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Andrena semirugosa brassicae (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) as a major small bee species in apple orchards in Japan



Wild small bees are known to visit apple flowers along with honeybees and other bees. However, their species composition in Japan has not been well investigated for more than 50 years. Here, we identified 791 wild small bee individuals captured in seven apple orchards in four prefectures. Andrena semirugosa brassicae (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) was the predominant species visiting apple flowers in five orchards, although it had not been listed as a major visitor in past studies. This species was also the major visitor to dandelion flowers in the orchards. We deposited the sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (CO1) of 250 individuals (7 genera; 32 species) in DDBJ to support the genetic identification of small bees widely observed in apple orchards in Japan.
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Applied Entomology and Zoology
Andrena semirugosa brassicae (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) asamajor
small bee species inapple orchards inJapan
TsunashiKamo1· KenFunayama2· HidenariKishimoto3· KoukiYoshida4· ShigekiKishi5
Received: 1 February 2022 / Accepted: 26 May 2022
© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology 2022
Wild small bees are known to visit apple flowers along with honeybees and other bees. However, their species composition
in Japan has not been well investigated for more than 50years. Here, we identified 791 wild small bee individuals captured
in seven apple orchards in four prefectures. Andrena semirugosa brassicae (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) was the predominant
species visiting apple flowers in five orchards, although it had not been listed as a major visitor in past studies. This species
was also the major visitor to dandelion flowers in the orchards. We deposited the sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase
subunit I gene (CO1) of 250 individuals (7 genera; 32 species) in DDBJ to support the genetic identification of small bees
widely observed in apple orchards in Japan.
Keywords Andrena semirugosa brassicae· Apple· Pollinator
The contribution of diverse pollinators, including wild
insects, to the provision of pollination services for fruit
production is now considered greater than once thought
(Garibaldi etal. 2013). In crop production, wild bees often
transfer and deposit pollen with an efficiency that is equal
to, or greater than, that of honeybees (Frier etal. 2016; Pfis-
ter etal. 2017). In addition, the presence of wild bees can
affect honeybee foraging behavior, resulting in increased
pollen deposition (Greenleaf and Kremen 2006). Therefore,
enhancing the pollination services performed by diverse
local wild pollinators is likely to be a highly sustainable and
low-cost method for producing various crops that require
pollination (Albrecht etal. 2012; Hoehn etal. 2008).
Apple, Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosales: Rosaceae), is a
representative crop that requires pollination because of self-
incompatibility (Ramírez and Davenport 2013). In Japan,
since the yield of apple is the second largest among fruit
crops (MIAC 2019), pollination is an important concern for
farmers to optimize and stabilize production. European hon-
eybees, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), have been
used commercially as pollinators in apple orchards, although
they are not the most efficient pollinators of this crop (Blitzer
etal. 2016; Russo etal. 2017). In Japan, Osmia cornifrons
(Radoszkowski) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) has been
kept and used as a pollinator (Maeta and Kitamura 1965)
and has been proved to be more efficient than the honeybee
in apple pollination (Matsumoto etal. 2009).
Periodic monitoring of the wild bee community that can
provide pollination services for apple is necessary because
the community and the resultant pollination services can
easily change in response to orchard management (Roquer-
Beni etal. 2021) and surrounding land use (Holzschuh etal.
2012). However, since studies that reported flower visitors
in Japan from 1962 to 1970 (Kobayashi 1971; Kobayashi
etal. 1966; Tsugawa etal. 1967), few studies have closely
surveyed them in recent years. In particular, small bees that
visit apple flowers have not been well surveyed in Japan,
although they would make up a considerable ratio of the
* Tsunashi Kamo
1 Institute forAgro-Environmental Sciences, National
Agriculture andFood Research Organization (NARO),
Tsukuba, Ibaraki305-8604, Japan
2 Akita Fruit-Tree Experiment Station, Yokote,
Akita013-0102, Japan
3 Institute forPlant Protection, NARO, Morioka,
Iwate020-0123, Japan
4 Fruit Tree Research Center, Fukushima Agricultural
Technology Center, Fukushima, Fukushima960-0231, Japan
5 Research Center forAgricultural Information Technology,
NARO, Minato-ku, Tokyo105-0003, Japan
Applied Entomology and Zoology
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total visitor species and individuals. For example, wild small
bee species comprised 25 of 53 wild bee species collected
on apple flowers in New York state in the USA (Blitzer etal.
