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Hurried Child Syndrome Among Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Study to Calculate Sample Size

  • Vallabh Government College, Mandi (Himachal Pradesh)


The term 'pilot study' refers to mini version of a full-scale study. These mini version studies are one of the crucial elements of a research design and are used for many purposes, to fulfil various objectives. The main cause behind conducting any pilot trial is to calculate the sample size for finding the prevalence of particular variable(s) in research and to remove all the weaknesses which can be faced while conducting the final study. This study was carried out to calculate the prevalence of 'Hurried child syndrome' in the Indian scenario. Based on that prevalence, final sample size for the main research was calculated. Results: The prevalence of 'Hurried child syndrome' was 87.5% in the pilot study and calculated sample size was 559. Conclusion: Sample size was calculated accurately with the help of a pilot study. It also facilitated the investigators to handle the shortcomings and modify the research protocol accordingly in advance. e live in a time-regulated society, where the emphasis is on speed, prompt results, fast food and rapid services. It takes great strength and discipline to live life at a slower pace. As a result, most people follow the fast current, and this fast current is growing rapidly faster, giving rise to a problem, known as 'the 'hurried child.' Concept of the hurried child was first proposed by a child psychologist and a teacher by profession-Professor David Elkind (1981), working at the Tufts University (Medford, United States). It is a set of stress linked behaviours, which results when a child is expected by his/her parents to perform well beyond his or her level of mental, social or emotional capabilities. A condition, in which the schedule of children is overfilled, they are pushed hard for academic success, along with other extracurricular activities, and are expected to behave as replica of the adults. New family lifestyles, academic pressure, over scheduling, dynamics of media and internet, parental peer pressure, childhood moving indoors, idea of child as a consumer and dynamics of schooling, are a few factors which come under this umbrella term. These factors exist in the contemporary environment of children and adolescents, which allow them to confront numerous emotional, mental and behavioural problems.
Research Paper
The International Journal of Indian Psychology
ISSN 2348-5396 (Online) | ISSN: 2349-3429 (Print)
Volume 10, Issue 2, April- June, 2022
DIP:, DOI: 10.25215/1002.041
© 2022, Kashyap V & Sharma S K; licensee IJIP. This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Hurried Child Syndrome Among Children and Adolescents: A
Pilot Study to Calculate Sample Size
Vipasha Kashyap
*, Sunil Kumar Sharma
The term 'pilot study' refers to mini version of a full-scale study. These mini version studies
are one of the crucial elements of a research design and are used for many purposes, to fulfil
various objectives. The main cause behind conducting any pilot trial is to calculate the
sample size for finding the prevalence of particular variable(s) in research and to remove all
the weaknesses which can be faced while conducting the final study. This study was carried
out to calculate the prevalence of ‘Hurried child syndrome’ in the Indian scenario. Based on
that prevalence, final sample size for the main research was calculated. Results: The
prevalence of ‘Hurried child syndrome’ was 87.5% in the pilot study and calculated sample
size was 559. Conclusion: Sample size was calculated accurately with the help of a pilot
study. It also facilitated the investigators to handle the shortcomings and modify the research
protocol accordingly in advance.
Keywords: Pilot study, sample size, hurried child syndrome
e live in a time-regulated society, where the emphasis is on speed, prompt results,
fast food and rapid services. It takes great strength and discipline to live life at a
slower pace. As a result, most people follow the fast current, and this fast current
is growing rapidly faster, giving rise to a problem, known as the ‘hurried child. Concept
of the hurried child was first proposed by a child psychologist and a teacher by profession -
Professor David Elkind (1981), working at the Tufts University (Medford, United States). It
is a set of stress linked behaviours, which results when a child is expected by his/her parents
to perform well beyond his or her level of mental, social or emotional capabilities. A
condition, in which the schedule of children is overfilled, they are pushed hard for academic
success, along with other extracurricular activities, and are expected to behave as replica of
the adults. New family lifestyles, academic pressure, over scheduling, dynamics of media
and internet, parental peer pressure, childhood moving indoors, idea of child as a consumer
and dynamics of schooling, are a few factors which come under this umbrella term. These
factors exist in the contemporary environment of children and adolescents, which allow
them to confront numerous emotional, mental and behavioural problems. [1, 2, 3]
Department of Psychology, Vallabh Government College (Mandi)
Department of Psychology, Himachal Pradesh University (Shimla), India
*Corresponding Author
Received: January 05, 2022; Revision Received: June 03, 2022; Accepted: June 17, 2022
Hurried Child Syndrome Among Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Study to Calculate Sample Size
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 411
Usually, the developing nations look at the studies carried out in the developed world to
calculate the sample size. Studies conducted in the first world countries are kept as the frame
of reference for any research which is to be conducted in third world countries. As a result,
researchers from the third world countries restrict themselves to the data available on
Pubmed, Medline, ResearchGate and many other websites, to conduct the final research.
