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DI-5-Cuffs: Bone Remodelling and Associated Metabolism Markers in Humans After Five Days of Dry Immersion to Simulate Microgravity

Frontiers in Physiology
  • CENTRE ASSAL de Médecine et de Chirurgie du Pied

Abstract and Figures

Background: The dry immersion (DI) model closely reproduces factors of spaceflight environment such as supportlessness, mechanical and axial unloading, physical inactivity, and induces early increased bone resorption activity and metabolic responses as well as fluid centralization. The main goal of this experiment was to assess the efficacity of venoconstrictive thigh cuffs, as countermeasure to limit cephalad fluidshift, on DI-induced deconditioning, in particular for body fluids and related ophthalmological disorders. Our specific goal was to deepen our knowledge on the DI effects on the musculoskeletal events and to test whether intermittent counteracting fluid transfer would affect DI-induced bone modifications. Methods: Eighteen males divided into Control (DI) or Cuffs (DI-TC) group underwent an unloading condition for 5 days. DI-TC group wore thigh cuffs 8–10 h/day during DI period. Key markers of bone turnover, phospho-calcic metabolism and associated metabolic factors were measured. Results: In the DI group, bone resorption increased as shown by higher level in Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b at DI 24h . C-terminal telopeptide levels were unchanged. Bone formation and mineralization were also affected at DI 24h with a decreased in collagen type I synthesis and an increased bone-specific alkaline phosphatase. In addition, osteocalcin and periostin levels decreased at DI 120h . Calcemia increased up to a peak at DI 48h , inducing a trend to decrease in parathyroid hormone levels at DI 120h . Phosphatemia remained unchanged. Insulin-like growth factor 1 and visfatin were very sensitive to DI conditions as evidenced by higher levels by 120% vs. baseline for visfatin at DI 48h . Lipocalin-2, a potential regulator of bone homeostasis, and irisin were unchanged. The changes in bone turnover markers were similar in the two groups. Only periostin and visfatin changes were, at least partially, prevented by thigh cuffs. Conclusion: This study confirmed the rapid dissociation between bone formation and resorption under DI conditions. It revealed an adaptation peak at DI 48h , then the maintenance of this new metabolic state during all DI. Notably, collagen synthesis and mineralisation markers evolved asynchronously. Thigh cuffs did not prevent significantly the DI-induced deleterious effects on bone cellular activities and/or energy metabolism.
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DI-5-Cuffs: Bone Remodelling and
Associated Metabolism Markers in
Humans After Five Days of Dry
Immersion to Simulate Microgravity
Marie-Thérèse Linossier
*, Laura Peurière
, Peter Fernandez
, Myriam Normand
Arnaud Beck
, Marie-Pierre Bareille
, Christine Bonneau
, Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch
and Laurence Vico
INSERM, U 1059, University of Saint-Etienne, University of Lyon, Saint Etienne, France,
Institute of Space Physiology and
Medicine (MEDES), Toulouse, France,
Biochemical Analysis Laboratory, University Hospital, Saint Etienne, France,
Space Agency (CNES), Paris, France
Background: The dry immersion (DI) model closely reproduces factors of spaceight
environment such as supportlessness, mechanical and axial unloading, physical inactivity,
and induces early increased bone resorption activity and metabolic responses as well as
uid centralization. The main goal of this experiment was to assess the efcacity of
venoconstrictive thigh cuffs, as countermeasure to limit cephalad uidshift, on DI-induced
deconditioning, in particular for body uids and related ophthalmological disorders. Our
specic goal was to deepen our knowledge on the DI effects on the musculoskeletal events
and to test whether intermittent counteracting uid transfer would affect DI-induced bone
Methods: Eighteen males divided into Control (DI) or Cuffs (DI-TC) group underwent an
unloading condition for 5 days. DI-TC group wore thigh cuffs 810 h/day during DI period.
Key markers of bone turnover, phospho-calcic metabolism and associated metabolic
factors were measured.
Results: In the DI group, bone resorption increased as shown by higher level in Tartrate-
resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b at DI
. C-terminal telopeptide levels were
unchanged. Bone formation and mineralization were also affected at DI
with a
decreased in collagen type I synthesis and an increased bone-specic alkaline
phosphatase. In addition, osteocalcin and periostin levels decreased at DI
Calcemia increased up to a peak at DI
, inducing a trend to decrease in parathyroid
hormone levels at DI
. Phosphatemia remained unchanged. Insulin-like growth factor 1
and visfatin were very sensitive to DI conditions as evidenced by higher levels by 120% vs.
baseline for visfatin at DI
. Lipocalin-2, a potential regulator of bone homeostasis, and
irisin were unchanged. The changes in bone turnover markers were similar in the two
groups. Only periostin and visfatin changes were, at least partially, prevented by thigh
Conclusion: This study conrmed the rapid dissociation between bone formation and
resorption under DI conditions. It revealed an adaptation peak at DI
, then the
Edited by:
Daniel Bouvard,
UMR5237 Centre de Recherche en
Biologie cellulaire de Montpellier
(CRBM), France
Reviewed by:
Marc Wein,
Massachusetts General Hospital and
Harvard Medical School, United States
Nastassia Navasiolava,
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
dAngers, France
Marie-Thérèse Linossier
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Skeletal Physiology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Physiology
Received: 25 October 2021
Accepted: 07 April 2022
Published: 27 April 2022
Linossier M-T, Peurière L,
Fernandez P, Normand M, Beck A,
Bareille M-P, Bonneau C,
Gauquelin-Koch G and Vico L (2022)
DI-5-Cuffs: Bone Remodelling and
Associated Metabolism Markers in
Humans After Five Days of Dry
Immersion to Simulate Microgravity.
Front. Physiol. 13:801448.
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.801448
Frontiers in Physiology | April 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8014481
published: 27 April 2022
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.801448
maintenance of this new metabolic state during all DI. Notably, collagen synthesis and
mineralisation markers evolved asynchronously. Thigh cuffs did not prevent signicantly
the DI-induced deleterious effects on bone cellular activities and/or energy metabolism.
Keywords: simulated microgravity, dry immersion, thigh cuffs, bone remodelling, energy metabolism
Lack of Earth gravity is associated with body deconditioning as
demonstrated by changes in various physiological systems such as
cardiac, muscle and bone functions (Shelhamer, et al., 2020). The
dry immersion (DI) model is a unique analogue of reduced
gravity by providing mechanical and axial unloading,
advanced physical inactivity, as well as a lack of a supporting
structure for the body. Indeed, for subject freely suspended in
water, support load is spread nearly uniformly around the entire
bodysurface. The absence of specic zones that carry the weight
(like the back and sides of the torso in bedrest) creates a support
deprivation state akin to weightlessness. Our previous experiment
had been carried out on 12 subjects placed in immersion
conditions for 3 days. This study allowed us to show that the
effects of DI on musculoskeletal system could be more severe and/
or earlier than in support-loaded bed rest (Demangel et al., 2017;
Linossier et al., 2017). Thus, serum marker of bone resorption
activity as assessed by tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform
5b and N-terminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen
levels increased as early as DI
. At the same time, total
procollagen type I N- and C-terminal propeptides and
osteoprotegerin, representing bone formation markers,
decreased. At the bone level, loss induced by prolonged
microgravity exposure is mainly seen in the weight-bearing
segments of the skeleton, i.e., the lower limbs, with few
differences at the non weight-bearing radius site (Vico et al.,
2017). This differential bone response could be related not only to
greater unloading for weight-bearing sites, but also to
redistribution of tissue uids towards the thoraco-cephalad
regions. To prevent shift in uids towards the head, thigh
cuffs are used to sequester blood and uids in the lower limbs
by compressing blood vessels in the proximal parts of the thighs.
First tested in 1984 during a 232-days space ight, thigh cuffs
have proved effective in alleviating the symptoms associated with
cephalad uid shift in the early hours and days in space (Arbeille
et al., 1999;Fomina et al., 2004). Therefore, since about thirty
years, thigh cuffs are used by cosmonauts in ight as a routine
countermeasure limiting uid movement and improving their
comfort. Cardiovascular changes occur early and lead to a new
stable hemodynamic balance after a few days (Buckey, 2006).
