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Incidence and factors associated with post‐anesthesia care unit complications in resource‐limited settings: An observational study

Health Science Reports
  • Wolaita Zone Health Department

Abstract and Figures

Background and aims Postoperative complications are frequent encounters in the patients admitted to postanesthesia care units (PACU). The main aim of this study was to assess the incidence of complications and associated factors among surgical patients admitted in limited‐resource settings of the PACU. Methods This is an observational study of 396 surgical patients admitted to PACU. This study was conducted from February 1 to March 30, 2021, in Ethiopia. Study participants' demographics, anesthesia, and surgery‐related parameters, PACU complications, and length of stay in PACU were documented. Multivariate and bivariate logistic regression analyses, the odds ratio (OR), and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated. p‐value < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results The incidence of complications among surgical patients admitted to PACU was 54.8%. Of these, respiratory‐related complications and postoperative nausea/vomiting were the most common types of PACU complications. Being a female (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 2.928; 95% CI: 1.899–4.512) was significantly associated with an increased risk of developing PACU complications. Duration of anesthesia >4 h (AOR = 5.406; 95% CI: 2.418–12.088) revealed an increased risk of association with PACU complications. The occurrences of intraoperative complications (AOR = 2.238; 95% CI: 0.991–5.056) during surgery were also associated with PACU complications. Patients who develop PACU complications were strongly associated with length of PACU stay for >4 h (AOR = 2.177; 95% CI: 0.741–6.401). Conclusion The identified risk factors for complications in surgical patients admitted to PACU are female sex, longer duration of anesthesia, and intraoperative complications occurrences. Patients who developed complications had a long time of stay in PACU. Based on our findings, we recommend the PACU team needs to develop area‐specific institutional guidelines and protocols to improve the patients' quality of care and outcomes in PACU.
This content is subject to copyright. Terms and conditions apply.
Received: 31 January 2022
Revised: 29 April 2022
Accepted: 6 May 2022
DOI: 10.1002/hsr2.649
Incidence and factors associated with postanesthesia
care unit complications in resourcelimited settings:
An observational study
Bisrat Abebe
|Natnael Kifle
|Muluken Gunta
|Temesgen Tantu
Mekete Wondwosen
|Dereje Zewdu
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical
Care, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita Sodo,
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical
Care, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa,
Department of Public Health, Wolaita Sodo
University, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia
Department of Surgery, Wolkite University,
Wolkite, Ethiopia
Department of Anesthesia, Wolkite
University, Wolkite, Ethiopia
Dereje Zewdu, Department of Anesthesia,
College of Medicine and Health Science,
Wolkite University, P.O. Box: 07, Wolkite,
Background and aims: Postoperative complications are frequent encounters in the
patients admitted to postanesthesia care units (PACU). The main aim of this study
was to assess the incidence of complications and associated factors among surgical
patients admitted in limitedresource settings of the PACU.
Methods: This is an observational study of 396 surgical patients admitted to PACU.
This study was conducted from February 1 to March 30, 2021, in Ethiopia. Study
participants' demographics, anesthesia, and surgeryrelated parameters, PACU
complications, and length of stay in PACU were documented. Multivariate and
bivariate logistic regression analyses, the odds ratio (OR), and 95% confidence interval
(CI) were calculated. pvalue < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Results: The incidence of complications among surgical patients admitted to PACU was
54.8%. Of these, respiratoryrelated complications and postoperative nausea/vomiting
were the most common types of PACU complications. Being a female (adjusted odds
ratio [AOR] = 2.928; 95% CI: 1.8994.512) was significantly associated with an increased
risk of developing PACU complications. Duration of anesthesia >4 h (AOR = 5.406; 95%
CI: 2.41812.088) revealed an increased risk of association with PACU complications. The
occurrences of intraoperative complications (AOR = 2.238; 95% CI: 0.9915.056) during
surgery were also associated with PACU complications. Patients who develop PACU
complications were strongly associated with length of PACU stay for >4 h (AOR = 2.177;
95% CI: 0.7416.401).
Conclusion: The identified risk factors for complications in surgical patients admitted
to PACU are female sex, longer duration of anesthesia, and intraoperative
complications occurrences. Patients who developed complications had a long time
of stay in PACU. Based on our findings, we recommend the PACU team needs to
develop areaspecific institutional guidelines and protocols to improve the patients'
quality of care and outcomes in PACU.
Health Sci. Rep. 2022;5:e649.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Health Science Reports published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
anesthesia, postanesthesia care unit, postoperative complications
Postoperative complications in patients admitted to postanesthesia
care units (PACU) are frequent encounters and approximately
account for 4.25%37.3%, with severity ranging from trivial to
critical incidents.
Complications types may differ in literature for various reasons:
however, the most frequently encountered PACU complications
were respiratory, cardiovascular, hypothermia, pain, postoperative
nausea and vomiting (PONV), and central nervous systemrelated
adverse events.
According to the review reports of the Anesthesia Closed Claims
Project (CCP) database, the leading cause of anesthesiarelated
malpractice claims is the breakdown in communication.
The operating room (OR), the PACU, and the intensive care unit
(ICU) are particularly vulnerable to communication failures between
Ineffective communication in the PACU affects healthcare
expenses, length of hospital stays, unplanned ICU admission,
mortality, and morbidity.
The dearth of interventional studies revealed that the implemen-
tation of a checklist decreased the overall medical errors and rate of
preventable adverse events in PACU.
Another study also
showed that using the postanesthetic care tool (PACT) improves
early detection of patients at risk of deterioration, handover to
surgical ward nurses, and reduces health care expenses.
Therefore, prevention and management strategies based on
implementing standardized handover protocols, proper staffing of
welltrained experts, monitoring devices, and infrastructures to
improve the quality of patient care should be a crucial part of safe
anesthesia in PACU.
In previously published studies, patient, anesthesia, and surgery
related risk factors have been identified for PACU complications.
Further explorations into the etiology of these complications should
help for developing strategies to prevent and manage those critical
The recommendation and guidelines proposed vary considerably
between clinical setups in a diverse health context; hence resource
oriented local solutions to each health system, particularly in
resourcelimited settings should be considered.
In a fourcentered study done in Canada, american society of
anesthesiology (ASA) physical status, length of anesthesia duration,
the occurrence of intraoperative complications, and use of pure
spinal or narcotic techniques have been identified as independent
single risk factors for PACU complications.
On the other hand, the study done in the Philippines revealed
that duration of surgery, the occurrence of intraoperative complica-
tions, and postoperative complications were identified as significant
predictors for the length of stay at PACU.
Despite the magnitude of the problem in daily clinical activity,
there has been very little or no research examining the incidence and
factors associated with PACU complications in subSaharan countries
including Ethiopia. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the
incidence of complications and associated factors among surgical
patients admitted in limitedresource settings of the PACU.
