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Optimal sensor placement for vibration-based structural health monitoring obtained via value of information analysis as part of a digital structural integrity management of offshore structures


Abstract and Figures

A digital structural integrity management of offshore structures enables an optimized planning of inspections and repairs with risk-based methods. In a risk-based approach, the inspection and repair strategy that minimizes the expected lifetime costs consisting of the expected inspection, repair and failure costs is determined. In addition to inspections, information on the structural condition can be continuously obtained by monitoring the vibration response of the structural system. Changes in the vibration characteristics quantified in terms of modal properties can be an indication of structural damage. In risk-based inspection and repair planning, the effect of monitoring results is determined via Bayesian updating of the structural condition and reliability. This information should be applied to inform decisions on inspections and may result in a reduced inspection effort. The benefit of continuously monitoring the structural health can be quantified in terms of the value of information, which corresponds to the difference between the expected lifetime costs with and without monitoring. In this work, we demonstrate in a numerical example how an optimized sensor placement for a vibration-based structural health monitoring system can be determined by maximizing the value of information.
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L. Eichner, R. Schneider, P. Simon & M. Baeßler, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
(BAM), Germany
A digital structural integrity management of offshore structures enables an optimized planning of inspec-
tions and repairs with risk-based methods. In a risk-based approach, the inspection and repair strategy that
minimizes the expected lifetime costs consisting of the expected inspection, repair and failure costs is de-
termined. In addition to inspections, information on the structural condition can be continuously obtained
by monitoring the vibration response of the structural system. Changes in the vibration characteristics quan-
tified in terms of modal properties can be an indication of structural damage. In risk -based inspection and
repair planning, the effect of monitoring results is determined via Bayesian updating of the structural con-
dition and reliability. This information should be applied to inform decisions on inspections and may result
in a reduced inspection effort. The benefit of continuously monitoring the structural health can be quantified
in terms of the value of information, which corresponds to the difference between the expected lifetime
costs with and without monitoring. In this work, we demonstrate in a numerical example how an optimized
sensor placement for a vibration-based structural health monitoring system can be determined by maxi-
mizing the value of information.
The optimization of inspection and maintenance ac-
tions for support structures in offshore wind farms is
a very important but complex task. Inspections are
performed to obtain information on the structural
condition and guide decisions on maintenance ac-
tions. Inspection and maintenance activities are,
however, associated with large costs [1] and it is
thus comprehensible that wind farm operators seek
to optimize them.
An essential key for optimizing inspection and
maintenance efforts for support structures in off-
shore wind farms is the implementation of system-
atic digital workflows. Within this context, the
DiMoWind-Inspect project develops concepts for a
digital structural integrity management for offshore
wind turbine structures with the aim of enabling tar-
geted predictive inspections and maintenance activ-
ities based on the digital management of inspection
and maintenance information [2]. This includes the
automated recording and management of the rele-
vant information related to the structural condition
and the integration of this information in risk-in-
formed inspection and maintenance planning proce-
In addition to inspections, information on the struc-
tural condition of offshore structures can be ob-
tained by means of continuous structural health
monitoring (SHM). Before the installation of an
SHM system, the question arises whether it is bene-
ficial. Monitoring a structural system subject to
slowly progressing deterioration processes such as
fatigue is beneficial if the SHM information can be
used to reduce the inspection and maintenance effort
while still ensuring that the requirements regarding
the structural reliability are fulfilled throughout the
structure’s lifetime.
The benefit of an SHM system can be quantified us-
ing value of information (VoI) analysis [3, 4, 5, 6,
7]. In this contribution, we adopt these approaches
to optimize the sensor setup of a vibration-based
SHM system before it is installed.
Inspection and maintenance plans for deteriorating
structural systems can be derived using the heuristic
approach proposed in [8, 9]. In this approach, a
deteriorating structural system is described by a
physics-based model of the deterioration processes
and structural behavior as indicated in Figure 1. To
quantify the uncertainties in the structural model
(model and parameter uncertainties), it is combined
with a probabilistic model 󰇛󰇜 of its model param-
eters . The (prior) probabilistic structural model is
derived based on design information, expert
knowledge, and engineering experience. Based on
the probabilistic structural model, the time-depen-
dent reliability and the lifetime risk associated with
structural failure can be estimated [10].
As indicated in Figure 1, the probabilistic structural
model is updated with inspection results using
methods of Bayesian system identification [11].
