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Purulent pericarditis in advanced thymoma: A case report


Abstract and Figures

Thymoma is the most common primary anterior mediastinum mass with various clinical manifestations, and one of the manifestations is pericardial effusion. While pericardial effusion in thymoma is usually serous, it can become purulent when an infection occurs in a nearby organ, albeit rare. In this report, we present a rare case of a 27-year-old woman who had purulent pericarditis secondary to an advanced thymoma. The patient came to the emergency department with the chief complaints of worsening chest discomfort, non-productive cough, and fever in the past 2 weeks. The patient was diagnosed with thymoma 5 months prior. Based on the examinations, it was discovered that the patient had pericarditis. After the pericardiocentesis was performed and the fluid was examined, the patient was diagnosed with purulent pericarditis secondary to thymoma. The patient was then treated with intravenous antibiotic and pericardial drain. Unfortunately, the patient's condition deteriorated, and the patient died on the fifth day of hospitalization. This case highlights an infrequent but potentially life-threatening complication of thymoma. In addition, thymic pathologies should be included as a rare etiology in the differential diagnosis of purulent pericardial effusion.
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Radiology Case Reports 17 (2022) 3996–4000
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Case Report
Purulent pericarditis in advanced thymoma: A case
Jordan Bakhriansyah, MD
a , b , 1 ,
, I Gede Parama Gandi Semita, MD
c , e , 1 ,
I Gde Rurus Suryawan, MD
, Yusuf Azmi, MD
, Irfan Deny Sanjaya, MD
Risma Ikawaty, MD
, David Nugraha, BM
, Firas Farisi Alkaff, MD
f , g
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Surabaya, Jalan Raya Rungkut, Surabaya 60293, East Java, Indonesia
Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Husada Utama Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga –Dr. Soetomo
General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga –Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital,
Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Division of Pharmacology and Therapy, Department of Anatomy, Histology, and Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The
Article history:
Received 8 June 2022
Revised 25 July 2022
Accepted 28 July 2022
Pericardial effusion
Mediastinal mass
Case report
Thymoma is the most common primary anterior mediastinum mass with various clinical
manifestations, and one of the manifestations is pericardial effusion. While pericardial ef-
fusion in thymoma is usually serous, it can become purulent when an infection occurs in
a nearby organ, albeit rare. In this report, we present a rare case of a 27-year-old woman
who had purulent pericarditis secondary to an advanced thymoma. The patient came to
the emergency department with the chief complaints of worsening chest discomfort, non-
productive cough, and fever in the past 2 weeks. The patient was diagnosed with thymoma
5 months prior. Based on the examinations, it was discovered that the patient had pericardi-
tis. After the pericardiocentesis was performed and the uid was examined, the patient was
diagnosed with purulent pericarditis secondary to thymoma. The patient was then treated
with intravenous antibiotic and pericardial drain. Unfortunately, the patient’s condition de-
teriorated, and the patient died on the fth day of hospitalization. This case highlights an
infrequent but potentially life-threatening complication of thymoma. In addition, thymic
Competing Interests: None declared.
Corresponding authors .
E-mail addresses: (J. Bakhriansyah), (I.G.P.G. Semita).
1 These authors contributed equally and are shared rst author.
1930-0433/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of University of Washington. This is an open access article under the
CC BY license ( )
Radiology Case Reports 17 (2022) 3996–4000 3997
pathologies should be included as a rare etiology in the differential diagnosis of purulent
pericardial effusion.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of University of Washington.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( )
Thymoma is the most common primary anterior medi-
astinum mass derived from the thymic epithelium [1] . The
progression of this tumor is slow and usually detected inci-
dentally during radiographic imaging [2] . Their clinical man-
ifestations are usually unpredictable and varies from asymp-
tomatic to advanced symptoms such as paraneoplastic syn-
drome due to thoracic metastases [3] . Several symptoms re-
lated to the adjacent structure could be triggered caused by
the local growth and invasion of the tumor, including pericar-
dial effusion [3] . While the type of uid of the pericardial effu-
sion in this condition is usually serous, the effusion uid can
become purulent when an infection occurs in a nearby organ.
