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Modeling of thin-layer kinetics and color changes of apple slices during far-infrared vacuum drying

  • International Slavic University Gavrilo Romanovic Derzavin, Sv. Nikole, Republic of Macedonia

Abstract and Figures

In this study far infra-red vacuum drying kinetics and change of color quality parameters of apple slices were analyzed. The experimental data set of drying kinetics was obtained on the experimental setup designed to imitate an industrial far infra-red vacuum dryer. For approximation of the experimental data with regard to the moisture ratio four well known thin-layers drying models from scientific and engineering literature and new developed model of Mitrevski et al., were used. The performed statistical analyzes show that the model of Mitrevski et al., has the best statistical performance than well-known thin-layer drying models. The estimated values of moisture diffusivity of apple obtained from this study are within the range from 2.80?10-11 to 1.70?10-10 m2 s-1. A negative effect on the total color change of far infra-red vacuum dried apple slices was observed with increasing of temperature of infrared heaters and vacuum pressure
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Mitrevski, V., et al.: Modelling of Thin-Layer Kinetics and Color Changes …
THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5B, pp. 4437-4446 4437
, Cvetanka MITREVSKAb, and Ljupco TRAJCEVSKIa
aFaculty of Technical Sciences, University St.Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
bFaculty of Safety Engineering, International Slavic University Gavrilo Romanovic Derzhavin,
Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
Original scientific paper
In this study far infrared vacuum drying kinetics and change of color quality pa-
rameters of apple slices were analyzed. The experimental data set of drying kinet-
ics was obtained on the experimental set-up designed to imitate an industrial far
infrared vacuum dryer. For approximation of the experimental data with regard
to the moisture ratio four well known thin-layers drying models from scientific
and engineering literature and new developed model of Mitrevski et al., were
used. The performed statistical analyzes show that the model of Mitrevski et al.,
has the best statistical performance than well-known thin-layer drying models.
The estimated values of moisture diffusivity of apple obtained from this study are
within the range from 2.80·1011 to 1.70·1010 m2/s. A negative effect on the total
color change of far infrared vacuum dried apple slices was observed with in-
creasing of temperature of infrared heaters and vacuum pressure.
Key words: far infrared vacuum drying, apple, color change
In recent few decades the consumers’ demand evolving in the direction of dry food
materials that keep their original characteristics to a higher degree i.e. to dry materials with
high sensorial and microbiological quality. Convective drying is the most used method for the
production of dried fruits and vegetables. The main disadvantages of this classical method of
drying are [1]: the material is exposed at high temperature for a long time during the contact
with hot air which is the reason for decreases on nutritive values and color change, shrinkage,
and low dehydration capacity of the dried material, structure and flavor changes during dry-
ing. In recent years, far infrared drying is popular method for thin-layer drying of various food
materials [2-4]. In comparison with convective drying the method of far infrared drying has
more advantage as: high energy efficiency, uniform heating of material, acceleration of drying
time and improved dried product quality [5], minimization of color change and shrinkage of
dried materials [6]. According to Nimmol fact is that infrared radiation accelerates the drying
process, but heat sensitive materials as agricultural and foods materials could be damaged or
degraded along with the quality decreasing, if radiation intensity is not properly applied [7].
