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Assessment of postoperative cosmetic outcomes of distal form hypospadias repair with the Hypospadias Objective Scoring Evaluation (HOSE)



Aim A standardized assessment for the optimal repair of hypospadias remains elusive. The aim of this study was to assess a postoperative cosmetic outcome of hypospadias repair using a validated questionnaire, Hypospadias Objective Scoring Evaluation (HOSE). Methods During the period between January 2016 and May 2019, 40 patients who underwent hypospadias repair were identified and they agreed to a follow-up using the HOSE. Distal hypospadias repairs underwent a cross-sectional assessment of the cosmetic outcome. Cosmetic assessment was performed by an independent physician using the HOSE scoring system. Results The native meatus was coronal in 10 (25%), subcoronal in eight (20%), and distal penile in 22 (55%) patients. Mean followup was 35.90 months (SD ±29.58) postoperatively (range 12–162 months). Complications occurred in one (2.5%) patient. Out of 40 uncomplicated repairs, 39 (97.5%) were satisfactory. A vertical slit-like meatus located at the distal glans was created in 33 (82.5%) boys, and at the proximal glans in seven (17.5%). The urinary stream was single and straight in 39 and spray in one patient. A straight erection was observed in 39 (97.5%) boys. The median HOSE score was 16 (range 12–16). One patient had a small, single coronal fistula. The technique used included tubularised incised plate urethroplasty. Conclusion The HOSE score is simple, easy, non-invasive and non-expensive tool for objective assessment of long-term outcomes of hypospadias repair.
Assessment of postoperative cosmetic outcomes of distal form
hypospadias repair with the Hypospadias Objective Scoring
Evaluation (HOSE)
Asmir Jonuzi1 , Zlatan Zvizdić 1, Emir Milišić1, Benjamin Kulovac2 , Amira Mešić3, Semir Vranić4,5
1Clinic of Paediatric Surgery, 2Clinic of Urology, 3Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation; Clinical Centre University in
Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4College of Medicine, 5Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Unit; QU Health, Qatar
University, Doha, Qatar
Corresponding author:
Asmir Jonuzi
Clinic of Pediatric Surgery,
Clinical Centre University in Sarajevo
Patriotske lige 81, Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 33 250 345;
Fax: +387 33 250 334;
Original submission:
08 March 2022;
Revised submission:
31 March 2022;
05 May 2022
doi: 10.17392/1482-22
Med Glas (Zenica) 2022; 19(2):
Aim A standardized assessment for the optimal repair of hypos-
padias remains elusive. The aim of this study was to assess a po-
stoperative cosmetic outcome of hypospadias repair using a va-
lidated questionnaire, Hypospadias Objective Scoring Evaluation
Methods During the period between January 2016 and May 2019,
40 patients who underwent hypospadias repair were identied and
they agreed to a follow-up using the HOSE. Distal hypospadias
repairs underwent a cross-sectional assessment of the cosmetic
outcome. Cosmetic assessment was performed by an independent
physician using the HOSE scoring system.
Results The native meatus was coronal in 10 (25%), subcoronal in
eight (20%), and distal penile in 22 (55%) patients. Mean follow-
up was 35.90 months (SD ±29.58) postoperatively (range 12–162
months). Complications occurred in one (2.5%) patient. Out of
40 uncomplicated repairs, 39 (97.5%) were satisfactory. A verti-
cal slit-like meatus located at the distal glans was created in 33
(82.5%) boys, and at the proximal glans in seven (17.5%). The uri-
nary stream was single and straight in 39 and spray in one patient.
A straight erection was observed in 39 (97.5%) boys. The median
HOSE score was 16 (range 12–16). One patient had a small, single
coronal stula. The technique used included tubularised incised
plate urethroplasty.
Conclusion The HOSE score is simple, easy, non-invasive and
non-expensive tool for objective assessment of long-term outco-
mes of hypospadias repair.
Key words: hypospadias, tubularised incised plate, urethra, uret-
Jonuzi et al. Assessment of cosmetic outcomes of hypospadias
Hypospadias is a developmental defect of the
male urethra, either treated or untreated, and it
can have functional, cosmetic and psychosexu-
al consequences extending into adulthood (1,2).
