
Catalog of type specimens of the fish collection of the Núcleo de Pesquisas em Limnologia, Ictiologia e Aquicultura (NUP), Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná, Brazil

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This study aims to provide an annotated list of the type-material housed in the fish collection of the Núcleo de Pesquisas em Limnologia, Ictiologia e Aquicultura (NUP), Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. NUP’s fish type collection hosts type-material of 157 species, distributed in 503 lots (11 holotypes and 492 lots of paratypes) totalling 2,915 specimens. For each species, catalog numbers of all available lots are provided, and for each lot, total number of specimens, range of variation of standard length, number of cleared and stained specimens (when any), locality data, collectors, and date of collection, are provided.

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Herein we describe two new species of Diapoma, one from the Negro River, a tributary of the Uruguay River in Brazil and Uruguay, and one from the Iguaçu River, in Brazil and Argentina. The new species from the Negro River basin is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: a black narrow and conspicuous line restricted to the body horizontal septum, incomplete lateral line, tricuspid teeth in the inner series of the premaxilla, and a lower body depth at vertical through the dorsal-fin origin (29.3–32.8% SL in males and 27.7–33.3% SL in females). The new species from the Iguaçu River basin is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: a discontinuous lateral line, adipose fin hyaline, longer anal-fin base (26.5–32.4% SL), and a longitudinal black stripe along the median region of caudal-fin rays. Additionally, we updated the molecular phylogeny of the genus, including new sequences from these two new species and Diapoma thauma. An identification key for species of Diapoma is presented, modified from previous study.
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A new species of Satanoperca is described from the Rio Araguaia, Rio Tocantins basin, Brazil, and non-native records are available in the upper Rio Paraná basin. It differs from congeneric species by color pattern characters, such as head and flank marks. It is included in the Satanoperca jurupari species group, characterized by the absence of black rounded blotches on the flank, and low meristic values. A description of the ontogeny of melanophore marks of the S. jurupari species group revealed two different types of arrangement on the flank and numerous melanophore marks on the head. A discussion on morphologically diverse assemblages in the S. jurupari species group is also provided.
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This work aimed to describe Cambeva cauim, sp. nov., endemic to the Rio Iguaçu basin, Brazil and redescribe Cambeva stawiarski using external and internal morphological data through the revision of specimens deposited in fish collections, including the type material. In this process, we have also added comments on the possible type locality of C. stawiarski. C. cauim, sp. nov. and C. stawiarski are mainly diagnosed by the anatomy and number of procurrent caudal‐fin rays in addition to colouration and several meristic and morphometric characters. Both species are compared with other possibly related species and their synapomorphic characters are discussed. C. cauim, sp. nov. and C. stawiarski along with eight other congeners are endemic to the Rio Iguaçu basin, a high impacted freshwater region which could be considered as a biodiversity hotspot to the genus.
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The South America ichthyofauna encompasses the highest diversity of the world, however is highly threatened by anthropogenic actions. The fish fauna of nine low-order streams, tributaries of the Piquiri River and impacted by aquaculture, agriculture and urbanization were sampled in the present study. Samplings were done quarterly from December 2017 to September 2018 at three sites in each stream, using a portable electric fishing device in 50-meter segments. A total of 14,507 individuals were collected, belonging to six orders, 20 families, 46 genera, and 70 species. The highest richness and abundance were found for the orders Characiformes and Siluriformes. In this study, nine species that had not been recorded were found, totaling 163 for the basin. In addition, 14 non-native species were captured. The presented list of species contributes to the existing database of ichthyofauna distribution in Neotropical streams, denoting that it is underestimated in the region, mainly in low-order tributaries. The present study reinforces the importance of inventories and monitoring in environments with high biodiversity and sensitive to anthropogenic actions.
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A redescription of Hypostomus hermanni is presented herein along with the description of a new species of Hypostomus, which is apparently endemic to the Ivaí River basin, a tributary of the Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil. Hypostomus hermanni is diagnosed from congeners mainly by having: usually large black blotches on body and fins; absence of keels on compound pterotic, on pre-dorsal plates, and on lateral series of bony plates; by having parieto-supraoccipital and predorsal region flat; and by having less than 46 teeth per each premaxilla or dentary ramus. The new species is distinguished from congeners mainly for lacking conspicuous blotches, parieto-supraoccipital non-carinate, and villiform bicuspid teeth.
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A new long‐snouted Corydoras species is described from two tributaries of the río Manuripe and a tributary of the río Madre de Dios, rio Madeira basin, Peru. Corydoras fulleri can be distinguished from its congeners by having the following features: (a) branch of the temporal sensory canal at sphenotic, which gives rise to the supraorbital canal, with two pores; (b) upper tooth plate of branchial arch with three series of teeth; (c) area at the corner of the mouth, ventral to the maxillary barbel, with a small fleshy flap; (d) two moderate‐sized dark‐brown or black blotches on caudal‐fin base, one on its lateral portion and another one on its dorsal portion, blotches variably diffuse and/or fused with each other; (e) absence of a dark‐brown or black stripe transversally crossing the orbit; (f) a longitudinal dark‐brown or black stripe on the postdorsal region of flank midline, variably fused with the lateral peduncular blotch, some specimens with slender, longitudinally elongated, dark‐brown or black blotch on flank midline, forming a dash‐like marking, stripe or dash‐like blotch diffuse in some specimens; and (g) region around dorsal‐fin origin generally lacking dark brown or black blotch, or displaying diffuse blotch.
