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Combined garnet, scheelite and apatite U–Pb dating of mineralizing events in the Qiaomaishan Cu–W skarn deposit, eastern China


Abstract and Figures

Determining the precise timing of mineralization and mineralizing events is crucial to understanding regional mineralizing and other geological events and processes. However, there are a number of mineralogical and analytical limitations to the approaches developed for absolute dating of mineralizing systems, such as molybdenite Re–Os and zircon and garnet U–Pb, among others. This means that the precise and accurate dating of mineralizing systems that may not contain minerals suitable for dating using existing approaches requires the development of new (and ideally in situ) approaches to absolute dating. This study outlines a new in situ analytical approach that has the potential to rapidly and accurately evaluate the timing of ore formation. Our study employs a novel application of in situ scheelite U–Pb dating analysis using laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and samples from the Qiaomaishan deposit, a representative example of skarn mineralization within the Xuancheng ore district of eastern China. Our approach to scheelite dating of the deposit is verified by cross-comparison to dating of cogenetic garnet and apatite, proving the effectiveness of this approach. This study presents a new approach to dating of scheelite-bearing geological systems that is rapid, cheap, requires little sample preparation, and is undertaken in situ, allowing crucial geological and mineralogical context to be retained during analysis. This study outlined here not only allows the determination of the absolute timing of formation of the Qiaomaishan deposit through the U–Pb dating of scheelite [138.6 ± 3.2 Ma, N = 39, mean square weighted deviation (MSWD) = 1.17], garnet (138.4 ± 1.0 Ma, N = 40, MSWD = 1.3), and apatite (139.6 ± 3.3 Ma, N = 35, MSWD = 0.72), but also further supports the theoretical genetic links between this mineralization and the intrusion of a proximal porphyritic granodiorite (zircon U–Pb age: 139.5 ± 1.2 Ma, N = 23, MSWD = 0.3). Moreover, our research indicates that the higher the concentrations of U within scheelite, the more suitable that scheelite is for U–Pb dating, with the main factor controlling the U content of scheelite seemingly being variations in oxygen fugacity conditions. This novel approach provides a potentially powerful tool, not just for the dating of skarn systems but also with potential applications in orogenic and intrusion-related gold, porphyry W–Mo, and greisen deposits as well as other scheelite-bearing geological bodies or geological systems.
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Research Paper
Combined garnet, scheelite and apatite U–Pb dating of mineralizing
events in the Qiaomaishan Cu–W skarn deposit, eastern China
Yue Li
, Feng Yuan
, Simon M. Jowitt
, Xiangling Li
, Taofa Zhou
, Fangyue Wang
Yufeng Deng
Ore Deposit and Exploration Centre (ODEC), Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 23009, China
Anhui Province Engineering Research Center for Mineral Resources and Mine Environments, Hefei 23009, China
Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy., NV 89154-4010, USA
article info
Article history:
Received 1 March 2022
Revised 1 August 2022
Accepted 18 August 2022
Available online 27 August 2022
Handling Editor: N.M.W. Roberts
In-situ scheelite U–Pb dating
In-situ garnet U–Pb dating
In-situ apatite U–Pb dating
Qiaomaishan skarn deposit
Determining the precise timing of mineralization and mineralizing events is crucial to understanding
regional mineralizing and other geological events and processes. However, there are a number of miner-
alogical and analytical limitations to the approaches developed for the absolute dating of mineralizing
systems, such as molybdenite Re–Os and zircon and garnet U–Pb, among others. This means that the pre-
cise and accurate dating of mineralizing systems that may not contain minerals suitable for dating using
existing approaches requires the development of new (and ideally in situ) approaches to absolute dating.
This study outlines a new in situ analytical approach that has the potential to rapidly and accurately eval-
uate the timing of ore formation. Our study employs a novel application of in situ scheelite U–Pb dating
analysis using laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) and samples
from the Qiaomaishan deposit, a representative example of skarn mineralization within the Xuancheng
ore district of eastern China. Our approach to scheelite dating of the deposit is verified by cross-
comparison to dating of cogenetic garnet and apatite, proving the effectiveness of this approach. Our
new approach to dating of scheelite-bearing geological systems is rapid, cheap, requires little sample
preparation, and is undertaken in situ, allowing crucial geological and mineralogical context to be
retained during analysis. The approaches outlined here not only allow the determination of the absolute
timing of formation of the Qiaomaishan deposit through the U–Pb dating of scheelite [138.6 ± 3.2 Ma,
N= 39, mean square weighted deviation (MSWD) = 1.17], garnet (138.4 ± 1.0 Ma, N= 40,
MSWD = 1.3), and apatite (139.6 ± 3.3 Ma, N= 35, MSWD = 0.72), but also further supports the theoretical
genetic links between this mineralization and the emplacement of a proximal porphyritic granodiorite
intrusion (zircon U–Pb age: 139.5 ± 1.2 Ma, N= 23, MSWD = 0.3). Moreover, our research indicates that
the higher the concentrations of U within scheelite, the more suitable that scheelite is for U–Pb dating,
with the main factor controlling the U content of scheelite seemingly being variations in oxygen fugacity
conditions. This novel approach provides a potentially powerful tool, not just for the dating of skarn sys-
tems but also with potential applications in orogenic and intrusion-related gold, porphyry W–Mo, and
greisen mineralizing systems as well as other scheelite-bearing geological bodies or geological systems.
Ó2022 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction
Multiple isotopic dating approaches have been used to deter-
mine the timing of mineralizing events, including molybdenite
Re–Os and the dating of hydrothermal minerals (e.g., garnet, titan-
ite, cassiterite, etc.) using U–Pb approaches (e.g., Zhang et al.,
2017, 2019; Gevedon et al., 2018; Xie et al., 2019; Alexander et al.,
2020; Xiao et al., 2020; Hong et al., 2021; Li et al., 2021b). However,
a lack of suitable minerals (especially ore minerals) for dating makes
determining the processes involved in the timing of mineralization
and alteration events within skarn or other hydrothermal systems
often controversial. Several possible approaches for the in-situ U–
Pb isotopic dating of hydrothermal minerals within skarn systems
(e.g., garnet, apatite, etc.) have been recently outlined, the majority
of which use laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spec-
trometry (LA–ICP–MS; Deng et al., 2017; Seman et al., 2017).
Despite these advances there remain numerous limitations in terms
1674-9871/Ó2022 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
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E-mail address: (F. Yuan).
Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
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of obtaining precise dates for skarn mineralization as well as for
other mineral deposit types, including the fact that not all of the
minerals dateable using current approaches are present in most
deposits. In addition, a number of potential approaches require min-
eral separation rather than in situ analysis, with the potential loss of
the mineralogical and geological context of the minerals being
dated. This indicates the requirement for the new development of
in situ U–Pb and other geochronological approaches for the deter-
mining of the precise timing of mineralizing and other events within
hydrothermal, mineralizing, and other geological systems.
Scheelite commonly occurs in skarn-type, vein/stockwork, por-
phyry deposits, disseminated or greisen, orogenic and intrusion-
related gold, and breccia and brine/evaporite and hot spring depos-
its, among others (Brown and Pitfield, 2014). The widespread dis-
tribution of scheelite within these diverse mineralizing systems
means that the development of approaches to date this mineral
will have broad applicability. The Qiaomaishan deposit is a rela-
tively simple skarn system within the Xuancheng ore district of
the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenetic Belt (MLYB), east-
ern China. Previous research (Li et al., 2019, 2021b) indicates that
the formation of this deposit and the associated skarn alteration
is related to the intrusion of a porphyritic granodiorite. This
deposit does not involve multi-stage magmatic and/or thermal
events (Li et al., 2019, 2021a), which makes the deposit an ideal
case study for the application of scheelite U–Pb dating, especially
as this approach can be directly compared to dates obtained using
other approaches on the same deposit. This study focuses on the
hydrothermal garnet, scheelite, and apatite from the Qiaomaishan
deposit, with the multiple approaches to dating of the system
allowing the determination of whether accurate, precise, and more
importantly geologically meaningful ages can be obtained from
Previous research has highlighted the use of scheelite Sm–Nd
dating to determine the timing of mineral deposit formation, an
approach that can yielded geologically significant ages (Peng
et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2007), albeit with low precision (Stein,
2014). However, relatively few studies have been undertaken on
the in situ dating of scheelite, namely Wintzer (2019), Poitrenaud
et al. (2020) and a conference abstract by Raith et al. (2011). The
first two studies undertook the in-situ U–Pb dating of scheelite
using NIST glasses as reference materials as a result of a lack of
scheelite standards. However, the presence of significant matrix
effects between NIST612 and scheelite (Tang et al., 2022) means
that these initial attempts at dating are likely not very accurate
(Poitrenaud et al., 2020). In addition, the space limitations of the
conference abstract means that Raith et al. (2011) did not provide
details of the analytical methods, reference materials, the instru-
ment parameters used, the results obtained and their accuracy
and precision, and key illustrations such as Tera-Wasserburg dia-
grams (Tera and Wasserburg, 1972). This means that it is impossi-
ble to tell whether this scheelite dating was successful or not and
whether this approach could be applied to other deposits. All of
this indicates that significant uncertainty remains over the use
and applicability of scheelite U–Pb dating as a means to obtain
absolute dates for mineralizing events and other geological pro-
cesses. This study provides details of the analytical methods and
instrument parameters as well as geological background informa-
tion in addition to comparing scheelite ages to the U–Pb dating of
garnet and apatite from the same deposit, allowing the verification
of the precision and accuracy of this widely applicable approach to
scheelite U–Pb dating.
