Conference PaperPDF Available

Rebugging the Smart City - Design Explorations of Digital Urban Infrastructure



Smart Cities are presented as a straightforward solution to diverse urban problems. On a closer look, however, the discourse on ‘Smart Cities’ seems wicked in various ways: vaguely defined, speculative, and fragmented into incommensurable positions. Focussing on this ‘wickedness,’ we explore the potential of design approaches to pervade the obscurities and discursive segregations around digital urban infrastructure. Insights from critical design theory lead us to an engagement with digital design not only as validation and enhancement of Smart City projects but as contingent and political exploration. Design becomes an investigation and remaking of what a ‘Smart City’ means in a concrete context. Hence, this approach allows an intersection of social and technical, affirmative and critical perspectives. We explore this approach through an experimental workshop. Hence, we discuss the unfolding of two design engagements: the reframing of ‘Smart Lighting’ as cosmopolitical controversy and the hacking of pedestrian navigation as urban exploration. This approach shows a double potential: On the one hand, it makes digital design practices aware of their ambiguous and political effects. On the other, we scrutinise the possibility of sociotechnical design perspectives as a research approach towards ‘Smart City’ projects and digital urban infrastructure.
Design Explorations of Digital Urban Infrastructure
1,2,3 Technical University of Munich., 0000-0002-4274-8127, 0000-0003-1385-5369, 0000-0001-8974-0926
Abstract. Smart Cities are presented as a straightforward solution to
diverse urban problems. On a closer look, however, the discourse on
Smart Cities seems wicked in various ways: vaguely defined,
speculative, and fragmented into incommensurable positions.
Focussing on this ‘wickedness, we explore the potential of design
approaches to pervade the obscurities and discursive segregations
around digital urban infrastructure. Insights from critical design theory
lead us to an engagement with digital design not only as validation and
enhancement of Smart City projects but as contingent and political
exploration. Design becomes an investigation and remaking of what a
Smart Citymeans in a concrete context. Hence, this approach allows
an intersection of social and technical, affirmative and critical
perspectives. We explore this approach through an experimental
workshop. Hence, we discuss the unfolding of two design engagements:
the reframing of Smart Lightingas cosmopolitical controversy and the
hacking of pedestrian navigation as urban exploration. This approach
shows a double potential: On the one hand, it makes digital design
practices aware of their ambiguous and political effects. On the other,
we scrutinise the possibility of sociotechnical design perspectives as a
research approach towards Smart Cityprojects and digital urban
Keywords. Smart City; Design Theory; Prototyping; Digital
Infrastructure; Urban Studies; Critical Making; Speculative Design;
SDG 9; SDG 11.
1. Introduction
By 2050, half of the world's population will live in cities, and cities cause most of the
world's CO2(or similar) precedes most Smart City (henceforth: SC) research as a
fateful preamble. Following this urgency, optimising such future cities and mitigating
disastrous effects seems inevitable. Municipal and corporate-led projects promote the
POST-CARBON, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the Association for Computer-
Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2022, Volume 1, 635-644. © 2022 and
published by the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA),
Hong Kong.
potential of technical innovations regarding social, ecological, and economic issues.
'Sustainable Cities and Communities' are envisioned through technology and
infrastructure. Conversely, urban scholars question this simplistic attitude towards
complex urban problems (e.g., Marvin et al., 2016). However, both critical and
affirmative approaches often remain in technological determinism,’ either praising or
condemning the SC generically (Farías & Widmer, 2018, p. 44). Using the term
Ordinary Smart Cities, Farías and Widmer suggest decentering this discussion
towards a more contextual and contingent understanding of how SC projects remake
urban environments (ibid.). Hence, SC projects are not only confronted with urban
complexity but become a part of it. Instead of a univocal and omnipotent solution, the
SC itself resembles the Wicked Problems described by Rittel and Webber (1973).
Literally, it seems ill-defined,involving heterogeneous aspects such as ISO-norms,
governance practices, everyday activities, and digital networks. Thus, the SC entails
diverse socio-political conflicts, while its realisation remains vague between actual
implementation and wild speculation. This makes it challenging to follow what a SC
means within a specific context and how it remakes urban environments.
