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The principles driving gene drives for conservation



Gene drive technology is an emerging biotechnology with the potential to address some of the most intractable global biodiversity conservation issues. Scientists are exploring potential gene drive applications for managing invasive species and building resilience in keystone species threatened by climate change. The possibility to use gene drive for these conservation purposes has triggered significant interest in how to govern its development and eventual applications. This includes a plethora of documents prescribing governance principles, which can be a sensible response to the governance gap created by emerging technologies and help shore up legitimacy. We conducted qualitative documentary analysis to examine the range and substance of principles emerging in the governance of conservation gene drive. Such analysis aimed to better understand the aspirations guiding these applications and how scientists and other experts imagine their responsibility in this field. We found a collection of recommendations and prescriptions that could be organised into a set of seven emerging principles intended to shape the governance of gene drive in conservation: broad and empowered engagement; public acceptance; decision-making informed by broad ranging considerations, state and international collaboration; ethical frameworks; diverse expertise; and responsible self-regulation by developers. We lay bare these emergent principles, analyzing the way in which they are valued, prioritized, and their strengths and weaknesses. By identifying these prescriptive principles, stakeholders can further interrogate their merits and shortcomings and identify more concrete ways that governance frameworks might embody them.
Environmental Science and Policy 135 (2022) 36–45
Available online 4 May 2022
1462-9011/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
The principles driving gene drives for conservation
Sarah Hartley
, Riley Taitingfong
, Pedro Fidelman
University of Exeter Business School, Streatham Court, Exeter EX4 4PU, United Kingdom,
University of California San Diego, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
Centre for Policy Futures, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
Invasive species
Gene drive
Emerging technology
Gene drive technology is an emerging biotechnology with the potential to address some of the most intractable
global biodiversity conservation issues. Scientists are exploring potential gene drive applications for managing
invasive species and building resilience in keystone species threatened by climate change. The possibility to use
gene drive for these conservation purposes has triggered signicant interest in how to govern its development
and eventual applications. This includes a plethora of documents prescribing governance principles, which can
be a sensible response to the governance gap created by emerging technologies and help shore up legitimacy. We
conducted qualitative documentary analysis to examine the range and substance of principles emerging in the
governance of conservation gene drive. Such analysis aimed to better understand the aspirations guiding these
applications and how scientists and other experts imagine their responsibility in this eld. We found a collection
of recommendations and prescriptions that could be organised into a set of seven emerging principles intended to
shape the governance of gene drive in conservation: broad and empowered engagement; public acceptance;
decision-making informed by broad ranging considerations, state and international collaboration; ethical
frameworks; diverse expertise; and responsible self-regulation by developers. We lay bare these emergent
principles, analyzing the way in which they are valued, prioritized, and their strengths and weaknesses. By
identifying these prescriptive principles, stakeholders can further interrogate their merits and shortcomings and
identify more concrete ways that governance frameworks might embody them.
1. Introduction
The conservation of Earths biodiversity represents an accelerating
and intractable global issue. Despite the growth of conservation efforts
worldwide, biodiversity continues to decline at unprecedented rates and
across ecological scales (IPBES, Brondizio, 2019; Rands et al., 2010).
The monetary costs of invasive species worldwide was estimated to
reach US$162.7 billion in 2017 (Diagne et al., 2021).
Recent advancements in genome editing have enabled new possi-
bilities in the genetic modication of wild organisms, including for
purposes of conservation (Piaggio et al., 2017). One highly anticipated
advancement is gene drive, an emerging technique of genetic engineering
designed to rapidly spread traits through populations of sexually
reproducing organisms (NASEM, 2016). Using tools like CRISPR/Cas9,
certain gene drive systems can circumvent typical rules of genetic in-
heritance, facilitating the spread of genetic modications through nearly
100% of a population of organisms (Esvelt and Gemmell, 2017). In this
way, entire populations of organisms could be altered more rapidly and
effectively than ever before. Given the enormous challenge biodiversity
loss presents, scientists have started to explore the possibility of using
gene drive to solve conservation problems, particularly concerning
invasive species that contribute to biodiversity loss, or resilience in
keystone species threatened by climate change or other anthropogenic
pressures (Edwards et al., 2017).
Gene drive applications for conservation are appealing as they are
designed to spread a particular trait through an entire population, but
this design feature is also the source of signicant concern (Esvelt and
Gemmell, 2017). These concerns led to calls for gene drive governance
as early as 2014 (Oye et al., 2014). Certain governments and organiza-
tions are calling for moratoria on gene drives, and a wide variety of
commenters acknowledge that the technical development of gene drives
currently outpaces the capacity of existing mechanisms to govern their
use (Barnhill-Dilling et al., 2019; Kelsey et al., 2020; Rabitz, 2019). A
number of organizational bodies have engaged in efforts to develop
frameworks for gene drive governance (e.g., Convention on Biological
Diversity, 2017; NASEM, 2016; NIH, 2021; Redford et al., 2019).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Hartley), (R. Taitingfong), p. (P. Fidelman).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Environmental Science and Policy
journal homepage:
Received 3 February 2022; Received in revised form 26 April 2022; Accepted 28 April 2022
Environmental Science and Policy 135 (2022) 36–45
However, no single entity is leading this effort and extant frameworks,
such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Cartagena
Protocol may fall short in providing adequate oversight of gene drive
organisms, which pose unique issues with regards to risk assessment and
transboundary movement (Rabitz, 2019).
Gene drive technology presents a formidable challenge for the
governance of biotechnology (Sustainability Council of New Zealand,
2018). One of the dominant governance challenges is that gene drive
organisms are designed to spread through and possibly eliminate whole
populations or species. This means gene drive is a global, transboundary
technology that will not respect political or geographical boundaries and
will require international cooperation. The international response to this
challenge has started to take shape at the United Nations CBD and the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (Thizy et al.,
2020). The CBD offers a potential governance framework and its focus
on biodiversity conservation makes it a key actor for gene drive appli-
cations in conservation as gene drive is both designed as a solution to the
global biodiversity loss, and yet also presents a risk to biodiversity
(Reynolds, 2020). However, at both the IUCN and the CBD, gene drive
technology has provoked considerable controversy and become a deeply
divisive issue which may pose a signicant problem for international
gene drive governance (Reynolds, 2020).
Calls for engagement and consideration of ethical concerns are
familiar accompaniments to emerging technologies in lieu of interna-
tional or state laws and regulations. In this challenging international
environment, governance principles can be a sensible response to the
governance gap. They might also respond to a perceived democratic
decit in decision-making and as a means to shore up legitimacy (Ansell
and Torng, 2016). Indeed, gene drive has been accompanied by strong
discourses of responsibility (Stelmach et al., 2022), co-production
(Hartley et al., 2021a; Ledingham and Hartley, 2021) and public,
stakeholder and community engagement (Barnhill-Dilling and Del-
borne, 2021; NASEM, 2016). Gene drive has also triggered a plethora of
commitments, proclamations, recommendations and principles made by
gene drive developers, supporters and others (see Akbari et al., 2015;
Benedict et al., 2008; Benedict et al., 2018; Emerson et al., 2017; Long
et al., 2020; Min et al., 2018; Oye et al., 2014). Yet all of these refer to
gene drive more generally and are predominantly led by those devel-
oping or funding gene drive applications for global health.
Governance is a popular yet nebulous concept which reects the
growing trend of decentralized power (Ansell and Torng, 2016). In the
governance of emerging technologies such as gene drives, there is
frequently a ‘governance gapthat emerges in the wake of the technol-
ogy (Marchant and Tournas, 2019). Here, policy-makers and regulators
must keep pace with the technology at a time when there is considerable
uncertainty, wrestle with the degree to which it requires new legislation
or regulations, and frequently have to co-ordinate with agencies in other
countries (Marchant and Tournas, 2019; Rabitz, 2019; Weiss Evans and
Palmer, 2018). Often, experts in the relevant eld ll this gap with a
proposal for a set of principles to guide governance, perhaps emerging
from a single meeting, organization or set of researchers. Examples
include the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Principles for Articial Intelligence (OECD, 2019), the Oxford Principles
for Geoengineering (Rayner et al., 2013), and International Principles
for Neurotechnologies (Marchant and Tournas, 2019). Such principles
can be an effective tool for ethical governance and have a key role to
play in the governance of emerging technologies (Littler, 2021).
To date, there has been no such set of explicit principles to ll the
governance gap for conservation gene drive. Instead, there has been a
urry of different prescriptions for responsible governance from expert
stakeholders and academics. Many of these focus on risk governance and
on gene drive mosquitoes designed to tackle global health challenges
like malaria, which experts expect will be the rst application of gene
drive tested in the wild (Esvelt and Gemmell, 2017). In addition, some
academics and organizations have proposed ethical principles for gene
drive more broadly (Annas et al., 2021; Emerson et al., 2017; Rudenko
et al., 2018). At this time, prescriptions for the governance of gene drive
for conservation in this mix remain unclear. These prescriptions need
disentangling, collating and examining in order to understand the
governance principles emerging in this space, who is leading such
governance efforts, and what might be missing. Further, as these prin-
ciples have the potential to shape the future (Rayner et al., 2013), it is
important to take stock of governance prescriptions for conservation
gene drive at a time when governance frameworks are still malleable.