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Mitrevski, V., et al.: Modelling of Thin-Layer Kinetics and Color Changes …
4438 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5B, pp. 4437-4446
The effects of far infrared drying method can improve the quality and nutritional value of
dried materials if was used in conjunction with vacuum drying. With combination on the ad-
vantages of both drying methods, energy efficiency of the drying processes is enhanced and
degradation of dried product quality is reduced [8]. In scientific and engineering literature,
several researchers investigated far infrared vacuum drying of various fruits and vegetables
[9-15]. But, limited study of drying kinetics and change of color parameters of far infrared
vacuum dried materials at high value of temperature of infrared heaters from 120-200 °C and
vacuum pressure from 20-80 kPa were conducted. So, the objectives of this study were:
research drying kinetics of far infrared vacuum drying apple slices and development of
new thin-layer drying model,
estimate to moisture diffusivity of apple slices and compared estimated values with the
values published in scientific and engineering literature by other authors, and
research of the influence of boundary conditions on total color changes of dried apple
Material and methods
Sample preparation
Fresh apples variety Golden Delicious was used as raw material in the experimental
part of the research. Prior to processing, the apples were stored in a cold chamber at a temper-
ature of 4 °C and a relative air humidity of 75%. The apples were washed, peeled and sliced
with a slicer machine in order to obtain uniform samples. The spherical samples with diameter
43 ±101 mm and thickness of 3 ±101 mm, obtained from the central medulla region where
the cell structure is more uniform, were used in the drying experiments. Several measure-
ments were made using a caliper, and only the samples with a tolerance of ±2% were used in
the experimental part of research.
The apple slices were dried in a far-infra red vacuum set-up [15]. The experimental
conditions were chosen such as that of temperature of infrared heaters and vacuum pressure
were in the range to be used on the industrial dryer. The effect of temperature of infrared heaters
120 °C, 140 °C, 160 °C, 180 °C, and 200 °C, and vacuum pressure 20 kPa, 40 kPa, 60 kPa, and
80 kPa on the drying kinetics of apple slices were investigated from [15]. After each experi-
ment the dried samples were stored in an air tight paper packet for further analysis. The tran-
sient temperatures of drying samples were measured with thee micro-thermocouples placed in
each of the mid-plane of the drying samples. The measurement of samples mass changes with
time was enabled with load cell type OMEGA LCL-040 (Omega, Inc., USA), which was
connected to data acquisition system. The temperature and mass changes of dried samples
were registered on the personal computer. The initial moisture content of the samples was
obtained according to the AOAC method no. 934.06 (AOAC 1995). The experiments were
carried out in triplicate and an arithmetic average value was used for data processing. The
drying experiments were performed until obtaining the moisture content of dry apple samples
of 0.04 kg/kg.
Drying kinetics
The experimental moisture content data obtained at different temperature of infrared
heaters and vacuum pressure were converted to the moisture ratio (MR) using:
= eq
u u
MR uu
Mitrevski, V., et al.: Modelling of Thin-Layer Kinetics and Color Changes …
THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5B, pp. 4437-4446 4439
were MR is the dimensionless moisture ratio and u
, u0, and ueq are moisture content at any
time, initial moisture content and equilibrium moisture content. Because of the values of equi-
librium moisture content, ueq are relatively small compared to those of moisture content of
material, u
or initial moisture content, u0 the error involved in the simplification is negligible.
Thus MR was then calculated:
MR u
Calculation of moisture diffusivity
The moisture diffusivity of foods is very often considered as an Arrhenius-type tem-
perature function [16, 17]:
exp R
aa T
where am0 is the Arrhenius factor, E0 the activation energy for moisture diffusion, R the
ideal gas constant, and T the absolute temperature. In this study the values of moisture dif-
fusivity were estimated on the basis of an accurate and easy to perform single thermocouple
temperature measurement by using an inverse approach [16, 17]. An arithmetical mean of the
readings from the three thermocouples inserted in the mid-palate position separately of each
of the three drying slices of apple was used as a transient temperature reading [16, 17].
The estimation methodology is based on the minimization of the ordinary least
square norm:
P Y T P Y T P
where, YT = [Y1,Y2, … ,Yimax] is the vector of measured temperatures, TT = [T1(P), T2(P),
Timax(P)] is the vector of estimated temperatures at time
i (i = 1, 2, …, imax), PT = [P1, P2, …
PN] is the vector ofunknown parameters, imax is the total number of measurements, and N is
the total number of unknown parameters (imax N). For the minimization of E(P) represent-
ing the solution of the present parameter estimation problem the Levenberg-Marquardt meth-
od were utilized [16, 17].