Rittel and Webber describe designas the reflective practice of exploring, framing
and reframing such complex problems (1973). Building upon this perspective, we
explore the potential of design approaches to investigate and remake the sociotechnical
arrangements of the SC. Instead of planning digital infrastructure as direct ‘solutions
regarding specific sustainable development goals, we consider (digital) design as a
critical perspective to deconstruct such imperatives and analyse how these goals are
negotiated and contextualised within SC projects. The metaphor of ‘rebugging’
becomes our narrative to engage with friction, contingencies, and possible alternatives
through experimental design activities. This paper discusses how (digital) design
practices allow new insights regarding two related questions: What is a SC? And what
could it be?
On the one hand, we discuss how design practices contextualise the SC in concrete
urban contexts. Could design intersect incommensurable perspectives, like affirmative
and critical arguments, political and technical engagements? How do SC projects
intertwine social practices, political controversies and infrastructure?
On the other hand, we investigate design as an open-ended or even speculative
practice, through which we explore contingencies, tensions, and friction within digital
infrastructure. How could designing remake monodirectional optimisation as a
contingent and political field? Discussing the possible trajectories of SC projects seems
crucial regarding the dynamic development of this domain.
We investigate these questions following an experimental workshop. Firstly, we
survey perspectives from critical design theory to reconsider (digital) design as a
critical approach towards the SC. Thus, we explore how insights from design theory
allow a combination of technical engagements and critical perspectives. We describe
the unfolding of this approach through two design engagements emerging in the
workshop. Thus, we explore how these design activities frame, contextualise, and
remake a SC. Finally, we discuss the potential of (digital) design practices to engage
with the complex sociotechnical configurations of SC projects. Furthermore, we
scrutinise how this sensitivity makes the design of digital urban infrastructure and SC
projects more attentive to the contexts and conflicts they are involved in.
2. Designing, Making and Fabulating Smart Cities
Design thinking, participatory projects, and experimental prototyping can be
considered a key modus operandiof many SC initiatives (Tironi & Criado, 2015).
Nonetheless, these activities do not lead a priori to a critical engagement. Tironi argues
that prototyping often follows a simplistic validatingrationale instead of exploring
contingencies and conflicts. Thus, SC projects are only considered solutions to urban
complexity, whereas their inherent ‘wickedness’ is neglected. However, Tironi
continues, these processes may still generate unexpected responses and frictions, which
are worth analysing (Tironi, 2020). So how to consider design as the open exploration
of these contingencies instead of a strategy to solve wickedness?
While McFarlane and Söderström criticise context-ignorant,post-political,
economy-centred, and technocratic tendencies of SC initiatives (2017, p. 313), Rosner
counters similar problems within the domain of design (2018). Reframing design as
Critical Fabulation,she suggests focussing on contingencies, situated knowledge,
collaboration and the continuous challenging of presumptions (Rosner, 2018, pp. 184
186). This perspective resonates with approaches at the intersection of Science-
Technology-Studies and design theory. Variations of Making,’ ‘Design, and
Prototyping combine critical perspectives with material and technical engagements
(Varga, 2018). For instance, Ratto describescritical makingas a process-oriented
collaborative investigation instead of the search for a single solution. He suggests the
reciprocal combination of concrete technical experimentation and theoretical
discussions. Hence, critical makingattempts to resolve the dilemma of innovation
vs critiqueby reintegrat[ing] technical and social work and thereby innovat[ing]
both.(Ratto, 2011, p. 258)
However, this synthesis of critique and innovation should not enforce false
consensus over controversial problems. Varga demonstrates how design perspectives
invoke a plurality of political engagements: materially inscribed subpoliticsin the
sense of Foucault; controversies arising around artefacts following Latour; or as the
composition of a common world through Stenger's cosmopolitics(Varga, 2018,
pp. 3335). Designing becomes a critical activity that deconstructs presumptions,
discovers controversies, and slows down to recompose an urban cosmos. For scholars
like Wilkie, designing represents a speculative method to explore possible political
trajectories of digital technologies (2015). According to Di Salvo, the engagement with
prototypes becomes not only a form of inquiry but a potential to confront and remake
problematic conditions (2014).