2. Geological setting
2.1. Regional geology
The Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenetic Belt (MLYB)
hosts world-class Cu–Fe polymetallic mineralization and is one of
Fig. 1. Geological map of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt showing the location of major ore districts and the study area (modified after Chang et al., 1991;
Mao et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2017).
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
the most important areas of mineralization in China (Fig. 1;Chang
et al., 1991; Mao et al., 2011; Pirajno and Zhou, 2015; Zhou et al.,
2017). The belt is subdivided into southern, central, and northern
subzones (Fig. 1) and is bounded by the Xiangfan–Guangji Fault
(XGF) to the northwest, the Huanglishu–Poliangting Fault (HPF)
to the northeast and the Chongyang–Changzhou Fault (CCF) to
the south (Fig. 1;Zhou et al., 2017). The ore deposits within this
belt are concentrated in eight districts, with the Xuancheng district
being relatively newly discovered and hence under-explored
relative to the other districts within the belt. The region hosts a
number of Cu–polymetallic deposits that are related to Early
Cretaceous intrusions (Fig. 2;Liu and Duan, 2015; Li et al., 2020).
The Qiaomaishan (QMS) deposit is a representative skarn
deposit in Xuancheng district and forms the focus of this study
(Figs. 2–3).
2.2. Ore deposit geology
The Qiaomaishan deposit is located to the northeast of Xuan-
cheng (Fig. 2A) and is a medium-sized skarn-type deposit with
total estimated resources of 60,000 t of Cu metal at an average
grade of 1.03% and 10,000 t of W at an average grade of 0.25%
(Liu and Duan, 2015). The main stratigraphic units in this area
include upper Devonian, middle–upper Carboniferous, upper Per-
mian, and Quaternary sediments (Fig. 3A). The upper Devonian
sediments in this region are quartz sandstones whereas the Car-
boniferous sediments are dominated by limestones with a basal
section containing dolomitic limestones. The majority of this lime-
stone has been contact metamorphosed to form medium- to
coarse-grained marble and garnet skarn, with all of the economic
skarn-type orebodies also located within these metasomatized
zones (Fig. 3;Liu and Duan, 2015). The upper Permian sediments
in this area are quartz sandstones that are in contact with the
lower parts of the intrusions within this region although this con-
tact relationship is typically free of any hydrothermal alteration.
The main geological structure within the study area is an over-
turned anticline with a core that consists of Devonian sandstone
units (Liu and Duan, 2015). The mineralization-related intrusion
in this area is a porphyritic granodiorite that yielded a zircon U–
Pb age of 139.5 ± 1.2 Ma [N= 23, mean square weighted deviation
(MSWD) = 0.3, by LA–ICP–MS; Li et al., 2019]. This intrusion is the
product of emplacement after mixing of enriched mantle-derived
and crust-derived magmas (Li et al., 2019) and is present in the
form of stocks or dikes that were emplaced into the surrounding
Carboniferous limestone units (Liu and Duan, 2015). The contact
zone between the intrusions and this limestone is an important
host for the skarn Cu–W mineralization in this area (Fig. 3). Both
mineralization and the intrusion are located on the lower limb of
the anticline and are covered by the other limb.
Field, geological and petrographic observations allow the deter-
mination of a paragenetic sequence and associated ore-forming
processes that can be divided into four main stages as follows:
(1) prograde skarn, (2) retrograde, (3) main sulfide mineralization,
and (4) quartz–carbonate stages (Fig. 4). These stages are described
2.2.1. Prograde skarn stage (stage 1)
This stage represents the prograde skarn formation associated
with the generation of anhydrous silicate minerals, namely abun-
dant garnet skarn and lesser amounts of vein-hosted diopside
Fig. 2. Map showing the geology of the Xuancheng ore district (modified after Liu and Duan, 2015; Li et al., 2020, 2021a, 2021b).
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
(Fig. 5). This alteration is predominantly located within the por-
phyritic granodiorite (Fig. 5A–D) and is associated with the forma-
tion of pink–brown endoskarn garnet and red–brown or green
exoskarn garnet that overprint and replace the altered porphyritic
granodiorite and the surrounding Carboniferous units (Fig. 5),
respectively. The pink–brown and red–brown type of garnet
formed proximal to the contact between the intrusion and the sur-
rounding country rock (Fig. 5B–E) whereas the green type garnet is
more widely distributed (Fig. 5G), being identified distal from the
contact zone throughout the deposit. Cross-cutting relationships
within the deposit indicate that the green exoskarn garnet formed
after the red–brown exoskarn garnet (Fig. 5F; Li et al., 2021a).
2.2.2. Retrograde stage (stage 2)
This stage is associated with retrograde skarn alteration and the
formation of hydrous silicate minerals such as epidote, antigorite,
and chlorite, as well as garnet, magnetite, scheelite, quartz, and
apatite (Fig. 6). It is associated with exoskarn formation through-
out the deposit, and includes an alteration zone dominated by
antigorite that formed proximal to the contact zone (Fig. 6A–C),
Fig. 3. Geological map (A–C) and cross-sections (D–F) showing the location of the mineralization-related intrusion and skarn zones in the study area as well as the orebodies
that define the Qiaomaishan deposit (modified after Liu and Duan, 2015; Li et al., 2021b).
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
reflecting the presence of dolomitic limestone. This antigorite
alteration zone is free of sulfides but contains a small amount of
magnetite. The antigorite zone also transitions into an andradite
garnet-dominated skarn with increasing distance from the contact
before again transitioning into small garnet-hosted veins within
marble units distal from the intrusion (Fig. 6D–F). Epidote is com-
paratively rare and is only developed in epidote-dominated
patches that contain small amounts of magnetite and quartz
(Fig. 6G). This stage is also associated with the pseudomorphic
replacement of earlier-formed garnet by magnetite, chlorite and
sericite (Fig. 6H–I), providing evidence of the overprinting of pro-
grade skarn by retrograde alteration.
2.2.3. Main sulfide mineralization stage (stage 3)
This stage represents the main stage of sulfide mineralization
and involved the precipitation of sulfides and quartz. The sulfides
formed during this stage of mineralization include pyrite, chal-
copyrite, molybdenite, and pyrrhotite, all of which are hosted by
massive sulfide ores and quartz–sulfide veins that cross-cut the
earlier-formed skarn assemblages (Fig. 7A–B). This stage of miner-
alization is also characterized by the formation of quartz–molyb-
denite veins that cross-cut the altered intrusion (Fig. 7C). The
main orebodies within the deposit formed during this stage and
consist of massive sulfides with minor amounts of gangue
(Fig. 7D). This stage is also associated with continued scheelite
Fig. 4. The paragenetic sequence of mineralization and alteration recorded within the Qiaomaishan deposit showing the mineralogical variations between the four stages of
mineralization identified in the study area.
Fig. 5. Photographs showing representative samples of (A) altered porphyritic granodiorite, (B–D) endoskarn, and (E) exoskarn within the Qiaomaishan deposit.
Abbreviations are as follows: Di = diopside, Grt = garnet.
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
precipitation, as evidenced by the relationship between scheelite
and massive sulfides (Fig. 7E). Intimate contact relationships
between scheelite and chalcopyrite also indicates that the majority
of the scheelite in the deposit formed during this stage of mineral-
ization (Fig. 7F).
2.2.4. Quartz–carbonate stage (stage 4)
The final stage of mineralization, here termed the quartz–
carbonate stage, generated quartz–carbonate veins that contain
pyrite, chalcopyrite, and galena (Fig. 8). This stage contrasts with
the main mineralization stage in that it is associated with a
Fig. 6. Photographs and photomicrographs showing representative examples of the retrograde skarn stage of mineralization within the Qiaomaishan deposit. (A–C) Hand
specimens and photomicrographs of antigorite skarn with (B) and (C) taken under transmitted plane-polarized and transmitted cross-polarized light, respectively. (D–F)
Hand specimens and photomicrographs of garnet exoskarn and garnet veins within marble; (E) was taken under transmitted plane-polarized light. (G) Hand specimen of
epidote skarn. (H, I) Garnet pseudo-crystalline and replaced by magnetite and chlorite, respectively; (H) and (I) were taken under transmitted plane-polarized and
transmitted cross-polarized light, respectively. Abbreviations are as in Fig. 5 with Atg = antigorite, Ep = epidote, Mt = magnetite, Chl = chlorite, Sch = scheelite, Ser = sericite,
Cal = calcite.
Fig. 7. Photographs and photomicrographs showing representative samples formed during the main mineralization stage and cross-cutting relationships within the
Qiaomaishan deposit. (A–C) Hand specimen containing quartz–sulfide veins cross-cutting earlier formed garnet skarn and porphyritic granodiorite. (D–F) Hand specimens
and photomicrographs showing a representative example of massive sulfide ore and (E) showing that the paragenesis of scheelite with sulfide; (E) was taken under ultraviolet
light whereas (F) was taken under reflected light. Abbreviations are as in Fig. 6 with Qtz = quartz, Ccp = chalcopyrite, Mo = molybdenite, Py = pyrite.
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
quartz–calcite or pure calcite gangue assemblage (Fig. 8A–D). The
sulfide assemblage formed during this stage is pyrite dominated
with minimal amounts of chalcopyrite, indicating that this stage
of mineralization is not economically important. This stage of
mineralization is also more distal from the contact zone than
the main stage of mineralization. The later parts of this stage
(i.e., after sulfide precipitation) are associated with the formation
of pure calcite veins free of sulfides that cross-cut the earlier-
formed mineralization and the antigorite alteration zone
(Fig. 8E–H). There are also some gypsum veins formed during this
stage of mineralization and cross-cut the earlier formed antigorite
alteration assemblages (Fig. 8I), garnet skarn assemblages (Fig. 8J),
and sulfide veins (Fig. 8K), suggesting that the gypsum formed
during the very final stages of hydrothermal activity. Pure calcite
veins are generally located in areas distal from the contact zone
whereas the gypsum veins are predominantly located within the
antigorite alteration zone. This means that although the relative
timing of the pure calcite and gypsum veins cannot be determined
and both formed during the final stage of the hydrothermal activ-
ity in this area.
