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Abstract and Figures

Background: Pedicle screw instrumentation has revolutionized spine surgery on account of its superiority over other stabilization systems. It is safe when properly placed and versatile for a range of procedure from fracture fixation to complex deformity correction. Sound anatomical knowledge of the pedicle may also be helpful during surgical approach to lumbar foramina disc herniation and epidural steroid injection as well as in the diagnosis of some lumbar degenera­tive diseases and chronic back pain. In this study we aimed to provide locoregional data on lumbar pedicle morphometry of Nepalese population. Methods: A descriptive observational study was conducted on 50 dry adult human lumbar vertebrae of unknown sex at Chitwan Medical College from August 2020 to December 2020. Pedicular width, height and the interpedicular distance were measured. All the data were numerally coded in excel and analysis was done in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Results: The mean width of the pedicles of left side gradually increased as we moved down the vertebrae and measured 7.43 ±0.84 mm in L1 and 12.18±1.71 mm in L5 vertebrae. The mean width of the pedicles on the right side, however, showed an increasing trend with a lower value at L3 level and was measured as 7.91± 1.17 mm. The mean height of the pedicles alternatively decreased and increased down the vertebrae for both the sides. The mean interpedicular distance gradually in­creased craniocaudally and was found to be 20.35±0.95 for L1 and 25.97±3.58 mm for L5 vertebrae. Conclusions: This study confirmed the measurement of lumbar pedicles’ dimensions and provides its regional data on Nepalese population. These data may be critical for clinicians working near the vicinity of the lumbar pedicles.
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JCMC/ Vol 11/ No. 1/ Issue 35/ Jan- Mar, 2021
ISSN 2091-2889 (Online) ISSN 2091-2412 (Print)
Background: Pedicle screw instrumentaon has revoluonized spine surgery on account of its
superiority over other stabilizaon systems. It is safe when properly placed and versale for a
range of procedure from fracture xaon to complex deformity correcon. Sound anatomical
knowledge of the pedicle may also be helpful during surgical approach to lumbar foramina disc
herniaon and epidural steroid injecon as well as in the diagnosis of some lumbar degenera-
ve diseases and chronic back pain. In this study we aimed to provide locoregional data on
lumbar pedicle morphometry of Nepalese populaon.
Methods: A descripve observaonal study was conducted on 50 dry adult human lumbar vertebrae
of unknown sex at Chitwan Medical College from August 2020 to December 2020. Pedicular width,
height and the interpedicular distance were measured. All the data were numerally coded in excel
and analysis was done in Stascal Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.
Results: The mean width of the pedicles of le side gradually increased as we moved down the
vertebrae and measured 7.43 ±0.84 mm in L1 and 12.18±1.71 mm in L5 vertebrae. The mean width
of the pedicles on the right side, however, showed an increasing trend with a lower value at L3 level
and was measured as 7.91± 1.17 mm. The mean height of the pedicles alternavely decreased and
increased down the vertebrae for both the sides. The mean interpedicular distance gradually in-
creased craniocaudally and was found to be 20.35±0.95 for L1 and 25.97±3.58 mm for L5 vertebrae.
Conclusions: This study conrmed the measurement of lumbar pedicles’ dimensions and provides
its regional data on Nepalese populaon. These data may be crical for clinicians working near the
vicinity of the lumbar pedicles.
Journal of Chitwan Medical College 2021;11(35):46-51
Available online at:
¹Department of Anatomy, Chitwan Medical College, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal
²Department of Surgical Oncology, Plasc and Reconstrucve Surgery Unit, B. P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur-7, Chitwan, Nepal
³Department of Anatomy, Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Palpa, Nepal
⁴Department of Anatomy, Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital, Duwakot, Bhaktapur, Nepal
⁵Department of Anatomy, Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal
ISSN 2091-2889 (Online) ISSN 2091-2412 (Print)
Received: 12 Jan, 2021
Accepted: 25 Feb, 2021
Published: 25 Mar, 2021
Key words: Instrumentaon; Lumbar vertebrae;
Pedicle screws; Spinal manipulaon; Spine; Verte-
bral pedicles.