2.1 |Study design, settings, and patients
A hospitalbased observational study was employed from February
01 to May 30, 2021, in St. Paul's millennium medical college and
teaching hospital, Ethiopia.
This study was reported in line with STROCSS criteria and
registered at with research registry UIN:
research registry 7482.
The study was approved by the St. Paul's hospital ethical
clearance committee and informed written consent was obtained
from each study participant and/or legal guardians of underage study
participants. Confidentiality was assured throughout the research.
2.2 |Inclusion criteria
During the study period, we included all surgical patients who were
admitted to PACU for monitoring and stabilization into this study.
2.3 |Exclusion criteria
Patients transferred directly from the operation theater to an ICU,
ward, or outpatient department were excluded.
2.4 |Postoperative and postanesthesia care
On the arrival of patients from the OR to the PACU, the responsible
nurses applied standard monitoring. Cardiovascular variables (HR,
DBP, and SBP) were measured using noninvasive monitoring devices.
Respiratoryrelated variables (oxygen saturation, breathing pattern,
and respiratory rate) were observed using pulse oximetry and clinical
observation. Other adverse events (pain, PONV, hypothermia,
consciousness level, bleeding from the incision site, and unplanned
ICU admission) were monitored.
General anesthesia was induced using either intravenous or
inhalational anesthetics agents with muscle relaxants to facilitate
tracheal intubation. Inhalational agents and opioids were used for the
maintenance of anesthesia and analgesia respectively. After the
surgery was completed, reversal agents were administered before
extubation and transferred to PACU depending on the patients'
physiologic status and the clinical judgment of the responsible senior
In our setup, the overall activities including staffing and infra-
structures provided in PACU are suboptimal compared to the standard
of care recommended by the American Society of Anesthesiology.
The timing of monitoring and documentation depends on the
patients' physiologic status and varied among care providers of the unit.
Moreover, there are no standardized pain management protocols and
discharge criteria. The unit provides minimal to intermediate care for
surgical patients who may require close observation of vital signs,
temporary noninvasive ventilation, and hemodynamic support. This
single unit is equipped with six beds to provide services for all patients
regardless of the age group and type of surgery
Nurses are available at all times, and anesthetists/anesthesiologists
supervise the overall activities based on patients' conditions. However,
the nurses working in our setup didn't receive any kinds of training in
PACU. In the institution, there is a lack of a uniform and standardized
checklist used for discharging the patients from one department to
another; however, each patient admitted to PACU was monitored for a
minimum of 14 h, and discharged to the respective wards/units.
The primary outcome of our study was to estimate the incidence
of any complications in patients admitted to PACU. Complications
were categorized into respiratoryrelated complications (including
desaturation, stridor, and wheezing), cardiovascular (hypotension,
hypertension, bradycardia, tachycardia, and shock), central nervous
system (agitation, deep sedation, seizure, and confusion), and 0ther
complications (excessive pain, hypothermia, bleeding from the
incision site, reintubation, and unplanned ICU admission). Operational
terms of complications are presented in Table 1.
TABLE 1 Operational definitions of terms
Desaturation Oxygen saturation <94% checked by pulse oximetry Noninvasive ventilation
Airway maneuvers
Stridor Highpitched sound during inspiration CPAP
Wheezing Highpitched sound during expiration
Hypertension: A systolic BP > 160 mmHg for longer than 5 min and/or
increased by 20% from baseline
Fluid restriction
Hypotension: A diastolic BP < 90 mmHg for longer than 5 min and/or
decreased by 20% from baseline
Fluid administration
Tachycardia Heart rate >100 for adults, different in different pediatric age
Bradycardia Heart rate <60 for adults and less than 80 for children Oxygen
Excessive pain Moaning or screaming, writhing in pain at any time in PACU or
initial care dominated by pain control or requiring more
analgesic than ordered.
Weak opioids
ICU admission Unplanned requirement of ICU admission before discharge
from PACU
ICU care
Reintubation Unplanned intubation before discharge from PACU Treating the underlying
Hypothermia A temperature <36.5Cooling measures
PONV Nausea and/vomiting during PACU stay Fluid
A patient who developed any cardiovascular, and/or respiratory
adverse events (laryngospasm and/or bronchospasm and/or
aspiration) and/or significant blood loss.
Optimizing and treating
the underlying causes
blood loss
A total blood loss >30% of an estimated blood volume during
the intraoperative period
Blood transfusion
Abbreviations: CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; ICU, intensive care unit; PACU, postanesthesia care unit; PONV, postoperative nausea and
2.5 |Sample size and sampling techniques
We calculated the sample size from the primary outcome variable by
using single population formula, which is the incidence of PACU
complications. Since there is no preliminary data in the study setting
p= 0.5 (prevalence of PACU complications 50%) was taken for the
calculation to get the largest sample size, 95% confidence interval,
and 5% margin of error giving us 384 study subjects. Since the
studied population in a year is less than 10,000, the corrected sample
size formula was used, and the final sample size becomes 396 by
adding a 10% attrition rate. A convenient sampling technique was
used to select the study participants.
2.6 |Data collection techniques
We collected our data using a pretested questionnaire by trained 4
PACU nurses and anesthetists data collectors. Demographics and
preexisting comorbidity variables were documented from the patient
medical chart. The occurrences of complications and length of PACU
stay were recorded from bedside observation, monitoring devices,
and documentation of attending nurses until discharging patients to
the respective department. The data were crosschecked by the
principal investigator to ensure accuracy and completeness.
2.7 |Data analysis
We entered and analyzed data using Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS version 26). We used descriptive statistics to summarize
the frequency table, and the standardized residual tests to test the
outlier data. Multicollinearity was checked by VIF, tolerance, and
confidence index. All independent variables were analyzed using
bivariate analysis, and the variables that had an association at a p
value less than or equal to 25 were entered into a multivariable logistic
regression model, and pvalue < 0.05 was considered to be a risk factor
for PACU complications during the postoperative period in this study.
The results of associated variables were presented as a frequency table,
crude, and adjusted odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval. Hosmer
Lemeshow test was used to check the goodness of the model, and the
model was the best fit with a pvalue of 689.
3.1 |Demographics and preexisting comorbidity
characteristics of the study participants
A total of 396 patients admitted to PACU during the study period
were enrolled for final analysis. Of these, 204 (51.51%)
were males and females accounted for 192 (48.49%). The mean
(SD) of the study participants was 38.99 (19.47) with a range of
4 months to 96 years. Regarding the ASA physical status, the majority
305 (77.02%) of patients were ASA class I followed by ASA class II 69
(17.42%) and ASA class III 22 (5.56%). Assessment of preoperative
comorbidity revealed that only 94 (23.74%) of patients had pre
existing comorbidity as shown in Table 2.
