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Abstract and Figures

The current study aimed to investigate the influence of tart cherry and blueberry juices on cardiometabolic and other health indices following a 20-day supplementation period. Forty-five adults were randomly assigned to receive tart cherry, blueberry, or a placebo; of which they drank 60 mL per day for 20-days. The primary outcome; systolic blood pressure and secondary measures; anthropometric, energy expenditure, substrate oxidation, haematological, diastolic blood pressure/resting heart rate, psychological wellbeing and sleep efficacy were measured before and after the intervention. There were no statistically significant differences (P>0.05) for systolic blood pressure, however total and LDL cholesterol were significantly improved with blueberry intake (pre: total cholesterol=4.36mmol/L and LDL cholesterol=2.71mmol/L & post: total cholesterol=3.79mmol/L and LDL cholesterol=2.23mmol/L) compared to placebo (pre: total cholesterol=4.01mmol/L and LDL cholesterol=2.45mmol/L & post: total cholesterol=4.34mmol/L and LDL cholesterol=2.67mmol/L). Furthermore, psychological wellbeing indices measured using the Beck Depression Inventory, State Trait Anxiety Inventory and COOP WONCA improved statistically in the blueberry arm compared to placebo. Given the clear association between lipid concentrations and the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as the importance of psychological wellbeing to health-related quality of life, this investigation indicates that it could be a useful tool to help in managing cardiovascular diseases.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Sinclair, J.; Bottoms, L.;
Dillon, S.; Allan, R.; Shadwell, G.;
Butters, B. Effects of Montmorency
Tart Cherry and Blueberry Juice on
Cardiometabolic and Other
Health-Related Outcomes: A
Three-Arm Placebo Randomized
Controlled Trial. Int. J. Environ. Res.
Public Health 2022,19, 5317.
Academic Editors: Han C. G. Kemper
and Paul B. Tchounwou
Received: 1 April 2022
Accepted: 24 April 2022
Published: 27 April 2022
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Effects of Montmorency Tart Cherry and Blueberry Juice on
Cardiometabolic and Other Health-Related Outcomes:
A Three-Arm Placebo Randomized Controlled Trial
Jonathan Sinclair 1, * , Lindsay Bottoms 2, Stephanie Dillon 1, Robert Allan 1, Gareth Shadwell 1
and Bobbie Butters 1
1Research Centre for Applied Sport, Physical Activity and Performance, School of Sport & Health Sciences,
Faculty of Allied Health and Wellbeing, University of Central Lancashire, Preston PR1 2HE, UK; (S.D.); (R.A.); (G.S.); (B.B.)
2Centre for Research in Psychology and Sport Sciences, School of Life and Medical Sciences, University of
Hertfordshire, Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK;
The current study aimed to investigate the influence of tart cherry and blueberry juices
on cardiometabolic and other health indices following a 20-day supplementation period. Forty-five
adults were randomly assigned to receive tart cherry, blueberry, or a placebo, of which they drank
60 mL per day for 20 days. The primary outcome, which was systolic blood pressure, and sec-
ondary measures, including anthropometric, energy expenditure, substrate oxidation, hematological,
diastolic blood pressure/resting heart rate, psychological wellbeing, and sleep efficacy, were mea-
sured before and after the intervention. There were no statistically significant differences (
p> 0.05
for systolic blood pressure; however, total and LDL cholesterol were significantly improved with
blueberry intake (pre: total cholesterol = 4.36 mmol/L and LDL cholesterol = 2.71 mmol/L; post:
total cholesterol = 3.79 mmol/L
and LDL cholesterol = 2.23 mmol/L) compared to placebo (pre: total
cholesterol = 4.01 mmol/L and LDL cholesterol = 2.45 mmol/L; post:
total cholesterol = 4.34 mmol/L
and LDL cholesterol = 2.67 mmol/L). Furthermore, psychological wellbeing indices measured us-
ing the Beck Depression Inventory, State Trait Anxiety Inventory, and COOP WONCA improved
statistically in the blueberry arm compared to placebo. Given the clear association between lipid
concentrations and the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as the importance of psychological
wellbeing to health-related quality of life, this investigation indicates that it could be an effective
approach to assist in managing cardiometabolic disease.
Keywords: tart cherry; blueberry; cardiovascular disease; blood pressure; metabolic health
1. Introduction
Cardiometabolic disease is now the principal cause of global mortality and healthcare
expenditure [
]. Cardiometabolic syndrome itself is characterized by a range of symptoms,
including hypertension, insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia, low high-density
lipoproteins, high triglycerides, high adiposity, high body mass index, large waist-to-hip
ratio, and poor glucose regulation [
]. Within the epidemiological literature, distinct
pathophysiological markers of oxidative stress, nitric oxide, and inflammation have been
cited as being the mechanistic indicators associated with the clinical presentation of car-
diometabolic disease [4,5].
Pharmaceutical interventions represent the predominant treatment modalities for
cardiometabolic conditions [
]. However, while these medications are efficacious in regards
to the management of cardiometabolic disease, their cost-effectiveness remains ambigu-
ous [
], and significant negative side-effects remain common [
]. Globally, it has been
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 2 of 18
documented that 84% of adults over the age of 57 are prescribed at least one medication
per day [
]. As such, it is clear that further natural and cost-effective remedies are required
for cardiometabolic disease management and prevention [3].
Dietary practices are recognized as the most effective natural approach for the treat-
ment of cardiometabolic disease such that most national/international medical organiza-
tions advocate improved nutrition for the prevention and management of this condition [
There is therefore a clear rationale for the implementation of dietary over pharmaceutical
interventions, and indeed, Chiva-Blanch et al. [
] proposed that such approaches are
likely to be more cost-effective and safer for the treatment and prevention of metabolic
diseases. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables have been shown to attenuate the risk from
cardiometabolic disease [
] although maintaining such approaches over a sustained du-
ration has been shown to be difficult to accomplish [
]. Therefore, dietary supplements
represent a potentially more appealing treatment and prevention modality.
Anthocyanins are abundant in dark-colored fruit and vegetable groups [
], and it
is proposed that they may be able to confer significant improvements in cardiometabolic
health [
]. Montmorency tart cherries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, and black-
currants [
] in particular have been shown to possess high levels of anthocyanins [
although the majority of peer-reviewed literature has focused on tart cherries. Supplemen-
tation of anthocyanin-rich tart cherries has been shown to improve oxidative stress [
and inflammation [
], and blackcurrant supplementation was also shown to enhance
fat-oxidation rates [
]. Improved fat oxidation during rest and physical activity is linked
to long-term changes in body mass and composition allied with improvements in in-
sulin sensitivity [
]. Therefore, an increased capacity to oxidize fat at rest and during
moderate physical activity, initiated via anthocyanin-rich supplementation, may be ad-
vantageous for yielding improvements in body composition and insulin control, which is
pertinent to cardiometabolic health. Importantly, the aforementioned anti-inflammatory,
anti-oxidative, and substrate trafficking effects mediated through supplementation of
anthocyanin-rich fruits appear to conveniently target the underlying chronic low-grade
inflammation, pro-oxidant, and lipid-attenuating status that is central to cardiometabolic
disease pathophysiology [24].
However, the findings from parallel randomized controlled trials exploring the ef-
fects of anthocyanin-rich fruit supplementation on cardiometabolic outcomes have yielded
equivocal findings. Some studies exploring the effects of Montmorency tart cherry juice
supplementation have shown no effect on cardiometabolic indices of blood pressure, triglyc-
erides, insulin tolerance, or cholesterol [
], and some have revealed improvements
in systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) choles-
terol [
]. Studies exploring the efficacy of other anthocyanin-rich supplements
present a similarly equivocal picture, with some demonstrating positive effects on car-
diometabolic outcomes [3337] and some showing no such effects [3841].
1.1. Rationale
At the current time, there have yet to be any randomized intervention studies com-
paratively examining the efficacy of different anthocyanin-rich fruit supplements on car-
diometabolic outcomes. With some food biochemical investigations showing that antho-
cyanin contents in dark fruits, such as blueberries, are as high or even greater than in tart
cherries [17], further such investigations may be of both practical and clinical relevance.
1.2. Aim
The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of 20 days of twice daily
Montmorency tart cherry or blueberry juice supplementation on cardiometabolic and other
health-related indices in healthy adults compared to placebo. The primary objective of this
randomized trial is to examine the influence of the tart cherry and blueberry supplements
on systolic blood pressure relative to placebo. Its secondary objectives are to assess if tart
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 3 of 18
cherry juice and blueberry supplementation impacted other risk factors associated with
and as a function of cardiometabolic disease.
1.3. Hypotheses
In relation to the primary outcome, it is expected that both Montmorency tart cherry
and blueberry supplement groups will mediate significant reductions in systolic blood
pressure compared to placebo, but no statistically significant differences will be observed
between supplement groups. Furthermore, for the secondary outcomes, the Montmorency
tart cherry and blueberry groups will produce improvements in cardiometabolic other
health-related parameters compared to placebo, but there will be no statistically significant
differences between the two supplement groups.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
This investigation represents a 20-day parallel, single-blind (blinded to participant),
randomized placebo-controlled trial (Figure 1). The 20-day supplementation period was
adopted in accordance with [
], and the protocol for this 3-arm randomized investi-
gation has been previously published elsewhere [
] and was designed according to the
updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomized trials [
]. The study was
registered prospectively (NCT04177238) and approved by an institutional ethical review
board (HEALTH 0016).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 19
Figure 1. Consort diagram showing the study design.
2.2. Inclusion Criteria
- 18 years of age and above;
- Non-smoker;
- BMI < 30;
- Able to give informed consent.
