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Concepts of Entheseal Pain

Arthritis & Rheumatology

Abstract and Figures

Pain is the main symptom in entheseal diseases (enthesopathies) despite a paucity of nerve endings in the enthesis itself. Eicosanoids, cytokines, and neuropeptides released during inflammation and repeated nonphysiologic mechanical challenge not only stimulate or sensitize primary afferent neurons present in structures adjacent to the enthesis, but also trigger a “neurovascular invasion” that allows the spreading of nerves and blood vessels into the enthesis. Nociceptive pseudounipolar neurons support this process by releasing neurotransmitters from peripheral endings that induce neovascularization and peripheral pain sensitization. This process may explain the frequently observed dissociation between subjective symptoms such as pain and the structural findings on imaging in entheseal disease.
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Concepts of Entheseal Pain
Enrico De Lorenzis,
Gerlando Natalello,
David Simon,
Georg Schett,
and Maria Antonietta DAgostino
Pain is the main symptom in entheseal diseases (enthesopathies) despite a paucity of nerve endings in the
enthesis itself. Eicosanoids, cytokines, and neuropeptides released during inammation and repeated nonphysiolo-
gic mechanical challenge not only stimulate or sensitize primary afferent neurons present in structures adjacent to
the enthesis, but also trigger a neurovascular invasionthat allows the spreading of nerves and blood vessels into
the enthesis. Nociceptive pseudounipolar neurons support this process by releasing neurotransmitters from periph-
eral endings that induce neovascularization and peripheral pain sensitization. This process may explain the fre-
quently observed dissociation between subjective symptoms such as pain and the structural ndings on imaging
in entheseal disease.
The term enthesopathyrefers to a disease process that
occurs at tendon insertion sites. Entheses are specialized tissues
that connect tendons, ligaments, or joint capsules with bones.
They can be classied into brocartilaginous entheses, which are
formed by a layered structure that gradually transforms from ten-
don bers to bone, or brous entheses, which are characterized
by direct insertion through a tissue analog to a tendon or ligament
midsubstance (1,2).
Due to their biologic function, entheses are prone to
mechanical overuse with subsequent inammation and
tissue remodeling (degeneration) accumulating after repeated
mechanical stress. Aging, metabolic or hormonal diseases, and
specic drugs also facilitate the development of entheseal dis-
ease (3). In addition, certain forms of arthritis (i.e., the spondyloar-
thritis (SpA) disease spectrum, including ankylosing spondylitis,
psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, and inammatory bowel
disease [IBD]associated arthritis) are characterized by the way
they preferentially affect the entheses (4). Entheseal disease is
characterized by substantial pain that also often occurs in the
absence of major structural changes, a phenomenon that is
highly clinically relevant but still conceptually poorly explained to
date. In this review, we address this feature of entheseal disease
and suggest a mechanistic explanation based on the current
Pain as the main symptom of entheseal disease
Entheseal disease is associated with a very high pain burden
(5). Entheseal pain is the result of a complex relationship between
the immune system and the nervous system. Clinical examination
of the entheses alone often does not reveal the reason for pain in
entheseal disease, making the clinical diagnosis of entheseal dis-
ease challenging. Therefore, ultrasound examination and mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) have been used to improve the
detection of entheseal disease. Inammation and structural
changes in the entheses have been reported in professional ath-
letes prone to mechanical stress (6,7), as well as in patients with
psoriasis (8,9), IBD (10), and SpA (11). Of note, imaging studies
have shown that a fraction of asymptomatic individuals in the
general population also show signs of entheseal changes on
imaging (12). Conversely, entheseal symptoms (e.g., pain) can
also occur in the absence of signicant imaging ndings (13),
indicating that entheseal pain does not always need to involve
substantial inammation and/or degeneration. This observation
indicates that entheseal pain can result from different processes.
