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Monism and pluralism in morality: Origins, connotations and debates道德之一元论与多元论:缘起、内涵与论争



The distinction between moral monism and moral pluralism has been reflected in the early vision of moral philosophy. Moral pluralism can be traced back to moral relativism, which holds that there is no universal moral principle. And any moral value applies only within certain cultural boundaries and individual value systems. However, moral universalism, a monistic ethical position, holds that there are universal ethics that apply to all people. In recent years, the above theoretical confrontations have entered the field of moral psychology. The dispute between monism and pluralism is one of the most active theoretical controversies in the field of moral psychology in recent years. Moral monism holds that all external moral-related phenomena and internal moral structures can be explained by one factor. The representative theories are stages theory of moral development and dyadic morality theory and so on. On the other hand, moral pluralism holds that morality cannot be explained by a single factor, but there are many heterogeneous moral dimensions, which are culturally sensitive. The representative theories include the triadic moral discourse theory, the relational model theory and the moral foundations theory and so on. Among them, the dyadic morality theory put forward by Kurt Gray et al. and the moral foundation theory put forward by Jonathon Haidt are the typical representatives of the disputes between monism and pluralism. Gray et al. argued that harm is the most powerful factor in explaining moral judgments and moral judgments about harm are more intuitive. Moreover, people with different political orientations reach a consensus that harm is the core of moral judgments. On the contrary, Haidt et al. believed that people of different political orientations, cultures and social classes is manifested with different moral foundations, and the moral foundations scale has good construct validity, discriminant validity, practical validity, etc. The disputes between the two theories mainly focus on the explanatory power of harm, the harmfulness of moral dumbfounding, modularity views and the problem of purity. Specifically, Gray et al. argued that moral dumbfounding stems from biased sampling that confounds content with weirdness and severity, rather than purity violation. They also believed that the so-called "harmless wrongs" can be explained by perceived harm. Importantly, purity cannot be regarded as an independent construct of morality. Moreover, there is few evidence to support the modular claims. Nevertheless, Haidt et al. believed that moral monism oversimplifies the connotations of morality. The different moral foundations are not " Fodorian modularity", but more flexible and overlapping "massive modularity". Furthermore, plenty of evidence supported purity as an independent moral foundation. Future research should be carried out in the following aspects. First of all, morality must need a clearer definition. To ensure the validity of moral research, future research should try to define moral concepts more clearly and should ensure that only one