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Design and Testing of Diagnostic MRI/MRS Applications Based On Signal Enhancement by Parahydrogen‐Induced Polarization

Analysis & Sensing

Abstract and Figures

Parahydrogen‐induced polarization is a hyperpolarization method that exploits the spin order of hydrogen enriched in the para‐isomer, by means of a chemical reaction. Recently, its field of application has been extended significantly, through the introduction of non‐hydrogenative PHIP (i. e. SABRE) and of innovative h‐PHIP strategies that allowed to increase the intensity of the MR signals in molecules relevant for biological applications. This Concept article aims to show the potentialities of this hyperpolarization method in the field of diagnostics, through the discussion of some of the reported applications of parahydrogen polarized substrates. A section is also dedicated to the methods that have been introduced for the purification of parahydrogen polarized products, in order to make them suitable for biological studies.
The two variants of the hydrogenative‐PHIP experiments (PASADENA and ALTADENA). A) Hydrogen addition to a triple bond, on an asymmetric substrate (R1 ≠ R2), leading to two chemically different protons (H1 and H2). B) in a PASADENA experiment, the hydrogenation reaction takes place at high field (such that νA-νX≫JAX ${\left|{\nu }_{A}-{\nu }_{X}\right|\gg {J}_{AX}}$ ) and an AX system is “suddenly” formed, having the spin states αα, αβ, βα and ββ. Only those states that overlap with the para‐state are more populated (thick lines) while the other states are less populated (thin lines). Consequently, four intense NMR transitions are possible from these states, as shown by the red and blue arrows and schematized in D. B’) In an ALTADENA experiment the reaction takes place at low field, in the fringe field of the NMR magnet (i. e. νA-νX≪J ${\left|{\nu }_{A}-{\nu }_{X}\right|\ll J}$ ) and the spin states are little changed, so the parahydrogen state adds predominantly into the product state with the singlet character. After the hydrogenation reaction, the parahydrogenated sample is transferred into the high field of the NMR magnet for rf irradiation and detection and the AX system is obtained. The passage from low to high field must be rapid with respect to the spin‐lattice relaxation to preserve the spin order, but also sufficiently slow that the population of the singlet‐like low field eigenstate is transferred adiabatically into the high‐field eigenstate with which it correlates with continuity,[19] as shown in the correlation diagram. As a result, in‐phase signals are obtained for each proton, while antiphase signals were observed in the PASADENA experiment (see D and D’).
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Design and Testing of Diagnostic MRI/MRS Applications
Based On Signal Enhancement by Parahydrogen-Induced
Francesca Reineri*[a]
Parahydrogen-induced polarization is a hyperpolarization meth-
od that exploits the spin order of hydrogen enriched in the
para-isomer, by means of a chemical reaction. Recently, its field
of application has been extended significantly, through the
introduction of non-hydrogenative PHIP (i. e. SABRE) and of
innovative h-PHIP strategies that allowed to increase the
intensity of the MR signals in molecules relevant for biological
applications. This Concept article aims to show the potentialities
of this hyperpolarization method in the field of diagnostics,
through the discussion of some of the reported applications of
parahydrogen polarized substrates. A section is also dedicated
to the methods that have been introduced for the purification
of parahydrogen polarized products, in order to make them
suitable for biological studies.
1. Introduction
The introduction of methods for hyperpolarizing nuclear spins
in solution, in particular of parahydrogen induced polarization
(PHIP)[1] and dissolution-dynamic nuclear polarization (d-
DNP),[2,3] increased the sensitivity of the 13C (and other nuclei)
NMR detection by several thousands of times. This allowed the
detection of molecules at millimolar concentration in biological
systems, on the timescale of a few seconds. PHIP polarized
substrates have been investigated since the early 2000s, when
the first in-vivo studies using hyperpolarized liquid substrates
have been published.[4,5] Then, the diagnostic applications of
hyperpolarized (HP) molecules in solution have been devel-
oped quickly thanks to d-DNP.
D-DNP is a versatile and powerful hyperpolarization
technique that can increase the sensitivity of, in principle, any
molecule. The wealth of chemical information that MRI and
MRS can provide, in the characterization of biological tissues,
non-invasively, is unique and 13C MRS is potentially the most
useful technique for monitoring tissues metabolism and its
alterations in diseases. The access to d-DNP hyperpolarized
metabolites has made possible the investigation of metabolic
pathways in-vivo, in real time. Nevertheless, its use is limited
due to the high costs of purchase and maintenance, to the
technical complexity and the long hyperpolarization cycles of
this technology.
PHIP is a cheap hyperpolarization method, less technically
demanding than d-DNP and the basic equipment needed to
carry out experiments using para-enriched hydrogen can be
easily found in a chemistry laboratory.[6] It allows hyperpolariza-
tion cycles at significantly faster pace, but its field of application
appeared quite limited, at least in the first two decades since
its discovery.[7,8] This is due to the fact that hydrogenative-PHIP
(h-PHIP) relies on the addition of a hydrogen molecule to an
unsaturated substrate, therefore, only those molecules for
which an unsaturated precursor (alkyne or alkene) exists,
seemed suitable for this hyperpolarization method.
In 2009, the scope of parahydrogen based hyperpolariza-
tion widened significantly thanks to the introduction of the
non-hydrogenative method SABRE (Signal Amplification by
Reversible Exchange), that does not imply any chemical
modification of the substrate. Recently, the use of h-PHIP has
been expanded too, making possible the hyperpolarization of
metabolites, such as pyruvate and fumarate[9,10] and the interest
in PHIP based hyperpolarization is increasing.
In the following paragraphs, the fundamentals of para-
hydrogen hyperpolarization will be presented and the potential
applications of PHIP polarized molecules to diagnostics in-vivo
and in-vitro will be described.
