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Disasters and Hospital Safety in Nigeria

  • Kaduna State University, Kaduna, Nigeria


Nigeria has suffered from both natural and man-made disasters such as flooding, drought; civil unrest, genocide and insurgency; and the country is very important in the continent in terms of its population size, weak health systems and poor disaster preparedness. During disasters, hospitals play critical role by providing essential medical care to the injured in the communities. This paper assessed the relationship between disasters and hospital safety in Nigeria. The study is a narrative review using secondary literature from PubMed, Medline and Google scholar databases. The search words were disaster, Africa, Nigeria and hospital safety. Hospital safety index (HSI) is a global diagnostic tool that provides a snapshot of the probability of functionality of a hospital during disasters. It has structural, non-structural and functional factors in addition to environment and the health services network dimensions with 145 items that can be assessed and grouped into three safety categories- high (A), average (B) and low (C). Category A with score of 0.00-1.0, requires preventive measures to maintain and improve safety; category B with score of 0.36-0.65 measures are required in the short time to reduce losses; category C with score of ≤0.35 requires urgent measures to protect lives. Nigeria over the years has experienced flooding, epidemic, insurgency, fire outbreaks and gas explosion among others with serious impacts. The flood of 2012 alone caused 363 deaths, 2.1 million displaced persons, 18,282 injured and damages of $16.9 billion. The challenges include large gap between policy and implementation, poor knowledge and education on HSI, lack of hazards vulnerability and capacity assessment, hospital building code issues, corruption and poor post-disaster analyses. It is a wakeup call for synergistic action by the relevant stakeholders to reduce risk, protect health facilities and save lives in Africa in general and Nigeria in particular.
Corresponding Author‟s Email:
Nigeria has suffered from both natural and man-made disasters such as flooding, drought; civil unrest,
genocide and insurgency; and the country is very important in the continent in terms of its population size,
weak health systems and poor disaster preparedness. During disasters, hospitals play critical role by
providing essential medical care to the injured in the communities. This paper assessed the relationship
between disasters and hospital safety in Nigeria. The study is a narrative review using secondary
literature from PubMed, Medline and Google scholar databases. The search words were disaster, Africa,
Nigeria and hospital safety. Hospital safety index (HSI) is a global diagnostic tool that provides a
snapshot of the probability of functionality of a hospital during disasters. It has structural, non-structural
and functional factors in addition to environment and the health services network dimensions with 145
items that can be assessed and grouped into three safety categories- high (A), average (B) and low (C).
Category A with score of 0.00-1.0, requires preventive measures to maintain and improve safety;
category B with score of 0.36-0.65 measures are required in the short time to reduce losses; category C
with score of ≤0.35 requires urgent measures to protect lives. Nigeria over the years has experienced
flooding, epidemic, insurgency, fire outbreaks and gas explosion among others with serious impacts. The
flood of 2012 alone caused 363 deaths, 2.1 million displaced persons, 18,282 injured and damages of
$16.9 billion. The challenges include large gap between policy and implementation, poor knowledge and
education on HSI, lack of hazards vulnerability and capacity assessment, hospital building code issues,
corruption and poor post-disaster analyses. It is a wakeup call for synergistic action by the relevant
stakeholders to reduce risk, protect health facilities and save lives in Africa in general and Nigeria in
Keywords: Africa, Disasters, Hospital safety, Nigeria.
Global Emerging Pathogens
Treatment Consortium
Disasters and Hospital Safety in Nigeria
Joshua *IA1; Stanley AM2; Igboanusi CJC 3; Oguntunde RO 4;
Muhammad-Idris ZK 1; Audu O5
1Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaduna State
University, Kaduna State, Nigeria
2Department of Building, Faculty of Environmental Design, Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria
3Department of Public Health, 2 Division Medical Services and Hospital,
Headquarters, 2 Division, Nigerian Army, Adekunle Fajuyi Cantonment, Ibadan,
4University Health Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
5Department of Epidemiology and Community Health, College of Health
Sciences, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author: Istifanus A. Joshua
Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaduna State
University, Kaduna, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Phone: +2348037039752
Joshua et al. GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health (2022) 1, 1-6.
