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Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is a major cultivated crop, providing protein and oil for human and animal feed. While soybean yields in the United States have increased over the years, grain oil concentrations have remained relatively constant while protein concentrations have decreased. The objective of this work was to determine if management practices (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)) fertilization; foliar protection, and reduced row spacing) could simultaneously increase yield as well as seed protein and oil concentrations. A meta-analysis was performed on 50 soybean crop management projects conducted between 2012 and 2018, which included five field sites around Illinois. These trials measured yield, seed protein and oil concentrations, weather (precipitation and temperature), soil constituents (CEC, organic matter, P and K levels), and recorded planting and harvest dates. A meta-analysis of the mean differences was used to examine the impact of management practices on yield, and moderators to explain the heterogeneity levels between studies were included. Nitrogen or P fertilization, reduced row spacing and foliar protection all increased yield, while K fertilization tended to decrease yield. Seed protein concentration was not affected by N or K fertilization, but was altered by P fertilization depending on the method of application. Seed protein concentration decreased when the P fertilizer was banded beneath the crop row, but tended to increase when the P fertilizer was broadcasted on the soil surface. Reduced row spacing and foliar protection decreased seed protein concentration. Banded P fertilization, reduced row spacing, and foliar protection all increased seed oil concentration. Soil organic matter level and planting date were moderators that explained the variation in the responses to N fertilization of soybean yield and protein concentration, respectively. In regards to P fertilization, soil P level was a moderator of the yield response, while soil CEC was a moderator of the seed oil concentration response. Yield and seed quality responses iii to reduced row spacing were both moderated by soil CEC. In response to foliar protection, yield was moderated by soil organic matter, while seed protein and oil concentrations both had location as a moderator. These data show that N and P fertilization, reduced row spacing, and foliar protection can individually increase soybean yield, and that banded P fertilization, reduced row spacing and foliar protection can increase seed oil concentration, but no management practice evaluated in this review was able to simultaneously increase yield and seed protein concentration. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Science in Crop Sciences
in the Graduate College of the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019
Urbana, Illinois
Master’s Committee:
Professor Frederick Below, Chair
Research Assistant Professor Carrie Butts-Wilmsmeyer
Professor Brian Diers
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is a major cultivated crop, providing protein and oil for
human and animal feed. While soybean yields in the United States have increased over the years,
grain oil concentrations have remained relatively constant while protein concentrations have
decreased. The objective of this work was to determine if management practices (nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)) fertilization; foliar protection, and reduced row spacing) could
simultaneously increase yield as well as seed protein and oil concentrations. A meta-analysis was
performed on 50 soybean crop management projects conducted between 2012 and 2018, which
included five field sites around Illinois. These trials measured yield, seed protein and oil
concentrations, weather (precipitation and temperature), soil constituents (CEC, organic matter, P
and K levels), and recorded planting and harvest dates. A meta-analysis of the mean differences
was used to examine the impact of management practices on yield, and moderators to explain the
heterogeneity levels between studies were included. Nitrogen or P fertilization, reduced row
spacing and foliar protection all increased yield, while K fertilization tended to decrease yield.
Seed protein concentration was not affected by N or K fertilization, but was altered by P
fertilization depending on the method of application. Seed protein concentration decreased when
the P fertilizer was banded beneath the crop row, but tended to increase when the P fertilizer was
broadcasted on the soil surface. Reduced row spacing and foliar protection decreased seed protein
concentration. Banded P fertilization, reduced row spacing, and foliar protection all increased seed
oil concentration. Soil organic matter level and planting date were moderators that explained the
variation in the responses to N fertilization of soybean yield and protein concentration,
respectively. In regards to P fertilization, soil P level was a moderator of the yield response, while
soil CEC was a moderator of the seed oil concentration response. Yield and seed quality responses
to reduced row spacing were both moderated by soil CEC. In response to foliar protection, yield
was moderated by soil organic matter, while seed protein and oil concentrations both had location
as a moderator. These data show that N and P fertilization, reduced row spacing, and foliar
protection can individually increase soybean yield, and that banded P fertilization, reduced row
spacing and foliar protection can increase seed oil concentration, but no management practice
evaluated in this review was able to simultaneously increase yield and seed protein concentration.
I would like to start by thanking my parents, whom beyond placing me in the world, gave
me an education that permitted me to be where I am. Next, I thank my host parents, because it was
in the experience that they offered me that I decided to be an agronomy major. I want to thank the
Universidade Estadual de Londrina in Parana, Brazil for the free college degree in Agronomy and
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), especially the Department of Crop
Sciences for the graduate program. I also want to give thanks to Giovani Fontes, for having me as
a roommate through the period of my masters studies. To my advisor Professor Frederick Below,
for accepting me as a student in his program and the opportunity to work in diverse projects,
because with that broader experience, I found direction in pursuing my career and also to professor
Romulo Lollato from Kansas State University, who encouraged me to go to graduate school. I
heavily thank my partner Marli de Moraes Gomes for all the emotional support and understanding.
Special thanks to all the personnel of the Crop Physiology laboratory of the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, from all the undergraduate interns and visiting scholars to the graduate
student colleagues, technician and the Research Specialist for all the support in the evaluations in
field to the inputs in writing and statistics, which Dr. Butts-Wilmsmeyer deserves a highlight. To
each person that was present in these two years of graduate school, because the experience from
each of you contributed to the road that brought me here. Finally, I would like to thank the United
States Soybean Board, from the American Soybean Association for the direct funding of this
research and all the other indirect sponsors that contributed to the studies used for the database of
this project.
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
METHODS ................................................................................................................................... 10
RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................... 19
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................... 24
CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................... 36
TABLES AND FIGURE .............................................................................................................. 37
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 47
APPENDIX: SUPPLEMENTAL TABLES ................................................................................. 68
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is a leguminous plant, in the biological family Fabaceae
(Leguminosae). Its center of origin is in the northwest of China, specifically the Manchuria region
(EMBRAPA, 2005; Missao, 2006), where domestication of soybean started three millenniums
ago (North Carolina Soybeans Producers Association, 2019). The ancient cultivated soybean had
a creeping growth habit and grew along wetlands near lakes and rivers (Aprosoja, 2014). Through
breeding, the Chinese started its cultivation before English travelers and oriental immigrants
(Missao, 2006) dispersed it to the south of China, as well as to Korea and to Japan in the 3rd
century B. C. (Aprosoja, 2014).
In the United States, a Georgia British colonist introduced soybean in 1765, but cultivation
expanded greatly eighty-six years later, with the distribution of seeds to farmers in Illinois and
other states in the Corn Belt (North Carolina Soybeans Producers Association, 2019). Soybean
became a commodity worldwide in 1919, after the First World War, and its world production
chain was established with the creation of the American Soybean Association (Aprosoja, 2014).
Currently, soybean is a major globally-cultivated crop, with worldwide production
increasing every year. Soybean cultivation reached 352.6 million metric tons in 2017, representing
an increase of 5.1% in relation to 2016 (FAO, 2019). Consequently, the consumption of soybean
around the world increased 4.54% from 1987 to 2009 (Lazzarotto and Hirakuri, 2010). One reason
for this historic increase in soybean production in the world is the various uses for its grain,
especially its protein and oil, which are components of high economic importance (Brumm and
Hurburgh, 1990; Hurburgh, 1994). The United States is one of the main producers of soybean
worldwide, producing 120.52 million metric tons in the 2018/19 season, or 33.6% of the world
total (USDA-FAS, 2019). Of the U.S. production in 2018 that was not exported, 47.4% was
crushed (USDA-NASS, 2019), a process that creates two co-products: meal and oil.
Soybean meal is one of the major protein sources for animal feed, due to its balanced amino
acid profile and high digestibility level, making it universally accepted as the most important
protein ingredient in animal diets (Willis, 2003). Compared to other animal-feed protein sources,
soybean has the highest quality, providing an economic advantage to its use (Grieshop and Fahey,
2001). The United States production of soybean meal was 44,626 metric tons in 2017/18 and has
been increasing since 2015 (USDA-NASS, 2019). The marketing of soybean meal is highly
dependent on its protein concentration meeting a required minimum (Rotundo et al., 2016)
following oil extraction from the crushed grain (Brumm and Hurburgh, 1990). The desired
concentrations of protein and lipids in the soybean grain are 400 g kg-1 and 200 g kg-1 of the dry
matter, respectively (De Moraes et al., 2006), which is equivalent to 348 and 174 g kg-1 of the
grain at 130 g kg-1 moisture. Since the beginning of the 21st century, soybean grain protein
concentration has been decreasing. Protein concentration also has been lower than the desired
concentration since 2012, when the reported levels at 130 g kg-1 moisture were 343 g kg-1 for
protein and 185 g kg-1 for oil (Miller-Garvin and Naeve, 2017). The productivity of American
soybeans has been increasing annually, achieving yield of 3331 kg ha-1 in 2017 (Miller-Garvin and
Naeve, 2017). However, because the protein concentration in the grain has been decreasing, the
concentration in its meal coproduct has simultaneously been tending to decrease. Therefore, to
supply the same amount of protein, more of the less-protein concentrated meal is needed, which
increases feed costs and influences the final price of the resulting animal meat (Plume, 2017). The
lower protein concentration in the grain also hiders the United States exports of soybean, resulting
in lost market share in China to other countries that have a higher level of grain protein (Plume,
The other coproduct of the crushed grain, soybean oil, also is directly related to its
concentration in the original soybean grain. Similar to meal, its production has increased and
reached approximately 10.8 million metric tons in 2017/18 (USDA-NASS, 2019). Besides direct
human nutrition as a food additive, the process to obtain oil generates lecithin, which is a versatile
coproduct. Lecithin is used as an emulsifying agent in the food industry (Hymowitz and Newell,
1981), but it is also used in the production of paints, insecticides, cosmetics and textiles (Scott and
Aldrich, 1970; Wolf and Cowen, 1971). Recently, transesterification technology has allowed
soybean oil to be used as biodiesel (Kinney and Clemente, 2005). According to Kinney and
Clemente (2005, p. 1139), “approximately 3.6% of the U.S. soybean oil production is targeted for
industrial applications (approximately 288 million kg), of which 1% (4.5 million kg) is used for
biodiesel”. Thus, a continued increase in demand for soybean oil is expected to occur. Historically,
soybean grain oil concentration has been increasing concurrently with the yield increase (Miller-
Garvin and Naeve, 2017). However, since 2010, the production of the oil has been less than the
demand (USDA-ERS, 2019). In 2017/18, the gap in the production of soybean oil compared to the
amount used was less than the previous season, decreasing from 133,734 to -23,122 metric tons
(USDA-ERS, 2019), with processing of stored grain helping to overcome the shortfall. With the
potential for further increased use of soybean oil by industry, there is a need to continue increasing
the soybean grain oil concentration concurrently with yield.