Specically, entheseal pain may be related to a chronic inammatory
Enrico De Lorenzis, MD, Gerlando Natalello, MD, Maria Antonietta
DAgostino, MD, PhD: Division of Rheumatology, Catholic
University of the Sacred Heart, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario
A. Gemelli IRCCS, Rome, Italy;
David Simon, MD, Georg Schett, MD:
Department of Internal Medicine 3, Friedrich-Alexander University
Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU) and Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Erlangen,
Author disclosures are available at
Address correspondence via email to Maria-Antonietta DAgostino, MD,
PhD, at
Submitted for publication March 28, 2022; accepted in revised form July
7, 2022.
Arthritis & Rheumatology
Vol. 75, No. 4, April 2023, pp 493498
DOI 10.1002/art.42299
© 2022 The Authors. Arthritis & Rheumatology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American College of Rheumatology.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits
use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modications or
adaptations are made.
process intrinsic to diseases like SpA that is characterized by
inltration of macrophages at the brocartilage and by lymphocytes
in the corresponding bone marrow (14,15), and/or to a less inam-
matory, mechanically induced process (16,17) that only shows spu-
rious signs of inammation because of repairing mechanisms (18).
Innervation of entheseal tissues and
neurovascular response
Microscopic examinations of normal entheses in both humans
and animals have shown a paucity of nerve endings in the entheses
themselves (19,20). In fact, cartilage-related proteins like aggrecan,
which is also a major component of entheses, act as inhibitors of axo-
nal growth (21). In contrast, functionally related structures that sur-
round the entheses (e.g., the fat pad, the paratenon and endotenon,
the bone, and the periosteum at the insertion site [22]) are very richly
innervated by both small nonmyelinated C and large myelinated Aδ
nociceptive bers (23). These nociceptive neurons can be activated
as soon as a pathologic process affecting the entheses also
affects the surrounding tissues. Entheseal stress is common both in
SpAin which entheseal inammation is considered a very early
abnormalityand upon exacerbated or repeated mechanical stress
that often involves the whole tendon or ligament. Moreover, repeated
and/or prolonged mechanical challenge and inammation may trigger
aneurovascular invasionof the entheses from bone marrow and
the adjacent paratenon (2428). Other pain mechanisms can also
be associated with entheseal disease, such as dysfunctional patterns
in muscle recruitment (24) or central sensitization associated with both
inammatory (25)anddegenerative(26) entheseal diseases.
Prostaglandin E
as a mediator in entheseal pain
Despite the high prevalence and intensity of pain in entheseal
diseases (26), the actual nociceptive stimuli involved have not yet
been fully characterized. Different molecules, such as eicosa-
noids, cytokines, and neuropeptides, involved in musculoskeletal
pathologies can directly stimulate the primary afferent neurons or
sensitize them to mechanical stimuli. Therefore, as we will
describe below, immune cells in SpA-related enthesitis may not
be the exclusive source of algogenic substances, and mesenchy-
mal cells may also play an important role. The specic contribution
of mediators is difcult to pinpoint as their biologic signals are
widely interconnected and reciprocally amplied (Figure 1).
Given the anatomic and functional background of entheses
(27), mechanical strain is consistently deemed a pivotal factor in
the pathogenesis of entheseal disease (28), and resident mesen-
chymal cells are sensitive to changes in load. In vitro studies in
which cultured mesenchymal cells were used have shown that
osteoblasts (29), chondrocytes (30), and broblasts (31,32) are
mechano-sensitive and produce prostaglandin E
) and
other inammation markers (33) in response to repeated stretch-
ing. Considering that the entheses are subject to major stress
along the tendonbone complex (34) and that the production of
is stretch-dependent, it can be postulated that the large
amounts of PGE
are produced locally (35). In this context,
production seems to be an event that happens quickly,
occurring within hours after mechanical stress and providing the
basis for pain and an inammatory response. Notably, PGE
also promote vasodilation and angiogenesis through the produc-
tion of vascular endothelial growth factor, the differentiation of
bone marrow cells, and the migration of endothelial cells (36).
