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Marvin W. Fawley
and Karen P. Fawley
Department of Biological Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota 58105, USA
A simple method for the purification of PCR-
quality DNA from microalgae is presented. This
method uses the detergent dodecyltrimethylammo-
nium bromide coupled with cell breakage by
agitation in the presence of glass beads and chloro-
form. A final purification step involves a commer-
cial cartridge system. The procedure requires only
about 1–2 mL of algal culture and can be completed
in about 20 min. DNA suitable for PCR has been
obtained from several algal lineages using this
method, including numerous green algae and
Key index words: DNA isolation; microalgae
Abbreviations: CTAB, hexadecyltrimethylammo-
nium bromide; DTAB, dodecyltrimethylammonium
Diversity studies of microalgae require the purifica-
tion of PCR-ready DNA from a large number of
isolates. In our ongoing investigation of the diversity of
chlorophyte microalgae, we are purifying DNA from
over 1000 isolates. With such a large number of
isolates, it is essential that the method used for DNA
purification is rapid, inexpensive, requires little cellular
material, results in DNA that can be used directly for
PCR, and is effective across a broad range of algal
lineages. Moreover, the use of highly toxic material
such as phenol should be avoided, and the procedure
should be simple enough for undergraduate students
to perform.
DNA purification techniques that are commonly
used for microalgae are mostly based on the hexade-
cyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method of
Doyle and Doyle (1990), which requires grinding a
fairly large quantity of cells in liquid nitrogen. Several
modifications of the basic CTAB method have been
published, but they are generally fairly time consum-
ing. At the other extreme, some studies have foregone
the isolation step altogether and instead have used
whole cells in the PCR (Hoham et al. 2002), a process
that can only work for some organisms.
Some coccoid microalgae, such as Chlorella vulgaris,
can present special problems for DNA isolation,
primarily because of the mechanical strength of their
cell walls coupled with their very small size. A technique
useful for some coccoid algae was developed by Friedl
(1995). We previously modified this technique to make
it somewhat simpler (Fawley et al. 1999, Phillips and
Fawley 2000). This technique used an initial extraction
with the detergent dodecyltrimethylammonium bro-
mide (DTAB) with cell disruption using a MiniBead-
Beater (Biospec Products, Bartlesville, OK, USA), a
chloroform extraction, followed by precipitation using
CTAB in low salt solution, and a final ethanol pre-
cipitation. Very little starting material was required for
this procedure, and several samples could be processed
simultaneously. However, several steps were used and
required about an hour to complete. We also found
that results with this technique were not consistent for
many algal isolates (unpublished observations), al-
though we were able to purify PCR-quality DNA from
isolates from the Chlorophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae,
and Prasinophyceae using this technique (Fawley et al.
1999, 2000, Phillips and Fawley 2000). This technique
has also been successfully used for at least some strepto-
phytes (Turmel et al. 2002).
Our new technique takes some of the procedures
from Friedl’s (1995) method and our (Fawley et al.
1999, Phillips and Fawley 2000) modification and
replaces the precipitation steps with a single step using
a standard DNA purification spin cartridge. The result
is a DNA purification procedure that typically requires
only 1.5–2mL of algal culture, works with a wide range
of algal lineages, and takes about 20 min to complete.
Multiple samples can be processed simultaneously, and
the process is simple enough that students learn it in
only one session. The resulting DNA is suitable for PCR
with a variety of primers and provides enough DNA for
at least 30 25-mL reactions.
DNA purification procedure. One to 2 mL of algal
culture was centrifuged in a conical-bottom 2-mL
screw-top microcentrifuge tube at approximately
16,000 gfor 1 min. The supernatant was discarded
and 200 mL extraction buffer (1 M NaCl, 70 mM Tris,
30 mM Na
EDTA, pH 8.6) added and vortexed
briefly. This suspension was then centrifuged at
16,000 gfor 1 min, the supernatant discarded, and
200 mL fresh extraction buffer added. A quantity of
glass beads (G-8772, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis,
Received 30 April 2003. Accepted 24 October 2003.
Author for correspondence: e-mail
J. Phycol. 40, 223–225 (2004)
r2004 Phycological Society of America
DOI: 10.1046/j.1529-8817.2004.03081.x
MO, USA) sufficient to fill the conical portion of the
centrifuge tube was then added, followed by 25 mL
10% DTAB (Sigma Chemical Co.) and 200 mL chloro-
form. A MiniBeadBeater was then used to disrupt the
cells, with agitation for 20 s at top speed. The mixture
was then centrifuged at 2000 gfor 2 min to separate
the phases. If the cells were not well broken, as
evidenced by a cell layer at the interface of the
aqueous and organic phases and a lack of green
pigment in the organic phase, the MiniBeadBeater
step and centrifugation were repeated. The Mini-
BeadBeater step was never repeated more than once.