3. Samples
3.1. Scheelite samples
The scheelite mineralization in the deposit formed during
stages 2 and 3 and can be divided into three types according to par-
agenetic and spatial relationships. Type 1 (sample QMS-16–02;
Fig. 3D) scheelite is located proximal (within 30 m) to the contact
between the intrusion and the surrounding limestone country rock
and is fine-grained. It usually forms part of a garnet–quartz–schee
lite–magnetite alteration assemblage (Fig. 9A–E). Type 2 scheelite
(QMS-18–02; Fig. 3F) is found more distal from the contact zone
(60 m) but again is fine-grained and is associated with an
antigorite–phlogopite–scheelite–magnetite alteration assemblage
(Fig. 9F–J). Type 3 scheelite (QMS-29) is spatially related to the
main orebodies and is the scheelite that was dated using the U–
Pb technique during this study. This scheelite is coarser grained
than the Type 1 and 2 scheelite (up to 2 mm or more) and is asso-
ciated with a scheelite–apatite–dolomite–chalcopyrite–pyrite–cal
cite alteration assemblage (Fig. 10).
Fig. 8. Photographs and photomicrographs showing representative examples of the quartz–carbonate stage and cross-cutting relationships within the Qiaomaishan deposit.
(A–D) Photomicrographs showing the quartz–calcite–sulfide assemblages; (B) and (C) were taken under transmitted cross-polarized light whereas (D) was taken under
reflected light. (E–H) Photographs and photomicrographs showing the stage 4 pure calcite veins cross-cutting earlier formed alteration and mineralization, (F), (G), and (H)
were taken under transmitted cross-polarized light, reflected light and transmitted plane-polarized light, respectively. (I–K) Gypsum veins cross-cutting earlier formed
antigorite alteration zone, garnet skarn, and early (Stage 3) sulfide veins. Abbreviations are as in Figs. 5–7 with Gn = galena.
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
3.2. Samples for U–Pb dating
Garnet was collected from drillhole 16 + 02 at a depth of –108 m
(QMS-16–21; Fig. 11). This sample is a massive garnet skarn con-
taining garnet that is generally 5–10 mm in size along with minor
disseminated magnetite and pyrite (Fig. 11A). The sample was col-
lected from exoskarn that is located spatially close to the contact
zone and formed during stage 1, later than the endoskarn garnet
and earlier than the green exoskarn garnet (Fig. 11A; Li et al.,
2021b). A polished thin section was prepared from this sample
for optical microscopy, with the mostly reddish–brown garnet in
hand specimen appearing as a light yellowish–brown color under
transmitted plane-polarized light (Fig. 11B). The garnets are euhe-
dral and are free of fractures and alteration, indicating that they
underwent little interaction with later hydrothermal fluids. They
also have generally homogenous major element compositions, as
evidenced by their uniform appearance during backscattered elec-
tron (BSE) imaging (Fig. 11C; Li et al., 2021a). Disseminated pyrite–
chalcopyrite mineralization also fills the interstitial spaces
between the garnets in this sample (Fig. 11D, E). This suggests that
these sulfides formed after the formation of garnet skarn but that
this mineralization did not lead to any alteration of the garnet.
The Type 3 scheelite and apatite dated during this study are
both from the same hand specimen that was collected from
underground developments within the study area. The sample
contains high concentrations of Cu and W and a large amount
of chalcopyrite and disseminated pyrite along with gangue miner-
als (Fig. 10A, B). Early scheelite–apatite–chalcopyrite–dolomite
alteration assemblages are cross-cut by later pyrite veins within
the sample (Fig. 10C). The textures between the scheelite, apatite,
and chalcopyrite in this sample indicates they formed almost
simultaneously (Fig. 10D–J). The paragenesis of the scheelite
and the sulfides within the deposit also suggests that the scheel-
ite formed during the early parts of the sulfide stage of
4. Analytical methods
Polished thin sections were prepared from representative hand
specimens containing scheelite formed during the different stages
of mineralization outlined above. The optical microscopy and geo-
chemical data for scheelite presented in this study are based on
observations and analyses of these thin sections.
Fig. 9. Photographs and photomicrographs showing representative examples of the Type 1 (A–E) and Type 2 (F–J) scheelite within the Qiaomaishan deposit. (B, D, G, I) were
taken under transmitted plane-polarized light and (C, E, H, J) were taken under transmitted cross-polarized light. Abbreviations are as Figs. 5–7 with Phl = phlogopite.
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
4.1. Major and trace element composition of scheelite
Scheelite compositions were determined by electron probe
microanalysis (EPMA) employing a JOEL JXA 8230 electron micro-
probe equipped with wave and energy dispersive detectors and a
backscattered electron detector at the School of Resources and
Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei,
China. This instrument was also used for BSE imaging. The EPMA
Fig. 10. Photographs and photomicrographs showing representative examples of the Type 3 scheelite within the Qiaomaishan deposit. (C, D, G) were taken under reflected
plane-polarized light, (E, I) were taken under transmitted plane-polarized light, and (F, H, J) were taken under transmitted cross-polarized light. Abbreviations are as in
Figs. 6–7 with Ap = apatite, Dol = dolomite.
Fig. 11. Photographs, photomicrographs, and a BSE image (C) showing representative examples of the QMS-16–21 garnet skarn within the Qiaomaishan deposit. (B, E) were
taken under transmitted plane-polarized light and (D) was taken under reflected plane-polarized light. Abbreviations are as in Figs. 5–7.
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
undertaken during this study used an accelerating voltage of 15 kV,
a beam current of 20 nA, an electron beam diameter of 3
m, and a
counting time of 20 s. Natural and synthetic minerals were used as
standards and a standard ZAF program was employed for matrix
corrections. The analytical precision of the concentrations of the
majority of elements determined during this analysis is better than
Scheelite LA–ICP–MS trace element analysis was undertaken at
the In-situ Mineral Geochemistry Lab, Ore Deposit and Exploration
Centre (ODEC), Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China,
using an Agilent 7900 Quadrupole ICP–MS coupled to a Photon
Machines Analyte HE 193-nm ArF Excimer LA system. Argon was
used as a make-up gas and was mixed with the carrier gas via a
T-connector before entering the ICP (Ning et al., 2017; Wang
et al., 2017). Trace element concentrations were determined using
a uniform spot size diameter of 40
m at 8 Hz with a laser energy
of 4 J/cm
and an ablation period of 40 s after 20 s of gas blank
measurement. Standard reference materials NIST 610, NIST 612,
and BCR-2G were used for external standardization with preferred
elemental concentrations for these NIST and USGS reference
glasses taken from the GeoReM database (Jochum et al., 2005).
These standard reference materials were run after every 10
unknowns with detection limits calculated for each individual ele-
ment in each individual spot analysis. Offline data processing was
performed using the ICPMSDataCal software (Liu et al., 2008).
4.2. In-situ U–Pb dating
U–Pb dating of garnet, apatite, and scheelite was undertaken on
regular polished thin sections. In-situ U–Pb geochronology was
undertaken using LA–ICP–MS at the Yanduzhongshi Geological
Analysis Laboratories Limited, Beijing, China. The instrumental
conditions are reported in Supplementary Data (Table S1). All ref-
erence materials were analyzed at the beginning of the session and
after every 10 unknown spots using the same conditions as used on
the samples and each analysis began with a 20 s blank gas mea-
surement followed by a further 40 s of analysis time when the laser
was switched on. A flow of He carrier gas at a rate of 0.6 L/min car-
ried particles ablated by the laser out of the chamber to be mixed
with Ar gas and then carried to the plasma torch. Off-line data pro-
cessing was completed using the ZSkits and ICPMSDataCal soft-
ware packages (Liu et al., 2008, 2010; Cai et al., 2020), and
results are plotted in Tera–Wasserburg diagrams using Isoplot ver-
sion 4.15 (Ludwig, 2012). Uncertainty propagation and data report-
ing follow the community-based guidelines of Horstwood et al.
(2016), Roberts et al. (2020), and Sliwinski et al. (2022).
For garnet dating, a MALI grandite garnet standard (Seman
et al., 2017) was used as the primary standard with a Willsboro
andradite standard garnet (Seman et al., 2017) and an in-house
ZSLS garnet reference material (reference age of 155 ± 2 Ma deter-
mined by LA–ICP–MS age) used as monitors. This analysis used a
m laser diameter, a frequency of 9 Hz, and an energy density
of approximately 3 J/cm
For apatite dating, a MAD2 apatite was used as the primary ref-
erence material (Thomson et al., 2012), with Otter Lake (Barfod
et al., 2005; Chew et al., 2011) and ZAP-10 [in-house reference
material, reference age of 155 ± 2 Ma determined by LA–ICP–MS;
also named MRC-1 with an isotope dilution–thermal ionization
mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) age of 153.3 ± 0.2 Ma, Apen et al.,
2022] apatite used as monitor standards. Apatite analyses used a
m diameter laser beam, a frequency of 8 Hz, and an energy
density of approximately 3.6 J/cm
For scheelite dating, it should be noted that there are currently
no published reference materials that can be used for calibration,
mass discrimination, and isotope fractionation. As a result, matrix
effects were avoided by the use of an in-house laboratory scheelite
reference material ZS-Sch-1 (reference age of 228 ± 2 Ma deter-
mined by ID-TIMS; Dr. Han Zhang, pers. comm., the Yanduzhongshi
Geological Analysis Laboratories Ltd.) for calibration, mass discrim-
ination, and isotope fractionation in this study. Since the details of
this reference material have not been officially published, we can
only assess whether the results of scheelite are credible by com-
paring with the dating results of apatite coexisting with scheelite
under the assumption that the reference material is accurate and
reliable; preparation of a publication outlining the details of this
reference material is currently underway. The precision of the data
obtained during this study also meant that it was not possible to
identify the absolute timing of the different potential stages of
hydrothermal events in the study area by LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating.
