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Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Automated Segmentation Techniques


Abstract and Figures

This paper contains a brief discussion about Diabetic Retinopathy. As the name indicates, it’s a medical complication present in diabetic patients which affects the retina. Diabetic Retinopathy acronymed as DR is a medical circumstance where the high glucose levels in the blood start affecting the blood vessels in the retina. The paper discusses the non-invasive technical method to detect diabetic retinopathy involving various algorithms in every phase of the process. The input fundus images are taken from STARE Database. The methodology conveyed in this paper involves contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization for noise cancellation purposes and enhancing the base contrast of the image. The Segmentation consists of 2 steps and the first step consists of the Fuzzy C-Means clustering primarily to find the coarse vessels present in the retina. Additionally, the Region-based active contour is used to select the region of interest which is to highlight the blood vessels. As a result, Our proposed segmentation method extracts the blood vessels accurately, resulting in the similarity measure value of 85%. Furthermore, these segmented retinal blood vessels are given as the input to CNN classifiers in order to detect Diabetic Retinopathy. For our proposed method, an overall accuracy to detect DR was 92%. This methodology can be used for mass screening processes in the field of ophthalmology.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Automated
Segmentation Techniques
To cite this article: S. Prabha et al 2022 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2325 012043
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International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Automated
Segmentation Techniques
S. Prabha1, S. Sasikumar1 and Ch. Leela Manikanta1*
1Department of ECE, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, India.,,
Abstract. This paper contains a brief discussion about Diabetic Retinopathy. As the name
indicates, it’s a medical complication present in diabetic patients which affects the retina.
Diabetic Retinopathy acronymed as DR is a medical circumstance where the high glucose
levels in the blood start affecting the blood vessels in the retina. The paper discusses the non-
invasive technical method to detect diabetic retinopathy involving various algorithms in every
phase of the process. The input fundus images are taken from STARE Database. The
methodology conveyed in this paper involves contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization
for noise cancellation purposes and enhancing the base contrast of the image. The
Segmentation consists of 2 steps and the first step consists of the Fuzzy C-Means clustering
primarily to find the coarse vessels present in the retina. Additionally, the Region-based active
contour is used to select the region of interest which is to highlight the blood vessels. As a
result, Our proposed segmentation method extracts the blood vessels accurately, resulting in
the similarity measure value of 85%. Furthermore, these segmented retinal blood vessels are
given as the input to CNN classifiers in order to detect Diabetic Retinopathy. For our proposed
method, an overall accuracy to detect DR was 92%. This methodology can be used for mass
screening processes in the field of ophthalmology.
Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, Contrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
(CLAHE), Segmentation, Fuzzy C Means, Region based active contour, retinal images.
Human eyes are commonly known as the organ of vision. It’s the organ that initially detects light and
transfers the signals through the optic nerves to the brain in order to perceive the visionary image.
Eyes are an essential part of the human body as a common fact. It's also a highly sensitive organ, with
23 neurons that transform light into electrochemical impulses. Sclera, Iris, Cornea, Pupil, Lens, Ciliary
Body and Muscle, Conjunctiva, Retina, Vitreous Body, Optic Nerve, Macula, and Retinal Blood
Vessels are the components of the eyes. These are the essential and common parts of the eyes and can
be further segmented if each organ is studied specifically. As it is known that the human body is an
interconnected system that is connected and functions by relying on other organs, the same it’s an
exclusive feature that the nerves in the eyes are to other organs of the body as well. The retina is a
fragile portion of the eye that is located in the base of the eye and is the innermost, light-sensitive
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
layer. The retina's job is to give the sharp, centre vision needed for tasks like reading, driving, and
anything else that requires minute concentration.
The world is evolving towards something new on a daily basis, leading to advancements in every
sector be it technical, business or even the overall life style of human beings. Along with these
advancements, an essential sector with regular advancements is the medical sector. There are
researches, inventions and discoveries of new medical circumstances often. As a result, the medical
world and advanced technology work hand-in-hand to resolve problems in an effective manner. The
same way diabetes is a medical condition wherein the sugar levels present in the blood are higher than
required. It is a disease that can be found in human beings of all ages certainly, including new born
Diabetes is further 48 divided into Prediabetes, Type 1 Diabetes, and Type 2 Diabetes. Prediabetes is a
phase wherein the glucose present in the blood is slightly higher than the amount needed.