construct is tested at a time. Without ensuring that the situation clearly reflects a certain moral dimension, it is difficult for researchers to pinpoint which moral dimension influences people’s moral judgments. Secondly, in addition to paying attention to the disputes between monism and pluralism, we also need to separate from the disputes, take an objective view of the different characteristics of the controversies, learn from each other and complement each other, so as to promote the development of moral psychology. Specifically, moral monism emphasizes the simplicity of moral constructs and the accuracy of measurement, while pluralism emphasizes the understanding of the nature of morality among people in different cultures. These are two different theoretical constructs and explanations of the nature of morality. Future research should combine the advantages of moral monism and moral pluralism, and try to adopt realistic situations with high ecological validity, so as to construct a more perfect integrated theoretical model. Last but not the least, most previous empirical studies have been dominated by the "WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic)” sample. Future research should urgently consider the possibility of carrying out morality research in different cultures, especially based on the Chinese culture to explore the nature of morality. 一元论与多元论之争是道德心理学领域近些年最为活跃的理论交锋之一。道德一元论认为所有外在的道德现象与内在的道德结构或原因都可以用一种因素来解释,代表理论为道德发展阶段论、对应道德理论等。道德多元论则认为道德不能只用一种单一的因素来解释,而是存在多个不同质的道德维度,且具有文化敏感性,代表理论为三元道德话语理论、关系模式理论以及道德基础理论等。 其中,格雷等人提出的对应道德理论和海特提出的道德基础理论是一元论与多元论之争的典型代表。格雷等人认为伤害是解释道德判断最强有力的因素,而且关于伤害的道德判断更加直觉。此外,不同政治倾向的人皆认为伤害是道德认知的核心。反之,海特等人认为不同政治倾向、文化、社会阶层的人关注不同的道德基础,而且道德基础量表有良好的构念效度、区分效度、实用效度等。双方的论争主要集中在伤害的解释力、道德失声现象、模块化道德与洁净维度独立性等方面。具体而言,格雷等人认为道德失声源于伤害和情境怪异性,而不是洁净违背,而且洁净不可作为独立的道德维度。另外,没有证据支持模块化道德假说。但海特等人认为一元论过度简化了道德内涵。道德基础理论并非是五个“福多式模块”,而是更为灵活和重叠的“群集模块”。有大量证据支持洁净可以作为独立的道德基础。 未来研究应从如下几个方面开展。首先,道德需要一个更加清晰的界定。为保证道德研究的有效性,未来研究应尽可能做到将道德概念定义地更加清晰,应当确保每次只检验一种构念。如果不保证情境清晰地反应某种道德维度,则研究者很难精确指出哪种道德维度影响了人们的道德判断。其次,除了关注一元论与多元论本身的争议,我们也需从纷争中抽离出来,客观看待这两种道德取向研究的不同特点,彼此取长补短,以推动道德心理整体研究的发展。具体而言,一元论重视道德构念的简洁度以及测量的精确性,多元论则着重强调不同文化下的人群对于道德本质的理解。这是两种不同的建构理论和看待道德本质的方式。未来研究应该结合一元论与多元论研究彼此的优势,尽可能采用生态效度高的现实情境,从而建构出更为完善的整合式理论模型。最后,以往绝大多数实证研究却是以“怪异(WEIRD,指西方、受教育、工业化、富裕及民主)”样本为主导。未来研究应亟需考虑在不同文化下开展道德研究的可能性,尤其是针对中国本土文化的道德本质探究。
张昊天 1 1 许丽颖 2 玄哲理 1
(1武汉大学哲学学院心理学系, 武汉 430072)
(2清华大学马克思主义学院, 北京 100084)
关键词 一元论,多元论,道德基础理论,对应道德理论,海特-格雷之争
1 前言
“情感或理性?”“ 客观或相对?”“ 先天或后天?”,道德心理学领域存在诸多争议与
分庭抗礼的理论。近年来,该领域最为活跃的理论交锋当属道德一元论(moral monism)与多
元论(moral pluralism)之争(Graham et al., 2018)。一元论和多元论的分野在早期道德哲学思想
实现社会的公平正义(亚里士多德, 2003)。罗尔斯(John Rawls)亦认为道德的核心意蕴即为正
义,目的是保证公民的权利和社会合作的公正(Rawls, 1971)。此即一元论思想,将道德视为
表理论有道德发展阶段论(stages of moral development)(Kohlberg, 1969)对应道德理论(dyadic
morality theory)1 (Schein & Gray, 2018b)等。反观多元论则主张道德具有多个维度,这些维度
在不同的社会文化背景下得以体现。社会学先驱涂尔干mile Durkheim)认为,道德具有三
大基本要素:纪律精神、牺牲精神和自律精神(Durkheim, 1925/1961)。当今道德心理学界的
国家社科基金青年项目(20CZX059); 国家自然科学基金青年项目(72101132)
通信作者:喻 , E-mail:
许丽颖, E-mail:
1 笔者认为“dyadic morality theory”较为准确贴切的翻译应为“对应道德理论”。在 Merriam-Webster 词典
里,dyadic 第一个释意是“pair”,即一种一对一关系。其次,Gray, Young (2012)认为道德发生的过程由
论”,认为此理论是一种二元论视野下的道德判断(詹泽, 吴宝沛, 2019)。然而,这种翻译方式似不妥当,
代表理论有三元道德话语理论(triadic moral discourse theory)(Shweder et al., 1997)、关系模式
