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First Account of Psychological Changes Perceived by a Female with Congenital Leptin Deficiency upon Treatment with Metreleptin

Karger Publishers
Obesity Facts


Two psychiatric interviews of a 39-year old female with congenital leptin deficiency were conducted to define psychological changes fourteen and 165 days after initiation of treatment with human recombinant leptin (metreleptin). The most pronounced initial experience related to the reduced preoccupation with food. An improved mood was reported by the patient, which she associated with this reduced preoccupation. Her mood remained elevated upon recontact, whereas she was no longer preoccupied with food. Overall, the interviews provides a vivid account of the subjective experiences upon initiation of treatment. Some of the findings bear resemblance to those reported recently in patients with anorexia nervosa who were treated with metreleptin for one to three weeks. This case report provides further evidence that metreleptin has strong psychophamacological effects in patients with absolute or relative leptin deficiency. We strongly recommend profound psychological examinations of patients with congenital leptin deficiency at baseline and after intitiation of treatment with human recombinant leptin to gain further insight into the functions affected by this hormone.
Case Report
Obes Facts 2022;15:730–735
First Account of Psychological Changes Perceived
by a Female with Congenital Leptin Deficiency
upon Treatment with Metreleptin
Johannes Hebebrand
a Stefanie Zorn
b Jochen Antel
a Julia von Schnurbein
Martin Wabitsch
b Gertraud Gradl-Dietsch
aDepartment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen,
Germany; bCenter for Rare Endocrine Diseases, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Department of
Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University Medical Center, Ulm, Germany
Received: February 17, 2022
Accepted: June 22, 2022
Published online: August 11, 2022
Correspondence to:
Martin Wabitsch, martin.wabitsch @
Gertraud Gradl-Dietsch , gertraud.gradl-dietsch @
© 2022 The Author(s).
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
DOI: 10.1159/000526169
Leptin · Obesity · Anorexia nervosa · Preoccupation with
food · Antidepressant · Executive function
Two psychiatric interviews of a 39-year old female with con-
genital leptin deficiency were conducted to define psycho-
logical changes 14 and 165 days after initiation of treatment
with human recombinant leptin (metreleptin). The most
pronounced initial experience related to the reduced preoc-
cupation with food. An improved mood was reported by the
patient, which she associated with this reduced preoccupa-
tion. Her mood remained elevated upon recontact, whereas
she was no longer preoccupied with food. Overall, the inter-
views provide a vivid account of the subjective experiences
upon the initiation of treatment. Some of the findings bear
a resemblance to those reported recently in patients with
anorexia nervosa who were treated with metreleptin for 1–3
weeks. This case report provides further evidence that me-
treleptin has strong psychopharmacological effects in pa-
tients with absolute or relative leptin deficiency. We strong-
ly recommend profound psychological examinations of pa-
tients with congenital leptin deficiency at baseline and after
intitiation of treatment with human recombinant leptin to
gain further insight into the functions affected by this hor-
mone. © 2022 The Author(s).
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
Psychological assessments of patients with congenital
leptin deficiency (CLD) have not yet been conducted to
any greater extent. Currently, a total of 67 patients have
been reported in the literature since 1997 [1]. In the first
case study, Montague and coworkers [2] described two
children aged 2 and 8 years who were constantly hungry
and continuously demanded food; their food intake was
substantially higher than that of their siblings. Apart from
the extreme obesity with an onset in infancy, most inves-
tigators have also focused on the eating behavior in de-
scriptive terms. The term hyperphagia is most common-
J.H. and S.Z., and M.W. and G.G.-D. shared first and last authorships,
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Psychological Changes in CLD upon
Metreleptin Treatment
Obes Facts 2022;15:730–735
DOI: 10.1159/000526169
ly used to illustrate the excessive caloric intake [2–6]. In-
satiable appetite [7] or aggressive food seeking behavior
[8] represent other terms used to describe the overeating.
Treatment with recombinant human leptin (r-metHu-
Leptin; metreleptin) of patients with CLD entails an in-
creased satiety and satiation within 7 days after its initia-
tion; weight loss is pronounced over time [9–11]. A re-
duced irritability around eating was noted [11]. A
9-year-old female no longer secretly sought food or de-
manded food between meals [9]. We are aware of two
studies on individuals with CLD that report potential psy-
chological effects of metreleptin treatment that extend
beyond effects on satiety and satiation; (i) in three adults
with CLD, “non-ingestive behavior changed dramatically
within 2 weeks” of metreleptin treatment and prior to
substantial weight loss [10]. These adults did not have el-
evated depression or anxiety scores prior to treatment;
the authors thus precluded changes in mood or anxiety as
an explanation for the observed mental effects, which
they describe as a change in behavior and interpersonal
attitudes from infantile and docile to assertive and adult-
like. (ii) After metreleptin treatment of a 5-year-old boy
for a 2-year period, substantial increments in the rates of
development in neurocognitive domains were observed.
Due to leptin’s role in the adaptation to starvation [12],
we postulated that psychological symptoms of starvation,
as meticulously delineated in the Minnesota Starvation
Study [13], may result from the hypoleptinemia induced
by loss of fat mass [14]. Indeed, metreleptin treatment of
patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) has recently been
shown to entail beneficial and rapid-onset cognitive,
emotional, and behavioral effects [15–17]. Thus, preoc-
cupation with food declined within 3–5 days; sleep im-
proved. Mood also improved substantially within 2–4
days and became overly buoyant in 2 patients. Patients
became less withdrawn and were able to more readily en-
gage in social interactions. The urge to move and inner
tension were reduced; concentration improved. Accord-
ingly, more detailed psychological evaluations of patients
with CLD are required to assess if metreleptin induces
central effects that extend beyond the well-known effects
on eating behavior and body weight. Leptin receptor
(both short and long forms: Ob-Ra and Ob-Rb) mRNAs
have been detected in hypothalamic nuclei, Purkinje cells,
and dentate nuclei of the cerebellum, inferior olivary and
cranial nerves nuclei in the medulla, amygdala, and neu-
rons from both neocortex and entorhinal cortex [18, 19].