3.2 |Anesthesiarelated characteristics of study
Of all study participants, 296 (74.75%) had received general
anesthesia. With regard to the level of anesthesia care providers,
246(62.12%) of the procedures have been performed by residents
and anesthetists 150 (37.88%). Cases with intraoperative complica-
tions were observed only in 35 (8.34%) patients. The mean (SD)
duration of anesthesia and duration of stay in the PACU was 157.88
(86.87) and 170.74 (38.49), respectively (Table 3).
3.3 |Surgeryrelated characteristics of study
The majority of 298 (75.25%) types of surgery were elective, and the
rest 98 (24.75) were emergency. Regards to surgical indication by
specialty, most of them were general surgery 147 (37.12%),
gynecology 44 (11.12%), orthopedics 43 (10.86%), and variety of
TABLE 2 Demographic characteristics of study participants
Variables Category Number Percent
Sex Male 204 51.51
Female 196 48.49
Age group 5 36 9.1
615 15 3.8
1629 101 25.5
3045 79 19.95
4660 127 32.05
>60 38 9.6
ASA classification 1 305 77.02
2 69 17.42
3 22 5.56
None 302 76.26
Respiratory 9 2.27
22 5.55
Neurological 3 0.76
Endocrine (DM) 17 4.3
retoviral infection 24 6.06
>1 Comorbidity 19 4.8
pediatrics surgery 41 (10.35%). The majority of the surgical
procedures have been done in supine position 359 (90.66%). More
than twothirds of 304 (76.76%) surgical duration were between
0 and 3 h (Table 4).
3.4 |Incidence of PACU complications
Of the total study participants admitted to PACU, the total incidence
of PACU complications was 217 (54.8%) as shown in Figure 1. Among
those, 58 (14.64%) patients had developed more than one complica-
tion and only 14 (3.53%) of them had required unplanned reintuba-
tion and ICU admission.
3.5 |Types of PACU complications
With regard to the types of PACU complications, the majority of
patients were developed respiratory and airway related adverse
events 94 (43.32%) followed by PONV 48 (22.12%), and
cardiovascular related adverse events 41 (18.9%) as shown in
Table 5.
TABLE 3 Anesthesiarelated characteristics of study participants
Types of anesthesia General 296 74.75
Regional 60 15.15
Combined 24 6.06
anesthesia care
16 4.04
Level of anesthetist Anesthetist 150 37.88
Resident 246 62.12
Anesthesia duration
02 h 172 43.43
23 h 106 26.77
34 h 77 19.45
>4 h 41 10.35
Intraoperative complication
Yes 35 8.84
No 361 91.16
Duration of stay in the
postanesthesia care
60120 min 172 43.43
120180 min 106 26.77
180240 min 77 19.45
>240 min 41 10.35
TABLE 4 Surgeryrelated characteristics of the study
Variables Category Frequency Percent
Types of surgery Elective 298 75.25
Emergency 98 24.75
Surgical indication by
General surgery 147 37.12
Gynecology 44 11.12
Orthopedics 43 10.86
Pediatric surgery 41 10.35
Cardiothoracic 15 3.78
Hepatobiliary 17 4.3
Urosurgery 32 8.08
Neurosurgery 29 7.32
ENT 28 7.07
Position during surgery Supine 359 90.66
Prone 13 3.28
Lateral 11 2.78
Lithotomy 13 3.28
Surgical time (hours) 02 h 144 36.36
23 h 160 40.4
34 h 60 15.15
>4 h 32 8.09
FIGURE 1 Incidence of complications among surgical patients
admitted to postanesthesia care units.
TABLE 5 Types of postanesthesia care unit complications of
study participants
Types of complications Frequency Percent
Airway and respiratory 94 43.32
cardiovascular system 41 18.9
Postoperative nausea and vomiting 48 22.12
central nervous system 19 8.76
Other complications 15 6.9
3.6 |Patient, anesthesia, and surgeryrelated
factors associated with PACU complications among
study participants
The results from multiple logistic regressions showed that female sex,
prolonged duration of anesthesia, intraoperative complications
presence, and length of stay in PACU were found to be statistically
significant with PACU complications.
Female sex (AOR = 2.570; 95% CI: 1.6214.075), duration of
anesthesia greater than 4 h (AOR = 5.406; 95% CI: 2.41812.088),
intraoperative complications occurrences (AOR = 2.238; 95%
CI: 0.9915.056) and duration of PACU stay > hours 4.538
(2.0899.857) had shown an association with postoperative compli-
cations in PACU (Table 6).
The infrastructure and staffing of PACU in lowincome countries are
often substandard; with less equipped monitoring, a limited number
of beds, a lack of locally adopted protocols, and trained health care
providers. These limitations significantly impact the clinical outcomes
of the early postoperative period. With such resourceconstrained
environments, standardizing the service became even more crucial to
improve the quality of care.
Certainly, it is desirable to ado pt prediction tools in surgical
patients, when the risk of postoperative complications is high,
but, staffing and medical resources of a particular clinical setup
should be considered. Developing risk prediction tools is not
enough, though. It can be used as a baseline source to develop
evidencebased clinical pathways. Implementing and evaluating
the adopted clinical pathway to improve the quality of post-
operative care is the key.
This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of complications and
associated factors among surgical patients admitted in limited
resource settings of the PACU.
In our resourceconstrained setup, there is an inconsistently
predefined protocol for management and discharge criteria of patients,
that is, no or substandard clinical pathways. Thus, this study can serve
to identify problems and find solutions for countries with limited setup.
Despite most of the patients being ASA class I without
comorbidity, our study has revealed that the overall incidence of
postoperative complications in PACU among patients undergoing
surgery is 54.6%. In contradiction to our finding, previous studies
conducted in different countries using a varied standard of care had
reported that only (4.25%37.3%) of surgical patients had developed
PACU complications.
This significant discrepancy could be explained by the fact that in
our study area there are traditional and inconsistent handover
limited nursing staff compared to workload intensity,
medical resources constraints to provide standardized care. By
implementing costeffective clinical pathways in routine practice,
the early identification of structural problems may significantly
improve patient care and postoperative outcome.
Of all PACU complications, the majorities (17.7%) were respiratory
and airwayrelated complications. These findings are consistent with
previous studies.