Exclusion criteria:
- Pregnancy;
- 65 years of age and above;
- Diabetes or any other metabolic/uncontrolled hypertensive conditions;
- Food allergies to cherries or blueberries;
- Habitual consumption of blueberries/cherries and/or blueberry/cherry products;
- Not regularly taking medication or antioxidant supplements.
Figure 1. Consort diagram showing the study design.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 4 of 18
After screening for eligibility and enrollment, participants were then randomized by a
computer program (Random Allocation Software Version 1.0) to either (1) Montmorency
tart cherry, (2) blueberry, or (3) placebo group. All experimental variables were assessed
at (a) baseline (pre) and (b) after 20 days (post). In agreement with previous trials of
cardiometabolic health, the primary outcome measure was the between-group difference
in systolic blood pressure from baseline to post intervention [
]. Secondary outcome
measures were between-group differences in anthropometric, energy expenditure and
substrate oxidation (during rest and moderate intensity exercise), hematological, diastolic
blood pressure/resting heart rate, psychological wellbeing, and sleep efficacy indices. All
experimental testing took place in the morning in a
10 h fasted state, with participants
having avoided strenuous exercise, alcohol, and nutritional supplements for 24 h and
caffeine for 12 h prior to data collection [28].
2.2. Inclusion Criteria
- 18 years of age and above;
- Non-smoker;
- BMI < 30;
- Able to give informed consent.
Exclusion criteria:
- Pregnancy;
- 65 years of age and above;
- Diabetes or any other metabolic/uncontrolled hypertensive conditions;
- Food allergies to cherries or blueberries;
- Habitual consumption of blueberries/cherries and/or blueberry/cherry products;
- Not regularly taking medication or antioxidant supplements.
2.3. Participants
Power calculations were performed for the primary outcome variable, i.e., the between-
groups difference in systolic blood pressure. This showed that a total sample size of 45 was
necessary to provide 80% power to detect a minimally important clinical difference (MCID)
of 6 mmHg between groups [
], with a projected standard deviation of 5.5 mmHg in each
group [
], accounting for a loss to follow up rate of 10%. Participants attended an eligibility,
enrollment, and familiarization session prior to the commencement of formal data collection
at the University of Central Lancashire. All participants provided informed consent in
written form and completed a Par-Q screening form before taking part, in compliance with
principles outlined in the declaration of Helsinki and the Oviedo Convention.
2.4. Dietary Intervention
After the conclusion of their baseline data collection session, participants were pro-
vided with either Montmorency tart cherry, blueberry, or placebo concentrate. Participants
were required to consume 30 mL of supplementation diluted in 100 mL of water twice daily:
once in the morning and again in the evening [
]. All supplementation was kept refriger-
ated throughout the 20 days. According to the manufacturer (ActiveEdge, Wintney, UK),
a 30 mL dose of Montmorency tart cherry concentrate (Energy: 102 Kcal, carbohydrates:
25 g of which sugars: 18 g, protein: 1.10 g, and fiber: 2.6 g) is equivalent to approximately
320 mg
of anthocyanins. Similarly, taking into account the manufacturers (ActiveEdge,
Wintney, UK) guidelines, a 30 mL dose of blueberry concentrate (Energy: 103 Kcal, car-
bohydrates: 22 g of which sugars: 22 g, protein: 0.2 g, and fiber: 0.2 g) is equivalent to
approximately 387 mg of anthocyanins.
Preparation of the placebo was undertaken in accordance with that outlined previously
within the literature; this method of placebo preparation has been shown by previous
intervention trials to provide an effective blinding strategy [
]. Placebo preparation
involved mixing 100% un-flavored maltodextrin carbs (MyProtein, Cheshire, UK) into
drinking water using a magnetic stirrer (Stuart Scientific, Staffordshire, UK) and stir bar
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 5 of 18
(Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). A total of 666 g of maltodextrin was added to water
to create a liter of placebo concentrate, working out as 20 g of maltodextrin per 30 mL
serving closely matching the Montmorency tart cherry or blueberry supplementation. Even
amounts of red and black food coloring were added to match the color of the Montmorency
tart cherry concentrate and even amounts of red, blue, and black coloring were utilized to
match the color of the blueberry supplement. Either cherry or blueberry flavdrops (1 mL)
(MyProtein, Cheshire, UK) were then added to match the required flavor. Irrespective of
flavor, a 30 mL dose of placebo concentrate (100 Kcal, carbohydrates 25 g of which sugars:
0 g, protein: 0 g, and fiber 0 g) contained 0 mg of anthocyanins.
Throughout the study, the participants were encouraged to maintain their habitual diet
and exercise routines and asked to refrain from consuming any multivitamin or antioxidant
supplements [
]. For their post-intervention data collection session, all participants were
asked to return any unused supplementation to determine the actual amount of supple-
ment/placebo that was consumed (mL) and their % compliance. Furthermore, in order
to explore the total quantity of supplementary ingested anthocyanins (mg), experimental
average daily energy intake (Kcal/day) and supplementary average daily sugars (g/day)
as well as the amount of supplementation that was consumed was multiplied by the an-
thocyanin, energy, and sugar contents established by the manufacturer. Finally, in order to
examine blinding efficacy, each participant was asked whether they felt that they had been
allocated to the supplement or placebo group at the conclusion of their post-intervention
data collection session. In all three trial arms, loss to follow up was monitored as were any
adverse events.
2.5. Data Collection
2.5.1. Laboratory Visit Data
All measurements were undertaken at the University of Central Lancashire’s physi-
ology laboratory (Preston, UK) and undertaken in an identical manner on two occasions,
i.e., baseline and post intervention. The laboratories housed by the University of Central
Lancashire are fully accredited by the British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences,
illustrating that they have undergone meticulous inspection and evidenced that all in-
strumentation is well maintained in terms of reliability, validity, and routine servicing;
staff have the appropriate professional and vocational qualifications; and that the requisite
operational procedures for health and safety are met.
2.5.2. Anthropometric Measurements
Anthropometric measures of mass (kg) and stature (m) (without shoes) were used to
calculate the body mass index (BMI) (kg/m
). Stature was measured using a stadiometer
(Seca, Hamburg, Germany) and mass using weighing scales (Seca 875, Hamburg, Germany).
In addition, body composition was examined using a phase-sensitive multifrequency bio-
electrical impedance analysis device (Seca mBCA 515, Hamburg, Germany) [
], allowing
percentage body fat (%) and fat mass (kg) to be quantified. Finally, waist circumference
was measured at the midway point between the inferior margin of the last rib and the
iliac crest and hip circumference around the pelvis at the point of maximum protrusion of
the buttocks, without compressing the soft tissues [
], allowing the waist-to-hip ratio to
be quantified.
2.5.3. Energy Expenditure and Substrate Oxidation
Respiratory gases were collected using a gas analysis system (MetaLyser 3B system,
Cortex Biophysic, Leipzig, Germany). The experimental laboratory was maintained using
an air-conditioning system at a fixed ambient temperature of 20
C. To quantify resting
energy expenditure and substrate oxidation, participants laid supine for a period of
20 min
and data were extracted and averaged over the final 17 min [
]. Resting fat and carbohy-
drate oxidation rates (g/min) were quantified using the stoichiometric formulae outlined
by Freyn, ref. [
] (Equations (1) and (2)), assuming negligible protein utilization. To
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 6 of 18
quantify resting metabolic rate (RMR) (kcal/day) the formula of Weir [
] was adopted
(Equation (3)).
Carbohydrate (g/min) = (4.55 ×VCO2)(3.21 ×VO2) (1)
Fat (g/min) = (1.67 ×VO2)(1.67 ×VCO2) (2)
RMR (kcal/day) = [(3.941 ×VO2) + (1.1106 ×VCO2)] ×1440 (3)
In addition, carbohydrate- and fat-oxidation rates (g/min) and energy expenditure
per minute (kcal/min) were also examined during moderate intensity physical activity.
Participants walked on a treadmill (hp Cosmos Pulsar, Nussdorf, Germany) at a velocity
of 4.5 km/h for a period of 6 min. This walking velocity has reliably been shown to
correspond to moderate exercise intensities [
]. Data were averaged over the last minute of
6 min
test. Fat- and carbohydrate-oxidation rates (g/min) as well as energy expenditure
(kcal/min) during the exercise test were quantified using stoichiometric formulae outlined
by Jeukendrup and Wallis [
], specifically developed for the exercise intensity examined
in this study (Equations (4)–(6)).
Carbohydrate (g/min) = (4.21 ×VCO2)(2.962 ×VO2) (4)
Fat (g/min) = (1.695 ×VO2)(1.701 ×VCO2) (5)
Energy expenditure (kcal/min) = (0.550 ×VCO2)(4.471 ×VO2) (6)
2.5.4. Hematological Testing
Capillary blood samples were also collected via finger-prick using a disposable lancet
after cleaning with a 70% ethanol wipe. Capillary triglyceride, total cholesterol, and
glucose levels (mmol/L) were immediately obtained using three handheld analyzers
(MulticareIn, Multicare Medical, Arezzo, Italy) and capillary hemoglobin levels (g/L)
using a single handheld analyzer (HemoCue, Ängelholm, Sweden). From these outcomes,
LDL cholesterol (mmol/L) was firstly quantified using the Anandaraja et al. [
] formula
with total cholesterol and triglycerides as inputs. In addition, high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol (mmol/L) was also calculated by re-arranging the Chen et al. [
equation to make HDL the product of the formulae. Both of these approaches have
been shown to have excellent similarity to their associated lipoprotein values examined
using immunoassay techniques r = 0.948
0.970 [
] The ratios between total and
HDL cholesterol and between LDL and HDL cholesterol levels were also determined in
accordance with Millán et al. [55].
