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The Effect of Cooperative Learning Type Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) on Understanding Mathematical Concepts in Class VIII Students of MTs N Pekanbaru


Abstract and Figures

This study starts from the problem of the low understanding of the mathematical concepts of MTs N Pekanbaru students. This can be seen in the results of tests of understanding mathematical concepts obtained by students. To overcome this problem, STAD type cooperative learning is used. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the STAD type cooperative learning model on understanding the mathematical concepts of class VIII MTs N Pekanbaru students. This type of research is Quasi Experiment. The population in this study were Pekanbaru MTs N students. The sample in this study was class VIII MTs Simpang Tiga Pekanbaru as an experimental class and class VIII MTs N Muara Fajar Pekanbaru as a control class randomly selected. The instrument used is a written test regarding understanding students' mathematical concepts. The data obtained were analyzed using the t test, Mann-Whitney U test. The results showed that (1) understanding of mathematical concepts students taught by STAD type cooperative learning was higher than students who were taught using conventional learning, (2) understanding students' mathematical concepts high initial ability taught by STAD type cooperative learning is higher than high initial capable students taught with conventional learning, and (3) understanding mathematical concepts of low initial ability students taught by STAD type cooperative learning is higher than low initial ability students taught with conventional learning.
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International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research
Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2019, pp. 168-172
Available online at
E-ISSN : 2621-8488
Copyright@ 2019, Wahyuni, P & Published by IIES Independent 168
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Type Student Teams Achievement Division
(STAD) on Understanding Mathematical Concepts
in Class VIII Students of MTs N Pekanbaru
Putri Wahyuni*
Department of Mathematics Education, Riau Islamic University, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia, 28284
*Corresponding Author:
How to Cite: Wahyuni, P. (2019). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Type Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) on Understanding Mathematical Concepts in Class VIII
Students of MTs N Pekanbaru. International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, 2 (4), 168-172.
Mathematics is part of the subjects in the school to develop the
ability of students in science and technology that are in line to
facilitate students in facing future life (Netti, 2019). Given the
importance of teaching mathematics, the teacher must be able to
educate and train students in learning so that the mathematics
goals in the school can be achieved. In an effort to achieve the
goals of mathematics learning, the teacher as one of the factors that
adequately determines the success of students, always strives to
improve quality in carrying out the mathematics learning process, so
that it can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes.
Related to this, Nasution (2008: 115; Fitriana, 2019; Misu, 2019)
states that in order to obtain satisfying learning outcomes, a teacher
should strive so that students can be active in the learning process.
A teacher is expected to act as a facilitator and motivator for
students who are able to choose learning strategies that can
activate students.
According to Mulyono (2018) Understanding of concepts
manifests or reflects (reflects) a student's ability to provide
explanations as well as reasons (to reason) in in-settings that
involve careful and measurable application of concept definitions,
relations -relations, or representations. According to Karenia in
Gilang (2018) Understanding of concepts is an ability that is
concerned with understanding mathematical ideas that are
comprehensive and functional. Understanding concepts is more
important than just memorizing. Therefore, don't be wrong in giving
direction or guidance to students. Because one gives a little
direction to students, surely the concepts students will understand
will not be understood by students.
Furthermore, according to Susanto in Mawaddah (2016) states
that understanding is a process that consists of the ability to explain
and interpret something, is able to provide a description and
example and explanation that is wider and adequate and able to
provide more creative descriptions and explanations, while the
concept is something that is reflected in the mind, a thought, an
idea, or an understanding. So that students are said to have the
ability to understand mathematical concepts if he can formulate a
settlement strategy, apply simple calculations, use symbols to
express concepts, and change a form to other forms such as
fractions in mathematics learning.
Based on the observation of the authors in several equivalent
MTs N in Pekanbaru, information was obtained that student learning
outcomes were still low. This is due to the fact that most students
Received: 8 April 2019
Revised: 16 May 2019
Accepted: 26 June2019
This study starts from the problem of the low understanding of the mathematical concepts of MTs N Pekanbaru
students. This can be seen in the results of tests of understanding mathematical concepts obtained by students. To
overcome this problem, STAD type cooperative learning is used. The purpose of this study was to determine the
effect of the STAD type cooperative learning model on understanding the mathematical concepts of class VIII MTs N
Pekanbaru students. This type of research is Quasi Experiment. The population in this study were Pekanbaru MTs
N students. The sample in this study was class VIII MTs Simpang Tiga Pekanbaru as an experimental class and
class VIII MTs N Muara Fajar Pekanbaru as a control class randomly selected. The instrument used is a written test
regarding understanding students' mathematical concepts. The data obtained were analyzed using the t test,
Mann-Whitney U test. The results showed that (1) understanding of mathematical concepts students taught by
STAD type cooperative learning was higher than students who were taught using conventional learning, (2)
understanding students' mathematical concepts high initial ability taught by STAD type cooperative learning is
higher than high initial capable students taught with conventional learning, and (3) understanding mathematical
concepts of low initial ability students taught by STAD type cooperative learning is higher than low initial ability
students taught with conventional learning.