Classification of Type 1 diabetes is as production of minute or nill amount of insulin by pancreas.
When the body's ability to metabolize, blood sugar is hampered by excessive amounts of glucose,
Type 2 Diabetes develops. Patients with diabetes commonly face other problems like foot ulcers,
cardiovascular complications, gum diseases, fatigue, stroke, nerve damage, chest pain, vision
complications. Diabetic Retinopathy is a familiar stage of diabetes. It is a medical disorder in which
excessive blood sugar levels impact the eyes in a number of ways. And one such condition is Diabetic
Retinopathy also known as DR. It is a medical condition wherein high blood sugar levels begin to
harm the blood vessels in the eyes, creating serious problems. The most prevalent concerns that
individuals with Diabetic Retinopathy may have include vessel obstruction or leakage, as well as the
initiation of new blood vessel growth in the Retina. When one end of a blood vessel becomes clogged
due to excessive sugar levels, a blockage occurs. And this further tends to lead to the next
complication of leakages of the blood vessels when there is continuous supply of blood to the vessel
and when there is a blockage, the blood cannot be present within the closed space, hence leading to the
leakage of blood as a result of the pressure. Sometimes there can even be new blood vessels formed. In
the short or long run, these conditions may result in various issues like blurred vision, impaired color
vision, eye floaters, etc., which restricts vision, poor night vision, dark or empty spots in vision.
There are 4 stages in Diabetic Retinopathy, and they are:
Stage 1- Mild Non-proliferative Retinopathy: In this stage, microaneurysms start to show
up. Microaneurysm is the swelling of blood vessels located in the retina. The blood vessels are in the
initial stage of bulging at this point of time.
Stage 2- Moderate Non-proliferative Retinopathy: The swelling of the blood vessels starts to increase.
This further starts to severely affect the blood flow in the retina. And this also prevents the proper
nourishment required in the eyes.
Stage 3- Severe Non-proliferative Retinopathy: In this stage the blockages in the blood vessels start
taking place in large amounts. This significantly reduces the amount of blood flow in the thin areas.
Stage 4- Proliferative Retinopathy: This is the critical stage where the birth of new blood vessels
occur, causing severe complications in the delicate areas.
These four stages of DR have their own complications and treatments for cure but this can be done
only if the problem can be detected accurately. In order to prevent all these complications, it is advised
for all the patients with diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 to take a DR test. Nevertheless, not every patient
agrees to do so as there are various factors involved in taking the DR test medically. The medical DR
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
tests are extremely time consuming they require the physical contact in the eyes which is a method
prone to infections if done without proper sanitization, and they are also high in cost. That is why there
are various technical methods proposed and carried out with computational algorithms to detect
DR. The engineers’ methods so far are extremely time effective so that treatment can be started out in
an early stage. They are non-invasive, meaning there is no physical contact required so safety is
always insured. And finally, they are also cost effective. Another added advantage of the engineer’s
methods is that the stages of DR can also be configured so that the diagnosis can be done accordingly.
Using robust hybrid features Aslani [1] demonstrated a new supervised retinal vessel segmentation
method They took the hybrid feature vector to merge the supporting complementary local data. There
are thirteen Gabor filter responses that make up the 17D feature vector used. It is also noteworthy that
as the numbers are reduced, the accuracy also decreases. The proposed method tends to be designed
and executed to achieve the highest average accuracy in the DRIVE and STARE datasets.
Furthermore, the progress and scope of the development were discussed. Azzopardi [2] discusses
trainable COSFIRE filters for vascular description with attributes of retinal imaging. The dominant
feature here is that the COSFIRE filter has been structured. B in this case means bar, which is a
construction for a container. The implementation of the filter named COSFIRE depends on the
approximate values of required parameters. Christodoulidis[3] Multiscale Tensor Voting Framework
(MTVF) is the reference for the methodology proposed in this paper. It is added up with multi-scale
line detection to get rid of line detection limitations when managing smaller vessels. Although the
proposed methodology has produced excellent results, there were some issues that needed to be
explored and addressed. If the MTVF is attached to the false positive (FP) vessel-like structure of the
main vasculature, the main vessel may be lost.