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Two new species from the upper rio Tocantins basin are described in Knodus based on the traditional definition of the genus. The new species are distinguished from other congeners by meristic and morphometric characters, such as the number of cusps in the premaxillary and dentary teeth, the number of scale series between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line, the orbital diameter and the body depth. With the two new species, the number of endemic species in the upper rio Tocantins basin upstream of the mouth of the rio Paranã, rises to 53 (89 to the confluence with rio Araguaia). The existence of a meristic character that changes through ontogeny (allomery), viz. the number of scale series between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line, was detected in some species of Knodus through a regression analysis. Additionally, this paper describes an unambiguous, more informative and precise new method for counting vertebrae, which will enhance the efficacy of this trait in species comparisons.
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The fauna and flora of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest have been intensively inventoried since the 19 th century, but some components of this rich biota are still poorly known, and some areas have been poorly sampled. Recent studies on a rich collection of mountain catfishes of the genus Cambeva have revealed a high diversity of species still undescribed in the region. Here we provide formal descriptions for two of these species, found in areas inserted in a broad gap of the presently known genus distribution. The first one is endemic to small coastal river basins of Santa Catarina state, southern Brazil; it is tentatively placed in an intrageneric clade, also including C. castroi , C. davisi , C. guareiensis and C. zonata , by all sharing the presence of a flat small process on the dorsal margin of the quadrate, laterally overlapping metapterygoid and situated just posterior to the syncondrial joint between the metapterygoid and the quadrate. Phylogenetic relationships of the second new species, endemic to the Rio Itajaí-Mirim basin, are still obscure, but it shares a derived morphology of the mesethmoid with some species of the C. balios group. Although species of Cambeva have little external morphological variation when compared to other trichomycterine groups, the present study once more shows the importance of recording and using osteological characters to diagnose externally similar trichomycterine species.
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The menaced and poorly-known waters of the Bodoquena Plateau revealed a new resident, the stunning Hypostomus froehlichi sp. n., a large-sized armored catfish, which is finally described after more than twenty years since its discovery. The Bodoquena Plateau is drained by the rio Paraguay basin, and is located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The new species differs from its congeners on the Bodoquena crystalline waters by having teeth with morphological and numerical variation in adult specimens. There is a continuous range of specimens having about 20 thick and worn teeth to specimens having about 50 thin teeth with intact crowns and lanceolate main cusps. Additional diagnostic characters are: dentaries angled more than 90 degrees, dark blotches, one plate bordering supraoccipital, moderate keel along dorsal series of plates, usually two rows of blotches per interradial membrane on dorsal, pectoral and ventral fins, and by attaining comparatively large size. Hypostomus froehlichi seems to be endemic to the area of the Bodoquena Plateau, in rivers draining to the rio Miranda. The description of the new species reveals a potential conservation flagship species as it is one of the most seen and documented fish by visitors and divers in the clear waters from the touristic, though menaced, Bonito region in Brazil.
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Hopliancistrus is an Ancistrini genus diagnosed by having few and very strong cheek odon- todes on interopercular area, and a patch of strong and stiff odontodes on the antero-lateral border of the snout. The type species is herein redescribed based on types and recently collected specimens. In addition, four new congeneric species are described based on specimens collected in other parts of the Rio Xingu and Rio Tapajós basins. Hopliancistrus tricornis is distributed in the lower Rio Tapajós and is diagnosed by the possession of four branched anal-fin rays and relatively large white to yellow spots on trunk and pectoral and pelvic fins, and dark brown spots on dorsal, caudal and anal fins. Hopliancistrus munduruku is described based on specimens from Rio Jamanxim (Rio Tapajós basin) and Rio Curuá (Rio Xingu basin) and is diagnosed by the possession of five branched anal-fin rays and large yellow blotches on trunk and dark brown to black spots over the fins. Hopliancistrus wolverine is distributed in the rapids of the lower and middle Rio Xingu and is diagnosed by the possession of five branched anal-fin rays and conspicuous small yellow dots on head, trunk and fins. Hopliancistrus xikrin is distributed in medium- to small-sized tributaries of the lower portion of Rio Xingu basin, and is diagnosed by absence of contact between the transverse process of the first dorsal-fin pterygiophore and the transverse process of the second pterygiophore. Hopliancistrus xavante is distributed in the tributaries of upper Rio Xingu basin, and is diagnosed by having a thick skin covering the nuchal plate; by having large white spots on trunk and fins; and by the possession of five branched anal-fin rays. An osteological description and a key for species identification are also provided.
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Environmental disasters affecting Brazilian rivers have been frequent recently, especially involving mining activities. Two recent dam‐rupture events suddenly released millions of cubic meters of iron tailings downstream into two major Brazilian watersheds. These events generated major losses to the environment and human life. Additionally, the biodiversity in both watersheds was still incompletely known. Two new species of the armoured catfish genus Hypostomus were discovered in the Rio Paraopeba and surrounding rivers of the Rio São Francisco Basin. The species share some main characteristics including a depressed body, large dark spots on a clearer background and the absence of keels on flanks. However, while one species (Hypostomus freirei sp. n.) has a large mandibular ramus and numerous slender teeth, the other (Hypostomus guajupia sp. n.) has a shorter mandibular ramus and few robust teeth. The discovery of these two new mid‐sized fish species emphasizes the presumption that the effects of major environmental disasters cannot be fully estimated as local biodiversity is not completely known. This discovery in a recently devastated area also shows that tough environmental laws for the protection, supervision and mitigation of major impacts are urgently needed in developing countries.
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A new species of Phenacorhamdia is described from Paranapanema River, Upper Paraná River basin, southeastern Brazil. The new species is distinguished from congeners by the combination of following characters 45−46 vertebrae; an entirely dark-brown body; nine pleural ribs; eight branched rays in upper lobe of caudal fin; seven branched rays in pectoral fin; 13 anal-fin rays with 9−10 branched; first basal radial inserted at the 13th vertebrae and eight branchiostegal rays.
