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Modeling the Properties of White Matter Tracts Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Characterize Patterns of Injury in Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease


Abstract and Figures

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a relatively novel magnetic resonance-based imaging methodology that can provide valuable insight into the microstructure of white matter tracts of the brain. In this paper, we evaluated the reliability and reproducibility of deriving a semi-automated pseudo-atlas DTI tractography method vs. standard atlas-based analysis alternatives, for use in clinical cohorts with neurodegeneration and ventriculomegaly. We showed that the semi-automated pseudo-atlas DTI tractography method was reliable and reproducible across different cohorts, generating 97.7% of all tracts. However, DTI metrics obtained from both methods were significantly different across the majority of cohorts and white matter tracts ( p < 0.001). Despite this, we showed that both methods produced patterns of white matter injury that are consistent with findings reported in the literature and with DTI profiles generated from these methodologies. Scatter plots comparing DTI metrics obtained from each methodology showed that the pseudo-atlas method produced metrics that implied a more preserved neural structure compared to its counterpart. When comparing DTI metrics against a measure of ventriculomegaly (i.e., Evans’ Index), we showed that the standard atlas-based method was able to detect decreasing white matter integrity with increasing ventriculomegaly, while in contrast, metrics obtained using the pseudo-atlas method were sensitive for stretch or compression in the posterior limb of the internal capsule. Additionally, both methods were able to show an increase in white matter disruption with increasing ventriculomegaly, with the pseudo-atlas method showing less variability and more specificity to changes in white matter tracts near to the ventricles. In this study, we found that there was no true gold-standard for DTI methodologies or atlases. Whilst there was no congruence between absolute values from DTI metrics, differing DTI methodologies were still valid but must be appreciated to be variably sensitive to different changes within white matter injury occurring concurrently. By combining both atlas and pseudo-atlas based methodologies with DTI profiles, it was possible to navigate past such challenges to describe white matter injury changes in the context of confounders, such as neurodegenerative disease and ventricular enlargement, with transparency and consistency.
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fnagi-14-787516 April 21, 2022 Time: 14:29 # 1
published: 27 April 2022
doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.787516
Edited by:
Ping Wu,
Fudan University, China
Reviewed by:
Eric Schmidt,
Université de Toulouse, France
Ian Brian Malone,
University College London,
United Kingdom
Nicole C. Keong
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Neurocognitive Aging and Behavior,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Received: 30 September 2021
Accepted: 15 March 2022
Published: 27 April 2022
Kok CY, Lock C, Ang TY and
Keong NC (2022) Modeling
the Properties of White Matter Tracts
Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
to Characterize Patterns of Injury
in Aging and Neurodegenerative
Front. Aging Neurosci. 14:787516.
doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.787516
Modeling the Properties of White
Matter Tracts Using Diffusion Tensor
Imaging to Characterize Patterns of
Injury in Aging and
Neurodegenerative Disease
Chun Yen Kok1, Christine Lock2, Ting Yao Ang2and Nicole C. Keong1,2*
1Duke-National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical School, Singapore, Singapore, 2Department of Neurosurgery,
National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore, Singapore
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a relatively novel magnetic resonance-based imaging
methodology that can provide valuable insight into the microstructure of white matter
tracts of the brain. In this paper, we evaluated the reliability and reproducibility of
deriving a semi-automated pseudo-atlas DTI tractography method vs. standard atlas-
based analysis alternatives, for use in clinical cohorts with neurodegeneration and
ventriculomegaly. We showed that the semi-automated pseudo-atlas DTI tractography
method was reliable and reproducible across different cohorts, generating 97.7% of all
tracts. However, DTI metrics obtained from both methods were significantly different
across the majority of cohorts and white matter tracts (p<0.001). Despite this, we
showed that both methods produced patterns of white matter injury that are consistent
with findings reported in the literature and with DTI profiles generated from these
methodologies. Scatter plots comparing DTI metrics obtained from each methodology
showed that the pseudo-atlas method produced metrics that implied a more preserved
neural structure compared to its counterpart. When comparing DTI metrics against a
measure of ventriculomegaly (i.e., Evans’ Index), we showed that the standard atlas-
based method was able to detect decreasing white matter integrity with increasing
ventriculomegaly, while in contrast, metrics obtained using the pseudo-atlas method
were sensitive for stretch or compression in the posterior limb of the internal capsule.
Additionally, both methods were able to show an increase in white matter disruption
with increasing ventriculomegaly, with the pseudo-atlas method showing less variability
and more specificity to changes in white matter tracts near to the ventricles. In this
study, we found that there was no true gold-standard for DTI methodologies or atlases.
Whilst there was no congruence between absolute values from DTI metrics, differing
DTI methodologies were still valid but must be appreciated to be variably sensitive
to different changes within white matter injury occurring concurrently. By combining
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 1April 2022 | Volume 14 | Article 787516
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Kok et al. Modeling DTI Injury Patterns
both atlas and pseudo-atlas based methodologies with DTI profiles, it was possible
to navigate past such challenges to describe white matter injury changes in the context
of confounders, such as neurodegenerative disease and ventricular enlargement, with
transparency and consistency.
Keywords: diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), white matter, region of interest (ROI), tractography,Alzheimer’s disease,
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a relatively novel magnetic
resonance-based imaging methodology that maps the water
diffusion properties within the brain (Mori and Zhang, 2006).
Since water generally diffuses along intact white matter tracts
of the brain, the diffusion properties can therefore provide
information about the microarchitecture of specific white matter
tracts in the brain. DTI metrics that can be obtained consist
of fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial
diffusivity (L1) and radial diffusivity (L2 and 3).
DTI has been used to investigate patterns of white matter
changes at a microstructural level in various cohorts, such
as normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), optic nerve
decompression and in the developing human brain (Lebel
et al., 2008;Paul et al., 2014;Keong et al., 2017). Diffusion
tensor metrics have been shown to be reliable biomarkers for
Alzheimer’s disease progression (Acosta-Cabronero et al., 2012),
and are also sensitive to changes in white matter injury and
compression in patients with NPH after surgical intervention
(Scheel et al., 2012;Keong et al., 2017).
However, DTI acquisition, processing, and analysis is a
complex multi-step process that is subject to many variables
which may affect the results and interpretation thereof
(Mukherjee et al., 2008;Soares et al., 2013;Christidi et al.,
2016). The post-processing and analysis of DTI metrics is
non-trivial and dependent on the availability of software and
infrastructure. Quantitative DTI metrics can be obtained
by various methods including tract-based spatial statistics
(TBSS) which is a voxel-based morphometry-like approach;
or the manual placement of 2D region of interest (ROI);
atlas-registration based parcellations using a pre-defined
white matter atlas to describe tracts of interest (Smith et al.,
2006;Mukherjee et al., 2008;Oishi et al., 2009;Soares et al.,
2013). or per-image automated tractography approaches, such
as TRACULA (Yendiki et al., 2011). ROI analyses are time
consuming, influenced by inter-rater variability, and subject to
variations along a tract. The Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging
Initiative (ADNI) group have previously published (Nir et al.,
2013) on the use of both (i) white matter tract atlas ROIs,
i.e., registration of images from a DTI atlas to each subject’s
distortion corrected FA image, before applying an atlas of white
matter labels and superimposing these atlas ROIs into the same
coordinate space as subject results for analysis and (ii) TBSS tract
atlas ROIs as per (Smith et al., 2006). Per-image automated DTI
tractography approaches are an attractive method for disease
specific cohorts but are dependent on accurate registration
and may be confounded by anatomical differences attributed
to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and the
distortions of white matter tracts secondary to the presence of
significant ventriculomegaly, such as in NPH (Mukherjee et al.,
2008;Zalesky, 2011;Scheel et al., 2012;Acosta-Cabronero and
Nestor, 2014).
In this paper, we evaluated the reliability and reproducibility
of differing automated DTI tractography methods to produce
diffusion metrics of various white matter tracts in the presence of
known confounders such as atrophy in aging, neurodegeneration
and significant ventriculomegaly. We firstly aimed to develop a
cohort-specific pseudo atlas-based semi-automated tractography
method that was comparable to an atlas-based DTI analysis
currently utilized by the ADNI group; as we interrogated ADNI
datasets for this study, we have therefore defined the latter
method as the “gold-standard” approach for reference. We found
that the diffusion metrics generated from the former were
significantly different from those generated by the latter.
We hypothesized that the results from differing DTI
methodologies could be subject to the impact of different
algorithmic modifications. To test our hypotheses, we designed
the following experiments to optimize the application of DTI
methodologies to describe white matter injury patterns in the
presence of confounders such as neurodegenerative disease and
degree of ventriculomegaly:
1. We developed a cohort-specific pseudo atlas-based semi-
automated tractography to generate white matter tracts of
interest and compared it to that of the “gold standard”
atlas-based DTI analysis currently utilized by ADNI, in
order to assess the reproducibility and reliability of the
novel methodology.
2. We performed initial comparisons on this pilot to examine
the agreement of DTI metrics obtained from white matter
tracts generated by both methodologies.
a. Due to the poor agreement of the metrics, we proceeded
to test the differing DTI methodologies under different
processing algorithms to assess how these impacted the
agreement of the metrics generated.
3. We performed testing using a known model of white
matter at-risk of injury. This ROI model allowed us
to test for white matter distortion patterns in three
cohorts of patients with different levels of confounders,
namely varying degrees of neurodegeneration and
atrophy along the spectrum from cognitively normal to
Alzheimer’s disease.
