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  • Universitas La Tansa Mashiro


This study describes the implementation of character education in English language learning, including planning, implementation, and assessment. This research is observational studies research with a qualitative approach. The results obtained in this study are that character education in learning English at SMP Negeri 1 Limpung has been carried out in planning, implementing, and assessing learning. At the learning planning stage, the teacher has entered the character values that will be applied in learning in the syllabus and lesson plans. The implementation of character education through "Profil Pelajar Pancasila" which is a noble character, global diversity, independence, mutual cooperation, critical reasoning, and creativity in the learning process. Assessment of English learning includes effective assessment.
P.ISSN.2527-4295 Vol.10 No.3 Edisi September 2022
Jurnal Education and development Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan Hal. 367
Madya Giri Aditama1), Rhizki Amelia2), Hikmah Pravitasari3)
1,2English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendal Batang
3English Language Education, STKIP La Tansa Mashiro
This study describes the implementation of character education in English language learning, including
planning, implementation, and assessment. This research is observational studies research with a qualitative
approach. The results obtained in this study are that character education in learning English at SMP Negeri 1
Limpung has been carried out both in planning, implementing, and assessing learning. At the learning planning
stage, the teacher has entered the character values that will be applied in learning in the syllabus and lesson
plans. The implementation character education through Profil Pelajar Pancasila which are noble character,
global diversity, independence, mutual cooperation, critical reasoning, and creativity were implemented in the
learning process. Assessment of english learning includes effective assessment.
Keywords:Character Education, English Language Learning
Facing various challenges of the 21st century
national education system, firmly preparing the
nation's future with quality and competitiveness. One
of the most critical things in the 21st century is
strengthening character education and facing the era
of the industrial revolution 4.0 (Silfia, 2018). The
development of the nation's character is the most
crucial focal point that cannot be separated from
national development (Akhir, 2018). The
achievement of national character development is
marked by the formation of a nation that is strong,
virtuous, competitive, tolerant, cooperative,
energetic, ethical, educated, patriotic, and has the
science and technology perspective of Pancasila,
filled with faith and piety to God Almighty. Building
the nation's character is stated in the National policy
of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 54
of 2013 concerning the competence of graduates to
have attitudes, skills, and knowledge. The attitude
aspect is an aspect related to the student's character.
Behavior that reflects the actions of people
who have noble character, faith, knowledge, trust,
and responsibility in affective interactions with
relationships and the social and natural environment
within the scope of their existence. The Minister of
National Education explained that one way to
develop personality or character is through language.
Students competencies were built from the essence of
behavior with the right approach of the teacher
(Aditama et al., 2021).
The achievement of language learners is
closely related to willingness. Learning a language is
not just memorizing, creating, reading, or listening,
but its importance is more than just a hope to reach
the future. At the same time, the teacher hopes that
every student achieves graduate competence in terms
of knowledge, skills, especially attitudes or character.
The achievement of these students depends on the
ability of professional teachers, teacher appreciation
of students to create student behavior with character.
There are many deviations committed by the
Indonesian generation, from the school to university
level. Cases of irregularities that often occur in
students at school include cheating during exams or
exams, delinquency, brawls, violence, disrespectful
murder, irresponsibility, dishonesty, distrust,
promiscuity, sucking glue, motorcycle gangs,
bullying, using drugs. Drugs and liquor, truancy,
smoking, undisciplined. Cases of irregularities that
often occur in students such as conflicts, anarchist
demonstrations, free sex, drug use, cheating,
smoking, brawls between students. One of the
contributing factors is the student's internal self,
namely the student's character or students who still
need to be grown and developed(Suardi, S.,
Megawati, M., & Kanji, 2018).
The number of cases of deviant behavior
shows that in the school environment character
values must be improved. The character values that
are instilled are expected to build the attitudes of
students who have good character in school, family,
and community life. Researchers' observations on
student behavior during the learning process were
related to negative aspects of student attitudes, such
as not submitting assignments on time, being late for
class, making noise during learning, cheating and not
reading the worksheet instructions correctly while
learning. Their activities are beyond practical
instruction. If this situation is not addressed
P.ISSN.2527-4295 Vol.10 No.3 Edisi September 2022
Jurnal Education and development Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan Hal. 368
immediately, there will be serious consequences due
to character deviations. However, they can have
implications for the school system and have a
negative impact on learning inputs, processes and
outputs (Kanji, H., Nursalam, N., Nawir, M., &
Suardi, 2019).
