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Three families of Asgard archaeal viruses identified in metagenome-assembled genomes

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Abstract and Figures

Asgardarchaeota harbour many eukaryotic signature proteins and are widely considered to represent the closest archaeal relatives of eukaryotes. Whether similarities between Asgard archaea and eukaryotes extend to their viromes remains unknown. Here we present 20 metagenome-assembled genomes of Asgardarchaeota from deep-sea sediments of the basin off the Shimokita Peninsula, Japan. By combining a CRISPR spacer search of metagenomic sequences with phylogenomic analysis, we identify three family-level groups of viruses associated with Asgard archaea. The first group, verdandiviruses, includes tailed viruses of the class Caudoviricetes (realm Duplodnaviria); the second, skuldviruses, consists of viruses with predicted icosahedral capsids of the realm Varidnaviria; and the third group, wyrdviruses, is related to spindle-shaped viruses previously identified in other archaea. More than 90% of the proteins encoded by these viruses of Asgard archaea show no sequence similarity to proteins encoded by other known viruses. Nevertheless, all three proposed families consist of viruses typical of prokaryotes, providing no indication of specific evolutionary relationships between viruses infecting Asgard archaea and eukaryotes. Verdandiviruses and skuldviruses are likely to be lytic, whereas wyrdviruses potentially establish chronic infection and are released without host cell lysis. All three groups of viruses are predicted to play important roles in controlling Asgard archaea populations in deep-sea ecosystems.
Diversity of skuldviruses a, Genome maps of skuldviruses and PM2 virus. Homologous genes are shown using the same colours, with the key provided at the bottom. Also shown is the deduced schematic organization of the skuldvirus virion, with colours matching those of genes encoding the corresponding proteins. Coloured circles indicate the positions of protospacers. Grey shading connects genes displaying sequence similarity at the protein level, with the percentage of sequence identity indicated by different shades of grey (scale on the right). Asterisks denote complete genomes assembled as circular contigs. RCRE, rolling circle replication endonuclease. Genome map of corticovirus PM2 is shown for comparison. b, Sequence similarity network of prokaryotic virus DJR MCPs. Protein sequences were clustered by pairwise sequence similarity using CLANS. Lines connect sequences with CLANS P ≤ 1 × 10–4. CLANS uses P values of BLASTP comparisons calculated from Poisson distribution of high-scoring segment pairs. Different previously defined groups⁴² of DJR MCP are shown as clouds of differentially coloured circles, with the key provided on the right. Note that the Odin group has been named as such previously because some of the MCPs in this cluster originated from Odinarchaeia bin⁴². The position of Huginnvirus described by Tamarit et al.⁶⁶ is indicated. Subgroups PRD1, Toil and Bam35 are named after corresponding members of the family Tectiviridae. Skuldviruses are highlighted within a yellow circle. When available, MCP structures of viruses representing each group are shown next to the corresponding cluster (PDB accession numbers given in parentheses). The Skuldvirus cluster is represented by a structural model of the SkuldV1 MCP. Models are coloured according to their secondary structure: α-helices, dark blue; β-strands, light blue.
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1Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Cité, CNRS UMR6047, Archaeal Virology Unit, Paris, France. 2Center of Life Science, Skolkovo Institute of Science and
Technology, Moscow, Russia. 3Australian Centre for Ecogenomics, School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia,
Queensland, Australia. 4National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.
5Research Center for Bioscience and Nanoscience, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokosuka, Japan. 6Present address:
Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Cité, CNRS UMR6047, Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell Unit, Paris, France. e-mail:;;
Asgard archaea are an expansive group of metabolically ver-
satile archaea that thrive primarily in anoxic sediments
around the globe19. Based on phylogenomic analyses,
Asgard archaea were originally classified into multiple phylum-level
lineages, including Lokiarchaeota, Thorarchaeota, Odinarchaeota,
Heimdallarchaeota, Helarchaeota, Sifarchaeota, Wukongarchaeota
and several others, most of which were named after Norse gods1,5,7,912.
