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Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in Pakistan

Çukurova Tarım Gıda Bil. Der. Çukurova J. Agric. Food Sci.
37(1): 53-62, 2022
doi: 10.36846/CJAFS.2022.73
Research Article
Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in
, Sadaf NAZ
, Amjad ABBAS
, Hefza AFZAL
, Waqas LIAQAT
Mukaddes KAYIM1*
Chickpea, an important pulses product of Pakistan, ranks 3rd among legumes in the world. The most important
fungal disease agent of chickpea Ascochyta rabiei is anthracnose, which causes 50 - 70% yield losses in
chickpeas. In this study, 10 chickpea genotypes inoculated with A. rabiei were screened. Under artificial
inoculum pressure, agronomic and physiological data were recorded. To manage this disease, the commercial
preparation of the biocontrol antagonist Trichoderma harzianum and some fungicides were then applied to
these genotypes. The resistivity of pathogen spores to T. harzianum antagonist and fungicides was tested in
vitro. While the chemical fungicides performed equal inhibition with the 1st and 2nd levels, the 3rd and 4th
levels of inhibition differed from each other. The biological antagonist commercial T. harzianum was found
to be effective in anthracnose disease. control.
Keywords: Antagonist, Ascochyta rabiei, Chemical management, Chickpea Biomass, Chickpea screening,
cell membrane stability.
Pakistan'da Nohut Germplazmında Ascochyta Blight'ın Entegre Mücadelesi
Pakistan'nın önemli bir bakliyat ürünü olan nohut, dünyada baklagiller arasında 3. Sırada yer almaktadır.
Nohut’un en önemli fungal hastalık etmeni Ascochyta rabiei nohutta %50 - 70 arasında verim kayıplarına
neden olan antraknozdur. Bu çalışmada A. rabiei ile inoküle edilmiş 10 nohut genotipinde tarama yapılmıştır.
Yapay inokulum ile agronomik ve fizyolojik veriler elde edilmiştir. Bu hastalıkla mücadele için, daha sonra
bu genotiplere biyokontrol antagonist Trichoderma harzianum ticari preparatı ve bazı fungisitler
uygulanmıştır. İn vitro koşullarda patojen sporlarının T. harzianum antagonisti ve fungistlere karşı dirençleri
test edilmiştir. Kimyasal fungisitler 1. ve 2. seviye ile eşit inhibisyon gerçekleştirirken 3. ve 4. seviye
inhibisyonda biribirinden farklılık göstermiştir. Biyolojik antagonist ticari T. harzianum preparatı hastalık
kontrolünde etkili bulunmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Antagonist, Ascochyta rabiei, Hücre zarı dayanıklılığı, Kimyasal mücadele,
Nohut biyokütlesi
ORCID ID (Yazar sırasına göre)
0000-0002-5396-6701, 0000-0001-7999-2222, 0000-0002-2417-3729, 0000-0001-6055-103X, 0000-0001-
6719-2340, 0000-0003-0309-0390
Yayın Kuruluna Geliş Tarihi: 21.02.2022
Kabul Tarihi: 05.05.2022
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Agriculture Officer (PW& QCP) Jhang, Pakistan.
Department of Field Crop, Faculty of Agriculture, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey.
Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in Pakistan
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a self-
pollinated field crop that belongs to the
family fabeace. It is a diploid crop with 12
chromosomes. It is an important legume crop,
rich in protein, and an important part of a diet for
the vegetarian population of the world. It can
grow on a large agro-ecological range of climate
that’s why grown in more than 50 countries of
the world. (FAOSTAT, 2017; Tadesse et al.,
2017). It can grow in fertile to non-fertile soil
ranges. Chickpea is attacked by Ascochyta blight
disease which is caused by Ascochyta rabiei and
is considered as a major limiting factor of yield
worldwide (Jamil et al. 2010). The disease can
cause 40-70% losses if optimum conditions last
for 48 hours. (Malik and Bashir, 1984). Due to
epiphytotic occurrence, it causes complete crop
loss. (Pande et al., 2005). Symptoms appear on
the stem, leave, and pods of the plant which are
concentric lesions orange to brown. Blight can
be managed by several means like the use of
resistant varieties, cultural practices include
removal of diseased plants from the field
avoiding cultivation in the already infected field,
and crop rotation. (Lubian et al., 2019). In
Pakistan major part of south Punjab, consist of a
desert range where agriculture is based on
chickpea cultivation so crop rotation is not
applicable in this region. (GOP, 2017). Different
biocontrol agents and plant extracts are used to
manage the disease. (Hernandez-Terrones et al.,
2007; Khajista et al., 2011). Chemical fungicides
are also used to control blight disease in
chickpeas. (Pande et al., 2005). Biocontrol
agents like T. viride, C. globosum, and A.
implicatum were reported effective
against Ascochyta rabiei under In-
vitro conditions. (Bisen et al., 2020). Shafique et
al. (2011) evaluated the fungi toxic potential
of Tagetes erectus L. against A. rabiei the cause
of gram blight disease. At various concentrations
pathogen exposed (1, 2, 3, and 4% w/v) of
aqueous and methanol extracts of shoot and
flower of T. erectus using food poisoning
technique. Concentrations of both shoot and
flower extracts significantly suppressed the
growth target pathogen. Reduction of colony
diameter was 4-35% and 55-73% of A.
rabiei due to different concentrations of flower
and shoot extracts of T. erectus and 12-50% and
4-42% due to different compositions of the
methanolic shoot and flower extracts of T.
erectus respectively.
In this research, A. rabiei was isolated screened
on different cultivars along with a management
strategy using different chemical and biocontrol
Isolation and purification of the fungal
The pathogen usually infects seedlings and is
soil and trash borne in nature. Infected plant
tissues like stem, leaves, and pods were cut into
2cm pieces and then sterilized in a 2% aqueous
solution of hydrogen peroxide. The samples
were placed on media which were incubated for
20 days at 25°C in the incubator. (Walter, 2009).
Purification of the pathogen was done by
transferring mycelium using the hyphal tip
method and was identified morphologically by
using available literature especially based on
plate colour, colony pattern, presence of conidia,
spore shape, size, and structure by slides
preparation for microscopy (Keogh et
al., 1980; Barnett and Hunter, 1972).
1. Collection and sowing of germplasm
Chickpea was sown in sick plots (fungal
inoculum were given in soil and covered the
soil with polythene sheet for 48 hours)
present in the experimental area of the
Department of the Plant Pathology
University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Seeds
of 10 genotypes were sown in plots in four
replications. Germination percentage was
recorded in plots. A. rabiei was grown on
chickpea media. After 21 days, spores were
harvested by adding chilled water to the Petri
plate followed by sieving through four layers
of sterile muslin cloth. The spore of A.
rabiei (Figure 1) was counted under the light
microscope by using a hemocytometer. The
inoculum concentration was adjusted to 104
spores/ml. Artificial inoculum of 104
spores/ml was given near the roots and
sprayed on plants in such a way that it is
disturbed equally and similar treatment for
Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in Pakistan
all plants. Different parameters in the
controlled and inoculated plants were
recorded like seed germination, germination
percentage of seed, number to flowering, no
of pods per variety flowering colour, and
seed weight.
Figure 1: Shows (a) A. rabiei (b) fruiting body of A. rabiei (c) Trichoderma harzianum (d)
Beauvaria bassiana isolate based on visual testing and microscopy.
2. Application of biocontrol agents
After one week of inoculation of the pathogen in
plots biocontrol agents which are B.
bassiana and T. harzianum was applied. They
were grown on PDA media at 25+ 2ºC for 2
weeks, 10 ml of chilled double distilled water
was added to the Petri plate containing
cultures and scratch with needle gently and then
filter with 4 folding of muslin cloth. Then these
spore suspensions were applied to plants in such
a way that T. harzianum + B. bassiana were
applied to the first replication. T. harzianum was
applied to the 2nd replication and B.
bassiana was applied to the 3rd replication and
4th replication was kept as control.
