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Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman) is an orphan or little researched food crop cultivated only in Ethiopia. Enset was initially farmed in a system of shifting cultivation and fully domesticated in Ethiopia between 10,000 and 5,000 years ago. Fulfledged research on enset has been conducted over the past five decades and coordinated by Southern Agricultrural Research Institute (SARI)-Areka Agricutural Research Center (Areka ARC) through unreserved supports from Ethiopian Institute of Agricutural Research (EIAR). In this annotated bibliography an attempt has been made to gather all available information on enset regarding research, development and production from 1790 to 2021 GC. The bibliography is composed on 575 different literature divided into 16 chapters. The general information on the importance of the crop and research plans are presented in the first two chapters. The third chapter indicates some environmental conditions suitable for enset cultivation. Information on the history, origin and taxonomy are shown in Chapter 4. Germplasm diversity both on in situ and ex situ management are shown in Chapter 5. Studies on Enset propagation, tissue culture, transformation, agronomy and soils fertility are indicated in chapter 6 and 7.The limited number of studies on enset processing is shown in Chapter 8. Disease and insect pest control measures research studies are dealt in Chapters 9 and 10. Limited research on enset Microbiome and fermentation, human nutrition and food value are indicated in Chapter 11 and 12. Studies or information related to animal nutrition and feed values are available in Chapter 13. Information on enset starch and fiber industrial utilization and farming system and socio economic studies surveys are dealt in Chapters 14 and 15. Published information regarding closely related Ensete species are also provided in Chapter 16. In general, as enset is an endigenous crop to Ethiopia, most of the research and development works have been conducted in Ethiopia and dissemination of available information to wider scientific community is also expected from this country. Therefore, the information provided in this publication will serve as a reference for guiding the research and development in enset so that the potential of the crop is fully exploited and the crop contributes to the national economy of Ethiopia, East Africa and beyond.
Annotated Bibliography of Enset
(Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman)
1790 to 2021
Zerihun Yemataw, Henoke Fikre, Sadik Muzemil,
James Borrell and Temesgen Magule
First Edition 2022
Annotated Bibliography of Enset
(Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman)
1790 to 2021 First Edition
Zerihun Yemataw, Henoke Fikre, Sadik Muzemil,
James Borrell and Temesgen Magule
Southern Agricultural Research Institute-Ethiopia,
Kew Botanical Garden and Hawassa University
Edited by:
Getinet Alemaw, Agdew Bekele and Fekadu Gurmu
Correct citation: Zerihun Yemataw, Henoke Fikre, Sadik Muzemil, James
Borrell and Temesgen Magule (2021). Annotated Bibilography of Enset
(Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman) in Getinet Alemaw, Agdew Bekele and Fekadu
Gurmu (Editors), Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Hawassa, Ethiopia. 92 p.
Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman is an indigenous multipurpose herbaceous crop
cultivated mainly in Southren, Sidama, South Western and Oromia regions in Ethiopia. The crop
is a rich source of starch and carbohydrate consumed as Bulla, Kocho and Amicho. It is also a
good source of fiber and animal feed. Unlike Eastern and Northern Ethiopia, Enset growing
areas are not known to have severe food shortages even during the Ethiopian great famine or
„kifu ken‟ that lasted 1888 to 1892. During that period king Minilik II visited the Enset growing
Gurage areas and gave its name Workie (meaning gold) to Enset. Even today workie is
synonymous with Enset in many areas of Oromia. This shows that the crop is climate resilient
and tolerates to low moisture stress for a longer period due to its herbaceous nature. Recent
modelling studies showed that Enset can be cultivated in a much wider area to feed more than
100 million people and boost food security in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. The plant
can be planted and harvested in any time of the year indicating its resilience to climate
The research on Enset started with the establishment of Agricultural Colleges and the then Debre
Zeit Experiment Station of the Addis Abeba University. Today research on Enset is conducted
in Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Oromia
Agricultural Research Institute and Universities (Addis Ababa, Arba Minch, Dilla, Hawassa,
Wolita Sodo, Wolkite and Wachamo). The research ranges from propagation and cultivation
methods to molecular biology and food science.