Through a literature and documentary analysis, we propose to
address this gap in two ways. First, we identify the gene drive applica-
tions under development for conservation as well as those proposed for
future exploration to understand the range of gene drive applications in
need of governance. Second, we identify and analyze the recommen-
dations and principles that experts prescribe with the explicit aim to
shape the governance of conservation gene drive. We nd seven emer-
gent principles guiding gene drive research and development, which are
concerned with engagement, public acceptance, the breadth of gover-
nance, international collaboration, ethical input, the breadth of exper-
tise and self-regulation. We lay bare these emergent principles,
analyzing the way in which they are valued, prioritized, and their
strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, we explore the role of principles as a
site of governance. By revealing the ways in which expert stakeholders
prescribe and prioritize governance principles, we contribute to a more
open discussion of governance efforts in this space.
2. Gene drive applications in conservation
Various gene drive technologies are being developed and proposed
for biodiversity conservation. At the time of writing, just two key in-
terventions are in development: (1) sex-biasing gene drives to eradicate
invasive rodents from islands, and (2) underdominance systems to
suppress populations of mosquitoes that vector avian malaria to en-
dangered native birds in Hawaii. Invasive rats and mice threaten island
ecosystems by way of predation and habitat disruption. Gene drives are
being explored as an alternative to the broad-spectrum toxicants
currently used for their eradication. Drive systems proposed for rodent
eradication include the non-transgenic t-Sry systems that produce
daughterless mice, which are only able to have male offspring.
CRISPR/Cas9 systems are still in development in rodents (Callaway,
2018; Leitschuh et al., 2018). The second intervention involves the Culex
quinquefasciatus, commonly known as the southern house mosquito,
vectors avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum) to Hawaiis endemic
honeycreepers. Warming temperatures are expanding the range of culex
into the high elevations where honeycreepers have previously escaped
infection, meaning transmission will intensify at lower elevations and
expand into higher elevations. Researchers at the University of Hawaii
at M¯
anoa and Hilo are developing localized gene drives known as
under-dominance systems that could suppress mosquito populations by
engineering mosquitoes that are either unable to reproduce or transmit
the malaria parasite (Goldman, 2016).
At least eight other proposed interventions remain speculative or in
early stages of technical development. The rst of these involve coral
reefs which are threatened by a number of factors, particularly, the
impacts of a warming ocean as a result of anthropogenic climate change
(Hughes et al., 2017). Research is underway in Australia, Saudi Arabia,
and the UK to identify genes that control coral resistance to heat stress,
including the genetic engineering of coral bacteria, though these stra-
tegies remain speculative at this time (Cornwall, 2019). The second
involves grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) which are invasive in the
UK, and contribute to the decline of native red squirrels (Sciurus vul-
garis) and impact woodlands by stripping bark from trees. With support
from the non-governmental organization, the European Squirrel Initia-
tive, scientists at the Roslin Institute have modelled self-limiting drive
systems known as HD-ClvR (a combination of homing, daisyeld, and
cleave-and-rescue gene drives) that could suppress squirrel populations
via a number of mechanisms including infertility or embryonic lethality
S. Hartley et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 135 (2022) 36–45
(Faber et al., 2021). The third speculative intervention involves the
crown-of-thorns starsh (Acanthaster spp.) which is a large coral-eating
starsh with unpredictable outbreaks in its natural range across the
Indo-Pacic region. Crown-of-thorns outbreaks are considered a leading
cause of coral reef decline, and are exacerbated by climate change as
their predation increases in water with lower pH. Genetic methods of
biocontrol are being considered to control crown-of-thorns starsh,
including CRISPR/Cas9 gene drives systems that might target repro-
ductive rates to suppress populations (Dumas et al., 2020; Høj et al.,
2018; Kamya et al., 2017; Redford et al., 2019).
Two of the remaining speculative interventions involve feral cats and
cane toads, both invasive species in Australia. Feral cats spread disease
and prey on endangered species all over the world, but in Australia,
where the feral cat population is estimated somewhere between 1.5 and
5.5 million, scientists are considering genetic biocontrol methods
including the use of sex-biasing gene drives to eradicate their pop-
ulations. However, more research is needed to develop successful
mammalian gene drives and gain necessary genetic and ecological
knowledge about feral cats in Australia (Kachel, 2018; Trouwborst et al.,
2020). Also in Australia, cane toads impact native ora and fauna by
poisoning organisms that eat them, and reducing prey populations for
native insectivores. Scientists are exploring w-shredder gene drives as a
mechanism to eradicate cane toads by sterilizing females or causing
them to produce only male offspring (Holman, 2019).
Scientists at the Roslin Institute at the University of Edinburgh are
exploring an infertility-carrying gene drive as a tool to manage invasive
signal craysh (Rudgard, 2021). First introduced to the UK from the US
in the 1970 s, signal craysh pose signicant threat to Britains native
white-clawed craysh by destabilizing their habitats with extensive
burrowing, and transmitting craysh plague, a disease with a 100%
mortality rate when contracted in the native craysh. Finally, scientists
in New Zealand are considering whether gene drives reducing fertility
could be a potential tool to control populations of invasive brushtail
possums and wasps. The brushtail possum is a marsupial introduced
from Australia that impacts New Zealands native plants, birds, and
invertebrates, and vectors bovine tuberculosis (Allot, 2021; Royal So-
ciety Te Ap¯
arangi, 2017). Though research to understand possum ge-
netics is underway, little is known about functional genetics in
marsupials, and a gene drive could prove challenging as it would require
that very large amounts of gene drive-carrying possums (between 1%
and 10% of the wild population) be bred and released. Scientists at the
University of Wellington and University of Otago are exploring a gene
drive targeting spermatogenesis to control the common wasp (Vespula
vulgaris) (Lester et al., 2020). The common wasp is one of two species of
invasive wasps in New Zealand (the other is Vespula germanica, the
German Wasp) that pose conservation challenges through predation on
native insects, and feeding on beech forest honeydew which is an
important food source for native birds, bats, insects, and lizards.
Containment is of particular concern in relation to both possum and
wasp applications in New Zealand as the brushtail possum is a protected
species in the neighbouring Australia, and Vespula wasps are an
important part of ecosystems throughout Europe.
3. Methods
We used document analysis, an inductive and exploratory qualitative
approach that aims to access a particular perspective in depth, rather
than to test a specic hypothesis(Sovacool et al., 2018). Document
analysis has been widely pursued in the context of emergent healthcare
policies, as documents can provide material for study prior to or in the
absence of material changes in or adoption of new policies (Shaw et al.,
2006). Given the nascent state of conservation gene drive, governance
documents, such as the ones we analyse here, provide a valuable way to
investigate emerging principles that may eventually inform the devel-
opment of policies and legislation.
We began our identication of the data set in December 2020 with
broad search of literature addressing conservation gene drive technol-
ogies published up to January 2021. Given our interest in emerging
governance principles, we identied two criteria for inclusion in our
analysis. All included documents were to address: (1) conservation gene
drives, and (2) some topic related to the governance of conservation
gene drive technologies. Our initial searches returned 41 documents. We
eliminated documents that did not satisfy one or both of our criteria.
Many were eliminated because they discussed topics related to the use of
genetic modication or synthetic biology for environmental conserva-
tion, but did not address gene drives specically (n =14). For example,
(Redford et al., 2014) discuss the potential application of synthetic
biology to biodiversity conservation, but do not discuss gene drives.
Others were eliminated because conservation gene drives were only
briey mentioned within a broader discussion of gene drives (n =12).
For example, Thizy et al. (2020) review the regulatory landscape around
gene drive but do not focus exclusively on conservation. One was
eliminated because it featured predominantly technical discussion of a
conservation gene drive for wasps but had no mention of governance
(Lester et al., 2020), and one because it did not address particular ap-
plications of gene drive technologies (Golnar et al., 2020). This left us
with 13 documents that focused more narrowly on conservation gene
drives, and included some mention of topics related to their governance
(e.g., risk assessment, engagement, regulatory processes). Lastly, we
identied 5 additional eligible articles through a nal database search
and by reviewing references in the included literature.Table 1.