3. Physiological parameters
After inoculation of biocontrol agents, different
physiological parameters and biomass (Excised
leaf water loss, Relative water contents, Relative
dry weight of leaf, Cell membrane stability,
Root/shoot ratio, Grain yield) of an individual
plant. Such as Ali et al. (2011).
Excised leaf water loss
Chickpea plants were harvested, plants were
washed under running tap water to remove soil
from roots. Labelled plants according to their
variety and treatment and weight each plant.
This was the fresh weight of chickpea plants.
Place plants into a hot dry oven for 6 hours at
28ºC. After that weigh plants one by one and
again place them in a hot dry oven for 24 hours
at 70ºC. Weighted the dried plants, after
collecting all readings by using the formula
given below find out excised leaf water loss. It
was done according to the method followed by
Ali et al. (2009b).
Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in Pakistan
ELWL = [(Fresh weight -Weight after 6 h)/
(Fresh weight - Dry weight)] ×100
Relative water content
Chickpea plants were harvested, plants were
washed under running tap water to remove soil
from roots. Labelled plants according to their
variety and treatment and weight each plant.
This was the fresh weight of chickpea plants.
Place plants into a tub containing water for 24
hours in the dark so that plants get strongly
turgid. Weighted plant and again place in a hot
dry oven for 48 hours at 78ºC. Again weighted
the dried plants, after collecting all readings by
using the formula given below to find out the
relative water content.
RWC (%) = (Fresh weight Dry weight)/
(Turgor weight Dry weight) × 100
Cell membrane stability
Take fresh leaflets from the chickpea plants of
each treatment. Wash each leaflet with deionized
double distilled water (D3water) and place in a
test tube containing 20 ml of D3 water and take
a reading of sample by EC meter (electron
conductivity) and place in an autoclave at 121ºC
and 15psi pressure after this take the reading
again with EC meter than using formula and
calculation find out Cell membrane stability.
CMS (%) = [(1-(L1/L2)] × 100
The relative dry weight of leaf
This was calculated by taking the weight of
ELWL dry weight and turgid weight and dry
weight from relative water content. The relative
dry weight of the leaf finds out by putting value
in the formula given below. Ali et al. (2009b).
RDW = Dry weight / (Turgor weight - Dry
Disease assessment and disease rating scale
As the crop was grown under natural inoculum
pressure, the crop plants were observed for
assessment of the disease. At various growth
stages like flowering and pod formation stages,
disease development was monitored and
recorded. A disease rating scale was adapted as
was already reported in the literature. This
disease usually appears at flowering and pods
stages. It was monitored at both stages to collect
valid information as reported (Farooq
et al., 2005). Disease grading was done in the
field and micro plots.
The disease was recorded visually and rated by
using the following scale given by
Highly Resistant = Less than 1% of
plant wilted.
Resistant = 1-10% of plants wilted.
Moderately Resistant = 11-20% of
plants wilted.
Susceptible = 21-50% of plants wilted.
Highly Susceptible = 51% or more of
plants wilted. (Iqbal et al., 2005)
Disease severity:
Disease severity was calculated by the
following formula given by (Mehrotra and
Aggarwal, 2003).
Disease Severity = 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝑓𝑎𝑟𝑚)
Disease Incidence % = 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 100
4. In-vitro management of A. rabiei pathogen
of chickpea:
In-vitro management of A. rabiei was done by
using various chemicals. For this purpose,
commercially available chemicals were used in
different concentrations. In this experiment, 12
chemicals were tested against single isolates
of A. rabiei. Seven concentrations were made
with 3 replications each in 96 well plates. Spores
of A. rabiei were harvested from a pure culture
grown on chickpea media in the Petri plate.