One hundred microliters of the aqueous phase was
removed to a 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube, 500 mL
GeneClean salt (QBiogene, Carlsbad, CA, USA) was
added and mixed, and the resulting solution was
applied to a GeneClean Turbo (QBiogene) cartridge.
The cartridge was then used to purify the DNA
according the manufacturer’s instructions.
Test organisms. We used this DNA purification
technique with a wide range of organisms, including
green algae from the Chlorophyceae, Trebouxiophy-
ceae, Pedinophyceae, and Prasinophyceae; xantho-
phytes; eustigmatophytes; a red alga; a brown alga;
and diatoms. Most of these organisms are our own
isolates from our diversity studies, but we also tested
several organisms from culture collections. Table 1
presents a partial list of organisms that have been
examined. These organisms were grown using
standard methods for our laboratory (Fawley et al.
1990, Fawley 1992).
PCR. Universal primers specific for 18S rDNA
were used to evaluate the DNA purification proce-
dure. Primers and conditions were essentially those of
Phillips and Fawley (2000) or Fawley et al. (1999,
2000), except that the Qiagen Master Mix PCR Kit
was used (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA).
The 18S rDNA was successfully amplified using
template DNA isolated from all the test organisms by
the new procedure. Figure 1 shows an agarose gel of
the amplification products from a sampling of these
organisms. We also used this technique successfully
with over 300 additional isolates from our present
diversity studies. Additional loci, including rbcL and the
ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions, were
also PCR amplified from many isolates using template
DNA purified with this procedure (data not shown).
The procedure also works with some organisms (Porph-
yridium and Ectocarpus) that possess polysaccharides
that can inhibit PCR amplification (Kitade et al. 1996).
Although Porphyridium DNA can be isolated using a
simple procedure that includes a standard kit (Yoon
et al. 2002), existing protocols for DNA isolation from
the Ectocarpales are quite involved (Siemer et al.
1998). The largest PCR product we obtained using
template DNA isolated with this procedure was about
4.3 kb, the 18S rDNA from a Choricystis sp. that
possessed multiple putative group I introns. However,
amplification of larger fragments may also be possible.
FIG. 1. Agarose gel electrophoresis of 18S rDNA PCR
products from select algal isolates (see Table 1). Sizes (in base
pairs) of pertinent markers from the 1-kb DNA standard (Life
Technologies, Rockville, MD, USA) indicated to the left.
TABLE 1. Algal isolates used to evaluate the new DNA
purification system.
Taxon Isolate
Nannochloropsis limnetica Krienitz KR1998/3
Nitzschia palea (Ku
¨tz.) W. Smith FDCC L996
Nitzschia sigma (Ku
¨tz.) W. Smith FDCC L1546
Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillw.) Lyng. UTEX LB2008
Gloeobotrys sp. Tow 6/3 P-16w
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. CGC1691
Pseudodictyosphaerium sp. CCMP2217
Scenedesmus sp.
Monoraphidium sp. Itas 9/21 14-7w
Trebouxiophyceae Tow 8/18 P-2w
Chlorella vulgaris Beij. UTEX 30
Choricystis sp. CCMP2207
Nannochoris sp. CCMP2225
Oocystis sp. CCMP2249
Pedinomonas minor Korsh. UTEX 1350
Nephroselmis pyriformis (Carter) Ettl. CCMP717
Prasinococcus capsulatus Miyashita
et Chihara
Pyramimonas parkeae Norris et Pearson CCMP725
Unidentified coccoid CCMP1413
Porphyridium aerugineum Geitler UTEX 755
Scenedesmus sp., Monoraphidium sp., and Gloeobotrys sp. are
from our collection. CCMP, Provasoli-Guillard National Center
for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton (Andersen et al. 1997);
CGC, Chlamydomonas Genetics Center (Harris 1984); FDCC,
Freshwater Diatom Culture Collection (Czarnecki 1994);
UTEX, Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Texas
at Austin (Starr and Zeikus 1993).
With the new procedure, we typically purify DNA
from four to eight algal isolates at the same time, with
approximately 30 min required for purification. If
desired, the purification procedure could be scaled
up to process over 100 isolates per day. The main
advantages to this method over previous methods are
as follows:
1. Ease and simplicity. This DNA purification
procedure requires far fewer steps than most other
procedures. The process is easily mastered by anyone
able to use a micropipetter and microcentrifuge.
