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Myoxanthus claudiana Uribe-Velez, Sauleda & Szlachetko (Orchidaceae), an Addition to the Flora of Colombia.



A new species of Myoxanthus is described for Colombia. The species was discovered in the municipality of Ciudad Bolivar, corregimiento de farallones, department of Antioquia.
ISSN 2325-4785
New World Orchidaceae – Nomenclatural Notes
Nomenclatural Note – Issue No. 108
July 4, 2022
Myoxanthus claudiana Uribe-Velez, Sauleda & Szlachetko (Orchidaceae), an Addition to
the Flora of Colombia.
Carlos Uribe-Velez1, Ruben P. Sauleda2 and Dariusz L. Szlachetko3
1Calle 115 #5-23 Bogota, Colombia.
26442 SW 107 Ct. Miami, Fl 33173.
3Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation, University of Gdańsk, Wita Stwosza
59, 80-308 Gdańsk, Poland.
A new species of Myoxanthus is described for Colombia. The species was discovered in the
municipality of Ciudad Bolivar, corregimiento de farallones, department of Antioquia.
The German naturalist and explorer Eduard Friedrich Poeppig collected the first species of
Myoxanthus in 1830 in Peru. The genus was published in 1936 by Poepp. & Endl. (Nov. Gen.
Sp. Pl. 1: 50) based on Myoxanthus monophyllus.
Myoxanthus has a long history of being ignored or rejected. Lindley, Reichenbach and Cogniaux
implied that the characters used to define the genus Myoxanthus were insufficient and transferred
the species into the genus Pleurothallis R. Br.
Lindley (1836) first transferred M. monophyllus to Pleurothallis rejecting Myoxanthus.
Hermann Karsten (1847) proposed Duboisia a genus homologous to Myoxanthus, which was
illegitimate. Karsten (1848) then created the genus Dubois-reymondia to replace it with two
species one of which was transferred to Pleurothallis by Reichenbach (1852) and the other to
Pleurothallis by Schlechter (1919).
Barbosa Rodrigues (1882) established the genus Chaetocephala Barbosa Rodrigues homologous
to Myoxanthus with two species, which were transferred by Cogniaux (1896) to Pleurothallis.
Brieger (1977) attempted to re-establish Dubois-reymondia transferring species from
Pleurothallis or Restrepia. However, Brieger’s proposal has been overlooked or ignored.
Luer (1992) revised the genus Myoxanthus dividing the genus into three subgenera:
Myoxanthus subgen. Myoxanthus,
with sections Antenella Luer, Myoxanthus Luer and Scandentia Luer
Myoxanthus subgen. Satyria Luer
Myoxanthus subgen. Silenia Luer
The molecular phylogenetic study of Pleurothallidinae by Pridgeon et al. (2001) and the
anatomical studies by Pridgeon & Sterns (1982) supported the exclusion of the subgenera Satyria
and Silenia from Myoxanthus and Pleurothallis leaving as accepted only the subgenus
Myoxanthus with three sections.
An undescribed species, which corresponds to the genus Myoxanthus subgen. Myoxanthus,
section Antenella Luer was discovered in the department of Antioquia in the municipality of
Ciudad Bolivar. The plant was at 2100 m, epiphytic on a very mossy tree, 2 m from ground
level. The habitat was undisturbed and very wet with good circulation. Plants were abundant
and all with permanent flowers. We here describe it as a new species.
Myoxanthus claudiana Uribe-Velez, Sauleda & Szlachetko, sp. nov.
subgen. Myoxanthus, section Antenella Luer.
Type: Colombia, Department of Antioquia, in municipality of Ciudad Bolivar.
Corregimiento de farallones. Collector: Manuel Alejandro Berrio Restrepo, s. n., April 16,
2013. Holotype: HPUJ.
This species is named to honor Claudia Lorena Carmona of Pereira, !"#$%$&'$()owner and
cultivator of the plant.
This species is similar to the other species in the section Antenella. Myoxanthus claudiana is
similar to Myoxanthus hirsuticaulis (Ames & C. Schweinf.) Luer being distinguished from M.
hirsuticaulis in having an obscurely lobed labellum vs unlobed with small lobules hinged
beneath, free lateral sepals not strongly falcate vs connate strongly falcate petals, ovate in the
lower third with fimbriate margin vs ovate in the lower half with denticulate margins and
narrowed into terete, linear, distal half.
Myoxanthus claudiana is also similar to the Ecuadorian Myoxanthus affinoides Luer.
Myoxanthus claudiana differs in having an acute labellum apex *#)%+,-'.'()&$/.&&,0)0$%1"-#)
Plant epiphytic, cespitose, semi erect, up to 35 cm tall on type specimen (up to 1.3 m in habitat);
roots thick, coarse; ramicauls semi-erect, to 19 cm long, enclosed by loose, tubular sheaths;
leaves semi-erect, thickly coriaceous, narrowly linear-lanceolate, cuneate, conduplicate, acute, to
14 cm long, to 2 cm wide; inflorescence a single flower produced successively at the apex of the
ramicaul; peduncle tomentose, to 8 mm long, subtended by a papyraceous spathe, to 3 mm long;
ovary pedicelate, to 3 mm long; densely pubescent; flowers reddish-purple, fleshy, glabrous;
dorsal sepal linear-lanceolate, sub-acute, to 12 mm long, 3 mm wide; lateral sepals falcate,
concave to 9 mm long, 3 mm wide; petals fleshy, +*$3.)"-)37.)&+6.%)37"%')()6"37)2"0/%"$3.)