For in-vitro testing 96 well plates were used.
Liquid media @ 100µl was mixed with 50µl of
spore suspension @ 104 spores in this volume. A
liquid suspension of fungicides @ 50µl was
added to each well according to the
concentration of the plate. Seven different levels
(using serial dilution) of fungicides were used in
this experiment. Instead of chemicals, water was
used in the positive control. In the second control
spores and distilled water of the same volume
were used as control. A total volume of 200 µl in
each well was maintained. The chemical-treated
spores containing plates were kept at the same
temperature for incubation. After 24 hours the
growth of spores and their germination was
measured based on optical density at the
Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in Pakistan
wavelength of 630 nm by using a
spectrophotometer at the department of Center
of Agriculture Biotechnology and Biochemistry
(Abbas et al., 2013).
Results and discussion
Chickpea plants were artificially infected with A.
rabiei and then after the appearance of
symptoms plants were treated with biocontrol
agents. All the physiological and biomass data
were collected and analyzed by using statistical
tools with a 0.05 level of significance. The
ANOVA table below represents the variance of
root length, shoot length, number of pods per
plant, and weight of grain from one plant. Along
with treatment, ten different varieties were used
therefore, the experiment contain two factors
which were treatments with varieties. Table 1
represents that root length, shoot length number
of pods per plant, and weight of grain from one
plant gives a higher level of significance with
treatment and varieties individually but in case
of interaction all were non-significant except
root length which favours the experiment as A.
rabiei doesn’t affect root system of the plant
Table 1: ANOVA table of physiological trait of treated chickpea plants. The significance level for
the trait was taken 5 % for comparison of mean value among selected genotypes
MSs: Mean sum of the square, **: Highly significant, *: Significant, N/A: Non-significant
Different physiological parameters were
observed with disease attack, varieties, and
biological treatments along with control. Results
are presented in the form of graphs, cell
membrane stability graphs show that treatments
showing similar lettering were statistically non-
significant. T. harzianum enhances the cell
strength of all the cultivars under observation in
contrast with control while least was observed in
the combination of biocontrol agents. Likewise,
the same pattern was somehow followed within
other parameters. In relative water, the content
was maximum with biocontrol combination as
well as B. bassiana in contrast with T.
harzianum and control. Excised leaf water loss
was maximum observed in the control treatment
and least were observed with T.
harzianum. Maximum chlorophyll content was
observed with T. harzianum in all varieties and
the least were observed with control treatment.
All the treatments showing different lettering
were statistically significant.
In-vitro management was done with 12
fungicides by measuring the OD of the 96 well
plates. Results are shown in the form of graphs
as well an ANOVA table is given below.
Graphical representation in figure 5 showed the
inhibition percentage with different levels of
each fungicide along with control after 96 hours
of the experiment. As fungicides were in higher
concentration in the first 2 levels that’s the
reason for maximum inhibition by all fungicides
with those levels. So it was observed that mic 50
is common for all fungicides at 3rd and 4th
levels. ANOVA Table 2 and 3 showed inhibition
of A. rabiei with level and time with 0.05% level
of significance. Results with levels and time
individually showed a higher level of
significance while in interaction with each other
it showed non-significant results for all the used
Mean SS of
root length
Mean SS of
shoot length
Mean SS of No.
of pods per plant
551.104 **
764.00 **
7.681 N/A
4.946 N/A
Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in Pakistan
Figure: 2 shows cell membrane stability (A), relative water content (B), excise leaf water content
(C), and chlorophyll content after inoculation of the pathogen (D) and B. bassiana and T.
harzianum individually and in combinations along with control.
