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How do large wildfires impact sediment redistribution over multiple decades?



Wildfires have become an increasing threat for Mediterranean ecosystems, due to increasing climate change induced wildfire activity and changing land management practises. In addition to the initial risk, wildfires can alter the soil in various ways depending on fire severity and cause enhanced post‐fire erosion. Usually, post‐fire erosion studies focus on a short time window and lack the attention for sediment dynamics at larger spatial scales. Yet, these large spatial and temporal scales are fundamental for a better understanding of long‐term destructive effects of multiple recurring wildfires on post‐fire erosion processes and catchment sediment dynamics. In this study the landscape evolution model LAPSUS was used to simulate erosion and deposition in the 404 km2 Águeda catchment in northern‐central Portugal over a 41 year (1979‐2020) timespan, including eight wildfires each burning more than 1000 ha. To include variation in fire severity and its impact on the soil four burnt severity classes, represented by the difference Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR), were parameterized. Although model calibration was difficult due to lack of spatial and temporal measured data, the results show that long‐term post‐fire net‐erosion rates were significantly higher in the wildfire scenarios (5.95 ton ha‐1 yr‐1) compared to those of a non‐wildfire scenario (0.58 ton ha‐1 yr‐1). Furthermore, erosion values increased with burnt severity and multiple wildfires increased the overall catchment sediment build‐up. Simulated erosion patterns showed great spatial variability with large deposition and erosion rates inside streams. This variability made it difficult to identify land uses that were most sensitive for post‐fire erosion, because some land‐uses were located in more erosion‐sensitive areas (e.g. streams, gullies) or were more affected by high burnt severity levels than others. Despite these limitations, LAPSUS performed well on addressing spatial sediment processes and can contribute to pre‐fire management strategies, by identifying locations at risk for post‐fire erosion.
How do large wildfires impact sediment redistribution over
multiple decades?
Dante Follmi
| Jantiene Baartman
| Akli Benali
| Joao Pedro Nunes
Soil Physics and Land Management Group,
Wageningen University, Wageningen, The
Forest Research Centre, School of
Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Lisbon,
CE3C: Centre for Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Changes, School of Science,
University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. ir. Jantiene EM Baartman, Soil Physics and
Land Management Group (SLM), Wageningen
University, PO Box 47, Wageningen 6700 AA,
The Netherlands.
Funding information
cE3c research center, Grant/Award Number:
UIDB/00329/2020; Erasmus+travel
fellowship; Portuguese Foundation for Science
and Technology, Grant/Award Numbers:
FRISCO project (PCIF/MPG/0044/2018),
individual grant to A Benali
(CEECIND/03799/2018/C, individual grant to
JP Nunes (IF/00586/2015)
Wildfires have become an increasing threat for Mediterranean ecosystems, due to
increasing climate change-induced wildfire activity and changing land management
practices. In addition to the initial risk, wildfires can alter the soil in various ways
depending on fire severityand cause enhanced post-fire erosion. Usually, post-fire
erosion studies focus on a short time window and lack the attention for sediment
dynamics at larger spatial scales. Yet, these large spatial and temporal scales are fun-
damental for a better understanding of long-term destructive effects of multiple
recurring wildfires on post-fire erosion processes and catchment sediment dynamics.
In this study the landscape evolution model LAPSUS was used to simulate erosion
and deposition in the 404 km
Agueda catchment in north-central Portugal over a
41-year (19792020) timespan, including eight wildfires each burning >1000 ha. To
include variation in fire severity and its impact on the soil, four burn severity classes,
represented by the difference normalized burn ratio (dNBR), were parameterized.
Although model calibration was difficult due to lack of spatial and temporal measured
data, the results show that long-term post-fire net erosion rates were significantly
higher in the wildfire scenarios (5.95 ton ha
) compared to those of a non-
wildfire scenario (0.58 ton ha
). Furthermore, erosion values increased with
burn severity and multiple wildfires increased the overall catchment sediment build-
up. Simulated erosion patterns showed great spatial variability, with large deposition
and erosion rates inside streams. This variability made it difficult to identify land uses
that were most sensitive for post-fire erosion, because some land uses were located
in more erosion-sensitive areas (e.g. streams, gullies) or were more affected by high
burn severity levels than others. Despite these limitations, LAPSUS performed well
on addressing spatial sediment processes and can contribute to pre-fire management
strategies, by identifying locations at risk of post-fire erosion.
burn severity, land and wildfire management, long-term modelling, post-fire erosion, sediment
connectivity, wildfires
In recent decades, wildfires have become an increasing threat for
Mediterranean ecosystems as a consequence of increasing frequency
of weather conditions conducive for wildfires, which is likely to
increase further due to climate change (Moriondo et al., 2006). This
could lead to an increase in the number of years with high wildfire
risk, an extension of the wildfire season, and an increase of extreme
wildfire events. Subsequent impacts on vegetation and soils play an
important role in land degradation (e.g. Malvar et al., 2011; Nunes,
Naranjo Quintanilla, et al., 2018; Pausas et al., 2008; Shakesby, 2011;
Shakesby et al., 1996) As a consequence of: (i) a reduction of
Received: 20 March 2022 Revised: 24 June 2022 Accepted: 27 June 2022
DOI: 10.1002/esp.5441
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Earth Surf. Process. Landforms. 2022;118. 1
evapotranspiration; (ii) a decrease in soil water retention due to
hydrophobicity; and (iii) a reduction in obstacles, the likelihood of
overland flow is increased, favouring erosion (Shakesby &
Doerr, 2006). Also, soil structure may deteriorate after a wildfire by
the combustion of soil organic matter (Shakesby & Doerr, 2006),
promoting soil erosion (Mataix-Solera et al., 2011). Post-fire erosion is
often linked to fire severity (Borrelli et al., 2017; de Vente &
Poesen, 2005; Delestre et al., 2017; Foster & Meyer, 1975; Ortíz-
Rodríguez et al., 2019; Vieira et al., 2015). In addition, recurrence of
multiple wildfires at the same site is perceived to slow down vegeta-
tion recovery, increasing runoff, erosion, and nutrient removal
(Hosseini et al., 2016; McGuire & Youberg, 2019).
Wildfires are a common threat in Portugal. Mateus and Fernandes
(2014) estimated that the accumulated burned area was 4.2 10
between 1975 and 2012 (45% of Portugals land surface), the
highest of all southern European countries. Also, Portuguese wildfires
had the second largest mean fire size compared to other southern
European countries (24.5 ha between 2000 and 2011). Besides an
increasing frequency of weather conditions conducive for wildfires
(Calheiros et al., 2020), anthropogenic activity such as land use
change, induced by socio-economic change and urbanization, also
makes an important contribution to wildfire occurrence (Pausas
et al., 2008; Shakesby, 2011). In the 20th century in Portugal, part of
the agricultural land and shrublands was converted first into Maritime
Pine plantations, and towards the end of the century into Eucalypt
plantations (Hawtree et al., 2015; Jones et al., 2011; Vasconcelos
Ferreira et al., 2010). Initially, the objective of this conversion was to
increase the provision of hydrological services such as erosion protec-
tion and flood mitigation, however the runoff and erosion increase
caused by wildfire disturbances can, in the long run, negate the
intended benefits (Carvalho-Santos et al., 2019; Nunes, Naranjo
Quintanilla, et al., 2018).
Several studies in north-central Portugal have shown an increase
in erosion in burnt areas (Campo et al., 2006; Ferreira et al., 2008;
Hosseini et al., 2016; Hyde et al., 2007; Shakesby et al., 1993,1996).
However, these studies mainly focus on short-term processes during
a few post-fire years, and on smaller plot or hillslope scales
(Shakesby, 2011; Shakesby & Doerr, 2006). Nevertheless, several
studies already formulate the need for investigation of the long-term
effects, including a consecutive number of wildfires (e.g. McGuire &
Youberg, 2019), which could provide insights into the relationship
between soil degradation, vegetation change, and other landscape
processes that generally occur over a much wider time window. In
particular, a better understanding is needed of the importance of
occasional severe post-fire erosion events in comparison with long-
term background erosion processes (Nunes, Doerr, et al., 2018;
Shakesby, 2011; Shakesby & Doerr, 2006). Furthermore, investigating
a larger catchment scale can help identify locations with post-fire ero-
sion risk to help delineate intervention strategies, as well as examine
the transport pathways of sediments from burnt areas which can have
important negative impacts on water quality (Nunes, Bernard-Jannin,
et al., 2018,2020; Shakesby, 2011).
Due to the difficulty of conducting field assessments, numerical
modelling studies focusing on the Iberian Peninsula have been
conducted to investigate post-fire erosion response. However, these
have focused on rather small spatial (patch, hillslope, or small
catchment) and temporal (the first few post-fire years) scales
(Fernández et al., 2010; Hosseini et al., 2018; Soto &
Díaz-Fierros, 1998; Vieira et al., 2015,2018; Wu, Baartman &
Nunes, 2021; Wu et al., 2021; Zema et al., 2020). Models used include
the empirical Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE;
Fernández & Vega, 2016; Fernández et al., 2010), the semi-empirical
MorganMorganFinney (MMF; Fernández et al., 2010) model, and
the physically based Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment
(PESERA; Esteves et al., 2012), Water Erosion Prediction Project
(WEPP; Soto & Díaz-Fierros, 1998), and Limburg Soil Erosion Model
(OpenLISEM; Wu, Baartman & Nunes, 2021; Wu et al., 2021). Esteves
et al. (2012) applied the PESERA model to two headwater catchments
(9.7 and 100 ha) for a 50-year simulation period; however, the model
only simulated on-site erosion, not accounting for off-site effects cau-
sed by sediment transport and deposition. Further studies conducted
at the headwater catchment scale (1 km) using LandSoil (Pastor
et al., 2019), the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT; Nunes,
Bernard-Jannin, et al., 2018, Nunes, Naranjo Quintanilla, et al., 2018),
and OpenLISEM (Wu et al., 2021) show the importance of wildfires
for erosion and sediment yield even at longer time scales (20 and
10 years, respectively). However, the complexity of these models
and the large number of parameters required to appropriately simu-
late post-fire impactshas limited their applicability with sufficient
spatial resolution for larger areas, preventing an analysis of the long-
term impacts of recurring wildfires for larger landscapes (>100 km
which are typically the units at which forest planning is made.