理论(relational model theory)(Rai & Fiske, 2011)、道德基础理论(moral foundations theory)
(Graham et al., 2018)等。
在以上诸多理论中,以库尔特·格雷(Kurt Gray)为首的对应道德理论和以乔纳森·海特
(Jonathan Haidt)为首的道德基础理论是这场争议的典型代表。 5年来,双方多次就道德究
竟是一元还是多元的问题发表理论或实证文章进行探讨(e.g., Graham, 2015; Gray, Waytz, et
al., 2012; Gray & Keeney, 2015a, 2015b; Schein & Gray, 2015),其理论交锋也延续至今,尚无
2 道德一元论与道德多元论:内涵与证据
2.1 道德一元论
2.1.1 定义与代表性理论
2020)道德心理学先驱柯尔伯格(Lawrence Kohlberg)认为道德可以归结为一种因素,即关乎
(Kohlberg, 1969)。除此之外,格雷等人认为道德内涵的多元只是一种外在表现形式, 其核
心因素只有一个,即感知伤害(Gray, Waytz, et al., 2012)
应道德理论。该理论认为道德态度和信念的多元化可以完全用感知伤害(perceived harm)来解
(Schein & Gray, 2018b)。在道德判断的过程中,存在一个认知范本(cognitive template)”
即不道德行为是由有意图的道德主体(intentional moral agent)
(vulnerable moral patient)施加伤害的过程,且两者之间存在因果关系(causation)这些是感知
伤害必不可少的三种因素(Schein & Gray, 2018b)。道德主体意指通过自身的认知与推理形成
通常社会意义中的受害者(victim)”(Gray & Wegner, 2009)。重要的是,产生感知伤害与不道
现的副作用效应(side-effect effect,意指某种行为带来的附加影响)”,道德判断的严苛性就
会减弱(Schein & Gray, 2018b)
对身体与社会规范的潜在伤害(e.g., Royzman et al., 2015; Schein & Gray, 2016)。其次,研究
(Schein & Gray, 2018b)。最后,伤害的表现形式是多种多样的,不仅表现为常见的身体或
情感伤害,同时包括欺骗伤害、群体伤害、不敬伤害、灵魂伤害等(Hartman et al., 2022)。虽
以归结为一种因素——感知伤害(Schein & Gray, 2018a)
感知伤害又是通过何种认知机制得以实现?Gray, Young 等人(2012)认为这依据于对他
人的心智感知(mind perception,即对人与物等实体是否存在心智能力的感知),而这亦是道
德的本质。通过自下而上(bottom-up approach的数据驱动方法,Gray 等人(2007)利用因
道德主体通常被知觉为能动性大于感受性,而道德客体则相反(Gray & Wegner, 2009)。正如
2.1.2 支持证据
德的,例如苍蝇飞进米饭中(Gray & Schein, 2016)。在 Schein, Ritter 等人(2016)的研究中,研
究者请被试评价 24 种厌恶相关行为的道德程度、伤害程度和厌恶程度,这些行为包括令人
接的因果关系(Schein, Ritter, et al., 2016)
明,感知不道德的伤害是通过直觉,而无须刻意地合理化(Gray et al., 2014)
心理基础。例如 Graham 等人(2009)发现自由主义者更看重关爱公平等个体化道德基
不同而已(Landy, 2016; Schein & Gray, 2015)。通过 7个研究,研究者发现无论是倾向于保守
派还是自由派的被试,在回忆起不道德事件时,最先想到的都是关于伤害的事件(实验 1),
而且都认为伤害是不道德事件的最重要因素(实验 2实验 3此外,通过对内隐测试指标
(反应时)的测量,发现伤害与不道德事件紧密相联(实验 4研究者还请被试评价道德基
础理论中常用的 10 个道德事件,发现不同的道德基础之间存在高度相关(实验 5且伤害
对不道德事件的预测最强(实验 6,甚至一些之前被认为是洁净违背的事件(例如伴侣出
轨)也与伤害有更加紧密的联系(实验 7(Schein & Gray, 2015)
洁净、公平、忠诚等道德基础,均可以通过感知伤害来解释(Schein & Gray, 2015)而不同政
2.2 道德多元论
2.2.1 定义与代表性理论
度是在不同文化和社会阶层的人群中呈现的,具备文化敏感性(cultural sensitivity)(Graham et
al., 2013, 2018)。针对柯尔伯格的一元论道德观,早期的多元论支持者卡罗尔·吉利根(Carol
Gilligan)与埃利奥特·图列尔(Elliot Turiel)认为道德的核心不仅在于追求正义,亦在于关怀他
(Gilligan, 1988)与避免伤害(Turiel, 1983)文化人类学家理查德·施韦德(Richard Shweder)
人的一元论道德观只是反映了西方世俗文化(secular culture)下广泛持有的个体主义道德观,
(the ethic of autonomy)即人们依靠诸如伤害、权利和正义等观念来保护个体的自主性,
应的道德情绪为愤怒;其二为社群伦理(the ethic of community),即人们依靠责任、尊重和
忠诚等观念来维护制度和社会秩序,对应的道德情绪为轻蔑;其三为神性伦理(the ethic of
洁的道德,对应的道德情绪为厌恶(Shweder et al., 1997; Rozin et al., 1999)
此外,文化人类学家阿兰·费斯克(Alan Fiske)对一元论道德也持批判态度。基于早年创
建的关系模式理论(relational models theory)”,费斯克认为道德是一种关系规范(relationship
(unity)”阶层(hierarchy)” 平等 (equality)”比例(proportionality)”团结是通过维护内
(Rai & Fiske, 2011)
除了上述道德理论,近些年道德多元论的代表性理论当属道德基础理论(Graham et al.,
2013, 2018),旨在解释道德判断的多样性和相对性。道德基础理论主张先天主义(nativism)
文化学习(cultural learning)直觉主义(intuitionism)和多元主义(pluralism)先天主义认为人类
后三种是绑系性基础(binding foundations)强调的是约束和建立社会群体的价值观。其
自由/压迫(liberty/oppression)诚实/说谎(honesty/lying)(Graham et al., 2018)不过,道德基
2.2.2 支持证据
谈研究确定基本的道德元素(例如,男尊女卑)再采用层序聚类分析的方式从 25 个基本元
素中提取出三个因子,分别为自主伦理、神性伦理与社群伦理 (Menon & Shweder, 1994)
Rozin 等人(1999)在此基础上提出 CAD(contempt, anger, disgust)模型,旨在寻找三种伦理
共共享(communal sharing)、权力排序(authority ranking)、平等匹配(equality matching)和市场