Africa has made remarkable strides, with annual
growth averaging 4.5 percent over the last 20
years, foreign direct investment increase of seven-
fold, life expectancy increased by six years and
school enrollment rise to 74 percent. Infant and
maternal mortality rates have decreased by 26 and
22 percent respectively in the last decade [1].
However, the positive development gains are
threatened by climate and disaster risks that
impact 10 million people on average every year in
Africa since 1970 [1]. A vicious cycle of poverty
and ill health is the reality for many African
countries. Almost half of the population of Sub-
Saharan Africa (SSA) live on less than one dollar a
day [2]. The continent shoulders a disproportionate
burden of the world‟s communicable diseases,
including the highest number of people living with
HIV (22.5 million in SSA) and the highest rates of
HIV-TB co-infection [2]. The main communicable
disease causes of morbidity and mortality are
diarrhoeal diseases, acute respiratory infections,
measles and vector-borne diseases (dengue,
yellow fever, CrimeanCongo haemorrhagic fever
and typhus) [3]. Africa is the home of 60 per cent of
the world‟s malaria-sufferers and witnesses 90 per
cent of the world‟s malaria deaths [2]. Malaria is
endemic in over 80% of areas affected by natural
disasters [3].
Disasters cause severe impact on social and
economic development in many African countries,
and the burden falls disproportionately on
vulnerable populations, namely the poor, ethnic
minorities, old people and people with disabilities
[1,4]. Various risk factors for human vulnerability to
disaster-related morbidity and mortality include low
income, low socioeconomic status, lack of home
ownership, single-parent family, older than 65
years, younger than 5 years, female sex, chronic
illness, disability, social isolation or exclusion [4,5]..
Africa has had both natural and man-made
disasters, with serious consequences. The Natural
disasters in the continent are predominantly hydro-
meteorological and climatological. Epidemics such
as Lassa fever, Ebola virus disease, plague,
measles, meningitis, dengue and COVID-19, also
comprise a large proportion of disasters in the
region [1,6]. Many parts of the continent are prone
to flooding. For example, heavy rains in Congo and
Northern Angola increasingly lead to massive
flooding in the areas banking the Zambezi River.
This was illustrated by the mega floods of 2000
and 2001 in Mozambique, which drew the world‟s
attention through television images of a woman
giving birth in a tree [2]. Such floods not only drown
people, livestock and homes, but also lead to a
great upsurge of waterborne diseases, such as
cholera, shigellosis, typhoid fever, among others
[3]. Leptospirosis is associated with flooding and
the increased proximity of rats to humans [7,8].
Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS) policy recognises that over 75 per cent
of the population of West Africa live in areas that
are regularly affected by natural hazards such as
floods, droughts, cyclones or earthquakes. It also
recognises that the level of vulnerability determines
whether these hazards will become disasters [2].
Nigeria is an important country in the Africa
continent and it has been suffering from natural
disasters such as flooding and man-made
disasters such as insurgency and ethno-religious
crises, among others. Hospitals have been
destroyed and health workers targeted in some
cases, compounding the health challenges,
especially in a country where the health system is
weak and human resources for health is poor. This
bad pre-disaster situation is usually worsened
when disasters occur. These include high social
and financial costs with the associated human
tragedy. Human vulnerability has been shown to
be responsible for the increased catastrophic
effects of disasters [9]. This paper assesses the
situation of disasters and hospital safety in Nigeria
in particular.
A disaster is defined as a serious disruption of the
functioning of a community or a society involving
widespread human, material, economic or
environmental losses and impacts, which exceed
the ability of the affected community or society to
cope using its own resources [10]. Disaster
impacts may include loss of life, injury, disease but
also other negative effects on human physical,
mental and social well-being, together with
damage to property, destruction of assets, loss of
services, social and economic disruption and
environmental degradation [10]. Disasters are
often classified according to their speed of onset
(sudden or slow), their cause (natural or man-
made), or their scale (major or minor).