While in CLD, leptin deficiency is inborn, a reduced
leptin secretion in patients with AN results from an ac-
quired loss of fat mass. In acutely ill patients, serum leptin
levels are well below the normal range [20–22] with levels
typically ranging between <0.1 and 2.0 ng/mL upon refer-
ral for inpatient treatment. As in healthy controls, percent
body fat is a better predictor for serum leptin levels than
body mass index (BMI; kg/m2; [23]). Upon weight gain,
leptin secretion increases; however, it can take a number
of weeks prior to leptin levels reaching the lower normal
range [22]. Attempts have been made to correlate the in-
creased leptin secretion with reductions in physical activ-
ity and psychological variables [14, 24].
Case History
The female patient from the Arabian Peninsula developed ex-
treme obesity during infancy as a result of hyperphagia. Congeni-
tal leptin deficiency was diagnosed at age 38 by molecular genetic
testing using next-generation sequencing of the genes KSR2, LEP,
LEPR, MC4R, MRAP2, NTRK2, PCSK1, POMC, and SIM1 (Illu-
mina); her niece with a similar phenotype had initially been diag-
nosed with this disorder. Genetic sequencing of the leptin gene
revealed a novel biallelic homozygous rare variant. The annotation
tools MutationTaster and PolyPhen2 classified this variant as
probably damaging. Functional characterization has been per-
formed in our laboratory (MW) and is unpublished. Upon initia-
tion of metreleptin treatment by MW at the Division of Pediatric
Endocrinology and Diabetes at the University Medical Center in
Ulm, height, body weight, and BMI of the index patient were 167.4
cm, 128.8 kg, and 45.9 kg/m2. She had hypertension, hypothyroid-
ism, pancreas lipomatosis, steatosis hepatis, lipoedema grade 3,
Sjögren syndrome, and spondylolisthesis; she had been medicated
with L-thyroxin (125 μg/day), vitamin B12 (1,000 μg/day), and vi-
tamin D3 (50,000 IU/week). The patient was fully informed of the
well-known mechanism of action of metreleptin with respect to
suppression of hunger and subsequent weight loss. She was also
informed at length of potential side effects of metreleptin treat-
ment including the formation of leptin antibodies and the poten-
tial risk of development of T-cell lypmphoma; she provided writ-
ten informed consent.
An hour-long online interview was conducted by JH during
the morning of dosing day 14 during the patient’s stay at the Uni-
versity of Ulm; at this time the patient had lost 6.95 kg of body
weight. The patient was at home for the second online interview
five and a half months after initiation of treatment. The first in-
terview was transcribed according to the transcription rules of
Dresing and Pehl [25]. The interview pursued two aims: (i) focus
on the subjective experience of the patient upon the initiation of
metreleptin treatment and (ii) investigation of the extent of over-
lap of induced changes with those previously observed in AN pa-
tients [15–17]. Accordingly, the patient was asked to report all
observations she had made within the initial 14 days of metreleptin
treatment in a non-directive manner; in the second part of the in-
terview, she was systematically questioned as to potential changes
in preoccupation with food, sleep, mood, concentration, and
spontaneity. The 20-min long follow-up online interview was not
Both the patient and the interviewer are not native speakers of
the English language. Several direct citations were included to con-
Hebebrand/Zorn/Antel/von Schnurbein/
Obes Facts 2022;15:730–735
DOI: 10.1159/000526169
vey the statements of the patient. To enhance readability, single
citations were minimally altered (for instance, the tense of a word
was corrected). Words in parentheses within a limited number of
direct citations were introduced to better explain the context.
First Interview
In the non-directive part of the interview, the patient repeatedly
used the word “magic” to describe what had happened to her.
“When I started (treatment), magic.” Upon dosing day 3, she start-
ed thinking less about food and experienced a greater sense of con-
trol. “So I was realizing really starting from my breakfast and my
cup of coffee that, oh, things have been changed because before
starting with a cup of coffee, I had always been thinking what
would be my breakfast?” But during the morning of dosing day 3,
the immediate association of coffee with food dissipated. “I was
just having the cup of coffee and that’s it. After 3, 4 h, I was think-
ing, oh, I didn’t have my breakfast till now.”
She began to think more positively. Prior to metreleptin treat-
ment, she had felt punished by having to walk the medically pre-
scribed 10,000 steps. She had not really accepted this physical ac-
tivity in light of her experiencing it as too strenuous and painful.
While still experiencing pain during her walks, she was now enjoy-
ing them.
She had been unable to visit a café to just drink a coffee. She
would think of a piece of cake or cookies even if she was not hun-
gry; she just liked to eat. She now enjoys drinking her coffee and
looking around at other people. She now takes her laptop with her
and starts working while drinking coffee. She utilizes her time
more efficiently. “Everything has been changed in my mind. So it’s
like really restarting my lifestyle and it’s like … magic. Like every-
thing in my mind has been changed about thinking of food.”
She had telephoned with her mother on the day prior to the
interview. “Can you imagine I’ve been away for more than 2 weeks.
I didn’t eat chocolate.” Her mother had expressed her surprise; the
patient, too, was struck by this fact. She had always been the fam-
ily member, who had brought chocolate home. She now felt proud
to be able to stay abstemious, which previously had appeared im-
possible. She has “changed from inside” and not as a result of ex-
ternal pressure. In accordance with her personal aim she was be-
ginning to actually lose weight. “But there is another goal that
started with taking leptin... that I start changing my lifestyle,…start
changing my objectives, my goals, how I will think…” She envi-
sions herself traveling in the future, “not for treatments,” just en-
joying. “I will be another person, like I will maybe have another
kind of clothes, another kind of activities, that I will have not only
walking and shopping, sitting in the cafe and looking for more res-
taurants.” She would now be able to pursue novel activities as she
sees fitting in light of her goal to become more fit and healthy in
the future by losing weight.
