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Prevention of Blindness in Stickler Syndrome



Stickler syndromes are inherited conditions caused by abnormalities of structural proteins in the eye, inner ear and cartilage. The risk of retinal detachment, particularly due to the development of giant retinal tears, is high. Stickler syndrome is the most common cause of childhood retinal detachment. Although retinal detachment surgery in the general population has a high success rate, outcomes from surgical repair in Stickler syndrome patients are notoriously poor, providing a strong argument for prophylactic intervention. Variable case selection, absence of molecular genetic sub-typing and inconsistent treatment strategies have all contributed to the historic uncertainty regarding the safety and efficacy of prophylactic treatment. This paper reviews the major published clinical studies that have evaluated different methods and strategies for prophylaxis. Based on the current body of literature, there is extremely strong evidence from cohort comparison studies demonstrating the efficacy and safety of prophylactic retinopexy to reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of retinal detachment in Stickler syndrome patients. It is vital that this body of evidence is provided to Stickler syndrome patients, to enable them to make their own fully informed choice about whether to receive prophylaxis for themselves and particularly on behalf of their affected children, to reduce the risk of retinal detachment.
Citation: Alexander, P.; Snead, M.P.
Prevention of Blindness in Stickler
Syndrome. Genes 2022,13, 1150.
Academic Editor: Rui Chen
Received: 3 May 2022
Accepted: 17 June 2022
Published: 26 June 2022
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Prevention of Blindness in Stickler Syndrome
Philip Alexander 1, 2, * and Martin P. Snead 1,2,3
1NHS England Stickler Syndrome Highly Specialised Service, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK;
Vitreoretinal Service, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK
3Vitreoretinal Research Group, John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge, Forvie Site,
Cambridge CB2 0PY, UK
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +44-(0)-1223-216106
Stickler syndromes are inherited conditions caused by abnormalities of structural proteins
in the eye, inner ear and cartilage. The risk of retinal detachment, particularly due to the development
of giant retinal tears, is high. Stickler syndrome is the most common cause of childhood retinal
detachment. Although retinal detachment surgery in the general population has a high success rate,
outcomes from surgical repair in Stickler syndrome patients are notoriously poor, providing a strong
argument for prophylactic intervention. Variable case selection, absence of molecular genetic sub-
typing and inconsistent treatment strategies have all contributed to the historic uncertainty regarding
the safety and efficacy of prophylactic treatment. This paper reviews the major published clinical
studies that have evaluated different methods and strategies for prophylaxis. Based on the current
body of literature, there is extremely strong evidence from cohort comparison studies demonstrating
the efficacy and safety of prophylactic retinopexy to reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of retinal
detachment in Stickler syndrome patients. It is vital that this body of evidence is provided to Stickler
syndrome patients, to enable them to make their own fully informed choice about whether to receive
prophylaxis for themselves and particularly on behalf of their affected children, to reduce the risk of
retinal detachment.
retinal detachment prophylaxis; cryotherapy; laser retinopexy; giant retinal tear; stickler
syndrome; COL2A1; COL11A1
1. Introduction
Stickler syndromes are hereditary vitreoretinopathies caused by abnormalities in
structural proteins that are essential for the normal development of the eye, inner ear, and
cartilage. Although originally thought to be a single disorder, at least 10 different subtypes
of Stickler syndrome have now been defined, with Type 1 Stickler syndrome accounting
for 80% of patients. The most common threat to vision in patients with Stickler syndrome
is the risk of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, which frequently affects both eyes and
can occur in childhood. This article explores the rationale and evidence for preventative
strategies against retinal detachment in patients with Stickler syndrome.
2. Methods
The PubMed database was searched for cohort studies and reports of novel techniques,
investigating retinal detachment prophylaxis for patients with Stickler syndrome. Rele-
vant articles were retrieved, and the authors then manually reviewed the reference lists
of primary studies and review articles to retrieve additional articles. The last search was
performed in February 2022. The literature search strategy was based on the patient, inter-
vention, comparison and outcome principle. The search included, but was not limited to,
Genes 2022,13, 1150.
Genes 2022,13, 1150 2 of 9
combinations of the following terms: ‘Stickler Syndrome’, ‘COL2A1
, ‘COL11A1
, ‘cryother-
apy’, ‘cryopexy’, ‘laser retinopexy’, ‘retinal detachment’, ‘prophylaxis’, ‘prevention’, ‘giant
retinal tear’.
3. Is Prevention of Retinal Detachment Required?
The adage that “prevention is better than cure”, attributed to the Dutch philosopher
Desiderius Erasmus, is now a fundamental principle of modern healthcare policy [
]. In
contrast, Karl Popper argued that “In the realm of errors, cure is better than prevention”,
the corollary being that prevention of disease can only be applied in well-understood,
homogenous conditions [
]. In his book, which tackles the dilemma of prevention versus
cure, Christopher Dye argues that the most acceptable preventative strategies are those
that are low-cost, high-efficacy methods for preventing a large, probable and imminent
threat to health [3].
If retinal detachments could be consistently repaired with a high degree of anatomical
and visual success, there would be a valid argument that prophylaxis is unnecessary.
Surgical repair of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is highly effective in the general
population. Anatomical success rates after one operation are 80–90% [
], with success
rates well over 90% in some centres [
]. However, retinal detachment in Stickler syndrome
is more complex and difficult to manage, and success rates for retinal detachment repair in
patients with Stickler syndrome are much lower. Stickler syndrome is the commonest cause
of retinal detachment in children, and paediatric retinal detachments characteristically
present late, resulting in higher rates of macula-off detachment, proliferative vitreoretinopa-
thy and poor visual acuity at presentation [
]. In the series described by Abeysiri et al. of
Stickler syndrome patients with retinal detachment presenting to a large centre, more than
20% of the patients had inoperable retinal detachment at presentation, and of the patients
that underwent surgery, one-third had bilateral retinal detachment, and primary success
was achieved in just 50% (14/28) of patients [8].
Similar outcomes were achieved by Lee et al., who reported a 55% primary reattach-
ment rate in patients with Stickler syndrome [
]. Read et al. studied children with Stickler
syndrome presenting with retinal detachment and found that final anatomical success was
achieved in 60% of them, with 20% of the patients resulting in either enucleation or phthi-
sis [
]. Visual outcomes were correspondingly poor, with just 30% of the patients achieving
20/200 or better.10 In the series by Wubben et al., five of six eyes became phthisical despite
surgical intervention [11].
Given that the lifetime risk of retinal detachment in Stickler syndrome is so high [
and that the success of retinal detachment repair in these patients is poor, there is a strong
argument for the use of prophylactic intervention.