While the role of immune cells in pain related to degenerative
enthesopathies is rather controversial, the specic role of neuro-
nal mediators in proper inammatory diseases has been margin-
ally addressed (37). PGE
is an eicosanoid that can easily cross
cell membranes and reach surrounding tissues (38). It is consid-
ered an early algogenic mediator that binds receptors on Aδbers
and small C bers, promoting the activity of the transient receptor
potential cation channel V1, P2X
purinergic receptors, voltage-
gated T-type calcium channels (Ca
3.2), and the voltage-gated
sodium channels Na
1.8 and Na
1.9 (39). Moreover, PGE
promote the recruitment of macrophages and T-cells from the
bone marrow into the entheseal compartment, which are sources
of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-17, both of which have
been shown to amplify pain responses (4043). The reason the
inux of immune cells is more pronounced and prolonged in SpA
than in mechanically induced entheseal disease is unclear. This
may be due to genetic predisposition as well as barrier changes,
such as in the setting of intestinal inammation, which is charac-
terized by an exaggerated immune response.
Neuropeptides in entheseal pain
Primary nociceptive pseudounipolar neurons can release
neurotransmitters from peripheral endings. The term neurogenic
inammation denes the release of mediators that can induce
vasodilation, neovascularization, and peripheral pain sensitization
(44). Substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and
glutamate are key mediators of neurogenic inammation. The role
of neurogenic inammation in entheseal pain has mainly been
studied in degenerative entheseal disease. Neuronal sprouting
with enhanced expression of substance P and CGRP has been
reported in common insertional tendinopathies such as jumpers
knee (45), Achilles tendinopathy (46,47), and tennis elbow (48).
Findings of animal model studies also suggest that mechanical
strain has a role in neurogenic inammation (49) and that it can
lead to a mutual enhancement of PGE
and neuropeptides (50).
Similarly, symptomatic degenerative changes in tendon tissue
have been associated with high local levels of glutamate (51,52)
and higher expression levels of its N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor
on peripheral nerve ends and on tenocytes themselves (53). Periph-
eral glutamate and its receptors also play an important role in the
activation of nociceptors that are enhanced by substance P (54).
The role of neurogenic inammation in a proper inammatory disease
such as SpA has not been specically investigated. However, studies
of murine models of inammatory arthritis have identied nociceptive
nerve bers expressing substance P and CGRP sprouting in the
entheses, a nding that is analogous to the observations in models
of overuse injuries (5558).
Anatomic structures involved in entheseal
To better understand the relationship between symptoms
(pain) and anatomic changes in entheseal disease, imaging of
anatomic structures and their respective changes are of seminal
importance. While standardized imaging criteria for mechanically
induced entheseal disease are lacking to date, the Outcome
Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Ultrasound Working
Group has dened inammatory entheseal disease in the setting
of SpA. In ultrasound, such lesions appear as hypoechoic
(water-rich) and/or thickened insertions of the tendon close to
the bone (a Doppler signal may be present if increased vasculari-
zation is exhibited), which may be associated with erosions and
bony spurs (enthesophytes) or calcications (a sign of structural
damage) (59). Similarly, the key features of enthesitis on MRI
according to the OMERACT MRI Working Group are intratendon
hyperintensity (entheseal tendonitis), peritendon hyperintensity
Figure 1. An illustration of the biologic mechanisms occurring in entheses affected by entheseal disease. PGE
= prostaglandin E
TNF-α= tumor necrosis factor α; IL-17/IL-23 = interleukin-17/interleukin-23; CGRP = calcitonin gene-related peptide; SP = substance P;
Glu = glutamate.
(entheseal peritendonitis), and bone marrow edema (entheseal
osteitis), as well as the presence of tendon thickening, entheso-
phytes, or bone erosions (signs of structural changes) (60). Such
alterations have also been described in degenerative entheseal
disease, although hypoechoic areas on ultrasound and hyperin-
tensity on MRI may reect collagen degeneration rather than
ongoing inammation (61), and changes to enthesesincluding
power Doppler signalare overall more diffuse and distant from
the bone compared to entheseal changes seen in inammatory
entheseal disease (62). Also, the degeneration associated with
perientheseal osteitis seems to be less extensive compared to
the degeneration associated with inammatory entheseal dis-
eases (63).
