ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Oral Diseases: Applications and Pitfalls

  • College of Dentistry King Khalid University Abha


Background: Machine learning (ML) is a key component of artificial intelligence (AI). The terms machine learning, artificial intelligence, and deep learning are erroneously used interchangeably as they appear as monolithic nebulous entities. This technology offers immense possibilities and opportunities to advance diagnostics in the field of medicine and dentistry. This necessitates a deep understanding of AI and its essential components, such as machine learning (ML), artificial neural networks (ANN), and deep learning (DP). Aim: This review aims to enlighten clinicians regarding AI and its applications in the diagnosis of oral diseases, along with the prospects and challenges involved. Review results: AI has been used in the diagnosis of various oral diseases, such as dental caries, maxillary sinus diseases, periodontal diseases, salivary gland diseases, TMJ disorders, and oral cancer through clinical data and diagnostic images. Larger data sets would enable AI to predict the occurrence of precancerous conditions. They can aid in population-wide surveillance and decide on referrals to specialists. AI can efficiently detect microfeatures beyond the human eye and augment its predictive power in critical diagnosis. Conclusion: Although studies have recognized the benefit of AI, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning has not been integrated into routine dentistry. AI is still in the research phase. The coming decade will see immense changes in diagnosis and healthcare built on the back of this research. Clinical significance: This paper reviews the various applications of AI in dentistry and illuminates the shortcomings faced while dealing with AI research and suggests ways to tackle them. Overcoming these pitfalls will aid in integrating AI seamlessly into dentistry.
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029.
Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Oral Diseases:
Applications and Pitfalls
Shankargouda Patil 1,*, Sarah Albogami 2, Jagadish Hosmani 3, Sheetal Mujoo 4, Mona Awad Kamil 5,
Manawar Ahmad Mansour 6, Hina Naim Abdul 6, Shilpa Bhandi 7 and Shiek S. S. J. Ahmed 8
1 Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnostic Sciences, Division of Oral Pathology, College of
Dentistry, Jazan University, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia
2 Department of Biotechnology, College of Science, Taif University, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia;
3 Department of Diagnostic Dental Sciences, Oral Pathology Division, Faculty of Dentistry, College of
Dentistry, King Khalid University, Abha 61411, Saudi Arabia;
4 Division of Oral Medicine & Radiology College of Dentistry, Jazan University, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia;
5 Department of Preventive Dental Science, College of Dentistry, Jazan University, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia;
6 Department of Prosthetic Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Jazan University, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia; (M.A.M.); (H.N.A.)
7 Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, Division of Operative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Jazan
University, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia;
8 Multi-Omics and Drug Discovery Lab, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education,
Chennai 600130, India;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Background: Machine learning (ML) is a key component of artificial intelligence (AI). The
terms machine learning, artificial intelligence, and deep learning are erroneously used interchange-
ably as they appear as monolithic nebulous entities. This technology offers immense possibilities
and opportunities to advance diagnostics in the field of medicine and dentistry. This necessitates a
deep understanding of AI and its essential components, such as machine learning (ML), artificial
neural networks (ANN), and deep learning (DP). Aim: This review aims to enlighten clinicians re-
garding AI and its applications in the diagnosis of oral diseases, along with the prospects and chal-
lenges involved. Review results: AI has been used in the diagnosis of various oral diseases, such as
dental caries, maxillary sinus diseases, periodontal diseases, salivary gland diseases, TMJ disorders,
and oral cancer through clinical data and diagnostic images. Larger data sets would enable AI to
predict the occurrence of precancerous conditions. They can aid in population-wide surveillance
and decide on referrals to specialists. AI can efficiently detect microfeatures beyond the human eye
and augment its predictive power in critical diagnosis. Conclusion: Although studies have recog-
nized the benefit of AI, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning has not been integrated
into routine dentistry. AI is still in the research phase. The coming decade will see immense changes
in diagnosis and healthcare built on the back of this research. Clinical significance: This paper reviews
the various applications of AI in dentistry and illuminates the shortcomings faced while dealing
with AI research and suggests ways to tackle them. Overcoming these pitfalls will aid in integrating
AI seamlessly into dentistry.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; artificial neural network; diagnosis; deep learning;
machine learning; oral diseases
Citation: Patil, S.; Albogami, S.;
Hosmani, J.; Mujoo, S.; Kamil, M.A.;
Mansour, M.A.; Abdul, H.N.;
Bhandi, S.; Ahmed, S.S.S.J. Artificial
Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Oral
Diseases: Applications and Pitfalls.
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029.
Academic Editor: Daniel Fried
Received: 29 March 2022
Accepted: 18 April 2022
Published: 19 April 2022
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
tral with regard to jurisdictional
claims in published maps and institu-
tional affiliations.
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Li-
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and con-
ditions of the Creative Commons At-
tribution (CC BY) license (https://cre-
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 2 of 15
1. Introduction
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are terms that are often used
in research that are interchangeable even though they have different meanings. John
McCarthy, called the father of artificial intelligence, coined the term ‘artificial intelligence’
to describe machines with the potential to perform actions that were considered intelligent
without any human intervention [1]. These machines are capable of solving problems
based on the data input. Artificial intelligence has long been the mainstay of popular sci-
ence fiction. It originally stemmed from Alan Turing’s “Imitation game” or the “Turing
test” [2]. Logic Theorist, developed by Allen Newell and Herbert Simon in the year 1955,
was the first-ever AI program [3].
Machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence [4]. Simon Cowell coined
the term in 1959 [5]. ML predicts the outcome based on the dataset provided to it using
algorithms, such as artificial neural networks (ANN). These networks mimic the human
brain and have interconnected artificial neurons that receive and analyze data signals.
Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts suggested this concept in a seminal paper published
in 1943. Later, Minsky and Dean Edmunds developed the first ANN, the stochastic neural
analog reinforcement calculator, in 1951 [6].
Convolutional neural network (CNN) or deep learning (DL) is an approach in ML
introduced in 2006 by Hinton et al. [7]. It utilizes multi-layer neural networks to compute
data. Deep learning algorithms have the potential to analyze patterns based on the data
and improve the outcome. The development of the backpropagation algorithm in 1969
paved the way for deep learning systems [8]. Figure 1 depicts the important milestones in
the advancement of AI through the years.
Figure 1. Important milestones in the advancement of AI.
An abundant supply of data sets is crucial for implementing machine learning. Data
can refer to a variety of inputs: it can be images in the form of clinical photographs, radi-
ographs, text in the form of patient data, patient symptoms information, and audio in the
form of voice, murmurs, bruits, auscultation, or percussion sound. Figure 2 shows the
working of AI in a schematic format. Adaptability to a variety of inputs in artificial intel-
ligence added advantage to revolutionizing medical, dental, and healthcare delivery. Re-
cently, artificial intelligence in dentistry alone has created immense attention in specialties
such as orthodontics [9–11], endodontics [12,13], prosthodontics [14,15], restorative den-
tistry [16,17], periodontics [18–20], oral and maxillofacial surgery [21–23]. Research re-
veals promising results, although most applications are in the developmental phase. It
becomes a necessity that dentists need to understand the foundational concepts and ap-
plications of AI in dentistry to adapt to a changing healthcare landscape [24].
