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Reply to ‘Challenging the hypothesis of an arctic ocean lake during recent glacial episodes’ by Hillaire-Marcel, et al


Abstract and Figures

Hillaire-Marcel et al. bring forward several physical and geochemical arguments against our finding of an Arctic glaciolacustrine system in the past. In brief, we find that a physical approach to further test our hypothesis should additionally consider the actual bathymetry of the Greenland–Scotland Ridge (GSR), the density maximum of freshwater at 3–4°C, the sensible heat flux from rivers, and the actual volumes that are being mixed and advected. Their geochemical considerations acknowledge our original argument, but they also add a number of assumptions that are neither required to explain the observations, nor do they correspond to the lithology of the sediments. Rather than being additive in nature, their arguments of high particle flux, low particle flux, export of 230Th and accumulation of 230Th, are mutually exclusive. We first address the arguments above, before commenting on some misunderstandings of our original claim in their contribution, especially regarding our dating approach.
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JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE (2022) 14 ISSN 0267-8179. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3431
Reply to Challenging the hypothesis of an arctic ocean lake during recent
glacial episodesby HillaireMarcel, et al
and R. STEIN,
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
MARUMCenter for Marine Environmental Sciences and Faculty of Geosciences, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Received 19 March 2022; Accepted 28 March 2022
ABSTRACT: HillaireMarcel et al. bring forward several physical and geochemical arguments against our finding of
an Arctic glaciolacustrine system in the past. In brief, we find that a physical approach to further test our hypothesis
should additionally consider the actual bathymetry of the GreenlandScotland Ridge (GSR), the density maximum of
freshwater at 34°C, the sensible heat flux from rivers, and the actual volumes that are being mixed and advected.
Their geochemical considerations acknowledge our original argument, but they also add a number of assumptions
that are neither required to explain the observations, nor do they correspond to the lithology of the sediments. Rather
than being additive in nature, their arguments of high particle flux, low particle flux, export of
Th and
accumulation of
Th, are mutually exclusive. We first address the arguments above, before commenting on some
misunderstandings of our original claim in their contribution, especially regarding our dating approach.
©2022 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The physical viewpoint
We include here a complete map of the GreenlandScotland
Ridge (GSR, Fig. 1), based on modern bathymetry. It shows that the
majority of the GSR is shallower than 500 m (ca.400420 m in
peak glacials). Only small parts of the Denmark Strait, the
IcelandFaroe Gap and Faroe Bank Channel are deeper than
500 m, up to approximately 750 m (ca.650670 m in peak
glacials). Consequently, it is not necessary to cover the entire GSR
with an 800 m ice shelf to restrict saline water inflow; already
icebergs of more than 450 m thickness had to strand on the GSR.
Once a couple of larger icebergs also block the Faroe Bank
Channel and the FaroeShetland Channel, the GSR is blocked
almost entirely. There is evidence for sufficiently thick grounded
ice in the Nordic Seas (NS): iceberg scourmarks of 800 m and
more are known from both north (Blischke et al., 2019) and south
(Kuijpers and Werner, 2007) of the GSR (Fig. 1), which is no
surprise because the Greenland, Iceland and the Scandinavian ice
sheets were calving into the NS, presumably creating an iceberg
armada retained by the sill, immobilised by falling sea levels, and
waiting for sealevel rise, their slow melting, or a salinity increase
that modified iceberg freeboard, for their release.
HillaireMarcel et al. state that it was necessary to block all
inflow of saline water at the GSR to turn the Arctic Ocean (AO)
and NS fresh. We would think that it is simply necessary that
more salt is exported than imported over a prolonged period. If
saline water entering the NS at the GSR is diluted by the
freshwater leaving the system, as commonly seen in fjords with
a series of sills (Edwards and Edelsten, 1977), no fully saline
water is available to replenish NS waters and the AO. Stärz
et al. (2017), found that already free depths of around 50 m
across the entire width of the GSR lead to a freshening of the
AO, when other gateways are closed, although in much
warmer periods.
We also disagree with the statement that there is no
evidence of nonmarine periods in the NS, as there are
free intervals at least for MIS6 docu-
mented throughout the NS (Geibert et al., 2022). The
occurrence of foraminifera and consequently reliable δ
signals in the NS is discontinuous.
Regarding the removal of salt from the AO, we do not debate
the correctness of the calculations of HillaireMarcel et al. for a
saline, remote ocean, but we consider them to be incomplete
for an almost enclosed system consisting of thick meteoric ice,
freshwater and (initially) saline water, fed by rivers and
glaciers. We start our consideration regarding the removal of
salt from the AO at Fram Strait. When Fram Strait was blocked
at the surface by ice of a certain thickness during glacial sea
level lowstands, freshwater from the East Siberian rivers had to
accumulate in the AO, filling it from the surface down to the
depth of the ice barrier, be it 100 or 1000 m. Arndt et al. (2014)
report iceberg scourmarks down to 1200 m just south of Fram
Strait. A surface ice barrier here would lead to an initial (glacio)
lacustrine circulation in an upper part of the AO by simple
replacement of seawater, with no mixing required.
