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Fetoscopic Endoluminal Tracheal Occlusion with Smart-TO balloon: efficacy of removal and safety

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Introduction One of the drawbacks of fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion (FETO) for congenital diaphragmatic hernia is the need for a second invasive intervention to reestablish airway patency. The “Smart-TO” (Strasbourg University-BSMTI, France) is a new balloon for FETO, which spontaneously deflates when positioned near a strong magnetic field, e.g., generated by a magnetic resonance image (MRI) scanner. Translational experiments have demonstrated its efficacy and safety. We will now use the Smart-TO balloon for the first time in humans. Our main objective is the efficacy of prenatal deflation of the balloon by the magnetic field generated by an MRI scanner. Material and methods This is a phase-I study conducted in the fetal medicine units of Antoine–Béclère Hospital, France, and UZ Leuven, Belgium. Conceived in parallel, protocols were amended by the local Ethics Committees, resulting in some minor differences. This trial is a single-arm interventional feasibility study. Twenty (France) and 25 (Belgium) participants will have FETO with the Smart-TO balloon. Balloon deflation will be scheduled at 34 weeks or earlier if clinically required. The primary endpoint is the successful deflation of the Smart-TO balloon after exposure to the magnetic field of an MRI, assessed through ultrasound immediately after MRI-exposure. The secondary objective is to report on the safety of the balloon. The percentage of fetuses in whom the balloon is deflated after exposure will be calculated with its 95% confidence interval. Safety will be evaluated by reporting the nature, number, and percentage of serious unexpected or adverse reactions. Conclusion This phase-I study may provide the first evidence of the potential to reverse the occlusion by Smart-TO and free the airways non-invasively, as well as safety data.
Fetoscopic Endoluminal Tracheal Occlusion with Smart-TO balloon: efficacy of
removal and safety.
Nicolas Sananès 1,2,*, David Basurto 3,*, Anne-Gaël Cordier 4, Caroline Elie 5, Francesca
Russo3,6, Alexandra Benachi 4,* and Jan Deprest 3,6,7,*
1 Department of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Strasbourg University Hospital, France
2 INSERM 1121 'Biomaterials and Bioengineering', Strasbourg University, France
3 MyFetUZ Fetal Research Center, Department of Development and Regeneration, Cluster
Woman and Child, Biomedical Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium
4 Department of Maternal fetal Medicine, Antoine–Béclère Hospital - Paris–Saclay University,
Clamart, France
5 Clinical Research Unit / Clinical Investigation Center, Necker-Enfants malades Hospital,
Paris, France
6 Clinical Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
7 Institute for Women's Health, University College London, UK.
* shared first and last authorship.
Corresponding author:
Nicolas Sananès
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Strasbourg University Hospital
Avenue Molière, 67200 Strasbourg
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NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.
Tel: +33 3 69 55 33 97
ORCID list:
Nicolas SANANÈS: 0000-0002-0461-8428
David BASURTO: 0000-0002-2022-9027
Anne-Gaël CORDIER: 0000-0002-6006-8408
Francesca RUSSO: 0000-0002-5029-7899
Alexandra BENACHI: 0000-0001-6045-0765
Jan DEPREST: 0000-0002-4920-945X
Disclosure statement: Nicolas Sananès is the primary co-inventor of the Smart-TO balloon.
None of the authors has any financial interest in BSMedical Tech Industry, manufacturing the
balloon. There are no other conflicts of interest.
Funding: DB is funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union (Framework
Agreement number: 2013-0040). This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and
the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein. JD is funded by the Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity Fund. In Paris,
the present clinical protocol is funded by a grant from Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris
(CRC19). In Leuven, the study is funded by the Klinisch Onderzoeks- en Ontwikkelingsfonds
of the UZ Leuven (S65423).
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The Smart-TO balloon is the result of several years of research and development within a
consortium of the following institutions: BSMedical Tech Industry (manufacturer), Strasbourg
University Hospital, University of Strasbourg, INSERM Unit 1121 "Biomaterials and
Bioengineering", Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire de Strasbourg, Institute for Research Against
Cancers of the Digestive System, SATT-Conectus Alsace, Simian Laboratory Europe, and the
KU Leuven.
The authors thank URC-CIC Paris Centre (Adèle Bellino), the DRCI (Shoreh Azimi) and UZ
Leuven Clinical Trial Centre (Veerle Doozen) for the implementation, monitoring and data
management of the study.
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One of the drawbacks of fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion (FETO) for congenital
diaphragmatic hernia is the need for a second invasive intervention to reestablish airway
patency. The “Smart-TO” (Strasbourg University-BSMTI, France) is a new balloon for FETO,
which spontaneously deflates when positioned near a strong magnetic field, e.g., generated
by a magnetic resonance image (MRI) scanner. Translational experiments have demonstrated
its efficacy and safety. We will now use the Smart-TO balloon for the first time in humans. Our
main objective is the efficacy of prenatal deflation of the balloon by the magnetic field
generated by an MRI scanner.
Material and methods
This is a phase-I study conducted in the fetal medicine units of Antoine–Béclère Hospital,
France, and UZ Leuven, Belgium. Conceived in parallel, protocols were amended by the local
Ethics Committees, resulting in some minor differences. This trial is a single-arm interventional
feasibility study. Twenty (France) and 25 (Belgium) participants will have FETO with the Smart-
TO balloon. Balloon deflation will be scheduled at 34 weeks or earlier if clinically required. The
primary endpoint is the successful deflation of the Smart-TO balloon after exposure to the
magnetic field of an MRI, assessed through ultrasound immediately after MRI-exposure. The
secondary objective is to report on the safety of the balloon. The percentage of fetuses in
whom the balloon is deflated after exposure will be calculated with its 95% confidence interval.
Safety will be evaluated by reporting the nature, number, and percentage of serious
unexpected or adverse reactions.
This phase-I study may provide the first evidence of the potential to reverse the occlusion by
Smart-TO and free the airways non-invasively, as well a safety data.