2016). A possible reason for the lack of reports of small bee
assemblages at the species level in Japan is that identifica-
tion of small bees is often more difficult for non-specialists
than that of major recognizable honeybees, bumblebees, and
the carpenter bee. DNA barcoding could be a good solution
for species-level identification without taxonomic skills,
although DNA databases are not always satisfactory in reso-
lution, especially when small bees are the target.
As the first step in understanding pollination services pro-
vided by small bees, we surveyed wild small bees in seven
apple orchards over four prefectures in Japan. We identi-
fied them based on morphological traits to species level and
confirmed the results by DNA barcoding as necessary. We
then deposited the sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase
subunit I gene (CO1) of the individuals in the DNA Data
Bank of Japan (DDBJ) to facilitate studies on the genetic
identification of small bees. We excluded the other visitors
from our targeted species in this study, although they would
be also important for apple production.
Study sites
We captured wild small bees in seven apple orchards—two
in Akita prefecture, AKT-1 (39.24°N, 140.53°E), AKT-2
(39.24°N, 140.56°E); three in Fukushima prefecture, FKS-1
(37.81°N, 140.44°E), FKS-2 (37.90°N, 140.43°E), FKS-3
(37.80°N, 140.49°E); one in Iwate prefecture, IWT-1
(39.77°N, 141.13°E); and one in Nagano prefecture, NGN-1
(36.77°N, 138.30°E)—from 2018 to 2020. Environmentally
friendly farming was practiced in AKT-1, FKS-1, and IWT-
1, and conventional farming in the rest. ‘Fuji’, an apple vari-
ety, was planted in AKT-1, AKT-2, FKS-1, FKS-2, FKS-
3, and IWT-1. ‘Sansa’ was planted with ‘Fuji’ in IWT-1.
‘Tsugaru’ was planted in NGN-1. The orchards are described
in TableS1.
Capturing flower visitors inapple orchards
From pre-anthesis to post-anthesis of apple, we collected
small bees on apple and weed flowers by placing the aper-
ture of a 5-mL vial over each bee. In 2018, we added 3–5mL
of ethanol to each tube and stored the samples at room tem-
perature until identification. In 2019 and 2020, each vial was
immediately cooled on ice in a cooler bag and then stored
at −30°C in a freezer in the laboratory until identification.
Flying bees in AKT-1 were also captured in an insect net on
23 and 24 April 2019.
Species identification offlower visitors
We identified 790 of the 791 small bees captured to the
species level based on their morphology; if necessary,
identification was confirmed by CO1 DNA barcoding. The
remaining one was identified to genus level.
DNA barcoding was used for 250 individuals. The
primer combination used for PCR amplification and
sequencing of a segment of the mitochondrial CO1 was
BarbeeF (forward), 5-CAA CAA ATC ATA AAA ATA
TTGG-3 (Françoso and Arias 2013), and MtD9 (reverse),
et al. 1994). DNA from one of the middle legs was
extracted with a DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen,
Valencia, CA, USA) in accordance with the manufacturer’s
protocol. The amplification reaction contained 0.08μL of
ExTaq polymerase (TaKaRa Bio, Shiga, Japan; 5 U/μL),
1.6 μL of Ex Taq buffer (Mg2+ free), 1.3 μL of MgCl2
(25mM), 1.3 μL of dNTP mixture (2.5mM each), 0.5
μL of DNA template, 0.5 μL each of forward and reverse
primer (10μM), and purified water up to 16.6μL. PCR
cycles consisted of an initial denaturation step for 5min at
94°C; 35 cycles of denaturation (1min at 94°C), anneal-
ing (1min 20s at 40°C), and extension (2min at 64°C);
and a final extension at 64°C for 10min. The PCR prod-
ucts were treated with ExoSAP-IT (USB Corp., Cleveland,
OH, USA), and directly sequenced in both directions in
an ABI 3130XL or SeqStudio genetic analyzer (Applied
Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) with a Big Dye Ter-
minator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Applied
Biosystems), using the same primers as for PCR. Similar
sequences were searched by using an identification engine
searching for “All Barcode Records on BOLD” (http://
www. bolds ystems. org/ index. php/ IDS_ OpenI dEngi ne) in
BOLD (the Barcode of Life Data Systems) or the Basic
Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST; https:// blast. ncbi.
