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Abstract and Figures

Safeguarding Earth’s tree diversity is a conservation priority due to the importance of trees for biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services such as carbon sequestration. Here, we improve the foundation for effective conservation of global tree diversity by analyzing a recently developed database of tree species covering 46,752 species. We quantify range protection and anthropogenic pressures for each species and develop conservation priorities across taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity dimensions. We also assess the effectiveness of several influential proposed conservation prioritization frameworks to protect the top 17% and top 50% of tree priority areas. We find that an average of 50.2% of a tree species’ range occurs in 110-km grid cells without any protected areas (PAs), with 6,377 small-range tree species fully unprotected, and that 83% of tree species experience nonnegligible human pressure across their range on average. Protecting high-priority areas for the top 17% and 50% priority thresholds would increase the average protected proportion of each tree species’ range to 65.5% and 82.6%, respectively, leaving many fewer species (2,151 and 2,010) completely unprotected. The priority areas identified for trees match well to the Global 200 Ecoregions framework, revealing that priority areas for trees would in large part also optimize protection for terrestrial biodiversity overall. Based on range estimates for >46,000 tree species, our findings show that a large proportion of tree species receive limited protection by current PAs and are under substantial human pressure. Improved protection of biodiversity overall would also strongly benefit global tree diversity.
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High exposure of global tree diversity to human pressure
Wen-Yong Guo ()
, Josep M. Serra-Diaz
, Franziska Schrodt
, Wolf L. Eiserhardt
, Brian S. Maitner
, Cory Merow
, Cyrille Violle
Madhur Anand
el Belluau
, Hans Henrik Bruun
, Chaeho Byun
, Jane A. Catford
, Bruno E. L. Cerabolini
Eduardo Chac
, Daniela Ciccarelli
, J. Hans C. Cornelissen
, Anh Tuan Dang-Le
, Angel de Frutos
, Arildo S. Dias
Aelton B. Giroldo
, Kun Guo
, Alvaro G. Guti
, Wesley Hattingh
, Tianhua He ()
, Peter Hietz
, Nate Hough-Snee
Steven Jansen
, Jens Kattge
, Tamir Klein
, Benjamin Komac
, Nathan J. B. Kraft
, Koen Kramer
, Sandra Lavorel
Christopher H. Lusk
, Adam R. Martin
, Maurizio Mencuccini
, Sean T. Michaletz
, Vanessa Minden
, Akira S. Mori
Ulo Niinemets
, Yusuke Onoda
, Josep Pe~
erio D. Pillar
, Jan Pisek
, Bjorn J. M. Robroek
, Brandon Schamp
Martijn Slot
Enio Egon Sosinski Jr.
, Nadejda A. Soudzilovskaia
, Nelson Thiffault
, Peter van Bodegom
, Fons van der Plas
Ian J. Wright
, Wu-Bing Xu
, Jingming Zheng
, Brian J. Enquist
, and Jens-Christian Svenning
Edited by Hugh Possingham, The Nature Conservancy, Sherwood, QLD, Australia; received December 29, 2020; accepted April 13, 2022
Safeguarding Earths tree diversity is a conservation priority due to the importance of trees
for biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services such as carbon sequestration. Here,
we improve the foundation for effective conservation of global tree diversity by analyzing
a recently developed database of tree species covering 46,752 species. We quantify range
protection and anthropogenic pressures for each species and develop conservation priori-
ties across taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity dimensions. We also assess
the effectiveness of several inuential proposed conservation prioritization frameworks to
protect the top 17% and top 50% of tree priority areas. We nd that an average of
50.2% of a tree speciesrange occurs in 110-km grid cells without any protected areas
(PAs), with 6,377 small-range tree species fully unprotected, and that 83% of tree species
experience nonnegligible human pressure across their range on average. Protecting high-
priority areas for the top 17% and 50% priority thresholds would increase the average
protected proportion of each tree speciesrange to 65.5% and 82.6%, respectively, leav-
ing many fewer species (2,151 and 2,010) completely unprotected. The priority areas
identied for trees match well to the Global 200 Ecoregions framework, revealing that
priority areas for trees would in large part also optimize protection for terrestrial biodiver-
sity overall. Based on range estimates for >46,000 tree species, our ndings show that a
large proportion of tree species receive limited protection by current PAs and are under
substantial human pressure. Improved protection of biodiversity overall would also
strongly benetglobaltreediversity.
biodiversity jconservation frameworks jland use jprotected areas jtree species
Trees play a vital role in the biosphere. As key agents in the ow of energy and matter,
they protect catchments and stabilize drainage areas, sequester carbon, and regulate climate
on a local-to-global scale (13). Trees also provide habitat for a large proportion of the
diversity of the worlds vertebrates, invertebrates, and fungi (49). The magnitude of many
of these functions and services increases as tree diversity increases, and greater functional
diversity of tree assemblages enhances ecosystem productivity and stability (1012). How-
ever, continued global forest loss and degradation (1320) have decimated biodiversity
among tree and tree-dependent organisms (8, 2123). Tree diversity loss diminishes eco-
system resilience and contributions to coregulating the changing climate system (2426).
While policy makers and land managers are increasingly aware of the importance of trees,
an in-depth global assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of existing protections for
tree diversity is lacking. A comprehensive assessment of protection and pressures on tree
diversity would provide important input for establishing conservation and restoration prior-
ities to bend the curve of biodiversity loss (27).
Protected areas (PAs) represent a rst-order conservation strategy for preventing bio-
diversity loss, aimed to preserve natural ecosystems (2830) and their inherent services,
such as carbon sequestration (31). At present, PAs cover 15.8% of the Earths land
(World Database on Protected Areas; WDPA*). This value remains below the 17% of
Earths land area recommended by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
2020 target (see SI Appendix, Box S1 for a detailed explanation). However, it is not
well-understood how well existing PAs cover tree species diversity.
Earths tree diversity is crucial for
biodiversity and ecosystem
functions and services. Using
species range estimates for 46,752
tree species, we nd that an
average of 50.2% of a tree species
range occurs in 110-km grid cells
without any protected areas, with
a total of 6,377 small-range tree
species entirely unprotected, and
that 83% of tree species
experience nonnegligible human
pressure across their range on
average. Protecting additional
areas selected to optimally cover
multiple dimensions of tree
diversity would strongly improve
this situation. Our results highlight
the need for strengthening efforts
to protect tree diversity via
increased coverage of protected
areas through well-targeted
conservation actions as well as
integration of tree diversity into
restoration efforts in human-
dominated landscapes.
The authors declare no competing interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Copyright © 2022 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.
This article is distributed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: or
This article contains supporting information online at
Published June 16, 2022.
*, accessed 30 May 2022.
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Given the current pace of biodiversity loss, debate has arisen
regarding the post-2020 PA targets (3234). One initiative that
has gained signicant momentum is E. O. WilsonsHalf-
Earthproposal (35), which argues that half of the Earths sur-
face needs to be protected in order to avoid major biodiversity
loss and safeguard major ecosystem processes and services
(3639). This proposal aligns with the 2050 Vision for Biodi-
versity, proposed by CBD parties for the Post-2020 Global
Biodiversity Framework (40). Different frameworks may sug-
gest different priority areas (SI Appendix, Box S1) for future
PAs, but effective, coordinated global conservation measures
require a strong consensus. While various organizations may
establish global conservation targets and areas of priority based
on different considerations (29, 41), the realized network of
PAs should ideally effectively represent overall biodiversity as
identied through systematic analyses (28).
Recent studies have highlighted the need to consider multi-
ple biodiversity dimensions, including phylogenetic and func-
tional diversity, and their roles in providing ecosystem services
in spatial conservation planning (4244). Unlike taxonomic
diversity, which is still most often used in biodiversity assess-
ments, functional and phylogenetic diversity represent critical
ecological and evolutionary aspects of biodiversity not fully cap-
tured by species composition alone (4550) (but see ref. 51).
Given the pivotal role of trees in global terrestrial ecosystems,
questions surrounding how well their multiple diversity dimen-
sions are and could be protected by major biodiversity policy
targets are critical to the domains of both conservation and the
broader sustainability agenda, such as the rising global interest
in tree restoration (3) and integration of trees into agricultural
production systems (52, 53).
While foundational to conservation efforts, PAs are seldom
free from anthropogenic pressures. For example, a recent
study found that approximately one-third of global PAs expe-
rience intensive human pressure (54). Anthropogenic pres-
sures on PAs may increase as human activity near existing PAs
intensies, and as new PAs are increasingly established in
proximity to global population centers (30, 55). Many regions
that host high biodiversity overlap with human settlements.
As a result, future PAs will be confronted with other land-use
demands (56, 57), given the rising global human population
and natural resource requirements. Examining human pres-
sure within existing PAs and priority areas for tree diversity is
important for assessing both the effectiveness of current PAs
in protecting the tree species they harbor, and the need for
increasing protection of currently unprotected priority areas
for tree diversity.
Here, we analyze a recently developed global database of
46,752 tree speciesranges to 1) assess range protection and
anthropogenic pressures for tree species, 2) identify priority
areas for conservation of tree diversity considering multiple
diversity dimensions, and 3) assess the geographic distribution
of current PAs and different potential conservation prioritiza-
tion scenarios and their respective coverage of global tree spe-
cies diversity. We used complementarity analysis [Zonation
(58, 59)] and integration of taxonomy, phylogenetic related-
ness, and functional traits to assess whether priority areas for
tree conservation overlapped or diverged spatially according to
different diversity dimensions (42, 44). Taxonomic diversity
was represented by species identities. Phylogenetic diversity was
represented by phylogenetic eigenvectors computed from a
genus-level phylogeny (60). Functional diversity was repre-
sented using similar eigenvectors, based on eight commonly
measured, ecologically important traits including maximum
height, wood density, specic leaf area, leaf area, leaf nitrogen
concentration, leaf phosphorus concentration, leaf dry matter
content, and seed dry mass (SI Appendix, Table S1).