2. Hyperpolarization from parahydrogen
The combination of two magnetically equivalent nuclear spins
2leads to the formation of the four nuclear spin states (Eq. 1)
aaij ,bbij ,1ffiffi
pðabij þ baij Þ and 1ffiffi
pðabij baij Þ (1)
The first three states have a total spin angular momentum
I= +1 and form a triplet state, while the fourth state has a
total spin angular momentum I =0 and is a singlet state.
[a] Prof. F. Reineri
Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences
University of Torino
Via Nizza 52
10126 Torino (Italy)
© 2022 The Authors. Analysis & Sensing published by Wiley-VCH GmbH. This
is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attri-
bution Non-Commercial License, which permits use, distribution and re-
production in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and
is not used for commercial purposes.
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Analysis & Sensing 2022,2, e202200028 (1 of 9) © 2022 The Authors. Analysis & Sensing published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Wiley VCH Mittwoch, 26.10.2022
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These states are often referred to using the singlet-triplet
notation, (Eq. 2)
Tþij ¼ aaij ,(2a)
T0ij ¼ 1ffiffi
pðabij þ baij ð2bÞ
Tij ¼ bbij (2c)
S0ij ¼ 1ffiffi
pðabij baij (2d)
where the subscript refers to the eigenvalue of the total
square spin angular momentum operator (I2¼I2
z) of
each state, for example I2S0
j i=0.
The singlet state is not coupled with the triplet states due
to different symmetry, in fact the triplet states are symmetric,
while the singlet state is antisymmetric upon exchange of the
two spins. In the case of hydrogen gas, the para and ortho spin
isomers are so well isolated that they form two physically
different substances, named parahydrogen and orthohydrogen,
At room temperature, all the four nuclear spin states are
equally populated, giving 25% of the para-form. Since the para
state is the most stable one, the fraction of parahydrogen
increases when the temperature is lowered being almost 100 %
at ~ 20 K. Nevertheless, symmetric interactions of the two spins
(e. g. intramolecular dipole-dipole interactions) cannot couple
the singlet and the triplet states, bringing into equilibrium the
population of the two forms of hydrogen, due to their different
symmetry. Therefore inhomogeneous interactions, such as
those on the surface of a catalyst, are needed to reach the
thermal equilibrium.[12] It follows that the enrichment in the
para-isomer obtained at low temperature can be maintained at
high temperature (room temperature or higher) provided that
the conversion catalyst is removed. This non-equilibrium
mixture is termed parahydrogen and contains a high spin order
that can be converted into hyperpolarization.[7,8,13]
Parahydrogen is magnetically inactive (the magnetic mo-
mentum is zero) and hyperpolarization can be obtained if its
symmetry is broken by means of a chemical transformation
that leads to chemically or magnetically inequivalent spins.
In Hydrogenative PHIP, a hydrogen molecule is added to an
unsaturated substrate (usually an alkene or alkyne) in a pairwise
manner, i. e. the spin correlation between the two hydrogen
nuclei is maintained. The hydrogenation reaction has also to be
fast, in the timescale of the relaxation processes, because the
spin states population tends to the thermal equilibrium, once
that the symmetry of the hydrogen molecule is broken and the
singlet state is lost.
In non-hydrogenative PHIP (SABRE),[14] the latent magnet-
ization of parahydrogen is catalytically transferred to a
substrate in reversible exchange on a metal complex (usually
an iridium Crabtree-like complex) (Figure 1). The metal center
works as a molecular scaffold that brings together the hydro-
gen molecule and the substrate. It follows that the main
requirement, for a SABRE substrate, is the capability of binding
to the iridium complex. The most commonly used substrates
are heterocycles containing an electro-donating atom, typically
nitrogen.[15] The process is completed without any chemical
change of the substrate, is continuous and refreshable.[16]
The easiest way to describe how parahydrogen can lead to
hyperpolarization of the 1H-NMR signals, in an h-PHIP experi-
ment, relies on the calculation of the population of the nuclear
spin states[18] of a molecule formed upon the addition of
parahydrogen to an unsaturated bond (Figure 2).
Following to the addition of hydrogen to the substrate, the
spin states of hydrogen (Eq. 2) S0ij ,Tþij ;T0ij ;Tij ) change
instantaneously into the states of the product molecule. For
sake of completeness, it must be said that this is an ideal
situation, because the hydrogenation catalyst has an effect on
the singlet state and singlet-triplet mixing occurs on hydro-
genation intermediates. Nevertheless, this so-called sudden
approximation is often used in the description of h-PHIP
experiments. The spin states of the two protons on the product
can be conveniently written as a combination of the singlet-
triplet states as reported in Eq. 3:[20]
y1¼Tþij ¼ aaj i (3a)
y2¼cos q
abij þ sin q
baij (3b)
Figure 1. Top: a generic example of hydrogenative-PHIP. Parahydrogen is
added, by means of a hydrogenation catalyst (Rh(I)diphos complexes are
usually applied), to an alkyne. Spin order is transferred to the alkene thus
obtained. Bottom: example of SABRE hyperpolarization of a generic
substrate (Subs) through the formation of a ternary adduct between with an
Ir(I) complex (L=PCy3or L=Imes=1,3-bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)imidazol-2-
ylidine[17]) and parahydrogen. Notice that, in SABRE, the chemical structure
of the substrate is not changed, while in h-PHIP the hyperpolarized product
incorporates the parahydrogen molecule.
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Analysis & Sensing 2022,2, e202200028 (2 of 9) © 2022 The Authors. Analysis & Sensing published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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y3¼sin q
abij cos q
baij (3c)
y4¼Tij ¼ bjbi:(3d)
The mixing angle θdepends on the scalar coupling
between the two protons and on their frequency difference
tan qð Þ ¼ JH1H2
nH1nH2 .
When the frequency difference( nH1 nH2 ) tends to zero,
the y3state (Eq. 3c) corresponds to the parahydrogen state,
therefore this is the only state that becomes more populated.
This is the ALTADENA condition,[19] in which the reaction occurs
at low magnetic field (usually at the geomagnetic field), where
the chemical shift difference between protons is neglectable
and they resonate at the same Larmor frequency. Following an
adiabatic (i. e. slow) transport of the sample into the high field
of the NMR spectrometer, the population of the states is
maintained and hyperpolarization results into in-phase signals
(hyperpolarized net magnetization) (Figure 2).
