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An approach to select an appropriate turbocharger for matching with an internal combustion engine

  • Polytechnico di algiers


The present paper proposes a novel methodology of turbocharging automotive engines to reach targeted performance. The actual method is tested and validated against simulation test results of two turbocharged diesel engines; engine I, three cylinders, 1.5 L, and engine II, six cylinders, 5.9 L. The present procedure is subdivided into four key parts; namely, database construction, selection procedure, turbocharger preliminary design, and engine modeling. Based on geometric dimensions and aerodynamic parameters provided by the preliminary design procedure, 3D geometries of the turbine and compressor are generated for each studied engine. After integrating previous data into a constructed turbocharger database, two turbochargers are selected for the engine I, while only one turbocharger for the engine II. The findings show that, at the engine speed of 4000 rpm, engine I matched with the adequate turbocharger reached a target power about 2.7%, compared to the original turbocharger equipping engine I. Furthermore, engine II reached a rated power of 299.3 kW at 2500 rpm which is slightly under the original one by 2.64 kW. The superimposition of the engine operating area on compressor and turbine maps provided satisfactory results in terms of turbocharger-engine output performance, fuel consumption, secure functioning and engine thermal strength. Finally, the main advantage of the developed methodology consists of its ability to be applied at both earlier and last stages of the engine turbocharging process or to find new adequate turbochargers to replace the original one for economic, mechanical or for safety reasons.
Standard Article
International J of Engine Research
ÓIMechE 2022
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/14680874221108581
An approach to select an appropriate
turbocharger for matching with an
internal combustion engine
Mohamed Amine El Hameur
, Youcef Sehili
, Mahfoudh Cerdoun
Lyes Tarabet
and Giovanni Ferrara
The present paper proposes a novel methodology of turbocharging automotive engines to reach targeted performance.
The actual method is tested and validated against simulation test results of two turbocharged diesel engines; engine I,
three cylinders, 1.5L, and engine II, six cylinders, 5.9L. The present procedure is subdivided into four key parts; namely,
database construction, selection procedure, turbocharger preliminary design, and engine modeling. Based on geometric
dimensions and aerodynamic parameters provided by the preliminary design procedure, 3D geometries of the turbine
and compressor are generated for each studied engine. After integrating previous data into a constructed turbocharger
database, two turbochargers are selected for the engine I, while only one turbocharger for the engine II. The findings
show that, at the engine speed of 4000 rpm, engine I matched with the adequate turbocharger reached a target power
about 2.7%, compared to the original turbocharger equipping engine I. Furthermore, engine II reached a rated power of
299.3 kW at 2500 rpm which is slightly under the original one by 2.64 kW. The superimposition of the engine operating
area on compressor and turbine maps provided satisfactory results in terms of turbocharger-engine output performance,
fuel consumption, secure functioning and engine thermal strength. Finally, the main advantage of the developed metho-
dology consists of its ability to be applied at both earlier and last stages of the engine turbocharging process or to find
new adequate turbochargers to replace the original one for economic, mechanical or for safety reasons.
Database, Diesel engine, engine modeling, selection, turbine performance map, turbocharger matching, preliminary design
Date received: 8 January 2022; accepted: 31 May 2022
The increase of environmental regulations and eco-
nomic limitations have become progressively strict,
which obliged the automotive industry to develop a
new design procedure or redesign their products to meet
the better requirements. Turbocharging is still one of
the efficient ways to enhance the Internal Combustion
Engine (ICE) performance.
A turbocharged (TCed) engine has better fuel econ-
omy, cost efficiency, and power density than its equiva-
lent sized Naturally Aspirated (NA) engine.
However, matching Turbocharger (TC) to an ICE is
not an easy task to realize.
It is clear that a turboma-
chine is not ideally suited to operate in combination
with a reciprocating machine,
therefore the arrange-
ment of an ICE with TC needs to be planned carefully.
The main difficulties remain in the complicated balance
when matching the Radial Inflow Turbine (RIT) to
ICE, Centrifugal Compressor (CC) to ICE, and the
RIT with the CC. Furthermore, when economic, tech-
nical, and environmental aspects are taken into account
the matching between the aforementioned parts
becomes extremely difficult to achieve.
The automotive engine operates at various operating
conditions (speeds and loads), for this reason, TC must
deliver an adequate charge air and pressure to match
engine-breathing requirements at different operating
points. The principal objective of TC matching is to
Laboratory of Propulsion and Reactive Systems, Ecole Militaire
Polytechnique, Algiers, Algeria
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence, Florence,
Corresponding author:
Mahfoudh Cerdoun, Laboratory of Propulsion and Reactive Systems,
Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, BP17 Bordj-el-Bahri, Algiers 16046, Algeria.
maintain the engine operates far from surge and choke
lines of the CC’s map. To reach these objectives, several
works tried to redesign or to propose a new design of
TC compressor to enhance the engine output power,
improve mechanical sustainability,
secure working
of the CC (surge margin),
or to optimize the design
Some researches were focused on the
components of the TC or ICE including inlet and
exhaust manifolds,
the CC and RIT
variable turbine geometry,
exhaust gas
or twin-entry radial turbine.
Due to the TC’s technical complexity and cost, lim-
ited experimental studies were carried out in the match-
ing field.
presented a method for
turbocharging single-cylinder ICE. The proposed solu-
tion consists to add an air capacitor, in the form of a
large volume intake manifold, between the TC com-
pressor and the engine intake to smooth out the flow
and to reduce the timing mismatch between the two
Iyer et al.
boosted a two-cylinder Direct Injection
(DI) NA engine with waste gated TC to improve the
power and torque output. After selecting the adequate
TC, the engine was upgraded to provide about 80%
and 75% higher peak power and torque, respectively.
Wang et al.
studied the TC matching based on vehicle
performance requirements. Where, a simulation model
of a 1.5 L gasoline engine was built in 1D simulation
using GT-Power
software. From the findings, the
maximum torque and power of the NA engine were
risen from 135 N m and 78 kW to 215 N m and 115 kW,
However, assessing the TC and ICE performance by
executing experimental tests is too expensive and should
only be done at the last stage of engine’s design or after
selecting an adequate TC. As alternative, numerous
studies attempted to match TC to ICE, using simula-
tion software tools or 0D and/or 1D programs assisted
by empirical correlations. The first matching methods
are common techniques namely, trial-and-error meth-
ods where several TCs are selected and tested on an
Considering the second matching method which
consists of developing analytical approaches based on
0D and/or 1D codes supported by empirical correla-
The main advantage of these methods is their
rapidity and flexibility which allow several investiga-
tions impossible to carry out experimentally. For this
type of approach, Sanaye et al.
proposed a new
method where the compressor and turbine parts besides
the engine were analyzed and optimized, the optimum
selected TC had the minimum compressor and turbine
losses. Moreover, the operating points of the TCed
engine had sufficiently large distances from surge and
choke lines.
The trial-and-error method is still the most used
one, due to its simplicity and accuracy. The most disad-
vantage of this method is the unavailability of a TC
map. In addition, this method is time-consuming and
expensive due to the need of performing numerous
empirical tests. While the main disadvantage of the sec-
ond traditional TC matching technic is the dependency
on empirical correlations that may be usually effective
at specific functioning range. Nevertheless, limited
studies proposed an aerodynamic and thermodynamic
design of TC during the matching process
taking into account the matching process between the
TC components.
Indeed, TC manufacturers habitually provide 0D
online codes, which recommend the appropriate TC
among their existing products, based on user-specified
ICE characteristics and targeted performance.