We used these diversity data to estimate overlaps in the pri-
ority areas for three diversity dimensions for the top 17 and
50% area targets, representing the CBD 2020 target and the
Half-Earth proposal, respectively. By comparing the tree spe-
ciesrange parts covered by existing PAs (as documented by the
WDPA) with those covered by the top 17 and top 50% prior-
ity areas identied through the Zonation algorithm, we quanti-
ed the coverage of existing and potential PAs with respect to
global tree diversity. We further quantied anthropogenic pres-
sures on species by estimating the Human Modication Index
(HMI) (61) for each speciesrange inside and outside existing
PAs, as well as for areas covered by potential future PAs for the
different conservation targets. As a cumulative measure of
human alteration of terrestrial areas based on 13 anthropogenic
layers, HMI is a unitless index that ranges from 0 to 1, with
0HMI 0.1 as low (e.g., a value of 0.007 for wildlands),
0.1 <HMI 0.4 as moderate (e.g., 0.12 for seminatural lands
and 0.37 for croplands), and 0.4 <HMI 1.0 as high to very
high (e.g., 0.58 for dense settlements and 0.65 for villages), fol-
lowing ref. 61.
We also tested coverage of existing PAs and top-priority areas
for tree diversity in relation to the different existing frameworks
for biodiversity conservation (SI Appendix, Box S1), covering
three global biodiversity conservation priority frameworks pro-
posed by leading conservation nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs). These included the Global 200 Ecoregions (G200),
Biodiversity Hotspots (BH), and Last of the Wild (LW) (29)
(SI Appendix, Box S1; hereafter NGO frameworks). These
NGO frameworks prioritize either areas of high vulnerability
(BH), the most intact areas (LW), or areas of highest irreplace-
ability (G200) (29). We identied gaps and overlaps between
current conservation efforts (PAs), our estimated priority areas
for tree diversity, and these existing NGO frameworks to assess
their utility for protecting Earths tree diversity and guiding
future funding and conservation efforts.
Global Protection Coverage and Pressures on Tree Species.
Across all 46,752 tree species in our dataset, an average of
50.2% of a speciesrange occurred in 110-km grid cells with-
out existing PAs. A total of 6,377 species (13.6% of the tree
species evaluated) experience no protection anywhere in their
range (Fig. 1Aand SI Appendix, Table S2), and 10,987 (23.5%
of tested) tree species have less than 25% of their ranges in
such PA cells (Dataset S1). Most tree species experience at least
moderate human pressure within their ranges, with an average
HMI of 0.25 across all species (a value comparable to the HMI
across most of Wales; Fig. 1Aand SI Appendix, Table S2). A
total of 14.8% of tree species experience high to very high aver-
age human pressure within their range (0.4 <HMI 1.0),
and an additional 68.5% experience moderate average human
pressure (0.1 <HMI 0.4) (following ref. 61). For the por-
tions of speciesranges inside protected cells (110-km cells with
PAs), human pressure is relatively low, with an average HMI of
0.11. In contrast, the unprotected portion of tree species
ranges (110-km cells without PAs) are exposed to considerably
higher human pressure, with a mean value of 0.25, and 7,776
species experiencing high to very high HMI in these areas (Fig.
1A). The global patterns described above largely reect rela-
tively wide-ranged tree species (SI Appendix, Fig. S1 and Table
Downloaded from by Wageningen University & Research - Library on July 20, 2022 from IP address
S2). By contrast, small-range tree species (the rst quintile of
tree speciesrange sizes) have overall greater unprotected range
proportions (mean value of 74.1%), and all of the 6,377 species
that are completely unprotected are such small-range species.
Compared with species with larger ranges, small-range species
have lower HMI (a mean of 0.06) within PA cells but slightly
higher human pressures outside PAs (Fig. 1Band SI Appendix,
Fig. S1 and Table S2).
Global Priority Areas for Tree Conservation across Three
Dimensions of Diversity. The top-priority areas for the 17 and
50% targets show considerable spatial divergence when selected
separately considering taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional
diversity dimensions (Fig. 2 and SI Appendix,Fig.S2). The
48.2% of the 17% top-priority areas for the different diversity
dimensions are selected according to all three dimensions. Another
43.5% of the 17% target priority areas selected based on taxo-
nomic diversity differ from those based on phylogenetic and func-
tional diversity (Fig. 2B). By contrast, the 17% top-priority areas
determined according to phylogenetic or functional diversity
largely overlapped, reecting the strong correlation between the
two dimensions (Fig. 2 Aand Band SI Appendix,Fig.S2and
Table S3). Overlaps were stronger for the top 50% priority areas
but otherwise similar (Fig. 2 Cand Dand SI Appendix,Fig.S2).
Areas prioritized according to all three diversity dimensions
occur primarily in the tropical rainforest regions of the Ameri-
cas, Africa, Indo-Malaya, and Australasia, as well as in subtropi-
cal Asia for the 17% target, but also cover subtropical and
warm-temperate regions more broadly under the 50% target.
Generally, areas prioritized by just two diversity dimensions
mainly occur in tropical and subtropical savanna areas (e.g., the
Cerrado in Brazil) for the 17% target, but also include temper-
ate areas in North America and Europe as well as in arid areas,
notably in Australia, for the 50% target (Fig. 2 Aand C). High-
priority sites only selected according to a single diversity dimen-
sion show a scattered global distribution (Fig. 2 Aand C).
Protection Coverage and Pressures Associated with Global
Priority Areas. Protecting the 17 and 50% area targets based
on priority areas according to taxonomic diversity would
increase the average coverage of a speciesrange to 65.5% (top
17%) and 82.6% (top 50%), strongly exceeding the average
range proportion covered by existing PA cells (49.8%) (red
dashed lines in SI Appendix, Fig. S3Aand Table S4). Expand-
ing current PAs to either the 17 or 50% top-priority areas
would furthermore increase tree speciesprotection status (SI
Appendix, Figs. S3Aand S4). For example, of the 13.6% of tree
species in our dataset that are small-range and currently lack
any protection, a majority (66.2%) would become partly or
fully covered by 110-km grid cells with potential PAs corre-
sponding to the 17% top-priority areas (yellow ow ribbons in
SI Appendix, Fig. S3A). The proportion of species whose entire
range falls within 110-km grid cells with PAs would increase to
24.8 and 42.5% if the 17 and 50% target top-priority areas
were protected, respectively. Mean HMI values for the priority
areas under the 17 and 50% targets exceed those estimated for
existing PAs (red dashed lines in SI Appendix, Fig. S3Band
Table S4), reecting that ca. 30% more species experience
moderate to high HMI values within these top-priority areas
relative to the proportion within current PAs.
Protection coverage and current pressure for prioritizations
based on functional and phylogenetic diversity resemble those
based on taxonomic diversity (SI Appendix,TableS4), with only
minor differences (SI Appendix,Fig.S3Avs. Cand E). However,
we found important differences in the degree of protection in
wide- vs. small-range species, particularly for the top 17% priority
area scenario. Specically, the priority areas obtained considering
taxonomic diversity would greatly increase the protection coverage
of small-range species to 75% of the mean proportion of ranges,
while the protection coverage of small-range species would only
reach ca. 53% if using the priority areas obtained from the other
two dimensions (SI Appendix,Fig.S4).
Global priority areas identied using all three diversity dimen-
sions simultaneously largely match results from the single dimen-
sions, especially those from taxonomic diversity (Figs. 3 and 4).
Many of the areas designated as top 17% priority areas experience
moderate human pressure. These areas include southern and east-
ern Asia, South America outside the Amazon Basin, and Madagas-
car (Fig. 4). Many of the top 50% priority areas are subject to
high human pressure (Fig. 4). They include many European
countries, India, eastern China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, cen-
tral North America, and eastern Argentina.
Congruence among Top Tree Conservation Priority Areas,
Existing PAs, and NGO Frameworks. Grid cells with existing
PAs cover only about half of the top 17 or 50% priority areas
for tree conservation as jointly dened by taxonomic, phylo-
genetic, and functional diversity (51.2 and 44.6%, respec-
tively, the proportion of current PAs only+sharedin
Fig. 5). In terms of overlap between PAs and the three NGO
frameworks (SI Appendix,Fig.S5), G200 showed the greatest
degree of overlap with the top 17% priority areas (45.4%).
The BH framework showed 34.8% overlap, and the LW
framework showed only 7.3% overlap with the top 17% pri-
ority areas (Fig. 5A). Expansion of PAs based on the G200
Fig. 1. Current protection status and pressures on tree speciesranges for
all (A) and small-range tree species (B) (the rst range size quantile). Pro-
tected proportions show the proportion of each tree speciesrange within
existing PAs; HMI indicates the mean Human Modication Index within a
tree speciesrange, overall, or just the range part within or outside PAs.
Mean and median values are indicated by white and black solid lines in the
violin density plots, respectively. Colored panes in yellow, pink, and purple,
respectively, indicate low (0 HMI 0.1), moderate (0.1 <HMI 0.4), and
high to very high (0.4 <HMI 1.0) levels of human modication (61). SI
Appendix, Table S2 lists the mean, median, and rst and third quantiles for
each variable.
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framework would protect 91 or 83% of the top 17 and
50% priority areas for trees, respectively. The LW framework
would only protect about 50% of the top-priority areas
(57 and 53% for the top 17 and 50% priority areas, respec-
tively), thus representing only minor improvements to cur-
rent tree diversity and range protection. The BH framework
offers an intermediate case and would protect 77 and 67% of
the top 17 and 50% priority areas for the three diversity
dimensions for trees.
Our results demonstrate that, conservatively estimated, on aver-
age approximately half of a tree speciesrange lacks protection
Fig. 2. Top 17% and top 50% priority areas (Aand C) according to species taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity dimensions dened by the
Zonation prioritization. The Venn diagrams show overlapping and unique areas for prioritizations for the 17% target (B) and 50% target (D) based on either
taxonomic, phylogenetic, or functional diversity dimensions. Colors indicate overlap between combinations of two of the three dimensions (green), between
all three dimensions (yellow), or no overlap (purple).
Fig. 3. Proportional changes in the number of tree species with (A) a certain proportion of the species range protected and (B) a certain level of human
inuence within the protected species range, computed for existing PAs, the top 17% priority areas, and between the top 17% and top 50% priority areas.