Vice-versa, when the frequency difference between the two
protons is significantly larger than their mutual scalar coupling
(( nH1 nH2 )@JHH), i. e. in the weak coupling condition, the
states y2¼abij and y3¼baij are formed, which are equally
populated because they both connect with the parahydrogen
state. This situation occurs in the PASADENA experiments and
hyperpolarized antiphase signals are obtained for the two
protons (Figure 2).
In practice, 1H hyperpolarization is not usually applied for
in-vivo MRI studies, due to the large background signal of
water protons and to the relaxation rate of 1H, that limits the
lifetime of the HP signals to few seconds. Heteronuclear signals,
and in particular 13C resonances, are usually preferred, because
of the large chemical shift range, the lack of background signals
Figure 2. The two variants of the hydrogenative-PHIP experiments (PASADENA and ALTADENA). A) Hydrogen addition to a triple bond, on an asymmetric
substrate (R1¼6 R2), leading to two chemically different protons (H1and H2). B) in a PASADENA experiment, the hydrogenation reaction takes place at high
field (such that nAnX
j j JAX ) and an AX system is “suddenly” formed, having the spin states αα,αβ,βα and ββ. Only those states that overlap with the
para-state are more populated (thick lines) while the other states are less populated (thin lines). Consequently, four intense NMR transitions are possible from
these states, as shown by the red and blue arrows and schematized in D. B’) In an ALTADENA experiment the reaction takes place at low field, in the fringe
field of the NMR magnet (i. e. nAnX
j j J) and the spin states are little changed, so the parahydrogen state adds predominantly into the product state with
the singlet character. After the hydrogenation reaction, the parahydrogenated sample is transferred into the high field of the NMR magnet for rf irradiation
and detection and the AX system is obtained. The passage from low to high field must be rapid with respect to the spin-lattice relaxation to preserve the spin
order, but also sufficiently slow that the population of the singlet-like low field eigenstate is transferred adiabatically into the high-field eigenstate with which
it correlates with continuity,[19] as shown in the correlation diagram. As a result, in-phase signals are obtained for each proton, while antiphase signals were
observed in the PASADENA experiment (see D and D’).
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and the longer T1, especially in some functional groups such as
the carboxylate group.
Hyperpolarization can be transferred spontaneously from
parahydrogen protons to heteronuclei through the scalar
couplings. Let’s consider the simplest case in which a
heteronucleus (X) is added to the two protons spin states and
an A2X system is formed. The eigenstates are the product of
the singlet/triplet states for the two protons and the αand β
state for the heteroatom (Eq. 4)
Tþaj i ¼ aaaj i;Tþbj i ¼ aabj i;(4a)
jai ¼ 1ffiffi
pðab baÞaij ;S0
jbi ¼ 1ffiffi
pðab baÞbij ;(4b)
T0ai ¼ 1ffiffi
ðab þbaÞaij ;T0bij ¼ 1ffiffi
pðab þbaÞbij ;(4c)
Taj i ¼ bbaj i;Tbj i ¼ bbbj i (4d)
In this case, only the states S0
jaiand S0
jbiare populated
and, being transitions from these states forbidden, hyper-
polarization is not observed. Vice-versa, when the two protons
are added to magnetically different sites, an AA’X spin system
is formed, thanks to asymmetric coupling of the two protons
with 13C (Figure 3).[21] In this case, the spin states can be written,
using the singlet-triplet-Zeeman basis[22] as in Eq. 5:
y1¼Tþaj i,y2¼Tþbj i (5a)
y3¼S00aij ¼ cos qG
baaij sin qG
abaij ,(5b)
y4¼T00aij ¼ cos qG
abaij þ sin qG
baaij ,(5c)
Figure 3. A) Parahydrogen is added to dimethyl-[1-13C] acetylene dicarboxylate. The cis-addition is catalyzed by the [Rhdppb] +complex (dppb =bis-
diphenylphosphino butane) that is more usually applied for h-PHIP. In the product molecule dimethyl-maleate, a three-spins system is formed (H1H2X). B)
Population of the nuclear spin states before the hydrogenation reaction (H2enriched in para-isomer): the bold-faced line represent the more populated state
(para-state). B’) After hydrogen addition to the triple bond, the H1H2X spin system is formed and two states are more populated (bold-faced lines). Transitions
from these two states to the other, thermally populated states, are hyperpolarized (blue arrows): an antiphase signal is observed for 13C (C). B’’) Population of
the nuclear spin states after the application of MFC,[23] now the hyperpolarized transitions (blue arrows) are in-phase (emission signal, C’). C and C’ are the 13C
hyperpolarized signals before and after the application of MFC, respectively.
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Analysis & Sensing 2022,2, e202200028 (4 of 9) © 2022 The Authors. Analysis & Sensing published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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y5¼S00bij ¼ cos qG
abbij sin qG
babij ,(5d)
y6¼T00bij ¼ cos qG
babij þ sin qG
abbij ,(5e)
y7¼bbaj i;y8¼bbbj i (5 f)
Of the eight states thus obtained, four derive from mixing
of the states S0aj i and T0aj i (total spin -1
2), S0bj i and T0bj i
(total spin 1
2) and the mixing angle is
qG¼arctan 2wH1H2
with wH1H2¼2pJH1H2and wD
The percentage of singlet of the states y3,y4,y5and y6is
a function of the J-couplings involved.