Lessons on entheseal pain from imaging studies
Overall, imaging studies have shown that perientheseal tis-
sues are substantially affected by inammation and structural
changes in entheseal disease, providing the basis for pain, as
structures such as peritendon tissue, bone, and bone marrow
are densely innervated. Moreover, the signal changes in tendons
observed on ultrasound and MRI clearly suggest that entheseal
disease is associated not only with neovascularization, but also
with the neoinnervation of previously oligotrophic and highly
collagen-rich tissue (turning them into nociceptive tissues).
Conversely, the paucity of nociceptive nerve bers at the insertion
of healthy tendons supports the observation that early forms of
mechanically induced entheseal disease can remain asymptom-
atic. It can be hypothesized that only later when neurovascular
invasion occurs does entheseal disease become symptomatic.
Consistent with this concept, it has been shown that the presence
of subclinical entheseal disease predicts the onset of articular
symptoms in patients with psoriasis (64) or chronic overuse
related to sport activities (65). Moreover, imaging studies have
shown that signs of neoangiogenesis are specically associated
with pain in mechanically induced entheseal disease (6668),
while the ndings from an imaging study by Feydy et al on inam-
matory entheseal disease were inconclusive with regard to the
relationship (69).
The idea that eicosanoids such as PGE
have a role in the
process of neoangiogenesis in entheseal disease is supported
by the evidence that nonsteroidal antiinammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) dampen the detection of vascular signals in contrast-
enhanced ultrasonography (70). It is therefore not surprising that
NSAIDs are the rst choice of treatment for both inammatory
and degenerative forms of entheseal disease (71).
Taken together, these ndings suggest that pain in the con-
text of entheseal disease is triggered by the involvement of well-
innervated perientheseal structures, as well as by a neurovascular
response that leads to the spreading of blood vessels and
nerves into the oligotrophic tissues of the tendon and the
entheses. Future research should focus more closely on the
relationship between symptoms and anatomic structures
involved in entheseal disease by utilizing both imaging tech-
niques and biopsy-based histopathologic examinations of the
entheseal structures affected by vascularization and innervation.
The apparent dissociation between anatomic changes and clin-
ical symptoms may be linked to the different underlying mecha-
nisms leading to entheseal disease in inammatory and
mechanically induced musculoskeletal conditions. Mechanically
induced entheseal disease may initially be asymptomatic
because the extent of innervation and vascularization at the
affected enthesis is not severe enough to produce symptoms.
This silent phase of the disease may facilitate the accrual of fur-
ther damage and ultimately lead to perientheseal involvement
and a neurovascular response that allows for the transition to
symptomatic disease. Conversely, inammatory entheseal dis-
ease involves periarticular tissues early in the disease course
and therefore becomes symptomatic at an early stage, trigger-
ing fast neurovascular responses. After the cessation of inam-
mation, this neurovascular invasion of the enthesis persists,
thereby triggering pain as well as a higher sensitivity to the recur-
rence of inammation, explaining the uncouplingof pain from
structural changes in the affected enthesis.
All authors drafted the article, revised it critically for important intel-
lectual content, and approved the nal version to be published.
Open Access Funding provided by Universita Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.