定价(market pricing) (Fiske, 1992),此类型亦通过验证性因素分析得以证实(Haslam & Fiske,
1999),并在中国、韩国等四个国家验证了跨文化普适性(Fiske, 1993)Rai Fiske(2011)
现,无论是在消费者行为(McGraw et al., 2012)、组织行为(Giessner & Van Quaquebeke, 2010)
抑或司法(Copes et al., 2013)领域,均能发现人们依赖这四种不同的动机做出道德判断,证明
down approach)在初期主要以理论思辨为主(Haidt, 2012),并无实证研究探索为何道德可以
据。Graham (2011)编制了道德基础问卷(Moral Foundations Questionnaire),施测结果表明
模型拟合度良好,这为道德基础的成立提供了实证依据(Graham et al., 2011)。跨文化研究结
道德多元论的跨文化普适性提供了实证依据(Graham et al., 2011)。后续研究也证明了道德基
础问卷具有良好的跨文化稳定性(e.g., Doğruyol et al., 2019; Yalçındağ et al., 2019)。以上研究
另外,海特等人还发现不同政治倾向的人群侧重不同的道德基础。McAdams 等人(2008)
通过质性研究, 128 名深度参与宗教和政治活动的成年人进行了生活叙事采访,并对他们
础。Graham 等人(2009)则使用了四种不同的方法,发现自由派比保守派更看重个体化道德基
究表明保守派和自由派的基本差异得到了支持(Kivikangas et al., 2021)这说明不但存在多种
3 道德一元论与多元论之争
基础理论和对应道德理论的提出,一元论与多元论才真正形成理论交锋的局面。2012 年,
格雷等人在著名理论评论类期刊 Psychological Inquiry 发表靶子文章(target article)《心智感
知是道德的本质》(Gray, Young et al., 2012),正式提出道德一元论的主张,即所有的外在道
道德理论所做的理论贡献的同时,对道德一元论的主张进行了驳斥(Graham & Iyer, 2012;
Koleva & Haidt, 2012)。此后几年,双方一直就道德究竟是一元还是多元的问题进行了大量
3.1 一元论对多元论的驳斥
3.1.1 “道德失声现象并非无害
此即道德失声(moral dumbfounding)”现象(Haidt et al., 2000),也是海特捍卫其直觉主义道德
观的主要论据。其中的核心原因是道德判断过程中存在洁净违背(purity violations)”忠诚
违背(loyalty violations)”机制(Scott et al., 2016),与伤害无关,而这些道德基础是促使道德一
元论向多元论发展的重要概念(Gray et al., 2021)。但格雷等人否认这些行为并非完全无害,
认为海特将感知伤害狭隘地等同于客观伤害(Guglielmo, 2018),所谓独立的洁净、忠诚
无害。Royzman 和同事(2015)重复了传统的道德失声范式。与以往不同,研究者测量了被试
员不断解释乱伦是无害的,被试仍然持怀疑态度,且有 57.1%的被试认为乱伦给朱莉和马克
哪怕仅仅是未发生的潜在伤害(potential harm)”(Stanley et al., 2019)。基于以上论据,格雷认
为所谓无害错误(harmless wrongs)”,其实都存在不同程度的伤害。
是为了指导我们日常的人际交往和促进合作,海特等人的研究显然背离了这一点(Gray &
Keeney, 2015a)。在一项研究(Gray & Keeney, 2015b) 中,被试评价道德基础理论中常用的道
3.1.2 对道德模块化的驳斥
和特异性(specificity) (Schein, Hester, et al., 2016)。道德基础模块是存在于动物大脑里的“开
从而会导致某种行为或体验(例如,与洁净相关的道德判断)(Haidt, 2012, p. 123),并激发
的高度重叠。Schein Gray(2015)请被试从道德基础来评定 10 个道德情境,发现所有道德
基础的内部一致性系数高达 0.89此外道德基础量表的数据也表明不同的道德基础之间存
在很高的相关度,例如权威和忠诚之间的相关性为 0.88,伤害和公平之间的相关性为 0.72
洁净和权威之间的相关性为 0.80(Graham et al., 2011)。这些高相关性结果本身不能说明道德
此外,格雷也反对海特等人道德情绪模块化(Haidt, 2012; Rozin et al., 1999)的说法,认为
时激发愤怒和厌恶等情绪(Gray et al., 2017),也有研究者发现洁净违背则引起更多的微笑反
应和愤怒表情,而不是海特、施韦德等人所认为的厌恶情绪(Franchin et al., 2019)。对此,格
雷等人则秉持建构主义道德情绪观(constructivism of moral emotions) (Cameron et al., 2015)”
以上三种因素,进而产生不同的道德情绪,例如愤怒、厌恶等(Gray et al., 2017)
3.1.3 洁净不足以成为独立的道德基础
(Gray et al., 2021)Gray 等人(2021)系统回顾了 158 篇关于洁净道德的研究,发现几乎没有
德本身的定义过于复杂,且至少 9种存在关于洁净的不同定义,涉及到病原体回避、维持自
然秩序等。文献计量统计表明洁净的定义和实际测量存在相当大的异质性。 135 篇测量了
洁净道德的文章中,仅有 19 (14%)做到了定义与测量相一致,而两者的分离则不利于理论
的发展(Gray, 2017; Gray et al., 2021)。相反,伤害的概念则更为简洁,即对身体或心理造成
的损伤(Haslam, 2016),而且实际测量也往往与定义相一致。
此外,在多个实证研究中,洁净与伤害道德基础的无明显的区分度(Gray et al., 2014; Gray
et al., in press; Gray & Keeney, 2015b; Schein & Gray, 2015)。无论是针对道德基础理论情境的
道德判断,还是实验被试列举的情境,洁净判断与伤害判断存在显著高度相关:rs ≥ .87(Gray
& Keeney, 2015b, study 1)。甚至一些之前研究认定为不洁的情境也能够使个体体验到直觉上
的感知伤害(Gray et al., 2014; Gray & Keeney, 2015b)。另有研究表明,不洁净情境更有可能
被感知为伤害,而伤害情境则很少会被感知为不洁净(Chakroff et al., 2017)而且伤害相比洁
净与道德判断的联系更紧密(Rosenfeld & Tomiyama, 2021)
最后,Gray 等人(2021)认为道德心理学家所定义的洁净行为可能也是一种关于伤害的抽
殴打他人属于一阶伤害(first-order harms)的不道德,而要获得更抽象的高阶道德原则,比
意志)来解释不道德行为(DiBianca Fasoli, 2018)。洁净规范在儿童时期较晚出现,且不像一
3.2 多元论对一元论的驳斥
3.2.1 一元论过度简化了道德内涵
Haidt 等人(2015)认为对应道德理论对道德现象与道德理念进行了过度简化,而复杂的
道德现象本质上不可仅仅化约为伤害,并暗讽格雷将奥卡姆剃刀(Occam’s Razor)”运用成了
奥卡姆电锯(Occam’s Chainsaw)” (Koleva & Haidt, 2012),删减掉了一些非常重要的道德维