Nevertheless, the results offered by these programs still
not sufficiently accurate and reliable to be used by
automotive constructors or professional individuals
during engine development or tuning steps. Moreover,
during the matching process of TC to ICE, the chosen
TC is one of the series products by the component sup-
plier, which are habitually designed and developed
according to the turbo-machinery experts, but not
designed for the particular ICE.
Furthermore, the
TCs proposed by TC manufacturers could be not as
suitable ones, and the TCs used have to be subjected to
experimental testing to validate them, which is time-
consuming and expensive procedure.
Also, the use of the internal combustion engine
extrapolated to other sectors rather the automobile
field such as the propulsion of aerial and maritime
drone, in which the turbocharging plays an important
role to achieve the goals. However, the available pro-
cess to select the appropriate turbochargers to be
matched with ICE does not covers these new sectors
which attracts multidisciplinary scientific audiences,
not systematically familiarized with design of the
turbo-machinery components.
To overcome the aforementioned drawbacks, the
present paper presents a new methodology based
mainly on the basic knowledge on the thermodynamics
of ICE and on the turbo-machinery laws. The present
investigation is a comprehensive end-to-end perfor-
mance study starting from the user targeted performance
to the final system integration (turbocharger-engine
matching), based on a series of algorithms that are
detailed within the paper, and standard software tools.
In this aspect, the present work will be interesting for
practicing engineers undertaking turbocharger matching
Hence, the main contribution of the present paper
can be listed as follows:
1. Regarding the literature review, we have reported
that the common techniques matching methods,
namely, trial-and-error methods, are largely used
in the matching process, in which several TCs are
selected and tested on an ICE. In this area, the
present methodology can at least reduce the num-
ber of the selected TCs to be simulated or
2International J of Engine Research 00(0)
performed experimentally, in order to reduce time
and cost.
2. The developed methdology can be used at both
earlier stage (boosting a naturally aspirated engine
using a turbocharger), and at the last stage (charg-
ing an engine already equipped with a turbocharger
with a new one for reasons of safety, better perfor-
mance, cost, maintenance...etc.) of TC-ICE match-
ing and/or during engine’s design assessment.
3. The present approach combines several in-house
codes, to estimate boundary conditions upstream
and downstream of the engine during the matching
process, an aero-thermodynamic design of suitable
turbocharger components (based mainly on the
Aungier 1D method. This later is validated against
hundreds of compressors and turbines, which can
be considered as a second validation of the overall
4. A modified code to obtain the turbine performance
map is presented and validated.
5. The simultaneously design of the radial turbine
and centrifugal compressor is proposed consider-
ing a perfect matching.
The remainder of this paper gives consecutively a detail
description of the proposed methodology mainly the
database construction, selection procedure, turbochar-
ger preliminary design and engine modeling and appli-
cations considering two types of engines.
This section is subdivided into four main parts. In the
first one, a detailed construction of Database (DB) is
explained. Next, the selection procedure of an adequate
TC from DB is clarified. Then, a TC preliminary design
based on 1D aerodynamic in-house code of the TC’s
rotors is implemented. Finally, two programs; namely,
Pre-engine model and Post-engine model are implemen-
ted and validated to estimate thermodynamic para-
meters at the ICE intake and exhaust, respectively.
Database construction
Contrarily to DBs created by Sanaye et al.
and Emara
et al.
the actual one contains around 500 different
types of TCs obtained from several manufacturers’
open sources
and covering a large mass flow and
pressure ratio ranges; from 0.041 to 1.46 kg, and from
0.26 to 3.74, respectively.
The main difficulties encountered during the DB
construction were due to the lack of information. Some
manufactures provide only the CC maps and not the
RIT maps, others supply only the geometrical para-
meters of turbine and/or compressor, while few of them
supply both geometric parameters and performance
maps. Figure 1 illustrates the mains parameters used to
build the DB such as TC wheel Trims, mass flow rates
mT, pressure ratios PC,PT, geometric data, and
rotational speed N of the CC and RIT, respectively.
Using geometrical parameters of Figure 1(c) the Trim
of the CC and RIT are calculated as follows;
100 ð1Þ
100 ð2Þ
Where, DIand DEare the inducer and the exducer dia-
meters, respectively, of both the CC and RIT wheel.
To overcome the problem of RIT map unavailabil-
ity, a more precise computer program is developed in
this paper to generate the appropriate maps and it is
based on works of ref.
The modified method consists
of estimating the stagnation pressure drop into the
RIT’s rotor at stationary and dynamic state basing on
the first principle of thermodynamic and turbomachin-
ery fundamentals. After combining the two states,
equation (3) is then applied to estimate the RIT total-
static expansion ratio.
PTts =exp 2gtK1V2
Where, gt,C
adim and _
madim are gas specific
heat, the K1constant is equal to (r4
4), C1is defined
as ½0:5ð1ðr5m=r4Þ2Þ, a speed ratio that equals
and a dimensionless mass flow that
equals ( _
mgaz=½r04 r2
p). The correlation (3) as it
is defined does not cover a large size of turbine; then, a
multiplication factor eis specially introduced to con-
verge the numerical results to the experimental data.
The proposed factor is defined by equation (4).
mgm ð4Þ
where, _
mgm is the maximum of gas flow rate traversing
the RIT’s rotor.
Contrarily to the previously mentioned work, a
RIT’s power balance is applied in this paper to estimate
RIT’s isentropic efficiency hTis , using CC thermody-
namic data provided by CC’s map, as it is shown in
equation (5). The principle advantage of equation (5), is
that there is no need to estimate the TC mechanical effi-
ciency hMech due to estimation of CC power directly
from the experimental data maps provided by TC’s
hTts =hTis hMech =_
mairCpcT02 T01
mgasCptT04 11
To validate this method, two different types of RIT
maps were picked from two TCs (namely, Honeywell
MGT1238 and Honeywell GT06Z). The findings show
El Hameur et al. 3
a good agreement between the results of the modified
method and experimental data, where the maximum
deviations in terms of expansion ratio were around
4.11% and 9.03% for the TC MGT1238 and TC GT06,
respectively as depicted in Figure 2.
Selection procedure
A flexible selection procedure of the suitable TCs from
DB is proposed in the present paper. Its starts by turn-
ing the TCed engine into NA one by removing its TC,
then, two main cases are proposed to the user as shown
Figure 1. Main parameters used to define the database: (a) CC performance map, (b) RIT performance map, (c) TC components,
and (d) design point of desired range.
Figure 2. Comparison between experimental and numerical results: (a) expansion ratio and (b) isentropic efficiency.
4International J of Engine Research 00(0)
in Figure 3. Choosing the right case depends on the CC
and RIT maps availability and/or on the accuracy
Starting from ICE specifications, air conditions, tar-
geted brake power and brake specific fuel consumption
(BSFC), a rapid but less accurate way is then applied in
case 1 to select a suitable TCs. However, to estimate
the required mass flow _
mCreq and the required pressure
ratio PCreq suitable for the engine to reach the targeted
performance, a Pre-engine model is then developed (see
section 2.4.1). After specifying the desired CC tolerance
TolC, equations (6) and (7) are then used to establish a
desired range using mass flow rate _
mCDP and pressure
ratio PCDP at the design point of each TC in DB, as is
illustrated in Figure 1(d). Several TC propositions can
be provided by the actual approach, in this aspect, a
minimal weighted function is calculated using equation
(8), where, a compromise of 50% between deviations of
mass flow rate and pressure ratio is considered.
Meanwhile, increasing TolCwill inevitably increase the
number of TCs proposed whereas the accuracy
mCreq TolC_
100 4_
mCDP 4_
mCreq +TolC_
PCreq TolCPCreq
100 4PCDP 4PCreq +TolCPCreq
min f
mCreq _
+0:5PCreq PCDP
Due to limited number of TC’s maps supplied by TCs
manufacturers, the case 1 rarely reach suitable solution.