Reduced-complexity landscape evolution models (LEMs) are capable
of investigating long-term landscape sediment dynamics (Baartman,
van Gorp, et al., 2012; Tucker & Hancock, 2010). Thus, LEMs can be
applied to investigate long-term (historical) landscape evolution and
sediment behaviour in a wildfire-affected catchment under limited
data availability conditions.
The aim of this study was to investigate how multiple wildfires
have affected spatial and temporal erosion and deposition dynamics
in the
Agueda catchment (north-central Portugal, 404 km
) using a
long-term modelling approach. We applied LEM Landscape Process
Modelling at Multi-dimensions and Scales (LAPSUS; Schoorl
et al., 2000,2002) to the study area for a 41-year (19792020) time
period using a wildfire and no-wildfire scenario. In the wildfire
scenario, eight major wildfires which occurred in this period were
parameterized, with varying severity and spatial extent; while in the
no-wildfire scenario, no wildfires were assumed to have taken place.
Results were evaluated in terms of (spatially explicit) erosion and
deposition rates over time and how these were affected by (1) land
use and (2) multiple wildfire occurrence.
2.1 |Study area
Agueda catchment, located in north-central Portugal (40.62
latitude, 8.27longitude), is commonly affected by wildfires. The
catchment covers 404 km
and is situated in the Caramulo mountain
formation with peaks of 1100 m above sea level (Figure 1). Slope
steepness ranges between 10 and 25, with an average of 13.4. The
catchment has a humid Mediterranean climate with annual precipita-
tion of 10002500 mm (increasing with altitude), falling mostly in the
FIGURE 1 Location and topography of the
Agueda catchment.
FIGURE 2 Land use in 1995 (a) and 2018 (b) and bar graph (c) showing the percentage cover of each land use type within the catchment
(1995: dashed bars, 2018: clear bars). COS is carta de Uso e Ocupaç˜ao do solo.
autumn and winter months (Hawtree et al., 2015; Nunes, Naranjo
Quintanilla, et al., 2018). Mean annual rainfall of 1787 mm was
estimated for the period between 1936 and 2010 (Hawtree
et al., 2015).
The geology of the Caramulo mountain range is characterized by
schist on lower elevations and granites on higher elevated areas
(Hawtree et al., 2015; Tavares Wahren et al., 2016). Soil formation in
the region generally resulted in shallow soils with low organic matter
content and coarse texture properties (Nunes, Naranjo Quintanilla,
et al., 2018). Soils are mostly classified as Leptosols between 40 and
75 cm deep, and Cambisols with a depth between 40 and 100 cm
(Tavares Wahren et al., 2016; WRB, 2015).
Figure 2shows the land use in 1995 and 2018, with the percent-
ages for each land use type. Land use evolution (where Pine has been
changed for Eucalypt between 1995 and 2018) can be seen, indicating
the afforestation practices in the late 20th and beginning 21st century
(Ferreira, 1997; Hawtree et al., 2015). Recent recorded major wildfires
occurred in 1985, 1986, 1991, 1995, 2005, 2013 (Hawtree
et al., 2015), 2016 and 2017. A large wildfire, therefore, took place
every 5 years in the catchment and had a size ranging between
1500 and 9200 ha. Most wildfires occurred during summer (July,
August and September), except for the wildfire in 1986 that happened
in April.
2.2 |LAPSUS model description
LEM LAPSUS is a physically based model that is able to investigate
long-term and large-scale spatial landscape evolution (Baartman, van
Gorp, et al., 2012; Schoorl et al., 2000,2002). The original model
includes topography, soil depth, changing land use, climate variability
(annual rainfall), and soil and vegetation characteristics (annual
quantities as well as spatial evapotranspiration and infiltration)
(e.g. Baartman, Temme, et al., 2012); in this study spatial burn severity
was also included. Considering the multi-decade timespan of this
study, weathering of parent material was not included
(Alexander, 1985). Figure 3shows an overview of the model
procedure. Model output consists of annual maps of erosion, deposi-
tion, soil depth, and runoff, from which temporal and spatial sediment
yield was derived.
LAPSUS is a cellular automata model. Routing of runoff and
sediment influx towards neighbouring cells is determined using a
multiple flow algorithm based on Holmgren (1994):
Pmax 8
where f
is the fraction of runoff out of a cell going in direction
i(equal to the gradient of the slope Λin the direction i, powered by
the pconvergence factor) divided by the total sum of slopes of all
lower elevated neighbouring cells j, powered by the factor p.
Incoming water flow Q(m
) for a particular cell equals the
incoming water flow (from upslope cells) plus the rainfall on the cell.
From this, infiltration and evaporation are subtracted and the remain-
der is used in the calculation for erosion and deposition and trans-
ported to the next (downslope) cell.
For sediment transport, the continuity of transport and conserva-
tion of mass principles apply. Equal bulk density of eroded and
deposited material is assumed. For each transition from cell to cell
along length dx (m) of a finite element, sediment transport capacity
) is calculated (Equation (2)) as a function of fractional
discharge Qand slope tangent Λ(Kirkby, 1971):
with discharge exponent mand slope exponent n, and γa constant for
unit conversion with value 1. This is the well-known stream-power
equation (Lague, 2014). Transport capacity is compared to the
incoming amount of sediment in transport S
) to calculate
the amount of sediment S(m
) that will be transported:
FIGURE 3 Model procedure for LAPSUS showing input data, parameterization, output, and calibration.
with dx the cell size (m). Term h(m) refers to the transport capacity
divided by the detachment capacity (D,myr
) in case of erosion, and
transport capacity divided by settlement capacity (T,myr
) in case
of sedimentation:
D¼Kes QΛð4Þ
T¼Pes QΛð5Þ
where K
) is an aggregated surface factor representing the erod-
ibility of the surface, while P
) is a similar factor for sedimenta-
tion potential. The potential for erosion or deposition depends on
lumped parameters K
and P
, aggregating different landscape char-
acteristics (vegetation, soil properties, etc.), which are parameterized
for different land uses and in this case for burnt areas, both immedi-
ately after the wildfire and for the recovery period.
2.3 |Data collection and model parameterization
The main input parameters needed by LAPSUS include a digital eleva-
tion model (DEM), land use and soil depth maps, and annual time
series of precipitation, evapotranspiration, and infiltration. In this
study, a cell size of 25 m and an annual time step were used. The
DEM of the Vouga basin was obtained from the Instituto Geográfico
do Exército. Soil depth data were based on maps from Tavares
Wahren et al. (2016), created using a neural network and soil depth
surveys at 11 locations throughout the catchment. The discharge and
slope exponents (mand n, respectively; Equation 2) were initially set
at 2, based on the work of Kirkby (1987). The initial convergence
factor p(Equation 1) was set to 4.0, based on the proposed value in
the LAPSUS user guide (van Gorp, 2015).
To analyse the multi-decadal effect of wildfires on erosion, two
scenarios were formulated. (i) Wildfires: model parameterization
accounts for large multiple wildfires (>1000 ha) covering the majority
of burnt areas between 1979 and 2020. (ii) No-wildfires: wildfires were
excluded, thus forming a baselinerun. Both scenarios used the same
land uses and climate variability (i.e. rainfall, evapotranspiration, and
Five land use maps for 1995, 2007, 2010, 2015, and 2018 were
used to cover land use change during 41 years (Carta de Uso e
Ocupaç˜ao do Solo [COS] scale: 1:100 000) (see Figure 2for 1995 and
2018; all years given in Supplementary Material S1). These land use
maps were adapted to use a less detailed classification and, for the
wildfire scenario, to include the effect of the wildfire in the first, sec-
ond, and third post-fire years based on burn severity. Only major wild-
fires >1000 ha were included, which covered 80% of the total burnt
area in the 41-year period considered. These wildfires happened in
1985, 1986, 1991, 1995, 2005, 2013, 2016, and 2017 (Figure 4). Burn
severity was estimated by deriving the normalized burn ratio (NBR)
using Landsat satellite imagery (ESPA-USGS, 2020), which was used
to calculate the different normalized burn ratio (dNBR) by subtracting
the pre-fire NBR image from the post-fire NBR image:
2.3.1 | Erodibility and sediment potential
The dNBR maps were classified to derive areas of different burn
severity (Table 1) and combined with the land use maps. For each land
useburn severity combination, parameterization of lumped K
parameters was based on the USLE vegetation cover factor
(USLE_C; Table 2), as vegetation cover is assumed to affect erodibility
(i.e. more vegetation cover leads to lower erodibility) and sedimenta-
tion potential (i.e. more vegetation cover is assumed to increase sedi-
mentation of transported material). Since LAPSUS does not account
for parameterization of the USLE_C value directly, USLE_C values
were used as a proxy for fractional change in K
and P
values which
are used in the model (Equations 4and 5). Thus, the absolute value of
the USLE_C factor was not used, but the relative differences in
USLE_C factors between land useburn severity combinations
(Table 2) were transferred to the K
and P
values for these land
FIGURE 4 Timeline with input land use maps and indication of fire events and post-fire years.
useburn severity combinations. As specific USLE_C data is scarce, a
distinction was only made between agriculture, urban, and a combined
group of forest (Eucalypt, Pine, other broadleaf forest) and shrub
vegetation. For unburnt land uses, USLE_C factors were derived from
Nunes, Naranjo Quintanilla, et al. (2018) and were set to 0.001 for the
forest/shrub vegetation land uses (Table 2). Urban USLE_C factors
were set to be two times lower, due to paved and impermeable
conditions of infrastructure and build-up. For agriculture, the value
was set at two times higher than the other land uses based on
Carvalho-Santos et al. (2016), which simultaneously incorporates the
presence of agricultural terraces in the study area. Burn severity was
parameterized for each land use (Table 2) based on Fernández and
Vega (2016), who identified a power relationship between RUSLEs
C-factor and burn severity (R
=0.77) at 87 in-situ burnt plot
measurements in Galicia, Spain.