The final soybean grain quality (protein and oil concentrations), similar to yield, is driven
by a combination of the seed genetics, the growing environment, the agronomic management
practices, and their interactions (De Bruin and Pedersen, 2008; Assefa et al., 2019). Some of the
soybean agronomic management practices available include the location, genetics, nutrient
fertilization, planting row configuration, and foliar protection. Since the mid-1990s, the U. S.
Soybean Board has led an initiative to increase the compositional quality of the U. S. soybean to
meet the domestic market need through identifying and improving the associated traits (Durham,
2003). However, the influence of each factor on the resulting grain quality characteristics is not
entirely known (Rao et al., 2002; Assefa et al., 2018).
Several studies reported the influence of the plant growth environment on the resulting
soybean grain quality (Grieshop et al., 2003; Rotundo et al., 2016; Mourtzinis et al., 2018; Assefa
et al., 2018, 2019). The consensus among these studies is that soybeans cultivated in warmer areas,
with adequate water throughout the season tended to have higher concentrations of both protein
and oil in the grain. This greater compositional grain quality may be linked to the center of origin
of the crop, which has humid summers with tropical heat (Box and Choi, 2003). Thus, expanding
soybean cultivation to areas in the country that are colder and/or have water limitations during the
growing season impacts the average quality of U. S. soybeans.
In addition, Assefa et al. (2019) relate planting date with the environment for plant growth,
because it determines the time that the crop will be exposed to the environment and the period that
the nutrients are available to the plant. In the same study, the response to planting date was also
linked to latitude, in which soybean planted after the 145th day of the year tended to have less
yield and grain oil concentration than those planted earlier when grown in the mid to high latitude
ranges in the United States (35-45° N).
Different ranges in temperature also could be reflected in high yield variability as well as
in the amino acid profile of the soybean grain (Carrera et al., 2011). In addition, soil characteristics
could influence the growth of soybean, such as cation exchange capacity (CEC) and organic
matter. Villamil et al. (2012) studied soybean yield from on-farm data in Illinois and found that
soil CEC and organic matter levels had a negative relationship with grain yield.
Modern techniques have increased the efficiency of the breeding process, optimizing
variety development by private institutions, consequently introducing more varieties with higher
yield potential (Sleper and Shannon, 2003). Genetic traits linked to high protein grain have been
identified (Wilcox and Cavins, 1995; Cober and Voldeng, 2000; Sebolt et al., 2000). However,
current breeding programs have focused primarily on yield potential, while the grain quality
became a secondary factor of minimal interest. Thus, one approach to achieving greater grain
quality is for companies to develop new high-yielding varieties that also generate high grain
quality in the multitude of production environments available.
Even with modern breeding techniques, new varieties take a significant amount of time to
be launched into the market. Therefore, another solution to the low-quality profile of the grain
could be done with in-season management of the current existing varieties. Modern soybean
systems are focused on high yields, which are linked to rapid canopy closure, comprised of more
leaves and more photosynthetic tissue (Arce et al., 2009). These soybean systems must have
sufficient nitrogen to assist in the conversion of solar radiation into new biomass and grain yield
(Salvagiotti et al., 2008).
Nitrogen is one of the most required elements by plants and it is a component of proteins
(Souza and Fernandes, 2006). Soybean can use many forms of nitrogen, including atmospheric
nitrogen because of its symbiotic relationship with Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteria (Macák
and Candráková, 2013). The peak nitrogen fixation rate occurs in the late plant reproductive stages
(Zapata et al., 1987). Demand prior to that peak needs to be supplied by another nitrogen source
(Salvagiotti et al., 2008) to avoid remobilization from other tissues, which could limit yield (Kessel
and Hartley, 2000). Therefore, external provision of this nutrient could be a viable alternative for
a system focused on the combination of higher yields and quality.
Besides nitrogen, phosphorus is necessary in many processes of plant metabolism, such as
energy transfer, synthesis of nucleic acids, and cellular membrane stability (Araujo and Machado,
2006), and also helps in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen (Vance et al., 2003). In addition,
Bender (2015) found that 80% of the accumulated phosphorus from a modern soybean plant is
removed with the grain, and if not replenished in the soil, may result in future yield limitations.
Farmaha et al. (2012) observed significant effects of phosphorus fertilization on soybean protein
and oil concentrations and yield under different tillage systems. Phosphorus fertilization was able
to increase protein and oil in the grain when applied before sowing in a study performed in Pakistan
(Abbasi et al., 2012). In the same study, potassium fertilization was able to increase yield and
quality of soybean grain at both supply levels, 40 and 80 kg ha-1. In addition, in the United States,
soybeans are commonly fertilized with potassium at a higher rate than any other nutrient because
of the perception among growers that it is the most important nutrient to soybean (USDA-ERS,
Besides nutrient fertilization, other agronomic management procedures could be done to
enhance yield and quality of the soybean crop. Reducing row spacing is a valuable practice that is
associated with earlier canopy closure (Ball et al., 2000; Silva et al., 2013; Andrade et al., 2019).
Reducing row spacing also permits more light interception (Çalişkan et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2011;
Silva et al., 2013) and is associated with an increase the leaf area index per plant (Zhou et al., 2011;
Malek et al., 2012), which can lead to more yield at the end of the season. However, it has been
reported that reducing the row spacing less than 30 cm did not result in a yield increase (Moreira
et al., 2015; Ferreira et al., 2019), suggesting that there might be minimum row spacing threshold
for optimum soybean growth and yield. Regarding grain quality, narrowing the row spacing has
led to mixed results, ranging from not affecting it (Al-Tawaha and Seguin, 2006; Bellaloui et al.,
2014; Flajšman et al., 2019) to increasing the quality (Moreira et al., 2015; Werner et al., 2017).
The plant canopy is mainly composed of leaves, which have photosynthesis as their major
function (Taiz and Zeiger, 2010). Thus, protecting the integrity of leaves from foliar diseases and
feeding from insects using fungicidal and/or insecticidal products is a viable practice to increase
soybean yield. Yield gains from applications of those products have been found, especially when
disease pressure was high for a specific pathogen (Delaney et al., 2018; Molina et al., 2019;
Willbur et al., 2019). Other studies have shown a yield benefit of these products regardless of the
disease pressure presumably due to growth regulator effect (Bender, 2015; Beyrer, 2018).
However, foliar applications are not a guarantee of higher yields (Swoboda and Pedersen, 2009).
Assefa et al. (2019) reported that fungicide and insecticide applications resulted in increased grain
oil concentration and had a tendency to increase soybean grain protein level. Therefore, the
management practice of foliar protection could be a viable strategy towards increased soybean
yield and quality. However, a better understanding of the use of foliar protectants is needed, since
fungicide alone has been found to be as effective as a mixture with an insecticide (Ng et al., 2018).
Management practices on soybean production have been widely studied. Thus,
summarizing the findings of an array of studies regarding the effect of management practices on
yield and grain quality could be a comprehensive way to evaluate overall management effect.
Meta-analysis is a statistical tool used to synthetize and quantify the evidence present in many
studies for a certain treatment. It became popular in 1980’s in medicine and social sciences as an
alternative to narrative reviews (Borenstein et al., 2009a; Hedges and Olkin, 2014). It was
introduced to other fields such as ecology and biology in the early 1990’s (Jarvinen, 1991;
Gurevitch et al., 1992) and started being used in agronomy in the early 2000’s (Marra and Kaval,
2000; Ainsworth et al., 2002; Miguez and Bollero, 2005). Similarly to an analysis of variance, an
overall effect of the treatment is reported, which results from a weighted mathematical calculation
of all the studies included in the meta-analysis, providing an objective, clear and replicable result
(Borenstein et al., 2009a).
In agronomy, it is known that each study is different because it is performed in a specific
year and location, thus, variance between studies is expected, and the usage of the random-model
effects in agronomic meta-analysis is preferred because it accounts for and quantifies that
variability (Borenstein et al., 2009b; Mengersen et al., 2013), also known as heterogeneity (I2). In
areas that are expected to have variability among studies, quantifying that variability and
explaining it is crucial for a complete meta-analysis (Koricheva et al., 2013). Dividing the data
into sub-groups and/or including moderators (similar to an analysis of covariance) that quantifies
the differences between studies could explain the heterogeneity (Borenstein et al., 2009a; Steward
et al., 2013). However, minimizing the number of moderators is a good way not to over fit the
model and introduce bias (Steward et al., 2013).
The moderator or subgroup could be statistically relevant or not, depending on its
probability value (p-value). For moderators, other statistical values could be of importance to
assess the most relevant moderator when the p-value among them are similar. The Akaike
information criteria (AIC) is informative when comparing different models (with different
moderators) indicating the best model among others as the one that minimizes the AIC value
(Sakamoto et al., 1988). Also, since moderators are included in a regression model, regression
estimators, such as R2 could also be used, and in the case of meta-regression it means the amount
of the original heterogeneity present in the model that came from between-study variance (I2) that
could be explained when the moderator was added to the model (Viechtbauer, 2010).
In summary, taking into consideration that modern soybean varieties have a greater focus
on yield potential and that soybean cultivation is moving to colder areas in the United States and
Canada, the protein level of United States soybean is decreasing each year. The lower quality
impedes both animal production, since soybean meal is an important source of protein for animal
feed, and the international trade of the commodity, since other countries could offer a higher
quality soybean for similar prices.
Developing new varieties to overcome the issue of low grain protein concentration could
be a solution, but that path must make financial sense for the breeding companies. A more viable
alternative is to manage soybeans during the season not only for yield, but also for the grain quality
aspect. Research needs to be done with the primary intention of determining how agronomic
management affects yield and grain quality.
Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine if agronomic management
practice(s) could simultaneously increase soybean yield and grain quality, and if so, which
practice(s) would be the most influential in altering yield and quality characteristics. To
accomplish the objectives, meta-analytic methods were used on data archived from studies of the
Crop Physiology Laboratory of the University of Illinois.