*Correspondence to: Sushma Khawada, Department
of Anatomy, Chitwan Medical College, Kailashnagar,
Bharatpur-13, Chitwan, Nepal.
Khawada S, Sudhin BN, Pandey N, Shrestha I,
Dhungel D. Morphometric study of lumbar ver-
tebral pedicles. Journal of Chitwan Medical Col-
lege.2021;11(35):46-51 .
Lumbar vertebra bridges axial skeleton with the appendicular
skeleton and help support the weight of the upper body and
permit movement. Short but strong paired pedicles arise
posterolaterally from each vertebral body near its upper
border. 1 Spine and orthopedic surgeons take advantage of
the robust nature and unique anatomy of lumbar pedicles
for transpedicular screw xaon. Lumbar canal stenosis as
suggested by decreased interpedicular distance is one of the
important cause of low backache. Transpedicular approaches
are also being increasingly used in many surgeries such as bone
biopsy, bone graing, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty as well
for the access of the spinal canal by anesthesiologist for lumbar
epidural anesthesia.2
The variability in width, height, orientaon and interpedicular
distance makes pedicle screw inseron very challenging. 3 For
a successful surgery and appropriate implant design, sucient
knowledge of lumbar vertebral pedicle morphometry and
anatomical data is crical in order to avoid inadvertent
penetraon of the pedicle wall. 4 The anatomy of the lumbar
pedicle has been extensively studied previously using cadavers,
dry bones and dierent imaging techniques; however, wide
regional variaons has been noted.2,5,6
The aim of this anatomical study was to quanfy pedicle
dimensions on dry adult lumbar vertebra by using direct caliper
A descripve observaonal study was conducted on dry
adult human lumbar vertebrae aer geng approval from
instuonal review commiee (CMC-IRC/077/078-020) of
Chitwan Medical College. The study period was from August
2020 to December 2020.
All the lumbar vertebrae collected at the Department of
Anatomy, Chitwan Medical College comprised the sample
frame in our study. Samples were selected using simple
random sampling technique. Sample size was calculated to be
50 using the formula n = Z² × σ² /d², where, n = sample size,
Z = 1.96 for 95% condence level, σ = 1.48 from populaon
standard deviaon taken from Choubisa et al2 and d = margin
of error as 0.41.
JCMC/ Vol 11/ No. 1/ Issue 35/ Jan- Mar, 2021 
ISSN 2091-2889 (Online) ISSN 2091-2412 (Print)
Fiy clean and dried lumbar vertebrae, ten from each
segments were included in the study. Deformed vertebra and
vertebra with broken fragments were excluded from the study.
The vertebra were serially numbered from one to y using
blue marker pen. The instruments needed for the study were
150 mm digital vernier caliper product of china accurate up-to
0.01mm, marking pen etc.
The following parameters were observed by the measurement:
Width of the pedicle (Horizontal) in mm: The width was taken
as the distance between the medial and lateral surfaces of the
Height of the pedicle (Vercal) in mm: The height was taken
as the distance between the superior and inferior margins of
the pedicle.
Interpedicular distance in mm: The measurement was done
at the medial surfaces of right and le pedicle of the same
The measurement of the Pedicle width, height and
interpedicular distance were done as shown in the Figures 1,
2 and 3 respecvely.
       
All the data were numerically coded in excel and analysis was
done in Stascal Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version
20. The mean and standard deviaon of width and height of
pedicle as well as interpedicular distance were calculated and
The study evaluated pedicle morphometry of 50 lumbar ver-
tebrae (L1–L5) of unknown sex. The results of the width and
height of both sides are shown below in Tables 1 and 2, while
the interpedicular distance are presented in Table 3.