2.3.2 | Climate data
Total annual quantities of rainfall data for the
Aqueda catchment are
based on rain gauge weather station data of the Campiastation,
derived from the Sistema Nacional de Informaç˜ao de Recursos
Hídricos(SNIRH, 2020). Daily totals (mm/day) were transformed to
annual totals, resulting in a time series of hydrological years 1979/80
until 2019/20. A hydrological year is set from 1 October to
30 September. Gaps in rainfall data were filled with data from the
nearby Bouç˜a station.
To derive the total annual time series of infiltration and actual
evapotranspiration, the catchment outlet streamflow was used. One
of the reasons to focus on the
Agueda catchment is the availability of
the (quite unique) historical daily streamflow data (19362012),
recorded at the streamflow gauging point Ponte de
Aguedaat the
outlet of the catchment (Hawtree et al., 2015). To derive actual
evapotranspiration, the following equation was used:
ETactual ¼PQð7Þ
where ET
is the annual actual evapotranspiration (mm), Pis the
annual rainfall (m), and Qis the annual streamflow data at the gauging
station (mm); deep percolation losses were assumed negligible due to
the relatively impermeable geology.
During the dry months (June to September) there were impound-
ments in the streamflow data due to the closure of a sluice in the
river. Missing streamflow or suspicious data from 2004 until 2020
was corrected based on powered regression of streamflow and rainfall
data (R
=0.91), based on the whole rainfall and streamflow dataset
(19362012). By using this regression curve, known rainfall values
were translated into predicted streamflow values.
To estimate time series of annual infiltration, the concept of base-
flow (mm/yr) was used, defined as the fraction of the corrected
streamflow data that is not directly generated after a rainfall event in
the form of runoff. As this is the lateral flow through the soil column
and not the runoff transported over the surface, it therefore serves as
a proxy for infiltration. Estimation of baseflow was done by the
recursive digital filter method (Arnold et al., 1995; Nathan &
McMahon, 1990). This method is considered robust no matter the
stream variabilities or catchment size (Nathan & McMahon, 1990).
Apart from including time series data, spatial variability of infiltra-
tion and evapotranspiration was included. Differences in actual
evapotranspiration (ET
) values (mm) (shown in Table 3, values
without brackets) between land uses were based on multiplication by
the potential evapotranspiration (PET), equal for the whole catchment,
and the crop coefficient (K
), different for each land use. For
calculation of the PET, the Hargreaves method was used, using
monthly temperature variation plus altitude and latitude
(Hargreaves & Samani, 1985). For estimation of K
, an approach from
Maselli et al. (2014) was used, that includes seasonality of vegetation
cover and soil moisture to account for dry summer months with lower
values (see Supplementary Material S2 for an explanatory descrip-
tion about spatial ET).
To estimate spatial variable infiltration values between land uses,
the inverse curve number (CN) (Boonstra, 1994; USDA, 2019) was
estimated (shown as Infiltrationin Table 3, values without brackets).
Inverse CNs were determined based on: land use classes (COS
classes); soil hydrological groups (4 classes), slope classes (5 classes);
the antecedent soil moisture condition (3 classes) and the hydrological
condition related to management (3 classes) (Boonstra, 1994). For
further explanation of the use of the CN and the parameterization of
spatial infiltration, see Supplementary Material S2.
2.4 |Model calibration
To calibrate LAPSUS, the lumped K
and P
factors (Equations 4
and 5) for the whole catchment and the m,n, and pparameters
(Equations 1and 2) were adjusted. Unfortunately, the measured
TABLE 2 USLE_C factors for each land useburn severity class
Land use and burn severity class USLE_C
Unburnt, low, moderate and high severity 5.0 10
Agriculture (winter pasture)
Unburnt 2.0 10
Low severity and regrowth 4.4 10
Moderate severity 4.5 10
High severity 1.832 10
Eucalypt, Pine, Other broadleaf forest, Shrub vegetation
Unburnt 1.0 10
Low severity and regrowth 4.4 10
Moderate severity 4.5 10
High severity 1.832 10
TABLE 1 dNBR intervals for each burn severity class
Burn severity class dNBR range
Unburnt 0.1 dNBR < 0.1
Low severity and regrowth 0.1 dNBR < 0.27
Moderate severity 0.27 dNBR < 0.66
High severity 0.66 dNBR < 1.33
discharge data at the outlet of the
Agueda catchment was not
suitable to calibrate the annual net erosion simulated by LAPSUS, as
it was derived from an uncertain (especially for heavy storms, that
carry most sediment) sedimentdischarge relation. Therefore, the
simulated erosion by LAPSUS was calibrated for a headwater catch-
ment located within the
Agueda catchment (i.e. Macieira de Alcôba),
which experienced a small fire (10 ha) in 2011 (Nunes et al., 2020).
This smaller headwater catchment contains similar land use, slope,
and soil conditions as the
Agueda catchment (Nunes, Naranjo
Quintanilla, et al., 2018,2020; Tavares Wahren et al., 2016). There-
fore, sediment yields were considered representative for the larger
Agueda catchment. Measurements at a burnt hillslope (5.9 ha) (two
post-fire years), two agricultural areas (0.63 ha), and 2 min-interval
turbidity measurements at a hydrometric station positioned at the
outlet (1 pre-fire year and 3 post-fire years) were used to calibrate
model outputs (Nunes, Naranjo Quintanilla, et al., 2018,2020)
(see Supplementary Material S3). In addition, plot (8 2 m) studies
from Shakesby et al. (1996) in the north-west of the
Agueda catch-
ment (see Shakesby et al., 1996 for coordinates) and Ferreira (1997)
close to Macieira de Alcôba were used to calibrate erosion rates for
the unburnt scenario. Because these typical 8 2 m bounded plots
have limited catchment area, only erosion values in cells in LAPSUS
with close to zero flow accumulation were included (<0.228 m
second post-fire year and <0.3 m
for third post-fire year).
Subsequently, the values included a topographic correction
(Supplementary Material S3, values in square brackets), based on
Cerdan et al. (2010), so that values are representative for the larger
25 25 m cells in LAPSUS. Calibration was done based on the
average of multiple (post-fire) years and not for single years, since
time-lumped K
and P
factors were used. Supplementary Material
S3 lists the observed erosion values, those with topographic correc-
tion, and the erosion values as simulated by calibrated LAPSUS.
TABLE 3 Infiltration curve number values and evapotranspiration values (mm) per land useburn severity combination (values with no
brackets); weight factors used in LAPSUS between brackets. A distinction is made between the soil hydrological groups A, B and C, D. For more
information, see Supplementary Material S2
Soil hydrological group
A, B C, D
Infiltration ET
Infiltration ET
Unburnt (unburnt maps) 2.0 (0.092) 147.47 (0.215) ––
Unburnt (fire maps) 2.0 (0.032) 147.47 (0.224) ––
Low severity and regrowth 2.0 (0.032) 147.47 (0.225) ––
Moderate and high severity 2.0 (0.032) 145.84 (0.224) ––
Unburnt (unburnt maps) 68.7 (1.001) 792.72 (1.158) 63.0 (0.918) 792.72 (1.158)
Unburnt (fire maps) 68.7 (1.092) 792.72 (1.207) 63.0 (1.002) 792.72 (1.207)
Low severity and regrowth 35.0 (0.561) 792.72 (1.207) 16.0 (0.257) 792.72 (1.209)
Moderate and high severity 35.0 (0.561) 326.86 (0.499) 16.0 (0.257) 326.86 (0.502)
Unburnt (unburnt maps) 78.9 (1.150) 742.12 (1.084) 64.6 (0.942) 742.12 (1.084)
Unburnt (fire maps) 78.9 (1.254) 742.12 (1.130) 64.6 (1.027) 742.12 (1.130)
Low severity and regrowth 35.0 (0.560) 742.12 (1.130) 16.0 (0.255) 742.12 (1.130)
Moderate and high severity 35.0 (0.560) 308.76 (0.472) 16.0 (0.255) 308.76 (0.471)
Unburnt (unburnt maps) 78.9 (1.150) 700.76 (1.023) 64.6 (0.942) 700.76 (1.023)
Unburnt (fire maps) 78.9 (1.254) 700.76 (1.067) 64.6 (1.027) 700.76 (1.067)
Low severity and regrowth 35.0 (0.559) 700.76 (1.067) 16.0 (0.256) 700.76 (1.067)
Moderate and high severity 35.0 (0.559) 290.66 (0.444) 16.0 (0.256) 290.66 (0.443)
Other broadleaf forest
Unburnt (unburnt maps) 81.3 (1.185) 579.47 (0.846) 66.9 (0.975) 579.47 (0.846)
Unburnt (fire maps) 81.3 (1.292) 579.47 (0.882) 66.9 (1.064) 579.47 (0.882)
Low severity and regrowth 35.0 (0.563) 579.47 (0.883) 16.0 (0.258) 579.47 (0.883)
Moderate and high severity 35.0 (0.563) 272.55 (0.417) 16.0 (0.258) 272.55 (0.418)
Shrub vegetation
Unburnt (unburnt maps) 81.3 (1.185) 538.58 (0.787) 66.9 (0.975) 538.58 (0.787)
Unburnt (fire maps) 81.3 (1.292) 538.58 (0.820) 66.9 (1.064) 538.58 (0.820)
Low severity and regrowth 35.0 (0.561) 538.58 (0.820) 16.0 (0.256) 538.58 (0.820)
Moderate and high severity 35.0 (0.561) 245.40 (0.375) 16.0 (0.256) 245.40 (0.375)
3.1 |Calibration results
Despite the time-averaged calibration, calibrated model results per
year were in all cases of the same order of magnitude as observed
data, except for the years 2012/13 and 2013/14 for agricultural
slopes in the unburnt scenario: 0.063 vs 0.4 ton ha
and 1.13 vs 0.44
ton ha
, respectively. The calibration of all observed values was very
good (R
=0.94) (Figure 5).