However, the results of the garnet and apatite dating undertaken
during this study can be used to determine whether our scheelite
U–Pb dating results are credible and geologically meaningful, indi-
cating the usefulness of combined garnet–apatite–scheelite dating
of the deposit. Scheelite also contains more U than the apatite anal-
ysed during this study, meaning that a 45
m laser beam was used
with all other conditions for scheelite dating similar to those used
for apatite.
5. Results
5.1. Scheelite major and trace element geochemistry
The results of the EPMA and the LA–ICP–MS analysis under-
taken during this study are given in Supplementary Data (Tables
S2 and S3). Type 1 scheelite contains relatively uniform concentra-
tions of CaO (19.71–20.72 wt.%, average = 20.22 wt.%; N= 15) along
with the lowest concentrations of WO
(73.19–78.71 wt.%,
average = 75.95 wt.%; N= 15) but the highest concentrations of
(0.92–5.73 wt.%, average = 3.32 wt.%; N= 15; data from
EPMA) of any of the scheelite formed during the three different
types identified above. Type 2 scheelite contains similar concentra-
tions of CaO to the Type 1 scheelite (19.61–20.38 wt.%, average =
19.79 wt.%; N= 11) but more WO
(75.70–81.26 wt.%, average =
79.67 wt.%; N= 11; data from EPMA) and significantly less MoO
(0.06–0.46 wt.%, average = 0.15 wt.%; N= 11) than the Type 1
scheelite. The Type 3 scheelite has CaO concentrations (19.38–
20.01 wt.%, average = 19.79 wt.%; N= 22) that are similar to the
concentrations within the scheelite formed during the other two
types but contains slightly more WO
(77.90–80.74 wt.%,
average = 80.04 wt.%; N= 22), and significantly less MoO
0.15 wt.%, average = 0.05 wt.%; N= 22; data from EPMA), including
seven analyses where MoO
concentrations were below detection.
Type 1 scheelite also has low total rare earth element (REE) con-
centrations (25.33–52.89 ppm; N= 13; Supplementary Data,
Table S3) and contains low concentrations of U (0–18.99 ppm,
average = 2.01 ppm; N= 13; Supplementary Data,Table S3) but
high concentrations of Mo (4439–29,923 ppm, average = 17,121 p
pm; N= 13; data from LA–ICP–MS; Supplementary Data,Table S3).
This scheelite is also light REE (LREE) enriched and heavy REE
(HREE) depleted with variable Eu anomalies
pÞvisible in
chondrite-normalized REE diagrams (0.38–4.41; N= 13;
Fig. 11A). The Type 2 scheelite contains higher concentrations of
the total REE (92.15–211.37 ppm; Supplementary Data,Table S3),
and U (0.42–20.01 ppm, average = 4.21 ppm; N= 13; Supplemen-
tary Data,Table S3) but lower concentrations of Mo (265–
1699 ppm, average = 752 ppm; N= 13; data from LA–ICP–MS; Sup-
plementary Data,Table S3) than the Type 1 scheelite. The Type 2
scheelite also has relatively flat chondrite-normalized REE patterns
with significantly positive Eu anomalies (1.95–5.93; Fig. 12B). The
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
Type 3 scheelite contains the highest concentrations of the REE
(277.88–1483.97 ppm; N= 15; Supplementary Data,Table S3)
and U (1.32–67.72 ppm, average = 36.28 ppm; N= 15; Supplemen-
tary Data,Table S3) but also the lowest concentrations of Mo
(11.98–27.62 ppm, average = 16.86 ppm; N= 15; data from LA–
ICP–MS; Supplementary Data,Table S3) of the scheelite analyzed
during this study. This scheelite has chondrite-normalized REE pat-
terns that are similar to the Type 2 scheelite but with even more
pronounced positive Eu anomalies (9.78–398.69; Fig. 7C).
5.2. In-situ dating results
Variations in mineral structure mean that some minerals used
for U–Pb dating, such as apatite, garnet, scheelite, and others, will
incorporate a certain amount of common Pb in their mineral lat-
tices during formation. A common Pb correction has not been
applied in this study as a result of the high variability of the data
(Chew et al., 2014; Reinhardt et al., 2022). This also means that
U–Pb ages are calculated using a linear regression within Tera–
Wasserburg concordia diagrams (Tera and Wasserburg, 1972)as
the garnet, apatite, and scheelite all incorporate a mixture of
non-radiogenic and radiogenic Pb formed as a result of the in-
situ decay of U. All U–Pb dates are defined as the lower intercept
with the concordia curve as determined by linear regression of dis-
cordant arrays with reported ages calculated using Isoplot 4.15
(Ludwig, 2012) with all uncertainties reported at the 2
The resulting U–Pb isotopic data and the Tera–Wasserburg dia-
grams for the samples and reference materials used during this
study are given in Supplementary Data (Table S4) with garnet, apa-
tite, and scheelite U–Pb isotopic data shown in Fig. 13 and Tera–
Wasserburg diagrams of these reference materials provided in
Supplementary Data (Fig. S1). The U–Pb isotopic data for the garnet
from sample QMS-16–21 plotted on a Tera–Wasserburg diagram
define a regression line that yields a well-defined lower-intercept
age of 138.4 ± 1.0 Ma (2
,N= 40, MSWD = 1.3; Fig. 13A). The U–
Pb ages for apatite and scheelite from sample QMS-29 determined
using lower intercepts are identical within uncertainty at 139.6 ± 3.
,N= 35, MSWD = 0.71; Fig. 13B) and 138.6 ± 3.2 Ma (2
N= 39, MSWD = 1.17; Fig. 13C), respectively.
6. Discussion
6.1. Hydrothermal fluid processes and the incorporation of U into the
scheelite structure
The major, trace, and REE concentrations of scheelite are influ-
enced by numerous factors that include hydrothermal fluid com-
positions, oxygen fugacity (fO
), and host rock buffering (Brugger
et al., 2000; Dostal et al., 2009; Song et al., 2014; Guo et al.,
2016; Fu et al., 2021). This in turn means that variations in
scheelite geochemistry can be used to identify key changes
during the evolution of mineralizing hydrothermal systems. The
scheelite within the study area contains significantly different
Fig. 12. (A–C) Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for scheelite formed during different types of mineralization within the Qiaomaishan deposit normalized to the C1
chondrite composition of McDonough and Sun (1995). These diagrams also show the composition of the endoskarn garnet (Li et al., 2021a) in the study area. (A) Chondrite-
normalized REE patterns for Type 1 scheelite and exoskarn garnet (Li et al., 2021a). (B) Comparison of Type 1 and Type 2 scheelite. (C) Comparison of Type 1, Type 2, and Type
3 scheelite. (D) Diagram showing variations in WO
and MoO
concentrations within scheelite in the study area. Linear equations and correlation coefficients refer to the solid
trendlines defined by the Type 1 scheelite data.
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
concentrations of MoO
as outlined above (Supplementary Data,
Table S2). Molybdenum is a redox-sensitive element that is trans-
ported as Mo
and enters scheelite by substituting for W
oxidizing conditions. A reduction in fO
conditions would cause
to be reduced to Mo
and hence precipitate as molybdenite
;Rempel et al., 2009; Song et al., 2014). This means that
scheelite containing higher concentrations of Mo formed under
oxidizing conditions whereas scheelite containing lower concen-
trations of Mo formed in a more reduced environment (Zhao
et al., 2018). The three types of scheelite formation identified
within the Qiaomaishan deposit are associated with scheelite Mo
concentrations that decrease over time, as evidenced by both
EPMA and LA–ICP–MS analyses (Supplementary Data, Tables S2
and S3;Fig. 12D). Type 1 scheelite contains the highest concentra-
tions of Mo and has WO
and MoO
concentrations that negatively
correlate (R
= 0.83; Fig. 12D), consistent with the substitution
mechanism outlined above. However, the Types 2 and 3 scheelites
contain low concentrations of Mo and have WO
and MoO
centrations that do not correlate (Fig. 12D). This suggests these
later scheelites formed under lower oxygen fugacity (or reduced)
conditions associated with very low Mo
ratios, allowing
only limited isomorphic substitution between W and Mo (Fu
et al., 2021). This means that the differences in scheelite Mo con-
centrations between Types 1 and 3 reflect a decrease in fO
tions during the evolution of the mineralizing systems. All three of
the scheelite samples analyzed during this study are located within
the exoskarn part of the deposit, indicating that the variations in
Mo concentrations within these samples cannot be related to host
rock buffering, again supporting a hydrothermal fluid oxygen
fugacity control on the Mo concentrations of these scheelite
The REE concentrations within scheelite can also be influenced
by various other factors (Ghaderi et al., 1999; Dostal et al., 2009;
Song et al., 2014). There are three main processes whereby the
trivalent REE can substitute for the divalent Ca within the scheelite
structure, namely: (1) 2Ca
, (2) Ca
, or (3) 3Ca
= 2REE
(Ghaderi et al., 1999; Brugger
et al., 2000; Dostal et al., 2009; Song et al., 2014, Hazarika et al.,
2016). However, all of the scheelite from the study area has Na
concentrations below the EPMA detection limit, effectively ruling
out substitution (1) above (Supplementary Data,Table S2). The
scheelite in the study area also contains low concentrations of
Nb (0.52–60.92 ppm, average = 9.84 ppm; Supplementary Data,
Table S3), suggesting that substitution (2) is also relatively insignif-
icant. This leaves substitution (3), which involves a site vacancy
with no ionic radii restrictions during this substitution, indicating
that all of the REE should have identical partition coefficients. This
suggests that if this is the dominant substitution mechanism for
the incorporation of the REE into the scheelite in the study area,
then the REE patterns of the resulting scheelite most likely reflect
the REE compositions of the ore-forming fluids (Ghaderi et al.,
1999). Type 1 scheelite has a similar REE pattern to the exoskarn
garnet in the study area, suggesting that this scheelite not only
inherited compositional characteristics from the hydrothermal
fluid that formed the deposit but also suggests that this hydrother-
mal fluid formed both the mineralization and the skarn assem-
blages in the study area (Fig. 14A). Scheelite Eu anomalies can
also be used to monitor variations in hydrothermal fluid redox con-
ditions (Song et al., 2019; Han et al., 2020). Ghaderi et al. (1999)
indicated that scheelite Eu budgets dominated by Eu
will yield
samples that plot along a Eu
(Eu chondrite-normalized)/Eu*
[where Eu*
= (Sm
] = 1 line in a Eu
vs. Eu*
(shown as a dashed line in Fig. 14A). In contrast, samples with
higher Eu
values are indicative of formation from mineraliz-
ing fluids dominated by Eu
. The Type 1 scheelite plots along the
= 1 line, indicative of formation from hydrothermal fluids
dominated by Eu
(Fig. 14A; Ghaderi et al., 1999). However, the
values of the Type 2 scheelite are significantly higher
than this 1:1 line, with the Type 3 scheelite having Eu
ues > 10 or even > 100 (Fig. 14A). This provides evidence of the
hydrothermal fluids associated with these different types of
scheelite formation changing from Eu
-dominant to Eu
dominant. The positive correlation between scheelite Eu anomalies
and Mo concentrations for all of the scheelite in the study area also
indicates that the Eu anomalies within this scheelite were also pre-
dominantly controlled by the fO
conditions of the hydrothermal
fluids associated the Qiaomaishan deposit (Fig. 14B), consistent
with the discussion above. All of this suggests that scheelite Mo
concentrations and Eu anomalies are both effective approaches to
determine variations in fO
conditions during the evolution of
hydrothermal mineralizing systems.