Recently, taxonomic rank normalization using relative evolu-
tionary divergence has suggested that Asgard archaea represent a
phylum, tentatively named Asgardarchaeota, including the classes
Lokiarchaeia, Thorarchaeia, Odinarchaeia, Heimdallarchaeia,
Sifarchaeia, Hermodarchaeia, Sifarchaeia, Baldrarchaeia,
Wukongarchaeia and Jordarchaeia, with the other lineages clas-
sified as lower-rank taxa within the classes8,13. The vast majority
of Asgard archaea have been discovered through metagenomics,
whereas only one species has been isolated and successfully grown
in the laboratory14. Asgard archaea gained prominence due to
their inferred key role in the origin of eukaryotes15. Indeed,
Heimdallarchaeia form a sister group to eukaryotes in most phy-
logenetic analyses1,5 although alternative phylogenies have also
been presented16,17. Compared with other archaea, Asgard archaea
encode a substantially expanded set of eukaryotic signature pro-
teins, including many proteins implicated in membrane traffick-
ing, vesicle formation and transport, cytoskeleton formation, the
ubiquitin network and other processes characteristic of eukary-
otes1,5. A tantalizing question is whether eukaryotes also inherited
viruses and other types of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) from
the Asgard archaea.
Viruses infecting archaea are remarkably diverse, in terms of both
their genome sequences and virion structures1820. Some archaeal
viruses, in particular those with icosahedral virions, are evolution-
arily related to bacterial and eukaryotic viruses but the majority of
archaeal virus groups are specific to archaea, with no identifiable
relatives in the two other domains. Archaea-specific viruses often
have odd-shaped virions that resemble lemons, champagne bottles
or droplets19. Most archaeal viruses have, thus far, been isolated
from hyperthermophilic or halophilic hosts, with only a handful of
virus species described for methanogenic and ammonia-oxidizing
mesophilic archaea18. No viruses infecting Asgard archaea have
been isolated, primarily due to the inherent difficulty in propaga-
tion of Asgard archaeal hosts. Nevertheless, analysis of CRISPR–Cas
loci in the genomes of Asgard archaea revealed a remarkable diver-
sity of defence systems in these organisms21, implying a rich Asgard
archaeal virome. CRISPR arrays are archives of past encounters with
viruses and other MGEs, which can be harnessed to uncover the
associations between viruses and their hosts. Indeed, matching the
CRISPR spacers from a known organism to viruses with unknown
hosts is widely used in host assignment for viruses discovered by
metagenomics and, arguably, is the most straightforward and effi-
cient approach to identification of the hosts of viruses infecting
Here we harness CRISPR spacer sequences from the sequenced
Asgard archaeal genomes to search for viruses infecting these
organisms, and describe three distinct family-level groups of
Asgard-associated viruses, all of which display typical features of
viruses infecting bacteria or archaea.
Three families of Asgard archaeal viruses
identified in metagenome-assembled genomes
Sofia Medvedeva1,2,6, Jiarui Sun3, Natalya Yutin 4, Eugene V. Koonin 4, Takuro Nunoura 5 ✉ ,
Christian Rinke 3 ✉ and Mart Krupovic 1 ✉
Asgardarchaeota harbour many eukaryotic signature proteins and are widely considered to represent the closest archaeal rela-
tives of eukaryotes. Whether similarities between Asgard archaea and eukaryotes extend to their viromes remains unknown.
Here we present 20 metagenome-assembled genomes of Asgardarchaeota from deep-sea sediments of the basin off the
Shimokita Peninsula, Japan. By combining a CRISPR spacer search of metagenomic sequences with phylogenomic analysis, we
identify three family-level groups of viruses associated with Asgard archaea. The first group, verdandiviruses, includes tailed
viruses of the class Caudoviricetes (realm Duplodnaviria); the second, skuldviruses, consists of viruses with predicted icosahe-
dral capsids of the realm Varidnaviria; and the third group, wyrdviruses, is related to spindle-shaped viruses previously identi-
fied in other archaea. More than 90% of the proteins encoded by these viruses of Asgard archaea show no sequence similarity
to proteins encoded by other known viruses. Nevertheless, all three proposed families consist of viruses typical of prokary-
otes, providing no indication of specific evolutionary relationships between viruses infecting Asgard archaea and eukaryotes.
Verdandiviruses and skuldviruses are likely to be lytic, whereas wyrdviruses potentially establish chronic infection and are
released without host cell lysis. All three groups of viruses are predicted to play important roles in controlling Asgard archaea
populations in deep-sea ecosystems.
NATURE MICROBIOLOGY | VOL 7 | JULY 2022 | 962–973 |
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
... Identified Methanoperedens viruses were compared with available prokaryotic viruses through (1) gene-sharing networks 69 with viral references including RefSeq viral genomes (release 217), Asgard and ANME-1 archaeal viruses 26,70 and (2) comprehensive BLAST against the latest IMG/VR v4 database 25 . The generated gene-sharing network was visualized using Cytoscape v3.9.1 71 . ...