In addition, it can also have an impact on (a)
erosion of character, erosion of good behavior and
erosion of positive behavior, (b) unity and solidarity
(low frequency of brawls and law violations), (c)
many children who are only successful in the
cognitive field. So that (d) the country's
competitiveness is reduced. Overcoming this requires
character education (Suardi, S., Megawati, M., &
Kanji, 2018). The aim is to develop the character of
students through all levels of education.
Character education in schools can be done
through the learning process in every subject taught
by the teacher(Kanji, H., Nursalam, N., Nawir, M., &
Suardi, 2019), more specifically character education
in learning English. Characters that can be developed
include disciplined and responsible characters(Akhir,
2018), honest character, responsible character,
confident character, polite character, hard work
character, creative character, independent character,
conscientious character and careful character. In
learning English, the concept of character education
is an integral part of every aspect of learning, from
planning and implementation to evaluation. In the
implementation of the latest curriculum, the
application of character education is described in the
"Profil Pelajar Pancasila " or Pancasila Student
Profile. There are six elements in the Pancasila
Student Profile, namely: noble character, global
diversity, independence, mutual cooperation, critical
reasoning, and creativity. These six elements are seen
as a single unit that supports and sustains each
other.Istandy (2019) stated that character education is
a solutionthat can change character and reduce
students’ moraldegradation.
English, as an international language, is the
most demanded language to master. Learning English
is expected to be able to make students skilled in
communicating orally and in writing (spoken &
written). In learning activities, it is necessary to have
the ability of teachers to facilitate students'
understanding of the material being taught (Sutrisna,
G., & Artini, 2020). Regarding character-based
English learning, the teacher combines academic
material with character education.
Character education cannot be separated from
the understanding of character itself. Character is the
values of human behavior related to the Creator,
oneself, fellow human beings, the environment, and
nationality which are manifested in thoughts,
attitudes, feelings, words, and actions based on
religious norms, laws, etiquette, culture and customs
(Sari et al., 2022). Conceptually, character education
is an integrative education that does not only rely on
the development of students' cognitive competencies,
but also on inculcating ethical, moral, and spiritual
values (Rabiah, 2018).
The type used in this research is
phenomenological research. It is a qualitative
research approach that seeks to understand and
describe the universal essence of a
phenomenon(Bliss, 2016). The approach investigates
the everyday experiences of human beings while
suspending the researchers’ preconceived
assumptions about the phenomenon. This study
describes the implementation of character education
in learning English in grade 11 SMP Negeri 1
Limpung. The selection of informants in this study
took into account the knowledge or in-depth
understanding of the informants on the object being
studied, which was determined by purposive
sampling. In addition, it has the nature of openness
and objectivity in revealing any phenomena related to
research. The selected informants are informants who
come from teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Limpung who
have relevance to the object of this research study.
This research covers the mechanism of planning,
implementing, and assessing the learning content of
English material in grade 11SMP Negeri 1 Limpung.
Education is a process of internalizing culture
into a person and society so as to make people and
society civilized(Rahayu, 2012). Education is not
only a means of transferring knowledge, but more
broadly, education is a means of civilizing and
distributing values (enculturation and socialization).
Children must get an education that touches the basic
dimensions of humanity. The human dimension
includes at least three of the most basic things,
a. Affective which is reflected in the quality of faith,
piety, noble character including noble character
and superior personality and aesthetic
b. Cognitive which is reflected in the capacity of
thinking and intellectual power to explore and
develop and master science and technology;
c. Psychomotor which is reflected in the ability to
develop technical skills, practical skills, and
kinesthetic competence.
In addition, character education can also be
interpreted as a behavior that must be carried out by
school residents to carry out character education.
Character education is further explained as
everything the teacher does, which is able to
influence the character of the students. As a school
member who is directly involved with students, the
role of the teacher in helping to shape the character of
students is very important.
The results of the research are related to the
planning, implementation, assessment, and
P.ISSN.2527-4295 Vol.10 No.3 Edisi September 2022
Jurnal Education and development Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan Hal. 369
implementation of character education in learning
English material at SMP Negeri 1 Limpung.
Character education is the process of
inculcating the values of everyday life in the learning
process for students.Character education in learning
English at SMP Negeri 1 Limpung starts from the
classroom teacher who teaches lessons in grade 11.
Teachers have an important role in coaching.
