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Neurotoxicity and Other Clinical Manifestations of a Common European Adder (Vipera berus) Bite in Romania


Abstract and Figures

Most cases of envenomation by common European vipers (Vipera berus) have not been reported to have neurotoxic manifestations. However, these manifestations have been demonstrated in some cases of envenomation by subspecies of V. berus, found in the Carpathian Basin region of south-eastern Europe. Here, we report the case of a 5-year-old girl from the south of Romania who presented symptoms of neurotoxicity, as well as other systemic and local symptoms, after being bitten by an adder of the V. berus subspecies. Treatment consisted of monovalent antivenom, a corticosteroid, and prophylactic enoxaparin. Neurotoxic manifestations of envenomation as well as other local and systemic symptoms improved within 5 days of treatment. The presented case shows that venom from V. berus subspecies found in the Carpathian Basin can have neurotoxic effects. This case also confirmed the efficacy of monospecific antivenom treatment in bringing about rapid and complete remission, following envenomation.
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Citation: Nit
,escu, G.V.; Ulmeanu,
C.E.; Cr˘aciun, M.-D.; Ciuc˘a, A.M.;
Ulici, A.; Ghira, I.; Lonati, D.
Neurotoxicity and Other Clinical
Manifestations of a Common
European Adder (Vipera berus) Bite in
Romania. Toxins 2022,14, 500.
Received: 17 June 2022
Accepted: 13 July 2022
Published: 18 July 2022
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Case Report
Neurotoxicity and Other Clinical Manifestations of a Common
European Adder (Vipera berus) Bite in Romania
Gabriela Viorela Nit
,escu 1, 2, *, Coriolan Emil Ulmeanu 1,2, Maria-Dorina Crăciun 2,3 , Alina Maria Ciucă2,
Alexandru Ulici 2,4 , Ioan Ghira 5and Davide Lonati 6
Department of Pediatrics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, 020021 Bucharest, Romania;
2Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children “Grigore Alexandrescu”, 011743 Bucharest, Romania; (M.-D.C.); (A.M.C.); (A.U.)
3Department of Epidemiology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”,
020021 Bucharest, Romania
4Department of Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”,
020021 Bucharest, Romania
5Romanian Association of Herpetology, 400006 Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
6Poison Control Centre and National Toxicology Information Centre, Toxicology Unit, IRCCS,
Maugeri Foundation, 27100 Pavia, Italy;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +40-744-389-869
Most cases of envenomation by common European vipers (Vipera berus) have not been
reported to have neurotoxic manifestations. However, these manifestations have been demonstrated
in some cases of envenomation by subspecies of V. berus, found in the Carpathian Basin region of
south-eastern Europe. Here, we report the case of a 5-year-old girl from the south of Romania who
presented symptoms of neurotoxicity, as well as other systemic and local symptoms, after being bitten
by an adder of the V. berus subspecies. Treatment consisted of monovalent antivenom, a corticosteroid,
and prophylactic enoxaparin. Neurotoxic manifestations of envenomation as well as other local and
systemic symptoms improved within 5 days of treatment. The presented case shows that venom
from V. berus subspecies found in the Carpathian Basin can have neurotoxic effects. This case also
confirmed the efficacy of monospecific antivenom treatment in bringing about rapid and complete
remission, following envenomation.
neurotoxicity; Berus Viper; common European viper; child; monospecific antivenom;
south Romania
Key Contribution:
V. berus subspecies from the Carpathian Basin can have neurotoxic effects. Treat-
ment with antivenom serum proved to be efficient with complete remission after use.
1. Introduction
According to the Romanian Society of Herpetology, the only venomous snakes in
Romania are adders (also known as vipers). These can be classified under three species,
namely, Vipera berus,Vipera ammodytes, and Vipera ursinii [
]. Clinical manifestations of
envenomation by these adders vary and may be local or systemic. Systemic manifestations
of envenomation may present as gastrointestinal, cardiac, neurological, and/or respiratory
symptoms, and may also include anaphylactic reactions and coagulopathy [
]. Neu-
rotoxic manifestations are considered unusual; in most cases published in Europe, these
manifestations were attributed to V. aspis [
], and not to V. berus. Nevertheless, clini-
cal symptoms of neurotoxicity in V. berus bites were observed as far back as 2008, when
Malina et al.
reported a previously healthy 27-year-old man bitten by a V. berus in eastern
Hungary [
] Later, in 2017, the same author also showed the possibility of neurotoxic
Toxins 2022,14, 500.
Toxins 2022,14, 500 2 of 8
manifestations of V. berus envenomation during an experimental study of V. berus venom
of adders from the same region. [
]. In this case report, we document the presence of
symptoms of neurotoxicity and the development of these symptoms, as well as other
associated clinical manifestations of envenomation, in a 5-year-old girl from south Roma-
nia, who was bitten by a common European viper (V. berus). The study was conducted
according to the provisions of the “EU Guidelines for the Promotion and Protection of the
Rights of the Child” and was approved by the Ethics Committee of the hospital (Protocol
Code 15351/02.06.2022).
2. Case Report
A previously healthy 5-year-old girl was bitten on her right leg by a viper near her
house, in south Romania. Twelve hours later, she was presented to our clinic, after being
transferred from a local hospital.