Scholars like Tironi (2018) or Hollands (2015) discussed experimental prototyping
to reframe the SC as context-specific, participatory, and knowledge-based. However,
these studies mostly stay vague on the role of digital infrastructure within this remade
Smartness.While these approaches represent a crucial intervention into a technology-
dominated discourse, we consider the concrete disposition of digital infrastructure as a
relevant part of broader and societal discussions around the SC. Hence, we aim to
complement these perspectives through a concrete engagement with digital
technologies. Building upon the introduced approaches, we discuss the potential of
digital design to draw relations between technical and sociopolitical dimensions of the
SC, juxtapose critical and affirmative perspectives, and combine analysis with
speculative trajectories.
3. Investigating the Smart City by Remaking the Smart City
A workshop with a small group of Master level students from Architecture and
Landscape Architecture at the Technical University of Munich became an opportunity
for this experiment. The workshop was introduced by an intense research phase of three
days, followed by three months of project development. This format allowed a playful
investigation of digital urban infrastructure based on the described methods. It
introduced mapping, reverse-engineering, and prototyping activities to generate a
concrete understanding of digital urban infrastructure, intervene speculatively, and
explore unexpected trajectories. While we carefully planned a structure of different
methods, we were open to contingencies and dynamics. Instead of focussing on final
results, this paper follows the workshop process through a series of design
Though, how to approach a wicked SC? Whereas Ratto (2011, p. 253) suggests
combining technical making with critical research and discussions, the first open
question was where to start these activities. The discourse on SCs invokes a multitude
of topics and heterogeneous topologies, from class diagrams to urban spaces, everyday
practices, and infrastructure networks. Furthermore, digital urban infrastructure often
seems abstract, immaterial, and context-less. SC projects appear in different states of
realisation, ranging from almost banal implementations to Sci-Fi speculation. Inspired
by Rittel and Webber, we introduced designing as a practice of framing and reframing
what Smart City pragmatically means. Initially, a series of speculative mapping tasks
were introduced as a design-based exploration of the SC and its involvement in urban
The participants started mapping a selected urban area. They gathered spatial
patterns, activities, and infrastructure as a collage of existing maps, diagrams, and
sticky notes. They researched different SC projects and discussed how these would
integrate into the observed spaces. The resulting cartography served as a first
mappingof what a SC means in the local context (see Figure 1, at the left). Hence,
the map became a speculative tool to contextualise and relate diffuse definitions,
speculative projects, and abstract technologies.
Consecutively, the participants focused on one digitally transformed practice or
infrastructure in this map. By this, we turned towards the disposition of digital
Figure 1: Spatial Mapping and Infrastructural Mapping
infrastructure and its entanglements in urban environments. The participants
scrutinised the observed system and created a plan of its components, processes, and
media. Inspired by the mapping project Anatomy of an AI System(Crawford & Joler,
2018), they discussed how the analysed infrastructure reconfigures spaces, generates
conflicts and becomes political. Thus, digital infrastructure is interpreted as a matter
of concern,which interconnects various urban controversies (Latour, 2007, p. 815).
Maps of Smart Parking, Energy Grids or Crowd Monitoring emerged and related
heterogeneous perspectives like class diagrams and claims for a right to the street(see
Figure 1, at the right). While these maps showed that digital technologies are neither
abstract nor separated from political questions, we wondered how to explore this
dimension in more detail and move beyond a dichotomic projection of technology on
space or politics on technology.
Hence, we encouraged the participants to choose one situation in their mappings
and rearticulate it through a design intervention. After the initial block phase, these
experiments were developed through longer and less structured design experiments,
accompanied by drawing storyboards, making conceptual prototypes, and open
The first discussed project examined the digital transformation of urban lighting. The
initial mapping showed street lanterns in heterogeneous spaces such as parks, parking
lots, highways and residential streets. These lanterns were involved in diverse urban
activities, from traffic to nightly table tennis. Enhancing streetlights represents a
prominent use case for various SC initiatives. Technical research on ‘Smart Lighting
revealed how digital infrastructure addresses the maintenance, control, and monitoring
of street lanterns. Lighting infrastructure is enhanced through sensors, communication
networks, and control mechanisms (M. Castro et al., 2013). The technical mapping
showed how digital infrastructure reconfigures the circulation of energy, light, control
signals, exchanged light bulbs, and sensor data. Additionally, this investigation
revealed diverse problems addressed through Smart Lighting: saving energy,
enhancing the durability of light bulbs, improving maintenance efficiency, or
enhancing the security of nightly streets.