Color measurement and kinetics on color changes
The colour changes in food materials during drying are due to degradation of pig-
ments (chlorophylls, carotenoids, anthocyans, and betalaines), Maillard reactions or enzymat-
ic browning [18]. In order to research the effect of temperature of infrared heaters and vacu-
um pressure on the color changes of dried apple, a three-filter colorimeter Konica Minolta
CR-400 (Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc., USA) was used. This instrument shows the
quantitative parameters of color change in different systems. The measured values of the color
parameters are represented in the CIE, L*, a*, b*, color space. In this color space, L* values are
used as an indicator of lightness/darkness (ranges from 0 to 100), co-ordinate a* to indicate
chromaticity on a green () to red (+) axis (ranges from 120 to 120), and co-ordinate b* to
indicate chromaticity on a blue () to yellow (+) axis (ranges from 120 to 120). The color
measurements were conducted before and after far infrared vacuum drying. Five measure-
ments were performed for each sample which is selected randomly. The values used for total
color change calculations encompassed the average values of L*, a*, and b* of each sample.
The total color change, E is calculated on the basis of the equation [19]:
0 0 0
( ) ( ) ( )
* * * * * *
E L L a a b b
0 0 0
* * *
L , a , b
are initial values for lightness, redness, and yellowness.
Mitrevski, V., et al.: Modelling of Thin-Layer Kinetics and Color Changes …
4440 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5B, pp. 4437-4446
In order to determine the rate of color changes during drying of far infrared vacuum
drying, the kinetics of the parameters of lightness, L*, redness, a*, and yellowness, b*, were
investigated. For approximation of the total color changes, E data during far infrared vacu-
um drying process new developed model were used:
E A Cp
where A, B, C, are parameters, th, the temperature of infrared heaters, and p the vacu-
um pressure. In this study multiple regression relationship between dependent variable,
E and independent variables, temperature of infrared heaters and vacuum pressure were
Results and discussion
Fitting of drying curves
In the most number existing thin-layer drying models which is used to for approxi-
mation experimental data of drying kinetics the effect of boundary conditions on the empirical
parameters it is not take into account. It that reasons in this study the new generalized thin-
layer drying model was developed. For approximation of experimental data on the drying
kinetics of apple slices five thin-layer mathematical models from scientific literature and new
developed model of Mitrevski et al. were used, tab. 1.
MR = M
/M0 is the moisture ratio, A, B, C, D, E, F the parameters, k1 [min1] drying rate constant,
[min] drying time, thC] the temperature of infrared heatres, and p [kPa] the vacuum pressure
The method of multiple indirect non-linear regression and estimation methods of:
Quasi-Newton, Simplex, Simplex and quasi-Newton, Hooke-Jeeves pattern moves, Hooke-
Jeeves pattern moves and quasi-Newton, Rosenbrock pattern search, Rosenbrock pattern
search and quasi-Newton, Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt from computer program
StatSoft Statistica (Statsoft Inc., Tulsa, OK,, were used to for calcu-
lation of the statistical parameters and estimate the parameters in the given models. Because
the regression method, estimation method, the initial step size, the start values of parameters,
convergence criterion and form of the function have significant influence on accuracy of es-
timated parameters [24], a large number of numerical experiments were performed. On the
basis of thin-layer data and each model from, tab. 1, the values of: coefficient of determina-
Name of model
exp m
MR A k B
exp 1 expMR A k A k B
Diffusion approach
= exp 1 expMR A k A B
exp .
MR A k B C
Jena and Das
1 1 1 1
exp 1 exp **
MR A k B / A k B
p t p t
 
Mitrevski et al.
This study
Mitrevski, V., et al.: Modelling of Thin-Layer Kinetics and Color Changes …
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tion, R2, root mean squared error, RMSE, and mean relative deviation, MRD, were calculated.
When the value for coefficient of determination obtained from different estimation methods
was different, the greatest value was accepted as relevant. In order to estimate and select the
best thin-layer drying model the value of performance index,
, and chi-squared,
2 were
2 2 2
where z1 and z2 are individual statistics for testing of the population of skewness and kur-
tosis [25].