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Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a birth defect characterized by failed closure of the
diaphragm. This enables abdominal viscera to herniate into the thoracic cavity, leading to
hypoplastic lungs and impaired lung vasculature [1]. Fetoscopic Endoluminal Tracheal
Occlusion (FETO) increases fetal lung volume and therefore can improve survival in selected
fetuses with CDH. Recently two parallel randomized controlled trials in fetuses with isolated
left-sided CDH with severe and moderate pulmonary hypoplasia respectively were concluded
[2, 3]. In severe hypoplasia the balloon was inserted early (27+0 to 29+6 weeks’ gestation) and
FETO improved survival from 15% to 40% (Table 1) [3]. A comparable improvement in survival
(20% to 42%) was achieved in fetuses with severe right-sided CDH [4]. In moderate
hypoplasia, the balloon was inserted later (30+0 to 31+6 weeks’ gestation) in an effort to reduce
the risks of very preterm birth. In that study, FETO improved survival from 50% to 63%, but
the difference in survival was not statistically significant [2]. Analysis of the pooled data from
the two randomized trials demonstrated that FETO increases survival in both severe and
moderate disease (Table 1), but the observed lesser effect in the moderate group is most likely
a mere consequence of the delayed insertion of the balloon in moderate hypoplasia[5].
An adverse side-effect of FETO is that it increases the risk for iatrogenic preterm
membrane rupture and preterm birth [6, 7]. In the TOTAL trials, that risk was inversely related
to the gestational age at the insertion of the balloon [5]. Although the trials did not demonstrate
any obvious differences between the FETO and control groups in prematurity-related
complications, they were not powered to study differences in these secondary outcomes.
Long-term outcomes will have to further elucidate that, but it would seem logical to expect a
measurable effect of prematurity when large numbers are available.
A second disadvantage of the current procedure is the need for a second intervention
to reverse the occlusion and re-establish airway patency. Balloon removal is scheduled
electively at 34 weeks, or earlier if required. Reversal of the occlusion is preferentially
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performed at least 24 hours before birth, as that seems associated with an increased survival
[2, 8-10]. Reversal is at present an invasive procedure that can be performed by either
ultrasound-guided puncture, fetoscopy, or, less ideal, while the fetus is maintained on
placental circulation or at birth after vaginal delivery [10]. Airway re-establishment requires a
specialist team familiar with the procedure and that is available 24/7 [10]. In a large series,
28% of balloon removals were in an emergency setting [10]. The only neonatal deaths that
occurred, were when balloon reversal was attempted in centers without experience or that
were unprepared [10]. Even in experienced centers balloon removal can fail, as observed in
the TOTAL trial [2]. Also, patients may be non-compliant and move away from the fetal surgery
center [2]. The second procedure inherently adds risks for the mother and fetus. These can
be directly procedure-related, but also indirectly, by increasing the risk for membrane rupture
later on [10]. In conclusion, the occlusion period is a serious burden on patients who are
requested to stay close to the FETO center until balloon removal, as well as for the fetal
surgery centers because of the need for permanently available staff. All these conditions, limit
the acceptability of FETO as being practiced today.
The University of Strasbourg, France, in partnership with BS Medical Tech Industry
(BS-MTI), Niederroedern, France, developed an alternative occlusion device, referred to as
"Smart-TO" [11]. Compared to the currently used Goldbal2® (Balt, Montmorency, France)
balloon, the Smart-TO balloon has identical dimensions in its inflated state and is made of the
same material (latex). Around the balloon neck, there is a metallic cylinder and inside a
magnetic ball, which together act as a valve. Deflation occurs under the influence of a strong
magnetic field, which is present around any clinical MRI machine. For that, it is sufficient for
the pregnant woman to walk around the MRI machine. This enables non-invasive, externally
controlled balloon deflation. The Smart-TO balloon been tested preclinically by BS-MTI (the
manufacturer), University of Strasbourg, Simian Laboratory Europe and the KU Leuven. In-
vitro tests including permeability, occlusion, and deflation in a simulated environment were
performed by BS-MTI (unpublished data). Deflation tests were performed using a mannequin
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in a simulated “in-utero” environment, with the fetus and the mother in different positions and
heights. In that experiment, deflation was successfully achieved regardless of the fetal position
and the exact level of the fetus from the ground [12]. In vivo animal tests included the
demonstration of similar lung growth and short-term tracheal side effects as the Goldbal 2
balloon in fetal lambs [12] [13]. In the latter experiment, fetal lambs expelled the Smart-TO
balloon following exposure to the fringe field of a 3T MRI. Finally, feasibility of balloon insertion,
persisting occlusion until reversal, and spontaneous expulsion of the Smart-TO balloon was
confirmed in non-human primates [11]. Therefore, this novel medical device should now be
evaluated in a phase I or first-in-human study. For that purpose we designed two parallel
studies, one at Antoine–Béclère Hospital Paris–Saclay University, Clamart, France referred to
as “Smart-FETO”, and one at the University Hospitals Leuven (UZ Leuven), Belgium, referred
to as “Smart-Removal”. Conceived in parallel, protocols were amended by the local Ethics
Committee on Clinical Studies or its equivalent, resulting in a limited number of differences
(Table 2).
Objectives and hypotheses
The main objective of the study is to demonstrate the ability to consistently deflate the balloon
prenatally by the magnetic fringe field generated by a clinical MRI scanner, and that it will be
expelled from the airways. Secondary objective is to report on the safety of the balloon. We
hypothesize that there will not be any serious adverse effects directly related to the Smart-TO
balloon itself. Other objectives include assessment of prematurity, preterm premature rupture
of membranes, lung growth, neonatal survival, and the need for oxygen supplementation at
discharge from the hospital.
Study type
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This clinical trial is a single-arm interventional feasibility study. Eligible consecutive
consenting women will have FETO with the Smart-TO balloon.
The trial is conducted at two centers i.e., the Antoine–Béclère Hospital - Paris–Saclay
University, Clamart, France, and the University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Existing data
Both trials have been registered prior to their inception ( NCT04931212 and
NCT05100693). The first inclusion in France was on August 4th,2021, and in Belgium on
September 10th,2021.
Recruitment of participants will be at the latest one day before planned balloon placement.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patient aged 18 years or more and who can consent,
- Singleton pregnancy with a fetus with an isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia (i.e., no
additional major structural malformation nor genetic abnormality)
-Eligible for FETO, i.e. having severe pulmonary hypoplasia defined as, in left-sided cases, an
observed-to-expected 'lung-to-head ratio' (O/E LHR) <25% irrespective of the liver position, or
moderate pulmonary hypoplasia defined as O/E LHR 25-34.9% irrespective of the liver position
or O/E LHR 35-44.9% with liver herniation, and, in UZ Leuven, fetuses with right-sided CDH
with severe hypoplasia (O/E LHR < 50%).