Data analysis was an iterative and reexive process of thematic
analysis conducted in early 2021 (Braun and Clarke, 2019). Collabora-
tively, we established a process through which to code systematically
the key governance principles communicated in the dataset and itera-
tively generate themes. Following Braun and Clarke we emphasize that
themes were reexively generated rather than pre-existing naturally
within the data (Braun and Clarke p. 593). After nalizing the dataset,
all three authors independently coded two documents. This involved a
three-step process: (1) close reading of each document to locate dis-
cussion on governance, (2) pulling quotations from relevant sections to
capture the governance principles communicated in each document, and
(3) distilling those quotations into codes that succinctly describe the
governance principle (e.g., community engagement,” “deliberation,
public acceptance). [Name removed for review] then coded the whole
data set between December 2020 and January 2021 guided by monthly
coding meetings held remotely across three countries (USA, UK and
Australia). Upon completion of coding, we had generated more than 40
codes that captured both recurrent and unique governance principles
communicated across the documents. [name removed for review] and
[name removed for review] reviewed the codes, then [name removed for
review] pr´
ecised the codes into nine higher level themes. The authors
then met to discuss the themes. After identifying points of overlap across
some of the initial themes, the authors further narrowed them down to
We understand themes as patterns of shared meaningwhich were
underpinned by the core concept of governance principles (Braun and
Clarke, 2019, p. 593). In the interest of capturing broad themes in the
discussion on governance, we conceived of governance principles as
encompassing both descriptive comments and prescriptive guidelines on
conservation gene drive governance. That is, we coded selections mak-
ing explicit calls for particular approaches to governance as well as se-
lections observing or exploring topics of conservation gene drive
governance that did not necessarily advocate a particular approach. For
instance, while some articles described international policies and regu-
lations that may be relevant for the governance of conservation gene
drive organisms, others made more explicit arguments for particular
practices or approaches to governance, and others yet involved a com-
bination of both.
S. Hartley et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 135 (2022) 36–45
4. Seven governance principles in conservation gene drive
Here, we lay out the seven governance principles identied in the
data according to prevalence (i.e., the frequency with which they
occurred in the analyzed documents) (Table 2). For principles to ll the
‘governance gap, they must be both ambitious and capable of practical
application (Cohen-Shacham et al., 2019). Therefore, we analyze their
strengths and weaknesses and discuss their aspirations and potential for
4.1. Governance must involve inclusive, broad and empowered
This principle was the most widespread, with thirteen of eighteen
documents addressing the need for conservation gene drive governance
to involve public or community engagement
18, 1113, 15, 18
. The docu-
ments commonly call for forms of engagement that go beyond unidi-
rectional activities like education or public comment, with a few
explicitly addressing the limits of such activities
4, 8
. One of these chal-
lenged the assumption that more education leads to more approval,
stating that managers often attribute opposition [to gene drives] to
ignorance, but studies show that public education designed specically
to garner support does not necessarily increase acceptance and can
heighten conict
. In light of this insight, authors of this article
asserted that public engagement campaigns should be at least as much
about public deliberation as they are public education
Similarly, an article on public opinion surrounding the use of gene
drive for pest control cautioned the use of information-driven
engagement, stating that future public engagement regarding gene
drive that relies solely on educating people by providing more scientic
information and facts seriously risks limiting (and potentially inaming)
public discourse
. This article called for values-basedengagement
given ndings that public attitudes towards gene drive are not formed
on scientic knowledge or demographics alone, but are heavily inu-
enced by underlying worldviews, which encapsulate a broad and
interactive system of attitudes, beliefs, and values.
Overall, the discussion on engagement demonstrated broad calls for
deliberative forms of engagement, and emphasized the need to account
Table 1
Documents focused on gene drive in conservation and discussing governance.
No. Document Type Pages
1 Webber, B. L., Raghu, S., & Edwards, O. R. (2015)
Opinion: Is CRISPR-based gene drive a biocontrol
silver bullet or global conservation threat? PNAS,
112(34): 1056510567.
2 Edwards, O., Brown, P., Tizard, M., Strive, T., &
Sheppard, A. Taking a responsible approach to new
genetic technologies for conservation. CSIRO.
Web article 4
3 Esvelt KM, Gemmell NJ (2017) Conservation
demands safe gene drive. PLoS Biol 15(11):
Article 8
4 Harvey-Samuel, T., K. J. Campbell, M. Edgington
et al. 2017. Trialling gene drives to control invasive
species: What, where and how? In Island Invasives:
Scaling Up to Meet the Challenge, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Island Invasives 2017,
C. R. Veitch, M. N. Clout, A. R. Martin, J. C. Russell,
and C. J. West, eds. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN
Species Survival Commission, 618627.
Article 10
5 Piaggio, A. J., Segelbacher, G., Seddon, P. J., Alphey,
L., Bennett, E. L., Carlson, R. H., Friedman, R. M.,
et al. Is it Time for Synthetic Biodiversity
Conservation? (2017). Trends in Ecology &
Evolution, 32(2): 97107.
Article 11
6 Dearden, PK, Gemmell, NJ, Mercier, OR, Lester, PJ,
Scott, JM, Newcomb, TRB, Jacobs, JME, Goldson,
SJE, & Penman, DR. (2018). The potential for the use
of gene drives for pest control in New Zealand: a
perspective, Journal of the Royal Society of New
Zealand, 48:4, 225244, DOI: 10.1080/
Article 21
7 McFarlane GR, Whitelaw CBA, Lillico SG. CRISPR-
based gene drives for pest control. Trends Biotechnol
Article 4
8 Moro, D., Byrne, M., Kennedy, M., Campbell, S and
Tizard, M. (2018). Identifying knowledge gaps for
gene drive research to control invasive animal
species: The next CRISPR step. Global Ecology 55
and Conservation, 13, e00363.
Article 15
9 Barnhill-Dilling, K., Serr, M., Blondel, V.D., Godwin,
J. Sustainability as a Framework for Considering
Gene Drive Mice for Invasive Rodent Eradication.
(2019). Sustainability, 11, 1334.
Article 12
10 Godwin, J., Serr, M., Barnhill-Dilling, S. K., Blondel,
D. V., Brown, P. R., Campbell, K., Delborne, J., 3
Lloyd, A. L., Oh, K. P., Prowse, T. A. A., Saah, R. and
Thomas, P. (2019). Rodent gene drives for
conservation: opportunities and data needs.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological
Sciences, 286, 20191606.
Article 9
11 Kohl, P. A., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D. A., & Xenos,
M. A. (2019). Public views about editing genes in
wildlife for conservation. Conservation Biology:
110. Doi:10.1111/cobi.13310
Article 10
12 Redford, K.H., Brooks, T.M., Macfarlane, N.B.W. and
Adams, J.S. (eds.) (2019). Genetic frontiers for
conservation: An assessment of synthetic biology and
biodiversity conservation. Technical assessment.
Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. xiv +166pp.
Report 184
13 Revive & Restore. Ocean Genomics Horizon Scan.
Report 168
14 Testbiotech comment on the IUCN report Genetic
frontiers for conservation, an assessment of synthetic
biology and biodiversity conservation(2019).
Letter 11
15 MacDonald, E. A., Balanovic, J., Edwards, E. D.,
Abrahamse, W., Frame, B., Greenaway, A.,
Tompkins, D. M. (2020). Public Opinion Towards
Gene Drive as a Pest Control Approach for
Biodiversity Conservation and the Association of
Underlying Worldviews. Environmental
Communication, 115.
Article 16
16 Article 11
Table 1 (continued )
No. Document Type Pages
Palmer, S, Mercier, OR, & King-Hunt, A. (2020).
Towards rangatiratanga in pest management? M¯
perspectives and frameworks on novel
biotechnologies in conservation. Pacic
Conservation Biology, CSIRO.
17 Reynolds, J. 2020. Governing New Biotechnologies
for Biodiversity Conservation: Gene Drives,
International Law, and Emerging Politics. Global
Environmental Politics, 20 (3).
Article 21
18 Serr, M. E., Valdez, R. X., Barnhill-Dilling, K.S.,
Godwin, J., Kuiken, T., Booker, M. (2020). Scenario
analysis on the use of rodenticides and sex-biasing
gene drives for the removal of invasive house mice
on islands. Biological Invasions, 22: 12351248.
Article 14
Table 2
Emergent principles guiding gene drive research and development for conser-
vation applications, in order of prevalence.