There is a dearth of research and specifically, quantitative data on the concept of ‘Hurried
child syndrome’. Although research has been conducted on this topic, but data is not
available about the prevalence of this condition. Hence, it was unavoidable to calculate the
sample size for the final study on this concept, based on the findings of a pilot trial.
Pilot trials are used to examine the utilized tools, procedures and processes which will be
made use of in the final work. [4, 5]. On the other hand, sample size is another critical
element of quantitative research. [6] It ascertains the minimum number of
participants/subjects which are to be included for the main study, so that the research
questions can be answered. A prerequisite of most of the empirical work is the calculation of
an adequate sample size through pre-studies. [6, 7, 8, 9]
The purpose of this study was to calculate accurate sample size, by taking an example of
prevalence of hurried child syndrome in the field settings of Himachal Pradesh (India). This
mini-investigation was also carried out to remove the procedural bugs which were to be
faced in the final study and decrease the number of unanticipated difficulties.
Study area
District Shimla of Himachal Pradesh is located in south-western Himalayan region. It lies
between 77.10’- 78.19’ E (longitude) and 30.4’- 31.44’ N (latitude). The urban and rural
areas of this district were selected for the pilot trial. Headquarters of this district are situated
in Shimla town, which covers nearly 9.2 kilometres from east to west. This urban area is
divided further into twenty-five (25) wards. Two wards were picked up through simple
random process for selecting participants to be included in the pilot test. On the other hand,
rural Shimla is divided into sixteen sub-districts (tehsils in hindi language). Out of the 16
sub-districts, again two sub districts were selected using simple random technique for
calculating sample size of the study.
Study population
Parents of children aged between 5-12 years and adolescents aged between 15-18 years were
the study population.
Inclusion criteria: The study population residing in district Shimla (urban and rural),
Himachal Pradesh was the most important inclusion criteria. Parents of the selected age
range for both the groups: 5-12 years and 15-18 years of age was also another significant
criterion of incorporation for the participants in the study.
Exclusion criteria: Parents of those children and adolescents, who did not give consent,
were excluded from the study. Parents who were having wards with diagnosed mental
illness or any chronic morbidity were also excluded from the pilot and final study.
Sample size
To estimate the sample size for this pilot trial, methods given by Browne and Teare,
Dimairo, and Shephard were utilized. [10, 11] Browne’s rule of thumb is to use at least 30
Hurried Child Syndrome Among Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Study to Calculate Sample Size
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 412
subjects or greater to estimate a parameter, whereas Teare et al., recommend a sample size
of at least 70 for pilot trials in order to reduce the imprecision around the estimate of the
standard deviation. Based on Teare and others’ ‘rule of thumb’, 70 subjects were selected
randomly from the selected areas for the study.
Sampling strategy
The sample size was divided equally into rural and urban areas. Two tehsils (sub districts) of
rural Shimla and two wards from urban Shimla were selected purposively. A total of 35
questionnaires were distributed to the participants in rural and urban areas (each). In order to
collect data from the two wards of rural and urban areas (each), snowball sampling
technique was utilized in this phase of the study. It was done to make the research cost and
time effective. For it was independent research without any funding aid.
Study tool
A structured questionnaire was utilized for the parents of children and adolescents who were
included in the study. Hurried child syndrome was labelled based on a set of forty-two (42)
questions, which was further given scores. The final scores were calculated by adding score
on each question. Lowest calculated score on the questionnaire was 117 and, the highest
calculated score was 166.
Data collection
The pre designed structured questionnaire in English and Hindi was introduced to the
participants who consented to participate. Participants, who were not comfortable with the
languages of questionnaires, were interviewed by one of the authors. The final sample
consisted of 51 subjects from two tehsils (sub-districts) of rural and two wards of urban
Shimla. The questionnaires of remaining 19 participants were rejected because of either
response bias or missing responses. The final sample size for the pilot work included: 24
parents of wards in the age group of 5-12 years (first group) and 27 parents of the
adolescents (15-18 years of age).