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 3 of 15
Figure 2. The working of AI in a schematic format.
Today, artificial intelligence (AI) has been suggested useful in disease diagnosis, pre-
dicting prognosis, or developing patient-specific treatment strategies [25]. Particularly, AI
can assist dentists in making time-sensitive critical decisions. It can remove the human
element of error in decision-making, providing a superior and uniform quality of health
care while reducing the stress load on the dentists. This paper reviews the available liter-
ature selected that are pertaining to the research and development of AI in the diagnosis
of various oral and maxillofacial diseases, such as dental caries, periodontal disease, max-
illary sinus diseases, salivary gland diseases, temporomandibular joint disorders, osteo-
porosis, and oral cancer.
2. Search Strategy
We used PubMed, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect to conduct a systematic search
using a variety of key terms that included “Convolutional Neural Network” or “Deep
Learning” or “Natural Language Processing” OR “neural network” OR “Machine Learn-
ing” OR “unsupervised learning” OR “Artificial Intelligence” OR “supervised learning”
for the model. Similarly, for disease, the terms included “dental caries” OR “periodontal
disease” OR “maxillary sinus diseases” OR “salivary gland diseases” OR “Temporoman-
dibular joint disorders” OR “osteoporosis” OR oral cancer. We looked for articles that
were published between January 2016 and December 2021. In addition to the search, the
reference lists of the selected article were examined to add an article for this review.
3. Dental Caries
Dental caries is the most prevalent disease across the globe. Early diagnosis is key in
decreasing caries-related indisposition in patients. Caries diagnosis is exceedingly based
on visual cues and radiographic data. This visual data can be a form of input dataset for
machine learning (ML). Devito et al. (2008) evaluated the efficiency of a multi-layer per-
ceptron neural network in diagnosing proximal caries in bitewing radiographs and con-
cluded that the diagnostic improvement was 39.4% [26]. Lee et al. (2018) used 3000 peri-
apical radiographs to evaluate the efficacy of deep convolutional neural networks to iden-
tify dental caries. High accuracy of 89%, 88%, and 82% was observed in the premolar,
molar, and both the premolar-molar regions [27]. Hung et al. (2019) conducted a study
with the test and training set comprised of data obtained from the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey. Supervised learning methods were used to classify the
data based on the presence or absence of root caries. Among the various ML methods used
in their study, the support vector machine (SVM) showed the best performance in identi-
fying root caries [28].
Similarly, the clinical imaging data from various sources have been used in AI mod-
els for diagnosing dental caries with excellent results. In 2019, a study examined the use
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 4 of 15
of convolutional neural networks (CNN) to identify dental caries in near-infrared transil-
lumination images. CNN increased the speed and accuracy of caries detection [29]. Cantu
et al. (2020) used bitewing radiographs to assess the performance of a deep learning (DL)
network in detecting carious lesions. A total of 3686 radiographs were used, out of which
3293 were used for training while 252 were used as test data. The deep neural network
showed higher accuracy compared to dentists and can be used to detect initial caries le-
sions on bitewing radiographs [30] Park et al. (2021) tested ML prediction models for the
detection of early childhood caries compared to traditional regression models. Data of
4195 children (1–5 yrs) were obtained from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Ex-
amination survey (2007–2018) and analyzed. ML-based prediction models were able to
detect ECC, predict high-risk groups, and suggest treatment, similar to traditional predic-
tion models [31].
4. Tooth Fracture
The third most common reason for tooth loss is traumatized or cracked teeth. Early
detection and treatment can save a cracked tooth and help retain it. However, cracked
teeth often present with discontinuous symptoms, making their detection problematic.
Conventional techniques, such as CBCT and intraoral radiographs, have low sensitivity
and clarity. Paniagua et al. (2018) developed a novel method capable of detecting, quanti-
fying, and localizing cracked teeth using high-resolution CBCT scans with steerable wave-
lets and machine learning methods. The performance of ML models was tested using Hr-
CBCT scans of healthy teeth with simulated cracks. ML models showed high specificity
and sensitivity [32]. Fukuda et al. (2020) used CNN to detect vertical root fractures using
300 panoramic radiographs with 330 vertically fractured teeth with visible fracture lines.
Moreover, 80% of the data was used for training while 20% was used as a test data set.
Results suggest that CNN can be used as a diagnostic tool for the detection of vertical root
fractures [33].
5. Periodontal Diseases
Periodontal disease affects more than a billion people globally, destroying alveolar
bone and leading to tooth loss. Early diagnosis of periodontal disease using AI can im-
prove the dental status of the patient and improve their overall health and quality of life.
Ozden et al. (2015) examined the use of a support vector machine (SVM), decision tree
(DT), and ANN to identify and classify periodontal disease. Data from a total of 150 pa-
tients were used, 100 as training data and 50 as test data. The three systems classified the
data into six types of periodontal conditions. SVM and DT were more accurate as diag-
nostic support tools compared to ANN [18]. Nakano et al. (2018) used deep learning (DL)
to detect oral malodor from microbiota. A total of 90 patients, 45 patients with weak or no
malodor, and 45 patients with marked malodor were selected using organoleptic tests and
gas chromatography. Gene analysis of the amplified 16s rRNA from the patient’s saliva
was carried out. DL was used to classify the samples into malodor and healthy breath. DL
showed a predictive accuracy of 97% compared to SVM, which showed 79% [19]. ANN
has been used to predict the occurrence of recurrent aphthous ulcers. Gender, serum B12,
hemoglobin, serum ferritin, folate levels, candida count in saliva, tooth brushing fre-
quency, the number of fruits and vegetables consumed daily, were related to the occur-
rence of ulcers [20] Danks et al. (2021) used a deep neural network to measure periodontal
bone loss with the help of periapical radiographs. Periapical radiographs of single, dou-
ble, and triple rooted teeth obtained from 63 patients were used. First, the DNN was
trained to detect dental landmarks on the radiographs, and then the periodontal bone loss
was measured using these landmarks by the DNN model. The system achieved a total
percentage of correct key points of 89.9%. The system showed promising results, which
can be further improved upon by experimentation and cross-validation with extended
data sets [34] Similarly, a DL model was used to detect and measure periodontal bone loss
from panoramic images, which was then used for staging periodontitis. The performance
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 5 of 15
of the DL model was compared to that of three oral radiologists. The staging was done
according to the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant disease and conditions
[35]. A total of 340 panoramic radiographs were used out of which 90% were used for
training while 10% were used for testing. Data augmentation was carried out to increase
the data by 64%. The DL model had high accuracy and excellent reliability, suggesting
that it can be used for the automatic diagnosis of periodontal disease and as a routine
surveillance tool [36].