On admission, the girl presented with a mildly altered general status. Examination
revealed local signs of a snake bite on her right leg, including local pain and heat, swelling,
infiltration, erythema surrounded by cyanosis and functional impairment. The snake bite
mark is shown in Figure 1a. Systemic manifestations were also present, and include mild
gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms. Gastrointestinal symptoms consisted of dif-
fuse abdominal pain and nausea. Neurological manifestations included severe somnolence
and axial hypotonia. Moreover, bilateral ophthalmologic disturbances (shown in Figure 1b)
were noted, including palpebral ptosis and ophthalmoplegia. Diplopia was also confirmed.
Toxins 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 8
The patient’s progress was clinically monitored after the initiation of the treatment.
The laboratory results and symptoms over time are presented below (see Tables 1 and 3).
Thirty minutes after administration of the antivenom, ocular movements reappeared and
blood pressure increased to 98/66 mmHg. Somnolence, diplopia, and gastrointestinal
manifestations withdrew on Day 2, while palpebral ptosis disappeared on Day 4. Local
signs, after initially worsening progressively, improved and completely disappeared by
Day 5.
The child was discharged on Day 6 without any clinical signs or symptoms. The
laboratory test results were within normal ranges (see Table 1). No immediate or delayed
adverse reactions were reported after antivenom administration, apart from a slight in-
crease in IgE level, without clinical expression.
(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) Local signs of viper bite including swelling, erythema (lower calf and ankle); (b) image
showing inferior displacement of the upper eyelid with associated narrowing of the vertical pal-
pebral fissure (bilateral palpebral ptosis).
Table 1. Laboratory results on days 1, 2, and 6.
Laboratory Test Normal Values Changes by Day:
Day 1 (admission) Day 2 Day 6 (discharge)
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 1216 11.8 13.2
Leucocytes (mmc) 4000–12,000 9100 5200
(mmc) 150,000–400,000 321,000 293,000
ESR (mm/h) 7–12 7
(mg/dL) 150–400 243.9 253
C reactive protein
(mg/dL) 0–0.5 0.29
ALT (IU/L) 0–35 24 21 27
AST (IU/L) 0–35 50 42 45
GGT (IU/L) 15–132 10 13
LDH (IU/L) 110–295 311 224 252
Amylase (IU/L) 22–80 39
Direct bilirubin
(mg/dL) 0–0.2 0.06
Indirect bilirubin
(mg/dL) 0–1 0.26
Total bilirubin 0.3–1.2 0.32
Figure 1.
) Local signs of viper bite including swelling, erythema (lower calf and ankle); (
) image
showing inferior displacement of the upper eyelid with associated narrowing of the vertical palpebral
fissure (bilateral palpebral ptosis).
The initial cardiovascular assessment did not show any abnormalities; blood pressure
and heart rate were within the normal ranges according to age (102/55 mmHg and 110 bpm,
respectively). The results of laboratory tests were normal (see Table 1). Electrocardiogram
and cardiac echography showed no abnormalities, and Doppler echography of the right
lower limb showed normal results.
One hour after admission, local signs and general symptoms worsened and swelling
and pain spread to the middle of the right calf, somnolence and palpebral ptosis became
pronounced and blood pressure started to decrease gradually (to 80/67 mmHg, 1 h post-
admission). Based on the above clinical presentation, the severity of the case was graded as
2b (regional oedema and moderate general symptoms as mild hypotension and neurotoxic
signs), according to the Audebert–Boels classification, adapted to children by Marano et al.
(see Table 2) [6].
Toxins 2022,14, 500 3 of 8
Table 1. Laboratory results on days 1, 2, and 6.
Laboratory Test Normal Values Changes by Day:
Day 1
(admission) Day 2 Day 6
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 12–16 11.8 13.2
Leucocytes (mmc) 4000–12,000 9100 5200
Thrombocytes (mmc) 150,000–400,000 321,000 293,000
ESR (mm/h) 7–12 7
Fibrinogen (mg/dL) 150–400 243.9 253
C reactive protein (mg/dL) 0–0.5 0.29
ALT (IU/L) 0–35 24 21 27
AST (IU/L) 0–35 50 42 45
GGT (IU/L) 15–132 10 13
LDH (IU/L) 110–295 311 224 252
Amylase (IU/L) 22–80 39
Direct bilirubin (mg/dL) 0–0.2 0.06
Indirect bilirubin (mg/dL) 0–1 0.26
Total bilirubin (mg/dL) 0.3–1.2 0.32
Iron (µg/dL) 40–100 44
Chloride (mmol/L) 101–109 105 103 102
Sodium (mmol/L) 132–142 134 136 135
Potassium (mmol/L) 3.5–5.1 4.1 3.37 4.71
Urea (mg/dL) 10.8–38.4 28 28 23
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.26–0.77 0.45 0.41 0.42
CK (IU/L) 0–145 120 106 135
CK-MB (ng/mL) <5 <5 <1 <1
Myoglobin (ng/mL) <50 <50 <50 <50
Troponin (ng/mL) <1 <1 <0.05 <0.05
D-dimers (ng/mL) <500 <100 <100
BNP (pg/mL) <100 15.4 <5
IgA (g/L) 0.41–2.97 0.71
IgG (g/L) 5–13 10
IgM (g/L) 0.4–1.8 0.63
IgE (IU/mL) <100 89.53 233
C3 fraction (g/L) 0.9–1.8 1.27
C4 fraction (g/L) 0.1–0.4 0.32
CIC (IU/mL) <10 2
Quick Time (s) 11–14 14.1 13.1
INR 0.8–1.3 1.28 1.17
Prothrombin activity (%) 70–140 77.9 84.8
APTT (s) 24.4–36.4 25.1 21.6
ESR–erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ALT–alanine aminotransferase, AST–aspartate aminotransferase,
GGT–gamma-glutamyl transferase
, LDH–lactate dehydrogenase, CK–creatine kinase, CK-MB–creatine
band, BNP–B-type natriuretic peptide, IgA–immunoglobulin A; IgG–immunoglobulin
M, IgE–immunoglobulin E, C3–complement C3 fraction, C4–complement C4
immune complexes, INR–international normalized ratio, APTT–activated partial
thromboplastin time.