道德多元论(Haidt et al., 2015)
被证伪(Koleva & Haidt, 2012)。例如人们在面对一些具有明显伤害的事件(杀人、殴打等)
能自圆其说,从而不可被证伪,不足以成为严谨的科学命题(Haidt et al., 2015)
此外,Haidt 等人(2015)认为一元论研究存在诸多方法学问题。关于政治倾向与道德基础
的关系,Schein Gray(2015)虽声称自由主义者和保守主义者在道德认知上没有差异。但其
中关于政治倾向的测量却有很大的问题:研究者虽采用李克特 7点等距量表1-非常自由主
治倾向的个体(即在量表中选择了 4划分为了保守派,导致不可靠的结果。所以未能发现
两组人之间的道德基础差异并没有足够的说服力。另外,Schein Gray(2015)在研究中也仅
3.2.2 对于道德模块化的辩护
针对一元论者对于道德基础理论模块化假说的驳斥,Haidt 等人(2015)认为这更多是
道德基础理论的误解。道德基础理论并非是五个福多式模块(Fodorian modularity即负责特
定心理过程的独立功能模块) (Fodor, 1983)”而是用了 为灵 和重 群集
(massive modularity)”概念,具备功能专门化(functional specialization)”,这些模块处理特定
Graham 等人(2018)进一步解释道,道德基础理论从来没有认为道德判断是由五个截然
不同的模块组成。道德的发展始于一些先天的知识,即原始诱因(original triggers,例如关
爱、公平等)”这些知识存在于学习模块(learning modularity)中,使得学习特定事物很容易,
学习其他事物就很难。而在后天的文化学习中,个体在即时诱因(current triggers,例如某种
绪和动机反应联系起来。所以复杂的道德结构是建构与不断发展的,不能用完全独立的 5
3.2.3 洁净可以成为独立道德维度的证据
的智慧。早在多年以前,Haidt (1993)通过自编的非伤害情境(拿国旗擦马桶,与死鸡交
判断。一些关于具身化道德(embodied morality)实验研究同样发现不洁造成的生理厌恶
增加道德判断的严苛性(Wheatley & Haidt, 2005)。基于此,海特认为不洁厌恶可以解释人们
对于非伤害情境的道德责备。此后,关于洁净道德的实证研究不断增长。Graham (2018)
响程度更大,而对洁净判断的影响因素更小(Rottman & Young, 2019)。洁净和伤害所涉及到
活或训练整体性思维提升的则是对于伤害道德基础的关注(Alper & Yilmaz, 2020)。当自己是
上更加错误(Dungan et al., 2017)。与伤害判断相比,不洁净判断较少地谴责行为本身,而更
多地谴责行为主体(Uhlmann & Zhu, 2014)此外,意图(intention)对洁净的影响要小于伤害判
(Young & Saxe, 2011),偶然或有意伤害会在右侧颞顶叶交界处产生不同的激活,而偶然或
有意侵犯洁净没有这种区别(Chakroff et al., 2017)这些不同类型的判断也与不同的面部微表
情和神经系统有关(Wasserman et al., 2017)
唯一预测诸如同性恋婚姻、安乐死等问题(Koleva et al., 2012),而其他道德基础和政治意识
形态则不能。洁净还预测了对疫苗接种的争论(Amin et al., 2017)、亲环境态度(Rottman et al.,
2015)和现实社会网络中的社交距离(Dehghani et al., 2016)。对不洁净的道德关注比对伤害的
判断更能预测自杀的道德判断(Rottman et al., 2014)洁净判断比与任何其他道德基础相关的
判断更能预测厌恶敏感性(Wagemans et al., 2018),即使在伤害情境下。此外,关于道德化过
程的研究表明,通过道德震慑(Moral Shock, 例如通过流产胎儿的图片增加对堕胎的道德笃
斥了对应道德理论(Wisneski & Skitka, 2017)
4 总结与展望
(moral relativism认为不存在普适的道德原则,任何道德价值都只适用于特定文化边界与
个人价值系统之内)”道德普遍主义(moral universalism,一种一元伦理学立场,认为存在
2020)。表 1简要汇总了以往道德一元论与多元论研究的共识与争议点。总体来讲,道德基
是道德基础理论中最为核心的维度(Haidt et al., 2015),格雷也认同道德基础理论的四种
之中的三种基本主张(先天主义,文化学习,直觉主义)(Gray & Keeney, 2015a)但二者最
1 道德一元论与多元论的共识与争议总结
认为道德可以没有本质(Taylor, 1978)。如果道德有本质,却无法辨明,则此题无解。而如果
被试给出的平均看法就是道德本质。这就导致家洞见(expert insights)”民众理(folk
表被试同样认为无害(De Villiers-Botha, 2020; Royzman et al., 2015)。更棘手的是,在实际研
究中,研究者采用的理论定义与操作定义往往不一致。例如上文中提到的洁净道德,仅有 14%
的研究做到了理论定义与操作性定义的统一(Gray et al., 2021)。所以,为保证道德研究的有
面训斥父母这个道德情境(Graham et al., 2011)同时涉及了关爱/伤害权威/颠覆两种不
过对应道德理论来解释(Piazza et al., 2019; Royzman & Borislow, 2022)。同样,多元论研究也
很难在不同阶层、不同文化群体中重复出稳定一致的五种道德基础(e.g., Curry et al., 2019;
Harper & Rhodes, 2021)未来研究应该结合一元论与多元论研究彼此的优势,尤其需要考虑
不同情境与文化对道德本质认知的调节作用(Lees & Gino, 2017),并尽可能采用生态效度高
的现实情境(Schein, 2020)从而建构出更为完善的整合式理论模型。正如一元论者在最新研
直觉模型的对立局面(Gray et al., in press)。同样地,多元论者也应在后续研究中继续厘清不
主导(Hester & Gray, 2020; Matsuo & Brown, in press)。而面对非怪异的样本,道德基础理论
与对应道德理论往往缺乏解释力,如存在前人未曾发现的道德维度(e.g., Atari et al., 2020;
Willard & McNamara, 2019),以及不同的政治倾向与道德基础的对应模式(e.g., Davis et al.,
2016; Frimer, 2020),相对应的道德测量工具也存在构念效度低以及跨文化信效度不合格等
问题(e.g., Iurino & Saucier, 2020; Zakharin & Bates, 2021)。未来研究应亟需考虑在不同文化下
本质的探讨,且相较于西方之求真,中国人更以求善的道德为终极追求(金观涛, 2021;
, 2021)。 孔子提倡“三纲五常”,实则视一元之“仁”为终极道德境界(劳思光, 2019
(李泽厚, 2021)。 同样地,宋代理学家朱熹主张的“存天理”与明代大儒王阳明提出的“致
良知”亦是从“四端”中抽象概括出的一元论道德观(黎靖德, 2020。由此可见,中国哲学
个人权利(黄光国, 2006;杨中芳, 2009,这些因素均可能导致中国人对道德本质的认知与
西方有实质差异。正如有研究发现中国人认为 文明(civility)”的行 是不德的