This process can be thought of as identifying the
probabilistic model which best explains the obtained
inspection results.
Mathematically, Bayesian system identification is
expressed as
where 󰇛󰇜 is the updated (posterior) probabil-
ity density function of the model parameters con-
ditional on the available inspection results and
󰇛󰇜 is the likelihood function, which quantifies
the plausibility of a realization of the model param-
eters in function of the obtained inspection results
. As an example, the likelihood function describing
inspection results detection/no detection of damages
is formulated based on the relevant probability of
detection (PoD) curves (see, for example, [12]).
Once the updated probabilistic model of the model
parameters 󰇛󰇜 is available, an updated esti-
mate of the lifetime reliability and risk can be deter-
mined [10].
Let 󰇟󰇠 denote the expected total lifetime
costs of an inspection and maintenance (or repair)
strategy . As indicated in Figure 2, the optimal
inspection and repair strategy is determined by min-
imizing 󰇟󰇠:
 󰇟󰇠
Strategy 
optimally balances the costs for con-
trolling deterioration with the achieved risk reduc-
The expected total lifetime costs of a strategy (for
simplicity’s sake, it is denoted by in the following)
are calculated as
󰇟󰇠 󰇟 󰇠
where 󰇟 󰇠 are the expected total life-
time costs conditional on all inspection results and
Figure 1: Bayesian system identification of a probabilistic structural model describing a deteriorating structural system based
on inspection and monitoring results obtained from the real structural system
the corresponding repairs, 󰇛󰇜 is the probability
distribution of the probabilistic inspection results ,
and 󰇛󰇜 is the domain of possible inspection and
repair histories.
󰇟 󰇠 is composed of the (conditional)
expected lifetime costs of inspection campaigns
󰇟 󰇠, the expected lifetime costs of in-
spections themselves 󰇟 󰇠, the expected
lifetime costs of repairs 󰇟 󰇠, and the ex-
pected lifetime costs of structural failure (risk)
󰇟 󰇠:
The conditional expected lifetime costs of inspec-
tion campaigns are calculated by
where  is the cost of an inspection campaign,
󰇛󰇜 is the number of inspection campaigns
launched in year , is the discount rate, and
󰇛 󰇜 is the probability of failure up to
year conditional on the inspection outcomes
and corresponding repairs. Similarly, the expected
lifetime costs of inspections and repairs are esti-
mated [9].
The conditional expected lifetime risk is estimated
󰇟 󰇠 󰇛 󰇜
󰇛 󰇜
wherein  is the failure cost factor and
󰇛 󰇜 is the conditional annual system
failure probability in year .
The integral in Equation (3) is approximated by ap-
plying a Monte Carlo approach [8, 9]:
 󰇛󰇜
 
An inspection and maintenance strategy  is a set
of policies adopted in each year of the structure’s
lifetime , i.e.,  󰇝󰇞 [8, 9]. Each pol-
icy is a set of rules which prescribe the actions that
should be taken conditional on the available inspec-
tion results and corresponding repairs.
In the following, parameterized heuristics are intro-
duced to (a) reduce the solution space of all possible
󰇟 󰇠
󰇟 󰇠󰇟 󰇠
󰇟 󰇠󰇟 󰇠
󰇟 󰇠
 󰇛󰇜
󰇛 󰇜󰇟 󰇛 󰇜󰇠
 
strategies and (b) express the inspection and repair
strategies in terms of rules which can be intuitively
understood by all stakeholders of the planning pro-
cess [8, 9]. The parameters of the heuristics are de-
noted by and a heuristic inspection and repair
strategy is denoted by . The optimal strategy
in Equation (2) can thus be approximated by
 where is determined as:
In addition to inspection results, information from
vibration-based SHM can be included in the system
identification (see Figure 1). The measured vibra-
tion data can be processed using operational modal
analysis (OMA) to continuously identify the modal
properties of the structure in terms of mode shapes
and modal eigenvalues
, which can be trans-
formed into eigenfrequencies via 󰇛󰇜.
Changes in these quantities may indicate structural
Based on the identified modal properties
and the model-predicted modal properties 󰇛󰇜 and
󰇛󰇜, a likelihood function can be formulated
which links the observed modal properties
with the model parameters (see, for example,
[14]). Subsequently, the monitoring results can be
included in the system identification in the same
way as the inspection results (see Section 2.1).