To overcome this problem, a more precise approach is
also proposed (case 2). Nevertheless, a TC preliminary
design is applied after using the Post-engine model (see
section 2.4.2) to predict thermodynamic parameters at
the engine exhaust.
The case 2 compares the TC’s geometrical para-
meters provided from the preliminary design code and
the available geometries of TCs contained in DB (using
TrimCand TrimT) as shown in equations (9) and (10).
Therefore, two weighted functions f1and f2are calcu-
lated and used to estimate a global weighted function
fglobal, which expresses a compromise of 50% between
f1and f2as shown in equation (11).
1DB D2
2DB D2
4DB D2
5DB D2
fglobal =0:5f1+0:5f2ð11Þ
where, D1DB ,D
4DB and D2DB ,D
5DB express the intake
and exhaust compressor and turbine diameters esti-
mated from DB, respectively. D1design,D
4design and
5design are the intake and exhaust compressor
and turbine diameters provided by the preliminary
design code.
Figure 3. Flowchart of the selection procedure used to boost an ICE.
El Hameur et al. 5
Turbocharger preliminary design
Limited works have been found in open literature that
treated a complete TC design,
due to the complex
balancing between the TC’s component. Therefore, a
1D aerodynamic in-house code is implemented in the
actual work to generate easily and quickly geometries
of TC’s rotors, from which further analysis can be
The input data of the TC’s preliminary design code
are picked from various traditional conception works
(see Table 1). Indeed, the design process of the RIT
and CC is based on a modified Aungier method.
The design performance are estimated during the anal-
ysis process using a 1D-gas flow and losses models.
Firstly, the RIT rotor is established using output data
of Post-engine model ( _
4), turbine specific
speed ns, air ambient conditions (T1,P
and the CC targeted performance supplied by Pre-
engine model ( _
mCreq ,PCreq ,P
2,hCtt ). The RIT’s
expansion ratio was estimated applying energy balance,
knowing PCtt,T
02 and hMech (see equation (29))
instead of applying an iterative calculation, which
greatly reduces time calculation comparatively to the
proposed Aungier method.
The RIT’s rotor geometry
can be determined applying the assumptions made on
the velocity triangle (see Figure A1 on Appendix A),
the aero-thermodynamic equations, and key equations
(12)–(25) listed in Table 2. Contrarily to traditional
methods that balance between the CC and RIT using
only mass flow and velocity relations, hence, the devel-
oped code uses four balance equations to insure a per-
fect matching between the TC’s components applying
equations (26)–(29). Meanwhile, for more details about
the CC’s impeller design, see Chettibi et al.
Assumptions and design requirements used to
start the TC design process are summarized in Table 3.
Finally, the works of Bourabia e al.
and Dixon and
are judged sufficient to be used as TC losses
models in the present paper.
Engine modeling
In this subsection, two models are developed to esti-
mate the thermodynamic properties of air and gas at
the ICE intake and exhaust manifolds, respectively.
Pre-engine model. The main difficulties encountered dur-
ing matching TC to ICE consists of determining
required, air flow rate _
mCreq and charge pressure Preq
entering the engine’s intake manifold to reach the tar-
geted performance. Based on previous work presented
by Shamderakhshan and Kharazmi,
an analytical
model is implemented. The main steps follows the flow-
chart of Figure 4(a), hereafter, the detail of equations:
Table 1. Governing equations for turbocharger’s design equations.
TC component Eq. name Equation Eq. no.
RIT’s rotor Rotational speed w=nsDH0:75=ffiffiffiffi
Volume flow rate _
Total to static velocity vs=0:73n0:2
Total to static efficiency hTts =0:87 1:07 ns0:55ðÞ
Rotor tip velocity U4=vsCis (16)
Isentropic speed
Cis =ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2CptT04 11
Tangential tip velocity Cu4=U4hTts
Inlet absolute flow angle a4=10:8+14:2ns(19)
Rotor axial length Zr=1:5(rs5rh5) (20)
Number of blades NbT =12+0:03(33 a4) (21)
Slip factor s=1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Inlet blade width b4=_
Outlet hub radius rh5=0:185r4(24)
Meridional outlet velocity Cm5 =_
Mass flow balance _
Momentum balance r4
U4=Cis (27)
Speed balance NT=NC(28)
Energy balance hMech =
6International J of Engine Research 00(0)
Determination of the required air mass flow for the
target power:
3600 gr=sðÞ ð30Þ
Where, Pis the target power in (Watt), AF is air to fuel
Calculation of the intake pressure to meet the required
power basing on the volumetric efficiency definition:
Preq =2_
mair RT3
where, Preq is the required absolute pressure in the inlet
manifold in (Pa), T3is the intake manifold temperature
in (K), hvis the volumetric efficiency, Vdis the engine
displacement volume in (m
) and N is the engine speed
in (rps). R is the gas constant.
Calculation of the compressor outlet pressure:
P2c =Preq +DPloss ð32Þ
where, DPloss is the pressure loss between the compres-
sor outlet and engine intake manifold, which is the sum
of pressure loss through both intercooler and air ducts.
From the open data of TC constructors, the pressure
loss (between 6 and 27 kPa) can be estimated regarding
the existence or not of intercooler.
Estimation of the compressor inlet pressure;
P1c=Pamb DPfilter ð33Þ
where, Pamb and DPfilter are the ambient pressure and
pressure losses in the air filter in (Pa), respectively.
Consequently, the required pressure ratio is calcu-
lated as follows:
PCreq =P2c
Estimation of compressor outlet temperature using
the total-to-total efficiency definition;
T2=T11+ 1
Creq 1
Where, T1and hCtt are the ambient temperature and
compressor isentropic efficiency, respectively.
Then the intake manifold temperature is calculated
as follows;
ðÞ+TIC eIC ð36Þ
where, eIC and TIC are the intercooler effectiveness and
the coolant temperature, respectively. The coolant tem-
perature is assumed equal to 35°C in the present work.
Post-engine model. Thermodynamic, heat transfer and
combustion equations have been used to model the ICE
exhaust gas properties based on works of Heywood
and Ferguson and Kirkpatrick.
This 0D single-zone
model is widely used in open literatures,
as it gives
a good description of in-cylinder heterogeneities
involved in the local combustion and pollutant produc-
tion terms, while it requires reasonable computer
resources. In addition, it allows to predict both beha-
vior and performance of engines of various displace-
ments at several operating conditions, without resorting
to expensive experimental test benches. The Post-engine
model outputs are used as input data to start the tur-
bine’s rotor design. However, as pollutants prediction is
not essential for the design and matching process as
depicted in the flowchart of Figure 4(b), theses terms
are not considered in the present code.
The thermodynamic single-zone model does not dif-
ferentiate between the burned gases and fresh charge
air so the in-cylinder mixture (air + fuel) is considered
uniform and homogeneous. The combustion process
can be simplified with a heating flux supplied from the
external environment. The differential form of the
energy conservation is then obtained:
dt =
dt +dmfinj
dt LHV + Xdmin
dt hin Xdmout
dt hout udm
dt u
Table 2. Inputs data of the turbocharger design process.