Lumbar Vertebra  Maximum Minimum  Maximum Minimum
L1 7.32±0.83 8.41 6.07 7.43±0.84 8.7 5.94
L2 8.13±1.37 11.28 6.65 7.90±1.64 11.2 5.38
L3 7.91±1.17 9.01 5.78 8.46±1.19 9.86 6.49
L4 11.30±1.55 13.5 8.77 10.79±1.72 14.18 7.86
L5 12.28±1.45 13.8 9.81 12.18±1.71 15.04 9.38
Lumbar Vertebra  Maximum Minimum  Maximum Minimum
L1 14.76±1.40 18.2 13.29 14.12±1.36 17.47 12.9
L2 13.62±1.24 15.32 10.82 13.53±0.83 14.85 12.32
L3 14.58±1.16 15.89 12.47 14.11±1.23 15.93 11.68
L4 12.83±0.59 13.72 11.9 12.48±0.54 13.44 11.52
L5 13.24±2.16 16.64 10.06 13.37±1.60 16.93 11.19
JCMC/ Vol 11/ No. 1/ Issue 35/ Jan- Mar, 2021
ISSN 2091-2889 (Online) ISSN 2091-2412 (Print)
Lumbar vertebra  Maximum Minimum
L1 20.35±0.95 21.23 19.43
L2 21.43±1.16 22.37 20.84
L3 21.77±1.72 23.17 20.32
L4 23.41±1.61 24.39 22.32
L5 25.97±3.58 28.34 25.09
The largest pedicle width (PW) was seen on both sides at L5 with
a mean of 12.28 ± 1.45 mm on the right side and 12.18 ± 1.71 mm
on the le side. The smallest pedicle width was seen at L3 level
on the right side and L2 level on the le side. Of the 50 evaluated
vertebrae, only 5 vertebrae had width less than 5 mm. Pedicles
having width less than 5, 6 or 7 mm may pose diculty while
inserng screws; their frequency are tabulated in the Table 4. As
shown in Table 4, 40% and 30% of L3 vertebrae on the right and
le side respecvely had sub 8 mm pedicle width; 30% right sid-
ed and 20% le sided lumbar vertebrae had PW less than 7 mm.
While no L5 or right sided L4 vertebral pedicles had sub 8 mm
width, only 10% of le sided pedicles were less than 8 mm wide.
Levels  
     
L1 0341 1 5
L2 02 3 1 1 2
L3 1 2 1 02 1
L4 0 0 0 0 0 1
L5 0 0 0 0 0 0
There was an increase of PW from cephalic to caudal vertebral
level on the le side as shown in Figure 4. On the right side,
however, a small notch was noted at the L2-L3 level as shown
in Figure 5. It was found that the width of the pedicles on the
right and le side are signicantly dierent from each other (p
value < 0.00001).
The mean PH alternavely decreased and increased down
the vertebrae for both the sides and was noted to be 14.12
± 1.36, 13.53 ± 0.83, 14.11 ± 1.23, 12.48 ± 0.54 and 13.37
± 1.60 mm for the le side and 14.76 ± 1.40, 13.62 ±1.24,
14.58 ±1.16, 12.83 ± 0.59 and 13.24 ± 2.16 mm for the right
side respecvely. This ‘staircase like’ descent of the mean PH
seemed more symmetric on the right side as compared to
the le side as shown in Figure 6 and 7. Signicant dierence
between the pedicle heights was noted between the two sides
(p value = 0.047).
At vertebral levels L1 to L3, PH was always greater than the PW;
the gap, however, gradually decreased as we moved caudally.
Although 20% of L4 vertebrae on the right side and 10%on the
JCMC/ Vol 11/ No. 1/ Issue 35/ Jan- Mar, 2021 
ISSN 2091-2889 (Online) ISSN 2091-2412 (Print)
le side had larger PW as compared to PH,30% on the right and
20% on the le side had such paern at L5 level.
The mean IPD in our study increased steadily from L1 to L5
vertebral level with a relavely steeper climb caudally as
shown in Figure 8.
The lumbar vertebra, being the mobile region of the vertebral
column, is oen involved during accidents, degenerave
changes, congenital defects and metastasis. Advances in
medical technology has enabled spine surgeons maneuver a
screw to x it for regaining acvity.7 Posterior approach into the
lumbar pedicle is a preferred method for a screw placement
as it has been proven to be the strongest part of the vertebra
even in osteoporoc bone.8 A mistakenly placed pedicle screw
can, however, impinge nerve root, leak cerebrospinal uid,
fracture pedicle and cause screw loosening.