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Sharpey's fiber alterations, referred to as entheseal reaction or enthesopathy, have long been considered an indicator of daily activities. Such semantic transformation seems to conflate processes which alter the characteristics of tendonous and ligamentous attachments to bone with the rugosity and extent of their base/footprint. Rather than reflecting normal activities, it is suggested that surface reactions are actually the response to the application of sudden or unconditioned repetitive stresses—analogous to stress fractures. Thus, they are distinct from enlargement of the base/footprint, the bone remodeling process responsible for the robusticity of the area to which the enthesis attaches, which is actually a measure of actual muscle activity. Surface reactions in attachment areas represent injury, be it mechanical stress fracture‐equivalents or inflammation‐derived. Bone base/footprint is the reaction of the enthesis to stresses of routine physical activities. The character of underlying bone supporting Sharpey's fibers may be augmented by applied stress, but there is neither a physiologic mechanism nor is there evidence for significant addition of Sharpey's fibers beyond ontogeny. Behavior is responsible for the physiologic response of robusticity; spiculation, pathology.
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Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the role of ultrasonographic assessment of enthesitis in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA) in terms of disease activity, functionality, and quality of life. Patients and methods: Ninety SpA patients (57 males, 33 females; mean age: 37.5±9.7 years; range, 18 to 60 years) were included in cross-sectional study between November 2016 and January 2017. Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS), Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI), Short Form-12 (SF-12), and Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life (ASQoL) were utilized for clinical evaluation. The clinical evaluation of enthesitis was performed with the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada (SPARCC) and Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score (MASES) via an algometer calibrated to 4 kg/cm ² of pressure. Ultrasound evaluation was performed according to Madrid Sonographic Enthesitis Index (MASEI). A total of 2,610 entheseal sites were examined clinically, and 1,080 were assessed ultrasonographically. Results: A significant proportion of enthesitis (463/1,080) was detected on ultrasonographic evaluation but not with clinical enthesitis score (MASES and SPARCC). Although ultrasonographic entheseal evaluation detected enthesitis in at least one enthesis of all patients, 35 of the patients had no enthesitis with clinical examination. The sites most frequently involved in the entheses were the proximal patellar tendon and Achilles tendon. The MASEI score did not correlate with the MASES, SPARCC, BASDAI, SF-12, and ASQoL but moderately correlated with the C-reactive protein (CRP) level (r=0.348), ASDAS-CRP (r=0.294), and BASFI score (r=0.244). Conclusion: The association of ultrasonography scores with CRP levels and ASDAS-CRP indicates that ultrasonography is effective in detecting inflammation. The MASEI score weakly correlates with functionality but not with quality of life. Ultrasonographic evaluation is invaluable and merits to be incorporated into SpA disease scoring system.
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Objective: To update the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) recommendations for the pharmacological treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Methods: According to the EULAR standardised operating procedures, a systematic literature review was followed by a consensus meeting to develop this update involving 28 international taskforce members in May 2019. Levels of evidence and strengths of recommendations were determined. Results: The updated recommendations comprise 6 overarching principles and 12 recommendations. The overarching principles address the nature of PsA and diversity of both musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal manifestations; the need for collaborative management and shared decision-making is highlighted. The recommendations provide a treatment strategy for pharmacological therapies. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and local glucocorticoid injections are proposed as initial therapy; for patients with arthritis and poor prognostic factors, such as polyarthritis or monoarthritis/oligoarthritis accompanied by factors such as dactylitis or joint damage, rapid initiation of conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs is recommended. If the treatment target is not achieved with this strategy, a biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) targeting tumour necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin (IL)-17A or IL-12/23 should be initiated, taking into account skin involvement if relevant. If axial disease predominates, a TNF inhibitor or IL-17A inhibitor should be started as first-line disease-modifying antirheumatic drug. Use of Janus kinase inhibitors is addressed primarily after bDMARD failure. Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibition is proposed for patients in whom these other drugs are inappropriate, generally in the context of mild disease. Drug switches and tapering in sustained remission are addressed. Conclusion: These recommendations provide stakeholders with an updated consensus on the pharmacological management of PsA, based on a combination of evidence and expert opinion.
