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Intussusception in the Geriatric Population: A Case Report


Abstract and Figures

Recurrent abdominal pain in the adult population is a complex symptom with a broad spectrum of diagnoses. The diagnosis of intussusception in the elderly is considerably rarer than in the younger population. High clinical suspicion is required, and imaging is needed for confirmation. Here, we present and discuss the clinical course and management of an 82-year-old female who underwent small bowel resection following recurrent intussusception that was confirmed by imaging and at the time of surgery. The patient was known for having a history of polyps, and the pathology report described a large tubulovillous adenoma found on the resected small bowel specimen. The patient was discharged after surgery with complete remission. This case report intends to explore the importance of surgical intervention versus conservative management in a patient with a similar clinic presentation. This report also intends to highlight the importance of surgical intervention to prevent intussusception-related complications and reduce patient mortality further.
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Intussusception in the Geriatric Population: A
Case Report
Benoit Boucher , Orlando Fleites , Rio Varghese , Julius Myuran Nagaratnam , Fabrice Yabit , Juaquito
1. Surgery, Saint James School of Medicine, Chicago, USA 2. Surgery, Saint James School of Medicine, Park Ridge, USA
3. Surgery, Saint James School of Medicine, West Virginia, USA 4. Surgery, Avalon University School of Medicine,
Chicago, USA 5. General and Bariatric Surgery, West Suburban Hospital, Oak Park, USA
Corresponding author: Benoit Boucher,
Recurrent abdominal pain in the adult population is a complex symptom with a broad spectrum of
diagnoses. The diagnosis of intussusception in the elderly is considerably rarer than in the younger
population. High clinical suspicion is required, and imaging is needed for confirmation. Here, we present
and discuss the clinical course and management of an 82-year-old female who underwent small bowel
resection following recurrent intussusception that was confirmed by imaging and at the time of surgery. The
patient was known for having a history of polyps, and the pathology report described a large tubulovillous
adenoma found on the resected small bowel specimen. The patient was discharged after surgery with
complete remission. This case report intends to explore the importance of surgical intervention versus
conservative management in a patient with a similar clinic presentation. This report also intends to
highlight the importance of surgical intervention to prevent intussusception-related complications and
reduce patient mortality further.
Categories: Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, General Surgery
Keywords: geriatric population, transition point, adenoma, exploratory laparotomy, small bowel obstruction,
Intussusception is the invagination of a proximal portion of the intestine into its distal aspect [1], often
referred to as telescoping [2]. The condition is typical among pediatrics and infants, with a peak incidence
occurring in infants of 5-7 months of age with an incidence of 74 per 100,000 [3,4] in children under one
year old. Typical clinical presentations include colicky abdominal pain, mucus or blood-tinged stool, emesis,
diarrhea [5,6], and a palpable mass on the abdomen during physical examination [6]. Small bowel
intussusception is more expected in the pediatric population and is rare among adults, accounting for less
than 5% of all cases [7].
The causes of intussusception in adults are diverse. Many etiologies such as neoplasms, enteric autoimmune
pathologies, history of intra-abdominal surgeries, and gynecologic conditions such as endometriosis are
known to cause intussusception [7]. The common complications associated with this condition include small
bowel obstruction (SBO), bowel ischemia, necrosis, bowel perforation with peritonitis, and sepsis [8], as a
result requiring urgent care [1,9].
Management for adult patients with presenting signs and symptoms suggestive of intussusception or other
obstructive bowel pathologies often involves detection via an abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan
[10,11], which is often the gold standard for early detection [7,11]. In contrast to the pediatric population,
where endoscopy is diagnostic and usually therapeutic, intussusceptions are beyond the reach of endoscopes
in their geriatric counterparts. The preferred surgical intervention is an exploratory laparotomy with bowel
resection and anastomosis or laparoscopic bowel resection with bowel anastomosis [12]. Surgical
intervention is required due to possible bowel obstruction, ischemia, or necrosis [13].