Toxins 2022,14, 500 4 of 8
Table 2. Audebert–Boels Classification modified by Marano et al. adapted from [6].
Grade Description Signs and Symptoms Treatment
0No envenoming (“dry
Fang marks
No oedema
No local reaction
- 6 h surveillance in the emergency
1 Minimal envenoming Local oedema around the bite area
No systemic symptoms
- clinical observation up to evident
reduction of edema
- supportive care, including
hydration and pain relief
Moderate envenoming
Grade 2a
One or both of the following:
Regional edema with progression
to most of the limb
- Haematoma or adenopathy
Grade 2b
- Grade 2a + moderate general
symptoms (mild hypotension,
vomiting, diarrhea, neurotoxic
signs), and/or biological criteria
for severity:
- Leukocytes > 11,000/L
- Neutrophils > 65%
- INR > 1.15
- Clinical observation up to the
evident reduction of edema
(evaluate district perfusion and
- Supportive care, including
hydration and pain relief
- Doppler-ultrasound of affected
limb’s blood vessels
- Administration of antivenom
- Evaluate antibiotic therapy *
- Administer LMWH **
3 Severe envenoming
Other or both of the following:
- Edema spreading to the trunk
- Signs of hemodynamic instability
(prolonged hypotension, shock,
- Same intervention as in Grade 2
- Admission to PICU
* Only if clinical or laboratory signs of bacterial contamination are evident, ** Only if direct evidence of throm-
bophlebitis is available or in cases of extensive edema; dehydration; decreased mobility; prolonged decubitus;
admission to PICU; anticipated hospitalization longer than 48 h. Do not administer in the case of overt hemorrhage
or a bleeding disorder.
The viper was identified as belonging to the species V. berus based on the morpholog-
ical description of the viper provided by the girl’s mother and the information obtained
from the Romanian Association of Herpetology. The mother who accompanied the child at
the moment of the incident described a completely black snake without a zigzag pattern
and about 50 cm long. The last mapping of the distribution of vipers in Romania shows the
presence of V. berus and V. ammodytes in the geographical location of the incident reported as
the Subcarpathian area of south Romania, specifically Vâlcea county [
]. According to the
mapping, the herpetologist stated that the viper belongs to the V. berus species, because V.
ammodytes does not have any melanic gene and thus cannot be entirely black. Even though
some authors have reported the presence of a certain subspecies of vipers, namely, Vipera
berus nikolskii in Vâlcea [
], it is rather difficult to establish the viper in question belonging
to this subspecies whose presence here has not been certified by DNA identification.
Twenty hours after the viper bite, treatment was initiated with Viper Venom Antitoxin
(Immunoserum contra venena viperarum europaearum) manufactured by Biomed, Poland. The
patient was administered 500 AU (one vial) as a bolus dose in 250 mL normal saline over
3 h. The patient was also treated with intravenous fluid therapy containing glucose and
electrolytes, intravenous methylprednisolone, and subcutaneous enoxaparin (prophylactic
dosage of 2000 UI/day) for 5 days.
The patient’s progress was clinically monitored after the initiation of the treatment.
The laboratory results and symptoms over time are presented below (see Tables 1and 3).
Thirty minutes after administration of the antivenom, ocular movements reappeared and
Toxins 2022,14, 500 5 of 8
blood pressure increased to 98/66 mmHg. Somnolence, diplopia, and gastrointestinal man-
ifestations withdrew on Day 2, while palpebral ptosis disappeared on Day 4. Local signs,
after initially worsening progressively, improved and completely disappeared by Day 5.
Table 3. Changes in the clinical profile of the patient over time.
Day Clinical Features
Day 1: at the time of treatment initiation
Somnolence, palpebral ptosis, ophthalmoplegia, and bilateral diplopia.
Mild gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea and diffuse abdominal pain).
Local manifestations (swelling, erythema surrounded by cyanosis, local heat,
induration, and pain in lower half of right calf).
BP = 80/67 mmHg, HR = 116 beats/min
Day 1: 30 min after treatment initiation Return of ocular movements.
BP = 98/58 mmHg, HR = 118 beats/min
Day 2: 12 h after treatment initiation
No somnolence, no diplopia, and no gastrointestinal symptoms present.
Persistence of palpebral ptosis.
Local inflammation reduced.
BP = 103/55 mmHg; HR = 80 beats/min
Day 3 Palpebral ptosis in remission, local signs improved (decreased swelling, no
local heat, modest pain); BP = 90/66 mmHg; HR = 89 beats/min
Day 4 No palpebral ptosis noted.
BP = 101/61 mmHg; HR = 105 beats/min
Day 5 No local signs or symptoms.