The prioritization jointly considers taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity; results for prioritizations for taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional
diversity separately are shown in SI Appendix, Fig. S3. Ribbons represent proportional ows of species in terms of changing scores (i.e., either protection cov-
erage [A] or human inuence level [B]) between two consecutive grouping bars. (A) Protection percentage categories indicate the proportion of a species
range inside 110-km grid cells overlapping current PAs or the top 17% or top 50% priority areas, respectively. Red dashed lines indicate mean protection
percentages for all tree species, with exact values given in SI Appendix, Table S4.(B) HMI categories based on the mean HMI value for the proportion of each
speciesrange overlapping with existing PAs or the top 17% or top 50% priority areas. HMI values were divided into three categories following ref. 61 repre-
senting low (0 HMI 0.1), moderate (0.1 <HMI 0.4), and high to very high (0.4 <HMI 1.0) degrees of human modication. The yaxis and dashed red
lines (Right) show the average HMI values across all tree speciesrange proportions overlapping with either existing PAs or the top 17% or top 50% priority
areas, respectively. SI Appendix, Table S4 provides exact values.
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under the current PA network. A majority of speciesranges
experience moderate (32,003 species) or high (6,928 species)
human pressure, even for species with ranges that are fully cov-
ered with existing PA grid cells. About 13.6% of tree species,
all of which are small-range species, occur completely outside
grid cells with existing PAs. Compared with average PA cover-
age (49.8% of species range in grid cells with PAs), the ranges
of small-range tree species are only about half as well-covered
(25.9%) (SI Appendix, Table S2). In addition, nearly one-quarter
of the 46,752 tree species have less than 25% of their ranges over-
lapping protected cells (i.e., grid cells with existing PAs). Overall,
our results indicate that, even when optimistically equating PA
presence in a 110-km grid cell as PA coverage (Methods), the cur-
rent PA network is insufcient to protect Earthstreediversity,
particularly for small-range trees, given the fact that a large pro-
portion of Earths total tree species are estimated to be small-
range, as found in our analysis. Further, a recent analysis estimates
ca. 9,000 further undiscovered tree species, which will be mostly
small-range species (62). However, our results also show that pro-
tecting the top 17 and 50% priority areas would strongly improve
protection coverage and would include large numbers of areas of
global importance for tree diversity that are currently exposed to
moderate to high human pressure (Fig. 3 and SI Appendix,Fig.
S4). Importantly, species with limited ranges would also be better
protected (Fig. 3 and SI Appendix,Fig.S4), which is crucial as
they experience greater anthropogenic pressures and extinction
risk (63, 64).
Critically, 49.2% of tree species experience moderate to very
high human pressure even within protected cells (Fig. 1A),
highlighting the need to enhance protection effectiveness
within and around PAs. Furthermore, half of the high-priority
areas for tree diversity conservation currently have moderate to
high human pressures. Here, pressures such as habitat conver-
sion, overharvesting, or overgrazing by livestock threaten tree
populations and may also negatively inuence conservation
efforts in nearby PAs (17, 18, 6567). Our analysis thus identi-
es vulnerable areas in which protection efforts, mitigation of
human pressure, and restoration efforts (sensu ref. 29), includ-
ing cost-effective approaches such as natural regeneration of
degraded habitat (68, 69), would yield high returns in terms of
biodiversity protection goals (57). Mechanisms such as pay-
ments for ecosystem services programs could help achieve the
reduction in human pressures in these critical areas identied
in our study.
Studies of conservation priorities have often used taxonomic
diversity or other singular dimensions (7072) as a surrogate
for other aspects of biodiversity or ecosystem function (50, 51,
73) (but see ref. 45). In the present study, we found that
Fig. 4. Overlap between current PAs, top-priority areas for 17% and 50% targets, and the HMI. The priority areas for tree conservation are jointly dened
according to taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity. HMI is categorized into low (0 HMI 0.1), moderate (0.1 <HMI 0.4), and high to very
high (0.4 <HMI 1.0) levels(61). The HMI layer is shown at a resolution of 1 km
Fig. 5. Percentages of the (A) top 17% and (B) top 50% priority areas for
tree diversity covered by existing PAs or by each NGO framework (G200,
BH, and LW) for global biodiversity conservation. Colors indicate overlaps
between combinations. Unprotected: areas not overlapping with either PAs
or a conservation priority framework; NGO framework only: areas overlap-
ping only with the considered NGO framework; shared: areas overlapping
with both PAs and a given NGO framework; current PAs only: areas only
overlapping with PAs. Priority areas for tree conservation are jointly
dened according to taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity.
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different diversity dimensions resulted in substantially different
spatial prioritizations (Fig. 2 and SI Appendix, Figs. S2 and S3)
and distinct relationships between speciesrange sizes and pro-
tection percentages (SI Appendix, Fig. S4), demonstrating the
importance of considering multiple aspects of biodiversity in
conservation planning (42, 44). Specically, in using a compre-
hensive view of trees beyond only species in forests (74), we
found certain regions usually not considered as tree diversity
hotspots (e.g., tropical and subtropical savanna, temperate areas
in North America and Europe, arid areas in Australia) are also
priority areas within one- or two-dimensional priority analyses
(Fig. 2). This nding apparently owes to certain traits or phylo-
genetic lineages evolved in situ, such as Cerrado woody species
in Brazil (75) and the family Gyrostemonaceae, endemic to
Australia and concentrated in the drier parts of the continent.
In addition, phylogenetic and functional diversity dimensions
support more spatially continuous priority areas than those
determined by taxonomic diversity (Fig. 2; similar to ref. 44).
Growing recognition of the importance of ecological integrity
of large PAs supports the usefulness of phylogenetic and func-
tional diversity dimensions in conservation planning (28, 35,
76). Further, priority areas dened by these dimensions include
more temperate areas (SI Appendix, Fig. S2) and areas with less
human pressure (SI Appendix, Fig. S3 and Table S4).
Organizations such as the International Union for Conserva-
tion of Nature (IUCN) have conducted similar conservation
status evaluations for other, mostly smaller taxonomic groups.
The IUCN Red List reports that 18% of vertebrates are threat-
ened. The Global Tree Assessment has used the IUCN
approach to evaluate the global conservation status of
58,497 tree species and found that 30% (17,510 species) are
threatened (77). Based on quantitative range estimates for
>46,000 tree species, we report that 83.3% of tree species expe-
rience moderate to high human pressure, in which 14.8% of
species are exposed to high or very high human pressure. The
differing risk estimates clearly arise from diverging approaches
used by the different evaluations. The IUCN system considers
population loss and decline of range size as indicators of extinc-
tion risk (78), while our analysis evaluates conservation status
according to PA coverage and human pressure within species
ranges. Despite the differences, the estimations are not incom-
patible and consistently show that much stronger conservation
efforts for trees are needed to reduce the risk of losing large pro-
portions of tree species diversity. Both approaches also highlight
the need to have special focus on small-range tree species, in line
with a global assessment for plants overall (79). Similarly, a
regional study on the Brazilian Amazon found that tree species
with small-range sizes are more likely to become extinct from ris-
ing human pressures (80), supporting the conclusion that better
PA coverage is especially needed for the worlds many small-
range tree species.
As a cornerstone of biodiversity conservation, PAs are estab-
lished to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services. However,
as species, ecosystems, and PAs are experiencing dynamic
changes and pressures (5456) from land use and climate
change, alien species introductions, and pollution, other conser-
vation actions are increasingly proposed and realized outside
PAs, such as restoration and reforestation through natural
regeneration (81), active promotion of rare species in restora-
tion and reforestation (82), stronger integration of tree diversity
into forest management (11, 81), and integration of tree diver-
sity into agricultural landscapes via agroforestry (e.g., ref. 83).
Those implementations are not only critical for preserving and
enhancing tree diversity but also for mitigating climate change
(3, 83, 84) and enhancing rates of provisioning of other ecosys-
tem services such as biomass productivity (11). Indeed, PA roles
have been transforming, and are increasingly extended to cover
ecosystem services (85, 86). PAs are thus increasingly regarded
as a multipurpose solution to ensure biodiversity while provid-
ing key ecosystem services (87), a view that is supported by
high associations between biodiversity, carbon stocks, and other
key ecosystem services (84, 86, 88). Thus, a comprehensive
evaluation of existing PAs and proposed conservation prioritiza-
tion frameworks using key organismal groups is critical for
understanding their effectiveness and for guiding future PA
expansions (89).
Addressing this need, we here focus on a key organismal
group, namely trees, to test the global effectiveness of multiple
inuential biodiversity conservation frameworks. The high
degree of overlap between the NGO frameworks and the top-
priority areas for tree diversity (particularly the G200 and BH
frameworks) demonstrates that tree diversity is fairly congruent
with that of broader sets of organisms, because these frameworks
are assumed to select ecoregions that are most crucial (either
highly irreplaceable or vulnerable) to the global biodiversity and
include socioecological factors (90, 91). Importantly, this nding
shows that enhanced protection of biodiversity overall would
also strongly benet tree diversity. The LW framework showed
the smallest degree of overlap with tree conservation priority
areas, because this NGO framework primarily captures remote
wilderness areas, which are often located in arid or cold high-
altitude or -latitude regions, which have limited suitability for
trees and inherently harbor low tree species diversity (92). Such
areas have also historically experienced lower levels of human
pressure, allowing large natural areas to persist and reducing
opportunity costs of conservation (29, 32, 54, 93).
Despite the coverage and quality of the tree species dataset
analyzed here, limitations such as a necessary coarse spatial reso-
lution (110-km grid cells), limited geographical coverage in
parts of Russia and southern Asia (94), and limited data for
many functional traits introduce uncertainties. Phylogenetic
and functional diversity often correlate strongly (44, 95), and
we also found signicant phylogenetic signals for four out of
the eight functional traits analyzed in this study (SI Appendix,
Table S1). However, this correlation was certainly enhanced by
imputing functional traits using phylogenetic eigenvectors.