In Section 2.3, the concept of heuristic inspection
and maintenance strategies is introduced. Continu-
ous vibration-based SHM is integrated into the in-
spection and maintenance planning by defining ad-
ditional parameterized heuristics, which (a) define
the monitoring setup (i.e., the number and position
of the sensors) and (b) guide decisions regarding in-
spections based on the available inspection and
monitoring results. The additional heuristic
parameters are included in the parameter vector .
SHM is associated with costs. The additional condi-
tional expected lifetime costs for monitoring
󰇟 󰇠 are a function of the initial
costs of the monitoring system , the annual mon-
itoring cost factor , the discount rate , and the
conditional time-variant system failure probability
󰇛 󰇜 (for simplicity’s sake, 
is denoted by in the following):
󰇟 󰇠
  󰇟󰇛 󰇜󰇠
󰇛 󰇜
 
By continuously monitoring the vibration response
of a deteriorating structural system, it may be possi-
ble to reduce the inspection effort, which in turn
could lead to a reduction in the expected operating
costs. In the following, the expected total lifetime
costs (composed of expected campaign, inspection
and repair costs) associated with a monitoring-in-
formed inspection and repair strategy  are de-
noted by 󰇟󰇠. These costs are computed
in accordance with Section 2 taking into account the
additional information provided by the monitoring
The difference between the expected total lifetime
costs associated with the optimal inspection and re-
pair strategy without SHM 󰇟
󰇠 and the ex-
pected total lifetime costs of the monitoring-in-
formed inspection and repair strategy 󰇟󰇠
corresponds to the value of SHM [7, 15]:
It is determined without considering the expected
lifetime costs for installing and operating the moni-
toring system 󰇟󰇠. By including
󰇟󰇠, the net value of SHM is obtained
The monitoring-informed inspection and repair
strategy  is beneficial if the is pos-
itive. The optimal monitoring-informed inspection
and repair strategy 
and thus the optimal sen-
sor setup maximizes the :
 󰇛󰇜
This distinguishes this optimization approach from
most optimal sensor placement (OSP) methods,
where the optimality criterion often is information-
based, e.g., in [16, 17].
In the following numerical example, the framework
for VoI-based optimization of monitoring-infor-
mation inspection and maintenance strategies is ap-
plied to optimize the sensor setup of a vibration-
based SHM system for the frame shown in Figure 3.
This frame has been studied in numerous case stud-
ies before (see, for example, [9, 18, 19]).
The two-dimensional steel frame consists of welded
tubular steel members and has properties similar to
a jacket support structure of an offshore wind tur-
bine. The welded connections associated with the 13
braces are subject to fatigue. The frame contains a
total of 22 critical fatigue hotspots (see Figure 3).
Fatigue deterioration of each hotspot is modeled by
a probabilistic crack growth model based on Paris'
Law [20]. The parameters of the crack growth mod-
els are calibrated based on the available design in-
formation (i.e., design fatigue lives as defined in
Figure 3, S-N curves, partial safety factors) (see, for
example, [21]).
The frame has a lifetime of 25 years and is subject
to a time-varying lateral load, which is modeled by
its annual maximum . The annual reliability
index of the undamaged frame is . A more
detailed description of the deteriorating frame and
the applied inspection and repair models can be
found in [19, 22].
In this example, two structural models of the frame
are applied. First, a non-linear finite element (FE)
beam model is applied to evaluate the maximum ca-
pacity of the damaged frame subject to the horizon-
tal load. This model in combination with the system
fatigue deterioration model forms the basis for
Figure 3: Zayas frame with its properties, braces, and hotspots, based on [23]
estimating the time-variant failure probability
󰇛 󰇜 and the annual failure rate of the
frame conditional on a given inspection, monitoring
and repair history (see [19, 22] for more details).
Second, a linear-elastic dynamic FE beam model is
applied to determine the model-predicted modal ei-
genvalues 󰇛󰇜 and mode shapes 󰇛󰇜 of the frame
using numerical modal analysis. This model is in-
cluded in the likelihood function describing the
monitoring results (see Section 3.1).
The optimization of the sensor setup is performed at
the beginning of the frame’s lifetime before the sys-
tem is installed. Therefore, the inspection, monitor-
ing and repair histories must be generated syntheti-
cally based on the prior probabilistic model of the
frame. In particular, the first step in simulating mon-
itoring results at a given time is the stochastic sim-
ulation of the deterioration state based on the prior
probabilistic system fatigue model taking into ac-
count the inspection, monitoring and repair out-
comes available up to that time (see also [24]). In the
next step, the linear-elastic FE beam model, which
reflects the simulated deterioration state, is subject
to a horizontal white noise excitation at the supports.