The best model that is describing the thin-layer drying characteristics apple slices
has to be chosen on the basis of higher,
2 the value lower than tabled critical 0.05 chi-
square value
0 05 5 99
for degrees of freedom, Dof = 2, tab. 2.
From tab. 2 it is evident that model M05 i.e. new developed model, has the highest
value of performance index,
= 31.869, (Rank 1) in comparison with the other models. Also
it can be seen that all models have smaller average value of,
2 than tabled critical chi-square
value. In accordance with statistical criteria, the new developed model of Mitrevski et al., is
able to correlate the experimental values of drying kinetics of apple slices with 3.63% root
mean squared error. The estimated values of parameters in new generated model of Mitrevski
et al., are presented in tab. 3.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) results indicated that the temperature of heatres
(p0.001), vacuum pressure (p0.05), and the interaction of the temperature of heatres and
vacuum pressure (p0.05) significantly affected the drying time of apple slices.
In fig. 1, the experimental and predicted values of MR with drying time at tempera-
ture of infrared heaters 120 °C, 140 °C, 160 °C, 180 °C, and 200 °C for apple slices at vacu-
um pressure of 20 kPa are shown.
From fig. 1 is evident that has a good agreement between the experimental and pre-
dicted values of moisture data of apple slices.
Table 2. Statistic summary of the regression analysis
Table 3. The values of estimated parameters
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Moisture diffusivity
The values of the parameters of effective moisture diffusivity, am0, and activation
energy E0 are determined by application of inverse approach. In tab. 4 the initial guesses of
parameters and computationally obtained values of parameters using the Levenberg-
Marquardt method and RMS-error for the one of real realized experiment E17 (th = 180 °C,
p = 40 kPa, 2L0 = 3 mm, u0 = 5.24 kg/kg, and t0 = 24.82 °C), [26] are shown.
am0 the Arrhenius factor, E0 the activation energy, and RMSE the root mean squared error
The estimated values of moisture diffusivity of apple obtained from this study are
within the range from 2.80·1011 to 1.70·1010 m2/s. These values are comparable with values
for other dried food materials which values generally were reported in scientific literature,
from 1013 to 106 m2/s [27, 28]. The determined values of moisture diffusivity in this study
showed that the higher values of temperature of infrared heaters and lower value of vacuum
pressure is better to dry the apple slices in the selected experimental domain, because the
obtained values of moisture diffusivity are relatively higher.
Color change
In tab. 5 the average value changes in lightness, L*, redness, a*, yellowness, b*, and
total color changes, E, of apple slices for different value of temperature of infrared heaters
and vacuum pressure were presented.
From tab. 5 it is evident that, the L* value of dried apple slices decreased during dry-
ing. The, L* decreased from initial value Lo* = 83.32 to L* = 63.32, when apple slices are
dried at 200 °C and 80 kPa. The changes in L* parameter value was less at lower temperature
of infrared heaters and lower vacuum pressure. As temperature of infrared heaters increased
from 120-200 °C and vacuum pressure changes from 20-80 kPa the lightness of apple slices
Table 4. Estimated values of unknown parameters and RMS-error
am0·103 [m2s1]
E0 [kJmol1]
Initial guess
Estimated values
Figure 1. Experimental and predicted MR values by the
et al. model for different temperatures of
infrared heaters at vacuum pressure 20 kPa
Mitrevski, V., et al.: Modelling of Thin-Layer Kinetics and Color Changes …
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decreased from 81.07 to 63.32. The decrease in L* value was in correlation with non-
enzymatic browning reactions which accelerates at high temperatures. The reduction in L*
value may be attributed to intense browning reaction and increase crust formation due to ex-
posure to high temperature [29]. Because the lightness is a very important color quality pa-
rameter, lower temperature of infrared heaters and lower vacuum pressure are preferable to
preserve of dried apple slices. The temperature of infrared heaters and vacuum pressure also
have an effect on the redness parameter, a*. From instance, a* value increased from initial
= 6.16 to a* = 6.67 at the end point when apple slices were dried at 200 °C and 80
kPa. As shown in tab. 5 the yellowness of dried slices increased during drying from 2.41 to
6.67. The values of yelowness, b* increased from initial value
= 21.86 to b* = 25.67 when
apple slices were dried at 200 °C and 80 kPa. As the temperature of infrared heaters increased
from 120-200 °C and value of vacuum pressure varied between 20 to 80 kPa the yellowness
of apple slices increased from 22.23 to 25.67. Similar effects on the drying kinetics on chang-
es of color parameters were reported for banana [10].