1. Governance must involve inclusive, broad and empowered engagement
2. Gene drive research and development must have public acceptance
3. A broad range of considerations must be incorporated in decision-making
4. States and international actors must collaborate and act
5. Governance must draw on broad frameworks which are attentive to ethical principles
6. A broad range of experts must provide input
7. Developers must self-regulate and respond responsibly
S. Hartley et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 135 (2022) 36–45
for diverse public or stakeholder values. For instance, authors called for
open debates that engage diverse expert and lay voices
, balanced
deliberation that engages multiple stakeholders
, robust, informed,
and deliberative engagementwith stakeholders
, and consideration of
how deliberative engagement can meaningfully inuence decision-
. Two documents called for iterative approaches to engage-
3, 7
such that affected societiescan continually revisit issues,
[and] reframe their views in the light of subsequent experience
, and
clearly communicate social and ethical priorities and a full range of
standards that genetic interventions must meet to be considered for
environmental release
. While most documents focused on broad public
engagement, or the engagement of allaffected societies, a few focused
instead on specic stakeholder groups such as local communities and/or
Indigenous peoples
1, 6, 18
. Just one document took up this conversation
in depth, calling for the meaningful engagementof M¯
aori in Aotearoa
New Zealand, and specically discussing how "M¯
aori values and con-
ceptual frameworks [can] give M¯
aori more agency to engage with
contemporary issues like the role of biotechnologies in relation to
environmental threats"
4.2. Gene drive research and development must have public acceptance
Eleven documents address the role of public acceptance within
conservation gene drive governance
1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 1618
. This dis-
cussion is characterized by broad calls to cultivate communication,
trust, transparency, and openness across scientists, governments, and
communities or broader publics, though recommendations about how
best to achieve this vary. For instance, some authors acknowledge the
need for broad public acceptance prior to release of a gene driv-
emodied organism for conservation
2, 14, 17, 18
, while others call more
generally for attention to issues of social acceptance or community
acceptance,without necessarily prescribing what that should entail
Two contested concepts that emerged in this discussion were social
acceptance (also social license) and consent. Social license is described in
one document as consent of communities for various activities,
emerging originally in connection to commercial tourism and extractive
practices like mining, later getting adopted within agriculture, forestry,
and now biotechnology
. The documents problematize the concept of
social license as prioritizing industry prot targets over community
needs or aspirations, and potentially circumnavigating processes that
perhaps ought to be regulated by governments. Other calls to socialize
gene drive technologies emphasizing the role of information in
achieving social acceptance, particularly information surrounding the
risks, benets, and efcacy of conservation gene drives
, as well as
biological, genetic, and ecological information that would inform the
development of a task like risk assessment
Other documents focused more on the concept of consent
6, 15, 18
. The
IUCN report
commented broadly on stipulations of free, prior, and
informed consent under international legislation, namely the Conven-
tion on Biological Diversity and Cartagena Protocol. Such reports and
other documents
15, 18
express consent as necessary in the context of
conservation gene drives, while recognizing the challenges and limita-
tions of extant models. The IUCN report
acknowledges that some of the
most active states in biotechnology are not signatories to the Cartagena
Protocol, and Palmer et al.
note that both concepts social license and
free, prior, and informed consent operate in a Western paradigm, and
may exclude Indigenous worldviews.
4.3. A broad range of considerations must be incorporated in decision-
More than half of the documents expressed the need for conservation
gene drive governance to consider a broad range of factors in decision-
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18
. This discussion framed the complexity
1, 8,
9, 12
of both conservation issues and emerging gene drive technologies,
and called for decisions to attend to technical, social, economic, and
environmental considerations alike. Technological complexity was
described as arising from the interconnected issues of large scale,
ecological, and systemicrisks
, multiplex interrelations with the
closer and wider environment,and challenges of achieving spatio-
temporal controllability and anticipating evolutionary effects
. Such
discussion underscored actions to ensure the safety and efcacy of con-
servation gene drives, namely through sound scientic risk assessment
and mitigation of biosecurity threats. Recommendations emphasized
continued scientic research to account for technical complexity. For
instance, one document stated that the only way to manage risks of
pursuing gene drive (as well as the risks of not pursuing them) is to have
more information, more research and more evidence with which to
better understand and mitigate those risks and proceed responsibly
Social complexity was acknowledged as the diverse social, economic,
and political contexts in which community stakeholders exist
, and
acknowledgment that those stakeholders have diverse perceptions of
what constitutes risk, and values regarding human relationships to na-
. For example, an article discussing the use of gene drive mice for
invasive rodent eradication notes that gene drives emerge in complex
human systemsand identies the potential for socio-political oppo-
sition about the environmental release of gene drive rodentsas one of
the most signicant potential barriers to their use
. Just one document
provided expanded discussion of how to integrate the views and values
of a particular stakeholder group (Indigenous people in Aotearoa New
Zealand) into decision-making, taking time to describe specic M¯
values and legal frameworks that may be relevant for the context of
conservation biotechnology including gene drives
4.4. States and international actors must collaborate and act
Half of the documents identify the need for conservation gene drive
governance to involve state and international collaboration, involve-
ment, and action
1, 57, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18.
A major theme in this discussion is
the tension between local and national governance of gene drives. While
all articles recognized the potentially global ramications of gene drive
organisms, two positioned local community governance as central to
1, 18
and others focused on the need for broader inter-
national governance given the possibility of transboundary movement
12, 13, 15
. For instance, an article discussing the use of gene drive mice to
eradicate invasive rodents from islands asserted that local community
governance should be central to related decisionsgiven that local
communities will bear the most direct effects of gene drive organ-
. Another article on gene drive for invasive species management
focused more squarely on international consequences of self-
propagating drives, cautioning that such drives should not be released
unless international spread is the explicit goal. This piece questioned
the use of self-propagating gene drives for conservation altogether,
expressing the view that they should only be built to combat true pla-
gues such as malaria, for which we have few adequate countermeasures
and there is a realistic path towards and international agreement to
deploy among all affected nations
Other documents emphasizing the need for the international
collaboration called for the development of new forms of multilevel
governance that spans the local and global
6, 12, 15
. Two documents
offered an extensive discussion on state and international regulatory
systems relevant to conservation gene drive (e.g., CBD, Nagoya, Carta-
gena, Aarhus, UNDRIP, FPIC, ILO), with both agging intergovern-
mental coordination as a challenge for gene drive modied organisms
. A minor but compelling theme in this discussion was the need to
develop protocols of liability and redress related to transboundary harm.
The IUCN report suggested that while national and international legal
systems may provide for liability for environmental damage attributable
to synthetic biology, including gene drives, there are few international
frameworks that explicitly provide for liability either on the part of
states or the part of operates in the context of biosafety. The report
S. Hartley et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 135 (2022) 36–45
references the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Lia-
bility and Redress (a binding supplementary agreement to the Cartagena
Protocol on Biosafety) as one example of state responsibility for inter-
national harm caused by living modied organisms
4.5. Governance must draw on broad frameworks which are attentive to
responsible and ethical principles
Eight of the eighteen documents identied the need for some kind of
broad framework to guide governance of conservation gene drives
1, 2, 5,
6, 9, 12, 15, 18
. The most recurrent theme in this discussion was re-
sponsibility, though descriptions of responsible governance varied. For
instance, two journal articles described responsible governance as that
which accounts for transboundary risks and seeks intergovernmental
collaboration. One article referenced the NASEM (2016) report on gene
drives to describe responsible governance as international and inclu-
sivegovernance that anticipate[s] transboundary effects of gene-drive
modied organisms
. The other article described responsible and
ethical governanceas encompassing local and global regulation as well
as deliberative community engagement
. Other documents character-
ized responsibility as technological innovation for the public good
, with
some calling for limited adoption of precautionary approaches empha-
sized by the Cartagena Protocol and the CBD, for concern that precau-
tion may limit continued innovation
. For example, one opinion piece
in a scientic journal says that responsible stewardship rejects positions
that forsake potential benets in deference to absolute caution and po-
sitions that ignore reasonably foreseeable risks to allow unfettered sci-
entic exploration
A minor theme was sustainability. Two documents called for broad
governance frameworks that emphasize sustainability, with both
describing sustainability as governance that equally attends to the
environment, economy, and society to integrate complexity and uncer-
1, 6
. One of these documents was the IUCN report, which refer-
enced the World Commission on Environment and Developments
concept of sustainable development as that which recognizes the inter-
dependence of economic and social development with environmental
. The IUCN report also dened sustainable development in
connection to principles of intergenerational and intragenerational eq-
uity, with the former entail[ing] an obligation of stewardship of the
natural environment for future generationsand the latter emphasizing
the need to meet the basic needs of current generations across cir-
cumstances and regions
Three documents called for governance that is attentive to equity and
1, 6, 18
. For instance, one journal article called for attention to
questions of fairness or justice, namely who benets from conserva-
tion gene drive technologies and who gets to make decisions about
. In addition to inter- and intra-generational equity, the IUCN
report also identied access to justice in environmental matters, a
relevant principle for conservation gene drive governance
. It invokes
the Aarhus Convention to dene the principle of access to justice in
environmental matters, stating that: any person which includes any
environmental organisation who considers their rights violated or in-
terests affected by an environmental decision has access to a court or
other independent and impartial review procedure to bear challenge the
substantive and procedural legality of the decision
Finally, three documents discussed governance frameworks that ac-
count for the rights of Indigenous peoples
6, 12, 18
. The IUCN report and
one journal article discussed the free, prior, and informed consent
(‘consent) of local and indigenous peoples, citing comments emerging
from the 2018 Convention on Biological Diversitys Convention of
Parties that the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples
and local communities might be warranted when considering the
possible release of organisms containing engineered gene drives that
may impact their traditional knowledge, innovation, practices, liveli-
hood and use of land and water
. One document problematized the
dominance of Western paradigms including consent in discussions on
governance of conservation biotechnology, cautioning that these may
exclude Indigenous worldviews
. Written from the context of Aotearoa
New Zealand, this article called for the adoption of M¯
aori legal frame-
works and customary protocols to inform the use of novel bio-
technologies in conservation.
4.6. A broad range of experts must provide input
Seven documents emphasized the need for broad expert input to
inform some aspect of decision-making surrounding conservation gene
3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16
. Overall, this discussion advocated for increased
collaboration across technical experts in order to address knowledge
gaps and inform more risk assessment. For example, one article identi-
ed an immediate need for the conservation community to more fully
engage with synthetic biologyin order to apply their expertise to
robust risk assessments [], advise synthetic biologists of environ-
mental concerns and issues [], head off possibly ecologically
damaging initiatives [], and to identify the most appropriate conser-
vation problems for the development and implementation of acceptable
synthetic biology solutions.