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Exclusion Criteria:
- Maternal contraindication to fetoscopy
- Preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM) or any condition strongly
predisposing to PPROM or premature delivery
- Patient does not consent to stay close to the FETO center during the occlusion period.
Sample size
Independent sample size calculation has been performed in both centers. In Paris (France) we
hypothesized that for a 100% deflation and expelling rate, the estimated number of patients is
20 patients in order to achieve a 95% confidence interval (CI) with a lower boundary of 83%
(calculation of the CI of a proportion using the exact method) [14]. In Leuven (Belgium), the
estimated number is 23 patients, in order to achieve a 95% CI with a lower boundary of 85%
[14]. The theoretical possibility of spontaneous balloon deflation, or the impossibility to expose
the patient to MRI at the time of balloon removal (e.g., in an emergency requiring removal on
placental circulation) was considered as possible (n=2), so that a total of 25 patients are to be
Measured variables
These include administrative data, data on the index pregnancy, characteristics of the fetus,
on the FETO procedure, follow-up ultrasound measurements, balloon removal, delivery, and
the neonatal follow-up period until discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
(Table 3).
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Primary endpoint
The primary endpoint is the successful deflation of the Smart-TO balloon after exposure to the
fringe field of the MRI, assessed through ultrasound immediately after MRI exposure. For
France, a co-primary endpoint is the expelling of the Smart-TO balloon from the airways, as
documented by a X-ray of the neonatal chest at birth.
Secondary endpoints are displayed in table 2.
Quantitative data will be expressed as median and inter-quartile-range (IQR), qualitative data
will be expressed as numbers and percentages. The percentage of fetuses in whom the
balloon deflated at exposure and the percentage of fetuses that expelled the balloon from the
fetal airways will be calculated with its 95% confidence interval using the binomial method [14].
Safety will be evaluated by reporting the nature, number, and percentage of serious
unexpected or adverse reactions. We expect there will be no missing data for the primary
outcome variable. There will be no imputation of missing data for secondary outcomes. A
sensitivity analysis will be performed assuming the worst possible outcome for missing data.
The FETO procedure will be performed as earlier described [15]. Regarding the Smart TO use:
-The catheter system is introduced in the sheath of the endoscope and back loaded with
the Smart-TO balloon. The balloon is then tested by inflation with 0.7 mL of sterile saline
and deflated with its proper stylet, following which the latter is withdrawn.
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-The balloon is positioned between the carina and the vocal cords, inflated with 0.7 mL
sterile saline, and detached by the combination of gentle traction of the delivery system
and counter pressure with the endoscope.
Reestablishment of the fetal airways
The Smart-TO deflation protocol is displayed in Supplementary Video 1.
-The patient is positioned in front of the MRI, her abdomen facing the front of the tunnel of
the machine.
-The patient walks (or is strolled) around the machine while staying as close as possible to
the machine.
-When approaching the rear of the tunnel, the patient positions herself in the middle of it,
facing the tunnel and makes a short stop.
-Then she continues to walk (or being strolled) around the MRI while staying as close as
possible to the machine
-Once she has completed the turn, she can leave the MRI room.
Ultrasound is then performed independently by two experienced sonographers, to assess
balloon deflation. When inflated, the balloon is easily visible on ultrasound as an anechoic
structure. Balloon deflation will be indicated by visualization of the balloon on ultrasound
before MRI exposure and its disappearance immediately after MRI exposure. In the case
of deflation failure, a second or third MRI exposure will be attempted, again followed by
ultrasound confirmation of balloon deflation.
Conventional reestablishment of the fetal airways
In the case of failure to deflate, balloon removal will be done as currently done with the
conventional balloon, either ultrasound-guided puncture, fetoscopy, or in an emergency during
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abdominal delivery while the fetus is on placental circulation, or after birth by puncture above
the manubrium sterni[15].
In France, approval was provided by the committee for the protection of persons concerned
(CPP “Ile de France VIII”) in January 2021 (# 21 01 01), and the French medicines controls
authorities (ANSM) in March (2020-A02834-35-A). In Belgium, approval was given by the
Ethics Committee on Clinical Studies of the University Hospitals Leuven in July 2021 (S65423).
The study was registered at the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products
Based on robust clinical evidence, one should consider the option of FETO in selected fetuses
with CDH [2-5]. One of the major concerns about FETO is the potential problems related to
balloon removal [10]. The Smart-TO balloon addresses this issue by allowing a noninvasive,
easily triggered, and externally controlled reversal of occlusion [16]. After extensive
translational research, the time has come to assess the efficacy of reversal of the occlusion
and the safety of this new device in a first-in-woman study.
The main objective of this study is to demonstrate the ability to successfully deflate the Smart-
TO balloon by the magnetic fringe field generated by an MRI scanner. The present trial also
aims to demonstrate the Smart-TO balloon is no longer within the airways. Non-visualization
of the balloon will provide evidence for airway permeability. In the Belgian site, the E.C. also
required to positively identify the localization of the balloon following deflation, either within the
amniotic fluid, membranes, or placenta (at delivery), and exclude its persistence in the uterus
by postpartum ultrasound. Additional objectives of this study include the evaluation of safety,
even though no serious adverse effects directly related to the Smart-TO balloon are
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The dimensions of the Smart-TO balloon and material (latex) are the same as the Goldbal2®
balloon. For this reason, it is anticipated that the Smart-TO will induce similar lung growth
compared to the Goldbal2® balloon, as previously demonstrated in preclinical studies [12, 17].
Additional outcome measurements include the occurrence of membrane rupture and preterm
delivery, which is consistently reported in all FETO series. We will also report on the
consequence of the above.
The limitations of our study will be that this is a non-comparative trial. However, including a
second arm, where controls would have FETO by means of the Goldbal2® balloon, appears
to be unethical, since this will not provide new data and there is sufficient data on file on
outcomes when using the standard balloon.
In conclusion, this first in-woman study aims to demonstrate the ability of Smart-TO balloon to
be prenatally deflated by the magnetic fringe field generated by an MRI scanner, its expelling
from the airways, as well as the safety of its use.