In this report, we present a rare case of purulent pericarditis
secondary to upper respiratory tract infection in a patient with
Case presentation
A 27-year-old woman presented to the emergency depart-
ment with chief complaints of progressive chest discomfort,
non-productive cough, and fever in the past 2 weeks. The pa-
tient was diagnosed with thymoma stage III (Masaoka-Koga)
type 3B (WHO) 5 months prior and was recently underwent
chemotherapy with cisplatin-etoposide regiments for 3 cycles.
On physical examination, the patient’s vital signs were
as follows: blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, respiratory rates 28
times / min, heart rate 145 beats per min, right axillary tem-
perature 37.7 °C, and oxygen saturation 95% at room air. No
jugular venous distention was observed. The percussion on
the left anterior chest was dull, and the vesicular sound was
reduced. Rhonchi, wheezing, or abnormal heart sounds were
absent during auscultation. The abdomen was soft and non-
tender, and the liver and spleen were not palpable. Laboratory
evaluation revealed elevated white blood cell (17.8 ×10
/ μL,
reference range 5-10.0 ×10
/ μL) with neutrophils dominance
(95%, reference range 55%-70%), elevated liver enzymes (as-
partate transaminase190 IU/L, reference range 0-35 IU/L; ala-
nine transaminase119 IU/L, reference range 4-36 IU/L), and
elevated C-reactive protein level (14.2 mg/L, reference range
< 10.0 mg/L).
Electrocardiography evaluation revealed sinus tachycardia,
right axis deviation, and low voltage in the precordial leads
( Fig. 1 ). Chest X-ray showed mediastinal widening with peri-
cardial effusion and diffuse apical consolidation suggesting
pneumonia ( Fig. 2 ). Tran s t h orac i c echocardiography demon-
strated a massive pericardial effusion (21 mm) at the poste-
rior without a sign of right ventricle chamber collapse ( Fig. 3 ).
Contrast-enhanced chest computed tomography scan (CT-
scan) revealed a mass sized 9.4 ×12.9 ×11.4 cm with irregular
borders located at the anteromedial left mediastinum, as high
as the second to fourth thoracal vertebrae. The tumor was also
attached to the posterior sternum, left upper hemithorax wall,
ascending aorta, aortic arch, left pulmonary artery, and left
carotid artery ( Fig. 4 ).
Pericardiocentesis with uoroscopy guidance was then
performed under local anesthesia, and 500 ml of thick pus
was successfully aspirated ( Fig. 5 ). The pericardial uid anal-
ysis conrmed a purulent effusion, with elevated pericardial
leucocyte count (177 ×10
/ μL, reference range < 10 ×10
/ μL),
low pericardial to serum glucose ratio (0.09, reference range
> 0.3), elevated pericardial protein (4.8 g/dL, reference range
> 3 g/dL), and elevated pericardial lactate dehydrogenase (963
U/L, reference range < 200 U/L). There was no malignant cells
in the pericardial cytology examination. Pericardial uid cul-
ture grew Staphylococcus aureus , while blood culture did not
Based on the ndings, the patient was diagnosed with pu-
rulent pericardial effusion secondary to stage III type B3 thy-
moma. The patient was treated with intravenous meropenem
1 gram thrice daily, and the pericardial drain was placed on the
site of pericardiocentesis. However, 2 days afterward, the pa-
tient’s condition deteriorated. The pericardial drain was not
functioning properly due to loculation, and the patient was
Fig. 1 Twelve-lead electrocardiography reveals a sinus tachycardia of 150 beats per minute, right axis deviation, and a low
voltage on precordial leads.
3998 Radiology Case Reports 17 (2022) 3996–4000
Fig. 2 –An anterior posterior (A) and lateral (B) view of chest X-ray show mediastinal widening with massive pericardial
Fig. 3 Transthoracic echocardiography demonstrates a massive pericardial effusion (21 mm) at the posterior, without any
sign of right ventricle chamber collapse.
unt for further procedures. The patient was then died on the
fth day of hospitalization.
Herein, we present a case of a large purulent pericardial effu-
sion as a manifestation of an advanced thymoma. To the best
of our knowledge, no prior report has been published regard-
ing this. The incidence of thymoma is rare with only 0.15 cases
per 100,000 and is commonly found in middle age and peaks in
the seventh decade of life [ 4 ,5 ]. However, thymoma appeared
at a considerably young age in our case.