The possible explanation for the high rate of
respiratory complications is due to hypoventilation caused by hypo
TABLE 6 Multivariate logistic regression analysis showing factors associated with PACU complications
Variables Category
PACU complication
COR (95% CI) AOR (95% CI) pvalueNo Yes
Sex Male 117 87 1 1 <0.001
Female 62 130 2.820 (1.8704.251) 2.570 (1.6214.075)***
Duration of anesthesia hours 02 101 69 1 1
23 42 66 2.3 (1.4043.767) 2.226 (1.3303.725)** 0.002
34 26 51 2.871 (1.6355.041) 3.050 (1.6905.505)*** <0.001
>4 10 31 4.508 (2.0899.857) 5.406 (2.41812.088)*** <0.001
Intraoperative complication No 9 26 1 1 0.025
Yes 170 191 2.571 (1.1725.641) 2.238 (0.9915.056)**
Duration of PACU stay hours 1212 61 1
23 80 74 2.300 (1.4043.767) 1.226 (0.4263.527) 0.242
34 44 62 2.871 (1.6355.041) 1.898 (0.6455.584) 0.054
>4 43 75 4.538 (2.0899.857) 2.177 (0.7416.401)** 0.020
Note: Statistically significant
Abbreviations: AOR, adjusted odds ratio; COR, crude odd ratio; PACU, postanesthesia care unit.
**p< 0.05; ***p< 0.001.
active emergence and residual effects of muscle relaxant agents, as
most of the participants had undergone surgery with general anesthe-
In disagreement with our finding, other studies
reported that
the majority of PACU complications were cardiovascularrelated. In
another study, PONV,
central nervous system,
and pain
were reported as the most common PACU complications.
Depending upon the severity of complications, poorly managed
events in the early postoperative period can diversely impact the
clinical outcome; which may increase the length of hospital stays,
unplanned ICU admission, reintubation, and even death.
Therefore, prevention of critical incidents and provision of
evidencebased care should be an integral role of standard patient
care in the PACU.
Our study found that female sex, duration of anesthesia,
presence of intraoperative complications, and duration of stay in
PACU were factors associated with PACU complications.
Female patients were more at risk of developing complications
than their male counterparts (AOR = 2.570; 95% CI: 1.6214.075).
Similarly, other studies
also found that being a female is a risk
factor to develop PACU complications. This discrepancy could be
explained by the fact that: the higher incidence of PONV
postoperative pain
in female patients attributed to the high rate of
PACU complications. Provisions of preemptive analgesia and PONV
prophylaxis for female patients are crucial to improving postoperative
Another factor associated with PACU complications in the
present study was the duration of anesthesia. Duration of anesthesia
>4 h (AOR = 5.406; 95% CI: 2.41812.088) and 23 h (AOR = 3.050
95% CI: 1.6905.505) had fiveand threefold risk for developing
PACU complications compared to the duration of anesthesia less
than or equal to 2 h, respectively. This result is consistent with other
that reported the risk of developing PACU complica-
tions is higher in patients with prolonged duration of anesthesia.
The intraoperative complications presence (AOR = 2.238; 95%
CI: 0.9915.056) was a risk factor to predict PACU complications, as
revealed by the present study.
Different risk factors identified as challenging preoperatively
might be strongly associated with intraoperative complications. The
occurrences of intraoperative complications increased the likelihood
of postoperative morbidity and prolonged hospital stay (6, 7, and 10).
Therefore, the identification of risk factors for perioperative
complications and adequate optimization should be an integral part
of anesthetic management.
Inconsistent with our findings, other studies revealed that types
of anesthesia, the urgency of surgery, ASA class, preexisting disease,
and other factors are associated with PACU complications. The
standard of clinical setup, types of surgery performed, level of
expertise, available medications, sustainable training, and attention
given to the health sector might contribute to the dissimilarity of the
The length of stay in PACU greater than 4 h (AOR = 4.538; 95%
CI: 2.0899.857) were strongly correlated with the incidence of
PACU complication, our study also observed that patients who
encountered PACU complications significantly required a prolonged
duration of stay than initially planned compared to patients without
4.1 |The limitation of the study
Our study had some limitations. First, we conducted our study in
resourcelimited settings of a singlecenter hospital which is difficult
to conclude the overall features of the country. Second, this study
identified complications that exclusively occurred in PACU and failed
to detect any types of postoperative complications experienced by
patients after being discharged from PACU. Furthermore, we
included mixed population and diversified age groups which might
affect the confounding factors.
4.2 |Strength of the study
This study is prospective and observational used as a primary source
of data.
The incidence of PACU complications is 54.6% in the present study
which is higher than in prior studies done in different countries.
Female sex, intraoperative complications occurrence, and duration of
anesthesia are found to be independent risk factors for developing
PACU complications. Based on the present study's findings, we
recommend the PACU team needs to develop areaspecific institu-
tional guidelines and protocols to improve the patient outcomes in
PACU. We also recommend the researcher conduct a multicentered
study on a larger group of patients.
Bisrat Abebe: Conceptualization; data curation; formal analysis;
funding acquisition; investigation; methodology; project administra-
tion; resources; software; supervision; validation; visualization;
writingoriginal draft; writingreview and editing. Natnael Kifle:
Conceptualization; data curation; formal analysis; funding acquisition;
investigation; methodology; project administration; resources; soft-
ware; supervision; validation; visualization; writingoriginal draft;
writingreview and editing. Muluken Gunta: Conceptualization; data
curation; formal analysis; funding acquisition; investigation; method-
ology; project administration; resources; software; supervision;
validation; visualization; writingoriginal draft; writingreview and
editing. Temesgen Tantu: Conceptualization; data curation; formal
analysis; funding acquisition; investigation; methodology; project
administration; resources; software; supervision; validation; visual-
ization; writingoriginal draft; writingreview and editing. Mekete
Wondwosen: Conceptualization; data curation; formal analysis;
funding acquisition; investigation; methodology; project
administration; resources; software; supervision; validation; visual-
ization; writingoriginal draft; writingreview and editing. Dereje
Zewdu: Conceptualization; data curation; formal analysis; funding
acquisition; investigation; methodology; project administration;
resources; software; supervision; validation; visualization; writing
original draft; writingreview and editing.
The authors acknowledge St. Paul's hospital millennium medical
college for giving us ethical clearance. Our thanks also go to data
collectors and study participants for their invaluable support.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
Dereje Zewdu affirms that this manuscript is an honest, accurate, and
transparent account of the study being reported; that no important
aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from
the study as planned (and, if relevant, registered) have been explained.
Mekete Wondwosen
Dereje Zewdu
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How to cite this article: Abebe B, Kifle N, Gunta M, Tantu T,
Wondwosen M, Zewdu D. Incidence and factors associated
with postanesthesia care unit complications in resource
limited settings: an observational study. Health Sci. Rep. 2022;5:
e649. doi:10.1002/hsr2.649
... This allows healthcare professionals, especially nurses, to identify and repair the needs of patients whose condition is worsening [5]. However, many barriers to nursing care in the PACU have been identified [6][7][8][9]. This review elucidates the significance and methodology of nursing care in the PACU, complications that manifest in the PACU's early phase, challenges inherent to nursing care therein, and potential strategies to surmount these challenges. ...