Parameters Value Optimal variation range Reference
RIT specific speed 0ns00.59 [0.45–0.75] Aungier
CC radii ratio 0rh1=r200.15 [0.15–0.25] Aungier
CC maximum blade leading 0Blmax00.2 [0.1–0.9] Dixon and Hall
TC mechanical efficiency 0hMech00.95 ø0.9 Watson and Janota
CC isentropic efficiency 0hCtt 00.8 ø0.6 Dixon and Hall
CC inlet relative Mach number 0Mrel100.6 [0.1–0.9] Dixon and Hall
CC inlet absolute flow angle 0a100[0°–30°] Dixon and Hall
CC inlet incidence angle 0i1000 Aungier
CC inlet relative flow angle 0b1060°[56°–60°] Dixon and Hall
RIT outlet absolute flow angle 0a500°[0°–45°] Bourabia et al.
Vane diffuser area ratio 0AR01.9 [1.4–2.4] Aungier
El Hameur et al. 7
where, h, Q, W, u and m are the specific enthalpy, heat
exchanged, work produced, specific internal energy and
total mass in the combustion chamber, respectively. In
addition, f,Q
finj , LHV are the air to fuel ratio
(AF), heat transferred through the cylinder wall, mass
of fuel injected and the lower heating value of the
injected fuel, respectively.
Applying the continuity equation, considering the
state equation and the differentiation to its logarithmic,
the total mass variation of the in-cylinder mixture is
dt =Xdm
in Xdm
dt ð38Þ
Results and discussions
Two different displacement TCed Diesel engines;
namely, engine I, a three-cylinders 1.5 L and engine II,
a six-cylinders 5.9 L, are attempted to be boosted with
new TCs. In this aspect, the Ricardo Wave
software is used to validate the developed methodology
by comparing the simulation results of the proposed
TCs and the original ones after executing the developed
methodology. The technical characteristics of the stud-
ied ICEs and the targeted performance (power and
BSFC) are listed in Table 3 and their simulation models
are shown in Figure 5.
As presented in flowchart of Figure 3, the original
TCs mounted on the two studied engines are removed
to instigate the numerical simulation on NA ICEs only.
Indeed, the TC preliminary design code is extremely
sensitive to engine’s exhaust gases data (P4,T
Therefore, the Poste-engine model is used to estimate
the exhaust parameters of the NA engine. The finding
are compared with the simulation results, as shown in
Figure 6(a) and (c) for engine I and Figure 6(b) and (d)
for engine II. The results show that the measured maxi-
mum deviations from the Post-engine model compared
to WaveÒsimulations, are for engine I, in term of P4
and T4around 2.22% and 2.66%, respectively, and
around 19.49% and 5.19% for engine II, respectively.
The deviation is better marked for the engine II, this
can be interpreted, first, by the use of the waste- gate
options in the case of Ricardo–wave simulations which
allows the six-cylinders 5.9 L to work in the optimum
operating conditions of the turbine and the compres-
sor, far from the instabilities zones, whereas, in the
developed simulations, the totality of the gases are used
in the thermodynamic cycles which may cause inaccu-
rate solutions. Second, the deviation is related to the
fact that the thermodynamic 0D-single zone model, is
slightly inaccurate to predict the thermodynamic para-
meters when the displacement of the engine becomes
large especially at high engine speeds due to inaccurate
quantification of heat transferred to ambient, released
gas flow, friction losses and fresh air and fuel
Figure 4. Flowcharts of: (a) pre-engine model and (b) post-engine model.
8International J of Engine Research 00(0)
interaction, which become significant. Concretely, as
seen in Figure 6(b), (d), (f), and (h), the trend of the
curves obtained by the developed code follows perfectly
the Ricardo–wave simulation’s results which consoli-
dates the given explanations.
Anyway, applying the selection procedure of case 1,
three TCs were proposed for each studied engine,
whereas, for the case 2 and after applying the TC pre-
liminary design steps, two TCs were found for engine I
(namely, Master Power R343 and R444) and only one
TC over 500 TCs was found for engine II (namely,
Master Power R615), as shown in Table 4. As a result,
in the present paper only TCs found after executing the
second case will be matched and tested on NA engines.
Figure 6(e) and (f) depict the comparison between
the simulation and the Pre-engine model results for the
TCed engines, in terms of required mass flow rate
mairreq and required pressure ratio PCreq, respectively, to
achieve the targeted performance of engine I as stated
in Table 3. The same comparison is made for engine II
in Figure 6(g) and (h). The deviations of PCreq and
mairreq for engine I are around 3.23% and 9.91%,
respectively, while for engine II deviations are found
around 4.63% and 8.61% of the required data,
The deviations found when comparing the results
of simulations and implemented Pre-engine model are
mainly due to unquantified pressure loss (primary and
secondary losses) through the intake pipes and due to
the assumption made in the subsection 2.4.1 relative
to pressure loss through the intercooler and air filter.
Table 3. Engines specifications and targeted performances.
Parameters Engine I Engine II
Engine type TCed, four stroke, Diesel engine TCed, four stroke, Diesel engine
Number of cylinders 03 06
Displacement [L] 1.5 5.9
Compression ratio 16.5 17
Bore [mm] 3Stroke [mm] 86 386 102 3120
Brake rated Power [kW] With TC : 129.92 @ 4000 rpm With TC : 200.86 @ 2500 rpm
Without TC : 49.57 @ 4500 rpm Without TC : 80.84 @ 2500 rpm
Brake rated Torque [N.m] With TC : 310.16 @ 4000 rpm With TC : 932.74 @ 1250 rpm
Without TC : 105.19 @ 4500 rpm Without TC : 399.13 @ 1250 rpm
BSFC [g/kW/h] With TC : 218.7 @ 4500 rpm With TC : 218 @ 2500 rpm
Without TC : 223.2 @ 4500 rpm Without TC : 541.6 @ 2500 rpm
Connecting rod length [mm] 128.6 200
Valve diameter [mm] 29.25 29
Valve width w [mm] 1.46 1.45
Valve geometric angle b[°]45 45
Targeted brake power [kW] Around 125 Around 200
Targeted BSFC [g/kW/h] Around 219 @ 4500 rpm Around 218 @ 2500 rpm
Figure 5. Engines simulation models obtained from Ricardo Wave
software: (a) engine I and (b) engine II.
El Hameur et al. 9
Figure 6. Comparison between the simulation results and the developed codes (Pre and Post-engine models): (a and b) engine
exhaust pressure, (c and d) engine exhaust temperature, (e and f) pressure ratio, (g and h) mass flow rate.
10 International J of Engine Research 00(0)
From the deviation findings, the implemented Pre
and Post-engine models are judged as accurate and
truthful models that can be used for further calcula-
tions during turbocharging process. The CC and RIT
designs are generated using design specifications listed
in Table 5 at full load and at engine’s speed of 4000
and 2500 rpm for engine I and engine II, respectively.
Table 6 summarizes the TCs geometric and aerody-
namic parameters, and performance data obtained after
the convergence of the TC preliminary design proce-
dure to reach the targeted performance of the two stud-
ied engines.
The estimated geometrical and aerodynamic para-
meters of adequate TCs for the two engines are then
used to establish the 3D geometry of TC’s rotors using
ANSYS BladeGen
software, where the flow path and
the blade profiles can be modified and modeled if it is
necessary. The CC and RIT 3D designs for each studied
engine are depicted in Figure 7(a) and (b). However,
neither the flow field analysis nor the matching
procedure of the generated rotors will be discussed in
the present paper.
Figure 8(a) shows results of engine’s brake power
obtained after comparing the simulation analysis of the
original engine I (as TCed and NA engine) and the two
new engines equipped with the selected TCs from the
DB. The maximum deviations observed between the
original TC and the TCs R444 and R343 equipping
engine I, are around 48.62% and 13.93%, respectively.