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Abstract Background The cytokine, interleukin-23 (IL-23), can be critical for the progression of inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, and is often associated with T lymphocyte biology. We previously showed that certain lymphocyte-independent, inflammatory arthritis and pain models have a similar requirement for tumour necrosis factor (TNF), granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and C-C motif ligand 17 (CCL17). Given this correlation in cytokine requirements, we explored whether IL-23 might interact with this cytokine cluster in the control of arthritic and inflammatory pain. Methods The role of IL-23 in the development of pain-like behaviour was investigated using mouse arthritis models (zymosan-induced arthritis and GM-CSF-, TNF-, and CCL17-driven monoarticular arthritis) and inflammatory pain models (intraplantar zymosan, GM-CSF, TNF, and CCL17). Additionally, IL-23-induced inflammatory pain was measured in GM-CSF −/− , Tnf −/− , and Ccl17 E/E mice and in the presence of indomethacin. Pain-like behaviour and arthritis were assessed by relative weight distribution in hindlimbs and histology, respectively. Cytokine mRNA expression in knees and paw skin was analysed by quantitative PCR. Blood and synovial cell populations were analysed by flow cytometry. Results We report, using Il23p19 −/− mice, that innate immune (zymosan)-driven arthritic pain-like behaviour (herein referred to as pain) was completely dependent upon IL-23; optimal arthritic disease development required IL-23 (P
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Background: This article systematically reviews the current evidence regarding inflammation in Tendinopathy with the aim to increase understanding of a potential common pathophysiology. Methods: Following the PRISMA statements, the terms: (tendinopathy OR (tendons AND rupture)) AND (inflammation OR (inflammation AND cells) OR immune system OR inflammation mediators OR bacteria) were used. One thousand four hundred thirty-one articles were identified which was screened down to 53. Results: 39/53 studies mentioned inflammatory cells but had contradicting conclusions. Macrophages were the most common cell type and inflammatory markers were detectable in all the articles which measure them. Conclusions: The included studies show different conclusions, but this heterogeneity is not unexpected since the clinical criteria of 'tendinopathy' encompass a huge clinical spectrum. Different 'tendinopathy' conditions may have different pathophysiology, and even the same clinical condition may be at different disease stages during sampling, which can alter the histological and biochemical picture. Control specimen sampling was suboptimal since the healthy areas of the pathological-tendon may actually be sub-clinically diseased, as could the contralateral tendon in the same subject. Detection of inflammatory cells is most sensitive using immunohistochemistry targeting the cluster of differentiation markers, especially when compared to the conventional haematoxylin and eosin staining methods. The identified inflammatory cell types favour a chronic inflammatory process; which suggests a persistent stimulus. This means NSAID and glucocorticoids may be useful since they suppress inflammation, but it is noted that they may hinder tendon healing and cause long term problems. This systematic review demonstrates a diversity of data and conclusions in regard to inflammation as part of the pathogenesis of Tendinopathy, ranging from ongoing or chronic inflammation to non-inflammatory degeneration and chronic infection. Whilst various inflammatory markers are present in two thirds of the reviewed articles, the heterogenicity of data and lack of comparable studies means we cannot conclude a common pathophysiology from this systematic review.
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Background: Tendon disease is a significant global healthcare burden whereby patients experience pain and disability; however, the mechanisms that underlie inflammation and pain are poorly understood. Herein, we investigated the role of prostaglandins as important mediators of inflammation and pain in tissues and cells derived from patients with tendinopathy. Methods: We studied supraspinatus and Achilles tendon biopsies from symptomatic patients with tendinopathy or rupture. Tendon-derived stromal cells (CD45negCD34neg) isolated from tendons were cultured and treated with interleukin-1β (IL-1β) to investigate prostaglandin production. Results: Diseased tendon tissues showed increased expression of prostacyclin receptor (IP) and enzymes catalyzing the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, including cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1), COX-2, prostacyclin synthase (PGIS), and microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1). PGIS co-localized with cells expressing Podoplanin, a marker of stromal fibroblast activation, and the nociceptive neuromodulator NMDAR-1. Treatment with IL-1β induced release of the prostacyclin metabolite 6-keto PGF1α in tendon cells isolated from diseased supraspinatus and Achilles tendons but not in cells from healthy comparator tendons. The same treatment induced profound prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release in tendon cells derived from patients with supraspinatus tendon tears. Incubation of IL-1β treated diseased tendon cells with selective mPGES-1 inhibitor Compound III, reduced PGE2, and simultaneously increased 6-keto PGF1α production. Conversely, COX blockade with naproxen or NS-398 inhibited both PGE2 and 6-keto PGF1α production. Tendon biopsies from patients in whom symptoms had resolved showed increased PTGIS compared to biopsies from patients with persistent tendinopathy. Conclusions: Our results suggest that PGE2 sustains inflammation and pain while prostacyclin may have a protective role in human tendon disease.