2.5.5. Blood Pressure and Resting Heart Rate
Blood pressure (mmHg) and resting heart rate (beats
) measurements were
undertaken in an up-right seated position at the end of the above-described resting energy
expenditure test. Both peripheral measures of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and
resting heart rate were be measured via a non-invasive, automated blood pressure monitor
(OMRON M2, Kyoto, Japan), adhering to the recommendations specified by the European
Society of Hypertension [
]. Three readings were undertaken, each separated by a period
of 1 min [57], and the mean of the last 2 readings used for analysis.
2.5.6. Questionnaires
Sleep quality is diminished in patients with cardiometabolic disease [
], and intake
of dietary polyphenols [
] and supplementation of Montmorency tart cherry has been
demonstrated to enhance sleep quality and symptoms of insomnolence [
]. Therefore,
general sleep quality was examined using the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) [
daytime sleepiness using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale [
] and symptoms of insomnolence
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 7 of 18
via the Insomnia Severity Index [
]. These questionnaires were utilized co-operatively to
provide a collective representation of sleep efficacy.
Furthermore, psychological wellbeing is lower in those with cardiometabolic dis-
ease [
], and a high intake of dietary polyphenols has been shown to enhance indices
of psychological wellbeing [
]. Therefore, general psychological wellbeing was exam-
ined using the COOP WONCA questionnaire [
], depressive symptoms using the Beck
Depression Inventory [
], and state/trait anxiety with the State Trait Anxiety Inventory
(STAI) [
]. Once again, these scales were utilized conjunctively to provide a collective
depiction of psychological wellbeing.
2.6. Statistical Analysis
All continuous experimental variables are presented as mean and standard deviations
(SD). Comparisons between participant characteristics and all experimental variables were
undertaken at baseline, as were the % compliance levels, experimental anthocyanins, exper-
imental energy intake, and experimental sugars (g/day) between the groups using linear
mixed models, with group modeled as a fixed factor and random intercepts by participants.
All analyses of the intervention-based data were performed using on an intention to treat
basis. To determine the effects of the intervention on all of the outcome measures, differ-
ences between the three groups were examined using linear mixed models with group
modeled as a fixed factor and random intercepts by participants adopted, adjusted for
baseline values modeled as a continuous fixed covariate. For linear mixed models the
mean difference (b), t-value and 95% confidence intervals of the difference are presented.
Effects sizes for all statistically significant comparisons were quantified using partial eta
squared (
). Blinding efficacy was examined using a one-way chi-square (X
) goodness
of fit test. Finally, changes from baseline to 20 days in the experimental parameters were
used to create binary variables, i.e., improve/did not improve for each participant. Pearson
chi-square tests of independence were also used to undertake bivariate cross-tabulation
comparisons between the three trial groups, specifically to test differences in the number
of participants who exhibited improvements in the experimental outcomes, the number
lost to follow-up, and the number of adverse outcomes in each group. Probability values
for all chi-square analyses in this trial were calculated using Monte-Carlo simulation. All
analyses were conducted using SPSS v27 (IBM Inc., SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA), and statistical
significance for all analyses was accepted as the p
0.05 level. In the interests of conciseness
and clarity, only experimental variables that presented with statistical significance as a
function of the intervention are presented in the results section.
3. Results
3.1. Baseline Characteristics
All of the experimental measurements were contrasted at baseline for the partici-
pants who completed the trial, and no significant differences between groups were found
(p= 0.06–0.98—Table 1).
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of completed study participants.
All Placebo Cherry Blueberry
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Age (years) 34.02 12.97 35.13 16.84 32.80 7.89 34.13 13.03
Mass (kg) 68.41 10.74 67.62 10.47 69.44 11.38 68.17 9.43
Stature (m) 1.68 0.09 1.67 0.10 1.69 0.10 1.68 0.08
BMI (kg/m2)24.26 2.90 23.82 2.98 24.90 2.35 24.07 3.10
Sex (m/f) 24/20 8/7 7/7 9/6
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 8 of 18
3.2. Loss to Follow Up, Compliance, Ingested Anthocyanins, and Adverse Events
Total trial completion numbers in each group were cherry (n= 14), placebo (n= 15),
and blueberry (n= 15), and number of adverse effects were cherry (n= 1), placebo (
n= 0
and blueberry (n= 0). The chi-square tests were non-significant (X
= 2.05,
p= 0.36
X2(2) = 2.05
p= 0.36
), indicating that there were no statistically significant differences
between trial arms in either loss to follow up or adverse events (Figure 2).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 19
Figure 2. Consort diagram showing of participant flow throughout the study.
There was no statistically significant difference in % compliance between the placebo
and cherry (b = 1.47, (95% CI = 1.01–3.95), t = 1.21, p = 0.24), placebo and blueberry (b =
0.80, (95% CI = 1.70–3.30), t = 0.66, p = 0.52), or between cherry and blueberry groups (b =
0.67, (95% CI = 1.45–2.79), t = 0.64, p = 0.53). For supplementary anthocyanins, however,
there were significant differences between the placebo and cherry (b = 6059.52, (95% CI =
5966.31–6152.73), t = 132.77, p < 0.001, ηP2 = 0.98), placebo and blueberry (b = 14,759.66, (95%
CI = 14,538.12–14,981.21), t = 136.06, p < 0.001, ηP2 = 0.99), and between cherry and
blueberry groups (b = 2640.62, (95% CI = 2351.08–2930.17), t = 18.63, p < 0.001, ηP2 = 0.92).
For supplementary daily sugars, there were significant differences between the placebo
and cherry (b = 17.04, (95% CI = 16.78–17.30), t = 132.66, p < 0.001, ηP2 = 0.98), placebo and
Figure 2. Consort diagram showing of participant flow throughout the study.
There was no statistically significant difference in % compliance between the placebo
and cherry (b= 1.47, (95% CI =
1.01–3.95), t = 1.21, p= 0.24), placebo and blueberry
b= 0.80
, (95% CI =
1.70–3.30), t = 0.66, p= 0.52), or between cherry and blueberry groups
(b= 0.67, (95% CI =
1.45–2.79), t = 0.64, p= 0.53). For supplementary anthocyanins,
however, there were significant differences between the placebo and cherry (b= 6059.52,
(95% CI = 5966.31–6152.73), t = 132.77, p< 0.001,
= 0.98), placebo and blueberry
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 9 of 18
b= 14,759.66
, (95% CI = 14,538.12–14,981.21), t = 136.06, p< 0.001,
= 0.99), and between
cherry and blueberry groups (b= 2640.62, (95% CI = 2351.08–2930.17), t = 18.63, p< 0.001,
= 0.92). For supplementary daily sugars, there were significant differences between
the placebo and cherry (b= 17.04, (95% CI = 16.78–17.30), t = 132.66, p< 0.001,
ηP2= 0.98
placebo and blueberry (b= 41.95, (95% CI = 41.32–42.58), t = 136.57, p< 0.001,
ηP2= 0.99
and between cherry and blueberry groups (b= 7.87, (95% CI = 7.05–8.69), t = 19.61,
p< 0.001
= 0.93). Finally, for supplementary daily energy intake, there were significant differences
between the placebo and cherry (b= 2.69, (95% CI = 0.27–5.12), t = 2.27, p= 0.031,
ηP2= 0.26
and the placebo and blueberry (b= 8.65, (95% CI = 3.82– 13.49), t = 3.66, p= 0.001,
= 0.31)
but no differences between cherry and blueberry groups (b= 3.27, (95% CI =
t = 1.59, p= 0.121) (Table 2).
Table 2. Supplementary compliance and consumption throughout the intervention.
Placebo Cherry Blueberry
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Amount consumed (mL) 1127 45 1136 34 1144 34
Compliance (%) 94 4 95 3 95 3
Experimental anthocyanins (mg) 0 8 12,119 366 14,760 435
Experimental energy intake (Kcal/day)
188 8 193 6 196 6
Experimental sugars (g/day) 0 0. 34 1 42 1
3.3. Blinding Efficacy
Of the 44 participants that completed the trial, 52% (n= 23) correctly identified their
designated trial arm, and the chi-squared test was non-significant (X
= 0.02, p= 0.89),
indicating that an effective blinding strategy was adopted.
3.4. Anthropometric Measurements
No statistically significant differences (p> 0.05) in anthropometric parameters were
found (Table 3).
Table 3. Anthropometric measurements as a function of each trial arm.
Placebo Cherry Blueberry
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Mass (kg) 67.62
69.62 9.94 68.17 9.43 66.46 7.87
Fat mass (kg) 15.55 5.07 16.61 6.07 17.97 6.18 17.85 5.36 17.02 5.18 15.83 4.11
BMI (kg/m2)23.82 2.98 24.46 3.25 24.90 2.35 24.69 2.23 24.07 3.10 23.80 2.89
Body fat (%) 23.21 5.61 22.62 5.58 25.33 7.03 26.30 6.36 24.70 5.64 23.72 4.73
Waist circumference (m) 0.79 0.08 0.80 0.10 0.80 0.07 0.79 0.06 0.79 0.08 0.78 0.09
Waist:hip ratio 0.81 0.07 0.79 0.09 0.79 0.05 0.79 0.05 0.82 0.06 0.82 0.09
3.5. Energy Expenditure and Substrate Oxidation
No statistically significant differences (p> 0.05) in energy expenditure and substrate
oxidation parameters were found (Table 4).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 10 of 18
Table 4. Energy expenditure and substrate oxidation measurements as a function of each trial arm.