Screw placement in praccable posion requires in-depth
anatomical knowledge of the lumbar pedicles. Individual
variability as well as age, gender and ethnic dierences
would make its accurate placement challenging.6,9 Although
intraoperave use of modern radiological techniques such
as navigaon with CT, uoroscopy or O-arm decreases the
inadvertent risk of injury to the surrounding structures, it sll
carries some risk of a screw misplacement; nkering the screw
for intraoperave adjustment would increase the risk further.10
We used direct caliper measurements for lumbar pedicles. It
has advantage over radiological methods as it provides the
most accurate account of pedicle morphometry.8
Pedicle width (PW) is the most important limitaon in relaon
to pedicle screw xaon due to its smaller size compared
to the pedicle height (PH). In our study, PW progressively
increased from L1 to L5 on the le side. The width on the right
side, however, increased from L1 to L2, slightly decreased at
L3, and again increased at L5 which is unlike any other study.
Most authors, however, have noted the width to gradually
increase from L1 to L5.11-14 Alam et al noted that, although,
the pedicle diameter in their study of 49 CT images gradually
increased from L1 to L5; the mean values for the L3 and L4
vertebrae were idencal. 15 The width of the pedicle is smallest
at L1 and largest at L5 level which suggests that pedicle screw
xaon is relavely unsafe at upper lumbar vertebra. The
values of the PW in our study are comparable to some studies;
2,6,12 however, few studies have documented smaller values11,16
while many studies have shown higher values as compared to
ours.8,13,17 Some authors have noted a much smaller values in
some of their specimens at L111,14 and a much higher value at
L5 level.13,16,18 L2 and L5 vertebra on the le side had the lowest
(5.38 mm) and highest (15.04 mm) value of pedicle width in our
study. Shorter stature of Nepalese populaon on addion to
genec, environmental and dietary factors could have played a
role in the overall smaller pedicle dimension in our populaon.
Yu et al noced that pedicle width at level L1 to L3 was more
in African Americans as compared to Caucasians while reverse
was true at levels L4 and L5.8 Dzierżanowski et al noted that
most morphometric lumbar similaries concern the L1 and L2
vertebra bodies; whereas it varied the most in the caudal part
of lumbar spine, irrespecve of the race.10
Due to a smaller number of sub-8 mm PW at the lower
vertebral pedicles (Table 4), it seems reasonable to use a
5 mm pedicle screw diameter for lower lumbar xaon in
Nepalese populaon but we support the exisng literature
recommending pre-operave use of imaging and liming the
screw diameter to less than 80% of the measured width for its
safe placement.19
Many studies have shown that PH values decreases from L1
to L5. 4,12,15 In our study, however, we noted that PH slightly
increased at L3 level, decreased at L4 and increased again at L5.
These ndings are in accordance to few other studies.20-22 Some
authors noted that the PH increased from L1 up-to L2 and then
gradually decreased.2,6,16 Dzierżanowski et al observed that
the PH decreased steadily on the right side; on the le side,
however, it decreased up-to L4 and then increased. 10 Mitra
et al as well as Kim et al noted that the mean PH gradually
decreased from L1 to L4 but it again increased at L4 and L5.
11,18 Seema et al noted a minimum vercal diameter at L5 level
while the maximum value was seen at L2 level in their study of
100 plain X-ray lms.17 In our study, the mean PH ranged from
12.83 to 14.76 mm on the right side and from 12.48 to 14.12
mm on the le side. L1 on both sides had the highest mean P
values; the largest PH value being 19.47 mm on the le side
and 18.20 mm on the right side.