6. Maxillary Sinus Diseases
The maxillary sinuses are structures that are commonly visualized using extraoral
radiographs. Automated identification of the sinuses and detection of any pathology in
them by AI can lead to a manifold decrease in misdiagnoses. AI can be used as a tool to
assist inexperienced dentists. Murata et al. (2018) evaluated the performance of a DL sys-
tem in diagnosing maxillary sinusitis using panoramic radiographs. The AI performance
was compared to that of two radiologists and two residents. The diagnostic performance
of the system was similar to that of the radiologists. However, the AI was superior to
dental residents [37]. Kim et al. (2019) used radiographs of the maxillary sinus in Water’s
view to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the DL system. AI showed a statistically
significant improved sensitivity and specificity to radiologists [38]. Mucosal thickening
and mucosal retention cysts are often missed by radiologists. Kuwana et al. (2021) used
OPG to detect and classify lesions in the maxillary sinus using a DL object detection tech-
nique. Detection of the normal maxillary sinus and inflamed maxillary sinus showed
100% sensitivity, whereas the detection sensitivity of mucosal retention cysts was 98% and
89% in the two test data sets that were used. This DL model can be reliably used in a
clinical setup [39]. A recent study proposed a CNN model to assist radiologists. The CNN
model is capable of detecting and segmenting mucosal thickening and mucosal retention
cysts of the maxillary sinus using CBCT images. A total of 890 maxillary sinuses from 445
patients were used in the study. Low dose images were used for training and testing,
while full-dose images were used as test data sets. The CNN model performed effectively
in both dosage images with no significant difference [40].
7. Salivary Gland Diseases
Salivary gland diseases pose a diagnostic challenge to inexperienced dentists due to
their confusing and similar morphological resemblances. AI can be a valuable tool in sup-
porting diagnosing diseases of the salivary gland. DL models can, in some instances, be
superior to radiologists. In an early Japanese study, researchers used DL to detect fatty
degeneration of the salivary gland parenchyma on CT images, which is evident in the case
of Sjogren’s syndrome. Of the total 500 CT images, 400 CT images (200 CT images of the
control group, 200 CT images of the Sjogren’s syndrome patients) were used as a training
dataset while 100 CT images were used as the test data set to analyze the performance of
the ML system. The diagnostic performance of DL was equivalent to that of experienced
radiologists and significantly superior to inexperienced radiologists [41]. The low inci-
dence and overlapping morphologic features of salivary gland tumors make them chal-
lenging to diagnose for clinicians. ML was used to detect malignant salivary gland tumors
based on their cytologic appearance. A recursive partitioning algorithm was used to clas-
sify 115 malignant tumor samples into 12 morphologic variables. This performance was
compared to that of experienced clinicians. The decision tree system test was effective in
narrowing down the differential diagnoses, increasing the accuracy of pathological diag-
nosis [42]. AI has the potential to be used as a tool to predict the recurrence of salivary
gland malignancies [43]. Facial nerve injury after surgical treatment for a salivary gland
tumor is a severe complication. Chiesa-Estomba et al. (2021) used clinical, radiological,
histological, and cytological data to predict the occurrence of facial nerve palsy in patients
and reported that AI can be used as an assessment tool for the prediction of facial nerve
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 6 of 15
injury so that both surgeons and patients are well aware of the complications in advance
8. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Diagnosing TMJ disorders is a challenging issue for inexperienced dentists. ANN
systems can simplify and assist in this diagnosis. The performance of an ANN model was
tested by recognizing non-reducing disks in patients. The frontal chewing data from 68
patients with normal disks, unilateral and bilateral non-reducing disks, were obtained.
Half the data was used to train the ANN system, while the other half was used for testing.
The system showed an acceptable level of error and showed potential as a supporting
diagnostic tool with an excellent cost/benefit ratio [45]. Bas et al. (2011) conducted a similar
study using clinical symptoms. The clinical symptoms and diagnoses of 219 patients were
obtained from experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons. The data from the first 161
patients was used to train the ANN, while the rest of the data was used to test the ANN.
The neural network showed acceptable results in diagnosing internal derangements of the
TMJ. Additional patient data, clinical data, radiographs, and images could improve the
diagnostic capacity of ANN [46]. Iwasaki (2014) applied Bayesian belief network analysis
to MRI images to determine the progression of TMJ disorders. A total of 295 cases with
590 sides of TMJs were used with 11 algorithms. The results suggested that the osteoar-
thritic changes progressed from condyle to articular fossa, and then to the mandibular
bone contours. Age, disk form, bony space, and condylar translations were elements that
affected disk displacement and bony changes [47]. Choi et al. (2021) developed an AI
model to detect osteoarthritis from OPG images. This AI model can be used in clinical
setups where a CT facility or a maxillofacial radiologist is not readily available [48]. Orhan
et al. (2021) used magnetic resonance images of TMJs to detect TMJ pathologies, such as
condylar osseous changes and disk derangements using an AI model [49]. AI models can
use a variety of input data to learn. Researchers have even used infrared thermography
images of patients with masseter and lateral pterygoid muscles as the area of interest to
diagnose TMJ disorders in an AI model [50].
9. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis can be detected on panoramic radiographs. Various indices, such as the
gonion index, mental index, mandibular cortical index, and panoramic mandibular index
have been used previously to detect osteoporosis [51–54]. AI could simplify the diagnosis
of osteoporosis and buttress the work of radiologists. Kim et al. (2019) evaluated the per-
formance of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) based on computer-aided di-
agnosis (CAD) in diagnosing osteoporosis from panoramic images against radiologists
with 10 years of experience. Out of the total 1268 images, 200 images were used as test
images. The DCNN- CAD showed results that were highly agreeable with the diagnostic
results of the radiologists. DCNN can be used to help dentists in early diagnosis, and re-
ferral to specialists [55]. Lee et al. (2020) compared different types of CNN models to as-
sess which model worked best for the diagnosis of osteoporosis and found that the CNN
model with transfer learning and fine-tuning was best able to diagnose osteoporosis au-
tomatedly [56].
10. Oral Cancer and Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis
Oral cancer is the sixth most common malignancy worldwide. Early detection can
lead to a better prognosis and a better survival rate [57]. AI can aid in early diagnosis and
decrease the mortality and morbidity associated with oral cancer. Nayak et al. (2005) used
ANN to discriminate between normal, premalignant, and tissues using laser-induced au-
tofluorescence spectra recordings. This was compared to a principal component analysis
of the same issues. The results showed an accuracy of 98.3%, specificity of 100%, and sen-
sitivity of 96.5%, suggesting that this method can have efficient real-time applications [58].