(Buchtel et al., 2015),而不是西方人认为的伤害或其他因素,并且不文明不道德之间
并无明显的内涵区分(Berniūnas et al., 2021)。以上思考也许均能为解决道德一元论与多元论
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Monism and pluralism in morality: Origins, connotations and
ZHANG Haotian1, YU Feng1, XU Liying2, XUAN Zheli1
(1Department of Psychology, School of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
(2 School of Social Marxism, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Abstract: In recent years, the debates between monism and pluralism are one of the most active
theoretical disagreements in the field of moral psychology. Moral monism claims that all moral
phenomena on the surface and moral structures behind them can be explained by one factor, and the
representative theories are stages theory of moral development and dyadic morality theory, etc.
Moral pluralism holds that morality cant be explained by a single factor, whereas has many
heterogeneous moral dimensions and cultural sensitivity. The representative theories are triadic
moral discourse theory, relational model theory and moral foundations theory, etc. Moreover, moral
foundations theory and dyadic morality theory are the typical representatives of the debates between
monism and pluralism. The two theories have engaged in a long and inconclusive dialogue on the
harm, purity, modular claims, and moral foundations of politics. Future studies should further
explore the monism and pluralism of morality from three specific aspects so as to maintain the
vitality of theory in the field of moral psychology.
Key words: Monism, Pluralism, Moral Foundations Theory, Dyadic Morality Theory, Haidt-Gray
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The moral dumbfounding phenomenon for harmless taboo violations is often cited as a critical piece of empirical evidence motivating anti-rationalist models of moral judgment and decision-making. Moral dumbfounding purportedly occurs when an individual remains obstinately and steadfastly committed to a moral judgment or decision even after admitting inability to provide reasons and arguments to support it (Haidt, 2001). Early empirical support for the moral dumbfounding phenomenon led some philosophers and psychologists to suggest that affective reactions and intuitions, in contrast with reasons or reasoning, are the predominant drivers of moral judgments and decisions. We investigate an alternative reason-based explanation for moral dumbfounding: that putatively harmless taboo violations are judged to be morally wrong because of the high perceived likelihood that the agents could have caused harm, even though they did not cause harm in actuality. Our results indicate that judgments about the likelihood of causing harm consistently and strongly predicted moral wrongness judgments. Critically, a manipulation drawing attention to harms that could have occurred (but did not actually occur) systematically increased the severity of moral wrongness judgments. Thus, many participants were sensitive to at least one reason — the likelihood of harm — in making their moral judgments about these kinds of taboo violations. We discuss the implications of these findings for rationalist and anti-rationalist models of moral judgment and decision-making.