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Methane emissions are mitigated by anaerobic methane-oxidizing archaea, including Methanoperedens. Some Methanoperedens host huge extrachromosomal genetic elements (ECEs) called Borgs that may modulate their activity, yet the broader diversity of Methanoperedens ECEs is understudied. Here we report small enigmatic linear ECEs, circular viruses and unclassified ECEs that are predicted to replicate within Methanoperedens. Linear ECEs have inverted terminal repeats, tandem repeats and coding patterns that are strongly reminiscent of Borgs, but they are only 52–145 kb in length. As they share proteins with Borgs and Methanoperedens, we refer to them as mini-Borgs. Mini-Borgs are genetically diverse and can be assigned to at least five family-level groups. We identify eight families of Methanoperedens viruses, some of which encode multi-haem cytochromes, and circular ECEs encoding transposon-associated TnpB genes with proximal population-heterogeneous CRISPR arrays. These ECEs exchange genetic information with each other and with Methanoperedens, probably impacting their archaeal host activity and evolution.
... To date, only a limited number of archaeal viruses have been isolated by traditional cultivation-dependent methods [31][32][33][34]. In recent years, an increasing diversity of archaeal viruses has been uncovered through metagenomic data mining [35], including viruses associated with Asgard archaea [36][37][38], methanogenic archaea [39], methanotrophic ANME-1 archaea [40], ammoniaoxidizing archaea [41][42][43][44], and marine Group II Euryarchaeota (Poseidoniales) [45]. Although viruses linked to Bathyarchaeia have been reported [46][47][48][49], their gene content, diversity, classification, and virus-host interactions have not comprehensively assessed, Figure 1. ...
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Bathyarchaeia represent a class of archaea common and abundant in sedimentary ecosystems. Here we report 56 metagenome-assembled genomes of Bathyarchaeia viruses identified in metagenomes from different environments. Gene sharing network and phylogenomic analyses led to the proposal of four virus families, including viruses of the realms Duplodnaviria and Adnaviria, and archaea-specific spindle-shaped viruses. Genomic analyses uncovered diverse CRISPR elements in these viruses. Viruses of the proposed family “Fuxiviridae” harbor an atypical type IV-B CRISPR-Cas system and a Cas4 protein that might interfere with host immunity. Viruses of the family “Chiyouviridae” encode a Cas2-like endonuclease and two mini-CRISPR arrays, one with a repeat identical to that in the host CRISPR array, potentially allowing the virus to recruit the host CRISPR adaptation machinery to acquire spacers that could contribute to competition with other mobile genetic elements or to inhibit host defenses. These findings present an outline of the Bathyarchaeia virome and offer a glimpse into their counter-defense mechanisms.
... Cultur e-independent genomic studies on samples fr om extr eme envir onments hav e uncov er ed se v er al ne w arc haeal virus genomes, such as those of six Asgard viruses (Medv ede v a et al. 2022 , Rambo et al. 2022, Tamarit et al. 2022 ). Furthermore, se v er al viruses not belonging to any of the known families repr esenting ne w virus types , ha ve been unco v er ed in this manner (Laso-Pér ez et al. 2023, Medv ede v a et al. 2022, Molnár et al. 2020, Iranzo et al. 2016, Dávila-Ramos et al. 2019, Liu et al. 2019. ...
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Archaeal viruses display a high degree of structural and genomic diversity. Few details are known about the mechanisms by which these viruses enter and exit their host cells. Research on archaeal viruses has lately made significant progress due to advances in genetic tools and imaging techniques, such as cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). In recent years, a steady output of newly identified archaeal viral receptors and egress mechanisms has offered the first insight into how archaeal viruses interact with the archaeal cell envelope. As more details about archaeal viral entry and egress are unravelled, patterns are starting to emerge. This helps to better understand the interactions between viruses and the archaeal cell envelope and how these compare to infection strategies of viruses infecting other domains of life. Here we provide an overview of recent developments in the field of archaeal viral entry and egress, shedding light onto the most elusive part of the virosphere.
... Every virus particle includes only one type of the mentioned nucleic acid types. This genetic strand encodes a corresponding protein which constructs a nucleicacid-protein complex [116,117]. It is discovered that different viruses represent different construction formats to produce this complex. ...