This is an open access article under the CCBY-SA license.
Cooperative type STAD
Understanding of mathematical concepts
Initial ability
Wahyuni International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2019, pp. 168-172
find it difficult and do not like math, which causes students' low
mathematics scores. Then based on the results of the interview,
information was obtained that the teacher rarely provided exercises
regarding mathematical abilities, especially understanding students'
concepts. This is supported when given questions about
understanding concepts to students only a few people are able to
answer the question correctly. From the results of the tests used in
class VIII in MTs N in Pekanbaru, 45.7% of students' answers were
wrong in answering questions about understanding concepts.
The low understanding of students' concepts is inseparable
from the process of learning mathematics. To develop students'
understanding of concepts can be done by designing a learning that
familiarizes students to construct their own knowledge. That way
students better understand the concepts taught to students. Before
the teacher starts the new learning, the teacher must pay attention
to the extent to which students are able to understand the material
prerequisites related to further learning. If the prerequisite material
is well understood, it can be said that for the next material it will be
easier for students to understand.
Initial ability is also a factor that influences the success of
students in learning (Hasan, 2019; Riadi, 2019; Hayati, 2019)..
Initial ability is all competencies that students should have mastered
before they begin learning with new material. According to Wahyuni
(2017) This initial ability describes the readiness of students to
receive lessons to be delivered by the teacher. This ability can be in
the form of students' understanding of the initial material
(prerequisite material) that they must master before entering new
material. According to Shodikin (2015) Ideas that arise often
develop gradually so that the initial ability is sufficient enough to be
able to build a comprehensive mathematical concept of information
previously obtained. As an analogy, students who have a low initial
ability will find it more difficult to acquire new knowledge or
assimilate new concepts that come to him and associate with
previous knowledge that is in him. While students who have high
initial abilities will tend to easily receive information and associate
with information that is in themselves so that the learning process
occurs. In other words, in mathematics learning, teachers need to
pay attention to students 'initial mathematical abilities in improving
students' mathematical abilities.
In mathematics learning so far students are not used to
exploring their own knowledge and finding solutions to problems.
This is because students are accustomed to waiting for answers
from teachers so that they seem passive in learning and students
have not been able to understand the material provided by the
teacher. The efforts made by the teacher so far have not achieved
satisfactory results. To activate students in class, the teacher has
asked students to group, but those who work on group assignments
are only students who are smart in the group, while other students
only receive results from friends without trying to actively complete
the task. In reality, not all students can easily solve the problem,
because in the class there are students who are capable of fast,
moderate and lacking in understanding the lesson.
To overcome the problems in mathematics learning, one of the
learning models which according to the authors is good to be
applied is Cooperative learning type Student Teams Achievement
Division (STAD). STAD type learning aims to enable students to
work together and help each other in understanding and
communicating mathematical questions within their respective
groups. Taniredja (2011: 65) type STAD has 5 main components,
namely: class presentations, teams, quizzes, personal
enhancements and group awards.
To see the ability to understand students' concepts in
mathematics learning, it can be seen from the indicators of
understanding concepts. Indicators for understanding concepts
according to NCTM (2000) include (a) restating a concept; (b)
clarifying objects according to certain characteristics according to
the concept; (c) give examples and non examples of concepts; (d)
present concepts in various forms of mathematical representation;
(e) developing necessary requirements or requirements for a
concept; (f) applying problem solving algorithms or algorithms.
In this study, the indicators used to assess the ability to
understand concepts are (a) restating a concept; (b) clarifying
objects according to certain characteristics according to the concept;
(c) applying problem solving algorithms or algorithms. There are
several indicators that have been represented by other indicators,
such as indicators that present concepts in various forms of
mathematical representation, including indicators that clarify objects
according to certain characteristics according to the concept. Other
indicators are indicators of developing necessary requirements or
sufficient requirements for a concept included in the indicators
applying the problem solving algorithm or algorithm.
Based on these descriptions, the author wishes to conduct
research with the title "The Effect of STAD Type Cooperative
Learning on Understanding the Mathematical Concept of Class VIII
Students of MTs N Pekanbaru". The formulation of the problems
examined in this study are: (1) is the understanding of the
mathematical concept of students who follow STAD type
cooperative learning higher than the conceptual comprehension
ability of students who take conventional learning? (2) is the
understanding of the concept of high-ability early students taught by
STAD-type cooperative learning higher than high-skilled students
who are taught with conventional learning? (3) is the understanding
of the concept of low-ability early students taught by STAD type
cooperative learning higher than those of low initial ability taught by
conventional learning?.