Interpedicular distance is a reliable index for the assessment
of the size of the lumbar canal and its measurement may be a
preliminary, but useful aid in the diagnosis of the lumbar canal
stenosis syndrome. 23
We report a progressively increasing mean interpedicular
distance from 20.35 ± 0.95 mm at L1 to 25.97 ± 3.58 mm at
L5. This is in agreement with several other studies showing
interpedicular distance to increase gradually from L1 to
L5.17,23,24 Al-Rakhawy et al and Banik et al encountered a dip in
IPD at L3 level while Aar et al found the mean IPD increase to
halt at L2 level.23,25,26
Some studies have reported much larger values of IPD at L5
level.5,24,25 The remarkably higher value at L5 was probably
JCMC/ Vol 11/ No. 1/ Issue 35/ Jan- Mar, 2021
ISSN 2091-2889 (Online) ISSN 2091-2412 (Print)
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11. Mitra SR, Dar SP, Jadhav SO. Morphometric study of the lumbar pedi-
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12. Acharya S, Dorje T, Srivastava A. Lower dorsal and lumbar pedicle mor-
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13. Zindrick MR, Wiltse LL, Doornik A, Widell EH, Knight GW, Patwardhan AG
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14. Lin HH, Wang JP, Lin CL, Yao YC, Wang ST, Chang MC, et al. What is the dif-
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17. Seema, Verma P, Singh M. Morphometric study of pedicles of the lumbar
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19. Albano J, Lentz J, Stockton R, DePalma V, Markowitz M, Ganz M, et al. De-
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caused by the dierent conguraon of the vertebra, in which
the pedicles were more lateroventrally implanted on the body
and were fused with the transverse processes.27
Mansur et al noted that the transverse diameter of the spinal
canal of any lumbar vertebra is proporonal to the size of the
vertebral body at that level and that its rao with the body
would be more helpful for idenfyng spinal canal stenosis.5
Choubisa et al from India compared their ndings with the
study by Marasini et al from Nepal and noted that lumbar IPD
of their populaon was 5 to 6 mm less while PH and PW were
1 mm more.2,6
Although the dierence in pedicle size between gender, age
and race has been well documented in literature, we are
unable to report such a nding as the present study was
conducted in dry adult lumbar vertebrae of unknown sex.20.24.28
Further studies are warranted on lumbar morphometry on a
larger populaon in both genders and in various ethnic groups
for generalizability.
The study was carried out in preserved human lumbar
vertebrae. No comparison was made with clinical or radiological
data. Low sample size and specimen of unknown sex may have
introduced some inaccuracies in our measurements.
The present study noted that the mean width of the le sided
pedicles gradually increased down the vertebrae whereas the
right side showed an increasing trend with a lower value at L3
level. The mean pedicle height alternavely decreased and
increased down the vertebrae for both the sides. IPD gradually
increased as we moved down the vertebral level. Regional data
from the present data forms a baseline of adult lumbar vertebral
morphology and would be useful for anatomists, radiologists,
surgeons and physicians. It may also be helpful for the screw
and implant manufacturers. Larger study with sex and ethnic
consideraon can generate forensic and anthropological data
of the Nepalese populaon.
The author would like to thank Mr Naresh Khawada for his
help in stascal analysis of the raw data.
JCMC/ Vol 11/ No. 1/ Issue 35/ Jan- Mar, 2021 
ISSN 2091-2889 (Online) ISSN 2091-2412 (Print)
21. Azu OO, Komolafe OA, Ofusori DA, Ajayi SA, Naidu ECS, Abiodun AA. Mor-
phometric study of lumbar vertebrae in adult South African subjects. Int
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... Width of the Pedicle: In relation to pedicle screw fixation pedicle width is more important than pedicle height due to its smaller size and it has also some limitation. In this study pedicle width progressively increased from L1 to L5 both on right and left side that is similar to some studies but differ from Seema where mean width of the pedicles increased from L1 to L4 but decreased from L4 to L5. 1,3,6,8,[9][10][11][12][13][14] It is also seen in some other studies that the values are lower than this research such as Tan S H et al. 15 Height of the Pedicle: In the study, it is seen that the mean height of the pedicle showed decrease at the level of L3 both on the right and left side. Height is almost similar in L1 and L2 both on right and left side. ...