Data analysis
Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were utilized to form the norms, for the
categorization of scores of each subject. Prevalence was calculated based on the scores,
falling in the ‘average high’, ‘high’ and ‘very high’ category of norms (as shown in Table:
1). A score above 135 135) was considered to be taken for calculating the anticipated
Table: 1 Norms for finding the anticipated prevalence
* M stands for mean and SD stands for standard deviation
Score range
5-12 years
15-18 years
Very low (M-1/2 SD)
Low (M -1 SD)
Average low
129.34 134.87
Average high
134.87 140.40
High (M+1/2SD)
140.40 145.93
Very high (M+1SD)
˃ 145.93
Hurried Child Syndrome Among Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Study to Calculate Sample Size
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 413
Based on the data collected in the pilot phase, anticipated prevalence ‘p’ for the participants
was 87.5 (percent). It was calculated by using the total scores of all the participants on the
questionnaire. Calculated mean and standard deviation were 134.868 and 11.066
The final sample size for the study was calculated by using the formula: 4pq/𝑒2, where ‘p’ is
the anticipated prevalence of the problem being studied. For finding the suitable sample size,
the assumption usually made is that the allowable error (e) does not exceed 10% or 20% of
the positive character. [12] The sample size was calculated at the confidence interval of
ninety five percent (95%). Calculated total sample size for this study was 559. Total sample
size was divided among the rural and urban population proportionately i.e. 90:10, as 90
percent of the Indian population resides in rural areas of this country. The sample size of this
study was calculated according to the 2011 census of Himachal Pradesh. Details are given in
Table 2 and 3.
Table: 2 Detail of sample size for the selected areas
Table:3 Division of random selection of participants for the study from urban and rural
Age group
5-12 years
* 2 subjects from
each (25) ward
* 39 participants from each (10)
randomly selected sub-districts
* 6 subjects were selected randomly
from any 6 sub-districts
15-18 years
* At least 1
participant from
each (25) ward.
* 8 subjects from each (10) randomly
selected sub-district
* 4 participants were selected
randomly from any selected sub-
Pilot studies which are well planned and carried out effectively, are helpful for the entire
research process. Smaller versions of main studies even inform the researchers about the
probable results. Feasibility studies are most likely to increase the quality of research.
Results from such studies are of great help for the final research.
A feasibility study is used to assess the suitability of the main study. Assessment of
resources: time and cost mainly, along with execution and applicability are the main areas
with which a pre-test deals with. [13] Research studies take a lot of time, are frustrating, and
filled with problems which are not expected and predicted. It is better to conduct pilot works
and deal with the problem areas in advance, before devoting a large amount of time, funds,
and energy directly on a final study. [14, 16] It has been reported that, conducting a pilot
Age group
Sample size
First group
5-12 years
Second group
15-18 years
Hurried Child Syndrome Among Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Study to Calculate Sample Size
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 414
work help in facing the challenges that are likely to arise in the substantive study. Such
systematic studies also make the investigators more confident in the instruments that they
use for the process of data collection. [15, 16]
This pre-test was conducted to overcome the dearth of research and data on the prevalence
of ‘Hurried child syndrome’. Sample size was calculated based on the findings of a pilot
trial. Another major goal was to assess the efficacy of the research instrument, which was to
be used for the main study. It assisted in interrogating the flaws present in drafted
questionnaires, which were standardized after conducting the final research. Carrying out a
mini trial made the researchers aware, about most of the hindrances which were to be faced
at later stages. Most importantly, it made the entire task of investigation, testing and analysis
simpler and easier.
This pilot work was carried out with an aim of calculating the final sample size for a study.
It was also done to increase the knowledge about methodological issues of pilot studies
which are rarely reported. Conducting a pilot study does not assure success in the main
study, but it increases the likelihood of success. It fulfils a wide array of important functions
and provides valuable insights for other researchers. Researchers need to discuss among
themselves, about the process and outcomes of pilot studies. Pilot trial of studies enable the
identification of weaknesses which researchers are likely to face while execution and
analysis of the study. Investigators should be encouraged to conduct and even report their
pilot studies in detail. This will help in making preliminary improvements for the study
design and the entire research process.
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9. Altman, D.G. (1991). Practical Statistics for Medical Research. London: Chapman and
10. Browne, R.H. (1995). On the use of a pilot sample for sample size determination.
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11. Teare, M.D., Dimairo, M., & Shephard, N. (2014). Sample size requirements to
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12. Mahajan, B.K. (2011). Methods in Biostatistics. (7th ed.). Jaypee Publications, 6, 82-85.