4. Which Stickler Syndrome Patients Should Receive Prophylaxis?
Stickler syndrome, first described by Gunnar Stickler as a hereditary arthro-ophthalmolopathy,
was originally thought to be a single-gene disorder. However, it is now known to en-
compass at least 10 different subtypes, with likely further genetic heterogeneity still to
be resolved. Some of the early papers that discuss prophylaxis in Stickler syndrome re-
fer to the Wagner–Stickler syndrome [
], because Wagner syndrome was at one time
considered synonymous with the ocular-only variety of Stickler syndrome [
]. It is now
known that Wagner syndrome is caused by mutations in the VCAN (5q13-q14) gene, has
no systemic features, and is a completely separate disorder (OMIM #143200) from Stickler
syndrome [16].
Early studies of prophylactic treatment for Stickler syndrome do not provide any
details of genetic testing [
]. In all reports where genetic confirmation of Stickler syn-
drome was conducted prior to performing surgical prophylaxis [
], the patients
had Type 1 Stickler syndrome, caused by mutations in COL2A1. Type 1 disease accounts
for around 80% of all cases of Stickler syndrome and represents the majority of cases seen
by ophthalmologists [
]. Type 2 Stickler syndrome patients also have a high risk of retinal
Genes 2022,13, 1150 3 of 9
detachment, but it is unclear whether the risk is as high as in the Type 1 Stickler syndrome
patients [20], and prophylaxis in Type 2 patients has been much less studied [21].
5. How Should Prophylactic Treatment Be Performed in Stickler Syndrome?
A summary of the literature for prophylactic strategies in Stickler syndrome is shown
in Table 1. All of the published studies are retrospective, and there is considerable variability
in prophylaxis strategies and methods.
Table 1.
Summary of studies evaluating strategies to prevent retinal detachment (RD) in patients
with Stickler syndrome.
Author Stickler Type (n) Laser/Cryotherapy/Buckle Type of Study Follow Up Results
Monin et al., 1994, Paris,
France [14]
22 patients with
Laser photocoagulation,
or encircling scleral
buckle in fellow eyes of
patients with RD in the
first eye
Retrospective case
series (no control group) Up to 5.5 years
50% of patients
receiving laser
treatment developed
RD. None of the scleral
buckle patients
developed RD.
Leiba et al., 1996,
Rehovat, Israel [17]
10 patients from a single
family with genetically
confirmed Type 1
Stickler syndrome.
Untreated family
members were used as
controls during the
study follow-up
Primary prophylactic
laser photocoagulation,
either (a)
circumferentially, at the
posterior border of
retinal lesions, or (b)
around areas of
abnormal retina
Retrospective study 1–15 years
10% of lasered eyes
developed retinal
detachment, compared
to 44% of non-lasered
Ang et al., 2008,
Cambridge, UK [18]
93 patients (155 eyes)
with genetically
confirmed Type 1
Stickler syndrome and
111 control patients (222
eyes) who did not
receive any intervention
360-degree cryotherapy
of the juxtaoral retina,
for prevention of giant
retinal tear
comparative case series Up to 33 years
With no retinopexy, 73%
of the patients suffered
RD, and 48% were
bilateral. Of those
receiving retinopexy, 8%
developed RD, but none
were bilateral.
Fincham et al., 2014,
Cambridge, UK [12]
293 patients with
genetically confirmed
Type 1 Stickler
syndrome and 194
control patients who
did not receive any
Cambridge Prophylactic
Cryotherapy Protocol:
360-degree cryotherapy
of the juxtaoral retina,
for prevention of giant
retinal tear
comparative case series,
matched for age and
follow-up duration
1–36 years
The bilateral and
unilateral control group
had a 5.0-fold and
8.4-fold, respectively,
increased risk compared
to eyes receiving
Al-Shahrani et al., 2015,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
70 eyes of patients with
Stickler syndrome.
Genetic testing not
specified. No control
Details of prophylactic
laser retinopexy not
Retrospective case
series 1 week to 10 years
No genetic
confirmation, no control
group and no details of
type of laser
prophylaxis, so
impossible to assess
prophylaxis efficacy
from this study.
Wubben et al., 2018,
Ann Arbor, Michigan,
USA [11]
15 patients with
genetically confirmed
Type 1 Stickler
syndrome; of these, 20
eyes had prophylactic
laser retinopexy
Laser (details not
comparative case series 4 months -16 years
5% risk of RD with
prophylaxis; 50% risk of
RD without prophylaxis
Morris et al., 2021,
Birmingham, Alabama,
USA [21]
5 eyes of 4 patients from
a single family with
confirmed Type 2
Stickler syndrome
Encircling grid laser
(Modified Ora Secunda
Retrospective case
series 3–12 years
0/5 eyes developed
retinal tear or retinal
Ripandelli et al. (2022),
Rome, Italy [19]
Fellow eyes of patients
with genetically
confirmed Type 1
Stickler syndrome who
had had unilateral
retinal detachment.
All eyes received a 6
mm-wide encircling
band. Cryoretinopexy
was performed on any
retinal tears, holes or
lattice degeneration
Retrospective case
Mean 15.6 years,
all >12 years
Scleral buckle without
cryo: 5/13 developed
RDScleral buckle with
cryo: 0/39 developed
In 1994, Monin et al. described 22 patients with “Wagner–Stickler” syndrome who had
developed a retinal detachment [
]. Of these, 10 patients received “peripheral confluent
laser photocoagulation” in the fellow eye, but 5 developed retinal detachment. Four
patients, receiving cryotherapy, vitrectomy, or “focal or circular” laser photocoagulation
Genes 2022,13, 1150 4 of 9
posterior to the equator, also developed retinal detachment. A further eight patients were
treated with an encircling scleral buckle, but none of these patients developed detachment.
Alshahrani et al. described their experience of retinal detachment repair in 70 patients
with Stickler syndrome and observed that 44 patients (62.8%) had had previous prophylactic
laser therapy. The authors’ conclusion is that prophylaxis is not helpful in these patients,
but none of these patients had had genetic testing to confirm the diagnosis, and only 22.6%
of the patients had a family history, which is lower than would be expected. There was
no control group, and there no details were provided about where or how the laser was
applied. Due to these study limitations, it is impossible to make any assessment on the
efficacy of prophylactic laser treatment from this study.
Leiba et al. described 10 patients from a family of 42 members with genetically
confirmed Type 1 Stickler syndrome, who received one of two types of prophylactic laser
treatment. Patients with extensive peripheral retinal degeneration with lattice degeneration
in three or more retinal quadrants received 4–8 rows of encircling laser burns at the junction
between the posterior border of the lesions and the unaffected retina, with extension of the
laser barrier (2–3 rows) to include isolated areas of lattice degeneration at or posterior to the
equator. In eyes with only small, localised lesions of lattice degeneration or isolated breaks,
only focal treatment was applied, with visibly abnormal areas encircled with
3–6 rows
laser burns. This group found that there was a significantly higher incidence of retinal
detachment in non-lasered eyes compared to lasered eyes.