... In addition, it is stated that taking the necessary precautions in advance according to the type of surgery and the condition of the patient can reduce complications. In the observational study of Abebe et al. [7], in which the incidence of complications in PACU and related factors were examined, it was stated that the incidence of complications was 54.8% in surgical patients admitted to PACU, and respiratory complications and nausea/vomiting were the most common complications. It was found that female gender, duration of anesthesia > 4 h, and duration of stay in PACU > 4 h were associated with postoperative complications. ...
... However, it is stated that clear and complete transfer-based communication supports the PACU team in maintaining care and achieving the results sought by the patient and family/caregiver [6]. Abebe (2022) stated that according to the review reports of the Anesthesia Closed Claims Project (CCP) database, the leading cause of anesthesia-related malpractice errors is communication breakdowns. Communication problems between clinicians are frequently experienced in operating rooms, PACU, and intensive care units. ...
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The post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) is the section where the effects of anesthesia are expected to pass following surgery, the patient's vital signs are aimed to be stable, and the prevention of possible complications is aimed. In PACU, patients may encounter many complications after surgery and anesthesia. The most common complications include acute pain, hypoxemia, nausea, vomiting, delirium, hypothermia, etc. It is stated that most of the complications in the post-anesthesia care phase are seen between the first 1 and 5 h. Nursing care is significant in PACU to improve the quality of recovery of patients and to prevent complications that may occur. Nurses must be highly qualified and have knowledge and skills in the treatment and care of patients from different surgeries of varying complexity that require specialized and individualized care. Complications and side effects can be detected early with adequate nursing observation, care, and treatment in PACU, and the incidence of complications, mortality rates, and length of hospital stay can be reduced with timely intervention. However, unexpected increases in patient volume or acuity, prolonged patient stay in the unit, nurses' lack of knowledge and skills in some subjects, lack of staff, excessive workload, communication barriers between surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses, the absence of structured information reporting systems, lack of a standard PACU transfer checklist, and inability to allocate sufficient time for nursing care due to heavy administrative burden in addition to psychosocial factors such as high stress, insufficient sleep, and lack of active rest intervals, prevent adequate nursing care in PACU. The existing literature does not offer a comprehensive examination of nursing care in the PACU, the complications arising therein, impediments to nursing care, or recommendations to address these challenges. This review, seeking to elucidate the methodologies of nursing care within the PACU, highlighting its significance, identifying challenges, and proposing solutions, is anticipated to act as a foundational guide for practitioners, administrators, and scholars in the domain, facilitating the resolution of nursing care barriers and enhancing the body of knowledge on this topic.
... Intraoperative hypotension (IOH) is a common occurrence during surgery. Its prevalence can vary across different regions due to various factors, such as variations in clinical practices, resources, healthcare infrastructure, and cultural differences [1]. While IOH can occur in individuals of any age, it is more commonly observed in older adults aged 65 and above [2]. ...
... However, in cases where non-modifiable factors such as age and ASA score are present, complete optimization may not always be possible [24]. Modifiable factors, such as close intraoperative monitoring and prompt interventions, can influence postoperative complications [1]. Our results support previous studies that have identified risk factors for PACU duration and complications [25]. ...
... Notably, mIOH had a significant impact on PACU recovery, while pIOH had a relatively benign effect due to the influence of anesthetics. Both IOH groups and the ephedrine usage group exhibited an increased need for unplanned ICU admission, emphasizing the importance of proper communication between the operating room and the ICU [1]. However, the question of why hypotension affects postoperative recovery remains. ...
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Background: The underlying causative mechanism leading to intraoperative hypotension (IOH) may vary depending on the stage of anesthesia and surgery, resulting in different types of IOH. Consequently, the incidence, severity, and postoperative complications associated with IOH types may differ. This study explores the association between IOH types and post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) recovery, with a focus on duration and complications. Methods: From May 2022 to December 2022, we included 4776 consecutive surgical patients aged ≥18 who underwent elective surgery with planned overnight stays at Acibadem Altunizade Hospital and received general anesthesia. Post-induction hypotension (pIOH) was defined as a decrease in blood pressure during the first 20 minutes after anesthesia induction, while maintenance intraoperative hypotension (mIOH) referred to a decrease in blood pressure occurring after the 20th minute following induction, with or without preceding pIOH. Results: Among the included patients, 22.13% experienced IOH, with a higher prevalence observed among females. Patients with mIOH exhibited higher rates of bleeding, transfusions, hypothermia, longer stays in the PACU, and increased oxygen requirements. The duration of anesthesia did not increase the likelihood of IOH. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that ephedrine usage, hypothermia, the need for additional analgesics, nausea, and vomiting were factors associated with longer PACU duration. Older patients (≥65), patients with ASA≥2 status, those undergoing major surgery, experiencing unexpected bleeding, and exhibiting hypothermia at the end of anesthesia had a higher likelihood of requiring vasopressor support. Conclusions: Patients experiencing hypotension, particularly during the maintenance of anesthesia, are more prone to complications in the PACU and require closer monitoring and treatment. Although less common, mIOH has a more significant impact on outcomes compared to other factors affecting PACU recovery. The impact of mIOH on PACU duration should not be overlooked in favor of other factors. Registration: identifier: NCT05671783.
... The PACU is a specialized area within a hospital or surgical center where patients are closely monitored and cared for immediately following a surgical procedure or the administration of anesthesia [18]. The length of stay in the PACU can vary depending on the type and complexity of the surgery, as well as the patient's response to anesthesia and the surgical procedure [19]. ...
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Understanding the intricate relationship between cancer clinicopathological features and anesthetics dosage is crucial for optimizing patient outcomes and safety during surgery. This retrospective study investigates this relationship in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) undergoing video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). A comprehensive analysis of medical records was undertaken for NSCLC patients who underwent VATS with intravenous compound inhalation general anesthesia. Patients were categorized based on histological, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and epidural anesthesia factors. Statistical analysis was performed to compare the differences between the groups. The results revealed compelling insights. Specifically, patients with lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) undergoing VATS exhibited higher dosages of rocuronium bromide and midazolam during general anesthesia, coupled with a shorter post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) stay compared to those with squamous cell carcinoma (sqCL). Furthermore, chemotherapy patients undergoing VATS demonstrated diminished requirements for phenylephrine and remifentanil in contrast to their non-chemotherapy counterparts. Similarly, radiotherapy patients undergoing VATS demonstrated a decreased necessity for rocuronium bromide compared to non-radiotherapy patients. Notably, patients who received epidural anesthesia in combination with general anesthesia manifested reduced hydromorphone requirements and prolonged hospital stays compared to those subjected to general anesthesia alone. In conclusion, the findings from this study indicate several important observations in diverse patient groups undergoing VATS. The higher dosages of rocuronium bromide and midazolam in LUAD patients point to potential differences in drug requirements among varying lung cancer types. Additionally, the observed shorter PACU stay in LUAD patients suggests a potentially expedited recovery process. The reduced anesthetic requirements of phenylephrine and remifentanilin chemotherapy patients indicate distinct responses to anesthesia and pain management. Radiotherapy patients requiring lower doses of rocuronium bromide imply a potential impact of prior radiotherapy on muscle relaxation. Finally, the combination of epidural anesthesia with general anesthesia resulted in reduced hydromorphone requirements and longer hospital stays, suggesting the potential benefits of this combined approach in terms of pain management and postoperative recovery. These findings highlight the importance of tailoring anesthesia strategies for specific patient populations to optimize outcomes in VATS procedures.