The Crop Physiology Laboratory has a vast database of soybean experiments from 2012 to
2018, using five locations in the state of Illinois: DeKalb (41°55′53″N 88°45′01″W, 268 m above
sea level); Yorkville (41°39′57″N 88°26′31″W, 200 m above sea level); Champaign (40°06′54″N
88°16′22″W, 233 m above sea level); Rushville (40°07′16″N 90°33′47″W, 205 m above sea level);
and Harrisburg (37°44′02″N 88°32′45″W, 121 m above sea level). All experiments consisted of
replicated treatments arranged in randomized complete block design and measured for yield
(metric tons (T) hectare-1 with 0 g kg-1 moisture concentration), harvested with and AlmacoTM plot
harvester, and a sample was analyzed using a NIR transmittance analyzer (Infratec 1241; FOSS,
Denmark) to obtain grain protein and oil concentrations (g kg-1) standardized to a moisture
concentration of 130 g kg-1. Additional information collected for all trials included: planting and
harvest dates; average temperature (Celsius) and total precipitation (mm); soil cation exchange
capacity (CEC) (Meq 100 g-1); organic matter (OM) (g kg-1); pH; and preplant soil phosphorus and
potassium levels (mg kg-1) The experiments all had accurate records of their protocols, with
treatment descriptions, number of replications and soybean variety(ies) used. The collected results
were stored in a main database each year making the data easily retrievable.
Selection of experiments
For this study, the seven years of experiments up to and including 2018 were considered,
encompassing 70 experiments. Soybean studies with at least three replications each were selected
that had evaluated at least one of the following management practices: dry fertilizer applications,
fungicide and/or insecticide application, and/or row spacing. Ultimately, six experiments were
selected that spanned 50 site-year combinations: “Soybean Management Yield Potential”;
“Soybean Omission Plots”; “Phosphorus Source, Rate and Placement Soybean”; “Soybean
Response to Nitrogen”; “Soybean Fertigation”; and “Soybean Relay”. These experiments are
briefly explained below and the locations, agronomic management(s), and data used are
summarized in Appendix A.
Soybean Management Yield Potential
The Soybean Management Yield Potential experiment was performed from 2016 through
2018. It was planted at three locations in Illinois (Yorkville, Champaign and Harrisburg), resulting
in eight site-years. The goal of this trial was to categorize different soybean varieties regarding of
their yield response to phosphorus fertilization and foliar protection. A resulting offensive variety
would be one that increases yield with both inputs compared to a defensive variety as one that
would have a stable yield regardless of the inputs. A split-plot randomized complete block design
with four replicates was used with the whole plot being fertility and the split plot being foliar
protection, with the randomization restricted to the thirty different varieties tested every year.
Phosphorus (P) fertilization, banded directly underneath the crop row before planting, at a rate of
84 kg ha-1 of phosphorus was provided by the products MicroEssentials SZ(MESZ) (12-40-0-
10S-1Zn) (Mosaic, Minneapolis, MN) in 2016 but was substituted with MicroEssentials S10
(MES10) (12-40-0-10S) (Mosaic, Minneapolis, MN) in the 2017 and 2018 trials. Foliar
applications of fungicide at the R3 growth stage were accomplished using Quadris Top® SB
(Azoxystrobin + Difenoconazole; Syngenta, Greensboro, NC) at 874 ml ha-1 for 2016, and for
2017 and 2018 Trivapro™ (Benzovindiflupyr +Azoxystrobin + Propiconazole at 1000 ml ha-1;
Syngenta, Greensboro, NC) was used. The insecticide was applied at R3 with or without the
fungicide Endigo® ZC (Lambda-cyhalothrin + Thiamethoxam at 292 ml ha-1 (Syngenta,
Greensboro, NC) for the respective treatments all three years.
Soybean Omission Plots
Conducted from 2012 to 2018 at five locations in Illinois (DeKalb, Yorkville, Rushville,
Champaign and Harrisburg), this experiment totaled 19 site-years. Multiple agronomic practices
were investigated as part of this study, including row spacing, fertilization with phosphorus and/or
potassium before planting, and foliar protection with fungicides and/or insecticides at the R3
growth stages. In years that had multiple inputs with a similar mode of action, treatments were
combined for data analysis, theoretically increasing the statistical power. This experiment was
conducted as a split-plot RCBD, with row spacing as the main block and replication as the split
plot. Brief details of the major agronomic managements evaluated each year are as follows:
2012 and 2013 - Phosphorus fertilization: MESZ to provide 84 kg of P2O5 ha-1, banded
before planting. Foliar protection: Fungicide (Quilt Xcel at 1,022 ml ha-1 and Priaxor at 292
ml ha-1) and insecticide (Endigo ZC at 292 ml ha-1 and Fastac at 278 ml ha-1 [Alpha-
cypermethrin; Florham Park, NJ]) applied at plant growth stage R3 either individually or
combined. Reduced row spacing: 50.8 cm compared to 76.2 cm.
2014 - Phosphorus fertilization: MESZ to provide 84 kg of P2O5 ha-1, banded before
planting. Potassium fertilization: Aspire (0-0-58-0.5B) (Mosaic, Minneapolis, MN) to provide
84 kg of K2O ha-1, broadcasted before planting. Foliar protection: Fungicide (Priaxor at 292 ml
ha-1) and insecticide (Endigo ZC at 292 ml ha-1 and Fastac at 278 ml ha-1) applied at R3 either
individually or combined. Reduced row spacing: 50.8 cm compared to 76.2 cm.
2015 - Phosphorus fertilization: MESZ to provide 84 kg of P2O5 ha-1, banded before
planting. Potassium fertilization: Aspire to provide 84 kg of K2O ha-1, broadcasted before
planting. Foliar protection: Fungicide (Priaxor at 292 ml ha-1 and Quadris Flowable at 438 ml
ha-1 [Azoxystrobin; Syngenta, Greensboro, NC]), insecticide (Endigo ZC at 292 ml ha-1 and
Fastac at 278 ml ha-1) and adjuvant (Masterlock at 292 ml ha-1 [WinField United, Arden Hills,
MN] and FS Aqua Supreme at 175.2 ml ha-1 [FS System, Bloomington, IL]) applied together
at R3. Reduced row spacing: 50.8 cm compared to 76.2 cm.
2016 - Phosphorus fertilization: MESZ to provide 84 kg of P2O5 ha-1, banded before
planting. Foliar protection: Fungicide (Priaxor at 292 ml ha-1 and Quadris Top SBX at 511 ml
ha-1 [Azoxystrobin + Difeconazole; Syngenta, Greensboro, NC] ), insecticide (Endigo ZC at 292
ml ha-1 and Fastac at 278 ml ha-1) and adjuvant (Masterlock at 292 ml ha-1) applied together
at R3. Reduced row spacing: 50.8 cm compared to 76.2 cm.
2017 - Phosphorus fertilization: MES10 or diammonium phosphate (DAP) to provide 84
kg of P2O5 ha-1. The DAP was broadcasted before planting, while the MES10 was either banded
or broadcasted before planting. Foliar protection: Fungicide (Priaxor at 292 ml ha-1 and
Trivapro at 1,000 ml ha-1) and insecticide (Endigo ZC at 292 ml ha-1 and Fastac at 278 ml
ha-1) applied together at R3. Reduced row spacing: 50.8 cm compared to 76.2 cm.
2018 - Phosphorus fertilization: MES10 or DAP to provide 84 kg of P2O5 ha-1, with DAP
broadcasted before planting, while MES10 was either banded or broadcasted before planting.
Foliar protection: Fungicide (Priaxor at 292 ml ha-1 and Trivapro at 1,000 ml ha-1) and
insecticide (Endigo ZC at 292 ml ha-1 and Fastac at 278 ml ha-1) applied together at R3.
Reduced row spacing: 50.8 cm compared to 76.2 cm.
Phosphorus Source, Rate and Placement Soybean
This experiment was conducted for three years (2014-2016) at Champaign, resulting in
three site-years. It tested different rates (0, 56, 112 and 168 kg ha-1) of phosphorus using
MicroEssentials SZ (MESZ) for all three years, with or without: Titan (in 2014) [Bacillus
licheniformis; Loveland products, Greenville, MS]; Titan, Zync LS [0-0-0-7S-10Zn;
WinField United, Arden Hills, MN], or Levesol (in 2015); and Levesol [20 g kg-1 nitrogen
and chelating agents; CHS, Inver Grove Heights, MN] or Titan (in 2016). These fertilizers were
evaluated using two different application methods (either broadcast or banded). For 2016, a
monoammonium phosphate (MAP) with Zync LS was also added as a fertilizer mix treatment.
All treatment combinations had six replications in 2014 and 2015, and nine replications in 2016.
The design was a randomized complete block (RCBD). Only the broadcast versus banded
applications of 112 kg ha-1 of MESZ were used for meta-analysis, as the other treatments were
unique to this project.
Soybean Response to Nitrogen
Conducted from 2013 to 2016, with a design change and expansion from 2013 to 2014, the
trial was implemented at five locations (DeKalb, Yorkville, Champaign, Rushville and
Harrisburg). Of the locations, Champaign and Harrisburg were held constant over the years, while
Rushville and Yorkville were only in 2013 and 2016 respectively, and DeKalb was used from 2013
to 2015, resulting in 13 site-years. The experiment tested the response of soybean to different
nitrogen fertilizer sources consisting of urea (45-0-0) and Environmentally Smart Nitrogen (ESN;
44-0-0; Nutrien, Saskatoon, Canada) in 2013, and the other years evaluating urea, ESN,
ammonium nitrate (AN) (34-0-0), ammonium sulfate (AMS) (21-0-0-24S) and urea-ammonium
nitrate (UAN) (28-0-0). These nitrogen sources were assessed at different application times (before
planting, V3, R1 and R3), usually broadcasted. In 2013, a banded before planting treatment was
also tested, but was excluded from final data analysis, due to its uniqueness. The fertilizer rate was
held constant at 112 kg of N ha-1. The design used was an RCBD, with 2013 being unbalanced,
because only one untreated control was used across all treatments and 2014-2016 balanced, with
one control for each different time of application. After the statistical analysis, all treatment groups
without nitrogen were combined to form an overall control.