During this time-domain analysis, the horizontal ac-
celerations at the sensor positions are recorded and
subsequently perturbed with a gaussian white noise
to account for measurement errors. The recorded
signals are input to an OMA using the covariance-
driven stochastic subspace identification algorithm
(SSI-COV) [25, 26]. This analysis results in the
(synthetically) identified modal properties
of the possibly damaged frame at time .
The parameterized heuristics defining an inspection
and repair strategy are as follows [18]:
The structure is inspected at fixed intervals
In each inspection campaign, hotspots are
The hotpots are prioritized for inspection
according to a prioritization index which is a
function of parameter (see [18] for more
If the predicted annual system failure rate ex-
ceeds a threshold , an additional inspec-
tion campaign is performed.
If the depth of a detected fatigue crack ex-
ceeds a threshold , the corresponding
hotspot is repaired.
The heuristic inspection and repair strategy  is
thus defined in terms of the following parameters:
In this example, the heuristics defining a monitor-
ing-informed inspection and repair strategy are as
The frame is continuously monitored by a vi-
bration-based SHM system. The number and
position of the horizontal accelerometers
(i.e., the sensor setup) are identified by a pa-
rameter .
The vibration-data are processed once a
year. This approach is reasonable for highly
reliable structural systems subject to slowly
progressing deterioration processes.
If the predicted annual system failure rate
exceeds a threshold , an inspection cam-
paign is launched.
In each inspection campaign, all hotspots are
If the depth of a detected fatigue crack ex-
ceeds a threshold , the hotspot is repaired.
The monitoring-informed inspection and repair
strategy  is thus defined by the following
heuristic parameters
󰇟 󰇠.
As a baseline for the investigations into possible im-
provements of the inspection and repair effort by
means of a vibration-based SHM system, the opti-
mal strategy without monitoring is determined first
as described in Section 2. The optimization consid-
ers the following parameter ranges: 
󰇝󰇞, 󰇝󰇞, 󰇝󰇞,  󰇝
󰇞 and 󰇝󰇞.
In the following, the optimal inspection and repair
strategy is denoted as . It is characterized by the
following optimal parameter vector
󰇟   
  󰇠
As shown in Figure 4, in addition to the inspection
and repair strategy without monitoring, three differ-
ent monitoring-informed inspection and repair strat-
egies are considered in this study. The heuristic pa-
rameters defining these strategies build on the pa-
rameters defining the optimal inspection and repair
strategy without monitoring . The monitoring-in-
formed inspection and repair strategies , and
differ from each other only in the sensor setup.
Strategy has a full setup with sensors in all pos-
sible positions (except at the supports). It is defined
by the following parameter vector:
󰇟  
  12346789󰇠
For strategy , acceleration sensors are placed
along the left leg of the frame. It is defined by the
following parameters:
󰇟  
  1234󰇠
In strategy , the sensors are installed alternatingly
along both legs as shown in Figure 4. The parame-
ters defining this strategy are:
󰇟  
  1󰇠
This study’s analysis of the expected lifetime costs
is based on a normalized cost model introduced in
Sections 2.2 and 3.2. The discount rate is set to
2%. The cost factors are summarized in Table 1,
where  is the unit cost for launching an inspection
campaign,  is the unit cost for inspecting a compo-
nent,  is the unit cost of repairing a component, 
is the unit system failure cost, and  is the annual
monitoring cost factor.
Table 1: Cost factors
The calculation of the initial monitoring costs are
determined as follows (see also [27]):
  
wherein  is the number of sensors above water,
 is the number of sensors in the splash zone, and
 is the number of sensors under water. The cor-
responding initial monitoring cost factors are ,
 and  (see Table 1). In this example, sen-
sors at positions 4 and 9 are located above water,
sensors at positions 3 and 8 are in the splash-zone,
and sensors at positions 1, , and 7 are located un-
der water (see Figure 4).
The results of the analysis are summarized in Figure
5 and Table 2. Figure 5 shows that the
for strategies , and is positive.
This means that all three monitoring-informed in-
spection and repair strategies should be preferred
over the inspection-only strategy . Specifically,
the greatest reductions are obtained in the expected
lifetime costs for launching the inspection campaign
and performing the individual hotspot inspections.