Enset can be propagated using seeds and vegetatively using whole or halved corms. Propagation
using seeds is not preferred due to problems associated with viability and dormancy but may be
useful for breeding purposes. Tissue culture protocol was also developed to multiply disease free
planting material in massive scale as well as in vitro conservation of germplasm. Molecular
techniques such as Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Random Amplified
Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) and Simple Sequence
Repeated (SSR) were used to study genetic variability of Enset germplasm. Enset Germplasm is
by large conserved at Areka Research Center with some institutes holding some clones. An in
situ conservation of a complete national germplasm collection is progressing. Once the
germplasm is assembled in a single or two sites, elimination of duplicates can be done using
morphological and molecular characterizations. This will facilitate identification of genotypes
possessing valuable traits and hence the genetic improvement on Enset to develop superior Bulla
and Kocho type varieties. So far six Kocho type improved varieties were released out of the
Recently Enset Research Platform is established by the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Council
Secretariat that meets once a year to review current research works and set priorities. The
platform includes research institutes and universities as indicated above as well as Agricultural
Bureaus of Southern, Oromia, Sidama, and South West Regions. The Platform has also
Technical Committee that meets every three months to execute the recommendations made by
the platform. The Technical Committee has been working mainly on five issues namely 1/
Establishment of the national in situ germplasm conservation 2/ assembly of data base and web
site 3/ assessment of Enset processing machines 4/ IPM on Enset Bacterial Wilt and 5/ expansion
of Enset beyond its traditional production domain. As Enset is a climate resilient crop there is a
growing interest to adapt the released varieties in East and West Gojam.
The most limiting factors to Enset production are Enset Bacterial Wilt and absence of Enset
processing machines. Enset Bacterial Wilt caused by (Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum)
is a serious disease that can cause complete death of a plant. The disease is reported in all Enset
growing districts with varying intensity. The only known control measure is sanitation,
minimizing the disease inoculum by eradication of diseased plants and using clean implements.
Screening of Enset clones for resistance/tolerance of the pathogen showed varying degree of
susceptibly and complete resistance is not known. Hence IPM particularly sanitation remains to
be the only control method.
The processing of Enset both the pseudo stem and root has been a back breaking job causing
human physiological stress. Usually women are the operators even during pregnancy and
lactation. This has been a huge workload that causes enormous stress to women, thus various
efforts were carried out by various institutions to invent and erect an Enset processing machine.
Different prototypes both manual and motorized as well as dual purpose were erected by various
institutions. In 2021, a survey on the performance of Enset processing machines were conducted
in various institutions and Universities. In the end, two prototypes were selected for
demonstration in selected Enset growing districts. The performance of the prototype from Bako
Agricultural Mechanization Research Center and Wolkite poly technique institute were selected
and demonstrated for Women farmers at Tulla (Sidama regiona), Wolkite (Gurage zone) and
Areka (Wolaita zone). The performance of the prototype from Bako was preferred by farmers at
all locations for all purposes. The machine produces pure kocho, Amicho and fiber and hence
shall be multiplied and disseminated to farmers in the near future.
Today, large amount of literature on Enset authored by researchers, graduate students and
historians is available scattered elsewhere. Although the first report comes out in 1790, most of
the literature have been accumulated during the last fifty years. Assembly of all available
literature in one volume would facilitate the flow of information among scientists which
otherwise is scattered. Here, we present the first edition of the annotated bibliography of Enset
literature available till 2021.
Getinet Alemaw (PhD) and Fekadu Gurmu (PhD) (EARCS), Agdew Bekele (PhD) (SARI)
Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman) is an orphan or little researched food crop
cultivated only in Ethiopia. Enset was initially farmed in a system of shifting cultivation and
fully domesticated in Ethiopia between 10,000 and 5,000 years ago. Fulfledged research on enset
has been conducted over the past five decades and coordinated by Southern Agricultrural
Research Institute (SARI)-Areka Agricutural Research Center (Areka ARC) through unreserved
supports from Ethiopian Institute of Agricutural Research (EIAR). In this annotated
bibliography an attempt has been made to gather all available information on enset regarding
research, development and production from 1790 to 2021 GC. The bibliography is composed on
575 different literatures divided into 16 chapters. The general information on the importance of
the crop and research plans are presented in the first two chapters. The third chapter indicates
some environmental conditions suitable for enset cultivation. Information on the history, origin
and taxonomy are shown in Chapter 4. Germplasm diversity both on in situ and ex situ
management are shown in Chapter 5. Studies on Enset propagation, tissue culture,
transformation, agronomy and soils fertility are indicated in chapter 6 and 7.The limited number
of studies on enset processing is shown in Chapter 8. Disease and insect pest control measures
research studies are dealt in Chapters 9 and 10. Limited research on enset Microbiome and
fermentation, human nutrition and food value are indicated in Chapter 11 and 12. Studies or
information related to animal nutrition and feed values are available in Chapter 13. Information
on enset starch and fiber industrial utilization and farming system and socio economic studies
surveys are dealt in Chapters 14 and 15. Published information regarding closely related Ensete
species are also provided in Chapter 16.