Nevertheless, functional and phylogenetic diversity dimensions
gave somewhat distinct priority areas (Fig. 2 and SI Appendix,
Fig. S3), indicating that these diversity dimensions still pro-
vided unique information. Even though range size is generally a
good proxy to represent speciesvulnerability (96, 97) and is
commonly used in conservation status assessments (78), further
research is clearly needed to expand our understanding of geo-
graphical distributions. Better data coverage for tree functional
traits is also important for conserving or restoring tree diversity,
as tree species with different sets of traits have distinct ecologi-
cal demands and functions; for example, large seeds and animal
pollination are positively related to tree speciesextinction risk
(96). Further, our prioritization analysis did not consider socio-
economic costs and local or regional social or political contexts
(98), factors which are important for systematic conservation
planning (99). Moreover, as the goal of our study is to under-
stand pressures and protections of tree species, we did not spe-
cically consider primary vs. secondary forest. Notably, the
top-priority areas under high pressure would inherently tend to
be or develop as secondary forests if such protection was real-
ized, with expected time lags in developing their full biodiver-
sity and ecosystem benets.
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Globally, 83.8% of the 46,752 tree species evaluated in our analy-
sis are subject to moderate to very high human pressure, with PA
grid cells covering only 25% of the ranges for 23.5% of tree spe-
cies. Further, a total of 6,377 small-range tree species remain
completely unprotected. At the same time, a total of 14.8% tree
species experience high to very high human pressure even within
existing PAs. Our analysis further found existing PA grid cells are
estimated to cover only about half of the critical areas for tree
diversity, as quantied by taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional
diversity dimensions. These results highlight the pressing need for
stronger protection of Earths tree diversity. Our results also show
that expanding PAs according to the top 17% and especially the
50% priority areas would yield strong improvements in PA cover-
age of trees, as would implementing some of the major proposals
for increased general biodiversity protection, notably the G200
framework. Such efforts are critically needed to counter expanding
human pressure on natural and seminatural areas in many parts of
the world (100), and also require effective protection of current
and future PAs as pressures may penetrate into the PAs despite
formal protection (3, 41, 80). We further suggest that promoting
protection and inclusion of tree diversity, notably rare and threat-
ened species, into land-sharing approaches such as small-scale
nature areas, sustainable forestry, multiuse reforestation, and agro-
forestry (e.g., ref. 82) would help to achieve adequate protection
of tree diversity and facilitate contributions to ecosystem services
in rural and urban landscapes broadly (101). Given the enormous
importance of tree diversity for biodiversity overall, for people,
and for the functioning of the biosphere, it should be a major pri-
ority for environmental policy to bend the curve from biodiversity
loss to recovery (27) for Earthsrichora of trees.
Tree Species, Their Occurrence Records, and Range Estimates. We used
the world tree species list and species occurrence data compiled and cleaned in
ref. 94. Briey, they extracted the records from the world tree species checklist
[GlobalTreeSearch; GTS (74)] and further standardized the taxonomic names via
the Taxonomic Name Resolution Service online tool (102). The GTS employed
the denition of the tree-type growth habit agreed by IUCNs Global Tree Special-
ist Group, namely a woody plant with usually a single stem growing to a height
of at least two meters, or if multi-stemmed, then at least one vertical stem ve
centimeters in diameter at breast height(74). An initial list of 54,020 tree spe-
cies was left (94).
Occurrence data for tree species were compiled from ve widely used and
publicly accessible occurrence databases: the Global Biodiversity Information
Facility (GBIF;, public domain Botanical Information and
Ecology Network, version 3 [BIEN; (79, 103)],
Latin American Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest Floristic Network [DRYFLOR; http:// (104)], RAINBIO database [ (105)], and
Atlas of Living Australia (ALA; Due to well-documented
problems of biases and errors in global plant occurrence datasets (106), we
applied a workow for occurrence data quality assessment (94) to the initially
gathered 9,032,654 occurrence records. Our nal list of species was lowered to
46,752 species with a total occurrence dataset of 7,066,785 records.
We then constructed alpha hulls (107) to estimate the range of each species
with 20 or more occurrence records using the ashape function of the alphahull
package (108) implemented in R [version 3.5.1 (109)]. For species with fewer
than 20 occurrences or with disjunct records, a 10-km buffer was given to each
point record and then merged with the alpha-hull range to estimate species
ranges. Previously, several alpha levels were recommended for the estimation of
species range (e.g., refs. 110113); four alpha degrees (2, 4, 6, and 10) were
applied to each species here after external validation of the different alpha levels
tested. To validate the range maps using different alpha levels (alpha values of
2, 4, 6, and 10), we performed three types of external validation, as described in
SI Appendix,Methods,External Validation and Figs. S6S10. Based on those vali-
dations, we selected the alpha-hull range maps with an alpha parameter of 6
degrees for subsequent analyses, as recommended and applied in similar studies
(112, 113), and with the highest R-squared in our validation (SI Appendix,Fig.S6).
The obtained estimated range maps were rasterized to 110-km equal-area grid cells,
a resolution commonly used in global diversity studies (e.g., refs. 99, 114, and
115), using the letsR package (116). Even though the estimated range can reduce
the geographical bias and ll gaps of the occurrence records, it may overestimate
the speciestrue area of occupancy and they should therefore not be interpreted as
a detailed coverage of speciesrealized distribution, but rather as an estimate of its
extent of occurrence (cf refs. 41 and 117).
Phylogeny. We extracted phylogenetic information for the tree species with
range maps from the largest seed plant phylogeny that is currently available
(the ALLMB tree in ref. 118). This phylogeny combines a backbone tree (119)
reecting deep relationships with sequence data from public repositories (Gen-
Bank) and previous knowledge of phylogenetic relationships and species names
from the Open Tree of Life (synthetic tree release 9.1 and taxonomy version 3; We matched this
phylogeny to our tree dataset by rst removing any species that were not in our
data, and then manually adding some species that were missing from the phy-
logeny (due to different taxonomic concepts) following the same approach that
ref. 119 used to add missing species. The resulting phylogeny contained 46,752
species (SI Appendix,Fig.S11and Dataset S2).
We calculated phylogenetic eigenvectors (60) to represent the phylogenetic
position of each speciesin our dataset using the PVR package (60, 120). Because
we were mostly interested in the deep structure of the phylogeny, and phyloge-
netic eigenvector calculation for large phylogeniesis computationally prohibitive,
we calculated eigenvectors at the genus level (4,031 genera). To accomplish
this, we randomly chose one species per genus, removed all other species, and
computed phylogenetic eigenvectors using the resulting phylogenetic tree. All
species were then assigned the eigenvector values of their genus. In the follow-
ing analysis, we used the rst 15 eigenvectors, excluding those that captured
very little phylogenetic variation (eigenvalues <1%, following ref. 44). These
selected eigenvectors accounted for 40.6% of the total phylogenetic variation,
representing the deep evolutionary history of our study species.
It is possible to use the phylogenetic diversity [like FaithsPD(121)]directly
in a prioritization algorithm (e.g., Zonation); however, the use of this alpha-
diversity layer will diminish the advantages of the complementarity, which is
derived from beta diversity and makes the priority ranking based on all biodiver-
sity features directly, rather than the species-rich hotspots only (122) (see Prioriti-
zation Analyses). To accommodate this, we adapted from the framework in refs.
42 and 44. First, we evenly divided each eigenvector into 20 bins. Then, we cre-
ated a binary variable for each bin, scoring all species with values within the
range of the bin as 1, and all others as 0. This resulted in 20 binary variables for
each of the 15 eigenvectors, that is, a matrix of 46,752 species ×300 binary var-
iables. We multiplied this matrix with the grid cells ×species matrix to generate
apresenceabsence matrix of phylogenetic groups in grid cells (44). This matrix
showed which parts of the phylogenyas represented by the binary variables
derived from the eigenvectorswere present in each grid cell. We used this
matrix in the following prioritization analysis to nd priority regions for the con-
servation of tree phylogenetic diversity.
Functional Trait Data. Twenty-one functional traits (SI Appendix, Table S1)
were compiled from major trait databases (SI Appendix, Functional Traits and
Imputation). As many of the traits had missing values, we imputed trait values
applying a gap-lling technique using Bayesian hierarchical probabilistic matrix
factorization (123) (SI Appendix,Fig.S12). We nally selected eight key func-
tional traits for further functional diversity analyses, including leaf nitrogen con-
centration, wood density, leaf phosphorus concentration, leaf dry matter content,
plant maximum height, seed dry mass, specic leaf area, and leaf area. We used
the beanplot package (124) to visually compare the observed original and
imputed data, and found they generally had similar distribution patterns for
each functional trait (SI Appendix,Fig.S13). We further tested the phylogenetic
signal for each imputed trait with the function phylosig in the phytools package
(125), and found four of the eight traits showed signicant phylogenetic signals
(SI Appendix,TableS1).
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We performed a similar procedure as for phylogenetic eigenvectors to obtain
trait diversity dimensions for our conservation prioritization analysis. We rst split
each trait into 20 equal bins, and then converted it into a binary species ×trait
matrix for each trait (46,752 species ×20 bins). For each of the 20 bins, we mul-
tiplied it by the 110-km grid cells ×species matrix to obtain a trait ×grid cell
matrix, in which each 110-km grid cell contained the number of species of trait
values within the trait interval. In total, we obtained 160 trait ×grid cell matri-
ces, a distribution map was generated for each of them, and then all the 160 dis-
tribution maps were used in the prioritization analysis to locate the priority
regions for trait dimension.
Protected Areas. PA distribution was extracted from the December 2019
release of the WDPA via the wdpar package (126, 127). The release includes
244,869 PAs globally. According to previous similar global studies (e.g., ref. 54),
we extracted the PAs from the WDPA database by selecting terrestrial areas
belonging to IUCN PA categories I to VI and having a status of designated,
inscribed,or establishedand areas not designated as man and biosphere
reserves by the UN Educational, Scientic, and Cultural Organization. We also
excluded the PAs represented as points. A nal list of 95,506 PAs was kept. We
then resampled PAs at the 110-km grid level following ref. 38, that is, labeling
all cells intersecting a PA polygon as PAs to include any small or narrow PAs.
Thus, the PA layer used here provides a very optimistic estimate of existing
PA coverage.