Despite this diversity of problems, the examined Smart Lightingprojects
followed the monodimensional rationale of enhancing positive effects (e.g.,
maintenance efficiency) while reducing negative impact (e.g., resource consumption).
However, these clear design goals seemed far less unambiguous on closer examination.
For instance, the implied correlation of light and safety turned out more fragile than
expected: Walking through a dark park, does light make you secure or perhaps
exposed?Being lit up may not entail the same safety for everybody in every situation.
This point was discussed with historical reference to the 18th century Lantern Laws,
which made urban lighting an infrastructure of racist oppression. (Browne, 2015).
Another discussion thread addressed which needs and interests are considered within
an automatically controlled lantern network. On the one side, discussing how SC
projects reconfigure urban light became a reverse-engineering of hidden subpolitics
in the sense of Foucault (Varga, 2018, p. 33). On the other side, the question of who
and what to take into account led the project to cosmopolitics in the sense of Stengers
(2005). Thus, the project asked how urban lighting co-creates specific urban
atmospheres, which enable particular activities and frustrate others lingering, walking
quickly, jogging, feeling safe?
Leonie, who conducted this project, chose the problem of light regulation as a
design brief. She rearticulated these logics of urban lighting to explore their
presumptions, effects, and politics. How could this prototype investigate the involved
rationales, actors, practices, and interests? The first concept (see Figure 2) introduced
a light-jukebox as a metaphorical controller, which allows a tuning of the atmosphere
by various actors. While this attempt seemed promising in general, it still involved a
commodified and human-centred perspective, which seemed not to do justice to the
environmental implications of light.
The next concept targeted opening the jukebox towards unexpected actors and
incommensurable input. Designing the interactions of this experimental Smart
Lightingsystem became an investigation of what and who to take into account and
how to frame the problem of light concerning human usages, safety, resource usage,
and the affected fauna. We discussed how to inscribe these different perspectives into
the digital control of urban light. The debate revolved around wildlife sensing,
youngsters kicking out lanterns, and Dumbledore's deluminator. Finally, the proposal
for a process-oriented prototyping project emerged. A few smart home light bulbs
would be installed in a park near the university. Their brightness, light colour and
animation are modulated through a simple micro-controller. The prototype's interface
and control logic would be adapted successively in reaction to the local environment.
Thus, the lighting system becomes successively attuned to unexpected conditions. The
prototype development would trace the cosmopolitical negotiation over an atmosphere.
Probably because of the non-solutionist focus of this workshop, this promising
concept remains an inspiring mock-up until now.
Figure 2: Storyboard of a Remaking of Smart Lighting
(Image by Leonie Lux)
The second project scrutinised how the SC and digital infrastructure are involved in the
walk of pedestrians. A mapping emerged from the initial tasks, laying out different
digital technologies along a fictional stroll through the observed area. Thus, this map
explored how sensors, databases, GIS, interfaces, and algorithms monitor and
influence pedestrian movement. Technologies such as individual smartwatches and
air-pollution models co-constitute the practice of how and where to walk. This collage
touched diverse questions of health, safety, traffic, privacy. Ekaterina, who was
responsible for this project, focused on the practice of pedestrian wayfinding for further
exploration. How is the choice, where to walk, remade through air-pollution maps,
traffic data, models, and algorithms?
Even though wayfindingcurrently occurs individually and in the private sector,
we did not want to delimit the discussion of what a SC means beforehand. Thus,
Ekaterina investigated design interventions into the practice of navigation. A first
prototype framed navigation as a negotiation among different factors instead of just the
shortest route. The user scenario depicted a parent and a child who playfully create a
way to school which is safe and fun. A multi-criteria navigation app would support this
wayfinding. A discussion emerged around this prototype: On the one hand, the
learningaspect and the exploration of different criteria seemed interesting. On the
other, improving the way to school appeared to fall into the trap of optimisation and
securitisation. The prototype established a deterministic relationship between the user
and digital infrastructure, child and parent. Hence, we wondered how to open this
standard SC narrative up through prototyping.