Soybean Fertigation
While this experiment was conducted from 2015 to 2018, only the 2015 data was used. It
was conducted at Champaign, in a specialized field for fertigation of the University of Illinois
farms. The general objective of the trial through the years was to show the behavior of different
soybean varieties, with and without fertigation, in different management practices. The specific
treatments changed year by year. The trial was a split-plot RCBD, with the fertigation zones being
the main blocking factor. While there were different treatments in the overall experiment, only the
results from the fungicide plus insecticide application at R3 treatment (Priaxor™: at a rate of 585
ml ha-1 and Fastac™: fluxapyroxad and pyraclostrobin at a rate of 278 ml ha-1 (BASF, Florham
Park, NJ), respectively) was used for data analysis.
Soybean response to Phosphorus Fertilizer Distance
Conducted at Champaign in 2014 and Champaign and Harrisburg in 2015, the trial tested
soybean yield and grain quality response to different fertilizer application methods and different
distance of the band from the planting row. Phosphorus as MESZ was either broadcasted or banded
at 0, 7.6, 15, 22.9, 30.5 or 38.1 cm distance from the planting row to provide a total of 84 kg of
P2O5 ha-1. Treatments were arranged in an RCBD with eight replications and placement (band vs.
broadcast) as the main blocking factor. Data from the broadcasted treatment at 396,000 plants ha-
1 was evaluated.
Soybean Relay
Conducted in 2016, at three Illinois locations (Yorkville, Champaign and Harrisburg),
resulting in three site-years. These trials investigated the yield response of soybean to different
placements (broadcasted, banded below the seed, or banded 15 cm from the seed in one or two
bands) of a phosphorus fertilizer (MESZ to provide a total of 84 kg of P2O5 ha-1), and also with or
without a starter of 10-34-0. The experiment was an RCBD with six replications. Data from the
broadcast or in the 15 cm one-band phosphorus fertilization without starter treatments were used
for analysis.
Statistical analysis
All agronomic management treatments evaluated had respective control plots. Overall,
there were 50 site-years assessed, which contributed at least one management factor to the analysis
(Appendix A). All site-years were analyzed using the PROC MIXED, PROC UNIVARIATE and
PROC GLM procedures of SAS software (Version 9.4, SAS System for Windows, SAS institute
Inc., Cary, NC, USA) to generate means and standard deviation values resulting from each
management treatment, as well as to check assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity. The
outliers were subsequently removed from this original group, leaving at least three replications per
Data extraction
Each site-year had the experiment type, location and year identified. After the primary
statistical analysis, the means, standard deviations and number of observations (replications) of
the control (untreated) and the management factor of interest were extracted for the following
response variables: yield (metric tons (T) ha-1 (0 g kg-1 moisture)); protein and oil concentrations
(at 130 g kg-1 moisture); product and rate used (when appropriate); and application method.
Further, other information was extracted to serve as moderators in the model: planting and harvest
dates; average temperature (Celsius) and total precipitation (mm) during the period of the crop
growth for each site year; soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) (Meq 100 g-1); soil organic matter
(OM) (g kg-1); soil pH; and preplant soil phosphorus and potassium levels (mg kg-1).
Quantitative data synthesis
A random effects meta-analysis model was chosen based on the nature of the studies prior
to the analysis, and not based on the results from heterogeneity indexes (Borenstein et al., 2009b),
using the “meta” package (Schwarzer et al., 2015) in R 3.5.1(R Core Team, 2018). Different
management practices were divided into respective sub-groups (i. e. different fertilizer sources per
nutrient) prior to the analysis (Table 1). The agronomic management sub-groups that led to
significant differences in yield or grain quality were maintained.
For each management practice, heterogeneity values from the meta-analyses were
measured using three parameters: 1) The Q test, which tests the hypothesis of having heterogeneity
among studies in the meta-analysis; 2) the I2 value which quantifies how much of the variation
observed cannot be explained by the model and; 3) the T2 which estimates the true variance from
the effect size. Based on this analysis, four potential moderators were selected for each
management practice based on their impact in the literature and agronomic knowledge. The
“metafor” package (v2.0-0; Viechtbauer, 2010) was then used to determine the influence of the
moderators on the observed heterogeneities. The moderators for each management practice (Table
2) were tested individually. Finally, the models created for each moderator were compared among
themselves by the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), p value and R2 values (Sakamoto et al.,
1988). The model that had a significant p value (α = 0.05), a high R2 value, and a lower AIC value
was considered the best model, since it explained most of the observed heterogeneity associated
with each management practice.
This study involved five locations, representing a broad cultivation area of Illinois, and
seven years of research. The difference in the number of observations for each of the response
variables within a management practice (Table 3) was due to abnormal values identified with
outlier analyses that were difficult to be normalized. Normally distributed effect values from the
data set is a requirement for meta-analyses using the random-effects model (Borenstein et al.,
2009a). Therefore, data from site-years that could not be normalized by transformation were not
included in the final meta-analysis, and this resulted in a different number of observations per
variable within an agronomic management factor.
Nitrogen fertilization
Overall, applying nitrogen to the soybean crop as a broadcasted application prior to
planting increased yield by 190 kg ha-1 (Table 4). None of the nitrogen fertilizer sources evaluated,
(i.e., urea, ESN, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea ammonium nitrate, or Limus urea),
was better than the others at increasing yield (Table 5). However, fertilizing with ammonium
nitrate tended to increase yield the most (240 kg ha-1), while urea with the urease inhibitor Limus
increased yield the least (120 kg ha-1) (data not shown).
The heterogeneity in the model was high for the response of soybean grain yield to nitrogen
fertilization, since it has a low p-value in the Q test (<0.0001), not much of the variation from the
overall effect is true (0.03), and 92.3% of the variation could not be explained by the model (I2)
(Table 6). Therefore, further analysis was performed using potential moderators of the N fertilizer-
yield interaction, including soil cation exchange capacity (CEC), soil organic matter (OM),
planting date (PD), and year of the experiment. Of the potential moderators, soil organic matter
(OM) differences explained most of the yield variability in response to N application (Table 7). In
regards to grain quality, nitrogen application did not significantly alter the concentration of either
protein or oil (Figure 1), and there were no differences between N fertilizer source (Table 5).
The heterogeneity values for the nitrogen fertilization model with the sub-groups for both
grain quality aspects were high, with the nitrogen sources having a Q statistics p < 0.0001 for both
protein and oil (Table 6). Because of this high variability, moderator analysis was performed, using
the same potential moderators as for yield (CEC, OM, PD, year). For both grain protein and oil
concentrations, planting date acted as a significant moderator to N fertilization, with the highest
R2 value and lowest AIC (Table 7).
Phosphorus fertilization
An increase of 110 kg ha-1 in grain yield was observed when at least 84 kg P2O5 ha-1 of
phosphorus fertilization was applied prior to planting soybean (Table 4). There were no differences
in yield due to the different P placement strategies, but there were for protein and oil concentrations
(Table 5).
The variability in the model was high for the yield response to phosphorus fertilization
(Table 6). Thus, a moderator analysis was performed using soil CEC, initial soil P level (P), total
precipitation during the growing season (TPr), and the year as the potential moderators. The best
moderator of the soybean yield response to phosphorus fertilization was the initial soil P level (P)
(R2=13.5, AIC= 4.6, p-value= <0.01 (Table 7)).
Grain quality was dependent upon P placement strategy (Table 5). When P was applied
banded under the seedling row, compared to unfertilized plots, the protein concentration in the
grain significantly decreased by 1 g kg-1, and the oil increased by 0.7 g kg-1 (Table 9). In contrast,
when phosphorus was broadcasted on the surface of the soil, the resulting grain protein and oil
concentrations tended to be opposite from those when fertilizer was banded.
The overall variability of grain quality response to P fertilization was high (Table 6), with
the broadcasted application sub-group partially explaining the variability (Table 5). Since the
fertilizer application sub-groups statistically differed from each other, moderator analysis was
done on each placement strategy separately. The same moderators were used as for the yield
response to phosphorus fertilization. For banded P fertilization, CEC and year were found to
significantly modulate final grain oil and protein levels, while the soil CEC influenced grain
protein (lower AIC value and higher R2), year modulated grain oil concentrations (Table 7).
However, for broadcast P placement, year significantly affected grain protein level, while soil CEC
affected grain oil concentrations; as both modulator variables had higher R2 values and lower AICs
(Table 7).
Potassium fertilization
Overall, potassium fertilization tended to decrease yield by 30 kg ha-1 (Table 4). Because
it was the management practice with the lowest number of observations (Table 3), restricted to two
years (2014 and 2015), no sub-group analysis was performed. The variability in the yield response
to K fertilization was high according to the heterogeneity indicators (Table 6). Thus, an analysis
using soil CEC, soil OM, trial location, and soil potassium level (K) as moderators was performed.
Soil CEC and location were found to significantly affect the yield response to fertilizer K, with
location being the most influential, because of its lower AIC and higher R2 values (Table 7).
For the grain quality aspects, potassium fertilization only had a modest tendency to increase
protein concentration (+0.5 g kg-1) and did not alter oil level (Figure 1). There were, however, only
a few data points available for the grain quality parameters for potassium fertilization (Table 3),
and as a result, the heterogeneity was high for both parameters (Table 6). Additional analysis was
performed to explain this heterogeneity using the same potential moderators as used for yield.
While the response to K fertilization in grain protein concentration was moderated primarily by
soil CEC (due to a higher R2 value) none of the moderators tested influenced the response in grain
oil concentration.
Row spacing
Reducing space between planting rows from 76 to 51 cm increased yield by 340 kg ha-1
(Table 4). To explain the high variability in yield response to this management practice (Table 6),
soil CEC, soil OM, total precipitation (TPr) and average temperature (T) of the crop season were
selected as potential moderators. Except for average temperature during the crop season (T) all of
the other selected moderators influenced the yield response to row spacing, especially soil CEC
(R2 = 60.2) (Table 7).
Reduced row spacing, however, decreased grain protein concentration by 3.1 g kg-1 (Table
4) with a corresponding increase in oil level of 0.9 g kg-1. To explain the high heterogeneity,
additional analysis using the same potential moderator values as for yield was performed. While
no moderator was found to significantly influence the response in grain composition to reduced
row spacing, soil CEC accounted for 7% of the variability in protein concentration and 17.8% of
the grain oil concentration variability, as shown by the respective R2 values (Table 7).