Global Biodiversity Conservation Priority Frameworks (NGO
Frameworks). Many NGOs have proposed frameworks for global biodiversity
conservation prioritization, such as the BH by Conservation International (90),
LW by the Wildlife Conservation Institute (128), and G200 by the World Wide
Fund for Nature (91). However, these frameworks vary in both location and cov-
erage, largely due to the emphasis on different facets of nature conservation.
Although irreplaceability and vulnerability, the two central aspects of systematic
conservation planning (28), are equally important, some frameworks concentrate
only on irreplaceability, while others focus more on vulnerability (29). Under the
framework of irreplaceability and vulnerability, ref. 29 summarized nine major
NGO frameworks, dividing them into three groups:prioritizing high vulnerability
(regions of high threat, purely reactive, e.g., BH), low vulnerability (regions of
low threat, purely proactive, e.g., LW), or high irreplaceability (e.g., G200).
We selected three NGO frameworks of global biodiversity conservation priori-
tizations (29) (SI Appendix,Fig.S5) encompassing the three major groups of the
irreplaceabilityvulnerability gradient. Specically, we selected the BH (ref. 90
and Conservation International), G200 (91), and LW (128). BH prioritizes high
vulnerability, LW prioritizes low vulnerability, and G200 prioritizes high irreplace-
ability. A detailed description of the three selected frameworks can be found in
SI Appendix . The BH data layer was obtained from ref. 129; the upgraded LW
data layer was obtained from ref. 130; and the G200 terrestrial ecoregion layer
was from the World Wildlife Fund (
global-200). We aggregated all the three spatial layers to 110-km grid spatial
Human Pressure Data. We used the recently proposed Human Modication
map (61) as a proxy of human pressure. Compared with the commonly used
Human Footprint map (100, 128), the Human Modication map was modeled
with the incorporation of 13 recent global-scale anthropogenic layers (with a
median year of 2016) to account for the spatial extent, intensity, and
co-occurrence of human activities, many of which show high direct or indirect
impact on biodiversity. HMI values were extracted at a resolution of 5 km
ease the calculation burden. Based on ref. 61, we categorized the HMI into three
groups representing different intensity levels of human pressure: low (0 HMI
0.1); moderate (0.1 <HMI 0.4); and highto very high (0.4 <HMI 1.0).
Prioritization Analyses. We used Zonation systematic conservation prioritiza-
tion software, version 4 (59, 131) to identify global priority areas for tree diver-
sity in each of the three biodiversity dimensions (taxonomic, phylogenetic, and
functional). Zonation is based on the principle of complementarity, by balancing
a set of biodiversity features to jointly achieve the most effective representation
in a given region, and evaluating the spatial priority areas through the priority
ranking (59). We used the core-area Zonation (CAZ) algorithm as a cell removal
rule. The CAZ ranking algorithm emphasizes species (or any biodiversity feature)
rarity to ensure high-quality locations for all features, even if these features occur
in species-poor areas (58).
We ran the Zonation spatial conservation prioritization procedure on species,
phylogenetic groups, and functional trait groups separately to compare the mis-
match or congruence between the resulting priority areas. We rst assessed
each of the obtained priority rankings on both the top 17 and 50% of the high-
est conservation value areas (i.e., the cells with ranking values greater than or
equal to 0.83 or 0.50). These percentages were chosen to reect current and
future targets for Earths PAs (33, 35). However, merging the top-priority areas
issued from the separate analysis of the three diversity dimensions led to total
greater PAs than the 17 and 50% targets, namely 26.3 and 61.5%, respectively
(Fig. 2). Thus, to obtain prioritizations made jointly across the three diversity
dimensions but consistent with the two biodiversity targets, we ran a joint analy-
sis using the three diversity dimensions (taxonomic, phylogenetic, functional) as
input layers of Zonation, and selected the top 17 and top 50% priority areas for
further analyses. In addition, we also performed a sensitivity analysis by compar-
ing the resulting priority areas with those derived from simply combining the
priority areas from the prioritizations on the separate diversity dimensions. We
found the two analyses generated similar results, namely similar percentages of
overlap with existing PAs and conservation priority frameworks (Fig. 5 vs. SI
Appendix,Fig.S14), and similar HMI values of the priority areas inside and out-
side existing PAs (SI Appendix,Fig.S15vs.Fig.S16). Thus, we report the joint
results in the main text (Figs. 3, 4, and 5), that is, given that only these adhere
to the 17 and 50% PA targets.
Spatial Analysis. The relationships among the three priority areas were tested
after accounting for spatial autocorrelation using the SpatialPack package (132).
We evaluated the degree of spatial overlap of the top 17 and 50% priority areas
generated from the three dimensions using a Venn diagram. We divided the pri-
ority areas based on the ranking scores into two categories: areas with priority
scores higher than 0.83 (top 17%), and between 0.50 and 0.83 (top 17 to 50%).
The speciesprotection proportion was calculated as the overlap ratio between
speciesrange and existing PAs and the top 17 and 50% priority areas, respec-
tively. Then, the protection percentages for each species were grouped into 12
levels, for example, no overlap as the group of 0,(0, 10] for less than 10% of
speciesrange within PAs, and 100for a speciesrange completely inside the
PAs. SpeciesHMIs were calculated separately as the mean HMI value for the
whole speciesrange, outside PAs, and inside PAs. These steps were repeated
also treating the top 17% priority areas and the top 50% areas as PAs, respec-
tively. The Sankey diagrams were plotted via the ggalluvial package (133) in Fig.
3andSI Appendix,Fig.S3.
Congruence between PAs, top-priority areas, and NGO frameworks was
assessed through gap analyses. We overlaid the three layers (i.e., the top-priority
areas, PAs, and each conservation priority framework) to calculate the level of
protection in PAs, potential protection in the priority framework, and shared pro-
tection of the two global high-priority areas (both 17 and 50%).
Data Availability. All species occurrences reported in this article have been
deposited in the BIEN database (
accessed via the RBIEN package. In addition, speciesalpha-hull ranges at the
110-km resolution, which were the input data for analyses in the study, have
been deposited in GitHub (, together
with the relevant R codes. The phylogeny and imputed trait data and phylogeny
are available in Datasets S2 and S3.
All other study data are included inthe article and/or supporting information.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. W.-Y.G., J.M.S.-D., and J.-C.S. acknowledge support from
the Danish Council for Independent Research jNatural Sciences (Grant 6108-
00078B) to the TREECHANGE Project. J.-C.S. also considers this work a contribution
to his VILLUM Investigator Project Biodiversity Dynamics in a Changing World
funded by VILLUM FONDEN. We thank Brad Boyle for valuable database and infor-
matics assistance and advice, and TRY contributors for sharing their data. This work
was conducted as a part of the BIEN Working Group, 2008 to 2012. We thank all
the data contributors and numerous herbaria who have contributed their data to
various data-compiling organizations for the invaluable data and support provided
to BIEN. We thank the New York Botanical Garden, the Missouri Botanical Garden,
Utrecht Herbarium, UNC Herbarium, GBIF, REMIB, and SpeciesLink. The staff at
CyVerse provided critical computational assistance. We acknowledge the herbaria
that contributed data to this work: A, AAH, AAS, AAU, ABH, ACAD, ACOR, AD, AFS,
Downloaded from by Wageningen University & Research - Library on July 20, 2022 from IP address
C.B. was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant
funded by the Korean government (MIST) (2022R1A2C1003504). A.S.M. was sup-
ported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (S-14) of
the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. J. Pisek was supported by Estonian
Research Council Grants PUT 1355 and PRG 1405. J. Pe~
nuelas was funded by
European Research Council Synergy Grant ERC-2013-SyG-610028 IMBALANCE-P.
A.G.G. was funded by National Fund for Scientic and Technological Development
(FONDECYT) grant 1200468 and Agencia Nacional de Investigaci
on y Desarrollo
(ANID/BASAL) FB210006. V.D.P. was funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvi-
mento Cient
ıco e Tecnol
ogico (CNPq), Brazil (grant 307689/2014-0). The BIEN
Working Group was supported by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and
Synthesis, a center funded by NSF EF-0553768 at the University of California,
Santa Barbara and the State of California. Additional support for the BIEN Working
Group was provided by iPlant/CyVerse via NSF DBI-0735191. B.J.E. and C.M. were
supported by NSF ABI-1565118 and NSF HDR-1934790. B.J.E. was also supported
by a Global Environment Facility Spatial Planning for Protected Areas in Response
to Climate Change Project grant (GEF-5810). B.J.E., C.V., and B.S.M. are
partly supported by the Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversit
(FRB) and Electricit
e de France (EDF) in the context of the CESAB (Centre for
the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity) project Causes and consequen-
ces of functional rarity from local to global scales(FREE). N.A.S. was
supported by Vidi Grant 016.161.318 issued by the Netherlands Organiza-
tion for ScienticResearch.