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Objective To develop and validate an enthesitis MRI-scoring system for spondyloarthritis/psoriatic arthritis, using the heel as model. Methods Consensus definitions of key pathologies and three heel enthesitis multi-reader scoring exercises were done, separated by discussion, training and calibration. Results Definitions for bone and soft tissue pathologies were agreed. In final exercise, median pairwise single-measures intra-class correlation coefficients(ICCs; patient-level) for entheseal inflammation status/change scores were 0.83/0.82 for all readers. For radiologists and selected rheumatologists ICCs were 0.91/0.84 and quadratic-weighted kappas(lesionlevel) 0.57-0.91/0.45-0.81. Conclusion The proposed definitions and heel enthesitis scoring system (HEMRIS) are reliable among trained readers and promising for clinical trials.
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Objective To investigate the relationship between tendon structural changes determined by static ultrasound images (US) and sensory changes using quantitative sensory testing (QST), and clinical measures in lateral epicondylalgia. Materials and methods Both elbows of 66 adult participants with a clinical diagnosis of lateral epicondylalgia were investigated. Using a standardised ultrasound image rating scale, common extensor hypoechogenicity, heterogenicity, neovascularity, and bony abnormalities at the enthesis were scored, and tendon thickness (longitudinal and transverse plane) was measured by a trained assessor. Sensory measures of pressure, heat and cold pain thresholds and vibration detection threshold were recorded. Pain and function were assessed using the patient-rated tennis elbow (PRTEE), pain-free grip strength, pain visual analog scale (PVAS) and quality of life (EuroQoL EQ -5D). Univariate and multivariate linear regression analyses were used to explore the association between tendon structural, sensory and clinical variables which were adjusted for age, gender and duration of symptoms. Results A negative correlation was identified between the presence of neovascularity and cold pain threshold (P = 0.015). Multiple regression analyses revealed that a combination of female gender (P = 0.044) and transverse tendon thickness (P = 0.010) were significantly associated with vibration detection threshold in affected elbows, while gender (P = 0.012) and total ultrasound scale score (P = 0.024) were significantly associated with heat pain threshold and vibration detection threshold in unaffected elbows. Heat pain threshold and gender were significantly associated with pain and disability (PRTEE; P < 0.001), and pain-free grip strength (P < 0.001) respectively, in the affected elbows. Conclusion Generally, structural and sensory measures were weakly correlated. However, neovascularity and transverse tendon thickness may be related to sensory system changes in LE.