Once a surface freshwater layer is in place, a different
mechanism comes into play, which has been overlooked by
HillaireMarcel et al.: lakes have a fundamentally different
circulation from marine systems because freshwater is densest
at 4°C (at atmospheric pressure), not at the temperature
minimum. In temperate and polar freshwater systems this is
known to cause seasonal vertical turnover events, with a
collapsing stratification when water warmer than 4°Cis
cooled. In very deep lake systems like Lake Baikal (1642 m
depth), water density peaks around 3.2°C at depth, due to
pressure effects. There, already subtle differences in particulate
or dissolved solids, even variations in Si(OH)
, lead to riverine
inputs reaching depths >1000 m within weeks (Hohmann
et al., 1997). Therefore, river discharge, once cooled to 34°C
by melting ice, will inject freshwater and sensible heat at the
bottom of a colder freshwater column. For comparison, just
©2022 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
Correspondence: W. Geibert, as above.
Yukon and McKenzie today, both in catchment areas with
average annual air temperatures below 0°C and mostly
permafrost, deliver peak discharge around 1517°C, together
supplying >5.3 PWh (Petawatt hours) per year to the AO (Yang
et al., 2014). East Siberian rivers have similar peak tempera-
tures (Lammers et al., 2007). The AO is therefore not a closed
system with respect to energy, especially if one allowsin good
agreement with our previous conservative estimatean annual
liquid freshwater input of 2700 km
per year.
Assuming very conservatively that the rivers delivered (on
average) water with a temperature difference of 4°C compared
with dense saline waters to depth, we already calculate more
than 12 PWh energy as sensible heat that is annually introduced
to the system. This equates to >1379 GW, as compared with the
25 GW HillaireMarcel et al. allow for tidal mixing. Freshwater of
34°C must have been delivered quickly to depth, protected from
further energy loss to the atmosphere, then flowing or
accumulating along the deep freshwater/seawater boundary.
This aspect stands in contrast to HillaireMarcel's statement,
After isolation of the AO&NS basins, freshwater water input,
which would necessarily be near the water column surface,
would result in even more stratified water masses, …’.
Upon contact with colder seawater, the densest freshwater
would expand and, counterintuitively, rise when cooled,
unless salinity is entrained, creating an efficient energy and
salt transfer at the boundary, accompanied by mixing. It is
also worth noting that if deep mixing happens at any site
within the AO to great depth, most likely at the ocean margin,
baroclinic exchange will supply salt laterally from the central
parts. It is therefore not only the mixing in the centre that
controls the events, but the mixing and advection at the
Furthermore, a glaciolacustrine system, in contrast to a lake,
is constrained by rough topography not just at its bottom, but
also at the upper boundary of the liquid water phase, with
strong currents evolving along glacier fronts, episodic surges of
water masses from below the glacier and strong tidal currents
(Makinson and Nicholls, 1999). The situation only gets more
complex when estuarine aspects, as present here, are to be
considered as well. A further simplification of their model
concerns the volumes mixed during freshening. Most of the
fresh upper water column will not interact with the saline layer
below, making the incremental full water column mixing an
unsuitable mathematical approach. In addition, advective
transport would need to be taken into account for this system
with a directed flow.
For all the reasons outlined above, we believe that
transferring diapycnal mixing values from the deep open
ocean with smooth topography to a glaciolacustrine (and
partly estuarine system), surrounded by near margins, with
relatively warm riverine freshwater input flowing at depth, is
inappropriate. Given that the physical considerations neglect
such important sources of energy and processes for the system,
it is reassuring that HillaireMarcel et al. come up with
estimates for mixing of the entire AO basin that are already not
too far from what we proposed.
Regarding the potential sources of freshwater, the direction of
the arguments is not entirely clear to us. First, the authors
introduce a refined estimate of the precipitation that may reach
the AO in glacials, all of which needs to be removed via the GSR:
6320 km
/year, and they give an upper limit of 2700 km
liquid water input (compared with 3220 km
/year today). Below,
however, they indirectly also dispute significant riverine inputs
due to summer temperatures below freezing point, citing
Kageyama et al.a statement which we find neither supported
there, nor by modern river equivalents. For detailed calculations
of the substantial riverine input from East Siberia and Beringia we
refer to Alkama et al. (2006). Summer air temperatures were
typically just 04°C lower than today in peak glacials at this
latitude band (Kageyama et al., 2019), as confirmed in the
©2022 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 14 (2022)
Figure 1. The (modern) Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas in Polar map projection for orientation (top), and the GreenlandScotland Ridge, with
shallow depths highlighted in grey (bottom). DS: Denmark Strait; FBC: Faroe Bank Channel; FSC: FaroeShetland Channel; IFG: IcelandFaroe Gap.