Furthermore, from Figure 8(c), engine I matched
with TC R444 expresses lower BSFC and develops
more output power than the original one, especially at
high speeds. Whereas, the TC R343 equipping engine I
developed higher BSFC compared to the original one
at both cases (as TCed and as naturally aspirated).
From Figure 8(b) the maximum deviation between the
original TC and the selected one equipping engine II in
terms of brake power is around 5.11% (2.64 kW higher
than the original one), which is judged acceptable after
satisfying the targeted performance specified in Table
Table 4. Number of TCs proposed by the selection procedure.
Engines Engine I Engine II
Case 1 Case 2 Case 1 Case 2
Number of TCs selected 3231
Table 5. Turbocharger design requirements.
Centrifugal compressor Radial inflow turbine
Parameter Engine I Engine II Parameter Engine I Engine II
pressure ratio 0PCtt 02.82 2.589 expansion ratio 0PTts 01.137 2.67
mass flow rate 0_
mair0[kg/s] 0.050 0.299 mass flow rate 0_
mgas0[kg/s] 0.05185 0.311
inlet pressure 0P010[bar] 1.013 inlet pressure 0P04 0[bar] 5.069 2.638
inlet temperature 0T010[K] 298.15 inlet temperature 0T04 0[K] 1094.17 908.89
CC tolerance 0TolC0(%) 10
specifique speed 0ns00.59
Table 6. Turbocharger geometric parameters and performances data of the designed CC and RIT of the studied engines.
Centrifugal compressor Radial inflow turbine
Parameter Engine I Engine II Parameter Engine I Engine II
tip radius 0r20[mm] 39.495 65.5 tip radius 0r40[mm] 38.814 58.189
shroud radius 0r1s0[mm] 32.4 39.2 shroud radius 0r5s 0[mm] 21.348 40.150
hub radius 0r1h0[mm] 10.4 15.3 hub radius 0r5h 0[mm] 4.076 4.015
number of blade 0NCb012 24 number of blade 0NTb010 10
speed 0NC0[rpm] 131,760 65,114 speed 0NT0[rpm] 131,760 65,114
isentropic efficiency 0hCtt 00.8348 0.7946 isentropic efficiency 0hTts 00.842 0.848
Inlet absolute flow angle 0a100 0 Inlet absolute flow angle 0a4072.092 72.4785
Inlet relative flow angle 0b1060 60 Inlet relative flow angle 0b40245 271.985
Exit absolute flow angle 0a20690,219 72.4447 Exit absolute flow angle 0a5000
Exit relative flow angle 0b20671,577 71.3637 Exit relative flow angle 0b5059.7435 250.4538
El Hameur et al. 11
3. Furthermore, as seen in Figure 8(d), the BSFC of
engine II matched with TC R615 is under the original
one especially at mid-high engine speed.
From Figure 8(a) it appears that TC R444 equipping
engine I provides a good performance with a maximum
brake power over the original one around 11.26kW at
4000 rpm. Moreover, the TC R343 offers relatively
good results overall the engine’s speed range, but it
develops a rated power at 4000 rpm of 126.41 kW,
which is under the rated power of the original one by
3.51 kW. The TC R615 equipping engine II presents a
good agreement with the performance of the original
TC. The new TCed engine offers a rated power of
299.3 kW, which is slightly under the original one by
2.64 kW. In addition, measured CC and RIT isentropic
efficiencies equal 75.24% and 65.19%, respectively.
Consequently, the new proposed TCs responded posi-
tively to the targeted performance of engine I and II.
Comparing only the output power and BSFC deliv-
ered by the engines after matching them with proposed
TCs, seems not sufficient. For this reason, a superim-
position of engine airflow on a compressor and turbine
maps at different engine speeds is then essential to
assess the TC-ICE operating stability.
After launching engines’ simulations using CC per-
formance maps extracted from DB and RIT perfor-
mance maps generated by the in-house code, a
comparison is then established between the original
TCs (see Figures 9(a) and (b) for engine I and Figures
10(a) and (b) for engine II) and the proposed TCs as it
is shown in Figure 9(c) to (f) for engine I and Figures
10(c) and (d) for engine II.
From Figures 9(a), (b), 10(a), and (b) the surge mar-
gin, the CC and RIT isentropic efficiencies at engine
rated power and 4000 rpm are 49.35%, 63.35%, and
61.80% for the engine I and 48.99%, 76.68%, and
70.47% for engine II, respectively.
From the Figure 9(c) and (d), the operation area of
the first engine equipped with TC R343 is far from the
surge line at all its speed range with a surge margin of
44.17% at rated power. Furthermore, the engine’s oper-
ation area at high speeds approaches isentropic effi-
ciency of CC and RIT around 59.48% and 39.18%,
respectively. Engine I matched with TC R444 has an
operating area that approaches the surge line at low
and medium speed with a surge margin that equals
21.46% at 4000 rpm. It has also a CC and RIT isentro-
pic efficiencies of 65.27% and 50.87%, respectively (see
Figure 9(e) and (f)). For the TC R615 matched with
engine II, a surge margin of 26.19% is estimated (see
Figure 10(c)) at 2500 rpm.
Finally, to ensure that the developed methodology
proposes a satisfactory TCs in terms of engine and tur-
bine thermal stress. A more detailed investigation is
performed this time considering the in-cylinder pressure
Pcyl and turbine inlet temperature (TIT). The Pcyl and
TIT calculated by the Post-engine model after matching
TCs R444 and R343 with engine I are compared to Pcyl
and TIT produced by the original engine at full load
and rated power versus engine’s speed range. The find-
ings depicted in Figure 8(e) shows that TC R444 devel-
ops 1078.6 K of TIT, which is the lowest one compared
to the TITs generated by the original TCed engine
and the engine matched with TC R343. However, the
Figure 7. Proposed CC and RIT 3D designs for each engine: (a) Engine I and (b) Engine II.
12 International J of Engine Research 00(0)
Figure 8. Comparison of the engines’ performance and thermodynamic limitations between the original and new matched TCs:
(a) brake power, (c) BSFC, (e) TIT, and (g) Pcyl of engine I; (b) brake power, (d) BSFC, (f) TIT, and (h) Pcyl of engine II.
El Hameur et al. 13
TIT measured with R615 is slightly higher than the
original one especially at low and mid-engine speeds
(see Figure 8(f)).
The TIT deviations measured in both engines while
using R343, R444 and R615 are not so high and present
no risks on the RIT, knowing that nowadays materials
used in RIT’s rotors can support a TIT around 1300
The same comparison is performed for engine I
and II in terms of Pcyl as shown in Figure 8(g) and (h).
Findings show that all proposed TCs generate a Pcyl
under the original ones at all engine speed ranges, which
ensure a good engine’s strength against thermal stress.
Figure 9. Turbocharger joint operating maps at full load of the engine I: (a and b) CC and RIT original maps, respectively, (c and d)
CC and RIT maps of the TC Master Power R343, respectively, (e and f) CC and RIT maps of the TC Master Power R444,
14 International J of Engine Research 00(0)
Finally, considering the results observed in Figures 8
and 9, the two proposed TCs for engine I present a good
performance data and security range from the choke
and surge lines. However, if only one TC would be
selected between these two TCs, the TC Master Power
R444 is appropriate if the user desires higher CC and
RIT efficiencies and lower BSFC. However, if the secu-
rity is desired during all engine operations far from the
surge line, in this case, the TC Master Power R343 is
preferred due to its higher surge margin and lower Pcyl .
The TC R615 offers a small surge margin; neverthe-
less, its CC and RIT efficiencies are located at the map’s
highest efficiency islands and offers acceptable TIT and
BSFC at mid-high engine speeds.