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 7 of 15
Uthoff et al. (2017) used CNN to detect precancerous and cancerous lesions from auto-
fluorescence images and white light images. CNN was more effective than specialists in
diagnosing precancerous and cancerous lesions. The performance of the CNN model can
improve with larger data sets [59]. Aubreville et al. (2017) used DL to identify oral cancer
based on confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) images. This method had an accuracy of
88.3% and a specificity of 90% [60]. Shams et al. (2017) conducted a comparative study to
predict the development of oral cancer from oral potentially-malignant lesions using deep
neural networks (DNN). DNN was compared to support vector machines, regularized
least squares, and multi-layer perception. DNN had a higher accuracy rate of 96% com-
pared to the other systems [61]. These findings were confirmed by Jeyraj et al. (2019). CNN
was used to distinguish between cancerous and non-cancerous tissues based on hyper-
spectral images. Results suggest that CNN can be employed for image-based classification
and diagnosis of oral cancer without expert supervision [62]. Recently, a lot of research
has taken place in the field of oral cancer research. Many studies have successfully devel-
oped AI models that are capable of predicting the occurrence and recurrence of oral cancer
Several studies have compared deep learning (DL) systems against experienced ra-
diologists with varied results. Ariji et al. (2014) assessed the performance of DL in the
identification of cervical node metastasis using CT images. CT images of 137 positive his-
tologically proven cervical lymph nodes and 314 negative histological lymph nodes from
45 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma were used. The results of the DL approach
were compared against two trained radiologists. The DL network was as accurate as
trained radiologists [68]. The researchers also used DL to detect the extra-nodal extension
of cervical lymph node metastases. A total of 703 CT images from 51 patients with and
without extra-nodal extension were collected and 80% were used as training data while
20% were used as test data. The performance of the DL system was significantly superior
to that of the radiologist, suggesting that it can be used as a diagnostic tool for detecting
extra-nodal metastasis [69].
Overall, this review on artificial intelligence for diagnosis points towards a positive
trend with encouraging results. Neural networks and machine learning appear as effec-
tive or better than trained radiologists and clinicians (Table 1) in detecting caries, sinusitis,
periodontal disease, and TMJ disorders. Cancer diagnosis by using artificial intelligence
models can curate diverse data streams to render judgments, assess risk and referral to
specialists (Table 2). Studies on premalignant lesions, lymph nodes, salivary gland tu-
mors, and squamous cell carcinoma show encouraging results for the diagnostic and
prognostic value of artificial intelligence. These efforts may reduce mortality rates through
early diagnosis and effective therapeutic interventions. These platforms will require large
data sets and resources to analyze data to provide a precise and cost-effective diagnosis.
In order to be securely integrated into daily clinical procedures, these models are needed
to be refined to reach the highest accuracy with specificity and sensitivity. Furthermore,
also required are regulatory frameworks for the deployment of these models in clinical
Table 1. Summary of studies examining the use of artificial intelligence in dental diagnosis.
ber of
Performance Comparison Outcome
Lee J et al.
(2018) [27] CNN
Periapical ra-
diographs 600 Mean AUC—0.890 4 Dentists
Deep CNN showed a
considerably good
performance in de-
tecting dental caries
in periapical radio-
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 8 of 15
Casalegno et
al. (2019)
nation imag-
ROC of 83.6% for occlusal
caries; ROC of 84.6% for
proximal caries
Dentists with clinical experi-
CNN showed in-
creased speed and
accuracy in detecting
dental caries
Cantu et al.
(2019) [30] CNN
Bitewing ra-
diographs 141 Accuracy 0.80; sensitivity
0.75%; specificity 0.83%; 4 experienced dentists
AI model was more
accurate than den-
Radke et al.
(2003) [45] ANN
Frontal plane
jaw record-
ings from
68 Accuracy 86.8%,
100%, sensitivity 91.8% None
The proposed model
has an acceptable
level of error and an
excellent cost/benefit
Park YH et
al. (2021)
details, oral
hygiene man-
agement de-
tails, mater-
nal details
AUROC between 0.774 and
0.785 Traditional regression model
Both ML-
based and
traditional regres-
sion models showed
favorable perfor-
mance and can be
used as a supporting
Kuwana et
al. (2021)
lary si-
nus le-
Panoramic ra-
diographs 1174
Diagnostic accuracy, sensi-
tivity, and specificity were
90–91%, 81–85% and 91–
96% for maxillary sinusitis
and 97–100%, 80–
100% and
100% for maxillary sinus
The proposed deep
learning model can
be reliably used for
detecting the maxil-
lary sinuses and
identifying lesions in
Murata et al.
(2018) [37] CNN
lary si-
Panoramic ra-
diographs 120
Accuracy 87.5%; sensitivity
86.7%; specificity 88.3%
2 experienced radiologists, 2
dental residents
The AI
model can be
a supporting tool for
inexperienced den-
Kim et al.
(2019) [38] CNN
lary si-
Water’s view
AUC of 0.93 for temporal;
AUC of 0.88 for geographic
5 radiologists
the AI-
based model
higher performance
than radiologists.
Hung KF et
al. (2022)
lary si-
computed to-
AUC for detection of mu-
cosal thickening and mu-
cous retention cyst was
0.91 and 0.84 in low dose,
and 0.89 and 0.93 for high
The proposed model
can accurately detect
mucosal thickening
and mucous reten-
tion cysts in both
low and high-dose
protocol CBCT
Danks et al.
(2021) [34]
glass ar-
Periapical ra-
diographs 340
Percentage Correct Key-
points of 83.3% across all
root morphologies
Asymmetric hourglass archi-
tecture, Resnet
The proposed sys-
tem showed promis-
ing capability in lo-
calizing landmarks
and periodontal
bone loss and per-
formed 1.7% better
than the next best ar-
Chang et al.
(2020) [36] CNN
Panoramic ra-
diographs 340
Pixel accuracy of 0.93; Jac-
card index of 0.92; dice co-
efficient values of 0.88 for
localization of
The proposed model
showed high accu-
racy and excellent re-
liability in the detec-
tion of periodontal
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 9 of 15
bone loss and classi-
fication of periodon-
Ozden et al.
(2015) [18] ANN
Risk factors,
data, and ra-
bone loss
Performance of SVM & DT
was 98%; ANN was 46% SVM &DT
SVM and DT
showed good perfor-
mance in the classifi-
cation of periodontal
disease while ANN
had the worst per-
Devito et al.
(2008) [26] ANN
mal car-
Bitewing ra-
diograph 160 ROC curve area of 0.884 25 examiners
ANN could improve
the performance of
diagnosing proximal
Odeh et
al. (2010)
factor and
RAU status
Accuracy of
prediction for
network 3 & 8 is 90%; 4,6 &
9 is 80%; 1& 7 is 70%; 2 & 5
is 60%
the ANN model
seemed to use gen-
der, hematologic and
mycologic data,
tooth brushing, fruit,
and vegetable con-
sumption for the
prediction of RAU.
Hung M et
al. (2019)
CNN Root
caries Data set 5135
Accuracy 97.1%; Precision
95.1%; sensitivity 99.6%;
specificity 94.3%
Trained medical personnel
Shows good perfor-
mance and can be
clinically imple-
Iwasaki et
al. (2015)
Magnetic res-
onance imag-
Of the 11 BBN algorithms
used path conditions using
resubstitution validation
and 10—fold cross-valida-
tion showed an accuracy of
necessary path condition, path
condition, greedy search-and-
score with Bayesian infor-
mation criterion, Chow-Liu
tree, Rebane-Pearl poly tree,
tree augmented naïve Bayes
model, maximum log-likeli-
hood, Akaike information cri-
terion, minimum description
length, K2 and C4.5
The proposed model
can be used to pre-
dict the prognosis of
Orhan et a
(2021) [49] ML
Magnetic res-
onance imag-
The performance accuracy
for condylar changes and
displacement are 0.77
and 0.74
logistic regression (LR), ran-
dom forest (RF), decision tree
(DT), k-nearest neighbors
(KNN), XGBoost, and support
vector machine (SVM)
The proposed model
using KNN and RF
was found to be op-
timal for predicting
TMJ pathologies
Diniz de
lima et al.