Areas depicted in grey could not be passed by icebergs of >470 m total thickness, areas in white were blocked by any ice thicker than 720 m. Ice
sheets from Greenland, Iceland and Scandinavia calved into this region. Red arrows indicate examples of deep iceberg scourmarks (8001200 m
water depth) or ice shelf traces (Lomonossov Ridge, close to 1000 m) [Color figure can be viewed at].
palaeobotanical records from Lake El'gygytgyn (Melles et al.,
2012). Today, substantial liquid (and warm) discharge is seen
even for subzero annual mean temperatures (Yang et al., 2014).
In addition, extensive subglacial sources need to be considered
(Montelli et al., 2020). Taking the total input of liquid meteoric
water as described here and ice together, because both displace
saline water, the mean residence time of water in the AO is
around just 2000 years.
The geochemical viewpoint
HillaireMarcel et al. include in their explanations for low
,Under full glacial conditions with a ~800 mthick ice
shelf, as estimated above, possibly underlain by a low salinity
was close to nil at such sites.This is exactly our
original argument, so we find the physical plausibility of our
finding in principle supported by their comment. The debate
then would condense to a discussion about the possible
thickness of a freshwater layer under an ice shelf in the
glacial AO.
Yet, they also introduce a number of other arguments. In
brief, we argued in the original publication that:
(1) Sufficient dilution to suppress
to nil would require
much higher sedimentation rates.
(2) Low sedimentation rates as seen in the AO are globally
associated with the highest
signals in saline systems
(Yang et al., 1986), even for sedimentation rates lower than
in the AO.
Figure 2 illustrates the expected
activities from
production in a saline water column, for variable water depths
and sedimentation rates. These values agree well with surface
sediment data from the Pacific Ocean (Yang et al., 1986). Hillaire
Marcel et al. now invoke a scenario in which both high and
extremely low particle fluxes occur during low
pulsed and regionally distributed. We consider this scenario to be
inconsistent with the lithology of the
free intervals, which
are characterised by a mixture of coarse and fine particles. Even a
short particle pulse would be enough to remove
Th from the
water column. Even fine particle fluxes generating sedimentation
rates <1 mm/1000 years lead to >100fold
Th concentrations
elsewhere (Yang et al., 1986). Even an absence of sedimentation
a hiatus would not be visible as an absence of
in sediment because then no sediment was deposited at all.
Another possibility to lose
Th would be water export from the
AO down, limited by the sill depth of Fram Strait; or one could
also build it up in the water column of the AO and remove it later
by particle flux. Again, both cannot happen simultaneously as
HillaireMarcel et al. suggest in their conceptual figure.
We find that HillaireMarcel et al. combined all theoretically
possible explanations for reduced
Th fluxes (high particle
fluxes, low particle fluxes, export from the Arctic water
column, buildup in the Arctic water column, and a specula-
tion on the role of organic compounds) into one scenario,
irrespective of internal consistency. None of the proposed
processes has the potential to reduce
Th to nil, as actually
observed, for the observed lithology, and in total, the proposed
effects are not additive, but they neutralise each other. We also
point to recent studies highlighting the role of terrigenous
material and hydrothermal particles for
Th scavenging in
the AO (Gdaniec et al., 2020, Valk et al., 2018, 2019).
Misunderstandings of our study
Right in the title, HillaireMarcel et al. introduce our finding of a
largely freshwaterfilled AO&NS basin as the Arctic lake
hypothesisa term we never used. Instead, we called it a
glaciolacustrine system which has no modern equivalentfor
good reason, as outlined above. This is not the only example of a
deviation from the original description. The authors summarise
our dating approach inadequately when stating, This [broad
interpolation from
decay] has been the approach used by
Geibert and colleagues (2021)…’. In fact, we transferred the age
model from core PS1533 dated by a variety of constraints
(Spielhagen et al. (2004) and references therein) to other cores for
which only radiocarbon or
were available (Geibert et al.,
2021). Interpolation played no important role for our age
boundaries, but correlation of similar
profiles between
cores to a welldated core. We also took oxygen isotope curves
from outside the Arctic into account. It is also worth noting that in
the original paper, we had restricted the definitive occurrence of
freshwater to 2500 m, the deepest cores investigated, when we
noted, ‘…its almost complete absence, even below 2500 m water
depth. This implies that the water mass underlying the ice shelf
was fresh, not saline, at least to this depth.