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Background: In the dynamic part of the spinal column the lumbar vertebra are the largest vertebra that support the maximum body weight and exhibit the greatest degree of degenerative changes. Pedicles of the vertebra act as a port to perform procedures inside the bodies of the vertebra such as biopsies, vertebroplasties or kyphoplasties. Pedicle screw fixation is a technically demanding procedure. Accurate anatomical knowledge of the morphometry of vertebral pedicle are also important for preoperative procedure, planning and in the design and manufacture of pedicle screws. The objective of this study to observe the morphometry of lumbar pedicles to determine the size of the screw in transpedicular screw fixation on the perspective of Bangladesh. Materials and methods: A descriptive observational study was conducted at Southern Medical College and Hospital in the Department of Anatomy on 65 dry adult human lumbar vertebra from December 2020 to May 2021. Width height of pedicle along with antero-posterior diameter of lateral recess (Depth) were observed by using digital Vernier Calipers and after recording data were analysed. Results: The study shows that there is gradual increase in the mean width of the pedicles on both right and left side from L1 to L5. Mean height of the pedicle and antero-posterior diameter of lateral recess both showed decrease at the level of L3 both on the right and left side. Conclusions: The measured data will give a gross measurement of pedicle of lumbar vertebra on Bangladeshi people, hope to provide the clinicians a better support during working with pedicles. IAHS Medical Journal Vol 4(2), December 2021; 51-54
... 11,12 There are very sparse series of lumbar morphometry from Nepal, that too using dry vertebral specimen, plain X-ray or MRI. [13][14][15] The aim of this study is to present various anthropometric characteristics of lumbar vertebra, disc and canal from CT images of the lumbar spine in Nepalese population reported at a tertiary care hospital. ...
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Introduction: Understanding anatomy of the lumbar vertebrae is necessary to achieve clinical success during surgery, for the development of the spinal implants and instruments and to understand changes in elderly and in male and female patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done in 50 patients in Nepal to study the lumbar morphometric analysis of the vertebral body, intervertebral disc and spinal canal. Patients who underwent CT IVU for nephrolithiasis at our center were included for analysis of the lumbar morphometry. All the traumatic cases and pathological lesions, such as infection, tumor were excluded from the study. Patients having low backache due to probable intervertebral disc pathology were also excluded from the study. Data analysis was done from Microsoft excel and the mean, standard deviation and range were calculated. Results: The anterior-posterior diameter of the vertebral body, varied from 25.97 mm at L1 to 29.39 mm at L5. The transverse diameter of the body ranged from 31.55 mm at L 1 to 44.13mm at L5. There were changes in height of body. First from L1 - L3 there was increase in height and from L4-L5 there was decrease in height with least height at L5 (22.71mm). According to our study the L1 vertebra has narrowest transverse diameter of spinal canal(21.25mm) whereas L4 has narrowest antero-posterior diameter of spinal canal(12.37mm). Conclusion: In the lumbar area, detailed anatomical knowledge is critical for performing a safe operation. These findings give guidance to the surgeons during various approach while performing operative procedure like pedicle screws, vertebral body screws, cages and laminar hooks.