th heaters temperature, p vacuum pressure, a* redness, b* yellowness, L* lightness, E total color change,
mean ± standard deviation
From tab. 5 obviously that E values, increased during drying apple slices and color
changes intensity is more intense at higher temperature of infrared heaters and higher vacuum
pressure. The total color change, E values increased from 8.67 to 23.32, when apple slice are
dried at temperature of heaters from 120200 °C and vacuum pressure from 20-80 kPa. Similar
results were reported from far infrared vacuum drying of peach [6] and kiwi [12].
Table 5. The effect on drying conditions on changes of color parameters
2.41 ±3.81
22.23 ±9.36
81.07 ±2.09
2.98 ±3.84
22.29 ±9.78
73.01 ±3.26
4.14 ±3.60
23.40 ±10.66
71.73 ±3.09
4.98 ±3.84
23.50 ±19.40
70.03 ±3.26
5.56 ±4.16
23.95 ±11.36
68.99 ±3.19
2.87 ±3.76
22.66 ±9.40
80.15 ±3.26
3.41 ±3.60
23.11 ±10.36
71.12 ±3.39
4.61 ±3.84
23.67 ±10.78
70.66 ±3.56
5.33 ±3.94
24.41 ±11.32
69.16 ±3.36
5.99 ±4.60
24.89 ±11.56
67.22 ±3.89
3.13 ±3.92
22.91 ±10.36
77.42 ±3.09
3.89 ±3.84
23.35 ±11.40
69.68 ±3.26
4.98 ±3.60
23.97 ±11.36
68.09 ±3.49
5.88 ±4.84
24.59 ±11.40
67.30 ±3.56
6.34 ±3.73
25.32 ±11.66
66.34 ±4.09
3.41 ±3.64
23.22 ±10.40
73.44 ±3.26
4.24 ±3.60
23.66 ±11.36
66.32 ±3.39
5.21 ±3.84
24.44 ±12.40
65.21 ±3.46
6.11 ±4.14
25.24 ±13.40
64.89 ±3.66
6.67 ±4.60
25.67 ±13.56
63.32 ±4.49
Mitrevski, V., et al.: Modelling of Thin-Layer Kinetics and Color Changes …
4444 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5B, pp. 4437-4446
For estimation of the statistical parameters in the model of total color change, eq.
(5), the method of multiple indirect non-linear regression and estimation method of Quasi-
Newton, from computer program StatSoft Statistica (Statsoft Inc., Tulsa, OK,, were used. In tab. 6 the estimated values of parameters from the
mathematical model with eq. (5) are presented.
In fig. 2 the total colour change as functions of temperature of infrared heaters at
different vacuum pressure was presented. The high value of coefficient of determination,
R2 = 0.9821 and small value of root mean squared error, RMSE = 0.062 showed that the total
color change, E during far infrared vacuum drying apple slices could be modeled by new
generated model of Mitrevski et al.