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Moral psychology has long debated whether moral judgment is rooted in harm vs. affect. We reconcile this debate with the Affective Harm Account (AHA) of moral judgment. The AHA understands harm as an intuitive perception (i.e., perceived harm), and divides "affect" into two: embodied visceral arousal (i.e., gut feelings) and stimulus-directed affective appraisals (e.g., ratings of disgustingness). The AHA was tested in a randomized, double-blind pharmacological experiment with healthy young adults judging the immorality, harmfulness, and disgustingness of everyday moral scenarios (e.g., lying) and unusual purity scenarios (e.g., sex with a corpse) after receiving either a placebo or the beta-blocker propranolol (a drug that dampens visceral arousal). Results confirmed the three key hypotheses of the AHA. First, perceived harm and affective appraisals are neither competing nor independent but intertwined. Second, although both perceived harm and affective appraisals predict moral judgment, perceived harm is consistently relevant across all scenarios (in line with the Theory of Dyadic Morality), whereas affective appraisals are especially relevant in unusual purity scenarios (in line with affect-as-information theory). Third, the "gut feelings" of visceral arousal are not as important to morality as often believed. Dampening visceral arousal (via propranolol) did not directly impact moral judgment, but instead changed the relative contribution of affective appraisals to moral judgment-and only in unusual purity scenarios. By embracing a constructionist view of the mind that blurs traditional dichotomies, the AHA reconciles historic harm-centric and current affect-centric theories, parsimoniously explaining judgment differences across various moral scenarios without requiring any "moral foundations."
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The present work reviews moral judgment from the perspective of culture. Culture is a dynamic system of human beings interacting with their environment, and morality is both a product of this system and a means of maintaining it. When members of a culture engage in moral judgment, they communicate their “social morality” and gain a reputation as a productive member who contributes to the culture’s prosperity. People in different cultures emphasize different moral domains, which is often understood through the individualism-collectivism distinction that is widely utilized in cultural psychology. However, traditional morality research lacks the interactive perspective of culture, where people communicate with shared beliefs about what is good or bad. As a consequence, past work has had numerous limitations and even potential confounds created by methodologies that are grounded in the perspective of WEIRD (i.e., Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic) cultures. Great attention should be paid to the possibly misleading assumption that researchers and participants share the same understanding of the stimuli. We must address this bias in sampling and in the minds of researchers and better clarify the concept of culture in intercultural morality research. The theoretical and practical findings from research on culture can then contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of moral judgment.
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Moral foundations theory posits five moral foundations, however 5-factor models provide poor fit to the data. Here, in five studies, each with large samples (total N = 11,496), we construct and replicate a well-fitting model of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ). In study 1 (N = 2,271) we tested previously theorised models, confirming none provide adequate fit. We then developed a well-fitting model of the MFQ. In this model, the fairness/reciprocity and harm/care foundations were preserved intact. The binding foundations, however, divided into five, rather than the original three foundations. Purity/sanctity split into independent foundations of purity and sanctity. Similarly, Ingroup/loyalty divided into independent factors of loyalty to clan and loyalty to country. Authority/respect was re-focussed on hierarchy, losing one item to the new sanctity foundation and another into loyalty to country. In addition to these 7 foundations, higher-level factors of binding and individualizing were supported, along with a general/acquiescence factor. Finally, a "moral tilt" factor corresponding to coordinated left-leaning vs. right-leaning moral patterns was supported. We validated the model in four additional studies, testing replication of the 7-foundation model in data including from US, Australia, and China (total N = 9,225). The model replicated with good fit found in all four samples. These findings demonstrate the first well-fitting replicable model of the MFQ. They also highlight the importance of modelling measurement structure, and reveal important additional foundations, and structure (binding, individualizing, tilt) above the foundations.
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In this paper we report a cross-cultural study on how different types of social transgressions are moralized by Chinese, Americans, and Lithuanians. We hypothesized that, given the continuing influences of Confucian worldview on contemporary Chinese societies, Chinese will not make a distinction between moral (daode 道德) and conventional cultural norms (wenming 文明). Following Turiel's moral/conventional task, we characterized moral transgressions in terms of two dimensions: their wrongness is perceived to be independent of any authorities' opinion and general in scope. The results indicate that Chinese participants were slightly more "moralizing" than Ameri-cans and Lithuanians in the typical (Haidtean) moral domains. Moreover, unlike Americans and Lithuanians, Chinese strongly moralized uncultured (wenming 文明) behavior. Results also indicate that explicit considerations about purity were quite important across all three cultural groups. These mixed results are discussed in the light of recent debates about the scope of morality and the moral/conventional distinction.