Case Presentation
An 82-year-old female presented to the emergency room complaining of cloudy, odorous urine, weak
stream, and generalized weakness for two days. She also reported constipation for approximately one month
and poorly tolerating oral intake due to nausea and vomiting. She denied abdominal pain, hematochezia,
melena, excessive belching, bloating, diarrhea, hematuria, and dysuria.
The patient's past medical history is significant for recurrent UTI, well-controlled DM2, atrial fibrillation,
multiple CVA with left-sided residual impaired mobility of lower and upper extremities, and hypertension.
Surgical history is notable for hysterectomy, oophorectomy, appendectomy, and hernia repair. The patient
denied illicit drug use, along with the usage of alcohol. Medication regimen include atorvastatin, Eliquis,
1 2 3 4 1
Open Access Case
Report DOI: 10.7759/cureus.24663
How to cite this article
Boucher B, Fleites O, Varghese R, et al. (May 02, 2022) Intussusception in the Geriatric Population: A Case Report. Cureus 14(5): e24663. DOI
amiodarone, enalapril, hydrochlorothiazide, insulin glargine, senna, bisacodyl, pantoprazole, labetalol,
metoprolol, and warfarin. Allergies were notable for codeine, penicillin, quinine, and contrast media.
CT scan revealed that a long jejunal segment was intussuscepted, with stool impaction in the colon.
Although the patient denied a family history of gastrointestinal malignancy, concerns were raised upon the
patient mentioning that polyps were found 10 years ago on prior colonoscopy. The patient could not recall
what type or where were those polyps located. The patient asked for conservative management, but an air
enema was not a viable option and is contraindicated for this patient, given the proximal nature of the
intussusception and age. The gastroenterology specialist started the patient on saline enemas, and the
patient was educated on how to use saline enemas for fecal evacuation regularly once discharged. The
patient was ultimately discharged upon imaging, indicating improvement of both stool impaction and
intussusception since starting the saline enemas.
The patient presented to the emergency department five months later complaining of vomiting, nausea, lack
of solid feces with enemas, and purulent urination that started three days before her visit. Laboratory results
revealed elevated liver enzymes and leukocytosis, and urinalysis was positive for nitrites, leukocytosis, red
blood cells, and bacteria. The patient denied any recent diet changes or travels and consistently used her
enemas but noted that her stools are now watery. The patient refused surgical evaluation and was discharged
on Bactrim to treat acute cystitis and Zofran to control nausea and vomiting.
The patient returned to the emergency room in acute distress three months later, complaining of
generalized abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, and vomiting for a month with a physical examination
revealing mild abdominal distension and disclosed still being compliant with her enemas. Laboratory results
were normal. CT with IV contrast (Figure 1) revealed small bowel obstruction secondary to intussusception
in the right abdomen distal to the dilated bowel loops (up to 4.6 cm in distension), anasarca, distended
urinary bladder, and pericholecystic fluid with mild wall thickening and a 3.3 cm cyst in the liver. The
patient agreed to surgical intervention and was scheduled for an exploratory laparotomy. The risks and
benefits of the procedure were discussed with the patient, and consent was obtained.
FIGURE 1: CT with intravenous contrast of the abdomen showing the
transition point
Red arrow: transition point
Exploratory laparotomy was performed under general anesthesia with small bowel resection and primary
anastomosis. Dilation of the stomach via insufflation was performed, the proximal small bowel was noted,
the small bowel was eviscerated, and the transition point (Figure 2) was exposed. The telescoped portions of
the bowel were resected, and anastomosis was created. The resected specimen was sent to pathology for
further analysis, and the rest of the small bowel running from the ligament of Treitz down to the ileocecal
valve was examined and showed no abnormalities. No adhesion, signs of bowel perforation or ischemia, or
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any other complications were noted intraoperatively, and the patient was maintained on a small bowel rest
regimen, DVT prophylaxis, and antibiotics for 24 hours postoperatively. Bowel functions started
convalescing on postoperative day 2. The pathology report returned positive for tubulovillous adenoma in
the jejunum measuring 6 × 5.3 × 2.2 cm without evidence of cancer and negative dysplasia in all 12 regional
lymph nodes analyzed. The margins of the specimen were free of dysplasia. Upon normal serial abdominal X-
ray and return of bowel functions, the patient was discharged.