This type of research is quasi-experimental research
(quasi-experiment) because the class selected as a sample is
already in the form of a group, researchers do not form groups
anymore. The experimental class will get the STAD type
cooperative learning model and the control group that gets
conventional learning. The research design used is the Randomized
Control Only Design design. Research design can be seen in table
1 below:
Table 1. Research Design.
Source : Suryabrata (2004: 104)
X: Cooperative learning type STAD
Q: Test given to the experimental class and control at the end of
the study
The population in this study which is the population are all Class
VIII MTsN Pekanbaru students in the academic year 2012/2013.
The sample in this study was taken two classes namely one
experimental class and another as a control class. The class that
Wahyuni International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2019, pp. 168-172
will be used in this study is class VIII Pekanbaru MTsN. Sampling is
done by drawing using paper rolls. The paper reads the name of the
school along with class VIII which becomes the population. The
paper roll consists of 11 pieces, namely 7 classes at Simpang Tiga
MTsN and 4 classes at Muara Fajar MTsN. The first class taken is
class VIII.3 MTsN Simpang Tiga is designated as the experimental
class and the next one is class VIII.4 MTsN Muara Fajar is defined
as the control class.
The initial ability test is a test that the teacher uses to know
students' initial abilities before entering new material. The initial
ability test was also used to determine students based on their initial
mathematical ability categories into both groups, namely groups of
high-ability early students and groups of low-ability early students.
Grouping students based on their initial abilities is based on the
average score of the initial ability test of the experimental class and
the control class, then the value is sorted from highest to lowest.
To get a good initial test, do the following steps:
a. Make a grid about the initial ability test
b. Arrange the initial ability test questions
c. Validate the initial ability test questions
d. Make revisions
e. Test the initial ability test
f. Conduct an analysis of the initial ability test questions
To get a good initial ability test question, then a problem
analysis is carried out with the following steps: (1) Test the Validity
of Item (2), 2) Distinguishing Power, (3) Index of difficulty in
question, (4) Problem classification, (5 ) Test reliability
The final test is a test given to the sample class at the end of
learning, which is useful for measuring the students' ability to
understand concepts. The steps used in the final test are the same
as the initial test. The final test used is in accordance with the
indicators of the ability to understand the concept of this test in the
form of a description. To see the understanding of students'
mathematical concepts from the questions given, the scoring rubric
for understanding mathematical concepts is used as shown in table
2 below.
Table 2. Scoring Rubric Understanding Mathematical Concepts.
Declare a
There is
no answer
is there,
but it is
not right
Able to
reiterate a
but the
answer is
Being able
a concept
but there
are few
The right
able to
restate a
according to
cs in
with the
There are
s exist,
but less
ng to
nce with
Able to
to certain
to the
but wrong
Able to
to certain
to the
but there
are few
able to
to certain
to the
No answer
is there,
but it is
not right
to apply
m or
Able to
to solve
but wrong
Able to
to solve
but there
are few
able to
apply the
to solve
Source: Modifiction from Fauzan (2012:15)
The data of the research results described are data about the final
test of students 'conceptual understanding, both overall and in
terms of students' initial abilities taught by STAD type cooperative
learning and conventional learning. Data about the test results
understanding the mathematical concepts of the experimental class
students and the control class both as a whole and those with high
initial abilities and those with low initial abilities were obtained after
the final test was conducted. Data on understanding concepts in the
experimental class and control class can be seen in table 3.
Table 3.Distribution of Mathematical Concept Understanding
Ability Test Results
From Table 3, it can be seen that the average test of
understanding the mathematical concepts of students as a whole
using STAD type cooperative learning is higher than the average
conceptual understanding of students using conventional learning.
The variance and standard deviation of the experimental class are
higher than the control class, this means that the academic abilities
of the experimental class students are more diverse than the control
The average test of understanding the mathematical concepts
of high and low initial ability students in the experimental class is
higher than the control class. Variance and standard deviation of the
experimental class are higher than the control class. In other words,
understanding the mathematical concepts of high and low initial
ability students in the experimental class taught by STAD type
cooperative learning is more diverse than the control class taught
by conventional learning.
1) Normality test
The normality test was carried out on the test scores
understanding the mathematical concepts of the experimental class
students and control class students, both high-skilled students and
low-skilled students. The normality test was carried out using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. From the results of the normality test, all
the values of Sig. smaller than the real level (α = 0.05). This means
that the concept understanding test value data is not normally
Wahyuni International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2019, pp. 168-172
2) Hypothesis testing
Based on the sample class normality test, it is known that test
data understanding of mathematical concepts of students is not
normally distributed, so for testing hypotheses, non parametric
statistics are used, namely by using the Mann-Whitney U test. This
hypothesis test is used to determine whether understanding
mathematical concepts of students participating in cooperative
learning the STAD type is higher than the conceptual understanding
of students who take conventional learning. Testing this hypothesis
is done using the Mann-Whitney U test. It is obtained that the test
results of understanding the mathematical concepts of students
have Sig. <real level (α = 0.05) means reject H0. Thus it can be
concluded that understanding the mathematical concepts of
students who follow STAD type cooperative learning is higher than
the conceptual understanding of students who take conventional
To test the hypothesis of understanding the mathematical
concepts of students with high initial abilities, it is used to find out
whether the conceptual understanding of high-ability students who
are taught by STAD type cooperative learning is higher than those
of high initial students who are taught by conventional learning.