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A new species of Corumbataia is described from Rio Maranhão, Rio Tocantins basin, central Brazil. The new species is distinguished from all congeners by the presence of a small, naked area on snout tip; by having the abdomen covered with small platelets forming a shield which reaches the lateral mid-ventral plates; by the anterior profile of the head rounded in dorsal view; by the lower lip not reaching the transversal line of the pectoral girdle; and by the presence of 28 or 29 vertebrae. High genetic divergence in mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) further supports the validity of this new species. Our phylogenetic analysis shows a derived subclade in Corumbataia, herein named as the Corumbataia cuestae group, composed of the new species plus C. cuestae, C. tocantinensis, C. britskii, C. liliai, and C. lucianoi. This group is defined by having a conspicuous crest of hypertrophied odontodes on head; absence of the adipose fin or a single series of platelets at adipose-fin position; and anastomosis of the infraorbital and otic sensory canals over the pterotic-supracleithrum. Here we also restrict the distribution of C. tocantinensis to the Rio Araguaia basin.
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Aspidoras azaghal n. sp. was discovered during a multitaxonomic scientific expedition to the remote Amazon Terra do Meio region in tributaries to the rio Xingu basin, Pará, Brazil. The new species can be promptly distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of features: (a) absence of the first dorsal‐fin element; (b) parieto‐supraoccipital fontanel located medially on bone; (c) absence of a longitudinal dark‐brown or black stripe along flank midline; (d) ventral surface of trunk covered by clearly smaller, irregular and/or roundish platelets; (e) inner laminar expansion of infraorbital 1 well developed; (f) relatively wide frontal bone, with width equal to half of entire length; (g) absence of a thick, longitudinal conspicuous dark‐brown stripe along dorsal portion of flank; and (h) poorly developed serrations on posterior margin of the pectoral‐fin spine. Besides morphological evidence, the molecular analyses indicated significant differences between the new species and its congeners, with A. albater and A. raimundi as its closest species, showing 6.53% of genetic differentiation in both cases. The intraspecific molecular data revealed gene flow (peer fixation index, FST = 0.05249, P > 0.05, for the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) marker and FST = ‐0.01466, P > 0.05, for the control region) between specimens upstream and downstream from a 30‐m height waterfall at the type‐locality, which therefore represent a single population. Furthermore, it was possible to observe a unidirectional gene flow pattern, with genetic diversity increasing in the downstream direction.
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A new species of Hypostomus with spoon‐shaped teeth is described from the Rio Cupari basin, a right margin affluent of the lower Rio Tapajós, Pará State, Brazil. The new species inhabits rocky bottom areas in the main channel of Rio Cupari and its tributaries. The new species can be distinguished from all its congeners, except from the Hypostomus cochliodon group, by having six to eight spoon‐shaped teeth, dentaries angled at less than 80° and the absence of a notch between the hyomandibular and the metapterygoid. The new species is distinguished from all species of the H. cochliodon group by its unique colour pattern, containing dark vermiculations on head and anterior portion of the trunk, and by the absence of medial buccal papillae.
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A new species of Ancistrus is described from minor tributaries of the río Madre de Dios basin (Cusco - Madre de Dios - Puno), in Peru. The new species shares with A. greeni an uncommon unicusp dentition; but it is distinguished from A. greeni by a larger orbital diameter, deeper caudal peduncle, and larger adipose-fin spine. The redescription of A. greeni is provided, and its recognition along with the discovery of this new species increases to five the officially number of Ancistrus species from the río Madre de Dios basin. The lectotype and paralectotype of A. greeni are provided.
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A new species of Trichomycterus endemic to the Ribeira de Iguape River basin, southeastern Brazil, was studied based on morphological and molecular evidence. This species had an outer layer of coloration composed of scattered, round, black or dark‐brown spots smaller or equivalent in size to the circumference of the eye; eight pectoral‐fin rays; 28–29 opercular odontodes; 54–56 interopercular odontodes; and supraorbital line of the laterosensory system not interrupted, with pores s2 absent. Two other species of Trichomycterus from the Ribeira de Iguape River basin are recorded, and their taxonomic status is discussed: Trichomycterus alternatus and Trichomycterus jacupiranga were not differentiated using molecular analysis but may be consistently distinguished based on morphology. The phylogenetic relationships of the co‐occurring species, T. alternatus and Cambeva zonata, were inferred using mitochondrial data, reinforcing the taxonomic status of these recently revised species that have a complex taxonomy. In addition, a new combination for Trichomycterus taroba with its inclusion in the genus Cambeva is recommended.
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A new species of Cambeva endemic to the Rio Ivaí basin, Upper Paraná basin, is described combining morphological and molecular data. This new species is distinguished from all congeners by characters related to the number of pectoral‐fin rays, to the colour pattern of the dorsal and lateral surface of the body, to the presence of diffuse blotches in the ventral surface of body, to the presence of a pelvic‐fin and pelvic girdle, to the number of odontodes in the inter‐opercular and opercular patches, to the number of dorsal and ventral procurrent rays. In addition, the analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences identified a satisfactory genetic distance between this new species and its congeners. The new species from the Rio Ivaí reinforces its characteristics as an area of endemism for fishes in the Upper Rio Paraná basin.