Table 2 shows that when including the information
of the vibration-based SHM system the expected
lifetime campaign costs 󰇟󰇠 reduce to approxi-
mately 10% and the expected lifetime inspection
costs 󰇟󰇠reduce to approximately 30% of the
corresponding costs associated with strategy
(without monitoring). This is mainly because in-
spection campaigns are performed on an ad-hoc ba-
sis when considering monitoring information in the
inspection planning.
The results also show that continuous monitoring
has a significant effect on the expected lifetime fail-
ure costs (expected lifetime risk). The results for all
three monitoring-informed strategies show that the
expected lifetime risk is approximately halved when
compared to strategy . This can be intuitively un-
derstood: On the one hand, SHM which continu-
ously indicates that the system is undamaged (i.e.,
no changes in the modal properties) results in lower
estimates of the failure probability since this infor-
mation confirms that deterioration progresses
slowly (see also [22]).
Table 2: Expected lifetime costs of (monitoring-informed)
inspection and repair strategies , , and
Figure 5: Expected lifetime costs of (monitoring-informed)
inspection and repair strategies , , and
On the other hand, continuous monitoring enables
launching an inspection and repair campaign in a
timely fashion as soon as it indicates damages (i.e.,
changes in the modal properties).
All the cost reductions surpass the additional costs
for monitoring 󰇟󰇠. This leads to expected total
lifetime costs 󰇟󰇠that are roughly divided by
three with monitoring-informed strategies in com-
parison to the inspection-only strategy .
When comparing strategies , and , it can be
seen that there are only minor differences in the ex-
pected lifetime campaign, inspection, repair and
failure costs. Albeit has the lowest expected total
lifetime costs 󰇟󰇠, it is not the optimal strat-
egy. This is due to the expected lifetime monitoring
costs 󰇟󰇠, which are higher than for strategies
with only four sensors ( and ). Since has the
highest , it is the optimal strategy.
In this contribution, a heuristic approach to optimiz-
ing inspection and maintenance strategies for dete-
riorating structural system proposed in [8, 9] was
extended to enable the integration of vibration-
based SHM results in the inspection and mainte-
nance planning for deteriorating structural systems.
This in turn enabled the quantification of the value
of (vibration-based) SHM. In a numerical example
considering a steel frame subject to fatigue, the
framework was applied to optimize the sensor setup
of a vibration-based SHM system.
In the example, only a limited number of sensor set-
ups were considered. In the future, a suitable opti-
mization algorithm should be identified to enable an
efficient search within a larger set of possible sensor
setups. In addition to allow transferring these ideas
into practice they should be applied to more real-
istic (complex) structural systems such as support
structures of offshore wind turbines incorporating
variable environmental and operating conditions.
Further research should also focus on adapting the
described concepts to enable monitoring-based life-
time extensions of support structures in offshore
wind farms. Such lifetime extensions require a sys-
tematic digital management of all relevant data
obtained and information collected during the struc-
tures lifetime including design, fabrication and in-
stallation information as well as information on in-
spection, monitoring and maintenance actions. Con-
cepts for digitally managing such data as the basis
for a digital structural integrity management and
lifetime extensions are currently developed as part
of the DiMoWind-Inspect project [2].
This work was supported by the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
(BMWK) through grant 03EE3039A and Projektträ-
ger Jülich (PtJ).
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... This information can subsequently be applied to support decisions on future maintenance actions. In addition, the calibrated model can be utilized to (a) evaluate the performance of damage detection methods [e.g., 13] based on simulated damage processes and monitoring outcomes and (b) optimize SHM systems using value of information analysis [14,15]. ...
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The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) collaborates with TNO to develop a software framework for automated calibration of structural models based on monitoring data. The ultimate goal is to include such models in the asset management process of engineering structures. As a basis for developing the framework, a multi-span road bridge consisting of ten simply supported steel box girders was selected as a test case. Our group measured output-only vibration data from one box girder under ambient conditions. From the data, we determined eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. In parallel, we developed a preliminary structural model of the box girder for the purpose of predicting its modal properties. In this contribution, we provide an overview of the measurement campaign, the operational modal analysis, the structural modeling and qualitatively compare the identified with the predicted modes. As an outlook, we discuss the further steps in the calibration process and future applications of the calibrated model.