4. In addition, we performed testing to examine the effect of
increasing ventriculomegaly on this ROI model of white
matter at-risk. We performed independent quantification
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Kok et al. Modeling DTI Injury Patterns
of ventricular size by measuring the Evans’ index (EI)
and concurrently examined changes in DTI metrics in the
context of increasing ventriculomegaly for the ROI model
of white matter tracts at risk.
5. Finally, we performed a further layer of analysis to
confirm the diffusivity changes in this study by generating
morphological patterns of DTI metrics for independent
interpretation. We utilized DTI profiles, radar graphs
of all DTI metrics (FA, MD, L1, L2, and 3), in order
to illustrate differences between DTI methodologies and
across cohorts. The concept and utility of DTI profiles
has been previously described by our group in describing
patterns of white matter injury across clinical cohorts
(Lock et al., 2018).
Data used in the preparation of this article were obtained
from the ADNI database.1ADNI DTI metrics used for
comparison were the UCLA DTI ROI summary measures for
The ADNI study recruited patients between the ages of 55 and 90
from 57 sites in the United States and Canada. For this study, we
retrospectively selected subjects who had screening/baseline MRI
scans with diffusion-weighted images (DWI) from the ADNI
image data archive. The selected scans included 51 cognitively
normal (CN) subjects (mean age 72.47 ±6.13 years; 45.1%
male), 48 patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (75.00 ±8.67
years; 58.3% male) and 70 patients with early mild cognitive
impairment (EMCI) (72.71 ±8.29 years; 61.4% male). These
cohorts were selected because we wanted to interrogate the
methodologies in patients with varying degrees of cognitive
impairment and atrophy.
Open-Source Software Used
3D slicer is an open source quantitative imaging network tool we
used to derive ventricular morphological indices and to conduct
3D volumetric segmentation (Fedorov et al., 2012). MRIcroGL
is an open source software developed by Neuroimaging Tools
and Resources Collaboratory (NITRC) used in this study to
convert DICOM images to NIfTI format [(Nitrc) N.T.R.C, 2014].
ExploreDTI is a graphical toolbox written in MATLAB that
was used in this project for DTI and white matter tractography
(Leemans et al., 2009).
MRI Acquisition and Post-processing
MRI scans were performed on 3T GE Medical Systems scanners
across participating ADNI sites. Diffusion scans were acquired
with 256 ×256 matrix; voxel size 2.7 mm ×2.7 mm ×2.7 mm; 41
DWI (b= 1,000 s/mm2) and 5 b0 images. More information on
the MRI protocol is available at
Pre-processing was required to convert each patient’s set
of unsorted DICOM format axial DWI images where two-
dimensional DICOM image slices were converted into a single 3D
NIfTI file with MRIcroGL. During this step, 1 subject in the CN
cohort was excluded due to a failure to convert it from DICOM
to NIfTI format.
DTI files were generated using ExploreDTI. Thereafter,
they were corrected for subject motion and eddy current
induced geometric distortion. Whole brain tractography
was then performed.
White Matter Tracts
Utilizing the known ROI model of white matter at-risk, we chose
to analyze 8 unique white matter tracts. Bilaterally, we analyzed a
total of 14 white matter tracts, and they were as follows: Body of
the corpus callosum (bCC), Genu of the corpus callosum (gCC),
Inferior fronto-occipital Fasciculus (IFO), Inferior Longitudinal
Fasciculus (ILF), Anterior Thalamic Radiation (ATR), Posterior
Thalamic Radiation (PTR), Posterior Limb of the Internal
Capsule (PLIC), and Uncinate Fasciculus (UF) (Hofer and
Frahm, 2006;Wakana et al., 2007;Oishi et al., 2010;Borden
et al., 2015;Keong et al., 2017). The bCC and gCC are midline
structures while the rest are found bilaterally. Therefore, with
48 DWI in the AD cohort and 50 DWI in the CN cohort, this
amounted to a total of 672 and 700 white matter tracts in the AD
and CN cohort, respectively.
Methods of Automated Diffusion Tensor
Imaging Tractography
In this paper, two methods of automated tractography were
compared. The first method was a cohort-specific pseudo atlas-
based semi-automated tractography method (termed Method
1) where a randomly selected image in each cohort is used as
a template for white matter tract generation in the remaining
images. The second method was an automated atlas-based ROI
analysis (termed Method 2) where a standardized lab-based atlas
was used as the template. These two methods were tested on
the AD and CN cohorts. We followed this up by implementing
additional algorithmic modifications to assess if they affected the
results of the methodologies.
We implemented two modifications to the processing
algorithms. The first was to try an alternative standardized
atlas as a template in Method 2 (using the alternative atlas
template is termed Method 3). The second was to optimize
the alignment to the ACPC plane prior to performing the
DTI analysis by following protocol adapted from the Human
Connectome Project (HCP) pre-processing pipelines (Glasser
et al., 2013). This was done by co-registration of the DWI
to the MNI template (standardized template from 152 subject
scans) and the corresponding T1-weighted image. This allowed
all images in the dataset to be oriented and aligned to the
same space such that the anterior and posterior commissures
(ACPC) were aligned along a horizontal plane. By ensuring that
all images in the dataset were standardized in terms of position
and orientation, we sought to improve the fit of both atlases
(and the pseudo-atlas) as applied to the images in the dataset.
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Once we compared and found the technical considerations to
have improved the tractography, we subsequently applied the
refined methodology to all available cohorts to complete our DTI
analysis, with the exception of the EMCI cohort, where only the
ACPC alignment was enacted. This was because earlier results
from AD and CN cohorts already showed that ACPC alignment
improved the tract analysis success rate but did not fully eliminate
the large differences between methodologies, so we proceeded to
refine our analysis by only using ACPC aligned EMCI scans.
Method 1: Automated Atlas Based Tractography
We randomly chose a representative subject in each cohort and
set its FA map as a “pseudo-atlas.” To ensure that it was suitable
as a template, the image was subject to visual inspection as
a quality check and compared to other images to ensure that
there were no obvious defects and distortions. Using ExploreDTI,
specific white matter tracts of the pseudo-atlas were generated
from user-determined regions of interests (ROIs). The type of
ROI placed enforced different conditions within the area enclosed
by the ROI. Placing an AND ROI generated tracts that passed
through this area. Placing a NOT ROI excluded fibers that passed
through this area. Table 1 Shows the types of ROIs and their
respective locations which were used to isolate the corresponding
white matter tracts.
With the pseudo-atlas and ROIs as input, the software applied
similar ROIs to the remaining images in the cohort using a
deterministic streamline method (Lebel et al., 2008). White
matter tracts were then automatically reconstructed via the
automatically generated ROIs in the remaining images of the
cohort. Where the ROIs extruded to an image failed to generate
any tracts, this resulted in missing data.
Methods 2 and 3: Automated Atlas-Based Region of
Interest Analysis
A widely used standardized DTI template with its associated
white matter tracts was used as an atlas. The white matter tracts in
the atlas were generated from ROIs determined by the template
creator. The atlas template was warped, and the associated ROIs
transformed and applied to each image in the dataset. The
diffusion metrics were then automatically generated from the
resulting white matter tracts defined by the ROIs. The problem
of missing data as in Method 1 was also found to occur using this
method but was not as significant as in Method 1.
Method 2 utilized the ICBM-DTI-81 atlas from the ICBM DTI
workgroup (Oishi et al., 2008). This atlas template was created by
averaging hand segmentation of diffusion tensor maps from 81
subjects with a mean age of 39 with 42 males and 39 females.
Method 3 utilized the JHU white matter tractography atlas
from the Laboratory of Brain Anatomical MRI, Johns Hopkins
University (Oishi et al., 2009). This atlas was based on averaging
results from running deterministic tractography on 28 normal
subjects with a mean age of 29 with 17 males and 11 females.
The atlas used in Method 2 contained all 8 unique white
matter tracts we wanted to investigate whereas the atlas used in
TABLE 1 | ROI constraints used to isolate white matter tracts in the pseudo-atlas for Method 1.
Tract ROI constraints
gCC - Sagittal AND: Define anterior 1/6 of the length of the corpus callosum.
- Parasagittal NOT: Slices lateral to corticospinal tract bilaterally, defining entire slice.
bCC - Splenium of corpus callosum consists of the posterior 1/4 of the length of corpus callosum.
- Sagittal AND: Define remaining length of the corpus callosum excluding the genu and splenium—from 1/6 to 3/4 length of corpus callosum.
- Axial NOT: Slice just beneath the bCC, defining entire slice.
ATR - Coronal AND: Slice chosen in the middle of the gCC, defining anterior limb of internal capsule.
- Coronal AND: Slice at the anterior edge of pons, defining entire thalamus.
- Sagittal NOT: Defining entire central slice.
- Coronal NOT: Slice at the posterior thalamic edge, defining entire slice.
IFO - Coronal AND: Slice at the anterior edge of gCC, defining entire slice.
- Coronal AND: Slice at the halfway mark of parieto-occipital sulcus, defining the occipital lobe.
- Sagittal NOT: Define entire central slice.
ILF - Coronal AND: Slice at the posterior edge of cingulum, defining occipital lobe.
- Coronal AND: Most posterior coronal slice in which the temporal lobe is not connected to the frontal lobe (as seen on axial view), defining the anterior
temporal lobe.
- Coronal NOT: Same slice as above, defining the rest of the brain except anterior temporal lobe.
- Sagittal NOT: Defining entire central slice.
PLIC - Axial AND: Slice where PLIC is visibly the largest, defining the PLIC.