FIGURE 2: Small bowel transition point
Intussusception is the overlapping of a proximal segment of the bowel into the lumen of its distal segment
[14]. Adult intussusception cases typically have a malignant etiology, from which the abnormal growth
serves as the lead point. At the transition point, peristaltic contractions constrict and relax the lumen,
allowing for the invagination of the proximal segment into the distal bowel [2]. Adult intussusceptions
account for less than 5% of all cases [7], from which 52% localize in the small bowel [15]. Intussusception
caused by detectable structural lesions such as adhesions, inflammatory bowel diseases, Meckel's
diverticulum, or neoplasm is called secondary intussusception [13]. The classic presentation of
intussusception involves abdominal pain, currant jelly stools, and palpable tender mass, which is not
generally seen in adult intussusception. Repeated bouts of nonspecific intermittent abdominal pain are a
common complaint in adult patients diagnosed with intussusception [16].
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The cause of our patient's adult intussusception was a large tubulovillous adenoma, measuring 6 × 5.3 × 2.2
cm, with no evidence of malignancy. Tubulovillous adenomas have a combination of tubular and villous
makeup, with the latter alone having the more eminent propensity for malignancy [17]. Tubulovillous
adenomas are poorly differentiated tumors and benign. The early stages of the adenoma are asymptotic, but
unexpected growth can cause morbidity and ultimately become malignant. Treatment guidelines for
tubulovillous adenomas require an extensive bowel resection to prevent the neoplasm from developing into
adenocarcinoma. SBO due to a tubulovillous adenoma in the jejunum accounts for less than 2% [18], while
70% are secondary to adhesions from previous abdominal surgeries. Abdominal pain is considered the most
common symptom for a patient with SBO, generally due to either partial or complete obstruction. Partial
SBO will still have flatus and some stool traveling through the intestine. In contrast, complete SBO will have
bowel obstination with an empty rectum [19].
Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan is the gold standard for diagnosing intussusception and SBO. It
is the most sensitive imaging of choice due to its ability to distinguish the absence or presence of a lead point
in intussusception. Radiographic images of a "target sign," "bull's eye," or "doughnut sign" are auxiliary in
diagnosing intussusception. A diagnostic CT scan for SBO will show dilated bowel loops with a transition
point [20]. CT scan can be a reliable indicator of intussusception and SBO, although determining the
underlying etiology can remain unclear through imaging.
Although rare in the geriatric community, small bowel intussusception in the majority of cases results from
a pathological lead point. Such was the case for our 82-year-old patient, who was found to have a sizeable
tubulovillous adenoma albeit devout of any malignancy. This case displayed the importance of advocating
surgical over conservative management since nine months of enemas did not initially solve the condition.
Air enema remained an unviable option throughout the course in adult and geriatric populations due to the
proximity of the intussusception that air could not reach. Exploratory laparotomy remains the
curative option of choice in any nonpediatric population and pathology to be at the frontline for possible
further treatment based on the etiology report of the lead point.
Additional Information
Human subjects: Consent was obtained or waived by all participants in this study. Conflicts of interest: In
compliance with the ICMJE uniform disclosure form, all authors declare the following: Payment/services
info: All authors have declared that no financial support was received from any organization for the
submitted work. Financial relationships: All authors have declared that they have no financial
relationships at present or within the previous three years with any organizations that might have an
interest in the submitted work. Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other
relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
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... Intussusception is a condition in which a proximal portion of the intestine invaginates into its distal aspect, a phenomenon known as telescoping [1]. It is commonly found among pediatric patients and infants with a peak incidence of 5-7 months of age in infants and 74 per 100,000 in children under one year of age [1]. ...