Placebo Cherry Blueberry
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Carbohydrate oxidation (g/min) 0.23 0.06 0.29 0.11 0.23 0.05 0.24 0.05 0.21 0.06 0.21 0.08
Fat oxidation (g/min) 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02
% Carbohydrate 69.24
71.01 8.67 69.66
% Fat 30.76
28.99 8.67 30.34
RMR (kcal/day)
1816.84 416.87 1797.67 580.28 1627.67 347.90 1683.43 306.60 1631.41 421.40 1638.71 388.42
Moderate intensity exercise
Carbohydrate oxidation (g/min) 0.40 0.20 0.52 0.26 0.69 0.26 0.68 0.24 0.45 0.26 0.45 0.25
Fat oxidation (g/min) 0.23 0.12 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.08 0.12 0.08 0.20 0.09 0.18 0.10
% Carbohydrate 75.18
% Fat 24.82
Energy expenditure (kcal/min) 3.72 0.88 3.71 0.84 3.91 0.78 3.87 0.66 3.71 0.87 3.49 0.75
3.6. Hematological Values
Adjusted for baseline, total cholesterol (b= 0.72, (95% CI = 0.19–1.24), t = 2.79,
p= 0.009
= 0.21) and LDL cholesterol (b= 0.53, (95% CI = 0.09–0.97), t = 2.56,
p= 0.020
ηP2= 0.17
) were significantly reduced in the blueberry arm compared to placebo. Further-
more, adjusted for baseline glucose was significantly lower in the placebo (b= 0.61, (95%
CI = 0.22–1.01
), t = 3.18, p= 0.003,
= 0.08) and cherry (b= 0.41, (95% CI = 0.10–0.72),
t = 2.68
,p= 0.012,
= 0.11) arms compared to blueberry. Finally, adjusted for baseline,
hemoglobin was significantly reduced in the placebo (b= 10.96, (95% CI = 1.61–20.32),
t = 2.39, p= 0.023, ηP2= 0.16) arm compared to blueberry (Table 5).
Table 5. Hematological values as a function of each trial arm.
Placebo Cherry Blueberry
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Cholesterol (mmol/L) 4.01 0.68 4.34 0.90 4.04 0.70 4.10 0.64 4.36 0.50 3.79 A0.58
LDL (mmol/L) 2.45 0.56 2.67 0.75 2.47 0.72 2.55 0.59 2.71 0.48 2.23 A0.45
HDL (mmol/L) 1.19 0.10 1.25 0.19 1.18 0.15 1.17 0.10 1.23 0.15 1.19 0.20
Total:HDL ratio 3.42 0.46 3.51 0.69 3.49 0.82 3.59 0.68 3.64 0.60 3.21 0.48
LDL:HDL ratio 2.11 0.40 2.17 0.62 2.14 0.75 2.23 0.64 2.29 0.55 1.91 0.45
Glucose (mmol/L) 4.71 0.80 4.36 0.64 4.60 0.60 4.54 0.42 4.55 0.56 4.93
A,B 0.48
Triglycerides (mmol/L) 1.06 0.25 1.17 0.55 1.07 0.37 0.96 0.28 1.21 0.44 1.20 0.56
Hemoglobin (g/L)
145.37 12.38
= significant difference from baseline compared to placebo;
= significant difference from baseline
compared to cherry.
For total cholesterol, the chi-square test was significant (X
= 8.92, p= 0.012), and
80%, 86.7%, and 40% of participants exhibited improvements in the cherry, blueberry,
and placebo groups, respectively. Similarly, for LDL cholesterol, the chi-square test was
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 11 of 18
significant (X
= 8.89, p= 0.011), and 60%, 86.7%, and 33.3% of participants exhibited
improvements in the cherry, blueberry, and placebo groups, respectively. Finally, for
triglycerides, the chi-square test was also significant (X
= 6.01, p= 0.049), and 80%,
73.3%, and 40% of participants exhibited improvements in the cherry, blueberry, and
placebo groups, respectively.
3.7. Blood Pressure and Resting Heart Rate
No statistical differences (p> 0.05) in blood pressure or resting heart rate were found
(Table 6).
Table 6. Blood pressure and resting heart rate measurements as a function of each trial arm.
Placebo Cherry Blueberry
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 123 20 120 16 118 9 119 9 120 12 122 14
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 82 9 80 11 74 7 78 7 80 8 80 8
Resting heart rate (beats·min1)66 13 65 9 65 6 64 9 65 11 67 13
3.8. Questionnaires
Adjusted for baseline, Beck Depression Inventory (b= 1.90, (95% CI = 0.09–3.72),
t = 2.14
,p= 0.041,
= 0.13), COOP WONCA (b= 0.31
(95% CI = 0.06–0.56), t = 2.49,
p= 0.019
= 0.17), state (b= 5.76, (95% CI = 1.04–10.49), t = 2.49, p= 0.018,
= 0.17),
and trait (b= 7.18, (95% CI = 1.05–13.32), t = 2.39, p= 0.023,
= 0.16) anxiety scores were
significantly reduced in the blueberry arm compared to placebo. Furthermore, adjusted for
baseline, trait anxiety (b= 6.64, (95% CI = 0.40–12.89), t = 2.17, p= 0.038,
= 0.15) scores
were significantly reduced in the blueberry arm compared to cherry (Table 7).
Table 7. Questionnaire measurements as a function of each trial arm.
Placebo Cherry Blueberry
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Beck depression inventory 7.00 9.79 7.01 7.97 6.13 5.26 5.27 5.74 3.67 3.33 2.53 A2.92
COOP WONCA 1.95 0.58 2.06 0.45 1.92 0.55 1.93 0.54 1.88 0.36 1.71 A0.38
STAI state 32.60 10.76 35.87 11.10 33.47 7.68 32.73 8.39 30.67 9.55 28.87 6.83
STAI trait 40.20 10.66 40.73 11.43 36.87 8.72 39.20 8.67 39.33 9.98
PSQI 4.47 2.20 4.40 2.06 5.67 2.23 5.27 1.87 5.40 3.07 5.07 3.61
Insomnia severity index 5.93 4.35 3.16 4.29 7.13 4.00 5.40 2.72 6.67 5.42 4.73 4.59
Epworth sleepiness scale 5.47 3.50 5.73 3.10 5.80 4.23 6.07 3.59 6.67 5.00 5.67 4.30
Note: A= significant difference from baseline compared to placebo.
4. Discussion
The current study aimed to investigate the influence of 20 days of twice daily Mont-
morency tart cherry or blueberry juice supplementation on cardiometabolic and other
health-related indices in healthy adults compared to placebo. To date, this represents
the first investigation to explore the effects of these supplementary interventions in a
three-arm parallel placebo-controlled trial. The primary aim was to determine whether
systolic blood pressure was improved as a function of these supplements, whereas the
secondary aim(s) were to explore the effects of supplementation on other risk factors for
cardiometabolic disease.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 12 of 18
In relation to the primary outcome, the current investigation does not support our
hypothesis in that there were significant reductions in systolic blood pressure in either the
cherry of blueberry supplementation groups compared to placebo (Table 6). This result is in
line with those of Lynn et al. [
], Desai et al. [
], and Kimble et al. [
], who showed that
tart cherry supplementation had no effect on systolic blood pressure in healthy patients,
while the current investigation also confirms a similar lack of efficacy for supplemental
blueberry ingestion. It could therefore be speculated that in healthy individuals, arterial
stiffness, which governs systolic blood pressure, is less responsive to short-term increases
in anthocyanin intake via both tart cherry and blueberry supplementation. However, in
healthy patients, Chai et al. [
] and Kent et al. [
] observed significantly lower systolic
blood pressure in the first 3 h after ingestion, as did Desai et al. [
] and Keane et al. [
], in
those with metabolic syndrome and early onset hypertension. Notably, Keane et al. [
showed that plasma anthocyanin metabolites peak in the first two hours following ingestion
with rapid clearance and return to basal within 4 h. This coincides with the aforementioned
previously observed statistical reductions in postprandial blood pressure and suggests that
the current and previous analyses adopting longitudinal rather than acute study designs
may have missed the peak effects of tart cherry and blueberry supplementation. Impor-
tantly, as no statistically significant differences in blood pressure were observed, the current
investigation lends further support to the concept that anthocyanin-rich supplementation
mediates a transient rather than sustained attenuation of systolic blood pressure. Although
physiologically important, the associated long-term clinical benefits of an acute reduction in
blood pressure from both prophylactic and treatment standpoints has not yet been explored.
Therefore, future analyses should seek to establish the enduring clinical efficacy of transient
reductions in systolic blood pressure mediated through anthocyanin-rich supplementation.
Although no statistically significant differences in the primary outcome were evident,
linear mixed-model and chi-square analyses support our hypothesis in that both total and
LDL cholesterol were significantly improved in the blueberry arm compared to placebo
(Table 5), and a larger number of participants experienced reductions in triglycerides in the
cherry and blueberry groups. As no changes in HDL cholesterol were evident, it is clear that
reductions in total cholesterol were mediated as a function of the corresponding attenuation
in LDL values. Previous trials have shown that consuming tart cherry mediated statistical
reductions in both total and LDL cholesterol in older patients [
] and those with metabolic
syndrome [
] although this is the first investigation to show similar effects in healthy
participants ingesting blueberry supplementation. It is proposed that the reductions in
cholesterol mediated via the blueberry trial arm are a reflection of the statistically greater
anthocyanin concentrations in this supplement (Table 2), lending support to the concept of
a dose response to supplementary anthocyanins in cardiometabolic disease [
]. In relation
to triglycerides, our observations concur with those in pathological patients [
], and the
current investigation notably shows similar effects in healthy participants and efficacy also
in those ingesting blueberry supplementation. Owing to the greater anthocyanin content
in the blueberry supplement, it is proposed that the reductions in LDL cholesterol in this
condition were mediated via the inhibition of plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein
(CETP). Several studies have indicated that CETP inhibition is a crucial mechanism for
the attenuation of LDL cholesterol [
], and both human and animal analyses have
shown that anthocyanins decrease plasma CETP activity [
]. Taking into account the
long-standing and well-established association between lipid concentrations and the risk
of cardiovascular disease [
], these observations may have considerable clinical relevance.