Instead of a deterministic relationship, Kitchin and Dodge describe the involvement
of digital technology in urban practices as a collaborative,contingent,and context-
specific’ ‘transduction(2011, p. 80). Following this thought, navigation becomes a
sociotechnical negotiation between pedestrians and technology. This perspective
resonates with de Certeau's seminal description of walking as the tactical reaction to
Figure 3: Resulting Journeys of the Dijkstra's Drift
(Project by Ekaterina Tepliakova)
and re-appropriation of top-down planned spaces and infrastructure (1984).
A second prototype started with a playful investigation of Google Maps. First, the
application generated connections between two places. These routes were distorted and
dragged according to different criteria by mouse clicks and disobedient walking. For a
more detailed insight into this interaction, Ekaterina turned towards technical
wayfinding models, namely Dijkstra's Algorithm. This algorithm addresses the
shortest-way problem through a weighted network graph. A cost function includes
different criteria in this weighting. (Velden, 2014) In the case of navigation, these are
usually distance, congestion, or simplicity.
We discussed how to reinterpret these means-to-reach-an-end as devices for urban
exploration through several prototyping steps. The project took inspiration from
situationist psychogeography. This playful mapping practice rearranges the structuring
and understanding of urban spaces by strolling/drifting through the city (Flanagan,
2013, pp. 194197). How could we remake navigation as drift through both physical
and digital spaces?
Ekaterina experimented with different cost functions, adding weight to Dijkstra's
network graph. Thus, she played with different logics to connect locations on a map:
the shadiest, hottest, greenest, or most accident-ridden route (see Figure 3). By this, the
data sets were experimentally related to navigation. According to these rulesets, the
algorithm generated semi-absurd journeys to stroll through urban spaces. The walk
along these navigation graphs was documented as video. These movies showed
experiences of urban spaces, which were co-constituted by experimental navigation
rules. Prototyping became an exploration of different rationales of moving through the
city. On a second layer, the prototype allows exploring how these logics intersect with
concrete urban spaces. Hence, it enabled the discovery of the underlying datasets in
urban space. How is the experience of the highest ranked way? How does it feel to
wander through hotclimate data? The prototype recontextualises datasets and
algorithms in the pedestrian's experience. Thus, the documented journey moved
through both urban space and the navigation model. It remakes navigation as an open-
ended exploration of the physical and the smart city.
4. Discussion
This paper described the implementation of SC projects in urban environments as a
wicked problem and experiments with design approaches to understand and remake
how SCs reconfigure urban spaces and practices. Hence, we reviewed perspectives
from critical design theory. Furthermore, we explored experimental and playful design
interventions in a workshop and followed two projects through several design
activities. By this, we discovered the sociotechnical involvement of digital
infrastructure in concrete urban environments as well as possibilities to remake these
constellations. In conclusion, we discuss what insights this perspective allows and how
it is relevant for an extended digital design practice.
We introduced design activities to contextualise and reframe what a SC represents
in a specific context and what problems it entails. The initial mappings and the
following prototyping tasks successively connected different topologies and aspects,
like technical diagrams, urban spaces, and political issues. Furthermore, these
approaches concretised abstract and speculative SC projects through sociotechnical
engagements. The first prototype revealed the complex social and political
entanglements of lighting infrastructure. The Dijkstra's Driftintimately related the
abstract network space of digital models and the pedestrian's everyday experience.
Furthermore, both projects allowed de-centring the teleological focus of digital
design and exploring contingencies in the SC. Engaging with Smart Lighting
deconstructed the usual rationale of optimisation and revealed the political
dimensions of this infrastructure. The second prototype reconsidered the target-
oriented function of ‘wayfinding’ as the exploration of hybrid urban spaces. Thus,
design engagements allowed critical insights by challenging presumptions and
exploring alternative trajectories. However, this criticality was not a given but emerged
through design activities, from continuously intersecting technical perspectives with
theoretical discussions and reacting to nagging questions. Both projects even shifted
back and forth between solutionist and explorative approaches. Optimistically, we
interpret this as a productive co-existence of technical and critical perspectives.
On the one side, the presented methods allowed insights into the involvement of
SC projects in urban environments. Of course, these methods are not a substitute for
ethnographic or theoretical investigations of the SC. Nonetheless, the described design
approaches could complement such studies, offering an exploration of the
sociotechnical disposition of digital infrastructure. On the other side, the discussed
methods represent a valuable contribution to digital design practices in the SC context.