The anterior mediastinum is a wholly shielded body cav-
ity making small tumors undetected and undiagnosed. Gen-
erally, thymoma is detected when it is large enough or clini-
cally manifests as local symptoms related to the involvement
of surrounding structures, such as chest discomfort, dyspnea,
hoarseness, superior vena cava syndrome. When the tumor
is invasive, pericardial involvement can be found in around
one-third of the cases [ 6 ,7 ]. Most thymoma cases are usually
found through CT-scan, and this modality helps differentiate
between thymoma and thymic cancer [8] . On CT-scan ndings,
a focal oval soft tissue mass with sharply demarcated round
found in the anterior mediastinum compartment is strongly
suggestive of thymoma [9] . In our cases, the CT-scan showed a
heterogeneously irregular mass at the anterior mediastinum
that invaded mediastinal fat and adhered to the left upper
hemithorax and the adjacent vessels.
Pericardial effusion is an uncommon clinical manifesta-
tion and presents in approximately 20% of thymoma patients
Radiology Case Reports 17 (2022) 3996–4000 3999
Fig. 4 Chest computed tomography with intravenous contrast during the venous phase. (A) The axial mediastinal window
shows that the anterior mediastinum contains a heterogeneously enhancing irregular mass. The mass has invaded
mediastinal fat and adhered to adjacent vessels such as the aorta and pulmonary artery (arrow). The mass also adhered to
the left upper hemithorax wall (open arrow). (B) The coronal mediastinal window shows the inltration of the mass to the
pericardium and epicardial fat (arrow). Also, note the presence of the left pleural effusion (asterisk).
Fig. 5 –A pericardial uid aspiration reveals thick pus in
the pericardial space.
[10] . Pericardial effusion in our case was not caused by the
primary or secondary complication of the tumor in the peri-
cardium since the uid cytology examination revealed no sign
of malignant cell. We therefore hypothesized that the pericar-
dial effusion was caused by the circulatory system suppres-
sion and lymphatic drainage obstruction. Lym pha t ic system
in the heart and pericardium has a vulnerable isthmus-like
section near the aortic root. The size and extent of the isth-
mus are not well delineated and narrow enough to cause car-
diac lymphatic blockage. When there is a tumor that is located
in that area, it may cause blockage of the lymphatic ow, lead-
ing to the extravasation of the lymphatic uid to the pericar-
dial area [11] . Next to that, when a tumor metastases to the
mediastinal lymph node, it may obstruct the ow of the lym-
phatic drainage, causing accumulation and also extravasation
of lymphatic uid to the pericardial area [12] .
Bacterial pericarditis is rarely found in the era of antibi-
otics, which only accounted for a less than one percent of all
cases [13] . The cause of bacterial pericarditis is secondary to
adjacent spreading of intrathoracic infection or by hematoge-
nous spread [14] . In our case, we believed that the bacteria was
originally from the pneumonia. Various bacteria may respon-
sible in causing purulent pericarditis, with Staphylococcus au-
reus as the most common pathogen [15] . This is in line with
the bacteria that we found in the pericardial uid of our pa-
As the mortality rate of patients with pericarditis sec-
ondary to thymoma is high [ 10,16–19 ], aggressive and ade-
quate treatments are needed. Previous studies found that pa-
tients receiving pericardiectomies had longer median survival
time compared to standard supportive care and pericardio-
centesis or radio-chemotherapy alone [ 11 ,20 ]. However, our
patient had a higher mortality risk because of the advanced
stage III type B3 thymoma [21] . Thus, it is not an option for
our patient to undergo such procedures.
In rare instances, a case of advanced thymoma can lead to
more severe complications such as purulent pericardial effu-
4000 Radiology Case Reports 17 (2022) 3996–4000
sion with chest discomfort and non-productive cough as the
clinical manifestations. Considering the nature of this malig-
nancy and its life-threatening prognosis, early diagnosis and
prompt management of purulent pericarditis are essential.
Patient consent
Written informed consent was obtained from the patient’s
husband for publication of this case report and the accom-
panying images.