When the two HX coupling are equal, the system is
symmetric and the states correspond to pure singlet-Zeeman
and triplet-Zeeman states. Otherwise, when the two J couplings
(JH1X and JH2X) are different, the heteronuclear transitions
y3!y6and y4!y5have non-null probability and are
hyperpolarized (Figure 3), leading to hyperpolarized anti-phase
signals on 13C (i. e. hyperpolarized 1H-13C spin order) and the net
magnetization on the heteroatom is zero.(Figure 3) Spin order
can be converted into net magnetization (Figure 3) through the
application of magnetic field cycling,[5,23] as reported by K.Gol-
man in the first in-vivo application of a hyperpolarized
substrate. Other methods have been reported to achieve this
goal, based on the application of rf pulses.[24–27]
3. Advances in PHIP-based methods
3.1. PHIP based agents for angiography and perfusion
Magnetic Resonance Angiography is an important method for
diagnosing various medical conditions and it may take
advantage from the use of vasculature contrast agents such as
blood pool agents.[28] MR-based approaches to quantify
perfusion make use of injection of relaxation-based MR contrast
media or use magnetic spin labeling techniques. These
approaches suffers from limitations, in particular, some Gd-
based CAs have been suspended in Europe because of major
concerns associated to long-term accumulation of Gd contain-
ing species in the patients’ bodies.[29] On the other hand, the
arterial spin labeling approaches are limited by 1H longitudinal
The strong signal of hyperpolarized spins allows the direct
detection of hyperpolarized molecules and, in the first in-vivo
application of hyperpolaried liquids, hydroxyethyl propionate
(HEP) polarized by means of h-PHIP was used for catheter
tracking and angiography.[5,30] In that case, the polarization level
was in the order of 25–30%, an aqueous solution was obtained
directly from the hydrogenation reaction carried out in water
and the concentration of the agent was 0.5–1 M. Although the
toxicity profile of HEP did not make it suitable for clinical
translation, the contrast capacity of this new method for
angiographic examination was successfully demonstrated and
also it showed to be suitable to provide perfusion data about
the myocardium in pigs.[5]
Succinate is a metabolite that takes part into the TCA cycle,
i. e. it is central in the metabolic energy production. However,
since transport of dicarboxylic acids across biological mem-
branes is quite limited, real time metabolism has not been
observed using this hyperpolarized substrate. Anyhow, its
biocompatibility should make it suitable as a tracer for
angiography and perfusion. Hyperpolarized [1-13C]succinate has
been obtained, first, by means of parahydrogenation of sodium
acetylene dicarboxylate,[31] and later from parahydrogen addi-
tion to 1-13C-fumaric acid-d2.[32] In the second case, the choice
of a deuterated precursor maximizes the T1for the hyper-
polarized product. The polarization level was 15–20% and the
concentration of the hyperpolarized molecule was 3–4 mM.
The parahydrogenation was carried out in aqueous solution,
using a water-soluble rhodium catalyst and a dedicated
instrumentation for parahydrogen addition and transfer of spin
order.[33] Another route to obtain the same product has been
reported, using 13C labelled maleic anhydride as a precursor.[34]
In this case, the use of a lipophilic substrate allowed to carry
out the hydrogenation reaction in an organic hydrophobic
solvent. Following to the spin order transfer to 13C of the para-
hydrogenated anhydride, the aqueous solution of the hyper-
polarized succinic acid was obtained by means of the fast
hydrolysis of the anhydride and extraction of the product in in
the aqueous phase. The liquid-liquid extraction of the HP agent
corresponds also to the purification step, as will be discussed in
a following section.
Another molecule that has to be considered in this context
is 13C-urea, as it is not taken up and metabolized by most
tissues. It has been shown that hyperpolarized urea, obtained
by means of the d-DNP method, provides accurate assessment
of blood perfusion in animal cancer models.[35] Hyperpolariza-
tion of this substrate has been obtained also by using SABRE-
RELAY.[36] This variant of SABRE relies on the non-hydrogenative
PHIP of a transfer reagent (ammonia) and the subsequent relay
of hyperpolarization to the analyte of interest, though fast
proton exchange. This method allowed to extend the applica-
tion of PHIP quite significantly, to different classes of com-
pounds (carboxylic acids, alcohols, phosphates, glucose) further
than urea (13C and 15N labelled). However the attained polar-
ization level is still rather low (<0.5 %) and further improve-
ments of the method are necessary to make it suitable for in-
vivo applications. Another issue deals with the solvent in which
HP-urea is obtained (i.e. CD2Cl2), that is not compatible with
biological studies.
3.2. PHIP polarized substrates for metabolic imaging
The most relevant application of hyperpolarized substrates in
the diagnostic field is the assessment of metabolic processes
Analysis & Sensing
Analysis & Sensing 2022,2, e202200028 (5 of 9) © 2022 The Authors. Analysis & Sensing published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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in-vivo. Although many metabolites have been hyperpolarized
by means of d-DNP,[37] only a handful of them have been
successfully applied for these studies. Pyruvate is the most
widely used for the investigation of different diseases, and the
first translated to the clinic.[38,39] This molecule is at the
crossroads of different metabolic processes, as it is transformed
into lactate by the cytoplasmatic LDH (lactate dehydrogenase),
into alanine by alanine transaminase (ALT) and enters the TCA
cycle thanks to decarboxylation by means of pyruvate decar-
Hyperpolarization of pyruvate has been pursued by means
of both hydrogenative and non-hydrogenative PHIP based
Using the SABRE method, the issue of the poor coordina-
tion of pyruvate to the iridium complex Ir(COD)(NHC)Cl (NHC =
IMes)[40,41] had to be solved. This task was tackled by tuning the
coordination capacity of the metal center by means of different
ligands. It was observed that the addition of DMSO (or its
derivatives) allows to obtain an unstable intermediate [Ir-
(H)2(DMSO)2Imes] that forms [Ir(H)2(η2-pyruvate)(sulfoxide)].[42]
In SABRE, the hyperpolarization level results from complex
interplay between different factors, in particular the catalyst
identity, the substrate and co-substrate concentration, temper-
ature and solvent properties.[43] The best conditions for SABRE
polarization of pyruvate brought to 1.7% 13C polarization on
the free molecule, while ~ 13 % polarization has been observed
as total polarization for free and coordinated pyruvate, at low
By using the SABRE polarized [1,2-13C2]pyruvate, it was
possible to observe its chemical transformation into CO2and
ethanolic acid, through the reaction with hydrogen peroxide.[45]
The h-PHIP approach to pyruvate hyperpolarization makes
use of the SAH (Side Arm Hydrogenation) method,[9] which
relies on the functionalization of the carboxylate group with an
unsaturated alcohol, to yield an ester derivative of pyruvate
containing the unsaturated group on the alcoholic moiety.