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Figure 1: SPIRIT schedule. Abbreviations: FETO, Fetoscopic Endoluminal Tracheal
Occlusion; O/E LHR, observed-to-expected lung-to-head ratio; MRI, Magnetic Resonance
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Table 1: Outcomes of fetuses diagnosed with isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia
(CDH) in the prenatal period, either left or right-sided, expectantly managed during
pregnancy or having tracheal occlusion within the “Tracheal Occlusion to Accelerate
Lung Growth” (TOTAL) trial or and a large study on right-sided CDH under the same
management protocol.
Abbreviations: RR, risk ratio; CI, confidence interval; O/E LHR, observed-to-expected lung-
to-head ratio; A, adjusted; OR, odds ratio.
Survival to discharge
Side, severity
Criteria severity on ultrasound
RR (95% CI)
Isolated left sided CDH – TOTAL trials
O/E LHR <25.0%
Irrespective of liver position
O/E LHR 25.0-34.9%, any liver
O/E LHR 35.0-44.9% & liver into
Isolated left sided CDH – Pooled analysis TOTAL data
O/E LHR 0.0-34.9%, any liver
O/E LHR 35.0-44.9% & liver into
A OR: 1.78
O/E LHR 0.0-34.9%, any liver
O/E LHR 35.0-44.9% & liver into
A OR: 2.73
Isolated right sided CDH
O/E LHR <50%
Irrespective of liver position
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Table 2: Inclusion criteria and outcome measurements in both studies.
Differences are displayed in bold.
Smart-FETO (Paris)
Smart-Removal (Leuven)
- Patient can consent, has 18 years or more, and has
medical insurance
- Singleton pregnancy with a fetus with an isolated
left CDH with severe or moderate lung hypoplasia
- Patient can consent, has 18 years or more
- Singleton pregnancy with a fetus with an isolated
left CDH with severe or moderate lung hypoplasia or
right CDH with severe lung hypoplasia
- Balloon deflation rate after MRI exposure (by
- Balloon expulsion from the fetal airways (by
postnatal chest X-ray)
- Balloon deflation rate after MRI exposure (by
- Spontaneous balloon deflation prior to MRI
exposure (by ultrasound)
- Lung growth (O/E LHR).
- Balloon height and width (ultrasound).
- Gestational age at membrane rupture
- Gestational age at delivery
- Localisation of the balloon by postnatal chest X-
ray of the newborn
- Survival at discharge from the NICU
-Survival at 6 months
-Need for oxygen supplementation at 6 months
Adverse events:
- Any adverse event, either in the mother or the fetus
or newborn, at whatever time point between insertion
and discharge from the neonatal unit
- Spontaneous balloon deflation prior to MRI
exposure (by ultrasound).
- Lung growth 2 weeks after FETO (O/E LHR).
- Gestational age at membrane rupture
- Gestational age at delivery
- Balloon expulsion from the fetal airways (by
postnatal chest X-ray)
- Localisation of the balloon either by (1) direct
visualization within the amniotic fluid,
membranes or placenta, (2) postnatal chest X-ray
of the newborn, and (3) ultrasound of the
postpartum uterus.
- Survival at discharge from the NICU
- Tracheal diameter on first postnatal chest X-ray
- Assessment for any local side effects of the
balloon (signs or symptoms of tracheomegaly
and /or tracheomalacia)
Adverse events:
- Any adverse event, either in the mother or the fetus
or newborn, at whatever time point between insertion
and discharge from the neonatal unit
n=20 for a 95% CI with a lower boundary of
n=25 for a 95% CI with a lower boundary of
85%[14] and an expected loss rate of 8% (n=2)
due to the need for removal on placental
circulation or spontaneous balloon deflation.
Abbreviations: CDH, congenital diaphragmatic hernia; MRI, magnetic resonance image; O/E
LHR, observed to expected lung to head ratio; CI, confidence interval.
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Table 3: List of variables from both studies.
Differences are displayed in bold.
Paris (Smart FETO)
Leuven (Smart Removal)
Administrative data
-Last name initial
-First name initial
-Date of birth
-Physician responsible for the inclusion
-Referring center prenatal
-Referring fetal medicine specialist
-Center postnatal care
-Postnatal specialist
Subject number
Date of birth
-Physician responsible for the inclusion
-Referring center prenatal
-Referring fetal medicine specialist
-Center postnatal care
-Postnatal specialist
Selection visit
-Date of selection visit
-Have all inclusion criteria been met? yes; no;
-Date of signature of consent
-Conception: spontaneous; assisted;
-Estimated day of delivery
-Pre-pregnancy weight (kg)
-Height (cm)
-Smoking: 0/d; 1-10/d; 10-20/d; 21 or more/d
-Alcohol use: 0; once a week; 2-4/w; >5/w
-Drugs: yes; no
-Concomitant diseases: yes; no; describe
-Ethnicity: Caucasian; North African; African;
Asian; Other
-Gestational age
-Severity of hernia: moderate; severe
-Method for LHR measurement: tracing;
longest diameter; anteroposterior
diameter and perpendicular
-O/E LHR (%)
-Liver herniation: down; up
-Grading of stomach position according to
Cordier classification: 1; 2; 3; 4
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Placental position: anterior; posterior; fundal
-Placenta previa: no; yes
-Karyotype performed: no; yes
-CGHarray performed: no; yes
-Date of selection visit
-Have all inclusion criteria been met? yes; no;
-Date of signature of consent
-Conception: spontaneous; assisted;
-Estimated day of delivery
-Pre-pregnancy weight (kg)
-Height (cm)
-Smoking: 0/d; 1-10/d; 10-20/d; 21 or more/d
-Alcohol use: 0; once a week; 2-4/w; >5/w
-Drugs: yes; no
-Concomitant diseases: yes; no; describe
-Ethnicity: Caucasian; North African; African;
Asian; Other
-Gestational age
-Severity of hernia: moderate; severe
-Hernia side; left; right
-O/E LHR (%)
-Liver herniation: down; up
-Grading of stomach position according to
Cordier classification: 1; 2; 3; 4; N/A (right-
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Placental position: anterior; posterior; fundal
-Placenta previa: no; yes
-Karyotype performed: no; yes
-CGHarray performed: no; yes
. CC-BY 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
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-Results karyotype / CGHarray: normal;
-Results karyotype / CGHarray: normal;
Pre-FETO visit
-Gestational age
-Severity of hernia: moderate; severe
-Method for LHR measurement: tracing;
longest diameter; anteroposterior
diameter and perpendicular
-O/E LHR (%)
-Liver herniation: down; up
-Grading of stomach position according to
Cordier classification: 1; 2; 3; 4
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Placental position: anterior; posterior; fundal
-Placenta previa: no; yes
-Date of MRI
-O/E Total lung volume MRI (%)
-Additional anomalies on MRI: yes; no;