In the second half of the interview, the patient was first queried
as to the previous extent of her preoccupation with food. She had
been thinking of food for 70–80% and 60% of her leisure and work
time, respectively. Prior to a meeting she had been thinking of the
potentially available food/snacks. Whereas she definitely had been
able to work, she had experienced the preoccupation with food in
the back of her head. She now no longer felt distracted. “I am re-
ally completely busy with what I’m doing.”
Did metreleptin affect her sleep? Before treatment, she woke up
briefly every 60–90 min. Now she wakes up every 2 h. “But it’s a
very slight change.” Total sleep duration of 4–5 h had not changed.
Did her mood change in any way? “To be honest, yes…OK, I’m
always a funny person, I’m smiling all the time... but I really feel
the changes… my mood has been changed a lot.” She was experi-
encing things “more from the positive side.” “Before I was like very
easy to get angry for anything, for even silly things… But now, no,
I’m just like passing it, I’m just taking it more positive, more funny,
more like no, I’m not really getting upset too much and I’m not
really getting disappointed too much, even if it’s like really disap-
pointing. But I’ll just put in my mind that that might be the best.
That might be something good. I might have the better chance next
time, but that’s OK. Pass it, go for the next step. So I really feel
that… in all the fields of my life.” She specifically lists her health,
her business, her work, and her relations with family members. “So
it’s really changing. Even they have noticed that.” She rated her
mood prior to dosing at three to four and at the time of the inter-
view at seven to eight on a scale from one (extremely depressed
mood) to ten (excellent mood).
To what extent did the metreleptin induced reduction of both
hunger and preoccupation with food improve her mood? “Oh, I
think there’s a strong connection.” She previously had not concen-
trated on whether she was hungry or not; she just ate. “Whenever
I feel like I’m upset or if I’m free or anything, I’m just trying to find
something here or there to grab a snack. But now, no, I’m not eat-
ing until I feel hungry... I’m trying to be more healthy… now it’s
from inside.” She is able to better choose between foods, to experi-
ence satiation and the satisfaction that goes along with having in-
gested a meal entailing a greater self-satisfaction.
Had the quality of her social interactions changed? She did not
perceive any change. “No, I think I was a good listener before. So
I don’t feel my personality has really changed.”
Did her ability to concentrate or focus on work or a specific task
change? “Yeah, a little bit. I really feel that I can concentrate more
on what I’m doing, what I’m thinking and coming up with a good
plan. Before… I had so much on my mind…” She had sometimes
compiled a to-do list in an attempt to structure her tasks. She now
feels more concentrated as to what she would like to do and what
she would want to accomplish during the day. She comes up with
goals for the day and is more satisfied upon their completion. She
relishes a greater perception of self-efficacy.
The patient confirms that she is now better organized and fo-
cussed. The patient was again asked to rate her current ability to
focus on a scale from one to ten. She had noticed that she was not
well organized and had been trying to find and use skills to become
more focused. “I’m really satisfied that I’ve reached (a score of)
eight, even before I started leptin.” She confirms having searched
for self-management strategies and that she had been quite suc-
cessful prior to metreleptin treatment. “But now, I feel it’s more
organized from my mind, like, OK, once I wake up in the morning,
it’s easier. I know the steps that I’m going to follow for the day and
that’s it. But before I had to still write it down and follow some skills
that I had learned.” Self-organization had now become a more au-
tomatic process and she no longer had to invest as much.
Are the improved self-management skills helpful for her work?
She points out that this is really helping in the context of defining
her own responsibility and that of others. “I’m trying to give more
responsibility to others, authorizing other people, delegating... De-
spite being on leave from home I’m really more concentrating on
what are the other things that I have to do for my work.” Her im-
proved ability to concentrate is related to the fact that she is not
thinking about food or losing weight as much. “So I have a chance
Psychological Changes in CLD upon
Metreleptin Treatment
Obes Facts 2022;15:730–735
DOI: 10.1159/000526169
to think about other things more than before… I feel my mind is
like more clean, it’s like I have a better chance of categorizing
things in my mind and being more focused because I have enough
space in my mind.”
The patient is queried as to inattention and proneness to anxiety.
She does not have the perception that she had problems with inat-
tention. Anxiety does not in any way play a greater role in her life.
The next set of questions focus on perfectionism, obsessiveness,
and compulsivity. She has been perfectionistic and somewhat ob-
sessive in some situations. After initially negating a change upon
initiation of metreleptin treatment, she points to a greater flexibil-
ity: “sometimes I used to have my own thinking and I will stick to
that this is the right way and I know that this is the right way. I’m
not going to listen to anyone else. Maybe it’s (metreleptin) chang-
ing my way of thinking like with the nutrition.” Prior to treatment,
a nutritionist had cautioned her that she should adjust her diet to
control her hypertension and her hypothyroidism. Nevertheless,
she had thought to herself: “I would love to eat nice food and I
would like to have the chance to eat something nice or to enjoy my
life with eating and with going to a cafe and enjoy all these things.
I was really having that in my mind that I’m right. As a person I
have the right and I’m right.” But now, this perspective has shifted.
“I’ve changed that. This is a big change from my thinking before.”
Would you say that you’re more spontaneous now? “Oh, yeah.