Zhu[4] The document ultimately aims to improvise the standards of the segmented image. Using State-
of-the-art technology they enhanced 39 discriminating feature vectors for fundus imaging. The binary
retinal vessel segmentation is the acquired output by the classifier. As a result, the diagnosis of retinal
diseases is difficult. Therefore, it is crucial to use the right image segmentation algorithms to
accurately find all retinal blood vessels. Geetha[5] proposed his work based on the Principal
component analysis (PCA) that was used to create the feature vector in this paper. Additionally, k-
mean clustering is applied to this result to group the pixels into cup or non-cup groups. Vessel group
classification improved accuracy but reduced sensitivity in some cases. Hassanien[6] In this article, the
automated approach to segmentation is based on two-step optimization principles; retinal blood
vessels were created. was demonstrated. The suggested method combines artificial bee colony
optimization with a fitness function for fuzzy cluster compression with partial membership at first
level and approximate vasculature at aggregation. Roy Chowdary[7] conducted the research based on
blood vessel segmentation from fundus photographs by extracting major vessels and classifying sub-
images. In this document, a set of eight features was introduced to distinguish between vascular and
nonvascular pixels. The fine pixels of the vessels are found with both Gaussian and GMM classifiers.
Sil Kar [8] discussed this research study to track the numerous thresholds, they used their
understanding of the maximum response of the matched filter and the fuzzy conditional entropy. And
differential evolution calculations are used to find the ideal values. The discussed procedure is also
effective in removing the irregular and thin blood vessels in pathological retinal images.
Sreejini [9], this article discusses a PSO-based parameter that was introduced to determine the exact
values of the multi-scale coordinated filter parameters. The results generated by the multiscale
matching filter take precedence over the single scale matching filter for vessel
segmentation. Singh[10] this work analyzes the methodology for this particular experiment consisting
of PCA or principal component analysis during the pre-processing phase. In the next stage, CLAHE is
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
employed in order to improve the retinal picture. To obtain the segmented image, after running the
proposed combined filter, the post-processing phases include optimal entropy-based threshold and
length filtering. The results suggest that this method performs relatively well and efficiently compared
to other prominent Gaussian distribution functions. Saranya[11] The Convolution Neural Network
(CNN) is the predominant methodology utilized to observe and classify the images according to the
four phases of DR as it is capable of managing the pre-processing of images and normalization as
well. Chaudhary[12] The proposed methodology contains the raw fundus images which are carried out
for processing for sound reduction and further changed into gray image. Later the segmentation of the
optic disc and the retinal nerves take place. The extracted features will be used for the classification.
Post processing consists of erosion and dilation using a structuring element on the pre-processed
images. The CNN and the Fuzzy classifier are used to identify the status of the image. This will
confirm the presence of DR or a normal eye condition.
Imran Qureshi[14], demonstrated the computer assisted diagnosis (CAD) systems for treating
Diagnosis Retinopathy. It’s a combined study on the effectiveness of the different methodologies used
to detect DR. The segmentation and the method of extraction using the image combination, pre-
processing, improvement and segmentation methods have been briefly explained in the paper [18].
Akinboro[15] The project is carried out specifically to classify the stage of DR with the proposed
approach. The methodology chosen is by first generating the digital fundus image through the
convolution neural network CNN and 3662 datasets. The CNN model is built with the Keras infused.
Author [13][16][17] did the research work on threshold based on an iterative algorithm that has been
implemented in the research paper focusing on the accuracy of the segmented images. The proposed
methodology is made up of feature extraction, followed by image segmentation, image pre-processing,
and finally the classification based on CNN classifier which provides the results of whether DR is
present. The proposed methodology is designed in such a way to detect diabetic retinopathy in an
earlier stage in order to take appropriate diagnosis. Accuracy, precision, specificity, and the sensitivity
rates of this proposed system stays above 85% in all the four aspects. The overall procedure focuses on
maintaining the accuracy rates of the results and every algorithm chosen, carefully aids to it.
Figure 1: Proposed work architecture
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
The innovative technique flows through the following six phases as shown in figure 1.
1. The proposed method uses a fundus camera as an input image (STARE database).
2. For the first step of pre-processing, the input image is transformed to the green channel. The picture
is then subjected to CLAHE to boost the image's local contrast.
3. Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) is utilized to detect the coarse vasculature during the segmentation phase.
4. The region based active contour method is used to select the region of interest & aids in highlighting
the blood vessels.