... Grafik sind die Ergebnisse für die Strategie mit den Parametern t = 8 Jahre, p th = 10 -3 1/Jahr und n I = 2:2:22 dargestellt.Im aktuellen Forschungsprojekt DiMoWind-Inspect werden diese Verfahren mit einem BIM/CDE-basierten Datenmanagement gekoppelt[31] und zur Ermöglichung einer monitoringgestützten Inspektions-und Instandhaltungsplanung erweitert[32],[33]. Da zwischen Verkehrsbrücken und Offshore-Tragstrukturen starke Analogien bestehen, können die grundsätzlichen Forschungsergebnisse für die Realisierung eines messdatengestützten digitalen Erhaltungsmanagements von Verkehrsbrücken adaptiert werden.Abb. ...
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Brücken müssen laufend überwacht werden, damit die Unsicherheiten hinsichtlich ihres Zustands, ihrer Beanspruchung und ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit verringert werden können. Diese Aufgabe soll künftig mit digitalen Methoden erleichtert werden. Im folgenden Beitrag werden deshalb die digitale Bauwerksmodellierung und die Entscheidungsfindung beleuchtet. Dazu wird gezeigt, wie Zustandsdiagnosen und -prognosen digital ermöglicht werden und wie durch diagnostische und prognostische Modelle eine wissenschaftliche Basis für risikobasierte Entscheidungen über Erhaltungsmaßnahmen und für den Übergang vom reaktiven zum vorausschauenden Brückenmanagement gebildet werden kann. Dabei wird klar: Jede Brücken-Überwachung bedarf einer Gesamtmethodik, ihre wichtigsten Elemente sind: Datenerfassung, Datenmanagement, Datenanalyse, Bauwerksmodellierung, Bauwerksbewertung und die letztendlichen Entscheidungen über notwendige Erhaltungsmaßnahmen.
... The information can also be predicted, which results in a pre-posterior decision analysis [6]. In wind turbines, several measuring systems can be installed, e.g., acceleration sensors [7] or strain gauges (as considered in this publication), which can be used to collect information about conditions of the component or structure and for updating prior data on the stress ranges. ...
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In the present paper, an approach for updating the continuous stress range distribution of a welded connection of a wind turbine support structure with predicted information from strain measurements is presented. Environmental conditions, such as wind or, in offshore fields, waves and currents, in combination with rotor excitations generate cyclic stresses affecting the reliability of welded joints of the support structure over the service life. Using strain measurements, these conditions can be monitored, and the resulting stress ranges, under consideration of measurement, mechanical and material uncertainties, can be reconstructed. These stress ranges can be used as an input for updating the prior probability density function (PDF) of the stress ranges predicted by the overall dynamics and a detailed design analysis. Applying Bayesian probability theory and decision theoretical implications, the predicted posterior probability density of the stress ranges is calculated based on the design information and uncertainties. This approach is exemplified, and it is shown how the predicted stress ranges and the design stress ranges are distributed. The prior and the predicted posterior stress ranges are used for a reliability calculation for potentially entering a pre-posterior decision analysis.
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Support structures of wind turbines in German offshore wind farms are regularly inspected. Currently, inspection outcomes are generally not systematically recorded. This prevents their consistent handling and processing, which is a key requirement to enable an efficient structural integrity management. As part of the DiMoWind-Inspect project, a data model and reference designation system for such inspection results is developed to facilitate their identification, localization, quantification, tracing and linking throughout the lifetime of a wind farm and beyond. The inspection results together with structural health monitoring results and information on repairs form the basis for assessing and predicting the structural condition, estimating the remaining lifetime, and planning of future inspections, structural health monitoring, and repairs. As a basis for developing a digital structural integrity management, a generic framework is proposed in this paper, which describes the stakeholders, data, models, processes and workflows of the integrity management of support structures in offshore wind farms and their interrelations. The framework adopts a building information modelling approach to describe the information relevant to the structural integrity management. The central digital space of the framework is a common data environment. An implementation of the framework will enable a digital structural integrity management in which inspection, structural health monitoring, repair, assessment and planning outcomes generated throughout the life cycle of a wind farm can be consistently collected, managed, shared and processed by the relevant shareholders.