Calibrated values for the model parameter K
and P
factors are
given in Table 4. Especially higher P
values were needed to calibrate
for the erosion rates in the catchment of Macieira de Alcôba. For the
observed values of the burnt scenario, three post-fire years for the
outlet (average of 0.19 ton ha
) and a relatively high value for
the hillslope erosion (average 27.40 ton ha
) for the average of
two post-fire years could explain the differences between the lower
and higher P
(Table 4): sediments are deposited before they
reach the stream. For the unburnt scenario a similar trend is shown,
although K
values were slightly lower. Model parameters
m(discharge exponent), n(slope exponent), and p(convergence factor)
were adapted to 1.35, 2, and 6, respectively.
3.2 |Effects of wildfires on erosion and sediment
Figure 6a shows the total cumulative erosion and deposition at the
end of the 41-year model simulation. Eroded sediments are mostly
deposited in larger streams and do not reach the catchment outlet. As
soon as valley bottoms start to get wider and slopes become less
steep, an increase in sedimentation occurs. However, a gradual
decrease of deposition can be seen (e.g. at the lower elevated area in
the western part of the catchment; the colour in Figure 6a shifts from
FIGURE 5 Calibrated versus
observed erosion values. Red dotted line
is 1:1 line.
TABLE 4 Calibrated LAPSUS parameter values
Burnt scenario Unburnt scenario
m=discharge exponent 1.35 1.35
n=slope exponent 2 2
p=convergence factor 6 6
Lumped K
and P
factor 6.5 10
1.0 10
4.0 10
1.0 10
Unburnt, low, moderate and high severity 3.25 10
5.0 10
Unburnt NA NA 2.0 10
5.0 10
Agriculture (winter pasture)
Unburnt 9.75 10
1.5 10
2.0 10
1.5 10
Low severity and regrowth 4.241 10
1.5 10
Moderate severity 4.3875 10
1.5 10
High severity 1.78571 10
1.5 10
Eucalypt, Pine, Other broadleaf forest, Shrub vegetation
Unburnt 6.5 10
1.0 10
4.0 10
1.0 10
Low severity and regrowth 2.828 10
1.0 10
Moderate severity 2.925 10
1.0 10
High severity 1.19048 10
1.0 10
green to yellow at the end of the main streams). The highest erosion
rates were simulated in and along the stream network; however, the
largest areas with high erosion rates occur in the north-eastern and
north-western parts of the catchment, which were the areas with the
highest fire frequency (Figure 6b). These are also the areas with the
shallower soil types in the catchment, and hence more vulnerable to
erosion (Tavares Wahren et al., 2016).
Figures 6c and dshow the difference between the burnt and
unburnt scenarios for erosion and deposition, respectively, and thus
show the potential impact of wildfire on erosion and deposition.
Increased erosion due to wildfires is most evident in the central south-
ern area of the catchment and on the catchment borders in the north-
west and north-east: locations that exhibited high wildfire recurrence
(Figure 6b). These are also the areas which showed higher erosion
values. Increased deposition due to wildfires was especially simulated
in the main streams (Figure 6d), although there were small spots with
lower sedimentation values for the burnt scenario, mostly in locations
where several streams merge.
The net erosion simulated by LAPSUS for the burnt scenario was
5.95 ton ha
on average, whereas for the unburnt scenario the
overall net erosion is one order of magnitude lower: 0.58 ton
. This is mostly due to much higher values of total erosion
for the burnt scenario: 16.26 ton ha
for burnt vs 3.46 ton
for unburnt. There was also an increase in deposition:
10.31 ton ha
for burnt vs 2.88 ton ha
for unburnt,
meaning that a large part of the additional erosion due to wildfire
occurrence redeposited downstream, in non-burnt areas. However,
the sediment delivery ratio (SDR =net erosion/total erosion) for the
burnt scenario was much higher (36.6%) than for the unburnt scenario
(16.8%). Thus, more sediment reaches a stream and finally the outlet
in a wildfire-affected catchment.
Figure 7a shows the time series of cumulative sediment yield
(i.e. net erosion) for all 41 hydrological years in the
Agueda catchment,
combined with wildfire size and rainfall. Figure 7b shows, for each fire
year, the contribution of fire severity in terms of area burned. In gen-
eral, fire occurrence led to rapid increases of simulated net erosion
and total erosion. This increase was particularly evident in the first
post-fire year, when compared with the second and third post-fire
Model results suggest that the main erosion driver in this region
was wildfire occurrence, with rainfall variability as secondary driver.
For the unburnt scenario a clear positive relationship between rainfall
and erosion rates was found (R
=0.85, p< 0.01), where for the burnt
scenario a positive relationship also existed, but with a weak and not
significant correlation (R
=0.06, p> 0.1; Figure 8). The relatively
large extent of (especially) moderate and high burn-severity fires in
2013, 2016, and 2017 (Figure 7b) leads to relatively large increase in
net erosion (Figure 7a), except for 2016, which can be explained by
2016 being an exceptionally dry post-fire year. Vice-versa, in 1995 a
steep increase in simulated net erosion was simulated (Figure 7a),
FIGURE 6 (a) Total cumulative erosion and deposition (m) after the 41-year LAPSUS simulation. Note that erosion is given in negative values
and deposition in positive values. (b) Fire recurrence based on the dNBR analysis. (c) Difference in total erosion (burnt minus unburnt scenarios).
(d) Difference in total deposition (burnt minus unburnt scenarios). For both (c) and (d) red colours implicate an increase in erosion or decrease in
deposition, green colours implicate an increase in deposition or a decrease in erosion.
while the extent of the fire was not so large. This can be explained by
1995 being a very wet post-fire year, still causing relatively much
erosion. Thus, primarily fire extent and severity, with in addition
rainfall, drive episodes of increased catchment erosion.
3.3 |Spatial patterns of erosion and deposition
For the burnt scenario the land use with the largest contribution to
erosion in the catchment was Eucalypt(36.9%; 1.78 ton ha
FIGURE 7 (a) Time series of simulated net
erosion for the burnt and unburnt scenarios,
including rainfall (top blue bars) and fire
occurrence (vertical lines). (b) Fire extent (ha) for
each fire year, divided into low, moderate, and
high severity.
FIGURE 8 Rainfall versus total
erosion relationship for the burnt and
unburnt scenarios. A weaker correlation
for the burnt scenario can be seen, as
post-fire years do not follow the trendline.
followed by Other Broadleaf(19.6%; 1.64 ton ha
), Shrubs
(19.5%, 5.46 ton ha
), Pine(16.8%, 1.76 ton ha
), and
Agriculture(7.1%, 0.20 ton ha
) (Figures 9a and b). High values
for Eucalypt can be associated with a high land occupation (44.8%).
By contrast, for Shrubsa low occupation (12.0%) still resulted in a
relatively high contribution for erosion (19.5%). An explanation for
this is that natural vegetation is twice as often burnt as other vegeta-
tion types. Average wildfire recurrences for the 41-year simulation
were 0.42, 1.00, 1.081.11, and 2.02 times for Agriculture,Pine,
Other Broadleaf,Eucalypt, and Shrubs, respectively.
In addition, the high contribution to erosion of Other Broadleaf
(19.6%), but low catchment occupation (7.8%), can be related to
broadleaf tree species growing in riparian areas, where localized large
erosion rates are caused by channel erosion processes (Figure 9b). To
verify this, we analysed the contribution of the Other Broadleaf
occurring on hillslopes and the Other Broadleafoccurring in riparian
zones separately: Other Broadleaf (Riparian)contributed almost
three times more to erosion than Other Broadleaf (Hillslope)(14.5%
vs 5.2%) (Figure 9a). For similar reasons, Other Broadleaf
contributed to a large extent (35.5%) to the total deposition in the
catchment, where especially riparian areas deposited six times more
than hillslope areas (30.7% vs 4.9%).
Median erosion rates per land use for the burnt scenario are
shown in Figures 9b and cfor the 41-year simulation period and only
for the post-fire years, respectively. Figure 9b (and to a lesser extent
Figure 9c) highlights that median erosion rates are particularly high for
Other Broadleaf (Hillslope),Shrubs, and to a lesser extent Euca-
lyptand Pine. This could be linked to the fact that both these
landcovers normally had higher burn severity than the others, and also
the higher burn frequency of Shrubs. A smaller factor could be the
higher runoff values, depicted in Figure 9b (blue bars), and computed
as the median runoff per land use type over the 41-year simulation
period. Higher values thus mean that more runoff occurs in these land
use types, which could contribute to higher erosion rates. The erosion
rates show a high variability, as shown by a large difference between
the mean and the median, and a high standard deviation and skew-
ness (Table 5). This variability is particularly high for Other Broadleaf,
again determined by their presence in the riparian area.
FIGURE 9 (a) Total percentages of
erosion (red bars), deposition (blue bars),
and percentage of total catchment area
per land use (grey bars) for the burnt
scenario. (b) Median erosion rates per
land use for the burnt scenario (red bars)
and median accumulated runoff per land
use type, over the 41-year modelled
timespan (blue bars). (c) Median erosion
rates per land use for the pre-fire year
and three post-fire years.
In addition to this, for all land uses within the first post-fire year,
erosion values were generally two orders of magnitude higher than
pre-fire erosion rates (Figure 9c) and erosion values generally dropped
by 50% and 70% in the second and third post-fire years compared
to the first post-fire year; this decline was more evident in Eucalypt
and Shrubsthan in other land covers. This indicates that especially
the first post-fire year has the most impact.