Inuences of thigh cuffs on the cardiovascular system and
haemodynamic changes have already been well studied during
Head-Down Bed Rest (HDBR) (Arbeille et al., 1999;Custaud
et al., 2000;Millet, et al., 2000;Pavy-Le Traon et al., 2001;Yao
et al., 2008). However, in these studies, their effects are not always
consistent. Based on the rst four studies cited, using a thigh
pressure of 30 mm Hg during 10 h daily, the effects of thigh cuffs
on plasma volume, heart rate and spontaneous baroreex slope
(SBRs) have been proven insufcient to prevent orthostatic
intolerance induced by 7 days of HDBR. Yao et al. (2008)
indicated that daily use of thigh cuffs at 40 mmg Hg (10 h/
day) during 10 days of HDBR did not completely prevent the
decrease in haemodynamics of the right middle cerebral artery,
but, contrary to the other studies, was effective in preventing
orthostatic intolerance. DI induces prompt body uids
centralization, mainly due to hydrostatic squeezing of
supercial tissues and vessels, and is therefore particularly
adapted for rapid evaluation of countermeasures against uid
transfer and its consequences. Such countermeasures become a
priority in preparation of deep space missions, since cephalad
uid shift might contribute to spaceight associated neuro-ocular
syndrome. This integrative study was primarily designed to test
the efcacy of venoconstrictive thigh cuffs, as countermeasure to
limit cephalad uidshift, on DI-induced deconditioning, in
particular for body uids and related ophthalmological
disorders (for results cf. Robin et al., 2020;Kermorgant et al.,
2021). However, several physiological systems interact, including
the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. By revealing that
the skeleton exerts an endocrine regulation of sugar homeostasis,
the Karsentys team expands the biological importance of this
organ and the understanding of energy metabolism (Lee et al.,
2007;Schwetz, Verena et al., 2012). The interaction between the
different systems are not only affected by uid movements and/or
hemodynamic changes, but also by bone factors such as
osteocalcin known for its endocrine role on the energy
metabolism. Therefore, all modications of uid transfers
(whether it is a redistribution under microgravity model and/
or a limitation of this redistribution with the addition of Thigh
cuff to DI) can potentially change the effects exerted by the bone
on the metabolism. To date, no study has considered the impact
of thigh cuffs on the bone remodelling and associated metabolism
markers in humans either in real or simulated microgravity. In
rats, it has been shown that femoral vein ligation by increasing
intraosseous pressure, induces increased bone mass in the
hindlimb of suspended animals (Bergula et al., 1999).
Therefore, this 5-day DI offers a unique opportunity to test
thigh cuff effects on the musculoskeletal events. The rst aim of this
study was to see if the DI-induced changes persist over a 5 days dry
immersion with the same intensity than the one seen after 3 days.
The daily use of venoconstrictive thigh cuffs should allow us to see
if the limitation of uid transfer for 10 h/day can modulate the
effects induced by DI on bone remodelling in humans.
Twenty healthy men were recruited. Two subjects withdrew from
the study before the start of their experimental period for reasons
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Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
unrelated to the protocol. A total of eighteen subjects were
included in the study. A period of 4 days before immersion
was applied in order to proceed to the basal data collection
(BDC). Subjects were randomly allotted at BDC-2 to Dry
Immersion (DI) or Dry Immersion with thigh Cuffs (DI-TC)
group (9/9 split). All subjects were informed about the
experimental procedures and gave their written consent. The
experimental protocol conformed to the standards set by the
Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the local Ethic
Committee (CPP Est III: October 2, 2018, n°ID RCB 2018-
A01470-55) and French Health Authorities (ANSM: August 13,
2018). Identier: NCT03915457.
Baseline group characteristics are detailed in Table 1. There
was no signicant difference between groups at baseline.
General Protocol, dry Immersion
Organization, Thigh Cuffs Countermeasure
The study was conducted at the MEDES space clinic, Toulouse,
France from November, 19, 2018 to March, 23, 2019 in a period
lasting 12 days as described in Figure 1. Subjects arrived in the
evening of BDC-5 and left after 48-h of recovery (at R + 2). The
experimental protocol included 4 days of ambulatory baseline
measurements before immersion (BDC-4 to BDC-1), 5 days
(120 h) of dry immersion (DI1 to DI5) and 3 days of
ambulatory recovery (R0, R + 1, R + 2).
A week prior to beginning of the protocol the subjects went to
MEDES for pre-immersion muscle biopsy and resting metabolic
rate measurement.
Subjects of the Cuff group wore the thigh cuffs during the
5 days of DI, from 10:00 to 18:00 at DI1 and from 08:00 to 18:00 at
DI2-DI5. Thigh cuffs were elastic strips, adapted to each subject
to have the same effects on lower-limb distensibility as at
counterpressure of about 30 mmHg. Individual adjustment was
determined for each subject with calf plethysmography,
performed in the supine position at BDC-2. At DI1, thigh
cuffs were put on immediately prior to the onset of immersion
at 10 h. 30 mmHg was selected, as it matches to the initial thigh
cuff pressure used by cosmonauts and the pressure tested and
evaluated during a 7-day HDBR held at MEDES in 19971998
(Arbeille et al., 1999;Custaud et al., 2000;Millet, et al., 2000;
Pavy-Le Traon et al., 2001).
A strict DI protocol was conducted according to methodology
detailed previously (De Abreu et al., 2017;Linossier et al., 2017).
Two subjects, one Dry Immersion and one Dry Immersion with
Thigh Cuffs, underwent dry immersion simultaneously in the
same room, in two separate baths (except for two subjects, one DI
and one DI-TC, who had no mate). Thermoneutral water
temperature was continuously maintained at 33 ± 0.5°C. Light-
off period was set at 23:0007:00. Daily hygiene, weighing and
some specic measurements required extraction from the bath.
During these out-of-bath periods, subjects maintained the -6°
head-down position in order to avoid orthostatic stimulation and
preserve DI effects as much as possible. Total out-of-bath supine
time for the 120 h of immersion was 9.7 ± 1.3 h. On DI1-DI4 out-
of-bath time was 1.1 ± 0.6 h/day. On DI5 out-of-bath time was
5.3 ± 1.1 h, because of muscle biopsy and MRI. Otherwise, during
DI, subjects remained immersed in a supine position for all
activities and were continuously observed by video
monitoring. Body weight, blood pressure, heart rate and
tympanic body temperature were measured daily. Water intake
throughout the protocol was ad libitum between 3560 ml/kg/day
and was measured. The meals of each experiment day were
identical for all participants and dietary intake was
individually tailored and controlled during the study. VO
bicycle ergometer test was performed in the evening of BDC-2
and R0.
Blood Sampling
Fasting blood samples were collected always at the same time
(around 7.30 am) during the course of the study. As mentioned in
Figure 1, they were taken at baseline 1 day (BDC
) and just
TABLE 1 | Baseline group characteristics at BDC-2.
Age (y) Height (cm) Weight (kg) BMI (kg/m
) (ml/min/kg)
Dry Immersion (DI) n= 9 33.4 ± 7.0 176 ± 6 74.5 ± 7.2 24.2 ± 1.8 46.5 ± 8.1
Dry Immersion with Thigh cuff (DI-TC) n= 9 33.8 ± 4.0 180 ± 4 74.4 ± 9.2 22.8 ± 1.8 46.9 ± 5.8
Values are mean ± SD. Unpaired t-test did not reveal signicant difference between groups.
FIGURE 1 | Description of the study. A Time line of the experiment with the timing of different blood samples. Blue area corresponds to the DI phase. BDC: baseline
data collection; DI: dry immersion; R: recovery.
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Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
before the commencement of immersion (BDC
), after 24 h-
), 48 h- (DI
), and 120 h- (DI
) immersion, then 48 h
after the return to loading conditions (R
). Serum was
separated after blood collection on BD Vacutainer
tubes (with clotting activator). BD Vacutainer
tubes were used for plasma generation. Serum and plasma
were frozen at 80°C right away after the centrifugation until
analysis. Measurements were carried out simultaneously in all
samples at the end of the study.
Measurements of Biological Markers
All parameters were measured at BDC
and BDC
(2 h before
immersion), then at DI
and R
as indicated in
Figure 1. It should be noted that only the data obtained at BDC
were retained for the determination of the baseline level
(BDC) ; indeed, the day before immersion, after the fasting
blood sample taken at BDC
, a test to measure the
metabolic exibility by indirect calorimetry during the fasted
to fed transition was made ; this test could potentially be at the
origin of the systematically and signicantly lower values at BDC
vs. BDC
recorded for the majority of markers.
Serum samples: C-terminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I
collagen [CTx], procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide
[P1NP], bone alkaline phosphatase [bAP], intact and N-mid
osteocalcin fragment [OC] and insulin-like growth factor 1
[IGF1] were determined by automated chemiluminescence
immunoassay (IDS-iSYS automated analyzer, Boldon,
United Kingdom). The following parameters were measured
by enzyme-immunoassay (EIA) kits: tartrate-resistant acid
phosphatase isoform 5b [TRAP5b] (Microvue Bone, Quidel
Corporation, San Diego, CA, United States );
undercarboxylated [Glu-OC] and carboxylated [Gla-OC] OC
(Takara Bio, Inc., Otsu, Japan); secretory form of nicotinamide
phosphoribosyl-transferase [visfatin] (Adipogen AG, Liestal,
Switzerland); Irisin (Adipogen AG, Liestal, Switzerland);
periostin (Biomedica Medizinprodukte GmbH, Wien, Austria).