While lipid-lowering pharmaceutics have been shown to exhibit a high level of efficacy,
they are associated with significant side-effects [
], impose significant monetary restrictions
on healthcare budgets, and contribute to the worldwide overreliance on prescription
medications [
]. Therefore, the findings from the current trial lend support the concept
that in particular blueberry supplementation may be important in the management of
cardiometabolic disease.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 13 of 18
Further regarding the improvements in total and LDL cholesterol shown in the blue-
berry trial arm, the current investigation also importantly showed that this supplemental
condition was able to mediate statistical improvements in all indices of psychological
wellbeing compared to placebo. This observation concurs with those of Khalid et al. [
who showed improvements in mood state in both children and young adults ingesting a
blueberry concentrate compared to placebo. Previous analyses have linked cardiometabolic
disease to reduced levels of psychological wellbeing [65], so taking into account the afore-
mentioned improvements noted in the blueberry trial arm, this observation makes intuitive
sense. The mechanism responsible for the improvements in psychological wellbeing is not
currently known and requires further consideration given the global incidence of depres-
sion and other psychological disorders [
]. There are several conceivable mechanisms
that may explain our findings, including increased cerebral blood flow where cognitive
and emotional control is located [
] and reduced monoamine oxidase activity causing
increasing levels circulating monoamines, some of which are neurotransmitters associ-
ated with mood regulation [
]. Regardless, the observations from the current trial lend
further support to the concept that blueberry supplementation may be important in the
management of psychological disorders.
However, it is important to also acknowledge that despite the potentially exciting
improvements in blood lipid and psychological wellbeing profiles in the blueberry trial
arm, this supplement was associated with increased resting glucose values in relation
to both the placebo and cherry trial arms (Table 5). It is apparent that this observation
was caused by the increased sugar content (Table 3) in the blueberry supplement and
the statistically greater daily sugar intakes in this arm compared to the others. This
finding allied with the previously outlined reductions in blood lipids concurs with those of
Chai et al. [
] with tart cherries. This observation is biologically interesting, as typically,
increased blood glucose is met with corresponding increases in LDL cholesterol [
]. It is
not within the scope of the biological measurements examined in this trial to accurately
determine the mechanisms responsible for this finding. However, it can be speculated that
the unique nature of the anthocyanin-rich blueberry supplementation may be responsible.
Firstly, through the aforementioned CETP inhibition pathway as although potentially
responsible for the attenuation of LDL cholesterol, animal models have shown strong
correlations between CETP expression and bile acid signaling that may result in increased
glucose disposal [
]. In addition, new information has shown that the influence of
anthocyanins themselves on glucose and lipid metabolism in humans may be affected
by their distinct chemical composition [
]. Blueberries are characterized by a greater
number of hydroxyl groups [
] and belong to the malvidin variety of anthocyanins [
The malvidin group is associated with greater antioxidant capacity, which may explain
their greater potential for improvements in dyslipidemia [
] although there is insufficient
evidence concerning the effects of different anthocyanin compositions on blood glucose
regulation. As such, it is important for further investigation to be conducted into the
biological influence of anthocyanin chemical composition. Nonetheless, it is important
to note that the mean fasting blood glucose values remained within normal ranges [
and the long-term effects of elevated blood glucose levels remain unknown in healthy
individuals. However, in patients with cardiometabolic conditions or diabetes mellitus
characterized by poor glucose control, the findings from the current investigation do not
currently support habitual utilization of this supplement despite the improvements in
blood lipids. Therefore, it is important for future analyses to examine the longer-term
effects of blueberry supplementation and to explore continuous blood glucose control as
well as insulin and hemoglobin A1c indices in both healthy and pathological populations.
Overall, the current investigation exhibited a very effective level of blinding efficacy,
a low number of adverse incidences, a high retention rate, very good compliance levels,
as well as improvements in blood lipids and psychological wellbeing, predominantly in
the blueberry trial arm. However, owing to the statistically greater mean daily sugar and
associated kilocalorie intake (Table 3) in comparison to the cherry and placebo groups,
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 5317 14 of 18
in agreement with Kimble et al. [
], those seeking to utilize blueberry juice as a dietary
supplement should utilize caution and seek to modify their daily dietary intake to account
for the increase in daily Kcal. Furthermore, recent analyses have shown that some fruit
phenolics constrain the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE) [
] and thus
mediate cellular and tissue impairment by damaging protein function and clearance [
Therefore, to better understand its potential biological effects, further exploration of the
effects of blueberry juice should seek to examine the effects of this supplement on AGE
formation. As with all research, this trial is not without limitations. Firstly, the experimental
anthocyanin, energy, and sugar contents were reported according to the manufacturer’s
guidelines, which, for anthocyanins in particular, have been shown to exhibit variability
from sample to sample owing to differences in growing conditions [
]. While the current
investigation observed positive effects of blueberry supplementation on cardiometabolic
and psychological wellbeing indices, the mechanistic bases for these improvements was
not elucidated. Therefore, future investigations should seek to explore and perhaps better
utilize and exploit the mechanistic pathways of blueberry supplementation in order to
improve health-related outcomes. Furthermore, as participants were randomized into
their designated trial arms without consideration for their previous anthocyanin intake, a
stratified random sampling approach should be adopted for future interventions exploring
the effects of anthocyanin-rich fruits on cardiometabolic health indices. Finally, as many of
the experimental variables are positively influenced by exercise, that physical activity was
not monitored may serve as a limitation to this trial. Therefore, subsequent randomized
interventions may seek to quantify physical activity throughout the intervention period via
continuous actigraphy.
5. Conclusions
The current study aimed to investigate the influence of Montmorency tart cherry
or blueberry juice supplementation on cardiometabolic, and other health-related indices
compared to placebo. The current study did not support the primary hypothesis in that
neither cherry or blueberry supplementation improved systolic blood pressure compared
to placebo. However, the secondary hypothesis was supported in that 20 days of blueberry
supplementation was able to mediate improvements in blood lipid concentrations and
psychological wellbeing indices in relation to placebo. Given the clear and long-standing
association between lipid concentrations and the risk of cardiovascular disease and the
paramount importance of psychological wellbeing to health-related quality of life, the
current investigation indicates that blueberry juice could represent a useful means to
enhance cardiometabolic and psychological health. Future intervention trials and studies
should consider exploring the longer-term effects of blueberry juice, the effects of increased
supplemental sugar intake, as well as its efficacy in populations with cardiometabolic
abnormalities at baseline.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, J.S. and L.B.; methodology, J.S., R.A., G.S., B.B. and S.D.;
writing—original draft preparation, J.S. and L.B. writing—review and editing, J.S., R.A., G.S., S.D.,
B.B. and L.B.; funding acquisition, J.S. and G.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
The sponsor of this research is the University of Central Lancashire, UK. This research
received no external funding, but the experimental supplementation has been provided by ActiveEdge
(Nutrition) Ltd. UK, who did not have any input into the research design.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
The study was be conducted according to the guidelines
of the Declaration of Helsinki and has been granted ethical approval by the University of Central
Lancashire Health Research Ethics Committee (ref: HEALTH 0016).
Informed Consent Statement:
All participants provided written informed consent in accordance
with the Declaration of Helsinki and the Oviedo Convention.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Currently, there is a controversy regarding the effectiveness of TCH in previous trials [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]. Several studies have shown that TCH supplementation may improve lipid and glycemic profiles [31,34,35], whereas other investigations have shown no significant effect [29,30,32]. ...
... Subsequently, if required, the full-length article underwent further review. Finally, twelve articles [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] were included, and the rest were excluded because of the following reasons: 1) Irrelevant; 2) Reviews and experimental studies; 3) Studies excluded due to lack of quality. ...
... The majority of the included studies were conducted in either the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA), with only one study originating from New Zealand [25]. Among the included studies, nine studies [22][23][24][25][26]28,[31][32][33] utilized a parallel design, while three studies [30,32,33] employed a crossover design [27,29,30]. The target group of included studies encompasses both healthy [22,23,28,29,31,32] and unhealthy [24][25][26][27]30] individuals. ...
... Individuals who consumed an average of at least 67 g berries a day were 52% less likely to report clinical levels of depression compared to non-consumers [23]. A couple of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) support the efficacy of blueberry interventions to reduce depressive symptoms [24,25], and there is preliminary evidence that even a single administration of a blueberry drink can enhance positive affect [26]. However, these studies have been conducted in non-selected samples from the general population, so it remains unclear whether the benefits would extend to individuals with clinical levels of depression. ...
... For example, Fisk et al. (2020) found that adolescents from the general population who consumed 13 g of freeze-dried blueberry powder for four weeks experienced a greater reduction in depressive symptoms compared to a placebo group [24]. Similarly, supplementation with blueberry juice for 20 days significantly reduced depression and anxiety symptoms in healthy adults while no changes were observed in the placebo group [25]. Previous cross-sectional studies have shown that individuals with higher intakes of berries or dietary anthocyanins are less likely to report symptoms of depression [23,67,68]. ...