The U–Pb dating of scheelite requires minerals with relatively
high concentrations of U. However, rather than substituting into
the scheelite structure, U can also be present as U-rich mineral
inclusions within scheelite, limiting the application of the U–Pb
geochronometer or potentially yielding geologically insignificant
dates. The scheelite (QMS-29) selected for U–Pb dating in this
study is free of mineral inclusions and microfractures, as evidenced
by the flat and smooth spectra obtained during LA–ICP–MS single-
spot analysis (Fig. 15). This indicates that the U within this scheel-
ite is homogeneously distributed within the scheelite structure and
more importantly that the scheelite is free of U-containing micro-
inclusions. The concentrations of U within the scheelite from the
study area also negatively correlate with Mo concentrations and
positively correlate with variations in Eu anomalies (Fig. 14C, D),
both of which reflect variations in hydrothermal fluid oxygen
fugacity conditions. This indicates that the main control on the U
concentrations of the scheelite within the Qiaomaishan deposit is
variations in oxygen fugacity conditions during the evolution of
the mineralizing systems. Uranium has only two forms of U
Fig. 13. Tera–Wasserburg diagrams outlining the U–Pb ages for garnet (A), apatite (B), and Type 3 scheelite (C) samples from the Qiaomaishan deposit analyzed during this
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
and U
in minerals, and U
usually occurs in the form of (UO
in nature, indicating that U is a complex cation (Hazen et al., 2009).
The ionic radius of U
is also so large that it cannot be isomorphic
substitution with any cation, but U
can be incorporated into min-
erals by isomorphic substitution for Th
, and Ca
et al., 1984). This means that a decrease in the oxygen fugacity of
the hydrothermal system in the study area caused the U
complex cation to change to U
, increasing the concentration of
in the hydrothermal fluid and improving the ability of U
undergo isomorphic substitution and hence incorporation into
Fig. 14. Diagrams showing variations in (A) Eu
and Eu*
, (B) Eu/Eu* and Mo concentrations, and U concentrations versus (C) Mo and (D) Eu/Eu* within scheelite formed
during the different stages of mineralization within the Qiaomaishan deposit.
Fig. 15. Representative examples of single spot LA–ICP–MS data showing variations in the counts per second (CPS) data associated with variations in Ca, W, Mo, and U
concentrations within scheelite from the study area.
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
minerals precipitating from this fluid. Minerals formed under such
low oxygen fugacity conditions therefore have higher U contents
than those formed under high oxygen fugacity conditions.
6.2. Timing of mineralization in the Qiaomaishan skarn Cu–W deposit
and the reliability of scheelite U–Pb dating
The spatial and paragenetic relationships between the intru-
sions, alteration, and mineralization within the study area indicates
that the formation of the QMS deposit is genetically associated with
a porphyritic granodiorite intrusion. Previous research (Li et al.,
2019) reported a zircon U–Pb age of 139.5 ± 1.2 Ma (MSWD = 0.3,
N= 23) for intrusion, which is within uncertainty of the exoskarn
garnet analyzed during this study (138.4 ± 1.0 Ma; Fig. 13A). The
apatite yielded a well-defined lower intercept age of 139.6 ± 3.3 M
a(Fig. 13C) that is again within uncertainty of the zircon U–Pb age
for the intrusion as well as within uncertainty of the garnet U–Pb
age reported during this study. These ages indicate that the
hydrothermal and mineralizing events recorded within the QMS
deposit are related to the emplacement of the intrusion.
The fact that the apatite and scheelite dated during this study
are from the same sample and have intimate paragenetic and con-
tact relationships (Fig. 10D–J) indicates that the dating results of
this scheelite should yield a consistent age with the apatite. The
scheelite yielded a lower U–Pb intercept age of 138.6 ± 3.2 Ma
(Fig. 13E), which is within uncertainty of the age of the apatite
and the garnet within the deposit. This demonstrates the useful-
ness of scheelite U–Pb dating of mineralizing systems and indicates
that geologically meaningful ages can be obtained using this
6.3. Potential applications of scheelite U–Pb dating
This study provides a robust approach to scheelite dating by
including discussion of ore deposit geology, the relative timing of
different stages of hydrothermal alteration and scheelite forma-
tion, mineral paragenesis and contact and cross-cutting relation-
ships, as well as analytical methods and instrument parameters.
This study also constrains the timing of emplacement of the intru-
sion (zircon) as well as the timing of formation of skarn minerals
such as garnet and apatite (from the same sample as the scheelite).
All of this allows the assessment of the reliability of the U–Pb
scheelite dating approach developed during this study. The consis-
tency of the ages obtained by these different methods within
uncertainty strongly suggests that scheelite can be used to directly
determine the mineralization age of a variety of different
hydrothermal deposits.
As mentioned above, scheelite commonly occurs in skarn-type
deposits, vein/stockwork deposits, porphyry deposits, orogenic
and intrusion-related gold, disseminated or greisen deposits as well
as breccia and brine/evaporite and hot spring deposits (Brown and
Pitfield, 2014; Haldar, 2020). The association between gold and
scheelite in orogenic gold deposits has long been recognized
(Goldfarb et al., 2005; Sciuba et al., 2020) and the direct dating of
hydrothermal gold mineralization is difficult as a result of the scar-
city of both suitable chronometers and in-situ techniques with suf-
ficient spatial resolution and precision (Rasmussen et al., 2006). The
research on the dating of scheelite in this study may provide a
potential solution to the precise determination of the timing of
mineralization and formation of scheelite-bearing gold deposits.
The widespread distribution of scheelite in other mineralizing sys-
tems also means that the further development of approaches to
date this scheelite will have broad applicability. The direct dating
of mineralization is essential for establishing robust genetic rela-
tionships between magmatic and mineralizing, tectonic, and other
processes as well as for the further refinement of ore deposit mod-
els and to further our understanding of the tectonic controls on ore
deposit formation within large metallogenic provinces (Li et al.,
2021b). This study confirms the accuracy and precision of scheelite
dating as well as the potential use of this approach for the deter-
mining of the absolute timing of mineral deposit formation (espe-
cially those associated with felsic magmas) either in addition to
other approaches to dating or as a stand-alone approach. The fact
that LA–ICP–MS can analyze U and Pb isotopes and trace elements
simultaneously also means that both the ages and trace and REE
concentrations of scheelite within deposits with multiple stages
(or events) of scheelite formation can be determined, allowing
not only the constraining of the timing of mineral deposit formation
but the evolution of mineralizing systems and conditions. This can
also provide insights into the presence of overprinting mineralizing
events within a given area. The in-situ LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating of
scheelite requires few samples, meaning that deposits that not con-
tain economic scheelite mineralization but instead contain minor
amounts of this mineral can also be dated using this approach. It
is also important to note that the in-situ LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating
of scheelite is more economical and faster than other more labor-
intensive methods, such as scheelite Sm–Nd dating. Further devel-
opments to potentially improve the accuracy and precision of the
U–Pb dating of scheelite may also enable the identification of differ-
ent stages of mineralization within a given mineralizing system,
allowing the identification of key times in gold, porphyry Cu–Mo–
Au, and other mineralizing systems, extending the implications of
this study way beyond skarn systems.