Serum intact parathyroid hormone [184 PTH], calcium and
phosphorus were measured using electrochemiluminescence
immunoassay (Cobas
8000 modular analyzer, Roche
Diagnostics Ltd., Rotkreuz, Switzerland).
Plasma samples: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
[lipocalin-2] was measured also by EIA kit (Epitope
Diagnostics, Inc., San Diego, CA, United States.
Statistical Analysis
In each group, for each parameter, baseline level (BDC) was
dened as the value of the measured variables at BDC
. Because
of non-normal distributions and small number of subjects, non-
parametric statistics have been performed. Data were expressed as
median and interquartile range (IQR).
In each group, the time effect was assessed using non-
parametric Friedman rank-sum test. Wilcoxon tests
corrected by the fdr adjustment method of Benjamini and
Hochberg (1995) were used for post hoc comparisons between
each timing.
The TC treatment effect was further analyzed at each time
point by Mann-Whitney tests between the 2 groups.
The changes from baseline expressed as percent difference
were plotted at DI
to DI
or R
for all parameters in
gures for better visualization.
The relationships between changes (expressed vs. BDC
parameters at DI
or at DI
were investigated using
nonparametric Spearman correlations. All statistical tests were
carried out with the R statistic software supported by the R
Foundation for Statistical Computing. pvalues less than 0.05 were
considered to be statistically signicant.
Body Weight and VO
Similar changes were recorded for the two groups. Body weight
was found signicantly decreased after 1-day immersion and
remained so during all the immersion period (Table 2). Body
weight did not fully normalize after 2 days reloading.VO
decreased during dry immersion phase by near 10% vs. BDC
Bone Metabolism
For the different markers, data measured at baseline, during the
immersion period and after 24 h of recovery are summarized in
Tables 3 and 4. For all parameters, there was no signicant
difference between groups at baseline.
Phosphocalcic metabolism: Calcium signicantly increased
as soon as the rst day of immersion and reached a peak at DI
in the two groups; at DI
, these levels were higher by 5 and 3%
for DI and DI-TC, respectively, when compared to BDC, this
increase being less in the DI-TC than DI (Figure 2). These levels
remained elevated during all dry immersion phase for DI group
whereas, for DI-TC group, concentrations returned to BDC level
at DI
; at this latter timing, calcium concentrations became
signicantly higher for DI vs. DI-TC.
Serum intact PTH levels tend to decrease at DI
by 18% in
DI group (p= 0.064) when compared to BDC while no signicant
change was observed in DI-TC group. Phosphatemia was
unchanged during the immersion phase in the two groups.
Bone resorption activity: Serum TRAP5b signicantly
increased as soon as the rst day of immersion and remained
elevated during the entire dry immersion phase (by 15 and 13% at
for DI and DI-TC, respectively when compared to BDC) in
both groups (Figure 3). After the DI period, at R
remained high in the DI-group while in the DI-TC it began to
decrease, the difference between the two groups being not
statistically different. No change in serum CTx was seen in the
two groups (Table 3).
Bone formation activity: P1NP decreased progressively
during all immersion periods in the two groups; at DI
, the
decrease appeared slightly smaller for DI vs. DI-TC although not
signicantly (p= 0.063); at DI
, levels were signicantly lower
by 15 and 21% for DI and DI-TC, respectively when compared to
BDC (Figure 3). Serum bAP concentrations increased as early as
1-day immersion and reached a peak at DI
; this increase
appeared slightly higher for DI when compared to DI-TC
although not signicantly (15 vs. 8%, respectively, p= 0.063) ;
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Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
levels remained elevated during all dry immersion phase for DI
group wheras, for DI-TC group, concentrations returned to BDC
level at DI
; after 48-h of recovery, bAP rates were 4 and 6%
lower vs. BDC in DI and DI-TC, respectively (Figure 3).
Similarly, in the two groups, total intact OC level was maintained
during the rst 48 h of dry immersion; then, a decrease was recorded
such as, at DI
, the concentrations were 15% lower than BDC
values. 48 h of recovery are insufcient to recover the baseline levels
tending to keep concentrations at R
10% lower than BDC values
for both DI and DI-TC. Despite the lack of statistical signicance,
Gla-OC evolved in a similar way to total intact OC for both groups.
No signicant change was observed in its undercarboxylated forms
(Glu-OC) or in the Glu/Gla-OC ratio during all the study.
Osteocyte activity: Periostin, a gla domain vitamin K
dependent factor, is involved in many processes among which
the remodelling of bone tissue as a response to injury. In DI
group, circulating periostin concentrations progressively
decreased during all immersion period reaching, at DI
levels equal to 82% of BDC rates; then these values returned
to baseline level after 48 h of recovery (Figure 3). When thigh cuff
was associated with dry immersion, a similar decrease than in DI
was observed, although not reaching statistical difference;
nevertheless, the decrease in periostin at DI
signicantly different in DI vs. DI-TC (p= 0.050).
Energy Metabolism and Hormones Levels
Visfatin concentrations increased as early as after 24 h of dry
immersion for the majority of subjects regardless of
treatment. It continued to increase throughout the dry
immersion phase until reaching, at DI
, higher levels by
120 and 60% for DI and DI-TC respectively, when compared
to BDC (Figure 2); after 48 h of recovery, the level remained
above the BDC values for 7 of DI subjects whereas the
concentrations returned to or even decreased below the
basal values for DI-TC group. Furthermore, circulating
IGF1 levels progressively increased during immersion in
TABLE 2 | Body weight and VO
before and at the end of dry immersion.
Variable Dry immersion (DI) Dry immersion with thigh cuffs (DI-TC)
BDC DI24h DI120h R+48h BDC DI24h DI120h R+48h
Morning weight, kg 73.5 72.6
80.2 78.7
(58.281.8)(63.587.7) (62.686.4) (62.686.4) (62.586,0) (59.382.9) (58.582.0) (58.081.1)
, ml/mn/kg 47.3 42.7
46.9 43.1
(33.757.8) (31.853.4) (36.655.1) (37.249.0)
Measurements were made at baseline (BDC), during dry immersion (DI) and after recovery. Data are expressed as median (interquartile range) for n= 9 per group. a, b, d: signicantly
different (pp<0.05) vs. BDC, DI24 h, DI120 h, respectively. a: trend to signicance to BDC There was no difference between DI and DI-TC groups.
TABLE 3 | Serum markers for bone cellular activities in Dry Immersion (DI) and Dry Immersion with Thigh Cuffs (DI-TC) during the 5-day dry immersion and after 48 h-
Markers for bone turnover
Resorption activity
TRAP5b (U/L) DI 2.79(0.804.33) 3.12(0,934.88)
DI-TC 2.72(1.474.60) 2.93(1.806.60) 3.02(1.925.90)
CTx (pmol/L) DI 6229(16559831) 6259(139011012) 5977(161910180) 5811(184011746) 5977(200510546)
DI-TC 5638(22379460) 5966(20309436) 5830(19589780) 5480(19549505) 6613(273410839)
Formation activity
P1NP (µg/L) DI 67.2(37.7109.6) 61.3(30.6100.3)
DI-TC 92.5(52.3136.1) 84.1(45.5114.7)
bAP (µg/L) DI 16.0(10.820.7) 17.1(11.221.8)
DI-TC 21.4(9.027.3) 23.1(9.827.4)
Intact OC (ng/ml) DI 23.7(17.939.3) 24.7(15.844.1) 24.2(17.644.7) 21.0(11.639.7)
DI-TC 27.3(13.639.5) 26.6(12.339.9) 29.3(12.435.4) 23.3(9.930.4)
Gla-OC (ng/ml) DI 11.9(9.416.8) 13.3(9.418.0) 12.8(8.520.0) 11.8(6.518.8)
DI-TC 12.0(7.315.8) 11.8(7.614.6) 11.9(7.816.2)
Glu-OC (ng/ml) DI 7.5(2.917.5) 7.6(3.715.5) 8.2(3.417.5) 5.7(2.916.7)
DI-TC 7.6(4.316.3) 8.5(4.415.0) 9.3 (5.217.2)
Osteocyte activity
Periostin (pmol/L) DI 990(6151137) 934(5771074) 708(592990)
DI-TC 740(5181147) 835(6311122) 729(5081163) 742(5051061) 713(5891174)
Measurements were made at baseline (BDC), during dry immersion (DI) and after recovery. Data are expressed as median (interquartile range) for n= 9 per group. a,b,c,d: signicantly
different (p<0.05) vs. BDC, DI
, respectively. a,b: trend to signicance (p0.07) vs. BDC, DI
, respectively. There is no difference between DI and DI-TC groups.