nlm. nih. gov/ Blast. cgi) in GenBank (National Centre for
Biotechnology Information). Species were identified on
the basis of highly similar best matches (> 98% identity).
The sequences were deposited in DDBJ (accession num-
bers LC652088–LC652337; TableS2).
Results anddiscussion
In total, we collected 358 individual small bees of 26 spe-
cies on apple flowers at the seven sites (Table1). Andrena
semirugosa brassicae Hirashima (Hymenoptera: Andre-
nidae) numbered 192, accounting for 53.6%. This species
was the most abundant at five of the seven sites (AKT-
1, FKS-1, FKS-2, FKS-3, and IWT-1). At AKT-1 and
Applied Entomology and Zoology
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Table 1 Wild small bees visiting apple flowers
Bee species* Sex Number of individuals captured on apple flowers
Orchard AKT-1 AKT-1 AKT-1 AKT-2 FKS-1 FKS-2 FKS-3 IWT-1 IWT-1 NGN-1 Total
Sampling start
2 May 2018 8 May 2019 5 May 2020 7 May 2018 27 Apr 2018 26 Apr 2018 26 Apr 2018 5 May 2018 11 May 2020 4 May 2019
Sampling end
6 May 2018 13 May 2019 5 May 2020 11 May 2018 1 May 2018 1 May 2018 1 May 2018 6 May 2018 11 May 2020 5 May 2019
Andrena benefica
F 1 1
Andrena dentata
F 1 1
F 1 1 1 3
Andrena haemor-
rhoa japonibia
F 9 9
Andrena japonica
F 3 1 4
Andrena kaguya
F 2 1 1 4 8
Andrena komachi
F 1 1
Andrena loni-
cerae Tadauchi
et Hirashima
F 1 1
Andrena luri-
diloma Strand
F 10 5 6 1 9 2 11 2 46
Andrena semiru-
gosa brassicae
F 25 13 48 6 24 13 15 27 21 192
Andrena sub-
opaca Nylander
F 1 1 2
Andrena watasei
M 1 1
Andrena yamato
Tadauchi et
F 1 4 5
Ceratina flavipes
F 1 1
Ceratina japon-
ica Cockerell
F 5 5
Applied Entomology and Zoology
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Table 1 (continued)
Bee species* Sex Number of individuals captured on apple flowers
Orchard AKT-1 AKT-1 AKT-1 AKT-2 FKS-1 FKS-2 FKS-3 IWT-1 IWT-1 NGN-1 Total
Sampling start
2 May 2018 8 May 2019 5 May 2020 7 May 2018 27 Apr 2018 26 Apr 2018 26 Apr 2018 5 May 2018 11 May 2020 4 May 2019
Sampling end
6 May 2018 13 May 2019 5 May 2020 11 May 2018 1 May 2018 1 May 2018 1 May 2018 6 May 2018 11 May 2020 5 May 2019
F 1 26 1 1 5 34
Sakagami et
F 4 5 2 5 1 17
F 5 5
Lasioglossum sci-
tulum (Smith)
F 1 1
F 1 2 3 4 1 11
F 1 1 1 1 4
F 1 1 2
F 1 1
M 1 1
Panurginus craw-
fordi Cockerell
F 1 1
Sphecodes sp. F 1 1
Total 45 25 56 37 35 30 27 35 41 27 358
* Honeybees, bumblebees, carpenter bees, and Osmia cornifrons (Radoszkowski) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) were excluded from this pollinator survey
Applied Entomology and Zoology
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IWT-1, where pollinators were surveyed in multiple years,
it remained the most abundant (Table1). By tracking an
individual flying near the ground in AKT-1, we found the
entrance to a nest of A. semirugosa brassicae (data not
shown). The reason why A. semirugosa brassicae was not
captured at NGN-1 is unclear. The altitude of this site
(550m a.s.l.) has seemingly affected the species assem-
blage, because all other sites lie between 60 and 200m
a.s.l. (TableS1). However, this species has been found
in many mountainous areas in Japan (Tadauchi 1985).