BP = 107/67 mmHg; HR = 100 beats/min
Day 6 Complete remission was noted, and patient was discharged from our clinic.
BP = blood pressure; HR = heart rate.
The child was discharged on Day 6 without any clinical signs or symptoms. The
laboratory test results were within normal ranges (see Table 1). No immediate or delayed
adverse reactions were reported after antivenom administration, apart from a slight increase
in IgE level, without clinical expression.
Daily lab testing was conducted using bedside assessment.
3. Discussion
From the venom composition, it is thought that neurotoxic effects of venom from
common European adders are caused by neurotoxins with phospholipase A2 (PLA2)
enzymatic activity [
]. A study published by Zanetti et al. in 2018 regarding the
effects of V. aspis and V. berus venoms in mice showed that both types of venom have
phospholipase A2 enzymes, but only V. aspis venom is neurotoxic. Clinical observations
from various regions of France and Italy support this finding, attributing neurological
manifestations exclusively to envenomation by V. aspis [
]. Nevertheless, studies
and clinical observations [
] have shown that the venom of some V. berus subspecies
from Eastern Europe can have neurotoxic effects, not only in animal experimental models
but also in humans. Neurotoxic manifestations following V. berus envenomation have been
sporadically communicated in the literature, with all incidents reported in the Carpathian
Basin of Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria [
]. Three cases out of the seven reported
cases involved children aged 14, 12, and 9 years, respectively [1618].
In our case, the incident took place in the Subcarpathian area of the south of Romania,
which is in the geographical region of Oltenia (see Figure 2). Symptoms of neurotoxicity
appeared 30 min after envenomation and included somnolence, palpebral ptosis, ophthal-
moplegia, and bilateral diplopia. These symptoms are similar to symptoms previously
described in the literature in cases of V. berus bites in the Carpathian Basin region [
]. An-
tivenom indication was established after classifying the case severity as grade 2b, using the
Audebert–Boels classification adapted to children by Marano et al. as shown in Table 2[
Toxins 2022,14, 500 6 of 8
Toxins 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 8
In our case, the incident took place in the Subcarpathian area of the south of Roma-
nia, which is in the geographical region of Oltenia (see Figure 2). Symptoms of neuro-
toxicity appeared 30 min after envenomation and included somnolence, palpebral ptosis,
ophthalmoplegia, and bilateral diplopia. These symptoms are similar to symptoms pre-
viously described in the literature in cases of V. berus bites in the Carpathian Basin region
[8]. Antivenom indication was established after classifying the case severity as grade 2b,
using the Audebert–Boels classification adapted to children by Marano et al. as shown in
Table 2 [6].
Figure 2. V. berus distribution in Romania [1]. Red dots: new records of V. berus after 1990; blue
dots: records of V. berus before 1990.
Using other classification systems published in the literature, regarding severity of
viper envenomation, we can classify our case as Stage 2 according to the Clinical Grada-
tion of European Viper Envenomation system [12], and Stage 1 (ocular and mild gastro-
intestinal symptoms present) according to the Modified Grading Severity Score (GSS)
system for peripheral neurotoxic effects, after Italian viper bites [4]. Both stages in the
above classification systems are stages in which antivenom treatment is indicated.
In our case, viper Venom Antitoxin serum (Biomed, Poland) was administered. Vi-
per Venom Antitoxin serum is a monovalent antivenom containing Fab specific equine
immunoglobulins that bind the venom of V. berus.
Enoxaparin was administered prophylactically to prevent secondary venous
thrombosis due to prolonged immobilization of the affected leg [12]. We excluded the
need for antibiotic therapy since there were no local or general signs of infection. As
stated in the literature, antibiotics in snakebite cases should only be administered if there
is a positive history of infection, or clinical or biological signs of infection. [6,19].
Although the use of corticosteroids is controversial [6,19], the decision was made to
administer intravenous methylprednisolone as a symptomatic treatment for its
well-known anti-inflammatory effects. The outcome of methylprednisolone was fa-
vourable. Progressive amelioration of neurological symptoms was noted as follows: 30
min after immunotherapy administration, ocular movements reappeared; after 12 h,
somnolence and diplopia withdrew; and on the fourth day, palpebral ptosis was com-
pletely absent. We believe that the complete resolution of symptoms of neurotoxicity af-
ter treatment with the monospecific antivenom could be an argument that the snake re-
sponsible for envenomation was a viper of the V. berus subspecies. Moreover, other sys-
temic manifestations rapidly resolved, and local symptoms progressively improved, un-
til complete remission was achieved on the fifth day. No adverse reactions were observed
after antivenom serum administration. This is consistent with the literature [2,4,6]. In our
case, however, a slight increase in the IgE level, without clinical symptoms, was noted.
The limitation of our study consisted of the identification modality of the snake, which
was conducted by the herpetologist based on the following arguments: the viper is the
only venomous snake in our country, the geographical mapping, and the morphological
description provided by the adult accompanying the child at the time of the incident.
Figure 2.
V. berus distribution in Romania [
]. Red dots: new records of V. berus after 1990; blue
dots: records of V. berus before 1990.
Using other classification systems published in the literature, regarding severity of
viper envenomation, we can classify our case as Stage 2 according to the Clinical Gradation
of European Viper Envenomation system [
], and Stage 1 (ocular and mild gastrointesti-
nal symptoms present) according to the Modified Grading Severity Score (GSS) system
for peripheral neurotoxic effects, after Italian viper bites [
]. Both stages in the above
classification systems are stages in which antivenom treatment is indicated.