The assessment of the cosmetic results after
hypospadias repair remains a problem due to
published studied showing possible signicant
differences between the patients´ judgement and
surgeons´ opinion (3). Traditionally, successful
repair of hypospadias was dened as straight pe-
nis in erection and a good calibre urethra with a
slit-like urethral meatus at the tip of the glans,
allowing micturition in a single coherent urinary
stream and allowing sexual intercourse (3). The
goal of the modern surgical treatment is to create
a functionally and cosmetically normal penis.
Distal hypospadias repair is one of the procedures
most commonly performed in paediatric urology
(4). Hypospadias is one of the most frequently
occurring birth defects in males, that affects 1 in
200 to 300 newborn males (4). The total preva-
lence of hypospadias in Europe is approximately
18.6/10,000 births (5).
Despite more than 200 different repair techniques
for hypospadias described in the literature, there
is no completely satisfactory technique in terms
of complications and cosmesis (6). Snodgrass re-
pair (7) was introduced in 1994 and has revolutio-
nised the management of distal hypospadias, and
is considered the procedure of choice by most sur-
geons. The technique relies on an incision of the
urethral plate to permit a tension-free tubularisa-
tion of the neourethra (8). According to Snodgra-
ss et al, in the standard technique as there is risk
of meatal stenosis (9,10). Thus, the neourethra is
reconstructed to the mid-glans level, and the neo-
meatus should be generously sized and oval at the
same time. This resulted in a higher rate of achie-
ving a slit-like meatus, but a lower rate of locating
the meatus in the glans tip (11). Histopathological
studies under the urethral plate have shown a he-
althy, vascularised connective subepithelial tissue
(12). Thus, incising the apical part of the glans
could be safe, to assign the neomeatus more to the
tip of the glans, and reconstruction the neourethra
more distally. Normally, the meatus is located at
the glans apex in 94% of boys (13) and the ventral
glans closure is equal to or slightly less than the
meatal length (14).
Many studies have so far focused on the com-
plication rates (3,9,10). Cosmetic results, instead,
have been studied less extensively (3) probably
because of evaluation of this kind of results is ge-
nerally considered difcult to standardize and it
is subjected to wide variability among observes
(9). Nevertheless, cosmesis remains a key point,
as in distal hypospadias patients surgery is of-
ten undertaken mainly to improve cosmesis and
prevent a potential psychological burden of the
malformation (3,4,8).
Validated scales, such as the Hypospadias Objec-
tive Scoring Evaluation (HOSE) (15) give the ad-
vantage of allowing surgeons to more objectively
assess postoperative outcomes, as well as provide
a platform for surgeons to discuss outcomes (3).
The HOSE is underused, although the use of such
a system is recommended by others (10,15).
In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are only scarce
investigations relating to hypospadia.
The aim of this study was to assess outcomes
of one-stage hypospadias repair at a paediatric
tertiary centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina using
Patients and study design
During the period between January 2016 and
May 2019, 40 patients with primary distal hypos-
padias repaired with the Snodgrass technique at
the Clinic for Paediatric Surgery of the Clinical
Centre, University of Sarajevo, were included
in this prospective study. Patients with proximal
hypospadias, megameatus intact prepuce, and
those with a previously failed repair were exclu-
ded from the study. All patients received preope-
rative local androgen therapy, 2.5% dihidrotesto-
steron (DHT).
Prior to participation, an informed consent was
obtained from all patients by their parents. This
study was conducted in compliance with the et-
hical principles originating in or derived from
the Declaration of Helsinki and in compliance
with all International Council for Harmonisation
(ICH) Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Guidelines.
A formal approval for the medical records review
was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Cli-
nical Centre, University of Sarajevo.
Medicinski Glasnik, Volume 19, Number 2, August 2022
Selection of the technique was based on
physician’s preference and a surgical technique;
we used tubularised incised plate (TIP) (7). Mul-
tiple-layer coverage of the urethroplasty was
achieved using local dartos aps. Penile curva-
ture was always addressed by Nesbit plicatio (3).