In the present paper, a turbocharging methodology
based on TC preliminary design and selection is devel-
oped to reach targeted performance. The methodology
is tested and validated with simulation test results on
two different displacement engines. The procedure
consists of four main parts. The developed selection
procedure proposes two cases depending on compres-
sor’s map availability and on the accuracy required by
the user. Consequently, a TC preliminary design is gen-
erated when the second accurate proposed case is fol-
lowed. Based on the latter geometrical parameters, a
TC’s 3D geometries were proposed for each studied
engine. Integrating these data into the constructed TCs
database and applying the developed RIT’s perfor-
mance map code. Only two kinds of TCs over 500 were
selected to turbocharge the first engine, while only one
TC was selected for the second ICE. The proposed TCs
were matched on each respective engine, and analyzed
under full-load conditions and over engine’s speed
range. A good agreement was found between the results
of the original TCed engines and the matched ones in
terms of performance and consumption. In addition,
the superimposing of the engines’ operating areas on
CC and RIT maps was carried out to measure their
isentropic efficiencies and the TC-ICE matching stabi-
lity. Furthermore, to ensure that the developed metho-
dology proposes a satisfactory TCs, an investigation
Figure 10. Turbocharger joint operating maps at full load of the engine II: (a and b) RIT and CC original maps, respectively; (c and
d) RIT and CC maps of the TC Master Power R615, respectively.
El Hameur et al. 15
was established to measure the Pcyl and TIT to ensure a
proper TC-ICE thermal strength.
Finally, the main advantage of the developed
approach is, its ability to be applied at both earlier and
last stages of the engine turbocharging process.
Consequently, it can be used to boost a NA ICEs or to
reach a better performance and/or consumption of
TCed engines.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Mohamed Amine El Hameur
Mahfoudh Cerdoun
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Appendix A
ACross-section area (m
AF Air to fuel ratio
bBlade width (m)
CAbsolute velocity (m/s)
CpSpecific heat at constant pressure (kj/kg
CvSpecific heat at constant volume (kj/kg K)
dhHydraulic diameter (m)
DDiameter (mm)
hSpecific enthalpy (kj/kg)
LB Blade mean camberline length
MMach number
mMass flow rate (kg/s)
NRotational speed (rpm), number of blade
nsSpecific speed
oThroat (m)
PPressure (Pa)
PPower (kw)
DPPressure loss (kPa)
QHeat flow rate (W)
rRadius (m)
RRadius (m), gas constant (J/kg/K)
ReReynolds number
sSpecific entropy (kj/kg K)
TTemperature (K)
UPeripheral velocity (m/s)
VVolume (m
), volumetric
vVolume flow rate (m
wAngular velocity (rad/s)
WRelative velocity (m/s)
ZNumber of blades
zVolute flow passage depth (m)
ZrRotor axial length (m)
Abbreviation and acronyms
AR Area to radius ratio (m)
BMEP Brake mean effective pressure (bar)
BSFC Brake specific fuel consumption (g/kw/h)
CC Centrifugal compressor
CCA Combustion chamber
CFD Computational fluid dynamic
CI Compressor ignition
CCM Combustion chamber
DB Database
DC Design conditions
DI Direct injection
ICE Internal combustion engine
NA Naturally aspirated
RIT Radial inflow turbine
SI Spark ignition
TC Turbocharger
TDM thermodynamic models
TIT Turbine inlet temperature
IVO, C Intake valve opening, closing
EVO, C Intake valve opening, closing
Greek letters
aAbsolute flow angle (°)
bRelative flow angle (°)
gAdiabatic coefficient
dHeat exchanger effectiveness
eEffectiveness, correction factor
uAzemutal angle (°), tangential direction
lFriction factor
PPressure ratio
mDynamic viscosity (kg/s)
rDensity (kg/m
sImpeller slip factor
tDiesel ignition delay (s)
Figure A1. Velocity triangles applied to establish turbocharger’s components design.
18 International J of Engine Research 00(0)
fFlow coefficient, air to fuel ratio
cStage loading coefficient
vAngular speed (rad/s)
0 Total condition, impeller inlet
1, 2, 3,
States points
xAxial direction
OVR Overall
th Thermal
a Air
Dev Deviation
b Blade
ch Choking
T Turbine
C Compressor
is Isentropic
h Hub
tt Total total
ts Total static
m Meridional direction
req Required
r Radial direction
s Shroud, blade interspace (m)
t Thickness (mm), tangential direction, tip
x Axial direction
I Inducer
E Exducer
D Design
Mech Mechanical
IC Intercooler
El Hameur et al. 19
... In this aspect, several solutions are proposed by engineers, such as; forced induction [1,2], many strategies of combustion [3], injections [4] and camshaft control [5], exhaust gas after-treatment [6], and alternative fuels [7]. ...
... Concretely, the preceding literature review reveals the following research gaps: Thereafter, an accurate, rapid, and versatile procedure of engine charging is established in this work to reduce as possible all sources of error and interdepends effects between system components. The enhancement of our previously works [1,8] is performed by considering the emissions and cost levels during the TC-ICE matching process. ...
... Four validated in-house codes; namely, Pre and Post engine models, turbine's performance map generation, and 1D mean-line preliminary TC design code, are used in the actual procedure. On one hand, the Pre-engine model correspond to an analytical code, which estimates the required air mass flow  m req and boosting pressure P req to reach targeted performance [1]. Compared to Wave® numerical data, the Pre-engine model provided satisfactory prediction with maximum relative deviations in terms of  m air req and P air req of about 9.91%, and 3.23%, respectively. ...
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div class="section abstract"> An approach for turbocharging automotive engines to reach targeted performance was developed in which the environmental and economic aspects during the turbocharger-engine matching process were considered. Three numerical assessment levels based on output performance, exhaust emissions and techno-economic metrics are established to support users during the decision-making of adequate turbochargers that meets targeted data in terms of boosting and emissions. Satisfactory improvements are measured from a 1.5L, three-cylinders, turbocharged Diesel engine, in terms of brake specific fuel consumption, thermal efficiency and NOx concentrations of about 1.73% (decrease in fuel consumption of around 2.22ml/s), 1.76%, and 4.53% (correspond to a diminution of around 217.54ppm), respectively, at the engine’s extreme conditions (full load and rated power). In addition, for an application of another turbocharger, remarkable improvements in terms of HC and CO concentrations of about 6.23% (reduction of 41.167ppm), and 2.61% (diminution of around 1.271ppm), respectively, were found at the same engine’s extreme conditions. Furthermore, the superimposition of the engine operating area on compressor and turbine maps of all tested turbochargers ensured a secure functioning of the proposed compressor, reasonable mechanical and thermal loads of the in-cylinder chamber, and practical turbine inlet temperature at the engine’s extreme operations. Consequently, the enhanced methodology is considered a promising and helpful decision-support method that can be followed by researchers during the engine turbocharging process at both the earlier and last stages providing powerful and clean mobility of the vehicle. </div
... It starts by specifying the ICE characteristics, air conditions, and targeted performance. Then, a minimum weighted function using Equation 1 ensures a compromise of 50% between the deviations of mass flow rate and pressure ratio [30]: where m and C C req r eq Π are the compressor mass flow rate and pressure ratio required by the engine to reach the targeted performances. m and C C DP DP Π are the mass flow and pressure ratio measured at the design point of the CC map selected from the database. ...
... It is based on the use of geometrical parameters provided by preliminary design calculations and then followed by a comparison of the available geometries in the database, employing weighted functions f 2 , f 3 , and f global using Equations 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The function f global expresses a compromise of 50% between geometric weighted f 2 and f 3 [30]: . ...