- Axial AND: Slice at the inferior slice where the PLIC is still visible, defining the PLIC.
- Axial NOT: Slice at the condensed portion of the corticospinal tract in the brain stem, defining entire slice.
PTR - Coronal AND: Slice at the posterior edge of the cingulum, defining anterior-posterior directing, periventricular white matter tracts.
- Parasagittal AND: Slice at the lateral edge of thalamus, defining entire thalamus.
- Coronal NOT: Slice at the anterior edge of thalamus, defining entire slice.
- Axial NOT: slice at the inferior edge of thalamus, defining entire slice.
UF - Axial AND: Slice where condensed cephalic-caudal directed fibers are distinct in the temporal lobe, defining temporal lobe.
- Coronal AND: Slice anterior to the condensed cephalic-caudal directed fibers, defining inferior frontal lobe.
- Coronal AND: Same slice as above, defining temporal lobe
- Coronal NOT: Slice posterior to the condensed cephalic-caudal directed fibers, defining entire slice.
gCC, genu of the corpus callosum; bCC, body of the corpus callosum; ATR, anterior thalamic radiation; IFO, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; ILF, inferior longitudinal
fasciculus; PLIC, posterior limb of the internal capsule; PTR, posterior thalamic radiation; UF, uncinate fasciculus.
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Method 3 only identified 5 of the 8 tracts we required: gCC, ATR,
IFO, ILF, and UF.
Ventriculomegaly—Evans’ Index
The Evans’ index (EI) is commonly used to characterize the
degree of ventriculomegaly from a patient’s MRI or CT scan
(Yamada et al., 2016). It is defined as the ratio of the maximum
width of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles to the
maximum internal width of the cranial vault as seen on the axial
view (Yamada et al., 2016). 3D Slicer was used to re-align T1 scans
to the ACPC for consistency and derive the EI (Soon et al., 2021).
Statistical Analysis
Diffusion metrics FA and MD from both left and right tracts
were averaged for the purposes of the analysis. Paired t-tests were
used to test for differences between the different methodologies.
Linear correlation was used to investigate the association
between diffusion metrics and ventriculomegaly measured by the
Evans’ index. Scatter plots of FA and MD obtained from both
methodologies for all tracts across the AD, EMCI, and CN cohorts
were plotted to show the agreement of metrics and the variance
within each methodology. All statistical analyses were performed
using R statistical software (version 4.0.4) (R Development
Core Team, 2010). A p-value of <0.05 was considered to be
statistically significant.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Profiles
DTI profiles are presented as radar graphs of means of all DTI
metrics (FA, MD, L1, L2, and 3), in order to provide a simplistic
illustration of differences between the various methods, as well
as differences across the spectrum of disease for AD. We have
previously demonstrated the utility of DTI profiles to describe
and compare disease processes in white matter tracts across
different cohorts (Keong et al., 2017;Lock et al., 2018). White
matter tract profiles were also generated using Tract Analysis
Profiles to illustrate how DTI metrics vary along each white
matter tract (Yeatman et al., 2012).
Reproducibility and Reliability of
Method 1 generated 96.3% (647/672) of all white matter tracts in
the AD cohort and 96.9% (678/700) in the CN cohort. Method 1
was unable to generate 25 tracts in the AD cohort and 22 tracts
in the CN cohort. This is in contrast to Method 2 which was able
to generate 99.6% (669/672) and 100% (700/700) tracts in the AD
and CN cohorts, respectively. This amounts to 3 missing tracts in
the AD cohort. After the implementation of the ACPC alignment,
the reliability and reproducibility of Method 1 improved with
98.7% (663/672) and 98.9% (692/700) success rate in the AD and
CN cohort, respectively. There were 9 missing tracts in the former
and 8 in the latter. Method 2 generated 100% of tracts in both
AD and CN cohorts. Implementation of Methods 1 and 2 on the
ACPC aligned-EMCI cohort likewise showed high success rates
of 96.2% (916/952) and 99.9% (951/952), respectively.
Comparison of Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Metrics Across Methodologies
Tables 2,3show the results of the paired t-tests conducted on
the DTI metrics obtained from the two methodologies across
all 8 white matter tracts. Table 2 compares the FA and MD
obtained using Method 1 with those using Methods 2 and 3
applied on non-ACPC aligned images in the AD and CN cohorts,
respectively. Table 3 also compares Methods 1 with 2 and 3 but
applied on scans that have undergone the ACPC alignment and
include scans from the EMCI cohort.
Non-ACPC aligned Method 1 was not well correlated to
Methods 2 and 3 (Table 2). FA and MD from Method 1 were
significantly different (p<0.001) from Methods 2 and 3 for all
tracts in AD and CN cohorts, except for PTR MD in CN. After
ACPC alignment and co-registration, Method 1 was significantly
different (p<0.001) from Methods 2 and 3 for all tracts in
AD, CN, and EMCI cohorts, except for PTR MD in AD and
CN (Table 3).
Figure 1 compares the FA of ACPC aligned images and non-
ACPC aligned images obtained using Methods 2 and 3 against
Method 1 in the 8 white matter tracts across CN and AD cohorts.
Figure 2 compares the MD of ACPC aligned images and non-
ACPC aligned images obtained using Methods 2 and 3 against
Method 1. Figure 3 compares both the FA and MD of ACPC
aligned images using Methods 2 and 3 against Method 1 in the
EMCI cohort. Non-ACPC aligned images in the EMCI cohort
were not compared here because the results were similar to AD
and CN images. The findings here seem to generally agree with
those from the paired t-tests.
FA and MD scatter plots demonstrated poor agreement
between Method 1 vs. 2 and Method 1 vs. 3 across all tracts in
AD and CN (Figures 1,2). This was not improved even with
ACPC alignment and co-registration of images. These trends are
also present with the addition of a cohort with an intermediate
severity of disease process (i.e., EMCI).
Across the paired t-tests in Tables 2,3and scatter plots in
Figures 13, FA and MD obtained using Methods 1, 2, and 3
show poor agreement and consistency across the CN, AD, and
EMCI cohorts. This is evidenced by the low linear correlation
coefficients and relatively large mean differences in the metrics
obtained across all tracts and cohorts as well as the scatterplots
showing a large deviation from the 45-degree diagonal line.
This demonstrates that the type of standard atlases used in
Method 2 (i.e., an alternative atlas was also tested using Method
3) did not meaningfully improve the agreement. Additionally,
comparing across the AD and CN cohorts also showed no
changes in agreements. Implementing the ACPC alignment
across all scans improved the agreements across all tracts
only marginally. Notably, the inter-methodological differences
were greater than the differences due to the application of
technical considerations. This confirmed the fact that there were
external confounding factors impacting the methodologies which
rendered them incomparable.
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Kok et al. Modeling DTI Injury Patterns
White Matter Pattern Changes in
Cognitively Normal vs. Early Mild
Cognitive Impairment vs. Alzheimer’s
Disease Cohorts
Despite the lack of agreement, Methods 1, 2, and 3 showed
general trends that illustrate and reaffirm the presence of
different white matter pattern changes when comparing across
the AD, EMCI, and CN cohorts with varying degrees of
neurodegeneration. Figures 13show that there was greater
variability for white matter structures adjacent or near to the
ventricles such as the bCC and gCC as well as multidirectional
tracts like the PLIC and UF. The difference, however, is
that Method 1 reports white matter tracts having generally
higher FA and lower MD values, implying a more preserved
neural structure, compared to the other two methods for
each cohort tested.
Effect on White Matter Pattern Changes
With Increasing Ventriculomegaly
Figure 4 shows the scatter plots of FA and MD obtained from
both Methods 1 and 2 plotted against the Evans’ index (EI)
for all 8 white matter tracts across all 3 cohorts of AD, EMCI,
and CN combined. Only the ACPC aligned images are used in
this analysis due to its superior reliability and reproducibility
as previously shown. From the figures, we observed differing
patterns of correlation with EI when using Method 1 compared
to Method 2. From metrics obtained using Method 2, as EI
increased (implying increasing ventriculomegaly) there was a
TABLE 2 | Comparison of FA and MD derived by Method 1 against Methods 2 and 3 (non-ACPC aligned and co-registered) across white matter tracts in the (A)
Alzheimer’s disease cohort and (B) cognitively normal cohort.