Another article called on practitioners of CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive
[to] consider the lessons learned from decades of carefully regulated
CBC research
, and yet another stated that appropriate decisions
require input from a broad range of scientic disciplinessuch as
conservationists identifying potential targets, ecologists advising on the
biological appropriateness of these targets and efciencies of different
gene drive strategies, molecular biologists advising on the feasibility of
building proposed designs, mathematical modellers devising the most
efcient means of deploying these systems and, nally, managers who
will ultimately advise on the logistic feasibility of deployment.
An emergent theme in this discussion was interdisciplinarity, how-
ever, recommendations advocated exclusively for expanded collabora-
tion across scientic disciplines. This included calls for increased
communication between synthetic biologists and conservationists
; be-
tween conservationists, ecologists, molecular biologists, mathematical
modellers, and managers
; or for the integration of regulatory insights
and approaches to risk assessment from Classical Biological Control
4.7. Developers must self-regulate and respond responsibly
Finally, seven documents featured the nal theme on the need for
developers of conservation to respond through self-regulation and re-
2, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 16
. This discussion focused on the re-
sponsibility of gene drive developers to adopt a variety of genetic and
environmental strategies to limit the risk of indenite spread of gene
drivemodied organisms. Genetic strategies included the use of low-
riskdrives (e.g., homing-based drives)
, self-limiting drives, rigorous
and transparent safety testing in the laboratory, and even complete
avoidance of the development of self-propagating drives
Recommended environmental controls included the development of
gene drivemodied organisms in laboratories far from existing pop-
ulations of the target species
, and the use of small, isolated islands
for the rst trials of gene drives, in concert with biosecurity measures to
restrict trafc to and from trial islands
11, 16
. The two documents that
recommended the use of islands for trials cited recommendations from
extant guidance reports (i.e., the World Health Organizations 2014
guidance framework for testing of genetically modied mosquitoes and
the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicines 2016
Gene Drives on the Horizonreport) to emphasize that islands can
maximise containment and efcacy
and that biosecurity risk can be
managed with some condence
. One of these articles also identied
social criteria for eld trial site selection, including selection of un-
inhabited areas which are not of great cultural value,and the presence
of a credible regulatory structure and an enthusiastic local participant
(e.g. academic researcher or wildlife management agency) which
expertise regarding the invasive being targeted
S. Hartley et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 135 (2022) 36–45
5. Discussion
Ansell and Torng (2016: 4) dene governance as the interactive
processes through which society and the economy are steered towards
collectively negotiated objectives. Governance is seen as distinct from
government where governing is achieved through traditional in-
stitutions (Rudenko et al., 2018). It is a looser collection of networks,
opening up opportunities for a more diverse set of actors to shape
policy-making and produce ‘desired outcomes for society. Governance
is important for emerging technologies, particularly in the assessment
and management of risk but increasingly in the shaping of technology
trajectories through approaches such as responsible innovation and
co-production (Hartley et al., 2019). Governance frameworks and
practices can exert signicant inuence on the types of science and
innovation brought into the world (Jasanoff, 2004). In recent decades,
there has been a widespread commitment to ‘opening up the gover-
nance of science and technology to enable a broader range of voices to
shape the developmental and design trajectory of emerging technologies
(Hagendijk and Irwin, 2006; Stirling, 2008). This opening up helps the
alignment of technological innovations with societal values (Kaebnick,
2021). In addition to this democratic or normative function, opening up
also increases epistemic diversity to increase the chance that an
emerging technology will be able to address a specic societal challenge
(Hartley et al., 2019; Stirling, 2010; Wynne, 1992).
Gene drive is an emerging technology that has been ‘opened up
through explicit and public commitments to responsibility, engagement
and knowledge co-production (Hartley et al., 2021a; Ledingham and
Hartley, 2021). Specic principles and codes of ethics are starting to
emerge in order to guide gene drive developers, funders and supporters.
For example, Emerson et al. (2017) present a set of ve principles for
gene drive research with a focus on global health. They align their
principles with the recommendations of the NASEM report, arguing that
gene drive research must ‘promote the public good, ‘promote stew-
ardship, safety, and good governance, ‘demonstrate transparency and
accountability, ‘engage thoughtfully with affected communities,
stakeholders, and publics, and ‘foster opportunities to strengthen ca-
pacity and education. More recently, Annas et al. (2021) offer a code of
ethics intended for adoption by gene drive scientists committed to
ethical guidance of gene drive research. Their code is organized around
three key values: ‘scientic responsibility(i.e., safety, security, and peer
review), ‘ecological stewardship(risk assessment, sustainability, and
conservation of biodiversity), and ‘public engagement and benet
sharing(loosely dened as transparency, fair distribution of risks and
benets, and informed agreement of impacted populations or commu-
nities). These efforts have been supported by other actors, particularly
the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health in the form of closed
forums, open webinars and panel discussions on gene drive governance
and particularly on the ethical principles guiding gene drive research (e.
g. Littler, 2021). However, governance principles can also be developed
as a form of self-governance designed to quell public concerns about an
emergent technology. For example, Gardiner and Fragni`
ere (2018)
critique the Oxford Principles for Geoengineering as being too instru-
mental and Ulnicane et al. (2020) highlight the criticism levelled at
expertsattempts to address articial intelligences inherent contro-
versies with ethical principles, particularly perceived conicts of inter-
est and instrumental motivations to avoid codied regulations. Public
concerns about such conicts and motivations may undermine princi-
ples and increase concern about the technology.
We set out to explore emergent principles for gene drive in conser-
vation or invasive species management in order to understand whether a
distinct set of principles is emerging in this space. We examined the
range and substance of principles emerging in the development, testing
and governance of gene drive for conservation to better understand the
aspirations guiding these applications and how scientists and other ex-
perts imagine their responsibility in this eld. We found a collection of
recommendations and prescriptions related to the governance of gene
drive for conservation that could be organised into a set of seven themes.
These themes constitute a loosely dened set of emerging principles
intended to shape the governance of gene drive in conservation.
Many, if not all, sets of principles for emerging technologies call for
engagement. Such calls characterise the eld of gene drive with a sig-
nicant number of developers, funders and regulators committing to
public, stakeholder and/or community engagement. Similar to the
existing principles developed by Emerson et al. (2017) and Annas et al.
(2021) which focus of global health applications, in our case, engage-
ment is an important principle. In fact, engagement dominates the rst
three principles we identied, calling for governance to be inclusive, for
research to secure public acceptance, and for a broad range of consid-
erations to be incorporated in decision-making. However, despite this
dominant theme, there is considerable lack of clarity on the matter of
engagement. It is not clear who should be engaged, when and how they
should be engaged, and for which purpose. Although NASEM (2016)
makes clear engagement might include communities (e.g. people who
live close to a eld trial site), stakeholders (e.g. people with an interest
or a stake in gene drive), and lastly, publics (e.g. people indirectly
affected or interested in gene drive), those prescribing engagement in
gene drive often entangle these different groups and fail to specify which
groups need to be engaged, when or how (Hartley et al., 2022).
The documents are clear that engagement should go beyond
educating and informing people and should include deliberative forms
of engagement, yet the question of empowerment is rarely addressed.
For more than half a century, Arnsteins (1969) ladder of citizen
participation has been a tool for evaluating the degree to which those
being engaged are empowered to shape decision-making. In the broader
debate on gene editing, Burall (2018: 438) has observed there has been
‘little attempt to engage the public on the implications of the technology
in a way that could alter the decisions of scientists and policymakers.
However, the analysed documents have little to say on empowerment
and the degree to which people should have the power to decide on the
type of gene drive developed for conservation purposes, or whether a
eld trial should be approved by publics or local communities or not.
Indeed, the documents reveal an unhelpful division between expert
and layor publicstakeholders. For instance, one document calls for
open debate among diverse expert and lay voices(3) and another for a
panel of diverse experts and stakeholders(12). It is worth considering
how rigid designations of scientists as expert and non-scientists as lay
may foreclose consideration of expertise that exists in non-scientic or
non-technical communities and the degree to which they might be
empowered in decision-making.
Gene drive in conservation will bring a new set of actors to the
governance table, particularly actors who may not have been as relevant
in the governance of global health applications of gene drive. One set of
such actors are Indigenous peoples who may have legal responsibility for
land management and be deeply involved and invested in conservation
and invasive species management. Given the CBDs instruction that gene
drives should be developed in consultation with Indigenous peoples and
the existing role of these peoples in land management and conservation,
we expected greater attention to the role of Indigenous actors than might
exist in principles for gene drive in global health. However, Indigenous
peoples are rarely addressed explicitly in the documents. Indeed, this is a
relatively homogenous group of documents with only one offering any
specicity about how or why Indigenous actors might be engaged
(Palmer et al., 2020). Further, there is very little discussion of the his-
toric and ongoing power imbalances that exist between Indigenous
peoples and those developing governance frameworks, such as govern-
ments, regulators, funders and developers.