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A new species of Hyphessobrycon is described from a marshland area in the headwaters of Rio Jequitinhonha basin, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The new species differs from congeners by presenting a single well‐delimited conspicuous humeral blotch, rounded to vertically oval, restricted to the area dorsal to the lateral‐line row of scales, without a narrower downward extension, greatest body depth anterior to dorsal‐fin origin, bony processes in anal and pectoral‐fin rays of males and four teeth in the inner row of the premaxillary bone. The new species presents a set of morphological features shared by some species currently assigned to Hasemania, Myxiops and to the Astyanax scabripinnis complex. Some of these features are discussed.
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A new species of Astyanax from tributaries of the rio de Contas, Bahia, Brazil, is described. The new species differs from congeners by having three horizontal series of scales from lateral line to pelvic-fin origin and the distal margin of third infraorbital distinctly separated from vertical and horizontal limbs of preopercle, leaving a broad area not covered by superficial bones. The new species further differs from most congeners by the presence of bony hooks on all fins of mature males. Particularly from congeners occurring in rivers of the Northeastern Mata Atlântica freshwater ecoregion, it further differs by having the highest body depth just anterior to the dorsal-fin origin, 34-37 pored lateral line scales, a vertically elongated conspicuous dark humeral blotch reaching below the lateral line and a conspicuous dark wide midlateral stripe extending from the clear area on the rear of the humeral blotch to the end of middle caudal-fin rays and forming an inconspicuous blotch on caudal peduncle.
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A new miniature species of Characidium is described from the upper Rio Paraguay basin, Brazil. The new species can be diagnosed from all congeners by the presence of a dark‐brown humeral blotch, vertically elongated (spanning 5 to 7 horizontal scale rows), with the shape of an upside‐down acute triangle. Additionally, it can be diagnosed by a short lateral line (6 to 8 perforated scales), the absence of a conspicuous peduncular blotch, a lower number of principal caudal‐fin rays (14–16) and by absence of the adipose fin. The new species is the smallest species of the genus; the largest specimen was 19.3 mm standard length.
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A new species of Curculionichthys is described from the rio Curuá-Una basin, in the northern edge of the Brazilian Shield, State of Pará, Brazil. The new species is diagnosed from congeners by possessing a single rostral plate, by having darkened tooth-crowns, and by a series of morphometric and meristic data. A close examination of the species of Curculionichthys revealed the presence of hyperthrophied odontodes on both dorsal and ventral margins of the snout tip, which are illustrated by electronic microscopy. A discussion is provided on possible phylogenetic relationships of the new taxon. The new species is provisionally accessed as Least Concern (not threatened).
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After 80 years of misidentifications, the analysis of the holotype of Corydoras arcuatus plus several non‐type specimens attributed to this species allowed its recognition and also revealed a new species, both sharing the following diagnostic features: a long, arched, continuous black stripe that runs parallel to the dorsal profile of the body and extends at least from the anterior margin of the first dorsolateral body plate to the posterior portion of caudal peduncle; absence of transverse black bars on caudal fin; infraorbital 2 in contact with sphenotic and compound pterotic. In addition to these features, C. arcuatus can be distinguished from congeners by having the posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with laminar serrations directed towards their origins. The new species can be additionally distinguished from its congeners by presenting the following combination of features: ventral surface of trunk entirely or partially covered by relatively large and coalescent platelets; absence of spots or blotches on dorsal fin; and posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with serrations directed towards their tips. Finally, an identification key to all arc‐striped species of Corydoras is provided.
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In the present study, we describe a new species of Neoplecostomus from central Brazil. The new species is known from Córrego Cachoeira a right tributary of the upper Rio Paraná basin. It can be distinguished from all congeners by absence of adipose fin or azygous plates on the dorsum surface of the caudal peduncle. Additionally, the new species differs from N. botucatu and N. paranensis by having a dark caudal fin with a unique v-shaped hyaline vertical area and a larger lower lip. A discussion on the morphological variation of adipose fin among species of Neoplecostomus is also provided.
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Trichomycterus comprises about 170 valid species, but its monophyly has been challenged in the last decades. Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood analyses comprehending mitochondrial genes COI and CYTB and nuclear genes GLYT, MYH6 and RAG2 from 71 Trichomycterinae terminal taxa and eight outgroups were performed. The analyses highly supports a clade containing Trichomycterusnigricans , the type species of the genus, and several other congeners endemic to eastern and northeastern Brazil, herein considered as the genus Trichomycterus , the sister clade the southern Brazil and adjacent areas clade; the latter clade comprises two subclades, one comprising species of the genus Scleronema and another comprising species previously placed in Trichomycterus , herein described as a new genus. Cambevagen. n. is distinguished from all other trichomycterines by the presence of a bony flap on the channel of the maxillo-dentary ligament, the interopercle shorter than the opercle, a deep constriction on the basal portion of the antero-dorsal arm of the quadrate, absence of teeth in the coronoid process of the dentary, the maxilla shorter than the premaxilla, the cranial fontanel extending from the the medial posterior of frontal to the medial region of supraoccipital, and absence of the postorbital process of the sphenotic-prootic-pterosphenoid.