Not sure, but I think yes.” She then asks for more explanations to
better grasp what the interviewer is aiming at. The interviewer spe-
cifically mentions her getting a phone call from somebody to see if
she will come along to a movie theater. Is she now more readily
able to deal with such a decision? She affirms that in some situa-
tions this is the case. Her sister, who had accompanied her to Ulm,
had persisted that they visit a particular place. The patient to her
own surprise had readily consented. Prior to treatment, she would
have had to go into more details to reach a decision. She now per-
ceives herself as being able to reach a decision much more quickly.
“It’s like a lesser level of hesitation. Before I was hesitating much
and taking time to reach some decisions… whether it’s serious or
not serious. But now I feel I’m better at taking decisions and not
hesitating too much or thinking too much. If it’s easier to take and
it will not harm me, then I will just go and try it.” She affirms hav-
ing perceived herself as more contemplative prior to metreleptin
treatment; the speed with which she is able to reach a decision has
She does not view this change as being related to the reduced
hunger and preoccupation with food. “I don’t think so. Maybe it’s
the medication itself, but not with the food. Again, maybe I will go
back to the main issues that my overweight, my pain, my kind of
food, I’m eating or like thinking of food was taking the full part of
my mind. And I was always thinking about it and looking for a so-
lution... Now, as I said, maybe I’m free or I’m more open for other
things to think and to enjoy my life more rather than thinking about
that part of my life that was taking up the whole way of my think-
ing, my searching. I was upset all the time that no one understands
me. No one knows what I’m feeling. No one knows my pain. Now,
I feel that they (team of Prof. Wabitsch) really know what I’m feel-
ing and they give me the right things to do and the right plan.”
The interviewer wraps up the exploration by repeating the
changes the patient had reported including an improved mood; an
improved ability to concentrate, focus, and self-organize; a more
spontaneous attitude; the capability to more readily reach a deci-
sion; and an altered attitude towards life. At the meta-level, me-
treleptin has apparently led to liberation from her total absorption
with everything related to food, weight and other issues that come
along with eating so much. The patient responded, “I don’t have
anything in mind except like, as I said from the beginning, it’s like
really working like a magic to my life. It’s switching off and on like
I was sometimes and I’m starting something else. Again going to
the main point, everything around my mind was like thinking or
concentrating more about my weight, my pain, my kind of food.
I’m already like 39 years old and I have not been living like normal
human beings before... And I was searching maybe more than 5
years for the right medication and for the right treatment plan…
I’m (now) starting correctly with everything, with the right plan.
So here comes the magic. I’m turning, I’m just putting all my old
life behind, and I’m just looking forward to everything.”
Psychiatric Assessment
The patient wearing a tightly fitting headscarf established a rap-
id contact with the interviewer; she seemingly relished being able
to speak of the psychological dimension of her treatment. Her
mood appeared buoyant, she smiled repeatedly and at times ges-
ticulated with her arms to underscore her statements. Despite her
not being able to speak in her native language she spoke without
hesitation and provided detailed answers to those questions, which
seemed to relate to her situation. In contrast, answers to questions
that she could not relate to were short (see paragraph on anxiety).
Cognitive abilities and memory performance appeared normal. A
mental disorder was not detectable. Recurrently, the patient spoke
of her preoccupation with food. During the interview the inter-
viewer spoke 1,616 words; the patient’s elaborate initial report and
the answers to the specific questions encompassed 4,161 words.
Follow-Up Interview
The patient now described herself as being a “normal person”
with respect to thoughts of food, appetite and hunger; she has con-
sistently been able to make healthier food choices; these thoughts
and her behavior were ego-syntonic “coming from inside,” she was
not “forcing” them on herself. Food was no longer a recurring top-
ic during the interview; preoccupation with food was no longer
She reported a loss of 32 kg since initiation of metreleptin treat-
ment. She found it easier to exercise and visited the gym regularly.
Her style of clothing had changed as a result of greater self-confi-
dence. She experienced the sagging skin folds associated with her
weight loss as bothersome.
She experienced her mood as continuously improved; within
this context she observed an increment in self-confidence and a
substantially reduced irritability; she had become more “accept-
ing.” She perceived herself as being more stress tolerant. Waken-
ings during the night occurred to a lesser extent; she estimated that
in total this accounted for her being able to sleep an hour longer
per night. Some of her acquaintances had remarked that her per-
sonality had changed describing her as “more flexible, humorous
and relaxed.” She described her way of thinking as “wiser” and
“more mature.” Whereas she had previously made fast decisions,
she now had “calmed down.” Problems no longer appeared to rep-
resent such a heavy load. She recently had begun to experience
openness for a relationship. She still was a rather forgetful person,
but now more organized and able to better prioritize. Her former
procrastination had given way to a more efficient completion of
Hebebrand/Zorn/Antel/von Schnurbein/
Obes Facts 2022;15:730–735
DOI: 10.1159/000526169
This is the first detailed report of the psychological
changes experienced by a patient with CLD upon initia-
tion of metreleptin treatment. The initial interview was
conducted during dosing day 14; the accounts of the 39-
year old female are vivid and readily convey why she has
experienced these changes as “magic.” Content wise, the
amazement as to the reduced preoccupation with food
and the ensuing mental liberation were readily percepti-
ble. Throughout the interview, she repeatedly spoke of
the seemingly all-encompassing extent to which she had
been engaged with her preoccupation with food. Where-
as she viewed her improved mood as a consequence of
this reduced preoccupation, other changes were deemed
as not being directly related (see paragraph on self-orga-
nization). According to the patient’s recollection the ini-
tial psychological effects of metreleptin were experienced
within 3 days. The second interview in essence confirmed
the improved mood with reduced irritability, greater
stress tolerance and self-confidence and fewer awaken-
ings at night. The reduced preoccupation with food was
no longer a dominant topic. Due to the metreleptin in-
duced weight loss of 32 kg indirect effects resulting from
this weight loss cannot be excluded. However, overall the
initial improvement was confirmed in the second inter-
view suggesting direct central complex effects of me-
treleptin, which mainly pertain to mood and aspects of
executive functioning.