Addressing engagement of Indigenous peoples and Indigenous rights
to self-determination would add to a growing conversation on Indige-
nous participation in deliberation and decision-making processes sur-
rounding gene drives (George et al., 2019; Hudson et al., 2019; NASEM,
2016; Taitingfong, 2019) and genetic engineering technologies more
broadly (Barnhill-Dilling and Delborne, 2019; Barnhill-Dilling et al.,
S. Hartley et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 135 (2022) 36–45
2020; Taitingfong and Ullah, 2021). Discussions on conservation gene
drive governance stand to benet from deeper engagement of this
literature, as it addresses contested concepts, such as consent and
engagement, which emerged in the conservation gene drive documents.
For instance, Hudson et al. (2019), Barnhill-Dilling and Delborne
(2019), and Taitingfong and Ullah (2021) discuss and model approaches
to Indigenous community engagement in the context of genetic engi-
neering. Lastly, scholars ought also to look to robust bodies of scholar-
ship written by Indigenous scientists and scholars generating critical
analyses of coloniality as it structures the development and governance
of other genetic and genomic technologies (Arvin, 2019; Claw et al.,
2018; Fox et al., 2020; TallBear, 2013; Tsosie and Claw, 2019).
Another group largely absent from the documents are social scien-
tists. For example, none of the documents identied a need for partici-
pation by or collaboration with social scientists. de Graeff et al. (2019)
noted the absence of social science and humanities scholars in shaping
the academic debate on gene editing more broadly. Yet the involvement
of social scientists will be critical for addressing global problems such as
those in conservation and invasive species management (Shah, 2020).
They will play an important role in helping address complex governance
issues, such as engagement (including that of Indigenous peoples), re-
sponsibility and ethics.
Interestingly, the principles reveal contrasting motivations for
engagement that may be in conict. The rst and second principles are
concerned with inclusive, broad and empowered engagement as well as
securing public acceptance. In the broader eld of gene drive, Leding-
ham and Hartley (2021) note there is often considerable slippage from
the ambitions of engagement as empowering and transformative and the
more reductive framing of engagement as a tool to gain a social license
and secure acceptability. Indeed, the concept of ‘social licence to oper-
atehas been found to be particularly problematic for gene drive (Del-
borne et al., 2020). In order for governance principles to provide a
framework for decisions, clarity on the matter of engagement is needed
to avoid such slippage and make clear how tensions will be managed.
There may also be a danger of conict of interest and ‘governance
captureby developers and supporters. For example, Pohl et al. (2010)
highlight why approaches to tackling drought and soil degradation have
failed to work in practice. This is because they failed to take into account
relationships of mistrust between farmers and government authorities
and other knowledge regimes that constitute different ways of living/-
doing/being. They highlight concerns about co-production processes
becoming ‘hijackedby powerful interests including local elites, com-
panies and government agencies. As engagement and knowledge
co-production needs are further dened in conservation gene drive, it
will be important to ensure a broad range of actors are involved in
dening the processes through which engagement and co-production
will take place, not just participating in engagement that has been
dened by those in power.
In addition to the matter of engagement, our ndings reveal other
areas of interest and gaps that are surprising given the application
domain of conservation and invasive species management. For example,
given the explicit focus on conservation applications, it was surprising to
see very limited mention of the precautionary principle, which is a key
principle in biotechnology governance, particularly for GMOs. Further,
the conservation community is diverse in terms of its worldviews. Gene
drive applications in global health raise similar hopes and concerns
among stakeholders. For example, stakeholder hopes are that gene drive
mosquitoes will eradicate malaria while concerns are focused on envi-
ronmental protection, the economy and governance (Hartley et al.,
2021b). However, the conservation community is unlikely to speak with
a united voice. For example, Sandbrook et al. (2019) highlight the
diverse range of positions in conservation and it is not yet clear how
these actors will respond to potential gene drive applications in their
eld. This diversity is not recognized in the documents yet any
engagement activity will need to be sensitive to the diverse range of
actors in conservation who may hold different and conicting values.
Governance frameworks for emerging technologies must be attentive
to the technologys social, ethical and political realities (Marchant and
Tournas, 2019). Principles are a means to do this. However, these
principles are emergent they present a collection of visions of an ideal
state of governance from different perspectives and they may not sit
well together. Responsibility is dened quite differently across the
documents, with some framing responsibility as governance that antic-
ipates transboundary effects, others emphasizing deliberation, and
others emphasizing continued technological innovation. The ethical
imperative for gene drive applications in conservation is not as clear as it
is for applications in global health and the increased range of actors
combined with the contested nature of conservation may result in a
more challenging governance debate. However, exposing the principles,
as we have done here, allows for stakeholders to examine and debate the
merits of the different perspectives as governance frameworks are pin-
ned down by a variety of actors, including frameworks for the funding,
regulation and potential deployment of gene drive organisms. The
principles are persuasive rhetorically, but are they identiable in prac-
tice? The next step is to think about who the principles are intended for,
how they will be used and embedded into practice and policy, and how
they can be made meaningful. These principles are emergent and
considerable denition is needed before a tangible and clear governance
framework could embody them.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
This research was funded through a QUEX Accelerator Grant
administered by the University of Exeter, UK and the University
Queensland, Australia. The research data supporting this publication are
provided within this paper.
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S. Hartley et al.
... We surveyed literature that specifically discusses gene drives for conservation and/or conservation on islands. Conservation can be viewed as an underdeveloped theme in the gene drive literature regarding governance and ethics related questions (Hartley et al., 2022) -questions we broadly aim to contribute to. Furthermore, in addition to considerations of feasibility, we focus on conservation among the wider range of projected gene drive applications because islands figure so prominently in specifically this context, and this in turn provides an exceptionally informative entrypoint into the questions of (non)localizability and (non)localness of both gene drives and technology more generally we want to raise in this article. ...
... Different dimensions can be distinguished here. First, and most importantly, there is the aforementioned nonlocal nature of the technology itself, often emphasized in the literature Harvey-Samuel et al., 2019;Serr et al., 2020;McFarlane et al., 2018;Redford et al., 2019;Hartley et al., 2022;Kuzma et al., 2018;Leitschuh et al., 2018;Min et al., 2018;NASEM, 2016;Delborne et al., 2019;Dearden et al., 2018;Novak et al., 2018;Barnhill-Dilling et al., 2019;Reynolds, 2020;Esvelt, 2018;Esvelt & Gemmell, 2017). The spread of a gene drive through a population from an initial release is referred to in terms of 'invasiveness' , being 'forced' through a population and having an 'autonomous nature' (Harvey-Samuel et al., 2019), and 'designed to be self-sustaining' (Serr et al., 2020(Serr et al., : 1237. ...
... A strong admittance of the nonlocal nature of gene drives is found in these responses to address their challenges. Here, we find the spreading propensity of gene drives expressed in terms of affecting the 'shared environment' (Min et al., 2018;Buchthal et al., 2019;Lunshof, 2019) and 'knowing no political boundaries' (NASEM, 2016;Barnhill-Dilling et al., 2019;Hartley et al., 2022). In the context of gene drive governance, Hartley et al. (2022: 37) define gene drives as a global technology: 'gene drive organisms are designed to spread through and possibly eliminate whole populations or species. ...
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This article explores the use of islands as tools of geographical and intellectual containment - or what we call “islanding” - in the scientific and policy literature about gene drive technologies in conservation. In the first part of the article, we explore the narrative of contained gene drive use on islands and discuss how it juggles notions of localness and localization of gene drives and their (test) releases. We question the possibility and narrative of containing the spread of gene drives technologically or geographically, and argue that the gene drives for conservation literature strategically combines contradictory and reductive understandings of islands and containment. The second part of the article is devoted to reflection on nonlocal concerns about gene drives and the possibility of local gene drive decisions. We argue that attempts to legitimize local gene drives through local decision-making evade normative concerns about their nonlocalizability and risk instrumentalizing local communities for nonlocal agendas. Our overarching conceptual aim is therefore to open up a domain of thinking around the possibility of demarcation in our world – of our political, normative decisions, and of our reality – and to argue for the vital importance of reflection on this possibility in technological decision-making.
... Gene drives' spreading properties are here taken to mean that a decision on a gene drive release ought to include governments of all territories where the gene drive modification might spread towards. Fifthly, a substantial proportion of the more recent gene drive debate has revolved around the advocacy of public inclusion in general and of local community engagement and decision-making regarding gene drive releases in particular [14,25,38,41,42,46,48,50,69,71,84,[87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98]. While endorsement of community engagement as a principle of decision-making is not specific to gene drives or to technology development, the emphasis it receives in the gene drives debate does appear linked to the technology's idiosyncrasies. ...
... However, it reveals that the link between biotechnology developer and real world application is always there to a degree, if only for the reason that the biotechnology developer often needs the prospect of application in order for the technology to become successfully developed. It is precisely this link that becomes blurred in the emphasis on local community engagement and decision-making, central to the responses of the gene drive debate [14,25,38,41,42,46,48,50,69,71,84,[87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98]. The community engagement framing-that local communities are the most legitimate party to decide about gene drive interventions, coupled to proposals to develop "local" drives that allow incorporating local views into their design-leads to a transposal of the identity of the "intervener" from the bioengineer to the local community, and with this of the locus of the legitimacy requirement of the intervention. ...