gij gh ef ifhgij
ef ecddcef de de d
baaaaabbc ac
Pb-2008 K-01016 O9027 Noor-2009 10004 10036 k-01019 k-01014 9013 k-01007
Cell membrane stability
B. bassiana + T. harzianum B. bassiana T. harzianum control
Pb-2008 K-01016 O9027 Noor-2009 10004 10036 k-01019 k-01014 9013 k-01007
Relative water content
B. bassiana + T. harzianum B. bassiana T. harzianum control
hde hjjgihli
cd dgcigde
Pb-2008 K-01016 O9027 Noor-2009 10004 10036 k-01019 k-01014 9013 k-01007
Excised leaf water loss
B. bassiana + T. harzianum B. bassiana T. harzianum control
wstuv uxussv
Pb-2008 K-01016 O9027 Noor-2009 10004 10036 k-01019 k-01014 9013 k-01007
Chlorophyll content
B. bassiana + T. harzianum T. harzianum B. bassiana control
Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in Pakistan
Figure 3. Presenting inhibition percentage with 7 levels of different fungicides.
Table 2: ANOVA table of chemical inhibition on A. rabiei. ANOVA table for the significance level
for inhibition was taken 5 % for comparison of mean value among themselves
MSs: Mean sum of the square, **: Highly significant, *: Significant, N/A: Non-significant
Table 3: ANOVA table of chemical inhibition on A. rabiei. ANOVA table for the significance level
for inhibition was taken 5 % for comparison of mean value among themselves
0.01951 N/A
0.00824 N/A
0.08823 N/A
0.00640 N/A
MSs: Mean sum of the square, **: Highly significant, *: Significant, N/A: Non-significant
rolqr oq
qr ts
qr ttpq
120 Inhibition percentage after 96hrs
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Tropsin M
0.41706 **
0.08148 N/A
0.00539 N/A
0.01302 N/A
0.24915 N/A
0.30035 N/A
0.01424 N/A
Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in Pakistan
Figure 4 below represent the spore and mycelia
of A. rabiei after treatment with the chemical.
Slides were prepared from the broth media
present in 96 well plates to visualize the chemical
mode of the spores and mycelia of the fungus and
it has been clear that all the spores and mycelium
are de-shaped in the slides and mycelium become
the mass of debris in the end along with control.
Slides were stained with lactophenol and
observed under 40X to capture images.
Figure 4: Mycelium growth of A. rabiei with A and B are chemical treatment along with C as control.
Ascochyta blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei in
chickpea. Its distribution varied depending upon
environmental factors and the amount of
inoculum in the field. A. rabiei is controlled by
using several chemical fungicides and biocontrol
agents worldwide. But the use of the chemical is
not economical as well as not eco-friendly
approach, it also makes pathogen resistant
(Pande et al., 2005).
Research conducted for testing several
chemicals against A. rabiei, it was noted that
chlorothalonil, zineb, captan, antracol,
propiconazole, penconazole, and thiabendazole
is effective and controlling the spread of
Ascochyta blight (Ahmad et al., 2021).
Likewise, biocontrol agents, T. viride,
Chaetomium globosum, and Acremonium
implicatum under In-vitro conditions proven
effective against A. rabiei (Bisen et al.
2020). Chickpea blight is controlled by Aliette
fungicide under in vitro conditions and causes
significant inhibition which supports the present
research. Chongo et al. (2003a) reported that the
application of chemicals at the right time is very
important to reduce the losses caused by A.
rabiei. The use of chlorothalonil at two different
stages reduce the incidence up to 8% which was
45% for the control treatment. Gan et al. (2006)
concluded that foliar application along with
integrated management is very effective for
disease management in chickpea, which
supports our research that plants with the proper
application of fungicide or correct time for
biocontrol helped in disease reduction. The use
of protective fungicides helps to keep away
disease pathogens from coming in
contact. Choice of good and effective fungicide
is very important. A mixture of foliar and
protective fungicides was used for the
experiment to find the effective one. Demirci et
al. (2003) tested chlorothalonil, azoxystrobin
under in-vitro and In-vivo conditions and found
that these two fungicides do not perform well on
the plate but under field conditions, they perform
very well against A. rabiei. Shtienberg et al.