Although the in-situ LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating of scheelite has
significant potential for use in a variety of mineralizing systems
and geological settings, it is still a new method that requires refine-
ment. The research undertaken on the Qiaomaishan deposit indi-
cates that not all types of scheelite are suitable for dating. This
means that the trace element analysis of samples prior to U–Pb
dating to screen out samples with higher U concentrations that
are suitable for use with his technique can improve the chances
of successful dating and the genesis of accurate and reliable scheel-
ite U–Pb ages.
7. Conclusions
(1) Dating of mineralization within the Qiaomaishan deposit
using multiple approaches (garnet, apatite scheelite) yields
ages that are consistent within uncertainty and are also
within uncertainty of a previously obtained zircon U–Pb
date for a mineralization-related intrusion in this area. This
indicates that the Qiaomaishan deposit formed
at 139 Ma and is closely related to the emplacement of a
porphyritic granodiorite intrusion in this area.
(2) The three types of scheelite in the Qiaomaishan deposit
recorded the evolution of the ore-forming fluids within this
mineralizing system including a drop in oxygen fugacity
conditions over time. The main factor that controlled the
increase in the U concentrations (and hence usefulness for
dating) of the scheelite in the study area was this decrease
in oxygen fugacity, generating the high U scheelite that is
a prerequisite for in-situ LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating.
(3) In-situ LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating of scheelite is an approach
with broad applicability that yields robust, precise, and
accurate results faster and more economically than other
approaches (e.g., scheelite Sm–Nd dating). However, obtain-
ing accurate and reliable ages requires detailed knowledge
of the ore deposit being studied as well as the correct selec-
tion of samples suitable for dating.
Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
This research was financially supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41820104007, 91962218)
and the China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 201906690036). We
thank Dr. Guangxian Liu, Dr. Xunyu Hu, the Yanduzhongshi Geo-
logical Analysis Laboratories Ltd., the Comprehensive Geological
Brigade of East China Metallurgical Geographical Prospecting
Bureau, and the Huatong Mining Co. Ltd. for assistance and support
during fieldwork and analysis.
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Y. Li, F. Yuan, S.M. Jowitt et al. Geoscience Frontiers 14 (2023) 101459
... The Qiaomaishan Cu deposit is a skarn deposit located in the northeast of the Nanling-Xuancheng district, one of the eight main mining camps in the MLYRMB ( Fig. 1; Zhai, 1992;Zhou et al., 2017). This deposit attracts research interests in recent years, and a number of studies on geological features, geochronology, geochemical characteristics are conducted (Liu and Duan, 2015;Liu, 2016;Li et al., 2019bLi et al., , 2021Li et al., , 2023. For all that, the complexities within the formation of the Qiaomaishan deposit still impedes us from further understanding its forming mechanism, including the continuous changes of ore-forming elements, ore-controlling factors and parameters and favorable location for ore formation. ...
... The whole orefield is dominated by units of Triassic and Jurassic that are related to the mineralization and form the wall rocks for the skarn-related intrusions, which in turn control the temporal-spatial distribution of mineralization of those hydrothermal deposits in the area. Despite the fact that more than 75 % of the surface is covered by thick Quaternary sediments, numerous mineral deposits are discovered within the Liqiao-Tongshan orefield, including the large Chating porphyry Cu-Au deposit (Hu et al., 2020b(Hu et al., , 2023, the Shizishan skarn Cu deposit, the Chashan skarn Pb-Zn deposit, the Maweishan skarn Fe deposit, and the Qiaomaishan Cu deposit ( Fig. 2; Li et al., 2019bLi et al., , 2021Li et al., , 2023. ...
... A number of research have been conducted on the Qiaomaishan skarn Cu deposit, including geological and ore characteristics, oreforming processes and mineralization age (Liu and Duan, 2015;Liu, 2016;Li et al., 2019bLi et al., , 2021Li et al., , 2023, providing sufficient data for numerical simulation. According to the data within previous research, 350 to 600 • C is used as the temperature range generating garnet, and 260 to 310 • C is used as the temperature range generating chalcopyrite. ...
... In situ, U-Pb dating of scheelite was conducted on regular polished thin sections using LA-ICP-MS at the Yanduzhongshi Geological Analyses Laboratories Ltd., Beijing, China. The instrumental conditions are similar to those reported in Li et al. (2022). For scheelite dating, an inhouse laboratory scheelite reference material ZSCH01 (reference age of 228 ± 2 Ma determined by ID-TIMS; the Yanduzhongshi Geological Analyses Laboratories Ltd.) was used as external standards for isotope fractionation correction, whereas the reference material WX (144.8 ± 1.5 Ma-140.3 ± 1.4 Ma; Li et al., 2022) was used as monitoring standard reference material. ...
... The instrumental conditions are similar to those reported in Li et al. (2022). For scheelite dating, an inhouse laboratory scheelite reference material ZSCH01 (reference age of 228 ± 2 Ma determined by ID-TIMS; the Yanduzhongshi Geological Analyses Laboratories Ltd.) was used as external standards for isotope fractionation correction, whereas the reference material WX (144.8 ± 1.5 Ma-140.3 ± 1.4 Ma; Li et al., 2022) was used as monitoring standard reference material. Glass NIST610 were used as external standards, and 44 Ca was used as internal standards for calculating trace elements concentrations. ...
... The U-Pb dating of scheelite was performed on an Analytik Jena PlasmaQuant MS quadrupole ICP-MS with a 193 nm NWR193 Ar-F excimer laser at Yanduzhongshi Geological Analysis Laboratories Ltd. Scheelite material ZS-Sch (in-house scheelite standard, 228 ± 2 Ma; Li et al. 2022) was used as the standard to calibrate the U-Pb age. Instrument drift, mass bias, and fractionation of the U-Pb ratio are corrected with a standard-sample bracketing method. ...
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Skarn-type tungsten deposits are widely distributed all over the world and contribute more than 70% of the world’s W supply. The temporal relation between the W mineralization and causative intrusions and the evolution of ore-forming fluids are matters of ongoing debate. In this study, we combine in situ LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and trace element compositions of scheelite from Zhuxi, the world’s largest W deposit, and compare them with literature data to address the above issues. Three primary ore stages exist at Zhuxi: prograde skarn, retrograde skarn, and quartz-sulfide stages. Most scheelite occurs in the retrograde skarn stage and is further subdivided into three generations: Sch A, B, and C. The obtained LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages for three scheelite generations in the Zhuxi deposit are 154.0 ± 2.8, 150.3 ± 3.5, and 150.4 ± 6.3 Ma, respectively, indicating that the entire W mineralization is closely related to the emplacement of the nearby Late Jurassic granites (~154 to 150 Ma, zircon U-Pb ages). In situ LA-ICP-MS trace element results demonstrate that Sch A shows the highest Mo content (mean = 1002 ppm), where those for Sch B and Sch C are 109 and 45 ppm, respectively. These, combined with the gradually increasing trend of Ce contents and δCe values, indicate a shift from oxidizing to reducing conditions for the ore-forming fluid. All three scheelite generations yield significant positive δEu anomalies, which are considered to be unrelated to the redox state, but caused by the addition of Eu (e.g., feldspar dissolution). The high-Y/Ho ratio of scheelite and a good correlation between Y/Ho ratio and δEu (R2 = 0.96) suggest that intense fluid-rock interactions between ore fluids and the Shuangqiaoshan Group metasedimentary rocks as well as earlier-formed skarns drove fluid evolution. This study demonstrates that scheelite U-Pb geochronology is a useful technique when identifying the temporal link between hydrothermal W mineralization and the causative intrusion. Our results also highlight that the reactions of the ore fluids with wall rocks and earlier-formed skarns significantly modify the primary fluid compositions.
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Garnet is a primary mineral in skarn deposits and plays a significant role in recording copious mineralization and metallogenic information. This study systematically investigates the geochemistry and geochronology of garnet and zircon in the Dafang Au‐Pb‐Zn‐Ag deposit, which represents prominent gold mineralization in southern Hunan, China. Garnet samples with distinct zoning patterns and compositional variations were identified using various analytical techniques, including Backscattered Electron (BSE) imaging, Cathodoluminescence (CL) response, textural characterization, and analysis of rare‐earth elements (REE), major contents, and trace element compositions. The garnet was dated U‐Pb dating, which yielded a lower intercept age of 161.06 ± 1.93 Ma. This age is older than the underlying granodiorite porphyry, which has a concordia age of 155.13 ± 0.95 Ma determined by zircon U‐Pb dating. These results suggest that the gold mineralization may be related to the concealed granite. Two groups of garnet changed from depleted Al garnet to enriched Al garnet, and the rare earth element (REE) patterns of these groups were converted from light REE (LREE)‐enriched and heavy REE (HREE)‐depleted with positive europium (Eu) anomalies to medium REE (MREE)‐enriched from core to rim zoning. The different REE patterns of garnet in various zones may be attributed to changes in the fluid environment and late superposition alteration. The development of distal skarn in the southern Hunan could be a significant indicator for identifying gold mineralization.