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Gene drives are potentially ontologically and morally disruptive technologies. The potential to shape evolutionary processes and to eradicate (e.g. malaria-transmitting or invasive) populations raises ontological questions about evolution, nature, and wilderness. The transformative promises and perils of gene drives also raise pressing ethical and political concerns. The aim of this article is to arrive at a better understanding of the gene drive debate by analysing how ontological and moral assumptions are coproduced in this debate. Combining philosophical analysis with a critical reading of the gene drive literature and an ethnographic study of two leading research groups, the article explores the hypothesis that the development of and debate about gene drives are characterized by a particular intervention-oriented mode of coproduction. Based on the results of this exploration, we highlight the need for a broadening of the perspective on gene drives in which empirical, moral, and ontological concerns are addressed explicitly in their interplay rather than in (disciplinary) isolation from each other.
... First, we find that the field of SAI may learn from the field of GDOs by enhancing participation in international collaborations related to governance and oversight. In the case of GDOs, there have been a number of international collaborations and initiatives focused on governance and oversight of synthetic biology and gene drives, including efforts under the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (UN CBD) with its Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG), and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) , UNEP 2020Hartley et al. 2022; UNEP/ CBD Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 2022). The Conventional on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety l (BSP) for Living Modified Organisms may be the most significant venue for future international governance for GDOs. ...
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Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) and gene drive organisms (GDOs) have been proposed as technological responses to complex entrenched environmental challenges. They also share several characteristics of emerging risks, including extensive uncertainties, systemic interdependencies, and risk profiles intertwined with societal contexts. This Perspective conducts a comparative analysis of the two technologies, and identifies ways in which their research and policy communities may learn from each other to inform future risk governance strategies. We find that SAI and GDOs share common features of aiming to improve or restore a public good, are characterized by numerous potential ecological, societal, and ethical risks associated with deep uncertainty, and are challenged by how best to coordinate behavior of different actors. Meanwhile, SAI and GDOs differ in their temporal and spatial mode of deployment, spread, degree and type of reversibility, and potential for environmental monitoring. Based on this analysis, we find the field of SAI may learn from GDOs by enhancing its international collaborations for governance and oversight, while the field of GDOs may learn from SAI by investing in research focused on economics and decision-modeling. Additionally, given the relatively early development stages of SAI and GDOs, there may be ample opportunities to learn from risk governance efforts of other emerging technologies, including the need for improved monitoring and incorporating aspects of responsible innovation in research and any deployment.
... On the opposing side, nongovernmental organisations like Save Our Seeds use mottos that declare "gene drive organisms are perhaps one of the most dangerous environmental applications of genetic engineering ever developed". 3 The concerns range from ecological risks (Dolezel 2019), to social acceptance and legal af fairs (Mitchell and Bartsch 2019), to dual use (Gurwitz 2014), and to questions of governance (Reynolds 2020, Hartley et al. 2022. ...
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What concepts of nature, humans, and their relationships underpin the debate about gene drives for conservation? To provide some answers to this question, the eradication of invasive rodents on islands is used as an example. While current debates mostly weigh the potential benefits for conservation against the potential ecological risks, it is worthwhile to move beyond such a risk-benefit perspective. Ethical issues that are more specific to conservation are: the significance of “natural”, the normative goals of conservation, and the ideal of living in harmony with nature.
... As the contributions to this Special Focus show, a broad so cietal debate about the development and use of engineered gene drives is urgently needed within and beyond the nature conser vation community. The potential spatial and temporal reach of this technology, which could alter ecosystems far into the plan e tary future, requires the development of international gover nance structures (Rabitz 2019, Hartley et al. 2022. Like other bio technologies, engineered gene drives raise complex ethical issues for the nature conservation community regarding shared norma tive ideas about naturalness and about how humans should in teract with other species. ...
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Natural environments are undergoing significant changes due to human influences. At the same time, new technologies are emerging with the promise to provide solutions to environmental crises. This Special Focus on Novel Natures – New technologies and conflicts in nature conservation emphasizes the need for in-depth debates about human relationships with natural environments and technologies. Under the heading of novel natures, we want to open the floor for cross-disciplinary debate, preparing the ground for conscientious, well-informed, and equitable decision-making in nature conservation and restoration
... At the current time, there have been no field releases of CRISPR-modified organisms for the purpose of pest control via a gene drive. Prior to any future release, an understanding of how gene drives are likely to perform is needed to inform governance discussions with the public, scientists, and biodiversity managers and obtain a "social license to operate" (Hartley et al., 2022). How likely is eradication or pest suppression? ...
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Gene drives offer a potentially revolutionary method for pest control over large spatial extents. These genetic modifications spread deleterious variants through a population and have been proposed as methods for pest suppression or even eradication. We examined the influence of local dispersal, long‐distance and/or human‐mediated dispersal, and variation in population growth on the success of a gene drive for the control of invasive social wasps (Vespula vulgaris). Our simulations incorporated a spatially realistic environment containing variable habitat quality in New Zealand. Pest eradication was not observed, except in extreme and unrealistic scenarios of constant, widespread, and spatially intense releases of genetically modified individuals every year for decades. Instead, the regional persistence of genetically modified and wild‐type wasps was predicted. Simulations using spatially homogeneous versus realistic landscapes (incorporating uninhabitable areas and dispersal barriers) showed little difference in overall population dynamics. Overall, little impact on wasp abundance was observed in the first 15 years after introduction. After 25 years, populations were suppressed to levels <95% of starting populations. Populations exhibited “chase dynamics” with population cycles in space, with local extinction occurring in some areas while wasps became abundant in others. Increasing the wasps' local dispersal distance increased the spatial and temporal variability of the occupied area and population suppression. Varying levels of human‐associated long‐distance dispersal had little effect on population dynamics. Increasing intrinsic population growth rates interacted with local dispersal to cause higher mean populations and substantially higher levels of variation in population suppression and the total amount of landscape occupied. Gene drives appear unlikely to cause a rapid and widespread extinction of this and probably other pests but could offer long‐term and cost‐effective methods of pest suppression. The predicted level of <95% pest suppression would substantially reduce the predation pressure and competitive interactions of this invasive wasp on native species. However, the predicted long‐term persistence of genetically modified pests will influence the ethics and likelihood of using gene drives for pest control, especially given concerns that modified wasps would eventually be transported back to their home range.
... Moreover, this study may also present a viable alternative to gene drive technologies, which come with potential unintended consequences and ethical implications. This is particularly important in the context of possum management in Australia, where possums are a protected species, making it unsuitable to adopt a gene drive approach that could risk the extinction of the Australian possum [82]. More importantly, if successful, this study could be adapted for use in other species (such as rodents) to provide a more targeted and effective method of controlling pest populations. ...
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The potential to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of potential oestrogen-based oral contraceptives (fertility control) for possums was investigated by comparing the inhibitory potential of hepatic CYP3A and UGT2B catalytic activity using a selected compound library (CYP450 inhibitor-based compounds) in possums to that of three other species (mouse, avian, and human). The results showed higher CYP3A protein levels in possum liver microsomes compared to other test species (up to a 4-fold difference). Moreover, possum liver microsomes had significantly higher basal p-nitrophenol glucuronidation activity than other test species (up to an 8-fold difference). However, no CYP450 inhibitor-based compounds significantly decreased the catalytic activity of possum CYP3A and UGT2B below the estimated IC 50 and 2-fold IC 50 values and were therefore not considered to be potent inhibitors of these enzymes. However, compounds such as isosilybin (65%), ketoconazole (72%), and fluconazole (74%) showed reduced UGT2B glucuronidation activity in possums, mainly at 2-fold IC 50 values compared to the control (p < 0.05). Given the structural features of these compounds, these results could provide opportunities for future compound screening. More importantly, however, this study provided preliminary evidence that the basal activity and protein content of two major drug-metabolising enzymes differ in possums compared to other test species, suggesting that this could be further exploited to reach the ultimate goal: a potential target-specific fertility control for possums in New Zealand.
Gene drive technology has been recognized for its potential to provide durable and cost-effective solutions for previously intractable problems in public health, conservation, and agriculture. In recognition of the rapid advances in this field, in 2016 the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine issued a report making several recommendations aimed at researchers, funders, and policymakers for the safe and responsible research and development of gene drive technology. Subsequently, in 2017 sixteen global organizations self-identifying as sponsors and supporters of gene drive research became public signatories committed to the ‘Principles for Gene Drive Research’ which were inspired by the report’s recommendations. Herein we reflect on the progress of gene drive research in relation to the ethical principles laid out and committed to by the signatories to the Principles. Our analysis indicates high levels of alignment with the Principles in the field of gene drive research. The manuscript also discusses the Gene Drive Research Forum, which had its genesis in the publication of the Principles. Discussions between participants at the latest meeting of the Forum point to the work that lies ahead for gene drive research in line with the Principles. Going forward the gene drive research community can productively focus on: i) safety and efficacy criteria for open release, ii) risk assessment frameworks and methods, iii) more downstream technical, regulatory and policy considerations for field evaluations and implementation, iv) continued transparency and developing mechanisms of accountability, and v) strengthening capacity in locales of potential release and expected drive spread.