Hyperpolarization is obtained through the following steps: a)
hydrogenation of the unsaturated side-arm using p-H2; b) spin
order transfer from the parahydrogen protons to the 13C
carboxylate spin; c) cleavage of the hydrogenated alcohol by
means of hydrolysis. Hydrogenation is carried out in an
hydrophobic solvent (e. g. chloroform or toluene[46]) and the use
of an aqueous base for hydrolysis leads to the separation of
two phases. The catalyst is retained in the organic phase, while
the carboxylate salt is extracted in the aqueous one. The
aqueous solutions of HP metabolite thus obtained have been
used for metabolic investigations in-vivo[47] and in-cells[48,49]
(Figure 4). The SAH method can be applied, in principle, to any
substrate containing a carboxylate group such as acetate,[50]
lactate,[51] amino acids.[52,53] Concerning the hyperpolarization of
AAs, it should be mentioned that also other PHIP-based
Figure 4. A) time-resolved 13C-NMR spectra (20°flip angle, 2 s inter-scan delay) acquired following to the perfusion of HP-[1-13C]pyruvate (5 mM) through
prostate cancer cells (10 M PC3 cells) suspended in their growth medium. The build-up of the [1-13C]lactate signal can be observed, due to the metabolic
conversion of the injected pyruvate. The setup for perfusion of the HP metabolite through the cells is shown on the right: cells are placed inside the NMR
spectrometer and the temperature is set to 310 K, before the addition of the HP metabolite. The stacked plot of 13C-NMR spectra is reproduced from ref [49],
copyright (2020), with permission of the Publisher (article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY)).
Analysis & Sensing
Analysis & Sensing 2022,2, e202200028 (6 of 9) © 2022 The Authors. Analysis & Sensing published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Wiley VCH Mittwoch, 26.10.2022
2206 / 257652 [S. 10/13] 1
methods have been used, from the direct h-PHIP of de-
hydrogenated precursors (dehydro-AAs)[54] to SABRE.[55]
D-DNP studies showed that HP [1,4-13C2]fumarate can be
used as a reporter of necrosis, being transformed into
[1,4-13C2]malate by fumarase, in those cells that had lost plasma
membrane integrity.[56]
HP [1-13C]fumarate has been obtained from the addition of
p-H2to [1-13C]acetlylenedicarboxylic acid (ADC).[10] The attain-
ment of E-alkenes, from catalytic hydrogenation of alkynes, is
unusual and their formation derives, mostly, from isomerization
of the product of the cis-addition to the triple bond. The
complex [Cp*Ru]+catalyzes the unorthodox formation of the E
isomer, thus leading to fumarate, instead of malate, which is
the product obtained using conventional hydrogenation com-
plexes. The reaction is quite efficient in aqueous solution,
leading to high polarization level (>24 %) on the 13C-carbox-
ylate signal and high concentration of the agent. Its metabolic
transformation into [1-13C] and [4-13C]maleate was observed in
cells lysates[57] and in-vivo.[58]
Several other metabolites, or their derivatives, were hyper-
polarized by means of PHIP based methods, as reported in
different reviews.[59–61] Although the polarization level reported
on some of them is good, very few were tested in-vivo. In fact,
although the signal enhancement may be sufficient for the in-
vitro detection, this is only the first step for identifying a HP
molecule as a potential candidate for acting as a diagnostic
probe and a sensor for altered metabolic processes.
3.3. Biocompatibility of the solutions of the HP products
The use of a metal complex to exploit the parahydrogen spin
order and transforming it into enhanced MR signals is
mandatory in both h-PHIP and SABRE. In h-PHIP experiments,
rhodium(I) complexes, having the general formula [Rh-
(diphos)(diene)]+(diphos =chelating phosphine) are com-
monly used, while Crabtree-like Ir(I) complexes are the systems
selected for SABRE experiments. A few cases have been
reported in which the activation of parahydrogen is obtained
by means of organic molecules (i.e. frustrated Lewis pairs),[62]
nevertheless their use as hydrogenation catalyst has not been
reported yet.
As a prerequisite for clinical trials, the safety profile of any
candidate tracer reagent, catalyst and other substances in the
product solution has to be carefully assessed. In order to be
suitable for in-vivo studies, the osmolarity must be physiolog-
ical and the concentration of the agent has to be relatively
high, in the order of 80–100 mM.
Although it has been shown that the Rh(I) complex used for
parahydrogen activation in h-PHIP may be compatible with
pre-clinical studies,[63] its removal from the solution of the
hyperpolarized product is necessary to obtain solutions suitable
for clinical applications. Different methods have been pro-
posed, that can be classifies as filtration, liquid-liquid extraction
and precipitation.