Testing this hypothesis is done by using the Mann-Whitney U test.
From the calculation it is obtained that the test results of
understanding the mathematical concept have a Sig. <real level
= 0.05) means reject H0. Thus it can be concluded that the
understanding of the concept of high-ability early students taught by
STAD type cooperative learning is higher than the high-skilled
students who are taught by conventional learning.
To test the hypothesis the understanding of mathematical
concepts of students with low initial abilities is used to find out
whether the conceptual understanding of low-ability students who
are taught by STAD type cooperative learning is higher than those
with low initial ability taught by conventional learning. Testing this
hypothesis is done using the Mann-Whitney U test. Based on the
calculation, it can be seen that the test results of understanding the
mathematical concept have the Sig. <real level = 0.05) means
reject H0. Thus it can be concluded that the understanding of the
concept of low initial ability students taught by STAD type
cooperative learning is higher than the low initial ability students
taught by conventional learning.
The results of understanding the concepts in the experimental
class and the control class can be seen in the graph like Figure 1.
Figure 1. Graph of Students' Concept Understanding Ability
In Figure 1, it can be seen that the lines on the graph that show
the value of the final test understand the concept of students in the
experimental class and in the control class. Based on these images
it can be said that the conceptual understanding of students who
are highly capable in the experimental class is higher than those of
high-ability students in the control class. This can be seen from the
difference in the average difference between the experimental class
and the control class is 0.75. In the picture it can also be seen that
low-ability students in the experimental class are higher than those
with low ability in the control class. This can be seen from the
difference in the average difference between the experimental class
and the control class is 1.5. From the statement above, it can be
said that the conceptual understanding of students in the
experimental class is higher than the students in the control class.
In testing the first hypothesis it was found that understanding the
concepts of students who were taught using the STAD type
cooperative model was higher than conventional learning. This is
because learning is done in both classes. STAD type cooperative
learning prioritizes student activities during the learning process,
learning like this will be more meaningful for students. In contrast to
conventional classes, where the learning role of the teacher is more
dominant in the learning process, so students tend to only receive
information provided by the teacher so that they cannot understand
the concepts that are well-studied.
Understanding the concept is more meaningful for students
because they will share the award if they can solve the questions
given by the teacher. This is in line with Lie's opinion (2007: 6)
cooperative learning of two or more individuals depending on each
other to get the same award.
Based on the initial ability, for the second hypothesis it was
found that the conceptual understanding of students with high initial
abilities who participated in learning with STAD type cooperative
learning was higher than the conceptual understanding of students
with high initial abilities in conventional classes. High-ability
students have a very important role in the group, because it can
help students understand the concepts that exist in the LKS
To see the level of students' understanding of the questions
given, it can be seen from the way students write their answers or
write down the information obtained from the questions. Based on
the answer sheet test high-ability students in the experimental class,
students are generally able to provide answers or information from
the questions that are done well. Figure 2 shows students in
answering indicator number 1 which is clarifying objects according
to certain characteristics according to the concept.
Figure 2. Answers of students who answered the indicator
question no. 1 in the experimental class
Based on the answers of the students above, the student is able
to understand the purpose of the problem. The first step taken by
the student is to make the cube image correctly, then by knowing
the concept that is on the cube, the student can clarify the
Wahyuni International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2019, pp. 168-172
properties of the cube based on known information on the problem.
Unlike conventional learning, high-ability early students are
accustomed to accepting and memorizing the concepts conveyed
by the teacher in the learning process. The tendency to memorize
makes students less understanding in answering questions. Figure
3 is a highly capable answer that is taught with conventional
learning in working on the indicator number 1 which is clarifying
objects according to certain characteristics according to the
Figure 3. Answers of students who answered the indicator
question no. 1 in the control class
By looking at figure 3 above, the student is able to draw the
cube correctly, but because of the tendency to memorize, the
student mentions all the properties in the cube without
understanding that only the nature of the ribs and the width of the
side are asked in the questions.
The results of the testing of the third hypothesis found that there
is a conceptual understanding of students with low initial abilities
who take part in learning with STAD type cooperative learning
higher than the conceptual understanding of students with low initial
ability in conventional classes. STAD type cooperative learning
students learn in small groups that allow positive interactions
between group members. Unlike conventional learning, students
learn individually.