All patients were invited by a telephone call to
their parents after three months to attend a consul-
tation clinic for a follow-up of their hypospadias
repair. Follow-up was dened as the time betwe-
en the date of operation and three months after
surgery. Patients included in the study were boys
with distal type of hypospadias form. Cosmetic
evaluation was made by an independent paedia-
tric urologist not previously involved in the care
of these patients.
The boys were interviewed and examined in the
presence of their parents by a surgeon; self-asse-
ssment and quality of life questionnaires were
then completed with an independent interviewer
to avoid bias when answering the questionnaires.
Parents were asked to complete the questionnaire.
The HOSE (15) was used in the follow-up. The
HOSE has been validated as a paediatric objecti-
ve scoring system for evaluating the outcomes of
hypospadias repair and incorporates the outcomes
of meatal location and shape, urinary stream, the
straightness of erection and any urethral stula:
the minimum total score of 5 corresponding to a
lowest score for each variable, to a maximum total
of 16 as equivalent to the highest score for each
variable. A score of 14-16 was suggested (15) to
infer an acceptable outcome with the meatus at le-
ast at the proximal glans, a single urinary stream
and only moderate angulation of the penile shaft.
These patients, whose score was 14-16 would
require further follow-up and additional diagno-
stics (uroowmetry in order to detect obstruction
of the urethra and the appearance of a stula, as
surgical complications). A score a below 14 was
considered not acceptable (15).
Statistical methods
Mean and median were used as a measure of cen-
tral tendency and standard deviation and range as
measures of dispersion for continuous variables.
The values of categorical variables were presen-
ted as numbers or percentages.
Of the total of all patients recruited in the stu-
dy, the mean age at surgery was 35.90 months
(29.58± SD) with a range 12-162 months.
Of the initial 40 patients, one (2.5%) developed
surgical complications including stula formati-
on. Of the remaining 39 patients without com-
plication, all were contacted and they agreed to
participate in the study. The native meatus was
coronal in 10 (25%) patients, subcoronal in eight
(20%) and distal penile in 22 (55%) patients.
Preoperatively, nine patients were reported to have
meatal stenosis at rst presentation, with six ha-
ving chordee. The procedure used included tubu-
larised incised plate (TIP) repair (7) in 40 patients.
The HOSE outcome data were obtained for all 40
patients: 39 (97.5%) had an acceptable score, and
one (2.5%) had a non-acceptable score.
Thirty eight (95%) patients achieved a vertical me-
atal shape, 2 (5%) achieved circular meatal shape,
39 (97.5%) achieving a single stream, 1 (2.5%)
achieving spray, 33 (82.5%) achieving distal gla-
nular meatal location and 7 (17.5%) achieving
proximal glanular. All patients except one, achie-
ved a straight erection with one patient experien-
cing mild angulation. One boy had a total HOSE
score of 12, with a subcoronal stula (Table 1).
HOSE variable No (%) of patients HOSE score
Meatal location
Distal glanular 33 (82.5) 4
Proximal glanular 7 (17.5) 3
Coronal 0 2
Penile shaft 0 1
Meatal shape
Vertical slit 38 (95.0) 2
Circular 2 (5.0) 1
Urinary stream
Single stream 39 (97.5) 2
Spray 1 (2.5) 1
Straight 39 (97.5) 4
Mild angulation (<10) 0 3
Moderate angulation (>10 but
<45) 1 (2.5) 2
Severe angulation (>45) 0 1
None 39 (97.5) 4
Single-sub coronal 1 (2.5) 3
Single proximal 0 2
Multiple or complex 0 1
Total 40
Table 1. Outcome of hypospadias repair according to the
Hypospadias Objective Scoring Evaluation (HOSE)
According to the HOSE score, one (2.5%) pati-
ent had the score of 12, two (2.5%) had the score
of 14, three (7.5%) had the score of 15, and 34
(85%) patients had the score of 16 (Table 2).
The median HOSE score was 16 (range 12–16)
out of a maximum score of 16.
agreement between patient and surgeon satisfac-
tion with the patient’s penile appearance (19).