When the hydrogenation reaction is carried out in aqueous
solution, using a cationic metal complex, filtration of the
solution of the hyperpolarized product through a cation-
exchange filter[63] appears the most straightforward way to
reduce the concentration of the catalyst well below the toxicity
Obviously, heterogeneous catalysts are much easier to
separate from a reaction mixture than homogeneous ones,
therefore routes based on the use of heterogeneous-PHIP (het-
PHIP) or het-SABRE has also been considered with the aim of
generating catalyst-free hyperpolarized fluids. Metal complexes
supported on solids (het-PHIP[64] or het-SABRE[65,66]) and metal
particles[67] have been tested. The observed polarization were
good in the organic solvents,[68] but significantly lower (<0.1 %
on 13 C) when the reactions are carried out in aqueous
Metal scavenging agents have also been proposed to
completely eliminate metals from the aqueous solutions of the
hyperpolarized products. It was shown that silica particles,
functionalized with thiol groups, can precipitate the iridium
complexes used in the SABRE experiments, thus allowing to
filter off the catalyst.[69]
The liquid-liquid phase extraction is a purification method
that has been applied both to h-PHIP[34,9] and SABRE.[70] Hydro-
gen activation on the metal complex occurs in a lipophilic
solvent, such as chloroform, dichloromethane and toluene.[71]
The use of an organic solvent facilitates the hydrogenation
reaction thanks to the higher solubility of hydrogen and to the
better efficiency of the catalyst. In the h-PHIP experiments, the
lipophilic hyperpolarized product, obtained in the organic
phase, undergoes a reaction (usually a hydrolysis of an
anhydride or an ester) that makes it water-soluble, and the
hydrophilic molecule thus obtained is extracted in the aqueous
phase. The metal catalyst, being lipophilic, is almost completely
retained in the organic phase, while traces of organic solvents
may be found in the aqueous phase. Anyhow, these organic
solvent residues (toxic) residuals can be removed by means of
filtration[46] on a lipophilic resin. It was reported that this latter
purification passage causes a decrease of the hyperpolarization
which resulted to be about 20 % of that observed before
The liquid-liquid extraction SABRE experiments, named
Catalyst Separated Hyperpolarization (CASH) SABRE, rely on the
repartition of the substrate between the organic and the
aqueous phase.[70] The hyperpolarization substrate is dissolved
in the aqueous phase, while the metal complex is in the
organic, and the two phases are emulsified, through vigorous
shaking, thus allowing an exchange of the substrate between
them. Hyperpolarization of the substrate (N-heterocyclic com-
pound) occurs in the organic phase, and hyperpolarization is
maintained when it is transferred into the aqueous one. The
separation of the two phases takes a few tens of seconds and,
being the entire process cyclic, hyperpolarization can be
restored, on the product, by successive shakings.
Precipitation of the hyperpolarized molecules from the
reaction mixture is another efficient way to remove all the side-
compounds (solvents, by-products, catalyst and other reagents)
from the hyperpolarized product. This method has been
applied for the purification of hyperpolarized [1-13C] fumaric
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Wiley VCH Mittwoch, 26.10.2022
2206 / 257652 [S. 11/13] 1
acid, thanks to its very low solubility in the acidic form, (7 mg/
ml, 0.06 M)[72,73] in water. Therefore it was precipitated at acidic
pH and then redissolved using an aqueous base. A very
important aspect of these experiments was the non-trivial fact
that nuclear spin polarization is maintained through phase
transitions, provided that the passages from the liquid to the
solid state (and vice-versa) takes place in a sufficiently strong
magnetic field. In the experiments carried out with HP
fumarate, the field provided by a ~ 100 mT Halbach magnet
was sufficient. However it must be noticed that the applicability
of this purification strategy is limited by the physicochemical
characteristics of the substances.
4. Conclusions and outlook
Hyperpolarization of small molecules in solution provides a
powerful tool for in-vivo MRI applications, in particular for the
detection of altered metabolic processes in various diseases.
D-DNP is the gold-standard methodology to obtain hyper-
polarized molecules in the liquid state, but PHIP can take
advantage of the inherent low cost, the higher rate of the
polarization cycles and the ease of implementation.
Recently, the advancements in the PHIP-based methods
have significantly extended the range of molecules that can be
hyperpolarized by means of parahydrogen. Particularly relevant
to widen the scope of PHIP appears to be the application of
emerging methods such as SABRE-RELAY and PHIPX.
The routine application of the HP probes obtained by
means of PHIP to biological investigations still needs a
commercial, dedicated polarizer, although different instrumen-
tations have been developed for PHIP, as reviewed recently.[74]
Limitations to the application of PHIP polarized substrates
are still given by the hyperpolarization level and the presence,
in some cases, of toxic substances (solvents, catalyst). Therefore
further efforts have to be devoted to solve these issues.
Nevertheless, the availability of an affordable HP technique,
capable of providing doses of hyperpolarized metabolites
suitable for metabolic investigations at a preclinical stage,
would represent a new powerful tool for research laboratories
in the field of drug developments, in the investigation of cancer
and of other diseases.
I’d like to thank all the colleagues, students and professors, who
collaborated and helped in this research. The EU Horizon 2020
projects Marie Skłodowska-Curie (Grant Agreement No. 766402)
and the FETOPEN program (Grant agreement 858149, proposal
acronym Alternatives to Gd) are gratefully acknowledged. Open
Access funding provided by Università degli Studi di Torino within
the CRUI-CARE Agreement.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Keywords: hyperpolarization ·metabolism ·NMR ·PHIP ·
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Manuscript received: April 27, 2022
Revised manuscript received: June 27, 2022
Accepted manuscript online: July 5, 2022
Version of record online: July 29, 2022
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... To overcome the limitation of low thermal polarization, primarily two approaches have been developed: Prepolarization 3,4 and hyperpolarization (HP). Both methods have been used for ULF MRI experiments, including the following HP methods: Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization (ODNP) 5,19,20 , spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) 21 , and parahydrogen (p-H 2 ) -induced polarization (PHIP) techniques [22][23][24][25] . p-H 2 as the nuclear spin ground state of hydrogen, is readily produced by cooling hydrogen gas e.g. in the presence of iron(III)-oxidehydroxide (FeO(OH)) as catalyst. ...
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Nuclear spin hyperpolarization increases the sensitivity of magnetic resonance dramatically, enabling many new applications, including real-time metabolic imaging. Parahydrogen-based signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE) was employed to hyperpolarize [1-¹³C]pyruvate and demonstrate ¹³C imaging in situ at 120 µT, about twice Earth’s magnetic field, with two different signal amplification by reversible exchange variants: SABRE in shield enables alignment transfer to heteronuclei (SABRE-SHEATH), where hyperpolarization is transferred from parahydrogen to [1-¹³C]pyruvate at a magnetic field below 1 µT, and low-irradiation generates high tesla (LIGHT-SABRE), where hyperpolarization was prepared at 120 µT, avoiding magnetic field cycling. The 3-dimensional images of a phantom were obtained using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) based magnetic field detector with submillimeter resolution. These ¹³C images demonstrate the feasibility of low-field ¹³C metabolic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 50 mM [1-¹³C]pyruvate hyperpolarized by parahydrogen in reversible exchange imaged at about twice Earth’s magnetic field. Using thermal ¹³C polarization available at 120 µT, the same experiment would have taken about 300 billion years.