... Intussusception is a condition in which a proximal portion of the intestine invaginates into its distal aspect, a phenomenon known as telescoping [1]. It is commonly found among pediatric patients and infants with a peak incidence of 5-7 months of age in infants and 74 per 100,000 in children under one year of age [1]. Although the diagnosis can be delayed because of its longstanding, intermittent, and non-specific symptoms, typical signs include colicky abdominal pain, mucus or blood-tinged stool, diarrhea, and emesis [1,2]. ...
... It is commonly found among pediatric patients and infants with a peak incidence of 5-7 months of age in infants and 74 per 100,000 in children under one year of age [1]. Although the diagnosis can be delayed because of its longstanding, intermittent, and non-specific symptoms, typical signs include colicky abdominal pain, mucus or blood-tinged stool, diarrhea, and emesis [1,2]. Intussusceptions in adults are usually due to benign neoplastic lesions, with gastrointestinal metastasis of cutaneous malignant melanoma as the culprit in no more than 15% of cases [3]. ...
Full-text available
Intussusception in adults is a rare finding with a majority of cases occurring in the pediatric population. It occurs infrequently and its presentation, etiology, and treatment differ from childhood intussusception. When discovered in adults, it raises suspicion for a neoplastic process serving as the pathological lead point. Cross-sectional imaging is the primary study of choice for diagnosis, but at times, a more invasive approach involving an exploratory laparotomy is required posing an increased risk for morbidity and mortality. Here we present a 64-year-old male who was found to have jejunal-jejunal intussusception that was surgically removed with pathology revealing metastatic melanoma as the lead point. This case highlights a unique presentation of a melanoma that was previously eradicated with immunotherapy and now had metastasized to the intestine many years later.
... Moreover, the lead points in adult cases are often attributed to carcinomas, polyps, benign neoplasms, diverticulosis, and other pathologic conditions. These are typically found intraoperatively and are responsible for over 90% of intussusception cases in adults [6][7][8][9]. It is important to note that roughly 57% of reported adult intussusception cases are related to a malignant tumor [10]. ...
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Intussusception denotes the intricate phenomenon wherein one segment of the bowel undergoes invagination or telescoping into its contiguous distal segment. The ensuing invaginated segment may be propelled forward through peristaltic movements, potentially precipitating bowel obstruction or ischemia, culminating in necrosis of the affected bowel segment. Although the precise etiology of intussusception remains elusive, particularly in cases devoid of an identifiable lead point, dysrhythmic contractions and lymphoid hyperplasia have been implicated in the pathophysiology of this condition. We present the case of an 86-year-old African American female with a past medical history of hypertension and asthma who presented to our emergency room with a seven-day history of worsening abdominal. The pain was described as sharp and intermittent, and it would worsen with every meal or drink. A physical exam demonstrated the right lower quadrant with vague abdominal tenderness, especially below the umbilical region. Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a long segment of ileocolic obstructing intussusception in the ascending colon, with a 2.6 cm solid mass serving as a lead point. Swift intervention ensued with an urgent exploratory laparotomy, culminating in a right hemicolectomy to excise the intussuscepted segment of the bowel. The pathological examination identified a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of the cecum, categorized as T1N0M0, with all 20 resected lymph nodes yielding negative results. This illustrative case presents a unique insight into a patient with ileocolic obstructing intussusception, caused by a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma acting as the lead point, a relatively uncommon occurrence in adults. Diagnosing intussusception in adults is challenging due to its nonspecific symptoms, which are similar to those of various other gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, it is crucial for medical providers to be acutely aware of the possibility that adenocarcinoma can trigger obstructing intussusception in various parts of the bowel.