In general, as enset is an endigenous crop to Ethiopia, most of the research and development
works have been conducted in Ethiopia and dissemination of available information to wider
scientific community is also expected from this country. Therefore, the information provided in
this publication will serve as a reference for guiding the research and development in enset so
that the potential of the crop is fully exploited and the crop contributes to the national economy
of Ethiopia, East Africa and beyond.
Zerihun Yemataw (PhD)
Table of Contents
Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................... ii
Preface ......................................................................................................................................................... iv
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... v
Literature Citation Guide ............................................................................................................................. vi
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................... viii
Names of Enset ............................................................................................................................................ ix
1. History, Origin and Taxonomy of Enset ............................................................................................... 1
2. General Importance ............................................................................................................................... 3
3. Agroecology of Enset............................................................................................................................ 8
4. Research Plans and Programs ............................................................................................................... 9
5. Enset Genetic Resource Utilization and Management ........................................................................ 12
5.1. Diversity management of enset landraces in situ/Onfarm .......................................................... 12
5.2. Diversity Management of Enset Landraces ex situ ..................................................................... 23
6. Enset Propagation, tissue culture and Transformation ........................................................................ 27
7. Agronomy, Soils Fertility Studies ....................................................................................................... 32
8. Enset Processing ................................................................................................................................. 37
9. Disease and Control Measures ............................................................................................................ 39
10. Pest and Control Measures .................................................................................................................. 48
11. Enset Micro Biology and Fermentation .............................................................................................. 51
12. Human Nutrition and Food value........................................................................................................ 55
13. Animal Nutrition and Feed value ........................................................................................................ 58
14. Enset Starch and Fiber Industrial Utilization ...................................................................................... 62
15. Farming System and Socio Economic Studies.................................................................................... 68
16. Genus Ensete, Excluding Ensete ventricosum .................................................................................... 74
Literature Citation Guide
Ethiopian names cited based on: Ronny Meyer, Yvonne Treis (2021). How to quote Ethiopian
authors in linguistic publications. Afrika undÜbersee, Universität Hamburg, In press. ffhal-
For articles in Journal, Bulletins or Newsletters: Author(s), Year of publication, title, journal
name, volume (number), page number
Pankhrust R. (1966). The Great Ethiopian Famine of 1888-1892: A New Assessment: Part
Two. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. 21(3): 271-294. .Accessed: 30-09-2018 05:44 UTC
Articles in Proceedings: author, year of publication, title of the article, editors, titles of the
proceeding, place and date of the conference of workshop, publisher, place of publication and
page in the proceeding.
Rahmato D. (1996). Resilience and vulnerability; Enset agriculture in Southern Ethiopia. In:
Abate, T., Hiebsch, C., Brandt, S.A. and Gebremariam, S. (eds.). Proceedings of International
Workshop on Enset, Addis Ababa (ETH), 1993/12/13-20. Enset-based sustainable agriculture in
Ethiopia. IAR, Addis Ababa (ETH). P. 83- 106.
We thank the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Council Secretariat (EARCS) and the European
Community Horizon 2020 grant Project ID 727624, “Microbial uptakes for sustainable
management of major banana pests and diseases (MUSA) for their financial support. The authors
would like to thank the Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) and Hawassa
Agricultural Research Center for timely provision of the necessary services and facilities.
We are deeply grateful to Ato Demeke Negussie for the development and sharing of the
suitablity map of enset production. We are very much indebted to colleagues who have read and
commented on the drafts of the bibliography.