(A) AD cohort
Linear correlation Significance of correlation Mean difference Paired t-test significance
Tract 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3
bCC FA 0.150 0.308 –0.099 <0.001
MD 0.514 <0.001 0.0004 <0.001
gCC FA 0.226 0.494 0.127 <0.001 –0.144 –0.237 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.511 0.557 <0.001 <0.001 0.0003 0.0004 <0.001 <0.001
ATR FA 0.416 0.378 0.004 0.009 –0.136 –0.136 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.502 0.281 <0.001 0.056 0.0005 0.0005 <0.001 <0.001
IFO FA 0.469 0.474 <0.001 <0.001 –0.213 –0.208 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.421 0.406 0.003 0.005 0.0002 0.0002 <0.001 <0.001
ILF FA 0.291 0.091 0.047 0.542 –0.236 –0.230 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.124 0.138 0.408 0.355 0.0002 0.0002 <0.001 <0.001
PLIC FA 0.145 0.330 –0.086 <0.001
MD 0.054 0.716 0.0002 <0.001
PTR FA 0.352 0.015 –0.100 <0.001
MD 0.298 0.042 0.0001 <0.001
UF FA –0.045 0.237 0.762 0.109 –0.202 –0.207 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.263 0.396 0.074 0.006 0.0008 0.0005 <0.001 <0.001
(B) CN cohort
Linear correlation Significance of correlation Mean difference Paired t-test significance
Tract 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3
bCC FA 0.415 0.003 –0.066 <0.001
MD 0.502 <0.001 0.0003 <0.001
gCC FA 0.354 0.602 0.012 <0.001 –0.124 –0.234 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.520 0.459 <0.001 <0.001 0.0002 0.0003 <0.001 <0.001
ATR FA 0.340 0.301 0.017 0.036 –0.127 –0.128 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.481 0.545 <0.001 <0.001 0.0004 0.0004 <0.001 <0.001
IFO FA 0.547 0.505 <0.001 <0.001 –0.217 –0.213 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.607 0.554 <0.001 <0.001 0.0001 0.0001 <0.001 <0.001
ILF FA 0.427 0.290 0.002 0.041 –0.235 –0.227 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.571 0.532 <0.001 <0.001 0.0001 0.0001 <0.001 <0.001
PLIC FA –0.022 0.879 –0.058 <0.001
MD 0.182 0.205 0.0001 <0.001
PTR FA 0.174 0.232 –0.086 <0.001
MD 0.479 <0.001 0.0000 0.296
UF FA –0.086 0.445 0.554 0.001 –0.205 –0.206 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.154 0.389 0.286 0.005 0.0005 0.0004 <0.001 <0.001
A negative mean difference indicates that FA/MD derived by Method 1 is higher than that of Methods 2 or 3. All mean difference of MD is in mm2/s.
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TABLE 3 | Comparison of FA and MD derived by Method 1 against Methods 2 and 3 (ACPC aligned and co-registered) across white matter tracts in the (A) Alzheimer’s
disease cohort, (B) cognitively normal cohort, and (C) early mild cognitive impairment cohort.
(A) AD cohort
Linear correlation Significance of correlation Mean difference Paired t-test significance
Tract 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3
bCC FA 0.271 0.062 –0.073 <0.001
MD 0.506 <0.001 0.0004 <0.001
gCC FA 0.204 0.509 0.163 <0.001 –0.127 –0.244 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.686 0.561 <0.001 <0.001 0.0003 0.0004 <0.001 <0.001
ATR FA 0.325 0.422 0.024 0.003 –0.131 –0.133 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.715 0.775 <0.001 <0.001 0.0005 0.0005 <0.001 <0.001
IFO FA 0.550 0.537 <0.001 <0.001 –0.212 –0.215 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.307 0.323 0.034 0.025 0.0002 0.0002 <0.001 <0.001
ILF FA 0.122 0.173 0.408 0.241 –0.235 –0.233 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.302 0.311 0.037 0.032 0.0002 0.0002 <0.001 <0.001
PLIC FA 0.104 0.484 –0.074 <0.001
MD 0.312 0.031 0.0002 <0.001
PTR FA 0.337 0.019 –0.086 <0.001
MD 0.406 0.004 0.0000 0.060
UF FA 0.115 0.446 0.436 0.001 –0.202 –0.210 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.281 0.392 0.053 0.006 0.0009 0.0005 <0.001 <0.001
(B) CN cohort
Linear correlation Significance of correlation Mean difference Paired t-test significance
Tract 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3
bCC FA 0.302 0.033 –0.055 <0.001
MD 0.503 <0.001 0.0004 <0.001
gCC FA 0.268 0.426 0.062 0.002 –0.109 –0.245 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.556 0.510 <0.001 <0.001 0.0002 0.0003 <0.001 <0.001
ATR FA 0.488 0.473 <0.001 <0.001 –0.116 –0.120 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.688 0.672 <0.001 <0.001 0.0004 0.0004 <0.001 <0.001
IFO FA 0.548 0.424 <0.001 0.002 –0.213 –0.215 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.730 0.683 <0.001 <0.001 0.0001 0.0002 <0.001 <0.001
ILF FA 0.331 0.317 0.019 0.025 –0.234 –0.233 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.583 0.618 <0.001 <0.001 0.0001 0.0001 <0.001 <0.001
PLIC FA –0.191 0.184 –0.047 <0.001
MD 0.181 0.208 0.0001 <0.001
PTR FA 0.114 0.429 –0.069 <0.001
MD 0.437 0.002 0.0000 0.449
UF FA –0.088 0.479 0.545 <0.001 –0.199 –0.209 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.123 0.422 0.394 0.002 0.0005 0.0004 <0.001 <0.001
(C) EMCI cohort
Linear correlation Significance of correlation Mean difference Paired t-test significance
Tract 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3
bCC FA 0.334 0.006 –0.048 <0.001
MD 0.436 <0.001 0.0004 <0.001
gCC FA 0.414 0.553 <0.001 <0.001 –0.106 –0.245 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.420 0.440 <0.001 <0.001 0.0002 0.0003 <0.001 <0.001
ATR FA 0.460 0.483 <0.001 <0.001 –0.127 –0.129 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.227 0.535 0.069 <0.001 0.0005 0.0005 <0.001 <0.001
IFO FA 0.628 0.597 <0.001 <0.001 –0.208 –0.209 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.572 0.523 <0.001 <0.001 0.0002 0.0002 <0.001 <0.001
ILF FA 0.502 0.558 <0.001 <0.001 –0.231 –0.230 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.531 0.564 <0.001 <0.001 0.0001 0.0001 <0.001 <0.001
PLIC FA 0.114 0.361 –0.275 <0.001
MD 0.360 0.003 0.0001 <0.001
PTR FA 0.438 <0.001 –0.063 <0.001
MD 0.570 <0.001 0.0000 0.008
UF FA 0.161 0.562 0.197 <0.001 –0.193 –0.205 <0.001 <0.001
MD 0.398 0.580 0.001 <0.001 0.0006 0.0004 <0.001 <0.001
A negative mean difference indicates that FA/MD derived by Method 1 is higher than that of Methods 2 or 3. All mean difference of MD is in mm2/s.
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FIGURE 1 | Distribution of scatter plots of FA obtained using Methods 2 and 3 against Method 1, comparing non-ACPC aligned and co-registered with ACPC
aligned white matter tracts across cognitively normal (CN) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) cohorts. The ellipses assume a multivariate normal distribution with the
mean at the center and area of the ellipse representing 95% confidence level. gCC, genu of the corpus callosum; bCC, body of the corpus callosum; ATR, anterior
thalamic radiation; IFO, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; PLIC, posterior limb of the internal capsule; PTR, posterior thalamic
radiation; UF, uncinate fasciculus. (A) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: FA from Method 1 vs. 2 in CN cohort. (B) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: FA from
Method 1 vs. 3 in CN cohort. (C) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: FA from Method 1 vs. 2 in AD cohort. (D) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: FA from Method 1
vs. 3 in AD cohort.
significant decrease in FA which is consistent with decreased
white matter integrity. By contrast, metrics obtained using
Method 1, showed that with increasing EI, there was a significant
increase in FA seen in the PLIC which is consistent with patterns
of stretch or compression. Both methods showed significant
increases in MD with increasing EI, suggesting an increase in
global, multi-directional white matter disruption. Method 1,
however, showed less variability and was more specific to changes
in white matter tracts near to the ventricles.
Correlation to Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Profiles of White Matter Tracts
DTI profiles for the gCC and the UF tracts were selected
to illustrate differences between the methods and between
cohorts. Figure 5 shows that the difference in DTI metrics
generated by Methods 1, 2, and 3 can be distinguished with
DTI profiles. Method 1 consistently produced the lowest MD,
L1 and L2, and 3 values, compared to Methods 2 and 3.
Profiles for DTI metrics before and after ACPC alignment
were nearly visually indistinguishable for Methods 1 and 2.
Failure to correct for ACPC alignment did not influence the
results as much as the variation produced by the different
methods. DTI profiles demonstrated cohort differences between
AD, CN, and EMCI, across the spectrum of disease, but
inter-methodological differences were larger than inter-cohort
differences (Figure 6A). Likewise, change in DTI morphology
in the AD cohort after 12 months was not as pronounced as
inter-methodological differences (Figure 6B). White matter tract
profiles in Figure 7 show the variability of DTI metrics along
different white matter tracts.
In this paper, we demonstrated that it was possible to reliably
develop and refine an SOP for a pseudo atlas-based semi-
automated tractography DTI analysis method in the presence of
confounders comprising aging, neurodegenerative disease, and
ventricular enlargement. However, the absolute values of the DTI
metrics generated by this novel methodology did not align well
with those generated by standardized atlas-based DTI analyses,
despite implementing a differential of algorithmic modifications.
Regardless, we managed to show that the inter-methodological
differences between DTI metrics obtained from Method 1 and
2 were greater than the effects of implementing the algorithmic
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FIGURE 2 | Distribution of scatter plots of MD obtained using Methods 2 and 3 against Method 1, comparing non-ACPC aligned and co-registered with ACPC
aligned white matter tracts across cognitively normal (CN) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) cohorts. The ellipses assume a multivariate normal distribution with the
mean at the center and area of the ellipse representing 95% confidence level. gCC, genu of the corpus callosum; bCC, body of the corpus callosum; ATR, anterior
thalamic radiation; IFO, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; PLIC, posterior limb of the internal capsule; PTR, posterior thalamic
radiation; UF, uncinate fasciculus. (A) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: MD from Method 1 vs. 2 in CN cohort. (B) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: MD from
Method 1 vs. 3 in CN cohort. (C) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: MD from Method 1 vs. 2 in AD cohort. (D) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: MD from Method
1 vs. 3 in AD cohort.
modifications. Whilst this suggests that DTI output metrics
from differing methodologies cannot be directly compared for
statistical analysis, we also showed that DTI methodologies
were differentially impacted upon by confounders affecting
structural brain or ventricular changes. In the presence of such
considerations, we found that there was no true “gold-standard”
but rather, the differing methodologies were sensitive to differing
significant findings on a spectrum from contiguous to non-
contiguous changes, in ways that were both complementary to
each other and consistent with differences between such cohorts
as reported in published literature. Nevertheless, by creating the
DTI profiles from metrics generated by the methodologies, we
showed that, despite differing DTI values, the morphology of DTI
changes was consistent across DTI analysis methods.