Disasters may cause ill-health directly or
through the disruption of health systems, facilities
and services, leaving many without access to
health care in times of emergency. They also affect
basic infrastructure such as water supplies and
safe shelter which are essential for health [4]. The
public health impacts of disasters are many and
cannot be over-emphasised. Disaster severity
index (DSI) is used to quantify the impact of
disasters and it is calculated as number of persons
Joshua et al. GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health (2022) 1, 1-6.
killed plus the number affected divide by the total
population multiply by 100.
During times of disaster, hospitals play an
integral role within the health-care system by
providing essential medical care to their
communities [11]. To enhance the readiness of
health facilities to cope with the challenges of a
disaster, hospitals need to be prepared to initiate
fundamental priority action [11]. The role of the
hospital in maintenance and promotion of public
health is more important in times of crisis because
the hospitals also act as public shelters and a ray
of hope for the affected population in the crisis
Hospitals are complex and potentially
vulnerable institutions, dependent on external
support and supply lines. During a disaster, an
interruption of standard communications, external
support services, or supply delivery can disrupt
essential hospital operations and even a modest
unanticipated rise in admission volume can
overwhelm a hospital beyond its functional reserve.
However, resilient health systems based on
primary health care at community level can reduce
underlying vulnerability, protect health facilities and
services, and scale-up the response to meet the
wide-ranging health needs in disasters [4].
Health facilities, especially hospitals, are critical
assets for communities on day-to-day basis and
when disaster strikes. Yet they and health workers
are often among the major casualties of
emergencies, with the result that health services
cannot be provided to affected communities when
they are most needed [13].
Studies showed that during accidents and
disasters, the need for medical attention is highest
in the first 24 to 48 hours and 85 to 95 percent of
survivors are those that were rescued and received
effective medical aid in the first 24 hours [14].
Acts of violence, including direct attacks, have
increased the threats to the security of hospitals,
health workers, patients and health services [13].
Measures to ensure the safety, security and
functionality of health infrastructure are needed at
both national and community levels. Hospitals are
also important symbols of social well-being. A
Safe Hospital programme is an essential
component of a country‟s strategy for disaster risk
reduction and, in particular, emergency and
disaster risk management for health [13] and
resilient hospitals will be able to provide essential
services to affected people and it can mitigate the
risk of injuries during and after disasters [15].
World Health Organisation (WHO) and
partners have been promoting safe hospital
programmes for over 20 years through global,
regional and national policy commitments,
technical guidance and support to countries and
partner organizations in WHO‟s six regions [2].
Recent developments that are aligned with Safe
Hospitals have included a greater focus on security
measures to protect health workers and facilities in
areas of conflict, violence and criminality, and
initiatives to improve the energy efficiency and
waste management practices of „‟green“ or „‟smart“
hospitals [13].
The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015
makes specific reference to “promoting the goal of
„hospitals safe from disaster‟ by ensuring that all
new hospitals are built with a level of resilience that
strengthens their capacity to remain functional in
disaster situations and implement mitigation
measures to reinforce existing health facilities,
particularly those providing primary health care”.
The World Health Assembly and WHO Regional
Committees have passed resolutions with member
states pledging to make their hospitals safer.
A hospital safety index (HSI) is a rapid, reliable and
low-cost diagnostic tool that provides a snapshot of
the probability that a hospital or health facility will
continue to function in emergency situation. It
takes into account structural, non-structural and
functional factors in addition to environment and
the health services network. It is easy to apply by a
trained team of engineers, architects, builders and
health professionals, and it has allowed safety to
be gradually improved upon. It is an important first
step towards prioritizing a country‟s investment in
improving safety. It protects the lives of all
occupants, the investment in the infrastructures
and the functionality of new facilities and those
identified as priority facilities in the health service
network. 145 items or areas are assessed and
then subsequently categorized into one of the
three safety categories- high (A), average (B) and
low (C). Category A with score of 0.00-1.0,
requires preventive measures to maintain and
improve safety, while category B with score of
0.36-0.65 measures are required in the short time
to reduce losses. Category C with score of ≤0.35
requires urgent measures to protect life of patients,
visitors and hospital staff [13].
