Conference PaperPDF Available

Inkjet and Extrusion Printed Silver Biomedical Tattoo Electrodes



Ag/AgCl medical electrodes have served as the gold standard component for the acquisition of bioelectric signals in the human body (i.e. heart, muscle, and brain activity). Although ubiquitous, these electrodes exhibit an inability to sufficiently conform to the body and degrade in performance over time. As an alternative to conventional electrode fabrication methods, additive manufacturing methods such as inkjet and extrusion printing, can improve the efficiency of the fabrication process of electrical devices. These methods can also improve the performance of electrophysiological electrodes. To this end, tattoo-based electrodes were fabricated using inkjet and extrusion printing. These methods were optimized to print silver-based inks on tattoo paper, a porous substrate. The resulting electrodes were characterized in terms of sheet resistance and impedance as well as mechanical performance in terms of bending strain. The results for inkjet and extrusion printed tattoo electrodes are compared.
Inkjet and Extrusion Printed Silver Biomedical
Tattoo Electrodes
Yoland El-hajj1, Milad Ghalamboran1, Gerd Grau1
1 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Abstract—Ag/AgCl medical electrodes have served as the gold
standard component for the acquisition of bioelectric signals in the
human body (i.e. heart, muscle, and brain activity). Although
ubiquitous, these electrodes exhibit an inability to sufficiently
conform to the body and degrade in performance over time. As an
alternative to conventional electrode fabrication methods, additive
manufacturing methods such as inkjet and extrusion printing, can
improve the efficiency of the fabrication process of electrical
devices. These methods can also improve the performance of
electrophysiological electrodes. To this end, tattoo-based
electrodes were fabricated using inkjet and extrusion printing.
These methods were optimized to print silver-based inks on tattoo
paper, a porous substrate. The resulting electrodes were
characterized in terms of sheet resistance and impedance as well
as mechanical performance in terms of bending strain. The results
for inkjet and extrusion printed tattoo electrodes are compared.
Keywords— medical electrode, tattoo electrode, ECG, inkjet
printing, extrusion printing, silver ink
Medical electrodes are a vital tool used to gain insight
toward internal processes occurring in the human body. These
electrodes function as a transducer converting a biological
stimulus into an electric signal. These components can possess
different structures and are primarily used to examine
functionality within the cardiac (ECG), muscular (EMG), and
neural (EEG) systems. With these measurements, disorders
within biological systems can be diagnosed (e.g. Parkinson’s
disease) and biomedical systems can be implemented with a
biological stimulus as an input (i.e. control of prosthetics).
The most commonly used electrodes are Ag/AgCl male
connector snap closures with an electrolytic gel, as they possess
suitable qualities needed for electrodes such as a low skin-
electrode impedance, and low noise [1]. Despite these
advantages, these electrodes are susceptible to motion artifacts,
can be uncomfortable for the user and are unsuitable for long
term use. Tattoos are potentially a superior material to monitor
such biological activities, as they are lightweight, conform to the
skin, and can be made with a variety of conductive materials.
Previous work has been done to develop tattoo-based
alternatives to conventional Ag/AgCl electrodes. Polymer
(PEDOT:PSS) based inkjet printed tattoo electrodes
demonstrated by Ferrari et al. [2] were implemented for the
acquisition of EEG signals. A cut-and-paste method was
implemented by Wang et al. [3] to form Cu and Ag based
temporary tattoos, used to examine skin temperature, skin
hydration, and ECG signals. Another promising material,
graphene, was used by Ameri et al. [4] to form an electronic
tattoo via a “wet-transfer, dry-patterning” method. The resulting
tattoos were used to examine multiple vitals, including ECG,
EMG, and EEG signals, as well as skin temperature, and skin
Although these reports are promising, most of them have
relied on traditional fabrication processes (i.e. photolithography,
sputtering, etc.), which increase the cost and complexity during
fabrication. Compared to these traditional methods,
microfabrication processes such as inkjet printing and screen
printing can improve the efficiency of the fabrication process. In
the context of printed electronics, inkjet printing involves the
deposition of a functional (i.e. conductive, insulating) material
on a substrate in a droplet form that approximately corresponds
to the size of the nozzle diameter used [5]. Alternatively,
extrusion printing uses much higher viscosity comparable to
screen printing, but does not require a printing master. Inkjet
printing results in patterns that are thinner (~100 nm) and at a
higher resolution (50 µm) compared to extrusion printing (>10
µm and >100 µm, respectively) [5]. While the superior
resolution of inkjet printing can be beneficial, the lower
viscosity of the ink potentially leads to absorption and
unevenness in the resulting pattern on porous substrates such as
tattoo paper. This limitation can be overcome using extrusion
printing, with its higher viscosity precenting ink absorption.