Occam's razorfavours simple explanations over complicated
ones. We need just one simple factor the temporary absence of
sea saltto allow a synthesis of many seemingly contrasting
observations from different disciplines within and outside the
Arctic. The alternative scenario of HillaireMarcel et al. adds
several mutually counteracting mechanisms, and it neglects
evidence from within and beyond the Arctic sedimentary record.
Adopting our explanation, the behaviour of thorium in the Arctic
is no longer peculiar.
In summary, we therefore believe it would be premature to
close the discussion about a hypothesis that can offer additional
aspects to some longstanding problems of Quaternary science
like the origin of Heinrich events, DansgaardOeschger events,
or the tipping points for rapid melting at terminations, just based
on the simplified physical model of HillaireMarcel et al.
Acknowledgements. We thank Hartmut Hellmer for a plausibility
check and advice regarding our energy calculations. Ingrid Stimac,
who is part of the original team of authors, is not part of the authors
here because her contribution was not discussed. She still supports our
finding. WG wrote this text in consultation with all coauthors. Open
Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
©2022 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 14 (2022)
Figure 2. Modelled expected initial
activity in sediments for
selected (saline) water depths, assuming a
Th production rate of
0.0267 dpm m
, and a dry bulk density of 1 g cm
. Maximum
seen in the Arctic Ocean is well within the expected range and
does not indicate excessive accumulation of
Th in the Arctic
Ocean. The
minima <0.1 dpm g
, however, cannot be
explained with dilution as they would require excessive sedimentation
Ethics statement
We state that questions of data availablility, conflicts of interest,
ethics approval, patient consent, permission to reproduce
material from other sources and clinical trial registration do not
apply here. Only public funding was received.
Th, thorium230;
(synonymous to
excess of the radioisotope thorium230 over its progenitor
AO, Arctic Ocean; DS, Denmark Strait; FBC, Faroe Bank Channel;
FSC, FaroeShetland Channel; GSR, GreenlandScotland Ridge;
IFG, IcelandFaroe Gap; NS, Nordic Seas; PWh, Petawatt hours.
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©2022 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., 14 (2022)
... In this respect, a striking feature of the 230 Th xs distribution in sedimentary sequences is the widely observed "subsurface" 230 Th xs peak (Huh et al., 1997), which was tentatively assigned to the last deglaciation by Hoffmann and McManus (2007), based on 14 C-derived chronologies (Darby et al., 1997;Poore et al., 1999aPoore et al., , 1999b. This peaking "subsurface" 230 Th xs -value is generally higher than that of the surface sample and was thought to be related to sediment focusing due to the rapid sea level rise at the end of the last deglaciation (Hoffmann and McManus, 2007) or some 230 Th xs intensifications associated with an extremely low sedimentation rate (Geibert et al., 2022). Hoffmann and McManus (2007) concluded that 230 Th xs sedimentary fluxes, as estimated from 14 C-based chronologies, had been in balance with the production of this isotope in the water column (henceforth the " 230 Th-rain") since the Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3). ...
... In contrast to the sediment-focusing model which has been used to interpret the subsurface 230 Th xs peak (Hoffmann and McManus, 2007), Geibert et al. (2022) suggested that the subsurface 230 Th xs peak might be linked to extremely low sedimentation rate considering that "Even fine particle fluxes generating sedimentation rates < 1 mm/1000 years lead to > Fig. 8. Post-LGM 230 Th xs inventories vs 230 Th production in the overlying water column ( 230 Th-rain) in cores from Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridge areas. Inventories are estimated to mostly represent sediment and 230 Th xs accumulation during the last ~9 ka; the 230 Th-rain is calculated since the end of the LGM (~18 ka). ...
... Additionally, the absence of excess 230 Th corresponded to the absence of cosmogenic 10 Be in several cores, suggesting that the absence of excess 230 Th was coeval with intervals where the Arctic Ocean was shielded from the input of cosmogenic nuclides, potentially by circum-Arctic ice shelves (Geibert et al., 2021). The fresh Arctic hypothesis (Geibert et al., 2021) has generated significant discussion about both the interpretation of excess 230 Th and cosmogenic 10 Be in Arctic sediments Geibert et al., 2022a) and the evidence supporting or refuting this hypothesis from outside the Arctic Ocean (Spielhagen et al., 2022;Geibert et al., 2022b). Importantly, any significant contribution of highlatitude, 18 O-depleted freshwater should be readily traceable in Arctic δ 18 O sw , provided that our signal carriers (benthic foraminifera and ostracodes) were present to trace intervals of freshwater input. ...