The Hospital Safety Index not only estimates
the operational capacity of a hospital during and
after an emergency, but it provides ranges that
help authorities determine which facilities most
urgently need interventions [12]. The failure of non-
Joshua et al. GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health (2022) 1, 1-6.
structural elements does not usually put the
stability of a building at risk, but it can endanger
people and the contents of a building [12].
Health systems are composed of public,
private and nongovernmental facilities which work
together to serve the community; these include
hospitals, primary health care centres, laboratories,
pharmacies and blood banks. Safe hospitals
programmes ensure health facilities are safely built
to withstand hazards, remaining operational in
emergencies [4].
Nigeria had experienced various degrees of
disasters over the years of which flooding and
epidemic are the natural ones. Others such as
road traffic accidents, oil spillage fire outbreaks
and terrorism are man-made and are avoidable. In
most cases, whether natural or artificial, Nigeria
has always been caught unawares because there
had not been any efficient disaster management
system in place and as such each time disaster
strikes, it usually results in significant human and
animal lives and economic losses to the country.
Flooding which is a recurring disaster in Nigeria is
usually caused by either climatic or non-climatic
factors, thus leading to river, flash, urban and
coastal floods among others [16]. In the history of
flooding in Nigeria, the worst experience was
recorded between July and October 2012 when
363 people lost their lives, 2.1 million people
across ten states were displaced and 18, 282 were
injured [17]. In 2012, floods in Nigeria caused
combined damages and losses of $16.9 billion, or
1.4 percent of GDP [17]. Armed banditry, terrorism
and ethno-religious crises have also resulted in
loss of lives and properties including houses,
hospitals and clinics in Nigeria.
The issue of hospital safety is a global
phenomenon but unfortunately, there are lots of
challenges in Nigeria. These include the large gap
between policy commitment and implementation,
lack of detailed vulnerability and capacity
assessment in hospital setups, development and
revision of building codes for hospitals in relation to
emerging disasters, lack of continuous training and
re-training of health workers in response to
disasters, lack of evaluation and learning lessons
from past disasters. Others include, assessing the
safety of existing health facilities, development of
national policy and programmes on hospital safety,
developing partnership between health facilities
and the communities, poor reduction of
vulnerability of persons and individuals to disaster
as a public health priority e.g. through poverty
reduction, non-inclusion of conflict resolution
mechanisms and peace education in school
curricula and lack of application of multidisciplinary
approach in hospital safety, among others[18].
According to the World Health Organization-
Western Pacific Region, the African Region has
the lowest density of physicians, nursing and
midwifery staff, and pharmaceutical personnel [13].
This means that the impact of disasters in Nigeria
will be catastrophic since these are the personnel
that treat the injured, maintain environmental
sanitation, and provide preventive, protective and
promotive health services. Nigeria being the most
populous black nation on earth with some fragile
demographic, socio-economic and health indices
will also have negative consequences in an event
of a disaster[19]. There have been documentations
that when health services and hospitals fail due to
disaster (from structural or functional reasons),
people die and suffer needlessly both during the
disaster and long into the future [20]. Health sector
damage can cause devastating secondary
Hospitals are safe from disasters when health
services are accessible and functioning, at
maximum capacity, immediately after a disaster or
an emergency. Safe hospitals will protect the lives
of patients and health workers, make health
facilities and health services function in the
aftermath of emergencies and disasters (when
they are most needed) and improve the risk
reduction capacity of health workers and
institutions, including emergency management
[20]. As such, every Nigerian should be made
aware of the importance of the issue and be
committed to helping ensure that hospitals and
health facilities are resistant to natural hazards
[20]. Hospitals are the setting in which health
workers work tirelessly to ensure the highest level
of service; and home to critical health services
such as public health laboratories, blood banks,
rehabilitation facilities or pharmacies [20].
Hospitals and health facilities represent an
enormous investment for any country and their
destruction imposes major economic burden and
its consequences.