Here, these two methods are compared for the fabrication of
tattoo electrodes as they are the two most common digital
printing methods for printed electronics.
There is a large potential for the fabrication of medical
electrodes using printing methods, and with the use of more
robust materials. Printing-based techniques can provide
numerous benefits for medical sensors, such as flexibility in the
materials used and patterns printed, and personalization of the
sensor structure. In addition, more electrically and mechanically
robust materials can be implemented using flexible materials
[8]. There is a gap in microfabrication of medical electrodes
using printing technology with metal-based materials, as a
majority of the reported electrode tattoos use organic materials.
To this end, we have developed inkjet and extrusion printed
tattoo medical electrodes to examine bioelectric phenomena
within the body. Silver-based inks were selected as the printing
medium due to their high conductivity, mechanical robustness,
biocompatibility, and moderate cost compared to other inks (e.g.
gold, graphene).
978-1-6654-4273-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
2022 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS) | 978-1-6654-4273-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/FLEPS53764.2022.9781535
Authorized licensed use limited to: York University. Downloaded on July 03,2022 at 04:27:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
A. Electrode Fabrication
4 mm by 4 mm squares were printed on commercial tattoo
paper (Silhouette Temporary Tattoo Paper, USA) using inkjet
and extrusion printing. Prior to printing, the tattoo paper was
attached on a glass substrate (Fisherbrand Precleaned
Microscope Slide) with tape to create an even printing surface,
and purged with air to remove any dust.
For inkjet printing, silver nanoparticle ink (ANP DGP 40LT-
15 C, Advanced Nano Products, Co., Sejong, Korea) was used.
To deposit the ink on the tattoo substrate, a custom-built inkjet
printer with a 60 µm diameter nozzle (MJ-ATP-01-60-8MX,
Microfab Technologies, Inc. Plano, TX) was used. The jetting
parameters were taken from previous experimentation [6], and a
drop spacing of 80 µm was used to obtain the desired pattern.
Extrusion printing was performed with an extrusion printer
using a 225 µm diameter nozzle (Voltera NOVA, Kitchener,
Canada). The printing materials, including the tattoo paper and
silver flake ink (Creative Materials 120-07, Ayer, USA), were
utilized during the calibration of the printer, which calculates the
dispensing height for the nozzle relative to the substrate, and the
pressure required to move the ink out of the nozzle.
For both inkjet and extrusion printing, the samples were
dried at 100ºC for 30 minutes to sufficiently remove the solvents
in the ink mixtures and allow for sufficient sintering of the
flakes/particles. Figure 1 displays the fabrication and transfer
process of the tattoo electrodes.
Figure 1: Tattoo (a) fabrication and (b) transfer process. (c)
Cross sectional view of tattoo on phantom
B. Electrical and Mechanical Measurements
Sheet resistance measurements were conducted based on
the Van der Pauw method [7] using a Semiconductor Parameter
Analyzer (Keithley 4200A-SCS, Tektronix, Beaverton, OR).
The data was analyzed in MATLAB 2021a, to calculate the
sheet resistance of the squares. Analysis of the surface
morphology of the tattoo paper was completed with optical
profilometry (Bruker Contour GT-K 3D Optical Profiler).
To acquire impedance measurements of the electrodes, a
phantom model was used. The phantom model was made by
combining 15 g of gelatin (ClassiKool 240 Bloom Gelatine,
UK), 1 g of NaCl (Fisher Scientific), and 50 mL of deionised
water, stirred and heated at 60ºC for 15 minutes to dissolve the
granules in the mixture. The mixture was subsequently poured
into a 3D printed mold (6 mm × 6 mm × 2 mm) with a metal
cup electrode (Grass Disposable Deep Cup Electrode Ag/AgCl)
secured to the base of the mold. It was cured in the refrigerator
for 24 hours. The model was left at room temperature for 20
minutes prior to conducting impedance measurements.
