated biological knowledgebase and analytic tools aimed at systematically extracting biological meaning from large gene/protein lists. This protocol explains how to use DAVID, a high-throughput and integrated data-mining environment, to analyze gene lists derived from high-throughput genomic experiments. The procedure first requires uploading a gene list containing any number of common gene identifiers followed by analysis using one or more text and pathway-mining tools such as gene functional classification, functional annotation chart or clustering and functional annotation table. By following this protocol, investigators are able to gain an in-depth understanding of the biological themes in lists of genes that are enriched in genome-scale studies.
There is an accumulating body of evidence suggesting that the sub-zero Antarctic marine environment places physiological constraints on protein homeostasis. Levels of ubiquitin (Ub)-conjugated proteins, 20S proteasome activity and mRNA expression of many proteins involved in both the ubiquitin (Ub) tagging of damaged proteins as well as the different complexes of the 26S proteasome were measured to examine whether there is thermal compensation of the Ub-proteasome pathway in Antarctic fishes to better understand the efficiency of the protein degradation machinery in polar species. Both Antarctic (Trematomus bernacchii, Pagothenia borchgrevinki) and non-Antarctic (Notothenia angustata, Bovichtus variegatus) notothenioids were included in this study to investigate the mechanisms of cold adaptation of this pathway in polar species. Overall, there were significant differences in the levels of Ub-conjugated proteins between the Antarctic notothenioids and B. variegatus, with N. angustata possessing levels very similar to the Antarctic fishes. Proteasome activity in the gills of Antarctic fishes demonstrated a high degree of temperature compensation such that activity levels were similar to activities measured in their temperate relatives at ecologically relevant temperatures. A similar level of thermal compensation of proteasome activity was not present in the liver of two Antarctic fishes. Higher gill proteasome activity is likely due in part to higher cellular levels of proteins involved in the Ub-proteasome pathway, as evidenced by high mRNA expression of relevant genes. Reduced activity of the Ub-proteasome pathway does not appear to be the mechanism responsible for elevated levels of denatured proteins in Antarctic fishes, at least in the gills.