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All-optical spatio-temporal metrology for isolated attosecond pulses

IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
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Abstract and Figures

Characterizing an isolated attosecond pulse (IAP) is essential for its potential applications. A complete characterization of an IAP ultimately requires the determination of its electric field in both time and space domains. However, previous methods, like the widely-used RABBITT and attosecond streaking, only measure the temporal profile of the attosecond pulse. Here we demonstrate an all-optical method for the measurement of the space-time properties of an IAP. By introducing a non-collinear perturbing pulse to the driving field, the process of IAP generation is modified both spatially and temporally, manifesting as a spatial and a frequency modulation in the harmonic spectrum. By using a FROG-like retrieval method, the spatio-spectral phases of the harmonic spectrum are faithfully extracted from the induced spatio-spectral modulations, which allows a thoroughgoing characterization of the IAP in both time and space. With this method, the spatio-temporal structures of the IAP generated in a two-color driving field in both the near- and far-field are fully reconstructed, from which a weak spatio-temporal coupling in the IAP generation is revealed. Our approach overcomes the limitation in the temporal measurement in conventional in situ scheme, providing a reliable and holistic metrology for IAP characterization.
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Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 (2022) 205601 (9pp)
All-optical spatio-temporal metrology
for isolated attosecond pulses
Lixin He1,2, Jianchang Hu1,SiqiSun
1, Yanqing He1,YuDeng
Pengfei Lan1,2,and Peixiang Lu1,2,3
1Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and School of Physics,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, People’s Republic of China
2Optical Valley Laboratory, Hubei 430074, People’s Republic of China
3Hubei Key Laboratory of Optical Information and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan Institute of Technology,
Wuhan 430205, People’s Republic of China
Received 23 June 2022, revised 25 August 2022
Accepted for publication 31 August 2022
Published 20 September 2022
Characterizing an isolated attosecond pulse (IAP) is essential for its potential applications. A
complete characterization of an IAP ultimately requires the determination of its electric eld
in both time and space domains. However, previous methods, like the widely-used RABBITT
and attosecond streaking, only measure the temporal prole of the attosecond pulse. Here we
demonstrate an all-optical method for the measurement of the space-time properties of an IAP.
By introducing a non-collinear perturbing pulse to the driving eld, the process of IAP
generation is modied both spatially and temporally, manifesting as a spatial and a frequency
modulation in the harmonic spectrum. By using a FROG-like retrieval method, the
spatio-spectral phases of the harmonic spectrum are faithfully extracted from the induced
spatio-spectral modulations, which allows a thorough characterization of the IAP in both time
and space. With this method, the spatio-temporal structures of the IAP generated in a
two-color driving eld in both the near- and far-eld are fully reconstructed, from which a
weak spatio-temporal coupling in the IAP generation is revealed. Our approach overcomes the
limitation in the temporal measurement in conventional in situ scheme, providing a reliable
and holistic metrology for IAP characterization.
Keywords: isolated attosecond pulse, spatio-temporal characterization, all-optical metrology
(Some gures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
1. Introduction
The advent of attosecond extreme ultraviolet/soft x-ray pulses
via high-order harmonic generation (HHG) is a milestone in
strong-eld physics and attoscience [18], which has opened
up new avenues for accessing ultrafast electron dynamics
in atoms [912], molecules [1315], and condensed matter
[16] on its natural time scale. HHG is a highly nonlinear
process during the laser-matter interaction [1719], accom-
panying with complicated macroscopic effects in the propa-
gation [2022]. Isolated attosecond pulses (IAPs) produced
by HHG generally have complex spatio-temporal structures,
Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
which encode both the ångstrom-sized spatial features and
attosecond scale temporal features of the response of the mat-
ters to the laser eld. A complete characterization of the IAP
in both time and space is critical not only for the develop-
ment of new attosecond light sources, but also for its appli-
cations in attosecond pump-probe experiments, as well as for
unraveling the physics underlying the laser-matter interaction
The complete characterization of an ultrashort IAP actu-
ally requires the determination of its spatio-temporal electric
eld E(x,y,t), or its spatio-spectral counterpart ˜
To date, attosecond streaking technique [26,27] has been
usually used to retrieve the temporal prole of an IAP from
0953-4075/22/205601+9$33.00 1 ©2022 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK
... Recently, the all-optical measurement technique was applied to characterize the attosecond pulses generated from relativistic plasma mirrors [24]. And, an all-optical method for the complete spatio-temporal characterization of isolated attosecond pulses has also been demonstrated [25]. ...