In our case, viper Venom Antitoxin serum (Biomed, Poland) was administered. Viper
Venom Antitoxin serum is a monovalent antivenom containing Fab specific equine im-
munoglobulins that bind the venom of V. berus.
Enoxaparin was administered prophylactically to prevent secondary venous throm-
bosis due to prolonged immobilization of the affected leg [
]. We excluded the need for
antibiotic therapy since there were no local or general signs of infection. As stated in the
literature, antibiotics in snakebite cases should only be administered if there is a positive
history of infection, or clinical or biological signs of infection. [6,19].
Although the use of corticosteroids is controversial [
], the decision was made
to administer intravenous methylprednisolone as a symptomatic treatment for its well-
known anti-inflammatory effects. The outcome of methylprednisolone was favourable.
Progressive amelioration of neurological symptoms was noted as follows: 30 min after
immunotherapy administration, ocular movements reappeared; after 12 h, somnolence
and diplopia withdrew; and on the fourth day, palpebral ptosis was completely absent. We
believe that the complete resolution of symptoms of neurotoxicity after treatment with the
monospecific antivenom could be an argument that the snake responsible for envenomation
was a viper of the V. berus subspecies. Moreover, other systemic manifestations rapidly
resolved, and local symptoms progressively improved, until complete remission was
achieved on the fifth day. No adverse reactions were observed after antivenom serum
administration. This is consistent with the literature [
]. In our case, however, a slight
increase in the IgE level, without clinical symptoms, was noted. The limitation of our
study consisted of the identification modality of the snake, which was conducted by the
herpetologist based on the following arguments: the viper is the only venomous snake in
our country, the geographical mapping, and the morphological description provided by
the adult accompanying the child at the time of the incident.
4. Conclusions
We can conclude that the venom of V. berus subspecies, found in the Carpathian Basin
region, appears to have neurotoxic effects. This conclusion was reached from specialist
consultation in V. berus identification, clinical observation, and possibly because of the
complete and rapid remission of the symptoms under monospecific antivenom treatment.
Consequently, we must take into consideration V. berus when confronted with neurological
symptoms in patients bitten by snakes in the Subcarpathian Basin from Eastern Europe.
However, further studies are necessary to confirm it.
Toxins 2022,14, 500 7 of 8
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, G.V.N., C.E.U., D.L. and I.G.; validation, C.E.U., G.V.N.,
M.-D.C. and D.L.; formal analysis, I.G.; investigation, I.G.; resources, C.E.U., G.V.N. and A.U.; data
curation, D.L.; writing—original draft preparation, G.V.N. and A.M.C.; writing—review and editing,
G.V.N., D.L. and A.M.C.; visualization, M.-D.C., A.U., D.L. and I.G.; supervision, G.V.N. and D.L. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
The case-report study was approved by the Ethics Commit-
tee of the hospital protocol code 15351/02.06.2022 (approved date 2 June 2022)
Informed Consent Statement:
Written informed consent has been obtained from the patient to
publish this paper.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Romanian Association of Herpetology for providing scientific data during
the research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... We only included reports regarding snakebites by European members of the genus Vipera, Macrovipera and Montivipera, in children ≤17 years. Out of 83 articles, a total of 5.504 patients (Marano et al., 2020;Lamb et al., 2021;Paolino et al., 2020;Nițescu et al., 2022) have been included. Pediatric snakebites were reported in 31 studies, with a total of 71 patients (71/5.572; ...
... Furthermore, the Special Issue delved into two unconventional snakebite case reports, one conducted in Romania and the other in Brazil, subjecting them to comprehensive examination and discussion. Nitescu et al. [11] offers a unique perspective on snake envenomation, focusing on a specific exception within the European viper (Vipera berus) species. While most V. berus bites typically lack neurotoxic effects, their study highlights rare cases involving subspecies found in the Carpathian Basin of southeastern Europe that do induce such symptoms. ...
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Amidst the global healthcare landscape, the menace of snakebite envenoming (SBE) has persisted, silently afflicting millions and annually claiming tens of thousands of lives [...]
... Generally, the main signs and symptoms of V. berus bites are local edema and pain [16], but snakes from this group are known to cause neurotoxicity in young children and, more commonly, significant systemic toxicity in older adults [17]. Other European Vipera species are known to cause life-threatening neurotoxicity in adults as well as children [18], showing the diversity of toxicity in this less famous, but at times dangerous and medically vexing viper group. ...
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A field biologist was bitten by a female Nikolsky’s viper (Vipera berus nikolskii) in Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine. Two months later, the patient began to experience cold-induced vasospasm of the affected digit diagnosed as acquired Raynaud phenomenon. The patient had more than 30 occurrences during the single winter following the bite, but the signs and symptoms of Raynaud phenomenon disappeared with the end of winter. This report describes the case and puts it into context with the literature on the topic of toxin-induced peripheral vasospastic disorders and their potential importance in snakebite envenoming.
... The main venomous snake species active in the Alps are Vipera ammodytes, Vipera aspis, and Vipera berus. Only the venoms produced by the first two species display neurotoxic effects with paralytic symptoms (Chippaux, 2012;Di Nicola et al., 2021;Ferquel et al., 2007;Gopcevic et al., 2021;Lamb et al., 2017;Lonati et al., 2014;Lukšić et al., 2006;Paolino et al., 2020;Radonić et al., 1997;Zanetti et al., 2018), though one case of neurotoxic effects of the venom of a V. berus subspecies found in the Carpathian basin was recently reported (Nițescu et al., 2022). ...