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Phylogenomic studies using genome-wide datasets are quickly becoming the state of the art for systematics and comparative studies, but in many cases, they result in strongly supported incongruent results. The extent to which this conflict is real depends on different sources of error potentially affecting big datasets (assembly, stochastic, and systematic error). Here, we apply a recently developed methodology (GGI or gene genealogy interrogation) and data curation to new and published datasets with more than 1000 exons, 500 ultraconserved element (UCE) loci, and transcriptomic sequences that support incongruent hypotheses. The contentious non-monophyly of the order Characiformes proposed by two studies is shown to be a spurious outcome induced by sample contamination in the transcriptomic dataset and an ambiguous result due to poor taxonomic sampling in the UCE dataset. By exploring the effects of number of taxa and loci used for analysis, we show that the power of GGI to discriminate among competing hypotheses is diminished by limited taxonomic sampling, but not equally sensitive to gene sampling. Taken together, our results reinforce the notion that merely increasing the number of genetic loci for a few representative taxa is not a robust strategy to advance phylogenetic knowledge of recalcitrant groups. We leverage the expanded exon capture dataset generated here for Characiformes (206 species in 23 out of 24 families) to produce a comprehensive phylogeny and a revised classification of the order. © 2018 The Author(s). Evolution
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A new species of Moenkhausia is described from the upper rio Tocantins basin, States of Goiás and Tocantins, Brazil. Moenkhausia goya, new species, can be distinguished from its congeners by the shape of the humeral blotch in combination with a uniform dark pigmentation covering the interradial membranes of the dorsal and anal fins. Among congeners, the new species is most similar to M. britskii Azevedo-Santos & Benine, M. grandisquamis (Müller & Troschel) and M. xinguensis Steindachner by presenting a deep body, a large, round humeral blotch and fins without discrete patches of dark pigmentation (i.e., without well-defined blotches or stripes). With the description of M. goya, the number of species endemic to the upper rio Tocantins basin (considered upstream from the mouth of the rio Paranã) is raised to 51. Of these, some are widespread in the upper rio Tocantins basin, while others seem to be restricted to one of its sub-basins.
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Pareiorhaphis mucurina, new species, is described from the Preto River, a headwater tributary of the Mucuri River basin, Minas Gerais State, eastern Brazil. This description represents the first record of Pareiorhaphis in the Mucuri River basin, the intervening drainage between the Doce and the Jequitinhonha rivers, two large coastal drainages in eastern Brazil that are inhabited by six species of Pareiorhaphis. Pareiorhaphis mucurina, new species, is promptly diagnosed from all congeners by having a distinct, narrow area in the lower lip along and just posterior to each emergent tooth series of the dentary completely devoid of papillae and the lateral margin of the lower lip with a distinctly enlarged flap of skin, forming a continuous connection with most of the maxillary barbel. In addition, the new species can be further distinguished from all congeners by having the upper lip with distinctly shaped papillae, which are coalesced to form three or four transverse series of elongate skin folds. The well-developed dorsal-fin spinelet, the smaller orbital diameter, and features related to morphology of the fleshy lobes on the lateral portion of head of adult males, also distinguish the new species from most congeners. © 2018 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.
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Astyanax lorien and A. rupestris are described from tributaries of upper rio Paraguaçu basin, Bahia, Brazil. Both species shares the majority of the characters currently used to define the Astyanax scabripinnis species complex, with highest body depth approximately at vertical through pectoral-fin midlength and a low number of branched anal-fin rays (15–21). Astyanax lorien is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters, including presence of small bony hooks on all fins of mature males, a unique vertically elongate humeral blotch, and ventral margin of the third infraorbital close to the horizontal limb of preopercle. Astyanax rupestris is distinguished from its congeners also by a combination of characters, including ventral margin of third infraorbital distinctly separated from horizontal limb of preopercle, leaving a broad area without superficial bones, absence of midlateral stripe on body, absence of blotch on caudal peduncle, and presence of a vertically elongated conspicuous dark humeral blotch, not bordered anteriorly and posteriorly by distinct unpigmented areas. Both species are apparently endemic to the upper portion of the Paraguaçu river basin, within the Chapada Diamantina domain.
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The book “Peixes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná e áreas adjacentes” represents the most cohesive data compilation for the rio Paraná floodplain. However, considering the dynamicity of the taxonomy of freshwater fishes, several new records and taxonomic changes occurred along the past years. Therefore, the results of that publication were revisited, providing an update of the species list, their taxonomic status, records and geographic distribution, and also new keys for genera and species. The species included were those recorded in the rio Paraná basin, from the mouth of the rio Paranapanema to the Itaipu Reservoir, following the general methodology presented in the book. A total of 10 orders, 41 families, 126 genera, and 211 species were registered, with an increase of one order, six families, 14 genera, and 29 species when compared to the book. Additionally, four new genera recently described, five synonymization proposals, 14 new identifications, four new combinations, 12 new species recently described, 34 new records, and nine misidentified species were recorded. These results are associated with the redirection of human and financial resources to that area, which enabled monitoring and intensive exploration of its watercourses; as well as training of taxonomists, and new taxonomic resolutions.
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A molecular phylogeny of Planaltina, including the three previously described species and an undescribed species, is presented. The monophyly of the genus, included in Diapomini, is strongly supported. Its sister group, the remaining Diapomini, includes only species without modified caudal-fin squamation in the present analysis (species of Diapoma with caudal organs were not sampled). Creagrutus is sister to Planaltina plus remaining Diapomini instead of Planaltina being sister to Creagrutus plus Diapomini, as a previous analysis had suggested. Species of Planaltina form two clades: P. britskii plus the new species, with low support (< 50%); and P. myersi plus P. glandipedis, with higher support. Planaltina is rediagnosed from all Characidae based on the morphology of the caudal organ, the absence of a humeral spot and the presence of a complete lateral line. Comments on the caudal-fin squamation of Diapoma and Lepidocharax burnsi, on the type-series of L. burnsi and on the geographic distribution of Planaltina and Lepidocharax species are provided. Finally, a formal description of the aforementioned new species and a novel identification key to Planaltina are presented.