5. The segmented retinal blood vessels are seen in the output image.
6. The segmented image is given as an input image to the deep learning classifier to find whether the
respected image is affected with DR or NOT.
The process of detecting DR will first be started out by first acquiring the retinal fundus image from
the STARE Database. STARE stands for Structural Analysis of the Retina. In an image, second
channel is the green channel, that second channel alone is extracted to correct non uniform
illumination. The pre-processing will be done through the CLAHE algorithm. This algorithm is
utilized to improve the image's contrast level and for noise cancellation characteristics. As a result, the
image is additionally enhanced so that the unseen features are also visible. The CLAHE has three
parameters: block size, histogram bins and max slope through these three methods the image will
undergo pre-processing. Then the optimization stage takes place in two steps. The first stage
of optimization includes the involvement of Fuzzy-C Means clustering to specifically spot the coarse
vessels present in the retina. Later the region of interest is selected utilizing the region based active
contour algorithm for better quality and higher accuracy levels of the blood vessels that exist in the
particular image. Now the output image will show the segmented retinal blood vessels which will be
sent as an input image through the CNN classifier and this is where the presence of diabetic
retinopathy is observed, reviewed and confirmed.
Resulted in the creation of the Designed analysis of the Retina database (STARE). The STARE
database photos were taken using a 35degree narrow field view camera and have a resolution of
700*605 pixels. Retinal imaging is a frequent procedure performed during an eye examination. To the
posterior inferior surface of the eyeball in order to see the pupil of the eye an optical camera is
assisted. The retinal layer, the optic nerve, the fovea, and the surrounding arteries are all imaged. The
ophthalmologist can then use this image as a reference point for evaluating any findings or to examine
the eye condition.
AHE (adaptive histogram) is a computer image processing approach for enhancing image contrast.
Traditional histogram equalization differs from the adaptive technique. It's designed to build a number
of histograms, each corresponding to a different portion of the image, and then use them to disperse
the image's brightness values. This makes it great for increasing local contrast and sharpening edge
sharpness in different areas of a photo. AHE also tends to exaggerate noise in relatively similar areas
of an image. By limiting gain, a variant of AHE known as CLAHE was developed to minimize or
prevent noise. Microaneurysm pixels were enhanced with the CLAHE filter. The CLAHE filter
produces adequate vein enhancement while removing excess noise. Other global enhancement
methods such as traditional contrast stretching and universal histogram equalization work less
efficiently compared to the CLAHE filter. The use of an independent elemental analysis is the second
way to increase the contrast of the veins. Various image enhancement techniques have been added in
recent research at the pre-processing stage, including grayscale conversion of image, spectrum
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
normalization, brightness enhancement using CLAHE, and gamma modification to improve overall
appearance. The CLAHE histogram has been clipped to a standard clipping value to avoid excessive
contrast enhancement that could result in an image with an odd appearance and unwanted detail. Also,
incorrect approaches to implementing contrast enhancement could result in poor appearance in
missing areas, such as small veins lead. By summing up a global threshold to the fixed point of
contrast the above consequence could be solved. Edge detection is a technique for detecting frequent
changes in pixel values. The brightness level of neighbouring pixels is used to examine the edge
information of a given target pixel. Without a clear difference in brightness, there can be no image
The FCM (Fuzzy C-Means) clustering technique allows a single data item to be assigned to two or
more clusters. Pattern Recognition also runs on the basis of the above Strategy. This algorithm assigns
the link to each data point corresponding to each group centre based on the distance between the group
and the data point. The closer the data is to the cluster centre, the more likely it is to belong to that
cluster centre. The iterative unsupervised Fuzzy C Means (FCM) method is the most extensively used
clustering technique for picture segmentation. Pattern recognition and clustering are used to analyze
and segment most medical images. Compared to the k-Means algorithm, fuzzy C-mean clustering is
considered a better option. The fuzzy C-means algorithm, unlike the k-means technique, which
requires data points to belong to only one group, allows data points to belong to many groups with
The fuzzy C means that the clustering process starts first by outputting the input image first. Then the
size of the image is retrieved. The possible range is then calculated. In addition, the possible number
of iterations is identified. Then the given dimension of the images is calculated. Then the iteration
begins. When the maximum number of iterations is reached, the procedure is repeated, and the picture
is submitted for iteration once more until the maximum number of iterations is achieved. This is the
complete procedure of the fuzzy pooling process C.