Wildfire recurrency also had a large impact on simulated erosion
rates. The simulated median erosion rate in almost all land uses was
one order of magnitude larger in areas that burnt one or two times
compared to areas that did not burn (Table 5). For three or four times
burnt areas, the median erosion rates might even be two orders of
magnitude higher. For deposition, median values were almost zero, as
it was concentrated in small areas. Mean deposition increased with
burn frequency for Other Broadleaf (Riparian)and urban areas
(i.e. infrastructure), and to a lesser degree for Agricultureuntil a limit
of two times burnt. Note that there was a large variation in the
surface area affected by a certain fire recurrence and its related
characteristics (e.g. slope steepness).
This study investigated the impact of multiple wildfires on erosion
patterns over multiple decades in a large catchment (404 km
). To our
knowledge this is the first study investigating post-fire erosion at such
a large scale, both spatially and temporally in a Mediterranean
country. The results indicate that eight major wildfires in the
catchment during 41 years led to a significant increase in erosion,
compared to a situation without wildfire occurrence.
4.1 |Model performance
First of all, model calibration was limited by the scarcity of spatially
and temporally explicit measured data. The dataset used for calibra-
tion consisted only of plot studies, hillslopes, (unburnt) agricultural
slopes, and the headwater catchment of Macieira de Alcôba (94 ha),
which is much smaller than the
Agueda catchment (404 km
(see Supplementary Material S3). Moreover, the few observed years
in the dataset made a split-sample approach difficult (i.e. execute both
calibration and validation), so that only calibration was possible. This
data scarcity is quite common for long-term (historical) time scales
and is a problem in many long-term modelling studies (Batista
et al., 2019). It is also common in post-fire erosion modelling (Lopes
et al., 2021), where the unpredictable occurrence and short nature of
wildfire disturbances limits data collection immediately after the wild-
fire. Nevertheless, both studies emphasize the importance of spatial
and temporal data for calibration and validation, and therefore future
studies of this nature might focus on areas encompassing a larger
number of studies in plots, hillslopes, and small catchments, or where
sediment yield data is available.
Furthermore, LAPSUS is an annual-based model that does not
include individual storm events. This might be a disadvantage, since
sediment yield can be highly variable in space and time and can be
dependent on a few single intra-annual rainfall events (Wu, Baartman
& Nunes, 2021; Wu et al., 2021) (time compression, as discussed by
Smetanová et al., 2019). However, it should be noted that excessive
model complexity in the description of temporal patterns might com-
plicate the prediction of long-term erosion patterns due to data scar-
city and accumulation of errors; Baartman et al. (2020) stress that
model complexity should be adequate to the complexity of the
TABLE 5 Erosion and deposition rates per land use for areas that encountered different fire recurrences during the 41-year investigation
period. The two rightmost columns indicate the standard deviation and skewness per land use
Mean (median) erosion (ton ha
Not burnt 1burnt 2burnt 3burnt 4burnt Standard deviation Skewness
Urban 0.31 (0.10) 0.54 (0.05) 1.33 (0.09) 0.18 (0.00) 2.28 (0.00) 2.44 0.313
Agricultural 2.29 (0.11) 9.12 (0.58) 13.22 (1.84) 16.14 (2.41) 33.49 (7.74) 30.50 0.507
Eucalypt 1.02 (0.19) 10.39 (2.21) 13.60 (3.74) 24.69 (8.02) 15.98 (8.26) 40.44 0.593
Pine 0.75 (0.14) 9.53 (2.42) 21.69 (7.07) 33.32 (10.94) 17.52 (6.54) 42.84 0.615
Shrub vegetation 2.36 (0.57) 12.55 (3.16) 18.88 (5.94) 27.10 (8.80) 43.18 (12.10) 67.53 0.713
Other Broadleaf 5.15 (0.25) 23.84 (2.51) 30.85 (4.62) 40.32 (11.68) 130.25 (21.53) 83.87 0.740
Broadleaf (Riparian) 5.96 (0.23) 28.04 (1.79) 35.39 (1.70) 46.20 (4.79) 229.08 (37.40) 87.04 0.744
Broadleaf (Hillslope) 1.02 (0.28) 10.85 (4.04) 15.18 (8.52) 20.28 (12.68) 27.20 (12.98) 67.48 0.667
Mean deposition (ton ha
No fire 1burnt 2burnt 3burnt 4burnt Standard deviation Skewness
Urban 0.99 0.58 15.88 44.22 34.93 19.16 0.183
Agriculture 7.83 9.67 17.85 6.05 3.60 58.56 0.459
Eucalypt 2.02 3.64 3.20 3.33 0.00 41.20 0.232
Pine 1.61 2.18 2.44 2.93 2.12 28.37 0.223
Shrub vegetation 2.13 2.79 3.93 3.64 3.36 36.68 0.273
Other broadleaf 24.03 20.45 24.21 11.65 4.61 108.17 0.591
Broadleaf (Riparian) 28.47 27.30 33.54 48.45 0.74 126.14 0.678
Broadleaf (Hillslope) 2.08 2.82 8.24 3.09 7.44 46.19 0.271
systems under study. The limited validation and lumped temporal
representation make the LAPSUS model results more suitable to show
the spatial patterns of erosion and deposition, and give an indication
of the order of magnitude of their rates, than to make precise
Despite these limitations, almost all calibrated erosion rates were
of the same order of magnitude as those observed in the
catchment at the plot (Ferreira, 1997; Shakesby et al., 1994) and small
catchment scales (Nunes, Doerr, et al., 2018), as shown in Supplemen-
tary Material S3 and Figure 5. Furthermore, our results were within
the range of multiple Mediterranean plot studies reviewed by
Shakesby (2011), although slightly at the high endof observations:
the median first post-fire year erosion rates of 39.2 ton ha
this study fall inside the range 150 ton ha
for moderate to
high burn-severity wildfires, with a median of 3.7 ton ha
. Local
characteristics of the
Agueda catchment could be behind the higher
values, especially the higher rainfall compared with other Mediterra-
nean regions, and the large cell sizes of the LAPSUS model (25 25
m) compared to the shorter length of typical plot studies.
Moreover, the median long-term erosion rates found in this study
for shrublands (5.46 ton ha
) correspond with those found in
north-west Spain using
Cs inventories to assess erosion at burnt
shrub-covered hillslopes for a 50-year period, ranging from 6.6 to 6.7
ton ha
(Menéndez-Duarte et al., 2009). The erosion values
found in this study seem therefore to broadly agree with those
reported elsewhere in terms of order of magnitude.
It should be noted that the model might also be limited due to the
poor representation of several processes in the
Agueda catchment;
streambank erosion, soil renewal, and tillage erosion could all be rele-
vant. For streambank erosion, the lack of sediment yield data at the
catchment scale prevented the determination of different erosivity
parameters for streams in LAPSUS (Baartman, van Gorp, et al., 2012),
and existing stone walls in streams were not accounted for. Soil
renewal was also not accounted for, but it can be argued that these
values are negligible at the 41-year time scale due to the low soil
renewal rates in the Mediterranean region (around 0.1 ton ha
estimated by Alexander, 1985). Finally, tillage in the managed planta-
tion forests of Eucalypt and Pine might be significant due to the short
rotation cycles of 1012 years (Kardell et al., 1986; Shakesby, 2011),
estimated at 10 ton ha
after each treatment in central Portugal
(Govers et al., 1996; Shakesby, 2011); again, in the long-term these
values are relatively low compared with water erosion, which
concurs with the findings of Baartman, Temme, et al. (2012) for
millennial time scales.
4.2 |Sediment dynamics at catchment scale
One of the main findings is the high spatial variability of erosion rates,
with a high skewness (and a mean one or two orders of magnitude
higher than the median) indicating a concentration of erosion in small
areas. This can be attributed to different processes operating at
different scales, and concurs with the large difference between
measurements at the point, plot, or catchment scale mentioned by
Shakesby (2011).
The areas of concentrated erosion in the
Agueda catchment often
have high runoff accumulation, being therefore subjected to gully
formation or, at larger scales, streambank erosion (Figure 6a). This
concentration of erosion is common to many large catchments, as
described for example by de Vente and Poesen (2005) and Smetanová
et al. (2019). In burnt areas, topographic features determining runoff
concentration overlap with the spatial distribution of wildfire severity
to determine erosion hotspots, as observed by Fernández et al.
(2020), who found a good relation between sediment yield and topo-
graphic connectivity modified by burn severity. However, at larger
scales, the role of sediment sinks (footslope and floodplain sediment
storage) tends to become increasingly important, lowering the sedi-
ment yield (de Vente & Poesen, 2005). This has also been proposed
for burnt areas by Ferreira et al. (2008), who associated it with a
decreasing sediment transport capacity by runoff and streamflow. In
Agueda catchment, LAPSUS indicates that erosion is particularly
high in some part of the streams or at locations where streams are
originating and the formation of rills, gullies, and streams starts, while
deposition occurs particularly in and around the larger streams/rivers
(Figure 6a). Model outputs therefore fit within the current knowledge
on catchment sediment dynamics.
In general terms, LAPSUS indicates that burnt gullies and streams
function as a source of sediment, while footslopes and floodplains
function as sinks. Sediments deposited at footslopes and floodplains
can subsequently be re-entrained and transported further down-
stream. Model results indicate that wildfires can change the balance
between these factors, as the increase in erosion is larger than the
increase in deposition, resulting in a higher sediment delivery ratio
and more sediments reaching the outlet.
There is, however, variability in erosion and sediment deposition
within the stream network of the
Agueda catchment (Figure 6),
possibly caused by differences in the connectivity of the stream
with upslope locations (Borselli et al., 2008; Heckmann &
Schwanghart, 2013). Despite this variability, deposition tends to
decrease towards the outlet of the catchment, suggesting a sediment
build-up in the larger streams. This process could foster sediment
cascadesthat can behave as jerky conveyer beltstowards the
stream outlet (Cossart et al., 2018; Schoorl et al., 2014), which has
also been observed in other burned catchments (Inbar et al., 1998;
Keizer et al., 2015; Mayor et al., 2007).