They challenge inherent presumptions and investigate how the developed projects
entail contingent effects. At least, the proposed playful approaches offer relaxation to
an often tense and deterministic discourse.
Nonetheless, the presented perspectives bear various potentials for further
exploration. Even if the workshop aimed to contextualise digital technologies, both
presented prototypes were only loosely related to concrete urban spaces. For future
work, it is essential to explore how these practices reconfigure specific urban
environments and how they are affected reciprocally. While this paper focussed on
experimenting with digital technologies, a stronger connection to urban contexts
remains a vast potential. Also, due to the current pandemic, the collaborative and
participatory aspects of the introduced design approaches fell short. However,
including situated perspectives and experiences is crucial to understanding how SC
projects concretely affect different groups and stakeholders. Collaboration becomes an
essential aspect for the further exploration of the presented methods.
Thus, this experiment only represents our first design steps towards wicked
smartness. The documented activities made us problematise and rearticulate the SC in
various ways. The workshop made it move from By 2050…to urban spaces,
negotiations around urban light, and situationist navigation tools. Where else could
design take the Smart City?
We thank all participants of the described workshop and hope that confusion and
success were well balanced. Especially, we are grateful to Leonie Lux and Ekaterina
Tepliakova, who allowed us to share their process and prototypes.
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Leonhard Obermeyer Center Technical University of Munich Munich, Germany Established: 2014 Leadership: André Borrmann (Chair of Computational Modeling and Simulation) Frank Petzold (Chair of Architectural Informatics) Thomas H. Kolbe (Chair of Geoinformatics) Konrad Nübel (Chair of Construction Process Management) Uwe Stilla (Chair of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) Current Center Structure: Participating Chairs: 5 Research Staff: 70-80 Postdoctoral Researchers: approximately 10
Full-text available
Smart urbanism seems to be everywhere you turn. But in practice the agenda is an uncertain one, usually only partially developed, and often more about corporate-led urban development than about urban social justice. Rather than leave smart urbanism to the corporate and political elites, there are opportunities now for critical urban scholarship to not only critique how it is currently constituted, but to give shape to a globally oriented alternative smart urban agenda. An ambition like this means taking the ‘urban’ in ‘smart urban’ much more seriously. It means foregrounding the knowledges, political priorities and needs of those either actively excluded or included in damaging ways in mainstream smart urban discourses. We outline steps towards an alternative smart urbanism. We seek to move beyond the specific to the general and do so by drawing on radically different initiatives across the Global North and South. These initiatives provide tantalizing openings to a more socially just use of digital technology, where urban priorities and justice drive the use—or lack of use—of technology.
Conference Paper
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Smart cities play an increasingly important role for the sustainable economic development of a determined area. Smart cities are considered a key element for generating wealth, knowledge and diversity, both economically and socially. A Smart City is the engine to reach the sustainability of its infrastructure and facilitate the sustainable development of its industry, buildings and citizens. The first goal to reach that sustainability is reduce the energy consumption and the levels of greenhouse gases (GHG). For that purpose, it is required scalability, extensibility and integration of new resources in order to reach a higher awareness about the energy consumption, distribution and generation, which allows a suitable modeling which can enable new countermeasure and action plans to mitigate the current excessive power consumption effects. Smart Cities should offer efficient support for global communications and access to the services and information. It is required to enable a homogenous and seamless machine to machine (M2M) communication in the different solutions and use cases. This work presents how to reach an interoperable Smart Lighting solution over the emerging M2M protocols such as CoAP built over REST architecture. This follows up the guidelines defined by the IP for Smart Objects Alliance (IPSO Alliance) in order to implement and interoperable semantic level for the street lighting, and describes the integration of the communications and logic over the existing street lighting infrastructure.