(2000) concluded that protective fungicides like
zineb, Bordeaux mixture, captan are very
important in disease reduction but not effective
enough on susceptible cultivars. In recent years
number of new fungicides had been reported as
effective against A. rabiei. Effective fungicides
against A. rabiei are boscalid, pyraclostrobin,
difenoconazole, azoxystrobin, tebuconazole,
mancozeb which support our research because
several fungicides are part of current research
(Gan et al., 2006).
MacLeod and Galloway (2002) Mancozeb is
used in Australia, Canada, and Israel for the
control of chickpea blight. In the present
research, mancozeb performs well for blight
fungus. MacLeod et al. (2002) also found that
carbendazim which is now banned,
difenoconazole, and tebuconazole was tested in
India, the Western part of Asia, Australia, and
Integrated Management of Ascochyta Blight on Chickpea Germplasm in Pakistan
North of Africa, and these fungicides have
proven effective.
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Seeds are the most critical input in crop production system, and 90% of all the worlds’ food crops are raised from seeds. Seeds are distributed at large scale in market and are now responsible more than ever for the dissemination of plant pathogens across vast distances. Seed-borne pathogens are continuously imposing a serious threat to crop production and are responsible for the reemergence of various diseases through the introduction of particular diseases into new areas. Seed-borne pathogens are of particular importance because strategies used for their management are insufficient, especially with the availability of limited and outdated chemicals. Various strategies have been employed to manage seed-borne diseases including cultural, chemical, regulatory, and biological methods. In the past few decades, chemicals are widely used for seed treatment as a potent approach toward disease control, and commencement of systemic fungicides added further possibilities to it. However, rising concern about their negative impact on the environment and human health minimizes their use. Application of agriculturally important microorganisms for disease management is a safer alternative to conventional management practices which have severely affected the environment and agroecosystem. Application of beneficial microbial antagonists to seed for managing seed and soil-borne pathogens is model delivery systems as it brings in the microbial inoculum to the rhizosphere.
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Control of phytonematodes is very hard and requires a combination of techniques to succeed. Alternative control through plant extracts may result in the discovery of nematicide substances. Research aimed at evaluating the effect of 33 plants submitted to aqueous extraction against Panagrellus redivivus in vitro. Concentrations were prepared at 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20%. Monitoring happened at 0, 6, 12, 24 and 30 hours after preparation. Counting considered dead nematodes subtracted from alive ones. Juveniles were also counted, and extract efficiency was expressed in percentage of control or stimuli. Data were submitted to variance analysis. Significant results got with the Scott-Knott test (5%), and multiple linear regression analysis. Extracts were observed acting as controllers, but also as stimulators to nematode reproduction. The best controlling performance was set by Carica papaya (-66% at 20%; -33.7% at 10%), Euphorbia milii (-37% at 20%), Psychotria carthagenensis (-25.5% at 2.5%), Clusia variegate (-22% at 20%), and Zamioculcas zamiifolia (-21.5% at 20%). Stimulator extracts were Mentha villosa at 10% (+148%) and 2.5% (+131.5%), followed by Aloe vera (+123% at 5%), Schinus molle (+112.5% at 10%), Schefflera arboricola (+93.5% at 5%), C. variegate (+89% at 5%), and S. molle (+88% at 5%). Some extracts kept population stable throughout the experiment, presenting lower control indexes. Besides an additive effect, there was an individual influence of concentration or time on control.
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Chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important pulse crops in Ethiopia. Earlier reports and field observations have shown that Ascochyta blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei is one of the most devastating diseases of this crop in Ethiopia. Survey was conducted during August 2015 to February 2016 to determine the status of the blight disease in major chickpea the growing area of Ethiopia. A total of 251 on-station and on-farm fields were surveyed. Ascochyta blight was observed in 30 of the 251 fields and incidence ranged from 0 to 45.6 % with mean of El nino conditions.