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A recent expedition to headwaters of the Rio Pandeiros, a left‐bank tributary of the Rio São Francisco revealed the presence of a fourth species of Hisonotus from that basin. Hisonotus devidei sp. nov. differs from congeners by the presence of conspicuous dark blotches of distinct shapes irregularly arranged along lateral and dorsal surfaces of the body and scattered throughout all fins, by possessing small plates in lateral portions of the abdomen and adjacent areas between pelvic fins without development of dermal plates and by morphometric ratios. The putative phylogenetic placement of the new species is discussed based on morphological comparisons with species of related Hypoptopomatinae genera and the Hisonotus species diversity within the Rio São Francisco Basin is compared with that of adjacent basins.
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Knowledge of the fish species in river basins is among the minimum requirements for the management of water and fish resources. Therefore, the aim of this study was to update the fish species composition of the Piquiri River basin, upper Paraná River basin. Data were gathered from recent information published in specialized literature and records for ichthyology collections. This update reports the occurrence of 152 fish species distributed in 8 orders, 31 families, and 89 genera. Non-native species accounted for 20% of all species, and the construction of the Itaipu Power Plant and its fish ladder were the main vectors of introduction. Three percent of the species were endangered, and 11% were classified as migratory. The Piquiri River basin harbors a large number of species, some of which are rare, endangered, migratory, endemic, and even unknown by science. Because of this, maintaining the integrity of this river basin will support the persistence of regional biodiversity.
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Phenacorhamdia Dahl, 1961 comprises 11 valid species of small demersal and solitary catfishes which occur mainly along riverbeds and are widely distributed throughout rivers of South America. The genus is included within the Nemuroglanis subclade, and species of Phenacorhamdia can be separated from other heptapterid catfishes through external and internal characters. Diagnostic characters include a prognathous mouth, first ray of dorsal and pectoral fins flexible, eight or nine branched rays in the lower lobe of caudal fin, and optic foramen reduced. A new species of Phenacorhamdia is described herein from the upper Parnaíba river basin. Phenacorhamdia cabocla sp. nov is distinct from its congeners by: total vertebrae 44, nine of which with pleural ribs; bifid neural spines until vertebrae 13; last precaudal vertebrae lacking pleural ribs; 7–8 branchiostegal rays; pectoral-fin rays i+6; first pterygiophore of dorsal-fin associated to the neural spine of twelfth vertebrae; dorsal-fin pterygiophores associated to vertebrae 12 to 16; anal-fin with nine branched and 3–4 unbranched rays; upper and lower lobes of caudal fin with 8–9 branched rays each; adipose fin corresponding to 14.9%–18.1% of standard length; and snout length corresponding to 30.0%–35.9% of head length.
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Satanoperca curupira, new species, is described from the rio Madeira basin in the State of Rondônia, Brazil. It is distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characters: 3–7 dark-brown oblique stripes on the lachrymal (vs. 2 well-defined dark-brown stripes, or dark-brown stripes absent) and an irregular pattern of dark-brown stripes on cheek and opercular series (vs. cheek without dark-brown markings or with light-beige rounded spots). According to meristic and color pattern characters, the new species is considered a member of the S. jurupari species group, and is syntopic with S. jurupari, which is widespread in the Amazon basin. The restricted geographical range of the new species is congruent to that observed for some other Satanoperca species.
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Crenicichla ploegi, new species, is described based on material from the Rio Juruena (Rio Papagaio, Rio do Sangue, Rio Arinos, and Rio Juruena itself) and from tributaries of the upper Rio Paraguai (upper Rio Jauru, upper Rio Cabaçal and upper Rio Sepotuba) in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Crenicichla ploegi is the twenty-third species of the C. saxatilis group. It is distinguished from all other species of the group by the presence of dark spots and vermiculations on snout, interorbital area and dorsally on head in adults vs. dark markings absent or present only in juveniles but absent in adults, and by the presence of a deep and strongly pigmented lateral band present in both juveniles and adults, occupying a depth of 4–6 horizontal scale rows vs. lateral band narrower, occupying a depth of 2–3 horizontal scale rows, and conspicuous only in juveniles and smaller specimens, faded or absent in larger specimens. Diagnostic characteristics of the C. saxatilis group proposed in previous studies were discussed to update the diagnosis of the group, and morphological comparisons among the species included in the group, with biogeographical comments, are provided. The presence of conspicuous dark markings dorsally on the head and the presence of a prominent midlateral band are hypothesized to be paedomorphic characteristics, retained from juvenile conditions in the context of the species of the C. saxatilis group.
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Hypostomus velhochico sp. n., is described from the rio São Francisco basin, in the states of Minas Gerais and Bahia, Brazil. The new species is mainly distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters such as slender bicuspid teeth, dentaries angled more than 90 degrees, conspicuous keels along lateral series of plates, small roundish dark spots, one plate bordering supraoccipital, spots aligned along lateral series of plates, and by attaining small to medium size. Hypostomus velhochico is widespread in the rio São Francisco basin and has a more similar general pattern of external morphology to species from the Northeastern Brazilian Coastal drainages than to species of the rio São Francisco basin. Aspects about its ecology and its putative relationship are discussed.