Limitations of this first report are numerous and include
the online conductance of both interviews 14 days and 165
days into dosing with metreleptin precluding a pre-post
comparison, the lack of any use of standardized psycho-
logical self or clinician ratings or of tests for the assessment
of executive functioning and potential bias of the interview-
er. As such, this case report can merely serve to point out
the potential gain in knowledge to be obtained by future
systematic psychological assessments of patients with CLD
prior to and after initiation of treatment with metreleptin.
Such assessments should ideally include a longer follow-up
to judge the (perceived) effects over time.
The interview also allows a rudimentary comparison
with the subjective experiences of patients with AN who
were treated with metreleptin for 6–24 days [15, 16]. In
these patients, the pronounced preoccupation with food
also decreased within a matter of days. It is unclear if the
strong antidepressant effect experienced within the same
time period is as directly related to the reduced preoccu-
pation with food as this case report of a patient with CLD
suggests. In contrast to the patients with AN, there was
no indication that the patient with CLD had been de-
pressed in a clinical sense prior to initiation of metreleptin
treatment. A direct assessment of mood upon use of the
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale in three adult patients
with CLD did not reveal scores qualifying for the diagno-
sis of a depressed mood [10]. The improved ability to con-
centrate and focus may also represent a finding common
to both AN and CLD upon metreleptin treatment.
We assume that metreleptin induced mental and be-
havioral changes reflect central effects. The rapidity of the
onset of an improved mood begs the question as to the
involved brain region(s) and the cellular mechanisms. In
light of the wide distribution of leptin receptors and dif-
ferent post-receptor pathways we can only speculate. The
long form of the leptin receptor has recently been found
to colocalize with brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a
key factor in depression, in the dentate gyrus of the hip-
pocampus [26].
In conclusion, this case report substantiates profound
psychological effects of treatment with human recombi-
nant leptin; in contrast to patients with AN who develop
hypoleptinemia as a result of loss of fat mass, patients
with CLD have inborn leptin deficiency. Systematic re-
search is definitely warranted to uncover the metreleptin
induced overlap in psychological changes and the under-
lying mechanisms via which metreleptin entails these
changes in both acquired and inborn leptin deficiency.
We thank the patient for sharing her experience.
Statement of Ethics
The patient provided written informed consent to the publica-
tion of the case report. Due to German law ethics approval is not
applicable for an off-label application of an otherwise approved
drug in an individual patient.
Conflict of Interest Statement
Johannes Hebebrand, Gertraud Gradl-Dietsch, and Jochen
Antel declare that they will be named as inventors in a patent ap-
plication that the University of Duisburg-Essen prepares to file on
the use of leptin analogs for the treatment of depression. Johannes
Hebebrand and Jochen Antel declare that they were named as in-
ventors in a patent application that the University of Duisburg-
Essen had filed on the use of leptin analogues for treating anorex-
ia nervosa and related conditions. Julia von Schnurbein and Mar-
tin Wabitsch received speaker’s honoraria from Amryt. Stefanie
Zorn has no conflicts of interest to declare.
Psychological Changes in CLD upon
Metreleptin Treatment
Obes Facts 2022;15:730–735
DOI: 10.1159/000526169
Funding Sources
No funding was received for this study.
Author Contributions
Johannes Hebebrand, Stefanie Zorn, Julia von Schnurbein, and
Martin Wabitsch made substantial contribution to data acquisition.
Johannes Hebebrand, Jochen Antel, Martin Wabitsch, and Gertraud
Gradl-Dietsch made substantial contribution to analysis and inter-
pretation of data. Johannes Hebebrand, Stefanie Zorn, Jochen Antel,
Julia von Schnurbein, Martin Wabitsch, and Gertraud Gradl-Dietsch
made substantial contribution to the conception of the work, manu-
script preparation, critical revision, and final approval.
Data Availability Statement
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included
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... This substantiates our hypothesis that the antidepressant effect of leptin substitution in hypoleptinemia first observed in patients with AN extends to those with LD. Initial evidence suggests that patients with congenital leptin deficiency may also experience a mood improvement upon initiation of metreleptin treatment [35]. ...
... These effects of metreleptin treat-ment on depressive symptoms in LD patients fit with results reported for patients with AN [41,42]. Taken together with data from patients with AN and a case report of a patient with congenital leptin deficiency [35], our results suggest that metreleptin may have a strong antidepressant effect in patients with hypoleptinemia, irrespective of the cause of leptin deficiency. DOI: 10.1159/000526357 was involved in the study design, data collection, and writing and reviewing the final draft. ...
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Introduction: Lipodystrophy (LD) syndromes are rare heterogeneous disorders characterized by reduction or absence of subcutaneous fat, low or non-detectable leptin concentrations in blood and impaired hunger/satiety regulation. Metreleptin treatment reverses metabolic complications and improves eating behavior in LD. Because depression in anorexia nervosa (AN), which is also characterized by hypoleptinemia, improves substantially upon treatment with metreleptin, we hypothesized, that metreleptin substitution may be associated with an antidepressant effect in patients with LD, too. Methods: In this ancillary study ten adult patients with LD were treated with metreleptin. To assess depressive symptoms, the self-rating questionnaire Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI) was filled in at pre-established time points prior (T1) and after initiation of metreleptin (T2: 1 week; T3: 4 weeks; T4: 12 weeks) dosing. The differences between time points were tested with nonparametric Friedman's analysis of variance. Sensitivity analyses were performed upon exclusion of the BDI items addressing appetite and weight changes. Results: According to their BDI scores, four patients had mild depression and two had moderate depression at baseline. Friedman's test revealed significant differences in BDI scores between the four time points. Post-hoc analyses revealed that the difference between T1 and T3 was significant upon Bonferroni correction (p=0.034, effect size r=0.88). The sensitivity analyses upon exclusion of the appetite and weight change items again revealed a significant Friedman's test and significant Bonferroni corrected differences in the revised BDI scores between T1 vs. T2 (p=0.002, r=0.99) and T1 vs. T3 (p=0.007, r=0.79). Discussion/conclusion: Our study for the first time revealed suggestive evidence for an antidepressant effect of metreleptin in patients with LD. Metreleptin caused a rapid drop in depression scores within one week of treatment. A reduction of the depression score was also observed in two of the three LD patients whose BDI scores were in the normal range before start of the treatment. The reduction in total scores of BDI were still apparent after three months (T4) of dosing. This observation matches findings obtained in clinical case studies of AN patients, in whom depression scores also dropped during the first week of metreleptin treatment.