Foliar protection
Protecting leaf area with an application of either fungicide or insecticide at R3 increased
yield by 150 kg ha-1 (Table 4), although there were no yield differences between applying fungicide
or insecticide individually versus when they were combined (Table 5). Applying only fungicide,
however, tended to increase yield more (180 kg ha-1) then applications of insecticide alone (140
kg ha-1) or the combination of the two (150 kg ha-1) (data not shown). Additionally, analysis by
foliar application product was not able to reduce the yield variability (Table 5). Thus, location, soil
OM, planting date (PD) and precipitation (TPr) were tested as moderators of the yield response to
foliar protectants. Both location and OM resulted in low p-values (0.04 and <0.01, respectively)
and similar R2 values; but since OM had the lower AIC value, it was considered the best moderator
of the yield response to foliar protectants (Table 7).
For grain quality, foliar protectant applications at R3 reduced protein concentrations by 1.3
g kg-1 (Table 4). In contrast, grain oil concentration was increased by an average of 0.9 g kg-1 from
an R3 application (Figure 1). The high variability in the grain composition responses to foliar
protection (Table 6), had the same moderators as the associated responses in yield (location and
OM) (Table 7). For both protein and oil levels, location was determined to be the best moderator
of the response to foliar protection, since it had a higher R2 value (23.5% and 31.4% for protein
and oil respectively) (Table 7) and the AIC values between the two moderators were similar.
Nitrogen fertilization
Mourtzinis et al. (2018) evaluated the effect of nitrogen application on soybean yields
across the United States and concluded that nitrogen fertilizer increased yields by an average of
60 kg ha-1 when nitrogen was applied once to the crop, regardless of the application method. The
results presented here are similar, in which the application of nitrogen before planting increased
yields by 190 kg ha-1. While the production year was the main cause of yield variation in the
previous study (Mourtzinis et al. 2018). In the current study, organic matter was the main
explanation of yield variation in response to N fertilizer applications. Other multiple-year studies
(Lawn and Brun, 1974; Mendes et al., 2008; Cluj-napoca and Turda, 2013; Macák and
Candráková, 2013; Bobrecka-Jamro et al., 2018; McCoy et al., 2018) have also found a positive
response in soybean yield when nitrogen was applied. Generally, the yield response to N
application time varied among the three years, from a 3% increase up to a single 23.5% increase
for nitrogen applied immediately prior to planting (Bobrecka-Jamro et al., 2018). According to the
authors, the weather was moderate, with warmer temperatures and adequate and equally
distributed rainfall over the years, while the soil was low in nitrogen content, with average levels
of organic matter. Their data suggest that nitrogen fertilization increased the number of pods per
plant, in a directly proportional manner with the nitrogen dose applied and increased the thousand
grain weight by 4.8 grams.
A common characteristic among the previous studies that reported increased soybean
yields in response to nitrogen mineral fertilization was soil pH between 6.5-7.5 (Lawn and Brun,
1974; Mendes et al., 2008; Cluj-napoca and Turda, 2013; Macák and Candráková, 2013;
Bobrecka-Jamro et al., 2018; McCoy et al., 2018). At pH levels close to 7, nitrogen fertilizer as
ammonia is a weak base, and therefore is present in its protonated form (ammonium gas), which
can be passively absorbed by plants (Souza and Fernandes, 2006). In contrast, other studies that
have reported soybean yield decreases in response to nitrogen inputs (Gaydou and Arrivets, 1983;
Ferreira et al., 2016; Kaschuk et al., 2016) had more acidic soils (pH approximately 5.0-5.5).
In the current study, the variation in the yield response to nitrogen fertilization was related
to the organic matter concentration in the soil, where more organic matter in the soil usually led to
greater yields in response to nitrogen fertilization. This relationship, although significant, was
weak (R2 = 16%) indicating that a single moderator factor was not able to account for the variation
in soybean yield in response to nitrogen inputs.
Previous studies of soybean response to nitrogen used different N sources, with urea being
the most common, and this may have caused the difference in yield response observed in the
current study. Therefore, to determine if N fertilizer source was the basis for the variation in the
yield response, further analysis of the nitrogen source subgroups (urea, ESN, ammonium nitrate,
ammonium sulfate, urea ammonium nitrate and Limus urea) was performed. However, no
significant differences between N sources (p-value 0.782) in the yield response to nitrogen were
observed (Table 5) and as a result, accounting for the different sources did not decrease the
heterogeneity observed (data not shown). Thus, further research is needed that focuses on other
environmental factors, such as organic matter and pH in the soil, when studying the effect of
nitrogen fertilization on soybean. Furthermore, using nitrogen fertilizer to increase yield in
soybean may not always be economical, and the grower and agronomist need to consider the return
on investment when deciding whether to fertilize soybean with nitrogen (McCoy et al., 2018).
With regard to changes in the grain protein concentration in response to nitrogen
fertilization, several studies agree with the findings presented here that there was no effect of
nitrogen fertilization on grain protein concentration (Gaydou and Arrivets, 1983; Macák and
Candráková, 2013; Dozet et al., 2016; Ferreira et al., 2016; Moreira et al., 2017). This finding
might be explained by the observation that nitrogen from biological fixation is partitioned
preferentially to the grain (Hanway and Weber, 1971; Warembourg and Fernandez, 1985; Israel
et al., 1987; Pipolo et al., 2015). Moreira et al. (2017) reported that the nitrogen concentration in
the grain at R5 was not affected by applications of different sources of foliar nitrogen at the R3 to
R4 growth stage, nor was the protein level in the mature grain. In contrast, biological nitrogen
fixation during the reproductive growth stages has reportedly contributed to a higher concentration
of grain protein (Zapata et al., 1987; Leffel et al., 1992; Purcell et al., 2004).
Increased protein concentration in the grain from nitrogen inputs varies depending on the
year and other environmental factors (Bobrecka-Jamro et al. 2018). Grain quality can be highly
modified by water availability, as well as the distribution during the crop season (Popovic et al.,
2016; Sliwa et al., 2015). In response to three nitrogen fertilization doses (no nitrogen, 35 kg N ha-
1 and 105 kg N ha-1) in three different water environments (no irrigation; two irrigations of 25 mm
at R2 and R4 and two irrigations of 50 mm at the same stages), Basal and Szabó (2018) observed
an increase in grain protein concentration from the nitrogen inputs only in the environment with
two irrigations of 25 mm at R2 and R4, with the highest nitrogen dose generating a 22 g kg-1
greater protein level compared to the control.
In the current study, the variation in grain protein in response to nitrogen fertilization was
dependent upon the planting date (Table 7), in which an earlier planting date was associated with
a positive response. Since the experiments for this study were conducted in Illinois, which has
historically less precipitation in the late months of summer (August and September) (Illinois State
Water Survey, 2019), planting soybean earlier may have prevented seed development and filling
from occurring during this drier period, therefore leading to a greater grain protein level.
The oil concentration in the grain was not affected by the nitrogen inputs, similar to
previous studies (Gaydou and Arrivets, 1983; Macák and Candráková, 2013; Dozet et al., 2016;
Ferreira et al., 2016; Moreira et al., 2017; Bobrecka-Jamro et al., 2018). There was, however, a
tendency that nitrogen fertilization led to a slight decrease in grain oil level, which could be
explained by the inverse relationship between protein and oil that is often observed (Macák et al.,
2010). This inverse relationship was also observed in the explanation of variance, where the most
significant moderator was also the planting date (Table 7). Thus, a late planting date led to a greater
oil concentration in the grain in response to nitrogen inputs.
Phosphorus fertilization
Preplant phosphorus applications increased soybean yield by 110 kg ha-1 (Figure 1) when
compared to the plots that were not treated, which yielded 4.86 Mg ha-1 on average (Appendix B).
Similarly, for soybean grown in Illinois during 2014 and 2015, the addition of 84 kg of P2O5 ha-1
as MicroEssentials SZ in a band 4-6 inches below the crop row increased yield by 410 kg ha-1
(Beyrer, 2018). Yield was previously shown to increase in tandem with the addition of 90, 180 and
360 kg of P2O5 ha-1, with a maximum yield increase of 450 kg ha-1 (Gaydou & Arrivets 1983).
Likewise, Buah et al. (2000) observed a positive yield response to applied phosphorus at every
rate tested, and this increase was independent of the on application method (banded or broadcast).
This finding is in agreement with the current study, where subgrouping by fertilizer placement was
not statistically significant for the yield response (Table 5). Phosphorus level in the soil was the
moderator that was best able to account for the variation in the yield response to phosphorus
fertilization (Table 8), with a proportional relationship to the yield response. This finding is in
contrast to previous findings that soybean planted in soils with low level of phosphorus usually
results in a higher yield response to phosphorus fertilizers (Buah et al., 2000).
In contrast to yield, the grain protein and oil concentration responses to P fertilizers were
dependent upon the placement (Table 5). When phosphorus was broadcasted, the grain protein
level tended to increase by 1 g kg-1, but when P was banded, the grain protein level decreased by
1 g kg-1 (Table 9). Studies in Pakistan also observed a maximum increase of 83.4 g kg-1 in soybean
grain protein with phosphorus applications of up to 120 kg of P2O5 ha-1 when compared to the
control (Abbasi et al., 2010). While Gaydou and Arrivets (1983) also observed grain protein
increases due to phosphorus fertilizer nether this study or Abbasi et al. (2010) had details regarding
the placement of the phosphorus fertilizer, although it could be assumed that the fertilizer was
broadcast. Farmaha et al. (2012), found similar trends in protein yield, in no-till systems where the
broadcasted fertilizer led to a higher protein yield than the banded fertilizer for all phosphorus rates
The response in grain oil to phosphorus application was inverse to the protein level,
because of the nature of those two characteristics (Macák et al., 2010); oil in the grain was
increased by banding phosphorus but tended to decrease when P was broadcasted (Table 8). This
trend for grain oil level to decrease with P fertilization was also observed by Gaydou and Arrivets
(1983), while Abbasi et al. (2010) observed an increase in grain oil concentration from phosphorus
The moderators that contributed to the variation for each grain quality response to P
fertilization were the same (CEC and year), but they were reversed for each placement. At this
point no previous studies were found examining the linkage between soil CEC or year and grain
quality, but it can be inferred that both moderators influenced the quality response to phosphorus
Potassium fertilization
Interestingly, the most common fertilization practice for soybean production (potassium
fertilization) did not generate any changes in soybean yield or grain quality in this study (Figure
1). The lack of significant response to potassium fertilization could be a consequence of the low
number of observations for this management practice (Table 3), which when analyzed in a random
model could result in greater between-studies variance (Borenstein et al., 2009c). The yield
response to potassium fertilization in the current study tended to be negative, decreasing yield by
30 kg ha-1. A lack of yield response to potassium fertilization was also reported by Yin and Vyn
(2002) in Canada with different placements in the fall and the spring, and under different tillage
practices. A similar lack of response to potassium fertilization was reported by Buah et al. (2000).