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The difficulty in quantifying the benefit of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) for decision support is one of the bottlenecks to an extensive adoption of SHM on real-world structures. In this paper, we present a framework for such a quantification of the value of vibration-based SHM, which can be flexibly applied to different use cases. These cover SHM-based decisions at different time scales, from near-real time diagnostics to the prognosis of slowly evolving deterioration processes over the lifetime of a structure. The framework includes an advanced model of the SHM system. It employs a Bayesian filter for the tasks of sequential joint deterioration state-parameter estimation and structural reliability updating, using continuously identified modal and intermittent visual inspection data. It also includes a realistic model of the inspection and maintenance decisions throughout the structural life-cycle. On this basis, the Value of SHM is quantified by the difference in expected total life-cycle costs with and without the SHM. We investigate the framework through application on a numerical model of a two-span bridge system, subjected to gradual and shock deterioration, as well as to changing environmental conditions, over its lifetime. The results show that this framework can be used as an a-priori decision support tool to inform the decision on whether or not to install a vibration-based SHM system on a structure, for a wide range of SHM use cases.
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Non-destructive evaluation (NDE) inspections are an integral part of asset integrity management. The relationship between the condition of interest and the quantity measured by NDE is described with probabilistic models such as PoD or ROC curves. These models are used to assess the quality of the information provided by NDE systems, which is affected by factors such as the experience of the inspector, environmental conditions, ease of access, and the precision of the measurement device. In this paper, we review existing probabilistic models of NDE andshow how they are connected within a unifying framework. This frameworkprovides insights into how these models should be learned, calibrated, and applied. We investigate and highlighthow the choice of the model can affect the maintenance decisions taken on the basis of NDE results. In addition, we analyze the impact of experimental design on the performance of a given NDE system in a decision-making context.
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Quantifying the value of the information extracted from a structural health monitoring (SHM) system is an important step towards convincing decision makers to implement these systems. We quantify this value by adaptation of the Bayesian decision analysis framework. In contrast to previous works, we model in detail the entire process of data generation to processing, model updating and reliability calculation, and investigate it on a deteriorating bridge system. The framework assumes that dynamic response data are obtained in a sequential fashion from deployed accelerometers, subsequently processed by an output-only operational modal analysis scheme for identifying the system’s modal characteristics. We employ a classical Bayesian model updating methodology to sequentially learn the deterioration and estimate the structural damage evolution over time. This leads to sequential updating of the structural reliability, which constitutes the basis for a preposterior Bayesian decision analysis. Alternative actions are defined and a heuristic-based approach is employed for the life-cycle optimization. By solving the preposterior Bayesian decision analysis, one is able to quantify the benefit of the availability of long-term SHM vibrational data. Numerical investigations show that this framework can provide quantitative measures on the optimality of an SHM system in a specific decision context.
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Reliability analysis of deteriorating structural systems requires the solution of time-variant reliability problems. In the general case, both the capacity of and the loads on the structure vary with time. This analysis can be approached by approximation through a series of time-invariant reliability problems, which is a potentially effective strategy for cases where direct solutions of the time-variant reliability problem are challenging, e.g. for structural systems with many elements or arbitrary load processes. In this contribution, we thoroughly review the formulation of the equivalent time-invariant reliability problems and extend this approximation to structures for which inspection and monitoring data is available. Thereafter, we present methods for efficiently evaluating the reliability over time. In particular, we propose the combination of sampling-based methods with a FORM (first-order reliability method) approximation of the series system reliability problem that arises in the computation of the lifetime reliability. The framework and algorithms are demonstrated on a set of numerical examples, which include the computation of the reliability conditional on inspection data.
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Reliability is critical to the design, operation, maintenance, and performance assessment and improvement of wind turbines (WTs). This paper systematically reviews publicly available reliability data for both onshore and offshore WTs and investigates the impacts of reliability on the cost of energy. WT failure rates and downtimes, broken down by subassembly, are collated from 18 publicly available databases including over 18 000 WTs, corresponding to over 90 000 turbine‐years. The data are classified based on the types of data collected (failure rate and stop rate) and by onshore and offshore populations. A comprehensive analysis is performed to investigate WT subassembly reliability data variations, identify critical subassemblies, compare onshore and offshore WT reliability, and understand possible sources of uncertainty. Large variations in both failure rates and downtimes are observed, and the skew in failure rate distribution implies that large databases with low failure rates, despite their diverse populations, are less uncertain than more targeted surveys, which are easily skewed by WT type failures. A model is presented to evaluate the levelised cost of energy as a function of WT failure rates and downtimes. A numerical study proves a strong and nonlinear relationship between WT reliability and operation and maintenance expenditure as well as annual energy production. Together with the cost analysis model, the findings can help WT operators identify the optimal degree of reliability improvement to minimise the levelised cost of energy.