In the present study the effects of temperature of infrared heaters and vacuum pres-
sure on the drying kinetics and color quality of apple slices were examined. The experimental
drying data in terms of MR were approximated with four thin-layer drying models from scien-
tific literature and new generated model of Mitrevski et al. According to the statistical evalua-
tion, the new developed model of Mitrevski et al., has the best statistical performances than
other literature thin-layer drying models. The estimated values of moisture diffusivity for
apple obtained by inverse approach are in the range from 2.80·1011 to 1.70·1010 m2/s and are
comparable with values for other dried food materials. This study verified that the boundary
conditions on the surface of dried apple slices (the temperature of infrared heaters and vacu-
um pressure) have a strong effect on the change of color parameters (L*, a*, b*, and E). The
high temperature of infrared heaters and high value of vacuum pressure has a negative effect
on the total color change of dried apple slices. For the preserved nutritional values of dried
apple slices the optimum drying conditions for combined far infrared vacuum drying is 120 °C
and 20 kPa. The new developed thin-layer drying model and the results of kinetics on color
Table 6. The values of estimated parameters (eq.5)
Figure 2. Effect of temperature of infrared heaters on total
color change at different vacuum pressure
Mitrevski, V., et al.: Modelling of Thin-Layer Kinetics and Color Changes …
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changes presented in this study will find the technological application on far infrared vacuum
drying for preservation of other food materials.
A,B,C,D,E,F parameters
a* redness
am moisture diffusivity, [m2s1]
am0 Arrhenius factor, [m2s1]
b* yellowness
E0 activation energy, [Jkg1]
k1 drying rate constant, [min1]
L* lightness
MR moisture ratio []
MRD mean relative deviation
P vector of unknown parameter
R absolute gas constant, [JK1mol1]
R2 coefficient of determination
RMSE root mean squared error
p pressure, [Pa]
t temperature, [°C]
Tk temperature, [K]
T vector of estimated temperature, [°C]
Y vector of measured temperature, [°C]
u moisture content, [kg1kg1db]
z1, z2 individual statistics for testing of
the population of skewness and
Greek symbols
E total color change
performance index
time, [minute]
2 chi-squared value
eq equlibrium
h heater
0 initial
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Paper submitted: February 1, 2022 © 2022 Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia.
Paper revised: April 4, 2022 Published by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia.
Paper accepted: April 14, 2022 This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions.
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In this paper the estimation of the moisture diffusivity, together with other thermophysical properties of a far-infrared vacuum dried of potato slices by using an inverse approach were studied. In direct problem a mathematical model of the far-infrared vacuum drying process of shrinking bodies was used. The Levenberg-Marquardt method was used to solve the inverse problem. An analysis of the influence of the vacuum pressure, temperature of heaters, drying body dimension, and drying time, that enables the design of the proper experiments by using the so-called D-optimum criterion was conducted. The estimated values of moisture diffusivity of potato obtained from this study are within the range from 5.14?10-8 to 5.01?10-9 m2 s-1. The experimental transient temperature and moisture content changes during the far infrared vacuum drying were compared with numerical calculated values.
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Color is one of the most important appearance attributes of food materials, since it influences consumer acceptability. In this study the effects of combined infrared-vacuum drying on the drying kinetics, moisture diffusivity, surface changes (shrinking) and color changes kinetics of lemon slices were investigated. Both the infrared lamp power and vacuum pressure influenced the drying time of lemon slices. The regression results showed that the quadratic model satisfactorily described the drying behavior of lemon slices with highest R value and lowest SE values. The effective moisture diffusivity increased from 2.92 × 10⁻¹⁰ and 1.58 × 10⁻⁹ m²/s when the infrared lamp power was increased from 300 to 400 W. The colour parameters L∗ (lightness), a∗ (redness/greenness), b∗ (yellowness/blueness), and ΔE (total colour difference) were used to estimate colour changes during drying. L∗, a∗ and b∗ values of dried lemon increased during drying. The rise in infrared power has a negative effect on the ΔE and with the increase of infrared radiation power it was increased. Different kinetic models were used to fit the experimental data and the results revealed that the power model was the most suitable to describe the color change intensity (ΔE).
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In this study, a mathematical model of far-infrared vacuum drying of shrinkage body is presented. The system of two coupled partial differential equations for heat and mass transfer with appropriate initial and boundary conditions are solved numerically with used of the finite difference method. On the basis of the numerical solutions a computer program for calculation of temperature profiles, transient moisture content, mid-plane temperature, and the volume averaged moisture content changes for different drying regime was developed. For verification of a mathematical model a series of numerical calculations were carried out with experimental conditions similar to those in the realized experiments of far-infrared vacuum drying of apple slices. Very good agreement between the experimental and numerical temperature and moisture content changes during the drying was obtained.