... CRISPR arrays with evidence level =4 (repeats conservation index >70%, spacers identity <8%) were retained in the 'methanogens CRISPR database'. 'Methanogens CRISPR database' was enriched with spacers from metagenomic data, as in ref. 94. Metagenomes were processed using the CRISPR-Cas-Finder programme 93 with the -cSA option, which allows detection of CRISPR arrays in short metagenomic contigs. ...
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Methanogenic archaea are major producers of methane, a potent greenhouse gas and biofuel, and are widespread in diverse environments, including the animal gut. The ecophysiology of methanogens is likely impacted by viruses, which remain, however, largely uncharacterized. Here we carried out a global investigation of viruses associated with all current diversity of methanogens by assembling an extensive CRISPR database consisting of 156,000 spacers. We report 282 high-quality (pro)viral and 205 virus-like/plasmid sequences assigned to hosts belonging to ten main orders of methanogenic archaea. Viruses of methanogens can be classified into 87 families, underscoring a still largely undiscovered genetic diversity. Viruses infecting gut-associated archaea provide evidence of convergence in adaptation with viruses infecting gut-associated bacteria. These viruses contain a large repertoire of lysin proteins that cleave archaeal pseudomurein and are enriched in glycan-binding domains (Ig-like/Flg_new) and diversity-generating retroelements. The characterization of this vast repertoire of viruses paves the way towards a better understanding of their role in regulating methanogen communities globally, as well as the development of much-needed genetic tools.
Asgard Archaea are of great interest as the progenitors of Eukaryotes, but little is known about the mobile genetic elements (MGEs) that may shape their ongoing evolution. Here, we describe MGEs that replicate in Atabeyarchaeia, wetland Asgard archaea phylum represented by two complete genomes. We used soil depth-resolved population metagenomic datasets to track 18 MGEs for which genome structures were defined and precise chromosome integration sites could be identified for confident host linkage. Additionally, we identified a complete 20.67 kilobase pair (kbp) circular plasmid (the first reported for Asgard archaea) and two groups of viruses linked to Atabeyarchaeia, via CRISPR spacer targeting. Closely related 40 kbp viruses possess a hypervariable genomic region encoding combinations of specific genes for small cysteine-rich proteins structurally similar to restriction-homing endonucleases. One 10.9 kbp circularizable plasmid-like MGE integrates genomically into an Atabeyarchaeia chromosome and has a 2.5 kbp circularizable element integrated within it. The 10.9 kbp MGE encodes a highly expressed methylase with a sequence specificity matching an active methylation motif identified by PacBio sequencing. Restriction-modification of Atabeyarchaeia differs from that of another coexisting Asgard archaea Freyarchaeia which has few identified MGEs but possesses diverse defense mechanisms, including DISARM and Hachiman not found in Atabeyarchaeia. Overall, defense systems and methylation mechanisms of Asgard archaea likely modulate their interactions with MGEs, and integration/excision and copy number variation of MGEs in turn enable host genetic versatility.
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Nearly all organisms are hosts to multiple viruses that collectively appear to be the most abundant biological entities in the biosphere. With recent advances in metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, the known diversity of viruses substantially expanded. Comparative analysis of these viruses using advanced computational methods culminated in the reconstruction of the evolution of major groups of viruses and enabled the construction of a virus megataxonomy, which has been formally adopted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. This comprehensive taxonomy consists of six virus realms, which are aspired to be monophyletic and assembled based on the conservation of hallmark proteins involved in capsid structure formation or genome replication. The viruses in different major taxa substantially differ in host range and accordingly in ecological niches. In this review article, we outline the latest developments in virus megataxonomy and the recent discoveries that will likely lead to reassessment of some major taxa, in particular, split of three of the current six realms into two or more independent realms. We then discuss the correspondence between virus taxonomy and the distribution of viruses among hosts and ecological niches, as well as the abundance of viruses vs. cells in different habitats. The distribution of viruses across environments appears to be primarily determined by the host ranges, that is, the virome is shaped by the composition of the biome in a given habitat, which itself is affected by abiotic factors.