... In addition, ostracodes inhabit both fresh and marine environments and experience large faunal transitions in many locations, yet no freshwater ostracodes have been observed from Arctic Ocean sediments Poirier et al., 2012). Instead, terrigenous material dilution provides an alternative explanation consistent with all observations, including low excess 230 Th, low-to-absent 10 Be, and limited microfossil abundance (e.g., Hillaire-Marcel et al., 2022; but see rebuttal by Geibert et al., 2022a). ...
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The oxygen isotopic composition of benthic foraminiferal tests (δ18Ob) is one of the pre-eminent tools for correlating marine sediments and interpreting past terrestrial ice volume and deep-ocean temperatures. Despite the prevalence of δ18Ob applications to marine sediment cores over the Quaternary, its use is limited in the Arctic Ocean because of low benthic foraminiferal abundances, challenges with constructing independent sediment core age models, and an apparent muted amplitude of Arctic δ18Ob variability compared to open-ocean records. Here we evaluate the controls on Arctic δ18Ob by using ostracode Mg/Ca paleothermometry to generate a composite record of the δ18O of seawater (δ18Osw) from 12 sediment cores in the intermediate to deep Arctic Ocean (700–2700 m) that covers the last 600 kyr based on biostratigraphy and orbitally tuned age models. Results show that Arctic δ18Ob was generally higher than open-ocean δ18Ob during interglacials but was generally equivalent to global reference records during glacial periods. The reduced glacial–interglacial Arctic δ18Ob range resulted in part from the opposing effect of temperature, with intermediate to deep Arctic warming during glacials counteracting the whole-ocean δ18Osw increase from expanded terrestrial ice sheets. After removing the temperature effect from δ18Ob, we find that the intermediate to deep Arctic experienced large (≥1 ‰) variations in local δ18Osw, with generally higher local δ18Osw during interglacials and lower δ18Osw during glacials. Both the magnitude and timing of low local δ18Osw intervals are inconsistent with the recent proposal of freshwater intervals in the Arctic Ocean during past glaciations. Instead, we suggest that lower local δ18Osw in the intermediate to deep Arctic Ocean during glaciations reflected weaker upper-ocean stratification and more efficient transport of low-δ18Osw Arctic surface waters to depth by mixing and/or brine rejection.
... The "Fresh Arctic" hypothesis (Geibert et al., 2021) has generated significant discussion about both the interpretation of 385 excess 230 Th and cosmogenic 10 Be in Arctic sediments (Hillaire-Marcel, 2022;Geibert et al., 2022a) and the evidence supporting or refuting this hypothesis from outside the Arctic Ocean (Spielhagen et al., 2022;Geibert et al., 2022b). ...
Full-text available
The oxygen isotopic composition of benthic foraminiferal tests (δ18Ob) is one of the preeminent tools for correlating marine sediments and interpreting past terrestrial ice volume and deep-ocean temperatures. Despite the prevalence of δ18Ob applications to marine sediment cores over the Quaternary, its use is limited in the Arctic Ocean because of low benthic foraminiferal abundances, challenges with constructing independent sediment core age models, and an apparent muted amplitude of Arctic δ18Ob variability compared to open ocean records. Here we evaluate the controls on Arctic δ18Ob by using ostracode Mg/Ca paleothermometry to generate a composite record of the δ18O of seawater (δ18Osw) from fourteen sediment cores in the intermediate to deep Arctic Ocean (700–2700 m) covering the last 600 kyr. Results show that Arctic δ18Ob was generally higher than open ocean δ18Ob during interglacials but was generally equivalent to global reference records during glacial periods. The reduced glacial-interglacial Arctic δ18Ob range resulted in part from the opposing effect of temperature, with intermediate-to-deep Arctic warming during glacials counteracting the whole-ocean δ18Osw increase from expanded terrestrial ice sheets. After removing the temperature effect from δ18Ob, we find that the intermediate-to-deep Arctic experienced large (≥ 1 ‰) variations in local δ18Osw, with generally higher local δ18Osw during interglacials and lower δ18Osw during glacials. Both the magnitude and timing of low local δ18Osw intervals are inconsistent with the recent proposal of freshwater intervals in the Arctic Ocean during past glaciations. Instead, we suggest that lower local δ18Osw in the intermediate-to-deep Arctic Ocean during glaciations reflected weaker upper ocean stratification and more efficient transport of low-δ18Osw Arctic surface waters to depth by mixing and/or brine rejection.