Ang et al., based in Cambridge UK, were the first to describe a standard protocol for
applying retinopexy in “high-risk” genetically confirmed type 1 Stickler syndrome patients,
using monitored transconjunctival cryotherapy applied in a contiguous fashion to the
post-oral retina, with the specific objective of preventing elevation and progression of the
posterior flap of a giant retinal tear, should it occur at the time of posterior vitreous detach-
ment (Figure 1). This treatment, now known as the Cambridge Prophylactic Cryotherapy
Protocol”, was offered to all Type 1 Stickler syndrome patients with eyes unaffected by reti-
nal detachment, irrespective of the presence or absence of lattice degeneration. Eyes treated
prophylactically exhibited a much lower prevalence of retinal detachment, and importantly,
no patients receiving bilateral prophylaxis developed bilateral retinal detachment. The
authors acknowledged the difference in mean ages and follow-up durations between the
study and the control groups. In a subsequent paper by the Cambridge group [
], the
limitations of their first study were addressed by matching study and control patients not
only by age but also by follow-up duration. This study was intentionally biasing against the
benefit of treatment, to ensure that any true treatment effect of the Cambridge Prophylactic
Cryotherapy Protocol would be underestimated. The study, which included 487 patients
with Type 1 Stickler syndrome, found that patients with no prophylaxis in either eye had a
5.0-fold increased risk of retinal detachment compared to the matched bilateral prophylaxis
group. For patients who had already had retinal detachment in one eye, the risk of retinal
detachment in the fellow eye was 8.4-fold compared to fellow eyes receiving prophylaxis.
This study remains the largest case series of prophylactic treatment for Stickler syndrome in
the literature (and indeed is larger than the rest of the world literature combined), has the
longest follow-up and presents powerful evidence in favour of prophylactic cryotherapy in
patients with Stickler syndrome.
Genes 2022,13, 1150 5 of 9
Genes 2022, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 9
of the Cambridge Prophylactic Cryotherapy Protocol would be underestimated. The
study, which included 487 patients with Type 1 Stickler syndrome, found that patients
with no prophylaxis in either eye had a 5.0-fold increased risk of retinal detachment com-
pared to the matched bilateral prophylaxis group. For patients who had already had reti-
nal detachment in one eye, the risk of retinal detachment in the fellow eye was 8.4-fold
compared to fellow eyes receiving prophylaxis. This study remains the largest case series
of prophylactic treatment for Stickler syndrome in the literature (and indeed is larger than
the rest of the world literature combined), has the longest follow-up and presents power-
ful evidence in favour of prophylactic cryotherapy in patients with Stickler syndrome.
Figure 1. Prophylactic 360-degree cryoretinopexy in Type 1 Stickler syndrome according to Cam-
bridge Prophylactic Cryotherapy Protocol. White circles show locations of individual cryotherapy
applications, which are contiguous with one another and include the ora serrata (red line).
Wubben et al. described 15 patients with genetically confirmed Type 1 Stickler syn-
drome. The mean follow-up time was 6.4 years (range, 4 months–16 years). The authors
did not describe their laser prophylaxis technique but found that the risk of developing
retinal detachment was only 5% in eyes receiving laser prophylaxis (1/20) compared to
50% in eyes not receiving laser prophylaxis (5/10). Of interest was the very poor outcome
in patients developing retinal detachmentfive of the six eyes became phthisical despite
surgical intervention.
Ripandelli et al. reported a single-surgeon series of 52 patients with genetically con-
firmed Type 1 Stickler syndrome, who had developed retinal detachment in one eye and
therefore received prophylaxis with a 6 mm scleral encircling band in the fellow eye. The
rationale for this technique was to reduce vitreoretinal traction, and mean follow-up was
15.6 years, with a minimum of 12 years in all cases. In 39/52 eyes, cryotherapy retinopexy
was also performed due to the presence of retinal tears, retinal holes and/or lattice degen-
eration. The authors found that none of the patients receiving adjuvant cryotherapy de-
veloped retinal detachment, yet 5/13 eyes receiving scleral buckling, without associated
cryotherapy, developed retinal detachment. This not only supports the argument for
Figure 1.
Prophylactic 360-degree cryoretinopexy in Type 1 Stickler syndrome according to Cam-
bridge Prophylactic Cryotherapy Protocol. White circles show locations of individual cryotherapy
applications, which are contiguous with one another and include the ora serrata (red line).
Wubben et al. described 15 patients with genetically confirmed Type 1 Stickler syn-
drome. The mean follow-up time was 6.4 years (range, 4 months–16 years). The authors
did not describe their laser prophylaxis technique but found that the risk of developing
retinal detachment was only 5% in eyes receiving laser prophylaxis (1/20) compared to
50% in eyes not receiving laser prophylaxis (5/10). Of interest was the very poor outcome
in patients developing retinal detachment—five of the six eyes became phthisical despite
surgical intervention.
Ripandelli et al. reported a single-surgeon series of 52 patients with genetically
confirmed Type 1 Stickler syndrome, who had developed retinal detachment in one eye
and therefore received prophylaxis with a 6 mm scleral encircling band in the fellow eye.
The rationale for this technique was to reduce vitreoretinal traction, and mean follow-
up was 15.6 years, with a minimum of 12 years in all cases. In 39/52 eyes, cryotherapy
retinopexy was also performed due to the presence of retinal tears, retinal holes and/or
lattice degeneration. The authors found that none of the patients receiving adjuvant
cryotherapy developed retinal detachment, yet 5/13 eyes receiving scleral buckling, without
associated cryotherapy, developed retinal detachment. This not only supports the argument
for retinopexy but also indicates that relief of vitreoretinal traction is less important than
preventing the development and/or progression of retinal breaks.
Morris et al. (2021) described a two-step prophylactic retinopexy in five eyes of
four patients with type 2 Stickler syndrome [
]. Step 1 of the prophylaxis emulated the
successful Cambridge strategy by applying moderately high-intensity burns in a tight
grid pattern from the juxtaoral serrata and extending to 4 mm posteriorly, halfway to the
vortex vein ampullae, to produce a “second ora”. Step 2 of the prophylaxis extended the
laser grid posteriorly to beyond the line of the vortex vein ampullae to try to prevent the
development of posterior tears [
]. In their series, none of the five treated eyes developed
Genes 2022,13, 1150 6 of 9
retinal detachment or retinal tear over the mean follow-up period of 8.7 years. There was
an asymptomatic visual field constriction to an average of 50 degrees in each meridian.
One eye developed pupillary mydriasis which persisted for 6 months before resolution.
There was no epimacular proliferation in any of the treated eyes [22].
6. Laser vs. Cryotherapy Retinopexy
There has been no head-to-head comparative study to evaluate the efficacy of laser
retinopexy versus cryotherapy retinopexy to prevent retinal detachment. The location
of retinopexy within the retina is likely to be much more important than the modality of
treatment (see Figures 2and 3). Some groups express a preference for barrage laser over
cryotherapy because of the perceived increased inflammatory reaction associated with
the latter. Cryotherapy of retinal breaks can cause dispersion of retinal pigment epithelial
(RPE) cells within the vitreous [
] but avoids the tissue vaporisation that can occur with
laser and can be used in the presence of compromised ocular media [
]. Both laser and
cryotherapy cause a significant breakdown of the blood–retinal barrier [
]. A clinical trial
comparing the two modalities for retinal detachment repair showed no difference in visual
outcome [26].