... Some of the limitations include the short intervention length and the small sample, in which women were overrepresented. While some blueberry intervention studies have found effects on mood after only 3-4 weeks of supplementation [24,25], it seems that longer periods are typically needed for detectable differences in cognition and biomarkers to appear. For instance, Siddarth et al. (2020) demonstrated that pomegranate juice improved visual memory performance in older adults after 12 months, but not 6 months, of supplementation [83]. ...
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Purpose The aim of the present study was to examine the acute and chronic effects of wild blueberry supplementation on mood, executive function, and serum biomarkers of neuroplasticity, inflammation, and oxidative stress in emerging adults with moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms. Methods In this double-blind trial, 60 emerging adults (Mage = 20.0 years, 32% male) with self-reported depressive symptoms were randomly assigned to receive a single blueberry drink (acute phase), followed by 6 weeks of daily blueberry supplementation (chronic phase), or a matched placebo drink. The primary outcome was Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) scores at 6-week follow-up. Further measures included momentary affect (PANAS-X) and accuracy on an executive function task. The data were analyzed using ANCOVAs adjusted for baseline values, sex, and habitual fruit and vegetable intake. Estimated marginal means were calculated to compare the treatment arms. Results The blueberry drink significantly improved positive affect (p = 0.026) and executive function (p = 0.025) at 2 h post-ingestion, with change scores being positively correlated in the blueberry group (r = 0.424, p = 0.017). However, after six weeks of supplementation the reduction in BDI-II scores was greater in the placebo group by 5.8 points (95% CI: 0.8–10.7, p = 0.023). Generalized anxiety and anhedonia also decreased significantly more in the placebo group. No significant differences were found for any of the biomarkers. Conclusions Six weeks of wild blueberry supplementation were inferior to placebo in reducing depressive symptoms. Nevertheless, the correlated improvements in positive affect and executive function after a single dose of blueberries point to a beneficial, albeit transient, psychological effect. These contrasting results suggest a biphasic, hormetic-like response that warrants further investigation. Trial registration: NCT04647019, dated 30 November, 2020.
... Neither study implemented calorie restriction, but 7 RCTs implemented exercise in their intervention plan [35,36,[38][39][40][41][42]. The target group of included studies varies from a healthy population [36,39,[43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50] and athletes [38,[40][41][42] to gout [51], osteoarthritis [52], metabolic syndrome [37,53], and overweight patients [34,35]. TC was administered in different doses (ranging from 130 to 596 ml juice) and types like concentrate, juice, or capsule, and in this context juice concentrate was the dominant form. ...
... According to this method, we considered study quality in 7 domains: Random Sequence Generation, Allocation concealment, Blinding of Participants and personnel, Blinding of Outcome assessment, Incomplete outcome data, Selective outcome reporting, and other sources of bias, and then we reported the overall quality. From all included studies, just one trial has missing data [50], and therefore, there are eight studies of Good quality [34,35,37,39,43,44,46,47], eight studies of Poor quality [36,38,40,[49][50][51]53,54], and five studies with Fair rate [41,42,45,48,55]. Supplementary Tables 3-9 represent the overall effect of TC by omitting the impact of every single study. ...
... Of note, three studies show a significant alteration in DBP. Two of these [34,45] report a significant elevation in DBP, which are fair or good quality and works on overweight individuals. Another study that demonstrates a Table 3 Summary of the effect of tart cherry on blood pressure and inflammatory biomarkers. ...
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Objectives As a nutritious food, Tart cherries (Prunus cerasus L) benefit cardiovascular health. This study aims to clarify the effectiveness of Tart cherry in controlling blood pressure, heart rate, and inflammatory biomarkers, the appropriate dosage for this effect, and suggest directions for future studies. Methods PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched (up to May 2022), to identify eligible randomized controlled trials. It measured publication bias and was assessed for all outcomes. Evidence quality was evaluated using the Cochrane risk of bias tool and GRADE (Grades of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations). Results Regarding the 21 included trials, Tart cherry didn't affect blood pressure, heart rate, high-sensitive C-reactive protein, and interleukin-6 (P > 0.05). In contrast, with moderate certainty, it can reduce serum C-reactive protein (WMD: - 0.39 mg/l; 95% CI: - 0.74, - 0.05; P = 0.024) and with very low certainty can decrease tumor necrosis factor-alpha (WMD: - 0.14 pg/ml; 95% CI: - 0.27, - 0.02; P = 0.026). In addition, dose-response analysis implies that with each 30 ml elevation in dose, CRP reduces by 0.19 mg/l (95% CI: - 0.37, - 0.01). Conclusions Tart cherry can control inflammation by administering the proper dose. Even though tart cherry generally doesn't affect blood pressure and heart rate, further high-quality studies are needed to determine its effect.
... For a period of six weeks, participants assigned to this group will consume 60 mL of Montmorency tart cherry concentrate (Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate, King Orchards, Kewadin, MI, USA) each day [36][37][38]. The concentrate will then be diluted with 100 mL of water to make each 30 mL serving into a 130 mL beverage. ...
... The placebo will be prepared in accordance with previous trials, that have demonstrated this form of placebo production to be an efficient blinding strategy [36,37]. For a total of six weeks, participants assigned to the placebo group will ingest 60 mL each day [36,37]. ...
... The placebo will be prepared in accordance with previous trials, that have demonstrated this form of placebo production to be an efficient blinding strategy [36,37]. For a total of six weeks, participants assigned to the placebo group will ingest 60 mL each day [36,37]. The placebo will also be diluted with 100 mL of water and taken twice day in equal amounts, just like the supplement condition. ...
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Ulcerative colitis, characterized by its relapsing and remissive nature, significantly impacts per-ception, body image, and overall quality of life. The associated financial burden underscores the need for alternative treatment approaches with fewer side effects, alongside pharmaceutical in-terventions. Montmorency tart cherries, rich in anthocyanins, have emerged as a potential natural anti-inflammatory agent for ulcerative colitis. This manuscript outlines the study protocol for a randomized placebo-controlled trial investigating the effects of Montmorency tart cherry in in-dividuals with ulcerative colitis. The trial aims to recruit 40 participants with mild to moderate disease activity randomly assign them to either a Montmorency tart cherry or placebo group. The intervention will span 6-weeks, with baseline and 6-week assessments. The primary outcome measure is the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire. Secondary outcomes include other health-related questionnaires, blood biomarkers, and fecal samples. Statistical analysis will adhere to an intention-to-treat approach using linear mixed effect models. Ethical approval will be obtained from the University of Hertfordshire, and the trial has been registered as a clinical trial (NCT05486507). The trial findings will be disseminated through a peer-reviewed publication in a scientific journal.
... This examination comprises a parallel, randomised controlled trial spanning 12 weeks ( Figure 1). The intervention period of 12 weeks, along with subsequent follow-up, adhered to the guidelines established in [28], and the protocol was formulated based on the revised recommendations for reporting parallel group randomised controlled trials [29]. The University of Central Lancashire conducted the current investigation at the Heartbeat North-West cardiac rehabilitation centre located in Preston within the county of Lancashire, United Kingdom. ...
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This trial examined the influence of two nutrition intervention programmes on health-related and nutritional intake indices pertinent to cardiovascular disease compared to usual care in stage IV cardiac rehabilitation patients. Sixty-six patients were recruited from the Heartbeat North-West cardiac rehabilitation centre in Preston (United Kingdom). Patients were randomly assigned to Usual care, Biggest loser or Nutrition education arms. Usual care undertook their usual two exercise classes per week without nutritional support, Biggest loser underwent weekly education sessions focussing on weight loss using the themes within the British Heart Foundation ‘So You Want to Lose Weight for Good’ guidelines, and Nutrition education followed the same themes as Biggest loser but in a more focussed manner informed by patient focus groups. In total, this was a 12-week trial in which patients spent 6 weeks engaged in their allocated intervention arm, after which all participants switched to Usual care. The primary outcome was systolic blood pressure, and secondary measures of anthropometric, blood biomarker, nutritional knowledge (via the Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool) and nutritional intake indices were measured at baseline, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks (follow-up). Intention-to-treat analyses revealed no significant alterations in the primary outcome (Usual care: baseline = 130.45 mmHg, 6 weeks = 127.83 mmHg, and follow-up = 126.35 mmHg, Biggest loser: baseline = 133.50 mmHg, 6 weeks = 123.06 mmHg, and follow-up = 135.22 mmHg, or Nutrition education: baseline = 135.23 mmHg, 6 weeks = 129.20 mmHg, and follow-up = 126.26 mmHg) between arms. However, at 6 weeks, improvements in triglycerides were significantly greater in Usual care (baseline = 1.61 mmol/L and 6 weeks = 1.43 mmol/L) group compared to Nutrition education (baseline = 1.70 mmol/L and 6 weeks = 2.21 mmol/L). Improvements in nutrition knowledge were significantly greater in Nutrition education (baseline = 8.48, 6 weeks = 9.77, and follow-up = 10.07) compared to Usual care (baseline = 7.71, 6 weeks = 8.00, and follow-up = 8.00) and Biggest loser (baseline = 7.71, 6 weeks = 8.73, and follow-up = 8.36). At 6 weeks, the Biggest loser group (baseline = 4.75 g and 6 weeks = 3.83 g) exhibited significantly greater improvements in salt intake compared to Usual care (baseline = 4.87 g and 6 weeks = 4.28 g) and Nutrition education (baseline = 19.25 g and 6 weeks = 16.78 g) in saturated fatty acids compared to Usual care (baseline = 20.26 g and 6 weeks = 21.34 g). This trial shows the effectiveness of nutritional interventions for improving nutritional knowledge and dietary practices in stage IV cardiac rehabilitation, but the mechanisms and longer-term effects of increased triglyceride levels in the Nutrition education group requires further exploration.