Parahydrogen induced polarization (PHIP) followed by polarization transfer to 13C is a rapidly developing technique for the generation of 13C hyperpolarized substrates. Chirality plays an essential role in living systems and differential metabolism of enantiomeric pairs of metabolic substrates is well documented. Inspired by asymmetric hydrogenation, here we report stereoPHIP, which involves the addition of parahydrogen to a prochiral substrate with a chiral catalyst followed by polarization transfer to 13C spins. We demonstrate that parahydrogen could be rapidly added to the prochiral precursor to both enantiomers of lactic acid (D and L), with both the (R,R) and (S,S) enantiomers of a chiral rhodium(I) catalyst to afford highly 13C‐hyperpolarized (over 20%) L‐ and D‐lactate ester derivatives, respectively, with excellent stereoselectivity. We also show that the hyperpolarized 1H signal decays obtained with the (R,R) and (S,S) catalysts were markedly different. StereoPHIP expands the scope of conventional PHIP to the production of 13C hyperpolarized chiral substrates with high stereoselectivity.
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Parahydrogen‐induced polarization (PHIP) followed by polarization transfer to ¹³C is a rapidly developing technique for the generation of ¹³C‐hyperpolarized substrates. Chirality plays an essential role in living systems and differential metabolism of enantiomeric pairs of metabolic substrates is well documented. Inspired by asymmetric hydrogenation, here we report stereoPHIP, which involves the addition of parahydrogen to a prochiral substrate with a chiral catalyst followed by polarization transfer to ¹³C spins. We demonstrate that parahydrogen could be rapidly added to the prochiral precursor to both enantiomers of lactic acid (D and L), with both the (R,R) and (S,S) enantiomers of a chiral rhodium(I) catalyst to afford highly ¹³C‐hyperpolarized (over 20 %) L‐ and D‐lactate ester derivatives, respectively, with excellent stereoselectivity. We also show that the hyperpolarized ¹H signal decays obtained with the (R,R) and (S,S) catalysts were markedly different. StereoPHIP expands the scope of conventional PHIP to the production of ¹³C hyperpolarized chiral substrates with high stereoselectivity.
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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are analytical and diagnostic tools that are essential for a very broad field of applications, ranging from chemical analytics, to non-destructive testing of materials and the investigation of molecular dynamics, to in vivo medical diagnostics and drug research. One of the major challenges in their application to many problems is the inherent low sensitivity of magnetic resonance, which results from the small energy-differences of the nuclear spin-states. At thermal equilibrium at room temperature the normalized population difference of the spin-states, called the Boltzmann polarization, is only on the order of 10-5. Parahydrogen induced polarization (PHIP) is an efficient and cost-effective hyperpolarization method, which has widespread applications in Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Medical Imaging. PHIP creates its signal-enhancements by means of a reversible (SABRE) or irreversible (classic PHIP) chemical reaction between the parahydrogen, a catalyst, and a substrate. Here, we first give a short overview about parahydrogen-based hyperpolarization techniques and then review the current literature on method developments and applications of various flavors of the PHIP experiment.
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Significance Magnetic resonance imaging is hindered by inherently low sensitivity, which limits the method for the most part to observing water molecules in the body. Hyperpolarized molecules exhibit strongly enhanced MRI signals which opens the door for imaging low-concentration species in vivo. Biomolecules can be hyperpolarized and injected into a patient allowing for metabolism to be tracked in real time, greatly expanding the information available to the radiologist. Parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP) is a hyperpolarization method renowned for its low cost and accessibility, but is generally limited by low polarization levels, modest molecular concentrations, and contamination by polarization reagents. In this work we overcome these drawbacks in the production of PHIP-polarized [1- ¹³ C]fumarate, a biomarker of cell necrosis in metabolic ¹³ C MRI.
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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has become a universal method for biochemical and biomedical studies, including metabolomics, proteomics, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). By increasing the signal of selected molecules, the hyperpolarization of nuclear spin has expanded the reach of NMR and MRI even further (e.g. hyperpolarized solid‐state NMR and metabolic imaging in vivo). Parahydrogen (pH2) offers a fast and cost‐efficient way to achieve hyperpolarization, and the last decade has seen extensive advances, including the synthesis of new tracers, catalysts, and transfer methods. The portfolio of hyperpolarized molecules now includes amino acids, which are of great interest for many applications. Here, we provide an overview of the current literature and developments in the hyperpolarization of amino acids and peptides.
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Hyperpolarized [1‐¹³C]fumarate is a promising magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) biomarker for cellular necrosis, which plays an important role in various disease and cancerous pathological processes. To demonstrate the feasibility of MRI of [1‐¹³C]fumarate metabolism using parahydrogen‐induced polarization (PHIP), a low‐cost alternative to dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP), a cost‐effective and high‐yield synthetic pathway of hydrogenation precursor [1‐¹³C]acetylenedicarboxylate (ADC) was developed. The trans‐selectivity of the hydrogenation reaction of ADC using a ruthenium‐based catalyst was elucidated employing density functional theory (DFT) simulations. A simple PHIP set‐up was used to generate hyperpolarized [1‐¹³C]fumarate at sufficient ¹³C polarization for ex vivo detection of hyperpolarized ¹³C malate metabolized from fumarate in murine liver tissue homogenates, and in vivo ¹³C MR spectroscopy and imaging in a murine model of acetaminophen‐induced hepatitis.