TRAP5b: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b; CTx: C-terminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen; P1NP: procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide; bAP: bone alkaline
phosphatase; OC: osteocalcin; Gla-OCand Glu-OC: carboxylated and uncarboxylated osteocalcin, respectively.
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Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
both groups until reaching, at DI
concentrations for DI and DI-TC, respectively, when
compared to BDC ; levels remained elevated during all dry
immersion phase for DI group wheras, for DI-TC group,
concentrations returned to BDC level at DI
timing, IGF1 concentrations became signicantly higher for
DI vs. DI-TC ; after 48-h of recovery, circulating IGF1 levels
were lower vs. BDC by 10 and 16% in DI and DI-TC,
Lipocalin-2 and irisin, two potential regulators of bone
homeostasis, were unchanged for both groups during the
entire experiment.
TABLE 4 | Serum markers for phospho-calcic status and metabolic regulators in Dry Immersion (DI) and Dry Immersion with Thigh Cuffs (DI-TC) during the 5-day dry
immersion and after 48 h- recovery.
24 h
48 h
120 h
48 h
Markers for phospho-calcic metabolism
PTH (ng/L) DI 23.4(17.246.5) 28.0(16.040.5) 27.4(14.747.1) 21.2(14.533.4)
DI-TC 31.1(17.743.5) 31.2(19.044.2) 28.9(18.445.8) 27.5(20.235.7) 28.4(19.137.2)
Calcium (mg/L) DI 96.0(94.0102.4) 100.0(95.6105.6)
DI-TC 95.6(92.8100.4) 96.8(94.4102.8)
96.4(92.4100.8)* 92.8(90.898.8)
Phosphorus (mg/L) DI 38.1(32.649.9) 38.1(32.649.3) 37.8(33.848.1) 37.5(33.547.4) 36.9(32.947.4)
DI-TC 38.8(28.243.4) 38.1(30.147.1) 39.4(31.344.3) 37.8(29.545.6) 38.1(31.344.6)
Metabolism regulators
Visfatin (ng/ml) DI
0.85(0.221,52) 0.97(0.433.64)
1.20(0.726.93) 1.98(0.662.90)
DI-TC 0.79 (0.402.19) 1.73(0.423.32)
Lipocalin-2 (ng/ml) DI 148(102235) 148(102224) 163(119205) 161(115237) 161(113242)
DI-TC 173(113191) 152(125192) 159(126193) 162(124201) 164(120194)
IGF1 (µg/L) DI 223(168301) 225(189292) 239(208323)
DI-TC 220(141242) 232(128245)
b,c, *
Irisin (µg/ml) DI 6.0(2.715.2) 7.0(4.112.7) 6.0(2.915.7) 6.2(3.213.4) 5.7(2.613.5)
DI-TC 5.0(3.09.4) 5.3(3.710.2) 5.3(3.49.8) 4.1(2.98.4) 4.3(2.611.3)
Measurements were made at baseline (BDC), during dry immersion (DI) and after recovery. Data are expressed as median (interquartile range) for n= 9 per group, except for Visfatin
: analysis made for n = 8 only for DI group). a,b,c,d: signicantly different (p<0.05) vs. BDC, DI
, and DI
, respectively ; a,b,c,d: trend to signicance (p<0.07) vs. BDC,
, and DI
, respectively ; and *: trend (p<0.10) and signicant difference (p<0.05) vs. DI group, respectively. PTH: parathyroid hormone; IGF1: insulin growth factor 1.
FIGURE 2 | Effect of Thigh cuff on dry immersion-induced changes on the metabolic response. At Top, changes in calcic metabolism. At bottom ,cha nges in values
of IGF1 and visfatin. Values are medians ± interquartile range for n= 9, except for Visfatin (analysis made for n= 8 only for DI group). a,b,c,d indicate signicant differences
vs. BDC, DI
and DI
, respectively. a: trend to signicance (p<0.10) vs. BDC. δindicate signicant differences (p0.05) between DI and DI-TC groups.
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Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
Associations Between Biochemical Blood
At baseline,signicant correlations were found between bone
resorption markers (r = 0.785, p= 0.0001 between CTx and
Trap5b) and bone formation markers (r = 0.811, p<0.0001
between intact OC and P1NP). In addition, collagen bone
formation and mineralisation processes were also coupled (r =
0.683, p= 0.002 between P1NP and bAP). Moreover, statistical
analysis elucidated the coupling between resorption and
formation as shown by the relationships between intact OC
vs. CTx and Trap5b (r = 0.793, p<0.0001 and r = 0.669, p=
0.002, respectively) or between P1NP vs. CTx and Trap5b (r =
0.606, p= 0.008 and r = 0.650, p= 0.004, respectively).
Furthermore, Glu-OC concentrations were linked to those
of CTx and intact OC levels (r = 0.577, p=0.012andr=
0.666, p= 0.0026, respectively).
Changes in parameters at DI
and/or DI
: Since thigh
cuff had practically no signicant effects on the measured
parameters, relationships between their changes were
established from all subjects (with or without thigh cuff i.e., 17
or 18 subjects) due to the dry immersion effect; they were
summarized in Table 5.
Whatever the duration of dry immersion, no correlation was
found between changes in CTx and Trap5b.
In the early dry immersion phase (at DI48 h exclusively), the
following relationships were obtained: 1) ΔGlu-OC positively
with ΔIGF1; 2) ΔVisfatin positively with ΔCalcium but negatively
with ΔTrap5b and ΔPhosphorus; 3) ΔP1NP positively with
ΔCalcium but negatively with ΔPhosphorus; 4) ΔCalcium
negatively with ΔPTH.
In the later dry immersion phase (at DI120 h), ΔGla-OC has
been correlated positively with ΔP1NP, ΔintactOC and ΔGlu-OC
but negatively with ΔPTH; In the same time, ΔCTx with
ΔPhosphorus, ΔIrisine with both ΔCTx, ΔPhosphorus and
ΔPeriostin; ΔbAP positively with ΔTrap5b but negatively with
ΔPeriostin; ΔCalcium with ΔIGF1; ΔGlu-OC with ΔTrap5b.
FIGURE 3 | Effect of Thigh cuff on dry immersion-induced changes on bone metabolism. Changes in bone resorption and formation or mineralisation markers
during dry immersion without (white) or with (grey) thigh cuff. Values are expressed as medians ± interquartile range for n= 9 per group. a,b,c,d indicate signicant
differences vs. BDC, DI
and DI
, respectively. aindicate trend to signicance vs. BDC. δand δindicate trend (p<0.10) or signicant differences (p0.05)
between DI and DI-TC groups. TRAP5b: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b; P1NP: procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide; bAP: bone alkaline
phosphatase; intact OC: intact osteocalcin.
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Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
TABLE 5 | Association between biochemical blood markers.
Markers Trap5b CTx Glu-
bAP P1NP Int
Periostin IGF1 Visfatin Calcium PTH Phosphorus Irisin
Trap5b BDC
0.79 - - 0.65 0.67 - - - - - - - -
---- - - - -0.50 - - - -
- 0.61 ** 0.62 - - - - - - - - - -
0.58 * - 0.61** 0.79 - - - - - - - -
0.58 * - - - - - - - - - - -
0.59 ** - - - - - - - - - 0.48 * 0.54 *
- - 0.67** - - - - - - - -
- - 0.48* - - 0.52 * - - - - -
- - 0.52 * 0.53 * - - - - - - -
0.68 - - - - - - - - -
- - - - 0.56 * - - - - -
-- -0.60 ** 0.51 * - - - - -
0.81 - - - - - - - -
0.52* - - - - 0.58 * - 0.50 * -
0.51 * 0.65** - - - - - - -
int OC BDC
------ - -
------ - -
0.71 ** - - - - - - -
--- -- - -
--- -- - -
--- -0.48 - -
Periostin BDC
-- - - - -
-- - - - -
-- - - -0.54*
--- - -
--- - -
- 0.61 ** - - -
Visfatin BDC
-- - -
0.52 * - 0.52 * -
-- - -
(Continued on following page)
Frontiers in Physiology | April 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8014488
Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
After both 48 and 120 h of dry immersion, changes in P1NP
and intact OC were positively correlated. It is also worth noting
the positive relationships between: 1) ΔGlu-OC (decarboxylated
OC form) and both Δintact OC and ΔCTx; 2) ΔbAP and ΔIGF1.