13. Gudmundsdottir, G. B., & Brock-Utne, B. (2010). An exploration of the importance of
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14. Mason, D.J. & Zuercher, S.L. (1995). Pilot studies in clinical nursing research. Journal
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15. Malmqvist, J., Hellberg, K., Mollas, G., Rose, R. & Shevlin, M. (2019). Conducting the
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The author(s) appreciates all those who participated in the study and helped to facilitate the
research process.
Conflict of Interest
The author(s) declared no conflict of interest.
How to cite this article: Kashyap V & Sharma S K (2022). Hurried Child Syndrome Among
Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Study to Calculate Sample Size. International Journal of
Indian Psychology, 10(2), 410-415. DIP:, DOI:10.25215/1002.041
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During the development of research to compare the processes and impact of inclusive education in Sweden with results obtained from a study undertaken in Ireland, a pilot study was conducted and documented. The pilot study had three aims: (1) to gather data to provide guidance for a substantive study adapted to Swedish conditions through modification of Irish research procedures and instruments, (2) to critically interrogate how we as researchers could most effectively conduct a pilot study utilizing observational and video-recorded data, and (3) to use the Irish theoretical model as a tool of analysis for studying inclusion in two Swedish schools. Although pilot studies are frequently conducted to assess the efficacy of research instruments for use in qualitative research projects, few publications have drawn upon empirical findings related to such studies. Additionally, while methodological texts recommend the use of pilot studies in qualitative research, there is a lack of reported research focusing on how to conduct such pilot studies. We argue that our methodological findings may contribute to greater awareness of the important role that a pilot study may have for full-scale qualitative research projects, for example, in case study research where semi-structured qualitative interviews are used. This argument is based on the assumption that researchers, and especially novice researchers, having conducted a pilot study will be better informed and prepared to face the challenges that are likely to arise in the substantive study and more confident in the instruments to be used for data collection. A proper analysis of the procedures and results from the pilot study facilitates the identification of weaknesses that may be addressed. A carefully organized and managed pilot study has the potential to increase the quality of the research as results from such studies can inform subsequent parts of the research process.
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Sample size justification is an important consideration when planning a clinical trial, not only for the main trial but also for any preliminary pilot trial. When the outcome is a continuous variable, the sample size calculation requires an accurate estimate of the standard deviation of the outcome measure. A pilot trial can be used to get an estimate of the standard deviation, which could then be used to anticipate what may be observed in the main trial. However, an important consideration is that pilot trials often estimate the standard deviation parameter imprecisely. This paper looks at how we can choose an external pilot trial sample size in order to minimise the sample size of the overall clinical trial programme, that is, the pilot and the main trial together. We produce a method of calculating the optimal solution to the required pilot trial sample size when the standardised effect size for the main trial is known. However, as it may not be possible to know the standardised effect size to be used prior to the pilot trial, approximate rules are also presented. For a main trial designed with 90% power and two-sided 5% significance, we recommend pilot trial sample sizes per treatment arm of 75, 25, 15 and 10 for standardised effect sizes that are extra small (≤0.1), small (0.2), medium (0.5) or large (0.8), respectively. © The Author(s) 2015.
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Background External pilot or feasibility studies can be used to estimate key unknown parameters to inform the design of the definitive randomised controlled trial (RCT). However, there is little consensus on how large pilot studies need to be, and some suggest inflating estimates to adjust for the lack of precision when planning the definitive RCT. Methods We use a simulation approach to illustrate the sampling distribution of the standard deviation for continuous outcomes and the event rate for binary outcomes. We present the impact of increasing the pilot sample size on the precision and bias of these estimates, and predicted power under three realistic scenarios. We also illustrate the consequences of using a confidence interval argument to inflate estimates so the required power is achieved with a pre-specified level of confidence. We limit our attention to external pilot and feasibility studies prior to a two-parallel-balanced-group superiority RCT. Results For normally distributed outcomes, the relative gain in precision of the pooled standard deviation (SDp) is less than 10% (for each five subjects added per group) once the total sample size is 70. For true proportions between 0.1 and 0.5, we find the gain in precision for each five subjects added to the pilot sample is less than 5% once the sample size is 60. Adjusting the required sample sizes for the imprecision in the pilot study estimates can result in excessively large definitive RCTs and also requires a pilot sample size of 60 to 90 for the true effect sizes considered here. Conclusions We recommend that an external pilot study has at least 70 measured subjects (35 per group) when estimating the SDp for a continuous outcome. If the event rate in an intervention group needs to be estimated by the pilot then a total of 60 to 100 subjects is required. Hence if the primary outcome is binary a total of at least 120 subjects (60 in each group) may be required in the pilot trial. It is very much more efficient to use a larger pilot study, than to guard against the lack of precision by using inflated estimates.