The relationship between disasters and hospital
safety is very important in Africa in general and
Nigeria in particular as natural and man-made
disasters continue to cause deaths of humans and
destruction of hospital structures and equipment,
among others. The structural and non-structural
requirements should be taken seriously by
government in terms of policy, practice and
development both at African regional level and
Joshua et al. GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health (2022) 1, 1-6.
national level in order to reduce the losses and
disruption of services during disasters.
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... This is a terrifying result compared to the findings reported in many African countries, which have at least a documental contingency plan. The managers of the hospitals could face considerable challenges in disaster events, especially logistic deficiency involving a lack of funds, inadequacy of appropriate places to provide medical services, and a shortage of human resources [4,5,11,42,50,52,56]. ...
... In Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa with poor disaster preparedness and weak health systems, the issue of hospital preparedness has a lot of challenges. Nigerian hospitals in particular face a major gap between policy commitment and implementation, lack of detailed vulnerability and capacity assessment in setting up healthcare facilities, development and revision of hospital building codes in relation to emerging disasters, lack of continuous training and retraining of healthcare professionals involved in disaster response, lack of evaluation, and absence of considering lessons learned from past disaster experiences [46,56]. ...
Full-text available
Background Disasters are increasing worldwide, with Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) being one of the most prone regions. Hospitals play a key role in disasters. This study provides a systematic review of the evidence on disaster preparedness by hospitals in SSA countries based on English literature. Methods A systematic literature review was conducted of articles published between January 2012 and July 2022. We searched PubMed, Elsevier, Science Direct, Google Scholar, the WHO depository library and CDC sites for English language publications. The key inclusion criteria were: publications should have been published in the above period, deal with hospital disaster preparedness in SSA, the full paper should have been available, and studies should have presented a comparison between hospitals and/or a single hospital. Results Results indicate improvements in disaster preparedness over time. However, health systems in SSA are generally considered vulnerable, and they find it difficult to adapt to changing health conditions. Inadequately skilled healthcare professionals, underfunding, poor knowledge, the absence of governance and leadership, lack of transparency and bureaucracy are the main preparedness barriers. Some countries are in an infancy stage of their health system development, while others are among the least developed health system in the world. Finally, a major barrier to disaster preparedness in SSA countries is the inability to collaborate in disaster response. Conclusions Hospital disaster preparedness is vulnerable in SSA countries. Thus, improvement of hospital disaster preparedness is highly needed.
... We need more disaster medicine specialists to join the train! [1][2][3][4][5]. ...
Technical Report
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It was reported that explosives: dynamites being stored by some expatriate miners living in one of the apartments at the area generated palpable shock waves in neighboring and distant places from the site of event. It was a sad moment on 17/01/2024 in Ibadan, Nigeria as there was a massive explosion which occurred between 7:30 and 7:45 pm, at the Old Bodija axis (close to Dejo Oyelese street) behind the late Chief Bola Ige's residence. The said site was visited same night by deployed security personnels, and the emergency rescue team with mobilization of medical doctors living within and outside the Bodija perimeter to be on the alert. Many of the victims had various levels of blast injuries ranging from depressed skull fractures with underlying surface collection (epidural hematoma) requiring emergency neurosurgical intervention, different degrees lacerations and avulsions, to long bone fractures, early post-traumatic seizures, tympanic membrane perforations, etc. Victims received treatments at various private hospitals, general hospitals, primary health care centers, and the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Mortalities were recorded as many lost their lives during this unfortunate incident. In the 33-bedded emergency department of the University College Hospital Ibadan with patients already on admission, effective sorting, triage, transfers were made with mobilization of the necessary resources by the hospital management and effective rescue operations initiated. With effective triage disaster preparedness and management protocol , excellent clinical outcome was recorded. Lessons learnt will inform better disaster management policies and operationalization.
... We need more disaster medicine specialists to join the train! [1][2][3][4][5]. ...