Active Contouring is a Segmentation approach that separates relevant pixels from an image for further
processing and analysis using forces and power constraints. An active contour is a model used in the
segmentation process. Contours are the lines that define the area of interest in an image. There’s a
need of converting segmented images into multiple similar images to get represented in the region-
based technique. The basic idea behind active contour models, sometimes referred to as snakes, is to
generate a curve to group objects in a given image while constrained by these constraints. The curve
approaches its interior normal and must end at the edge of the object. In classic active snake and
contour models, To come to a halt, an edge detector employs the curve evolution at the boundary of
the target element based on the gradient of the image. The following steps are used to evacuate the
papilla: i. To capture the retinal image mask, first select the underlying raw, apply the region-based
active contour to the segmented image mask. I. The mask from the input picture is removed, resulting
in a new mask. ii. The segmented image without a mask is the result of subtracting the new mask from
the previous one. The region based active contour methos uses statistical information to construct a
region stopping function which stops the contour evaluation between different regions. This method is
not sensitive to initialization of level set function and can recognition object boundaries efficiently.
The Structural Similarity Indexing Method (SSIM) is a tool that compares the structural similarity of
two photographs. If the second image is of perfect quality, the SSIM index can be regarded as a
quality indication for one of the photos under consideration. It is an improved version of the first
proposed Global Image Quality Index. The SSIM tool is used in this case to compare the actual terrain
image with the segmented image. The relevant output image for the fundus image retrieved from the
STARE database is the actual image of the floor. And the segmented image is the starting picture that
is received after the CNN after the final processing of the image. The SSIM tool will be used to
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
compare the differences present in the ground truth image and the segmented image which will prove
the accuracy and the efficiency of the methodology. Keras was used to build and compile the
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models. Except for their last layer, both models have the same
architecture; the first model, which was used to classify the severity of DR, has 5 outputs, while the
other model, which was used to identify DR, has 2. The models are divided into four stages:
i. Input
ii. Feature Learning
iii. Classification
iv. Output
The retinal fundus image is the CNN model's input, which was read by the computer as a matrix of 64
* 64 * 3 pixels, that represents the height, width, and dimension. The RGB values are represented by
the three dimensions of the images. The input phase's outcome is subsequently passed on to the feature
learning phase. The input image is passed through a series of convolution layers with filters in the
feature learning phase, and the model extracts and learns features about the images. The extracted
features are then forwarded to the classification phase, in which the image is categorized with
probabilistic values 26 between 0 and 1. The pre-processed image is fed into the input layers, which
produce an array of pixels as output, which is then transferred to the first convolution layer. The link
between/among of the pixels exists by learning visual attributes of minute squares and convolutions.
The first convolution layer uses a 64 * 64 * 3 picture as input and produces an output of 62 * 62 * 128
feature map with relu activation.
The output was fed into the second convolution layer as input. The second convolution layer, which
likewise uses a (3 * 3) filter matrix with relu activation, produced a (60 * 60 * 128) output that was
transferred to the pooling layer. By picking the largest element from the feature map, the max pooling
layer minimizes the feature map's dimensionality, producing an output of size (30 * 30 * 128) and
passing it to the dropout layer. Over fitting was reduced by using the dropout layer. During the
training, it switches off some neurons randomly. The output of the dropout is flattened using a flatten
layer, which transforms the entire feature map into a single column of size (115200). The dense layer
contains densely linked neurons and gets input from the prior layer's neurons. To reduce overfitting, a
dropout layer was added between the two thick layers. The last dense layer employed the SoftMax
activation function to assign probabilistic values between 0 and 1 to each class in the image.
4.1 Normal Images:
The normal images refer to the pictures of healthy eyes received from the STARE database. These
images do not contain or have the symptoms of DR. The retina will be clear in this image with normal
and regular functioning blood vessels without any complications or abnormalities. Images considered
to be normal will provide the image of the healthy retina when the image is fully processed.
4.2 Abnormal Images:
Abnormalities refer to images that contain Diabetic Retinopathy. These images will commonly show
up as abnormalities while retrieving from the STARE database. The images classified as abnormalities
will contain the image of the affected retina where the blood vessels may have blockages or leakages.
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
In other cases, there might also be new blood vessels formed or growing depending on the severity of
the stage as shown in figure 2.