During the past decade, environmental research has demonstrated that archaea are abundant and widespread in nature and play important ecological roles at a global scale. Currently, however, the majority of archaeal lineages cannot be cultivated under laboratory conditions and are known exclusively or nearly exclusively through metagenomics. A similar trend extends to the archaeal virosphere, where isolated representatives are available for a handful of model archaeal virus-host systems. Viral metagenomics provides an alternative way to circumvent the limitations of culture-based virus discovery and offers insight into the diversity, distribution, and environmental impact of uncultured archaeal viruses. Presently, metagenomics approaches have been successfully applied to explore the viromes associated with various lineages of extremophilic and mesophilic archaea, including Asgard archaea (Asgardarchaeota), ANME-1 archaea (Methanophagales), thaumarchaea (Nitrososphaeria), altiarchaea (Altiarchaeota), and marine group II archaea (Poseidoniales). Here, we provide an overview of methods widely used in archaeal virus metagenomics, covering metavirome preparation, genome annotation, phylogenetic and phylogenomic analyses, and archaeal host assignment. We hope that this summary will contribute to further exploration and characterization of the enigmatic archaeal virome lurking in diverse environments.
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Asgard archaea have recently been identified as the closest archaeal relatives of eukaryotes. Their ecology, and particularly their virome, remain enigmatic. We reassembled and closed the chromosome of Candidatus Odinarchaeum yellowstonii LCB_4, through long-range PCR, revealing CRISPR spacers targeting viral contigs. We found related viruses in the genomes of diverse prokaryotes from geothermal environments, including other Asgard archaea. These viruses open research avenues into the ecology and evolution of Asgard archaea.
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Asgard archaea are globally distributed prokaryotic microorganisms related to eukaryotes; however, viruses that infect these organisms have not been described. Here, using metagenome sequences recovered from deep-sea hydrothermal sediments, we characterize six relatively large (up to 117 kb) double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viral genomes that infected two Asgard archaeal phyla, Lokiarchaeota and Helarchaeota. These viruses encode Caudovirales-like structural proteins, as well as proteins distinct from those described in known archaeal viruses. Their genomes contain around 1–5% of genes associated with eukaryotic nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDVs) and appear to be capable of semi-autonomous genome replication, repair, epigenetic modifications and transcriptional regulation. Moreover, Helarchaeota viruses may hijack host ubiquitin systems similar to eukaryotic viruses. Genomic analysis of these Asgard viruses reveals that they contain features of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic viruses, and provides insights into their potential infection and host interaction mechanisms.
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Eukaryotic genomes are known to have garnered innovations from both archaeal and bacterial domains but the sequence of events that led to the complex gene repertoire of eukaryotes is largely unresolved. Here, through the enrichment of hydrothermal vent microorganisms, we recovered two circularized genomes of Heimdallarchaeum species that belong to an Asgard archaea clade phylogenetically closest to eukaryotes. These genomes reveal diverse mobile elements, including an integrative viral genome that bidirectionally replicates in a circular form and aloposons, transposons that encode the 5,000 amino acid-sized proteins Otus and Ephialtes . Heimdallaechaeal mobile elements have garnered various genes from bacteria and bacteriophages, likely playing a role in shuffling functions across domains. The number of archaea- and bacteria-related genes follow strikingly different scaling laws in Asgard archaea, exhibiting a genome size-dependent ratio and a functional division resembling the bacteria- and archaea-derived gene repertoire across eukaryotes. Bacterial gene import has thus likely been a continuous process unaltered by eukaryogenesis and scaled up through genome expansion. Our data further highlight the importance of viewing eukaryogenesis in a pan-Asgard context, which led to the proposal of a conceptual framework, that is, the Heimdall nucleation–decentralized innovation–hierarchical import model that accounts for the emergence of eukaryotic complexity.
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PHIST (Phage-Host Interaction Search Tool) predicts prokaryotic hosts of viruses based on exact matches between viral and host genomes. It improves host prediction accuracy at species level over current alignment-based tools (on average by 3 percentage points) as well as alignment-free and CRISPR-based tools (by 14–20 percentage points). PHIST is also two orders of magnitude faster than alignment-based tools making it suitable for metagenomics studies. Availability and implementation GNU-licensed C ++ code wrapped in Python API available at: Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
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The archaeal tailed viruses (arTV), evolutionarily related to tailed double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) bacteriophages of the class Caudoviricetes, represent the most common isolates infecting halophilic archaea. Only a handful of these viruses have been genomically characterized, limiting our appreciation of their ecological impacts and evolution. Here, we present 37 new genomes of haloarchaeal tailed virus isolates, more than doubling the current number of sequenced arTVs. Analysis of all 63 available complete genomes of arTVs, which we propose to classify into 14 new families and 3 orders, suggests ancient divergence of archaeal and bacterial tailed viruses and points to an extensive sharing of genes involved in DNA metabolism and counter defense mechanisms, illuminating common strategies of virus–host interactions with tailed bacteriophages. Coupling of the comparative genomics with the host range analysis on a broad panel of haloarchaeal species uncovered 4 distinct groups of viral tail fiber adhesins controlling the host range expansion. The survey of metagenomes using viral hallmark genes suggests that the global architecture of the arTV community is shaped through recurrent transfers between different biomes, including hypersaline, marine, and anoxic environments.