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... For example, Bakhriansyah J. et al. detailed a case of a patient with advanced thymoma complicated by purulent pericarditis. 15 Similar to our approach, Bakhriansyah J. et al. also chose fluoroscopy-guided pericardiocentesis, reinforcing the safety and effectiveness of this method. However, our case manifested a more indolent course and a semi-emergent situation, contrasting with the more acute presentation in the case reported by Bakhriansyah J. et al. ...
Full-text available
The thymus plays a crucial role in the development of immune system, regulating the maturation, selection and migration of T lymphocytes. Alterations in lymphatic content and structure of the thymus are observed in many autoimmune diseases. Moreover, changes of the epithelial component may cause the development of thymic tumours. Thymoma is a rare epithelial tumor of the anterior mediastinal compartment with a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. The causes of thymoma are still unknown and several hypotheses have been formulated. Thymomas show a variable course causing, frequently, a prolonged clinical history. The presence of metastasis at the time of diagnosis is very uncommon. Even if about 30% of the patients with thymoma are asymptomatic, they may have local symptoms (such as cough, pain, hoarseness, and dyspnea) or paraneoplastic disorders. The role of immune system in the pathogenesis of these tumors and related paraneoplastic syndromes is not completely clear. A clinical diagnosis, especially if the first manifestation is a thymoma-associated paraneoplastic disease, is not always easy and should be supported by an appropriate imaging in order to guide the proper management for each patient. In this article, we would like to give an overview of the local and systemic clinical manifestations, which can be found in patients affected by thymoma
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for differentiating thymoma from nonthymoma abnormalities in patients with myasthenia gravis (MG). A cross-sectional study of 53 patients with MG, who had undergone surgical thymectomy, was conducted at 103 Hospital (Hanoi, Vietnam) and Cho Ray Hospital (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) during August 2014 and January 2017. The CT and MRI images of patients with MG were qualitatively and quantitatively (radiodensity and chemical shift ratio [CSR]) analyzed to determine and compare their ability to distinguish thymoma from nonthymoma abnormalities. Logistic regression was used to identify the association between imaging parameters (eg, CSR) and the thymoma status. The receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis was used to determine the differentiating ability of CSR and radiodensity. As results, of the 53 patients with MG, 33 were with thymoma and 20 were with nonthymoma abnormalities. At qualitative assessment, MRI had significantly higher accuracy than did CT in differentiating thymoma from nonthymoma abnormalities (94.3% vs 83%). At quantitative assessment, both the radiodensity and CSR were significantly higher for thymoma compared with nonthymoma groups ( P < .001). The ROC analysis showed that CSR had significantly higher sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) than radiodensity in discriminating between the 2 groups (CSR: Se 100%, Sp 95% vs radiodensity: Se 90.9%, Sp 70%). When combining both qualitative and quantitative parameters, MRI had even higher accuracy than did CT in thymoma diagnosis ( P = .031). In conclusion, chemical shift MRI was more accurate than CT for differentiating thymoma from nonthymoma in patients with MG.
Full-text available
Thymoma is the most common neoplasm originating in the anterior mediastinum and accounts for a quarter of all mediastinal tumors. A pericardial effusion is an uncommon initial manifestation present in approximately 20% of patients. However, our patient had hemorrhagic pericardial effusions causing a cardiac tamponade with bilateral pleural effusions, nodular left pleural based masses, and ascites. In this report, we describe the unique features of our case and its management.