Genes 2022, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 9
retinopexy but also indicates that relief of vitreoretinal traction is less important than pre-
venting the development and/or progression of retinal breaks.
Morris et al. (2021) described a two-step prophylactic retinopexy in five eyes of four
patients with type 2 Stickler syndrome [21]. Step 1 of the prophylaxis emulated the suc-
cessful Cambridge strategy by applying moderately high-intensity burns in a tight grid
pattern from the juxtaoral serrata and extending to 4 mm posteriorly, halfway to the vor-
tex vein ampullae, to produce a “second ora”. Step 2 of the prophylaxis extended the laser
grid posteriorly to beyond the line of the vortex vein ampullae to try to prevent the devel-
opment of posterior tears [22]. In their series, none of the five treated eyes developed ret-
inal detachment or retinal tear over the mean follow-up period of 8.7 years. There was an
asymptomatic visual field constriction to an average of 50 degrees in each meridian. One
eye developed pupillary mydriasis which persisted for 6 months before resolution. There
was no epimacular proliferation in any of the treated eyes [22].
6. Laser vs. Cryotherapy Retinopexy
There has been no head-to-head comparative study to evaluate the efficacy of laser
retinopexy versus cryotherapy retinopexy to prevent retinal detachment. The location of
retinopexy within the retina is likely to be much more important than the modality of
treatment (see Figures 2 and 3). Some groups express a preference for barrage laser over
cryotherapy because of the perceived increased inflammatory reaction associated with the
latter. Cryotherapy of retinal breaks can cause dispersion of retinal pigment epithelial
(RPE) cells within the vitreous [23] but avoids the tissue vaporisation that can occur with
laser and can be used in the presence of compromised ocular media [24]. Both laser and
cryotherapy cause a significant breakdown of the blood–retinal barrier [25]. A clinical trial
comparing the two modalities for retinal detachment repair showed no difference in vis-
ual outcome [26].
Figure 2. Retinal detachment due to a giant retinal tear in a patient type 1 Stickler syndrome. Note
previous laser prophylaxis is too posterior to prevent detachment. Arrow = Giant retinal tear, arrow
head = equatorial laser prophylaxis. Reproduced with permission from Snead, MP (2022): Retinal
detachment in childhood. Chapter in: Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 6th Edition. Edi-
tors Lyons C & Hoyt C. Elsevier Saunders. In press.
Figure 2.
Retinal detachment due to a giant retinal tear in a patient type 1 Stickler syndrome. Note
previous laser prophylaxis is too posterior to prevent detachment. Arrow = Giant retinal tear, arrow
head = equatorial laser prophylaxis. Reproduced with permission from Snead, MP (2022): Retinal
detachment in childhood. Chapter in: Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 6th Edition. Editors
Lyons C & Hoyt C. Elsevier Saunders. In press.
Genes 2022,13, 1150 7 of 9
Genes 2022, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 9
Figure 3. Laser retinopexy to arrest the progression of a giant retinal tear in type 1 Stickler syndrome
(no previous prophylaxis). Reproduced with permission from Snead, MP (2022): Retinal detachment
in childhood. Chapter in: Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 6th Edition. Editors Lyons C
& Hoyt C. Elsevier Saunders. In press.
Our group’s experience with cryotherapy prophylaxis has been overwhelmingly
positive, with high efficacy, retention of good visual acuity, and no associated epiretinal
membrane (ERM) formation. Cryotherapy is performed contiguously at the juxtaoral ret-
ina even in the absence of retinal breaks. Despite the experimental evidence that cryother-
apy may enhance RPE cell dispersion into the vitreous cavity using giant or other retinal
tears as a conduit, it is interesting to note that of the 964 eyes that have received cryother-
apy prophylaxis under our care, none of the patients with successful prophylaxis devel-
oped a visually significant epiretinal membrane. One patient, whose prophylaxis failed,
developed an epiretinal membrane requiring treatment (unpublished data). We also ob-
served significant epiretinal membrane formation after retinal detachment in patients that
did not receive prophylactic therapy. The association between retinal tears prior to treat-
ment and ERM is well established.
Shapiro et al. astutely noted that prophylactic strategies are learned during training
and therefore the choice of cryotherapy vs. laser is highly influenced by each surgeon’s
particular educational lineage [24]. There may be a reluctance to perform 360-degree cry-
otherapy as per the Cambridge prophylactic cryotherapy protocol, because of a lack of
exposure to training in performing this procedure [21,24].
7. Conclusions
This paper has reviewed the rationale and evidence for the prevention of retinal de-
tachment in patients with Stickler syndrome. All of the studies on this topic were retro-
spective. However, the studies shown in Table 1 demonstrate an overwhelming support
for the use of prophylactic retinopexy in these patients [11,12,17–19,21]. The two case se-
ries that reported no benefit after prophylaxis are less persuasive because of the poorly
defined patient selection, unspecified treatment protocol and lack of a control group
[14,22]. Despite this, some still question the effectiveness of prophylaxis in the absence of
a randomised controlled trial. While randomised controlled trials would provide the best
level of evidence, there is already proof of safety and efficacy from non-randomised, co-
hort comparison studies, and it is essential that Stickler syndrome patients (i) receive
Figure 3.
Laser retinopexy to arrest the progression of a giant retinal tear in type 1 Stickler syndrome
(no previous prophylaxis). Reproduced with permission from Snead, MP (2022): Retinal detachment
in childhood. Chapter in: Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 6th Edition. Editors Lyons C &
Hoyt C. Elsevier Saunders. In press.
Our group’s experience with cryotherapy prophylaxis has been overwhelmingly
positive, with high efficacy, retention of good visual acuity, and no associated epiretinal
membrane (ERM) formation. Cryotherapy is performed contiguously at the juxtaoral retina
even in the absence of retinal breaks. Despite the experimental evidence that cryotherapy
may enhance RPE cell dispersion into the vitreous cavity using giant or other retinal tears
as a conduit, it is interesting to note that of the 964 eyes that have received cryotherapy
prophylaxis under our care, none of the patients with successful prophylaxis developed
a visually significant epiretinal membrane. One patient, whose prophylaxis failed, devel-
oped an epiretinal membrane requiring treatment (unpublished data). We also observed
significant epiretinal membrane formation after retinal detachment in patients that did not
receive prophylactic therapy. The association between retinal tears prior to treatment and
ERM is well established.
Shapiro et al. astutely noted that prophylactic strategies are learned during training
and therefore the choice of cryotherapy vs. laser is highly influenced by each surgeon’s
particular educational lineage [
]. There may be a reluctance to perform 360-degree
cryotherapy as per the Cambridge prophylactic cryotherapy protocol, because of a lack of
exposure to training in performing this procedure [21,24].