-Gestational age
-Severity of hernia: moderate; severe
-Hernia side; left; right
O/E LHR (%)
-Liver herniation: down; up
-Grading of stomach position according to
Cordier classification: 1; 2; 3; 4; N/A (right-
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Placental position: anterior; posterior; fundal
-Placenta previa: no; yes
-Date of MRI
-O/E Total lung volume MRI (%)
-Additional anomalies on MRI: yes; no;
FETO procedure
-Operator name
-Anesthesia: local; loco-regional (spinal;
epidural; spinal-epidural); general
-Complications related to anesthesia
-Initial position of fetus: cephalic, breech,
-Fetal version: no; yes
-Final position of fetus: cephalic, breech,
-Complications / difficulties related with
balloon preliminary tests: no; yes
-Complications / difficulties related with
connection of balloon with catheter: no; yes
-Complications / difficulties related with
balloon positioning in working channel: no;
-Complications / difficulties related with trocar
insertion: no; yes
-Complications / difficulties related with
tracheoscopy: no; yes
-Operator name
-Anesthesia: local; loco-regional (spinal;
epidural; spinal-epidural); general
-Complications / difficulties related with
balloon preliminary tests: no; yes
-Complications / difficulties related with
connection of balloon with catheter: no; yes
-Complications / difficulties related with
balloon positioning in working channel: no;
-Complications during FETO procedure: yes;
no describe)
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-Complications / difficulties related with
balloon filling: no; yes
-Complications / difficulties related with
balloon withdrawal: no; yes
-Success positioning of Smart-TO balloon :
no; yes
-Amniodrainage during FETO: no; yes
-Volume of amniodrainage (ml)
-Total in utero time (min)
-Time between beginning of fetoscopy and
balloon withdrawal
-Complications / difficulties related with
balloon filling: no; yes
-Complications / difficulties related with
balloon withdrawal: no; yes
-Success positioning of Smart-TO balloon:
no; yes
-Amniodrainage during FETO: no; yes
-Volume of amniodrainage (ml)
-Total in utero time (min)
-Time between beginning of fetoscopy and
balloon withdrawal
Postoperative ultrasound
-Alive fetus: yes; no
-Balloon in place yes; no
-Balloon length (mm)
-Balloon width (mm)
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Any additional findings: yes; no; describe
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
Did any device deficiency occur? Yes, no;
-Alive fetus: yes; no
-Balloon in place yes; no
-Balloon length (mm)
-Balloon width (mm)
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Any additional findings: yes; no; describe
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
Did any device deficiency occur? Yes, no;
Follow-up visit
-Alive fetus: yes; no
-Balloon in place yes; no
-Balloon length (mm)
-Balloon width (mm)
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Any additional findings: yes; no; describe
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
Did any device deficiency occur? Yes, no;
-Method for LHR measurement: tracing;
longest diameter; anteroposterior
diameter and perpendicular
-O/E LHR (%)
-Alive fetus: yes; no
-Balloon in place yes; no
-Balloon length (mm)
-Balloon width (mm)
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Any additional findings: yes; no; describe
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
Did any device deficiency occur? Yes, no;
O/E LHR (%)
Balloon removal procedure
-Date for balloon removal
-Removal context: at scheduled date; at
emergency (labor; PROM; other)
-Date for balloon removal
-Removal context: at scheduled date; at
emergency (labor; PROM; other)
. CC-BY 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
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-Balloon in place yes; no
-Balloon length (mm)
-Balloon width (mm)
-Physician responsible for procedure
-Date and data related to ultrasound scan at
removal, including balloon shape and
-MRI exposure: no; yes
-MRI type: 1 tesla; 1.5; 2; 3
-MRI Brand and model
-Ultrasound scan after first tour around MRI
including balloon visualization, position,
shape, and measurements
-Successful deflation: no; yes
-Ultrasound scan after additional tour around
MRI including balloon visualization, position,
shape, and measurements
-Balloon removal before birth: no; yes
-Time between unplug and birth less than
24h: no; yes
-Route of removal: MRI; fetoscopic,
ultrasound-guided puncture; on placental
circulation; off placental circulation;
spontaneous deflation
-Balloon in place yes; no
-Physician responsible for procedure
-Date and data related to ultrasound scan at
removal, including balloon shape and
-MRI exposure: no; yes
-MRI Brand and model
-Ultrasound scan after first tour around MRI
including balloon visualization, position,
shape, and measurements
-Successful deflation: no; yes
-Ultrasound scan after additional tour around
MRI for balloon visualization
-Balloon removal before birth: no; yes
-Time between unplug and birth less than
24h: no; yes
-Route of removal: MRI; fetoscopic,
ultrasound-guided puncture; on placental
circulation; off placental circulation;
spontaneous deflation
Ultrasound scan after balloon deflation
-Alive fetus: yes; no
-Balloon in place yes; no
-Balloon length (mm)
-Balloon width (mm)
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Any additional findings: yes; no; describe
-Alive fetus: yes; no
-Balloon in place yes; no
-Balloon length (mm)
-Balloon width (mm)
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Any additional findings: yes; no; describe
Post balloon deflation visit
-Alive fetus: yes; no
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Any additional findings: yes; no; describe
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
Did any device deficiency occur? Yes, no;
-Method for LHR measurement: tracing;
longest diameter; anteroposterior
diameter and perpendicular
-O/E LHR (%)
-Alive fetus: yes; no
-Cervical length (mm)
-Chorionic membrane separation
-Deepest vertical amniotic fluid pocket (cm)
-Any additional findings: yes; no; describe
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
Did any device deficiency occur? Yes, no;
-O/E LHR (%)
. CC-BY 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
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-Date of delivery
-Center of delivery
-Premature rupture of membranes: no; yes
-Indication for birth: elective birth;
spontaneous birth; fetal complications;
maternal complications
-Route of birth: vaginal; assisted vaginal;
primary caesarean; secondary caesarean; on
placental circulation.