List of Acronyms
Enset Xanthomonas wilt
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Ethiopian Agricultural Research Council Secretariat
Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
German Technical Cooperation Agency
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
Lambert Academic Publishing
Peasant Agricultural Development Program.
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
Southern Agricultural Research Institute
United Nation Development Program
Names of Enset
Botanical names:
Current names: Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman
Old names: False Banana
Local name: Enset
Examples of Local names given by different ethinic groups:
Local name
Figure 1. Major Enset Producing Areas
Figure 2. Enset literature frequency: (A) Year of Publication; (B) Publication category
1. History, Origin and Taxonomy of Enset
Baker, R.E.D, & Simmonds, N.W. (1953). The genus Ensete in Africa. Kew Bulletin 3: 405
Blench, R. & Dendo, M. (2007). Enset culture and its history in highland Ethiopia. p.13. In:
Proceedings of IVth Cushitic-Omotic Conference, Leiden (NLD), 2003/04/10-13. Enset
culture and its history in highland Ethiopia. Rudiger Koppe Verlag, Cologne, Germany.
Brandit S. A. (1996). Model for the origins and evolution of enset food production. In: Abate,
T., Hiebsch, C., Brandt, S.A. and Gebremariam, S. (eds.). Proceedings of International
Workshop on Enset, Addis Ababa (ETH), 1993/12/13-20. Enset-based sustainable
agriculture in Ethiopia. IAR, Addis Ababa (ETH). 36-46 pp.
Cheesman, E.E. (1947). Classification of the Bananas: The Genus Ensete Horan. Kew Bull., 2:
Endashaw Bekele (2018). The centre of origin and domestication of Ensete ventricosum
(Welw.) Cheesman and its phylogenetic relationship to some Musa species. Ethiop. J.
Biol. Sci. 17(Suppl.): 3749.
Filip Verloove (2021). New records in vascular plants alien to Tenerife (Spain, Canary Islands).
Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e62878. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.9.e62878
Harlan, J. R. (1969). Ethiopia: A center of diversity. Economic Botany, 23(4): 309314.
Harlan, J. (1971). Agricultural origins: Centers and non-centers. Science, 239(4843): 1718.
Kiflu Tesfamicael, Endale Gebre, March T., Sznajder B., Mather D., and López C. (2020).
Accumulation of mutations in genes associated with sexual reproduction contributed to the
domestication of a vegetatively propagated staple crop, enset. Horticulture Research.
Mahanty H.K. (1970). A Cytological Study of the Zingiberales with Special Reference to Their
Taxonomy. Cytologia, 35(1): 13-49
Moore, H.E. (1957). Musa and Ensete: the cultivated bananas. Baileya 5:167-194.
Peregerins T. (1992). Endemic Crop Plants of Ethiopia: False Banana (Ensete ventricosum
(welw.) Cheesman). Walia 14: 27-34
Rossel, G. (1994). Musa and Ensete in Africa: Taxonomy, Names and History. Azania:
Archaeological Research in Africa 29-30(1):130-146.
Sebesebe Demissew & Friis I. (2018). Review of the history, taxonomy and nomenclature of
ensete and the objectives and expectations of the international workshop on Ensete
ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman. Ethiop. J. Biol. Sci. 17(Suppl.): 123.
Shepherd K. (1959). Two New Basic Chromosome Numbers in the Musaceae. Nature 183,
Simmonds, N.W. (1962). The Evolution of the Bananas (London: Longman).
Tilak, V.D. and Pai, R.M. (1974). The floral anatomy of Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman.
Proceedings Plant Sciences 80(6): 253-261.
2. General Importance
Admasu Tsegaye & Westphal, E., (2002). Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman. [Internet]
Record from PROTA4U. Oyen, L.P.A. & Lemmens, R.H.M.J. (Editors). PROTA (Plant
Resources of Tropical Africa / Ressources végétales de l‟Afrique tropicale), Wageningen,
Netherlands. <>.
Asnaketch Woldetensaye (1997). The ecology and production of Ensete ventricosum in
Ethiopia. Ph.D. thesis (Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), 129 pp.