From the description of the understanding of the concepts that
have been explained and based on the results of the final test
average understanding of concepts of high-ability students as well
as those with low initial abilities in the experimental class are higher
than the final test comprehension concept of high and low initial
students in the control class . With this, it means that there is the
effect of the STAD type cooperative learning model on
understanding students 'concepts, because given the treatment with
STAD learning students become trained in solving problems that
require understanding concepts so as to improve students'
conceptual understanding. Thus it can be concluded that
understanding the concept of high and low ability early students
who attend STAD learning is higher than the conceptual
understanding of students with high and low initial abilities who
follow conventional learning.
Based on data analysis and discussion, it was concluded that:
a. understanding of the mathematical concept of students who
follow STAD type cooperative learning is higher than the
conceptual understanding of students who take conventional
b. understanding the concept of high-ability early students who are
taught by STAD type cooperative learning is higher than
high-preliminary students who are taught by conventional
c. understanding the concept of low-ability early students taught
by STAD type cooperative learning is higher than low
initial-capable students taught with conventional learning.
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Ongoing advancements have profoundly reshaped the development of educational media, with validity being a pivotal factor in creating high-quality products, representing a critical phase in their development. In essence, validity holds a key position in the production of superior educational materials. The primary objective of this study is to design and assess the validity of interactive multimedia-based mathematics learning tools using Adobe Flash CS6. This research belongs to the category of Research and Development (R&D) or developmental research. The methodology adopted for this developmental research follows a modified Plomp procedure, involving three of its five stages: the initial investigation phase, the development phase or prototyping, and the assessment phase. To gauge the validity of the media, the research employs a validation sheet as the data collection instrument. The analysis process entails scoring based on assessments made by the validator. The outcomes of the validation testing indicate that the media is deemed highly valid, achieving an impressive validation rate of 90.59%. The media is now deemed ready for use with only minor revisions required. One notable advantage of this learning media is its compact size, ensuring compatibility with all computer types, including those with low specifications.
... Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut kompetensi pedagogik bagi guru sangat diperlukan karena dengan kompetensi tersebut guru dapat merancang media pembelajaran, mengembangkan dan memanfaatkan teknologi pembelajaran guna mencapai tujuan pembelajaran (Rudi Setiawan, 2020). Mengingat pentingnya dalam mengajar matematika, guru harus mampu melatih siswa dalam belajar matematika agar tujuan pembelajaran di sekolah bisa tercapai (Wahyuni P, 2019). Salah satu usaha untuk mewujudkan tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran itu dengan baik adalah dibutuhkannya kreatifitas seorang pengajar dalam memilih media pembelajaran agar dapat terjadi komunikasi yang baik dengan siswa. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeksripsikan validasi media pembelajaran matematika yang berupa video pada materi Persamaan Linear Satu Variabel (PLSV) pada siswa SMP. Media video pembelajaran matematika ini mengadopsi dari model procedural menurut (Alessi & Trollip. Stephen M, 2001) yaitu Planning, Design, Development. Produk pada penelitian ini adalah media pembelajaran matematika berupa video pada materi Persamaan Linear Satu Variable (PLSV) Pada siswa SMP kelas VIII Kota Sukabumi. Validasi ini melibatkan empat orang validator diantaranya 1 orang dosen ahli materi, 1 orang dosen ahli media, 1 orang dosen ahli dalam Bahasa dan 1 orang dosen ahli dalam pembelajaran. Adapun lembar validasi menggunakan lembar validasi berbentuk skala likert terhadap video pembelajaran matematika. Adapun penelitian ini menghasilkan video pembelajaran matematika pada materi Persamaan Linear Satu Variabel (PLSV) dengan hasil penilaian oleh ahli materi dengan rata-rata skor (3,64) 91,07%, hasil penilaian oleh ahli media dengan skor rata-rata (3,93) 98,21%, hasil penilaian oleh ahli bahasa dengan rata-rata (3,90) 97,50%, dan hasil penilaian oleh ahli pembelajaran dengan skor rata-rata (4,00) 100%. Berdasarkan rata-rata dari keempat validasi tersebut mencapai (3,87) 96,35%. Dengan demikian kriteria media pembelajaran matematika berupa video secara keseluruhuan sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kriteria sangat valid.
... Kenyataannya, banyak siswa yang tidak menyukai pembelajaran matematika, hal ini dikarenakan pembelajaran matematika yang dianggap rumit oleh sebagian besar siswa (Ardilla & Hartanto, 2017). Siswa sulit untuk mengerti konsep dari materi matematika, juga menjadi alasan siswa untuk tidak menyukai pembelajaran matematika, hal ini menyebabkan rendahnya hasil belajar siswa (Wahyuni, 2019). Matematika menjadi pelajaran yang membosankan dan monoton dimata siswa sebab tidak adanya variasi yang dapat menarik minat siswa (Prasasty & Utaminingtyas, 2020). ...