Afterwards, Holland et al. introduced the HOSE
system where paediatric surgeons, a nurse, and
one of the child’s parents independently evalua-
ted each patient (15).
Renements like using digital photography with
macro mode in a standardized fashion and with
more external expertise in judging outcome are
used (3). The assessment of cosmesis in hypos-
padias surgery was thought to be more objective
when several health non-surgeon professionals
compared various methods of repair (18). The
most recent attempt for objective assessment of
postoperative outcome is the Pediatric Penile Per-
ception Score (PPPS), which seems to be a relia-
ble instrument to assess cosmetic and functional
results in children after hypospadias repair (20).
The Hypospadias Objective Penile Evalua-
tion Score (HOPE) introduced by a national
study group from the Netherlands established
objectivity by using standardized photographs,
anonymously coded patients, and independent
assessment by a panel (21).
Thirty nine (97.5%) of our patients had an accep-
table HOSE outcome with a total score of 14 to
16, and one patient (2.5%) had an unacceptable
outcome with a total score of 12. It is difcult
to compare our HOSE scores with others as the
majority of published studies have used this met-
hod to assess the outcome of anterior hypospa-
dias repair (22). The meatal location, shape and
stula are easy for objective evaluation, but the
main drawback of the HOSE in our study arose
in relation to the necessity of objective evaluati-
on of the straightness of the penis. Nevertheless,
Holland et al. stated that erection can be gauged
after an erection is witnessed by an assessor or
can be based on parental evaluation (15).
The most appropriate postoperative follow-up
period for hypospadias has been debated in the li-
terature: routine follow-up periods appear to vary
widely — from schedules of 3 months, 6 months
and 1 year to longer (at 3 and 6 years) (23). In
our institution routine follow-up is every three
months in the rst year, and every 6 months in the
second year; after 2 years following the surgery
the patients come to control examination every
year (if uroow is normal).
HOSE score No (%) of patients
12 1 (2.5)
14 2 (5.0)
15 3 (7.5)
16 34 (85.0)
Total 40 (100.0)
Table 2. Frequency distribution according to the Hypospadias
Objective Scoring Evaluation (HOSE) score
In this study, we systematically assessed cosme-
tic results of TIP repair, and found that 97.5% had
satisfactory appearance. In distal hypospadias,
surgery is mainly undertaken to improve cosme-
sis and functional results, and we believe that the
correction of distal hypospadias is not a cosmetic
surgery and would recommend that all children
with hypospadias, regardless of the severity, sho-
uld be referred to a specialist paediatric urologist.
From the clinical point of view, continuous asse-
ssment of the outcome represents quality control
and is a part of clinical governance. Continuous
re-evaluation may have a major impact on future
clinical practice.
Most paediatric surgeons now prefer to use the TIP
to repair distal and mid-shaft hypospadias defects
(8,9). Postoperative outcomes have been empha-
sized to include functional, cosmetic, as well as
psychosocial outcomes, with longer term review
deemed to be necessary for adequate evaluation
of surgical success (3,16). Validated scales could
more objectively assess postoperative outcomes,
as well as long-term outcomes; moreover, they
can also be used as a screening tool, emailed as
an online survey or posted to evaluate which pa-
tients require further clinical consultation (17,18).
The lack of studies on the cosmetic results of distal
hypospadias surgery may partly account for dif-
culties in its standardization and being subjected to
wide variability among observes (3).
Mureau et al. were one of the rst to apply a stan-
dardized approach to evaluate both patient’s and
surgeon’s satisfaction with the cosmetic surgi-
cal result, and the relation among penile length,
meatal position, and patient satisfaction using a
genital perception questionnaire for hypospadias
patients. Not surprisingly, there was hardly any
Jonuzi et al. Assessment of cosmetic outcomes of hypospadias
Medicinski Glasnik, Volume 19, Number 2, August 2022
In a meta-analysis, complications rate form
hypospadias surgery have been reported in up to
33.3% of cases (24), in our study 2.5% complica-
tions rate (wound infection, haematuria, stula,
meatal stenosis, wide meatal opening and uret-
hral stricture have also been observed).