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People bitten by Alpine vipers are usually treated with antivenom antisera to prevent the noxious consequences caused by the injected venom. However, this treatment suffers from a number of drawbacks and additional therapies are necessary. The venoms of Vipera ammodytes and of Vipera aspis are neurotoxic and cause muscle paralysis by inducing neurodegeneration of motor axon terminals because they contain a presynaptic acting sPLA2 neurotoxin. We have recently found that any type of damage to motor axons is followed by the expression and activation of the intercellular signaling axis consisting of the CXCR4 receptor present on the membrane of the axon stump and of its ligand, the chemokine CXCL12 released by activated terminal Schwann cells. We show here that also V. ammodytes and V. aspis venoms cause the expression of the CXCL12‐CXCR4 axis. We also show that a small molecule agonist of CXCR4, dubbed NUCC‐390, induces a rapid regeneration of the motor axon terminal with functional recovery of the neuromuscular junction. These findings qualify NUCC‐390 as a promising novel therapeutics capable of improving the recovery from the paralysis caused by the snakebite of the two neurotoxic Alpine vipers. image
... Evolutionary, venomous reptiles have developed different routes to hit the prey, one or a few of which appeared to be more successful and thus started to prevail. Most snake venoms have neurotoxic action [1]; however, some snakes kill their prey by inducing generalized inflammatory tissue response, or by using blood coagulation activators, which cause massive coagulation or conversely cause hemolysis, inability of the blood to clot, destroy blood vessels and lead to internal hemorrhages [2]. ...
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Introduction. The performed research focused on a search for new biologically active compounds acting on blood coagulation system proteins and cells. To achieve this goal, we fractionated Vipera berus berus snake venom and studied the action of the separated fractions on human blood plasma, fibrinogen, platelets or red cells. Methods. Crude venom was fractionated using ion-exchange chromatography. Protein composition of fractions was studied using SDS-PAGE. The ability of fractions to prolong or initiate blood plasma clotting was studied using the prothrombin time test with thromboplastin. Fibrinogen-specific proteases were detected using enzyme-electrophoresis. Action on red cells was estimated using the hemolysis test. Aggregometry was used for the detection of action on platelets. All experiments in this study were performed in vitro. Results. We obtained fractions containing phospholipase and a protease that is able to hydrolyze fibrinogen, leading to the loss of its ability to polymerize and to maintain platelet aggregation. Conclusion. Further purification and study of these components can be a promising research direction for biotechnological as well as for biomedical use.
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Background: Viper bite is an uncommon but serious cause of envenoming in Europe, especially in children. Our study aim is to better describe and analyze the clinical course and treatment of viper bite envenoming in a pediatric population. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 24 cases of pediatric viper bites that were admitted to the Pediatric Emergency Department and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of the Bambino Gesù Children Hospital in Rome between 2000 and 2020. Epidemiological characteristics of the children, localization of the bite, clinical and laboratory findings, and treatment approaches were evaluated. Results: The median age of the patients was 4.2 years, with male predominance. Most cases of viper bite occurred in the late summer. Most patients required admission to the ward for prolonged observation. The most common presenting signs were pain, local oedema, and swelling. Patients with a high severity score also had a significantly higher white blood cell count and an increase of INR, LDH, and CRP levels. No fatality was reported. Conclusions: Viper bite envenomation is a rare pediatric medical emergency in Italy but may sometimes be severe. A new pediatric severity score may be implemented in the screening of children with viper bites to favor a selective and prompt administration of antivenom.
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Background Bites by the European adder (Vipera berus) in the UK are uncommon but potentially life threatening, and can be associated with marked limb swelling and disability. Following an interruption in Zagreb Imunološki zavod antivenom supply around 2012, the UK changed its national choice of antivenom for Vipera berus to ViperaTAb, an ovine Fab monospecific antivenom. In the absence of randomised controlled trials, we established an audit to review its use in clinical practice. Methods A prospective audit of ViperaTAb use was conducted from March 2016 until November 2020 by the UK National Poison Information Service (NPIS). Users of the NPIS online toxicology database, TOXBASE, considering the use of antivenom for V. berus envenoming were invited to discuss the case with the on-call clinical toxicology consultant. Information was collected prospectively on indications, administration, adverse reactions and outcome of patients administered ViperaTAb antivenom. Results One hundred and seventy patients were administered ViperaTAb antivenom over five years. One hundred and thirty-two were adults and 38 children (median age and range: 38, 2–87 years). Bites occurred across the UK, but most commonly in coastal regions of Wales and of South-West and East England. Median time to presentation was 2.1 (IQR 1.5–4.0) h and to antivenom administration from presentation was 2.0 (IQR 0.9–3.6) h. A minority of patients presented to hospital more than 12 h after being bitten (n = 19, 11.2%) or received antivenom more than 12 h after presenting to hospital (n = 17, 10.0%). Features of systemic envenoming were present in 64/170 (37.6%) patients, including 23 (13.5%) with anaphylaxis and 26 (15.3%) with hypotension (nine with both). Clinician assessment considered the initial antivenom to have been effective in 122/169 (72.2%) patients. Repeated dosing was common, occurring in 55/169 (32.5%), predominantly due to persisting or worsening local effects (46/51, 90.2%). There were three cases of probable early adverse reaction. No deaths occurred during the study. Complications of envenoming were rare but included four patients that underwent surgery, three patients each with acute kidney injury, mild coagulopathy, or thrombocytopenia (one severe). The median duration of hospital stay was 43.7 (IQR 22.5–66.5) h, longer for children than adults (52.5 vs 41.3 h). Conclusion ViperaTAb antivenom appears to be effective and safe and should be administered as soon as possible for patients meeting clinical criteria. Patients require close observation following antivenom to detect adverse reactions and progression or recurrence of envenoming. Close collaboration with expert NPIS consultant advice can help optimise antivenom timing, ensure repeated dosing is given appropriately, and avoid unnecessary surgical intervention. All hospitals, particularly those located in areas of relatively high incidence, should stock sufficient antivenom available at short notice, 24 h a day.