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Belajar merupakan hal yang harus dilakukan semua siswa, sehingga faktor –faktor yang mempengaruhi proses belajar siswa penting untuk diketahui, salah satu pendukung proses belajar adalah minat siswa. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi, penting menarik minat siswa dalam penggunaan teknologi pada proses belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis minat belajar matematika siswa dalam menggunakan aplikasi scratch pada materi trigonometri. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskripsi kuantitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket yang disebarkan secara online melalui Google Form. Perangkat sudah teruji kevalidannya memalui uji validitas dengan instrumen angket. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada semester ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021 terhadap 15 orang siswa Kelas X SMA selama 2 kali pertemuan. Temuan penelitian ini adalah adanya minat belajar siswa menggunakan scratch pada materi trigonometri yang dibuktikan melalui rata-rata persentase minat belajar siswa sebesar 77,6% dengan kategori tinggi. Dari hasil data penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa tingginya minat belajar matematika siswa menggunakan aplikasi scratch pada materi trigonometri.
... Understanding mathematical concepts is a fundamental ability that students must possess in order to be able to solve math problems and daily problems [5].Understanding mathematical concepts is an important ability that students must master to be proficient in mathematics learning and influence students in solving problems [11]. In addition, understanding mathematical concepts are different from simply memorizing concepts [12]. Understanding the concept requires giving good direction from the teacher so that the concept given to the student can be understood. ...
Conference Paper
Learning mathematics is the process of providing learning experiences to students so that students understand mathematical concepts. Ownership of an excellent conceptual understanding can help students to solve math problems. Understanding can be interpreted as a process to explain and interpret things creatively. The concept is defined as everything drawn to the mind in the form of ideas. Understanding the concept of mathematics is a fundamental understanding that students must possess in order to be able to solve everyday problems.This study aims to determine the math concept of understanding test results on the cartesian coordinate material of grade VIII students at SMP Negeri 1 Jereweh in terms of gender. This type of research is qualitatif. The subject of the study was a class VIII student of 23 learners in SMP Negeri 1 Jerteweh. Techniques and instruments of data collection in research are to use a test of understanding mathematical concepts that have been studied by experts and declared valid. Data analysis techniques used descriptive methods. The results showed that understanding the mathematical concepts of grade VIII students at SMP Negeri 1 Jereweh belonged to the moderate category.This is evidenced by the spread of the number of students in the moderate category of 15 students from 23 students with a percentage of 65.22%. In addition, the results showed that understanding the mathematical concepts of female students was better than that of male students.
... Mengingat pentingnya dalam mengajar matematika, guru harus mampu melatih siswa dalam belajar matematika agar tujuan pembelajaran di sekolah bisa tercapai (P. Wahyuni, 2019). Salah satu tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai yakni meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika berbasis pendekatan Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) pada materi sistem persamaan linear dua variabel (SPLDV) yang teruji kevalidannya. Bentuk penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) dan model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMPS Methodist Pekanbaru dan pelaksanaannya pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Objek penelitian berupa perangkat pembelajaran Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) berbasis pendekatan RME pada materi SPLDV kelas VIII SMP. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar validasi RPP dan LKPD. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran RPP diperoleh nilai rata-rata 88,59% dengan kategori sangat valid dan LKPD nilai rata-rata 86,67% dengan kategori sangat valid. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis pendekatan Realistik Mathematics Education (RME) pada materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel (SPLDV) kelas VIII SMP yaitu menghasilkan RPP dan LKPD telah teruji kevalidannya sehingga dapat diujicobakan dalam skala kecil ataupun besar supaya dapat dilihat kepraktisan dan keefektifannya.
... Munculnya banyak hambatan baik dari pihak siswa maupun pihak guru sebagai pendidik terkait dengan model pembelajaran dalam penerapan pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran yang bervariasi dapat membuat siswa merasa senang dan lebih aktif mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan (Rahmadani et al., 2018;Viviyung, 2015;Wahyuni, 2019). ...