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The presence of a late Quaternary ice sheet/ice shelf over the East Siberian Sea has been proposed in several papers. Here, we further document its duration/resilience based on the sedimentary, bulk mineralogical, and geochemical (organic matter content and its stable isotopic composition, U‐Th series) properties of a core raised from the southernmost Mendeleev Ridge. The chronostratigraphy of the studied core was mainly built from the ²³⁰ Th excess ( ²³⁰ Th xs ) distribution and decay downcore. At the core‐top, peaking ²³⁰ Th xs values during the early MIS 3 and mid‐MIS 1 encompassing an MIS 2 hiatus were observed. As documented in several papers, these peaks suggest seasonally open ice conditions over proximal continental shelves. Below, the interval spanning MIS 4 and possibly MIS 5d records major ice‐rafting events illustrated by overall high coarse‐fraction contents. Underlying MIS 5e, down to MIS 11, the sediment depicts relatively low sand (1.7±2.5 dw%), high clay (33.5±4.7 dw%), and very low organic carbon (0.10±0.06 dw%) contents, and low δ ¹³ C org values (−24.3±0.9‰). This section is interpreted as recording fine sediment transport by deep currents and/or meltwater plumes below a resilient ice cover, only interrupted by a few short‐duration events. These events include (i) detrital carbonate pulses assigned to deglacial events along the NW Laurentide Ice Sheet margin (Termination (T) III), and (ii) intervals with some planktonic foraminifer occurrences, likely relating to their advection from open areas of the Arctic Ocean (MIS 5e, 9 and 11). All Terminations, but TII and the early MIS 3, show peaking Mn/Al values linked to the submergence of Arctic shelves under a rising sea level. We conclude that the resilient ice cover, likely an ice shelf, has been present over the southern Mendeleev Ridge during most of the interval after the Mid‐Pleistocene Transition and was favoured by the low summer insolation of the MIS 14 to 10 interval.
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The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ∼ 21 000 years ago) has been a major focus for evaluating how well state-of-the-art climate models simulate climate changes as large as those expected in the future using paleoclimate reconstructions. A new generation of climate models has been used to generate LGM simulations as part of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) contribution to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Here, we provide a preliminary analysis and evaluation of the results of these LGM experiments (PMIP4, most of which are PMIP4-CMIP6) and compare them with the previous generation of simulations (PMIP3, most of which are PMIP3-CMIP5). We show that the global averages of the PMIP4 simulations span a larger range in terms of mean annual surface air temperature and mean annual precipitation compared to the PMIP3-CMIP5 simulations, with some PMIP4 simulations reaching a globally colder and drier state. However, the multi-model global cooling average is similar for the PMIP4 and PMIP3 ensembles, while the multi-model PMIP4 mean annual precipitation average is drier than the PMIP3 one. There are important differences in both atmospheric and oceanic circulations between the two sets of experiments, with the northern and southern jet streams being more poleward and the changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation being less pronounced in the PMIP4-CMIP6 simulations than in the PMIP3-CMIP5 simulations. Changes in simulated precipitation patterns are influenced by both temperature and circulation changes. Differences in simulated climate between individual models remain large. Therefore, although there are differences in the average behaviour across the two ensembles, the new simulation results are not fundamentally different from the PMIP3-CMIP5 results. Evaluation of large-scale climate features, such as land–sea contrast and polar amplification, confirms that the models capture these well and within the uncertainty of the paleoclimate reconstructions. Nevertheless, regional climate changes are less well simulated: the models underestimate extratropical cooling, particularly in winter, and precipitation changes. These results point to the utility of using paleoclimate simulations to understand the mechanisms of climate change and evaluate model performance.
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Following early hypotheses about the possible existence of Arctic ice shelves in the past1,2,3, the observation of specific erosional features as deep as 1,000 metres below the current sea level confirmed the presence of a thick layer of ice on the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean and elsewhere4,5,6. Recent modelling studies have addressed how an ice shelf may have built up in glacial periods, covering most of the Arctic Ocean7,8. So far, however, there is no irrefutable marine-sediment characterization of such an extensive ice shelf in the Arctic, raising doubt about the impact of glacial conditions on the Arctic Ocean. Here we provide evidence for at least two episodes during which the Arctic Ocean and the adjacent Nordic seas were not only covered by an extensive ice shelf, but also filled entirely with fresh water, causing a widespread absence of thorium-230 in marine sediments. We propose that these Arctic freshwater intervals occurred 70,000–62,000 years before present and approximately 150,000–131,000 years before present, corresponding to portions of marine isotope stages 4 and 6. Alternative interpretations of the first occurrence of the calcareous nannofossil Emiliania huxleyi in Arctic sedimentary records would suggest younger ages for the older interval. Our approach explains the unexpected minima in Arctic thorium-230 records⁹ that have led to divergent interpretations of sedimentation rates10,11 and hampered their use for dating purposes. About nine million cubic kilometres of fresh water is required to explain our isotopic interpretation, a calculation that we support with estimates of hydrological fluxes and altered boundary conditions. A freshwater mass of this size—stored in oceans, rather than land—suggests that a revision of sea-level reconstructions based on freshwater-sensitive stable oxygen isotopes may be required, and that large masses of fresh water could be delivered to the north Atlantic Ocean on very short timescales.