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In the present study, we describe two new species of Curculionichthys from rio Tapajós and rio Tocantins basins in Brazil. Both species present all diagnostic features of Curculionichthys. Furthermore, both species C. tukana and C. itaim are distinguished from congeners by the combination of seven characters: (1) a higher number of plates in abdominal lateral plates series; (2) the absence of large conspicuous odontodes forming rows on head and trunk; (3) the anterior profile of the head pointed; (4) a higher number of dentary teeth; (5) the lack of contrasting dark spots at the anterodorsal region of body; (6) the absence of an irregular concentration of chromatophores that entirely cover the anal-fin origin and adjacent region, and distal portion of the first unbranched anal-fin ray; and (7) the presence of odontodes forming aligned rows, more evident in the dorsal portion of head and in the lateral portion of caudal peduncle. Furthermore, C. tukana can be further distinguished from congeners by three characters: (1) the papillae aligned in series that extends from the distal portion of lower lip to dentary; (2) the absence of dark-brown spots scattered over the body; and (3) a higher number of max-illary teeth. The species C. itaim also can be further distinguished from congeners by five characters: (1) the papillae randomly distributed throughout the lower lip; (2) a smaller number of medial plates series on lateral portion of the body following the lateral line; (3) a smaller number of median plates series in abdomen; (4) the absence of dark-brown spots scattered over the body; and (5) the absence of one unpaired platelet on the dorsal portion of the caudal peduncle.
Hypostomus krishnamurtii, new species, a pale-spotted species from the medium and upper portions of the rio Tocantins basin is herein described. The new species is distinguished from congeners by a combination of characters: body with pale spots or vermiculations on darker background, 60-83 teeth on each mandibular row, one plate posteriorly bordering supraoccipital and moderate keels with odontodes.
An annotated checklist for the freshwater fishes from Paraná State, Brazil is provided. A total of 440 freshwater fish species are recorded for the state, distributed across five ecoregions: Upper Parana, Lower Parana, and Iguassu, all within the rio Paraná basin, and corresponding to the state’s Inland Slope, and Southeastern Mata Atlantica and Ribeira de Iguape, corresponding to the Atlantic Slope, encompassing minor coastal drainages emptying in the Baía de Paranaguá or in the Baía de Guaratuba, and the rio Ribeira de Iguape basin, respectively. The Upper Parana ecoregion ocuppies the larger in area in the state, and is divided into the following sub-ecoregions: Floodplain, Paranapanema, Piquiri, and Ivaí. Species richness for each ecoregion is as follows: 273 species for the Upper Parana (Paranapanema sub-ecoregion, 217 species; Floodplain sub-ecoregion, 193 species; Piquiri sub-ecoregion, 154 species; Ivaí sub-ecoregion, 132 species), 154 species in the Lower Parana, 127 species in the Iguassu, 68 species in the Southeastern Mata Atlantica, and 50 species in the Ribeira de Iguape. We recorded 42 putatively undescribed species and 117 endemic species from specific ecoregions (except Upper Parana) or sub-ecoregions in the state. Ninety-eight species recorded are non-native from at least one of the state’s ecoregions. Thirty-three species are considered threatened. The ecoregions in the Atlantic Slope share many more species with each other than with ecoregions in the Inland Slope. The Iguassu ecoregion is the only one located in Inland Slope that shares more species with the Atlantic Slope than with the remaining ecoregions from the Inland Slope. The Ivaí sub-ecoregion lacks several species that are common to all other sub-ecoregions of the Upper Parana ecoregion. Comments on the historical development of taxonomic knowledge, biogeography, threats, and conservation strategies for the fish fauna from the Paraná State are provided.
The freshwater fish genus Astyanax is one of the most diverse among the Characidae. The genus is defined by a combination of character states that are widely distributed in Characidae. In addition, the genus has the broadest geographical distribution in the family, being found in a great variety of environments of the Neotropical region. Although phylogenetic relationships were treated only partially, many authors agree that the genus is not monophyletic. In this contribution, we study the phylogenetic relationships of Astyanax in the context of the family Characidae, by combining morphological and molecular data. A total of 520 morphological characters, nine molecular markers and 608 taxa are analysed, of which 98 belong to Astyanax. According to our results, Astyanax is not monophyletic. We recovered species attributed to Astyanax in different subfamilies: Gymnocharacinae (including the type species), Stevardiinae and Tetragonopterinae. Among the species recovered in Gymnocharacinae, most (including the type species, the resurrected Psalidodon, and the new genus Andromakhe gen. nov.) were recovered in Gymnocharacini, while the remaining ones were recovered in Probolodini (transferred to Deuterodon or the new genus Makunaima gen. nov.).
A taxonomic review of the Hyphessobrycon panamensis species-group is presented, with recognition of six valid species. In Central America, H. panamensis was restricted to the drainages of both Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Panama; H. savagei was recorded at the río Pírris and río Térraba, Pacific coast of Costa Rica, and Hyphessobrycon bussingi, new species, described from the río Sixaola basin, Atlantic coast of Costa Rica, and from the río Changuinola, río Guarumo and río San San, Atlantic coast of Panama. At trans-andean South America, H. columbianus was recorded at the río Acandí, Colombia, and its geographical distribution was extended into the coastal drainages in San Blas province, Panama; H. condotensis was recorded at the río Atrato, río Baudó, lower río Magdalena and río San Juan basins, Colombia, while H. sebastiani was considered as its junior synonym. Hyphessobrycon daguae was revalidated, erected to the specific level, considered as senior synonym of H. chocoensis, and recorded from the río Dagua, río Patía and río Telembí basins, in Colombia, the río Mira, at the border between Colombia and Ecuador, and the río Cayapas, río Mataje, and río Santiago, in Ecuador. Color pattern and secondary sexual characters (e.g. number, arrangement and shape of hooks in mature males) suggest that the Hyphessobrycon panamensis species-group is a putatively monophyletic lineage.