Surgical correction of distal hypospadias carri-
es minor risks, complication rates are relatively
low, but despite some variations among different
techniques, outcomes in the majority of cases are
successful (25). The most signicant advantage
of tubularised incised plate urethroplasty (TIPU)
is the excellent postoperative cosmetic appea-
rance, which is an important factor in choosing
the technique for hypospadias repair. In this pro-
cedure the urethral plate can be preserved, and
the tissue used for the neourethra is well vascu-
larized. The procedure can be easily learned and
performed and can be used in secondary and/or
proximal cases with satisfactory cosmetic outco-
me. When the long-term success rate and the
advantages of the technique are taken into con-
sideration, TIPU may be accepted as having an
important role in hypospadias treatment (26,27).
In conclusion, distal hypospadias can be asso-
ciated with cosmetic problems that may be un-
derestimated at birth and generate symptoms at
an older age.
The validated HOSE questionnaire revealed ge-
nerally good cosmetic outcomes after hypospa-
dias repair. The use of validated questionnaires in
routine follow-up sessions may facilitate objecti-
ve assessment and patient satisfaction.
Funding: no specic funding was received for
this study
Competing interests: None to declare.
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Jonuzi et al. Assessment of cosmetic outcomes of hypospadias
Introduction The original description of tubularized incised plate urethroplasty (TIPU) was provided by Snodgrass in 1994. The results were significantly improved by several modifications. To decrease the incidence of complications, interposing a vascularized flap after tubularization of the neourethra is recommended. The extent to which the type of interposed tissue has a direct effect on the rate of complications and cosmetic outcomes after TIPU repair is considered the answer to the main hypothesis of this study. Materials and Methods This prospective controlled randomized trial was conducted in the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, between May 2019 and May 2023. A total of 220 patients were included in this study. Patients were randomly assigned to either group A or group B. Group A included 110 patients who underwent TIPU with spongioplasty–dartosoraphy reinforcement. The other 110 patients (group B) underwent TIPU with dorsal dartos flap interposition, without spongioplasty. Results Complications developed in 34 of 220 patients (15.4%). In group A, complications developed in 11 of 110 patients (10.0%). In group B, complications occurred in 23 of 110 patients (20.9%). Although the fistula rate, glanular dehiscence, disruption, and meatal stenosis were not significantly different between the study groups, the skin necrosis rate was significantly lower in group A than in group B. The overall complication rate was significantly lower in group A than in group B. Also, the difference in the mean Hypospadias Objective Scoring Evaluation between the two groups was statistically significant. Conclusion TIPU with spongioplasty–dartosoraphy reinforcement is an effective modification of conventional TIPU. This modification appears to reduce the rate of complications and yield better cosmetic outcomes.
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We conducted a systematic review of the literature to establish the prevalence of and predictive factors for parental decision regret in hypospadias surgery. A search strategy without language restrictions was developed with expert help, and two reviewers undertook independent study selection. Five studies were included in this review (four for quantitative analysis) with a total of 783 participants. The mean overall prevalence of parental decision regret was 65.2% (moderate to severe - 20.3%). Although significant predictors of regret were identified (post-operative complications, small size glans, meatal location, decision conflict between parents, parental educational level and others), they had unexplained discordance between studies. Parental decision regret after proximal hypospadias surgery and refusing surgery was inadequately reported. In conclusion, even though the prevalence of parental decision regret after consenting for the hypospadias repair appears to be high, risk factors associated with it were discordant suggesting imprecision in estimates due to unknown confounders.