Asnaketch Woldetensaye & Linden B. (1997). Cultivation and Utilization of Ensete
ventricosum in two regions of Ethiopia. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 21
Biesalski HK & Birner R. (2018) (eds): Hidden Hunger: Strategies to Improve Nutrition
Quality. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 118:221-226. doi: 10.1159/000484464
Borrell, J. S., Biswas, M. K., Goodwin, M., Blomme, G., Schwarzacher, T., Heslop-
Harrison, P. J. S., & Wilkin, P. (2019). Enset in Ethiopia: A poorly characterized but
resilient starch staple. Annals of Botany 123: 747766, doi: 10.1093/aob/mcy214,
available online at
Borrel J., Mark G., Blomme G., Kim J., Wondaweke Abebe, Dawd Gashu, Ermias Lulekal,
Zemede Asfaw. Sebsebe Demissew & Paul W., (2019). Enset-based agricultural systems
in Ethiopia: A systematic review of production trends, agronomy, processing and the
wider food security applications of a neglected banana relative. Plants, People, Planet.
2020(2): 212228. DOI: 10.1002/3.10084.
Bruce, J. (1790). Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, in the Years 1768, 1769, 1770,
1771, 1772, and 1773. 5 Vols. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press).
Deckers, J., Mesfin Tessera, Kefale Alemu, Tsedeke Abate & Swennen, R. (2001). Ensete,
Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman. 587-591 PP. In: Raemaekers, R.H. (eds.). Crop
production in tropical Africa. DGCI, Bruxelles (BEL).
Dereje Bacha & Endale Taboge (2004). Enset production in West Shewa Zones. Research
Report. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Ethiopian Agricultural Research organization (EARO),
Desalegn Rahmato (1996). Resilience and vulnerability; Enset agriculture in Southern Ethiopia.
In: Tsedeke Abate, Hiebsch, C., Brandt, S.A. and Seifu Gebremariam (eds.). Proceedings
of International Workshop on Enset, Addis Ababa (ETH), 1993/12/13-20. Enset-based
sustainable agriculture in Ethiopia. IAR, Addis Ababa (ETH). pp 83-106.
Desta Amare (2017). Enset (Warqe) Production and Use in South Shewa Zone of Wonchi
District. ZENA-LISSAN (Journal of Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures). 26
(2): 112-138
Detlev Karsten (1968). Die Ensete (falsche Banane): ein Beispiel zur Ernährungswirtschaft in
Äthiopien. 3(1):59-64. Fragen der Ernährungswirtschaft in Afrika.
Dirk H. & Bernd S. (1998). Phenylphenalenones from Ensete ventricosum. Journal of
Phytochemistry, 49(7):21552157.
Endale Taboge (2000). Sustainable production of Enset (Ensete ventricosum). AgriTopia 15(2-
4): 3-4.
Endale Taboge (2003). Sustainable Production of Enset (Ensete ventricosum). FEATURES 15:
(2-4) April-December 2000/3
Fekede Menuta (2021). The ensete in Gurage: Nomenclature, use and meaning extension. In book:
Grammatical and Sociolinguistic Aspects of Ethiopian Languages. DOI: 10.1075/impact.48.02men
Gebre Yintiso (1996). Economic and socio-cultural significance of enset among Ari of southern
Ethiopia. In: Abate, T., Hiebsch, C., Brandt, S.A. and Gebremariam, S. (eds.). Proceedings
of International Workshop on Enset, Addis Ababa (ETH), 1993/12/13-20. Enset-based
sustainable agriculture in Ethiopia. IAR, Addis Ababa (ETH). 107-120 pp.
George Jacob (2004). Enset - The „False Banana‟ as Food Security. Field Exchange 22, p2.
Getahun Yemata (2020). Ensete ventricosum: A Multipurpose Crop against Hunger in Ethiopia.
The Scientific World Journal. 2020 (6431849) 1-11.
Hildebrand E. (2007). A Tale of Two Tuber Crops: How Attributes of Enset and Yams may
have Shaped Prehistoric Human-Plant Interactions in Southwest Ethiopia. Book in
Chapter. Left Coast Press. Walnet Creek, California. 273-298 pp.
Heuzé V., Thiollet H., Tran G., Hassoun P. & Lebas F., (2017). Enset (Ensete ventricosum)
corms and pseudostems. Feedipedia, a programme by INRAE, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. Last updated on April 5, 2017, 10:55
Kefale Alemu & Sandford, S. (1991). Enset in north Omo region. Farmer‟s Res. Project
Technical Pamphlet No. 1. Farm Africa (Addis Abeba), 49 pp.