The teacher plans the implementation of
character teaching in learning by compiling a
syllabus and lesson plans(Sutrisna & Dwijendra,
2021). The lesson plan used is a lesson plan sheet
which is always provided and updated before
teaching. Teachers carry out learning according to
student interests. The teacher uses a four-sheet
learning syllabus and lesson plans with registered
character values. Through the syllabus and lesson
plans made before learning, the teacher has
implemented a character education implementation
plan. The teacher includes the character values to be
achieved in the lesson plans and the syllabus in the
character education implementation plan. In contrast
to Azmi(2017), the planning stage of character
education includes extracurricular activities,
civilizing activities, and habituation. The teacher
chooses the character values to be achieved through
school thinking that is in line with the selection of
character values and the school's vision and mission.
Character values must be achieved by adapting
methods, materials, learning media, and strategies.
The planning for learning character values will be
carried out in accordance with the school's vision and
mission, school regulations, media, materials,
learning methods, and strategies.
Learning planning using character values,
namely the value of intelligence, the value of
honesty, the value of caring, the value of toughness
and discipline. There are four skills in learning
English: speaking skills, listening skills, reading
skills, and writing skills(Akhir, 2018). Of the four
English skills listed in the syllabus, the analysis of
the learning implementation plans that appear on the
character values are not the same.
The implementation of character education in
SMP Negeri 1 Limpung is the material of Religion.
Through school culture in the implementation of
character education. The performance of character
education is strongly influenced by the school's
cultural environment, such as discipline while
studying, which starts at 07.00. Implementation of
character education in SMP Negeri 1 Limpung.
Through the example of the teacher being on time for
class because there is already a regular distribution of
learning schedules that the teacher already knows.
Extracurricular activities are part of the character
development of students.
While Azmi (2017)explain the stages of
implementing character education include the
implementation of extracurricular activities,
civilizing activities, and the implementation of
habituation. Meanwhile(Saputri, 2013), the
performance of character education is carried out by
integrating the values of character education in
learning. This extracurricular activity integrates
character values and habituation through the creation
of a school culture with character. Character values at
SMP Negeri 1 Limpunghave been really updated in
the implementation of learning English language
content. Learning materials that always contain
character values. Learning activities in accordance
with the material being taught include character
values used in learning media. Learning activities are
based on lesson plans that are conditioned with class
situations. At SMP Negeri 1 Limpung, learning
includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing
skills.The inculcation of character education values
in learning is based on the six Profil Pelajar
Pancasila who are the targets and goals of each
student, namely:noble character, global diversity,
independence, mutual cooperation, critical reasoning,
and creativity.
The teacher evaluates or assesses character
education from questions and behavior, all of which
are to prove the value of character and questions that
are still related to learning materials on students'
abilities. Evaluation of character assessment is also
carried out through research. No student will pass the
learning material if the character education does not
pass. Graduation of character education affects
English lessons. The teacher includes practical
assessments in the lesson plans, which are always
communicated to the homeroom teacher, then
communicates to parents the results of the character
education carried out. In contrast to Kanji, H.,
Nursalam, N., Nawir, M., & Suardi (2019) which
assesses character education more broadly, namely
through learning inputs, processes and outputs.
The implementation of character education in
learning with English content at SMP Negeri 1
Limpung is carried out through planning,
implementation, and assessment. The activities of the
English teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Limpung in
learning planning add to the character values to be
achieved in the lesson plans. At the planning stage,
the teacher chooses character values that are adapted
to the methods, materials, media, strategies, and
learning situations.Strengthening the values of “Profil
Pelajar Pancasila” which are: noble character, global
diversity, independence, mutual cooperation, critical
reasoning, and creativity; can be implemented in
every parts of learning activity.
For the future of learning activities which
emphasize character education values should be done
by teacher to enrich students’ knowledge and good
P.ISSN.2527-4295 Vol.10 No.3 Edisi September 2022
Jurnal Education and development Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan Hal. 370
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... Model pembelajaran yang baik adalah yang dirancang untuk mempersiapkan siswa memiliki orientasi untuk dapat bekerja dalam tim ataupun individu (Sukmawati et al, 2020). Peningkatan kompetensi siswa dalam pembelajaran dapat memaksimalkan penyerapan ilmu yang lebih baik (Aditama et al., 2022). ...
... Pendidikan karakter dapat disematkan dalam proses pembelajaran (M. Aditama, R. Amelia, 2022). Pendapat lain dari Pramita (2021), saat ini masyarakat luas telah memahami bahwa pendikan karakter sangat berpengaruh untuk masa depan. ...