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Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important legume in Pakistan and constitutes about 70% of the pulse crops. Unfortunately, this crop is badly affected by two diseases i.e., chickpea blight and wilt caused by the fungi Ascochyta rabiei and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris (FOC), respectively. Pathogenicity of A. rabiei and FOC isolates collected from different areas was conducted on a set of chickpea differentials sets. Isolates of the two pathogens showing different levels of virulence were selected for their DNA fingerprinting. RAPD analysis of 12 isolates of A. rabiei and 5 of FOC was performed using sixteen different 10-mer oligonucleotide primers. The dendrograms of A. rabiei and FOC produced from this data showed different levels of genetic relatedness and differences between isolates which were superimposed by their pathotyping data. A set of 7 genetically different and highly aggressive isolates of A. rabiei from different areas was selected for thorough screening of chickpea germplasm against blight for attaining durable resistance. Similarly, the dendrogram of FOC showed that all the five isolates were very different and those from Thal area were more aggressive.
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Allelopathy is one of the natural phenomena little studied in the cerrado. It is the result of the release of substances capable of stimulating or inhibiting the growth of other plants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the allelophatic action of the white sucupira (Pterodon emarginatus) stem extract on the germination and development of colonião grass (Panicum maximum) under germination, root and aerial part development of colonião grass (Panicum maximum) root and aerial part. Germination assays carried out in Petri dishes confirmed that the methanolic (200 ppm) extract inhibited the growth of hypocotyl (75%), root (83%), and germination (30%) of colonião grass. The greenhouse results obtained were: hypocotyl 83%, root 80% and germination 63%, but at a concentration of 400 ppm. Methanolic extract fractions did not reproduce the results cited above. The most active fraction (dichloromethane/chloroform) was analyzed by GC/MS. It contains mainly long-chain aliphatic compounds such as phytol (13.5%), oleic acid (12.8%), methyl linolelaidate (10.9%) and palmitic acid (6.9%); 1,2,4-trimethyl- and isopropenylbenzene (12.2%); two isomeric ketones (isopropenyl methyl and 3-penten-2-one) (7.3%) were also detected. Three unknown compounds were also important: one with a low molecular weight (98 Da, 13.5%) and two of high molecular weight (13.6%).
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Root morphology and leaf water relations are important morph-physiological traits for screening various crop plants under water stress. In this study these morph-physiological traits were measured to sort out drought tolerant local landraces (LLRs) of sorghum. The results revealed that the landrace FJSS-1 performed the best for most of the characters followed by FJSS-11 and FJSS-17 which also performed well for various traits contributing towards water stress tolerance at seedling and post-flowering stages. The landrace, FJSS-10 revealed the contrasting parents showing drought susceptibility. Cluster analysis clearly divided the LLRs in two groups out of which Cluster I displayed more scope for selection against water stress. Dry root weight exhibited the highest genotypic coefficient of variation among seedling traits while excise leaf weight loss among the flag leaf related characters. Considerable degree of variation among the LLRs for most of the traits proposed these genotypes as significant source for the selection of water stress tolerance. In the same way, higher amount of heritability and genetic advance for the most of the morph-physiological parameters advocated that elevated amount of genetic gain for these parameters might be possible followed by hybridization. Our results suggest that these morpho-physiological traits could be efficiently used as selection criteria for drought tolerance in sorghum at different growth stages.