Lee, R., & Zawdie, G. (1997). Population growth, environment stress and innovation in
Ethiopian peasant agriculture. Sci., Technol. and Development. 15: 104126.
MacEntee, K., Thompson, J., Sirawdink Fikreyesus & Jihad, K. (2013). “Enset is a Good
Thing”: Gender and Enset in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Applied
Sciences and Technology, (Special Issue No.1): 103-109.
Mesfin Sahle, Osamu Saito and Sebsebe Demissew (2021). Exploring the multiple
contributions of enset (Ensete ventricosum) for sustainable management of home garden
agroforestry system in Ethiopia. Sustainability, 3(100101)
Mihret Dananto (2013). Ensete ventricosum: Camel Crop, a Livelihood underpinning of the
Southern Ethiopian Highland. International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology (IJERT). 2 (3): 2278-0181
Pankhurst A. (1996). Social consequence of enset production. In: Abate, T., Hiebsch, C.,
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Enset, Addis Ababa (ETH), 1993/12/13-20. Enset-based sustainable agriculture in
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Worku Nida (1996). The Gurage perception of enset. In: Abate, T., Hiebsch, C., Brandt, S.A.
and Gebremariam, S. (eds.). Proceedings of International Workshop on Enset, Addis
Ababa (ETH), 1993/12/13-20. Enset-based sustainable agriculture in Ethiopia. IAR, Addis
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Zippel K. (2002). Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesm.) In subsistence farming systems
in Ethiopia. In Deutscher Tropentag 2002, Witzenhausen, October 9-11, 2002. Conference
on International Agricultural Research for Development, Witzenhausen, Germany:
Deutscher Tropentag.
3. Agroecology of Enset
Abera Jaleta, Bikila Tesfa & Temesgen Olani (2020). Impact of Climate Change on the
Diversity and Distribution of Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw) Cheesman) in Ethiopia:
A Review. 8(4):80-86. Doi: 10.11648/j.jps.20200804.12.
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Enset fiber
Kocho served with kitfo
Traditional enset processing
Traditional amicho chopping
Basket made from Enset fiber
Modern enset processing machine
Enset as homestead crop
Enset conserved at Areka ARC
Enset based faming system
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Xanthomonas wilt (XW) of banana caused by Xanthomonas vasicola pv. musacearum (Xvm) does not spread to all plants physically interconnected through the rhizome when one or a few are diseased. However, the factors behind this incomplete systemic spread of Xvm are not fully known yet could inform XW management. This study explored the effect of Xvm inoculum amounts, number and size of suckers, sucker positioning on mother plant corms and other mother plant corm attributes on sucker colonization. A shorter (p <0.05) incubation period (17.9 vs 21.1 days) and higher (p<.001) cumulative number of symptomatic leaves (5.2 vs 1.6 leaves) was observed when all (high inoculum) compared to two leaves (low inoculum) were inoculated. Xvm was recovered in corms at 29 days post inoculation (dpi) in both treatments with no differences (p >0.05) in proportions of corms with Xvm between the treatments. However, Xvm was recovered earlier and at a higher frequency in suckers when all leaves were inoculated. Lower Xvm recoveries occurred in the lower corm sections to which most suckers were attached relative to the middle and upper corm sections. Xvm incidence in corms increased with the number of attached maiden suckers, and the dpi while it declined with increasing mother plant and corm height. Thus, Xvm spread within mats is influenced by the amount of inoculum and the physiological stage (e.g., height) of the plant and attached suckers. The position of suckers, predominantly at the bottom of corms also protects them from infection. Measures that reduce Xvm inoculum build-up in mats are thus crucial for minimizing within mat XW spread.