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Mutations leading to a reduced or loss of function in genes of the leptin-melanocortin system confer a risk for monogenic forms of obesity. Yet, gain of function variants in the melanocortin-4-receptor (MC4R) gene predispose to a lower BMI. In individuals with reduced body weight, we thus expected mutations leading to an enhanced function in the respective genes, like leptin (LEP) and MC4R. Therefore, we have Sanger sequenced the coding regions of LEP and MC4R in 462 female patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), and 445 healthy-lean controls. In total, we have observed four and eight variants in LEP and MC4R, respectively. Previous studies showed different functional in vitro effects for the detected frameshift and non-synonymous variants: (1) LEP: reduced/loss of function (p.Val94Met), (2) MC4R: gain of function (p.Val103Ile, p.Ile251Leu), reduced or loss of function (p.Thr112Met, p.Ser127Leu, p.Leu211fsX) and without functional in vitro data (p.Val50Leut). In LEP, the variant p.Val94Met was detected in one patient with AN. For MC4R variants, one patient with AN carried the frameshift variant p.Leu211fsX. One patient with AN was heterozygous for two variants at the MC4R (p.Val103Ile and p.Ser127Leu). All other functionally relevant variants were detected in similar frequencies in patients with AN and lean individuals.
Purpose: Bi-allelic pathogenic leptin gene variants cause severe early onset obesity usually associated with low or undetectable circulating leptin levels. Recently, variants have been described resulting in secreted mutant forms of the hormone leptin with either biologically inactive or antagonistic properties. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature research supplemented by unpublished data from patients at our center as well as new in vitro analyses to provide a systematic classification of congenital leptin deficiency based on the molecular and functional characteristics of the underlying leptin variants and investigated the correlation of disease subtype with severity of the clinical phenotype. Results: A total of 28 distinct homozygous leptin variants were identified in 148 patients. The identified variants can be divided into three different subtypes of congenital leptin deficiency: classical hormone deficiency (21 variants in 128 patients), biologically inactive hormone (3 variants in 12 patients) and antagonistic hormone (3 variants in 7 patients). Only 1 variant (n=1 patient) remained unclassified. Patients with biological inactive leptin have a higher percentage of 95th BMI percentile (%BMIp95) compared to patients with classical hormone deficiency. While patients with both classical hormone deficiency and biological inactive hormone can be treated with the same starting dose of metreleptin, patients with antagonistic hormone need a variant-tailored treatment approach to overcome the antagonistic properties of the variant leptin. Main conclusions: Categorization of leptin variants based on molecular and functional characteristics helps to determine the most adequate approach to treatment of patients with congenital leptin deficiency.
Background: States of starvation are characterized by reduced physical activity and social withdrawal. This has been suggested to be mediated at least in part via reduced leptin concentrations. Objective: We therefore aimed to ascertain if leptin substitution in patients with congenital leptin deficiency (CLD) can improve physical activity and mood. Methods: Seven patients with CLD were filmed prior to and after short- and long-term substitution (2-21 days; 3-4 months) in a play situation. Six independent, blinded investigators ranked each video according to specifically developed scales concerning motor activity, social interaction, emotionality, and mood with higher scores representing improvements. Results: Short term metreleptin substitution significantly increased mean total score from 17.7 ± 4.1 to 22.6 ± 6.6 (p = 0.039), and mean scores for motor activity (4.1 ± 1.1 to 5.1 ± 1.5, p = 0.023) and social interaction (4.6 ± 1.1 to 6.2 ± 1.7, p = 0.016). After long term substitution means of all four single scales and of total score were even higher than at short-term follow-up. During a treatment pause of 3 months in two children, all four scale scores fell below substitution levels and rose again after restart. Conclusions: Metreleptin substitution improved indices of physical activity and psychological wellbeing in patients with CLD. This suggests that reduced leptin concentrations might be in part responsible for emotional and behavioural changes seen during starvation.
Reproductive function is tightly regulated by both environmental and physiological factors. The adipose-derived hormone leptin has been identified as one such critical factor that relays information about peripheral energy availability to the centrally-governed HPG axis to ensure there is sufficient energy availability to support the high energy demands of mammalian reproduction. In the absence of adequate central leptin signaling, reproductive function is suppressed. While leptin levels are predominantly regulated by adiposity, circulating leptin levels are also under the modulatory influence of other factors, such as stress system activation, circadian rhythmicity, and immune activation and the inflammatory response. Furthermore, changes in leptin sensitivity can affect the degree to which leptin exerts its influence on the neuroendocrine reproductive axis. This review will discuss the different mechanisms by which leptin serves to integrate and relay information about metabolic, psychological, environmental and immune conditions to the central neuronal network that governs reproductive function.