Minimal research has examined the effect of potassium fertilization on soybean grain
quality. One report by Gaydou and Arrivets (1983) for a site with a low soil potassium level
(highest value was 0.14 meq 100 g-1 in the 0-20 cm soil layer), showed that adding potassium
fertilizer increased grain oil concentration, while protein decreased. This finding is in contrast with
the results from this study, and maybe because the average potassium level in the soils were higher
(Appendix C). A study by Abbasi et al. (2010) found no advantage of potassium fertilization for
increasing either total grain protein or oil, and Farmaha et al. (2012) observed a negative effect of
potassium fertilization on both grain quality parameters.
Row spacing
Planting soybean in a 51 cm between-row spacing instead of a 76 cm spacing increased
yield by 340 kg ha-1, the most of any of the management factors studied (Figure 1). Across the
United States, the potential for an average 7% yield gain from the adoption of narrow rows has
been reported, with the potential to increase yields by 15% in Illinois (Andrade et al., 2019).
Similarly a study in Indiana evaluated three row spacings (19, 38 and 76 cm) and observed a yield
advantage of narrowing the row spacing when water was not limited (Hanna et al., 2008). In New
York, a two-year study that evaluated three different row spacings (19, 38 and 76 cm) and four
seedling rates (321, 371, 420 and 469 thousand seeds ha-1) observed an average yield increase of
510 kg ha-1 when reducing the row spacing from 76 to 19 cm across all seedling rates (Cox and
Cherney, 2011). The greatest yield increase, of 790 kg ha-1, was observed at the lowest seedling
rate of 321 thousand seeds ha-1 (Cox and Cherney, 2011). In Tennessee, yield increase responses
were up to 506 kg ha-1 were reported by reducing the row spacing from 76 cm to 38 cm in a droght
year (Walker et al., 2010).
The yield increases due to reduced row spacing have also been observed outside the United
States. In Argentina, yield increased 798 kg ha-1 when the row spacing was reduced from 50 to 25
cm and the number of plants increased by 50%, with a notable increase in seeds per area and no
decrease in grain mass (Di Mauro et al., 2019). In the south of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul), yields
from 17 and 34 cm row spacings were greater than from the 51 cm row spacing, and similar to the
finding of Di Mauro et al. (2019), grain mass was not affected (Hoffmann et al., 2019). In contrast,
Tourino et al. (2002) found no difference in yields from row spacing alterations, regardless of plant
density. Similarly, Ferreira et al. (2019) and Moreira et al. (2015) did not observe a yield advantage
when the row spacing was reduced in Londrina, Brazil. The row spacing reductions in those studies
were from 50 cm to 20 and 30 cm respectively, which may suggest a lower limit to how narrow
the row spacing can be for yield increases to be observed, probably due to an increase of plant
competition as row width narrows (Çalişkan et al., 2007).
This advantage from narrow rows on soybean yield could be explained by plants being
more distributed over the area, having more plant-to-plant space to develop, therefore fostering
better plant development. Narrow row spacing have been associated with faster canopy closure
(Ball et al., 2000; Silva et al., 2013; Andrade et al., 2019) and greater light interception (Çalişkan
et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2011; Silva et al., 2013), which can lead to more yield at the end of the
To explain the variation observed in the yield response to narrow rows (Table 7), total
precipitation was considered as a possible moderator, since drought years has been found to
decrease the yield response to narrow rows (Hanna et al., 2008; Walker et al., 2010; Cox and
Cherney, 2011), especially when the drought occurs during the reproductive stages (Norsworthy
and Shipe, 2005). Although total precipitation during the season was a moderator of yield in
narrow rows, soil CEC explained more of the model variation (R2=60.2%) (Table 8). As a result,
soils with lower CEC values had a greater yield increase when row spacing was reduced.
Grain protein and oil concentrations exhibited the greatest mean changes in response to
row spacing, compared to the other management practices evaluated, with changes of - 3.1 g kg-1
and + 0.9 g kg-1 respectively (Table 4). While studies in Tennessee (Bellaloui et al., 2014) and in
Canada (Al-Tawaha and Seguin, 2006) did not find significant effects of reduced row spacing on
soybean protein, the interaction of row spacing and seedling rates has reportedly altered the
concentration of grain protein, with the direction of this alteration dependent on the year and the
variety (Bellaloui et al., 2014). In Slovenia, a three-year study (2015-2017) also did not observe
an effect of reduced row spacing on grain protein concentration (Flajšman et al., 2019). Above-
ground plant competition appears to not interfere with seed protein synthesis or concentration in
the grain (Umburanas et al., 2018), since it does not affect biological nitrogen fixation, which goes
preferentially to the grain (Hanway and Weber, 1971; Warembourg and Fernandez, 1985; Israel
et al., 1987; Pipolo et al., 2015). In more tropical climates, decreasing row spacing from 50 to 20
cm between rows increased grain protein by 6 g kg-1 (Werner et al., 2017), or tended to increase
nitrogen concentration in the grain in response to the reduction in row spacing (Moreira et al.,
When grown in a narrow row spacing, the soybean plant has greater leaf area and more
light interception in the early development stages, increasing the production of photosynthesis
products available to fill the grain (Ball et al., 2000). However, since the nitrogen in the grain
comes primarily from biological nitrogen fixation, and given the fact that reducing row spacing
does not enhance this mechanism, the grain was probably filled more with photosynthesis products
(such as oil) then with nitrogen. Thus, a decrease in the grain protein concentration was observed
(Figure 1).
An increase in grain oil concentration has also been observed in response to reduced row
spacing (Flajšman et al., 2019), while other authors did not report any effects of reduced row
spacing on grain oil (Al-Tawaha and Seguin, 2006; Bellaloui et al., 2014; Werner et al., 2017). Oil
and protein tend to be inversely related in grain crops (Macák et al., 2010), possibly explaining the
positive response of oil level to reduced row spacing observed in this current study.
The variation observed for the response in grain quality parameters to reduced row spacing
was high (Table 6) and exhibited the largest confidence intervals (Figure 1). While soil CEC for
both grain protein and oil levels was selected as the best moderator of the response to reduced row
spacing (Table 8), none of the tested moderators were found to have a significant influence.
Foliar protection
The application of foliar protectants (fungicide and/or insecticide) at the R3 growth stage
increased soybean yield by 150 kg ha-1 (Figure 1). Bender (2015) and Beyrer (2018), also found
increased yields in response to foliar protectants applied to soybean in Illinois of 134 and 222 kg
ha-1, respectively. A multiple site-year study in Iowa comparing the response to foliar fungicide in
small-plot and on farm research also reported increased yields in both trial types in response to a
foliar application at the R2-R3 growth stage (Kandel et al., 2018). Another on-farm study with
multiple site-years in Ohio reported increased yields due to the fungicide application in 4 out of
10 site-years, and a tendency for increased yields in all the other site-years but one (Ng et al.,
2018). The same trial also evaluated the yield response due to the application of insecticides and/or
fungicides, and showed no significant response to either insecticide alone, nor the addition of an
insecticide to a fungicide application (Ng et al., 2018). Similarly, the current study showed that
the sub-groups of different foliar protectant product types (fungicide only, insecticide only, or
insecticide and fungicide) were not significantly different from each other and could not explain
the variation observed in yield.
When conditions for foliar diseases were not present, fungicide applications did not affect
soybean yield, as reported from a multiple site-year study in Iowa (Swoboda and Pedersen, 2009).
Other meta-analytical reviews on the impact of fungicides on specific diseases of soybean (i.e.,
soybean rust (Delaney et al., 2018), target spot (Molina et al., 2019) and sclerotinia stem rot
(Willbur et al., 2019)) all concluded that yield gain from foliar applications is greater under
conditions with higher disease pressure. Fungicides are used primarily for protecting the leaves
and maintaining their green area, thereby maintaining photosynthesis. Photosynthetic assimilates
are essential for plant growth and grain storage components, translating to higher yields.
Location, planting date, and total precipitation are environmental factors that can affect the
disease pressure of a crop and were considered as moderators to explain the variability in the
current study. Soil organic matter, however, was the most significant factor acting as a moderator
of the yield response to foliar protectants. Similarly, lower levels of organic matter in the soil is
generally considered as being less optimal for growth, and as a result when foliar protectants are
applied in combination with this condition, a greater yield response might be expected.
With regard to grain quality, when foliar protectants were applied the grain protein
concentration decreased (-1.3 g kg-1), with a corresponding increase in oil (0.9 g kg-1) (Table 4).
In a review of 21 studies across 11 states in the United States to assess the variation of soybean
grain composition, foliar fungicide and insecticide applications improved grain oil by 3 g kg-1 and
tended to increase protein by the same amount (Assefa et al., 2019). However, foliar applications
had minimal influence on grain composition when pooled with other managements to assess the
overall effect of management on soybean grain protein and oil (Assefa et al., 2019). In a multi site-
year study in Missouri, fungicide and insecticide applied together decreased protein concentration
by 4 g kg-1 compared to the control with no foliar protectants applied (Nelson et al. 2010). The
grain oil concentration was increased by the fungicide plus insecticide application, as well as by
the fungicide by 2 and 1 g kg-1 respectively (Nelson et al. 2010). Other study, showed that higher
doses of herbicide and insecticide combinations decreased both grain protein and oil levels, while
the lowest dose did not affect protein but increased oil concentration (Seddiqui and Ahmed, 2006)
The high heterogeneities observed for both grain quality parameters in response to foliar
protection application (Table 6) were primarily explained by the location moderator (R2 values of
23 and 31% for protein and oil respectively), and secondarily, by soil organic matter level.
All management practices were geared toward yield increase, with the exception of
potassium fertilization. None of the management practices evaluated, however, was able to
simultaneously increase soybean yield and grain quality. In general, when yield was increased,
grain protein level decreased and oil level increased.