-Liveborn: yes; no
-Gender: male; female
-Birthweight (g)
-Apgar at 1’
-Apgar at 5’
-Arterial pH
-Balloon visualization at birth: no; yes
(shape, localization, need for withdrawal
and modalities)
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
-Date of delivery
-Center of delivery
-Premature rupture of membranes: no; yes
-Indication for birth: elective birth;
spontaneous birth; fetal complications;
maternal complications
-Route of birth: vaginal; assisted vaginal;
primary caesarean; secondary caesarean; on
placental circulation.
-Liveborn: yes; no
-Gender: male; female
-Birthweight (g)
-Apgar at 1’
-Apgar at 5’
-Arterial pH
-Postpartum ultrasound performed: yes;
-Date of ultrasound
-Balloon location: not visible;
intracavitary; intramural; cervical;
-Balloon location: placenta/membranes;
amniotic fluid; uterus; newborn airways;
newborn gastrointestinal tract; not visible;
other (specify).
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
Neonatal outcome
-Postnatal death
-Cause of death
-Signs of symptoms of tracheomalacia: yes;
no (specify)
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
-Date of discharge from the NICU
-Survival at day 28, 56, at discharge from
NICU, at discharge from Hospital, at 6
months: no; yes
-Date of discharge from Hospital
-Date of surgery
-Use of patch at surgery: no; yes
-Defect size: A,B,C,D
-Postnatal death
-Cause of death
-Tracheal diameter at thoracic entry (mm)
-Tracheal diameter 10 mm above the carina
-Tracheal diameter at mid-distance (mm)
-Signs of symptoms of tracheomalacia: yes;
no (specify)
-Did any A/E/SAE occur? Yes, no; describe
-Date of discharge from the NICU
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-Occurrence of pulmonary hypertension:
no; yes
-Date of onset pulmonary hypertension
-Need for oxygen at day 28 and 56: no;
-Grade of oxygen dependency at day 28
and 56: 0 (no BPD); I (FiO2 21% or room
air); II (FiO2 22-29%); III (FiO2 >29%, CPAP
or mechanical ventilation)
-Need for ECMO: no; yes
-Duration of ECMO (days)
-Total duration of ventilatory support
-Age at full enteral feeding (days)
-Periventricular leukomalacia: no; grade I,
grade II; grade III; not applicable
-Intraventricular hemorrhage: no; grade I,
grade II; grade III; not applicable
-Sepsis: no; yes; not applicable
-Necrotizing enterocolitis: no; yes; not
-Retinopathy of prematurity: yes (grade III
or higher); no (<grade III); not applicable
-Presence of reflux (>1/3 of the esophagus
on clinically indicated radiography); no;
yes; not applicable
-Treatment of reflux: none; medical;
surgical; other
-Oxygen at discharge from Hospital: no;
yes (grade of oxygen dependency)
-Oxygen at 6 months: no; yes (grade of
oxygen dependency)
Abbreviations: LHR; lung-to-head ratio: O/E; observed-to-expected; w; weeks; CDH;
congenital diaphragmatic hernia; FETO, Fetoscopic Endoluminal Tracheal Occlusion; MRI,
magnetic resonance image; A/E, adverse event; SAE, serious adverse event; NICU; neonatal
intensive care unit; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; PROM, premature rupture
of the membranes; EXIT, ex-utero intrapartum treatment.
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Full-text available
Background Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a congenital anomaly with high mortality and morbidity mainly due to pulmonary hypoplasia and hypertension. Temporary fetal tracheal occlusion to promote prenatal lung growth may improve survival. Entrapment of lung fluid stretches the airways, leading to lung growth. Methods Fetal endoluminal tracheal occlusion (FETO) is performed by percutaneous sono-endoscopic insertion of a balloon developed for interventional radiology. Reversal of the occlusion to induce lung maturation can be performed by fetoscopy, transabdominal puncture, tracheoscopy, or by postnatal removal if all else fails. Results FETO and balloon removal have been shown safe in experienced hands. This paper deals with the technical aspects of balloon insertion and removal. While FETO is invasive, it has minimal maternal risks yet can cause preterm birth potentially offsetting its beneficial effects. Conclusion For left-sided severe and moderate CDH, the procedure is considered investigational and is currently being evaluated in a global randomized clinical trial ( The procedure can be clinically offered to fetuses with severe right-sided CDH. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s10397-018-1041-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
( Engl J Med . 2021;385:107–118) Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) can lead to serious lifelong complications, but may be treated if diagnosed before birth. In fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion (FETO), a balloon is inserted into the fetal trachea in utero to stimulate fetal lung growth and is removed prior to birth. One study of 210 fetuses undergoing FETO for severe lung hypoplasia due to isolated CDH found a nearly doubled survival rate among fetuses who received FETO compared with controls (49% vs. 24%). This current study, Tracheal Occlusion to Accelerate Lung Growth (TOTAL), aimed to test whether fetuses with surgical treatment of severe left CDH had superior survival rates compared with fetuses who received expectant prenatal care.
( N Engl J Med . 2021;385:119–129) Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) can lead to pulmonary hypoplasia and is associated with serious neonatal complications and death. In infants with severe left diaphragmatic hernia, fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion (FETO) has been associated with greater survival rates but also higher rates of premature birth. This study aimed to determine the effects of FETO on pregnancies affected by moderate CDH compared with expectant prenatal care.