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Ensete superbum Roxb. Cheesman (wild banana) is a plant traditionally used for the treatment of fever and diarrhea. On a preliminary screening, the ripe peel aqueous extract (PA) exhibited higher cytotoxicity (cell viability of 49% against HCT‐15 at 75 µg/ml; and 46% against Caco2 at 50 µg/ml), superior anti‐inflammatory (IC50 of 0.49 µg/ml), and greater anti‐mutagenic activity at 500 µg/plate compared to the aqueous extracts of seed (SA), flower (FA) and bract (BA). Therefore, we further evaluated the anti‐proliferative activity of PA and its fractions. The ability to inhibit the growth of cell lines (HCT‐15 and Caco2) was used for the bio‐guided fractionation and isolation of active compounds in PA using chromatographic techniques. Multiple extractions of the PA yielded the peel dioxane fraction (PD), and column fractionation of PD yielded eight compounds, of which three (Compound D—PDD, Compound E—PDE, and Compound G—PDG) possessed higher cytotoxic activity. At 10 µg/ml, the cell viability of HCT‐15 was 50.1%, 46.5%, and 61.9%, respectively; Caco2 was 98.2%, 62.9%, and 64.7%, respectively, for PDD, PDE, and PDG. These compounds also showed apoptotic effect as evidenced by measuring the mitochondrial membrane potential, dual staining (acridine orange/ethidium bromide), DNA fragmentation, and the ROS status in colorectal cell lines. The UPLC‐HRMS/MS, FTIR, and NMR data revealed the active compounds as quercetin‐3‐O‐rutinoside, 3,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐hydroxybenzoic acid, and 4′,5,7‐trihydroxyflavone. These findings indicate the anti‐proliferative potential of PA, and warrant further investigation of its active principles in the amelioration of colorectal cancer in in vivo models. Practical Application The potential of an underutilized crop as a source of therapeutic agents for colon cancer was established, as the study showed a high cytotoxic activity of wild bananas against HCT‐15 and Caco2 cell lines. Bioactivity guided fractionation of peel fraction identified the active compounds present in wild banana, and their anticancer activity was attributed to the induction of cell death. The study indicated that wild banana has the potential to inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells.
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Enset (Ensete ventricosum Welw. Cheesman) is a perennial crop, cultivated by millions of smallholder farmers in the south, central, and southwestern Ethiopia. However, its production has been endangered by one of the overwhelming enset bacterial wilt (EXW) disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum (Xcm). The burden of the disease and the geographical distribution and the main contributing environmental factors are not precisely known. Therefore this study was aimed at determining the magnitude of enset bacterial wilt and identification of biophysical factors that influences the spatial distribution of the disease using spatial statistical analysis techniques in Yem special district, southwest Ethiopia. Different data on EXW prevalence and incidence were collected by applying purposive and spatial random sampling methods. The logistic regression method was used to model the relationship between EXW prevalence and response variables. And a generalized linear model was employed to analyze the relationship between EXW incidence and response variables. The results show that EXW disease is widely distributed at different degrees of intensity. The overall average EXW prevalence and incidence rates are 64.4% and 20.11%, respectively. The predicting variables such as annual relative humidity (RH), total precipitation, altitude, silty soil texture, are positively correlated with EXW prevalence.Similarly, in the case of EXW incidence,RH,total annual precipitation, altitude, silty soil texture, soil pH, and insect vector (leafhopper) are positively correlated. This finding can be used as guidelines to control the spread of the disease on hot spot areas and further contributes to the growing research on the etiology of EXW.
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Pratylenchus goodeyi appears to be the most prevalent nematode pest of enset in Ethiopia, where it can occur in extremely high densities. However, the damage to yield or how different enset cultivars react to the nematode has yet to be determined. The current study therefore sought to establish a first assessment of these reactions by enset to P. goodeyi infection. Determining pest-resistant cultivars is an important task in developing management strategies. Our study evaluated nine enset cultivars to establish host response and identify potential sources of resistance. In addition, the pathogenicity of P. goodeyi was assessed on three enset cultivars. After 9 months’ growth, significant differences in final population densities ( P f ) and reproduction factor (RF) were observed amongst the nine cultivars, with ‘Gefetanuwa’ the most susceptible ( P f = 25 799 and RF = 12.9), and similarly in a repeat experiment for 4.5 months ( P f = 126 534 and RF = 63.3). ‘Maziya’ and ‘Heila’ were the most resistant in the first experiment ( P f < 455 and RF < 0.2) as well as in the repeat, together with ‘Kellisa’ ( P f < 5255 and RF < 2.6). In the pathogenicity experiment four inoculum densities significantly affected the P f and RF but not among the three cultivars ‘Maziya’, ‘Arkiya’ and ‘Heila’. This is the first known study to assess genotype reaction to P. goodeyi , which shows that there are significant differences in the reactions of different cultivars and that resistance appears to be present in enset.