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Objective:We aimed to present outcomes of hypospadias surgery with the help of the Hypospadias objective scoring evaluation (HOSE) system and to demonstrate the reliability of the HOSE.Materials and Methods:Data of patients, who were operated for hypospadias in our clinic between January 2017 and March 2019, were retrospectively analyzed. The parameters included demographic data, location of the meatus preoperative, postoperative complications, follow-up period, recurrence and postoperative HOSE score.Results:A total of 46 patients were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 8.5±5.4 years. Fifteen patients had distal hypospadias, 13- subcoronal, 9- penile , 6- proximal and 3 had glanular hypospadias. Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty was performed in 35 patients, Bracka 2- stage repair in 6 patients and meatal advancement and glanduloplasty in 3 and, the onlay flap technique was used in 2 patients. The mean postoperative HOSE score was 14.6±1.7. The lowest HOSE score was found in patients with proximal hypospadias and the highest HOSE score was in those with glanular hypospadias (12.6 versus 15.6) (p=0.26). When HOSE scores of the patients were evaluated by a different physician, the mean HOSE score was found to be 14.5±1.7. There was no significant intraobserver variation (Kappa score: 0.698), (p
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Objective: To evaluate the effects of transdermal dihydrotestosterone treatment based on the results of hypospadias repair and complications rates in children with primary hypospadias. Methods: A total of 79 randomized children who were a mean of 38.2 ±2.8 months old and had primary hypospadias were included in the study between January 2012 and December 2017. 36 children were treated with 2.5% dihydrotestosterone transdermal gel twice a day, applied directly onto the penile shaft and glans for one month prior surgery (group 1), and 43 children did not receive any treatment preoperatively (group 2). Results: Mean ages of the children in groups 1 and 2 were similar (37.3 ± 6.3 months and 39.1±5.9 months, respectively). The urethral meatus was coronal in 30.5%, penile in 69.5 % of the patients in group 1, while it was coronal in 46.5 % and penile in 53.5% of the patients in group 2. Postoperative complications included urethrocutaneous fistula in 6 patients (13.9%) in group 2, compared to 1 patient (2.7%) in group 1. There were 2 patients with meatal stenosis in group 2 (4.7%), and 3 (8.3%) patients with meatal stenosis in group 1. Finally, there was a significant difference between the overall reoperation rates of group 2 (8 patients, 18.6%) and group 1 (1 patient, 2.7%) (p<0.05). Conclusion: Pretreatment with 2.5% dihydrotestosterone transdermal gel before hypospadias repair is beneficial in decreasing complication rates.
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This review summarizes data regarding commonly used surgical techniques to repair distal and proximal hypospadias. We review evidence concerning indications for various procedures used in primary hypospadias repair, and their complications, urinary function and esthetic results. Available evidence suggests TIP is preferable to Mathieu for distal hypospadias correction. Current data do not identify a clear preference between TIP and onlay flap for proximal repair when there is ventral curvature 31°. A review of objective data helps clarify decision-making for distal hypospadias repair. Additional objective evidence is needed to identify preferred options for proximal hypospadias repair. Measuring glansplasty dimensions (meatal size and distance from meatus to corona) may improve urinary function assessments, and provide additional objective data for decision-making between various surgical techniques.
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Introduction: Research on long-term results of hypospadias has focused on surgical techniques and functional outcomes, and it is only recently that patient satisfaction with appearance and psychosocial outcomes have been considered. The aim of this study was to provide an evidence-based systematic review of adolescent and adult patient perceptions of cosmetic outcomes following childhood surgery for hypospadias. Methods: A systematic review was performed in accordance with the PRISMA and PICO guidelines, and studies assessed using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine system. MEDLINE, PsycInfo, EMBASE, and CINAHL databases were searched from 1974 to 2014 for clinical studies containing patient perceptions of appearance, deformity, and social embarrassment following hypospadias surgery. Results: A total of 495 publications were retrieved, of which 28 met the inclusion criteria. Due to study design/outcome measure, heterogeneity data were synthesized narratively. Results indicate (i) patient perceptions of penile size do not differ greatly from the norm; (ii) perceptions of appearance findings are inconsistent, partially due to improving surgical techniques; (iii) patients who are approaching, or have reached, sexual maturity hold more negative perceptions and are more critical about the cosmetic outcomes of surgery than their prepubertal counterparts; (iv) patients report high levels of perceptions of deformity and social embarrassment; and (v) there is a lack of data using validated measurement tools assessing long-term patient perceptions of cosmetic outcomes, particularly with patients who have reached genital maturity. Conclusions: Protocols for clinical postpuberty follow-up and methodologically sound studies, using validated assessment tools, are required for the accurate assessment of cosmetic and psychological outcomes of hypospadias surgery.