A proposal to redefine design in a way that not only challenges the field's dominant paradigms but also changes the practice of design itself. In Critical Fabulations, Daniela Rosner proposes redefining design as investigative and activist, personal and culturally situated, responsive and responsible. Challenging the field's dominant paradigms and reinterpreting its history, Rosner wants to change the way we historicize the practice, reworking it from the inside. Focusing on the development of computational systems, she takes on powerful narratives of innovation and technology shaped by the professional expertise that has become integral to the field's mounting status within the new industrial economy. To do so, she intervenes in legacies of design, expanding what is considered “design” to include long-silenced narratives of practice, and enhancing existing design methodologies based on these rediscovered inheritances. Drawing on discourses of feminist technoscience, she examines craftwork's contributions to computing innovation—how craftwork becomes hardware manufacturing, and how hardware manufacturing becomes craftwork. She reclaims, for example, NASA's “Little Old Ladies,” the women who built information storage for the Apollo missions by weaving wires through magnetized metal rings. Mixing history, theory, personal experience, and case studies, Rosner reweaves fibers of technoscience by slowly reworking the methods and margins of design. She suggests critical fabulations as ways of telling stories that awaken alternative histories, and offers a set of techniques and orientations for fabulating its future. Critical Fabulations shows how design's hidden inheritances open different possibilities for practice.
An examination of subversive games—games designed for political, aesthetic, and social critique. For many players, games are entertainment, diversion, relaxation, fantasy. But what if certain games were something more than this, providing not only outlets for entertainment but a means for creative expression, instruments for conceptual thinking, or tools for social change? In Critical Play, artist and game designer Mary Flanagan examines alternative games—games that challenge the accepted norms embedded within the gaming industry—and argues that games designed by artists and activists are reshaping everyday game culture. Flanagan provides a lively historical context for critical play through twentieth-century art movements, connecting subversive game design to subversive art: her examples of “playing house” include Dadaist puppet shows and The Sims. She looks at artists' alternative computer-based games and explores games for change, considering the way activist concerns—including worldwide poverty and AIDS—can be incorporated into game design. Arguing that this kind of conscious practice—which now constitutes the avant-garde of the computer game medium—can inspire new working methods for designers, Flanagan offers a model for designing that will encourage the subversion of popular gaming tropes through new styles of game making, and proposes a theory of alternate game design that focuses on the reworking of contemporary popular game practices.
Smart Urbanism (SU) - the rebuilding of cities through the integration of digital technologies with buildings, neighbourhoods, networked infrastructures and people - is being represented as a unique emerging 'solution' to the majority of problems faced by cities today. SU discourses, enacted by technology companies, national governments and supranational agencies alike, claim a supremacy of urban digital technologies for managing and controlling infrastructures, achieving greater effectiveness in managing service demand and reducing carbon emissions, developing greater social interaction and community networks, providing new services around health and social care etc. Smart urbanism is being represented as the response to almost every facet of the contemporary urban question. This book explores this common conception of the problematic of smart urbanism and critically address what new capabilities are being created by whom and with what exclusions; how these are being developed - and contested; where is this happening both within and between cities; and, with what sorts of social and material consequences. The aim of the book is to identify and convene a currently fragmented and disconnected group of researchers, commentators, developers and users from both within and outside the mainstream SU discourse, including several of those that adopt a more critical perspective, to assess 'what' problems of the city smartness can address. The volume provides the first internationally comparative assessment of SU in cities of the global north and south, critically evaluates whether current visions of SU are able to achieve their potential; and then identifies alternative trajectories for SU that hold radical promise for reshaping cities. © 2016 Simon Marvin, Andrés Luque-Ayala and Colin McFarlane. All rights reserved.
This essay reviews diverse strands of empirical and theoretical work in different urban studies areas (urban planning, urban ethnography, urban geography, and STS) reflecting on the manifold ways in which the smart city project is being " opened up " for scrutiny through experimental projects developing digitally-mediated sensing practices of either a specific or broad kind: i.e., producing both devices formally devised for sensing specific parameters, and sensing devices –emerging from less specific digital technology arrangements– used to share experiences, show solutions or politicize different urban issues. In doing this, we seek to understand, from an STS standpoint, the different ways in which a broad range of works are analysing the development, intervention, maintenance, and opposition of these ideas. In the first section we focus on understanding the definitions, features and clashes that several of these corporate projects (mostly municipal in nature) have come across, deploying smart devices, such as sensors to produce an " algorithmic city ". In the second section we expand the meanings of " smartness, " focusing on grassroots appropriations of broader digital arrangements and politicizations of open source infrastructures to display other forms of urban sensitivities, contributing to the cosmopolitici-zation of the " smart city " project.