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Medically relevant cases of snakebite in Europe are predominately caused by European vipers of the genus Vipera. Systemic envenoming by European vipers can cause severe pathology in humans and different clinical manifestations are associated with different members of this genus. The most representative vipers in Europe are V. aspis and V. berus and neurological symptoms have been reported in humans envenomed by the former but not by the latter species. In this study we determined the toxicological profile of V. aspis and V. berus venoms in vivo in mice and we tested the effectiveness of two antivenoms, commonly used as antidotes, in counteracting the specific activities of the two venoms. We found that V. aspis, but not V. berus, is neurotoxic and that this effect is due to the degeneration of peripheral nerve terminals at the NMJ and is not neutralized by the two tested antisera. Differently, V. berus causes a haemorrhagic effect, which is efficiently contrasted by the same antivenoms. These results indicate that the effectiveness of different antisera is strongly influenced by the variable composition of the venoms and reinforce the arguments supporting the use polyvalent antivenoms.
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Introduction: Immunotherapy is the gold standard treatment for patients bitten by European vipers in France; it significantly decreases morbidity, frequency and severity of complications and length of stay. A national prospective study was performed by all Poison Control Centers (PCC) to validate the emergency protocol for viper envenomations. Methods: This prospective study included all cases of viper bites in France, treated or not with Viperfav® in 2013. Results: In 2013, 277 cases of viper bites were collected: ratio M/F 2.1; mean aged 43 years (<15 years 25% 15-65 63% >65 12%). The final severity was divided into 68 grades 0, 58 grades I, 62 grades IIA, 71 grades IIB and 18 grades III. One death was reported. Five patients had neurological signs. For the 114 patients who received Viperfav®, all systemic signs disappeared in 5 h and in 24 h for biological and neurological signs. No severe anaphylactic reaction with Viperfav® was reported. Late Viperfav® administration increased the risk of functional impairment 15 days after the bite (OR=3.21 p=0.043). The administration of Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) increased the frequency of functional impairment to 15 days after the bite (OR=6.38 p=0.064), although Viperfav® was given in the first 18 hours. Discussion: This study confirms the efficiency, safety and recommendation of an early administration of a single dose of Viperfav®, LMWH should not be used. It also shows the extension of neurotoxic venom of vipers in France.
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Context: Some clinical aspects about neurotoxicity after snakebites by European viper species remain to be elucidated. Objective: This observational case series aims to analyze neurological manifestations due to viper envenomation in Italy in order to describe the characteristic of neurotoxicity and to evaluate the clinical response to the antidotic treatment, the outcome, and the influence of individual variability in determining the appearance of neurotoxic effects. Materials and methods: All cases of snakebite referred to Pavia Poison Centre (PPC) presenting peripheral neurotoxic effects from 2001 to 2011 were included. Cases were assessed for time from bite to PPC evaluation, Grade Severity Score (GSS), onset/duration of clinical manifestations, severity/time course of local, non-neurological and neurological effects, and antidotic treatment. Results: Twenty-four were included (age, 3-75 years) and represented on average of 2.2 cases/year (about 5% of total envenomed patients). The mean interval time of PPC evaluation from snakebite was 10.80 ± 19.93 hours. GSS at ED-admission was 0 (1 case), 1 (10 cases), and 2 (13 cases). All patients showed local signs: 41.6%, minor; 58.4%, extensive swelling and necrosis. The main systemic non-neurological effects were as follows: vomiting (86.7%), diarrhea (66.7%), abdominal discomfort (53.3%), and hypotension (20%). Neurotoxic effects were accommodation troubles and diplopia (100%), ptosis (91.7%), ophtalmoplegia (58.3%), dysphagia (20.8%), drowsiness (16.6%), cranial muscle weakness (12.5%), and dyspnea (4.2%). Neurotoxicity was the unique systemic manifestation in 9 cases; in 4 cases, they were associated with only mild local swelling. In 10 patients the onset of neurotoxic effects followed the resolution of systemic non-neurological effects. Antidote was intravenously administered in 19 (79.2%) patients. The mean duration of manifestations in untreated versus treated groups was 53.5 ± 62.91 versus 41.75 ± 21.18 hours (p = 0.68, local effects) and 9.77 ± 3.29 versus 8.25 ± 12.23 hours (p = 0.1, systemic non-neurological effects) and 43.4 ± 14.69 versus 26.58 ± 20.62 hours (p = 0.03, neurotoxic effects). Conclusions: Neurotoxicity may appear late (11 hours after the bite in 58.3% of cases), in contrast with the data reported in medical literature. Neurotoxic effects have been reversible in all cases and may be the unique systemic manifestation of envenomation. Neurotoxic effects are shorter in treated group. The antidotic treatment of patients considered as GSS 2 only for neurotoxic effects (with mild local effects) may not be necessary. Variable factors such as different amount of venom injected, concentration of PLA2 component, and individual susceptibility may explain the less percentage of patients presenting neurotoxic effects.