Structured Summary Background Estimation of the quality of the urethral plate (UP) seems to be important when assessing postoperative outcomes of hypospadias repair, but its evaluation remains subjective. We developed an objective model aiming to standardize this assessment, proposing a methodology that could be adopted in future studies designed to evaluate outcomes in the treatment of hypospadias. Objectives To evaluate the inter and intra observer reliability of a method to assess the quality of the urethral plate (UP) in hypospadias (POST - Plate Objective Scoring System) based on elements of glans characteristics. The reliability of such scoring methodology was compared to an analog accepted tool: the Glanular-Meatal-Shaft (GMS) score. A secondary goal was to compare some characteristics of the UP in GMS score to POST values; aiming to find the threshold between favorable and unfavorable plates. Methods Data were prospectively obtained from prepubertal boys who underwent primary hypospadias repair between January 2018 and November 2019. Intrinsic elements of the glanular UP (A: distal midline mucocutaneous junction; B: Glanular knob where the mucosal edges of the UP's edge change direction; C: Glanular/coronal junction) were marked and the AB/BC ratio calculated. The “G” and “M” components of the GMS score were measured electronically three times by four different reviewers with variable pediatric urology experience and blinded to each other values. Favorable UP, according to the GMS score was compared to measurements obtained by POST (AB/BC ratio). Results 84 subjects were enrolled. The POST score had an excellent inter-observer agreement for the evaluation of the UP in distal hypospadias (Kappa= 0.832) while the “G” parameter of the GMS correlated poorly among the observers. The Inter-Class Correlation (ICC) analysis to examine the intra-rater agreement value was 0.914 (95% CI 0.87, 0.95.). AB/BC ratio values ranged from 0.6 to 1.6, with a mean of 1.12. The POST cut-off value for “favorable” UP was 1.2 (AUC= 0.62) 95% CI (0.52- 0.84) (sensitivity 80% and specificity 60%). Conclusions The POST score has higher inter-observer reliability and compares favorably when compared to the GMS. In addition, it demonstrated a high intra-observer reliability among observers of variable experience. Our findings suggest that the POST score adds to evaluation of the UP and could be incorporated as an additional criterion to assess outcomes in distal hypospadias repairs.
Introduction Relative value units (RVU) are the measure of value used in United States Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement. The Relative Update Committee (RUC) determine physician work RVU (wRVU) based on operative time, technical skill and effort, mental effort and judgement, and stress. In theory, wRVU should account for the complexity and operative time involved in a procedure. Objective The primary aim of this study is to assess if operative time and complexity of hypospadias surgery is adequately accounted for by the current wRVU assignments. Study Design The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Participant User File (ACS-NSQIP PUF) database was utilized from 2012-2017. Single stage hypospadias current procedural terminology (CPT) codes (including acceptable secondary CPT codes) were extracted. Using total wRVU and total operative time, the primary variable of wRVU per hour was calculated (wRVU/hr). Multivariable linear regression analysis was used to assess the relative influence that wRVU and operative time had on the wRVU/hr variable. Results 9,810 cases were included in the final study population divided into four categories: simple distal (eg. MAGPI, V-Flap), single stage distal, single stage mid, single stage proximal. On analysis of variance, there was statistically significant different wRVU/hr for the four different types of hypospadias repairs with simple distal having the highest mean wRVU/hr of 19.5 and the lowest being proximal hypospadias repairs at 13.2. Simple distal, distal and midshaft hypospadias had statistically significantly higher wRVU/hr compared to proximal hypospadias: (16.2, 95% CI: 15.8-16.5 vs. 13.2, 95% CI 10.9-15.5; p<0.001). Multivariable linear regression revealed that each additional hour of operative time was expected to decrease wRVU/hr by 10.5 (-10.5, 95% CI: -11.0 - -10.1, p < 0.001); total work wRVU had a statistically significant independent association with wRVU/hr (0.6, 95%CI: 0.5 – 0.7, p <0.001). Discussion This the first objective assessment of the current wRVU assignments with regards to one stage hypospadias repairs. More complex and longer hypospadias procedures are not adequately compensated by wRVU. Most notably, simple distal procedures are reimbursed at a mean of 19.5 wRVU/hr compared to 13.2 wRVU/hr for one stage proximal repairs. Conclusion This analysis of national-level data suggests that the current wRVU assignments significantly favor shorter and simpler procedures in hypospadias surgery.