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Coenzyme F430, the prosthetic group of methyl coenzyme M reductase (MCR), is a key compound in methane metabolism. We applied coenzyme F430 as a function-specific biomarker of methanogenesis to subsurface marine sediments collected below the sulfate reduction zone to investigate the distribution and activity of methanogens. In addition, we examined the kinetics of the epimerization of coenzyme F430, which is the first stage of the degradation process after cell death, at various temperatures (4, 15, 34, 60 °C) and pH (5, 7, 9) conditions, which cover in situ conditions of drilled sediments used in this study. The degradation experiments revealed that the kinetics of the epimerization well follow the thermodynamic laws, and the half-life of coenzyme F430 is decreasing from 304 days to 11 h with increasing the in situ temperature. It indicates that the native F430 detected in the sediments is derived from living methanogens, because the abiotic degradation of F430 is much faster than the sedimentation rate and will not be fossilized. Based on coenzyme F430 analysis and degradation experiments, the native form of F430 detected in subseafloor sediments off the Shimokita Peninsula originates from living methanogen cells, which is protected from degradation in cells but disappears soon after cell death. The biomass of methanogens calculated from in situ F430 concentration and F430 contents in cultivable methanogen species decreases by 2 orders of magnitude up to a sediment depth of 2.5 km, with a maximum value at ∼70 m below the seafloor (mbsf), while the proportion of methanogens to the total prokaryotic cell abundance increases with the depth, which is 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher than expected previously. Our results indicate the presence of undetectable methanogens using conventional techniques.
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The continental subsurface houses a major portion of life’s abundance and diversity, yet little is known about viruses infecting microbes that reside there. Here, we use a combination of metagenomics and virus-targeted direct-geneFISH (virusFISH) to show that highly abundant carbon-fixing organisms of the uncultivated genus Candidatus Altiarchaeum are frequent targets of previously unrecognized viruses in the deep subsurface. Analysis of CRISPR spacer matches display resistances of Ca . Altiarchaea against eight predicted viral clades, which show genomic relatedness across continents but little similarity to previously identified viruses. Based on metagenomic information, we tag and image a putatively viral genome rich in protospacers using fluorescence microscopy. VirusFISH reveals a lytic lifestyle of the respective virus and challenges previous predictions that lysogeny prevails as the dominant viral lifestyle in the subsurface. CRISPR development over time and imaging of 18 samples from one subsurface ecosystem suggest a sophisticated interplay of viral diversification and adapting CRISPR-mediated resistances of Ca . Altiarchaeum. We conclude that infections of primary producers with lytic viruses followed by cell lysis potentially jump-start heterotrophic carbon cycling in these subsurface ecosystems.
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Deep learning takes on protein folding In 1972, Anfinsen won a Nobel prize for demonstrating a connection between a protein’s amino acid sequence and its three-dimensional structure. Since 1994, scientists have competed in the biannual Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP) protein-folding challenge. Deep learning methods took center stage at CASP14, with DeepMind’s Alphafold2 achieving remarkable accuracy. Baek et al . explored network architectures based on the DeepMind framework. They used a three-track network to process sequence, distance, and coordinate information simultaneously and achieved accuracies approaching those of DeepMind. The method, RoseTTA fold, can solve challenging x-ray crystallography and cryo–electron microscopy modeling problems and generate accurate models of protein-protein complexes. —VV
Spindle- or lemon-shaped viruses infect archaea in diverse environments. Due to the highly pleomorphic nature of these virions, which can be found with cylindrical tails emanating from the spindle-shaped body, structural studies of these capsids have been challenging. We have determined the atomic structure of the capsid of Sulfolobus monocaudavirus 1, a virus that infects hosts living in nearly boiling acid. A highly hydrophobic protein, likely integrated into the host membrane before the virions assemble, forms 7 strands that slide past each other in both the tails and the spindle body. We observe the discrete steps that occur as the tail tubes expand, and these are due to highly conserved quasiequivalent interactions with neighboring subunits maintained despite significant diameter changes. Our results show how helical assemblies can vary their diameters, becoming nearly spherical to package a larger genome and suggest how all spindle-shaped viruses have evolved from archaeal rod-like viruses.