Figure 2. Describes the Normal and the Diabetic Retinopathy Image.
4.3 CLAHE Images:
As we know that having the perfect contrast to an image will give the best results. To obtain best
results we are using Contrast Limited adaptive histogram equalization, The contrast to an image
shouldn’t be low meanwhile it shouldn’t be high. So, it should be in the limit. To maintain that certain
contrast limit to an image we are using CLAHE.
Figure 3. Describes the Normal and the Diabetic Retinopathy Image after pre-processing.
Here, by using the CLAHE we can clearly observe the Blood vessels in the image compared to the
input image as shown in figure 3.
4.4. Segmented Images:
Segmented images are the images received after the raw fundus image goes through the whole
segmentation process. This is the image that will be received from the Segmentation process. The
image of the blood vessels present in the retina can be seen in this image. The segmented image can
also be considered as the proof for the presence of Diabetic Retinopathy for the particular processed
image as shown in figure 4.
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
Figure 4. Describes the Normal and the Diabetic Retinopathy Image after segmentation.
4.5 Ground truth Images:
These images are the segmented Outputs of the STARE project. Ground truth is data that’s famed to
be real or true, provided by direct observation and measurement as shown in figure 5.
Figure 5. Describes the Normal and the Diabetic Retinopathy Image of ground truth images.
4.6 SSIM
SSIM stands for structural similarity index measure. The Structural Similarities Indexing Method
(SSIM) is a technique for assessing structural similarity between two photographs. If one of the photos
being compared is of perfect quality, the SSIM index can be considered as a quality indicator for that
image. It's an improved version of the global picture quality index that was first suggested. In the
present scenario the SSIM tool will be used to compare the ground truth image and the segmented
image. The ground truth image is the respective output image for the fundus image that is retrieved
from the STARE Database. And the segmented image is the output image received from the CNN
after the final processing of the image. The SSIM tool will be used to compare the differences present
in the ground truth image and the segmented image which will prove the accuracy and the efficiency
of the methodology.
Our proposed segmentation method extracts the blood vessels of each image accurately, resulting in
the similarity measure value of 85%. The primary reason for the high accuracy rates is the
combination of the Fuzzy C-means clustering and the Region based active contour algorithms.
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
4.7 Classification:
S. No
Affecting with
Not Affecting
with DR
Not Affecting
with DR
Affecting with
Table 1: Classification
The output images are the segmented images. The structural information in the segmented image and
the ground truth image are compared pixel by pixel using SSIM metrics. If there is a very good
similarity between segmented and ground truth image, it displays the value between 0.9 to 1. Those
segmented images are given as the input images to the CNN classifier to classify whether the image is
affected with diabetic retinopathy or not.
Total we have 88 segmented images. All these 88 images are divided into two stages, one is training
dataset and another stage is testing dataset. In that 88 images, 67 images are given to train the
classifier and the remaining 21 images are given to test the classifier. Each stage is divided into 2
classes, class0 and class1. Class0 represents the normal segmented images which are not affected with
Diabetic retinopathy. Class1 represents the segmented images affected with diabetic retinopathy.
The classifier will undergo the classification process with the help of training dataset and testing
dataset to provide the accurate result. For our proposed method, an overall accuracy to detect DR was
4.8 Performance measure:
The performance measure of our proposed method includes sensitivity, specificity and accuracy are
shown in the figure.6. The primary reason for the high accuracy rates is the combination of the Fuzzy
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
C-means clustering and the Region based active contour algorithms along with CNN classifier. The
visual representation of the performance measure has been provided in figure 6.
Figure 6. Shows the Performance Measure
In order to determine the severity level of DR, it is critical to accurately identify the retinal blood
vessels during the ophthalmological examination. Many algorithms aren't capable of differentiating the
depigmented abnormal retinal images from the retinal blood vessels. The research findings have
emerged from each of the STARE database's 88 photos. The results indicate that the proposed
methodology consisting of FCM clustering along with Region based active contour accurately
identifies all the blood vessels. Both these algorithms aid in increasing the accuracy rate of the
segmented blood vessels. There are no discontinuities between the minor vessels and they are also
identified in this process.