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The moral foundations theory (MFT) is an influential multifactorial model that posits how decision-making in the moral context originates from a set of six intuitive moral foundations: care, fairness, authority, loyalty, purity, and liberty. The established measure of these foundations-the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ)-has been used extensively in a range of empirical projects. However, recent analyses of its factor structure and the internal consistency of each of the foundation clusters have called its validity into question. In this paper, data from a large sample of British voters were used to re-examine the factor structure of the MFQ. As opposed to a 6-factor structure, only three meaningful clusters emerged in an exploratory principal factors analysis (Study 1; N = 428): traditionalism, compassion, and liberty. This structure was broadly confirmed in an independent sample (Study 2; N = 322). Concurrent validity was established via correlations with measures of 'social change' and 'systemic inequality' insecurities (Study 1) and voting behaviour and preferences (Study 2). Significant differences on each of the three factors of the revised MFQ (MFQ-r) were observed between the voters of different political parties (Study 1) and sides of the Brexit issue (Study 2). Implications for moral foundations theory and its measurement are discussed.
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We investigate the relationship of morality and political orientation by focusing on the influential results showing that liberals and conservatives rely on different moral foundations. We conducted a comprehensive literature search from major databases and other sources for primary studies that used the Moral Foundations Questionnaire and a typical measure of political orientation, a political self-placement item. We used a predefined process for independent extraction of effect sizes by two authors and ran both study-level and individual-level analyses. With 89 samples, 605 effect sizes, and 33,804 independent participants, in addition to 192,870 participants from the widely used website, the basic differences about conservatives and liberals are supported. Yet, heterogeneity is moderate, and the results may be less generalizable across samples and political cultures than previously thought. The effect sizes obtained from the data appear inflated compared with independent samples, which is partly related to political interest and may be because of self-selection. The association of moral foundations to political orientation varies culturally (between regions and countries) and subculturally (between White and Black respondents and in response to political interest). The associations also differ depending on the choice of the social or economic dimension and its labeling, supporting both the bidimensional model of political orientation and the findings that the dimensions are often strongly correlated. Our findings have implications for interpreting published studies, as well as designing new ones where the political aspect of morality is relevant. The results are primarily limited by the validity of the measures and the homogeneity of the included studies in terms of sample origins. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
There is wide-ranging consensus that harm or perceptions of harm play a significant role in judgments of moral wrongdoing. On one prominent view, the pattern that makes up the “essence” (Gray, Waytz, & Young, 2012) of acts of moral wrongdoing is “harm caused by an agent” (Schein, Goranson, & Gray, 2015, p. 983). According to Gray, Schein, and colleagues, events matching this pattern—a thinking/intentional agent inflicting some manner of harm (i.e., emotional/physical pain) upon a suffering patient—will be perceived as immoral. With this proposal in mind, we argue two basic points: (1) the current specification of the dyadic template would need to be further refined or “fortified” to withstand some obvious counter-examples; (2) this “fortified” formulation is still unfit to address the underlying concern: for any general pattern that is supposed to link perceptions of harm and wrongdoing, there are a number of cases (the “wrongless harms” of the title) that match the pattern quite well but are not viewed as immoral. We show this in four studies and one supplementary study. In our original study, we find, across six vignettes, that people may judge a behavior to be intended, self-serving, as well as foreseeably harmful and yet not judge it immoral. In our subsequent studies, we replicate these results with further checks and controls. With these findings in mind, we argue that moral cognition is far too complex and capricious to be reduced to a template.
Can perceptions of impurity uniquely explain moral judgment? Or is moral judgment reducible to perceptions of harm? Whereas some perspectives posit that purity violations may drive moral judgment distinctly from harm violations, other perspectives contend that perceived harm is an essential precursor of moral condemnation. We tested these competing hypotheses through five preregistered experiments (total N = 2,944) investigating U.S. adults’ perceptions of social distancing violations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Perceived harm was more strongly related to moral judgment than was perceived impurity. Nevertheless, over and above perceived harm, perceived impurity reliably explained unique variance in moral judgment. Effects of perceived harm and impurity were significant among both liberal and conservative participants but were larger among liberals. Results suggest that appraisals of both harm and impurity provide valuable insights into moral cognition. We discuss implications of these findings for dyadic morality, moral foundations, act versus character judgments, and political ideology.
Most moral psychology research has been conducted in Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies. As such, moral judgment, as a psychological phenomenon, might be known to researchers only by its WEIRD manifestations. Here, we start with evaluating Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) using the Moral Foundations Questionnaire, and follow up by building a bottom-up model of moral values, in Iran, a non-WEIRD, Muslim-majority, understudied cultural setting. In six studies (N = 1945) we examine the structural validity of the Persian translation of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire, compare moral foundations between Iran and the US, conduct qualitative interviews regarding moral values, expand the nomological network of “Qeirat” as a culture-specific set of moral values, and investigate the pragmatic validity of “Qeirat” in the Iranian culture. Our findings suggest an additional moral foundation in Iran, above and beyond the five foundations identified by MFT. Specifically, qualitative studies highlighted the role of “Qeirat” values in the Iranian culture, which are comprised of guarding and protectiveness of female kin, romantic partners, broader family, and country. Significant cultural differences in moral values are argued in this work to follow from the psychological systems that, when brought to interact with particular socio-ecological environments, produce different moral structures. This evolutionarily-informed, cross-cultural, mixed-methods research sheds light on moral concerns and their cultural, demographic, and individual-difference correlates in Iran.