A Cohort-Specific Pseudo Atlas-Based
Semi-Automated Tractography Method
vs. Standardized Atlas-Based Diffusion
Tensor Imaging Analysis
In our study, we found that a novel pseudo atlas-based semi-
automated tractography DTI analysis method (Method 1) was
reliable and reproducible. This was evidenced by the high success
rate of generating white matter tracts across both AD and CN
sub cohorts. Upon implementing the ACPC alignment (one
modification to the algorithm), the number of missing tracts
decreased from 25 to 9 tracts in the AD cohort and 22–8 tracts
in the CN cohorts. This showed that the intracohort variability
in image orientation could be a main contributor to the missing
tracts and that this refinement improved the reliability and
reproducibility of the methodology.
Surprisingly, we could not show that the actual DTI
metrics generated from the pseudo atlas-based semi-automated
tractography DTI analysis method (Method 1) were exactly
comparable to the standardized atlas-based DTI analysis
(Methods 2). This was despite implementing the both
modifications to the algorithm including an alternative published
and verified atlas (Method 3) and applying the ACPC alignment.
From observing the scatter plots in Figures 13we noted that
this disagreement can be attributed to Method 1 reporting
white matter tracts as having generally higher FA and lower
MD values compared to those obtained via Methods 2 and 3
across AD, CN, and EMCI cohorts. However, as this finding was
consistent across the varying spectrums of disease and aging,
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FIGURE 3 | Distribution of scatter plots of FA and MD obtained using Methods 2 and 3 against Method 1 (ACPC aligned and co-registered) across white matter
tracts in the early mild cognitive impairment (EMCI) cohort. The ellipses assume a multivariate normal distribution with the mean at the center and area of the ellipse
representing 95% confidence level. gCC, genu of the corpus callosum; bCC, body of the corpus callosum; ATR, anterior thalamic radiation; IFO, inferior
fronto-occipital fasciculus; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; PLIC, posterior limb of the internal capsule; PTR, posterior thalamic radiation; UF, uncinate fasciculus.
(A) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: FA from Method 1 vs. 2 in EMCI cohort. (B) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: FA from Method 1 vs. 3 in EMCI cohort. (C)
Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: MD from Method 1 vs. 2 in EMCI cohort. (D) Comparing ACPC and Non-ACPC: MD from Method 1 vs. 3 in EMCI cohort.
i.e., in AD (neurodegenerative), EMCI (mild neurodegenerative)
and CN (aging) cohorts, it suggests that a cohort-specific white
matter template (the pseudo-atlas) as employed in Method 1
was more sensitive to generating white matter tracts in the
presence of confounders compared to Methods 2 and 3. This
showed that while Method 1 was internally consistent across
cohorts, DTI output measures may not be directly comparable
to DTI measures from Methods 2 and 3 for purposes of
statistical analysis.
The Effect of Ventriculomegaly on the
Degree of Patterns of White Matter
From Figure 4, we noted that with increasing EI, signifying an
increasing degree of ventriculomegaly, Method 1 showed that
PLIC had a significant increase in FA, Method 2 showed a
significant decrease in FA across all tracts and both Methods
1 and 2 showed significant increases in MD across all tracts.
An increase in FA is consistent with tracts under stretch or
compression while a decrease in FA is consistent with decreased
white matter integrity. Conversely, a rise in MD across all tracts
suggested an increase in global, multidirectional white matter
disruption. These patterns of white matter injury in the setting
of ventriculomegaly are consistent with findings reported in the
literature (Keong et al., 2017). Whilst the FA changes in PLIC
reflected in Methods 1 and 2 appear to be contradictory, such
conflict is consistent with DTI findings of previous work in
hydrocephalus where it was shown that FA can increase and
decrease within the same context, depending on the reversibility
of white matter injury (Assaf et al., 2006;Hattori et al., 2011;
Kanno et al., 2011;Ben-Sira et al., 2015;Keong et al., 2017;Tan
et al., 2018). This represents an important fallacy of interpreting
DTI changes based solely on global measures, such as FA or
MD alone. In particular, FA is highly dependent upon relative
changes in diffusivity measures; it can be driven to higher or
lower values based on predominant changes in axial diffusivity
over radial diffusivity and vice versa. In this study, we found
that the different patterns that were reflected in both methods
could be interpreted as complementary to each other. For
example, Method 2 may have detected the reduced white matter
integrity and hence decreased FA, whereas Method 1 detected
the compressive mechanism of injury and hence increased FA.
Method 1, however, showed less variability and was more specific
to changes in white matter tracts nearer to the ventricles (i.e.,
bCC, gCC), when compared to Method 2. These known DTI
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FIGURE 4 | Scatter plots of FA and MD against Evans’ index (EI) across white matter tracts for CN, AD, and EMCI cohorts combined. gCC, genu of the corpus
callosum; bCC, body of the corpus callosum; ATR, anterior thalamic radiation; IFO, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; PLIC,
posterior limb of the internal capsule; PTR, posterior thalamic radiation; UF, uncinate fasciculus. (A) FA vs. Evans’ Index: bCC. (B) FA vs. Evans’ Index: gCC. (C) FA
vs. Evans’ Index: ATR. (D) FA vs. Evans’ Index: IFO. (E) FA vs. Evans’ Index: ILF. (F) FA vs. Evans’ Index: PLIC. (G) FA vs. Evans’ Index: PTR. (H) FA vs. Evans’
Index: UF. (I) MD vs. Evans’ Index: bCC. (J) MD vs. Evans’ Index: gCC. (K) MD vs. Evans’ Index: ATR. (L) MD vs. Evans’ Index: IFO. (M) MD vs. Evans’ Index: ILF.
(N) MD vs. Evans’ Index: PLIC. (O) MD vs. Evans’ Index: PTR. (P) MD vs. Evans’ Index: UF.
conflicts impacting upon the transparency and consistency of
interpretation of DTI results across literature would benefit from
the application of a more standardized common taxonomy; this
is an approach we have proposed elsewhere (Keong et al., 2017,
manuscript in submission).
Correlation to Diffusion Tensor Imaging
The DTI profiles in Figures 5,6align with the above findings.
We showed that Method 1 reports more preserved white
matter profiles in comparison to Methods 2 and 3 across
AD, CN and EMCI cohorts. This supports the suggestion
that a cohort-specific template (the pseudo-atlas) was more
sensitive to demonstrating white matter integrity in the presence
of confounders due to aging and neurodegenerative disease.
Additionally, we found evidence that ACPC alignment did not
significantly affect the morphology of DTI profiles generated and
that inter-methodological differences were indeed larger than
inter-cohort differences. These cohorts include the spectrum
of Alzheimer’s disease, from CN to EMCI and finally to AD.
Inter-methodological differences were similar to or greater than
changes in DTI profiles in the AD cohort after 12 months.
Despite the variability of DTI values along the tracts (Figure 7)
as well as between methodologies (as seen in DTI profiles),
the morphology of the DTI profile still remains consistent
across cohorts and aligns well with published literature. This
lack of comparability in DTI analysis methodologies and
variability, ultimately supports the use of DTI profiles in the
analysis of DTI metrics.
Strengths and Weakness of Differing
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Methodologies
As we have previously discussed, the success rate in generating
white matter tracts is marginally higher (after the ACPC
alignment) for Method 2 compared to Method 1. This is likely
because our use of a single subject pseudo atlas restricted
the automated tractography, rendering it more selective in its
ability to generate the white matter tracts. This can be seen
as an advantage to Method 1 as its selectiveness may reduce
the likelihood of generating spurious tracts and thus erroneous
data. The use of Method 2 incorporated the use of validated
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FIGURE 5 | DTI radar graph profiles for comparison of methods with and without ACPC alignment and co-registration in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cognitively
normal (CN) cohorts. DTI metrics from the ADNI data archive are included for reference. FA values are presented as x20 for illustration; MD, L1, L2, and 3 values are
presented as ×104. gCC, genu of the corpus callosum; UF, uncinate fasciculus; NA, no ACPC alignment.
atlases which have been derived from group-averaging from
a sample cohort. This may also be perceived as providing
this option with a technical advantage over Method 1, which
used a single subject selected from the dataset to generate
the pseudo-atlas. However, as we have discovered, the use
of a pseudo-atlas may equally be argued to be advantageous
as it promotes a template that is more representative of the
cohorts compared to the standardized atlases used in Methods
2 and 3. Our study has shown that this resulted in Method
1 (the pseudo-atlas) being more sensitive than standardized
atlas-based DTI analyses, in characterizing changes in the model
of white matter at-risk due to pathophysiological processes of
distortion and disease.
In terms of processing, Method 1 required a much longer
time to produce the DTI data compared to Methods 2 or 3.