Author afliations:
Center for Biodiversity Dynamics in a Changing World (BIOCHANGE),
Department of Biology, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark;
Section for
Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity, Department of Biology, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C,
Zhejiang Tiantong Forest Ecosystem National Observation and Research
Station, School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University,
200241 Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China;
Researc h Center f or Globa l Change a nd
Complex Ecosystems, School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal
University, 200241 Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China;
UMR Silva, Universit
Lorraine, AgroParisTech, and INRAE, 54000 Nancy, France;
School of Geography,
University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom;
Department of Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721;
Eversource Energy
Center, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268;
Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268;
CEFE, Uni Montpellier,
CNRS, EPHE, IRD, 34293 Montpellier Cedex 5, France;
School of Environmental Sciences,
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada;
Centre for Forest Research,
epartement des Sciences Biologiques, Universit
eal, Montr
eal, QC
H3C 3P8, Canada;
Department of Biology, University o f Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen
Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Andong National
University, Andong 36729, Korea;
Department of Geography, KingsCollegeLondon,
London WC2B 4BG, United Kingdom;
Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences,
University of Insubria, I-21100 Varese, Italy;
Escuela de Biolog
ıa, Universidad de Costa
Rica, 11501-2060 San Jose, Costa Rica;
Department of Biology, University o f Pisa, 56126
Pisa, Italy;
Department of Ecological Science, F aculty of Science, Vrije Universiteit, 1081 HV
Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
University of Science, 700000 Ho Ch i Minh City, Vietnam;
Vietnam National University, 700000 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam;
German Centre for
Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), 04103 Leipzig, Germany;
Institute for Physical
Geography, Goethe University, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany;
Departamento de
Ensino, Instituto Federal de Educac¸~
ao, Ci^
encias e Tecnologia do Cear
a, Crate
us 63708-260,
Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales y Recursos Naturales Renovables, Facultad
de Ciencias Agron
omicas, Universidad de Chile, Santa Rosa 11315, La Pintana, Santiago,
Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB), Barrio Universitario, 4070374 Concepci
Global Systems and Analytics, Nova Pioneer, Paulshof, Gauteng, 2191, South
School of Molecular and Life Sciences, Curtin University, Perth, WA 6845,
College of Science, Health, Engineering and Education, Murdoch University,
Murdoch, WA 6150, Australia;
Institute of Botany, University of Natural Resources and
Life Sciences, 1180 Vienna, Austri a;
Meadow Run Environmental, Leavenworth, WA
Institute of Systematic Botany and Ecology, Ulm University, 89081 Ulm, Germany;
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, 07745 Jena, Germany;
Department of Plant
& Environmental Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science, 76100 Rehovot, Israel;
dEstudis de la Neu i la Muntanya dAndorra, Institut dEstudis, Andorrans (CENMAIEA),
AD600 Sant Juli
oria, Principality of Andorra;
Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095;
Forest Ecology and
Management Group, Wageningen Universi ty, 6700 AA Wageningen, The N etherlands;
Land Life Company, 1092AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
Laboratoire dEcologie
Alpine, LECA, UMR UGA-USMB-CNRS 5553, Universit
e Grenoble Alpes, 38058 Grenoble
Cedex 9, France;
Environmental Research Institute, University of Wa ikato, Hamilton
3240, New Zealand;
Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of
Toronto Scarborough, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, Canada;
ICREA, 08010 Barcelona, Spain;
CREAF, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Barcelona, Spain;
Department of
Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada;
Department of Biology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1050 Brussels, Belgium;
Institute for
Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of Oldenburg, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany;
Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National
University, Hodogaya, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan;
Estonian University of Life Sciences,
51006 Tartu, Estonia;
Division of Forest and Biomaterials Science, Graduate School of
Agriculture, Kyoto University, Oiwake, Kitashirakawa, Kyoto 606-8502 Jap an;
Cerdanyola del Vall
es, Barcelona, 08193 Catalonia, S pain;
CSIC, Global Ecology U nit
CREAF, CSICUAB, Bellaterra, Barcelona, 08193 Catalonia, Spain;
Department of Ecology,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre 91501-970, Brazil;
Observatory, University of Tartu, T~
oravere, 61602 Tartumaa, Estonia;
Aquatic Ecology &
Environmental Biology Group, Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental
Sciences, Faculty of Science, Radboud Universi ty Nijmegen, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The
Department of Biology, Algoma University, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2G4,
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 0843-03092, Balboa, Anc
Republic of Panama;
Embrapa Clima Temperado, 96010-971 Pelotas, RS, Brazil;
for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium;
Canadian Wood
Fibre Centre, Natural Resources Canada, Qu
ebec City, QC G1V 4C7, Canada;
Institute of
Environmental Sciences, Leiden University, 2333 CC Leiden, The Netherlands;
Ecology and Nature Conservation G roup, Wageningen University, 6700 AA W ageningen,
The Netherlands;
Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University,
Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia;
School of Natural Sciences, Macquarie University, North
Ryde, NSW 2109, Australia;
Beijing Key Laboratory for Forest Resources and
Ecosystem Processes, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, Peoples Republic of
China; and
The Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Author contributions: W.-Y.G. and J.-C.S. designed research; W.-Y.G. performed
research; J.M.S.-D., F.S., W.L.E., B.S.M., C.M., C.V., M.A., M.B., H.H.B., C.B., J.A.C., B.E.L.C.,
E.C.-M., D.C., J.H.C.C., A.T.D.-L., A.d.F., A.S.D., A.B.G., K.G., A.G.G., W.H., T.H., P.H., N.H.-S.,
S.J., J.K., T.K., B.K., N.J.B.K., K.K., S.L., C.H.L., A.R.M., M.M., S.T.M., V.M., A.S.M.,
U.N., Y.O.,
J. Pe~
nuelas, V.D.P., J. Pisek, B.J.M.R., B.S., M.S.,
E.E.S., N.A.S., N.T., P.v.B., F.v.d.P., I.J.W.,
W.-B.X., J.Z., and B.J.E. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; W.-Y.G. analyzed data
with the help of J.M.S.-D., K.G., and W.-B.X.; and W.-Y.G., J.M.S.-D. and J.-C.S. wrote the
paper with the contributions of all authors.
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... At least 30% of these have been identified as threatened, with forest clearance and habitat loss being the greatest threats (Newton et al., 2015). Moreover, Guo et al. (2022) found that about 83% of 46,000 tree species analysed were estimated to be subjected to moderate to very high human pressure. While many tree species are being exposed to increasing threats, at least 9000 additional species are estimated to remain to be discovered (Cazzolla Gatti et al., 2022). ...
... assessed lie totally outside protected areas (Guo et al., 2022). It is possible that many undiscovered tree species lie outside protected areas and are being threatened with high human pressure and environmental changes and that some species may, or have, become extinct without ever being documented. ...
... Moreover, these ecoregions also correspond to the top 17% of tree priority areas for conservation to increase the protected proportion of tree species ranges (Guo et al., 2022). Threats, including human ...
Full-text available
Aim Recent unprecedented efforts to digitise and mobilise biodiversity data have resulted in the generation of ‘biodiversity big data’, enabling ecological research at scales previously not possible. However, gaps, biases and uncertainties in these data influence analytical outcomes and the validity of scientific research and conservation actions. Here, we estimated tree species inventory completeness globally and identified where future surveys should focus to maximise regional inventories. Location Global. Methods We analysed spatial patterns in sampling effort of tree species occurrence records from the Global Biodiversity and Information Facility (GBIF) and estimated global tree species inventory completeness for 100 × 100 km grid cells (sampling units) and ecoregions. We also identified forested areas for future botanical exploration, by examining the spatial overlap between inventory completeness, remaining natural habitat and protected areas and degrees of forest modification by anthropogenic pressure (forest integrity). Results Spatial patterns in sampling effort and tree species inventory completeness were unevenly distributed around the world. Only 35% of ecoregions and 18% of sampling units can be considered well surveyed, most of which were concentrated in the Global North, including Europe, North America and Australia. Large areas in species‐rich tropical regions, especially in Southeast Asia, remained poorly documented. Moreover, our results showed that many areas with low inventory completeness overlapped with ecoregions retaining less than 50% of natural habitat and protected land area, as well as sampling units with low forest integrity. Main Conclusions Due to limitations in biodiversity data, simply sampling more will not necessarily lead to increasing knowledge. We illustrated how gaps in these data can be used to improve existing knowledge by identifying priority areas for future surveys. With ongoing anthropogenic impacts and escalating rates of biodiversity loss, limited resources should be allocated to strategically survey regions likely to yield new knowledge and improve biodiversity representativeness.
... To predict the future changes of biodiversity, it is essential to understand the factors that have shaped diversity patterns worldwide. Most of the knowledge produced so far about global plant diversity is based on taxonomic diversity (Cazzolla Gatti et al., 2022;Kier et al., 2005;Sabatini et al., 2022), while other diversity facets such as species evolutionary history (Phylogenetic Diversity-PD; Faith, 1992) and their functional structure (Functional Diversity-FD; i.e. trait variability among organisms, Petchey & Gaston, 2006) have been less explored at the global scale (but see Guo et al., 2022). While PD provides information on how past speciation and dispersal events may have shaped current species assemblages (Fritz & Rahbek, 2012) along with their "evolutionary potential" in response to environmental changes (sensu Winter et al., 2013), FD depicts ecosystem functions and services that variation in species richness and taxonomic composition might not completely disclose (Flynn et al., 2011). ...
... This can have important consequences for biodiversity conservation, as also recently outlined by other studies showing how biodiversity conservation would benefit from considering multiple biodiversity dimensions (Pollock et al., 2017;Tordoni et al., 2021), given also their small spatial overlap. Specifically, when considering the most diverse botanical countries (top 50%), we clearly detected that different areas on Earth can be considered of primary importance for different dimensions of biodiversity with relevant implications when planning biodiversity conservation actions and restoration efforts (Guo et al., 2022). ...
... Furthermore, we found an overlap between the areas of global importance for plants with the ones of tetrapod species, especially mammals and reptiles (Tordoni et al., 2021), further highlighting the importance of these regions in the conservation of global biodiversity. When considering the spatial overlap of global land area for the regions hosting the highest μ-diversity (top 10%), only Papua New Guinea stands out, suggesting that more efforts are needed to successfully capture different facets of biodiversity for prioritization analyses (Brum et al., 2017;Guo et al., 2022). ...
Aim Combining different biodiversity dimensions can reveal new diversity patterns disclosing the relative roles of historical, environmental and anthropogenic factors in shaping global seed plant diversity. Location Global. Time period Present. Major taxa studied Vascular plants. Methods We collated a database encompassing taxonomic (249,000 species), functional and phylogenetic information (34,694 species) of seed plants across different regions of the world. Species richness in each region was weighted accounting for their phylogenetic and functional distinctiveness, obtaining a new metric—μ‐diversity—which was modelled to disentangle the relative roles of historical factors such as climate variability since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), environmental features (e.g. actual evapotranspiration—AET) and anthropogenic factors (past and current). Results Higher μ‐diversity was observed in Papuasia, South East Asia, Australia and Central America, whereas the lowest values were primarily located in the Northern Hemisphere. Climate variability and AET were the most important determinants of μ‐diversity and individual diversity facets, whereas the importance of past human impacts (i.e. the onset of pastoralism) equated or exceeded those of the present ones. Main conclusions Our integrative approach proved more sensitive in describing species diversity patterns. Few areas on Earth host high and unique proportions of multiple diversity facets and individual diversity facets contribute differently to μ‐diversity across continents. Historical climate stability and water‐energy dynamics strongly affect species diversity, but we also observed that past land‐use legacy may have influenced current plant diversity, which is under intense anthropogenic pressure, especially in Asia as well as in Central and South America.