Andrena luridiloma Strand and Lasioglossum hoffmanni
(Strand) (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) were the next most
abundant. Since we focused on the species identification of
small bees found in apple orchards, further studies of the
frequency of flower visitation and pollination efficiency
are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of these species
in pollination of apple.
In two orchards (AKT-1 and IWT-1), we collected 433
individuals on weed flowers or in flight and identified all to
species level (TableS3). Andrena semirugosa brassicae was
the most abundant species captured on the flowers of dande-
lion, Taraxacum officinale (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg. (Aster-
ales: Asteraceae). Since dandelion blooms earlier and ends
later than apple, it could feed the overwintering generation
of this bee species. One supplementary but notable result
is that 13 males of this species were captured on the flow-
ers of Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. (Asterales: Asteraceae)
in the groundcover of AKT-1 in late June 2020, after apple
bloom. As this bee is bivoltine (Tadauchi and Murao 2014),
these males would have been the first generation reared by
the overwintering generation that had exploited other flower
resources such as the apple and dandelion flowers. So it may
be important that the blooming period of undergrowth flow-
ers extend outside the period of apple anthesis. Norfolk etal.
(2016) showed that abundance and richness of ground flow-
ers increased the abundance of wild bees and thus their fre-
quency of visitation to flowers of almond, Amygdalus dulcis
(Mill.) D.A.Webb (Rosales: Rosaceae). It will be necessary
to compare the effects of these flowers on the abundance
of A. semirugosa brassicae and other wild small bees in
We found for the first time that A. semirugosa brassicae
was the predominant small bee species visiting apple flow-
ers. In the past study by Kobayashi etal. (1966), the three
major species here—A. semirugosa brassicae, A. luridiloma,
and L. hoffmanni—were listed as minor visitors (TableS4).
We chose not to compare our species composition with those
reported by Kobayashi (1971) and Tsugawa etal. (1967),
who identified almost half of the small bees they found only
to the genus level. Nevertheless, the species composition of
small bees observed here is different from those in previous
studies. We do not know why A. semirugosa brassicae was
the predominant species here, although changes in orchard
management and surrounding land use may be involved.
Further periodic surveys at more sites could answer this
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s13355- 022- 00787-5.
Acknowledgements This work was supported financially by the Min-
istry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Japan, through a research
project titled “Monitoring and enhancement of pollinators for crop
production (JPJ006239).” We are grateful to the members of this
project for capturing the bees. We thank Dr. Ryuki Murao (Regional
Environmental Planning Co., Ltd.) for identifying 23 individuals and
for his useful comments on the taxonomy of small bees. We thank Dr.
Aoi Nikkeshi and Mr. Ryohei Hoshino (NARO) for his technical help.
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Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
... Andrena (Micrandrena) spp., which are the smallest members of the genus, were the most important wild pollinators for field cultivated strawberry in central Japan. In apple orchards in Japan, Andrena semirugosa brassicae, which belongs to the subgenus Micrandrena was the dominant flower visitor, excluding A. mellifera and Osmia cornifrons, both of which are managed by farmers [41]; small wild pollinators, including this species as a major member, contributed to apple fruit setting [39]. There are several examples of Andrena spp. ...