This was for two main reasons. The first was that the white
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 12 April 2022 | Volume 14 | Article 787516
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FIGURE 6 | DTI radar graph profiles for comparison of differences in methods vs. (A) cohort differences and (B) changes in the AD cohort after 12 months. DTI
metrics from the ADNI data archive are included for reference. FA values are presented as ×20 for illustration; MD, L1, L2, and 3 values are presented as ×104. AD,
Alzheimer’s disease; CN, cognitively normal; EMCI, early mild cognitive impairment; gCC, genu of the corpus callosum; UF, uncinate fasciculus.
matter tracts had to be manually generated in the pseudo-atlas
template prior to performing the tractography. This process
could be lengthy and required individuals with a working
knowledge of neuroanatomy to perform. Additionally, there
could be inherent subjectivity when it came to generating
the tracts because it was difficult to determine if there were
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 13 April 2022 | Volume 14 | Article 787516
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FIGURE 7 | White matter tract profiles demonstrating variability along tracts. AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CN, cognitively normal; gCC, genu of the corpus callosum;
CST-R, corticospinal tract (right); UF-R, uncinate fasciculus (right).
missing “strands” of white matter or conversely, if spurious
“strands” were being generated. Secondly, the tractography
itself of Method 1 also required a long time, which required
approximately 3 h to generate a single tract from a single
DWI. In contrast, Methods 2 and 3 did not require manual
generation of the white matter tracts as it utilized readily available
atlases compiled and verified by other groups. In terms of
processing speed, Method 2 was about 50 times faster than
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Method 1, requiring 3 h to generate a single tract from a
cohort of 50 DWIs.
Study Limitations
DTI has a low specificity and is generally due to its low signal
to noise ratio (Ranzenberger and Snyder, 2022). As a result, the
imaging quality may be poor, and artifacts become a problem.
Additionally, the DTI metrics are highly dependent on the
size of the voxel during analysis. A single voxel may contain
multi-directional structures which can result in inaccurate DTI
measurements. Ideally, a single voxel should be small enough
that it encompasses a single white matter bundle, taking
a point measurement of DTI metrics. Therefore, the inter-
methodological differences found in our paper could be in part
be attributed to its low signal to noise ratio.
In this study, we only considered two disease cohorts (AD
and EMCI) and healthy controls (CN). The full ADNI dataset
included other cohorts along the disease spectrum, such as the
late mild cognitive impairment (LMCI) and significant memory
concern (SMC) cohorts. With further analysis it may have
been possible that one of the three methods chosen would
have emerged as the predominantly reliable and reproducible
method of DTI analysis, with findings entirely consistent
with literature. In addition, despite widespread use of ROI
methodologies in literature, manual specifications and semi-
automated tractography may be considered less reliable than
fully automated white matter analytical approaches. Nevertheless,
due to their ubiquity, results from this study would be easily
translated to other settings involving DTI analysis at the clinical-
research interface.
In Method 1, a randomly selected image from each study
cohort was used as an atlas. This may have potentially introduced
bias as we could not be certain that the selected images were
adequately representative of the entire cohort. However, the
selected images were inspected for abnormal or outrightly
distinctive features that could render them significantly different
from other images within the cohort. Future work might include
creating a more representative atlas by generating a grouped
average of multiple images from the cohort.
We also recognize that previous studies that have utilized
a representative cohort-specific subject-based approach to
DTI analysis have explored and demonstrated its limitations.
For example, Keihaninejad et al. (2012) compared different
methods of registration schemes for the use of TBSS for DTI
analysis (Standard, Most-Representative-Subject, Study-Specific-
Template, and Group-wise) in terms of their performance
in reducing misalignment within the context of Alzheimer’s
disease and large deformations due to atrophy. They found
that the approaches studied all showed false-positive error
in evaluation of specificity, likely due to variations in levels
of white matter atrophy and ventricular size. However, it
was possible to improve the performance of aligning DTI
data using a group-wise average atlas approach (Keihaninejad
et al., 2012). The degree of confounders such as white matter
atrophy and ventriculomegaly can be highly variable between
patients; it could therefore be equally argued that, in certain
cohorts such as ours, the use of a Most-Representative Subject
approach may still be more advantageous, since we would
expect the white matter pattern changes to affect similar “at-
risk” locations within the same disease process but group-
wise averaging may introduce further unintended distortions
to the template of the “at-risk atlas” of disease. Nevertheless,
our study showed that even in the absence of confounders
such as atrophy and ventriculomegaly as in the CN cohort,
and despite implementation of the algorithmic modifications.
There is still a poor agreement between methodologies, which
supports our conclusion that no true “gold-standard” DTI
methodology exists without limitations for all possible disease
datasets of interest.
It is also important to note that the use of Evans’ Index as a
marker for ventriculomegaly is imperfect because it is dependent
on the inter-rater reliability at measuring the maximal width of
the frontal horns and the internal diameter of the skull. These
measurements are also highly dependent on the chosen slice
and location at which the markers are placed. In addition, the
orientation of each image has a large influence on the slices
and thus the measurements. Although this effect is mitigated
by alignment of the commissures, such technical considerations
should be addressed and optimized by each rater, prior to its
application as a biomarker for ventricular enlargement across a
range of datasets.
Future Work
We plan to expand our analyses using both DTI methodologies,
to include other cohorts of interest along the spectrum of AD
and other neurodegenerative diseases. We also aim to use other
anatomical segmentation methods to examine macro-structural
features of white matter, such as its volume and thickness,
as well as to create topological maps of adjacent surfaces, in
order to augment the interpretation of the morphology of
white matter changes, as described by DTI profiles. In the
context of ventriculomegaly, we plan to utilize complementary
biomarkers for both 2-dimensional and 3-directional measures
in specific groups that possess significant ventriculomegaly such
as cohorts with NPH. Finally, we aim to further expand the
concept of DTI profiles as an invaluable tool toward boosting
our capacity to compare the interpretation of DTI findings
across methodologies which are not directly comparable using
conventional statistical methods.
In this study, we found that there was no true gold-standard
for DTI methodologies or atlases. It was possible to create
a pseudo-atlas that was cohort-specific for immediate study
use. Whilst there was no congruence between absolute values
from DTI metrics, differing DTI methodologies were still valid
but must be appreciated to be variably sensitive to different
changes within white matter injury occurring concurrently.
When such changes were found to exist in the same dataset,
the use of differing methods were complementary in elucidating
the characterization of such DTI changes. We found that,
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 15 April 2022 | Volume 14 | Article 787516
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Kok et al. Modeling DTI Injury Patterns
despite such algorithmic modifications, the use of DTI profiles,
a methodology of distilling the complexity of DTI changes to
their most simplistic, graphical forms, confirmed the morphology
of white matter injury as described by DTI metrics, remained
consistent. By combining both atlas and pseudo-atlas based
methodologies with DTI profiles, it was possible to navigate past
such challenges to describe white matter injury changes in the
context of confounders, such as neurodegenerative disease and
ventricular enlargement, with transparency and consistency.
The data will be made available but is subject to approval from
the ADNI (Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative) as they
own the scans that the data were derived from.
Data used in preparation of this article were obtained from the
ADNI database ( Written informed consent
was obtained from all ADNI subjects, and participating sites
in the ADNI study received approval from their respective
governing Institutional Review Boards.
CK, NK, and CL conceptualized and designed the study
methodology, wrote the manuscript, and contributed to the
analysis and interpretation of study data. CK, NK, CL, and
TA contributed to data collection and validation. All authors
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
NK was supported by a National Medical Research Council
Clinician Scientist Award (MOH-CSAINV18nov-0005).
We would like to thank Assistant Prof. Seyed Ehsan Saffari for
providing advice on the statistical analyses for this manuscript.
Data used in preparation of this article were obtained from
the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)
database ( As such, the investigators within
the ADNI contributed to the design and implementation
of ADNI and/or provided data but did not participate in
analysis or writing of this report. A complete listing of ADNI
investigators can be found at:
pdf. Data collection and sharing for this project was funded
by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)
(National Institutes of Health Grant U01 AG024904) and DOD
ADNI (Department of Defense award number W81XWH-12-2-
0012). ADNI is funded by the National Institute on Aging, the
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering,
and through generous contributions from the following:
AbbVie, Alzheimer’s Association; Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery
Foundation; Araclon Biotech; BioClinica, Inc.; Biogen; Bristol-
Myers Squibb Company; CereSpir, Inc.; Cogstate; Eisai Inc.; Elan
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Eli Lilly and Company; EuroImmun; F.
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., and its affiliated company Genentech,
Inc.; Fujirebio; GE Healthcare; IXICO Ltd.; Janssen Alzheimer
Immunotherapy Research & Development, LLC.; Johnson
& Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development LLC.;
Lumosity; Lundbeck; Merck & Co., Inc.; Meso Scale Diagnostics,
LLC.; NeuroRx Research; Neurotrack Technologies; Novartis
Pharmaceuticals Corporation; Pfizer Inc.; Piramal Imaging;
Servier; Takeda Pharmaceutical Company; and Transition
Therapeutics. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research is
providing funds to support ADNI clinical sites in Canada.
Private sector contributions are facilitated by the Foundation
for the National Institutes of Health ( The grantee
organization is the Northern California Institute for Research
and Education, and the study is coordinated by the Alzheimer’s
Therapeutic Research Institute at the University of Southern
California. ADNI data are disseminated by the Laboratory for
Neuro Imaging at the University of Southern California.