Bunocephalus hertzi, new species, is described from two tributaries of the upper Rio Paraná basin. Because the type series of B. larai (the only other species of Bunocephalus in the basin) is lost, a redescription of B. larai is also provided herein. Bunocephalus larai and B. hertzi can be distinguished from all its congeners, except B. minerim, by the absence of an epiphyseal bar (vs. present). From B. minerim, both species can be distinguished by the presence of 10 principal caudal-fin rays (vs. 9). Bunocephalus hertzi can be differentiated from B. larai by the longer coracoid process size (11.9–16.2% vs. 6.7–9.8% SL), shorter maxillary barbel (just reaching the pectoral fin origin; 54.6–67.4% vs. 73.7–84.6% HL) and skull ornamentation represented by five bony protuberances between the posterior end of the occipital and the origin of the dorsal fin (vs. four bony protuberances).
A new species of Parotocinclus is described from the Rio Tocantins basin, Tocantins State, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from congeners by a combination of characters such as: (1) a unique pattern of body coloration with five transverse dark bars; (2) absence of an adipose fin or small platelet at typical adipose-fin region; (3) absence of conspicuous dark dots broadly distributed on the body; (4) absence of a triangular dark blotch at the anterior base of the dorsal fin; and (5) presence of a V-shaped spinelet.
Neoplecostomus paranensis was the only Neoplecostomus species known from the upper Rio Paraná basin, and it was diagnosed from its congeners mainly by the absence or reduction of the adipose fin. In this study we describe three new Neoplecostomus species. All of them are promptly differentiated from N. paranensis by having a well-developed adipose fin. Furthermore, the new species are differentiated from congeners by morphometric and meristic traits, in addition to color pattern. Neoplecostomus paranensis is redescribed. We also provide an identification key to all Neoplecostomus species.
Neotropical freshwaters host more than 6000 fish species, of which 983 are suckermouth armored catfishes of the family Loricariidae – the most-diverse catfish family and fifth most species-rich vertebrate family on Earth. Given their diversity and ubiquitous distribution across many habitat types, loricariids are an excellent system in which to investigate factors that create and maintain Neotropical fish diversity, yet robust phylogenies needed to support such ecological and evolutionary studies are lacking. We sought to buttress the systematic understanding of loricariid catfishes by generating a genome-scale data set (1041 loci, 328,330 bp) for 140 species spanning 75 genera and five of six previously proposed subfamilies. Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses strongly supported the monophyly of Loricariidae. Our results also reinforced the established backbone of loricariid interrelationships: Delturinae as sister to all other analyzed loricariids, with subfamily Rhinelepinae diverging next, followed by Loricariinae sister to Hypostominae + Hypoptopomatinae. Previous DNA-based relationships within Hypostominae and Loricariinae were strongly supported. However, we evaluated for the first time DNA-based relationships among many Hypoptopomatinae genera and found significant differences with this subfamily's current genus-level classification, prompting several taxonomic changes. Finally, we placed our topological results within a fossil-calibrated temporal context indicating that early Loricariidae diversification occurred across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary ∼65 million years ago (Ma). Our study lays a strong foundation for future research to focus on relationships among species and the macroevolutionary processes affecting loricariid diversification rates and patterns.
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Curculionichthys scaius, new species, is distinguished from other congeners by having two usually conspicuous, somewhat triangular dark brown speckles lateral to the anal-fin origin, a pointed snout with paired rostral plates, numerous lateral abdominal plates, a single series of large median abdominal plates, numerous dentary and premaxillary teeth, and several morphometric proportions of the body and head, mostly involving prepelvic, prepectoral, and preanal distances, head and cleithral width, caudal peduncle length, and dorsal-fin spine. The new species represents the first record of the genus Curculionichthys in the Madeira River basin and is the most westerly distribution in the Amazon
The rapids-dwelling suckermouth catfish genus Pseudolithoxus was previously only known from the Guiana-Shield-draining Orinoco and Casiquiare river systems of Colombia and Venezuela, but new records have expanded this range considerably further into the Amazon basin of Brazil, and include occurrences from rivers draining the northern Brazilian Shield. These highly disjunct records are now placed in an evolutionary and phylogeographic context using a dated species tree constructed from mitochondrial (Cytb) and nuclear (RAG1) gene sequence data. Due to mito-nuclear discordance, we also delimit the putative species using statistical coalescent models and a range of additional metrics. We infer that at least two species of Pseudolithoxus are present in the Amazon basin: P. nicoi, previously only recorded from the río Casiquiare, but now also reported from the upper rio Negro, and a new species, which we describe herein from south-draining Guiana Shield and north-draining Brazilian Shield. Our data reject a simple model of Miocene vicariance in the group following uplift of the Uaupés Arch separating the Orinoco and Amazon systems, and instead suggest more complex dispersal scenarios through palaeo-connections in the Pliocene and also via the contemporary rio Negro and rio Madeira in the late Pleistocene.
Hypostomus latirostris was originally described by Regan (1904) from "River Jungada [= rio Jangada], Matto Grosso and Goyaz"; however, the species is rarely mentioned in taxonomic works on Hypostomus from Paraguay. Herein, the two syntypes of Plecostomus latirostris were examined showing critical differences between them. After the analysis of a large sample of recently collected specimens from the upper rio Paraguay basin we concluded that the two syntypes from the rio Jangada indeed belong to different species. Hypostomus latirostris is redescribed and a lectotype is designated herein. The other syntype (now a paralectotype of H. latirostris) is designated as paratype of Hypostomus renestoi, new species. Hypostomus renestoi can be differentiated from H. latirostris by having robust teeth (vs. slender); by having 28-77 teeth on the premaxilla (vs. 79-111) and 25-64 on the dentary (vs. 79-109); by having small and more conspicuous dark spots (vs. larger and less conspicuous dark spots); by having dorsal and mid-dorsal series of plates with moderate hypertrophied odontodes (vs. lacking hypertrophied odontodes on lateral series of plates); and usually by attaining a smaller size.