Our current results conrmed that the microgravity simulated by
short-term DI model challenges bone remodelling activity in
human (Linossier et al., 2017). It demonstrated rapid bone
adaptation with a metabolic peak at 48 h of DI followed by
the maintenance of a dissociation between bone formation and
resorption beyond the end of the dry immersion conditions.
Despite benecial effects induced by thigh cuff on body uid
changes (Robin et al., 2020), this countermeasure did not prevent
the deleterious effects in bone cellular activities.
Dry Immersion Conditions and Bone
Remodelling Activity
As early as 24-h DI, resorption evaluated from circulating Trap5b
level was already elevated by 7%. After 48 h of immersion, this
marker continues to increase up to 14%, which is greater than the
7% observed at the same time in the rst experiment of 3 days
(Linossier et al., 2017). Regarding bone formation activity, P1NP
concentrations indicative of lower type 1 collagen deposition
decreased while bAP, an enzyme promoting bone mineralisation,
increased, as also observed at DI
in the shorter 3-d study. Our
current results conrmed that the microgravity simulated model
by short-term DI challenges bone remodelling activity.
Sclerostin, an osteocyte-secreted protein negatively regulating
osteoblast activity and therefore bone formation, has been shown
to increase from 8 to 10 days of bedrest (Frings-Meuthen et al.,
2013) suggesting that it is a late responding marker. In line with
these results, we did not detect any change in the 3-day dry
immersion experiment (Linossier et al., 2017) and did not
analyzed it in the present study. However, we assessed
periostin, a matricellular protein of cortical bone and
periosteum and found that its serum level decreased as early
as 48 h in DI group. During hindlimb suspension in mice
periostin expression decreased and contributed to cortical
bone loss through an increase in sclerostin (Gerbaix et al.,
2015). Periostin-decient mice have low bone mass and
respond less to physical activity due to a lack of sclerostin
inhibition by mechanical loading (Bonnet et al., 2009,2012).
After 4.56-months spaceight in cosmonauts, periostin serum
level was showed to predict tibia cortical evolution during space
mission (Vico et al., 2017). In the current 5-d DI, periostin drop
may thus be indicative of a later reduction in its antisclerostin
Extending the dry immersion from 3 to 5-days revealed
adaptation kinetics with bone marker changes for Trap5b,
bAP, P1NP and periostin reaching a peak at 48 h of DI
followed by stabilization at this new steady-state throughout
unloading condition. The DI-induced alteration in bone
TABLE 5 | (Continued) Association between biochemical blood markers.
Markers Trap5b CTx Glu-
bAP P1NP Int
Periostin IGF1 Visfatin Calcium PTH Phosphorus Irisin
Calcium BDC
0.60 - -
Phosphorus BDC
0.52 *
Irisine BDC
Spearman correlation coefcients between values at BDC or between percent changes at DI
or DI
in bone and energy metabolism parameters for n= 18 except for Visfatin which
was made for n= 17. Changes are expressed in percent from BDC. The values of Spearman r wereindexed by the signicance (*, ** or *** for p value <0.05, 0.01 or 0.001, respectively).
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Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
formation activity was conrmed by the signicant drop in total
OC and its carboxylated form (Gla-OC) at DI
. Changes in
bone formation markers (P1NP, OC, and Gla-OC) were
correlated with each other. The evolution of total OC seems to
result also from the change in its decarboxylated forms: when
considering the 18 subjects together, whereas Glu-OC levels were
found higher at DI
, they decreased signicantly after 5 days of
DI, as did total OC.
This dissociation between bone cellular activities supports the
rapid onset of bone alterations. Serum markers give a global trend
that might result from local changes as evidenced by some authors
who reported, as early as 7 days of DI, a decrease in bone mineral
density of the lower part of the skeleton (proximal epiphysis of the
femur) to the benet of the upper part (skull, hand, costal bones)
when compared to baseline (Kotov et al., 2003).
Dissociation of Serum Markers Within the
Activities of Either Bone Formation or Bone
Regarding the bone formation markers and as in the previous 3-
day campain, we observed a dissociation between the evolution of
bone matrix synthesis and mineralisation markers. Indeed, serum
P1NP and OC decreased whereas serum levels of bAP increased
in the two groups. While, at baseline, these processes were quite
well coupled as evidenced by the correlation established between
P1NP and bAP, DI conditions would seem to have induced a
decoupling. It would be interesting to see if such an adaptation
exists in other unloading models.
Regarding the bone resorption markers and, contrary to the
previous study, no change was observed in circulating CTx levels,
even after 5 days of DI. Several explanations could be at the origin
of the dissociation between changes in Trap5b and CTx. First,
contrary to CTx, the Trap5b level is independent of renal function
as it is rapidly inactivated during circulation by the loss of iron
(Halleen et al., 2000). Renal function is altered by DI as evidenced
by increased renal excretion of liquids and negative water balance
(Larina and Kysto, 2008; Navasiolava et al., 2011; Noskov et al.,
2011). This was conrmed in our subjects whose results were
published previously by Robin et al. (2020). Therefore, in such
situations, serum TRAP5b appeared to be a more relevant
indicator than telopeptides of type I collagen for the
estimation of bone resorption, as shown in hemodialysis
patients (Shidara et al., 2008). Second, this dissociation
between TRAP5b and CTx could be a timing issue. TRAP5b
levels reect the osteoclast numbers while CTx is released into the
circulation in response to osteoclast function (Henriksen et al.,
2007). At the basal level, our subjects were characterized by a 24%
lower Trap5b activity when compared to the 1st experiment (p<
0.05) leading to suppose a lower number of osteoclasts whereas
CTx levels were similar in the two studies. Therefore, it is possible
that higher TRAP5b increases induced by DI conditions, bringing
circulating levels at 48-h DI similar in the 2 studies, preceded
those of CTx. For continuous bone remodelling and tissue
reparation of the skeleton, the number of osteoclasts rather
than their functional activity appeared essential to mediate the
coupling between bone resorption and bone formation (Schaller
et al., 2004;Karsdal et al., 2005;Koh et al., 2005;Martin and Sims,
2005). When we considered changes at DI
for all 18 subjects
together, we found some relationships that seemed to agree with
these latter ones. Indeed, changes in Trap5b are positively
correlated with those of the mineralisation marker (bAP) and
the decarboxylated OC form (Glu-OC). Despite the lack of
signicant variation in both CTx and Glu-OC in DI group,
these 2 markers remain correlated whether on baseline or in
terms of variations at both DI
and DI
supporting a role for
bone resorption in the decarboxylation of osteocalcin.
Relationship Between Bone Remodelling
and Associated Metabolic Responses
In our previous study, the increased resorption had been
associated with the onset of insulin resistance along with a
higher degree of OC decarboxylation and a higher circulating
IGF1 (Linossier et al., 2017). In the present study, blood glucose
was unmodied (Robin et al., 2020), but data on blood insulin are
lacking. On the other hand, circulating IGF1 levels were increased
by 8% for the DI group at DI
, which could be the direct
consequence of the stimulated GH secretion following a potential
increase of the insulin response. When compared to the rst dry
immersion experiment, this activation was shifted by 24-h (IGF1
levels not yet increased at DI
) and was less than the 15% higher
IGF1 concentration observed at DI
in our previous study.
Moreover, this could not be associated with a signicant increase
in degree of OC decarboxylation although 8 out of 9 subjects
increased their Glu-OC concentration at DI
in DI group.
Despite the small sample size, we showed that the higher the
rates of IGF1, the higher the circulating rates of Glu-OC (r = 0.70,
p= 0.0358 at DI
for DI group). One of the rare studies which
have measured Glu-OC under unloading models (Morgan et al.,
1985) reported no change while bone resorption activity was
increased by 80% after 30 days of HDBR.
IGF1is known to stimulate bone formation. However, as
already shown in Linossier et al. (2017), increased circulating
IGF1 levels were associated with decreased bone formation
markers under dry immersion. The present study is in line
with Bikle and colleagues as well as Long and colleagues (Bikle
et al., 1994,2015;Long et al., 2011) showing that unloading would
induce the development of resistance to this growth factor.
Indeed, in rats submitted to hindlimb unloading (Bikle et al.,
1994) observed the failure of the unloaded bone to grow in
response to exogenous IGF1. In the same model, Long et al.
(2011) showed that bone marrow osteoprogenitor cells
originating from unloaded rats failed to respond to IGF-1
treatment in vitro.