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Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 17 April 2022 | Volume 14 | Article 787516
... The challenges of utilizing DTI to study the spectrum of NPH encompass several technical factors, biological considerations and scientific/clinical concerns. They can be summarized as the following conceptual list of problems: (Keong et al., 2016;Kok et al., 2022)-(i) "the problem of the scanner"-DTI measures are dependent on machine-specific/technical specifications for scanning acquisition and the effect of such variations between sites may be hard to quantify/correct for, (ii) "the problem of gold standard"-DTI output is dependent upon processing software techniques for which there are varying advantages and disadvantages but no single, unifying standard, (iii) "the problem of DTI methodology"-DTI metrics are subject to biological confounders such as multiple pathophysiological processes or crossing fibers occurring within the sample/region-of-interest, (iv) "the problem of cohorts"-DTI results can be inconsistent both within and across patient groups within the same disease process, as well as over time, (v) "the problem of consistency of interpretation"-DTI results can appear contradictory across the full panel of DTI measures even within known functional neuroanatomical groupings, (vi) "the problem of lack of samples"there are insufficient published DTI samples of clinical cohorts who can represent distinct milestones within the spectrum of reversible to irreversible injury and (vii) "the problem of lack of comparators"-unlike structural imaging measures, individual DTI metrics are not clinically comparable across sites, leading to a lack of baseline reference values to be used in common. ...
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Introduction We previously proposed a novel taxonomic framework to describe the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) profiles of white matter tracts by their diffusivity and neural properties. We have shown the relevance of this strategy toward interpreting brain tissue signatures in Classic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus vs. comparator cohorts of mild traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer’s disease. In this iteration of the Periodic Table of DTI Elements, we examined patterns of tissue distortion in Complex NPH (CoNPH) and validated the methodology against an open-access dataset of healthy subjects, to expand its accessibility to a larger community. Methods DTI measures for 12 patients with CoNPH with multiple comorbidities and 45 cognitively normal controls from the ADNI database were derived using the image processing pipeline on the open cloud computing platform. Using the Periodic Table algorithm, DTI profiles for CoNPH vs. controls were mapped according to injury patterns. Results Structural volumes in most structures tested were significantly lower and the lateral ventricles higher in CoNPH vs. controls. In CoNPH, significantly lower fractional anisotropy (FA) and higher mean, axial, and radial diffusivities (MD, L1, and L2 and 3, respectively) were observed in white matter related to the lateral ventricles. Most diffusivity measures across supratentorial and infratentorial structures were significantly higher in CoNPH, with the largest differences in the cerebellum cortex. In subcortical deep gray matter structures, CoNPH and controls differed most significantly in the hippocampus, with the CoNPH group having a significantly lower FA and higher MD, L1, and L2 and 3. Cerebral and cerebellar white matter demonstrated more potential reversibility of injury compared to cerebral and cerebellar cortices. Discussion The findings of widespread and significant reductions in subcortical deep gray matter structures, in comparison to healthy controls, support the hypothesis that Complex NPH cohorts retain imaging features associated with Classic NPH. The use of the algorithm of the Periodic Table allowed for greater consistency in the interpretation of DTI results by focusing on patterns of injury rather than an over-reliance on the interrogation of individual measures by statistical significance alone. Our aim is to provide a prototype that could be refined for an approach toward the concept of a “translational taxonomy.”
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PURPOSE By 2040, 21.6% of Americans will be over age 65, and the population of those older than age 85 is estimated to reach 14.4 million. Although not causative, older age is a risk factor for dementia: every 5 years beyond age 65, the risk doubles; approximately one-third of those older than age 85 are diagnosed with dementia. As current alcohol consumption among older adults is significantly higher compared to previous generations, a pressing question is whether drinking alcohol increases the risk for Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. SEARCH METHODS Databases explored included PubMed, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect. To accomplish this narrative review on the effects of alcohol consumption on dementia risk, the literature covered included clinical diagnoses, epidemiology, neuropsychology, postmortem pathology, neuroimaging and other biomarkers, and translational studies. Searches conducted between January 12 and August 1, 2023, included the following terms and combinations: “aging,” “alcoholism,” “alcohol use disorder (AUD),” “brain,” “CNS,” “dementia,” “Wernicke,” “Korsakoff,” “Alzheimer,” “vascular,” “frontotemporal,” “Lewy body,” “clinical,” “diagnosis,” “epidemiology,” “pathology,” “autopsy,” “postmortem,” “histology,” “cognitive,” “motor,” “neuropsychological,” “magnetic resonance,” “imaging,” “PET,” “ligand,” “degeneration,” “atrophy,” “translational,” “rodent,” “rat,” “mouse,” “model,” “amyloid,” “neurofibrillary tangles,” “α-synuclein,” or “presenilin.” When relevant, “species” (i.e., “humans” or “other animals”) was selected as an additional filter. Review articles were avoided when possible. SEARCH RESULTS The two terms “alcoholism” and “aging” retrieved about 1,350 papers; adding phrases—for example, “postmortem” or “magnetic resonance”—limited the number to fewer than 100 papers. Using the traditional term, “alcoholism” with “dementia” resulted in 876 citations, but using the currently accepted term “alcohol use disorder (AUD)” with “dementia” produced only 87 papers. Similarly, whereas the terms “Alzheimer’s” and “alcoholism” yielded 318 results, “Alzheimer’s” and “alcohol use disorder (AUD)” returned only 40 citations. As pertinent postmortem pathology papers were published in the 1950s and recent animal models of Alzheimer’s disease were created in the early 2000s, articles referenced span the years 1957 to 2024. In total, more than 5,000 articles were considered; about 400 are herein referenced. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Chronic alcohol misuse accelerates brain aging and contributes to cognitive impairments, including those in the mnemonic domain. The consensus among studies from multiple disciplines, however, is that alcohol misuse can increase the risk for dementia, but not necessarily Alzheimer’s disease. Key issues to consider include the reversibility of brain damage following abstinence from chronic alcohol misuse compared to the degenerative and progressive course of Alzheimer’s disease, and the characteristic presence of protein inclusions in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease, which are absent in the brains of those with AUD.
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Objective: Multimorbidity burden across disease cohorts and variations in clinico-radiographic presentations within normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) confound its diagnosis, and the assessment of its amenability to interventions. We hypothesized that novel imaging techniques such as 3-directional linear morphological indices could help in distinguishing between hydrocephalus vs. non-hydrocephalus and correlate with responsiveness to external lumbar drainage (CSF responsiveness) within NPH subtypes. Methodology: Twenty-one participants with NPH were recruited and age-matched to 21 patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and 21 healthy controls (HC) selected from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database. Patients with NPH underwent testing via the NPH programme with external lumbar drainage (ELD); pre- and post-ELD MRI scans were obtained. The modified Frailty Index (mFI-11) was used to stratify the NPH cohort, including Classic and Complex subtypes, by their comorbidity and frailty risks. The quantitative imaging network tool 3D Slicer was used to derive traditional 2-dimensional (2d) linear measures; Evans Index (EI), Bicaudate Index (BCI) and Callosal Angle (CA), along with novel 3-directional (3d) linear measures; z-Evans Index and Brain per Ventricle Ratio (BVR). 3-Dimensional (3D) ventricular volumetry was performed as an independent correlate of ventriculomegaly to CSF responsiveness. Results: Mean age for study participants was 71.14 ± 6.3 years (18, 85.7% males). The majority (15/21, 71.4%) of participants with NPH comprised the Complex subtype (overlay from vascular risk burden and AD); 12/21 (57.1%) were Non-Responders to ELD. Frailty alone was insufficient in distinguishing between NPH subtypes. By contrast, 3d linear measures distinguished NPH from both AD and HC cohorts, but also correlated to CSF responsiveness. The z-Evans Index was the most sensitive volumetric measure of CSF responsiveness (p = 0.012). Changes in 3d morphological indices across timepoints distinguished between Responders vs. Non-Responders to lumbar testing. There was a significant reduction of indices, only in Non-Responders and across multiple measures (z-Evans Index; p = 0.001, BVR at PC; p = 0.024). This was due to a significant decrease in ventricular measurement (p = 0.005) that correlated to independent 3D volumetry (p = 0.008). Conclusion. In the context of multimorbidity burden, frailty risks and overlay from neurodegenerative disease, 3d morphological indices demonstrated utility in distinguishing hydrocephalus vs. non-hydrocephalus and degree of CSF responsiveness. Further work may support the characterization of patients with Complex NPH who would best benefit from the risks of interventions.
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Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a syndrome comprising gait disturbance, cognitive decline and urinary incontinence that is an unique model of reversible brain injury, but it presents as a challenging spectrum of disease cohorts. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), with its ability to interrogate structural white matter patterns at a microarchitectural level, is a potentially useful tool for the confirmation and characterization of disease cohorts at the clinical-research interface. However, obstacles to its widespread use involve the need for consistent DTI analysis and interpretation tools across collaborator sites. We present the use of DTI profiles, a simplistic methodology to interpret white matter injury patterns based on the morphology of diffusivity parameters. We examined 13 patients with complex NPH, i.e., patients with NPH and overlay from multiple comorbidities, including vascular risk burden and neurodegenerative disease, undergoing extended CSF drainage, clinical assessments, and multi-modal MR imaging. Following appropriate exclusions, we compared the morphology of DTI profiles in such complex NPH patients (n = 12, comprising 4 responders and 8 non-responders) to exemplar DTI profiles from a cohort of classic NPH patients (n = 16) demonstrating responsiveness of white matter injury to ventriculo-peritoneal shunting. In the cohort of complex NPH patients, mean age was 71.3 ± 7.6 years (10 males, 2 females) with a mean MMSE score of 21.1. There were 5 age-matched healthy controls, mean age was 73.4 ± 7.2 years (1 male, 4 females) and mean MMSE score was 26.8. In the exemplar cohort of classic NPH patients, mean age was 74.7 ± 5.9 years (10 males, 6 females) and mean MMSE score was 24.1. There were 9 age-matched healthy controls, mean age was 69.4 ± 9.7 years (4 males, 5 females) and mean MMSE score was 28.6. We found that, despite the challenges of acquiring DTI metrics from differing scanners across collaborator sites and NPH patients presenting as differing cohorts along the spectrum of disease, DTI profiles for responsiveness to interventions were comparable. Distinct DTI characteristics were demonstrated for complex NPH responders vs. non-responders. The morphology of DTI profiles for complex NPH responders mimicked DTI patterns found in predominantly shunt-responsive patients undergoing intervention for classic NPH. However, DTI profiles for complex NPH non-responders was suggestive of atrophy. Our findings suggest that it is possible to use DTI profiles to provide a methodology for rapid description of differing cohorts of disease at the clinical-research interface. By describing DTI measures morphologically, it was possible to consistently compare white matter injury patterns across international collaborator datasets.