This narrative review aims to pinpoint mental and behavioral effects of starvation, which may be triggered by hypoleptinemia and as such may be amenable to treatment with leptin receptor agonists. The reduced leptin secretion results from the continuous loss of fat mass, thus initiating a graded triggering of diverse starvation related adaptive functions. In light of leptin receptors located in several peripheral tissues and many brain regions adaptations may extend beyond those of the hypothalamus-pituitary-end organ-axes. We focus on gastrointestinal tract and reward system as relevant examples of peripheral and central effects of leptin. Despite its association with extreme obesity, congenital leptin deficiency with its many parallels to a state of starvation allows the elucidation of mental symptoms amenable to treatment with exogenous leptin in both ob/ob mice and humans with this autosomal recessive disorder. For starvation induced behavioral changes with an intact leptin signaling we particularly focus on rodent models for which proof of concept has been provided for the causative role of hypoleptinemia. For humans, we highlight the major cognitive, emotional and behavioral findings of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment to contrast them with results obtained upon a lesser degree of caloric restriction. Evidence for hypoleptinemia induced mental changes also stems from findings obtained in lipodystrophies. In light of the recently reported beneficial cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects of metreleptin-administration in anorexia nervosa we discuss potential implications for the treatment of this eating disorder. We postulate that leptin has profound psychopharmacological effects in the state of starvation.
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Off-label treatment of a 15-year-old female patient with anorexia nervosa with human recombinant leptin (metreleptin) for nine days was associated with self-reported increments of appetite and hunger resulting in rapid weight gain, substantial improvement of eating disorder cognitions and of depression. The results further substantiate the effects of metreleptin on both AN and depression. We contrast these results with the widespread view that leptin is an anorexigenic hormone. Randomized controlled trials are warranted to confirm the described effects.
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Obesity is a pandemic condition of complex etiology, resulting from the increasing exposition to obesogenic environmental factors combined with genetic susceptibility. In the past two decades, advances in genetic research identified variants of the leptin-melanocortin pathway coding for genes, which are related to the potentiation of satiety and hunger, immune system, and fertility. Here, we review cases of congenital leptin deficiency and the possible beneficial effects of leptin replacement therapy. In summary, the cases presented here show clinical phenotypes of disrupted bodily energy homeostasis, biochemical and hormonal disorders, and abnormal immune response. Some phenotypes can be partially reversed by exogenous administration of leptin. With this review, we aim to contribute to the understanding of leptin gene mutations as targets for obesity diagnostics and treatment strategies.
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With this case report we support our medical hypothesis that metreleptin treatment ameliorates starvation related emotional, cognitive and behavioral symptomatology of anorexia nervosa (AN) and show for the first time strong effects in a male patient with AN. A 15.9 year old adolescent with severe AN of eight-month duration was treated off-label with metreleptin. Hyperactivity was assessed with accelerometry. Visual analogue scales (VAS), validated self- and clinician rating scales and lab results tracked changes from baseline to end of the 24-day dosing period and a five-month follow-up. Substantial improvements of mood and eating disorder related cognitions and hyperactivity set in after two days of treatment. During dosing, sub-physiological testosterone and TT3 levels normalized; clinically libido reemerged. Weight did not increase substantially during the dosing period. During follow-up target weight was attained; mood did not deteriorate; hyperactivity ceased. The results substantiate the strong effects seen in female cases and underscore the need for a double-blind placebo-controlled trial to confirm the observed strong, multiple and rapid onset beneficial effects of metreleptin in AN.
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Leptin is an adipocyte-derived hormone with pleiotropic functions affecting appetite and mood. While leptin’s role in the regulation of appetite has been extensively studied in hypothalamic neurons, its function in the hippocampus, where it regulates mood-related behaviors, is poorly understood. Here, we show that the leptin receptor (LepRb) colocalizes with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a key player in the pathophysiology of major depression and the action of antidepressants, in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Leptin treatment increases, whereas deficiency of leptin or leptin receptors decreases, total Bdnf mRNA levels, with distinct expression profiles of specific exons, in the hippocampus. Epigenetic analyses reveal that histone modifications, but not DNA methylation, underlie exon-specific transcription of the Bdnf gene induced by leptin. This is mediated by stimulation of AKT signaling, which in turn activates histone acetyltransferase p300 (p300 HAT), leading to changes in histone H3 acetylation and methylation at specific Bdnf promoters. Furthermore, deletion of Bdnf in the dentate gyrus, or specifically in LepRb-expressing neurons, abolishes the antidepressant-like effects of leptin. These findings indicate that leptin, acting via an AKT-p300 HAT epigenetic cascade, induces exon-specific Bdnf expression, which in turn is indispensable for leptin-induced antidepressant-like effects.
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To examine the hypothesis that normalization of low circulating leptin levels in patients with anorexia nervosa ameliorates hyperactivity, three seriously ill females with hyperactivity were treated off-label with metreleptin (recombinant human leptin) for up to 14 days. Drive for activity, repetitive thoughts of food, inner restlessness, and weight phobia decreased in two patients. Surprisingly, depression improved rapidly in all patients. No serious adverse events occurred. Due to obvious limitations of uncontrolled case series, placebo-controlled clinical trials are mandatory to confirm the observed rapid onset of beneficial effects. Our findings suggest an important role of hypoleptinemia in the mental and behavioral phenotype of anorexia nervosa.
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Background Early childhood obesity is a public health problem worldwide. It affects different aspects of physical and mental child's health. Identifying the etiologies, especially treatable and preventable causes, can direct health professionals toward proper management. Analysis of serum leptin levels and leptin gene mutations is a rapid and easy step toward the diagnosis of congenital leptin deficiency that is considered an important cause in early childhood obesity. Objectives The aim of this study was to diagnose monogenic leptin deficiency in Egyptian children presenting with early onset obesity (EOO). Methods The current cross‐sectional study included 80 children who developed obesity during the first year of life with BMI > 2 SD (for age and sex). The studied population was subjected to history taking, auxological assessment, serum leptin assay, and leptin gene sequencing. Results Ten cases had leptin deficiency (12.5%), while 18 cases showed elevated leptin levels (22.5%). Leptin gene variants in the coding region were identified in 30% of the leptin‐deficient group: two novel homozygous disease‐causing variants (c.104 T > G and c.34 delC) and another previously reported homozygous pathogenic variant (c.313C > T). Conclusion Leptin deficiency is considered a significant cause of monogenic obesity in Egyptian children with early‐onset obesity as the diagnosis of these patients would be a perfect target for recombinant leptin therapy.