... Based on evidence-based medicine, standardized protocols and standards for anesthesia practice should be created and implemented, considering particular difficulties and resources in lowresource settings. 33 Review and update of guidelines often reflect new developments in anesthesia practice. To find and close patient care gaps, it is important to build ongoing quality improvement systems. ...
This review paper explores the difficulties that the Pakistani anesthetists experience while working in settings with limited resources and emphasizes the need of offering them support, help, and encouragement. Similar to many other poor nations, Pakistan has substantial shortages of the healthcare resources, which can have a negative influence on anesthetists' working conditions. The paper emphasizes the need for efforts to improve Pakistani anesthetist’s well-being and professional growth, while also inviting attention to the special challenges they have to confront during discharge of their professional duties. This narrative review suggests that encouraging, assisting, and supporting anesthetists who operate under such demanding circumstances can improve their motivation, job satisfaction, and generally, their ability to offer high level of patient care. Key words: Low Resource Settings; Limited Resources; Encouragement; Professional Growth; Challenges; Motivation; Job Satisfaction; Workload; Continuing Education; Training; Psychological Stress; Emotional Support Citation: Zahid MA, Ali P, Saddique F, Khan B, Rehman MA, Kumar A. "Resilience unveiled: empowering Pakistani anesthetists in challenging low-resource environment". Anaesth. pain intensive care 2023;27(5):592−598; DOI: 10.35975/apic.v27i5.2299 Received: Jul 29, 2023; Reviewed: Aug 07, 2023; Accepted: Aug 10, 2023
... The term hemodynamic refers to a physiological system concerned with the motion of blood inside the body. Hemodynamic balance calls for sufficient blood or fluid inside the body for the coronary heart to acquire and pump, ok strain from the heart to work in opposition to the systemic vascular resistance to transport the blood around the frame, and an efficaciously running pump to transport the obtained blood [9,10]. Several risk factors predict intra-operative hemodynamic instability. ...
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Unlabelled: The magnification technique offered by surgical loupe is a new method that enhances visualization and helps head and neck surgeons with recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) and parathyroid glands identification. This study aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of using binocular surgical loupes in thyroidectomy procedures. Material and methods: Eighty patients with thyroid nodules who underwent thyroidectomy procedure were divided randomly into two comparable groups, group A subjected to thyroidectomy by using binocular magnification loupe, group B underwent conventional thyroidectomy without using magnification. Patients' demographics, operation time, and postoperative morbidities were recorded. All cases had preoperative and postoperative vocal cords assessment by video laryngoscopy. Pathology, laboratory, and radiology investigations were also conducted. Results: Out of 80 patients, there were 58 females and 22 males. Benign thyroid pathology was found in 74 patients and malignant pathology in 6 patients. The mean operating time was 106 min in group A compared to 138.5 min in group B. The mean amount of intraoperative bleeding was 30 ml in group A while 50 ml in group B. There were no cases of the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve in both groups; there was better identification in group A. There was only one patient who suffered from a temporary RLN injury in group A, while three cases of temporary and one case of permanent RLN injury were recorded in group B. Permanent hypoparathyroidism was diagnosed in only one patient in group B. Conclusion: The utilization of binocular surgical loupe magnification in thyroid surgery is considered a safe and effective maneuver that has the advantages of decreasing the overall operating time and significantly reducing postoperative complications.
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Thyroid disorders are prevalent among Yemenis. However, there is limited data regarding thyroid disease burden, surgical intervention outcomes, and predictive factors in our country. This study aims to review the indications, histopathology, and complications of thyroid surgery in a resource-limited setting where the management is provided primarily by general surgeons. A retrospective study between Jun 2010 and March 2019 included 246 cases who underwent thyroid operations for a thyroid disorder in Al-Nasr Hospital, Ibb, Yemen. The patient's demographic characteristics, operative findings, complications, fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) results, final pathology, and outcomes were gathered and analyzed. The mean age was 41.60± 8.31 years. The prevalence was high (30.1%) in the age group of 31-40 years and females (87.8%) with a female-to-male ratio of 7.2: 1. The main indication for thyroidectomy was compressional symptoms (35%), and the main preoperative cytology findings were multimodular goiter (89%). There was thyroid cancer in 18(7.3%) patients, and the most type was follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) in 9 patients. The most typical type of surgery was near-total thyroidectomy in 186 (75.6%) patients. Complications were presented in 47 patients (19.1%), and total mortality was observed in 5(2.03%) patients. Intraoperative bleeding was the most typical complication in 36 (14.6%) patients. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of FNAB were 96.34%, 44.44%, and 96.34%, respectively. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) was not precise enough in diagnosing FTC with a sensitivity of 55%. Our result showed a considerable rate of postoperative complications of thyroid surgery, and thyroidectomy may be a viable option even in a resource-limited setting or performed by general surgeons.
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Background: Postoperative complications are frequent encounters in the patients admitted to post-anesthesia care units (PACU). The main aim of this study was to assess the incidence and associated factors of complications among surgical patients admitted to PACU. Methods: This is an observational study of 396 surgical patients admitted to PACU. This study was conducted from February 1 to March 30, 2021, in Ethiopia. Study participant's demographics, anesthesia, and surgery-related parameters, PACU complications, and length of stay in PACU were documented. Multivariate and bivariate logistic regression analyses, the odds ratio (OR), and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated. P-value < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: The incidence of complications among surgical patients admitted to PACU was 54.8%. Of these, respiratory-related complications and postoperative nausea/vomiting were the most common types of PACU complications. Being a female (AOR=2.928;95%CI:(1.899-4.512)) was significantly associated with an increased risk of developing PACU complications. Duration of anesthesia >4 hours (AOR=5.406; 95% CI (2.418_12.088) revealed an increased risk of association with PACU complications. The occurrences of intraoperative complications (AOR=2.238; 95% CI (0.991_5.056) during surgery were also associated with PACU complications. Patients who develop PACU complications were strongly associated with length of PACU stay for > 4 hours (AOR=2.177; 95% CI (0 .741_ 6.401)). Conclusion: The identified risk factors for complications in surgical patients admitted to PACU are female sex, longer duration of anesthesia, and intraoperative complications occurrences. Patients who developed complications had a long time of stay in PACU.