Soybean grain quality has a greater chance to be enhanced by agronomic management in
soils with high cation exchange capacity values. However, when the management practice is
phosphorus fertilization, the response is dependent on the application method of the fertilizer,
specifically whether the fertilizer is broadcast or banded beneath the row.
Table 1. Selected management practices with respective subgroups from soybean
management experiments conducted between 2012-2018.
Management Practice
Nitrogen fertilization
Nitrogen source (urea; ESN;
ammonium nitrate; ammonium sulfate;
urea ammonium nitrate; Limus urea)
Phosphorus fertilization
Application method (banded or
Foliar protection
Product (fungicide and insecticide;
fungicide; insecticide)
Urea (440 g kg-1 nitrogen) with a polymer coating, to control the release of
nitrogen from the granule
Urea coated with a urease inhibitor to minimize volatilization loss from surface
Table 2. Variables selected as moderators for each management
practice for soybean grown from 2012-2018.
Management Practice
Nitrogen fertilization
CEC; OM; PD; Year
Phosphorus fertilization
CEC; P; TPr; Year
Potassium Fertilization
CEC; K; Location; OM
Row Spacing
Foliar protection
Location; OM; PD; TPr
† CEC = Cation exchange capacity (Meq 100 g-1);
K = Soil potassium level (mg kg-1);
Location = city; OM = Soil organic matter level (g kg-1);
PD = Planting date;
TPr = Total precipitation (mm);
T = Average temperature (Celsius).
Table 3. Total number of data points for yield, protein and oil in each
soybean management practice (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
fertilizations, reduced row spacing and foliar protection) using
50 site-years of experimentation from 2012-2018.
Management Practice
Nitrogen fertilization
Phosphorus fertilization
Potassium fertilization
Row spacing
Foliar protection
Table 4. Soybean yield (Mg ha-1) and grain protein and oil (g kg-1) overall responses and
respective 95% confidence interval (C.I.) lower and upper limits for each management practice.
Yield values presented with 0 g kg-1 of moisture
Grain concentration presented with 130 g kg-1 of moisture
Grain concentration
C. I.
C. I.
C. I.
Mg ha-1
---------------------------g kg-1-------------------------
[0.15; 0.23]
[-0.5; 0.7]
[-0.4; 0.3]
[0.06; 0.16]
[-1.1; -0.1]
[0.2; 0.8]
[-0.11; 0.05]
[-1.7; 2.7]
[-1; 0.7]
Row spacing
[0.22; 0.45]
[-5.9; -0.2]
[0.3; 1.4]
[0.12; 0.19]
[-1.8; -0.8]
[0.5; 1.4]
Table 5. Between sub-group differences p-value, for nitrogen (N) and
phosphorus (P) fertilization and foliar protection, when each specific
subgroup was added to the model for soybean responses to various
management practices.
Management Practice
N fertilization
P fertilization
Foliar protection
Different sources were: urea, ESN, AN, AMS, UAN and Limus urea.
Different placements were: broadcast on the surface or banded 5 cm
to the side and under the row.
§ Different products were: fungicide only, insecticide only or both.
* Significant difference between sub-groups at p = 0.05.
Table 6. Q statistic p-value, estimate of the variance of the true effect (T2)
and the percentage of excess dispersion to the total dispersion (I2) values for
each management practice tested (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization;
reduced row spacing and foliar protection), used to asses heterogeneity for yield
and protein and oil grain concentration of soybean.
Management Practice
Grain Concentration
Nitrogen fertilization
p < 0.0001
p < 0.0001
p < 0.0001
T2 = 0.03
T2 = 0.04
T2 = 0.02
I2 = 92.3%
I2 = 89.5%
I2 = 87.5%
Phosphorus fertilization
p = 0
p = 0
p = 0
T 2 = 0.03
T2 = 0.02
T2 = 0.006
I2 = 99.2%
I2 = 98.4%
I2 =98.4%
Potassium fertilization
p < 0.0001
p < 0.0001
p = 0.0005
T2 = 0.01
T2 = 0.06
T2 = 0.007
I2 = 96.6%
I2 = 98.1%
I2 =86.8%
Row spacing
p = 0
p = 0
p < 0.0001
T2 = 0.06
T2 = 0.27
T2 = 0.007
I2 = 99.9%
I2 = 100%
I2 =98.8%
Foliar protection
p = 0
p = 0
p = 0
T2 = 0.01
T2 = 0.02
T2 = 0.01
I2 = 98.6%
I2 = 98.7%
I2 =99.3%
Table 7. The p-value for each moderator, Akaike information criterion (AIC), and R2 values for
the response in yield and grain protein and oil concentration to each management factor with
non-significant subgroup (nitrogen fertilization; potassium fertilization; reduced row spacing;
and foliar protection).
CEC = Cation exchange capacity (Meq 100 g-1); K = Soil potassium level ( mg kg-1);
L = Location (city); OM = Soil organic matter level (g kg-1); PD = Planting date; TPr = Total
precipitation (mm); T = Average temperature (Celsius).
p = p-value
Grain concentration
Table 8. The p value for each, Akaike information criterion (AIC), and R2 values for soybean
yield response to phosphorus fertilization, accounting for the sub-group (banded and
broadcasted) in the grain quality (protein and oil concentration) responses.
CEC = Cation exchange capacity (Meq 100g-1); P = Soil; phosphorus level (mg kg -1); TPr =
Total precipitation (mm).
p = p-value
Table 9. Soybean grain quality components (protein and oil concentrations)
overall responses and respective 95% Confidence Interval (C.I.) lower and
upper limits for each phosphorus fertilizer placement strategy.
C. I.
C. I.
--------------------------g kg-1---------------------------
[0.4; 1.1]
[-0.6; 0.3]
† Bigger boxes have more weight over the overall effect (not shown).
‡ Lines represent the upper and lower limits of the 95% Confidence Interval.
§Represented as the difference between experimental and control groups, respectively being:
fertilized and unfertilized for fertilization factors; 51 and 76 cm for row spacing, and; applied
and unapplied for foliar protection.
Figure 1. Forest plot of the overall effects of management practices (nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium fertilizations; row spacing and foliar protection) on soybean yield, grain protein and
oil concentrations in comparison with the respective untreated controls.
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Table 10. Included experiments, years and location of trials used in the meta-analysis.
The productivity parameters measured and the agronomic management practices
examined in each trial are noted with check marks.
Productivity Parameters
Agronomic Management
(T ha-1)
(g kg-1)
(g kg-1)
Management Yield Potential
Omission Plots
Table 10. (continued).
Productivity Parameters
Contribution to the review
(T ha-1)
(g kg-1)
(g kg-1)
Phosphorus Source, Rate and Placement
Soybean Response to Nitrogen
Soybean Fertigation
Soybean Response to Fertilizer Distance
Soybean Relay
Table 11. Average values of yield (Mg ha-1) and grain protein and
oil concentration (g kg-1) for the untreated control plots for each
management practice.
Yield values presented with 0 g kg-1 of moisture
Grain concentration presented with 130 g kg-1 of moisture
Management Practice
Mg ha-1
g kg-1
g kg-1
Nitrogen fertilization
Phosphorus fertilization
Potassium fertilization
Row spacing
Foliar protection
Table 12. Average preplant values of soil organic matter (OM), cation
exchange capacity (CEC), pH, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) levels
by location.
g kg-1
------- mg kg-1------
... Similarly, in a soybean production study comparing dry land to irrigated land, soybean yield and protein content were both increased under irrigated fields [35]. A possible explanation is that at the time of partitioning N, there was enough available N and moisture in the soil for plants to fill the seeds and increase protein content; however, most researchers have found different results, where the protein was negatively correlated to yield [36][37][38][39], or no relationship between the two traits was observed [40]. ...
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The soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] relationship with the bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum is responsible for providing around 60% of the nitrogen (N) required for the crop and the remaining N comes from the soil or supplemental fertilization. To investigate if higher yields are possible, supplemental N studies and co-inoculation of Rhizobium with Azospirillum are necessary. This N rate (0, 30, 56, 112, 336 kg N ha−1) and inoculation study was conducted across eight environments in eastern North Dakota, USA, in 2021 and 2022. Also, the effect of supplemental N and co-inoculation on nodulation was evaluated. When N was applied at 112 kg N ha−1, nodulation was significantly inhibited. Co-inoculation increased the number of large nodules and the volume of nodules; however, the yield was not different from inoculation with B. japonicum. Nitrogen at 112 and 336 kg ha−1 increased grain yield, protein yield, and seed weight; however, the higher N rate decreased plant population. There were significant positive relationships between yield and protein content and seed weight, and negative relationships between oil and protein content, and yield and oil content. Based on a polynomial relationship, the highest yield (3711 kg ha−1) would be achieved at 273 kg N ha−1. The application of N resulted in a yield increase but using current prices may not be an economical choice. Additional research is necessary to verify if co-inoculation with efficient strains can improve biological N fixation.
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Modifications in plant spatial arrangements, such as the use of narrow rows, twin rows, and crossed rows, may favor the development and productivity of soybeans due to the morphophysiological changes occurring in the plants. The aim of this research was to assess yield components, mortality rate, harvest index, and the yield, of two soybean cultivars, with indeterminate growth habits, in response to alternative plant spatial arrangements. The experiment was conducted in Londrina, Paraná State, Brazil, in the 2013/14 and 2014/15 growing seasons, with randomized complete block design, in a 4 × 3 × 2 factorial scheme, with three replications. The treatments were composed of four row spacings, at 0.2 m (narrow rows); 0.2/0.8 m (twin rows); 0.5 m (traditional); and 0.5 m (crossed rows); at three seeding rates (150, 300, and 450 thousand viable seeds ha-1) in two cultivars (BMX Potência RR and BRS 359 RR). In both growing seasons, there was a water deficit, and climatic conditions that would restrict soybean growth and development. The narrow rows, twin rows, and crossed rows did not favor yield performance compared to traditional spacing in either cultivar. The tested cultivars showed high phenotypic plasticity, allowing large changes in row spacing and seeding rate without major changes in the yield. The narrow rows, when associated with a high seeding rate, favored plant mortality. Grains per pod and harvest index were not influenced by the plant spatial arrangement.