... Significant levels of FMT have been noted in some food products, such as cherries and walnuts [16,17]. In experimental studies, FMT consumption has been associated with an increase in blood MT levels [17,18], improved sleep function [19][20][21][22][23], and psychoemotional state [24]. However, in some studies [25,26], FMT consumption had no positive effect on sleep function. ...
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Food is an important source of melatonin (MT), which belongs to a group known as chronobiotics, a class of substances that affect the circadian system. Currently, no studies have been conducted on how the consumption of foods containing MT (FMT) is associated with indicators characterizing the human circadian system. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that FMT consumption is associated with chronotype and social jetlag. A total of 1277 schoolchildren and university students aged M (SD) 19.9 (4.1) years (range: 16–25 years; girls: 72.8%) participated in a cross-sectional study. Each participant completed an online questionnaire with their personal data (sex, age, height, weight, waist circumference, and academic performance) and a sequence of tests to assess their sleep–wake rhythm (the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire), sleep quality (the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), and depression level (the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale). Study participants also completed a modified food frequency questionnaire that only included foods containing MT (FMT). They were asked how many foods containing MT (FMT) they had eaten for dinner, constituting their daily serving, in the past month. The consumption of foods containing MT (FMT) during the day (FMTday) and at dinner (FMTdinner) was assessed using this test. Multiple regression analyses were performed to assess the association between the studied indicators. We found that higher FMTday values were associated with early chronotype (β = −0.09) and less social jetlag (β = −0.07), better sleep quality (β = −0.06) and lower levels of depression (β = −0.11), as well as central adiposity (β = −0.08). Higher FMTdinner values were associated with a lower risk of central adiposity (β = −0.08). In conclusion, the data obtained confirm the hypothesis that the consumption of foods containing MT (FMT) is associated with chronotype and social jetlag in adolescents and young adults.
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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Therefore, there is increasing interest in dietary interventions to reduce risk factors associated with these conditions. Cherries and berries are rich sources of bioactive compounds and have attracted attention for their potential cardiovascular benefits. This review summarises the current research on the effects of cherry and berry consumption on cardiovascular health, including in vivo studies and clinical trials. These red fruits are rich in phenolic compounds, such as anthocyanins and flavonoids, which have multiple bioactive properties. These properties include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory effects. Studies suggest that regular consumption of these fruits may reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, leading to lower blood pressure, improved lipid profiles, and enhanced endothelial function. However, interpreting findings and establishing optimal dosages is a challenge due to the variability in fruit composition, processing methods, and study design. Despite these limitations, the evidence highlights the potential of cherries and berries as components of preventive strategies against CVD. Further research is needed to maximise their health benefits and improve clinical practice.
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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Therefore, there is in-creasing interest in dietary interventions to reduce risk factors associated with these conditions. Cherries and berries are rich sources of bioactive compounds and have attracted attention for their potential cardiovascular benefits. This review summarizes the current research on the effects of cherries and berries consumption on cardiovascular health, including in vivo studies and clinical trials. These red fruits are rich in phenolic compounds, such as anthocyanins and flavonoids, which have multiple bioactive properties. These properties include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory effects. Studies suggest that regular consumption of these fruits may reducing in-flammation and oxidative stress, leading to lower blood pressure, improved lipid profiles, and enhanced endothelial function. However, interpreting findings and establishing optimal dosages is challenge due to the variability in fruit composition, processing methods, and study design. Despite these limitations, the evidence highlights the potential of cherries and berries as components of preventive strategies against CVD. Further research is needed to maximize their health benefits and improve clinical practice.
This study examined the efficacy of wide compared to self-selected stance width squats in terms of mediating performance improvements during an 8-week period of pre-season training in elite rugby league players. Participants (N=26) were randomly separated into either wide (N=13) (i.e. self-selected squat stance width increased by 20%) or self-selected (N=13) squat stance width training groups, and they completed an 8-week pre-season training block. Measures of 505-agility test time (primary outcome), 3 repetition maximum (3RM) squat strength in participants self-selected stance position and counter movement jump height were measured at baseline and 8-weeks. There were no significant differences between training groups in terms of the improvements made during the intervention period for 505-agility test (wide: pre = 2.47±0.08 & post = 2.34±0.11’s and self-selected: pre = 2.46±0.05 & post = 2.35±0.08’s), counter movement jump (wide: pre = 42.68±9.57 & post = 44.65±9.04cm, and self-selected: pre = 49.33±6.70 & post = 50.33±4.67cm) or 3RM squat strength (wide: pre = 159.00±15.24 & post = 178.00±19.32kg and self-selected: pre = 168.33±11.73 & post = 185.56±16.48kg). As such the findings from the current randomized controlled trial suggest that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that wide stance width squats represent a more efficacious method of resistance training prescription in elite rugby league.
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The health effects of 100% fruit and vegetable juices (FVJs) represent a controversial topic. FVJs contain notable amounts of free sugars, but also vitamins, minerals, and secondary compounds with proven biological activities like (poly)phenols and carotenoids. The review aimed to shed light on the potential impact of 100% FVJs on human health, comprehensively assessing the role each type of juice may have in specific health outcomes for a particular target population, as reported in dietary interventions. The effects of a wide range of FVJs (orange, grapefruit, mandarin, lemon, apple, white, red, and Concord grape, pomegranate, cranberry, chokeberry, blueberry, other minor berries, sweet and tart cherry, plum, tomato, carrot, beetroot, and watermelon, among others) were evaluated on a series of outcomes (anthropometric parameters, body composition, blood pressure and vascular function, lipid profile, glucose homeostasis, biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress, cognitive function, exercise performance, gut microbiota composition and bacterial infections), providing a thorough picture of the contribution of each FVJ to a health outcome. Some juices demonstrated their ability to exert potential preventive effects on some outcomes while others on other health outcomes, emphasizing how the differential composition in bioactive compounds defines juice effects. Research gaps and future prospects were discussed. Although 100% FVJs appear to have beneficial effects on some cardiometabolic health outcomes, cognition, and exercise performance, or neutral effects on anthropometric parameters and body composition, further efforts are needed to better understand the impact of 100% FVJs on human health.
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Cardiometabolic disease is recognized as the predominant cause of global mortality and healthcare expenditure. Whilst pharmaceutical interventions are effective in the short term, their long-term efficacy remain equivocal and their associated side-effects are concerning. Owing to their high levels of anthocyanins, Montmorency tart cherries and blueberries have been cited as potentially important natural treatment/preventative modalities for cardiometabolic disease. This study proposed a randomized controlled trial, aims to test the effects of consumption of Montmorency tart cherry and blueberry juice on cardiometabolic outcomes compared to placebo. This 20-day, parallel, single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial will recruit 45 individuals, who will be assigned to receive 60 mL per day of either Montmorency tart cherry juice, blueberry juice or a cherry/blueberry flavoured placebo. The primary study outcome is the between-group difference in systolic blood pressure from baseline to post-intervention. Secondary outcome measures will be between-group differences in anthropometric, energy expenditure and substrate oxidation (during rest and physical activity), haematological, blood pressure/resting heart rate, psychological wellbeing and sleep efficacy indices. Statistical analysis will be conducted on an intention-to-treat basis. This study has been granted ethical approval by the University of Central Lancashire, Health Research Ethics Committee (ref: HEALTH 0016) and formally registered as a trial. Dissemination of the study findings from this investigation will be through publication in a leading peer-reviewed journal.
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The effectiveness of anthocyanins may differ according to their chemical structures; however, randomized clinical controlled trials (RCTs) or meta-analyses that examine the consequences of these structural differences have not been reported yet. In this meta-analysis, anthocyanins in test foods of 18 selected RCTs were categorized into three types: cyanidin-, delphinidin-, and malvidin-based. Delphinidin-based anthocyanins demonstrated significant effects on triglycerides (mean difference (MD): −0.24, p < 0.01), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (MD: −0.28, p < 0.001), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (MD: 0.11, p < 0.01), whereas no significant effects were observed for cyanidin- and malvidin-based anthocyanins. Although non-significant, favorable effects on total cholesterol (TC) and HDL-C were observed for cyanidin- and malvidin-based anthocyanins, respectively (both p < 0.1). The ascending order of effectiveness on TC and LDL-C was delphinidin-, cyanidin-, and malvidin-based anthocyanins, and the differences among the three groups were significant (both p < 0.05). We could not confirm the significant effects of each main anthocyanin on glucose metabolism; however, insulin resistance index changed positively and negatively with cyanidin- and delphinidin-based anthocyanins, respectively. Therefore, foods containing mainly unmethylated anthocyanins, especially with large numbers of OH groups, may improve glucose and lipid metabolism more effectively than those containing methylated anthocyanins.