Full-text available
Using wild pollinators to pollinate crops without introducing human-managed pollinators is cost-effective and friendly to native ecosystems. To maintain stable, good-quality yields in crops that mainly use wild pollinators, it is essential to determine which flower visitors are important pollinators and their degree of importance. In this study, we observed flower-visiting insects for 5 years in outdoor cultivated strawberries surrounded by a semi-natural environment in central Japan. We estimated the pollination effectiveness and efficiency of the 10 main flower-visiting insect taxa on strawberries by examining the relationship between the number of visits per flower and subsequent achene fertilization rates per berry. Finally, the pollinator importance (%) to the total pollination service was estimated for each of the 10 main taxa and for all others. Among the 10 main insect taxa, 6 were effective pollinators, i.e., they significantly increased achene fertilization rates by increasing their number of visits to a flower. Considering the 5-year mean, these six taxa accounted for the top six important pollinators. Andrena (subgenus Micrandrena ) spp. were the most important and three other bee taxa, including Apis mellifera and Ceratina spp., were the next most important pollinators; one fly and one butterfly species were also important pollinators. This indicates that strawberry pollinators were diverse in the study area. The flower-visit frequency and importance of many pollinators fluctuated from year to year, implying that various pollinators pollinate strawberry flowers each year, and in field surveys of crop-pollinator communities multiyear investigations are needed to identify important pollinators and to estimate their importance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to quantify the proportional importance of each pollinator to the total pollination service for a crop.
Full-text available
Functional traits mediate the response of communities to disturbances (response traits) and their contribution to ecosystem functions (effect traits). To predict how anthropogenic disturbances influence ecosystem services requires a dual approach including both trait concepts. Here, we used a response–effect trait conceptual framework to understand how local and landscape features affect pollinator functional diversity and pollination services in apple orchards. We worked in 110 apple orchards across four European regions. Orchards differed in management practices. Low‐intensity (LI) orchards were certified organic or followed close‐to‐organic practices. High‐intensity (HI) orchards followed integrated pest management practices. Within each management type, orchards encompassed a range of local (flower diversity, agri‐environmental structures) and landscape features (orchard and pollinator‐friendly habitat cover). We measured pollinator visitation rates and calculated trait composition metrics based on 10 pollinator traits. We used initial fruit set as a measure of pollination service. Some pollinator traits (body size and hairiness) were negatively related to orchard cover and positively affected by pollinator‐friendly habitat cover. Bee functional diversity was lower in HI orchards and decreased with increased landscape orchard cover. Pollination service was not associated with any particular trait but increased with pollinator trait diversity in LI orchards. As a result, LI orchards with high pollinator trait diversity reached levels of pollination service similar to those of HI orchards. Synthesis and applications. Pollinator functional diversity enables pollinator communities to respond to agricultural intensification and to increase pollination function. Our results show that efforts to promote biodiversity provide greater returns in low‐intensity than in high‐intensity orchards. The fact that low‐intensity orchards with high pollinator functional diversity reach levels of pollination services similar to those of high‐intensity orchards provides a compelling argument for the conversion of high‐intensity into low‐intensity farms.
Full-text available
The yield of animal-pollinated crops is threatened by bee declines, but its precise sensitivity is poorly known. We therefore determined the yield dependence of Hokkaido pumpkin in Germany on insect pollination by quantifying: (i) the relationship between pollen receipt and fruit set and (ii) the cumulative pollen deposition of each pollinator group. We found that approximately 2500 pollen grains per flower were needed to maximize fruit set. At the measured rates of flower visitation, we estimated that bumblebees (21 visits/flower lifetime, 864 grains/visit) or honeybees (123 visits, 260 grains) could individually achieve maximum crop yield, whereas halictid bees are ineffective (11 visits, 16 grains). The pollinator fauna was capable of delivering 20 times the necessary amount of pollen. We therefore estimate that pumpkin yield was not pollination-limited in our study region and that it is currently fairly resilient to single declines of honeybees or wild bumblebees.