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Conservation and genetic assessment of wild banana relatives is important for future breeding purposes. Haplotype network analysis was conducted to wild banana relatives comprised Ensete glaucum, Musa acuminata and Musa balbisianausing rbcL gene sequences. Sequences characterization showed high conservation level (91%), low indels (1.83%), and low parsimony informatives (3.51%). However, it was powerfull to separate the dataset at families, genera and species level; and moderately to separate at intraspecies level of wild bananas. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity of wild bananas were high. At intraspecies level, both M. acuminata and M. balbisiana showed high haplotype diversity but low nucelotide diversity among haplotypes; M. acuminata has higher value than M. balbisiana. No haplotype and nucleotide diversity in E. glaucum. Wild bananas were separated into seven haplotypes, with four haplogroups. Mutational pathway revealed that E. glaucum haplotype became root; and was closely related to M. balbisiana than M. acuminata. M. acuminata var. malaccensis haplotype became root within all M. acuminata varieties, and each haplotype differed by single point mutation.
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Ensets (Ensete spp., family Musaceae), are multipurpose plants with great versatility and potential as a food security crop, although they are cultivated only in Ethiopia and few other regions of Africa. Currently due to loss of habitat, intensification of agriculture, genetic diversity of both wild and domestic ensets is at high risk of erosion. Ensete glaucum (Roxb.) Cheesman, a less-known and under-utilized crop wild relative of banana, is found as natural strands in North-eastern regions of India. No report exists on seed conservation or cryopreservation of E. glaucum and the present work was undertaken to fill this knowledge gap. Mature fruits of two seeded accessions of E. glaucum (MZU-DBT-T15 and HSB-8) were collected from plants in natural populations from two geographically distinct North-eastern region of India. Seed morphology, moisture content (MC) of seed and embryo, viability and germination of excised embryos, desiccation and cryosensitivity were studied. Fresh seed (31% MC) viability measured through in vitro germination of excised embryos was not significantly different in both accessions (87–89%). Seeds could tolerate desiccation up to 5–10% MC without significant loss in germination potential (83–84%) and safely stored up to 1 year at room temperature (RT), without loss of viability. Air dehydrated seeds (10 ± 2% MC) and embryos (12 ± 2% MC) were cryopreserved (in liquid and vapour phase of liquid nitrogen). High post-thaw recovery was achieved in both tissues i.e. seeds (80.2 ± 2.2%) and embryos (83.1 ± 2.6%) by in vitro culture of excised embryos on MS medium + 2 µM gibberellic acid + 1 µM 6-benzyl amino purine (BAP) + 1 µM ascorbic acid. The seedlings converted into multiple shoots (15–20 shoots/explant) within 2 months of culture on medium with MS salts + 10 µM BAP + 1 µM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) + 1 µM ascorbic acid. This study is the first successful report of cryopreservation of E. glaucum using simple air dehydration. Using the method devised, seeds and zygotic embryos of the two accessions of E. glaucum are safely conserved in the Cryogenebank, while in vitro plantlets are maintained in the In Vitro Genebank of ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, India.
This study aimed to identify the effects of the stacking sequences on mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties of ensete/glass hybrid composites. The composites were fabricated by using 4 layers of carded ensete web and woven glass fabric by Vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding method. Mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties of hybrid composites characterized by advanced equipment. The test results showed that hybridization of ensete web with glass woven fabrics enhanced the mechanical properties of ensete composites.The morphology of fractured tensile fracture samples reveals that higher glass fibers pullout than ensete fibers in hybrid composites. The flexural properties also increased when glass fiber hybridized with ensete fiber and the optimum values obtained when it is used as the skin of the composite.The composites samples stacked as glass-ensete-glass (GEEG) showed higher storage modulus as compared to glass-ensete (GGEE) ensete composites whereas loss modulus of the composites reinforced with only glass fiber exhibited the maximum value of 407 MPa and the height of the damping curve decreased when stacking of reinforces is GEEG. It concluded that experimental studies showed that the ensete/glass fiber hybrid polyester composites can be used as load-bearing structures and components where high resistance to deformations and thermal stability is necessary.