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Various magmatic–hydrothermal activities have resulted in different styles of polymetallic mineralization in South China. Shuikoushan is a large Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag orefield situated in fold-and-thrust belts within the South China Block. Two types of granodiorite have been identified in recent drilling work. The early-stage, coarse-grained granodiorite has developed magnetite-bearing skarns in the deep level. The late-stage, fine-grained granodiorite is associated with garnet-hematite–magnetite–pyrite–sphalerite–chalcopyrite-bearing skarns in its contact zone. Away from the garnet-bearing skarn are calcite–quartz–pyrite–sphalerite–galena veinlets in faulted breccia. Fieldwork has identified iron mineralization in both skarns, whereas copper mineralization was only discovered in the garnet-bearing skarns. Lead, zinc, gold, and silver mineralization were observed in the garnet-bearing skarns and faulted breccia. Zircon U–Pb analyses suggested the emplacement of two granodiorite at 167.8 ± 0.8 Ma (MSWD = 1.1, N = 31) and 163.6 ± 0.7 Ma (MSWD = 1.3, N = 32). Apatite and garnet U–Pb dating further indicated the magnetite-bearing skarns of 166.2 ± 1.9 Ma (MSWD = 4.5, N = 27), the hematite–magnetite–sulfide-bearing skarns of 158.6 ± 2.8 Ma (MSWD = 1.3, N = 34), and the calcite–quartz–sulfide veinlets of 159.5 ± 5.2 Ma (MSWD = 1.7, N = 24). The time–space relationship between the two intrusions and hydrothermal activities suggests that the fine-grained granodiorite is responsible for polymetallic mineralization. Whole-rock geochemistry analyses demonstrated the enrichment of LILEs and the depletion of Nb and Ta in two granodiorites, with a slight enrichment in LREEs and flat HREE patterns. These granodiorite bodies therefore belong to high-K calc-alkaline magma generated via the crust’s partial melting. The fine-grained granodiorite generally has a lower HREE and higher Dy/Yb, Sr/Y ratios than coarse-grained granodiorite, corresponding to the source of magma in garnet stable lower crust. The residual garnet keeps ferric iron in melts, leaving the fine-granodiorite more oxidized for copper and gold concentration. Through these analyses and our drilling work, a continuous skarn–hydrothermal–epithermal system has been identified for Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag targeting in Shuikoushan.
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Inter‐session excess variance of U/Pb and Pb/Pb ratios in LA‐ICP‐MS zircon dating is the largest contributor to systematic errors, which in turn limit the accuracy of age determinations. Quantifying long‐term excess variance of reference materials allows for the estimation of excess variance in samples, but such compilations are not available in the literature. Here, we present the results of over 100 measurement sessions over six years for seven common zircon reference materials and calculate a characteristic excess variance for each. For 206Pb/238U ages, these values (2s) are: AusZ7‐1 = 1.7% (115 sessions), AusZ7‐5 = 0% (74), OD‐3 = 0.6% (19), Temora2 = 1.2% (86), Plešovice = 1.1% (100), 91500 = 1.0% (146) and Mud Tank = 3.0% (12). For 207Pb/206Pb ages, smaller excess variances are observed: Temora2 = 0.3%, Plešovice = 0.4%, Mud Tank = 1.7% and 91500 = 0.4%. These values are well‐constrained estimates of inter‐session excess variance for the ETH Zürich LA‐ICP‐MS laboratory using a sector‐field ICP‐MS, and may provide either a first‐order estimate for other laboratories, or a value to compare against their own reference material compilations.
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Here, we present in situ U–Pb laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) ages of andradite-grossular garnet from four magmatic-hydrothermal polymetallic skarn prospects in the Schwarzenberg District, Erzgebirge (Germany), located in the internal zone of the Variscan Orogenic Belt. Within the geochronological framework of igneous rocks and hydrothermal mineralization in the Erzgebirge, the obtained garnet ages define three distinct episodes of Variscan skarn formation: (I) early late-collisional mineralization (338–331 Ma) recording the onset of magmatic-hydrothermal fluid flow shortly after the peak metamorphic event, (II) late-collisional mineralization (~ 327–310 Ma) related to the emplacement of large peraluminous granites following large-scale extension caused by orogenic collapse and (III) post-collisional mineralization (~ 310–295 Ma) contemporaneous with widespread volcanism associated with Permian crustal reorganization. Our results demonstrate that the formation of skarns in the Schwarzenberg District occurred episodically in all sub-stages of the Variscan orogenic cycle over a time range of at least 40 Ma. This observation is consistent with the age range of available geochronological data related to magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits from other internal zones of the Variscan Orogenic Belt in central and western Europe. In analogy to the time–space relationship of major porphyry-Cu belts in South America, the congruent magmatic-hydrothermal evolution in the internal zones and the distinctly later (by ~ 30 Ma) occurrence of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits in the external zones of the Variscan Orogenic Belt may be interpreted as a function of their tectonic position relative to the Variscan collisional front.
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The Magushan skarn Cu–Mo deposit is a representative example of the skarn mineralization present within the Xuancheng ore district of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt. The precise age of an ore deposit is important for understanding the timing of mineralization relative to other geological events in an area and to fully place the formation of a mineral deposit within the geological context of other processes that occur within the study area. Here, we present new molybdenite Re–Os, titanite and andradite garnet U–Pb ages for the Magushan deposit and use these data to outline possible approaches for identifying genetic relationships in geologically complex areas. The spatial and paragenetic relationships between the intrusions, alteration, and mineralization within the study area indicates that the formation of the Magushan deposit is genetically associated with the porphyritic granodiorite. However, this is not always the case, as some areas contain complexly zoned plutons with multiple phases of intrusion or mineralization may be distal from or may not have any clear spatial relationship to a pluton. This means that it may not be possible to determine whether the mineralization formed as a result of single or multiple magmatic/hydrothermal events. As such, the approaches presented in this study provide an approach that allows the identification of any geochronological relationships between mineralization and intrusive events in areas more complex than the study area. Previously published zircon U–Pb data for mineralization-related porphyritic granodiorite yielded an age of 134.2 ± 1.2 Ma (MSWD = 1.4) whereas the Re–Os dating of molybdenite from the study area yielded an isochron age of 137.7 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD = 0.43). The timing of the mineralizing event in the study area was further examined by the dating of magmatic accessory titanite and skarn-related andradite garnet and yielded U–Pb age of 136.3 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD = 3.2) and 135.9 ± 2.7 Ma (MSWD = 2.5), respectively. The dating of magmatic and hydrothermal activity within the Magushan area yields ages around 136 Ma, strongly suggesting that the mineralization in this area formed as a result of the emplacement of the intrusion. The dates presented in this study also provide the first indication of the timing of mineralization within the Xuancheng district. These data provide evidence of a close relationship between the formation of the mineralization within the Xuancheng district and the Early Cretaceous magmatism that occurred in this area. This in turn suggests that other Early Cretaceous intrusive rocks within this region are likely to be associated with mineralization and should be considered highly prospective for future mineral exploration. This study also indicates that the dating of garnet and titanite can also provide reliable geochronological data and evidence of the timing of mineralization and magmatism, respectively, in areas lacking other dateable minerals (e.g., molybdenite) or where the relationship between mineralization and magmatism is unclear, for example in areas with multiple stages of magmatism, with complexly zoned plutons, and with distal skarn mineralization.
Scheelite is an important metal mineral in W-related hydrothermal deposits and can be utilized as a reliable geochronometer to directly date the timing of mineralization. Up to now, two previous...
In situ apatite U-Pb petrochronology and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry requires well-characterized and matrix-matched references materials (RMs), yet only a few suitable apatite RMs are currently available. To ameliorate this issue, we determined the U-Pb, Sm-Nd, and Sr isotopic and elemental compositions of a suite of prospective apatite RMs using isotope dilution (ID) TIMS and laser ablation (LA) ICP-MS. The two RMs, from Morocco (MRC-1) and Brazil (BRZ-1), are cm-sized and available in significant quantities. The U-Pb ID-TIMS data yield an isochron age of 153.3 ± 0.2 Ma for MRC-1. This age is consistent with laser ablation split stream ICP-MS (LASS) analyses that produce an isochron age of 152.7 ± 0.6 Ma. The weighted mean of ID-TIMS analyses for ¹⁴³Nd/¹⁴⁴Nd analyses is 0.512677 ± 3, for ¹⁴⁷Sm/¹⁴⁴Nd is 0.10923 ± 9, and for ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr is 0.707691 ± 2. The range and mean of TIMS Sm-Nd isotopic data are reproducible by LA-ICP-MS, but laser ablation Sr data are consistently offset towards more radiogenic values. For BRZ-1 apatite, ID-TIMS U-Pb analyses are dispersed, but a subset of the data yields a coherent age intercept of 2078 ± 13 Ma. The vast majority of LASS spot transects across the apatite produce an isochron that define a younger age of 2038 ± 14 Ma. We interpret this as incorporation of cryptic, younger altered domains within BRZ-1. Discordant U-Pb spot analyses are associated with chemically distinct cracks, likely a result of fluid infiltration. The weighted means of ID-TIMS analyses of BRZ-1 yield ¹⁴³Nd/¹⁴⁴Nd = 0.510989 ± 5, ¹⁴⁷Sm/¹⁴⁴Nd = 0.10152 ± 8, and ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr = 0.709188 ± 3. The distribution of Nd isotopic compositions of this RM measured by LA-MC-ICP-MS analyses are comparable to TIMS analyses. By contrast, ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr measurements by LA-ICP-MS are inaccurate and exhibit large uncertainties, but this RM can be useful for empirically correcting in situ ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr measurements. The data indicate that MRC-1 apatite may serve well as a U-Pb, Sm-Nd, and Sr RM, whereas BRZ-1 apatite has the most potential as a Sm-Nd RM. These potential RMs provide new benchmarks for in situ apatite chemical analyses and inter-laboratory calibrations.