Impedance measurements were conducted using a potentiostat
(Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT204 Compact and modular
potentiostat/galvanostat). A cross section of the printed
electrode (representative of the inkjet or extrusion printed
electrodes) on the phantom model can be seen in Figure 1(c).
Conventional electrodes (3M 2560 Red Dot Multi-Purpose
Monitoring Electrode) were used for comparison purposes.
The electrical performance of the electrodes with the
application of bending strain was also examined. Two extrusion
printed contacts (6 mm by 6 mm) were printed at the two ends
of 4 mm by 12 mm inkjet and extrusion printed patterns. The
resulting electrodes were placed on a latex platform which was
secured on plastic pipe segments with 9 mm, 12 mm, 22 mm,
and 25 mm diameters. The contacts were probed with a
multimeter (Keithley, 2100 series), and the resistance was
measured using a 2-point probe method.
The measured sheet resistance of the inkjet and extrusion
printed electrodes are 25.1 kΩ/sq and 9.4 mΩ/sq respectively.
Compared to the inkjet printed electrodes, the extrusion printed
electrodes possess a lower sheet resistance. The main
contributing factor to this is the higher quantity of ink deposited
during the extrusion printing process. In addition, a smaller sheet
resistance can be attributed to the silver flake ink sitting on the
surface of the tattoo paper, rather than partially absorbing into
the paper as seen with the silver nanoparticle ink. This is shown
in the profilometry results for the inkjet and extrusion printed
electrodes shown in Figure 2. The thickness of the extrusion
printed electrode was approximately 140 µm, while the
thickness of the inkjet printed electrode was not possible to
determine due to the apparent absorption into the paper, as seen
in Figure 2. Although partly absorbed, the inkjet printed tattoo
was sufficiently released from the tattoo paper post-printing and
the structure was supported with the glue layer placed on top.
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Figure 2: Profilometry scans of top left corner of (a)
extrusion printed and (b) inkjet electrodes on tattoo paper. Note
the different height scales as extrusion printed electrodes have
a larger thickness.
A non-invasive impedance measurement was obtained by
placing the electrodes on the surface of the phantom model. A
cross section of the tattoo applied to the phantom model can be
seen in Figure 1 (c). The impedance measurements are extracted
by fitting an equivalent circuit model containing an impedance
associated with the electrode-electrolyte interface (represented
as resistor Rd and capacitor Cd in parallel) and series resistance
(Rs) associated with interfacial effects and the resistance of the
electrode materials.
The impedance over contact area was measured from 0.1 Hz
to 1,000 Hz, with the results shown in Figure 3. The sizes of the
electrodes (16 mm
for the printed electrodes and 78 mm
the conventional electrode) were accounted for by multiplying
impedance with electrode area. As seen in the plots, the
extrusion printed electrodes possess a lower impedance and a
smaller error range (illustrated by the shaded region) compared
to the inkjet printed electrodes, while the conventional
electrodes maintain a fairly low and consistent impedance over
the frequency range. Since the extrusion printed electrodes are
not partially absorbed into the tattoo paper like the inkjet printed
electrodes, there is likely a larger contact area of conductive
material to the gelatin model at the tattoo-phantom interface,
resulting in a lower value for Rd and higher value for Cd.
Figure 3: Impedance of inkjet printed, extrusion printed,
and conventional tattoo electrodes
The results of the bending experiments (as seen in Figure 4)
indicate that the extrusion printed electrodes are more
susceptible to deformation with increased bending. The
resistance returns to the initial value after each bending test.
Due to the rigidity of the Ag component in the conventional
electrode, the bending results for these electrodes were not
included. Conversely, the inkjet printed electrodes maintained
a generally consistent performance as more strain was applied.
The latter can be attributed to the thinner nature of the inkjet
printed electrodes, allowing them to more easily conform to the
surface they are applied on.