7. Conclusions
This paper has reviewed the rationale and evidence for the prevention of retinal detach-
ment in patients with Stickler syndrome. All of the studies on this topic were retrospective.
However, the studies shown in Table 1demonstrate an overwhelming support for the
use of prophylactic retinopexy in these patients [
]. The two case series that
reported no benefit after prophylaxis are less persuasive because of the poorly defined
patient selection, unspecified treatment protocol and lack of a control group [
]. Despite
this, some still question the effectiveness of prophylaxis in the absence of a randomised con-
trolled trial. While randomised controlled trials would provide the best level of evidence,
there is already proof of safety and efficacy from non-randomised, cohort comparison
studies, and it is essential that Stickler syndrome patients (i) receive accurate genotyping
Genes 2022,13, 1150 8 of 9
to stratify their risk of RD and (ii) are provided with all of the information available, to
enable them to make their own fully informed choice about whether to receive prophylaxis
for themselves and particularly on behalf of their affected children. Late presentations of
bilateral inoperable retinal detachment, especially in the context of hearing impairment
and speech and mobility issues, have a devastating and life-long impact on the future
development of these children.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, P.A. and M.P.S.; methodology, P.A. and M.P.S.; validation,
P.A. and M.P.S.; formal analysis, P.A. and M.P.S.; writing—original draft preparation, P.A.; writing—
review and editing, P.A. and M.P.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
UK Department of Health and Social Care. Prevention Is Better Than Cure: Our Vision to Help you Live Well for Longer; The Health
Foundation: London, UK, 2018.
2. van Leeuwen, J.S. Cure is better than prevention. BMJ (Clin. Res. Ed.) 2004,328, 350. [CrossRef]
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... The mutations that occur in the COL2A1 gene include missense mutations, nonsense mutations, deletions, insertions, duplications, and shear site mutations, which eventually lead to the premature appearance of terminators, causing haploinsu ciency of type II collagen and consequent lesions (11). The most severe damage caused by COL2A1 mutations in the eye is hematogenous retinal detachment, which is overwhelmingly caused by a large tearing hole at the serrated edge-retinal junction (12). Moreover, this retinal detachment usually requires multiple surgeries, has a reattachment rate of approximately 55% (13), with a poor overall visual prognosis (14)(15). ...
... Moreover, this retinal detachment usually requires multiple surgeries, has a reattachment rate of approximately 55% (13), with a poor overall visual prognosis (14)(15). Therefore, prophylactic retinal detachment treatment is necessary for patients with Stickler syndrome, and studies have found prophylactic retinal laser photocoagulation as an effective tool in preventing the development of retinal detachment, especially giant tears (12). ...
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Purpose This study reports a novel nonsense mutation in a family with Stickler syndrome. Methods A 20-year-old female patient presented to the Ophthalmology Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University with a 360° giant retinal tear. In addition to ocular damage (high myopia, cataracts, and retinal detachment), the patient had distinctive facial features, including midface hypoplasia and micrognathia. The patient was diagnosed with Stickler syndrome. Family members were validated using whole-exome and Sanger sequencing. Results The family showed autosomal dominant inheritance, with eight members in three generations, six of whom had the disease. The results revealed a nonsense mutation in exon 47 of COL2A1, C.3325C > T, and p.Gln1109Ter. Sanger sequencing confirmed that the mutation at this locus was detected only in patients, and not present in healthy subjects, consistent with family segregation. The patient was subsequently treated with a vitrectomy at our hospital and was discharged after retinal reattachment. Conclusions The C.3325C > T locus mutation in COL2A1 is a pathogenic locus mutation in this particular family and is the first such novel nonsense mutation in COL2A1 combined with a 360° giant retinal tear reported in China.
... In contrast to isolated LCP, children with type 1 Stickler syndrome have a very high risk of blindness from giant retinal tear (figure 1) detachment, but this is now largely preventable if a timely diagnosis is made. [2][3][4] This paper highlights the potential for avoidable blindness in children presenting to clinicians with features suggestive of LCP disease but with underlying Stickler syndrome, and proposes a simple scoring system to assist clinicians faced with considering the differential diagnosis. ...
... Blindness from retinal detachment in children with Stickler syndrome is now largely preventable provided the diagnosis is confirmed and evidence-based prophylaxis offered. [2][3][4] CONCLUSION This article is the first of its kind to present a large case report series of patients with genetically confirmed Stickler syndrome presenting as LCP and highlights the important potential for prevention of avoidable blindness in patients with Stickler syndrome presenting with features suggestive of LCP. Stickler syndrome typically presents in childhood where recognition and prevention of visual loss from retinal detachment is especially important. ...
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Legg-Calve-Perthes’ disease (LCP) is defined as avascular necrosis of the femoral head in a child and may present to a variety of disciplines from general practice to orthopaedics, paediatrics, rheumatology and more. The Stickler syndromes are a group of disorders of type II, IX and XI collagen associated with hip dysplasia, retinal detachment, deafness and cleft palate. The pathogenesis of LCP disease remains an enigma but there have been a small number of cases reporting variants in the gene encoding the α1 chain of type II collagen (COL2A1). Variants in COL2A1 are known to cause type 1 Stickler syndrome (MIM 108300, 609508), which is a connective tissue disorder with a very high risk of childhood blindness, and it is also associated with dysplastic development of the femoral head. It is unclear whether COL2A1 variants make a definitive contribution to both disorders, or whether the two are indistinguishable using current clinical diagnostic techniques. In this paper, we compare the two conditions and present a case series of 19 patients with genetically confirmed type 1 Stickler syndrome presenting with a historic diagnosis of LCP. In contrast to isolated LCP, children with type 1 Stickler syndrome have a very high risk of blindness from giant retinal tear detachment, but this is now largely preventable if a timely diagnosis is made. This paper highlights the potential for avoidable blindness in children presenting to clinicians with features suggestive of LCP disease but with underlying Stickler syndrome and proposes a simple scoring system to assist clinicians.
... 1,13,23 Prophylactic cryotherapy has been shown to reduce the risk of retinal detachments to around 8%. 13,24 LASER retinopexy is another prophylactic treatment for preventing retinal detachment in Stickler Syndromes and preferred by some groups. 25 The efficacy of cryotherapy versus LASER retinopexy for preventing retinal detachment in Stickler Syndromes has not been directly compared. Nevertheless, targeted education for eye health professionals on the significance of prophylactic treatment is warranted as it would facilitate timely referrals and significantly improve clinical outcomes, especially for type 1 Sticker Syndrome patients with a higher retinal detachment risk. ...