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Background During transverses abdominal plane block (TAP) procedure to provide analgesia in cesarean section (CS) operation, the use of perineural dexamethasone as an additive agent may improve pain relief and may cause a prolonged block duration. This study aims to investigate whether perineural dexamethasone, when added to bupivacaine local anesthetic agent during a TAP block, may provide adequate pain relief without adverse events. Methods This is a prospective cohort study of fifty-eight patients undergoing elective CS with spinal anesthesia. We hypothesized to perform bilateral TAP block using perineural dexamethasone as an additive agent. The patients were randomly divided into two groups using a systematic random sampling method. While one group of patients received perineural dexamethasone of 8 mg additive agent together with bupivacaine 0.25% 40 ml (Group TAPD), the other group received only bupivacaine 0.25% 40 ml in TAP block (Group TAPA). The primary outcomes are the period for the first request of postoperative pain relief medication and the numerical rating scale (NRS) pain intensity scores at 2, 6, 12, and 24 h after surgery. The secondary outcomes are comparing the 24-h tramadol and diclofenac analgesic requirements and the incidences of side effects on postoperative day one. A p -value of < 0.05 is statistically significant. Results The time to first analgesic request was 8.5 h (8.39–9.79) in the TAPD group versus 5.3 h (5.23–5.59) in the TAPA group, respectively. ( p < 0.001) The median NRS scores were significantly reduced in the TAPD group compared to the TAPA group at 6, 12, and 24 h after surgery ( p -values < 0.001). The total analgesics consumption over 24 h postoperatively was lower in Group TAPD compared to Group TAPA ( p < 0.05). Conclusion An additive agent of perineural dexamethasone at a dose of 8 mg during bilateral TAP block for elective CS operation under spinal anesthesia provided better pain relief on postoperative day 1.
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Background Practical use of risk predictive tools and the assessment of their impact on outcome reduction is still a challenge. This pragmatic study of quality improvement (QI) describes the preoperative adoption of a customised postoperative death probability model (SAMPE model) and the evaluation of the impact of a Postoperative Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) pathway on the clinical deterioration of high-risk surgical patients. Methods A prospective cohort of 2,533 surgical patients compared with 2,820 historical controls after the adoption of a quality improvement (QI) intervention. We carried out quick postoperative high-risk pathways at PACU when the probability of postoperative death exceeded 5%. As outcome measures, we used the number of rapid response team (RRT) calls within 7 and 30 postoperative days, in-hospital mortality, and non-planned Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission. Results Not only did the QI succeed in the implementation of a customised risk stratification model, but it also diminished the postoperative deterioration evaluated by RRT calls on very high-risk patients within 30 postoperative days (from 23% before to 14% after the intervention, p = 0.05). We achieved no survival benefits or reduction of non-planned ICU. The small group of high-risk patients (13% of the total) accounted for the highest proportion of RRT calls and postoperative death. Conclusion Employing a risk predictive tool to guide immediate postoperative care may influence postoperative deterioration. It encouraged the design of pragmatic trials focused on feasible, low-technology, and long-term interventions that can be adapted to diverse health systems, especially those that demand more accurate decision making and ask for full engagement in the control of postoperative morbi-mortality.
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Background: Post-anesthesia recovery is a continuous process which is considered to be complete after the patient returns to their preoperative physiological state. Although all patients who have had an operation under anesthesia are in a potentially unstable physiological state, most patients recover safely without significant problems due to better and immediate post-anesthesia care. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the staffing and service provision in the post-anesthesia care unit. Methods: A multicenter, institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted in post-anesthesia care units from November 28 to December 31, 2020. The data were collected using a questionnaire prepared from standards and guidelines of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, and the Royal College of Anesthetists by direct observation. Results: Ten hospitals found in Amhara regional state were examined for their staffing of and service provision in their post-anesthesia care units. The total ratio of nurses assigned in post-anesthesia care units to post-anesthesia care unit beds was around 1:3, with a minimum and a maximum ratio of 1:8 and 1:2, respectively. The average number of patients admitted in post-anesthesia care units per week was 98. Eighty percent of the hospitals' post-anesthesia care units had no policy or caregivers for cardiac arrest management. Conclusions and recommendations: Standards, policies, and guidelines are not well prepared and posted so as to be visible to every caregiver. The majority of the hospitals have staff without special training for the management of possible complications in the post-anesthesia care unit. Generally, hospitals need to ensure standardized patient care in the post-anesthesia care unit for better and safer patient outcomes.
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Background Cesarean delivery (CD) is a commonly performed obstetric surgical procedure and causes moderate to severe postoperative pain. Wound site infiltration (WSI) is becoming a technique to provide postoperative analgesia in a limited-resource setting in regardless of controversy on its effectiveness. The current study is to assess its effectiveness as a part of postoperative analgesia for parturients undergoing elective Cesarean section. Methods A Hospital-based prospective cohort study was employed on 58 parturients that underwent elective Cesarean section. Study participants were allocated into the Wound site infiltration and Control group based on planned postoperative pain management. A student t-test was used for normally distributed data while non-normally distributed data were analyzed by Mann Whitney U test. Pearson Chi-squared or Fisher's exact test were used to analyzing categorical data as appropriate. A p-value < 0.05 considered as statistically significant. Results The median time to request the first analgesia was significantly prolonged within Wound site infiltration 314.31 ± 47.71 in minutes compared to control group 216.9 ± 43.18 with a P-value of <0.001. The postoperative verbal NRS score was significantly reduced in Wound site infiltration compared to the control group at 4th and 6th hours with p values of <0.001 and 0.04 respectively. Conclusion Wound site infiltration performed following elective cesarean section under spinal anesthesia significantly prolonged time to request the first analgesia, decreases verbal NRS score, and total analgesic consumption within 24 h in postoperative period compared to control group.
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Background: The current study sought to determine the incidence of postoperative adverse events (AEs) based on data from the 2006 Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). Methods: This retrospective case-control study included patients who experienced postoperative AEs in 387 hospitals throughout Taiwan in 2006. The independent variable was the presence or absence of 10 possible postoperative AEs, as identified by patient safety indicators (PSIs). Results: A total of 17,517 postoperative AEs were identified during the study year. PSI incidence ranged from 0.1/1,000 admissions (obstetric trauma-cesarean section) to 132.6/1,000 admissions (obstetric trauma with instrument). Length of stay (LOS) associated with postoperative AEs ranged from 0.10 days (obstetric trauma with instrument) to 14.06 days (postoperative respiratory failure). Total hospitalization expenditures (THEs) ranged from 363.7 New Taiwan Dollars (obstetric trauma without instrument) to 263,732 NTD (postoperative respiratory failure). Compared to patients without AEs, we determined that the THEs were 2.13 times in cases of postoperative AE and LOS was 1.72 times higher. Conclusions: AEs that occur during hospitalization have a major impact on THEs and LOS.