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Program ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan metode latihan gerak lokomotor untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik kasar siswa kelas dua di SD Negeri Mintaragen 1 Kota Tegal. Kegiatan pembelajaran ini bertujuan untuk membentuk kemampuan motorik kasar pada siswa kelas dua yang pembelajarannya menggunakan materi gerak lokomotor (gerak berpindah). Materi ini kami berikan karena banyak kami jumpai siswa di kelas atas masih banyak yang kemampuan motoriknya masih sangat kurang yang mana hal tersebut di akibatkan pandemi yang berlangsung yang mengakibatkan mereka jarang berolahraga dengan pengawasan dan materi yang kurang membentuk kemampuan motorik mereka. Latihan gerak lokomotor yang saya berikan kepada siswa di kelas dua sangat mudah yaitu dengan meloncat dan berlari. Hasil dari pemberian materi ini tentunya untuk membentuk kemampuan motorik pada siswa kelas dua di SD Negeri Mintaragen 1 Kota Tegal.
... Penanaman pendidikan karakter yang selaras dalam pembelajaran sangat diperlukan untuk membangkitkan dan meningkatkan pembelajaran (M. Aditama, R. Amelia, 2022). Salah satu penurunan karakter yang dialami peserta didik adalah karakter membaca. ...
... Dengan kegiatan PkM ini diharapkan sekolah dapat meningkatkan minat baca dan literasi siswa sehinga kemampuan dalam membaca akan semakin baik dan membantu siswa untuk mencapai nilai maksimal dalam semua mata pelajaran. Peningkatan minat dan literasi berbanding lurus dengan penguasaan kompetensi siswa dan guru (Aditama et al., 2022). ...
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Program ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui tujuan dari penataan sudut baca di sekolah, faktor apa yang mendukung dan menghambat dalam pembuatan sebuah sudut baca di sekolah, dan juga untuk mengetahui tentang pengelolaan sudut baca agar dapat menjadi lebih optimal fungsi serta pemanfaatannya. Jenis dan desain penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang di gunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sumber data untuk penelitian ini antara lain adalah kepala sekolah dan guru, kemudian siswa di SD Negeri 1 Sendangdawuhan. Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwasanya: Penataan sudut baca di sekolah memiliki manfaat untuk menambah minat baca siswa dan mempermudah siswa untuk mendapatkan informasi baik akademik maupun non akademik, Faktor pendukung dari penerapan sudut baca ini adalah motivasi guru dan juga kelengkapan koleksi buku yang di tempatkan pada susut baca, sedangkan untuk faktor yang menghambat dari pengadaan sudut baca ini banyaknya siswa dalam kemampuan membacanya kurang, dan untuk pengelolaan sudut baca agar dapat menjadi lebih optimal adalah dengan memanfaatkan sudut baca untuk kegiatan literasi selama 10-15 menit sebelum pembelajaran di mulai, mempercntik sudut baca agar menarik dan juga peraturan tentang perawatan buku pada pojok baca.
... In learning English, it is very important to be able to make students interested and interested in the English language (M. Aditama, R. Amelia, 2022). It was very important for teachers to be able to know the characteristics, interests and talents of each student so that later they can design appropriate learning and fulfil the needs of each students who are different. ...
... Phenomenological approach tempted to explore the experience of the subject data (M. Aditama, R. Amelia, 2022). This study aims to examine and describe students' Multiple Intelligence characters in the implementation of Diagnostic Assessments in Merdeka Curriculum. ...
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English learning in Merdeka Curriculum has important role to explore and complete students’ competencies to reach the learning objectives which is Profil Pelajar Pancasila. By discovering students’ interests, character and abilities through diagnostic assessment, teacher will be able to design the learning style which is suitable to maximize students’ each ability. Multiple Intelligence Test can analyze and classify students’ interests into 8 groups: (1) Visual - Spatial; (2) Musical; (3) Kinesthetic; (4) Interpersonal; (5) Verbal - Linguistic; (6) Logical - Mathematic; (7) Naturalist; (8) Intrapersonal. This is qualitative research by using phenomenological approach. By classifying 3 dominant characters for each students, this test were applied to 32 students in Class 10 SMK Negeri 1 Karangdadap, and based on the result it was found 3 dominant chareacters of the students, they are: (a) Visual 75% (24 Students), (b) Kinesthetic 65,6% (21 Students), and (c) Naturalist 71,8% (23 Students). Based on these result, teacher can develop the learning strategies which suitable for their students. This research also revealed some practical learning method in studying English Language by the teacher to maximize students competences by adjusting their dominant interests.