... The output data of Code 2 are used to start the RIT rotor and volute design. For more details about the implementation of the aforementioned codes, see Ref. [30]. ...
The present article aims to propose an efficient methodology to match aerodynamically a 1.5 L, three-cylinder downsized diesel engine with a suitable turbocharger (TC) to boost its performance based on a selection procedure and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. First, a radial turbine stage was sized and designed applying one-dimensional (1D) preliminary design in-house codes and then followed by a numerical simulation to investigate the flow fields and to predict its performance. Based on the simulation results, a global turbine performance map was generated. On the other hand, following a meticulous selection approach, a suitable TC compressor was chosen from a database. Therefore, performance maps of the designed turbine and the selected compressor were matched with the engine simulation model. From the findings, the engine equipped with the proposed compressor developed an operating area far from the instabilities limits over the entire speed range, with a maximum surge margin of 23.37% measured at the engine’s extreme conditions (full load and rated power). Additionally, the new turbocharged (TCed) engine exhibits remarkable improvement in terms of brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption, compressor and turbine isentropic efficiencies at the engine rated power of about 5.41% (corresponding to an increase of 2.13 points), 5.14% (a decrease of 11 g/kW/hr), 4.07%, and 18.11%, respectively, compared to the original TCed engine. Furthermore, the measured brake power of the new TCed engine presented similar results as the original one, particularly at high engine speeds. Besides, maximum deviations of 7.31% and 0.45% were measured between the new and original TCed engines in terms of in-cylinder pressure and temperature, respectively, which guarantee the engine thermodynamic strength at the engine’s extreme conditions. Finally, the developed methodology reported satisfactory results in terms of the secure functioning and predicted performance of the engine, which can be considered as an important basis before initiating any detailed conception and/or further investigations such as vibration, mechanical stress, and heat transfer for fabrication purposes.
... Nowadays, drastic reinforcement of the pollutant emissions standards and growing user demand for powerful and cost-effective vehicles lead automotive and turbomachinery engineers to use advanced techniques in the area of combustion, 1 injection, 2 alternative fuels, 3,4 and forced induction; often referred to as ''charging'' technology. [5][6][7] Turbocharging technology stands out as a more prevalent and advantageous approach for improving both the performance and specific fuel consumption of an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). 8 At the heart of a Turbocharger (TC) lies the Radial Inflow Turbine (RIT), a component of paramount significance. ...
In the contemporary landscape, possessing an intricate understanding of the performance characteristics of turbocharger radial turbine proves invaluable during engine development phases, to improve predictive capabilities of calculation codes and enhance the critical process of matching engines with turbochargers. This research deals with offering two precise yet straightforward analytical functions intended to generate comprehensive performance maps of turbocharger turbines. This is achieved through a refined adjustment of a preexisting analytical function, after introducing an inventive multiplication factor that aligns numerical calculations with experimental data to predict the turbine’s expansion ratio. Besides, a second analytical function forecasts the turbine’s thermo-mechanical efficiency by establishing a power balance equation between the turbine and supplied compressor map. The outcome of the developed model is compared with existing method on two distinct turbochargers, encompassing various rotational speeds. Additionally, a sensitive analysis aiming to detect the most important factors affecting our developed model while exploring it possible validity range for different thermodynamic parameters. The results indicate that the two functions yield reliable estimations of turbine performance, with maximum; root mean square error, R2, and mean absolute percentage error indices find around 9.47%, 0.993, and 9.03% for the turbine expansion ratio, and about 4.42%, 0.612, and 19.78% for efficiency prediction. This novel model enhances simulation accuracy while preserving user-friendliness and robustness based on the prerequisite of limited geometric and thermodynamic parameters at the turbocharger boundaries. Finally, the main advantages of the proposed model is its adaptability for the implementation in calculation codes, turbomachinery optimization strategies and assessments of the design and performance, addressing scenarios where the original turbine maps are rarely provided by turbocharger manufacturers.
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The matching of the turbocharging system with a marine engine is an essential undertaking due to the turbocharger effects on the engine performance, emissions and response, whilst the limited data availability during the ship design phase renders it challenging. This study aims at developing a novel methodology for the matching of a single turbocharger and multiple turbochargers connected in parallel with marine engines. This methodology employs a compressor parametric modelling tool and a zero-dimensional engine model, whilst taking into account the engine operational profile and the turbocharger components flow limitations. The compressor parametric tool is used for the generation of a database with compressor families that can be investigated during the matching procedure. The model of one engine cylinder block is used for mapping the engine performance parameters at a wide engine operating envelope by developing response surfaces. The developed methodology is implemented for the case study of the turbocharger matching with the propulsion engine of an Aframax tanker. The annual fuel consumption and the engine load diagram upper limit are employed as the main objectives for the selection the turbocharging system. The derived results demonstrate that the effective turbocharger matching results in reducing the engine brake specific fuel consumption up to 5%. The identified turbochargers led to the reduction of the ship annual fuel consumption in the range 1.3%–5.3% compared to the reference engine, whilst providing a more expanded load diagram. This study overcomes the limitations of the manual engine turbocharger–matching process providing decision support on the effective turbocharger matching to satisfy contradictory objectives.
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The present work aims to carry out an off-design turbocharger modellingpowered by exhaust gases from a Wärtsilä 20V34SG engine. First of all, 1-D engine model was already developed in GT-Power software whileconsidering a thermodynamic turbocharger modelling with constantisentropic efficiencies. Secondly, by using the results from 1-D enginemodel, the off-design turbocharger modelling is calibrated separately inEES software, taking into account compressible assumption, trianglevelocities and geometric dimensions. The case study is derived from a R&Dproject (ANEEL PD-06483-0318/2018) that targets to cool and dehumidifythe intake air at compressor’s upstream through a cooling coil, therebyallowing engine’s operation at reduced knocking conditions. The brakemean effective pressure (BMEP) is varied in the range of 20 to 23.45 bar,corresponding to brake power from 8.7 to 10.2 MW, respectively. With theoff-design turbocharger modelling it is possible to analyze its operationalbehavior under higher BMEP, hence, allowing to predict some importantparameters. The results showed that the turbocharger is operating within themanufacturer’s limit for BMEP of 23.45 bar, presenting total-to-staticisentropic efficiencies of 0.81 and 0.784 for compressor and turbine,respectively, rotational speed around 28135 RPM, pressure ratio atcompressor of 4.567 and maintaining control on waste-gate valve.
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In order to improve the compactness and performance of the intake system of turbocharged diesel engines, an integrated intercooler intake system is provided. Porous media computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is used to analyze the flow and heat exchange performance of the integrated intercooler. The flow resistance, pressure fluctuation, temperature and pressure distribution of integrated intercoolers with different structures are compared by CFD simulation. The simulation results show that the best performance is achieved by the structure with central air intake with a baffle. Experimental study has been carried out to investigate the steady and transient performance of diesel engine with the original or integrated intercooler intake system. The test results show that with the use of the integrated intercooler intake system, the brake specific fuel consumption can be reduced by 5.9 g/kW·h at the rated condition, and the response time is reduced by 20.4 % under medium speed loading process.