4.3 |The significance of post-fire erosion in the
Agueda catchment
The results indicate that wildfires cause long-term erosion and
sediment yield in the
Agueda catchment to increase by at least one
order of magnitude when compared to natural (i.e. non-disturbed)
erosion and sediment yield (Table 5and Figures 6c and d,7).
As shown in Figure 8, the relation between rainfall and simulated
total erosion was relatively strong, but decreased when wildfires were
included in the simulations. This indicates that, when a wildfire occurs,
it clearly dominates the effects of rainfall on erosion. This relationship
is influenced by wildfire size, and especially burn severity for the fires
in 2013 and 2017. When compared with other fires, the larger extent
of high burn severity associated with these wildfires corresponds to a
larger increase of net erosion, total erosion, and deposition rates for
the whole catchment, especially in the first post-fire year (Figure 7).
There were relatively high erosion values even in the second and third
post-fire years, which did not occur after smaller and less severe
wildfires, which was possibly caused by a slower regeneration of the
vegetation or soil (Maia et al., 2012). Interestingly, this difference in
sediment processes persists after the wildfire disturbance is negated
by vegetation regeneration, as sediment eroded from burnt areas
and deposited in the first post-fire years can be available for re-
entrainment in years without wildfire-enhanced erosion. This process
corresponds to earlier research (Inbar et al., 1998; Mayor et al., 2007;
Wittenberg & Inbar, 2009), although in the
Agueda headwater catch-
ments Nunes et al. (2020) found that the large rainfall rates can flush
these sediments in a few years.
Wildfire-enhanced erosion rates in the
Agueda can lead to soil
degradation. Median values in pre-fire years are under a tolerable rate
of 1 ton ha
(Verheijen et al., 2012), but estimated erosion rates
for all three years after each fire surpass this threshold by one or two
orders of magnitude. Soil depth loss can be especially severe given
the generally shallow soils in the
Agueda catchment (Tavares Wahren
et al., 2016); roughly 8% of the catchment showed a reduction of
10 cm soil depth after 41 years. Moreover, erosion can lead to a
decrease in soil fertility (Bakker et al., 2004) through the selective loss
of carbon and nutrients (Hosseini et al., 2017; Serpa et al., 2020). Even
though our simulated erosion rates are uncertain due to calibration
difficulties (see Section 4.1), this concurs with the generally degraded
condition of mountain soils in this study area (Tavares Wahren
et al., 2016), many of which are already unsuited for Eucalypt planta-
tion and support less profitable Pine plantations. The effects of
repeated wildfires on soil quality have also been observed elsewhere
in the Mediterranean (Carreira et al., 1996; Hosseini et al., 2016).
Furthermore, the higher connectivity caused by the wildfires can
also have implications for water quality. Ashes and fine sediments
produced by wildfires can impact ecosystems and limit human uses,
due to associated contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
bons, heavy metals, and nutrients (Nunes, Naranjo Quintanilla,
et al., 2018; Serpa et al., 2020). While the increase in net erosion can
indicate potential problems in the immediate years after wildfires, the
increase in background sediment concentrations can indicate persis-
tent contamination problems, especially where related to toxic com-
pounds which can be problematic in small amounts and accumulate
over time.
4.4 |Contribution of land use to erosion patterns
The results indicate that the most important plantation tree species,
Eucalypt and Pine, are the main contributors to the overall sediment
budget in the
Agueda catchment (Figure 9a). However, mean erosion
rates for natural vegetation (predominantly consisting of shrub vege-
tation) are much higher than those for other species (Table 5and
Figures 9b and c). Several factors contribute to these differences.
First, natural vegetation is normally located at the ridges of hills or
summits of small mountains, with comparatively shallow soils with
lower water-holding capacity (Tavares Wahren et al., 2016) and
steeper slopes. Even without wildfire, simulated median erosion rates
under natural vegetation are 3 and 4.1 times higher than those of
Eucalypt and Pine, respectively (0.57 vs 0.19 and 0.14 ton ha
In addition, shrub areas tend to be more affected by high wildfire
severity: 39%, compared with 17% for Eucalypt and 26% for Pine,
respectively, making these areas more susceptible to post-fire erosion.
This would expose natural vegetation to post-fire erosion more fre-
quently, although it tends to recover faster than other vegetation
types: while erosion rates in the second and third post-fire years
decreased by 71.1 and 95.4% compared with the first post-fire year,
the decrease rates are 56.7/84.2% for Pine and 64.3/84.2% for Other
Broadleaf. Eucalypt also seems to recover relatively fast, as rates
decrease by 82.8/95.3% in the second and third post-fire years.
Areas with other broadleaf species showed much higher spatial
variability, with erosion rates being determined by a low number of
cells with relatively high erosion values. This can be explained by the
location of part of these forests in riparian areas with higher runoff
accumulation, and therefore susceptible to channel bank erosion but
also to streambed deposition. This spatial variability is therefore a
result of the association between these species and channel
Finally, Agricultureand Urbanhad lower erosion rates than
forest land uses, even though Agricultureis parameterized as more
susceptible to erosion (higher K
in Table 4). Note, however, that
erosion rates in agricultural land could only be calibrated for unburnt
situations, not for burnt situations (see Supplementary Material S3).
Agricultural areas are usually located on footslopes, while forests are
located on steeper slopes (Tavares Wahren et al., 2016), as is common
in most catchments; crop fields located on steeper slopes are usually
protected by terraces (Nunes, Bernard-Jannin, et al., 2018). Therefore,
even though agriculture is commonly perceived to have a larger
impact on erosion (e.g. Cerdan et al., 2010), our results indicate that
for the
Agueda catchment, high erosion rates predominantly occurred
in forest or naturally vegetated areas, thus contradicting the assertion
by Shakesby (2011) that in the long-term, erosion rates in burnt
Mediterranean areas are below those of croplands.
These results complicate a direct assessment of the land use most
responsible for erosion based solely on its characteristics, as the
relation between both variables at the
Agueda catchment scale seems
to be related to wildfire occurrence and recurrence, or their topo-
graphic position, rather than local-scale processes such as soil water
repellency or soil cover by needle cast (Benito et al., 2003; Shakesby
et al., 1994; Walsh et al., 1994). This concurs with the conclusions of
Ferreira et al. (2008) that hydrological and sediment connectivity,
and their impact by wildfire, drive burnt area erosion response at
wider scales.
4.5 |Challenges for land management in the future
Increasing global change could further impact ecosystem services and
intensify soil degradation and biodiversity loss, which is detrimental to
food and water security (Certini, 2005). In fact, post-fire erosion in
the region of north-central Portugal is likely to increase, due to inten-
sified rainfall during the winter months associated with a more intense
wildfire regime (Carvalho-Santos et al., 2019; Pastor et al., 2019).
Likewise, the wildfires in the last decade (2013, 2016, and 2017) are
larger in size and had a larger impact due to higher burn severity. This
is partly due to socio-economic drivers such as rural depopulation and
(agricultural) land abandonment, leading to encroachment and foster-
ing fuel load build-up, which is perceived to have led to more wildfires
(Llovet et al., 2009; Shakesby, 2011).
Areas of natural vegetation were burnt to a larger extent, higher
severity, and shorter recurrence times than other forest land uses.
However, burnt natural vegetation areas in the north-east of the
Agueda catchment received less attention in terms of pre- and post-
fire management. Unlike for natural vegetation, plantations have
economic value and are therefore better managed, which fits into the
ongoing management paradigm to organize and support productive
forests and leave natural areas outside the management structure
(Shakesby, 2011). Managing natural areas is, however, important to
limit wildfire occurrence, soil erosion, and further degradation. More-
over, better management can also decrease toxic or contaminated
ashes that are transported downstream (Nunes, Naranjo Quintanilla,
et al., 2018). Hence, managing scrub encroachment in the north-east
of the
Agueda catchment can have positive consequences for natural
areas, as well as for downstream areas. Approaches can include low
investment options such as prescribed burning to lower the fuel load
(Khabarov et al., 2016; Shakesby, 2011), or more conventional but
expensive options such as grazing or wildfire breaks (Raftoyannis
et al., 2014). Similar options can support managing fuel loads in
plantations, together with decreasing tree density (Raftoyannis
et al., 2014), although plantation densities in the
Agueda are already
relatively low. The results of this work can help identify priority
management areas and can support post-fire management with
emergency post-fire control by mulching (Keizer et al., 2018; Prats
et al., 2012), allowing the direction of these measures to areas with
greater susceptibility to erosion.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to quantify post-
fire erosion and map sediment transport and deposition patterns at
long temporal (41 years) and large spatial (404 km
) scales. Model
calibration was considered good, but lack of datacommon in post-
fire erosion assessmentslimited a full validation of the LAPSUS
model. We found that wildfires significantly increased erosion in the
Agueda catchment in the last 41 years compared to general back-
ground erosion processes by at least one order of magnitude. The first
post-fire year had a substantial contribution to erosion, and the post-
fire erosion increased with burn severity and wildfire recurrence.
Wildfires also amplified the background sediment yield in non-post-
fire years, due to the increased availability of sediment build-up in the
catchment. Simulated post-fire erosion rates varied spatially, and
showed a large skewness, indicating that erosion is concentrated in
well-connected areas, either due to topographic or burn severity
patterns. Median erosion values were within the range of those
reported in the literature for plot studies, although close to the higher
end: 5.95 ton ha
in the long term, which surpasses a sustain-
able threshold of 1 ton ha
, indicating the potential for long-
term soil degradation. While there was differentiation of erosion rates
between land uses, this was more related to their topographic
position and susceptibility to wildfire (both wildfire severity and recur-
rence) than their intrinsic characteristics, pointing out the importance
of sediment connectivityand in this case, the changes to connectiv-
ity caused by wildfire disturbancesfor erosion patterns at larger
scales. Finally, we think that due to their spatial outputs, reduced-
complexity models such as LAPSUS can function as a tool to identify
locations at erosion risk that can be adopted by land managers in
pre-fire and post-fire management strategies.