... The introduction of culture could increase and develop character education in students (M. Aditama, R. Amelia, 2022). The integration of character education in learning is very important to develop not only knowledge but also students' moral attitudes. ...
... The integration of cultural values in learning can foster and develop character education in students so that the desired Pancasila Student Profile according to learning objectives in Indonesia can be achieved (M. Aditama, R. Amelia, 2022). ...
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The project-Based Learning (PjBL) method is the recommended method to be applied in the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The application of Proj-BL based on local wisdom allows students to freely express and maximize creativity in doing assignments and also as a medium for cultural preservation and the introduction of various kinds of local wisdom, as well as a socialization event in the environment. It is qualitative research with the purpose is to analyze the local wisdom-based Project Based Learning (PjBL) teaching method applied by English teachers at SMA and SMK levels in Batang Regency in post-pandemic learning in the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The objects of this study are 20 English teachers in Batang regency. The result shows that the application of PjBL based on local wisdom by teachers is commonly used in culture, Tourism, peoples, local industry, entrepreneurship, folklore, and myth scopes. This study reveals several examples of the application PjBl in Language Learning, which can be referenced for readers and teachers. It is also found that this method can develop students’ soft skills such as sympathy, empathy, self-confidence, problem-solving, and teamwork; also this method can maximize students' & teachers’ competencies in learning
... The best teaching and learning practices can mold students' competencies by the characteristics of Profil Pelajar Pancasila. In the character education implementation plan, teachers can achieve the character values that must be attained in lesson plans and the syllabus (Aditama et al., 2022). However, in practice, the mandate to utilize Profil Pelajar Pancasila has left some teachers puzzled. ...
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The introduction of a new curriculum, known as the Merdeka curriculum, has fundamentally altered various vital aspects, including character education. Merdeka curriculum provides Indonesian character education with a new paradigm, Profil Pelajar Pancasila. However, it can be challenging for English teachers to include activities based on the Pancasila ideals and the foreign culture in their lessons. The study portrays how English teachers of SMAN 2 Pare plan, carry out, and evaluate Profil Pelajar Pancasila in teaching activities. This descriptive qualitative study collected data from three English teachers of SMAN 2 Pare through interviews, classroom cobservations, and document analysis. The findings showed that the teachers conducted the application of Profil Pelajar Pancasila in teaching in three steps: planning, classroom practice, and assessment. Various learning activities and forms of tasks were synced with the profile elements in targeted materials. For the assessment, the teachers used self-designed rubric to regularly observe the students’ engagement in Profil Pelajar Pancasila before releasing the numerical and descriptive report. Although facing difficulties to implement values of morals to nation and global diversity, the teachers could familiarize the pupils with the foreign culture while ensuring they maintained their identity as Pancasila students. Furthermore, the result helps English teachers acquire practical advice regarding using Profil Pelajar Pancasila in foreign language teaching.
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Implementasi kebijakan Kurikulum Merdeka dimana salah satunya adalah penerapan asesmen dalam proses pembelajaran menuntut guru sebagai pendidik untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan dan kompetensi pedagogi. Terlebih dalam era learning loss pasca pandemi ini yang membuat peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang dilakukan berupa pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam penerapan 3 bentuk asesmen ini diikuti oleh 28 guru SMP yang berasal dari wilayah Kecamatan Tersono dan Limpung, Kabupataen Batang, Jawa Tengah. Kegiatan tersebut menggunakan metode pelatihan denagn konsep FGD dan Latihan praktik penyusunan rancangan pembelajaran. Keadaan dilapangan dimana mayoritas guru masih bingung dengan konsep dan penerapan asesmen menjadi dasar kurang efektifnya penerapan kebijakan Kurikulum Merdeka di satuan pendidikan. Kegiatan pelatihan mengenai penerapan 3 bentuk asesmen dalam pembelajaran dapat meluruskan miskonsepsi mengenai asesmen dikalangan guru serta meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogi guru dalam merancang pembelajaran yang berkualitas. Pada akhir kegiatan, menunjukkan hasil 100% peserta telah memahami dan mampu merancang pembelajaran terintegrasi 3 bentuk asesmen sebagai implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka. The implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum policy, one of which is the application of assessment in the learning process, requires teachers as educators to continue to improve their pedagogical skills and competencies. Especially in this post-pandemic learning loss era which makes improving the quality of education in Indonesia a challenge in itself. The Community Service activity carried out in the form of training to improve teacher competence in implementing 3 forms of assessment was attended by 28 junior high school teachers from the Tersono and Limpung Districts, Batang Regency, Central Java. The activity used training methods with the concept of FGDs and practical exercises in preparing lesson plans. The situation in the field where the majority of teachers are still confused about the concept and application of assessment is the basis for the ineffective implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum policy in education units. Training activities on the application of 3 forms of assessment in learning can straighten out misconceptions about assessment among teachers and improve teachers' pedagogical competence in designing quality learning. At the end of the activity, the results showed that 100% of participants had understood and were able to design integrated learning in 3 forms of assessment as an implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum.