2. General applicability. Although we have not
attempted this procedure with some types of algae, it
has been applied successfully to different lineages of
green algae and stramenopiles and one rhodophyte
and is likely to work with many other kinds of algae.
3. Low exposure to hazardous materials. Only a
single chloroform extraction is used in this procedure.
4. Low cost. The only specialized equipment re-
quired is a low cost MiniBeadBeater, and the materials
used are inexpensive compared with commercial DNA
isolation kits.
This DNA purification procedure should enable
phycologists to examine many algal isolates by mole-
cular techniques much more rapidly than using
existing protocols. It should have wide applicability
for any studies involving PCR-based techniques, such
as PCR-RFLP, rapid analysis of polymorphic DNA, and
This material is based on work supported by the National
Science Foundation under grant nos. DBI-0070387 and MCB-
0084188. We thank Lothar Krienitz for providing the culture
of Nannochloropsis limnetica.
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... DNA was extracted using a CTAB protocol (37). Cyanobacteria were identified by 16S sequencing (27F forward 5'-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3', 1429R reverse 5'-GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3') and eukaryotes were identified by 18S sequencing (5'-GCTTGTCTCAAAGATTAAGCC-3' forward, 5'-GCCTGCTGCCTTCCTTGGA-3' reverse) using the ncbi BLAST database. ...
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Phytoplankton are usually considered autotrophs by default, but an increasing number of studies shows that many taxa are able to also utilise organic carbon. Acquiring nutrients and energy from different sources might enable an efficient uptake of required substances and provide a strategy to deal with a varying resource availability, especially in highly dynamic ecosystems such as estuaries. In our study we investigated the effects of 31 organic carbon sources on the growth of 17 phytoplankton strains from the Elbe estuary spanning four functional groups. All of our strains were able to make use of at least 1 and up to 26 organic compounds for growth. Pico-sized green algae such as Mychonastes, Choricystis and Chlorella, as well as nano-sized green algae from the genus Monoraphidium in particular were positively affected by a high variety of substances. Reduced light availability, typically appearing in turbid estuaries and similar habitats, resulted in an overall poorer ability to utilise organic substances for growth, indicating that organic carbon acquisition was not primarily a specific strategy to deal with darkness. Our results give further evidence for mixotrophy being an ubiquitous ability of phytoplankton and highlight the importance to consider this trophic strategy in research.
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Phytoplankton are usually considered autotrophs, but an increasing number of studies show that many taxa are able also to use organic carbon. Acquiring nutrients and energy from different sources might enable an efficient uptake of required substances and provide a strategy to deal with varying resource availability, especially in highly dynamic ecosystems such as estuaries. In our study, we investigated the effects of 31 organic carbon sources on the growth (proxied by differences in cell counts after 24 h exposure) of 17 phytoplankton strains from the Elbe estuary spanning four functional groups. All of our strains were able to make use of at least 1 and up to 26 organic compounds for growth. Pico-sized green algae such as Mychonastes, as well as the nano-sized green alga Monoraphidium in particular were positively affected by a high variety of substances. Reduced light availability, typically appearing in turbid estuaries and similar habitats, resulted in an overall poorer ability to use organic substances for growth, indicating that organic carbon acquisition was not primarily a strategy to deal with darkness. Our results give further evidence for mixotrophy being a ubiquitous ability of phytoplankton and highlight the importance to consider this trophic strategy in research.
Very little is known about the distribution and diversity of freshwater unicellular coccoid algae, primarily because of the simple morphology and small size of these organisms, which make reliable identification extremely difficult. In this study, we examined the diversity of autosporic coccoid algae from under ice in the shallow lakes of Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota. Coccoid algae were isolated from phytoplankton samples collected during three consecutive winters (1994-1997) at four sites in three lakes. Seventy-five isolates were examined by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of photosynthetic pigments, specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers, and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism of the 18S rDNA. Thirteen 18S rDNA types of coccoid Trebouxiophyceae, three types of coccoid Chlorophyceae and one type of coccoid eustigmatophyte were detected. One of the green algae was tentatively identified as Mychonastes homosphaera; the other green algae are probably undescribed species. These results indicate a much higher level of diversity in coccoid green algae than has been reported in regional floras.