Figure 4: Normalized resistance as a function of curvature for
inkjet and extrusion printed electrodes
In this work, we report the performance of inkjet and
extrusion printed silver tattoo electrodes. Printing parameters
were optimized for use of functional silver-based inks on an
unconventional substrate (tattoo paper). The electrodes can be
used for the acquisition of biomedical signals, particularly in
applications that require long term monitoring, e.g. ECG
acquisition to monitor heart activity after an individual
experiences a stroke. Based on the current performance of the
electrodes, the inkjet printed electrodes would be more ideal for
acquiring signals in areas of the body engaged in higher
movement (e.g. EMG). Extrusion printed electrodes exhibit a
lower sheet resistance and impedance as these tattoos do not
absorb into the paper, a phenomenon which occurs for inkjet
printed tattoos. Although the extrusion printed electrodes have
a better electrical performance, the inkjet printed electrodes
demonstrate a more consistent electrical performance given
their ability to better withstand bending strain. Further work can
be done to optimize the electrical performance of the inkjet
printed electrodes (e.g. printing more layers) and enhance the
durability of extrusion printed patterns on tattoo paper. Future
work will study the reliability of the tattoo electrodes on skin.
We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), funding
reference number STPGP 521480-18.
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... III. PRINTED TATTOO ELECTRODES Thanks to their low cost, low complexity, light weight, fast fabrication process, as well as shape, material, and mechanical flexibility, printed electrodes have been increasingly investigated for bio-signal recording over the past few year [29]- [32]. In this work, we adopted extrusion printing for electrode development, mainly because they can be used to print on porous and/or rough substrates more effectively than methods such as inkjet printing [33]. Electrodes fabricated using this process have a thickness range that is comparable to the skin's roughness (i.e., 500 nm), enabling them to adhere well to the skin [32], [34], [35]. ...
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We present the design, development, and experimental characterization of an active electrode (AE) IC for wearable ambulatory EEG recording. The proposed architecture features in-AE double common-mode (CM) rejection, making the recording's CMRR independent of typically-significant AE-to-AE gain variations. Thanks to being DC coupled and needless of chopper stabilization for flicker noise suppression, the architecture yields a super-T $\Omega$ input impedance. Such a large input impedance makes the AE's CMRR practically immune to electrode-skin interface impedance variations across different recording channels, a critical feature for dry-electrode ambulatory systems. Signal quantization and serialization are also performed in-AE, which enables a distributed system in which all AEs use a single data bus for data/command communication to the backend module, thus significantly improving the system's scalability. Additionally, the presented AE hosts auxiliary modules for (i) detection of an unstable electrode-skin connection through continuous interface impedance monitoring, (ii) dynamic measurement and adjustment of input DC level, and (iii) a CM feedback loop for further CMRR enhancement. The paper also presents the development of printed (extrusion) tattoo electrodes and their experimental characterization results with the proposed AE architecture. Besides bio-compatibility, low-cost, pattern flexibility, and quick fabrication process, the printed electrodes offer a very stable electrode-skin connection, conform to scalp shape, and exhibit consistent performance under various bending curvatures. Analog circuit blocks of the presented AE architecture are designed and fabricated using a standard 180 nm CMOS technology, and the $1\times \rm{1.3}~mm^{2}$ IC is integrated with off-chip low-power digital modules on a PCB to form the AE. Our measurement results show a CMRR of 82.2 dB (at 60 Hz), amplification voltage gain of 52.8 dB, a bandwidth of 0.2-400 Hz, $\pm$ 500 mV input DC offset tolerance, An input impedance $\gt \rm{1}~T\Omega$ , and 0.67 $\mu$ V $_{RMS}$ integrated input referred noise (0.5-100 Hz), while consuming 17.5 $\mu$ W per channel. All auxiliary modules are tested experimentally, and the entire system is validated in-vivo, for both ECG and EEG recording.
... III. PRINTED TATTOO ELECTRODES Thanks to their low cost, low complexity, light weight, fast fabrication process, as well as shape, material, and mechanical flexibility, printed electrodes have been increasingly investigated for bio-signal recording over the past few year [24]- [27]. In this work, we adopted extrusion printing for electrode development, mainly because they can be used to print on porous and/or rough substrates more effectively than methods such as inkjet printing [28]. Electrodes fabricated using this process have a thickness range that is comparable to the skin's roughness (i.e., 500nm), enabling them to adhere well to the skin [27], [29], [30]. ...