Paediatric urological surgery is often required for managing congenital and acquired disorders of the genitourinary system. In this Series paper, we highlight advances in the surgical management of six paediatric urological disorders. The management of vesicoureteral reflux is evolving, with advocacy ranging from a less interventional assessment and antimicrobial prophylaxis to surgery including endoscopic injection of a bulking agent and minimally invasive ureteric reimplantation. Evidence supports early orchidopexy to improve fertility and reduce malignancy in boys with undescended testes. A variety of surgical techniques have been developed for hypospadias, with excellent outcomes for distal but not proximal hypospadias. Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction is mostly detected prenatally; indications for surgery have been refined with evidence, and minimally invasive pyeloplasty is now standard. The outlook for patients with neurogenic bladder has been transformed by a combination of clean intermittent catheterisation, algorithms of diagnostic investigations, and innovative medical and surgical therapies. Posterior urethral valves are associated with considerable mortality; fetal diagnosis allows stratification of candidates for intervention, but ongoing bladder dysfunction in patients after valve ablation remains a cause of long-term morbidity.
Purpose: A standardized assessment for the optimal repair of hypospadias remains elusive. This study utilized validated questionnaires to assess the postoperative functional, cosmetic, and psychosocial outcomes of hypospadias repair. Materials and methods: 172 patients who underwent hypospadias repair under the care of a single surgeon were identified. 25 agreed for follow-up using the validated questionnaires of Hypospadias Objective Scoring Evaluation (HOSE), Pediatric Penile Perception Scale (PPPS), and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL™4.0). Results: Mean follow-up was 59months postoperatively (range 7-113months). Techniques used included tubularized incised plate urethroplasty, meatal advancement and glanuloplasty, and a 2-stage repair. 23 of 25 patients achieved a HOSE score of 14 or more (maximum of 16). The PPPS scores correlated with severity of the hypospadias. Those with glanular hypospadias (mean score=10) scored higher than those with coronal (mean score=9) and penile/penoscrotal hypospadias (mean score=7). There was no correlation between PedsQL™4.0 scores and the severity of hypospadias or procedure used. Conclusion: Validated questionnaires revealed generally good functional, cosmetic, and early psychosocial outcomes after hypospadias repair. The use of validated questionnaires in routine follow-up sessions may facilitate objective assessment of both functional outcomes and patient satisfaction.
The functional outcome following hypospadias repair is as important as the cosmetic outcome. Currently, structured scoring systems, patient questionnaires and evaluations of photographs and uroflowmetry are used to assess the results of hypospadias repair. In the present study, we assessed the outcomes of two-stage hypospadias repair using Hypospadias Objective Scoring Evaluation-HOSE and measures of uroflowmetry. Over a period of eight years, from January 1997 to December 2004, 126 hypospadias patients were treated, 90 of these patients received two-stage repairs and 36 patients received single-stage repairs. HOSE questionnaire and uroflowmetry data were obtained to evaluate the long-term outcome of the two-stage hypospadias repairs. The age at the time of assessment ranged from 8 to 23 years-old, with a mean follow-up time of 39.78 months. Thirty-five patients had proximal hypospadias, and 20 had distal hypospadias. Of the 55 patients who received complete two-stage hypospadias repair and agreed to participate in the study, nineteen patients had acceptable HOSE scores and 36 patients had non-acceptable scores. The uroflow rates of 43 of the subjects were below the fifth percentile in three patients, equivocal (between the 5(th) and 25(th) percentile) in four patients and above the 25(th) percentile in 36 patients. Two-stage repair is a suitable technique for all types of hypospadias with varying outcomes. HOSE and uroflowmetry are simple, easy, non-invasive and non-expensive tools for objectively assessing the long-term outcomes of hypospadias repair.