(2021) [50]
Infrared ther-
mography 74
Semantic and radiomic-se-
mantic associated ML fea-
ture extraction methods
and MLP classifier showed
statistically good perfor-
mance in detecting TMDs
ML model associated
with infrared ther-
mography can be
used for the detec-
tion of TMJ patholo-
Bas B et al.
(2012) [46] ANN
TMJ in-
and diagno-
Sensitivity and specificity
for unilateral
and anterior
disk displacement with
and without reduction
were 80% & 95% and 69%
& 91%; for bilateral and an-
terior disk displacement
Experienced surgeon
The developed
model can be used as
a supportive diag-
nostic tool for the di-
agnoses of subtypes
of TMJ internal de-
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 10 of 15
with and without reduc-
tion were 37% &100% and
100% & 89% respectively.
Choi et al.
(2021) [48] CNN
TMJ os-
Panoramic ra-
diographs 1189
Accuracy of 0.78, the sensi-
tivity of 0.73, and specific-
ity of 0.82
Oral and maxillofacial radiolo-
The developed
model showed per-
formance equivalent
to experts and can be
used in general prac-
tices where OMFR
experts or CT is n
Fukuda et
al. (2019)
Panoramic ra-
diograph 60 The precision of 0.93; Re-
call of 0.75
2 Radiologists and 1 Endodon-
The CNN model was
a promising support-
ive tool for the detec-
tion of vertical root
Table 2. Summary of studies examining the use of artificial intelligence in cancer diagnosis.
Factor Modality
ber of
Performance Comparison Outcome
Ariji et al.
(2019) [69]
nodal ex-
tension of
CT images 703 Accuracy of 84% 4 radiologists
The diagnostic per-
formance of the DL
model was signifi-
cantly higher than
the radiologists
Janeiro et
al. (2022)
gland tu-
Primary tumor resec-
tion specimens 115 84–89% of the samples were diag-
nosed correctly None
The developed
model can be used
as a guide for the
morphological ap-
proach to the diag-
nosis of malignant
salivary gland tu-
Felice et al.
(2021) [43]
gland tu-
Age at diagnosis, gen-
der, salivary gland
type, h
istologic type,
surgical margin, tu-
mor stage, n
ode stage,
lymphovascular inva-
sion/perineural inva-
sion, t
ype of adjuvant
5-year disease-free survival was
62.1%. Important variables to pre-
dict recurrence were pathological
tumor and node stage. Based on
the variables, 3 groups were parti-
tioned as pN0, pT1-2 pN+ and
PT3-4 pN+ with 26%, 38% and
75% of recurrence and 73.7%,
57.1% and 34.3% disease-free sur-
vival rate, respectively
The proposed
model can be used
to classify patients
with salivary gland
malignancy and
predict the recur-
rence rate.
Ariji et al.
(2019) [68]
sis of cer-
CT images 441
Accuracy 78.2%; sensitivity 75.4%;
specificity 81.1% not clear
The diagnostic per-
formance of the
CNN model is simi-
lar to that of radiol-
Nayak et
al. (2005)
gnant and
Pulsed laser-
spectroscopic studies
Specificity and sensitivity were
100% and 96.5%
Principal compo-
nent analysis
ANN showed better
performance com-
pared to PCA in the
classification of nor-
mal, premalignant,
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 11 of 15
and malignant con-
Shams et
al. (2017)
Oral can-
Gene expression pro-
filing 86 Accuracy of 96%
support vector
machine (SVM),
Least Squares
(RLS), multi-
layer perceptron
(MLP) with back-
The proposed sys-
tem showed signifi-
cantly higher per-
formance, which
can be easily imple-
Jeyaraj et
al. (2019)
Oral can-
cer Hyperspectral images
600 Accuracy of 91.4% for benign tis-
sue and 94.5% for normal tissue
Support vector
machine and
Deep belief net-
The proposed
method can be de-
ployed for the auto-
matic classification
et al. (2017)
oral squa-
mous cell
Confocal laser en-
domicroscopy (CLE)
7894 AUC 0.96; Mean accuracy sensi-
tivity 86.6%; specificity 90%; not clear
This method
better than
the state-of-the-
CLE recognition
Uthoff et
al. (2018)
and can-
cerous le-
Autofluorescence and
white light imaging 170
sensitivity, specificity, positive,
and negative predictive values
ranging from 81.25 to 94.94%
The proposed
model is a low-
portable, and easy-
to-use system.
11. Prospects and Challenges
AI in dentistry is mostly in the nascent stages. It has yet to enter the realm of day-to-
day dentistry. Numerous hurdles remain before it can seamlessly integrate into diagnosis
and healthcare. Machine learning requires large volumes of data that are held by private
dental setups and institutions. Data sharing and privacy are issues that need to be dealt
with through federated guidelines and laws. This can rectify a common drawback re-
ported in most studies: a shortage of data sets. European and American legislative bodies
have passed the General Data Protection Act (GDPRA) and the California Consumer Pro-
tection Act (CCPA) to limit the risks of data sharing and protect consumer confidentiality
[70,71]. Federated data systems similar to VANTAGE6, Personal Health Train (PHT), and
DataSHIELD need to be developed so that data can be shared without breaching data
security policies [71–73]. AI can also convert widely heterogeneous data into curated ho-
mogeneous data that is easy to use and interpret. Most of the studies in this review have
been supervised image-based studies for the identification of structures or associations.
This only provides partial information required for decision-making or treatment. AI ca-
pable of unsupervised diagnosis and prediction of diseases needs to be built to reduce
subjective errors and provide standardized decisions. A shortage of manpower and re-
sources is emblematic of rural communities. AI-based healthcare initiatives can connect
rural and far-flung places with quality health care, benefiting the local population. Pro-
spective randomized control trials and cohort studies have to be performed to evaluate
the impact of AI on treatment and to test the outcomes and cost-effectiveness of AI [74–
12. Conclusions
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving to fill an ever-expanding
niche in medicine and dentistry. Most AI research is still in its nascent stage. Increased
availability of patient data can accelerate research into artificial intelligence, machine
learning, and neural networks. Today, there are few real-time AI applications integrated
into the internal operational process of dental clinics. Research has shown that data-driven
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1029 12 of 15
AI is reliable, transparent, and in certain cases, better than humans in diagnosis. AI can
replicate human functions of reasoning, planning, and problem-solving. Its application
can save time and storage, reduce manpower and eliminate human errors in diagnosis.