Comparison Between the Current 5-d dry
Immersion and a Previous 3-d dry
Immersion Might Explain Some Differences
in Serum Marker Changes
As demonstrated for the rst time during the previous 3-day dry
immersion experiment, our results conrmed the great
responsiveness for visfatin. However,asforIGF1,thevisfatin
Frontiers in Physiology | April 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 80144810
Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
increase was delayed by 24 h (Linossier et al., 2017). This shift in the
training level of the subjects between these two studies. We
compared the characteristics of our subjects with those of the
group from the rst experiment published in 2017. It was found
that, while no difference in baseline group characteristics related to
age, height, weight and BMI were reported between these two
studies, VO
was found to be 20% higher in the present study
as compared to the previous one (p<0.05). This better aerobic
capacity was accompanied by visfatin rates 4 to 5 times lower at
(p<0.0001) when compared to the rst experiment. In bed
rest studies that consider alterations in bone cellular activities, no
data were reported. The value, reported elsewhere in HDBR
studies (Capelli et al., 2006;Bringard et al., 2010), are comparable to
those of the subjects of our rst experiment. The VO
level of the
subjects in this 2
experiment remains higher than in all these
studies. Rare are studies that explored relationship between physical
ability and visfatin levels in healthy men. Choi et al. (2007) reported
that aerobic exercise training induced a decrease in plasma visfatin
levels in Korean women. The lack of a consensus on the normal
visfatin concentration and its relationship to anthropometric and
metabolic parameters in adult has led Jurdana et al. (2013)) to study
the association between increased circulating visfatin levels and
anthropometric parameters in obesity. These authors evidenced
that physical tness was the best signicant predictor of baseline
visfatin concentration in male participants. Such observations could
explain that, at BDC
, visfatin levels were much lower for DI and
DI-TC groups when compared with our previous study.
Furthermore, when compared to the 1st experiment, the 18
subjects were characterized not only by a 24% lower Trap5b
activity (p<0.05) but also by a 22% higher osteocalcin level
(p<0.05) at BDC
; this evidenced a different bone remodelling
rate with lower bone resorption and higher bone formation activities
in the present study when compared to 3-day DI experiment. Such
differences are apparently due to better physical ability. In line with
this statement (Gabel et al., 2021) recently reported in astronauts
that pre-ight markers of bone turnover and exercise history may
identify crewmembers at greatest risk of bone loss due to unloading.
Reversibility of Dry Immersion-Induced
Similar to bone cellular activities, associated metabolic
processes responded with an early phase of adaptation with
a peak at 48 h of DI that maintains at the new steady-state
throughout unloading condition. Adaptation processes to
unloading are partially reversible since, after 48 h of
recovery, only some of the markers (i.e., Ca, PTH, bAP,
periostin and visfatin) returned to their basal level. Switch
from unloaded condition to 1g is associated with a persistent
impairment of bone turnover markers (Trap5b, P1NP and OC
and its forms) as well as a signicant decline in circulating
IGF1 concentrations below the basal level. The endocrine role
of bone could again be responsible for the production of IGF1
below BDC as a result of reduced stimulation of Langerhans
cells due to lower circulating Glu-OC levels.
Do Thigh Cuffs Prevent the Early dry
Immersion Induced Effects on Bone
Remodelling Activity and Energy
Metabolism: dry Immersion-TC vs. dry
Immersion Group?
The effects of venoconstrictive thigh cuffs on body uid changes
from the subjects of this experiment were recently reported by
Robin et al. (2020). These authors evidenced that the use of thigh
cuffs was associated with a slowdown and limitation of the total
body water loss and a trend to limit the decrease in plasma
volume. Nevertheless, these benecial effects of thigh cuff on
body uid changes remained very moderate and did not
counteract decreased tolerance to orthostatic challenge. No
study has considered the impact of thigh cuff on the bone
cellular activities and muscle deconditioning induced by real
or simulated microgravity. Here, thigh cuff is ineffective since
metabolic proles of bone resorption and formation remained
similar between the two groups. At DI
, the trends towards a
lesser increase in bAP and a lower decrease in P1NP as well as a
lower release of calcium under thigh cuff were probably more
related to the limitation of plasma volume loss by 1/41/3 under
thigh cuffs when compared to immersion alone (Robin et al.,
2020). On the other hand, it is worth noting the absence of a
signicant decrease in periostin contrary to DI condition only
under thigh cuffs. The application of thigh cuffs might have been
more effective on energy metabolism in partially preventing the
IGF1 stimulation and visfatin production. However, as for
previous markers, differences in IGF1 being minimal between
the two groups should be considered with great care. On the other
hand, the difference in plasma volume cannot by itself explain the
lower (but not signicant) percentage increase in visfatin levels
under thigh cuff vs. DI. (60 vs. 120%).
The main limitation of this study is the low number of subjects in
each group (n= 9). The number of subjects was not specically
powered for bone metabolism criteria, but for change in optic
nerve sheath diameter, a primary outcome measure for this
protocol (ck Kermorgant et al., 2021). This might have been
responsible for the lack of signicant changes, as seen for example
in Glu-OC since statistical difference was achieved with the
unique group of 12 subjects in the 1st experiment (Linossier
et al., 2017). Also, due to the numerous teams involved in this
experiment, limited serum was available which prevented us from
testing more parameters (such as sclerostin, markers of insulinic
response or renal function).
The present study conrmed the early adaptation of bone
activities and increased visfatin levels under dry immersion
conditions. It also allowed the possibility to substantiate the
dissociation between bone resorption and formation, which
was maintained throughout the immersion period with a
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Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
metabolic peak at 48 hours and was not restored 48 h after the
reloading. The disconnection observed between bone collagen
synthesis and its mineralisation highlighted dysfunction in the
bone formation phase. In view of the changes in uid-volume
homeostasis, it seemed relevant to question the impact of uid
transfers on the bone metabolism. However, thigh cuffs applied
intermittently to reproduce in-ight use and avoid deleterious
venous effects did not allow to prevent the early dry immersion
induced effects on bone remodelling activity and energy
metabolism. This suggests that body uids modications are
not the leading events for bone changes under DI. Another DI
effects, not counteracted by thigh cuffs, such as supportlessness,
mechanical and axial unloading, and physical inactivity,
seemingly dominate for bone and metabolic responses. This
trial is the second DI study done in Europe and we believe
that the data obtained are valuable to set up effective
countermeasures for the effects of gravitational unloading.
The original contributions presented in the study are included in
the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be
directed to the corresponding author.
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
approved by local Ethic Committee (CPP Est III: October 2,
2018, n°ID RCB 2018-A01470-55) and French Health
Authorities (ANSM: August 13, 2018).
Identier: NCT03915457. The patients/participants
provided their written informed consent to participate in
this study.
Conception and research design: M-PB, AB, and GG-K.
Experimental work and data analysis: M-TL, LP, MN, and CB.
Analysis and interpretation of results: M-TL and LV. Drafting
and revising the manuscript: M-TL, LV, LP, and PF.
This dry immersion protocol was supported by CNES (DAR
CNES N2018 4800000970).
We thank the volunteers, the staff of MEDES for the participation
in this protocol at the MEDES space clinic in 20182019, and the
Biochemistry lab (Saint-Etienne University Hospital) for bone
marker analyses.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
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Copyright © 2022 Linossier, Peurière, Fernandez, Normand, Beck, Bareille,
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Frontiers in Physiology | April 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 80144813
Linossier et al. DI-5-Cuffs and Bone Remodeling Markers
... The TRACP-5b is a specific and highly sensitive second-generation bone resorption marker. In POP patients, osteoclast activity was increased, bone remodeling was unbalanced, bone resorption exceeded bone formation, and the serum TRACP-5 levels were significantly increased and negatively correlated with BMD (Linossier et al., 2022). Four studies (Li, 2018;Zhao et al., 2019;Xu, 2022;Tian, 2023) reported serum TRACP-5b levels, involving 439 patients, including 321 patients with POP alone (161 patients in test group and 160 patients in control group) and 118 patients with OPF (60 patients in test group and 58 patients in control group). ...