CLAHE minimizes the level of noise in depigmented retinal images. By examining the segmented
vessel structure through the proposed method, it is evident that it is capable of minimizing the
ophthalmologists' effort in analyzing the diabetic retinopathy affected blood vessels. The proposed
retinal blood vessels segmentation approaches can be used for datasets with similar attributes. Our
proposed segmentation method extracts the blood vessels of each image accurately, resulting in the
similarity measure value of 85%. For our proposed method, an overall accuracy to detect DR was
In the long-run, the proposed methodology can be implemented in the field of ophthalmology for
retinal screening if it is further developed. There is still room for advancements in the present
procedure wherein there can be progressive algorithms designed to be involved in order to classify the
stage of Diabetic Retinopathy. If this advancement is added in this methodology, it will be a procedure
that will specifically convey the stage of DR the patient is currently in so that appropriate diagnosis or
treatment can be started at the earliest. Once the methodology is developed with the classification, the
procedure can be implemented for ophthalmological campaigns carried out especially in rural areas.
International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Signalling Technologies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2325 (2022) 012043
IOP Publishing
As the method discussed is time efficient, it can be introduced in campaigns and other screening areas
as the retinal examination can be done in a short span of time and the results can also be retrieved
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on robust hybrid features." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30 (2016): 1-12.
[2] Azzopardi, George, et al. "Trainable COSFIRE filters for vessel delineation with application to
retinal images." Medical image analysis 19.1 (2015): 46-57.
[3] Christodoulidis, Argyrios, et al. "A multi-scale tensor voting approach for small retinal vessel
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Full-text available
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is an eye disease caused by retinal damage induced by the long-term illness of diabetes mellitus. In the early stages, DR may show no symptoms or only minor vision difficulties, but it can eventually result in vision loss if not treated early. Manual diagnosis of Diabetic retinopathy requires many physical tests like visual acuity, pupil dilation, and tonometry. But the issue with these tests is that they consume more time, cost, and effort, therefore affecting patients. Also, it is challenging to identify the disease through these tests during the earlier stage of the disease due to its tiny structure. Since the current system is highly dependent on the resources available and time-consuming, better alternatives are being sought. The proposed work aims to develop an automated model for detecting the early stage of DR detection based on red lesions present in the retinal images. The pre-processing is carried out to remove the noise present, improve local contrast levels in the image, and is further subjected to UNet architecture for the semantic segmentation of red lesions. Advanced Convolutional Layer Architecture in U-Net was used to support pixel-level class labeling, which is much needed in medical segmentation. The segmented images obtained from the red lesion detection were then used as the input to feed the convolution neural network to train and classify the input images to their corresponding severity classes. Four publicly available datasets, IDRiD, DIARETDB1, MESSIDOR, and STARE, were used in the proposed model to evaluate its performance. On working with the IDRID dataset, the specificity and sensitivity of the proposed Red Lesion detection system were observed as 99% and 89%, respectively, with an accuracy of 95.65%. The specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy obtained for the Diabetic retinopathy severity classification system were 93.8%, 92.3%, and 94%, respectively, on working with the MESSIDOR dataset.
Full-text available
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of blindness and vision impairments among diabetes patients in developing and developed countries. Detection, screening and monitoring of the disease using fundus images of the retina are based on human evaluation which is very slow, time consuming and clinically hard. This work presents a model that directly identifies and classifies the severity of DR in digital fundus image using convolutional neural network and 3662 images (dataset) labeled by clinical experts were been trained. The models used were Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) built and compiled with Keras. the trained dataset were splitted into two types i.e binary and categorical dataset and were further trained with and without the CLAHE preprocessing and their results were compared. Web application model was developed which can predict and classify retina images using the trained models. Their accuracy were determined and the result were generated as follows; Accuracy was 85.20% in predicting the severity while detecting the presence of the disease had a 94.47% accuracy. The predicting model was implemented in a web application which proves to be computationally efficient and suitable for clinical trials.
Full-text available
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes that exists throughout the world. DR occurs due to a high ratio of glucose in the blood, which causes alterations in the retinal microvasculature. Without preemptive symptoms of DR, it leads to complete vision loss. However, early screening through computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) tools and proper treatment have the ability to control the prevalence of DR. Manual inspection of morphological changes in retinal anatomic parts are tedious and challenging tasks. Therefore, many CAD systems were developed in the past to assist ophthalmologists for observing inter- and intra-variations. In this paper, a recent review of state-of-the-art CAD systems for diagnosis of DR is presented. We describe all those CAD systems that have been developed by various computational intelligence and image processing techniques. The limitations and future trends of current CAD systems are also described in detail to help researchers. Moreover, potential CAD systems are also compared in terms of statistical parameters to quantitatively evaluate them. The comparison results indicate that there is still a need for accurate development of CAD systems to assist in the clinical diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy.