Full-text available
p>We present the design, development, and experimental characterization of an active electrode (AE) IC for wearable ambulatory EEG recording. The proposed architecture features in-AE double common-mode (CM) rejection, making the recording’s CMRR independent of typically-significant AE-to-AE gain variations. Thanks to being DC coupled and needless of chopper stabilization for flicker noise suppression, the architecture yields a super-TOhm input impedance. Such a large input impedance makes the AE’s CMRR practically immune to electrode-skin interface impedance variations across different recording channels, a critical feature for dry-electrode ambulatory systems. Signal quantization and serialization are also performed in-AE, which enables a distributed system in which all AEs use a single data bus for data/command communication to the backend module, thus significantly improving the system’s scalability. Additionally, the presented AE hosts auxiliary modules for (i) detection of an unstable electrode-skin connection through continuous interface impedance monitoring, (ii) dynamic measurement and adjustment of input DC level, and (iii) a CM feedback loop for further CMRR enhancement. The paper also presents the development of printed (extrusion) tattoo electrodes and their experimental characterization results with the proposed AE architecture. Besides bio-compatibility, lowcost, pattern flexibility, and quick fabrication process, the printed electrodes offer a very stable electrode-skin connection, conform to scalp shape, and exhibit consistent performance under various bending curvatures. Analog circuit blocks of the presented AE architecture are designed and fabricated using a standard 180nm CMOS technology, and the 1 x 1.3mm2 IC is integrated with off-chip low-power digital modules on a PCB to form the AE. Our measurement results show a CMRR of 82.2dB (at 60Hz), amplification voltage gain of 52.8dB, a bandwidth of 0.2-400Hz, +-500mv input DC offset tolerance, An input impedance > 1TOhm, and 0.66uV integrated input referred noise (0.5-100Hz), while consuming 17.5uW per channel. All auxiliary modules are tested experimentally, and the entire system is validated in vivo , for both ECG and EEG recording.</p
... III. PRINTED TATTOO ELECTRODES Thanks to their low cost, low complexity, light weight, fast fabrication process, as well as shape, material, and mechanical flexibility, printed electrodes have been increasingly investigated for bio-signal recording over the past few year [24]- [27]. In this work, we adopted extrusion printing for electrode development, mainly because they can be used to print on porous and/or rough substrates more effectively than methods such as inkjet printing [28]. Electrodes fabricated using this process have a thickness range that is comparable to the skin's roughness (i.e., 500nm), enabling them to adhere well to the skin [27], [29], [30]. ...
Full-text available
p>We present the design, development, and experimental characterization of an active electrode (AE) IC for wearable ambulatory EEG recording. The proposed architecture features in-AE double common-mode (CM) rejection, making the recording’s CMRR independent of typically-significant AE-to-AE gain variations. Thanks to being DC coupled and needless of chopper stabilization for flicker noise suppression, the architecture yields a super-TOhm input impedance. Such a large input impedance makes the AE’s CMRR practically immune to electrode-skin interface impedance variations across different recording channels, a critical feature for dry-electrode ambulatory systems. Signal quantization and serialization are also performed in-AE, which enables a distributed system in which all AEs use a single data bus for data/command communication to the backend module, thus significantly improving the system’s scalability. Additionally, the presented AE hosts auxiliary modules for (i) detection of an unstable electrode-skin connection through continuous interface impedance monitoring, (ii) dynamic measurement and adjustment of input DC level, and (iii) a CM feedback loop for further CMRR enhancement. The paper also presents the development of printed (extrusion) tattoo electrodes and their experimental characterization results with the proposed AE architecture. Besides bio-compatibility, lowcost, pattern flexibility, and quick fabrication process, the printed electrodes offer a very stable electrode-skin connection, conform to scalp shape, and exhibit consistent performance under various bending curvatures. Analog circuit blocks of the presented AE architecture are designed and fabricated using a standard 180nm CMOS technology, and the 1 x 1.3mm2 IC is integrated with off-chip low-power digital modules on a PCB to form the AE. Our measurement results show a CMRR of 82.2dB (at 60Hz), amplification voltage gain of 52.8dB, a bandwidth of 0.2-400Hz, +-500mv input DC offset tolerance, An input impedance > 1TOhm, and 0.66uV integrated input referred noise (0.5-100Hz), while consuming 17.5uW per channel. All auxiliary modules are tested experimentally, and the entire system is validated in vivo , for both ECG and EEG recording.</p
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Temporary tattoo electrodes are the most recent development in the field of cutaneous sensors. They have successfully demonstrated their performances in the monitoring of various electrophysiological signals on the skin. These epidermal electronic devices offer a conformal and imperceptible contact with the wearer while enabling good quality recordings over time. Evaluations of brain activity in clinical practice face multiple limitations, where such electrodes can provide realistic technological solutions and increase diagnostics efficiency. Here we present the performance of inkjet-printed conducting polymer tattoo electrodes in clinical electroencephalography and their compatibility with magnetoencephalography. The working mechanism of these dry sensors is investigated through the modeling of the skin/electrode impedance for better understanding of the biosignals transduction at this interface. Furthermore, a custom-made skin phantom platform demonstrates the feasibility of high-density recordings, which are essential in localizing neuropathological activities. These evaluations provide valuable input for the successful application of these ultrathin electronic tattoos sensors in multimodal brain monitoring and diagnosis.