Objectives To evaluate the relationship of fibromyalgia with enthesopathy, sleep, fatigue and quality of life in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Methods The psoriatic arthritis patients according to CASPAR criteria were included in the study. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia was based on 2016 ACR criteria. Demographic and clinical parameters were noted. Disease activity and enthesopathy were evaluated with Disease Activity Score‐28 (DAS‐28) and Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score (MASES), respectively. Functional assessment scales in this study were Psoriatic Arthritis Quality of Life (PsAQoL), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF). Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) was used to assess the functional status of fibromyalgia. The Mann‐Whitney U test and Spearman correlation coefficient (ρ) were used. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis used to examine the differential contributions to FIQ score. P < .05 was accepted as significant. Results We enrolled 50 PsA patients (31 female, 19 male) with a mean age of 49.5 years (SD: 10.2) and mean disease duration 7.5 years (SD: 7.5). Thirty‐two patients (64% of PsA patients) fulfilled ACR criteria for fibromyalgia. The mean scores of MASES, PSQI, MAF and PsAQoL were significantly higher in patients with fibromyalgia (P < .05). The correlations between FIQ and other functional parameters were as follows; MASES (ρ = 0.71, P < .0005), PSQI (ρ = 0.62, P < .0005), MAF (ρ = 0.60, P < .0005), PsAQoL (ρ = 0.61, P < .0005). A moderate correlation was existing between FIQ and DAS‐28 (ρ = 0.42, P = .03). Conclusions Coexistence of fibromyalgia in PsA patients is associated with the presence of enthesopathy, poor quality of life, sleep disturbance and fatigue.
Objective We aimed to investigate the prevalence of ultrasonographic (US) lesions in healthy entheses and contributing factors. Methods US scans were performed on 960 entheses of 80 healthy subjects. Factors contributing to entheseal changes were investigated with regression analysis. Results Thickening (20.4% of the entheses) and enthesophytes (23.1%) were the most common inflammatory and structural damage lesions, respectively. Age (p<0.001), male sex (p:0.003), body mass index (BMI) (p:0.001) and high physical activity (p:0.007) were independent predictors of enthesitis scores on US. Conclusion The effect of age, gender, BMI and physical activity on the entheses needs to be considered when differentiating disease from health.
Symptomatic tendinopathy can be a disabling condition for athletes. Common sites of tendinopathy in athletes include the rotator cuff (RTC), Achilles, and patellar tendons. Advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound occasionally identify tendinopathic changes in asymptomatic individuals. Such asymptomatic changes have been documented in the RTC, Achilles, and patellar tendons of athletes. In the RTC, tendinopathy, partial-, and full-thickness tears have been demonstrated in asymptomatic athletes, though only small numbers of these athletes may develop symptoms despite prolonged periods of ongoing, competitive play. In the Achilles and patellar tendons, neovascularization, hypoechogenicity, and tendon thickening are commonly noted findings in asymptomatic athletes, and though all have been associated with tendon pain in the literature, there is some inconsistency as to which are the strongest predictors of future tendon pain. Evidence on how best to address or intervene upon such asymptomatic changes is limited.
Objectives To evaluate the reliability of consensus-based ultrasound (US) definitions of elementary components of enthesitis in spondyloarthritis (SpA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and to evaluate which of them had the highest contribution to defining and scoring enthesitis. Methods Eleven sonographers evaluated 40 entheses from five patients with SpA/PsA at four bilateral sites. Nine US elementary lesions were binary-scored: hypoechogenicity, thickened insertion, enthesophytes, calcifications, erosions, bone irregularities, bursitis and Doppler signal inside and around enthesis. Kappa statistics were used to evaluate reliability. Sonographers were also asked to state which lesions can be considered as inflammatory or structural and should be included in the final definition of enthesitis. Only the lesions, scored as present in at least 75% of the entheses considered as having an enthesitis, were included in the final definition. Results The prevalence of detected lesions was quite low except for enthesophytes (55%) and bone irregularities (54%). Reliability ranged from poor to good (the lowest for thickened enthesis (kappa 0.1 (95% CI 0 to 0.7)) and the highest for enthesophytes (kappa 0.6 (95% CI 0.5 to 0.7)). When adjusted for low prevalence, kappa values increased for all lesions, with the best result observed for detecting Doppler signal at insertion (0.9) and for bursitis (0.8). The US components included in the final definition were hypoechogenicity, increased thickness at enthesis, erosions and calcifications/enthesophytes and Doppler signal at insertion. Conclusion By using a consensus-based stepwise approach, a final reliable US score and definition of enthesitis in SpA/PsA were produced. Further studies are sought for implementing this score in clinical trials and practice.