Full-text available
It was reported that explosives: dynamites being stored by some expatriate miners living in one of the apartments at the area generated palpable shock waves in neighboring and distant places from the site of event. It was a sad moment on 17/01/2024 in Ibadan, Nigeria as there was a massive explosion which occurred between 7:30 and 7:45 pm, at the Old Bodija axis (close to Dejo Oyelese street) behind the late Chief Bola Ige's residence. The said site was visited same night by deployed security personnels, and the emergency rescue team with mobilization of medical doctors living within and outside the Bodija perimeter to be on the alert. Many of the victims had various levels of blast injuries ranging from depressed skull fractures with underlying surface collection (epidural hematoma) requiring emergency neurosurgical intervention, different degrees lacerations and avulsions, to long bone fractures, early post-traumatic seizures, tympanic membrane perforations, etc. Victims received treatments at various private hospitals, general hospitals, primary health care centers, and the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Mortalities were recorded as many lost their lives during this unfortunate incident. In the 33-bedded emergency department of the University College Hospital Ibadan with patients already on admission, effective sorting, triage, transfers were made with mobilization of the necessary resources by the hospital management and effective rescue operations initiated. With effective triage disaster preparedness and management protocol , excellent clinical outcome was recorded. Lessons learnt will inform better disaster management policies and operationalization.
Full-text available
Mass-casualty incidents and disaster scenarios pose significant challenges for medical facilities , necessitating robust preparedness measures. This study aimed to evaluate the preparedness of a specific medical facility in Poland, using the hospital safety index (HSI). A comprehensive analysis of structural, functional, and organizational factors was conducted, assessing facility infrastructure , technical facilities, safety standards, work organization, cooperation with external facilities, human resource management, crisis planning, and communication strategies. The facility exhibited strengths in infrastructural requirements and inter-facility cooperation. Areas of improvement included adherence to safety procedures, crisis communication, and the frequency of evacuation drills. Furthermore, recommendations were provided for enhancing nurse reserves, adopting lean management , promoting a safety culture, and refining business continuity plans. The findings should be interpreted with caution, due to the single-facility focus, potential HSI protocol subjectivity, and the possible Hawthorne effect. This study underscores the importance of continuous research and improvement in crisis management strategies and disaster-victim care, emphasizing the pivotal role of the HSI as an evaluative tool.
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Background: Households are important elements in food disaster preparedness and play important role in its management. This study compared household food disaster preparedness in food-prone rural and urban communities in Kaduna State. Methods: The comparative cross-sectional study was conducted among households in foodprone rural and urban communities in 2019. The study population were household heads. The sample size for the study was 202 each for the rural and urban communities. Respondents were selected by multi- stage sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Community members, community leaders and staff of Kaduna State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) were also purposively selected for focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and the qualitative data using content analysis. Results: The mean ages (+SD) of the household heads in the rural and urban communities were 39.4±12.9 years and 43.7±13.9 years, respectively. Ten (2.5%) of the households in the urban communities were very prepared against foods but none in the rural communities. The most available household disaster preparedness elements in the rural communities were radio 150 (74.3%), flashlight 139 (68.8%) while house food insurance was non-existent. For the urban communities, the most available elements were availability of non-perishable food 147 (72.8%), household evacuation destination 147 (72.8%) while the least was house food insurance 2 (1.0%). Conclusion: The household food disaster preparedness was poor in both the rural and urban communities. There is need for effective food disaster education and training by SEMA for both communities.
Full-text available
Background: Hospitals play a vital role in disaster stricken regions. The resilient hospitals will be able to provide essential services to affected people and it can mitigate the risk of injuries during and after disasters. This study aimed to obtain the indicators required for the evaluation of hospital resilience. Methods: This systematic review was conducted in 2018. Through this systematic review, international electronic databases were investigated for the research studies published in English. The exclusion and inclusion criteria were determined to extract the hospital resilience indicators. These indicators will be used in order to develop a model to keep the system performance at an acceptable level during disasters. Results: Out of 1794 research studies published until September 2018, 89 articles and guidelines with full text were surveyed. Thirty-two articles and guidelines were then selected and analyzed to collect the indicators related to hospital disaster resilience (HDR). The domains and the indicators were extracted from these selected research studies. The authors collected and categorized them into three domains and twenty seven subdomains. The three domains included constructive, infrastructural, and administrative resilience. The relevant indicators were designed for each subdomain to assess HDR. Conclusion: Since diverse indicators affect hospital resilience, other studies should be conducted to propose some models or tools to quantify the hospital resilience in different countries and scopes with an all hazards approach.