... PD measures the accumulation of the evolutionary history of all species in a region, whereas FD calculates phenotypic differences among species, represents the functional composition of communities and reflects ecosystem functioning (Belmaker and Jetz, 2015;Lamanna et al., 2014;Pollock et al., 2017). A significant mismatch between the spatial patterns and biodiversity centers of these three facets of biodiversity has been shown for mammals (Brum et al., 2017;Mazel et al., 2014), ants (Arnan et al., 2017), birds (Devictor et al., 2010;Montaño-Centellas et al., 2023), fishes (Strecker et al., 2011), and trees (Guo et al., 2022). Therefore, PAs optimized to protect SR may not effectively protect the phylogenetic and functional facets of biodiversity (Brum et al., 2017;Mazel et al., 2014;Rapacciuolo et al., 2019). ...
... The three diversity facets of woody species showed a strong and clear latitudinal gradient compared with that of herbaceous species. Herbaceous species are insufficiently protected compared with woody species, as previous assessments have often focused only on woody species and overlooked herbaceous species (Guo et al., 2022;Šímová et al., 2018;Wang et al., 2011). Herbaceous species are essential to human well-being and ecosystem functions (Strömberg, 2011). ...
... Our findings demonstrate substantial conservation gaps in the biodiversity centers of herbaceous plants, particularly for those widely distributed in northeastern Asia. These identified biodiversity centers of herbaceous species at higher latitudes do not match the conservation priorities of trees in a recently published study (Guo et al., 2022). Herbaceous species account for over half of all plant species (FitzJohn et al., 2014) and should therefore be consistently considered in future spatial prioritization for biodiversity conservation. ...
The Convention on Biological Diversity seeks to conserve at least 30% of global land and water areas by 2030, which is a challenge but also an opportunity to better preserve biodiversity, including flowering plants (angiosperms). Herein, we compiled a large database on distributions of over 300,000 angiosperm species and the key functional traits of 67,024 species. Using this database, we constructed biodiversity-environment models to predict global patterns of taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity in terrestrial angiosperms and provide a comprehensive mapping of the three diversity facets. We further evaluated the current protection status of the biodiversity centers of these diversity facets. Our results showed that geographical patterns of the three facets of plant diversity exhibited substantial spatial mismatches and nonoverlapping conservation priorities. Idiosyncratic centers of functional diversity, particularly of herbaceous species, were primarily distributed in temperate regions and under weaker protection compared with other biodiversity centers of taxonomic and phylogenetic facets. Our global assessment of multifaceted biodiversity patterns and centers highlights the insufficiency and unbalanced conservation among the three diversity facets and the two growth forms (woody vs. herbaceous), thus providing directions for guiding the future conservation of global plant diversity.
... The response of natural communities to environmental change is ultimately a product of species' individual evolutionary trajectories and resulting functional characteristics, rather than the number of species present (Oliver et al., 2015). These functional and phylogenetic aspects of biodiversity have been studied locally (Harrison et al., 2020), and they are increasingly being incorporated into conservation and restoration planning to promote overall ecosystem health (Guo et al., 2022;Laughlin, 2014;Rojas-Botero et al., 2020;Rosell et al., 2022). In stark contrast to species richness, our understanding of the global patterns in functional and phylogenetic biodiversity and the relationship between them lags behind, hindering efforts to prioritize broad-scale conservation efforts or project how forest ecosystems will change over the coming century. ...
... Establishing effective conservation targets requires a sound understanding of the historical decline of species ranges associated with habitat loss 21 . For instance, Hubbell et al. used neutral theory to estimate how the decline of forest cover could have impacted tree species diversity 22 . ...
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The conservation and restoration of forest ecosystems require detailed knowledge of the native plant compositions. Here, we map global forest tree composition and assess the impacts of historical forest cover loss and climate change on trees. The global occupancy of 10,590 tree species reveals complex taxonomic and phylogenetic gradients determining a local signature of tree lineage assembly. Species occupancy analyses indicate that historical forest loss has significantly restricted the potential suitable range of tree species in all forest biomes. Nevertheless, tropical moist and boreal forest biomes display the lowest level of range restriction and harbor extremely large ranged tree species, albeit with a stark contrast in richness and composition. Climate change simulations indicate that forest biomes are projected to differ in their response to climate change, with the highest predicted species loss in tropical dry and Mediterranean ecoregions. Our findings highlight the need for preserving the remaining large forest biomes while regenerating degraded forests in a way that provides resilience against climate change.
... The interaction between elevation and human activities (Asuk et al., 2023;Yano et al., 2021;Malizia et al., 2020) could result in an uneven distribution of activities along elevational gradients, which could potentially affect the pairwise turnover between plots (Asuk et al., 2023;Verrico et al., 2020;Adnan et al., 2015;Aigbe and Omokhua, 2015). However, lowintensity activities (e.g., foraging for food) may occur across the elevational gradient, leading to more similar species composition across the gradient (due to humans spreading the seeds of edible species; Jansen et al., 2020;Williams et al., 2020;Guo et al., 2022;Scerri et al., 2022;Asuk et al., 2023) and explains why elevation was not a significant predictor in the edible species models. Although these forests were intact at the time of the census, any past timber harvesting would likely have been restricted to lower elevations (Adnan et al., 2015;Asuk et al., 2023;Socolar et al., 2016;Verrico et al., 2020), which will have increased the effect of elevation on dissimilarity (Asuk et al., 2023;Ellis et al., 2010). ...
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Human activities exert a pronounced influence on forest ecosystems, impacting both biodiversity and function across multiple scales. Despite this, the consequences of low-intensity human activities on tropical forest ecosystems are difficult to assess and, therefore, remain poorly explored. Here, the influence of human activities and other site-specific variables on forest tree assemblages in central-west Africa was investigated. By dividing forest tree species into edible (from the perspective of humans) and inedible species, we aimed to assess the differential impacts of human resource use on different species; in particular, the greatest impact of human activity was expected to be seen on edible tree species. Tree data from 66 plots across Nigeria and Cameroon collected between 2002 and 2019 and Generalized Dissimilarity Models (GDMs) were used to assess pairwise beta-diversity between plots, accounting for candidate factors including proximity to human presence, elevation, and stem density. The analysis revealed that human activity significantly affects beta-diversity within the Nigeria-Cameroon forest region. The key variables that shape total beta-diversity included geographical distance between plots, plot elevation, stem density, proximity to human presence, and forest species composition. The forest species composition (monodominant or mixed forest) appeared to influence dissimilarity in beta-diversity, specifically for edible tree species. This pattern was not observed for inedible species, likely linked to the cultural practices in the region. While stem density contributed to the edible species models, elevation was more relevant for inedible species. These findings underscore the critical role of human influence in shaping tree species assemblages in African tropical forests and stress the necessity for further research in this area.
... and can critically underlie conservation assessment, prioritization, monitoring Darrah et al., 2017;Enquist et al., 2019;Feng et al., 2021;Guo et al., 2022;Pelletier et al., 2018;Zizka et al., 2021), and climate change exposure analysis (Dawson et al., 2011;Serra-Diaz et al., 2014). The fidelity of species occurrence records is thus pivotal in developing a more predictive biodiversity science. ...
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Aim Species occurrence data are valuable information that enables one to estimate geographical distributions, characterize niches and their evolution, and guide spatial conservation planning. Rapid increases in species occurrence data stem from increasing digitization and aggregation efforts, and citizen science initiatives. However, persistent quality issues in occurrence data can impact the accuracy of scientific findings, underscoring the importance of filtering erroneous occurrence records in biodiversity analyses. Innovation We introduce an R package, occTest, that synthesizes a growing open‐source ecosystem of biodiversity cleaning workflows to prepare occurrence data for different modelling applications. It offers a structured set of algorithms to identify potential problems with species occurrence records by employing a hierarchical organization of multiple tests. The workflow has a hierarchical structure organized in test Phases (i.e. cleaning vs. testing) that encompass different testBlocks grouping different testTypes (e.g. environmental outlier detection ), which may use different testMethods (e.g. Rosner test, jacknife, etc.). Four different testBlocks characterize potential problems in geographic, environmental, human influence and temporal dimensions. Filtering and plotting functions are incorporated to facilitate the interpretation of tests. We provide examples with different data sources, with default and user‐defined parameters. Compared to other available tools and workflows, occTest offers a comprehensive suite of integrated tests, and allows multiple methods associated with each test to explore consensus among data cleaning methods. It uniquely incorporates both coordinate accuracy analysis and environmental analysis of occurrence records. Furthermore, it provides a hierarchical structure to incorporate future tests yet to be developed. Main conclusions occTest will help users understand the quality and quantity of data available before the start of data analysis, while also enabling users to filter data using either predefined rules or custom‐built rules. As a result, occTest can better assess each record's appropriateness for its intended application.
... Identifying which taxa have the highest proportion of species at risk is an important first step for the preservation of genetic diversity. Considering that taxonomy reflects evolutionary history, a further step would be to incorporate phylogenetic information into a research and management framework to conserve taxonomic as well as phylogenetic diversity [68,69]. The approach presented here provides a useful tool to prioritize taxa for conservation under climate change, particularly in tropical regions, where knowledge on the distribution of many taxa is poorly known [70]. ...
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Global biodiversity is negatively affected by anthropogenic climate change. As species distributions shift due to increasing temperatures and precipitation fluctuations, many species face the risk of extinction. In this study, we explore the expected trend for plant species distributions in Central America and southern Mexico under two alternative Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) portraying moderate (RCP4.5) and severe (RCP8.5) increases in greenhouse gas emissions, combined with two species dispersal assumptions (limited and unlimited), for the 2061–2080 climate forecast. Using an ensemble approach employing three techniques to generate species distribution models, we classified 1924 plant species from the region’s (sub)tropical forests according to IUCN Red List categories. To infer the spatial and taxonomic distribution of species’ vulnerability under each scenario, we calculated the proportion of species in a threat category (Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered) at a pixel resolution of 30 arc seconds and by family. Our results show a high proportion (58–67%) of threatened species among the four experimental scenarios, with the highest proportion under RCP8.5 and limited dispersal. Threatened species were concentrated in montane areas and avoided lowland areas where conditions are likely to be increasingly inhospitable. Annual precipitation and diurnal temperature range were the main drivers of species’ relative vulnerability. Our approach identifies strategic montane areas and taxa of conservation concern that merit urgent inclusion in management plans to improve climatic resilience in the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot. Such information is necessary to develop policies that prioritize vulnerable elements and mitigate threats to biodiversity under climate change.