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Background: Lumbar region is the most vulnerable area for the common symptom of backache. The lumbar part of spinal canal encloses the cauda equina. Narrowing of the canal can be either developmental or acquired. This leads to compression of the cauda equina and subsequently pain develops which may be further associated with neurological features. The aim of the present study was to measure the dimensions of lumbar vertebrae. Methods: The present study was a descriptive and cross-sectional type. It consisted of 266 images of computed tomography scan of individuals. The various dimensions of lumbar vertebral canal and body were measured in millimeter. The descriptive statistical analysis was done. Results: The mean of the transverse diameter of lumbar vertebral canal increased from L1 to L5 but the antero-posterior diameter decreased from L1 to L4 followed by increased at L5. It was also observed that both transverse and antero-posterior diameter of body progressively increased from L1 to L5 vertebrae. The canal-body ratio was inconsistent for any vertebral level. There were sig­nificant differences in various dimensions of lumbar vertebrae between males and females. Conclusions: All the measured diameters of canal and body revealed increasing cranio-caudally sequence in the lumbar part of spine. The antero-posterior diameter of canal could attract the attention of clinician as an important structural change with significant radiological and clinical implications. Keywords: back pain; lumbar vertebrae; stenosis
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The aim of this study was to compare pedicle dimensions in degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) with those in the general population. A retrospective computerized tomography (CT) study for lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5) from two sample populations was used. The first included 165 participants with symptomatic DLSS (age range: 40-88 years, sex ratio: 80 M/85 F), and the second had 180 individuals from the general population (age range: 40-99 years, sex ratio: 90 M/90 F). Both males and females in the stenosis group manifested significantly greater pedicle width than the control group at all lumbar levels (P < 0:05). In addition, pedicle heights for stenosis females were remarkably smaller on L4 and L5 levels compared to their counterparts in the control group (P < 0:001). Males have larger pedicles than females for all lumbar levels (P < 0:001). Age and BMI did not demonstrate significant association with pedicle dimensions. Our outcomes indicate that individuals with DLSS have larger pedicle widths than the control group. More so, pedicle dimensions are gender-dependent but independent of age and BMI.
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Background Safe placement of pedicle screws without jeopardizing neurovascular structures medially and anteriorly is important during spine surgery. Inferior breach of pedicle is also dangerous due to low margin of error. Lumbar morphology and identical pedicle orientation at L1 to L5 shown on CT scan of young Taiwanese patients (90 patients) were analyzed and compared with findings reported for Caucasian subjects. Methods Previously reported techniques were employed to quantitatively elucidate the parameters regarding lumbar morphology and identical pedicle orientation at each vertebra. The parameters for pedicle angle (PA), pedicle diameter (PD), pedicle axis distance (PAD), midline axis distance (MAD), transverse pedicle axis distance (TPAD) and transverse intertangential angle (TITA) were measured. Results Taiwanese subjects had different PA, PD, PAD, MAD at L1 to L5 and TITA at L3 to L5 compared with Caucasian subjects. L5 had the most convergent pedicle axis, the widest PD and the shortest antero-posterior axis morphology. Conclusions This study provides detailed information for identifying pedicle orientation during pedicle screw placement and elucidate racial differences in lumbar morphology and pedicle orientation between Taiwanese and Caucasian populations.
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Study design: Retrospective chart review. Purpose: We sought to determine the differences in pedicle diameter (PD) in the lumbar spine between various races: 'Asian,' 'Black,' 'White,' and 'Other.' These data could aid in perioperative planning during instrumented spinal fusion. Overview of literature: Recent literature underscores the importance of understanding diverse pedicle isthmus morphology to perform successful transpedicular procedures. These studies suggest that more detailed and reliable measurements of pedicles should be undertaken. However, none of the current literature comprehensively compares average PDs between diverse racial populations with a standardized study design. Methods: Coronal cuts of 5,060 lumbar spine pedicles were inspected to obtain their transverse outer cortical PD as measured through the isthmus at L1-L5. Data were collected and categorized on the basis of patient-reported race. We examined average PD and PD range at each level for each race. To determine the significance, we used a mixed analysis of variance and a post hoc analysis. Results: The Asian cohort consistently had a significantly smaller PD at L1-L5 than Blacks or Whites (p<0.001), as did the 'Other' group compared with Blacks (p<0.001) and Whites (p=0.032). At L1-L2, the 'Other' group showed the least variability in PD. At L3-L5, the Asian population showed the smallest range, and the Black population had the largest variability in PD except at L5. There was a significant difference in PD between the various races. Conclusions: The Asian population consistently has significantly smaller pedicles in the lumbar spine than the Black or White populations. This information could prove useful for surgical planning. We suggest using preoperative computed tomography for pedicle screw templating as a safe method for pedicle screw instrumentation with the highest pullout strength given the wide range of PD in the Black population and the variability of PD between races.