... As for the in situ scheme, the all-optical FROG also applies the PCGPA to retrieve the temporal profile of an isolated attosecond pulse from the photon spectrogram. However, previous works only demonstrated the reconstruction of pulses with a duration of several hundred attoseconds [22][23][24][25]. In this work, we investigate whether it is valid to reconstruct isolated attosecond pulses shorter than 100 attoseconds. ...
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The characterization of attosecond pulses is crucial for attosecond metrology. In this work, we investigate the isolated attosecond pulse reconstruction with the all-optical method. The results show that this method can characterize isolated attosecond pulses with a duration shorter than 50 attoseconds. Moreover, we develop a deep learning scheme to characterize isolated attosecond pulses. Through supervised learning, the deep neural network learns the mapping from the photon spectrograms to attosecond pulses. It allows complete characterization of the amplitude and phase of isolated attosecond pulses. Compared to the conventional principal component generalized projections algorithm, the reconstruction with our neural network shows superior quality and robustness to noise. Also, the reconstruction computation time is significantly reduced to a few seconds.
... The HHG process can be well explained by the semiclassical three-step model: electronic ionization, acceleration, and recombination in intense fields [2]. In recent decades, HHG is attracting intense interest worldwide because of its potential applications in the production of a coherent XUV source and attosecond pulses (APs) [3][4][5]. This allows tracing and controlling ultrafast processes in many disciplines with high spatio-temporal resolution [6,7]. ...
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The generation of highly elliptically polarized high-order harmonics (EPHHs) is indispensable for investigating chirality-sensitive light-matter interactions. Recently, high-order harmonic generation (HHG) with controllable ellipticity and helicity has attracted considerable attention. In this work, we theoretically demonstrate the possibility of generating broadband EPHHs with the same helicity from mixed gases in orthogonal two-color fields. There is a specific relative phase between the HHG from different gas components of the mixture. In addition, manipulation of the phase difference can be achieved by controlling the alignment angle of the molecule in mixed gases. It enables us to selectively enhance one helicity component of the high-order harmonics in a wide spectral range. This scheme paves a way for possibly generating elliptically polarized attosecond pulses.
... backed with a phosphor screen [53]. The spectrally resolved images are recorded using a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. ...
High-energy, few-cycle laser pulses are essential for numerous applications in the fields of ultrafast optics and strong-field physics, due to their ultrafast temporal resolution and high peak intensity. In this work, different from the traditional hollow-core fibers and multiple thin solid plates, we represent the first demonstration of the octave-spanning supercontinuum broadening by utilizing multiple ultrathin liquid films (MTLFs) as the nonlinear media. The continuum covers a range from 380 to 1050 nm, corresponding to a Fourier transform limit pulse width of 2.5 fs, when 35 fs Ti:sapphire laser pulse is applied on the MTLFs. The output pulses are compressed to 3.9 fs by employing chirped mirrors. Furthermore, a continuous high-order harmonic spectrum up to the 33rd order is realized by subjecting the compressed laser pulses to interact with Kr gas. The utilization of flowing water films eliminates permanent optical damage and enables wider and stronger spectrum broadening. Therefore, this MTLFs scheme provides new solutions for the generation of highly efficient femtosecond supercontinuum and nonlinear pulse compression, with potential applications in the fields of strong-field physics and attosecond science.
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Attosecond streaking provides an extremely high temporal resolution for characterizing light pulses and photoionization processes with attosecond (10−18 s) accuracy, which employs a laser as a streaking field to deflect electrons generated by photoionization. The current attosecond streaking requires a time delay scan between the attosecond pulses and streaking field with attosecond accuracy and a femtosecond range, which is difficult to realize real-time measurement. In this study, we theoretically propose a non-collinear attosecond streaking scheme without the time delay scan, enabling real-time and even the potential to perform single-shot attosecond pulse measurement. In the proposal, time-delay information is projected into longitudinal space, both horizontally and vertically, enabling attosecond pulse characterization with temporal-spatial coupling. From our calculation, down to 70 as pulses with pulse front and wavefront tilt are characterized with high accuracy. Our study not only provides a method toward real-time attosecond pulse measurement, but also an approach for attosecond pump-probe experiments without time delay scan.