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Purpose Stickler Syndromes are multisystem collagenopathies affecting 1 in 7500–9000 individuals and are associated with craniofacial, ocular, auditory, and musculoskeletal complications. Prophylactic retinopexy treatment reduces the risk of retinal detachment, emphasising the need for early detection and multidisciplinary referral. This study evaluated knowledge and awareness of Stickler Syndromes among allied health professionals and their perceived needs for targeted education to improve multidisciplinary care. Methods A cross-sectional survey was undertaken among audiologists, speech pathologists, optometrists, orthoptists, and physiotherapists in Australia. Survey questions included practitioner demographics, awareness and knowledge of Stickler Syndromes, confidence managing Stickler Syndromes, and perception of multidisciplinary care needs for Stickler Syndromes. Results Of 180 healthcare professions who participated (79% female; 78% aged between 25 and 44 years), 55% indicated that they had heard of Stickler Syndrome, and 14% had directly worked with patients known to have Stickler Syndromes. Practitioners who had were either optometrists, orthoptists, or audiologists. The most recognised clinical sign of Stickler Syndromes was retinal detachment (selected by 66% of optometrists and orthoptists and 16% of other professions), but only 41% of optometrists and orthoptists (27% all respondents) selected cryopexy as a potential management strategy. Vitreous anomaly was recognised as a clinical feature by 20% of all respondents. Overall, 69% of allied health professionals did not feel confident managing Stickler Syndromes, and a similar number of practitioners (69%) indicated that they were willing to attend professional development courses for complex conditions such as Stickler Syndromes. Conclusion This study provides meaningful insights on awareness and knowledge of Stickler Syndromes among allied healthcare professionals. Targeted clinician education, enhanced communication between healthcare entities, and multidisciplinary care programs can significantly improve the integrated care of Stickler Syndromes leading to better patient outcomes.
... Considering the early onset of RRD in Stickler syndrome and its challenging visual prognosis, some retinal specialists recommend prophylactic interventions like 360-degree cryotherapy (18), argon laser photocoagulation (19), or scleral buckling (20) to prevent potential retinal tears and RRD. However, the available data on the efficacy of these prophylactic procedures lacks robust comparative analysis to identify the optimal approach for Stickler syndrome, and there are no consensus or guidelines on prophylactic treatment (21). As a result, no preventive treatment was administered to the left eye in this case. ...
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Background Stickler syndrome is a hereditary connective tissue disorder associated with ocular, orofacial, musculoskeletal, and auditory impairments. Its main clinical characteristics include retinal detachment, hearing loss, and midface underdevelopment. In clinical practice, macrocyst is rarely reported in retinal detachment cases with Stickler syndrome. Case presentation We report the case of a 7-year-old child who developed a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in the right eye, accompanied by multiple peripheral macrocysts. The detachment was successfully surgically repaired with vitrectomy, retinal laser photocoagulation, cryotherapy and silicone oil tamponade. During the operation, a mini-retinectomy in the outer layer of each macrocyst was made for vesicular drainage and retinal reattachment. Genetic testing identified a pathogenic point mutation variant (c.1693C>T; p.Arg565Cys) in exon 26 of the COL2A1 gene. Six-months after the operation, the retina remained attached with improvement of best corrected visual acuity to 20/200. Conclusion Patients with Stickler syndrome may develop RRD of different severity. Macrocyst is rarely reported in previous literature of Stickler syndrome. In this case report, we share our experience in treating with multiple macrocysts in RRD and emphasize the importance of periodic follow-up for patients with Stickler syndrome.
... [3][4][5] Thus, randomizing high-risk eyes to no treatment in continued pursuit of stronger evidence has become ethically questionable. 3,35 Focal retinopexy prophylaxis minimizes a predisposing lesion's ability to thereafter cause RRD, but it affords no protection of untreated retina elsewhere. This is accomplished for eyes at high risk for peripheral tears by encircling grid laser retinopexy that is finally a proven effective prophylaxis in the highest risk condition of all, Stickler syndrome. ...
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Robert E Morris,1– 3 Ferenc Kuhn,2,4 Timothy Sipos1– 3 1Retina Specialists of Alabama, LLC, Birmingham, AL, USA; 2Helen Keller Foundation for Research and Education, Birmingham, AL, USA; 3Department of Ophthalmology, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Birmingham, AL, USA; 4Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pécs Medical School, Pécs, HungaryCorrespondence: Robert E Morris, Helen Keller Foundation for Research and Education, 2208 University Boulevard, Suite 101, Birmingham, AL, USA, 35233, Tel +1 205 936-0704, Email rmorris@rmeyes.comAbstract: Stickler syndrome, a rare inherited disease, carries a lifetime risk of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) of up to 65%, higher than any other predisposing condition known. Both syndromic and non-syndromic eyes suffer RRD predominately from the same pathogenesis, vitreous tractional tears in the peripheral retina. Consequently, extraordinary publications in 2021– 2022, each reporting successful prevention of RRD in Stickler syndrome, using 360-degree (encircling) laser retinopexy, provide the first strong evidence upon which similar prophylaxis in non-syndromic eyes at high risk of RRD from peripheral retinal tears can confidently go forward.Keywords: retinal tear, retinal detachment, retinal detachment prevention, 360-degree laser retinopexy, stickler syndrome, encircling laser prophylaxis
... These patients have a very high risk of retinal detachment, above 50% lifetime risk, and if they have retinal detachment in one eye, have above an 80% chance of retinal detachment in the fellow eye [3]. As a significant proportion of these retinal detachments are due to giant retinal tears at the oro-retinal junction, prophylactic cryoretinopexy at this location has been shown to be highly effective at significantly reducing the risk of retinal detachment [3,4]. They usually have high myopia and a characteristic membranous vitreous anomaly [5]. ...
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Stickler syndrome (SS) is a genetic disorder with manifestations in the eye, ear, joints, face and palate. Usually inherited in a dominant fashion due to heterozygous pathogenic variants in the collagen genes COL2A1 and COL11A1, it can rarely be inherited in a recessive fashion from variants in COL9A1, COL9A2, and COL9A3, COL11A1, as well as the non-collagen genes LRP2, LOXL3 and GZF1. We review the published cases of recessive SS, which comprise 40 patients from 23 families. Both homozygous and compound heterozygous pathogenic variants are found. High myopia is near-universal, and sensorineural hearing loss is very common in patients with variants in genes for type IX or XI collagen, although hearing appears spared in the LRP2 and LOXL3 patients and is variable in GZF1. Cleft palate is associated with type XI collagen variants, as well as the non-collagen genes, but is so far unreported with type IX collagen variants. Retinal detachment has occurred in 18% of all cases, and joint pain in 15%. However, the mean age of this cohort is 11 years old, so the lifetime incidence of both problems may be underestimated. This paper reinforces the importance of screening for SS in congenital sensorineural hearing loss, particularly when associated with myopia, and the need to warn patients and parents of the warning signs of retinal detachment, with regular ophthalmic review.