Kemajuan sector pariwisata khususnya bidang kuliner terus mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini sejalan dengan program sekolah kejuruan yang mencetak lulusan siap kerja. Salah satu menu tata boga yang sering kita jumpai dalam menu nasional maupun internasional adalah soup. Soup yang sesuai dengan standar menu hotel pariwisata membutuhkan pengolahan dan penyajian dengan prosedur yang tepat. SMKN 1 Dlanggu menangkap momentum tersebut dengan meningkatkan kompetensi siswa bidang Tata Boga. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi siswa dalam mengolah dan menyajikan soup dengan menerapkan tiga aspek yaitu konsistensi, warna, dan rasa. Model pembelajaran yang dipilih peneliti adalah menggunakan mode kooperatif tipe Students Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD). Model ini peneliti ambil dengan dasar bahwa untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa tidak hanya didapat dari guru sebgai sumber utama, namun juga sikap tolong-menolong dalam tim untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas XI TB 3 SMKN 1 Dlanggu tapel 2019/2020 semester gasal dengan lama penelitian 4 bulan yaitu dari September sampai Desember 2019
The lack of interest in student learning can occur, one of which is because the teacher lacks variety in the use of media in the learning process in the classroom. This can happen because of the lack of knowledge about various media that can be used in learning. This study aims to describe the results of the application of e-comic media to social arithmetic material, and to determine the influence of the media on junior high school students' learning interest. This study uses a quantitative approach with the type of research that is pre-experimental with a one group pre test-post test design, which consists of the independent variable (e-comic social arithmetic material) and the dependent variable (student learning interest). The research sample was 43 students who had received social arithmetic material at SMP LKIA Pontianak. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Based on the results of student responses, it was found that the application of e-comic media for social arithmetic material was classified as very good and the results of the hypothesis test stated that there was an effect of using e-comic media for social arithmetic material on students’ learning interest at SMP LKIA Pontianak.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Menganalisis konsep kemampuan pemahaman matematis, (2) Menganalisis konsep model pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD), (3) Menganalisis kemampuan pemahaman matematis melalui model pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Divisons (STAD). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustaan atau library research. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Dengan teknik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini Editing, Organizing dan Finding. Analisi data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Deduktif, Induktif, dan Histori. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Kemampuan pemahaman matematis merupakan kemampuan individu untuk memahami, menjelaskan, serta mengungkapkannya kembali suatu materi pelajaran, dalam pelajaran matematika individu dapat menggunakan konsep, dapat menserjemahkan ke dalam bentuk lain misalnya dari kata-kata menjadi simbol, tabel, grafik, atau bentuk lainnya serta dapat menginterpretasikan ke bentuk penjelasan ringkasan, dan mengaplikasikannya pada kasus yang sederhana atau khusus, (2) Model pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) menuntut peserta didik secara aktif yang terdiri dari lima langkah, yaitu: penyajian materi, pembagian kelompok,tes individual,perhitungan skor individu, dan rekognisi kelompok , (3) Kemampuan pemahaman matematis di tingkatan Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) mengalami peningkatan setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Divison (STAD).
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Describing the ability of PGSD students to understand mathematical concepts in the subject of basic mathematical concepts, as well as identifying students' difficulties in these subjects are the basic objectives of this study. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method. 23 students of the PGSD study program were used as subjects in this study. Data collection in this study used tests and documentation. The data analysis used was descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of data analysis obtained on the average score of students' ability to understand mathematical concepts is 60.35 so that they are grouped in the sufficient category. As for the details, there are 2 students in the very good category, 6 students in the good category, and 15 students in the sufficient category. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the ability to understand mathematical concepts of PGSD students in the subject of basic mathematical concepts is still in the sufficient category.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Peningkatan hasil belajar melalui penerapan metode pembelajaran Snowball Throwing pada pelajaran pengetahuan bahan makanan siswa kelas X Kuliner 1 SMK Negeri 2 singaraja semester genap tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2020 sampai dengan Maret 2020 di SMK N 2 Singaraja. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X Kuliner 1 SMK N 2 Singaraja berjumlah 40 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi catatan lapangan, observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Uji kualitas instrumen yang dilakukan adalah validitas instrumen dengan menggunakan pendapat dari ahli (judgment experts). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) metode pembelajaran Snowball Throwing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan persentase skor keaktifan belajar sebesar 14,87% dari 73,15% pada siklus I menjadi 88,02% pada siklus II, 2) metode pembelajaran Snowball Throwing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan rata-rata dari pre test sebesar 48,71 menjadi 89,79 pada post test. Saat post test seluruh siswa sudah mencapai ketuntasan belajar.
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The results of the Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA) survey published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) show that Indonesia is still a country with low mathematical literacy skills. The ability of mathematical literacy is closely related to interpreting contextual problems into mathematical language. In modern times like today, what is needed is not only mathematics as arithmetic, but also mathematical literacy is needed related to mathematical reasoning and problem solving. The government has included contextual aspects of the curriculum applied in schools. However, in reality many schools still do not have contextual abilities that are in line with the still low literacy abilities of students in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical literacy process in senior high schools which in this study were students with majoring in science and students with majoring in social studies. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects were grade X students majoring in science and majoring in social studies. The instruments used in this study were the authors themselves, math literacy questions sheets, and interview guidelines. The results showed that the mathematics literacy process of high school students obtained was both students with majoring in Natural Sciences and students with majoring in Social Sciences are 1) The social science students have been able to reasoning and planning to solve the problem well, even though there still mistakes. The natural science students well in calculation and use formula. However, the natural science students are unable not to argue mathematically and express opinions. 2) the social science students are not good at reasoning and planning to solve the problem, however well in express what students thought verbally. For diagrams translate and solve to math language, the students from social science still difficult. Use of formula in natural science students still not right.