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Background: The aims of this study were to stratify the risk of recurrence based on the Masaoka-Koga stage and World Health Organization (WHO) classification systems after R0-resection for thymic epithelial tumors (TETs). Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on 479 patients who underwent surgery between Jan 1994 and Feb 2014 for TETs. The study group comprised 251 males and 228 females, with a median age of 52 years (range, 15-84 years). Results: Of the 479 patients, 406 (84.8%) patients underwent R0-resection. Recurrence after R0-resection occurred in 32 patients during a median follow-up of 53 months (range, 2-227 months). A multivariate analysis revealed that the preoperative treatment including chemotherapy (P=0.036), Masaoka-Koga stage (P=0.011) and the WHO classification (P=0.001) were predictors for recurrence after R0-resection. Patients were stratified into four risk groups using a potential model incorporating both the Masaoka-Koga stage and WHO classifications. Group 1 comprised WHO types A/AB/B1 in stage I/II; Group 2 comprised WHO type A/AB/B1 in stage III or WHO type B2/B3 in stage I/II or WHO type C in stage I; Group 3 comprised Type B2/B3/C in stage III, or WHO type C in stage II/III; and Group 4 comprised WHO type B2/B3/C in stage IV. The 5-year freedom-from-recurrence (FFR) rates were 99.4% for group 1, 84.7% for group 2, 63.7% for group 3, and less than 44.4% for group 4 (P<0.001). In group 3, the rate of locoregional recurrence of patients treated with postoperative radiation therapy was lower than patients treated without postoperative radiation therapy (P=0.032). Conclusions: A risk model incorporating both Masaoka-Koga stage and WHO classification systems may provide multi-faceted information about recurrence and adjuvant treatment after R0-resection of TETs.
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Abstract Thymoma, the most common neoplasm of the anterior mediastinum especially in adults, accounts for 20-25% of all mediastinal tumors and 50% of anterior mediastinal masses. These tumors are routinely asymptomatic for prolonged periods of time. Pericardial tamponade is a very rare initial manifestation of a thymoma. This report presents a patient who had hemorrhagic pericardial tamponade that likely resulted from the largest symptomatic mixed type (type AB) thymoma described in the literature.
Thymomas (Ts) and thymic carcinomas (TCs) are rare tumours of the mediastinum with an incidence rate of 1.7/million per year in Europe. Histological classification is based on rate of non-malignant-appearing thymic epithelial cells and proportions of lymphocytes (A, AB, B1, B2, B3, and C), while staging system concerns localisation of the involved areas. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment with a 10-year survival of 80%, 78%, 75%, and 42% for stages I, II, III and IV, respectively, with an R0 resection. Radiotherapy has a role in selected cases (stage III patients or R1–2 residual) and platinum-based chemotherapy remains the standard of care for patients with advanced disease. A multimodality approach would be advisable when surgery is not recommended. Since molecular aberrations are poorly understood and few responses are reported, targeted therapies are yet being studied. In this review, we describe key aspects of clinical management for Ts and TCs.
A patient with malignant thymoma is described in whom the initial manifestation was pericarditis; cardiac tamponade was relieved by corticosteroid therapy.
Thymic carcinoma is a rare tumor in the anterior mediastinum, which is often seen in adults over 40 years old. Typically, it is asymptomatic for a prolonged period of time. An incidental finding of a mass on a chest x-ray film is themostcommonpresentation.Symptomaticpatientsoftencomplainofchestpain,coughorotherupperrespiratory symptoms. Pericardial effusion may be present occasionally, but cardiac tamponade is rarely seen. There are only scattered reports of thymic carcinoma presenting with cardiac tamponade. We report a 65-year-old woman with thymic carcinoma who had an episode of near-syncope due to cardiac tamponade. Emergent pericardiocentesis terminated the life-threatening condition. Fine needle biopsy showed a poorly differentiated epidermoid thymic carcinoma. Computed tomography of the chest also proved that tumor extended to the chest wall, pericardium, aorta, pulmonary arteries and superior vena cava.
Three cases of adenocarcinoma of the lung manifesting as acute pericardial effusion with tamponade are presented and the medical literature concerning this unusual manifestation of extracardiac malignancy is reviewed. We have found 22 cases of carcinoma and 4 cases of sarcoma. Of the carcinomas, 14 of 19 (74%) with known primary are pulmonary and 13 of 18 (72%) with tissue diagnosis are adenocarcinomas. Diagnosis was made by cytologic examination of pericardial fluid in 14 of 16 cases (87%) in which it was performed. The lymphatic drainage of the heart renders some anatomical explanations for the prevalence of carcinoma of the lung as the cause of cardiac tamponade and the discrepancy of finding tumor cells in the pericardial fluid but not in the pericardium. Patients treated with pericardiectomy with or without ancillary radio- or chemotherapy survived longer than those treated with pericardiocentesis or radio- or chemotherapy alone.