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In most structural systems, it is neither possible nor optimal to inspect all system components regularly. An optimal inspection-repair strategy controls deterioration in structural systems efficiently with limited cost and acceptable reliability. At present, an integral risk-based optimization procedure for entire structural systems is not available; existing risk-based inspection methods are limited to optimizing inspections component by component. The challenges to an integral approach lie in the large number of optimization parameters in the inspection-repair process of a structural system, and the need to perform probabilistic inference for the entire system at once to address interdependencies among all components. In this paper, we outline a methodology for an integral risk-based optimization of inspections in structural systems, which utilizes a heuristic approach to formulating the optimization problem. It takes basis in a recently developed dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) framework for rapid computation of the system reliability conditional on inspection results. The optimization problem is solved by nesting the DBN inside a Monte-Carlo simulation for computing the expected cost associated with a system-wide inspection strategy. The proposed methodology is applied to a structural system subject to fatigue deterioration and it is demonstrated that it enables an integral risk-based inspection planning for structural systems.
Damage diagnosis based on global structural vibrations critically depends on the sensor layout, in particular when a small number of sensors is used for large structures under unknown excitation. This paper proposes a sensor placement strategy that yields an optimized sensor layout with maximum damage detectability in selected structural components. The optimization criterion is based on the Fisher information, which quantifies the information that the damage-sensitive feature carries on the design parameters of structural components, such as material constants or cross-sectional values. It is evaluated using a finite element model, and considers the statistical uncertainties of the damage-sensitive feature. The methodology is shown for the stochastic subspace-based damage detection method, but can be applied to any damage-sensitive feature whose distribution can be approximated as Gaussian. It is suitable to find the optimal layout for a fixed number of sensors and to choose an appropriate number of sensors. Since the Fisher information is defined component-wise, the sensor layout can be tuned to become more sensitive to damage in local structural components, such as damage hotspots, non-inspectable components, or components that are critical for the safety and serviceability of the structure. For proof of concept, the sensor layout on a laboratory beam is optimized based on numerical simulations, and it is showcased that the optimal sensor layout leads to the highest damage detectability for experimental data.
This paper proposes an optimal sensor placement (OSP) framework for parameter estimation, virtual sensing, and condition monitoring using information theory. The framework uses a Bayesian OSP method combined with modal expansion to minimize the information entropy about quantities of interest (QoI), such as strain time histories at critical locations of the structure, without the knowledge of input excitation. The proposed optimization framework also accounts for variations in sensor installation cost at different locations on the monitored structure. The framework is evaluated numerically using a realistic model of an offshore wind turbine on a jacket support structure under installation cost assumptions and considering information entropy of the QoI. The QoI in this numerical study are considered to be the strain time history at one or more locations on the support structure in one problem and the parameters of the structure in the other. A correlation length is considered to account for the spatial correlation of data between adjacent sensors. Effects of the correlation length and input loads on the OSP results for parameter estimation are studied. The considered structural parameters for estimation in this study include (1) modulus of elasticity of tower elements (tower stiffness), (2) modulus of elasticity of jacket elements (jacket stiffness), and (3) vertical foundation spring (soil stiffness). The effect of a subjective weight between the information entropy and sensor configuration cost on the OSP results is also investigated. Different optimal designs are achieved for different weight factors, and the Pareto solutions for OSP are presented. It is found that the OSP framework is an effective tool for decision-makers considering the cost of instrumentation. The presented Pareto optimal solutions can give insight into the value of OSP given a limited budget.
Optimizing inspection and maintenance (I&M) plans for a large deteriorating structure is a computationally challenging task, in particular if one considers interdependences among its components. This is due to the sheer number of possible decision alternatives over the lifetime of the structure and the uncertainty surrounding the deterioration processes, the structural performance and the outcomes of inspection and maintenance actions. To address this challenge, Luque and Straub (2019) proposed a heuristic approach in which I&M plans for structural systems are defined through a set of simple decision rules. Here, we formalize the optimization of these decision rules and extend the approach to enable adaptive planning. The initially optimal I&M plan is successively adapted throughout the service life, based on past inspection and monitoring results. The proposed methodology uses stochastic deterioration models and accounts for the interdependence among structural components. The heuristic-based adaptive planning is illustrated for a structural frame subjected to fatigue.