The rise of artificial intelligence in dental care will revolutionize dentistry and usher in
wider access to dental health care with better patient outcomes.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.P., S.A., and J.H.; methodology, S.S.S.J.A., M.A.K., and
S.M.; software, H.N.A. and M.A.M.; validation, M.A.M., S.B., and S.P.; formal analysis, S.M. and
S.A.; investigation, M.A.K. and H.N.A.; resources, M.A.M. and S.B.; data curation, S.A. and S.M.;
writing—original draft preparation, S.P., S.A., J.H., and S.M.; writing—review and editing, S.S.S.J.A.
and M.A.K.; visualization, H.N.A. and M.A.M.; supervision, S.B. and S.S.S.J.A. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the inputs provided by Ahmed
Alamoudi, Bassam Zidane (King Abdulaziz University) in revising the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... For AI models, the exact time depends on the type of software used, and in the case of 2D images, the report is generated up to 10 s [9,10]. Automated methods also eliminate errors associated with clinicians' mental and eye fatigue, providing superior healthcare quality [5,7]. They can efficiently detect features almost invisible to the human eye. ...
... They can efficiently detect features almost invisible to the human eye. Studies show that AIbased software provides good performance in detecting root canal fillings, crowns, and implants, as well as in predicting prognosis and planning patient-specific treatment [7,11]. This technology can be very useful in population-wide surveillance to perform screening tests, especially in rural communities with a shortage of medical professionals [7]. ...
... Studies show that AIbased software provides good performance in detecting root canal fillings, crowns, and implants, as well as in predicting prognosis and planning patient-specific treatment [7,11]. This technology can be very useful in population-wide surveillance to perform screening tests, especially in rural communities with a shortage of medical professionals [7]. Despite the great potential of AI applications, their further development and human supervision are still needed [12,13]. ...
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Background: The application of artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining popularity in modern dentistry. AI has been successfully used to interpret dental panoramic radiographs (DPRs) and quickly screen large groups of patients. This cross-sectional study aimed to perform a population-based assessment of the oral health status and treatment needs of the residents of Kielce, Poland, and the surrounding area based on DPR analysis performed by a high-accuracy AI algorithm trained with over 250,000 radiographs. Methods: This study included adults who had a panoramic radiograph performed, regardless of indications. The following diagnoses were used for analysis: (1) dental caries, (2) missing tooth, (3) dental filling, (4) root canal filling, (5) endodontic lesion, (6) implant, (7) implant abutment crown, (8) pontic crown, (9) dental abutment crown, and (10) sound tooth. The study sample included 980 subjects. Results: The patients had an average of 15 sound teeth, with the domination of the lower dental arch over the upper one. The most commonly identified pathology was dental caries, which affected 99% of participants. A total of 67% of patients underwent root canal treatment. Every fifth endodontically treated tooth presented a periapical lesion. Of study group members, 82% lost at least one tooth. Pontics were identified more often (9%) than implants (2%) in replacing missing teeth. Conclusions: DPR assessment by AI has proven to be an efficient method for population analysis. Despite recent improvements in the oral health status of Polish residents, its level is still unsatisfactory and suggests the need to improve oral health. However, due to some limitations of this study, the results should be interpreted with caution.
... As for the papers not previously addressed, namely [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40], it is evident that a significant limitation present in these studies is the lack of comprehensive details regarding the dataset employed. These articles notably omitted crucial information that would otherwise contribute to a more thorough understanding and evaluation of their respective research methodologies and findings. ...
... As for the papers not previously addressed, namely [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40], it is evident that a s nificant limitation present in these studies is the lack of comprehensive details regardi the dataset employed. These articles notably omitted crucial information that would o erwise contribute to a more thorough understanding and evaluation of their respecti research methodologies and findings. ...
... During that same year, Patil et al. [39] explored the applications and pitfalls of AI in diagnosing oral diseases. Their review emphasized the utility of AI in diagnosing dental caries, maxillary sinus diseases, periodontal diseases, salivary gland diseases, TMJ disorders, and oral cancer through clinical data and diagnostic images. ...
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The rise of artificial intelligence has created and facilitated numerous everyday tasks in a variety of industries, including dentistry. Dentists have utilized X-rays for diagnosing patients’ ailments for many years. However, the procedure is typically performed manually, which can be challenging and time-consuming for non-specialized specialists and carries a significant risk of error. As a result, researchers have turned to machine and deep learning modeling approaches to precisely identify dental disorders using X-ray pictures. This review is motivated by the need to address these challenges and to explore the potential of AI to enhance diagnostic accuracy, efficiency, and reliability in dental practice. Although artificial intelligence is frequently employed in dentistry, the approaches’ outcomes are still influenced by aspects such as dataset availability and quantity, chapter balance, and data interpretation capability. Consequently, it is critical to work with the research community to address these issues in order to identify the most effective approaches for use in ongoing investigations. This article, which is based on a literature review, provides a concise summary of the diagnosis process using X-ray imaging systems, offers a thorough understanding of the difficulties that dental researchers face, and presents an amalgamative evaluation of the performances and methodologies assessed using publicly available benchmarks.
... A simple understanding of how AI and ML work.18 ...
Book series on Medical Science gives the opportunity to students and doctors from all over the world to publish their research work in a set of Preclinical sciences, Internal medicine, Surgery and Public Health. This book series aim to inspire innovation and promote academic quality through outstanding publications of scientists and doctors. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to publish the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Medical Science. It also provides a remarkable opportunity for the academic, research and doctors communities to address new challenges and share solutions
... This technology was much more accurate when compared to vector machines, regularized least squares, and multilayer perception. 5 Besides such cancerous lesions, AI can also be used to detect salivary gland disorders, TMJ problems, sinus abnormalities, and bone disorders like osteoporosis. 5 ...
Book series on Medical Science gives the opportunity to students and doctors from all over the world to publish their research work in a set of Preclinical sciences, Internal medicine, Surgery and Public Health. This book series aim to inspire innovation and promote academic quality through outstanding publications of scientists and doctors. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to publish the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Medical Science. It also provides a remarkable opportunity for the academic, research and doctors communities to address new challenges and share solutions
... In order to forecast results, it uses a neural network model that can handle several variables and learns on its own from unstructured and unlabeled data. 6 In the realm of dentistry, artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly acquired popularity, especially in periodontology and implantology. When used in conjunction with clinical evaluation, AI techniques can improve dentistry productivity and the diagnosis process. ...
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AIMS & OBJECTIVES : The application of computer systems to simulate human behavior is known as artificial intelligence (AI). Periodontitis, a prevalent condition worldwide, leads to the deterioration and eventual loss of the tissues supporting teeth. Its diagnosis and treatment are increasingly being supported by AI as a valuable tool for medical practitioners. The objective of this study is to evaluate existing literature concerning the utilization of AI in both the diagnosis and epidemiological analysis of this disease. MATERIAL & METHOD: After a thorough search in April 2023, 50 papers were found that needed to have their abstracts screened after duplicates were removed. The publications that were chosen covered a broad spectrum of subjects, however the input data and photos were mostly focused on visual imaging. RESULT: Over the last ten years, the field has experienced substantial expansion, but the variety of statistical tests available for research has resulted in inconsistent reporting of results. It is essential to standardize reporting techniques and methodology to allow meaningful comparisons. By doing this, it will be possible to fully utilize AI's potential to enhance periodontics and implantology diagnosis and therapy. Update Dent. Coll. j: 2024; 14(1):31-35
... 19 As well Virtual Articulation to simulate the movement of the patient's jaws. 20 AI -powered CAD/CAM technology can reduce the lab preparation time compared to manual applications with commendable accuracy and fit. 21 During dental procedures addressing the pain and anxiety of the patient is very important. ...