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The reptile fauna of Romania comprises 23 species, out of which 12 species reach here the limit of their geographic range. We compiled and updated a national database of the reptile species occurrences from a variety of sources including our own field surveys, personal communication from specialists, museum collections and the scientific literature. The occurrence records were georeferenced and stored in a geodatabase for additional analysis of their spatial patterns. The spatial analysis revealed a biased sampling effort concentrated in various protected areas, and deficient in the vast agricultural areas of the southern part of Romania. The patterns of species richness showed a higher number of species in the warmer and drier regions, and a relatively low number of species in the rest of the country. Our database provides a starting point for further analyses, and represents a reliable tool for drafting conservation plans.
We report a severe envenoming associated with minimal local symptoms following a Balkan adder (Vipera berus bosniensis) bite in South-Western Hungary. A 63-year-old male with a history of hypertension and sinus bradycardia (45/min) was bitten by a sub-adult specimen of V. b. bosniensis in Somogy County on 04 May 2017. The patient was transported to and treated at the Emergency Department of Somogy County "Moritz Kaposi" General Hospital, Kaposvár. Locally only pain and minimal swelling with a small haematoma developed on the bitten finger. The abdominal muscles were very tender and guarding was detected upon palpation on the way to hospital. The patient, who had taken his telmisartan (80 mg) tablet in that morning, complained of nausea and dizziness during the first medical examination. The systemic signs included fluctuations in blood pressure (115/85-165/105 mmHg), ECG changes (transient horizontal ST depression in V5-6, and sinus tachycardia (90/min)), severe diarrhoea and vomiting (in 7 episodes). Descending neuromuscular paralysis appeared in the next morning, including complete bilateral ptosis with external ophthalmoplegia, and binocular diplopia. Single-fiber electromyography confirmed the neuromuscular block in the frontalis muscle innervated by the facial nerve. Intense dizziness with uncoordinated movement emerged on the 3rd day. The laboratory findings were mild, including anaemia, hypokalaemia, elevated glutamic-pyruvic transaminase and C-reactive protein levels. The absolute neutrophil count remained almost completely normal. Supportive care and monovalent antivenom (Viper Venom Antitoxin®, Biomed, Warsaw) were applied. The patient was discharged from hospital on the 4th day, although recovery was not complete until 9 days after the bite. This is the first photographically-documented case of neurotoxic envenoming from the South-Western Hungarian distribution range of V. b. bosniensis.
We have revealed intra-population variability among venom samples from several individual European adders (Vipera berus berus) within a defined population in Eastern Hungary. Individual differences in venom pattern were noticed, both gender-specific and age-related, by one-dimensional electrophoresis. Gelatin zymography demonstrated that these individual venoms have different degradation profiles indicating varying protease activity in the specimens from adders of different ages and genders. Some specimens shared a conserved region of substrate degradation, while others had lower or extremely low protease activity. Phospholipase A2 activity of venoms was similar but not identical. Interspecimen diversity of the venom phospholipase A2-spectra (based on the components' molecular masses) was detected by MALDI-TOF MS. The lethal toxicity of venoms (LD50) also showed differences among individual snakes. Extracted venom samples had varying neuromuscular paralysing effect on chick biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparations. The paralysing effect of venom was lost when calcium in the physiological salt solution was replaced by strontium; indicating that the block of twitch responses to nerve stimulation is associated with the activity of a phospholipase-dependent neurotoxin. In contrast to the studied V. b. berus venoms from different geographical regions so far, this is the first V. b. berus population discovered to have predominantly neurotoxic neuromuscular activity. The relevance of varying venom yields is also discussed. This study demonstrates that individual venom variation among V. b. berus living in particular area of Eastern Hungary might contribute to a wider range of clinical manifestations of V. b. berus envenoming than elsewhere in Europe.
We report a recent case of common adder (Vipera berus) envenoming causing paralytic signs and symptoms. A 12-year-old girl was bitten by the nominate subspecies of the common adder (V. berus berus) in eastern Hungary on May 2, 2012, 22 km away from where the first neurotoxic V. berus berus envenoming was reported in 2008. The patient developed unambiguous cranial nerve disturbances, manifested in bilateral impairment characterized by oculomotor paralysis with partial ptosis, gaze paresis, and diplopia. Drowsiness and photophobia were her additional symptoms; both occurred only during the first day of envenoming. Until now among viper envenomings in Europe, photophobia has only been documented by victims of Vipera aspis. Supportive and symptomatic treatments were administered during 3 days of hospitalization. Although case reports of V. berus berus envenomings are often published, clinical experience with neurotoxicity by this subspecies still remains rare. Population-based and geographic variation of venom composition in V. berus berus seems to include neurotoxic envenomings in certain populations. This second authenticated case provides new clinical evidence for the existence of a possible neurotoxic V. berus berus population in a restricted geographical area in eastern Hungary.