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Abstract. The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ~ 21,000 years ago) has been a major focus for evaluating how well state-of-the-art climate models simulate climate changes as large as those expected in the future using paleoclimate reconstructions. A new generation of climate models have been used to generate LGM simulations as part of the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) contribution to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Here we provide a preliminary analysis and evaluation of the results of these LGM experiments (PMIP4-CMIP6) and compare them with the previous generation of simulations (PMIP3-CMIP5). We show that the PMIP4-CMIP6 are globally less cold and less dry than the PMIP3-CMIP5 simulations, most probably because of the use of a more realistic specification of the northern hemisphere ice sheets in the latest simulations although changes in model configuration may also contribute to this. There are important differences in both atmospheric and ocean circulation between the two sets of experiments, with the northern and southern jet streams being more poleward and the changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation being less pronounced in the PMIP4-CMIP6 simulations than in the PMIP3-CMIP5 simulations. Changes in simulated precipitation patterns are influenced by both temperature and circulation changes. Differences in simulated climate between individual models remain large so, although there are differences in the average behaviour across the two ensembles, the new simulation results are not fundamentally different from the PMIP3-CMIP5 results. Evaluation of large-scale climate features, such as land-sea contrast and polar amplification, confirms that the models capture these well and within the uncertainty of the palaeoclimate reconstructions. Nevertheless, regional climate changes are less well simulated: the models underestimate extratropical cooling, particularly in winter, and precipitation changes. The spatial patterns of increased precipitation associated with changes in the jet streams are also poorly captured. However, changes in the tropics are more realistic, particularly the changes in tropical temperatures over the oceans. Although these results are preliminary in nature, because of the limited number of LGM simulations currently available, they nevertheless point to the utility of using paleoclimate simulations to understand the mechanisms of climate change and evaluate model performance.
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This study provides dissolved and particulate ²³⁰Th and ²³²Th results as well as particulate ²³⁴Th data collected during expeditions to the central Arctic Ocean on ARK-XXIX/3 (2015) and ARK-XXII/2 (2007) (GEOTRACES sections GN04 and GIPY11, respectively). Constructing a time-series of dissolved ²³⁰Th from 1991 to 2015 enables the identification of processes that control the temporal development of ²³⁰Th distributions in the Amundsen Basin. After 2007, ²³⁰Th concentrations decreased significantly over the entire water column, particularly between 300 m and 1500 m. This decrease is accompanied by a circulation change, evidenced by a concomitant increase in salinity. Potentially increased inflow of water of Atlantic origin with low dissolved ²³⁰Th concentrations leads to the observed depletion in dissolved ²³⁰Th in the central Arctic. Because atmospherically derived tracers (CFC, ³He/³H) do not reveal an increase in ventilation rate, it is suggested that these interior waters have undergone enhanced scavenging of Th during transit from the Fram Strait and the Barents Sea to the central Amundsen Basin. The ²³⁰Th depletion propagates downward in the water column by settling particles and reversible scavenging. Taken together, the temporal evolution of Th distributions point to significant changes in the large-scale circulation of the Amundsen Basin.
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High latitude ocean gateway changes are thought to play a key role in Cenozoic climate evolution. However, the underlying ocean dynamics are poorly understood. Here we use a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean model to investigate the effect of ocean gateway formation that is associated with the subsidence of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. We find a threshold in sill depth (∼50 m) that is linked to the influence of wind mixing. Sill depth changes within the wind mixed layer establish lagoonal and estuarine conditions with limited exchange across the sill resulting in brackish or even fresher Arctic conditions. Close to the threshold the ocean regime is highly sensitive to changes in atmospheric CO2 and the associated modulation in the hydrological cycle. For larger sill depths a bi-directional flow regime across the ridge develops, providing a baseline for the final step towards the establishment of a modern prototype North Atlantic-Arctic water exchange.