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Māori perspectives on gene technologies are evolving, and traditional cultural constructs continue to inform a wide diversity of views. Here we summarise a series of research activities aimed at identifying evolving Māori perspectives on gene editing and how these inform engagement at the co-innovation interface.
Genetic biocontrol aims to suppress or modify populations of species to protect public health, agriculture, and biodiversity. Advancements in genome engineering technologies have fueled a surge in research in this field, with one gene editing technology, CRISPR, leading the charge. This review focuses on the current state of CRISPR technologies for genetic biocontrol of pests and highlights the progress and ongoing challenges of using these approaches. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Genetics, Volume 57 is November 2023. Please see for revised estimates.
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Gene drive is a controversial biotechnology for pest control. Despite a commitment from gene drive researchers to responsibility and the key role of the media in debates about science and technology, little research has been conducted on media reporting of gene drive. We employ metaphor and discourse analysis to explore how responsibility is reflected in the coverage of this technology in the U.S., U.K., and Australian press. The findings reveal a rhetorical strategy of trust-building by evoking the moral attributes of gene drive researchers. We discuss the implications of these findings for the communication of new technologies.
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Novel genetic interventions may offer innovative solutions to environmental conservation challenges, but they also represent new kinds of risks and concerns for diverse publics. Yet, by focusing on potential negative outcomes of emerging technologies like gene editing, their potential utility in species protection could lead to overblown fears of unknown and unanticipated consequences. In response, Revive and Restore organized a workshop in June 2020 entitled, “Intended Consequences,” to highlight conservation successes in the discourse and governance of genomic interventions. This article argues that if we seek to emphasize Intended Consequences to embolden innovative conservation efforts, we must simultaneously query whose intentions are included and what consequences are considered to ensure that environmental goals are accompanied by the goals of responsibility, democracy, and justice. These questions reveal that the governance and management of conservation interventions always rest upon value judgements. Inspired and informed by the Responsible Research and Innovation framework, we encourage anticipation of potential outcomes, reflection on assumptions and intentions, inclusion of diverse stakeholders and perspectives, and a commitment to responding thoughtfully to concerns and preferences of communities and broader publics.
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Biological invasions are responsible for substantial biodiversity declines as well as high economic losses to society and monetary expenditures associated with the management of these invasions1,2. The InvaCost database has enabled the generation of a reliable, comprehensive, standardized and easily updatable synthesis of the monetary costs of biological invasions worldwide3. Here we found that the total reported costs of invasions reached a minimum of US$1.288 trillion (2017 US dollars) over the past few decades (1970–2017), with an annual mean cost of US$26.8 billion. Moreover, we estimate that the annual mean cost could reach US$162.7 billion in 2017. These costs remain strongly underestimated and do not show any sign of slowing down, exhibiting a consistent threefold increase per decade. We show that the documented costs are widely distributed and have strong gaps at regional and taxonomic scales, with damage costs being an order of magnitude higher than management expenditures. Research approaches that document the costs of biological invasions need to be further improved. Nonetheless, our findings call for the implementation of consistent management actions and international policy agreements that aim to reduce the burden of invasive alien species. Analysis of the InvaCost database shows that the costs of biological invasions have markedly increased between 1970 and 2017 and show no sign of slowing down, highlighting the importance of evidence-based and cost-effective management actions.
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Background The African Union’s High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies identified gene drive mosquitoes as a priority technology for malaria elimination. The first field trials are expected in 5–10 years in Uganda, Mali or Burkina Faso. In preparation, regional and international actors are developing risk governance guidelines which will delineate the framework for identifying and evaluating risks. Scientists and bioethicists have called for African stakeholder involvement in these developments, arguing the knowledge and perspectives of those people living in malaria-afflicted countries is currently missing. However, few African stakeholders have been involved to date, leaving a knowledge gap about the local social-cultural as well as ecological context in which gene drive mosquitoes will be tested and deployed. This study investigates and analyses Ugandan stakeholders’ hopes and concerns about gene drive mosquitoes for malaria control and explores the new directions needed for risk governance. Methods This qualitative study draws on 19 in-depth semi-structured interviews with Ugandan stakeholders in 2019. It explores their hopes for the technology and the risks they believed pertinent. Coding began at a workshop and continued through thematic analysis. Results Participants’ hopes and concerns for gene drive mosquitoes to address malaria fell into three themes: (1) ability of gene drive mosquitoes to prevent malaria infection; (2) impacts of gene drive testing and deployment; and, (3) governance. Stakeholder hopes fell almost exclusively into the first theme while concerns were spread across all three. The study demonstrates that local stakeholders are able and willing to contribute relevant and important knowledge to the development of risk frameworks. Conclusions International processes can provide high-level guidelines, but risk decision-making must be grounded in the local context if it is to be robust, meaningful and legitimate. Decisions about whether or not to release gene drive mosquitoes as part of a malaria control programme will need to consider the assessment of both the risks and the benefits of gene drive mosquitoes within a particular social, political, ecological, and technological context. Just as with risks, benefits—and importantly, the conditions that are necessary to realize them—must be identified and debated in Uganda and its neighbouring countries.
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Invasive species are among the major driving forces behind biodiversity loss. Gene drive technology may offer a humane, efficient and cost-effective method of control. For safe and effective deployment it is vital that a gene drive is both self-limiting and can overcome evolutionary resistance. We present HD-ClvR in this modelling study, a novel combination of CRISPR-based gene drives that eliminates resistance and localises spread. As a case study, we model HD-ClvR in the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), which is an invasive pest in the UK and responsible for both biodiversity and economic losses. HD-ClvR combats resistance allele formation by combining a homing gene drive with a cleave-and-rescue gene drive. The inclusion of a self-limiting daisyfield gene drive allows for controllable localisation based on animal supplementation. We use both randomly mating and spatial models to simulate this strategy. Our findings show that HD-ClvR could effectively control a targeted grey squirrel population, with little risk to other populations. HD-ClvR offers an efficient, self-limiting and controllable gene drive for managing invasive pests.
Proposals to release genetically engineered organisms in the wild raise complex ethical issues related to their safe and equitable implementation. While there is broad agreement that community and public engagement is vital to decision-making in this context, more discussion is needed about who should be engaged in such activities and in what ways. This article identifies Indigenous peoples as key stakeholders in decisions about gene-editing in the wild and argues that engagement activities need not only include Indigenous peoples but also be designed, conducted, and analyzed in ways that confront longstanding power imbalances that dismiss Indigenous expertise. We offer specific recommendations to guide deliberative activities to not only be inclusive of Indigenous peoples but also to empower their diverse, situated knowledges. We call on those committed to the inclusive design of broad public deliberation to pursue strategies that shift dominant power dynamics to include Indigenous communities in more meaningful ways.
How strong is the argument for requiring public deliberation by very large publics—at national or even global levels—before moving forward with efforts to use gene editing on wild populations of plants or animals? Should there be a general moratorium on any such efforts until such broad public deliberation has been successfully carried out? This article works toward recommendations about the need for and general framing of broad public deliberation. It finds that broad public deliberation is highly desirable but not flatly necessary before moving forward with any local cases of gene editing in the wild. It also finds that broad public deliberation would be most helpful in generating very general guidance and is unlikely to be appropriate for specific cases. Broad public deliberation is most helpful for cases that involve higher levels of uncertainty and moral ambiguity, but separating out a distinct class of cases for deliberation is not yet possible.
We investigate how technology ‘co-development’ (between researchers, stakeholders and local communities) is framed in practice by those developing gene drive mosquitos for malaria eradication. Our case study focuses on UK and Mali-based researchers planning to undertake the first field trials in Mali of gene drive mosquitos for malaria control. While they and the wider gene drive research community are explicitly committed to the principle of co-development, how this is framed and practiced is not clear. Through qualitative analysis of 34 interviews complemented by observation and documentary research conducted in 2018, we identify and compare ten framings of co-development mobilised by UK and Malian researchers and stakeholders. For Malians, co-development reflected Mali’s broader socio-political context and a desire for African scientific independence and leadership. It was mobilised to secure community and stakeholder support for gene drive mosquito field trials, through outreach, building local scientific capacity and developing those institutions (e.g. regulatory) necessary for field trials to go ahead. For UK participants, co-development was also concerned with scientific capacity-building, knowledge exchange between researchers, and stakeholder and community outreach to secure consent for field trials. Overall, our findings suggest co-development is opening up previously expert-dominated spaces as researchers attempt to take responsibility for the societal implications of their work. However, its main function is as a project management tool to enable and instrumentally support technological development, field trials and eventual deployment. This function extends into areas which are traditionally the responsibility of the state, such as regulatory development, facilitated by Mali’s fragile political and economic situation. Paradoxically, co-development simultaneously depoliticises gene drive, masking power relations and closing down substantive debate and agency. Characterised by extreme poverty, conflict and weak institutions, Mali may become a site for technological experimentation where there is little interrogation of gene drive or its governance.