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Objectives: To synthesize the prevalence of mental and substance use disorders in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) of the World Health Organization. Methods: The literature search was conducted across several databases in two phases. First, we searched for systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses published before 2014, reporting prevalence estimates for mental disorders in the EMR. Then, we identified new primary cross-sectional or longitudinal studies published between 2014 and 2020. Studies were included if they had a sample size of ≥ 450 and were conducted among the general adult population. Current, period and lifetime prevalence estimates for each disorder were pooled using random-effects meta-analyses, and subgroup analyses and meta-regressions were conducted. Findings: Prevalence estimates were extracted from 54 cross-sectional studies across 15 countries within the EMR. Pooled analyses of current, period and lifetime prevalence showed the highest prevalence for depression (14.8%, 95% confidence interval, CI: 10.7–20.1%), followed by generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) (10.4%, 95% CI: 7.1–14.7%), post-traumatic stress disorder (7.2%, 95% CI: 2.9–16.6%), substance use (4.0%, 95% CI: 3.1–5.2%), obsessive compulsive disorder (2.8%, 95% CI: 1.6–4.9%), phobic disorders (1.8%, 95% CI: 1.1–2.8%), panic disorders (1.1%, 95% CI: 0.6–2.2%), bipolar disorders (0.7%, 95% CI: 0.3–1.6%), and psychosis (0.5%, 95% CI: 0.3–0.9%). Populations exposed to adverse events had higher prevalence of mental disorders than the general population. Period and lifetime prevalence showed little difference across mental disorders. More pronounced differences in prevalence were seen for depression and GAD, specifically between current and lifetime prevalence (depression: current prevalence 20.5% (95% CI: 14.9–27.4%), vs. lifetime prevalence: 4.2% (95%CI: 1.8–9.6%); GAD: current prevalence 10.3% (95% CI: 6.1–17.0), vs. lifetime prevalence: 4.5% (95% CI: 2.4–8.3%). Differences between current and lifetime prevalence of mental disorders may be due to the use of different screening instruments and thresholds being applied. Conclusion: The prevalence of mental and substance use disorders in the EMR is high. Despite substantial inter-survey heterogeneity, our estimates align with previous global and regional data on mental disorders. Our meta-review provides new evidence on the burden of mental health problems in the EMR. Systematic Review Registration: PROSPERO,
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Background: Tart Montmorency cherries (MC) have been shown to be rich in anthocyanins and other phytochemicals known to have anti-inflammatory properties and influence pathways that might improve cardiometabolic health. However, there is limited evidence for the longer-term use of tart cherries on these indices. The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of MC concentrate on cardiometabolic health indices following a 3-month supplementation period. Methods: Fifty middle-aged adults (34 males and 16 females; mean ± SD age: 48 ± 6 years and BMI: 27.6 ± 3.7 kg/m2) completed a randomised, placebo-controlled parallel study in which they either received MC or an isocaloric placebo. Participants drank 30 mL of their allocated treatment twice per day for 3 months. Vascular function (blood pressure [BP], heart rate [HR], pulse wave velocity and analysis [PWV/A], and flow mediated dilation [FMD]) as well as indices of metabolic health (insulin, glucose, lipid profiles, and high sensitivity C reactive protein) were measured following an overnight fast before and after the 3 months. Results: No effect of the intervention between the groups was observed for vascular function or metabolic health variables following the intervention (p > 0.05). However, MC concentrate was shown to be safe and well-tolerated and, importantly, did not have any deleterious effects on these outcomes. In conclusion, MC has no influence on cardiometabolic indices in middle-aged adults.
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Nutrition plays a fundamental role in the prevention and treatment of dyslipidemias and its oxidative-related complications. Currently, there is evidence about the beneficial effects of isolated antioxidants or foods enriched or added with antioxidant compounds. However, the application of the natural foods is more integrated than the analysis of a single nutrient. Our aim is compiling scientific literature regarding the nutritional strategies by foods with antioxidant effect in blood lipids, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, and oxidative and inflammatory markers of subjects with dyslipidemia. We searched in MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. From a total of 263 studies screened, 16 were included. Dietary strategies included walnuts, olive oil, raw almonds, G. paraguayase, white sesame, mate tea, Brazil nut flour, red wine, granulated Brazil nuts, grapes, wolfberry fruit, fermented beverage, coffee, orange, and blackberry juices showed significant differences in blood lipids, antioxidant activity, antioxidant enzymes, and oxidative and inflammatory markers. This systematic review compiling scientific studies about dietary strategies using foods with antioxidant effect to improve the antioxidant status in dyslipidemias.
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Mental ill health is currently one of the leading causes of disease burden worldwide. A growing body of data has emerged supporting the role of diet, especially polyphenols, which have anxiolytic and antidepressant-like properties. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of a high polyphenol diet (HPD) compared to a low polyphenol diet (LPD) on aspects of psychological well-being in the Polyphenol Intervention Trial (PPhIT). Ninety-nine mildly hypertensive participants aged 40–65 years were enrolled in a four-week LPD washout period and then randomised to either an LPD or an HPD for eight weeks. Both at baseline and the end of intervention, participants’ lifestyle and psychological well-being were assessed. The participants in the HPD group reported a decrease in depressive symptoms, as assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory-II, and an improvement in physical component and mental health component scores as assessed with 36-Item Short Form Survey. No differences in anxiety, stress, self-esteem or body image perception were observed. In summary, the study findings suggest that the adoption of a polyphenol-rich diet could potentially lead to beneficial effects including a reduction in depressive symptoms and improvements in general mental health status and physical health in hypertensive participants.
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Background: Diet has been the major focus of attention as a leading risk factor for non-communicable diseases, including mental health disorders. A large body of literature supports the hypothesis that there is a bidirectional association between sleep and diet quality, possibly via the modulation of neuro-inflammation, adult neurogenesis and synaptic and neuronal plasticity. In the present study, the association between dietary total, subclasses of and individual (poly)phenols and sleep quality was explored in a cohort of Italian adults. Methods: The demographic and dietary characteristics of 1936 adults living in southern Italy were analyzed. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) were used to assess dietary intake. Data on the (poly)phenol content in foods were retrieved from the Phenol-Explorer database. The Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index was used to measure sleep quality. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to test the associations. Results: A significant inverse association between a higher dietary intake of lignans and inadequate sleep quality was found. Additionally, individuals with the highest quartile of hydroxycinnamic acid intake were less likely to have inadequate sleep quality. When individual compounds were taken into consideration, an association with sleep quality was observed for naringenin and apigenin among flavonoids, and for matairesinol among lignans. A secondary analysis was conducted, stratifying the population into normal weight and overweight/obese individuals. The findings in normal weight individuals showed a stronger association between certain classes of, subclasses of and individual compounds and sleep quality. Notably, nearly all individual compounds belonging to the lignan class were inversely associated with inadequate sleep quality. In the overweight/obese individuals, there were no associations between any dietary (poly)phenol class and sleep quality. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that a higher dietary intake of certain (poly)phenols may be associated with better sleep quality among adult individuals.
Study objectives Sleep plays an important role in cardiometabolic health. While the importance of considering sleep as a multidimensional construct is widely appreciated, studies have largely focused on individual sleep characteristics. The association between actigraphy-derived sleep profiles and cardiometabolic health in healthy adults and children has not been examined. Methods This study used actigraphy-measured sleep data collected between February 2015 and March 2016 in the Child Health CheckPoint study. Participants wore actigraphy monitors (GENEActiv Original, Cambs, UK) on their non-dominant wrist for seven days and sleep characteristics (period, efficiency, timing and variability) were derived from raw actigraphy data. Actigraphy-derived sleep profiles of 1,043 Australian children aged 11-12 years and 1337 adults were determined using K-means cluster analysis. The association between cluster membership and biomarkers of cardiometabolic health (blood pressure, body mass index, apolipoproteins, glycoprotein acetyls, composite metabolic syndrome severity score) were assessed using Generalised Estimating Equations, adjusting for geographic clustering, with sex, socioeconomic status, maturity stage (age for adults, pubertal status for children) and season of data collection as covariates. Results Four actigraphy-derived sleep profiles were identified in both children and adults: Short sleepers, Late to bed, Long sleepers, and Overall good sleepers. The Overall good sleeper pattern (characterised by adequate sleep period time, high efficiency, early bedtime and low day-to-day variability) was associated with better cardiometabolic health in the majority of comparisons (80%). Conclusion Actigraphy-derived sleep profiles are associated with cardiometabolic health in adults and children. The Overall good sleeper pattern is associated with more favourable cardiometabolic health.
Greater than one-third of adults in the United States have metabolic syndrome (MetS), a cluster of risk factors highly associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. Premature vascular dysfunction in MetS may lead to accelerated age-related atherogenesis and arterial stiffening, thereby increasing cardiovascular risk. Montmorency tart cherries (Prunus cerasus L.) are rich in bioactive compounds, such as anthocyanins, known to exert cardiovascular protective effects. Previous research suggests that tart cherry juice consumption may improve cardiovascular health. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of daily consumption of tart cherry juice on hemodynamics, arterial stiffness, and blood biomarkers of cardiovascular and metabolic health in men and women with MetS. In a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm pilot clinical trial, 19 men and women 20 to 60 years of age with MetS consumed 240 mL of tart cherry juice (Tart Cherry; n = 5 males, 4 females) or an isocaloric placebo-control drink (Control; n = 5 males, 5 females) twice daily for 12 weeks. Arterial stiffness (pulse wave velocity), brachial and aortic blood pressures, wave reflection (augmentation index), and blood biomarkers of cardiovascular and metabolic health were assessed at baseline and 6 and 12 weeks. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 were significantly lower (P = .047 and P = .036, respectively) in Tart Cherry than Control at 12 weeks, but were not significantly lower than baseline values. There was a trend for total cholesterol to be lower (P = .08) in Tart Cherry than Control at 12 weeks. No significant changes were observed in hemodynamics, arterial stiffness, or other blood biomarkers assessed. These results suggest that daily tart cherry consumption may attenuate processes involved in accelerated atherogenesis without affecting hemodynamics or arterial stiffness parameters in this population. The pilot nature of this study warrants interpreting these findings with caution, and future clinical trials with a larger sample size are needed to confirm these findings.