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Flexible electronics: cutting plotters cut costs of electronic tattoos Tattoos able to record heart rate and skin conditions have been fabricated with a low-cost cutting plotter. An international collaboration led by YongAn Huang and Nanshu Lu from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China, and the University of Texas at Austin, USA, have used this tool—a computer-controlled knife commonly employed to cut paper, vinyl and other materials in custom shapes—to define metallic serpentines on a plastic layer deposited on tattoo paper. The layer is so thin—about one thousandth of a millimeter—that the whole device is imperceptible when transferred on the skin, yet it adheres perfectly without blocking normal perspiration. Applied to human chest, these inexpensive metallic sensors monitor key health parameters, such as skin temperature and heart electric signal, without being affected by sweat and motion artefacts.
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Biological signals such as electrocardiogram (ECG) and electromyography (EMG) that can be measured at home can reveal vital information about the patient’s health. In today modern technology, the measured ECG or EMG signals at home can be monitored by medical staff from long distance through the use of internet. Biopotential electrodes are crucial in monitoring ECG, EMG, etc., signals. Applying the right type of electrode that lasts for a long time and assists in recording high signal quality is desirable in medical devices industry. Three types of electrodes (Silver/Silver Chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrodes, Orbital electrodes and Stainless steel electrodes) were tested to identify the most appropriate one for recording biological signals. The evaluation was based on determining the electrode circuit model components and having high capacitance value or high capacitor value of electrode circuit model (Cd) and low electrode-skin impedance value or low resistor value of electrode circuit model (Rd). The results revealed that Ag/AgCl is the best type of electrodes, followed by Orbital electrodes. Stainless steel electrodes had performed poorly. However, Orbital electrodes material can last longer than Ag/AgCl and hence perform similar to Ag/AgCl electrodes, which can be idle for monitoring biological signals at home without the need for medical staff to replace the electrodes in a short period of time.
Printed electronics is an alternative manufacturing paradigm for low-cost and large-area microelectronic devices and systems. Metal nanoparticle (MNP) inks are favorable to print conductors due to their high electrical conductivity. As-printed MNP ink requires sintering to become electrically conductive. High-quality MNP conductors require monitoring and optimization of the sintering process. Traditionally, electrical conductivity is measured to monitor the different sintering stages. This requires destructive probing or fabrication of dedicated test structures, which is challenging for in-line monitoring of high-volume manufacturing. Here, we demonstrate that frequency-domain thermoreflectance (FDTR), an optical pump-probe technique, can be used for process monitoring. Conductive features are inkjet printed with a silver nanoparticle ink. Intense pulsed light (IPL) sintering is used rather than traditional thermal sintering due to its capability of millisecond sintering. Thermal conductivity of IPL sintered features is measured using FDTR, where a frequency-modulated heat flux is applied with a pump laser and the obtained thermal phase of the probe laser is fitted to a thermal model. Thermal conductivity measured from FDTR agrees well with thermal conductivity calculated using Wiedemann-Franz Law from electrical conductivity measurements. By appropriately choosing six FDTR pump frequencies with the highest sensitivity and taking all the selected frequency-vs-phase data points at once, we can measure thermal conductivity in 12 s, a fraction of the traditional measurement time. In this way, the measurement time decreases considerably, and thermoreflectance becomes a suitable characterization technique for high-throughput manufacturing. A Monte Carlo based prediction was performed to observe the effect of shorter measurement time on phase noise, and a much faster measurement configuration is proposed with an acceptable uncertainty in measurement. Our results demonstrate a simple approach for high-speed non-contact characterization of metal nanoparticle conductors with the combination of high-speed printing and high-speed sintering for low-cost electronics manufacturing.