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In this work, we tried to evaluate mass transfer during a combined infrared-vacuum drying of kiwifruits. Infrared radiation power (200–300 W) and system pressure (5–15 kPa), as drying parameters, are evaluated on drying characteristics of kiwifruits. Both the infrared lamp power and vacuum pressure affected the drying time of kiwifruit slices. Nine different mathematical models were evaluated for moisture ratios using nonlinear regression analysis. The results of regression analysis indicated that the quadratic model is the best to describe the drying behavior with the lowest SE values and highest R value. Also, an increase in the power led to increase in the effective moisture diffusivity between 1.04 and 2.29 × 10−9 m2/s. A negative effect was observed on the ΔE with increasing in infrared power and with rising in infrared radiation power it was increased. Chroma values decreased during drying.
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Infrared-vacuum dehydration characteristics of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) were evaluated in a combined dryer system. The effects of drying parameters, infrared radiation power (204–272 W), system pressure (5–15 kPa), slice thickness (5 and 7 mm) and time (0–220 min) on the drying kinetics and characteristics of pumpkin slices were investigated. The vacuum pressure, lamp power and slice had significant effect on the drying kinetics and various qualities of the dried pumpkin. Moisture ratios were fitted to 10 different mathematical equations using nonlinear regression analysis. The quadratic equation satisfactorily described the drying behavior of pumpkin slices with the highest r value and the lowest SE values. The effective moisture diffusivity increased with power and ranged between 0.71 and 2.86 × 10−9 m2/s. With increasing in infrared radiation power from 204 to 272 W, β–carotene content of dried pumpkins decreased from 30.04 to 24.55 mg/100 g. The rise in infrared power has a negative effect on the color changes (ΔE). The optimum condition was determined as power, 238W, pressure, 5 kPa and slice thickness, 5mm. These conditions resulted into dried pumpkin slices with maximum B-carotene retention.
This paper treats drying red pepper "noodles" in vacuum by measuring temperature as an unavoidable parameter within the GAB (Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer) model. A special vacuum dryer has been constructed for this research. During the process of drying the temperature change in material developed in accordance with the exponential equation and a high coefficient of determination. The moisture content of material in corellation with time changed in accordance with the polynomial equations and a high coefficient of determination. The ratio between temperature and moisture content of material was expressed by an equation and changes in dimensions of the "noodles" were found in the course of drying.
Drying is an energy‐intensive unit operation in chemical, food and allied industries. It is always desired to have low energy consumption for drying operation without compromising the quality of products. In this review, fundamental aspects of infrared heating are described in detail with the focus on its application to the drying of food materials. The modeling techniques are explained in detail to get emphasis on the design of large‐scale infrared dryers. This review also contains the investigations carried out by several researchers by experimentation and/or modeling to describe the infrared drying, infrared–convective drying, infrared–microwave drying and infrared–freeze drying. The present work describes the author's views regarding the capability and applicability of infrared source for drying of food materials. After going through a literature survey, it can be seen that infrared source especially in the far‐ IR range has been widely used in convective hot air dryer than other types of dryers. Practical Applications The energy loss in convective air drying is found to be very large in chemical and allied food industries. Air, the drying medium, needs to be heated using air heaters, which generally have low thermal efficiency. On the contrary, as the infrared radiation is recognized as surface heater, it can be very suitable for drying of food materials whose drying is generally carried out in thin slices. Moreover, use of infrared heaters in other dryers is very beneficial to lower the drying time without significantly affecting the quality of the final products. Lowering the drying time can increase the productivity and decrease the cost of operation practically.
The objectives of the studies reported were to evaluate the effects of temperature, velocity and relative humidity of the drying air on the drying constants of steamed and unsteamed rough rice.