This work was co-funded by a travel fellowship attributed to D. Follmi
through the Erasmus+programme of the European Union. Additional
funding was provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology, through project FRISCO (PCIF/MPG/0044/2018),
individual grants attributed to J.P. Nunes (IF/00586/2015) and
A. Benali (CEECIND/03799/2018/CP1563/CT0003), and the CE3C
research centre (UIDB/00329/2020).
Dante Follmi: conceptualization; methodology; investigation (e.g. data
collection); writing initial draft; writing reviewing and editing.
Jantiene Baartman: conceptualization; methodology; software (its
provision and development); supervision; writing reviewing and
editing. Akli Benali: conceptualization; methodology; resources
(provision of data, etc.); supervision; writing reviewing and editing.
Joao Pedro Nunes: conceptualization; funding acquisition; methodol-
ogy; resources (provision of data, etc.); supervision; writing
reviewing and editing.
The input and calibration data used in this study is not our own and
the source is referred to in the appropriate sections. The output data
is presented in maps and tables in the text. We do not intend to
share these results further. Interested readers may contact the
corresponding author for enquiries.
Jantiene Baartman
Joao Pedro Nunes
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Additional supporting information can be found online in the
Supporting Information section at the end of this article.
How to cite this article: Follmi, D., Baartman, J., Benali, A. &
Nunes, J.P. (2022) How do large wildfires impact sediment
redistribution over multiple decades? Earth Surface Processes
and Landforms,118. Available from:
... In the Mediterranean, the most intense erosion is a short-term phenomenon, that is, it occurs immediately after a fire, given that the many plant species that colonize the burned area protect the soil from erosive processes. And yet, Follmi et al. (2022) show that although erosion in a Portuguese forest is reduced over time, it remains more important in the long term in areas that have been burned than in those that avoided the effects of fire. To achieve this goal, the authors build a landscape evolution model and find that over a 41-year timespan erosion rates in the burned area were 5.95 ton compared to 0.58 ton ha −1 year −1 in the non-burned area. ...
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Wildfires pose one of the greatest threats to the world’s forests soils. After exposure to fire, forests lose many of their ecological functions; moreover, the repercussions can extend well beyond the forest itself, as the erosive processes attributable to the combustion of vegetation and the soil’s lack of protection against rainfall are likely to impact any areas of a catchment, contaminating reservoirs, estuaries and aquifers. A forest fire is not solely, therefore, an environmental issue, but also a social and economic problem. The recovery of a forest is heavily dependent on just how the soil has been affected and how rapidly the latter can be restored. Fire intensity is critical in understanding the temporal evolution of the forest, while its location—a clear determinant of its climate and the ecosystem it occupies—can undermine the functionality of the forest system and is critical in determining the duration of the effects of the fire episode. This paper undertakes a review of the literature with the aim of understanding what might be understood when studies speak of the long-term effects of fire on the soil and when a soil might be considered to have recovered from these effects. What is evident is that many variables have a role to play and that not all soil properties recover at the same rate; indeed, some may never be restored to pre-fire levels.
... As análises relizadas permitiram, entre outros, os seguintes resultados: a) A produção de um atlas com a severidade dos incêndios entre 2001 e 2020, tendo sido validado o grau de severidade obtido no ano de 2020, com dados de campo (González-Pelayo et al., 2021); b) A variabilidade meteorológica pós-fogo, a conectividade da paisagem e a recorrência dos incêndios são mais importantes do que a severidade dos incêndios florestais para a mobilização e transporte de sedimentos (Follmi et al., 2022;Wu, Baartman, et al., 2021a, 2021bWu, Nunes, et al., 2021); c) O mapeamento de zonas prioritárias de mobilização de cinza e sedimentos com potencial de contaminar linhas de água, pode ser obtida através de métodos simplificados e de rápida aplicação pós-fogo (Parente et al., 2023); d) Identificaram-se modificações em pelo menos um parâmetro de qualidade da água em 40% dos incêndios florestais analisados, sendo o P, o NO3 e os sedimentos em suspensão os mais sensíveis a alterações (Nitzsche et al., 2022); e) Entre as medidas estudadas, as barreiras de troncos caídos e as barreiras de mangas de palha são as mais eficazes para diminuir os impactos pós-fogo na qualidade da água, no que diz respeito aos sedimentos (Faria, 2022); ...
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Os incêndios florestais podem levar à contaminação dos recursos hídricos com sedimentos finos, nutrientes e cinzas, sendo necessário aos gestores da água informação suficiente para determinar o risco pós-fogo e selecionar as medidas mais adequadas para mitigar esses impactos. O projeto FRISCO procura dar resposta a essas necessidades, integrando investigadores e gestores da água na construção de uma metodologia de avaliação de risco que permita a reação em tempo útil, e na definição das medidas que podem tomar.
Galicia is a complex territory from the environmental (lithology, relief, climate) and socio-economic (population, distribution of productive activities) perspectives. Its geographical position has determined its paleoenvironmental dynamics throughout the last glacial cycle (Würm), in whose final phase a large part of the territory was under glacio-nival conditions, and has favored the emergence of favorable conditions for the domain of deciduous forests throughout the last two thirds of the Holocene. However, as a result of human colonization of most of this territory over the last 5,000 years, its vegetation cover has been greatly homogenized, first favoring the expansion of agricultural crops and scrublands (particularly heaths) and, already in recent times, forest plantations with introduced species (pines and Eucalyptus). The best examples of the characteristic vegetation of this territory take refuge in the steepest mountains, certain slightly altered coastal stretches, and some wetlands. Nonetheless, Galicia still harbors important elements (species, habitats) for the maintenance of biodiversity on a European scale. Its long-term persistence requires territorial planning and management of land use consistent with this singularity and in line with the evolving scientific knowledge and environmental regulations.KeywordsCurrent vegetationResidual forestsHeathsCoastal complexesWetlandsBiodiversity threats
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Background: The models currently used to predict post-fire soil erosion risks are limited by high data demands and long computation times. An alternative is to map the potential hydrological and sediment connectivity using indices to express the general properties of the burnt landscape. Aims: In this study, we aimed to answer the question: Do these tools identify post-fire sediment mobilisation hotspots? Methods: To achieve this, we assessed the spatial variability distribution of the location of soil erosion hotspots using the Index of Connectivity, Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation and the Sediment Export, and compared it with the simulation results of a more complex Landscape Evolution Model (LAPSUS model). Additionally, we evaluated statistical measures of association between the four tools. Key results: The three tools tested in this study are suitable for identifying sediment mobilisation hotspots, where the erosion rates are above the 95th percentile, and differences between their performance are small. Conclusions: The results indicate that these tools help locate extreme erosion locations in recently burnt areas. Implications: These results can be considered for post-fire and water contamination risk management, especially for fast prioritisation of areas needing emergency post-fire intervention.
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The extensive afforestation of the Mediterranean rim of Europe in recent decades has increased the number of wildfire disturbances on hydrological and sediment processes, but the impacts on headwater catchments is still poorly understood, especially when compared with the previous agricultural landscape. This work monitored an agroforestry catchment in the north‐western Iberian Peninsula, with plantation forests mixed with traditional agriculture using soil conservation practices, for one year before the fire and for three years afterwards, during which period the burnt area was ploughed and reforested. During this period, continuous data was collected for meteorology, streamflow and sediment concentration at the outlet, erosion features were mapped and measured after major rainfall events, and channel sediment dynamics were monitored downstream from the agricultural and the burnt forest area. Data from 202 rainfall events with over 10 mm was analysed in detail. Results show that the fire led to a notable impact on sediment processes during the first two post‐fire years, but not on streamflow processes; this despite the small size of the burnt area (10% of the catchment) and the occurrence of a severe drought in the first year after the fire. During this period, soil loss at the burnt forest slopes was much larger than that at most traditionally managed fields, and, ultimately, led to sediment exhaustion. At the catchment scale, storm characteristics were the dominant factor behind streamflow and sediment yield both before and after the fire. However, the data indicated a shift from detachment‐limited sediment yield before the fire, to transport‐limited sediment yield afterwards, with important increases in streamflow sediment concentration. This indicates that even small fires can temporarily change sediment processes in agroforestry catchments, with potential negative consequences for downstream water quality.
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In the near future, a higher occurrence of wildfires is expected due to climate change, carrying social, environmental, and economic implications. Such impacts are often associated with an increase of post‐fire hydrological and erosive responses, which are difficult to predict. Soil erosion models have been proven to be a valuable tool in the decision‐making process, from emergency response to long‐term planning, however, they were not designed for post‐fire conditions, so they need to be adapted to include fire‐induced changes. In the recent years, there has been an increasing number of studies testing different models and adaptations for the prediction of post‐fire soil erosion. However, many of these adaptations are being applied without field validation or model performance assessment. Therefore, this study aims to describe the scientific advances in the last twenty years in post‐fire soil erosion modelling research and evaluate model adaptations to burned areas that aim to include: i) fire‐induced changes in soil and ground cover, ii) fire‐induced changes in infiltration, iii) burn severity, and iv) mitigation measures in their predictions. This study also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of those approaches, suggests potential improvements, and identifies directions for future research. Results show that studies are not homogeneously distributed worldwide, neither according to the model type used, nor by regions most affected by wildfires. During calibration, 73% of the cases involved model adaptation to burned conditions, and only 21% attempted to accommodate new processes. Burn severity was addressed in 75% of the cases, whilst mitigation measures were simulated in 27%. Additionally, only a minor percentage of model predictions were validated with independent field data (17%) or assessed for uncertainties (13%). Therefore, further efforts are required on the adaptation of erosion models to burned conditions to be widely used for post‐fire management decision.