Periodontal disease (PD), a chronic inflammatory disorder that damages the tooth and its supporting components, is a common global oral health problem. Understanding the intricacies of these disorders, from gingivitis to severe PD, is critical for efficient treatment, diagnosis, and prevention in dental care. Periodontal biosensors and biomarkers are critical in improving oral health diagnostic skills. Clinicians may accomplish early identification, tailored therapy, and efficient tracking of periodontal diseases by using these technologies, ushering in a new age of accurate oral healthcare. Traditional periodontitis diagnostic methods frequently rely on physical probing and visual examinations, necessitating the development of point-of-care (POC) devices. As periodontal disorders necessitate more precise and rapid diagnosis, incorporating novel innovations in biosensors and biomarkers becomes increasingly crucial. These innovations improve our capacity to diagnose, monitor, and adapt periodontal therapies, bringing in the next phase of customized and effective dental healthcare. The review discusses the characteristics and stages of PD, clinical treatment techniques, prominent biomarkers and infection-associated factors that may be employed to determine PD, biomedical sensing, and POC appliances that have been created so far to diagnose stages of PD and its progression profile, as well as predicting future developments in this field.
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Objectives To propose and evaluate a convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm for automatic detection and segmentation of mucosal thickening (MT) and mucosal retention cysts (MRCs) in the maxillary sinus on low-dose and full-dose cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and methods A total of 890 maxillary sinuses on 445 CBCT scans were analyzed. The air space, MT, and MRCs in each sinus were manually segmented. Low-dose CBCTs were divided into training, training-monitoring, and testing datasets at a 7:1:2 ratio. Full-dose CBCTs were used as a testing dataset. A three-step CNN algorithm built based on V-Net and support vector regression was trained on low-dose CBCTs and tested on the low-dose and full-dose datasets. Performance for detection of MT and MRCs using area under the curves (AUCs) and for segmentation using Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) was evaluated. Results For the detection of MT and MRCs, the algorithm achieved AUCs of 0.91 and 0.84 on low-dose scans and of 0.89 and 0.93 on full-dose scans, respectively. The median DSCs for segmenting the air space, MT, and MRCs were 0.972, 0.729, and 0.678 on low-dose scans and 0.968, 0.663, and 0.787 on full-dose scans, respectively. There were no significant differences in the algorithm performance between low-dose and full-dose CBCTs. Conclusions The proposed CNN algorithm has the potential to accurately detect and segment MT and MRCs in maxillary sinus on CBCT scans with low-dose and full-dose protocols. Clinical relevance An implementation of this artificial intelligence application in daily practice as an automated diagnostic and reporting system seems possible.
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Background/aim: To investigate survival outcomes and recurrence patterns using machine learning in patients with salivary gland malignant tumor (SGMT) undergoing adjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT). Patients and methods: Consecutive SGMT patients were identified, and a data set included nine predictor variables and a dependent variable [disease-free survival (DFS) event] was standardized. The open-source R software was used. Survival outcomes were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. The random forest approach was used to select the important explanatory variables. A classification tree that optimally partitioned SGMT patients with different DFS rates was built. Results: In total, 54 SGMT patients were included in the final analysis. Five-year DFS was 62.1%. The top two important variables identified were pathologic node (pN) and pathologic tumor (pT). Based on these explanatory variables, patients were partitioned in three groups, including pN0, pT1-2 pN+ and pT3-4 pN+ with 26%, 38% and 75% probability of recurrence, respectively. Accordingly, 5-year DFS rates were 73.7%, 57.1% and 34.3%, respectively. Conclusion: The proposed decision tree algorithm is an appropriate tool to partition SGMT patients. It can guide decision-making and future research in the SGMT field.
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Objective To assess three machine learning (ML) attribute extraction methods: radiomic, semantic and radiomic-semantic association on temporomandibular disorder (TMD) detection using infrared thermography (IT); and to determine which ML classifier, KNN, SVM and MLP, is the most efficient for this purpose. Methods and materials 78 patients were selected by applying the Fonseca questionnaire and RDC/TMD to categorize control patients (37) and TMD patients (41). IT lateral projections of each patient were acquired. The masseter and temporal muscles were selected as regions of interest (ROI) for attribute extraction. Three methods of extracting attributes were assessed: radiomic, semantic and radiomic-semantic association. For radiomic attribute extraction, 20 texture attributes were assessed using co-occurrence matrix in a standardized angulation of 0°. The semantic features were the ROI mean temperature and pain intensity data. For radiomic-semantic association, a single dataset composed of 28 features was assessed. The classification algorithms assessed were KNN, SVM and MLP. Hopkins’s statistic, Shapiro–Wilk, ANOVA and Tukey tests were used to assess data. The significance level was set at 5% (p < 0.05). Results Training and testing accuracy values differed statistically for the radiomic-semantic association (p = 0.003). MLP differed from the other classifiers for the radiomic-semantic association (p = 0.004). Accuracy, precision and sensitivity values of semantic and radiomic-semantic association differed statistically from radiomic features (p = 0.008, p = 0.016 and p = 0.013). Conclusion Semantic and radiomic-semantic-associated ML feature extraction methods and MLP classifier should be chosen for TMD detection using IT images and pain scale data. IT associated with ML presents promising results for TMD detection.
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Deep learning (DL), a branch of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) is nowadays considered as a core technology of today’s Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR or Industry 4.0). Due to its learning capabilities from data, DL technology originated from artificial neural network (ANN), has become a hot topic in the context of computing, and is widely applied in various application areas like healthcare, visual recognition, text analytics, cybersecurity, and many more. However, building an appropriate DL model is a challenging task, due to the dynamic nature and variations in real-world problems and data. Moreover, the lack of core understanding turns DL methods into black-box machines that hamper development at the standard level. This article presents a structured and comprehensive view on DL techniques including a taxonomy considering various types of real-world tasks like supervised or unsupervised. In our taxonomy, we take into account deep networks for supervised or discriminative learning, unsupervised or generative learning as well as hybrid learning and relevant others. We also summarize real-world application areas where deep learning techniques can be used. Finally, we point out ten potential aspects for future generation DL modeling with research directions. Overall, this article aims to draw a big picture on DL modeling that can be used as a reference guide for both academia and industry professionals.