Single-cylinder diesel engines are generally not turbocharged because of highly pulsating exhaust gas flow, resulting in increased speed fluctuations and reduced turbine performance. In the present work, a novel and simple method is proposed wherein an exhaust plenum is placed before the turbine to reduce the flow fluctuations. A production light-duty naturally aspirated (NA) diesel engine modified into the turbocharged version was incorporated with an exhaust plenum. Steady-state experiments were performed with the base naturally aspirated engine, the turbocharged version without an exhaust plenum (conventional pulse turbocharging), and the turbocharged version with the exhaust plenum. The present work attempts to establish the limitations of conventional pulse turbocharging in a single-cylinder diesel engine unavailable in the existing literature. Though the conventional pulse turbocharged version could deliver a boost pressure of about 2 bar (absolute), a brake power reduction of 40% and the associated drop in brake mean effective pressure was observed compared to the base NA engine due to high exhaust back pressures. The pumping work was four times higher in conventional pulse turbocharging than the NA engine, thus reducing the performance. After validating the simulation models, a one-dimensional simulation tool was used to evaluate the effect of incorporating exhaust plenum before the turbine. Simulated results predicted the brake power output within a 3% error for the NA and plenum turbocharging configurations. An optimal plenum volume was arrived at using the validated simulation model. Subsequent experiments on the turbocharged engine with the plenum in place showed a significant improvement in the engine performance and reduced exhaust emissions compared to the NA version. Brake power output was enhanced by 25%, which indicated improved thermal efficiency of 2%. Compared to the NA version, the soot, carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbon HC emissions were reduced by 93%, 88%, and 53%, respectively. However, an increase in oxides of nitrogen (NO x ) emissions was seen, which can be controlled with suitable mitigation methods taking advantage of the significantly lower soot levels. Thus, the proposed method of placing an exhaust plenum before the turbine makes turbocharging viable on single-cylinder diesel engines with performance improvement and emission reduction when suitable NO x mitigation measures are adopted.
Conference Paper
Turbocharging has become a fundamental technology to realize engine downsizing, which is an attractive strategy for low carbon vehicles in the near term. The stable operation of turbocharger compressors at low and high flow rates is crucial to provide peak torque demand and rated power for turbocharged automotive engines. The scroll or volute is a key component in centrifugal compressors as its design not only impacts the compressor efficiency but also affects the operating range. This component causes a distorted pressure field upstream which can contribute to stall on the impeller, inducing surge. As the flow inside the volute is fully three dimensional and turbulent, a better understanding of flow mechanisms is key to enable a volute design methodology. In this study, a centrifugal compressor stage has been modelled numerically and validated by experimental results, to identify the geometric parameters of the volute which contribute to the main flow losses. By solving Reynolds average Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations using a commercial code, the threedimensional flow field of the compressor was modelled. Based on detailed analysis of this flow field, and the impact of various geometric parameters, an optimized volute was developed. The results showed that the total-to-total isentropic efficiency and surge margin could be improved by 1.5% and 4.5%, respectively at design speed.
Internal combustion engines working at cold conditions lead to the production of excessive pollutant emissions levels. The use of the exhaust gas recirculation could be necessary to reduce the nitrogen oxides emissions, even at these conditions. This paper evaluates the impact of using the high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation strategy while the diesel particulate filter is under active regeneration mode on a Euro 6 turbocharged diesel engine running at low ambient temperature (−7°C). This strategy is evaluated under 40 h of operation, 20 of them using the two systems in combination. The results show that the activation of the high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation during the particulate filter regeneration process leads to a 50% nitrogen oxides emissions reduction with respect to a reference case without exhaust gas recirculation. Moreover, the modification of some engine parameters compared to the base calibration, as the exhaust gas recirculation rate, the main fuel injection timing and the post injection quantity, allows to optimize this strategy by reducing the carbon monoxide emissions up to 60%. Regarding the hydrocarbons emissions and fuel consumption, a small advantage could be observed using this strategy. However, the activation of the high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation at low temperatures can produce fouling deposits and condensation on the engine components (valve, cooler, intake manifold, etc.) and can contribute to reach saturation conditions on the particulate filter. For these reasons, the regeneration efficiency is followed during the experiments through the filter status, concluding that the use of low high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation rates in combination with the regeneration mode also allows to clean the soot particles of the particulate filter. These soot depositions are visualized and presented at the end of this work with a brief analysis of the soot characteristics and a quantitative estimation of the total soot volume produced during the experimental campaign.
Preliminary design of centrifugal compressors is an emphasized step, which initiates the design process. Even with the use of quick analysis methods such as one-dimensional models, preliminary design still occupies a substantial part of the total design time. Among the factors that can lengthen this time or even cause the design failure is the inappropriate selection of the design input parameters. The present paper proposes a methodology to generate optimal inputs for the preliminary design, which reduces the design time and optimizes its overall performance. This is achieved, firstly, by performing an aerothermodynamic analysis that defines the appropriate input parameters, which will be used by a preliminary design code. This analysis has allowed identifying three pilot parameters (inlet relative Mach number, work input factor, and slip factor) to guide the generation of adequate input parameters. This input parameter generator, which reduces considerably the failure rate, is then exploited efficiently in an optimization process considering the pilot parameters as decision variables. Therefore, the proposed input parameter generator is coupled with a preliminary design code and an optimization algorithm. The proposed input parameter generator was validated on four existing compressors, showing a gain of more than 90% of the design time. Mainly, the proposed optimization has created a preliminary design trade-off having the target requirements and with optimized off-design performance.
Downsizing a diesel engine using turbocharger and coupling it with exhaust gas recirculation is the recent trend to improve engine performance and emission control. For diesel engines, it is important to match a turbocharger that meets both the low-speed torque and high-speed power requirements. This article presents a method of turbocharger design optimization for a turbocharged diesel engine equipped with exhaust gas recirculation, on the basis of parametric study of turbocharger geometry. Turbocharger through-flow model along with one-dimensional engine model is used to study the effect of key geometric parameters of the compressor and turbine on engine brake torque, brake-specific fuel consumption, air flowrate and cylinder peak temperature. For compressor, the research emphasizes on impeller inlet relative diameter, inlet blade tip angle, impeller exit blade angle and exit blade height, while for turbine parameters such as volute throat area, inlet blade height, inlet diameter, outlet diameter and rotor exit blade angle are taken into account. Results show that in case of compressor, engine performance is sensitive to the inlet relative diameter, inlet blade angle and exit blade angle. In case of turbine, volute throat area, inlet blade height and inlet diameter have vital effect on engine performance. On the basis of results, an optimized turbocharger design is developed. Comparison shows prominent improvement in turbocharger maps and engine performance. Compressor maximum efficiency and pressure ratio are increased from 73% to 77% and 3.166 to 3.305, respectively. Most importantly, the area of compressor maximum efficiency zone is increased considerably. Also turbine efficiency is increased from 71.42% to 76.94%. As a result, engine torque and air flowrate are increased up to 5.26% and 8.31%, respectively, while brake-specific fuel consumption and cylinder peak temperature are decreased up to 5.00% and 4.31%, respectively.
A turbocharger is certainly one of the fundamental devices being employed to enhance output power of petrol and/or diesel and is of paramount importance for use in heavy duty diesel engines. This work aims to increase the power of a six-cylinder turbocharged, four stroke, direct injection heavy duty diesel engine via replacing its fitted turbocharger with a properly selected and matched one. The matching criteria and the effect of intercooler presence are studied. A performance prediction model for turbocharged engine is created to investigate the engine-turbocharger matching. To address this, a program code has been upgraded and modified to select the suitable engine turbocharger using FORTRAN PowerStation 5.0 language. The study includes also an experimental part; where three types of turbochargers, (namely HX80, HB3 and HX40) are tested. The P-Ф diagram, the engine performance parameters together with the exhaust and soot emissions are measured and compared for the cases of original and best turbocharger (HX80). The developed computer algorithm appears to provide results that are in good agreement, within accuracy of + 5%, with the measured data; a fact that encourages designers to trusty use it in their selection and matching of a turbocharger to diesel engines.