0$%1"-()37"58.-.')$-')&"-.$%)'"#3$&&4, obtuse, to 12 mm long, 3 mm wide at base; labellum,
hinged, obscurely 3-lobed, sub-acute, with fimbriate margin, to 7 mm long, 5 mm wide; disc
with an erect, narrow, low, callus extending to near the apex; column arcuate, semi-terete, to 3
mm long, with narrow apical wings, foot 2 mm long; anther cap yellow, globose; pollinia
obovoid, flattened, on a short caudicle.
))))))))))))))))))))) )
Myoxanthus claudiana Uribe-Velez, Sauleda & Szlachetko.)
Myoxanthus claudiana Uribe-Velez, Sauleda & Szlachetko.
Myoxanthus claudiana Uribe-Velez, Sauleda & Szlachetko.
Myoxanthus claudiana Uribe-Velez, Sauleda & Szlachetko.
Myoxanthus claudiana Uribe-Velez, Sauleda & Szlachetko.
Literature Cited
Barbosa Rodrígues, J. 1882. Chaetocephala, Gen. Spec. Orch. Orchid. Nov. 2: 37.
Brieger, F. G. 1977. O valor taxonômico do número de políneas e de outros caracteres, com
referência especial às Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae). Trabalhos do Congresso Nacional de
Botânica 26: 3346.
Cogniaux, A. 1896. Orchidaceae. In: Martius, C.F.P., Eichler, A.G. & Urban, I. (Eds.) Flora
Brasiliensis 3. Regia, Munich, 672 pp.
Karsten, H. 1847. Duboisia. Allg. Gartenz. 15: 394.
Karsten, H. 1848. Dubois-Raymondia. Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 6: 397.
Lindley, J. 1836. Notes upon some genera and species of American Orchidaceae. Companion to
the Botanical Magazine 2: 353–357.
Luer, C. A. 1982. A reevaluation of the genus Myoxanthus (Orchidaceae). Selbyana 7(1): 34-54.
Luer, C. A. 1992. Icones Pleurothallidinarum IX. Systematics of Myxoanthus. Addenda to
Platystele, Pleurothallis subgenus Scopula, and Scaphosepalum. Monogr. Syst. Bot., Missouri
Bot. Gard. 44: 1-128.
Poeppig, E. F. & S. L. Endlicher. 1835. Myoxanthus monophyllus. Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: 50, t. 88.
Pridgeon, A. M. & W. L. Stern. 1982. Vegetative anatomy of Myoxanthus (Orchidaceae).
Selbyana 7(1): 55-63.
Pridgeon, A. M. & Chase, M. W. 2001. A phylogenetic reclassification of Pleurothallidinae
(Orchidaceae). Lindleyana 16: 235–271.
Reichenbach, H. 1852. Pleurothallis reymondii (H. Karst.) Rchb.f. Annales Botanices
Systematicae (Walpers) 3: 516603.
Schlechter, R. 1919. Die Orchideenfloren der sudamerikanischen Kordillerenstaaten, I,
Venezuela. Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis Beihefte 6: 1–100.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
O valor taxonômico do número de políneas e de outros caracteres, com referência especial às Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae)
  • F G Brieger
Brieger, F. G. 1977. O valor taxonômico do número de políneas e de outros caracteres, com referência especial às Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae). Trabalhos do Congresso Nacional de Botânica 26: 33-46.
  • H Karsten
Karsten, H. 1847. Duboisia. Allg. Gartenz. 15: 394.
Notes upon some genera and species of American Orchidaceae
  • J Lindley
Lindley, J. 1836. Notes upon some genera and species of American Orchidaceae. Companion to the Botanical Magazine 2: 353-357.
A reevaluation of the genus Myoxanthus (Orchidaceae)
  • C A Luer
Luer, C. A. 1982. A reevaluation of the genus Myoxanthus (Orchidaceae). Selbyana 7(1): 34-54.
  • C A Luer
Luer, C. A. 1992. Icones Pleurothallidinarum IX. Systematics of Myxoanthus. Addenda to Platystele, Pleurothallis subgenus Scopula, and Scaphosepalum. Monogr. Syst. Bot., Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 1-128.
Myoxanthus monophyllus
  • E F S L Poeppig
  • Endlicher
Poeppig, E. F. & S. L. Endlicher. 1835. Myoxanthus monophyllus. Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: 50, t. 88.
Vegetative anatomy of Myoxanthus (Orchidaceae)
  • A M W L Pridgeon
  • Stern
Pridgeon, A. M. & W. L. Stern. 1982. Vegetative anatomy of Myoxanthus (Orchidaceae). Selbyana 7(1): 55-63.
Pleurothallis reymondii (H. Karst.) Rchb.f
  • H Reichenbach
Reichenbach, H. 1852. Pleurothallis reymondii (H. Karst.) Rchb.f. Annales Botanices Systematicae (Walpers) 3: 516-603.