... 4 Intussusception can cause various complications, such as small bowel obstruction, bowel ischemia, necrosis, bowel perforation with peritonitis, and sepsis, which require urgent medical attention. 3 When intussusception occurs, it can block the mesentery's venous drainage, which can result in congestion and swelling of the tissue. This can impair peristalsis. ...
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Adult intussusception is typically less common as compared to paediatric population. Adult intussusception makes 5% of all the cases of intestinal obstruction and it may be primary or secondary in nature. Mostly patients present with abdominal pain in emergency department. CT scan is the preferred diagnostic imaging modality. Unlike in the pediatric population, where conservative management is often attempted, surgical intervention with formal resection is the preferred treatment approach in adults with intussusception because of high incidence of some associated pathology. We present a case report of a middle-aged woman who presented with signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction and was diagnosed with intussusception and peritonitis. Exploratory laparotomy and formal resection of the affected bowel segment with ileostomy was performed, and no underlying pathology was identified that makes this case an unusual one.
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There are multiple causes of colocolonic intussusception in adults, such as tumors, autoimmune pathologies, previous abdominal surgeries, and gynecological conditions. Associated complications are small bowel obstruction, ischemia, necrosis, perforation with peritonitis, and sepsis that require urgent attention. A 78-year-old woman who started with colic in the mesogastrium of 5 months of evolution and changes in bowel habits. She went to the emergency room due to intense pain in the mesogastrium. On physical examination, she presented dehydration of the mucous membranes and pale integuments, pain on superficial and deep palpation in the mesogastrium. Admission laboratories: leukocytosis 17,110/ul, neutrophilia 67.9%, hydroelectrolyte imbalance: mild hyponatremia, mild hypochloremia, slightly prolonged coagulation times, normal blood chemistry. Abdominal ultrasound with "pseudokidney" image. Computed tomography reports an image of the introduction of a segment of the transverse colon into a contiguous segment of the same, with data of associated intestinal pneumatosis. Due to the previous findings, an emergency exploratory laparotomy was performed. Invagination of the transverse colon is located, accompanied by dilation of the vessels of the greater omentum; it is reduced manually, an enterotomy is performed and a tumor dependent on the wall is located, for which a 25 cm transverse colon resection, end colostomy and mucous fistula are decided. Pathology report reports inflammatory polyp. In the postoperative period, the patient improved and was discharged. Abdominal pain is the common presentation of intussusception; however, given its rarity in adults, the possibility of missing the finding on abdominal imaging leads to misdiagnosis.
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Small bowel obstructions (SBO) are a common surgical problem accounting for up half of all emergency laparotomies in the United States. SBO in the virgin abdomen (SBO-VA) presents surgeons with a unique predicament as historical teaching has mandated operative exploration in these situations due to their association with more sinister etiologies. More recent research has demonstrated that this may not be the case, with adhesive disease comprising the majority of SBO-VA. Small bowel neoplasms however comprise a considerable portion of SBO-VA. Small bowel tumors comprise around 0.5%-2% of all gastrointestinal tumors, with adenomas being the most common type of benign small bowel tumor. These lesions are most commonly encountered in the duodenum, typically involving the peri-ampullary region, Their incidence decreases with descent down the gastrointestinal tract, and are least commonly found in the ileum. Ileal adenomas have been increasingly described in the literature with the rise of advanced imaging and endoscopic capabilities. The vast majority of these lesions remain asymptomatic; however, they have been reported to undergo malignant transformation resulting in obstruction and intussusception. Small bowel obstruction due to ileal adenomas in the absence of malignancy is exceedingly rare, with only one previously reported case in the literature. We describe a case of an SBO-VA secondary to ileal stricture caused by a tubulo-villous adenoma. We then discuss the topics of SBO and SBO-VA, specifically regarding their etiology and historical and modern management, with a particular focus on the diagnosis and management of small bowel neoplasms, specifically small bowel adenomas.