The Eurasian ice sheet extended across the Barents and Kara Seas during the late Quaternary, yet evidence on past ice dynamics and thermal structure across its huge eastern periphery remains largely unknown. Here we use three-dimensional seismic data sets covering ~4500 km2 of the Kara Sea west of Yamal Peninsula, Siberia (71°–73°N), to identify, for the first time in the Russian Arctic seas, several buried generations of vast subglacial tunnel valley networks. Individual valleys are up to 50 km long and are incised as much as 400 m deep; among the largest tunnel valleys ever reported. This discovery represents the first documentation of an extensively warm-based eastern margin of the Eurasian ice sheet during the Quaternary glaciations. The presence of major subglacial channel networks on the shallow shelf, with no evidence of ice streaming, suggests that significant meltwater discharge and subsequent freshwater forcing of ocean circulation may be long-lived rather than catastrophic, occurring during the latest stages of deglaciation in areas where the ice sheet flows slowly and is grounded largely above sea level. Furthermore, the first account of an extensive hydrological network across large areas of the Kara Sea provides important empirical evidence for active subglacial hydrological processes that should be considered in future numerical modeling of the eastern margin of the Quaternary Eurasian ice sheet.
Pa, ²³⁰Th and ²³²Th were analyzed in filtered seawater (n = 70) and suspended particles (n = 39) collected along a shelf-basin transect from the Barents shelf to the Makarov Basin in the Arctic Ocean during GEOTRACES section GN04 in 2015. The distribution of dissolved ²³¹Pa and ²³⁰Th in the Arctic Ocean deviates from the linear increase expected from reversible scavenging. Higher ²³²Th concentrations were observed at the shelf, slope and in surface waters in the deep basin, pointing at lithogenic sources. Fractionation factors (FTh/Pa) observed at the Nansen margin were higher compared to FTh/Pa in the central Nansen Basin, possibly due to the residual occurrence of hydrothermal particles in the deep central Nansen Basin. Application of a boundary scavenging model quantitatively accounts for the dissolved and particulate ²³⁰Th distributions in the Nansen Basin. Modelled dissolved ²³¹Pa distributions were largely overestimated, which was attributed to the absence of incorporation of water exchange with the Atlantic Ocean in the model. ²³¹Pa/²³⁰Th ratios of the suspended particles of the Nansen Basin were below the ²³¹Pa/²³⁰Th production ratio, but top-core sediments of the Nansen margin and slope have high ²³¹Pa/²³⁰Th-ratios, suggesting that scavenging along the Nansen margin partly acts as a sink for the missing Arctic ²³¹Pa.
Cenozoic seismic-stratigraphic units of the Jan Mayen microcontinent (JMMC) are presented in context with kinematic modelling of plate reorganisation correlation with conjugate margins, and their chrono-stratigraphic correlations. Our model of development of the microcontinent, from continental breakup to present-day, is based on the interpretation of new and legacy geological and geophysical data. From these data, we have established eleven Cenozoic seismic-stratigraphic units (JM-70 to JM-01) separated by ten locally varying unconformities and disconformities, six of which are regional and reflect discrete tectonostratigraphic phases in the evolution of the Jan Mayen region. These six main phases are: (1) pre-breakup Paleocene (>55 Ma) extension represented by seismic unit JM-70, which comprises terrigenous and marine sedimentary rocks and a thick plateau basalt volcanic succession; (2) Early Eocene (∼55-52 Ma) syn-breakup (rift-to-drift) represented by seismic unit JM-60 and comprises a mix of intrusive igneous rocks, subaerial lavas and hyaloclastites, and non-marine to shallow-marine sedimentary rocks; (3) Early to Mid-Eocene (∼52-43 Ma) syn-breakup (rift-to-drift) and rift-transfer across the Iceland plateau rift, represented by seismic unit JM-50 that comprises volcanic rocks and shelf-margin deltaic sediment succession; (4) Late Eocene – Early Oligocene (43-30 Ma) ridge transfer and tectonic re-arrangement in proximity of the Iceland hotspot represented in the rock record by shallow-to deep-marine deposits preserved as units JM-40, JM-35, and JM-30; (5) in the Late Oligocene (30-22 Ma), a second breakup occurred along the western JMMC igneous margin, together with the formation of the south-western Jan Mayen igneous province, the proto-Kolbeinsey ridge, and the initiation of proto-Iceland all, of which, is represented in the rock record by seismic units JM-20 and JM-15; and, (6) Miocene-to-present-day separation of the JMMC from East Greenland (since 22 Ma), which is represented by seismic units JM-10, JM-05, and JM-01 that reflect a general deepening of the microcontinent.
In this study we present dissolved and particulate ²³⁰Th and ²³²Th results, as well as particulate ²³⁴Th data, obtained as part of the GEOTRACES central Arctic Ocean sections GN04 (2015) and IPY11 (2007). Samples were analyzed following GEOTRACES methods and compared to previous results from 1991. We observe significant decreases in ²³⁰Th concentrations in the deep waters of the Nansen Basin. We ascribe this nonsteady state removal process to a variable release and scavenging of trace metals near an ultraslow spreading ridge. This finding demonstrates that hydrothermal scavenging in the deep-sea may vary on annual time scales and highlights the importance of repeated GEOTRACES sections.