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Product deposition and foliar surface cover are highly impacting factors on the efficiency of foliar fungicides applied to soybean cultivars, due to their low mobility, with side effects on Asian soybean rust (ASR) control. Spray bar support systems, such as the air curtain (Vortex®) and the use of nozzles along the bar (Dropleg®), stand out as an alternative to obtain a better distribution of fungicide throughout the plant. In this study, two spray bar support systems (Vortex® and Dropleg®) were, therefore, evaluated and compared with the conventional spraying method based on the biological efficacy in ASR control. In order to do this, two harvests, with three spacing between rows and two cultivars were employed. Vortex® and Dropleg® spray bar support mechanisms do not effectively contribute to the optimization of Asian soybean rust control or to the grain crop yield, regardless of cultivar and row spacing. Decreasing the row spacing did not influence the level of control of Asian soybean rust, as the highest grain yield was obtained with the smallest spacing. The cultivar with genetic resistance to Asian rust showed lower levels of this disease, thus, greater control against the use of fungicides.
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Soybeans sowing in different plants’ spatial distribution can influence the phytosanitary management of this crop and, consequently, impact on grains yield. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of plants arrangements on infestation and control of caterpillars, the deposition of spray syrup as well as assess the agronomic performance of soybean cultivated in the Brazilian Cerrado. The assay was performed during two consecutive seasons in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Soybean cultivation was implemented in 0.50 m spacing between rows, crossed (0.50 m x 0.50 m), twin rows (0.25 m / 0.75 m), and narrow (0.25 m). In the reproductive stage of plants, both crossed and narrow arrangements showed higher caterpillars’ incidence. There was a more evident risk of caterpillar incidence in arrangements that promoted better equidistance among plants. This risk was mitigated when taking into account both control and overlap of syrup, which could be incremented into inferior canopy with the enhancement of application rate. The increase in application rate from 75 to 150 L ha-1 promoted superior spray deposition volumes. Increases in grain yield was noted in the narrow arrangement.
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Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed composition and yield are a function of genetics (G), environment (E), and management (M) practices, but contribution of each factor to seed composition and yield are not well understood. The goal of this synthesis-analysis was to identify the main effects of G, E, and M factors on seed composition (protein and oil concentration) and yield. The entire dataset (13,574 data points) consisted of 21 studies conducted across the United States (US) between 2002 and 2017 with varying treatments and all reporting seed yield and composition. Environment (E), defined as site-year, was the dominant factor accounting for more than 70% of the variation for both seed composition and yield. Of the crop management factors: (i) delayed planting date decreased oil concentration by 0.007 to 0.06% per delayed week (R²∼0.70) and a 0.01 to 0.04 Mg ha⁻¹ decline in seed yield per week, mainly in northern latitudes (40–45 N); (ii) crop rotation (corn-soybean) resulted in an overall positive impact for both seed composition and yield (1.60 Mg ha⁻¹ positive yield difference relative to continuous soybean); and (iii) other management practices such as no-till, seed treatment, foliar nutrient application, and fungicide showed mixed results. Fertilizer N application in lower quantities (10–50 kg N ha⁻¹) increased both oil and protein concentration, but seed yield was improved with rates above 100 kg N ha⁻¹. At southern latitudes (30–35 N), trends of reduction in oil and increases in protein concentrations with later maturity groups (MG, from 3 to 7) was found. Continuing coordinated research is critical to advance our understanding of G × E × M interactions.
Soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.], an important component of the Asian diet, is gaining popularity as a source of vegetable protein and phytochemicals in the USA. However, soybean cultivars with desirable agronomic traits and biochemical components that enhance the quality of soyfoods have not been identified for cultivation in the USA. Twelve soybean genotypes, including three from Japan, were evaluated for their agronomic performance, genotype × environment (GE) interactions, and yield stability at four locations in the USA from 1994 to 1997. At maturity, seed yield, biomass, harvest index (HI), and 100‐seed dry weight were determined using plants harvested from the middle two rows of each plot. Genotypic differences for the traits examined were significant. The mean seed yield across locations and years ranged from 2.0 to 3.0 Mg ha ⁻¹ . The Japanese cultivars had larger seeds but were outyielded by the American genotypes by ≈10% and up to 35% by ‘Hutcheson’. The genotype effects were significantly larger than the location × year effects for plant height, seed weight, and HI, but not for biomass or seed yield. Biomass and HI were important determinants of seed yield. S90–1056, V81–1603, V71–370, ‘Enrei’, ‘Nakasennari’, ‘Ware’, and ‘York’ were stable for seed weight across years. Hutcheson, S90–1056, York, MD86–5788, Nakasennari, and BARC‐8 showed yield stability across environments and years. S90–1056, York, and Nakasennari were stable for both seed weight and seed yield; therefore, they could be used for commercial production in the USA or for breeding soybean cultivars suitable for tofu preparation.
Sowing of bacterial inoculated seeds and using different cultivar-specific row spacing are 2 well-known agricultural practices in soybean production. However, the connection between different bacterial seed inoculations and row spacing has not previously been investigated in a single study. A 3-year field experiment (2015–2017) was carried out on soybean cv. ES Mentor to assess the effect of 4 rhizobia inoculation treatments (un-inoculated control, C; factory-inoculated seed, F; fresh pre-sowing seed treatment with commercial inoculant, I; and a combination of treatments F and I, FI) and 3 row spacings (12.5 cm, 25 cm and 37.5 cm) on the protein, oil, crude fibre and ash content. The seed, protein and oil yields were determined as well as a thousand seed weight, plant height, pod number and harvest index. There was no interaction between plant spacing and inoculation; however, the inoculation treatments enhanced protein content of seeds by 1.2–1.7%, and increased yields of seed, protein and oil by a maximum of 6.8%, 8.3% and 5.9%, respectively, compared to the un-inoculated control, which produced an average seed yield of 4098 kg/ha. The inoculation treatments also had a moderate influence on biometric measurements. Row spacing had a pronounced effect on seed, protein and oil yields, with plants in 12.5 cm and 25 cm row spacings generating higher yields than those in 37.5 cm row spacings. Correlation analysis showed a significant positive association between seed yield and pod number, and a significant negative correlation between protein and oil content.
As complete host resistance in soybean has not been achieved, Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum continues to be of major economic concern for farmers. Thus, chemical control remains a prevalent disease management strategy. Pesticide evaluations were conducted in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Wisconsin from 2009 to 2016, for a total of 25 site-years (n = 2057 plot-level data points). These studies were used in network meta-analyses to evaluate the impact of 10 popular pesticide active ingredients, and seven common application timings on SSR control and yield benefit, compared to not treating with a pesticide. Boscalid and picoxystrobin frequently offered the best reductions in disease severity and best yield benefit (P < 0.0001). Pesticide applications (one or two-spray programs) made during the bloom period provided significant reductions in disease severity index (DIX) (P < 0.0001) and led to significant yield benefits (P = 0.0009). Data from these studies were also used in nonlinear regression analyses to determine the effect of DIX on soybean yield. A three-parameter logistic model was found to best describe soybean yield loss (pseudo-R2 = 0.309). In modern soybean cultivars, yield loss due to SSR does not occur until 20-25% DIX, and considerable yield loss (-697 kg ha-1 or -10 bu a-1) is observed at 68% DIX. Further analyses identified several pesticides and programs that resulted in greater than 60% probability for return on investment under high disease levels.
Soybean is commonly cultivated under rainfed conditions being water availability the main constraint. We evaluated the performance of different managements under contrasting water availability to test possible trade‐offs among managements, and to determine physiological variables explaining these yield differences. Four treatments were designed through specific combinations of cultivar, row spacing and stand density. They were classified as stress tolerance or yield potential strategies and were evaluated under two contrasting water availability treatments. Treatments ranged from 349 to 954 mm total water availability. Water stress treatments yielded 72% and 59% of the well‐watered treatment each year, similar to frequent soybean water stress levels for our production region. Management treatments showed significant yield differences (p < 0.05), but the management × water availability interaction did not (p = 0.42). No management option helped reduce negative water stress effects. Highest yields were achieved using 0.25 m row spacing, a stand density of 60 pl per m2, and a high yield potential genotype. Yield variations were explained by differences in harvested seeds per unit area (R2 = 0.75; p < 0.001) and total N uptake at maturity (R2 = 0.93; p < 0.001) across environments. Because management strategies specifically tailored to cope with water shortages showed limited value, farmers need to target yield potential management options.
Narrowing row width in soybean fields leads to earlier canopy closure, which may increase capture of incoming solar radiation during critical crop stages for yield determination. Theoretically, this should enhance seed yield. However, in prior studies, the impact of narrowing row spacing on soybean yield has been inconsistent. To explore on a broader scale the potential factors underlying this inconsistency, we evaluated the yield difference between narrow (NR; ≈38 cm) and wide (WR; ≈76 cm) row spacing using two sources of yield and management information: (i) data collected from 4879 soybean production fields via a multi-year, multi-state survey of soybean producers in the North Central US region; and (ii) data extracted from 129 site-year experiments that quantified NR-WR yield difference. The producer fields were allocated to their respective climate-soil domains to enable analysis of the NR-WR yield difference within each domain. The experimental trial data originated from three US geographic regions: south, central, and north. Key crop developmental stages in each trial were estimated using a soybean crop simulation model to discern if changes in crop phenology or any weather variable occurring before versus after a specific crop stage modulated the magnitude of the NR-WR yield difference. Analysis of experimental trial data indicated that, while NR yields were overall higher than WR yields, the NR-WR yield difference varied by region: 540 (south), 104 (central), and 240 kg ha−1 (north); the respective NR yields were greater than WR yields in 92%, 68%, and 84% of the cases. In the north and south regions, the NRWR yield difference increased when the crop cycle length decreased as a consequence of later sowing date, earlier cultivar maturity group, and/or higher temperature. The relatively smaller (and occasionally negative) NR-WR yield difference detected in the central region was likely the result of environmental conditions that favored canopy closure irrespective of row spacing. In contrast to the analysis of the experimental database, no consistent NR-WR yield differences were detected in the producer field database. We hypothesize that the apparent absence of a significant NR-WR effect in the producer dataset is likely associated with the background management used with narrow spacing, together with yield losses due to wheel damage and greater disease pressure. This complementary approach using both producer and experimental data can help evaluate if practices documented in experimental trials to enhance yield realize equivalent yield increases in producer fields and, if not, explore underlying causes for the discrepancy.