Background Communication amongst team members is critical to providing safe, effective medical care. We investigated the role of communication failures in patient injury using the Anesthesia Closed Claims Project database. Methods Claims associated with surgical/procedural and obstetric anaesthesia and postoperative pain management for adverse events from 2004 or later were included. Communication was defined as transfer of information between two or more parties. Failure was defined as communication that was incomplete, inaccurate, absent, or not timely. We classified root causes of failures as content, audience, purpose, or occasion with inter-rater reliability assessed by kappa. Claims with communication failures contributing to injury (injury-related communication failures; n=389) were compared with claims without any communication failures (n=521) using Fisher's exact test, t-test, or Mann–Whitney U-tests. Results At least one communication failure contributing to patient injury occurred in 43% (n=389) out of 910 claims (κ=0.885). Patients in claims with injury-related communication failures were similar to patients in claims without failures, except that failures were more common in outpatient settings (34% vs 26%; P=0.004). Fifty-two claims had multiple communication failures for a total of 446 injury-related failures, and 47% of failures occurred during surgery, 28% preoperatively, and 23% postoperatively. Content failures (insufficient, inaccurate, or no information transmitted) accounted for 60% of the 446 communication failures. Conclusions Communication failure contributed to patient injury in 43% of anaesthesia malpractice claims. Patient/case characteristics in claims with communication failures were similar to those without failures, except that failures were more common in outpatient settings.
Purpose This study aimed to investigate the prevalence, activities, and reasons for missed nursing care in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) and the effect of intensive care unit (ICU) overflow patients. Design This is a single-center, cross-sectional survey. Methods Nineteen PACU-registered nurses of a tertiary care hospital participated. Over a 7-month period, participants were asked to complete a validated questionnaire, which included 19 items related to missed nursing care activities and 10 items related to reasons for missed nursing care. χ² test and 1-way analysis of variance were used for data analysis. Findings Questionnaires (N = 397) were completed. Prevalence of missed nursing care activities was 78.1% and was significantly higher in cases of ICU overflow patients (P < .001). The three most reported missed nursing care activities were “drug preparation, administration, and assessment of effectiveness," “patient surveillance and assessment," and “care associated with pain”; prevalence was significantly higher in cases of ICU overflow patients (P = .036, P = .003, and P = .004, respectively). The three most reported reasons for missed nursing care were “inadequate number of nursing personnel," “unexpected rise in patient volume or acuity," and “heavy admission or discharge activity". Conclusions The findings indicated missed nursing care was common in the PACU and increased in case of ICU overflow patients. Therefore, missed nursing care needs to be identified and minimized, while the number and length of stay of critically ill patients admitted to the PACU should be limited.
Background and Purpose Understanding the factors contributing to the variability in postoperative pain and function following lumbar spine surgeries (LSS) is necessary to plan inpatient rehabilitation and optimize surgical outcomes. In particular, variability due to age and gender has not been studied. This study's aim was to evaluate the variability in postoperative pain and function, during hospital stay, due to age and gender following LSS. Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis of 585 patients who underwent LSS during their hospital stay. Univariate ANCOVA was performed to study the differences in postoperative pain, and multivariate ANCOVA was performed to study the differences in postoperative function (gait distance, independency combined score, and balance combined score) between age groups (older adults [≥65 years of age] vs. younger adults) and gender. Results Younger patients reported statistically, but not clinically, significant higher postoperative pain than older patients (β = 0.652 [95% CI (0.382–0.986)], p < 0.001), and males reported statistically, but not clinically, significant lower postoperative pain than female patients (β = −0.583 [95% CI (−0.825 to −0.252)], p < 0.001) with adjustment of covariates. Male patients walked significantly longer distance than female patients (β = 0.272 [95% CI (0.112–0.432)], p = 0.001) with adjustment of covariates. However, these were clinically insignificant. With adjustment of preoperative diagnosis, type of surgery, severity of illness, and prior level of function, there was no statistically significant difference between age groups in walking distance, and between age and gender groups in independency combined score and balance combined scores. Discussion Following LSS, the difference in postoperative pain between age groups and gender are statistically but not clinically significant, suggesting patients require similar effective postoperative pain management regardless of age and gender. The apparent difference in age and gender in postoperative functional outcomes could be due to other factors.
Of the first 2000 incidents reported to the Australian Incident Monitoring Study 120 (6%) occurred in the recovery room after general, regional or local anaesthesia. Over two thirds (69%) of these involved the respiratory system, 19% were cardiovascular, 3 % involved the central nervous system and 9% were miscellaneous in nature. These recovery room incidents were associated with significantly more adverse outcomes (56%) than incidents in the operating theatre (24%). The types and relative frequencies of these recovery room incidents were similar to those of serious recovery complications in a recent analysis of closed malpractice claims; this suggests that incident monitoring may be useful in the study and prevention of recovery room complications. Over three quarters (77%) of all recovery incidents (and 88% of respiratory incidents) were detected clinically; the remainder were first detected by a monitor. A theoretical analysis showed that over 95% of respiratory events, had they been allowed to evolve, would have been detected by pulse oximetry before organ damage occurred, emphasising the potential importance of pulse oximetry in reducing adverse outcome from any complication in the recovery ward which might be “missed” by clinical observation. The findings of this study underline the importance of having an adequate number of trained recovery nursing staff supported by the availability of a pulse oximeter for each patient at least until the return of protective reflexes and the ability to maintain adequate arterial saturation has been established.
Background. The aims of this study were to determine the average length of stay in the Post-anesthesia CareUnit (PACU LOS) in the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) and to create a model that will predict the PACU LOSbased on the factors that significantly affect the LOS. Determination and prediction of PACU LOS is essential inresource utilization, and in cost containment and reduction. Addressing the modifiable variables that affect thePACU LOS may lead to an improvement in the LOS of patients in the PACU and, consequently, to better recoveryroom staffing and a reduced cost for the patients and the hospital. Methods. A prospective chart review of 400 postoperative patients admitted in the PGH PACU was done. Summarystatistics were presented. Using the set of variables found to be significant, a regression model was formulatedto estimate the PACU LOS. Results. The mean PACU LOS was 4.59 hours. There were significant differences in the mean PACU LOS basedon the occurrence of complications. There were also significant differences in the median PACU LOS based onthe type and duration of surgery, anesthetic technique, and duration of anesthesia. The multiple linear regressionmodel that best predicted PACU LOS included ASA-PS classification, type of surgery, duration of surgery, anesthetictechnique, and occurrence of intraoperative or postoperative complications. Conclusions. The mean PACU LOS of the Philippine Genera Hospital is higher than that of published data. Thefactors included in the model that best predicts PACU LOS may be studied to improve the PACU LOS.