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Pollination studies tend to focus on the conventional agriculture associated with Europe and the USA , leaving a gap in our understanding of how pollination services are maintained in smallholder agricultural systems that dominate much of the developing world. In South Sinai, Egypt, almond is cultivated as part of an arid agroforestry system in traditional orchard gardens that contain a mixture of fruit trees inter‐planted with vegetables and herbs. This study investigated the relative contribution of honeybees and wild insects for pollination of almond trees and assessed how flowering ground vegetation influenced pollinator densities and fruit set. Results showed that almond was highly dependent on insect pollination, with bagged flowers producing less than 8% of the fruit set of insect‐ and hand‐pollinated flowers. Fruit set was correlated with wild pollinator visitation, but not with honeybee visitation. Furthermore, the presence of honeybee hives had no effect upon fruit set. The abundance and species richness of flowering ground vegetation was positively related to pollinator abundance within the gardens and associated with enhanced fruit set. Over half of the flowering ground flora were minority crops grown alongside almond, suggesting that facilitation can occur between simultaneously flowering crops. In these diverse orchard gardens, flowering minority crops benefited wild pollinators and increased fruit set in the primary orchard crop. If mutual facilitation occurs between other crop species, then the diverse cropping systems associated with smallholder farms are likely to enhance pollination services within traditional agricultural landscapes.
A growing body of evidence suggests that wild bees play an important role in agricultural pollination. It is very difficult, however, to accurately quantify the contribution of wild bees relative to honeybees in most crop systems. We quantified the relative contribution of honeybees and wild bees to the pollination of an economically important, insect-pollinated crop (apple). We use an empirical dataset to identify which of three functional traits (body size, pollen load purity, and flower handling behavior) contribute significantly to seed set. We find that flower handling behavior and abundance were the only functional traits that significantly predict seed set. When we take into account flower handling behavior and abundance, wild bees contributed significantly more to seed set than honeybees in the apple orchards we surveyed. Our findings suggest that land managers may benefit from focusing on supporting communities of wild bees, rather than investing in honeybee hive rental.
Fruit set in many crops is dependent on pollinating insects, but the pollination performance of floral visitors can vary tremendously among taxa. Apis mellifera L. is the primary managed pollinator used for most crops, but alternative managed bee species or wild pollinators may be more effective and efficient pollinators. In this study, we compared the performance of A. mellifera to commercial Osmia lignaria Say and wild Bombus spp. as pollinators of Haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.), an early flowering fruit crop grown in northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. We conducted field experiments that compared single visit pollen deposition (SVD), foraging behaviour, and pollen load composition among the three taxa. We found that individual Bombus spp. had the highest SVD levels, visited the most flowers per time interval, had high floral constancy, and could tolerate the colder temperatures often experienced during Haskap flowering. Apis mellifera had the lowest SVD levels, spent three times as long per flower as Bombus spp., and were not active during cooler temperatures. However, their potential for high densities in good weather and their affinity for Haskap suggest that as a colony they are important for Haskap pollination. Osmia lignaria rarely visited Haskap when alternative forage such as willow (Salix) was available and therefore contributed very little to Haskap pollination. These results emphasize the economic importance of wild bees in agro-ecosystems, and we conclude that pollination in Haskap orchards can be optimized by providing year-round forage and nesting habitat for wild Bombus spp., in addition to pollination by A. mellifera.
Pollination is a key event for fruit set. Worldwide, there has been an increasing interest in apple pollination. Apple pollen grains are elliptical and tricolpate. Pollen germination is highly dependent on temperature. Most apple pollination occurs through cross-pollination; however, some cultivars have been reported to self-pollinate. Most apple cultivars have a gametophytic self incompatibility (GSI) system; however, others are semi compatible, or fully self compatible. The most common insect pollinator of apple is the honey bee. Other effective pollinator species include Hymenopterans, Dipterans and Coleopterans. Wind seems not to be an effective mechanism for pollination. Environmental conditions such as temperature, rain and high wind speed negatively affect pollination. This article reviews recent developments in our knowledge of apple pollination focusing on recently developed cultivars growing in the tropics.
Evolution, weighting, and phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial gene sequences and a compilation of conserved polymerase chain reaction primers. C SIMON, F FRATI, A BECKENBACH, B CRESPI, H LIU, P