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Lumbar vertebral dimensions provide vital clinical information of immense diagnostic benefits to medical experts. The present study provides data for lumbar vertebral dimensions of a cohort of specimens of South African females and males. Measurements were obtained from lumbar vertebrae from the osteological collections in the Discipline of Clinical Anatomy, Nelson Mandela School of Medicine using a digital caliper. The antero-posterior body diameter (APD), interpedicular distance (IPD), midsagittal diameter (MSD) and pedicle length (PL) were measured while ratio of MSD to APD was calculated. Results showed gradual increase from L1 to L5 for mean APD and IPD, and a decrease for mean PL from L1 to L5. Mean MSD was observed to present a “U” curve pattern from L1 to L5, while MSD/APD ratio decreased from L2 downwards. We report that certain lumbar dimensions also showed significant correlation with age at distinct lumbar levels. The present data provides a baseline of lumbar vertebral morphology for the South African adult cohort and requires further investigations with larger cohort.
Transpedicular stabilization is a frequently used spinal surgery for fractures, degenerative changes, or neoplastic processes. Improper screw fixation may cause substantial vascular or neurological complications. This study seeks to define detailed morphometric measurements of the pedicle (height, width, and surface area) in the aspects of screw length and girth selection and the trajectory of its implantation, i.e., sagittal and transverse angle of placement. The study was based on CT examinations of 100 Caucasian patients (51 women and 49 men) aged 27–75 with no anatomical, degenerative, or post-traumatic spine changes. The results were stratified by gender and body side, and they were counter compared with the available literature database. Pedicle height decreased from L1 to L4, ranging from 15.9 to 13.3 mm. Pedicle width increased from L1 to L5, extending from 6.1 to 13.2 mm. Pedicle surface area increased from L1 to L5, ranging from 63 to 140 mm². Distance from the point of entry into the pedicle to the anterior surface of the vertebral body, defining the maximum length of a transpedicular screw, varied from 54.0 to 50.2 mm. Variations concerning body sides were inappreciable. A transverse angle of screw trajectory extended from 20° to 32°, shifting caudally from L1 to L5, with statistical differences in the L3–L5 segments. A sagittal angle varied from 10° to 12°, without such definite relations. We conclude that the L1 and L2 segments display the most distinct morphometric similarities, while the greatest differences, in both genders, are noted for L3, L4, and L5. The findings enable the recommendation of the following screw diameters: 4 mm for L1–L2, 5 mm for L3, 6 mm for L4–L5, and the length of 50 mm. We believe the study has extended clinical knowledge on lumbar spine morphometry, essential in the training physicians engaged in transpedicular stabilization.
PurposeTo assess the pedicle morphology in the lower thoracic and lumbar spine in an Indian population and to determine the causes of pedicle wall violation by pedicle screws. Methods Computerised tomographic scans of 135 consecutive patients with thoracolumbar and lumbar spine fractures were prospectively analysed to determine the pedicle morphology. The transverse pedicle angle, pedicle diameter and screw path length at 527 uninjured levels were measured. Post-operative CT scans of 117 patients were analysed to determine the accuracy of 468 pedicle screws at 234 vertebrae. ResultsThe lowest (mean ± SD) transverse pedicle width in the lower thoracic spine was 5.4 ± 0.70 mm, whereas in the lumbar spine it was 7.2 ± 0.87 mm. The shortest (mean ± SD) screw path length in lower thoracic pedicles was 35.8 ± 2.10 and 41.9 ± 2.18 mm in the lumbar spine. The mean transverse pedicle angle in the lower thoracic spine was consistently less than 5°, whereas it gradually increased from L1 through L5 from 8.5° to 30°. Forty-one screws violated the pedicle wall, due to erroneous angle of screw insertion. Conclusions In the current study, pedicle dimensions were smaller compared to the Western population. In Indian patients, pedicle screws of 5 mm diameter and 30 mm length, and 6 mm diameter and 35 mm length can safely be used in the lower thoracic and lumbar spine, respectively. However, it is important to assess the pedicle morphology on imaging prior to pedicle fixation.