Background Two randomized controlled trials compared the neonatal and infant outcomes after fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion (FETO) with expectant prenatal management in fetuses with moderate and severe isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), respectively. FETO was carried out at 27⁺⁰ to 29⁺⁶ weeks’ gestation (referred to as “early”) for severe and at 30⁺⁰ to 31⁺⁶ weeks (“late”) for moderate hypoplasia. Reported absolute increase in survival to discharge were 13% (95% confidence interval, -1–28; P=.059), and 25% (95% confidence interval, 6–46; P=.0091) for moderate and hypoplasia CDH, respectively. Objectives Data from the two trials were pooled to study the heterogeneity of the treatment effect by observed over expected lung-to-head ratio and explore the effect of the gestational age at balloon insertion. Study design Individual participant data from the two trials were reanalyzed. Women were assessed between 2008 and 2020 at 14 experienced FETO centers, and were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to either expectant management or FETO. All received standardized postnatal management. The combined data involved 287 patients (196 moderate and 91 severe hypoplasia). The primary endpoint was survival to discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit. Secondary endpoints were survival to 6 months of age, survival to 6 months without oxygen supplementation, and gestational age at live birth. Penalized regression was used with the following covariates: intervention (FETO vs. expectant), early balloon insertion (yes vs. no), observed over expected lung-to-head ratio, liver herniation (yes vs. no), and trial (severe vs moderate). The interaction between intervention and observed over expected lung-to-head ratio was evaluated to study treatment effect heterogeneity. Results For survival to discharge, the adjusted odds ratio of FETO was 1.78 (95% confidence interval, 1.05–3.01; P=.031). The additional effect of early balloon insertion was positive but highly uncertain (adjusted odds ratio, 1.53; 95% confidence interval, 0.60–3.91; P=.370). When combining these two effects, the adjusted odds ratio of FETO with early balloon insertion was 2.73 (95% confidence interval, 1.15–6.49). Results for survival to 6 months and survival to 6 months without oxygen dependence were comparable. The gestational age at delivery was on average 1.7 weeks earlier (95% CI, 1.1–2.3) following FETO with late insertion and 3.2 weeks earlier (95% CI, 2.3–4.1) following FETO with early insertion, as compared to expectant management. There was no evidence that the effect of FETO depended on the observed over expected lung-to-head ratio for any of the endpoints. Conclusions This analysis suggests that FETO increases survival both for moderate and severe lung hypoplasia. The difference between the results for the TOTAL trials, when considered apart, may be due to the difference in the time point of balloon insertion. However, the effect of time point of balloon insertion could not be robustly assessed due to small sample size and the confounding effect of disease severity. FETO, in particular with early balloon insertion, strongly increases the risk for preterm delivery.
Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of the smart-TO device in fetal lambs with diaphragmatic hernia(DH). Study design: Reversal of fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion(TO) to reestablish airway patency requires an invasive procedure. The “Smart-TO” balloon can be deflated by exposure to a strong magnetic field. There are no data available on its ability to reverse pulmonary hypoplasia, its tracheal side-effects, and how well it is expelled from the airways upon deflation. DH was created in fetal lambs on gestational day 70(GD; term=145). On GD95, TO was performed(n=7). At GD116, the presence of the balloon was confirmed on ultrasound(US), the ewe was walked around a 3T-Magnetic Resonance-scanner for balloon deflation, which was confirmed by US immediately after. At term, euthanasia was performed, and the fetus retrieved. Efficacy of occlusion was assessed by the lung-to-body-weight-ratio(LBWR) and lung morphometry. Safety parameters included tracheal side-effects assessed by morphometry and balloon location after deflation. Unoccluded lambs with DH (n=6) served as a comparator. Results: All balloons deflated successfully and were spontaneously expelled from the airways. In the DH+TO group in comparison to controls, the LBWR at birth was increased (1.90 (IQR 1.43-2.55) vs. 1.07 (0.93-1.46), p=0.005), as well as alveolar size (47.5 (IQR 45.6-48.1) vs. 24.6 (IQR 18.7-25.8), p=0.03), whereas airway complexity was lower (1.56 (IQR 1-1.81) vs. 2.23 (IQR 2.14-2.40), p=0.005). Tracheal changes on histology were minimal but more noticeable than in unoccluded lambs (2 (IQR 1-3) vs. 0 (0-1), p=0.03). Conclusions: In fetal lambs with DH, tracheal occlusion with the Smart-TO balloon is effective and safe.
Objective: To examine neonatal outcome of fetuses with isolated right-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia (iRCDH) based on prenatal severity indicators and antenatal management. Methods: Retrospective review of prospectively collected data on consecutive cases of iRCDH diagnosed prior to 30 weeks' gestation. Data on prenatal severity assessment, antenatal management, and perinatal outcome were retrieved. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to identify predictors of survival at discharge and early neonatal morbidity. Results: Forty out of 265 assessed patients underwent termination of pregnancy (15%), while in two (0.7%) cases unexplained fetal death occurred. In the fetuses with iRCDH included in neonatal outcome analysis, 86 were managed expectantly during pregnancy and 128 underwent fetoscopic tracheal occlusion with a balloon (FETO). In the expectant management group, lung size measured by ultrasound or by magnetic resonance imaging was the only independent predictor of survival (observed-to-expected lung-to-head ratio, o/eLHR: OR 1.02, 95% CI 1.02-1.1;p=0.003). Till now, stratification was based on a cut-off of 45%. Survival rate was 15% (4/27) in those with o/eLHR <45% and 61% (36/59) for o/eLHR ≥45% (p=0.001). The best cut-off for o/eLHR however was 50% (78% sensitivity and 72% specificity). Survivors with severe pulmonary hypoplasia stayed longer in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). In fetuses with an o/eLHR<45% treated by FETO, survival was higher (41%, 49/120) than in the expectantly managed with similar lung size (p=0.014), despite higher prematurity rates (gestational age at birth: 34.4±2.7 vs 36.8±3.0;p<0.0001). In antenatally treated fetuses, gestational age at birth was the only predictor of survival (OR 1.25, 95% CI 1.04-1.50;p=0.02). Conclusions: Antenatal measurement of lung size predicts survival in iRCDH. In fetuses with severe lung hypoplasia, FETO was associated with a significant increase in survival. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Objective: One of the drawbacks of fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion for congenital diaphragmatic hernia is the need for a second invasive intervention to reestablish airway patency. The "Smart-TO" (Strasbourg University-BSMTI, France) is a new balloon for endoluminal tracheal occlusion, which spontaneously deflates when placed in a strong magnetic field, therefore overcoming the need of a second procedure. The safety and efficacy of this device has not been demonstrated. This study investigates the reversibility, local side effects, and occlusiveness of the Smart-TO both in a simulated in-utero environment as well as in the fetal lamb model. Study design: First, reversibility was tested in a high-fidelity simulator. Following videoscopic tracheoscopic balloon insertion, the mannequin was placed within a 1L water-filled balloon to mimic the amniotic cavity. This was held by an operator in front of the abdomen in different fetal and maternal positions to mimic the most common clinical scenarios. Following exposure to the magnetic field generated by a 1.5T magnetic resonance (MR) machine, deflation was assessed by tracheoscopy. In case of failed deflation, the mannequin was reinserted into a water-filled balloon for additional MR exposure, up to maximum three times. Secondly, reversibility, occlusiveness, and local effects were tested in-vivo in fetal lambs. Tracheal occlusion was performed in fetal lambs on gestational day (GD) 95 (term=145), either with the balloon currently clinically used (Goldbal2, Balt, Montmorency, France) (n=5) or the Smart-TO balloon (n=5). On GD116, the presence of the balloon was assessed by tracheoscopy. Deflation was performed by puncture (Goldbal2) or by MR exposure (Smart-TO). Six unoccluded lambs served as controls. Following euthanasia, the lung-to-body-weight-ratio, lung morphometry, and tracheal circumference were assessed. Local tracheal changes were measured using a hierarchical histologic scoring system. Results: Ex-vivo, balloon deflation occurred after a single MR exposure in 100% of cases in standing position with the mannequin at 95 (n=32), 55 (n=8), and 125 (n=8) cm height. The deflation rate at first exposure was 100% when lying on a stretcher (n=8). Three out of eight balloons (37.5%) failed to deflate at first exposure when sitting in a wheelchair. Of these, two balloons deflated after a second exposure. One balloon remained inflated after a third exposure. In-vivo, all Smart-TO balloons deflated successfully. The LBWR was significantly higher than controls and comparable for the two balloon types. There were no differences in lung morphometry and tracheal circumference. Tracheal histology showed minimal changes for both balloons. Conclusions: The Smart-TO balloon was effectively deflated by exposure of the fetus in different positions to a 1.5T-MR system. There was only one failure, i.e., when the mother was sitting in a wheelchair. In healthy fetal lambs, the balloon is as occlusive as the clinical standard Goldbal2 system and has only limited local side effects. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Objective: We developed a new balloon called "Smart-TO," which allows noninvasive and easy unplugging, thanks to a magnetic valve actuated by the magnetic fringe field of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. The objective of this feasibility study was to evaluate the operation of this new balloon in a nonhuman primate model. Methods: Four pregnant rhesus monkeys underwent fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion using the "Smart-TO" balloon. The pregnant monkeys were simply carried around the perimeter of an MRI scanner a few days later. Study outcomes were feasibility of fetal tracheal occlusion using the "Smart-TO" balloon, persistence of the balloon in the fetal trachea, and deflation of the balloon when subjected to the magnetic fringe field of an MRI. Results: At the time of the unplug procedure, in all cases, the balloon was still in a correct position, and its shape did not change based on their ultrasound appearance. After bringing the pregnant monkeys into the fringe field of the MRI scanner, the balloon deflated in all cases. Conclusion: The balloon we developed allows noninvasive, easily triggered, and externally controlled reversal occlusion, based on the nonhuman primate model. Further tests evaluating occlusiveness and potential adverse effects are necessary.
The outcomes of patients diagnosed with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) have recently improved. However, mortality and morbidity remain high, and this is primarily caused by the abnormal lung development resulting in pulmonary hypoplasia and persistent pulmonary hypertension. The pathogenesis of CDH is poorly understood, despite the identification of certain candidate genes disrupting normal diaphragm and lung morphogenesis in animal models of CDH. Defects within the lung mesenchyme and interstitium contribute to disturbed distal lung development. Frequently, a disturbance in the development of the pleuroperitoneal folds (PPFs) leads to the incomplete formation of the diaphragm and subsequent herniation. Most candidate genes identified in animal models have so far revealed relatively few strong associations in human CDH cases. CDH is likely a highly polygenic disease, and future studies will need to reconcile how disturbances in expression of multiple genes cause the disease. Herein we summarize the available literature on abnormal lung development associated with CDH.
Background: Isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia defect allows viscera to herniate into the chest, competing for space with the developing lungs. At birth, pulmonary hypoplasia leads to respiratory insufficiency and persistent pulmonary hypertension that is lethal in up to 30% of patients. Antenatal measurement of lung size and liver herniation can predict survival after birth. Prenatal intervention aims at stimulating lung development, clinically achieved by percutaneous fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion under local anesthesia. This in utero treatment requires a second intervention to reestablish the airway, either before birth or at delivery. Objective: To describe our experience with in utero endotracheal balloon removal. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data on consecutive patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia treated in utero by fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion from 3 centers. Maternal and pregnancy-associated variables were retrieved. Balloon removal attempts were categorized as elective or emergency and by technique (in utero: ultrasound-guided puncture; fetoscopy; ex utero: on placental circulation or postnatal tracheoscopy). Results: We performed 351 balloon insertions during a 144-month period. In 9 cases removal was attempted outside fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion centers, 3 of which were deemed impossible and led to neonatal death. We attempted 302 in-house balloon removals in 292 fetuses (217 elective [71.8%], 85 emergency [28.2%]) at 33.4 ± 0.1 weeks (range: 28.9-37.1), with a mean interval to delivery of 16.6 ± 0.8 days (0-85). Primary attempt was by fetoscopy in 196 (67.1%), by ultrasound-guided puncture in 62 (21.2%), by tracheoscopy on placental circulation in 30 (10.3%), and postnatal tracheoscopy in 4 cases (1.4%); a second attempt was required in 10 (3.4%) cases. Each center had different preferences for primary technique selection. In elective removals, we found no differences in the interval to delivery between fetoscopic and ultrasound-guided puncture removals. Difficulties during fetoscopic removal led to the development of a stylet to puncture the balloon, leading to shorter operating time and easier reestablishment of airways. Conclusion: In these fetal treatment centers, the balloon could always be removed successfully. In 90% this was in utero, with the use of fetoscopy preferred over ultrasound-guided puncture. Ex utero removal was a fall-back procedure. In utero removal does not seem to precipitate immediate membrane rupture, labor, or delivery, although the design of the study did not allow for a formal conclusion. For fetoscopic removals, the introduction of a stylet facilitated retrieval. Successful removal may rely on a permanently prepared team with expertise in all possible techniques.