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The core phenotype of anorexia nervosa (AN) comprises the age and stage dependent intertwining of both its primary and secondary (i.e., starvation induced) somatic and mental symptoms. Hypoleptinemia acts as a key trigger for the adaptation to starvation by affecting diverse brain regions including the reward system and by induction of alterations of the hypothalamus-pituitary-“target-organ” axes, e.g., resulting in amenorrhea as a characteristic symptom of AN. Particularly, the rat model activity-based anorexia (ABA) convincingly demonstrates the pivotal role of hypoleptinemia in the development of starvation-induced hyperactivity. STAT3 signaling in dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) plays a crucial role in the transmission of the leptin signal in ABA. In patients with AN, an inverted U-shaped relationship has been observed between their serum leptin levels and physical activity. Albeit obese and therewith of a very different phenotype, humans diagnosed with rare congenital leptin deficiency have starvation like symptoms including hypothalamic amenorrhea in females. Over the past 20 years, such patients have been successfully treated with recombinant human (rh) leptin (metreleptin) within a compassionate use program. The extreme hunger of these patients subsides within hours upon initiation of treatment; substantial weight loss and menarche in females ensue after medium term treatment. In contrast, metreleptin had little effect in patients with multifactorial obesity. Small clinical trials have been conducted for hypothalamic amenorrhea and to increase bone mineral density, in which metreleptin proved beneficial. Up to now, metreleptin has not yet been used to treat patients with AN. Metreleptin has been approved by the FDA under strict regulations solely for the treatment of generalized lipodystrophy. The recent approval by the EMA may offer, for the first time, the possibility to treat extremely hyperactive patients with AN off-label. Furthermore, a potential dissection of hypoleptinemia-induced AN symptoms from the primary cognitions and behaviors of these patients could ensue. Accordingly, the aim of this article is to review the current state of the art of leptin in relation to AN to provide the theoretical basis for the initiation of clinical trials for treatment of this eating disorder.
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Background: Congenital leptin deficiency is a recessive genetic disorder associated with severe early-onset obesity. It is caused by mutations in the leptin (LEP) gene, which encodes the protein product leptin. These mutations may cause nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, defective secretion or the phenomenon of biologically inactive leptin, but typically lead to an absence of circulating leptin, resulting in a rare type of monogenic extreme obesity with intense hyperphagia, and serious metabolic abnormalities. Methods: We present two severely obese sisters from Colombia, members of the same lineal consanguinity. Their serum leptin was measured by MicroELISA. DNA sequencing was performed on MiSeq equipment (Illumina) of a next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel involving genes related to severe obesity, including LEP. Results: Direct sequencing of the coding region of LEP gene in the sisters revealed a novel homozygous missense mutation in exon 3 [NM_002303.3], C350G>T [p.C117F]. Detailed information and clinical measurements of these sisters were also collected. Their serum leptin levels were undetectable despite their markedly elevated fat mass. Conclusions: The mutation of LEP, absence of detectable leptin, and the severe obesity found in these sisters provide the first evidence of monogenic leptin deficiency reported in the continents of North and South America.
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Background Obesity is a complex disorder and has been increasing globally at alarming rates including Pakistan. However, there is scarce research on understanding obesity genetics in Pakistan. Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipocytes in response to satiety and correlates with body weight. Any mutations in the LEP gene have an adverse effect on energy regulation pathway and lead to severe, early onset obesity. To date, only eight mutations have been described in the LEP gene of which p. N103K is one. Methods We aimed to analyze the prevalence of this mutation in Pakistani subjects. A total of 475 subjects were genotyped by PCR–RFLP analysis and their serum profiling was done. ResultsResults showed that this mutation was present only in one male child with early onset obesity (10 year). He had very low serum leptin levels suggestive of functional impact of the mutation. The prevalence of such mutations is, however, low due to the drastic effects on the energy regulation. Conclusion In conclusion, LEP gene mutations contribute significantly to the monogenic forms of obesity and are important due to the availability of treatment options. Such mutations may exert their effect by directly affecting energy regulation pathway and are more prominent in the early stages of life only.
Background: We tested whether leptin treatment affects secretion of satiety-related gut peptides and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a regulator of energy homeostasis downstream of hypothalamic leptin signaling. Methods: We report the case of a morbidly obese 14.7-year-old girl with a novel previously reported homozygous leptin gene mutation, in whom hormone secretion was evaluated in 30-min intervals for 10 h (07.30-17.30) to assess BDNF, insulin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), ghrelin, and peptide YY (PYY) secretion before as well as 11 and 46 weeks after start of metreleptin treatment. Results: Leptin substitution resulted in strong reductions of body fat and calorie intake. Insulin secretion increased by 58.9% after 11 weeks, but was reduced by -44.8% after 46 weeks compared to baseline. Similarly, GLP-1 increased after 11 weeks (+15.2%) and decreased after 46 weeks. PYY increased consistently (+5%/ +13.2%, after 11/46 weeks). Ghrelin decreased after 46 weeks (-11%). BDNF secretion was not affected by leptin treatment. Conclusion: The strong increase in insulin and GLP-1 secretion after 11 weeks of metreleptin treatment cannot be explained by reduced adiposity and might contribute to improved central satiety. Observed changes of PYY can lead to increased satiety as well. However, leptin replacement does not seem to affect circulating BDNF levels.