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Powerful and stable attosecond pulse sources have the potential for wide application in ultrafast science. For this purpose, we have produced a soft X-ray supercontinuum with a pulse energy of 0.24 µJ using high-order harmonics from a multi-terawatt, 10 Hz, three-channel waveform synthesizer [Sci. Adv. 6, eaay2802 (2020)STAMCV1468-699610.1126/sciadv.aay2802]. Here, we report an attosecond streaking scheme that is designed to measure this isolated attosecond pulse at a low-repetition rate. We retrieved a pulse duration of 226 attoseconds (as), demonstrating the realization of 1.1 gigawatt isolated as pulses on a tabletop, which compares favorably to an X-ray free-electron laser in a large facility.
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Most of the traditional attosecond pulse retrieval algorithms are based on a so-called attosecond streak camera technique, in which the momentum of the electron is shifted by an amount depending on the relative time delay between the attosecond pulse and the streaking infrared pulse. Thus, temporal information of the attosecond pulse is encoded in the amount of momentum shift in the streaked photoelectron momentum spectrogram S (p, τ) where p is the momentum of the electron along the polarization direction and τ is the time delay. An iterative algorithm is then employed to reconstruct the attosecond pulse from the streaking spectrogram. This method, however, cannot be applied to attosecond pulses generated from free-electron X-ray lasers where each single shot is different and stochastic in time. However, using a circularly polarized infrared laser as the streaking field, a two (or three)-dimensional angular streaking electron spectrum can be used to retrieve attosecond pulses for each shot, as well as the time delay with respect to the circularly polarized IR field. Here we show a retrieval algorithm developed previously for traditional streaking spectrogram can be modified to efficiently characterize single shot attosecond pulses. The methods have been applied to retrieve 188 single-shots from recent experiments. We analyze the statistical behavior of these 188 pulses in terms of pulse duration, bandwidth, pulse peak energy and time delay with respect to the IR field. The retrieval algorithm is efficient and can be easily used to characterize large number of shots in future experiments for attosecond pulses at free-electron X-ray laser facilities.
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Since 2001 and the first demonstrations of the feasibility of generating and measuring attosecond light pulses, attosecond science has developed into a very active and quickly evolving research field. Its ultimate goal is the real-time tracking of electron dynamics in all forms of matter, ranging from atoms and large molecules to the condensed phase and plasmas. The accomplishment of this goal has required and still calls for developments in ultrafast laser technology, ultrafast metrology, extreme ultra-violet (XUV) optics, pump–probe measurement schemes and non-linear laser-matter interaction. Moreover, the interpretation of the experimental results in attosecond experiments has stimulated and guided major developments in theoretical descriptions of ultrafast electronic processes in matter. Motivated by these two decades of development, several large-scale facilities, including extreme light infrastructure—attosecond light pulse source (ELI-ALPS) and several free electron laser facilities (the linac coherent light source (LCLS) at Stanford and the European XFEL in Hamburg) are now pushing the development of a new generation of attosecond sources. This considerable technological effort opens new and important perspectives in the field of ultrafast science with potential applications in photochemistry, photobiology and advanced electronics. In this context, the joint focus issue on Attosecond technology(/ies) and science of J. Phys. Photon. and J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in attosecond science, from the basic science involved in the generation and in applications of attosecond pulses to the technologies that are required.
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Accurate characterization of an attosecond pulse from streaking trace is an indispensable step in studying the ultrafast electron dynamics on the attosecond scale. Conventional attosecond pulse retrieval methods face two major challenges: the ability to incorporate a complete physics model of the streaking process, and the ability to model the uncertainty of pulse reconstruction in the presence of noise. Here we propose a pulse retrieval method based on conditional variational generative network (CVGN) that can address both demands. Instead of learning the inverse mapping from a streaking trace to a pulse profile, the CVGN models the distribution of the pulse profile conditioned on a given streaking trace measurement, and is thus capable of assessing the uncertainty of the retrieved pulses. This capability is highly desirable for low-photon level measurement, which is typical in attosecond streaking experiments in the water window X-ray range. In addition, the proposed scheme incorporates a refined physics model that considers the Coulomb-laser coupling and photoelectron angular distribution in streaking trace generation. CVGN pulse retrievals under various simulated noise levels and experimental measurement have been demonstrated. The results showed high pulse reconstruction consistency for streaking traces when peak signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) exceeds 6, which could serve as a reference for future learning-based attosecond pulse retrieval.