Mature forests and their extremely old trees are rare and threatened ancient vestiges in remote European high-mountain regions. Here, we analyze the role that extremely long-living trees have in mature forests biodiversity in relation to their singular traits underlying longevity. Tree size and age determine relative growth rates, bud abortion, and the water status of long-living trees. The oldest trees suffer indefectible age-related constraints but possess singular evolutionary traits defined by fitness adaptation, modular autonomy, and a resilient metabolism that allow them to have irreplaceable roles in the ecosystem as biodiversity anchors of vulnerable lichen species like Letharia vulpina . We suggest that the role of ancient trees as unique biodiversity reservoirs is linked to their singular physiological traits associated with longevity. The set of evolutionarily plastic tools that can only be provided by centuries or millennia of longevity helps the oldest trees of mature forests drive singular ecological relationships that are irreplaceable and necessary for ecosystem dynamics.
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Tree diversity in Asia’s tropical and subtropical forests is central to nature-based solutions. Species vulnerability to multiple threats, which affect provision of ecosystem services, is poorly understood. We conducted a region-wide, spatially explicit assessment of the vulnerability of 63 socioeconomically important tree species to overexploitation, fire, overgrazing, habitat conversion, and climate change. Trees were selected for assessment from national priority lists, and selections were validated by an expert network representing 20 countries. We used Maxent suitability modeling to predict species distribution ranges, freely accessible spatial data sets to map threat exposures, and functional traits to estimate threat sensitivities. Species-specific vulnerability maps were created as the product of exposure maps and sensitivity estimates. Based on vulnerability to current threats and climate change, we identified priority areas for conservation and restoration. Overall, 74% of the most important areas for conservation of these trees fell outside protected areas, and all species were severely threatened across an average of 47% of their native ranges. The most imminent threats were overexploitation and habitat conversion; populations were severely threatened by these factors in an average of 24% and 16% of their ranges, respectively. Our model predicted limited overall climate change impacts, although some study species were likely to lose over 15% of their habitat by 2050 due to climate change. We pinpointed specific natural areas in Borneo rain forests as hotspots for in situ conservation of forest genetic resources, more than 82% of which fell outside designated protected areas. We also identified degraded areas in Western Ghats, Indochina dry forests, and Sumatran rain forests as hotspots for restoration, where planting or assisted natural regeneration will help conserve these species, and croplands in southern India and Thailand as potentially important agroforestry options. Our results highlight the need for regionally coordinated action for effective conservation and restoration.
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Ambitious conservation efforts are needed to stop the global biodiversity crisis. In this study, we estimate the minimum land area to secure important biodiversity areas, ecologically intact areas, and optimal locations for representation of species ranges and ecoregions. We discover that at least 64 million square kilometers (44% of terrestrial area) would require conservation attention (ranging from protected areas to land-use policies) to meet this goal. More than 1.8 billion people live on these lands, so responses that promote autonomy, self-determination, equity, and sustainable management for safeguarding biodiversity are essential. Spatially explicit land-use scenarios suggest that 1.3 million square kilometers of this land is at risk of being converted for intensive human land uses by 2030, which requires immediate attention. However, a sevenfold difference exists between the amount of habitat converted in optimistic and pessimistic land-use scenarios, highlighting an opportunity to avert this crisis. Appropriate targets in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to encourage conservation of the identified land would contribute substantially to safeguarding biodiversity.
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One of the most fundamental questions in ecology is how many species inhabit the Earth. However, due to massive logistical and financial challenges and taxonomic difficulties connected to the species concept definition, the global numbers of species, including those of important and well-studied life forms such as trees, still remain largely unknown. Here, based on global ground-sourced data, we estimate the total tree species richness at global, continental, and biome levels. Our results indicate that there are ∼73,000 tree species globally, among which ∼9,000 tree species are yet to be discovered. Roughly 40% of undiscovered tree species are in South America. Moreover, almost one-third of all tree species to be discovered may be rare, with very low populations and limited spatial distribution (likely in remote tropical lowlands and mountains). These findings highlight the vulnerability of global forest biodiversity to anthropogenic changes in land use and climate, which disproportionately threaten rare species and thus, global tree richness.
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Significance Tree diversity is fundamental for forest ecosystem stability and services. However, because of limited available data, estimates of tree diversity at large geographic domains still rely heavily on published lists of species descriptions that are geographically uneven in coverage. These limitations have precluded efforts to generate a global perspective. Here, based on a ground-sourced global database, we estimate the number of tree species at biome, continental, and global scales. We estimated a global tree richness (≈73,300) that is ≈14% higher than numbers known today, with most undiscovered species being rare, continentally endemic, and tropical or subtropical. These results highlight the vulnerability of global tree species diversity to anthropogenic changes.
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Tropical forests are renowned for their astonishing diversity of life, but the fundamental question of how many species occur in tropical forests remains unanswered. Using geographic range maps and data on species habitat associations, we determined that tropical forests harbor 62% of global terrestrial vertebrate species, more than twice the number found in any other terrestrial biome on Earth. Up to 29% of global vertebrate species are endemic to tropical forests, with more than 20% of these species at risk of extinction. Humid tropical forests (also known as tropical rainforests) and the Neotropics dominate as centers of species diversity, harboring more than 90% and nearly half of all tropical forest vertebrates, respectively. To maintain the biodiversity that underpins the ecosystem functions and services essential for human well‐being, we emphasize the critical importance of environmental policies aimed at reducing tropical deforestation and mitigating deleterious anthropogenic pressures on these imperiled ecosystems.
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Global priority maps have been transformative for conservation, but now have questionable utility and may crowd out other forms of research. Conservation must re-engage with contextually rich knowledge that builds global understanding from the ground up.
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To meet the ambitious objectives of biodiversity and climate conventions, the international community requires clarity on how these objectives can be operationalized spatially and how multiple targets can be pursued concurrently. To support goal setting and the implementation of international strategies and action plans, spatial guidance is needed to identify which land areas have the potential to generate the greatest synergies between conserving biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people. Here we present results from a joint optimization that minimizes the number of threatened species, maximizes carbon retention and water quality regulation, and ranks terrestrial conservation priorities globally. We found that selecting the top-ranked 30% and 50% of terrestrial land area would conserve respectively 60.7% and 85.3% of the estimated total carbon stock and 66% and 89.8% of all clean water, in addition to meeting conservation targets for 57.9% and 79% of all species considered. Our data and prioritization further suggest that adequately conserving all species considered (vertebrates and plants) would require giving conservation attention to ~70% of the terrestrial land surface. If priority was given to biodiversity only, managing 30% of optimally located land area for conservation may be sufficient to meet conservation targets for 81.3% of the terrestrial plant and vertebrate species considered. Our results provide a global assessment of where land could be optimally managed for conservation. We discuss how such a spatial prioritization framework can support the implementation of the biodiversity and climate conventions. Global spatial data for terrestrial vertebrate and vascular plant diversity, above- and below-ground biomass carbon, and potential clean freshwater volume are combined in a joint optimization study to identify potential synergies for conservation management.
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One of the basic purposes of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation interventions is to achieve conservation impact, the sum of avoided biodiversity loss and promoted recovery relative to outcomes without protection. In the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s negotiations on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, we find that targets for area-based interventions are framed overwhelmingly with measures that fail to inform decision-makers about impact and that risk diverting limited resources away from achieving it. We show that predicting impact in space and time is feasible and can provide the basis for global guidance for jurisdictions to develop targets for conservation impact and shift investment priorities to areas where impact can be most effectively achieved.
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Due to expanding global trade and movement of people, new plant species are establishing in exotic ranges at increasing rates while the number of native species facing extinction from multiple threats grows. Yet, how species losses and gains globally may, together, be linked to traits and macroevolutionary processes is poorly understood. Here, we show that, adjusting for diversification rate and clade age, the proportion of threatened species across flowering plant families is negatively related to the proportion of naturalised species per family. Moreover, naturalisation is positively associated with range size, short generation time, autonomous seed production and interspecific hybridisation, but negatively with age and diversification, whereas threat is negatively associated with range size and hybridisation, and positively with biotic pollination, age and diversification rate. That we find such a pronounced signature of naturalisation and threat across plant families suggests that both trait syndromes have coexisted over deep evolutionary time and counter to intuition, that neither strategy is necessarily superior to the other over long evolutionary timespans. New plant species are establishing in exotic ranges at increasing rates while the number of native species facing extinction from multiple threats grows, yet how species losses and gains globally may, together, be linked to traits and macroevolutionary processes is poorly understood. Here, we show that, adjusting for diversification rate and clade age, the proportion of threatened species across flowering plant families is negatively related to the proportion of naturalised species per family. That we find such a pronounced signature of naturalisation and threat across plant families suggests that opposing trait syndromes have coexisted over deep evolutionary time and counter to intuition, that neither strategy is necessarily superior to the other over long evolutionary timespans.
Quantifying anthropogenic climate change vulnerability is essential for estimating the risk of species extinction and developing conservation strategies. The Magnolia genus is widespread in the Americas and Asia, with nearly half of species currently threatened. Here, we used climate-niche factor analysis to study the vulnerability of Magnolia species to future climate change. We found that the vulnerability of Magnolia species to future climate change is negatively related to range size. We further identified that narrow-ranged Magnolia species distributed in Asia are more vulnerable than those distributed in the Americas, with protected area coverage also lower in Asia than the Americas. Moreover, the conservation status ranking of Magnolia species classified by the IUCN Red List will likely be changed under climate change, as some Near Threatened and Least Concern species were estimated to be more vulnerable to climate change than species currently classified as Endangered. Our results highlight that conservation assessments, policies and actions need to consider spatial vulnerabilities of species to climate change.