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In this article we illustrate how the piloting process has influenced two widely different studies within the educational sciences. These studies differ in design but have as a common denominator that they used piloting methods in their preparatory process. They are also similar in the intention of the main researchers of conducting research with a critical edge. In the first case study described, our solidarity lies with the disadvantaged school children of South Africa. In the second case study, our solidarity lies with a group of teachers who through an action research project wanted to question a school policy that they do not feel benefits all school children in the Norwegian lower secondary school. The two cases are presented separately and explore the change in conceptual and methodological emphasis in the research procedure. We emphasize how important the piloting and access processes are in order to learn from them and reduce mistakes in the main research design. We argue that both piloting and gaining access can be seen as a form of action research, in that the intention is to learn and to change future action; that is, the purpose is to find out how to conduct a project more effectively. A reflective piloting phase is likely to increase the validity of the research results and can in itself be viewed as action research. Through the piloting phase, learning that may prove invaluable for the later research process is likely to take place. As piloting can be of great value for research results, it should also be given much greater attention in the research literature in general. While the best case scenarios are overrepresented in the research literature, the learning from and of flaws and imperfections that are discovered in the piloting stages of research is equally important for the research community as well as for the actual participants in the researching process. Yet this is under utilized and often left under‐reported.
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One of the most common requests that statisticians get from investigators are sample size calculations or sample size justifications. The sample size is the number of patients or other experimental units included in a study, and determining the sample size required to answer the research question is one of the first steps in designing a study. Although most statistical textbooks describe techniques for sample size calculation, it is often difficult for investigators to decide which method to use. There are many formulas available which can be applied for different types of data and study designs. However, all of these formulas should be used with caution since they are sensitive to errors, and small differences in selected parameters can lead to large differences in the sample size. In this paper, we discuss the basic principles of sample size calculations, the most common pitfalls and the reporting of these calculations.
Describes some troubling behaviors of young adolescents in the context of the affective significance of intellectual processes, derived from the work of Jean Piaget. Young adolescents often overlook what is obvious to others and seek complex reasons for simple occurrences. Such behavior can be related to the fact that young adolescents do not have formal operations, which appear at about 11–22 yrs, fully under control. They are able to conceive different alternatives without having learned to assign priorities and make the most appropriate choice. While the acquisition of formal operations gives them the ability to think about other people's thinking, they fail to distinguish what is of interest to others from what is of interest to themselves. The hypocrisy of young adolescents represents a combination of the newly acquired capacity to express ideals and formulate general principles of behavior with an incapacity to recognize the practical difficulties involved in realizing ideals and applying the general principles to concrete behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The importance of conducting and reporting pilot studies: the example of the Scottish Births Survey Background. In many research papers, pilot studies are only reported as a means of justifying the methods. This justification might refer to the overall research design, or simply to the validity and reliability of the research tools. It is unusual for reports of pilot studies to include practical problems faced by the researcher(s). Pilot studies are relevant to best practice in research, but their potential for other researchers appears to be ignored. Objective. The primary aim of this study was to identify the most appropriate method for conducting a national survey of maternity care. Methods. Pilot studies were conducted in five hospitals to establish the best of four possible methods of approaching women, distributing questionnaires and encouraging the return of these questionnaires. Variations in the pilot studies included (a) whether or not the questionnaires were anonymous, (b) the staff involved in distributing the questionnaires and (c) whether questionnaires were distributed via central or local processes. For this purpose, five maternity hospitals of different sizes in Scotland were included. Results. Problems in contacting women as a result of changes in the Data Protection Act (1998) required us to rely heavily on service providers. However, this resulted in a number of difficulties. These included poor distribution rates in areas where distribution relied upon service providers, unauthorized changes to the study protocol and limited or inaccurate information regarding the numbers of questionnaires distributed. Conclusions. The pilot raised a number of fundamental issues related to the process of conducting a large-scale survey, including the method of distributing the questionnaire, gaining access to patients, and reliance on ‘gatekeepers’. This paper highlights the lessons learned as well as the balancing act of using research methods in the most optimal way under the combined pressure of time, ethical considerations and the influences of stakeholders. Reporting the kinds of practical issues that occur during pilot studies might help others avoid similar pitfalls and mistakes.
As clinical nursing research gains prominence in the profession, the need for, and advantages of, pilot studies are increasing. This article describes the purposes of pilot studies, the potential positive and negative outcomes of these studies, and three examples of pilot studies with different outcomes. The emphasis is on issues related to clinical nursing research, particularly research done in acute care settings.