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Intussusception is defined as invagination of one segment of the bowel into an immediately adjacent segment. The intussusception refers to the proximal segment that invaginates into the distal segment, or the intussusception (recipient segment). Intussusception, more common occur in the small bowel and rarely involve only the large bowel. In direct contrast to pediatric etiologies, adult intussusception is associated with an identifiable cause in almost all the symptomatic cases while the idiopathic causes are extremely rare. As there are many common causes of acute abdomen, intussusception should be considered when more frequent etiologies have been ruled out. In this review, we discuss the symptoms, location, etiology, characteristics, diagnostic methods and treatment strategies of this rare and enigmatic clinical entity in adult.
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Introduction: Intussusception can lead to small bowel obstruction in children, hence the early diagnosis of this condition is very important. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of sonography in the diagnostic work-up of children with suspected intussusceptions in the emergency setting, keeping surgical findings as the gold standard. Methods and design: Two hundred patients with classical presentation of intussusceptions, who were diagnosed either by barium enema or CT scan, were included in this study. Patients with irreducible intussusceptions on color Doppler were followed after surgery. Results: The average age of the patients was 6.7 ± 2.8 years, and the study population consisted of 115 (57.5%) boys and 85 (42.5%) girls. One hundred forty-three patients were confirmed to have intussusception on ultrasonography, of whom 117 (81.8%) were confirmed to have intussusception after surgery while 26 (18%) were not diagnosed with intussusception during surgery. Despite the clinical presentation of intussusceptions, ultrasonography was not diagnostic in 57 patients, of whom 28 were confirmed to have intussusception after surgery and 29 were not found to have the disease. Conclusion: Use of ultrasonography in cases with intussusception has proven to be a reliable and accurate method for diagnosing intussusception and provides an advantage over unnecessary radiological or surgical procedures being performed.
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Background: The aim of this study was to determine the baseline statistics of intussusception in the under-five- year age group in Iran to facilitate the monitoring of potential side effects after administration of rotavirus vaccine. Methods: This hospital-based historical cohort study reviewed children under 60 months of age with the final diagnosis of intussusception, ICD-10 code K56.1, using census in all hospitals of Tehran, Iran from March 2010-2015. Demographic (sex, age, hospital stay duration), clinical manifestations (such as currant jelly stool, abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever),diagnostic and treatment methods (contrast enema, ultrasonography, laparotomy, and laparoscopy), and outcome data of patients aged less than 5 years with the diagnosis of intussusception were collected and analyzed using SPSS Version 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) Results: In this study, 759 patients were diagnosed with intussusception; 309 (40.7%) cases were less than 12 months old. The annual incidence of intussusception was 66.54 cases per 100.000 in children less than one-year-old and 31.61 cases per 100.000 in children less than five years old. The most common symptoms and signs were abdominal pain/irritability (94.2%) and tenderness (24.2%), respectively. The diagnostic method was ultrasound in 75.9% of cases. The most frequent anatomic location was the ileocolic region (87.87%) and the most common treatment method was barium enema. Conclusion: This research has provided a baseline statistic for childhood intussusception in Tehran prior to the administration of the rotavirus vaccine to provide a better comparison with post-introduction data.
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Treatment outcomes of acute intussusception for children under two years old
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Background Intussusception is a common cause of small intestinal obstruction in children under two years of age. Late diagnosis can lead to a potentially worse condition. This prospective study aims to describe the clinical manifestation and develop a conservative management protocol for acute ileocaecal intussusception in children under two years of age. Methods This prospective study was carried out in 118 consecutive patients under two years of age. Patients presented with symptoms and signs of acute intestinal obstruction and a diagnosis of ileocaecal intussusception confirmed by ultrasound were included in this study. All the patients were managed with either pneumatic reduction or operation. Results There were 70 boys and 48 girls ranging in age from three months to two years with a median of 12.5 months. Clinical presentation included abdominal pain (100%), vomiting (82.2%), bloody stool (11.9%), and a palpable mass (43.2%). Patients hospitalized with the symptoms and signs for less than 24 hours accounted for 80.5% of the cases. The overall success rate of pneumatic reduction was 98.3%. Late hospital admission (≥ 24 hours from illness onset), bloody stool, and presenting with the classic triad of symptoms of intussusception were found as the factors that correlated to the surgical management outcome. All patients recovered well without any complications. The median of postoperative hospital stay of two days for the pneumatic reduction group and six days for the operation group. Conclusion The early diagnosis of intussusception contributes to the success of pneumatic reduction and reduces the requirement of surgical intervention.