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Background The pathogenesis of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) remains unclear which limits both early diagnosis and prognostication. The responsiveness to intervention of differing, complex and concurrent injury patterns on imaging have not been well-characterized. We used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to explore the topography and reversibility of white matter injury in NPH pre- and early after shunting. Methods Twenty-five participants (sixteen NPH patients and nine healthy controls) underwent DTI, pre-operatively and at two weeks post-intervention in patients. We interrogated 40 datasets to generate a full panel of DTI measures and corroborated findings with plots of isotropy (p) vs. anisotropy (q). Results Concurrent examination of DTI measures revealed distinct profiles for NPH patients vs. controls. PQ plots demonstrated that patterns of injury occupied discrete white matter districts. DTI profiles for different white matter tracts showed changes consistent with i) predominant transependymal diffusion with stretch/ compression, ii) oedema with or without stretch/ compression and iii) predominant stretch/ compression. Findings were specific to individual tracts and dependent upon their proximity to the ventricles. At two weeks post-intervention, there was a 6·7% drop in axial diffusivity (p = 0·022) in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, compatible with improvement in stretch/ compression, that preceded any discernible changes in clinical outcome. On PQ plots, the trajectories of the posterior limb of the internal capsule and inferior longitudinal fasciculus suggested attempted ‘round trips’. i.e. return to normality. Conclusion DTI profiling with p:q correlation may offer a non-invasive biomarker of the characteristics of potentially reversible white matter injury.
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Purpose: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) enables in vivo reconstruction of white matter (WM) pathways. Considering the emergence of numerous models and fiber tracking techniques, we herein aimed to compare, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the fiber tracking results of four DTI software (Brainance, Philips FiberTrak, DSI Studio, NordicICE) on the reconstruction of representative WM tracts. Materials and methods: Ten healthy participants underwent 30-directional diffusion tensor imaging on a 3T-Philips Achieva TX MR-scanner. All data were analyzed by two independent sites of experienced raters with the aforementioned software and the following WM tracts were reconstructed: corticospinal tract (CST); forceps major (Fmajor); forceps minor (Fminor); cingulum bundle (CB); superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF); inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF). Visual inspection of the resulted tracts and statistical analysis (inter-rater and betweensoftware agreement; paired t-test) on fractional anisotropy (FA), axial and radial diffusivity (Daxial, Dradial) were applied for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of DTI software results. Results: Qualitative evaluation of the extracted tracts confirmed anatomical landmarks at least for the core part of each tract, even though differences in the number of fibers extracted and the whole tract were evident, especially for the CST, Fmajor, Fminor and SLF. Descriptive values did not deviate from the expected range of values for healthy adult population. Substantial inter-rater agreement (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC], Bland-Altman analysis) was found for all tracts (ICC; FA: 0.839–0.989, Daxial: 0.704–0.991, Dradial: 0.972–0.993). Low agreement for FA, Daxial and Dradial (ICC; Bland-Altman analysis) and significant paired t-test differences (p
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OBJECT The object of this study was to use diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to evaluate and characterize white matter changes in hydrocephalus. METHODS The authors performed a retrospective analysis of DTI in a cohort of patients with hydrocephalus (n = 35), 19 of whom had both pre- and postsurgical imaging studies. These patient’s DTI values were compared with values extracted from age-dependent trend lines computed from a healthy subject group (n = 70, age span 14 months-14 years). Several DTI parameters in different regions of interest (ROIs) were evaluated to find the most sensitive parameters for clinical decision making in hydrocephalus. RESULTS Compared with healthy controls, patients with active hydrocephalus had a statistically significant change in all DTI parameters. The most sensitive and specific DTI parameter for predicting hydrocephalus was axial diffusivity (λ 1 ) measured at the level of the corona radiata. Diffusion tensor imaging parameters correlated with several conventional radiological parameters in the assessment of hydrocephalus but were not superior to them. There was no convincing correlation between clinical disease severity and DTI parameters. When examining the pre- and postsurgical effect, it was found that DTI may be a sensitive tool for estimating tissue improvement. CONCLUSIONS This large-cohort study with a multidisciplinary approach combining clinical, neurological, radiological, and multiple DTI parameters revealed the most sensitive DTI parameters for identifying hydrocephalus and suggested that they may serve as an important tool for the disorder’s quantitative radiological assessment.
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The relationship between the integrity of white matter tracts and cortical function in the human brain remains poorly understood. We investigate reversible white matter injury, in this case patients with compression of the optic chiasm by pituitary gland tumors, to study the structural and functional changes that attend spontaneous recovery of cortical function and visual abilities after surgical removal of the tumor and subsequent decompression of the nerves. We show that compression of the optic chiasm led to demyelination of the optic tracts, which reversed as quickly as 4 weeks after nerve decompression. Furthermore, variability across patients in the severity of demyelination in the optic tracts predicted visual ability and functional activity in early cortical visual areas. Preoperative measurements of myelination in the optic tracts predicted the magnitude of visual recovery after surgery. These data indicate that rapid regeneration of myelin in the human brain is a component of the normalization of cortical activity, and ultimately the recovery of sensory and cognitive function, after nerve decompression. More generally, our findings demonstrate the use of diffusion tensor imaging as an in vivo measure of myelination in the human brain.
OBJECTIVE The object of this study was to use diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) to characterize the long-term effects of hydrocephalus and shunting on white matter integrity and to investigate the relationship of ventricular size and alterations in white matter integrity with headache and quality-of-life outcome measures.METHODS Patients with shunt-treated hydrocephalus and age- and sex-matched healthy controls were recruited into the study and underwent anatomical and DTI imaging on a 3-T MRI scanner. All patients were clinically stable, had undergone CSF shunt placement before 2 years of age, and had a documented history of complaints of headaches. Outcome was scored based on the Headache Disability Inventory and the Hydrocephalus Outcome Questionnaire. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and other DTI-based measures (axial, radial, and mean diffusivity; AD, RD, and MD, respectively) were extracted in the corpus callosum and internal capsule with manual region-of-interest delineation and in other regions with TBSS. Paired t-tests, corrected with a 5% false discovery rate, were used to identify regions with significant differences between patients and controls. Within the patient group, linear regression models were used to investigate the relationship between FA or ventricular volume and outcome, as well as the effect of shunt-related covariates.RESULTSTwenty-one hydrocephalus patients and 21 matched controls completed the study, and their data were used in the final analysis. The authors found significantly lower FA for patients than for controls in 20 of the 48 regions, mostly posterior white matter structures, in periventricular as well as more distal tracts. Of these 20 regions, 17 demonstrated increased RD, while only 5 showed increased MD and 3 showed decreased AD. No areas of increased FA were observed. Higher FA in specific periventricular white matter tracts, tending toward FA in controls, was associated with increased ventricular size, as well as improved clinical outcome.CONCLUSIONS The study shows that TBSS-based DTI is a sensitive technique for elucidating changes in white matter structures due to hydrocephalus and chronic CSF shunting and provides preliminary evidence that DTI may be a valuable tool for tailoring shunt procedures to monitor ventricular size following shunting and achieve optimal outcome, as well as for guiding the development of alternate therapies for hydrocephalus.
Background and purpose: CSF volumes in the basal cistern and Sylvian fissure are increased in both idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer disease, though the differences in these volumes in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer disease have not been well-described. Using CSF segmentation and volume quantification, we compared the distribution of CSF in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer disease. Materials and methods: CSF volumes were extracted from T2-weighted 3D spin-echo sequences on 3T MR imaging and quantified semi-automatically. We compared the volumes and ratios of the ventricles and subarachnoid spaces after classification in 30 patients diagnosed with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus, 10 with concurrent idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer disease, 18 with Alzheimer disease, and 26 control subjects 60 years of age or older. Results: Brain to ventricle ratios at the anterior and posterior commissure levels and 3D volumetric convexity cistern to ventricle ratios were useful indices for the differential diagnosis of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus or idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus with Alzheimer disease from Alzheimer disease, similar to the z-Evans index and callosal angle. The most distinctive characteristics of the CSF distribution in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus were small convexity subarachnoid spaces and the large volume of the basal cistern and Sylvian fissure. The distribution of the subarachnoid spaces in the idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus with Alzheimer disease group was the most deformed among these 3 groups, though the mean ventricular volume of the idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus with Alzheimer disease group was intermediate between that of the idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer disease groups. Conclusions: The z-axial expansion of the lateral ventricle and compression of the brain just above the ventricle were the common findings in the parameters for differentiating idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus from Alzheimer disease.