Czech dysplasia is an autosomal dominant type 2 collagenopathy that is caused by heterozygosity for the recurrent p.(Arg275Cys) COL2A1 variant. Affected individuals usually present with skeletal abnormalities such as metatarsal hypoplasia of the third and fourth toes and early‐onset arthropathy, as well as hearing loss. To date, no ophthalmic findings have been reported in patients with Czech dysplasia even though COL2A1 has been implicated in other ocular conditions such as type 1 Stickler syndrome. For the first time, we report the ocular findings in four families with Czech dysplasia, including type 1 vitreous anomaly, hypoplastic vitreous, retinal tears, and significant refractive error. These novel ocular findings expand the phenotype associated with Czech dysplasia and may aid clinicians as an additional diagnostic feature. Patients with congenital abnormalities of vitreous gel architecture have an increased risk of retinal detachment, and as such, patients may benefit from prophylaxis. Considering that many of the patients did not report any ocular symptoms, vitreous phenotyping is of key importance in identifying the need for counseling with regard to prophylaxis.
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Recent reports suggest that the use of an outpatient-based procedure (pneumatic retinopexy, PR) for retinal detachment repair should be encouraged within the UK, especially in light of Covid-19 and possible restrictions/competing demands on access to operating theatres. It is therefore essential that patients receive comprehensive information about the risks and benefits of this approach compared with a formal surgical repair either by pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and/ or scleral buckling (SB). We report a retrospective case series of retinal detachments (RD) satisfying the strict selection criteria for PR but who were managed with formal surgery. Single-operation success rate for PPV/SB at six months follow-up was 93.8% in our study, higher than published primary success rates for PR (60-80%). When counselling patients for possible PR, the ease, speed and potentially reduced co-morbidity of an outpatient-based procedure needs to be balanced against its significantly higher failure rate in comparison with primary PPV/SB.
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Purpose: To introduce a novel technique of encircling laser prophylaxis (ora secunda cerclage Stickler syndrome, OSC/SS) to prevent rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in Stickler syndrome eyes. Patients and methods: After first eye RRD at age 50 and at age 18, respectively, a 53-year-old father and his 22-year-old son with type 2 SS (STL2) gave informed consent and underwent OSC/SS prophylaxis, performed in each fellow eye. A 26-year-old STL2 daughter then suffered first eye retinal detachment and similarly chose fellow eye OSC/SS prophylaxis. A second son, 28 years of age with STL2, chose OSC/SS prophylaxis in both eyes. Results: The three OSC/SS treated fellow eyes have gone 12 years, 11 years, and 8 years without RRD. STL1 and less common STL2 eyes are known to have a similar rate of RRD, and 80% of STL1 fellow eyes develop RRD at a median of 4 years in the absence of prophylaxis. Moreover, five of six (83%) known STL2 family members suffered RRD, only the STL2 son with bilateral OSC/SS remaining bilaterally attached. All five OSC/SS treated eyes (average 8.7 years post-prophylaxis) retained preoperative visual acuity of 20/20 to 20/30, with an average, asymptomatic reduction of meridional field in each eye to 50 degrees. In contrast, in the three eyes having suffered RRD prior to presentation, visual acuity ranged from 20/125 to 8/200 and average meridional field was 29 degrees. Conclusion: Encircling grid laser (OSC) modified in Stickler eyes to encompass the ora serrata and extend posteriorly to and between the vortex vein ampullae (OSC/SS) is a reasonable RRD prophylaxis option to offer STL1 and STL2 patients as an alternative to no treatment or less effective prophylaxis. Because of rarity and severity, the ultimate proof of safety and efficacy will likely come not from randomized trials, but from a non-randomized, prospective, cohort comparison study of such individual efforts.
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Stickler Syndrome (SS) is a significant cause of retinal blindness in children. The immediate cause of blindness is retina detachment from giant retinal tear (GRT). It is frequently diagnosed late and the giant retinal tear (GRT) may be complicated by high-grade proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). The surgery for the combined GRT with PVR has limited structural results and the vision mainly remains impaired. In order to improve the visual outcomes, we propose an organized program oriented toward early diagnosis and surveillance. Adding an effective prophylaxis may maintain normal vision in a high percent of patients. The critical diagnostic moments for this program are prenatal and at birth. The tools include a directed history, general physical exam and advanced ophthalmologic exam looking for the particular features of SS. Some features may need advanced skills transfer, because they are not reliably taught in retina fellowships. Much of this program requires a partnership with obstetricians, pediatricians, neonatologists and geneticists. Finally, we review the evidence regarding prophylaxis and discuss our approach in the absence of guidance from a randomized clinical trial.
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Purpose: To investigate the clinical findings and outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in Stickler syndrome on affected and fellow eyes that underwent prophylactic retinopexy. Patients and methods: Chart review of 70 eyes (62 patients). Incidence of RRD, postoperative visual acuity, and risk factors were evaluated. Results: Twenty-two patients (35%) had RRD in the fellow eye, 37% of the eyes had cataract, 93% had macular detachment, 50% had proliferative vitreoretinopathy, and 41% had posterior vitreous detachment. Success rates were: 60% of patients after scleral buckling; 57.1% after pars plana vitrectomy; and 75% after combined scleral buckling and pars plana vitrectomy. Sixty-one (93.8%) of patients had successful surgery (including second surgery). Silicone oil tamponade was significantly associated with final anatomic outcome, with a protective odds ratio of 0.11 (P=0.027). Visual acuity improved in 54% of eyes and decreased in 5%. Statistically significant associations were present for eyes with final visual acuity ≥20/200, and total retinal detachment (P<0.001); preoperative cataract (P=0.023); and proliferative vitreoretinopathy (P<0.001). RRD developed in 16/44 eyes despite laser prophylaxis. Conclusion: Prophylactic retinopexy was not beneficial for Stickler syndrome patients. Success of primary surgery for RRD remains low. The primary surgery should be vitrectomy combined with scleral buckling and silicone oil tamponade.
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Purpose The Stickler syndromes are the most common causes of inherited and childhood retinal detachment; however, no consensus exists regarding the effectiveness of prophylactic intervention. We evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of the Cambridge prophylactic cryotherapy protocol, a standardized retinal prophylactic treatment developed to prevent retinal detachment arising from giant retinal tears in type 1 Stickler syndrome. Design Retrospective comparative case series. Participants Four hundred eighty seven patients with type 1 Stickler syndrome. Methods Time to retinal detachment was compared between patients who received bilateral prophylaxis and untreated controls, with and without individual patient matching. Patients receiving unilateral prophylaxis (after fellow eye retinal detachment) were similarly compared with an appropriate control subgroup. Individual patient matching ensured equal age and follow-up between groups and that an appropriate control (who had not suffered a retinal detachment before the age at which their individually matched treatment patient underwent prophylactic treatment) was selected. Matching was blinded to outcome events. Individual patient matching protocols purposely weighted bias against the effectiveness of treatment. All treatment side effects are reported. Main Outcome Measures Time to retinal detachment and side effects occurring after prophylactic treatment. Results The bilateral control group (n = 194) had a 7.4-fold increased risk of retinal detachment compared to the bilateral prophylaxis group (n = 229) (hazard ratio [HR], 7.40; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.53–12.08; P<0.001); the matched bilateral control group (n = 165) had a 5.0-fold increased risk compared to the matched bilateral prophylaxis group (n = 165) (HR, 4.97; 95% CI, 2.82–8.78; P<0.001). The unilateral control group (n = 104) had a 10.3-fold increased risk of retinal detachment compared to the unilateral prophylaxis group (n = 64) (HR, 10.29; 95% CI, 4.96–21.36; P<0.001); the matched unilateral control group (n = 39) had a 8.4-fold increased risk compared to the matched unilateral prophylaxis group (n = 39) (HR, 8.36; 95% CI, 3.24–21.57; P<0.001). No significant long-term side effects occurred. Conclusions In the largest global cohort of type 1 Stickler syndrome patients published, all analyses indicate that the Cambridge prophylactic cryotherapy protocol is safe and markedly reduces the risk of retinal detachment.