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Attosecond pulses in the soft x-ray (SXR) to water-window energy region offer the tools for creating and studying target-specific localized inner-shell electrons or holes in materials, enabling monitoring or controlling charge and energy flows in a dynamic system on attosecond timescales. Recently, a number of laboratories have reported generation of continuum harmonics in the hundred-electron-volt to kilovolt region with few-cycle long-wavelength mid-infrared lasers. These harmonics have the bandwidth to support pulses with durations of a few to a few-ten attoseconds. But harmonics generated in a gas medium have attochirps that cannot be fully compensated by materials over a broad spectral range; thus, realistically what are the typical shortest attosecond pulses that one can generate? To answer this question, it is essential that the temporal attosecond pulses be accurately characterized. By reanalyzing the soft x-ray attosecond metrology reported in three recent experiments [Li et al. 53-attosecond x-ray pulses reach the carbon K-edge, Nat. Commun. 8, 186 (2017); Gaumnitz et al. Streaking of 43-attosecond soft x-ray pulses generated by a passively CEP-stable mid-infrared driver, Opt. Exp. 25, 27506 (2017); Cousin et al. Attosecond Streaking in the Water Window: A New Regime of Attosecond Pulse Characterization, Phys. Rev. X 7, 041030 (2017)] using a newly developed broadband phase retrieval algorithm, we demonstrate that the generated attosecond pulses in the first two papers have durations of about 60 as, longer than what they have reported. Similarly, the duration from the third experiment is retrieved to be about half of the 322-as upper limit cited in that work. We also introduce the autocorrelation (AC) of the streaking spectrogram. By comparing the ACs from the experiments and from the retrieved SXR pulses, the accuracy of the retrieved results can be directly visualized. Our retrieval method is fast and accurate, and it shall provide a powerful tool for the metrology of the emerging few-ten-attosecond pulses.
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We demonstrate an all-optical approach for precise characterization of attosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses. An isolated attosecond pulse is produced from high-order harmonics using an intense driving pulse with a proper gating technique. When a weak field is synchronized with the driver, it perturbs the harmonics generation process via altering the accumulated phase of the electron trajectories. The perturbed harmonic spectrum can be formulated as a convolution of the unperturbed dipole and a phase gate, implying the validity of complete reconstruction of isolated attosecond pulses using a conventional frequency-resolved optical gating method. This in situ measurement avoids the central momentum approximation assumed in the widely used attosecond streaking measurement, providing a simple and reliable metrology for an isolated attosecond pulse.
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A new method for retrieving the spectral phase of isolated attosecond X-ray pulses from streaking traces is explored. The neural network method shows the potential for nearly instantaneous attosecond streaking phase retrieval, without use of the central momentum approximation. A neural network is trained with computer generated data that contain statistical noise and shown to correctly retrieve the phase of both computer generated and experimental attosecond streaking traces.
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We proposed a new algorithm for retrieving the spectral phase of an isolated attosecond pulse based on the photoelectron spectra generated in atoms by the attosecond pulse in the presence of a time-delayed infrared laser. Instead of employing the whole set of the streaking spectra as in the previous phase retrieval algorithms, we calculated the autocorrelation(AC) of the streaking trace, and use it to extract the spectral phase. We illustrate that this method can be used to extract narrow- as well as broad-band attosecond pulses. The new method converges much faster and more accurate. We also define two parameters, V and A. By comparing the AC pattern and the V and A parameters from the experiment and from the retrieved pulse, this method provides a metric to evaluate the accuracy of the retrieved pulse
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The generation of high average power, carrier-envelope phase (CEP) stable, near-single-cycle pulses at a repetition rate of 100 kHz is demonstrated using an all solid-state setup. By exploiting self-phase modulation in thin quartz plates and air, the spectrum of intense pulses from a high-power, high repetition rate non-collinear optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier (NOPCPA) is extended to beyond one octave, and pulse compression down to 3.7 fs is achieved. The octave-spanning spectrum furthermore allows performing straightforward f-to-2f interferometry by frequency-doubling the long-wavelength part of the spectrum. Excellent CEP-stability is demonstrated for extended periods of time. A full spatio-spectral characterization of the compressed pulses shows only minor asymmetries between the two perpendicular beam axes. We believe that the completed system represents the first laser system satisfying all requirements for performing high repetition rate attosecond pump-probe experiments with fully correlated detection of all ions and electrons produced in the experiment.
Time and place of electron exit Until about a decade ago, laser-induced ionization was considered instantaneous. Since then, applications of attosecond laser pulses have shown multiple subtle and complex factors that influence the precise timing of electron ejection from atoms and surfaces. Vos et al. measured the corresponding attosecond dynamics of dissociative photoionization in a diatomic molecule, carbon monoxide. By imaging the charged fragments, the timing could be correlated with the specific spatial portion of the molecule from which the electron wave packet emerged. Science , this issue p. 1326