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Dalam kondisi pandemi Covid-19 dimana mengharuskan guru mengatasi keterbatasan dan kendala dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh, kemampuan menggunakan teknologi yang tepat dan metode mengajar yang menarik dapat memberikan dampak yang besar dalam proses pembelajaran. Di SMK Muhammadiyah Bawang, guru mengalami kesulitan untuk mengembangkan metode mengajar sehingga banyak pembelajaran yang masih monoton dan menjadi krisis kejenuhan bagi peserta didik di tengah situasi PJJ yang semakin berlarut. Guru akan dapat menjalankan pembelajaran dengan lebih variatif jika mampu menguasai dan memahami beberapa aspek diantaranya pemahaman tentang materi, kondisi siswa, situasi lapangan dan latar belakang masing–masing siswa guna dapat menjalankan proses pendidikan yang sesuai dan setara serta adil bagi semua siswa. Kegiatan In House Training (IHT) di SMK Muhammadiyah Bawang ini diikuti oleh 24 peserta yang terdiri dari guru – guru pengampu mata pelajaran di sekolah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan yang meliputi ceramah, refleksi, diskusi, konsultasi dan praktik. Tujuan utama kegiatan ini adalah: 1) Peserta mengetahui miskonsepsi PJJ pada masa pandemi; 2) Peserta mengetahui penerapan Strategi 5M untuk PJJ d imasa pandemi; 3) Peserta memiliki kanvas RPP Merdeka Belajar untuk PJJ. Kegiatan ini berdampak baik kepada guru–guru di SMK Muhammadiyah Bawang dalam membangakan metode mengajar selama PJJ. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan pembuatan kanvas RPP Merdeka Belajar yang lebih baik di akhir pelatihan. Hal ini juga didukung dengan hasil kuesioner menunjukkan kepuasan guru setelah mendapatkan pelatihan serta menerapkan metode tersebut dimana kelas menjadi lebih aktif dan variatif.
Masalah utama dalam penelitian ini adalah kalangan pelajar mengalami dekadensi moral yang membutuhkan Model integrasi pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif SD Inpres 34 Bungung Katammu Kabupaten Bantaeng. Penentuan informan penelitian secara purposive sampling, yaitu kepala sekolah, guru, siswa dan orang tua. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observation, depth-Interview dan dokumentasi. Teknik Analisis melalui data reduction, data display dan conclusion drawing. Teknik kebasahan data dilakukan melalui triangulasi sumber, waktu dan teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model integrasi pendidikan karakter terdiri dari enam tingkatan dari tiga level yaitu (a) pada level individu (i) moral knowing, (ii) moral feeling (iii) moral sinverbal. (b) pada level individu-kelompok (i) moral action, (ii) moral habitus, (c) pada level kelompok ada moral culture yang dapat dintegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan sosial (IPS). Kata Kunci: Model Integrasi, Pendidikan Karakter, Pembelajaran, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial.
The main problem in this study is that Tallo MTs Muhammadiyah is a religion-based school, but students often make irregularities that do not reflect the religious character of the school's characteristics. The research method used is a qualitative method and determines the informant by purposive sampling. The technique of analyzing data is through various stages, namely data reduction, data analysis, and conclusion drawing. While the data validity technique uses source, time, method triangulation. The results of the study show that character deviations occur due to (1) social environment factors, family economic factors, and personality factors or character of the students themselves. (2) Forms of student irregularities, namely truancy, smoking in class, violations of discipline such as using a cellphone while studying, using language that is not polite, using clothes that are not neat, and going out / leaving without permission honest, disciplined, religious, and responsible. (3) Implications for learning, namely the principal increases discipline, both teacher and student views and achievements that are not good for students who often do deviations. (4) School efforts by providing understanding and exposure to students about moral values in life (moral knowing) and providing motivation to instill confidence and enthusiasm for achievement (moral feeling) and carry out activities based on character education (moral behavior / action. Keywords: Education, Character, Student Deviation
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