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Background In November 2012, the 62nd session of the Regional Committee for Africa adopted a comprehensive 10-year regional strategy for health disaster risk management (DRM). This was intended to operationalize the World Health Organization’s core commitments to health DRM and the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015 in the health sectors of the 47 African member states. This study reported the formative evaluation of the strategy, including evaluation of the progress in achieving nine targets (expected to be achieved incrementally by 2014, 2017, and 2022). We proposed recommendations for accelerating the strategy’s implementation within the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Methods This study used a mixed methods design. A cross-sectional quantitative survey was conducted along with a review of available reports and information on the implementation of the strategy. A review meeting to discuss and finalize the study findings was also conducted. Results In total, 58 % of the countries assessed had established DRM coordination units within their Ministry of Health (MOH). Most had dedicated MOH DRM staff (88 %) and national-level DRM committees (71 %). Only 14 (58 %) of the countries had health DRM subcommittees using a multi-sectoral disaster risk reduction platform. Less than 40 % had conducted surveys such as disaster risk analysis, hospital safety index, and mapping of health resources availability. Key challenges in implementing the strategy were inadequate political will and commitment resulting in poor funding for health DRM, weak health systems, and a dearth of scientific evidence on mainstreaming DRM and disaster risk reduction in longer-term health system development programs. Conclusions Implementation of the strategy was behind anticipated targets despite some positive outcomes, such as an increase in the number of countries with health DRM incorporated in their national health legislation, MOH DRM units, and functional health sub-committees within national DRM committees. Health system-based, multi-sectoral, and people-centred approaches are proposed to accelerate implementation of the strategy in the post-Hyogo Framework of Action era.
Over the past few decades, four distinct and largely independent research and policy communities--disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, environmental management and poverty reduction--have been actively engaged in reducing socio-economic vulnerability to natural hazards. However, despite the significant efforts of these communities, the vulnerability of many individuals and communities to natural hazards continues to increase considerably. In particular, it is hydro-meteorological hazards that affect an increasing number of people and cause increasingly large economic losses. Arising from the realisation that these four communities have been largely working in isolation and enjoyed only limited success in reducing vulnerability, there is an emerging perceived need to strengthen significantly collaboration and to facilitate learning and information exchange between them. This article examines key communalities and differences between the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction communities, and proposes three exercises that would help to structure a multi-community dialogue and learning process.
Disaster Risk Management for Health Fact Sheets: Global platform
  • Overview
Overview. Disaster Risk Management for Health Fact Sheets: Global platform, May 2011 Available from: erview.pdf (Accessed 1st February 2021)
World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa
  • F C Kasolo
  • J-B Roungou
Kasolo, FC, Roungou, J-B. Regional Logistics Strategic Plan 2015-2018. Brazzaville, Congo Republic: World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa. 2005 Available from: 1496/9789290232797.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowe =y (Accessed 1st February 2021)
World Health Organization
World Health Organization. Acute jaundice syndrome. WMMR. 2006; 23:8.
Healthcare Aspects of Crisis Management in Disaster
  • H Abolghasemi
  • A S Navidi
  • H A Mohebi
Abolghasemi H, Navidi AS, Mohebi HA. Healthcare Aspects of Crisis Management in Disaster. Mil Med 2002; 4: 93-98.
Disasters in Nigeria: A Public Health Perspective
  • I A Joshua
  • J G Makama
  • W I Joshua
  • O Audu
  • A G Nmadu
Joshua IA, Makama JG, Joshua WI, Audu O, Nmadu AG. Disasters in Nigeria: A Public Health Perspective. J Community Med Prm Health Care 2014; 26 (1): 59-75.