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Wildfire is known to create the pre-conditions leading to accelerated soil erosion. Unfortunately, its occurrence is expected to increase with climate change. The objective of this study was to assess the impacts of fire on runoff and soil erosion in a context of global change, and to evaluate the effectiveness of mulching as a post-fire erosion mitigation measure. For this, the long-term soil erosion model LandSoil was calibrated for a Mediterranean catchment in north-central Portugal that burnt in 2011. LandSoil was then applied for a 20-year period to quantify the separate and combined hydrological and erosion impacts of fire frequency and of post-fire mulching using four plausible site-specific land use and management scenarios (S1. business-as-usual, S2. market-oriented, S3. environmental protection and S4. sustainable trade-off) and an intermediate climate change scenario Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 by 2050. The obtained results showed that: (i) fire had a reduced impact on runoff generation in the studied catchment (<5%) but a marked impact on sediment yield (SY) by about 30%; (ii) eucalypt intensification combined with climate change and fires can increase SY by threefold and (iii) post-fire mulching, combined with riparian vegetation maintenance/restoration and reduced tillage at the landscape level, was highly effective to mitigate soil erosion under global change and associated, increased fire frequency (up to 50% reduction). This study shows how field monitoring data can be combined with numerical erosion modeling to segregate the prominent processes occurring in post forest fire conditions and find the best management pathways to meet international goals on achieving land degradation neutrality (LDN).
Models are typically applied to estimate the potential adverse effects of fire on land degradation and water resources and the potential benefits of post-wildfire rehabilitation treatments. However, few modeling studies have been conducted for meso-scale catchments, and only a fraction of these studies include transport and deposition of eroded material within the catchment or represent spatial erosion patterns. This study presents an application and evaluation of the OpenLISEM physically-based and spatially-distributed hydrological and soil erosion model for a burned Mediterranean meso-scale catchment (18.5 km 2) in a data-scarce environment, using a robust parameterization and calibration procedure: (1) integrating satellite imagery and the topographic wetness index to support model parameterization; (2) event-based automated calibration using the Model-Independent Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis and parameters ensemble for before and after the fire; (3) a jack-knife cross-validation for model evaluation. The study shows that this procedure used in Open-LISEM provides reasonable results for pre-and post-wildfire catchment discharge and sediment transport (r 2 and NSE > 0.5; absolute PBIAS < 25% for discharge and 55% for sediment transport). This may serve the needs of model applications in data-scarce burned areas. The results also provide recommended model parameters for burned areas with high severity such as random roughness (rr) = 2.41 cm, and slope manning's n (n) = 0.038; or post-wildfire to pre-wildfire ratios of model parameters such as saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s) = 0.98×, channel manning's n (chn) = 0.44×, grain size (d50) = 0.61 ×. The simulation results indicate that wildfire did not lead to significantly enhanced hydrological responses and soil erosion at the catchment outlet, partly explained by the spatial patterns of soil erosion. For both pre-and post-wildfire conditions, higher soil erosion was simulated in areas located far from the catchment outlet. The wildfire led to enhanced hillslope erosion, mostly in the upper part of the catchment, providing ample opportunities for transported sediment to deposit before reaching the outlet.
Wildfires can have strong negative effects on soil and water resources, especially in headwater areas. The spatially explicit OpenLISEM model was applied to a burned catchment in southern Portugal to quantify the individual and combined impacts of wildfire and rainfall on hydrological and erosion processes. The companion paper has calibrated and assessed model performance in this area before and after a fire. In this study, the model was applied with design storms of six different return periods (0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, and 10 years) to simulate and evaluate pre- and post-wildfire hydrological and erosion responses at the catchment scale. Our results show that rainfall amount and intensity played a more important role than fire occurrence in the catchment discharge and sediment yields. Fire occurrence was found to be an important factor for peak discharge, indicating that high post-fire hydro-sedimentary responses are frequently related to extreme rainfall events. The results also suggest a partial shift from runoff to splash erosion after fire, especially for higher return periods. This can be explained by increased splash erosion in burned upstream areas saturating the sediment transport capacity of surface runoff, limiting runoff erosion in downstream areas. Therefore, the pre-fire erosion risk in the croplands of this catchment was partly shifted to a post-fire erosion risk in upper slope forest and natural areas, especially for storms with lower return periods, although erosion risks in croplands were important both before and after fires. These findings have significant implications to identify areas for post-wildfire stabilization and rehabilitation, which is particularly important given the predicted increase in the occurrence of fires and extreme rainfall events with climate change.
It is the core task of geoscientists to gain insight into the complex systems of nature. Yet, complexity may be perceived very differently and a plethora of models with different degrees of complexity is available. How do we, geoscientists, decide what model complexity is warranted? Does this differ among disciplines? And, how do we even define model complexity? We developed a short questionnaire to investigate the geoscientific community's views on complexity in models. The response was overwhelming, with 618 completed responses. The results show that the number of processes explicitly included and the number of interactions / feedbacks incorporated were seen as important determinants of complexity. Confidence was not per se higher in the simulations of a complex model compared to a simple one. Interestingly, neither gender, the discipline within the geosciences, nor career stage or work sector, explained the characterization of model complexity. The results of the questionnaire demonstrate that there is no general consensus on how model complexity is perceived or should be defined, and that formal definitions are not broadly or generally accepted. In an environment seeking greater collaboration and interdisciplinarity, these results indicate the need for conscious dialogue about this topic among different model users.
The weather is an important driver of the wildfire incidence because it strongly influences fuel availability and flammability. In the Mediterranean climate, the spatial and temporal patterns of fire weather present high variability, which help to understand the variable fire regimes. To assess this link in the Iberian Peninsula and the role of fire weather on fire incidence variability, this work identified pyro-regions, characterized the fire regimes in these regions and compared them with the spatial and seasonal distribution of several components of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System. A cluster analysis was performed on monthly normalized burnt area (NBA) series for the 1980 – 2015 period in each administrative division of the Iberian Peninsula (Portuguese districts and Spanish provinces), which revealed four pyro-regions (Northwest, North, Southwest and East) as well as significant spatial and temporal variability of NBA patterns. A separate analysis for 1980 – 1997 and 1998 – 2015 revealed noteworthy changes in the border of pyro-regions caused by changes in NBA seasonal patterns in some administrative regions. The analysis of the fire weather risk distribution for 1980 – 2017 included the assessment of extreme fire weather days, defined as days with Daily Severity Rating (DSR) above the 95th percentile, for the summer fire season, and as days with Drought Code above the 95th percentile, for the winter-spring fire season. The distribution of the monthly extreme fire weather days is highly correlated with the NBA seasonal variability and explains the differences between seasonal wildfire characteristics and the recent changes in the border administrative regions. The analysis of the fire weather patterns for large wildfires disclosed that these events were linked with extreme DSR days, especially in the NW pyro-region. These findings highlight the strong link between climate variability and fire regimes in the Iberian Peninsula, and can therefore help assess the impacts of climate change and to project future burnt area patterns.
Soil erosion can potentially threaten different resources inside and outside of burned areas, and the risk of water becoming contaminated with sediment may be particularly severe. Various post‐fire actions, such as applying straw mulch, have been carried out in NW Spain in recent years with the aim of mitigating the risk of soil erosion. Nonetheless, because of the short interval between summer wildfire and autumn rains, careful selection and prioritization of the areas to be treated is crucial. Changes in hydrological connectivity could be measured and used as a criterion for selecting such areas. However, studies addressing changes in hydrological connectivity as a consequence of forest fires are scarce. In the present study, we assessed the effects of fire and post‐fire helimulching on the hydrological connectivity and sediment loads in a forest catchment burned by a wildfire in August 2016. Sediment yields were recorded in 20 plots (180 m2). Hydrological connectivity was computed with a version of the Borselli index and two alternative weighting factors: the C factor from the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and a factor based on field surveys of soil burn severity. The effect of mulching was also considered. The results indicate that the version of the Borselli index based on field measurements of soil burn severity best reflect the susceptibility to post‐fire sediment delivery. Moreover, this method was also suitable for evaluating the effect of mulching on soil erosion. The study findings may help forest managers to plan post‐fire actions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The negative hydrological effects of wildfire are very difficult to predict in Mediterranean forest ecosystems, due the intrinsic climate and soil characteristics of these areas. Among the hydrological models simulating surface runoff and soil erosion in these environmental contexts, the semi-empirical Morgan-Morgan-Finney (MMF) model can ensure the representation of the main physical processes, while offering ease of use and limiting the number of input parameters. However, literature reports very few modelling studies using MMF in burned areas of the Mediterranean environment with or without post-fire rehabilitation measures. To fill this gap, the capacity of the MMF model to predict the seasonal surface runoff and soil loss in a Mediterranean forest was verified and improved for unburned plots and areas affected by a wildfire, with and without post-fire straw mulch treatment. The application of MMF with default input parameters (set up according to the original guidelines of the model’s developers) led to poor performance. Conversely, after introducing some changes in input data for both the hydrological and erosive components (seasonal values of evapotranspiration, reduction of the soil hydrological depth, including soil water repellency effects in burned soils, and modelling erosive precipitation only), MMF was able to predict seasonal runoff volumes and soil loss with good reliability in all the experimented conditions. This modelling experiment has shown the capacity of the MMF model to simulate the seasonal hydrological and erosion response of the experimental unburned and burned soils of Mediterranean semi-arid forests. Although more research is needed to validate the model's prediction capacity in these conditions, the use of MMF as a management tool may be suggested to predict the hydrogeological risk in these delicate ecosystems threatened by wildfire, as well as to evaluate the potential efficiency of soil treatments after fire. KEYWORDS: erosion; hydrological model; effective hydrological layer; soil water repellency; straw mulching.