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Background: Gukang Capsule has been used as a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for the treatment of primary osteoporosis (POP) in China. The primary aim of this study was to assess the clinical effectiveness and safety of Gukang Capsule in POP patients. Methods: A systematic search was conducted across multiple academic databases including PubMed, Web of science, Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Chongqing VIP Information, and Wanfang database to identify randomized controlled trials investigating the Gukang Capsule in the treatment of POP. The screening process, data extraction, and assessment of methodological quality were conducted independently by two reviewers. Statistical analysis was performed using the Rev Man 5.3 software. Subgroup analysis was carried out through the combination of OPF. Subgroup analysis was performed according to whether OPF were combined. Stata 12.0 was used for sensitivity and bias analysis. Results: Nineteen studies were assessed that included 1804 participants. It was found that compared with the control group, the total effective rate (RR = 1.26, 95% CI, 1.20, 1.33), the Medical Outcomes Study Short-form 36 [RR = 1.26, 95% CI(1.20, 1.33)], the bone mineral density (BMD) of lumbar vertebra (SMD = 0.77, 95% CI, 0.48, 1.07), the BMD of femoral neck [SMD = 0.84, 95% CI(0.53, 1.14)], and the BMD of Ward’s triangle (SMD = 0.64, 95% CI, 0.44, 0.85) of the Gukang Capsule experimental group were higher. Compared with the control group, the fracture healing time (SMD = −2.14, 95% CI, −2.45, −1.84), the bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) levels in serum (SMD = −2.00, 95% CI, −2.83, −1.17), the tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP-5b) levels in serum (SMD = −2.58, 95% CI, −3.87, −1.29) of the Gukang Capsule experimental group were lower. The bone glaprotein (BGP) levels in serum (SMD = −0.22, 95% CI, −1.86, 1.43) and the adverse events (RR = 0.80, 95% CI, 0.40, 1.63) of the experimental group and the control group have no difference. Conclusion: Gukang Capsule, as a CAM for the management of POP, exhibits the potential to enhance BMD and quality of life, expedite the healing time of OPF, diminish levels of BALP and TRACP-5b, and improve the total effective rate without increasing the adverse events. Systematic Review Registration:, PROSPERO CRD42023477774.
... Baseline hormone measurements were taken as either hormone levels measured before microgravity exposure or as measurements in control groups. Table 2 [27,28,[37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46] shows the characteristics and data extracted from the 12 studies. ...
... Another generally accepted ground-based model is "dry" immersion [12][13][14]. However, similar to the bed-rest model, studies during "dry" immersion are most often aimed at the musculoskeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems [15][16][17][18]. Moreover, the first "dry" immersion study with women as the subjects that lasted 3 days was conducted in 2020 [19]. ...
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The impact of weightlessness on the female reproductive system remains poorly understood, although deep space exploration is impossible without the development of effective measures to protect women’s health. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of a 5-day “dry” immersion on the state of the reproductive system of female subjects. On the fourth day of the menstrual cycle after immersion, we observed an increase in inhibin B of 35% (p < 0.05) and a decrease in luteinizing hormone of 12% (p < 0.05) and progesterone of 52% (p < 0.05) compared with the same day before immersion. The size of the uterus and the thickness of the endometrium did not change. On the ninth day of the menstrual cycle after immersion, the average diameters of the antral follicles and the dominant follicle were, respectively, 14% and 22% (p < 0.05) higher than before. The duration of the menstrual cycle did not change. The obtained results may indicate that the stay in the 5-day “dry” immersion, on the one hand, can stimulate the growth of the dominant follicle, but, on the other hand, can cause functional insufficiency of the corpus lutea.
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Astronauts in microgravity experience multi-system deconditioning, impacting their inflight efficiency and inducing dysfunctions upon return to Earth gravity. To fill the sex gap of knowledge in the health impact of spaceflights, we simulate microgravity with a 5-day dry immersion in 18 healthy women ( Identifier: NCT05043974). Here we show that dry immersion rapidly induces a sedentarily-like metabolism shift mimicking the beginning of a metabolic syndrome with a drop in glucose tolerance, an increase in the atherogenic index of plasma, and an impaired lipid profile. Bone remodeling markers suggest a decreased bone formation coupled with an increased bone resorption. Fluid shifts and muscular unloading participate to a marked cardiovascular and sensorimotor deconditioning with decreased orthostatic tolerance, aerobic capacity, and postural balance. Collected datasets provide a comprehensive multi-systemic assessment of dry immersion effects in women and pave the way for future sex-based evaluations of countermeasures.
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Neuro-ophthalmological changes named spaceflight associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) reported after spaceflights are important medical issues. Dry immersion (DI), an analog to microgravity, rapidly induces a centralization of body fluids, immobilization, and hypokinesia similar to that observed during spaceflight. The main objectives of the present study were 2-fold: (1) to assess the neuro-ophthalmological impact during 5 days of DI and (2) to determine the effects of venoconstrictive thigh cuffs (VTC), used as a countermeasure to limit headward fluid shift, on DI-induced ophthalmological adaptations. Eighteen healthy male subjects underwent 5 days of DI with or without VTC countermeasures. The subjects were randomly assigned into two groups of 9: a control and cuffs group. Retinal and optic nerve thickness were assessed with spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). Optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) was measured by ocular ultrasonography and used to assess indirect changes in intracranial pressure (ICP). Intraocular pressure (IOP) was assessed by applanation tonometry. A higher thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in the temporal quadrant was observed after DI. ONSD increased significantly during DI and remained higher during the recovery phase. IOP did not significantly change during and after DI. VTC tended to limit the ONSD enlargement but not the higher thickness of an RNFL induced by DI. These findings suggest that 5 days of DI induced significant ophthalmological changes. VTC were found to dampen the ONSD enlargement induced by DI.
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Objectives Bone loss remains a primary health concern for astronauts, despite in-flight exercise. We examined changes in bone microarchitecture, density and strength before and after long-duration spaceflight in relation to biochemical markers of bone turnover and exercise. Methods Seventeen astronauts had their distal tibiae and radii imaged before and after space missions to the International Space Station using high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT. We estimated bone strength using finite element analysis and acquired blood and urine biochemical markers of bone turnover before, during and after spaceflight. Pre-flight exercise history and in-flight exercise logs were obtained. Mixed effects models examined changes in bone and biochemical variables and their relationship with mission duration and exercise. Results At the distal tibia, median cumulative losses after spaceflight were −2.9% to −4.3% for bone strength and total volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) and −0.8% to −2.6% for trabecular vBMD, bone volume fraction, thickness and cortical vBMD. Mission duration (range 3.5–7 months) significantly predicted bone loss and crewmembers with higher concentrations of biomarkers of bone turnover before spaceflight experienced greater losses in tibia bone strength and density. Lower body resistance training volume (repetitions per week) increased 3–6 times in-flight compared with pre-spaceflight. Increases in training volume predicted preservation of tibia bone strength and trabecular vBMD and thickness. Conclusions Findings highlight the fundamental relationship between mission duration and bone loss. Pre-flight markers of bone turnover and exercise history may identify crewmembers at greatest risk of bone loss due to unloading and may focus preventative measures.
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Venoconstrictive thigh cuffs are used by cosmonauts to ameliorate symptoms associated with cephalad fluid shift. A ground simulation of microgravity, using the dry immersion (DI) model, was performed to assess the effects of thigh cuffs on body fluid changes and dynamics, as well as on cardiovascular deconditioning. Eighteen healthy men (25–43 years), randomly divided into two groups, (1) control group or (2) group with thigh cuffs worn 10 h/day, underwent 5-day DI. Cardiovascular responses to orthostatic challenge were evaluated using the lower body negative pressure (LBNP) test; body fluid changes were assessed by bio-impedance and hormonal assay; plasma volume evolution was estimated using hemoglobin-hematocrit; subjective tolerance was assessed by questionnaires. DI induced a decrease in plasma volume of 15–20%. Reduction in total body water of 3–6% stabilized toward the third day of DI. This reduction was derived mostly from the extracellular compartment. During the acute phase of DI, thigh cuffs limited the decrease in renin and the increase in N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), the loss in total body water, and tended to limit the loss in calf volume, extracellular volume and plasma volume. At the later stable phase of DI, a moderate protective effect of thigh cuffs remained evident on the body fluids. Orthostatic tolerance time dropped after DI without significant difference between groups. Thigh cuff countermeasure slowed down and limited the loss of body water and tended to limit plasma loss induced by DI. These observed physiological responses persisted during periods when thigh cuffs were removed. However, thigh cuffs did not counteract decreased tolerance to orthostatic challenge.
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A substantial amount of life-sciences research has been performed in space since the beginning of human spaceflight. Investigations into bone loss, for example, are well known; other areas, such as neurovestibular function, were expected to be problematic even before humans ventured into space. Much of this research has been applied research, with a primary goal of maintaining the health and performance of astronauts in space, as opposed to research to obtain fundamental understanding or to translate to medical care on Earth. Some people—scientists and concerned citizens—have questioned the broader scientific value of this research, with the claim that the only reason to perform human research in space is to keep humans healthy in space. Here, we present examples that demonstrate that, although this research was focused on applied goals for spaceflight participants, the results of these studies are of fundamental scientific and biomedical importance. We will focus on results from bone physiology, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, and neurovestibular studies. In these cases, findings from spaceflight research have provided a foundation for enhancing healthcare terrestrially and have increased our knowledge of basic physiological processes.