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ParaHydrogen induced polarization (PHIP) is an efficient and cost-effective hyperpolarization method, but its application to biological investigations has been hampered, so far, due to chemical challenges. PHIP is obtained by means of the addition of hydrogen, enriched in the para-spin isomer, to an unsaturated substrate. Both hydrogen atoms must be transferred to the same substrate, in a pairwise manner, by a suitable hydrogenation catalyst; therefore, a de-hydrogenated precursor of the target molecule is necessary. This has strongly limited the number of parahydrogen polarized substrates. The non-hydrogenative approach brilliantly circumvents this central issue, but has not been translated to in-vivo yet. Recent advancements in hydrogenative PHIP (h-PHIP) considerably widened the possibility to hyperpolarize metabolites and, in this review, we will focus on substrates that have been obtained by means of this method and used in vivo. Attention will also be paid to the requirements that must be met and on the issues that have still to be tackled to obtain further improvements and to push PHIP substrates in biological applications.
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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance allows the non-invasive detection and quantitation of metabolites to be carried out in cells and tissues. This means that that metabolic changes can be revealed without the need for sample processing and the destruction of the biological matrix. The main limitation to the application of this method to biological studies is its intrinsic low sensitivity. The introduction of hyperpolarization techniques and, in particular, of dissolution-Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (d-DNP) and ParaHydrogen Induced Polarization (PHIP) is a significant breakthrough for the field as the MR signals of molecules and, most importantly, metabolites, can be increased by some orders of magnitude. Hyperpolarized pyruvate is the metabolite that has been most widely used for the investigation of metabolic alterations in cancer and other diseases. Although d-DNP is currently the gold-standard hyperpolarization method, its high costs and intrinsically slow hyperpolarization procedure are a hurdle to the application of this tool. However, PHIP is cost effective and fast and hyperpolarized pyruvate can be obtained using the so-called Side Arm Hydrogenation approach (PHIP-SAH). The potential toxicity of a solution of the hyperpolarized metabolite that is obtained in this way is presented herein. HP pyruvate has then been used for metabolic studies on different prostate cancer cells lines (DU145, PC3, and LnCap). The results obtained using the HP metabolite have been compared with those from conventional biochemical assays.
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Hyperpolarisation techniques such as Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange (SABRE) can deliver NMR signals several orders of magnitude larger than those derived under Boltzmann conditions. SABRE is able to catalytically transfer latent magnetisation from para-hydrogen to a substrate in reversible exchange via temporary associations with an iridium complex. It has recently been applied to the hyperpolarisation of pyruvate, a substrate often used in many in vivo MRI studies. In this work, we seek to optimise the pyruvate-13C2 signal gains delivered through SABRE by fine tuning the properties of the active polarisation transfer catalyst. We present a detailed study of the effects of varying the carbene and sulfoxide ligands on the formation and behaviour of the active [Ir(H)2(η2-pyruvate)(sulfoxide)(NHC)] catalyst to produce a rational for achieving high pyruvate signal gains in a cheap and refreshable manner. This optimisation approach allows us to achieve signal enhancements of 2140 and 2125-fold for the 1-13C and 2-13C sites respectively of sodium pyruvate-1,2-[13C2].
he unique properties of the entangled, antisymmetric nuclear spin state of dihydrogen, parahydrogen (pH2), has intrigued physicists, chemists, and other scientists for almost a century. pH2 was used as a model system in the early days of quantum mechanics1 and is used for fueling rockets as well as combustion-free cars today. In the 1980s, pH2 was discovered as a convenient and potent source of spin order, allowing the enhancement of the signals of magnetic resonance (MR) by several orders of magnitude.2-4 In the advent of hyperpolarized (HP) contrast agents (CA) for biomedical MR imaging (MRI) that followed, pH2-based hyperpolarization methods played an important role in the acquisition of the first HP 13C in vivo images (Figure 1).5,6 Ever since, pH2 has proven to be highly valuable for analytical investigations and fundamental research, e.g., in analytical and catalytic chemistry or in the physics of singlet spin states.
ParaHydrogen Induced Polarization-Side Arm Hydrogenation (PHIP-SAH) is an inexpensive tool to obtain hyperpolarized pyruvate (and other metabolites) that can be applied to in vivo diagnostics, for the investigation of metabolic processes. This method is based on hydrogenation, using hydrogen enriched in the para-isomer, of unsaturated substrates, catalyzed, usually, by a homogeneous rhodium(I) complex. In this work, the effect of the solvent on the hydrogenation efficiency and the hyperpolarization level were investigated. Coordinating solvents, such as acetone and methanol, can increase significantly either the efficiency or the hyperpolarization level, but they are not compatible with the intended metabolic applications. The phase extraction of the hyperpolarized product (sodium pyruvate) in an aqueous solution was obtained carrying out the hydrogenation reaction in chloroform and toluene. The traces of the organic solvents in the water phase were removed, by means of filtration through a lipophilic resin, thus improving the biocompatibility of the aqueous solution of the hyperpolarized product.
Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange 1(SABRE) is a hyperpolarization technique that uses a metal complex to catalytically transfer magnetization from parahydrogen to molecules of interest. SABRE is used here to monitor the decarboxylation of sodium pyruvate-1,2-[¹³C2] at a 15 mM concentration to form ethanoic acid and CO2 upon reaction with hydrogen peroxide (150 mM). The rate constant of this reaction is determined by hyperpolarized ¹³C SABRE-NMR as 0.056 ± 0.003 dm³ mol⁻¹ s⁻¹ at 298 K and is comparable to that determined from thermal ¹H NMR (k = 0.050 ± 0.003 dm³ mol⁻¹ s⁻¹) and UV measurements (k = 0.053 ± 0.001 dm³ mol⁻¹ s⁻¹). The hyperpolarized reaction intermediate 2-hydroperoxy-2-hydroxypropanoate is detected in a single scan hyperpolarized ¹³C NMR spectrum. This work highlights how SABRE hyperpolarization can be used as a tool for the precise monitoring of chemical transformations by hyperpolarized NMR spectroscopy.