We developed a method for extraction of DNA from the red alga Porphyra yezoensis Ueda. The method consists of three preparation steps that include CsCl-gradient ultracentrifugation, cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide treatment, and a final RNase step. The amount of DNA extracted from 1.5 g of starting material averaged 17.7 μg. The resulting DNA had a high molecular weight, was 25-166 kb in length, was digested with five common restriction enzymes, and showed no nuclease activity. It was of sufficient quality for construction of genomic libraries.
Complete nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) coding sequences were determined for the coccoid green algae Dictyochloropsis reticulata (Tschermak-Woess) Tschermak-Woess, Myrmecia astigmatica Vinatzer, and M. bisecta Reisigl, to investigate the taxonomic position of Dictyochloropsis Geitler and of the genus Myrmecia Printz. Phylogenies inferred from these data revealed a sister-group relationship between D. reticulata and certain coccoid green algae that lack motile stages (autosporic coccoids) within the order Microthamniales. The monophyletic origin of the Microthamniales, including autosporic coccoids previously classified in the Chlorophyceae, is clearly resolved by the rRNA sequence data. This finding. shows the considerable taxonomic breadth of that order, whose taxonomic position has been unclear so far. A new class, Trebouxiophyceae, is proposed for this group of green algae. Phylogenetic inferences from the rRNA sequences show paraphyly of the genus Myrmecia. The 18S rRNA sequence data suggest that, among taxa that share similar vegetative cell morphologies, the zoospore characters resolve better the actual genus and species boundaries. Within identical zoospore types, the rRNA data allow further resolution of taxonomic relationships. On the basis of findings, I propose that the genus Friedmannia Chantanachat ± Bold be merged into Myrmecia and that only those species be left in the genus Myrmecia that are identical in particular zoospore characters (i.e. those described in detail for M. israeliensis (Chantanachat ± Bold) comb, nov.), namely M. astigmatica, M. biatorellae (Tschermak-Woess ± Ptesst) Petersen, and M. israeliensis. Myrmecia bisecta has to be excluded from Myrmecia; its taxonomic position within the Trebouxiophyceae is unclear.
Photosynthetic pigments of the green flagellate Pseudoscourfieldia marina (Throndsen) Manton (Micromonadophyceae) are similar to those of the coccoid Pycnococcus provasolii Guillard; prasinoxanthin is the predominant carotenoid. Other organisms that possess prasinoxanthin also possess additional pigments not found in either P. marina or P. provasolii. Uriolide, a xanthophyll previously described from the coccoid done URI 266G, was also found in Mantoniella squamata (Manton et Parke) Desikachary, Micromonas pusilla Manton et Parke and Mamiella gilva (Parks et Rayns) Moestrup, all flagellate members of the Mamiellales, and the coccoid clone IV E5G. Other unidentified carotenoids were also present in M. squamata, M. pusilla, and M. gilva. These results suggest that P. marina and the coccoid organisms URI 266G and IV E5G may be related to the Mamiellales, and that P. provasolii may be more closely related to P. marina than to M. squamata, M. pusilla, and M. gilva.
18S rDNA sequences were obtained for the prasinophytes Pseudoscourfieldia marina (Throndsen) Manton and Pycnococcus provasolii Guillard. These sequences, along with those of additional prasinophytes and other green algae and land plants, were used for phylogenetic analyses by the neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, and quartet puzzling methods. Results indicate that Ps. marina and Py. provasolii are closely allied and that both should be included in the Pycnococcaceae. In addition, results of these sequence analyses and additional pigment analysis indicate that the organism previously identified as Ps. marina, isolate CCMP 717, is, in fact, a Nephroselmis sp. or is closely related to that genus.
Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA sequences from 25 prasinophytes, including 10 coccoid isolates, reveals that coccoid organisms are found in at least three prasinophyte lineages. The coccoid Ostreococcus tauri is included in the Mamiellales lineage and P ycnococcus provasolii is allied with the flagellate P seudoscourfieldia marina. A previously undescribed prasinophyte lineage is comprised of the coccoid Prasinococcus cf. capsulatus (CCMP 1407) and other isolates tentatively identified as Prasinococcus sp. (CCMP 1202, CCMP 1614, and CCMP 1194), as well as three unnamed coccoids (CCMP 1193, CCMP 1413, and CCMP 1220). No flagellate organisms are known from this lineage. Organisms of this new lineage share some characteristics of both the Pycnococcaceae and the Mamiellales, although relationships among these separate lineages were not supported by bootstrap analyses. An additional unnamed coccoid isolate (CCMP 1205) is separate from all major prasinophyte lineages. The analyses did not resolve the relationships among the major prasinophyte lineages, although they support previous conclusions that the Prasinophyceae are not monophyletic.