The Haobugao skarn Zn-Pb ore deposit (reserves of 0.29 Mt @ 4.24% Zn, 0.15 Mt @ 2.25% Pb) is located in the southern Great Xing’an Range (SXGR) Cu-Mo-Ag-Au-Pb-Zn-Fe metallogenic province in northeastern China. The ore bodies mainly occur near the contact zones between the early Cretaceous granite and the lower Permian carbonates and sometimes in distal locations. Two types of garnet are identified, i.e., green and fine-grained garnet (Grt A), and brown and coarse-grained garnet (Grt B). The Grt A contains a wider compositional range (Adr71.46-95.07Grs0.16-24.10), whereas the Grt B contains a relatively narrow compositional range (Adr87.65-97.52Grs0.07-10.11). The Grt A displays chondrite-normalized HREE-enriched and LREE-depleted patterns with negative Eu anomalies, suggesting that the Grt A was likely crystallized from a nearly neutral fluid. In contrast, the Grt B is LREE-enriched, HREE-depleted with pronounced positive Eu anomalies, indicating that the Grt B was probably formed from a mildly acidic fluid. The Grt A contains lower U contents than the Grt B, implying that the Grt A was likely formed under a relatively oxidized condition, while the Grt B crystallized from a more reduced condition. Skarn mineralization at Haobugao (139.10 ± 5.40 and 140.70 ± 1.89 Ma, garnet LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages) and Zn-Pb mineralization (138.27 ± 0.14/0.69/0.81 and 138.82 ± 0.07/0.68/0.80 Ma, molybdenite ID-N-TIMS Re-Os ages) were associated with the emplacement of the granitoids dated from 143.49 ± 0.76 to 140.85 ± 0.75 Ma (zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages). The integrated geochronological data suggest that the ore-related granitoids, skarn, and Zn-Pb mineralization in the Haobugao deposit all formed in the early Cretaceous, which occurred in an extensional tectonic setting associated with regional Paleo-Pacific slab roll-back. This study highlights the reliability and viability of garnet U-Pb dating for constraining the timing of skarn formation, and utilizing its age with textural and trace element concentrations could well reconstruct the ore-forming process of skarn deposits.
The Machangqing Cu-Mo (-Au) deposit lies in the middle of the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan alkaline porphyry metallogenic belt, and skarn is one of the main mineralization styles in the deposit. Scheelite from the Machangqing skarn occurs as discrete grains present in the early to late skarnization stages of the deposit, which can be divided into three types based on their occurrence: scheelite I in the prograde skarn, scheelite II (including the early scheelite II-a and the late scheelite II-b) in the retrograde alteration and scheelite III in the quartz-sulfide stages. In the CL images, scheelite grains of all three types have core- (mantle-) rim textures displaying CL-dark cores and CL-bright rims. The REE content could act as quenchers reducing CL intensity of the Machangqing scheelite. The Mo content of these scheelite types ranges from 0.5% to 13.6%, and Scheelite II-b is significantly enriched in MoO3 compared to other scheelite. Scheelite I and scheelite II-b exhibit right-dipped REE patterns, whereas scheelite II-a and scheelite III exhibit slightly middle rare MREE enriched patterns and flat REE patterns, respectively. The Eu anomaly differs between different types of scheelite, most of which exhibit variable negative Eu anomalies. Our study reveals that the substitution mechanism of REE for Ca in the Machangqing scheelite was probably 3Ca²⁺ =2REE³⁺ + □Ca and 2Ca²⁺ = REE³⁺ + Na⁺. The ore-forming fluids may be magma-derived. Mo contents of the Machangqing scheelite are generally controlled by the temperature and fO2 of the ore-forming fluids. The Mo variation in scheelite from different stages indicate a temperature decrease from the prograde to the early retrograde skarn stages, followed by fO2 increasing from the early retrograde to the late retrograde skarn stages, then decreasing to the quartz-sulfide stage. The Eu anomaly of scheelite was probably inherited from the ore-forming fluids and not dependant on the fO2 of hydrothermal fluids in the Machangqing deposit.
The Qiaomaishan deposit is a skarn-type Cu–W deposit located within the Xuancheng ore district of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt of eastern China. The mineralization within the deposit is predominantly located along the contact between a porphyritic granodiorite intrusion and surrounding Carboniferous limestone units. The deposit is associated with a well-developed and zoned skarn system that includes both endoskarn and exoskarn zones. This study presents new garnet major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) geochemical data for these skarn zones, discusses the factors (e.g., crystal chemistry, oxygen fugacity and water/rock interaction) that control the incorporation of trace elements into garnet, and constrains the formation of skarn within the Qiaomaishan deposit. Grossular (Adr8–60Grs39–91; type 1) is generally located within the endoskarn and is light REE (LREE) enriched but heavy REE (HREE) depleted with weakly negative Eu anomalies and higher total REE contents than the exoskarn garnet in the study area. Type 1a grossular garnet is further split from the type 1b grossular garnet by the presence of positive Pr and Nd anomalies and high LREE contents. Exoskarn garnet has pure andradite compositions and is split into type 2 and 3 garnet, where type 2 andradite garnet has variably positive Eu anomalies and variable total REE contents that are indicative of formation under transitional or oscillating conditions (e.g., pH, oxygen fugacity). In comparison, the type 3 andradite garnet has low total REE contents and positive Eu anomalies. Endoskarn garnet Al2O3 and total REE contents positively correlate, indicating that REE is incorporated into this garnet through coupled YAG-type substitution. The differences between the total REE contents of the type 2 exoskarn and endoskarn garnet may reflect host rock buffering as well as the different crystal chemistry of the two garnets present within these different parts of the skarn system (grossular and andradite). In comparison, the difference in the total REE contents between the two types of exoskarn garnet may reflect variations in water–rock ratios and crystal growth rates. The Eu anomalies and U contents changes of different types of garnets record variations in the pH and oxygen fugacity of the hydrothermal fluid over time, with decreasing oxygen fugacity promoting the crystallization of magnetite and scheelite and the formation of the tungsten mineralization within the deposit. This study demonstrates the usefulness of garnet in tracking variations in mineralizing conditions and processes and confirms the validity of these minerals as vectors or indicator minerals that can be used in combination with traditional exploration approaches to determine whether a system is mineralized or not during the early stages of exploration.
Scheelite from the Tongshankou porphyry-skarn Cu-Mo(-W) deposit occurs mainly as disseminated grains in the altered granodiorite porphyries at depth (Sch A), in the skarn coeval with retrograde alteration (Sch B) and in distal quartz veins crosscutting marbles (Sch C). Cathodoluminescence (CL) responses within a single Sch A grain reveal two subtypes: CL-clear Sch A-I and CL-turbid, densely veined Sch A-II. The CL contrast, coupled with geochemical data, suggest Sch A-I was metasomatized to form Sch A-II. CL images reveal that Sch A-I, Sch B and Sch C are all homogenous, with blue luminescence and are depleted in heavy rare earth elements (HREE), indicating a primary origin. However, Sch A-II is characterized by higher contents of light REE and heavy REE as well as higher Sr isotopes (0.7080–0.7100) than the primary scheelite (<0.7080). These differences indicate that Sch A-II formed through dissolution-reprecipitation. The Sr isotopes of the primary scheelite (0.7073–0.7078) are generally consistent with those of the mineralized granodiorite porphyries (0.7061–0.7063) and mafic enclaves (0.7058–0.7073). The granodiorite porphyries contain low tungsten contents (3–11 ppm), whereas high tungsten contents were detected in mafic enclaves (48–75 ppm). The coexistence of mafic enclaves and tungsten mineralization at depth, and their consistent Sr isotopes, indicates that the interaction of mafic enclaves and exsolved magmatic fluids from the granodiorite porphyries may have played an important role in the extraction of tungsten from the mafic enclaves and formation of scheelite mineralization. Our work shows that scheelite geochemistry can be used to trace the mineralizing conditions but the compositions may be significantly modified during the ore-forming process. Thus, detailed textural relationships should be investigated before using scheelite geochemistry to constrain the hydrothermal fluids and ore genesis.
The Xuancheng ore district is a newly discovered ore district within the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt (MLYRMB) of Eastern China. This district contains numerous skarn–porphyry deposits and this study focuses on four intrusions associated with known skarn mineralization within this district, namely the Shizishan pyroxene diorite (SPD), the Changshan biotite–pyroxene diorite (CBPD), the Maweishan quartz diorite (MQD), and the Magushan porphyritic granodiorite (MPG). New U–Pb zircon age data indicate that all of these intrusions formed between 136 and 132 Ma. They are all calc-alkaline, enriched in the LILE and LREE, depleted in the HFSE and HREE, and have slightly negative Eu anomalies. The SPD and CBPD have similar (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr)i (0.7060–0.7068 and 0.7065–0.7068), εNd(t) (–10.6 to –9.5 and –10.1 to –9.9), and zircon εHf(t) (–16.5 to –10.3 and –13.2 to –9.9) values whereas the MQD intrusion has similar (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr)i (0.7062–0.7076) values but higher εNd(t) (–8.7 to –8.2), and zircon εHf(t) values (–11.9 to –6.2) than the SPD and the CBPD. This indicates that the magmas were predominantly derived from enriched lithospheric mantle but the MQD magmas incorporated less crust-derived material than the SPD and CBPD magmas. The MPG intrusion has different (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr)i (0.7079–0.7086), εNd(t) (–6.0 to –5.7), and zircon εHf(t) values (–5.1 to –2.1) than the other intrusions, indicative of formation from magmas derived from the lithospheric mantle that assimilated upper crustal material prior to and/or during emplacement. The compositions of plagioclase within the MQD and MPG intrusions provide no evidence of magma mixing. These new data indicate that the 136–132 Ma magmatism within the Xuancheng region formed from magmas generated by the partial melting of an enriched region of the lithospheric mantle that was previously metasomatized by fluids derived from a subducted oceanic lithospheric slab. The magmas then underwent fractional crystallization (e.g., the MQD intrusion) and/or the assimilation of crustal material (e.g., the MPG intrusion). These processes generated parental magmas that were enriched in H2O, S, and metals (e.g., Cu), increasing their mineralizing potential and potentially leading to the formation of the skarn deposits within the Xuancheng ore district. Identifying intrusions with similar characteristics may be a useful exploration tool for skarn-type mineralization within this region and the wider MLYRMB.