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This study aims to determine the relationship between gender and students’ thinking skills and compare their score between male and female based on their level of thinking skills. Moreover, the result of this study can also be used to evaluate the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum on mathematics junior high school especially Higher-Order Thinking Skills. The method used in this study is ex-post facto, with a population of all 7th grade public junior high schools students in Banjarmasin city. Sample taken were 391 students, divided into 6 schools that were selected randomly. The instrument used is 16 multiple choice test that is valid and reliable. This developed test respectively focused on measuring thinking skills, namely Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating. The result showed that female students were better than male students in almost all of the thinking skills, except Creating. However, there is no relationship between gender and thinking skills.
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This study aimed to describe the process of critical thinking of students in solving mathematical problems in algebraic viewed from the differences in cognitive styles-Verbalizer Visualizer. The description of the thinking process was based on Polya’s problem-solving indicator namely understanding the problems, developing plans, implementing problem-solving activities, and to re-examining the results obtained. The research instrument includes the researcher himself, tests of cognitive style, problem-solving task, and the interview guideline. The data analysis was performed by means of data reduction, data presentation, interpretation of data, and drawing conclusions. The study concluded that the visualizer subject disclosed the acknowledged information and asked to use the images and algebraic notation, used a variety of strategies to solve problems, performed calculations by taking into account the things we need and recheck the answer in detail. Verbalizer Subject, however, was able to disclose the acknowledged information and questioned using mathematics formula without using pictures and notation. In terms of making plans for the completion, the subject merely used one step-finishing process. In determining the final outcome, verbalizer subject rechecked every step of the finishing by recalling and paying attention to the proper answers
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The objective of this study was to describe the mathematical communication skill of junior high school students to solve mathematical problem using an assimilation and accomodation framework. This study use qualitative research method. The research data were obtained by giving a mathematical problem to 7th grade students of SMPN 40 Padang, West Sumatera. Methods use for data collection, were test, think aloud and interview. Data that had been collected were analyzed using an assimilation and accommodation framework. Based on data analysis, it was found that were three forms of student’s mathematical communication skill, namely (1) pseudo mathematical communication skill, (2) Inappropriate pseudo mathematical communication skill, and (3) imitation mathematical communication skill.
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This study aims to develop an assessment instrument of mathematical problem-solving skills in senior high school. The developed assessment instrument includes instrument outlines, items of mathematical problem-solving skill in senior high school instrument, and scoring guidelines. The development procedures include 1) Planning the test, 2) Trying out the test, and 3) Establishing the Validity Test, 4) Establishing Test Reliability, and 5) Interpreting the Test Score. The trial was conducted on 508 respondents involving 4 experts and 1 practitioner as raters. The interpretation of the results of the trial is intended to find out the instrument construction and the validity and reliability of the assessment instrument. A problem-solving skill assessment instrument has been validated by the raters. Indicators to be measured include understanding problems, formulating strategies, implementing the strategies, and interpreting the results. The reliability coefficient of the results of the trial is categorized as good in which the Cronbach Alpha value is 0.82. Therefore, the developed instrument can be used to measure the mathematical problem-solving skills in senior high school.
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Awareness of metacognition is one of mental process that occurs when a person knows what he thinks, including the knowledge and awareness to do something or realize the reason that. The purpose of this study is (1) to describe how the metacognition awareness of mathematics student and mathematics education student based on mathematical ability, and (2) to know the difference metacognitive awareness between of mathematics students with math education students based on mathematical ability. This research subject are the Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Education students of Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia. This research is ex post facto by the data analysis using descriptive and inferential approach. Descriptive approach used to describe the level of metacognitive awareness of mathematics students and mathematics education students based on his mathematical abilities, whereas inferential approach used to see the difference in metacognition awareness of mathematics students and mathematics education students based math skills. The results of this study are: (1) the level of students metacognition awareness of Mathematics Department, generally located on level strategic use and level reflective use, while the level of students metacognition awareness of Education Mathematics Department, generally located on level aware use; (2) there is a significant difference between the awareness metacognition of math students with mathematics education student based on his mathematical abilities, and awareness metacognition of math student better than mathematics education students.
Incl. bibliographical references, app., index
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Increased Understanding of Mathematical Concepts Through Realistic Mathematic Education Assisted by Bongpas Props
  • A F Gilang
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Cooperative Learning Practices Cooperative in Classrooms
  • Anita Lie
Lie, Anita. (2007) Cooperative Learning Practices Cooperative in Classrooms. Jakarta: Grasindo.