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Thionins are antimicrobial plant peptides produced as preproproteins consisting of a signal peptide, the thionin domain, and a so-called acidic domain. Only thionin itself has been isolated from plants. To study the processing of the precursor, it has to be produced in a heterologous system. Since both domains contain several cysteines and, due to the known antimicrobial activity of the thionin, we tested the expression of all four Arabidopsis proproteins as fusion proteins. Periplasmic expression as fusion with maltose binding protein was not successful but cytoplasmic expression as His-tagged TRX fusion proteins with a TEV recognition sequence resulted in proteins of correct size. Use of the SHuffle strain C3030 further improved the expression. Fusion proteins inhibited growth of Escherichia coli. They could be cleaved by TEV protease, releasing authentic proproteins without any additional amino acid at the N-terminus. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10529-013-1180-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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The effects of various fungicides on mycelial growth and spore germination of Ascochyta rabiei were determined by incorporating them into potato dextrose agar and measuring colony diameter and observing colony growth and spore germination at 20 ± 2°C. Eight fungicides prevented spore germination of the pathogen at concentrations of 0.125–2 μg/ml, three hindered mycelial growth at 2–4 μg/ml and seven failed to inhibit mycelial growth even at 128 μg/ml. The reference fungicide for the pathogen, chlorothalonil, stopped conidial germination at low rates but did not prevent mycelial growth at 128 μg/ml. Thirteen fungicides were tested against seed infections of the pathogen, and benomyl + thiram, carbendazim and carbendazim + chlorothalonil seed treatments gave more than 85% inhibition on both vacuum-infiltrated and naturally infected seeds. Coating the seeds with polymers did not increase the effectiveness of fungicides. Three fungicides; (azoxystrobin, chlorothalonil and mancozeb), gave the highest protection in the field but protection decreased with increased inoculum pressure. Addition of humic acid to fungicide suspensions did not affect their performance.
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The antifungal activity of Melia azedarach L. leaves was investigated against Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab., the cause of destructive blight disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Bioassay guided fractionation revealed that the chloroform fraction of the methanolic extract of M. azedarach leaves was highly effective against A. rabiei. Six compounds, namely β-sitosterol (1), β-amyrin (2), ursolic acid (3), benzoic acid (4), 3,5 dimethoxybenzoic acid (5) and maesol (6) were isolated from the chloroform fraction through column chromatography. The in vitro antifungal activity of compounds 2-5 was evaluated against A. rabiei. A commercial fungicide, mancozeb, was used as a positive control. Different concentrations of mancozeb and the isolated compounds, ranging from 0.0039 to 4 mg mL(-1), were used in the antifungal bioassay, and data regarding minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was recorded 24, 48 and 72 h after incubation. All concentrations of mancozeb inhibited the fungal spore germination at all three incubation periods. The tested compounds exhibited variable antifungal activity against the target fungal pathogens. All compounds showed their highest antifungal activity after 24 h of incubation. Compound 2 was found to be the most effective, with an MIC of 0.0156 mg mL(-1), followed by compounds 3, 4 and 5, with MIC values of 0.0312, 0.25 and 0.125 mg mL(-1), respectively.
Ascochyta blight, a fungal disease caused by Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labrousse, is the major constraint for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) production worldwide. Current cultivars only possess partial resistance to the pathogen, and this level of resistance can breakdown easily because the pathogen is highly variable due to potential for sexual recombination. The development of integrated disease management is the key for successful chickpea production. In this review, we summarize the key crop management practices from the major chickpea growing areas in the world. Emphasis is on strategies and options that can be used to minimize the damage caused by this disease. The use of ascochyta blight-free seed and seed dressing with effective fungicides reduces the probability of transmitting seed-borne disease to the seedlings. Deep-burying or burning of chickpea stubble minimizes stubble-borne inoculum. One to two years of non-host crops for warm and wet areas and 3–4 year crop rotation for cold and dry areas are required to reduce the levels of stubble-borne inoculum. The use of field isolation and sowing chickpea at a distance from previous chickpea crops will reduce the density of airborne ascospores released from infected debris. Optimum sowing date, deep sowing, optimizing plant density, balanced nutrition, and alternative sowing patterns should be considered as a means of reducing ascochyta blight pressure wherever possible. Sprays at seedling stage or before the occurrence of infection are crucial in short-season areas or where ascospores are the major sources of inoculum. Chickpea growers are strongly encouraged to adopt an integrated approach that combines all agronomic options, including cultivar selection, if they are to manage this disease economically and effectively.