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Intussusception is a rare phenomenon in adults and usually presents with bowel obstruction. Unlike child intussusception, adult intussusception is seldom idiopathic and frequently associated with secondary causes such as benign and malignant tumors. While most cases are treated surgically, emerging data suggest a more conservative management approach for patients with short-segment adult intussusception and without high-risk features such as bowel obstruction, mass seen on imaging, colon involvement, or constitutional symptoms of malignancy. We present a rare case of adult intussusception due to unsuspected adenocarcinoma of the jejunum, treated successfully with surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. We favor the surgical rather than conservative approach for adult patients with intussusception to avoid missing unsuspected malignant tumors that are not readily visualized on imaging studies.
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Background To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the diagnostic performance of computed tomography (CT) for small bowel obstruction (SBO), including diagnostic accuracy, ischemia, predicting surgical intervention, etiology and transition point. Methods PubMed/MEDLINE and related databases were searched for research articles published from their inception through August 2018. Findings were pooled using bivariate random-effects and summary receiver operating characteristic curve models. Meta-regression and subgroup analyses were performed to evaluate whether publication year, patient age, enhanced CT, slice thickness and pathogenesis affected classification accuracy. Results In total, 45 studies with a total of 4004 patients were included in the analysis. The pooled sensitivity and specificity of CT for SBO were 91% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 84%, 95%) and 89% (95% CI: 81%, 94%), respectively, and there were no differences in the subgroup analyses of age, publication year, enhanced CT and slice thickness. For ischemia, the pooled sensitivity and specificity was 82% (95% CI: 67%, 91%) and 92% (95% CI: 86%, 95%), respectively. No difference was found between enhanced and unenhanced CT based on subgroup analysis; however, high sensitivity was found in adhesive SBO compared with routine causes (96% vs. 78%, P = 0.03). The pooled sensitivity and specificity for predicting surgical intervention were 87% and 73%, respectively. The accuracy for etiology of adhesions, hernia and tumor was 95%, 70% and 82%, respectively. In addition, the pooled sensitivity and specificity for transition point was 92% and 77%, respectively. Conclusions CT has considerable accuracy in diagnosis of SBO, ischemia, predicting surgical intervention, etiology and transition point.
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Intussusception is defined as the invagination of one segment of the bowel into an immediately adjacent segment of the bowel. Idiopathic ileocolic intussusception is the most common form in children and is typically managed with nonoperative reduction via pneumatic and/or hydrostatic enemas. In the adult population, intussusception is uncommon and occurs more often in the small intestine than in the colon. It is associated with lead point pathology in most symptomatic cases presenting as bowel obstruction. When lead point pathology is present in adult small bowel intussusception, it is usually benign, though when malignant it is most frequently due to diffuse metastatic disease, for example, melanoma. In contrast, adult ileocolic and colonic intussusception lead point pathology is most frequently primary adenocarcinoma when malignant. The diagnosis is typically made intraoperatively or by cross-sectional imaging. With increasingly frequent CT/MRI of the adult abdomen in the current era, transient and/or asymptomatic intussusceptions are increasingly found and may often be appropriately observed without intervention. When intervention in the adult population is warranted, usually oncologic bowel resection is performed due to the association with lead point pathology. © Thieme Medical Publishers333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.