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Dry immersion (DI) is a Russian-developed, ground-based model to study the physiological effects of microgravity. It accurately reproduces environmental conditions of weightlessness, such as enhanced physical inactivity, suppression of hydrostatic pressure and supportlessness. We aimed to study the integrative physiological responses to a 3-day strict DI protocol in 12 healthy men, and to assess the extent of multi-system deconditioning. We recorded general clinical data, biological data and evaluated body fluid changes. Cardiovascular deconditioning was evaluated using orthostatic tolerance tests (Lower Body Negative Pressure + tilt and progressive tilt). Metabolic state was tested with oral glucose tolerance test. Muscular deconditioning was assessed via muscle tone measurement. Results: Orthostatic tolerance time dropped from 27 ± 1 to 9 ± 2 min after DI. Significant impairment in glucose tolerance was observed. Net insulin response increased by 72 ± 23% on the third day of DI compared to baseline. Global leg muscle tone was approximately 10% reduced under immersion. Day-night changes in temperature, heart rate and blood pressure were preserved on the third day of DI. Day-night variations of urinary K⁺ diminished, beginning at the second day of immersion, while 24-h K⁺ excretion remained stable throughout. Urinary cortisol and melatonin metabolite increased with DI, although within normal limits. A positive correlation was observed between lumbar pain intensity, estimated on the second day of DI, and mean 24-h urinary cortisol under DI. In conclusion, DI represents an accurate and rapid model of gravitational deconditioning. The extent of glucose tolerance impairment may be linked to constant enhanced muscle inactivity. Muscle tone reduction may reflect the reaction of postural muscles to withdrawal of support. Relatively modest increases in cortisol suggest that DI induces a moderate stress effect. In prospect, this advanced ground-based model is extremely suited to test countermeasures for microgravity-induced deconditioning and physical inactivity-related pathologies.
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Background Dry immersion (DI), a ground-based model of microgravity previously used in Russia, has been recently implemented in France. The aim of this study was to analyze early events in a short-term DI model in which all conditions are met to investigate who is first challenged from osteo- or adipo-kines and to what extent they are associated to insulin-regulating hormones. Methods Twelve healthy men were submitted to a 3-day DI. Fasting blood was collected during pre-immersion phase for the determination of the baseline data collection (BDC), daily during DI (DI24h, DI48H and DI72h), then after recovery (R+3h and R+24h). Markers of bone turnover, phosphocalcic metabolism, adipokines and associated factors were measured. Results Bone resorption as assessed by tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b and N-terminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen levels increased as early as DI24h. At the same time, total procollagen type I N- and C-terminal propeptides and osteoprotegerin, representing bone formation markers, decreased. Total osteocalcin [OC] was unaffected, but its undercarboxylated form [Glu-OC] increased from DI24h to R+3h. The early and progressive increase in bone alkaline phosphatase activities suggested an increased mineralization. Dickkopf-1 and sclerostin, as negative regulators of the Wnt-β catenin pathway, were unaltered. No change was observed either in phosphocalcic homeostasis (calcium and phosphate serum levels, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, fibroblast growth factor 23 [FGF23]) or in inflammatory response. Adiponectemia was unchanged, whereas circulating leptin concentrations increased. Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin [lipocalin-2], a potential regulator of bone homeostasis, was found elevated by 16% at R+3h compared to DI24h. The secretory form of nicotinamide phosphoribosyl-transferase [visfatin] concentrations almost doubled after one day of DI and remained elevated. Serum insulin-like growth factor 1 levels progressively increased. Fasting insulin concentrations increased during the entire DI, whereas fasting glucose levels tended to be higher only at DI24h and then returned to BDC values. Changes in bone resorption parameters negatively correlated with changes in bone formation parameters. Percent changes of ultra-sensitive C-reactive protein positively correlated with changes in osteopontin, lipocalin-2 and fasting glucose. Furthermore, a positive correlation was found between changes in FGF23 and Glu-OC, the two main osteoblast-/osteocyte-derived hormones. Conclusion Our results demonstrated that DI induced an unbalanced remodeling activity and the onset of insulin resistance. This metabolic adaptation was concomitant with higher levels of Glu-OC. This finding confirms the role of bone as an endocrine organ in humans. Furthermore, visfatin for which a great responsiveness was observed could represent an early and sensitive marker of unloading in humans.
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Risk for premature osteoporosis is a major health concern in astronauts and cosmonauts and the reversibility of the bone lost at the weight-bearing bone sites is not established although it is suspected to take longer than the mission length. The bone three-dimensional structure and strength which could be uniquely affected by weightlessness, is currently unknown. Our objective is to evaluate bone mass, microarchitecture and strength of weight- and non-weight-bearing bone in 13 cosmonauts before and for 12 months after 4-6-month sojourn in the International Space Station (ISS). Standard and advanced evaluations of trabecular and cortical parameters were performed using high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography. In particular, cortical analyses involved determination of the largest common volume of each successive individual scan to improve the precision of cortical porosity and density measurements. Bone resorption and formation serum markers, and markers reflecting osteocyte activity or periosteal metabolism (sclerostin, periostin) were evaluated. At the tibia, in addition to decreased bone mineral densities at cortical and trabecular compartments, a 4% decrease in cortical thickness and a 15% increase in cortical porosity were observed at landing. Cortical size and density subsequently recovered and serum periostin changes were associated with cortical recovery during the year after landing. However tibial cortical porosity or trabecular bone failed to recover, resulting in compromised strength. The radius, preserved at landing, unexpectedly developed post-flight fragility, from 3 months post-landing onwards, particularly in its cortical structure. Remodeling markers, uncoupled in favor of bone resorption at landing, returned to pre-flight values within six months, then declined further to lower than pre-flight values. Our findings highlight the need for specific protective measures not only during, but also after spaceflight, due to continuing uncertainties regarding skeletal recovery long after landing. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Key points: Our study contributes to the characterization of muscle loss and weakness processes induced by a sedentary life style, chronic hypoactivity, clinical bed rest, immobilization and microgravity. This study, by bringing together integrated and cellular evaluation of muscle structure and function, identifies the early functional markers and biomarkers of muscle deconditioning. Three days of muscle disuse in healthy adult subjects is sufficient to significantly decrease muscle mass, tone and force, and to induce changes in function relating to a weakness in aerobic metabolism and muscle fibre denervation. The outcomes of this study should be considered in the development of an early muscle loss prevention programme and/or the development of pre-conditioning programmes required before clinical bed rest, immobilization and spaceflight travel. Abstract: Microgravity and hypoactivity are associated with skeletal muscle deconditioning. The decrease of muscle mass follows an exponential decay, with major changes in the first days. The purpose of the study was to dissect out the effects of a short-term 3-day dry immersion (DI) on human quadriceps muscle function and structure. The DI model, by suppressing all support zones, accurately reproduces the effects of microgravity. Twelve healthy volunteers (32 ± 5 years) completed 3 days of DI. Muscle function was investigated through maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) tests and muscle viscoelasticity. Structural experiments were performed using MRI analysis and invasive experiments on muscle fibres. Our results indicated a significant 9.1% decrease of the normalized MVC constant (P = 0.048). Contraction and relaxation modelization kinetics reported modifications related to torque generation (kACT = -29%; P = 0.014) and to the relaxation phase (kREL = +34%; P = 0.040) after 3 days of DI. Muscle viscoelasticity was also altered. From day one, rectus femoris stiffness and tone decreased by, respectively, 7.3% (P = 0.002) and 10.2% (P = 0.002), and rectus femoris elasticity decreased by 31.5% (P = 0.004) after 3 days of DI. At the cellular level, 3 days of DI translated into a significant atrophy of type I muscle fibres (-10.6 ± 12.1%, P = 0.027) and an increased proportion of hybrid, type I/IIX fibre co-expression. Finally, we report an increase (6-fold; P = 0.002) in NCAM+ muscle fibres, showing an early denervation process. This study is the first to report experiments performed in Europe investigating human short-term DI-induced muscle adaptations, and contributes to deciphering the early changes and biomarkers of skeletal muscle deconditioning.
The common approach to the multiplicity problem calls for controlling the familywise error rate (FWER). This approach, though, has faults, and we point out a few. A different approach to problems of multiple significance testing is presented. It calls for controlling the expected proportion of falsely rejected hypotheses — the false discovery rate. This error rate is equivalent to the FWER when all hypotheses are true but is smaller otherwise. Therefore, in problems where the control of the false discovery rate rather than that of the FWER is desired, there is potential for a gain in power. A simple sequential Bonferronitype procedure is proved to control the false discovery rate for independent test statistics, and a simulation study shows that the gain in power is substantial. The use of the new procedure and the appropriateness of the criterion are illustrated with examples.