The proverbial benefits of prevention over cure are self-evident—and yet we are reluctant to invest in staying healthy. Resolution of this age-old dilemma begins with a timeless truth: the benefits of good health come at a cost: prevention is not better than cure at any price. That logic leads to a testable—and refutable—proposition: that prevention should be favoured when an imminent, high-risk, high-impact hazard can be averted at relatively low cost. Application of this idea helps to explain why cigarette smoking is still commonplace, why the world was not ready for the COVID-19 pandemic, why the idea of a ‘sin tax’ is misconceived, why billions still do not have access to safe sanitation, why the response to climate change has been so slow, and why public health advice often falls on deaf ears. Much more money and effort are invested in health promotion and prevention today than is commonly thought, but the enormous avoidable burden of illness is reason to seek incentives for investing still more. The principles, together with a series of case studies in diverse settings, offer 12 lessons for prevention. These are methods and motives for shifting the balance away from reactive medical treatment, bypassing illness and injury, to promote better health and well-being.
Purpose: to evaluate retrospectively if scleral buckling (SB) combined or not to cryopexy reduces fellow-eye Retinal Detachment (RD) in Stickler Syndrome (SS) patients who lost their first eye due to RD. Methods: retrospective review of 52 SS patients who received a 6 mm wide, 360° encircling SB. Thirty-nine (75%; Cryo + Group) also received cryo treatment while the reminder 13/52 (25% Cryo - Group) did not. Results: Average follow-up was 15.6 ± 2.41 years. Five patients (5/52; 9.6%) developed a retinal detachment 2.6 ± 0.55 years after prophylactic treatment; respectively 0/39 patients in the Cryo + Group and 5/13 in the Cryo - Group (p<0.001). All 5 RD eyes were successfully re-attached through revised episcleral surgery and adjunctive cryo treatment. Post-op refraction changed an average -1.9 ± 0.74 diopters and BCVA at the end of follow-up was 20/25 (0.1 ± 0.07 LogMAR), not significantly different from the rest of sample population who did not develop RD in their fellow eye. Conclusion: Cryopexy significantly reduced the risk of RD in Stickler Syndrome patients undergoing scleral buckling. If RD ensues, the presence of SB may ease surgical repair and improve final outcome.
Background and objective: To report the long-term anatomic and visual outcomes of patients with Stickler syndrome undergoing retinal detachment (RD) surgery. Patients and methods: Retrospective, interventional, consecutive case series of patients with Stickler syndrome undergoing RD repair from 1999 to 2017 at the Long Island Vitreoretinal Consultants, New York. Retinal attachment status and visual acuity (VA) at 1-year and last follow-up were assessed. Results: Successful reattachment was achieved in 28 of 29 eyes (97%) with an average of 2.3 surgeries (including silicone oil removal surgeries). Redetachment after the first surgery occurred in 13 eyes (45%). Mean Snellen VA at initial presentation, 1-year follow-up, and last follow-up were 20/289, 20/118 (P = .012), and 20/103 (P = .022), respectively. Conclusions: Anatomic success can be achieved in most eyes. However, redetachments are common, and multiple surgeries are often required. Reasonable visual recovery is possible in many eyes. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2020;51:612-616.].
Background: Few reports on surgical outcomes after retinal detachment in Stickler syndrome exist. Also, infantile-onset glaucoma associated with Stickler syndrome has been rarely reported and no reports exist that examine outcomes after glaucoma surgery. This study describes the clinical and genetic associations and the long-term outcomes of retinal detachment repair or glaucoma surgery in patients with Stickler syndrome. Materials and Methods: Retrospective, single-center, case series of patients with Stickler syndrome. Demographics, clinical features, genetic mutations, and long-term surgical outcomes of eyes that experienced retinal detachment or diagnosed with infantile-onset glaucoma were assessed. Results: Fifteen patients were identified with a mean age of 13 years at presentation and followed for a mean of 6 years. Two-thirds were male. Genetic analysis was performed as part of routine examination in nine patients from eight families. All were identified as having variants in COL2A1, three of which were novel. Six eyes of six patients experienced retinal detachment. Fifty percent of eyes without prophylactic laser treatment experienced retinal detachment, whereas only 5% of eyes that underwent prophylactic therapy detached. Despite surgical intervention for retinal detachment, five eyes became phthisical. Five eyes of three patients were diagnosed with infantile-onset glaucoma. All five eyes required multiple glaucoma surgeries, and three eyes became phthisical. Conclusions: This study illustrates the surgical challenges encountered in patients with Stickler syndrome. Additionally, infantile-onset glaucoma may be more prevalent than previously reported and presents a challenge in terms of management. A multidisciplinary approach is recommended to provide optimal care to these patients.
Purpose: Pediatric retinal detachments (RDs) are unique in etiology, anatomy, and prognosis compared with the adult population. The mechanisms of pediatric RD include tractional (TRD), rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, traumatic, and other types, such as exudative or hemorrhagic. This study examined visual and anatomical outcomes of pediatric RD undergoing surgical repair at a single university referral center. Methods: A retrospective consecutive case series of patients clinically diagnosed and undergoing surgery for RD between birth and 15 years of age from 2002 to 2013 at a single academic institution. Results: A total of 206 patients (231 eyes) were included in this study, of which 25 (12%) had bilateral RD. Of those patients, 67 (29%) had TRD (retinopathy of prematurity, persistent fetal vasculature, or familial exudative vitreoretinopathy), 51 (22%) had rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (myopia, X-linked retinoschisis, or Stickler syndrome), 60 (26%) had traumatic RD, and 53 (23%) were due to other types of RD, such as Coats disease or coloboma. Presenting best-corrected visual acuity better than 20/200 correlated with better final best-corrected visual acuity (P < 0.0001). Anatomical success was strongly correlated with visual acuity outcome (P < 0.00001) and was significantly more likely in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment versus TRD (78% vs. 39%, P < 0.05). The rates of obtaining a final best-corrected visual acuity > 20/200 were poorer in TRD (10%) compared with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (39%, P < 0.01) or traumatic RD (28%, P < 0.05). Conclusion: Visual and anatomical outcomes varied among categories of RD. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachments were associated with the best outcomes (anatomical success and globe conservation), whereas TRDs generally had poorer visual and anatomical outcomes.