Stretchable and flexible electronics with elastic interconnects is critical for electronics to be compatible with wearable applications. Especially fabricating such interconnects with printing technology promises rapid, low-cost, and mass manufacturing. Here, a novel direct-write manufacturing process is presented for a stretchable conductor using an extrusion printer and a micron size silver flake ink as the conductive material without expensive nanomaterials. Conductivity increases as the sintering temperature is increased but at the cost of limited stretchability. To overcome this trade-off, we place one mildly sintered line on top of a fully sintered line to create a hybrid serpentine feature. These two lines of a hybrid feature have two different stretchability-conductivity profiles, synergistically improving both the stretchability and conductivity. With this method, a maximum stretchability of 120% strain is obtained with a minimal change in resistance by a factor of 2.8. This stretchable conductor can endure more than 250 cycles of stretching and releasing under 40% strain. The aggregate electrical conductivity is in the range of 4.74*10^4 S/cm, which is far superior to any carbon filler based printable composites.
The new ink feed unit (IFU) developed and installed based on the serial model of Anycubic I3 Mega 3D printer. The developed unit can be easily integrated into the control system of the printer by connecting the control line of the standard step motor responsible for supplying the plastic wire. The minimum volume 0.3 mm³ ink drops were reached using the syringe with an inner diameter of 10 mm and the volume can be reduced to 0.01 mm³ by using the syringe with 2 mm diameter. The tracks of various widths were printed using needles of different diameters and the 0.5% aqueous colloidal solution of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in 1 wt% of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) ink was used. The electrical resistivity values of the printed tracks were obtained on a 5 mm section by the standard four-probe method, and they were within 0.040–0.008 Oh m⁻¹.
Tattoo-like epidermal sensors are an emerging class of truly wearable electronics owing to their thinness and softness. While most of them are based on thin metal films, silicon membrane, or nanoparticle-based printable inks, we report a sub-micron thick, multimodal electronic tattoo sensors that are made of graphene. The graphene electronic tattoo (GET) is designed with filamentary serpentines and fabricated by a cost- and time-effective “wet transfer, dry patterning” method. It has a total thickness of 463 ± 30 nm, an optical transparency of ~85%, and a stretchability of more than 40%. GET can be directly laminated on human skin just like a temporary tattoo and can fully conform to the microscopic morphology of the surface of skin via just van der Waals forces. The open mesh structure of GET makes it breathable and its stiffness negligible. Bare GET is able to stay attached to skin for several hours without fracture or delamination. With liquid bandage coverage, GET may stay functional on skin for up to several days. As a dry electrode, GET-skin interface impedance is on par with medically used silver/silver-chloride (Ag/AgCl) gel electrodes, while offering superior comfort, mobility and reliability. GET has been successfully applied to measure electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram (EMG), electroencephalogram (EEG), skin temperature, and skin hydration.
Low-Cost, Μm-Thick, Tape-Free Electronic Tattoo Sensors with Minimized Motion and Sweat Artifacts
  • Youhua Wang
  • Yitao Qiu
  • Hongwoo Shideh Kabiri Ameri
  • Zhaohe Jang
  • Yongan Dai
  • Nanshu Huang
  • Lu
Wang, Youhua, Yitao Qiu, Shideh Kabiri Ameri, Hongwoo Jang, Zhaohe Dai, YongAn Huang, and Nanshu Lu. "Low-Cost, Μm-Thick, Tape-Free Electronic Tattoo Sensors with Minimized Motion and Sweat Artifacts." Npj Flexible Electronics 2, no. 1 (February 13, 2018): 1-7.
Inkjet Printing for Printed Electronics
  • Ashok Sridhar
  • Thomas Blaudeck
  • Reinhard Baumann
Sridhar, Ashok, Thomas Blaudeck, and Reinhard Baumann. "Inkjet Printing for Printed Electronics." Material Matters, Sigma Aldrich, 6, no. 1 (n.d.).