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In this study, we developed machine learning-based prediction models for early childhood caries and compared their performances with the traditional regression model. We analyzed the data of 4195 children aged 1–5 years from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data (2007–2018). Moreover, we developed prediction models using the XGBoost (version 1.3.1), random forest, and LightGBM (version 3.1.1) algorithms in addition to logistic regression. Two different methods were applied for variable selection, including a regression-based backward elimination and a random forest-based permutation importance classifier. We compared the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) values and misclassification rates of the different models and observed that all four prediction models had AUROC values ranging between 0.774 and 0.785. Furthermore, no significant difference was observed between the AUROC values of the four models. Based on the results, we can confirm that both traditional logistic regression and ML-based models can show favorable performance and can be used to predict early childhood caries, identify ECC high-risk groups, and implement active preventive treatments. However, further research is essential to improving the performance of the prediction model using recent methods, such as deep learning.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a general term used to describe the development of computer systems which can perform tasks that normally require human cognition. Machine learning (ML) is one subfield of AI, where computers learn rules from data, capturing its intrinsic statistical patterns and structures. Neural networks (NNs) have been increasingly employed for ML complex data. The application of multilayered NN is referred to as "deep learning", which has been recently investigated in dentistry. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are mainly used for processing large and complex imagery data, as they are able to extract image features like edges, corners, shapes, and macroscopic patterns using layers of filters. CNN algorithms allow to perform tasks like image classification, object detection and segmentation. The literature involving AI in dentistry has increased rapidly, so a methodological guidance for designing, conducting and reporting studies must be rigorously followed, including the improvement of datasets. The limited interaction between the dental field and the technical disciplines, however, remains a hurdle for applicable dental AI. Similarly, dental users must understand why and how AI applications work and decide to appraise their decisions critically. Generalizable and robust AI applications will eventually prove helpful for clinicians and patients alike.
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The purpose of this study was to propose a machine learning model and assess its ability to classify TMJ pathologies on magnetic resonance (MR) images. This retrospective cohort study included 214 TMJs from 107 patients with TMJ signs and symptoms. A radiomics platform was used to extract (Huiying Medical Technology Co., Ltd., China) imaging features of TMJ pathologies, condylar bone changes, and disc displacements. Thereafter, different machine learning (ML) algorithms and logistic regression were implemented on radiomic features for feature selection, classification, and prediction. The following radiomic features included first-order statistics, shape, texture, gray-level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM), gray-level run length matrix (GLRLM), and gray-level size zone matrix (GLSZM). Six classifiers, including logistic regression (LR), random forest (RF), decision tree (DT), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), XGBoost, and support vector machine (SVM) were used for model building which could predict the TMJ pathologies. The performance of models was evaluated by sensitivity, specificity, and ROC curve. KNN and RF classifiers were found to be the most optimal machine learning model for the prediction of TMJ pathologies. The AUC, sensitivity, and specificity for the training set were 0.89 and 1, while those for the testing set were 0.77 and 0.74, respectively, for condylar changes and disc displacement, respectively. For TMJ condylar bone changes Large-Area High-Gray-Level Emphasis, Gray-Level Nonuniformity, Long-Run Emphasis Long-Run High-Gray-Level Emphasis, Flatness, and Volume features, while for TMJ disc displacements Average Intensity, Sum Average, Spherical Disproportion, and Entropy features, were selected. This study has proposed a machine learning model by KNN and RF analysis on TMJ MR images, which can be used to classify condylar changes and TMJ disc displacements.
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Purpose Periodontitis is the sixth most prevalent disease worldwide and periodontal bone loss (PBL) detection is crucial for its early recognition and establishment of the correct diagnosis and prognosis. Current radiographic assessment by clinicians exhibits substantial interobserver variation. Computer-assisted radiographic assessment can calculate bone loss objectively and aid in early bone loss detection. Understanding the rate of disease progression can guide the choice of treatment and lead to early initiation of periodontal therapy. Methodology We propose an end-to-end system that includes a deep neural network with hourglass architecture to predict dental landmarks in single, double and triple rooted teeth using periapical radiographs. We then estimate the PBL and disease severity stage using the predicted landmarks. We also introduce a novel adaptation of MixUp data augmentation that improves the landmark localisation. Results We evaluate the proposed system using cross-validation on 340 radiographs from 63 patient cases containing 463, 115 and 56 single, double and triple rooted teeth. The landmark localisation achieved Percentage Correct Keypoints (PCK) of 88.9%, 73.9% and 74.4%, respectively, and a combined PCK of 83.3% across all root morphologies, outperforming the next best architecture by 1.7%. When compared to clinicians’ visual evaluations of full radiographs, the average PBL error was 10.69%, with a severity stage accuracy of 58%. This simulates current interobserver variation, implying that diverse data could improve accuracy. Conclusions The system showed a promising capability to localise landmarks and estimate periodontal bone loss on periapical radiographs. An agreement was found with other literature that non-CEJ (Cemento-Enamel Junction) landmarks are the hardest to localise. Honing the system’s clinical pipeline will allow for its use in intervention applications.
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Orthopantomogram (OPG) is important for primary diagnosis of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJOA), because of cost and the radiation associated with computed tomograms (CT). The aims of this study were to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) model and compare its TMJOA diagnostic performance from OPGs with that of an oromaxillofacial radiology (OMFR) expert. An AI model was developed using Karas’ ResNet model and trained to classify images into three categories: normal, indeterminate OA, and OA. This study included 1189 OPG images confirmed by cone-beam CT and evaluated the results by model (accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score) and diagnostic performance (accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity). The model performance was unsatisfying when AI was developed with 3 categories. After the indeterminate OA images were reclassified as normal, OA, or omission, the AI diagnosed TMJOA in a similar manner to an expert and was in most accord with CBCT when the indeterminate OA category was omitted (accuracy: 0.78, sensitivity: 0.73, and specificity: 0.82). Our deep learning model showed a sensitivity equivalent to that of an expert, with a better balance between sensitivity and specificity, which implies that AI can play an important role in primary diagnosis of TMJOA from OPGs in most general practice clinics where OMFR experts or CT are not available.
Malignant salivary gland tumors represent a challenge for pathologists due to their low frequency and morphologic overlap. In recent years machine learning techniques have been applied to the field of pathology to improve diagnostic performance. In the present work, we fitted a machine learning algorithm to approach the diagnosis of malignant salivary gland tumors. Twelve morphologic variables were scored across 115 samples representing the most commonly encountered malignant salivary gland tumors. The sample was randomly split into a discovery and validation set. A recursive partitioning algorithm was used to systematically screen and organize candidate variables into a classification tree using the discovery set. A cross-validation strategy was used to tune the algorithm hyperparameters. Inter-observer concordance was calculated by independent evaluation of 26 randomly selected cases. The five-tiered tree built, required the evaluation of 6 morphological variables. Basaloid appearance, presence of mucous cells, necrosis, cribriform pattern, clear cells and keratinization were selected by the algorithm to build the tree. This diagnostic tool correctly classified 89.9% and 84.6% of the samples in the discovery and validation sets respectively. Misclassification pattern was consistent between both sets. Misclassified tumors belonged to one of three histologic types: epithelial-myoepithelial, polymorphous and mucoepidermoid carcinomas. Other histotypes demonstrated perfect recall in both the discovery and validation sets. Overall inter-observer concordance was good, with median kappa scores between the expert evaluator and training pathologists being 0.81. Overall, our classification tool developed using a recursive partitioning algorithm can effectively guide the morphological approach to malignant salivary gland tumors.