The swift imaging speed, improved spatial resolution and lower cost compared to the magnetic resonance imaging is the reason behind the increased popularity of the computed axial tomography. In case of the esophageal tumor. The computed axial tomography utilizes the X-ray images to deliver the comprehensive images of the esophagus and the tissues surrounding it. It enables the detection of tumors or structural changes even at the developing stage and also gives the clear picture of the other distant organs like, lungs or liver affected by the cancer in the developed stage. One of the primary challenging chore in segmenting the esophageal tumor is because of the continuous variations in the position and the texture, intensity and as well as shape causing complexities in developing an standard procedure that could be applied universally. In this paper a semi-automated scheme is utilized in the segmentation of the esophageal tumors observed form the X-ray images of the computed axial tomography. An active- contour based semi-automated segmentation along with the procedures of level set is followed in the paper to segment the affected areas from the images of the esophagus acquired form the computed axial tomography. The strategy put forward segregates the work carried out into four major phases. The first phase extracts the images using the seed points. Second phase removes the unnecessary portions in the images, the threshold values are set in the third phase and the post processing is carried out in the fourth phase. This concept was evaluated on the real life data set of tumors collected from the nearby cancer treatment hospitals. The efficiency of the proposed strategy was compared with the previously existing state of art methods on the basis of the dice similarity, mean, medium and the maximal surface distance, and the Jaccard similarity. The concept put forth minimize the time utilization and also allows to have enhanced visualization of the tumors in the esophagus.
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of blindness and vision impairments among diabetes patients in developing and developed countries. Detection, screening and monitoring of the disease using fundus images of the retina are based on human evaluation which is very slow, time consuming and clinically hard. This work presents a model that directly identifies and classifies the severity of DR in digital fundus image using convolutional neural network and 3662 images (dataset) labeled by clinical experts were been trained. The models used were Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) built and compiled with Keras. the trained dataset were splitted into two types i.e binary and categorical dataset and were further trained with and without the CLAHE preprocessing and their results were compared. Web application model was developed which can predict and classify retina images using the trained models. Their accuracy were determined and the result were generated as follows; Accuracy was 85.20% in predicting the severity while detecting the presence of the disease had a 94.47% accuracy. The predicting model was implemented in a web application which proves to be computationally efficient and suitable for clinical trials.
Recognition of the Iris is among the finest techniques in the field of bio-metrics identification, because the iris has characteristics that are unique and stay the same all through the individual’s life. Iris recognition phases are namely image acquisition, segmentation of iris, localization of iris, feature extraction of iris and matching. This paper, which is an extension of the survey paper Smaran[1], concentrates purely on the procedures of image capture, segmentation as well as localization of the iris. The aim of the paper is to optimize the above mentioned processes in terms of distance of capturing the image, time taken for memory and computation requirements, using the DRP (Dynamic Re-Configurable Processor) technology, uniquely developed by Renesas Electronics (
Segmenting the retinal vessels from fundus images is a prerequisite for many CAD systems for the automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy lesions. So far, research efforts have concentrated mainly on the accurate localization of the large to medium diameter vessels. However, failure to detect the smallest vessels at the segmentation step can lead to false positive lesion detection counts in a subsequent lesion analysis stage. In this study, a new hybrid method for the segmentation of the smallest vessels is proposed. Line detection and perceptual organization techniques are combined in a multi-scale scheme. Small vessels are reconstructed from the perceptual-based approach via tracking and pixel painting. The segmentation was validated in a high resolution fundus image database including healthy and diabetic subjects using pixel-based as well as perceptual-based measures. The proposed method achieves 85.06% sensitivity rate, while the original multi-scale line detection method achieves 81.06% sensitivity rate for the corresponding images (p < 0.05). The improvement in the sensitivity rate for the database is 6.47% when only the smallest vessels are considered (p < 0.05). For the perceptual-based measure, the proposed method improves the detection of the vasculature by 7.8% against the original multi-scale line detection method (p < 0.05).